The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Tarty That Went to Chicago Hns
Rcturnod Extensive Entcrpilso In
the Westoin Metropolis In Which
Local People Aro Interested Will
Greatly Relieve tho Congestion on
the Streets In tho Business Cen
treThe Tunnel a Marvel of
The Wllkci-Baiir- ltccotil of Mon
day tontalnr-cl the following villi rrf
, itpiipp In tlir recent lfllt (o ChlraRO ot
n number of rapltulltts fiom this part
of I'ciuisylvanla:
Tho party nf l'punmlvnnlii ppop'o
wliloh iMiit to ClilottRo to lnpcct tho tun
nel project, ns well an tho pi int of the,
Automatic ntectrlc company, In which It
Is financially Intel esteel, returned UMter
dny. Tho member of tho party were)
Kiio-sts of J. U. missel Co , tho fiscal
jiKcntu, and went to ClilcaKO and back
In two pilvato cats of the Delaware,
I.nckawnnna and Western railroad and
thp Wabnih. Thpy wero quartet eel nt tho
Auditorium Annex and an plaborato din
ner was kUcii by Mr. Jlus.ell, following
which came itclehesjies by tho iMcuthe.
oMcers of the compiny, describing tho
jmokic-s of the work and tho objects In
'I ho pulv nKo walked five nillei
thuitiKli tho tunnel, which at piesent bur
jows under the business center of Clil
engo, bat Is lielnu eteii(led In all tlliec
tlons. About fouiteen miles mo already
llnlshed, but the entire sstem contom
pl.ites the elenlon of tho tunnel to oc
cupy scentv-fle or one hundud nilleo.
'1 he complin's finite hlsn gives It the
ilKht to go under eerv sticet, aenue
and !tlle of the cltv.
Marvel of Engineering.
The tunnel Is it mnncl of engineering,
sad will he one of tho gle-atest boons to
Chir.igo Imaginable, In relieving tho
congested condition of the business scc
tlon Operations Ime been parried on s0
nuletlv that the people of Chicago were
iistonMiPcl when they learned nf the
loen miles of tunnel that had been con
f trot ted without thelt knowledge-, llow
en, the woik hns been ctirleel on In nil
filth civ leg il niiinni'i, and the m imge
ment states that eerv step will stand
the light of ln, ,i matlir of no little
Miipil'-c, when It be considered theio
Is a prealent idea that munlclp-elltles
can onlv be per-uaded to grant corpora
tion pri lieges bv bribing eitv fathers.
'I he tunnel his been built without bilb
er or coiiuption, and It will bo such a
public neces'-ltv th it there nre not likely
to be nnv serious obst.ieles placed In the
vn of not onh earning the gigantic
lirojeet to completion, but In embllng It
to enlarge its "copa to anv dcired CX
Unt Will Relieve Congestion.
As prelected now. it Is to cmy only
telephone ami telegraph whes, the mails,
pa pp' nnd neuspnpins, but theie will
lindouhtedlv be an otoninn of prl lieges-
by which the companv tan carrv
freight t:en with tho small tunnel now
constructed. It is possible to h indie and
deliver to busincs establishments in
town 100 CO tons nf freight in fourteen
hours. Tho pi sent tunnel will bo able to
lnndle S"i per cent, of .ill tho freight
brought h the foit-two r'lilio.ids enter
ing Chicago at sl teimlinls all of which
aie within ten minutes' walk of the busi
ness center
This would t.ike the congestion of
fi eight off fiom tho surface and gle
e'lilcago a decree of relief that would add
Incredibly to th" public comfort, 'the
tunnel connects with Miafts undeineath
business hou-cs, up which freight tin
rentlllv be hoisted The tunnel as nt
1)1 e ent constuieted consists of threo
f-les, fixS, Slrt and I'n-Ul feet (and the
public is clamoiing to lime the smaller
ones enlarged), and will eut anv sized
fi eight that will go through a cat door,
which practically mens cer thing ex
cept long btincturnl iron, latge boilers,
long timbers, -ind such things, which can
onl be handled on trunk lino s stems
'1 lie-e repiescut the I", per i out. pre-
iou-ly mnitlonid which tlie tunnel
could not em. I'.mii coal ill i be elc
Ineied to nnv building, and hoisted up
the shaft The sniill, nnrinw f,uige cats
now iimiihig fur eanin,r out the cla
will cam seen tons nf ton I each No
body will appieclite the underground tle
Il (TV meiie th ill will thei newsmpeis
which hip now gie itlv hmellcapped to
tel theh big rolls as the hue no loom
foi storing more thin a dailv supph, and
it Is often dime tilt, owing to the conges
tion of surface" ti.nel and to of
tcanisteis, to seouio in adeeiuate suipph
The undergroiit d delherv of fnlght
-v. I II bo ns impoitnnt to Chicago ns s
the lighterage sxstimu of the Noith and ihers in New Yoik clt.
The Tunnel.
Tin present snuilli t tunnel is a little
lilghei limn a man can leatli, nnd a lit
tle wide i, though It cm uaelll be en
larged to nm ilesiieii dimensions. It is
ptcted that It will have to be enlaiged
ei mute ilulH, and it can bo i asllv and
c ronotnieally clone.
Tho tunnel Is botetl Into a bed of cl.iv,
IWng deep enough below the Clilc iro
lhtr to furnMi nn ample and miiis (ooi
Jng. It is not belle eel tint tho tunnel
i an over bo interlcicd with bv Mibe-
tuent would-be tunnel builders A tun
nel below would haw to he dilllrel
ihiough rock, and an attempt to build
one abovo would be phhlcill, ami fltmn
e Lilly impossible.
No other city In the wen Id fiuors such
favorable condition as Chicago, Hew
I a clay bed which docs not contain a
Mono, nnd which can bo cut tin ensily ns
if It wcro ehpp'p There Is no blasting,
no dlhtui banco of foundations, no Inter
feiencn with nmbodv. Tho eontrnst with
the siibwav being roiiHtiuited in New
York Ik most Milking In theso respects,
Yk hen It comes to enlarging tho tunnel
It will not ho dlttlcult to got the necps
mi v municipal concesMoiib, a the com
piny makes it a policy to lelmbutso tho
ctn by liberal tojalty cm tho ImMnet-H,
Ibis, to a large extent, will epilet tho
prit-ent riamar for municipal ownership,
us the i anting of a light to n prhnto
(iiiporatlon to build a tunnel on ocry
Plrcet .mil cery alley Iiib absolutely shtit
out the po-slblllty of a municipal btib
VII j .
'I ha tunnel in electrically lighted
thioughmii and Is as dry as a cellar.
One of the Chicago papers facetiously re
ntal keel thnt tho Eastern visitors would
lie furnished with mackintoshes and rub
ber boots but tho fact was that they
vcro In no v.lso needed.
The Capital.
Blngul.trly t noiigh, tho greate enter-
Old Stories Retold.
J'rople nepr the of hearing the oft
repented moiy ot the miteesa of Cham
berlain's Cough Iteinedy. From all
over the country and uen in far away
India, China and the .South Sea Islands
come letters fiom druggists and deal
ers, stating tho tarn pleasure they de
ll ve from handling a pieparatlon which
elves such universal satisfaction. They
nil tell the same story of tho undoubted
merit of this remedy, and of Its erll
cacy In the relief of coughs, colds and
croup, and personally recommend It to
their customers. The lemedy Is sold on
potltlvo guarantee) and has never
failed to do all that Is claimed for It
for salo by all druggists
pttae which meant no much to Chicago is
not bring built with Chicago capital, but
tho funds aro from Pennsylvania. Tho
feillowlng gentlemen, financially or other
wise Interested in cither tho tunnel or
tho telephone, make up Sir. Itusset'a
parivi Wllkcs-narrc-T. II. Itupsel, J. W.
llollpiilmck, V, A. Melxcll, Col. Oorgo
N. Itolehard,' Isaac M. Thomas, C. V..
Stegnialer, l.lddott nick, It. .1. Vllck,
Ocorgo If, 1'lnnagan, lion. C. 1). Foster,
V. It, onn, L. S. IHinan. KhiRaton
ttcv. Dr. t.. fiprngup, 1'rof. W. i Dean.
I'lttston-M. tV. 0'HoIe, J. II. Toy, John
A. Law, V. r. Hlnlov. Wllllnnupoil
K. It. l'avnc. rhllndclphla Thomas It,
I'hllllps. Be ranlon-ColoitPl It. M. Holes,
Clarence D, Hhnpson, Byron Wlnton,
Thomas i:, Jonc, Thoma.s Bpiague,
Orant 1'plton, A, U. Uvnoii, Chntles II,
Welles. IIoliCHclnlc If. 'A. Russcl, Homer
(Jrccn. Carbondale Itobert A. Jndwln.
New York-C. It, Scott, C. 11. IMilv, Cotn
tnodoro 0. C. l.owrey, Clinton W.
Fiom a Chicago Paper.
The latest particulars of thp onlerprloo
aro thus given In an nrtlclo by William
M. Curtis lit tho Chicago Itecotd-ltcrald:
"Chicago has many curious and von
deilul things, and tho most recent won
der Is (ho tern of tunnels which have
been burrowed under tho principal
sttcets. Under eery ono of the streets
In tho business district Is an arched pan
aRo, six feet wldo by seven feet slv
Inches high. Tho walls aro covered with
concrete and tho Intersections mo marked
villi brass tablets. A little, narrow
tramwny Is Inld upon tho floor of each of
thobP tunnels, over which mlnlaturo cars
are hauled by mulo power to tho openings
to tho shafts which lead to tho air of
heaen nboe, and furnish means ot en
tranco and exit. Theso shafts do not
open upon the streets, but In tho areas
Inok of tho business houses, nnd during
tho entire construction of the tunnels,
which hns been going on almost secretly
for sex oral ears, thero has not been a
manhole opened am where clc, and tho
streets nnd sidewalks lmc not been ob
structed for a moment. Tho total length
of tho tunnels Is now about twelve
"Tho Chicago tunnels will ilist servo ns
rnndults for tho witcs of a now tele
phono companv, which Is to lie established
licro nnd which already has a largo build
ing on tho West Sldo and Is fitting up a
still linger one. They call It a secict ad
vice telephone, because It Is cntiicly au
tomatic. There aie to bo no 'hello' gills.
Tho ingenious mechanism nt tho cen
tiat ofllco connects you automatically
with the neighbor you want to talk with,
and nobody Is the wiser, i'our conversa
tion cannot bo overheat d and tho vlies
aie iicvpi drossed.
Conti oiling Company.
'"1 ho company which controls these pat
ents nnd proposes to Intindtice tho new
telephones Into Chicago secured a fian
chlso from tho council fot the constitu
tion of undcrgiound conduits to carry Its
whes, and that wis tho oilginal puiposo,
but the scheme grew until It has reached
Its ptesent dimensions, nnd Is still grow
ing Tho plans now contemplate tho cn-
liigement of tho tunnels so that thoy
niav bo used for the transportation of
f i eight, mails, newspapers, packages nnd
other ni tides, and thus lessen the tiafllc
tint pisses through the stieets. At pies
ent, with an electric sjstem of tiams,
It will be possible for the company to de
liver coal nt tho offices downtown, to tnko
packages of meichandlse fiom the ic
tnll shops to their customers In dlfierent
paits of tho cltv, to transfer fi eight liom
the ialjw.iv stations to the letall Mores,
and do whatever Is necessary In the w ly
of transpoitatlon that Is now done by
teams, ocept tho cij bulky aitlclcs
"The companv has not vet received per
mission fiom the common council foi this
!eiUcc 'J ho piescnt charter limits it to
tho stoinge of telephone and telegraph
wiics and tho transmission of malls and
newspapers, but it Ins ashed the pilv
il'go ot evtendlng its usefulness It also
asl.s the pihllegc of lentlng space to
other coiporatlons itav lug telegraph tele
phone and olhei whes Tho tunnels ate
laigo enough to take cue of all tho vlies
in Chic ego, and It would be a good thing
to put thorn theie and thus avoid tho
lieeiuent tcirlng up of the stitcts 1 ho
wltcs can come up Into the buildings
through pipes
'Tor the handllm; of fi eight It is ex
pected to lent Moiuooms at dllfetent
convenient localities, cliff shafts down
to the level of the tunnels and lowci and
hoist the packages bv elovatots Jlei
chants can have bianch tunnels con
structed trom the main lines, into theh
collars and picknges e an be biought to
them unileigiound fiom tho various
fi eight houses upon the elctilt cais much
moio pioniptlv and economically than
thev nin now dellveieel bv teams In ol
der to cany out tills scheme, however. It
will be neeessarv to onlngo tho tunnels
consldeiablv, and It is supposed to make
tho most ot them 1J bv 11 feet, instead ot
u by 7 tcet in sUe
Extending System,
"It niav bo thnt sometime In tho future
tiny will bo used lor passengei truffle,
hut that is not contemplated nt pies
cnt. Thev have been placed so lai down
In tho eaith tint they will not lnlei.
tiro with nnv uneleigiound lallwnvs that
may heieaftei be constructed. Tho high
est giaele Is lvvemt -seven feet bolow the
sin face, nnd tho lowest Is forty. Tho
liver will bo tunneled at a depth of Mstv
llvo teet, twcntv-llvo feet deeper than
the piebent tunnels and tho work of ex
tending tho sjMem into tho west and
noith sides will bo c.uiled on as lapldly
as possible.
"It is expected that eveiy street north
of Twelfth nnd east ot the ilvoi will bo
completed betoio tho 1st ot Jnnuarj. Tho
Mieets now tapped lncludo piactlcally all
those In tho largest business districts ot
tho city, nnd the manageis ot tho now
telephone companv expect to ho able to
fcet up at least 25,000 telephones Define tho
1st of May noxt.
"Tho methods of constructing tho tun
nel havo been unl(ue. Nothing like It hns
ever been known In Chicago Tho woiK
has been cauled on In f-ecrecy; gangs
havo been cugiged in digging thinughout
tho twenty-four hours, hut tho woiiu
abovo h.i.s known nothing of them. Tp
derlvlng the city ot Chlengo Is a deep bed
of clay. .o hoft that picks and fchovcls
have not been necessaiy,
"All tho work baa been dono bv scrap
eis icscmbllng a cooper's drawing knlfo,
manipulated by both hands. Tho man
at the head of tho tunnol shbply scraped
tho wall and biought down tho povvdeictl
clay, just as ho would sciapo off a cake
of maplo sugar. This clay has boon
Minvchd Into mlulntuie caia and hauled
over the tinms to tho open shaft, whcio
it has been hoisted to tho suiface by
plevatois, shovpled into cuts and hauled
down to tho lake ft out and dumped into
thn Ivasln
"All this work has been dono at night,
Tho teams have commenced hauling nt S
p. m, dally and havo Kept going until 0
o'clock in tho morning, Theio havo been
fnit-two of these shafts, most of them
on prhnto grounds, A few of them luo
been on tho public stieets, hut they havo
been located in such a. way as not to ob
struct travel,"
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hamilton, N, Y Oct, 2S Tho 'vaislty
defeated Hobart collegu eleven on Col
gato oval, Saturday, by a hcoro of 60.0.
Tills is the first league game played by
Colgate this season, and Indications are
bright for our bringing homo tho leaguo
foot ball pennant, The season of '97
was the last time the pennant came to
On Wednesday the team plays Will
lams, at Willlamstown, Mass. Tho
team left Hamilton Tuesday morning,
Saturday, October 18, Colgate defeat
ed Rensselaer Polytechnic institute, at
Albany, by a score of JO-0,
At. Oneida, on October 20, Colgate
academy defeated Oneida High school
by a score of 16-0.
A fine, marble bust of Dr. Walter R.
Djooks, formerly professor of geology
Of the City Council, Wilkes-
barre, Pa., Cured of
Col. Win. J. Ilarvoy, a president of
Wllkcabarro's city council, who will long
be remembered for his great work for tho
city, was once a mere physical wreck,
torn In every musclo and nerve from tho
frightful pains caused by rhoumntlsm.
Ho consulted tho best physicians, went
abroad, took mud baths, and almost
every known treatment for the disease.
Afrlendhndhadaveryslmllar experience!
and Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy had cured hlra, so he recommended
this groat kidnoy medicine to Col. Ilarvoy
and ho is to-day a well man, halo nnd
hearty. He wntos straight to the point:
Dr. David Kpnnfdv,
Dear Sir : This h to certify that I
was permanently cured of rhcuma
tism by tho use of Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy.
Wm. J. Harvey.
Rheumatism is but another namo for
uric acid poisoning which is caused pri
marily by diseased kidneys. Cure your
kidneys nnd the rheumntism disappears.
For all diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and blood, rheumntism, dyspep
sia and chronic constipation, as well as
sicknesses peculiar to women, Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorito Remedy is unques
tionably the greatest medicine known to
the medical profession.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Mow SO Oont Slzo and the regular
$1.00 sire bottles less than a cent a dose.
Samptt bottttrnough for trial, free by matt.
Dr. David Kennddy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. I)yU Kennedy'! Roue Jollr radlrnl cur
t'ttirrb, Har Ferer and Cold In Hoad. 00c
nnd natural history, has been presented
to the unlveislty by airs. Brooks. It
will be placed under the memorial tab
let in the Ilbiaty, where a memorial
service will bo held Sunday afternoon,
November 1'. Bilef addresses will be
delheied by membeis of the faculty
who weie Intimately ncciualnted with
Dr. Biooks. The tlneo depaitments of
the unlveislty will participate In the
Rev. Courtney II. Fgnn, of the stu
dent volunteer movement, lecently vis
ited Hamilton. One evening was de
voted to an address on tho ".Making of
a. Mlssionaiy," and the following even
ing to the speaker's expeiience in the
&eigo at Pelcin.
Kdvvaid I'. JIuuay, '01, has resigned
the captaincy of tho 'vaislty basket ball
team, so that ho may give moie time
to bis work as captain of the 'vatslty
tiaek team. Trancls G. Brlgham, '03,
has been elected to till the vacancy.
A T. T.unblyn has been elected cap
tain and F. J. Olds, manage! , of the
senior class basket ball team.
The enlarging of Colgate lake on the
campus is neat I v completed and the
plan followed will add decidedly to the
be tuty of the campus.
PiesidPiit Men ill has been attending
the inauguiatioti of ill . Woodrow "U'll
on as piesident of Piinceton unlvei
slty. Tho binning of a laige fatmhouso,
tluee miles fiom Hamilton, took a tew
students out of town .Sunday evening.
The upper classmen of tho college aie
flaming lules legaiding conduct of
undei -clansmen. The coiduroy tiousers
nnd white s.wcateis of n number of
freshs nnd fcophs will have to be laid
aside until the greenness and ius.t aie
worn off, lor these ai tides of clothing
are to be the ioj,al appaiel of upper
classmen onlj. Fieshmen, too. aie not
to be pel mitted to smoko on the cam
The "Kilties" icccntly delighted tho
town with a matinee.
D., X. eS: W. BOARD.
Following Is the make-up ot the
Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western
boatd for todav :
tci:sdy. OCTOBER :'S.
Ktia llait-(, p m , Staples; ?0 p m.,
HllNtPI, U p
JlcCanu, 10 p.
Suminltfa G p,
m , Coslar; 10
C isc.
nvtias "West H p m., Allen.
KUias Kast 1 a. m , Alullln, i i0 a. nj ,
Mel.nnc; t a m, IlafcKtttj, i, n in,
Mosiei ; 1 u, in , I'lUgcialel; 11 a. m., Uai
tholoiuevv , -' ii in, Itdiidolpli, 3 p. ni
l'uslieis 2'Ji n m, Muiiav; 7 a in,
Wldner; 7 a. m , Pine it : S a. m , Houser;
9 a, in , Lamping; 11 n, m , A. J, McDon
nell; 11.13 u. m , Mount; 1 p. m , C. Bm
tholomevv; 7 '10 p in., .Murphj ; 0 p. m., AV.
II. Uartholomevv.
llelpeis 1 .!0 a. in, Mngovein; 7 a. m,
Onffney; lu n in , Secoi, J 1", p. in , Stan
ton. i:tras Wcnt-Thlul M, 1'Mi; 3 a. m,
I.attc; 11 a. in, Lindsay.
Ll.t of lnttcri icmalnliur uncancel for at
tho Scianton, Pa , iiostofllco Oct, 21, 1902,
Poisons en Mine,- tor sumo will pli-nse hay
nclvcitisecl anil glo clato of list, Lua II,
Ripple. P. Jl.
JUamlo Allen, Mrs. Cltarlotto A'. Asliton,
Gertiuelo Uienneu, Jlta. Tiank Heiker,
Jas. Brown, J. Hannak, Pianccs I!i o 11,
Anton lioils, AVm, Il.ilnzak.
N. Connoi, Mis Kato Custer, Beatilce
CavanaiiBli, r. It. Cramei. .loliti 'os
kioo, Truman t'ainnbill, P. v. Gallon,
Mnymo CavanatiRli. J. D. Clenlanil.
Annio Doncpan. N, Denniss, Mis. L. B.
Dlmock. M. J, Daeoy.
ltov. r. Pan ell.
Mr. Griffith, Adam Ciallondonn, Mis. y.
Gill, C. II. Goldman.
IJiuest llnlwlll, Mis, Daton llawles,
CluiB. IlasslianiiniT, Maty A, llout, AW
Guy Haw ley, Tom llaes.
Val Jones, Walter A. Jordan.
Fred Kollcrm.iu, Win. Kiows. Jr.
Tlios lyoonaid, A, Llano, J. K. Lcnuis,
Win. Lorlnt'.
J. B, Mai tin ) O, r. Merrill, AV. J,
Mnycock, Mis. It. Macintosh. Maggie Mc
KI11011. Llzio Moi:m, Mr. J, MaiKles,
C.ihslo Noale, Mis, C, C. Reiser.
Kaiser Oslen, Jewel O'llilen, II. J
OConnell, Ilattlo Otel, A, S, Osborne
J. D, Bounds,
Mrs, Luey Smith, Clins II, Sargent,
Caulo Smiles, Peter Scliell, Win. Spiague,
Hose Seott.
H. J, Trottrloe
Mis. Hoiacc A'nll
Mis. l'rank AVllson, Albeit AA'ebei, Put.
K, AVnlden, Hairy II. Wllber, Mrs. AVul
tors, N, L. AVatcrman,
Sieuom Dallone, Signnio Mlcliale, Chi.
raranii, Nicola Dennattlo, Dosqual Ulet
to, AnUta Stravnss, Domenleo Ueiiantoml,
l'renelpo Prancck, Prank Pienelpe, Slnlg
1'ascai elll,
AVm Guvoytls, AVIllm 7Amonlc.. Jplm
Pniikow. Kostanty Kalmausky, AVnlenty
StKoskl, John Muiowskl. AVadislaw
Hoiilaunn, John Polnkow, ("Isik Audras
UiaiaK, I,ui elsku. Plltlnska. Stephen
Ciintlcopl, Mjeck Mlcltyel, Mac Killer,
UMot A'otyzka
Geo. Bednarclk. Paul Lmlulska Blp,
John KliHuly, Mr. Glovauuu, Kopko
Yzortrz, MIko Szllluskas, Son. AVagouls,
Martha Mlllnowlezetta, Anna Ptolck. John
Pankow, Br. Anejinka, Ala) I; Tedln,
Staulstowes SnzanoHsz, l'.an. Sanow
nv, Stanley llilinizo, Mat Itulo, Nolsnty
N sz.
West Scianton Station,
lleniv Bauer. M. C. Iloulbv. William
Smith, Donicnlco Grozso. John Tjmlnskl.
Wall Street Bevlew.
Now York, Oct. 2S In no Important
pattlculnr did today'a stock niarkot dirfer
fiom any of the pieccdlng fortnight.
'I hero wna tho snmo nll-niotind dullness
and apathy nnd tho lltllo business trans
acted was almost wholly professional and
commlntloit bouses tcportcd noxl to no
demand neither for tho long nor shott
nccotint, but somo of tho western holmes
bought moderately. Prices manifested a
further tendency to wig In tho early day,
but milled later and closed In many In
stances nt a higher level. Quotations at
tho opening weio fractionally lower and
without slgnltlcanco, 'Iho caily move
ments Included an apparently nctlvo do
tnnnd for TojnR and Pacific and Ht. Louis
and San rianclsco Issues, a modcnito ad
vance InVSl. Paul and Sattlt Hto. Matlo
and nn Initial loss of moio than ono per
cent. In Louisville and Nnslivllle. Iitor
tho list baidoncd and prices ndvnnccd
nulto gcncially. The market hold fnlily
steadv under Its rally, being assisted lu
pirt by shoit covering, but nttompts to
rallro on thn ndvanco notably In St.
Louis nnd San Fianclsco woro unsuccess
ful though theso Issues closed lower. Ono
ot tho fenturcs of tho afternoon which
was otheiwlso quite dull was tho activ
ity In Hugar. The closing wna Ilini. To
tal sales today, 309,100 pharos.
Tho bond markot waa dull and fcatuie
Icss, but genet nlly steadv. Total salon,
par value, $1,410 CoO United States bonds
wcro an unclinni;ed on mo last can.
Thn following quotations aro furnlsliPd
Tho Tribune bv Hnlght & Piccso Co , 311
315 Meats Ilulhllng. W. V. ntinyon, man
ager. Open, High. Lovv.Closb.
Amil. Copper 11 til'n CPi til"i
Am. Car Ai F'div... X, .Til ;r. Si
Amoilcnn Ico U'r 11 H',i H1)
Am. Locomotive, Pi, D" !" 0" ni
Am. S. & Ito'g. Co... -tr.'i, lii'i 4ii It!
Ameiican Sugar ,,..122 12JM 12r V1'
Atchison S7i HSVb S7'i Si
Atchison, Pr ino loo 90 loo
Unit. & Ohio HWH 1074 10tTi 1074
Brook. Itap. Trail.. r.2& o:-, Gl'U C2V4
Canadian Pacltlc ...lll'i ir lil,4 UV
ciies. & Ohio r,o Wi m boh
Chic. & Alton ai'4 3'iU '"'i "'
Chic. & Gt. West.... 29i Mi 21' 2V
thle.. TVT. J!, Rt T lOtt. IQdle. 1.'I14 IRflW,
Chic, 11. I. & PaclWi W 19SH 1"SH
uoi. iiioi & iron ... atat. si m sy
Col. iz Southern ... .!2'S HI 32T, lil
Col. & South. 2d Pr 41 49 II 49
Del. & Hudson 171 171 171 171
Den. & Rio Gr Pr. il il 9074 -6
Detioit Southern ... 20 'Ji'i 20 20
Brio It. It 3SS 3S'n 3S3J .WJ,
llrle, 1st. Pr. 07 f7'4 t,7 G7U
Kile, 2d. Pr iil R.'Vi RHi W
Hocking Vnllev 91V4 11 9,1'i 93
Illinois Ccntial 147" 14T"U 117U 117H.
jowa c;entrai w
Kan. City & South.. lt,-4
Louis. & Nashville.. 11G
Manhattan nt
Mexican Central .... 2V$
Mo., Kan. & Texas.. 21"
Mo . K. & Tex . Pr. Gu
r.4 4 Pi 4!'i
".ii Ai'4 30li
US I'M 117
11P4 111
2'ii 23J4 'Si
29' & -1 21
flO'd 00 C0'&
anssourl t'acltiej
.10914 HOVi 101U 110
N. Y. Central
1 1 j'i iwij J . 1 1 1
Norfolk & West. ... 7P'S 73'4 7l'i 71
Ontario & Western. ar8 ?,Va srK 3!
Pacific Mall 41 4.1 4JVs 42U
Penna. R R IrtJ-i ii.Pi k.j lnsu
People's Gas 101H 10114 10J'6 lOlu
Piessed Steel Car... M4 bJ, oU'i C1'a
-iieatienB JCV" 013 lii'j lie's Ul'j
Reidlng, 1st Pr. .
Reading, 2d. Pr. ,.
Republic Steel .....
Republic Steel, Pr.
St. L. & San Fran
Southern Pacific .
Southern R. R. ...
Southern R R. .Pr. 911,.
Tenn. Coal & Tron... iiPA
Texas & Pacific .... 4P'.
1'nlon Pacific 101"!
Union Pacific, Pr.,.. 91"a
1'. S. Leather 11
T. S Steel 40
t. S Steel, Pr SS"A
Wabash, Pr .!!
Wabash. Pi isle".
10P lOoi 101
Ha, eiji. ;n s.
91 'i
Western Union Tel. 'inj
Wisconsin Central .. 27!,
Total sale, 310,100 Jlonev, 4 pel cent
WIIHAT Open Illu-h Low. CIoe.
uecomuei ....
December 'iP;
May l3Vi
December !1
Mav 2i'8
."0H ,!1
October 10 40
Januaiv 13 53
10 10
15 "t
Hj 40
35 Go
October 11.10
31 40
11 10
11 W
JnnuiiT 927
October 12 J'i
32 21
II -"
32 2.1
S .'3
Januiiy S 'Jl
Onen. Illch. Low. Close
October Stl 8 4S S "G ,s ,7
December s r,s Sol SIS Sis Si2 S i,J Mm 5. "el
Maj Sot, SJ7 Sul S 31
Scranton Board of Trade Exciiange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Pnr of 100.
STOCKS. UleJ Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co. Pr.... GO
County fcav. Bank & Trast Co 300
Hist Nat. Bank (CniboncJale). ..
Thlid Uatlontl Bank ko
Dlmo Dei S; Dis D ink 300
I2conom L. II & P. Co
Klr-st National Bank
UOO ...
13 ...
2-5 ...
125 ...
115 ...
115 ...
... 105
1 ick. Ti nit et Safe Dcd. Co
Clai k &. bno er Co , Pr 1C3
.Scranton sainss uank
Ti-adeis" National Bank
Scianton Holt e Nut Co
Ptople'a Bank
Scianton Tacking Co
Scianton Passenger Uallway,
til st moitgage, duo 19J)
People's Stieet Bnllway, llrst
moitgage, duo 1918
People's Street Rt.Il.vav, Gcn-
eial mortgage, duo 19J1
Scianton Tiae. Co , C per cent. 11j
liconomy L, ti. et r. ejo
N. Jetteev S. Pocono Ico Co....
Consolidated AVator Supply Co
Scranton Wholesale Maiket.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 17 Lacka. Ave )
rioiu l iO
Butter Fresh crcameiv. 2.'4e : flesh
dalr, 'Jliie.
c ncese 1 aiuKP
Kggs Neaibj, J7c; westein, ile
age, t'2c.
.Marow Beans Pei bushel, $.1.
Onions Per bu'-hel, Wc
Now Polatoes-fije, per bushel.
Pliilndelphia Grain and Provision.
Philadelphia, Oct. 28-AVIicat-riim and
Me. highei ; contiaet giaiU c. Com
Quiet hut steady; No - yellow, on track,
at 09e. Oats Pii nil No. 2 white clipped,
"Sc. AA'ool ITnchaiigcd, PioIslons Un
changed. Uuttor Steadv. fair demand;
c'Ntia w ostein cieamerv, 251ic; do. pear
by piints, 27o, Kggs Klrm, good demand; ncaiby, 2"ic; lo-a oft; do. westein,
2le ; do do. western, We,; do. southern,
2Jc do, do. Cheese I'll mor; full cieums,
in linn small, lli'ialJV'.! cio. do. do,, fair
to good, small. Ualc.; do, do, do,
pituio large, IJ'ic; do. do. do, fill to
good, laige, U'ialSc. Ileilncd sugnis
Dull, Cotton Unchanged Tallow
Stemly, better demand; eltl pi lino in
tleices, 6Ja"c,; eountiy prime lu liauels,
iiaiiiic: ill), ilatlc In baitels, Cjaiii,,
takes, TaT'iC Llo poultti Quiet, hut
Htead) ; fowls. Ilal2c.; iilil loosteis, 8a
t'c,: hpilng chickens, lOVsallllc; ducks,
Ualie,; tin keys, lOtl'-'e,; geese, lOallc.
Die.ssccl poultry I'ow In, rhoico uistmi,
12!c,; do western, Ic.'.; do, fair to good,
lOallc ; old loosteis, 9o ; loaiitlug chlek
ens nearby laigo. l3o.; do, small ami
medium, italic; western elo , laige, Da.
13',.-; do. small and medium, 10a lie ;
tinkers, choice western, He; do, fair to
good, 12nl3c.: ducks, Ha13c
Beccipth ITour, 2,000 hairels and S8.7,
000 poundi In sacks; wheat, 49 000 bushels;
corn, 10,000 bushels; oats, 9,0)0 bushels.
Shipments AVheat, 31.000 bushels; com,
7,000 bushels; oats, r,000 bubhcls.
Kew York Grain nnd Produce Market
Now Voik, Oct, 28 Ploiu Matket waa
Armor and fnlily actlu. Wheat-Spot
(Inn; No. 2 i eel, 7Sfi,ci, ulovatoi, and 7si
a'SliC f o. b, alio it: No 1 Noithtrii
Dulutli. S3c. t. o. b afloat. Options dun.
advancing to highest point of tho season
on bullish Austiallan crop news light of
ferings nnd a seaico of shorts. The close
Sac. net higher. May closed 7S"4o ;
Dec, TJ'sc. Com Spot steady; No. 2,
fii?iC. elevator, and C7'lc fob afloat;
No. 2 jellow, C1'4c; No. 2 white, ojije.
Options opened lower and generally weak
until thn maiket rallied on tho late aftei
lioou wheat ueUanrei. It closed dull nnd
about utendy at 'bh'jC. not uehance. Jan.
closed 5lg.: May. "e-.: Oct.. ClV ;
Dec. Sbiuv;"ic; closed 5G;c. Oats Siiot
htcady; No. 2 oats, 3l2o.; stato white,
35Vae.; No. 3 white, 30c: Hack whlto
western, 3liJ3c; track white 3la33e. Op
tion maiket waa falily steady all day
with a fair tiado. Dec , 3e,JiiA.aie,; elot-ed.
3t'iC Butter Steady; cxtia cicamcry,
A partly nourished JA
body h a faulty one. (ff
Do you eat
cereals and bread stulTs
nude from
part of the
wheat, and
part of
your body,
or do vou
made from
the whole
of the
wheat and
nourish all
of the body?
Include Shredded Wheat Biscuit
w ith your next order to the grocer
Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Booms 1 and 2
Corumonvvealth Bldg.
Made at Mooslc aid Kir-hdjle Worlta.
Laflin & Kancl Powder Co.'a
electric Dittciici. Llcctue rploders, hi-
ploJInj Blasts, Safety Tnse?.
mrfiGILS and WACIONS of all kinds; also
Hows and nuildinir Iots at barcairu.
HOltbLS CLH'I'J.D and GltOOUVD at
Lackawanna Carriage Works
Home Office, SOS 200 Me-ars Bulldlnar.
We arc nutnrlnff slute each month which
thow a net caln to the ine.ttor ot about U
rcr cent Ue loan tnoiu-t We .ilio little
1'UIIj I'AII) srotK 'Sinoou per bhaie, inter
est payable semi annually.
AI.Bl.lll' I! ML, Secritaiy.
rar fill T HLft ttnn mramiA mnnn ttri nt
ij to f-creens of all Km Is, fully preparril fur
ine fprinj ceaon. tie mane an kimu 01
porch creen, etc.
(teller il Contractor, Builder and Dealer in
lliilleling Stone, CeMentln.' of ctllais a 4pe
Lialt, relephone 59.'.
Ofllee, !U7 WashinRton aienue
anoTile Manufactures Company
MaVen of ravins Uriel, etc. M II Dale,
Ceneial Mlea Agent, Offtte J29 Wasliinstun
aie. WorU at NaAne. l'a , 1 i W V II R
23c; do fnctoiv, H.alSe ; cienmeiy, com
mon to clinlco,'-e ; Imltntlon tieiim
ciy, 17.120c: stato dali. IsaJlc; icno
v.ited. 17'.i-'lc Cheesu ITim; new stato
full ci e.i in, smull roloied tuncv. old, U1
now, 12c; Miiall white, old, U'.c , new,
U'4c ; lingo, coloii'cl, old. 1.1V' ; now,
I.e.; laigo, white, old, IJ'te , now, l-'c,
Hkkh Kteail : stato nnd Pi una, .'o ,
western candled, i'.'a.'ie,; leliifeeiatui,
Chlcatjo Grain Market.
Chicago, Oct IS A eoiitluuatlou of good
cash mid opoil demand, togtithei with
liujlng by tho northwest, gawi atiength
to wheat today anil tliu ilosa was thin,
Dec closing V hlghci; coin closed '5c
low ci and oats wcie itu'lc lowci. Jan
lituv pioilsloiih closed tumi a shmlo lnwei
to He lilghei. Citfch iiuotatloiis weio as
J'loui rinn: No 2. (.ee ; wheat. No
3, Uei'a'.V , No J reel. 711aelic ; No .'
com. C7o ; No .' yellow, C9"o , No 2
oats, 2SC ; No J while, n'eiii.i'jc ; Nn .'
io, liiu ; good (ceding b.irlev. SStllc ;
talr to cholto malting, .Me , tln see-el,
11 IJ: priiuet timothy seed, toe ; mess poik,
pur bauel, JH5tJ)alo70; laid, tier 100 lbs, I.",-, short libs, Jll M.UJ (fl: hIiouI.
dei, 110.110 ri; shoitclcni sides, Jll 73.U2 09
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Oct 2S Cattle Receipts R.OOO,
Including 300 Teans, jofle) westerns,
stendv, good to inlniei stcus, noiulnnl,
$7uS 10, poor to mulluiu. J-l 7"ia'73: stoclc.
eis and fccdeis. .".'') el S3, cows
4 B0; helfcis. -' i3; eauneis fl Mi.' 30: dull;
lalves. $.)73,i7TO; Teas fed stock, Jal 10,
we stein steel s, 17" Hi CO.
Hogs Hiceipts, 7iicHW, left over, 4 300.
5 to 10 cents lower than esteuln; gooei
to choice, e!l.ilali73. loughs, hen $0 11
nfi'-'i; light, ?0 2i)at33, bulk of lest, ftj.ts
11O 55.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Kast Buffalo. N. Y. Oct. 2S -Cattlo-Ito-celpts,
.too; quiet: asking steady pi Ices;
cals, steady; tops, JSjaS.W; common
to good, $30aS
-I '
( I Visit the Ll Art Connter (
Special Word
About the Handsome
Display of Needlework
That is shown in our Art
shadings In
M, Heminway's Sons'
Japan Floss, Oriental Fast Color Dyes
A very Interesting piece Is the design of that well known subject,
"Sweet Pens." So great Is the range of colors and combina
tion of these erratic flowers that In describing their Infinite
variety It is difficult to select any one type for in a mention of
any of them It would seem that others quite as attractive are
undescribed. The superior blending of colors notice in this
sample, the delightful conception of the artist ,ln selecting the
shades, In carrying out the design of the flower is of interest to
anyone who admires the beautiful in art worked out with the silk.
To Interest Women
OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS Full length, 49c up to $1.50.
OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS Plain and deep hem.
Pretty shades of pink and blue in various stripes, also checks 2OQ
Then there's a plain pink and blue skirt, yoke band, trim- ,
med with a shell stitching, priced at 25C
CORSETS Good Coutllle, lace top and bottom, French
gore, priced at pUC
For Children
OUTING FLANNEL GOWN Comes in all the
select pink and blue colors and tasty patterns at 39 C UP
For Hisses
OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS Umbrella ruffle, stitch-
ing done with silk
f WI Mf. Rhxt- inrl ltlhlta
' rf-ll.n!ll rrA TfAltrAf Arlr tr. rre r
w,,tittt anu vwive. uuloi ill idii;
net at 15c up to 75c per yard.
A Word About
That came in a few days ago.
The colorings are very attractive, the designs include the famous
Tartan effects to much admired. Quality the finest. .
Price, yard .00
Also an entire lot of Lyon Silks. You'll find them here in low,
medium and the highest grade. They come only in waist , .
pattern lengths. Per yard, $1.00 to p250
jiir I
Ang J
.-' Verr QufII
317 Lnchnwnnini Ave,
Buy Now.
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
V'I,,l,l,,l, ,l' '"l"l'
itiis iiirn
J. 1 J 4. .J, 4
n SB,.. Scranton, Pa.
lOlii'l'lione, 33..
New 'Phone, U93S.
( nSJJoN
- jn ar o vn q
L 1U 00 A OUd
Department (or tills week,
ih ffll Mllfh nmhrnlrlnrnri
M A f , v, r 1 1 A ,rt I I
ciuu Qiiiaii, r jrcciu. CLWr
25c and up. Plain dnd dotted Tuxedo j
New Plaid Silks
on Credit
We can and do sell Clothing, Hats
and Shoes for man, woman and child on
Credit at cash store prices. Thirty-four
stoies and a factory make it possible for
us to do this.
Monte Carlo Jackets
.in 'ill tho nnnnlor mita.
lials, Cash or Credit, $10 to $25.
Men's Suits
Nobbv ones for $15 and $20. Other's
for $12, $10, $8, $7. Cash or Credit.
We have a very choice as
sortment of Stylish Trimmed
Hats Cash or Credit, $2
to $10.
First Floor. Open Evenings.
Pay Later.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 rcmi Avenue.
?gaHTwrar3r--iTri1im -, ,,, 1