The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    e ' -HgZfM
Big Republican Demonstration To-night.
Parade Followed by a Big Mass Meeting
in St. Davids' Hall The Speakers.
Tlio parade and mass meeting tin
der the auspices of tlio West Sltlo Re
publican club mid this iiewly-orffiinlzcd
Cambrian Republican club will bo held
this evening, and from present Indi
cations the demonstration will be n
large one. mid the iuiim meeting to fol
low will be one of the best during the
present cumpnlgn.
The mcmViors ot both clubs, together
with nit olhers who wish to pnrtlclpntc
In the pnrnde, me refiuestcd to as
semble at the headquarters of either
club nt 6.30 o'clock. There will be a
band to head the parade, and the
clubs will carry banners nnd red,
white and blue globed lantern.
A troop of mounted nlds will also be
In line, with Frank It. F.eose ns mar
shal, IvoinC. Parry, chief of staff; Da
vid. Owens, Sidney Meats, John T
.lames, J. Henry Jones. Thcophllus
Phillips and O. K. Jones ns aides. The
parade will form on Jackson street,
right resting on Slain avenue, and wilt
move promptly at 7.1T, o'clock.
It Is expected thnt residences along
I he line of inarch will be suitably de
corated. The parade will pass up main
avenue to Swotland street, to Hyde
1'nrk avenue, to T.ofayettc street, to
Sumner avenue, to "Washburn street,
to Hyde 1'ark avenue, to "Division
street, to Main avenue, to Hampton
street, and countermarch on Main ave
nue to St. David's hall.
W. Ciaylord Thomas, president of the
"West Hide Itepubtlcnn club, will be
chairman of the mass meeting, nnd
the speakers will lie Hon, James R.
Sherman. Hun. A. V. Vreeland, Hon.
Alexander McDowell. Selections wilt
tie rendered by the Sons of Cambria
Glee club.
Men's League.
The Men's league of the Plymouth
Congregational church held one of their
Interesting semi-monthly meetings in
the Sunday school room last evening,
there being a largo number in attend
ance. Previous to the debate, a short
business session was held nnd the social
committee reported arrangements for a
social at the next meeting, which will
be held the second Tuesday in Novem
ber. The president of the league, D. P.
Kvnns, introduced the new pastor of
the church, Rev. T. A. Humphreys, who
gave a very line talk on "Memory."
This Is tbo first time the pastor has ad
dressed the league nnd his remarks were
greatly enjoyed, many of the points he
made being worthy of more than pass
ing notice. A general discussion was
In order at the close of the address. A
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of IDufour's French Tar
There is nothing the matter with 5j
the Silks that are offered below,
save the prices, which have been &
cut without mercy. Every yard 1
sold is guaranteed by us and the j
manufacturer. sj
Black Taffeta Silks (Grantee!)
Ifl'-inch Taffetas, worth HUc,
39-inch Taffetas, worth iiSc,
30-inch Taffetas, worth (1.1c,
21-inch Taffetas, worth .S."c
U7-inch Taffetas, worth $1.(10,
27-inch Taffetas, worth $1.2,1,
f Black Peau De
-u luetics
20 inches
21 incites
22 inches
21 incites
27 inches
!t() inches
!Hi inches
IK! indies
.10 inches
tr f
7re., for
wort It
!)()c, for
$1.00, for
$1,2,1, for
$1.."0, for
$1.2.-i, for
$1.80, for
$l.7.-i, for
$2.00, for
52.5J0, for
3 Black Peau De
20 inches wide, worth 90c for
27 inches wide, worth $1.25, for
No silks ever shown in
above nt point of value.
Fancy Crepe De
n'3 . - inclil's w!(lc all a perfect range of the newest shad- 5T
. IHS'S A line $1.00 quality for 75c. -'
Popular Moire Velours
in Black and Colors; the one complete line shown in this
city, at prices not approached elsewhere in point of value.
Globe Wapeboiis?.
vote ot thanks was tendered Rev. Mr.
Humphreys for his address.
Birthday Surprise Pnvty.
A few ot the friends of James H.
Davis gathered nt the homo ot Wil
liam II. Kvnus, of Twelfth street, on
Monday evening nnd tendered him a
surprise party, In honor of his birth
day. The usual games wore enjoyed,
nnd several very fine musical selec
tions rendered. At a late hour refresh
ments were served.
Those present were: Misses Clara
Burgess, Coro. Lander, Ada Alexander,
Jennie I.ce, Marie Tuft, Herthu. Evans,
Lizzie Evans, Gertrude Haywood,
Anna J. Davis, Verna Jones, and
Messrs. William II. Evans, ISvnn E.
Evnns, Harry Kvnns, John Heacham,
David Work, Daniel Evans, Joseph
Lander, Albert Davis, William Davis,
William G. Hartley, Garfield Jones,
Joseph Grler, William Owens, Albert
FIlo. William Kenner. George Rleh
ards, Hugh Walls. William Jones.
Social Session.
The assembly room of the Jackson
Street Uaptlst church was crowded last
evening, when the Baptist Young Peo
ple's union held their weekly devotional
and social session. Miss Clrdella Evans,
vlcb-prcsidcnt of the society, was chair
man. The Scripture lesson was read by
Alfred Ilcvan, nnd was followed with
The Thomas brothers gave several
very fine selections on the violin. Mr.
Hill and party, from the Shlloh Colored
Uaptlst church, sang beautlfutly a num
ber of sacred and glee songs. The mem
bers ot the party are gifted with very
sweet voices and the music was greatly
enjoyed. The pastor, Rev. Thomas do
Gruchy, D. D brought the meeting to
a close with a few interesting remarks.
He Beat His Wife.
Mrs. Lena Hallack, of Seventh and
Scrantou streets, appeared before Al
derman Noone yesterday afternoon and
swore out a warrant for the arrest of
her husband, John, on the charge of
assault nnd battery and disorderly eon
duet. Detective Maurice Pagenbaum
placed the defendant under arrest.
At the hearing, held Inst evening,
Mrs. Ballack claimed that her husband
met her on the sidewalk and acted very
disorderly while standing with her, nnd
also laid violent hands on her. The lat
ter charge was not proven, but the de
fendant was compelled to pay costs on
the disorderly conduct charge.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The West Side branch of the Young
Women's Christian association re
opened this year ut the old rooms in
the old postoftlce building, on South
Main avenue. The rooms are very
neatly furnished and present a very
cosy appearance, it being an ideal place
for young women to spend a social
evening or take up any ot the useful
01 I
Sole (Guaranteed,)
this city will compare with the
Chene ei
42c. 2r-
. OSc. g
7oc. gp
!)0c. g
r.iie. g
72c. s6
S2c. ;
95c. $
$l.l.- g
9.-c. st
$1.19 :
1.31) S
l.l'.fl ?
1.95 5ri
72c. S.
, 95c.
Is of Little Benefit "Unless It Is Di
gested. Nearly everyone will ntlmlt that ns a
nation wo eat too milch meat and too
little of vegetables nnd, the grains.
For business men, blllee men nnd
clerks, nnd In fuct everyone engaged
In sedentary or Indoor occupations,
grains, milk nnd vegetables are much
more healthful.
Only men engaged In a severe out
door manual labor can live on a heavy
meat diet nnd continue In health.
As a general rule, meat once a day
Is sufficient for all classes oC men, wo
men nnd children, nnd grains, fruit and
vegetables should constitute the bulk
of food eaten.
Hut many of the most nutritious
foods are difficult of digestion and it Is
of no use to advise brain workers to
ent largely of grains nnd vegetables
where the digestion Is too weak to as
similate them properly.
ft Is always best to got the best
results from our food that some sim
ple nnd harmless digestive should be
taken nftcr meals to assist the relaxed
digestive organs, and several years ex
perience have proven Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets to be a very safe, pleasant
nnd effective digestive and a remedy
which may be taken dnlly with the best
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can hard
ly be called a patent medicine, as they
do not net on the bowels nor any par
ticular organ but only on the food eat
en. They supply what weak stomachs
hick, pepsin diastase and by stimulat
ing the gastric glands Increase the nat
ural secretion of hydrochloric acid.
People who make a dally practice of
taking one or two ot Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets after each meal are sure
to have perfect digestion which means
perfect health.
There is no danger of forming an In
jurious hnblt as.tho tablets contain ab
solutely nothing but natural digestives;
cocaine, morphine and similar drugs
have no place In a stomach medicine
and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
certainly the best known nnd most
popular of all stomach remedies.
Ask your druggist for a fifty cent
package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
and after a week's use note the im
provement In health, appetite and ner
vous energy.
studies that will be taught. The work
is in charge of MIfs Deborah Boone.
The "West Side branch have been In
vited to attend a Hallowe'en social at
the central association rooms, and
those who desire to attend are re
quested to meet nt the rooms nt 7
o'clock. The IJlblc class will com
mence its study of the Scriptures on
Thursday evening.
The social committee Is requested to
meet for a short time Saturday evening
to plan for an entertainment and so
cial, to be held next week. At 3.30
Sunday afternoon, a (Jospel meeting
will be held, and all young women are
cordially Invited to attend.
William Ponn Morgan and son. Tiny,
of Yintondnle, are visiting West Sido
flip lids.
Prof. I). "W. Phillips has deposited SO",
In the West Side bank for No. 1!) school,
as follows: Prof. Phillips, :sic.: Mi-s
Murray, 70c; Jllss Nichols. l."(l; Mis-s
Beamish, Tmc; Jltes Gum-ll, .V.j Jllss
Morgan. $1.01; Miss liiitton. 40c; Jliss
Davles, lie: Miss Kvnus. ?1.3t; Miss Kol
low, 9.V. ; Miss Flyim, ille.; Miss Wnile,
IiSc; Miss Morris, lie; Mis. Ferber,
?l.r.; total, JP.73.
Henry Williams, of Jnekson street, 1ms
been promoted to fire boss at the A roll -bald
Tliotniis J. Thomas, of West Linden
street. Is on the sick list.
Miss Marlon Kcrher, ot South Bromley
avenue, has been the Riicst of Miss Jl'ainlo
Francis, of Taylor.
Miss Grace Reed, of Jnekson street, is
entertaining Miss Olive .lopllng, of Plains.
George Asbury, of South Sumner ave
nue, who has had an enjoyable all-summer
visit with Ills brother at Portland,
Me., is home.
Jenkln Jenkins and Karnest Mnrtln, ot
Decker court, nre home from Buffalo.
Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Reddoo, of South
Main avenue, arc entertnluing .Mrs. Irving
Davis and Mrs. George Alvord, of Car
bondnle. Miss Ituth Ueddoo lias as her suest,
Miss May Davis, of C.irbondale.
James M. Davis, of C'orhett avenue, Is
homo from Youngstnwn, O.
At a meeting of tlin Washburn Street
Presbyterian church Monday inght, Tom
Gippel. the well-known tenor, was ap
pointed musical director ot the church.
Mr. Gippel will enter upon his new duties
Sunday next,
John Davis, of Lafayette street, is home
fioni Buffalo.
Mrs. A. Detiick, of Chestnut street, is
finite ill with an attack of dlpntheiia.
William Carpenter, of North lleliecea
avenue, has returned from Yintondnle.
Mrs. Whitest 11, of Decker's court, is
tritertnlnlng her dnuliter from New
York city.
Mrs. Mary Gardner, ot" North llubecra
avenue, Is visiting friends at Forty Fort.
Ulectrle City ensile, No. KS, Knights of
tlio Mystic Chniu, Installed ullicers In Co
operative hull last evening. Grand De
puty Noedlitinsi was present and had
charge of the install. illon, Thoio di
stillled were: Sir knight vlro chancellor,
David t.. Lewis, and sir knight marshal,
J. II. Jones.
All members of Sons of Cambria Ite
puhllritu anil Gleo Hub are requested to
meet In Co-operative hall at 7 o'clock this
evening to participate in the Itepubllcan
Yolo for John II, Jordan, Republican
candidate for stale senator.
Seine boys cut the rope which held the
electiie Ifput In 'place hi Kvnus court,
near Kwetland street, last evening and al
lowed the- lump to full, breaking the
pi ibe.
Mis. Luke Moffat t. of Plltston, will
enter nt the lloldry-.Segivve.s wedding
this evening.
Knights of Mnlta Held nn Entertain
ment nnd Social.
The Pilgrim club of Anthracite Com
mandery, Knights of Malta, entertain
ed their friends In .Mnltn temple last
evening with a megascope and gramo
phone entertainment, Tho affair was
for tlio benefit of tho club's ling fund,
The club gave nu exhibition drill,
under tho leadership of A, V, Long,
which was cleverly executed. The
gramophone selections were rendered
under the direction of A. 13, Ilazlett,
and Fred U. Myer gave the megascope
exhibition. Refreshment were served
during the social hour.
Selections were rendered by a male
quartette composed of Ira Mitchell,
Daniel llornbnker, William Myers and
VllUnm Unrtlett.
l (or children teething, Is the prescription o
piie ui uiu uwi mount, puybictans ana
burses In the United States, and has lieeri
used sixty yeais with never-fulling suoJ
tesa by millions of mothers for their chili
dren. During the process of teething ita
talue U Incalculable. It relieves the child
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In thj
towels, and wind-colic. By giving healtli
to tho child It rests thn mother, Price,
twenty-live cents a bottl. '
Locnl Players Completely Outclassed
tlio Visitors nt the Auditorium
Last Night Winning by a Score of
20 to 6 Dougherty, a Danville
Flayer, Rendered Unconscious.
Elaborate Preparations Being Made
for tho Big Republican Fnrado
nnd Mnss Meeting.
Tho North Knd Stars won their first
victory Inst night by defeating the strong
representative bnsket ball team from
Danville, which has claimed the stato
championship for tho past yenr. Tho
gamo was played at tho Auditorium, nnd
was witnessed by a largo crowd ot en
thusiasts. The Dnnvillo team played a fast nnd
nt cresting pass game, but their skill In
basket throwing was suppressed by tho
Stars. Tho same ended with a score of
"' to E, In favor ot the Stars. During
tho latter part of tho second half Dough
erty, of Danville, fell to tho floor with
Krcat force and was rendered unconscious
for a time, Rosenfall was substituted.
The llno-up of tho teams was ns follows;
Stars. Danville.
Ulllgy right forwnrd Hcddoo
Sklfllngton ....left forward ,.., Dougherty
Tlguc centre Dean
Tones right guard Cnskln
T. McClusltlo ....left guard Slcklcr
Goals wero thrown from tho field by
Tlguo, McClusklo and Klllgy, for Stars,
and by lieddoo nnd Casklns, for Danvlllo.
On Monday night the Stars will journey
to Pittston to piny tho strong team ot
that plnce. Bert Hughes, the crnck cen
ter of tho state, will then make his Ilrst
appearance In a Star uniform.
Big Mass Meeting.
Committees representing the various Re
publican clubs nro making elnborato prep
arations for tho big parado nnd mass
meeting to bo held on next Saturday
evening. This parade will undoubtedly
excel last Saturday night's demonstration,
as moro bands nnd men aro to partici
pate. A quantity of fireworks has been
purchased by the committees and will bo
set off on the square previous to the
Knch participant will be provided with
a red light and cap. They will parade tlio
principal streets, ending nt the Auditor
ium, whore the meeting is to be held.
The speakers will be Robert S. Murphy,
Jerry Snyder, James Molr and W. Gay
lord Thomas.
Coming Weddings.
Miss Louisa Veldninn, daughter of jrr.
and Mrs. Morris Feldman. of North Main
avenue, will bo man led to James Weiss,
a former resident of West Scrantou, on
Nov. 20. Mr. Weiss is nt present con
nected with a Now York shoo firm. Af
ter tho wedding ceremony they will tako
up their residence in Pittston.
Miss Jnnet Lewis, daughter of Mrs.
Lewis, of Warren street, will bo wedded
to Arthur Dolph, on Thursday afternoon,
Mr. Dolph is a vcty popular young nnin
nnd Is employed on the Buffalo JSxpress.
The ceremony will be performed at the
house. They will make their residence
in ICImlrn.
Wnile M. Finn nnd Edward Roderick
spent yesterday in Carbnndnle.
Mef-srs. Chnrles Jenkins, Thomns Char
ters and Stephen i:illgy have returned
from n live months' stay at Berlin.
Tho membprs of the Itnekmcn's union
will participate in the Mitchell day par
ade, which is to bo held in West Scrantou.
The Independent orchestra will conduct
a social in tlio Auditorium this evening.
The mines will lie Idle today, on ac
count of the observance of Mitchell day.
Mrs. Ruck, of Mendo avenue, is ill with
an attack of bronchitis.
The members 'of tho Columbia Literary
club nro making elaborate preparations
for their ilrst anniversary, which will be
held on Friday evening.
Yote for John U. Joidan, Republican
candidate for stato senator.
The members of tho Christian Kndeavor
society of the North Main Avenue Uap
tlst church will conduct a Ilallow'een so
einl In tho tabernacle, Friday evening,
Local No. IG1S of the 1'nited Mine Work
ers will meet in Archbnld's hall at 7.J0
o'clock this evening.
Saengemmde Society's Reception in
Athletic Hall Royal Gun Club
Organized Funerals.
Athletic hall w-as tho scene of a bril
liant social event last evening, when sev
eral hundred well-known residents of
this part of tho city assembled to par
ticipnto in the annual ball of the Scran
ton Snengerrundo society. The hall was
prettily decmated for tho occasion, nnd
was brightly lighted, with several new
arc llijhls. The doors opened promptly
at S o'clock, and the guests wore ten
dered a reception until fl.SO p. m.
A musical helectloii by thfi, members
started the festivities, and at 10 o'clock
tho grand march took place, In which
nearly 1W0 couples look part, Flist class
music was furnished for the dancers,
who tripped the light fantastic until
nearly dawn, Joseph Albrecht was mas
ter of cer'inunles, nnd lie was ably as
sisted by the committee of arrangements.
Shooting Club Orgnnized.
At a meeting held In Mlrtz hall, on
Pittston avenue, last night, an organiza
tion to be known ns the. Royal Gun club
was formed, The society litis a member
ship of llfteeu, all well-known residents
of this side, among them being several
well known shots.
Officer wero elected as follows; Presi
dent, Jacob Mlrta; vice president, Cieorge
llnrtmnn; treasurer, Charles Roth; re
cording secretary, Kdward If. Hum; II
nnnclnl secretory, Philip Mlrtsr, captain,
John Brown.
Pleasantly Surprised,
A genuluo KiirprWf putty was tendered
Miss Minnie lickus, tho charming daugh
ter of Mr. and .Mrs. Christian Fichus, at
tho family residence, "20 Cedar avenue,
last evening. It being her eighteenth
birthday. Tho young people assembled
about 9 o'clock, and tendered their hear
ty congratulations, after which a meriy
evening was spent and refreshments
were served.
Those present were; Minnie Fickus,
Amelia llartman, Annie Fichus, Lottie
llartmaii, Louisa Klclncchrodt, Lucy llu
her, Kstelln. JtuMir, Llnzle tluenter. Car
rie Dochler, Mlnnlu Hefty, Kiuuia
Schetich, nnd Messrs. William Klein,
schrodt, I.awrcnco Duhlirg, F.dwnrd Noll,
William iiuuiugartiu'r, John lllldei brand,
John Frcutchel, (Juoige Klelnschrodt,
John llosca, Fred ClBlshart, Charles
liuntz, Kugene Saul, Freddie and Hobble
1'iekUH, The wullivss' wer .Misses An
nlo I hi it man, Kate Flckus und Carrie
Yesterday's Funerals.
The remains ot Nicholas Cook, whose
death occurred early uu Monday morn
ing, wero laid at rest In tho Cuthedial
cemetery, Hyde Park, following services
nnd a requiem muss at St. Peter's ca
thedral. Tho pall bearers were: Messrs,
Michael May, Peter Slerrlck, John Gib
son and David Uurko,
Tho remains of John Ifatzcr, who was
found dead curly on Sunday morning,
was laid nt rest yesterday. Services wero
held over tho remains, by Rev, W. A.
A1'. ...!;: ly..'-'
sswVvv.. rvii-rr I'Tr-ints
y.-sm: ''!. .v."
V.'MUKn . "Hv;'
I I, I., ... .iV..
iWSrrar UL1
It may be that a new Parlor Suit is needed, or that a
enjoyment of the long evenings just ahead, or, perhaps it
furniture that you have had in mind. We care not what
store and you will find it, and at a reasonable price, too.
Nordt, pastor of tlio Hickory Street Pres
byterian church, nt 018 Willow street,
and Interment was made in Uunniorc
cemetery. Tho pall bearers were Eugene
Clans, John Melsner, Adam Wolchel, J.
Kline, Julius lluthwold nnd George
Entertainment Tonight.
Tho Kpworth League of the Prospect
Avenue German Methodist church have
prepared the following programme,
which will be rendered this evening:
Organ prelude, Mr. Kdwnrd II. Haus
scr; male quartette. "Doan ye Cry mo.
Honey." A. W. Noll; flute solo, "Melo
dies" fA. Rubcnstcln), Mr. Kdward If.
Huusser; declamation, selected, Mr. Fred
Kueckes; zither duct, Mrs. John Schro
dcl nnd Fred Mascl; tenor solo, "Within
tho Gates of Paradise." Mrs. Fred S.
Hausscr; reading, selected. Mr. Joseph J.
Jollier; selection, "As the If.irt Panleth,"
Church rholr; zither duet, selected,
Messrs. Schrndct nnd Masel; descriptive
quartette, "We'll Have to Mortgage the
Farm"; declamation. Mr. 1''. Kueckes;
duet, "Gently Sighs the Evening
Breeze," Mrs. Kdwln Armbrust and Fred
C. ilaussor.
A party of friends will leave .on the
Krle and Wyoming 7.05 a. m. train this
morning, to attend tho wedding of Joseph
Klneum and Miss Kuulce Kcmble, at Pau
pack. near Ilawle.v.
Vote for John 15. Jordan, Republican
candidate for state senator.
Preparations are being made for the
dedication of St. John's Catholic church
and St. Paul's Methodist Kplscopnl
church, nn liltston avenue. Rotho cere
monies will tako place on Sunday, No
vember 1G.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Ilalsam Is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure,
no pnv." For sale by nil dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilboy returned
from their honeymoon last evening, and
will reside on Prospect avenue.
The Junger Mucnnerehor met for re
hearsal in Gcrmauia hall last evening.
Mrs. C. A. Sickler very delightfully en
tertained n number of young people at
her home in Green Ridge, .Monday night,
In honor ot the sixth birthday of her
daughter, Helen May. Among those pres
ent were the Misses Dorothy Leonard,
Planch Volght, Helen May Slcklcr. Rer
tha Towuseiid, llelenc Phillips. Margaret
Sickler and Clara Williams; Messrs. Clin
ton Smith. Itussel Smith, Charles Clark,
Oscar Dally, Kvorltt ICean, Joseph Wil
The Green Ridge Industrial school wil1
resume Its meetings Saturday afternoon,
Nov. 10, In tho Library building. The
school. will this year begin at L' o'clock.
Teachers and pupils are requested to ne
on time.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Phillips and so'i
Thomas, of Sanderson avenue, will be ut
liomu at the Hotel Jermyn tills winter.
Miss Franklo Chandler, who has been
a guest In the family of Attorney I. II
Ruins for some lime, will return to hor
home In Susquehanna county today.
(leoi'go Foster, of Iionesdale, lias bc-.-n
spending the past few dayu at the home
of Mr. and .Mrs. J. 1). Mnsou, of Sander
sou avenue,
Will Franklin, of Sanderson avenue
Is spending a' few days at lloinsduk.
wheio he is the guest of Fiauk Hiimin.
J, li, Pome, of Capouse avenue will
leave for New York today on a biiiihe,-
Mrs. I. J. Lansing, of North Paik, b
conllncd to her homo by illness.
Miss Winters, who Is nssnctnttd will,
the Rev. Mr. Myers, in his mission woii
at Cumberland Gap, Tenu., is the gues
of Mr. and Mrs. F. 1-3. Nettleton, ol
Washington nvenuo. Miss Winters Is ac
companied by one of tho girls of th,
Ornco Ncttlelou Home, which is council
cd Willi tho illusion school at CiiiiiIkv
kind Gap.
Mr. and Mrs. Cap well and daughter
have rutunicil from a visit v,lth Fac
tryvlllo friends.
Vote for John 11. Jordan, Jtepubllnn
candidate for stato senator.
The Green Rldnu Wonians' fluisllni
Temperance union met yestctihiy after
noon at the Hume for I ho rilcudlosi
Mrs. J, S, Miller gave a Jllblo nading
.Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. Clifford bin
charge of he miiMc. The meeting w.i
largely uttmided by tho union. The si '
vice was greatly appreciated by the old
ladies of tlio home, a number of whom
took part. At tho rinse, of thn meeting
each old lady was presented with a
copy of tho Gospel of St. John. The mat
ron received thn members f the union
very cordially, and at tho cos.i conducted
them through the Institution and extend
ed an invitation to thorn to come again.
Mr. and Mrs. Donucller, of 171S I'enn
avenue, will move to their new home i u
Sanderson avenue today,
At tho hunie ot the bride's mother,
Mrs, liarbnni Golden, of Walnut sticii,
Mi mi Jane Golden and Charles I'olley, of
SpiinglleM, 111., were milted In murrliiNu
by Rev. M. R. Doulnn ycstciday after
noon ut 5 o'clock. Miss li. Jllack acted
as bridesmaid and John Golden as
gtoomsman. Only the nieinlicrs of the
immediate families wero present. The
rooms were tastefully decorated with a
profusion of chrysanthemums anil palms.
Music was furnished by tho Golden or
chestra, the 'members all being cousins
of the bride, At the conclusion of tho
ceremony, a wedding supper was enjoyed
after which tho huppy couple left for
their future homo at Sprlnglleld. Mrs.
C'olley Is one of the borough's most
charming and popular young women,
und has a largo circle ot friends by whom
strength-giving diet
and beauty because
h tETZft-'.v'n.'M.
- '.!." -.. " ...TISIM
tt trfw 'ftu ' wkii&a j
& M Ai ' A lMPiV i w n liMT urn w
ei.:v.'...'H.. gmiMmfPr
instant use because it contains pepsin and celery, (pepsin aids
digestion celery soothes the nerves) because each crisp flalto is
actually a whole-wheat kernel becauso it represents all that science
can suggest for the proper up-building of the human body. See that
your grocer does not substitute an inferior article with a counterfeit
name. Look for union label on each package. Also ask for
Send yonr grocers name and four cents In stamps and we trill send you FREE
a startllwr novelty a doll receipt book and a samplo packnso of Tryablta 1'ood.
A few days can bo pleasantly spent
In a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
ill Lit
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
I'lOin Pier -C, North Itlver, foot of
Beach Ftroot. New York.
Tickets, Including meals and state
room accommodations, JS.00 one way,
51!!,io round trip, and upwards.
Send stamp for Illustrated book,
81 Bench Street, New York, N. Y.
U. II. U'Al.KUK,
Tralllc Manager. J. .1. llltOWN,
General Passenger Agent.
General Agent foe (lie Wyoming District tor
Dupont's Powder
lining, nli'tlnsr, Siortltij, Sniol.clesi biiJ tin
Itepcuna Chemical C'oinpauy'j
Salely Fuse, Cips ami Kxplodcr. Itouiu 101 Cou
ncil llulldinj ,Sou:ilcu,
JOHN II. SMITH k fcON" Iij mouth
E. V, MULI.10AN" WilUi-llarctf
she will bu much missed. Mr. Cnlley ne
'uples n pusitlou of trust with the mi
nis i.'iiiitiut railroad.
Don't fall to hear the speaki'is nt
iho Itepiibllcan rally III Odd 1-Vlluws' hall
rinturdiiy nlKhl. lion. Itubert .Murph,
Jerry Snyder, John .M. llnrrs and others
wilt "be pivsi'iit und discuss the Issues of
the camimliiu.
Thn Odd Fellows will meet tills atter
iioou at l.iM o'clock to attend the tiincral
uf their biatlur, John Harper.
Jilts Vyse. of Mllfurd, Is the uiient of
tho Jllsses llrunson, of Kim street.
Deputy Factory Inspector Mishap and
Oscar Vost iiiurued from a business trip
to Shenandoah.
Vote for John II. Jordan, Ilcpubllian
candidate for stato senator.
Tho Tennis -;uh will hold a lnusipii'rnde
social at the home of Miss luitheiino
Teeter, on Kim street. Friday nlslil.
Mrs. Wllllum Kldon nnd Mrs. Tlioo
iloro Webber and daughter, Kmiiiu, of
West Urlulur street, aro vision friends
at Old Forge.
AlHvv.. ,
feW '!
1x0$ -
Card Table will lend to the
is some other article of home
it may be, come direct to our
Carpets, Draperies
and Wall Paper.
approved of
succcstlons ms
to tbo anthra
cite coal strike
and every right
thlnkinc man and woman
In America enthusas
tlcally approves of
because it is delicious and palatable
to the taste becauso it is a mora
than beef because it preserves health,
it needs no cooking, and is ready for
Ltd., Battle Greek, Mich.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Kels, Lcsseo and MnnnKor.
A. J. Duffy, I3uslnes3 Manager,
Saturday "ftji'ff8 Nov. U
40-PLAYKKS 10.
Extenslvo Production Complete.
PRICKS Matinee. L'3e SOc, "(.
Night, :."e., noc, 73c, Jl, Jt.M.
Seats on fcalo Thursday at 9 a. in.
Academy of Music
M, Rels, Lessee anil ManaEer.
A, J, Duffy. liuslnesa Manager
Week .Viv' Oct. 27,
Dally Matinees C'oinineucInB Monday.
King Dramatic Co.,
"Wednesday matinee, "The Cherry Pick
ers"; Wednesday nlKht. "Siberia"; Thurs
day matinee, "fllim Jeans": Thursday
nluht, "A Utility Mother": Friday mat
inee, "Siberia"; Friday nisht, "Shenan
doah": Saturduy matinee, "Slienniuloah";
Saturday night, "A Waul of Franco."
nDipCQiMatliiee, io on t aoc.
rniUtO-"Mullt, io, an and joe.
Dixie's Theatre,
l.csseo and Manager.
Itv Lottie London.
"A Maiden from Mnrs."
"Half Wav House."
ili'iiiiau ('iimcdlniis
Comedians and Dancers,
AI.F. li- HKRItlNaTON, Mutineer,
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday,
OCTOliKR J7. iS AND t"J,
.,.-,, u,.- J.IVWII, l, Ill'IIIUI! 1
died yesterday moruliiK at ii o'clockl
Mio innv i.n. i, .. .,,.....
niuii uisvuse. i no luuerlll Wll Oil
1 o'clock p. m, Thursdaj ServlcJ
in, iiiiu in i uivury iccioiiucii cnui
iiuiiii Biitcc, iiiieruicui will ue
the Forest Hill cemetery,