THE SCRANTON TMBUNlMVUDNtiSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1902. b - A ..1-k.UA. IAS .) WBW(WpMP-Mwww"""'""""gi"""1"""" I :iltUuwK0,,S Y MissMAY 1 Jo INPHRMCH J I ygfeftrTfaflsfit;g'' A Charming New York Woman's Ex- perienoe. Miss Rohrbacfc, who live at No 73 Amsterdam Avenue, New York Citj, and is Ticasurer of 'be Woman's Pro gressive Union, wrote the following story of liet experience : I am satisfied that half the UoUors do not know what renlly ails theit patient1-, while jou have carefully studied the needs of the sici. and worn-out, and have skilfully prepared .1 reliable reme dy which will cure in .1 short lime. Two jears ago I to feel "run-down," the extreme he.itof the summer neatly pros tratcd me, and when fill cume I was til pieparcd to take up anew the burdens of life. I had headache, backaclte and wasery nervous ; scarcely able to sleep more tliau two hours jt .1 time. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, and was delighted with the re sult. Within a week I was sleeping splendid!; . Continued using the 'Fa vorite Pi'escriplion ' foi tight weeks, and then stopped, for I was pcifcctlv "tell. Ever since then vour medicine has been my 'Favorite" Prescription,' too. I recommend it to every one. Yours verv ttulv. Miss Ma Rohrbach To Di R V. Pieicc. I0RTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to the Sciauton Tiihiine. Townndu, Oct. 27. Judge Fanning has revolted the rliiu ter of the Marine club, at Sayie. Hon. 13. H. Peiklns died at his home in Athene on Thuisdny, aged 92 yeuis. He was .1 native of Connecticut, and many yeais ago a pionilnent lumber dealer in the Wyoming Valley. Din ing President Lincoln's ndmlnistiallon, ho was United States lonsul at Santa Cum, West Indies. Mr. Pel kins was twice mm lied and had twelve childieii, the sons becoming piomlnent in the business vvoild. Funeral sei vices vveie held fiom his late home yesterday. Benjamin Sillier, of Duhoie, a young miner, has been lying In the Rayie hospital in an unconscious condition fioin inlutles lecclvcil in the mines at Bcrnice a few days ago. "While getting out coal, he was caught between .1 ear and the side of the loadvvay, and hart his back bioken; Ills body became paralyzed and at the hospital It was lound the back-bone had been twisted out ot place nnd bioken. He is In a. numb state lrom near his shoul der blade down. An effoi t w ill be made to ieset the bones, but the chances for recovery nie eonsidoied doubtful. , P. "W. Culbei tson, esq., of Lwlslon, Pa., and Miss Emily L. Porter, daugh ter of C. B. Poller, wore mairled at Christ's church on Wednesday evening. A largo number of Invited guests vveie piesent. Oppenhclm's oiehcslin, of AVilkes-Daire, furnished music at the leceptlon. Rev. 13. C. Quick died suddenly at his homo In Caniptovvn on Monday. Ho hntl been a Iinptlst minister for over thirty years. O. F. Young, a prominent citizen of Home, died on Wednesday, aged SI years. Iff) was the father of the late Mis. P. V. Bliss, who was killed In the Ashtabula disaster, yeais ago. F. J. Rommel is ill at Sayro with a case of smallpox. Pievlous repoits con tiadlctcd tlio statement, but after a careful analysis of tlio case it was found true, and the house oidered quarantined. F. "W. SeluilU, formeily of Towanda and ft well-known enipentcr for the Le high Valley railroad, died at his homo In Buffalo on Filday. Ills lenmlns were Intened at Yv'ysox on Sunday with Masonic services. Special Agent II. M. New haul, ot Philadelphia, is In Towanda In the In teiest of founing two new ruial fieo mail dellveiy loutes, which aie soon to be established. Special to the Scranton Tilbune. New Mllfoid, Oct. 28, Dr, and Mis. 0. W. Hakes, of Afton, N, Y woie guests at tlio homo of Albeit Rlsley, over Sunday, C. N, Wood Is In New Yoik on busl ness this wck. Miss inn Aid! kit is visiting her sis ter, Mis. n, F. Wateimnu, In Hull stead. Onion seniles will bo conducted In How's ThlsP We offer Oliu J lunched Dulluis Rewind for uny case or Catauh tlua cuiiuut i cured by Hall's Cutmrii Cine. IV J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O We, the mideislgiicd, luvu know 11 I'. J, Choncy for the last 13 jeurs, and behove him peileclly honoiublo In all business transactions and lliimicl.illy able to winy out any obligations inndo by their Hi 111. VA'EST .V: TUCAX. Wholesale Diug3i"tV Toledo, O. WALDINO. KINNAN &. MARVIN, Wholesale I)i assists. Toledo, O. Hall'8 Catairh Cine U taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood und miiJ cous sulfates of tlio system. Tcstlmotil His sent ties. Pi Ice lie. per bottle. Sold by all druggist. HU' I'amllv Pills aie the best The reason Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. ivcrlpUon acts as such a re otorlnpr tonic mid Urcngth builder for run-down women is be cause it fits the needs of the womanly organism. It is not a "pat ent medicine" in the com mon view of that term ; it is n ready-to-use prescrip tion, put up under the di rection of Dr. R. V. Pierce, who, many years ago, used this medicine in his large prac tice in all those cases where his , women pa tients were run-down, nervous, or suffer ing from consider able pain at stated periods, due to ir regularity or dis eases of the female organs. It is not like many of the so called tonics advertised these davs. because it does not de pend upon alcohol or upon any narcotic lor its effect. It is purely vegetable ill its composition and without alcohol. Miss Nannie U. Kyle, of Volant, I,aw rencc Co , Fa., had a somewhat different expericucc from Mis Rohrbach, but with the same result as has been the case with thousands of women before. Please accept my thanks for the good your "Favorite Prescription" did me, also for the advice sent. 1 had been suffering for some time from pain at stated penods and impaired general health, when I noticed your advertise ment in one of our papers. I decided to write j on for advice Received a kind reply telling me just what medi cine to take, ana giving other advice winch was very valuable, and which, I am sure, assisted much in the cure. I purchased "Favorite Prescription" and I soon felt much better, so of course con I tinned its use for some time. I would I advise every woman in poor health to I write to Dr. Pierce for advice, as. he will I take an interest in every case submitted 1 to him, and will send a kind letter m replj. I Respectfully jours, Miss Nannie E. Kyle. I To Dr. R y. Picice. I The diseases which weaken and tor I uieut women, may in almost all cases . be cuted by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite I'rescriniion It establishes ree- ulant, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak vvotnen strong, sick women well. Ac th Piesbytcilan church next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mis. Iivin Palmer letuined to Dlminock Tuesday, alter a few days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mis. Philip Dutchcr. Mis. K. T. Oakley Is visiting in New York oily this week. The W. I. C. society will meet at the residence of Mis. A. H. Snyder Wednesday at 4 o'clock. Mis. Kena Feiner, of Binghamton, Is visiting her mother, Mis. T. McCon nell, in this township. The ouiur people of the Baptist chinch will conduct a box social at the home of Miss Coia Bui ton, on Sat in day evening of this week. Hiss Eva Schlppeit has letuined fiom .1 visit among friends at Bing hamton and Chenango Folks. Mi. and Mis. E. W. Brundnge will give a Hallowe'en p.uty, in honor of their niece, Mips Nellie Baird, of Nova Hcotla, at their lesldence on Chinch stieet, Oct. SI. SPRINGAILLM. Special to the Sot anion Tribune. Sprlngville. Oct. 2S. W. E. Eott hist week began the work of lnlslng up his house, piepai.itoiy to putting a cellar under it. At James T. Bakei's mill, a young man named Keynolds was miming a small circular saw, and had the mls lortune to cut two flngeis from his left hand. Raymond Holler moved his lamily and goods to Kdwnrdsville, wheio ho has been vv 01 king during the strike. Some of the men who went fiom heie to 01k in and mound the mines during the strike have returned home, while otheis have held their jobs, A. E. Tultle will stait tor Eos An geles, Cal., on Tuesday next. Mis. J. W. Price and children have leturned fiom their visit to Harvey's lake. Ei nest W, Eolt expects to move back Into town In the spring, and will assist in iiiiinliig the quarry. Any fanner wishing a sample of the finest outs they ever saw, can have It by sending a two-cent stamp to S. O. Culver, Spiingville, Pa, ELMHUKST. Mr. sjtiuppler has 1 etui lied fiom a visit with friends ut Foster. Prof. Hogors, Miss Chanibeilln and Mlts Fauar, of the giaded school, aio in iiltendniiie at the county Institute this week, Mis, Hymn Buckingham spent Mon day night with Mrs, C. AV. Stevens, at Sciauton. Mr, and Mis. John E. Ham will occupy the Fuller house during the winter. Miss Fuller und Miss I.ucy Ful ler will boatd In Sci anion. Mis. F, J. Peck, of Scranton, spent sevf.ial days last week with her par ents. Mr. and Mis. J. M. Bhodes, new a. II. Colo left 011 Monday for n two weeks' trip thuHigh Sluryltind and West Virginia, Mis. Bogeis, of Hnrloid, visited her son, Pi of. E. B, llogeis, and wife last week at the Hardenbergh home. Oscar Klpp nnd Elmer "Williams aio lecelving t ongratulutions fiom friends for their success In The Tribune Edu cational Contest, Oscar having finished In thlirt place and Elmer In twenty second. Suiciy these boys have tenson to feel pioud of their summer' vvotk, Mrs A, II. Williams nnd Miss AV1II luins spent Monday afternoon In Sci an ion. Itev O II, Cole, who has been suf fering fiom neivous tiouble for some time, on Sunday tendered Ills resigna tion us pastor of the Baptist chinch of this place. Acting under Ills phjsi clan's ordeis, he will give up pleaching for a time. The chinch accepted his leslguution, which will take effect No vember 23, with much regiet, us the te latlons between pastor nnd people have been most pleasant. Immediate steps will be taken to have the vacancy, caused by his Resignation, tilled. cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Prescription " whenever a laxative is required. Clias. Boykin, of Acme, I.a., Concordia Parish, speaking of his- wife's experi ence, says ! I write you thanking you for the bene fit of your wonderful "Favorite Pre scription," and also the "Golden Med ical Discovery," I find that your reme dies have done more good than all the others that 1 have used. I thought my wife would die at times ; now am able to say that through you and your medi cine we have a fine boy two mouths old. Weight three days after birth, 18 lbs. It Is n wonder to the people to see my wife going about with a baby. She is able to do her own housewotk, can walk six miles with baby without stopping and feels as though she could stand all day; so healthy, she can eat anything. Ilcfote using your medicine my wife's weight was 133 lbs., and now she is weighing 175 lbs. she only used 12 bottles of your medicine. My mother-in law, also my sister, have been cured entirely of uterine tiouble by your "Favorite Prescription." Yours respectfully, C. Chas. Hoykiti. To Dr. R, V. Pierce. The first experience of maternity is often followed by a quick convalescence which gives no hint of loss of strength as the result of the trying ordeal. Youth with its tltidrained vitality makes for the young mothers' health and happiness. But later maternal experiences bring a different result. The care of a family, multiplied household duties, and vary often weakness caused by womanly dis ease, tend to prolong the suffering of maternity and to make convalescence a slow and weary process. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription pre pares the wife for maternity. It pro motes the appetite, cures nervousness and sleeplessness, and gives a conscious ness of buoyant health. It gives great muscular strength and elasticity and makes the baby's advent practically painless. It is unexcelled as a strength giving tonic for tliotbers during the period of convalescence. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce by letter, ice. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which workswonders for weak women. This r Prescription " of Dr. Pieice's is purely vegetable and will not harm the most delicate system. It is guaranteed to con tain no alcohol, no narcotics of any kind. Gil 'A'iV A WA V. No charge is made for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Jfed teal Adiiter. It it sent FREE on re ceipt of stamps to pay expense of mail ing ONI.V. It is the best modem medical uoik, containing- mote than one thousand large pages of zaluablc advice and information. .Send jr one cent stamps f 01 the i loth-bound tolume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covets. Addict Dr. R. V.PIERCE, Ruff aio, A". V. FOREST CITY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City. Oct. 28 Come and help Farmer Phillips husk his com, Friday evening-, October 31, at the Presby terian church, and get a big piece of pumpkin pie, all tor twenty cents. Doois open at 7 p. m.; husking begins at 7.20. OLYPHANT. Dominlck Fadden passed nwav at h's homo on Dunmoro street ut r o'clock estcrd.iv alternoon. Mr. I'ndden had been confined to his bed for several weeks nnd the cause ot death was general de bility. Deceased was born In Westport, Itelnnd, and came to America when .1 young man,- settling In Olyphnut, wheie he bus lived for the pnst fifty jeais He was a quiet, mias-nnnlng man, .111 up right citizen, esteemed by all who knew him. Ills wile, tlnee sons and on daugh ter survive him. Thev are M. F. Fadden, ot Scranton: E. J. and William Fadden and Mis. Ellen Murphj, of this place. Tlio fuiiPiul will be announced later. The fiiiieinl of the lata Mis. Jlary P10 bert took place Yesterday afternoon. The lemnlns were brouclit here fiom Kingston on tlio 2 20 Delaware and Hudson tinin and conveyed to the Consiegatlonal church, wheio the ser.ices wcic held. The auditorium was filled with trlends of the deceused woman. The services vveie in charge of Uew T. C. Edwnids. as sisted by Itcv. B. I. Evans, of Il.vda Paris: Itev. It. S. Jones, of Pi evidence, nnd Uev. ("Jooige Hague, of this place. Dr. Edwairis spoke very feelinglv of the Christian life of Iho departed, who, he said, was "Ever with tlio Lord." The floral oftorliiRS woio veiy beautiful. The choir sang touchiimly. "Some Time We'll Undctstand," "We Shall Meet Beyond the Elver," and "Good Night." At the close of tho seivlro, the lemalns vveio view and later taken to I'nlon cemetery and Inld at rest. The pall benrers vveie David E. Lewis, U. J. J.jncli. David Moignn, William Williams, Frank M. Wllllnnis. and Diugfiist i. .1. Jenkins, of Hyde Pa 1 It. Voto for John It. Joidau, Itepubllcan candidate for state neuntor, Miss Nellie I'aircl entertained n few friend? at her home on Dtuunore stieet last cvenln, hi honor of Miss Ann Brad lev, uf Wllliamsport. Tho evening was delightfully passed In tho usual social pastimes, and about 11 o'clock luncheon was served, All departed for their homes at a seasonable hour. All tho barber shop? of this place will closo today ut noon, to obseivo Mitchell Day. Mlrfx Maiv Miller, of Aichbnld. Is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Barbara Fcigusou, of Lackawanna street. Mls May (lllhool, of Carbondale, Is tho guest of MIsh Lucy Mooncy,,of Dola wnie street T. P, Jones, of Set anion, was a visitor In town ycsteiday, Dr, and Mis, J, J, Price returned fiom their wedding trip last evening, A Itepubllcan mass mooting will he held In the Father M lit how opera houso on Saturday evening Ex-DIstiict Attorney John R. Jones and Milton W, Lowiy will be among the speakers. An ndvornto of ociullstn delivered an hniniiEtun before a small gathering of people on tlio corner of Lnckavvanna and Dplawaie stieetK last evening. Ilobcit O'Connell, of flonesdnle, was a callei In town yestordny. PECKY1XLE. The now Odd Fellows' building U near ly completed. It Is eMcctec that the hall will be finished by November 1, and tho entire building by November 15. W, 0, BrlsRS Iiub rented 0110 of the storo rooms In tho Odd Fellows' building and will conduct a milk depot The membois of the Wllion Flro com pany held a icgulur meeting at their rooms last evening. Vote for John It .Ionian, Itepubllcan candidate for state senator, A Republican rally In scheduled for Pcckvillo In ths near future, Tlieie will do a baud of muslo and several promi nent speakers pusent. The date of rally will be given later, Theie is no school ut the tluec local school, 011 account of Its being Insti tute week, and the teachers are putting In their lime at Scranton, attending the dally sessions. List of letters remaining unclaimed In tho postolllco at Peckvlllc, Pa., week ending Oct. S3. 1003: l-adlcs-Mrs. Addlo LewU. Gentlemen diaries White. II. C. McOce, esq, J. D. Williams. N. Y. Cus- tor1, esq. Foreign Donndo Mlano, Slcl Ho Comlmo, Anna Sobolumeno, Jnn Brlclder. Persons claiming the nbovo will pleno any "Advertised," and glvo date, of this list. U. V. Mace, P. M. TAYLOR. Miss Elvha Jenkins, of West Set anion, who Ins been visiting friends hero for the pnst few days, linn returned home. Mis. Thomas A. James, of West Scran ton, was tho guest ot friends III Nmtli Tn.vlor vostciday. Mis. James Macklu, of West Scranton, visited lelatlves In town, Tuesday. It Is expected that tho school board will lake some netlon on opening tho night crlionl at their next nicotlng. The nepubllean rally, this evening, piomlsen to bo n great affair. Mia. David T. Hauls, of Alhcilon street, Is dnngciotisly III, Mis, W. B. Owen and sons, Willie and Allen, have 1 etui nod homo fiom Blooms bin g. Vote for John B. Jordan, Itepubllcan candidate for state senulnr. Mis. Picket el, of Lacltavvnnnn, vlsltod her daughter, Mis. John Bnslinm, Tues day. Mis. John E. Dnvis iiltetndcd the funci nl ot William Ruff, nt Old Foige, yester day. AYOOA. Tlio Sons of Temperance will hold a temperance rally nt the Methodist Epis copal chin eh on Thursday evening. There will bo a number ot 1 collations and solos rendcted. Admlslon fice. The Home Mission society will hold an entertainment on Thanksgiving night. Tills will bo a tieat for cverbody. A good programme will bo rendered. Adults, 10 routs, and children, ." cents. Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet at tho home of Mis. W. H. Welter, on Thursday afternoon ot this week. All locals ot this place will parttclpaio In the demonstintlon at PHtston today. Many people of Avoca will tegrel fo hear of the death of Thomas F. Herbeit, In Scranton yestordny morning. Mr. Herbeit was foimcrly a prominent mer chant In this town. Messrs. Doran nnd Parks attended the theater last night. Voto for John B. Joulan, nepubllean candidate for state senator. The marriage ot John J. H.iggeity, of Scranton, and Ella McAndrew has been anoiiunced to take place In tho near fu tuie. MOOSIC. Miss Nellie McCormaclc has returned aftei pendlng two months In Livingston Manor, N. Y. Miss Bessie WtitMns is visiting in Wilkcs-Buiie. Mrs. Buckingham and dnughlei, Ciace, of Scianton, are visiting Mr. and Mis. John Mott. Miss Mamo Doian was a caller in Scranton Satuidaj. Vote lor John 13. Joulan, Republican candidate 101 state senaloi. " Itnlly Day was obseived hi the Pies bvterinn Sundav school Sunday. A l.nge number were in attendance. Mcssis. Wlckhnm and AVedemun, ot Scranton, spent Sunday evening in town. Mcssk. William Doian and Tliomns MoCoimlck have returned, after spend ing the summer In New Yoik state. The infant daughter ot Mr. nnd Mis. Peter Wilson is sunoiisly III ARCHBALD. Mis. M. If. Price, of Sci anion, is visit ing In town. .Mr. and Mis C. J. McDonald, of Qloversville, N. Y., an- visiting telallvea In town. Mrs. John rinncll nnd dniiKliler, Kme llne, havo letuined to Sviacuse, aftei a visit with lelatlves in town. Mr. and Mis C. C. Batteuberg and daughter, Lucille, of Scinnton. spent Sunday with the formei's jprents Mis. M. E Judd has letuined fiom a tluce weeks' visit at Apex, N. Y. THEATRICAL "The Emerald Isle." A legitimate comic ope 111. "The Emer ald Isle," was piescntcd ut tho Lceurn Inst night by a company headed by Jef ferson Do Angells. The opeia was the last effoit of the late Sir Ailliur Sulli van. In tact it was unfinished when death cl-ilmed tho vviltei of so many beautiful mmibeis, and his vvoik was taken up and finished bv Edwaid Qei man. C.iptnin Basil Hood did the booic. Tho xceno of the onci.i Is laid in lie land a century ago, and the stoiy le volvcs nbout the supeistltlon ot tho Irish people with icfeience to tho tallies. Tho muslu is of a substantial chaiacter nut usual nowadays in cntoitnlnineuts of this chaiacter, and thoio Is an nlmnst entlto absence ot tho light nnd ally jingles that make for popularity In the modem comic opeia. "Tho Kmeiald Isle" Is not an opeia to bo whistled, it contains baldly n suggestion of the meiry numbeis lound in most of the other cffoits of Sir Ai thin Sullhnn In tho lenlm of comic opeia. It was a laig' and Inspiring audience that saw the pi eduction Inst night, and the company was superior to any UUo oiganlzatlon seen heie for some seasons. All of the leading roles worn most ct tectlvely sung. W. T. Cailoton was the loul lieutenant, nnd Edmund Stanle, 1'eunncn O'Biinn, a young lebel, whllo Amelia Fields, Helena 1'iedeiick and Kate Condon, icspectlvelv, sang tho lolos of the Countess ot Now ton; Lady Itoso, her daughter, and Molly O'CJiady, a pensant gill. The choius contained tlili-ly-llvo fine voices nnd they snug with spirit and lino effect. The chorus Is a conspicuous leatuio of tho opeia becauso of tlio prominence, given It in developing tho stoiy no less thnn becauso of Its ability to sing. The opeia Is uithor mcngcily supplied with solos, but has many fine liumbeis for duos, trios and qiuu tcttcs. It must be conceded, however, that tho slur, Do Angells, Is not happily casl. Ho mado nil ha could out of tho chaiacter ot Plot, Bunn, a siiolllng vagabond, but tho oppoitunltlcs aio not nuincioiis nnd not of a chaiactor to enablo Dn Angells to shine 11s ho ran shine when happily situation. Ha mado a big hit with his topical song In the second net, but n&Ido fiom that did not scoio heavily, The King; Dramatic Company. At tho Academy of Music tonight tho King Diamatlo cmnpiny piesent "Si beria " Tills afternoon "Tho Clieuy Pick ens" will bo lopeatid. I.ntgo nudionces giccted both peifoim nnees jesteirlav. The plays vveio: Mat inee, "A Guilty Mother," and night, "Bluo Jeans " A Chnrmlng Sketch. Those who tall to en Mr, and Mis, Perkins Fisher in "Tlio Half-Way Houso" at Dixie's theater this week, will miss one of the most realistic ruial character sketches ever seen upon uny stage, Mr, Fishei, hi the 10I0 of the temporal y counliy hotel-keeper, por tmys tho quaint humor of the mini vvt without over-doing tho business Marlun Maiiola's opetatle sketch, "A Maiden liom Mais," which nt Initial pei foimunces showed lack of lehcaisnl, hus been gieatly impioved, and Is uu umiis Ing bit of noiibenso thut gives the. prima donna good opportunity for lino vocul effects. Lottie Luudou's sensational per formance, of "looping the loop' continue) to thrill the speetutois at each enter tainment, and Is nu Important factor In tho buiuier week at DIlo's. "Hoclt, the Consul," Louis Maun shows that ho has full con tiol of heait strings us well ns a comer oil peoplo's funny bones. One Ilttlo piece of tine diamatlc art comes near tho final cm lulu of "Hoch. the Consul," Mr. Mann's new comedy. Ho has wrought THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOB 11ENT-J15 7B, houso 627 Olive slipot. jvr. Ji. Jtoigato, uommouwcnini mug. FOB ItENT-One-hulf of double houso; nil modem Improvements. Apply L. D. Latham, 2J27 Bouleviud aveiiuo. lS-For Bent Ton-loom house; excellent neighborhood; nil modem Improve ments, on avenue. Apply to B. P. Ham ilton. 428 Bpiuoo street. For Sale. i?nn RAr.rv-tiinnTitit itliimnucl ilnn con- talnlng D',i caints of finest diamonds set in platinum, $240, cost In Europe over $.100. Largo Hungarian opal ring sun omitt ed with foitv-tvvi) lino diamonds, set In platinum, $123. Three diamond and two mines set In ring, $10. Clout's ring, "i catat, $6.1. Tiffany, one cnint, $S0. 'lire any, i'j cnint, 90. Tiffany, 1,5 caiat, $120. Gout's stud, U4 catnt, $IHI ricnt's hoi so shoo seal f pin, l',J caints, blue white gems set in platinum, $17). Lndies' bioocb, ? caiat, $11. Ladies' ear drops, lij carats, $115. Ear diops, ono caiat, $i0 lay seiow.s, ii caiat, $l" Your tnoney lmcU (without argument) If not satisfied. "Wal ter W. Wluton, No. 603 Mears bldg. FOIt SALE-Second hand Biewstor bioghum, steel Hies; owner has no plnce to store. Lewis E. Morton, 113 Hitchcock couit. FOR SALIJ-Ona hot nlr furnnco. tlnoo mantel i nnd gns chundollors. Chniios D. Sandoiso", 13G Wjoming nvo, Scranton. FOIt SALE-Ono hot nlr furnace, three mantels, gas chandellois. diaries D. Sanderson, 130 Wyoming avenue, Scran ton, Pa. FOR SALE-About 20 feet ot desk coun ter, surmounted wllh glass front ana two openings, lower jKiitlon nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves under neath. May bo seen at tho office ot The Tribune. For Sale or Kent. FOR SALE OR BENT-Tho fi-stoiy brick building, with boiler houso ntiacneci, and long low of sheds for hoises. wag ons, etc.; also lallroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes; latelv occupied by tho Clock Tobacco Co. B. M. Winton. Boom No. D03, Menis Building. "Furnished Booms for "Rent. FOR BENT Fi out furnished 100m, Washington avenue. CJ2 Booms and Board. PLEASANT 100111s with boaid for four or five joung men. lnqulie l!"- Wash ington avenue. Lost. LOST A watch fob with cold locket attached. Finder will bo lovvuided by retaining to 110 Wyoming avenue. Found. NVV'VW' FOUND One mouso coloicd and one blown cow; came Into the enclosuie ot D. K. Oaklov, ISO Madison avenue, Dunmoio. Owner cm have by pioving same and paying charges. LEGAL. Till: SOUTH SIDE BANK A special meeting of the stockholders of tho South Side Bank will be hold at the bank ing houso on Monday, November 21th, 190-', betvvuen the boms of .1 nnd I o'clock p. 111, to take action on appioval or dls appioval ot tho pioposed inciease of tlic capital stock of the bank from $"X,0u0 to $IK),WX). FRANK IU'MMLER. Secielniy. ESTATE OF Christina. B. ZUlem.ui, de ecaseil Letters icstamontiuy upon tho abuvo named estate having been giantid to tho undei signed bv tho legister of wills of Lackawanna county, all lieisous having claims against the estate nte le qupstctl to piesent them, and those In debted to the estate nie lequhed to make Immediate payment to FREDERICK W. ZI52LEMAN, Adnilnlstintoi, Sciauton, l'a. B. L. LEVY, Attorney. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the paitnoishlp between Moigan Davis, jr., Geoigo W. Tappan and Edwin O. Jones, who weio conducting their pait neiship business under tho name of the Co.ilmont Coal and Coko company, was dissolved on tho twentv-second da of October. A. D. IDO-', so far as relates to tho said Moigan Davis, jr. A new 11.11 1 neislilp has been founed between Geoigo W. Tappan nnd Edwin C. Jones nnd they will conduct the business ot the Coal mont Coal and Coko company under tho same title until luither notice. E. G. JONHS. GEORGE W. TAPPAN. NOTIC13 IS HEREBY GIVEN that nn application will bo made to the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county on the nth day ot November, A. D. lWU, at nluo o'clock a. m. under the Act ot Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Penn svlvauia, entitled "An Act to piovldo for the ineoipoiatlon and legulatlou of cer tain coi potations," approved the Still day of April, A. D. 1S7I, and tho supplements theieto, for tho chatter of nn intended cot potation.' to bo called "Tho Italian American Citizens' Beneficial Society of tho Uoiough of Old Forge, Peiina.." tho diameter and object or which is tho maintenance of the society for the piu poso of furnishing to and piovidlug tellet for membeis who shall bo slek and dis abled by aecldont, and furnish menus tor the Imiinl ot membeis nnd lor tho aid ef tho families of such deceased membeis, linm funds collected thcicnn; und for this pin pose to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits nnd privileges of tho F.ild Act of Assembly and Its supple menls. The pioposed ch.11 ter Is now oil lllo hi tho piothoiiotiuy's otllco In sniil couit. Number -lift, November Teim, 100.'. WELLES .t TORRE Y, Bollcltois. NOTICE is heicby given that nu applica tion will bo mado to the envoi nor of Pennslvanla on November 10. lOOJ. by C, B. Manvllle, C, S AVestou nnd E. L, Ful ler, under the act of assembly, enlltlid "An Act to piovldo for tho lucoipointloii nnd lobulation of ceitaln coipoiatlous," uppiovcd April 29, !S7I, and tho siipplo uionts theieto, for the chattel of an In tended 1 01 potation to bo called tho t'ai bnndnlo Light, Heat and Power Company, tlio chaiacter und oblect of which Is sup plvlng light, heat and power bv means of electricity to tho public In tho city of Caibondale, and to lieisons, paituci ships and loipoiatlons lesldlng theieln and ad jacent theieto, as may drsho tho snmo, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho lights, benefits mid privileges ot said Act ot Assembly and supplements theieto WELLUS & TOBREY, Sollcilois. the audience up to a high pitch of humor, himself totally uiinwaio thut ho hns been foiled, Tho tables ttun, nnd lm finds that It weio hotter thu ho should view diplomatic notions fiom nny other place than nt the couit of Caiinthia. Homo to his adopted homo America, ho must go, Ami tho feeling that J10 puts Into that 0110 line, "Home, I'll take ou homo." shows his power over his llstcnois. It ts a specimen of fiom "tho ridiculous to tho sublime" and then buck again, for ho convulses them with tho next few Hues On Satuiduv afternoon and even ing this latest laugh pioducer will bo soon at the Lyceum Coming Atti actions. Henry Miller Is also coming to the Lyceum soon In a revival of 'Heuits en so. ' William Faveishuni and company will piesent his new play, "lininudence," at tlio Lveeum neSkt week. "Lost, Itlvei" comes to the Lceum shoitly, Tliu piny Is a big scenic produc tion, written by Joseph Arthur, and takes Its name Hum nu Indiana river which dlsappcais iiiidciKtound. Theio uro sev ciul tienicndqus dramatic elfcels, and a number of comedy scenes which uro as funny us a fuiee-eomcdy. No Order Accepted Tor Less Tlnui 10 Cents. Branch WANT Office Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Cential City ALBERT 8CHULTC. cm per Mill beny street nnd Weltsler live. OVHTAV PICIIEL, u"0 Adams avenue. West Sido UUO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Alain avenue. South Scrnnton FRED L. TERI'PD, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scinnton GEO. W. DAVIS, cnmci North ilnln avenue and Mnikct stieet. Gieon Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1357 Dick son n venue. F. J. JOHNS, D.'O Gieen Bldgo sticot. C. LOREN55. corner Wnshlngton avenuo and Mm Ion stieet. Petersburg W. H. KNUPFEL, 1017 living avenue. Bunmore J. G. BONC & SON. Help Wanted. NlsVTv X"SN ANTED-Agcnts to sell tea and cof fee to consumeis. Positions pci ma nont. Gland Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED At oiue an Al butcher. 0110 that undoistaiids the gioeciy U.ido; nlso must fiitnish ictfienees; good po sition for light man. Addiess ::0 West Jrmket stieet, cltj. WANTED-Driver for Model Lumdry, Dunmoio. BRIGHT Office boy, about 1.1 veals old of good l.milly. Di. B.ier, nil Wash ington uvenue. WANTED A man to do plain cooking nnd help tend bar at Chiippcll's hotel, Ivi N. Main avenue. WANTED-roity men at Tobjhanna, Pa., to vvoik on guiding foi a 1 all toad switch nnd clearing a piece ot wood land. Call at (AT Mens building. Toby hanna Creek Ice Co, C. C. Feiber, tieas 111 er. Help Wanted Female. Opel al 01s Efpei lencc d on Muslin I'ndei near. Steady AVoik. Good Wages. Imperial Underwear Co. Lackawanna and Jefferson Aves. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetlc Geneial Agent foi this county. No , boolcs, lnsiunnee, 01 cnnvnsslri'r. Ac aunintnuco with mei chants nud manu lactuieis nccessaiy. Peimanent. Bond. State age, experience, loleieuces (list let ter. Addiess. Suite 07.', No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations wanted. WANTED a position to le.un ihy goods 01 clothing business, by oung man, 21 eais old; good lefeienre. Addiess US Drinker stieet. Dunmuie. SITl'ATlOX WANTED by a veiling gen tleman as an oideily at an hospital; has foiu months' experience; can glvo icfeience. Addiess .T. J. K., geucial de liveiy window, Scinutoii postofllce. YOUNG ladv wants position ns stenog niphei and typovviitci. lias had ex perience. At lluoitv utter November 1. Addiess Miss 11., Tribune. Wanted. WANTHD-Smnll luinlshed house, chess Box COO, city. Ad- Miscellaneous. ---. THE MODEL LAFNDRY, Diminoie, Inundcis shlits at 8c. each and cnlbiis and cull's at l'4jc. cue li. Family washing, 1 cents per pound. PROFESSOiyAL, Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAFLDING. C. P. A., 21 Tiaduis' Bank Building Old 'phono 1SCI, Aichitects. FWJDEIUCK L BROWN. ARCH W, Real Estate Exchange Bldg., I'Jo Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Eugineeis. II. L. HARDING. !13 CONNELL BLDG. STIJVENSON ,J"kN I oTlT, 720 CON nell building. Dentists. dr. c v. EiLi:Niii:nni:R. pauli building, Spiucci stieal, Sciauton. DltTcVc LAUllACII, HuTvYOMING av-o - 4; Fiio Insurance. SCHLAGUR & CO. 101 Coniiull Hulldlng. Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS ??" Tho only licensed and equipped palunt sollcltoi In the. illy Nc ehuigv foi In loimutiou 011 p iieut.iblllty, over ten jenis' cxpoileneu Rcplogle & Cn Clears Hlcig-. Hotels nnd Restnurnnts, THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK 1 im avciiuu, Hales leasouable. P .lt:(lLEIt, Piupilolor. sorantonIioi's 1 :. nT:a i Co 7&vF, Passengoi depot Conducted on tho En plan Victor Koch, Pioprletor, Scavenger, ATVrRlVlCiGS CLEANS PlflVY VAUITS nud cess pools; no odor; Only Impioved pumps used A 11 UriBe's. propijetoi Lenvo 01 del s HOU Nuith .Main 11 venue. 01 Ekko's ding stoic, rumor Adams and Mulbetiy Both telephones. Wive Screens. JOSUPH Kl'ETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. avo., Sciauton, in fin ut Wliu Sci ecus. Miscellaneous. MEGARGBE BROS. PRINTERS' HUP Piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Wuiehouso. 1J0 Washington iivenuu. TIlEWILKES-BARBIl RECORD CAN bo had In Sciauton ut thu news btund of Rcismaii Bios, 400 Spiuco uud 5ul Linden; M. Norton. $21 Lackawanna uvc.; I. S. SchuUei, 'ill Spiuce stieet. 10 DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPmiUMIEl RiSUSfilE Only Halt a Cent a WorJ, T Business Opportunity. FOR SALE-llolol business ! hi"a Ttusiiltiq reiuiH.vlvaiila town; lltst class In cvoiy jespeel, cheap. Reason for Felling, ill health. Addiess boc 91, HallHtcad, l'a. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS Wtltlw out delay. Wilto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. 8. M. Hlbbnid & Co., mombeia N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 44 Broadway. Now Yoilt. EstibtMtcd 1861. Long Dlstnnco 'Phone 21Ss Broad. : ' . ', . i Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN- Quick, stinlght loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on in. v. vvuiKor. 3H-;n council minding. a RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Doltvwnre, Lncknwnnnn nnd Weatern. In Effect Juno 1, 110J. Tinlns leave Seiantou foi Now York At l.H). ;i20, a 05, 7.C0 nnd 10 10 n. m.; 1 J. 10. 3 40, :tUo p m. For Now Yoikiiind Phila delphia 7 GO. 10 10 n. 111., nnd 1J 10 nnd n 33 p. m. For Gouldsboio At 010 p. m. For Uuffalo 1.15, b 22 and 0 00 n. m., 1.63. ISM nnil 11.10 p. re. For Binghamton. Elmlin and way Btetlons-10 'J.1 a. in., 103 p. m. For Oswego, Syincuso and Utlca 1.15 nnd " ", i?: .'"! l-l" P- ni. Oswego, Syiaeusa and Utlca tialn at C"J2 n. m. dally, except Sundiiv. j.-or Montiose 9 00 a. in.; 101 anil 0 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 100 and 015 p. m. Bloomsbmg Division For Nortlvumboi Innd, at 0 33 nnd 1010 a. m.: 153 nnd 61U p. m. For Plymouth, at S10 u. m.i 5.10 V. . v -llt "" if. j or jjimua nnci way siaiions 10 20 a, in. Tor Binghamton nnd way sta tlons, 9 00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division Leavo Scrnnton, 1010 n. in. ami 010 p. m. - Xehlgb. Valley Railroad. "" In Effect June 13, 1902. Trains Leavo Scinnton Tor Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. 6 H. R. R . at at 7,11, through Pallor Car nnd Day Coach Caibondalo to New Yoik and 9.17 a. m., with L V. Coach Carbon dnle to Philadelphia, nnd 2.18. 4 33 (Black Diamond Expioss). nnd 11.19 p. m. Sun elovfl, D. & II. R, R 1 53. 9.17 p. m. Foi Whll Haven, Hazloton and pilncl- ?al points in tho coal legions, via D. As r. it. r., 7i, is and 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7.41 a. 111. For Bethlehem. Easton. Reading. Har llsbiug and principal intermediate sta tions, via D. &ir, r. R., 7.41. 9.17 a. m.; 21S, 4 31(BIack Diamond Expicss). 11.49 p. m Sunclnjs, D. is II. B. B., 9.3S a. m.; 1 IB. 9 17 p. 111. For Tunkhannock. Towanda, Elmlra, Ilhacn, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D, L. & W. R. B, 0 33 a. m. and 1 55 p. in. For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo. Niag ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via D. & II. B. B.. 12 0.1 p. m.; 3 28 (Black Diamond Expicss). 10 41, 11 49 p. m. Sun days. D & 11. n. B , 12 03. 917 p. m. Pullmin pnilor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnlley Bailor cars on all tiams between Wllkes-Baiio and Now York, Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN If WILBUB. Gen. Supt., 29 Coitlnnd stieet. New York. CHARIES S LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt.. 23 Coitlnnd street, New York. A W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Ast.. South Bethlehem. Pn. Tor tickets and Pullmnn reservation apply to cPy ticket office, 09 Public Sriuatp, Wllkcs-Baire. Pa. HEADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Collected to Septembei 16, 1902. Stations in New Yoik. foot Liberty stieet and South Ferry. N. B. Tiains kavo Sciauton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash lev, Wllltcs-Bauo and Plttston nt 7 30 a. m', 1 p m nnd 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Expicss leaves Sciauton 7".0 a. m.. through solid vestlbulo tiniu with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phila delphia with oily ono chango of cais for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, nnd all principal pemts south and west. Cor Avoca, Plttston and. Wtlkcs-Barro, 1 p m. and I p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Glove, etc, 7 "n a. m. and 1 p m. , For Beading, Lebanon and Hairlsburg via Allentown nt 7.30 a. in , 1 p. m. and 1 p 111. Sunday. 2.10 p m. For Tnmnqun and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.: 1 p 111. and I p. in. , t . I'nr late.s and tickets apply to agent at station W. G. BESSLER, Gen Manager. C M. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 16, 1902. Trains leavo Scinnton 0 ;s a. m , wool! ilnv, tluough vestlbulo tiatn fiom Wilkes-Raiie. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts x lllo; btops iit principal Intei mediate sta tions Also connects for Sunbuiy, Bar rlsbiug. Philadelphia, Baltitnoio. Wash ington nnd for Plttsbuig and tho West. 9 17 a. m . week davs, 101 Sunbury. Hnr ilslmig, Phllidelphlii. Baltimoie, Wash ington and Plttsbuig nnd the West. . IF 11 m. week davs, (Sundays. 1 5S P. in)," for Simbilty, , Hiiii Isbuig, PhlkuhN pbl.i. Bnltlmoie, AVnshlngton and Pltls- '"'"S pn""rek day, th.ough vestibule tinTn liom WUkes-Biuio Pullmnn buffet pa loi cainiid coaches to Philadelphia vlci I'nttsvllle. Stops at principal Intcimedl- " n.lp'm.r'week davs. for Hazloton.Sun buiv, linn isbuig, Plillnclclphln and Pitts- lU"S' J B 111ITCIIINSON. Gen. Mgr. J B WOOD. Gen Pass. Agt. Belnwnro and Hudson. In Elfeet Juno 10, 110.' Tinlns foi Caibondalo lenvo Scinnton ni Oil 7." ":'. 10 U a. 111: 12 01, 1.12. 2 11. irlo! 5 29! 0 25, 4 21. 9 13. 10 01 p. m.I 12 18, 1 ror lioncsdalo-0 41. 10,13 n. m.; 2.11 and 5 Cor' Wllkc-BilllP-CP.1 7 41. S41. 0 17. 10W 11 ill.: E 01. 1 I-. -I. - 3, 0 10. 7iV0l","KPnMrolnt8-7.. 0 17 a.m. S1,R'ol!3:ipe,,,,,,l,sVlvafta",R. R. Polnts-6 3 17 n 111 ; 1 12, " -s " ' ""' !' m' rorAlbanv and all points mnth-7.36 .1. in ''-'-',y,,.NnAY TRAINS. Foi Cat bnndnlo 8 50, 11 C.i a. in ; 1 11, 3ro.r,"vnuoB,-l"rW n,: km. 111. B"s. fi"..' and 0 17 P in. , ..... Vnr Vlbauv and points 1101 111- .id p. m. I'or Honesdalu-SW n, m ; 1133 and j!3J PYv" L PRVOR. D P A , ReiantnnriPn. Etie Rith'ond Wyoming Division. In Eltect Septemuer 15. 1902. Tinlns kavo Semntem tor Now Yrfilc, NLwbiiigh mid Inteiniedlatu points 'nlin nn liavvley and local stations nt 7.20 11. "VT'lloifwialS and Whllo Mills at 1 Jl ITiiilin' ni'lvo nt Seinnlon nt IOCS a.-m. nnd '.' 11 P '" i-it Now Yoik, Ontnilo nnd Western. Time table III Ctlcct Suildsiv. Sept. 2J, 10v. NORTH IKJL'ND TRAINS. . " I.cavo Leave Arrivo Tiains No 1 . No 7 . Sciautuu C'niboiidilo. 1 ailosln, .in .'.On m II 10 a 111 1 nop, 111, . it 111 p iii.Ai.Caiboudala u I'i p ri SQl'TII HOI'ND Leavu Lcuva Alllvi Cudosla Cnibondali; Sciauton. Oil) a in 7 21 n, in .1 1. 1, t,i I ni 11 (11 i.e. tv 1,1 Tiains. No ( . No SCNDAVS ONLY. NORTH ROUND Leavu Leave Alllvi Tinlns No 9 . No 3 . Sciauton. camonualo. 1 anosi.i. . b ao 11 in 9 10 n. in 10 41 1. in, 7 w 11 in .vi 1..11 iHiuciaiu 1 a v in SOUTH HOI'ND 1 Leavu l.eavci AlTlva. Cndoslu Caihoudalo. Scranton. 0 nu a in. 7 21 a. m, 4 30 p 111 0(hj l. in, 0 41 p. ill. Tin Ins. No c. No 10 i', i,w Nns 1 011 week dn.vs. nud 9 011 Sunduvs tunni'ct for Nevy Yoik city. Mid dletovvn, Walton, Noivvlch. Oneida, Os wegu uud nil lolV, "' , ,k Tiulu No 0. with "Qunker City Ex picsn" nt Sciauton. via C. R. R of N. J , for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Baltimoie. Washington and Pennsylvania stato See tlmo-tablo nnd consult ticket agents for connections with oilier linos. J. C. ANDERSON. G. P. A.. Now York, J. E. WELSH, T. P. A,, Sctiinton. Pa. Duncinv Trains ir0r Now York, l.ui), b.w, 0 0,, 1010 n. m.: IHO and 3 33 p. m. For Buffalo 1.11 and 0 22 n. m.; 1.53, fa 50 nnd