The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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- 5
We mo Imvlns our
imul full display of Ons
Lnmi". It's moie ex
tensive thoii over this
.etir. The stands nte In
bins", uutlquo black, nnd
a variety of other coitus.
Tho globes uic In a vail
dy of eolois, ns usual.
The Oriental patterns
seems to bo most popu
lni. We make them up uny
way to suit vou.
Foote & Shear Co.
U9 "Washington Ave.
The Hardenbergh
of Mtisic and flrf
Offers the exceptional advan
tage of Piano and Oigan study
with Mr. Sumner Salter, an
aitlst teacher of recognized
standing in the musical woild.
Register now. 604 Linden st.
We Hold and
Offer for Sale
The following:
Traders' National Bank.
Title Guaranty and Trust.
New Mexico Hallway and Coal.
Bloomsburg Gas Co.
Alexander Car Replncer.
$25,000 5 per cent. 30-year First
Mortgage Gold Bonds of a Standard
Railroad, earning and paying good
dividends on their stock. Price par
and inteiest.
$50,000 Gas, Water and Electiic
tLight Bonds, mostly 5's. Piices on
For fuithet lnfoiin.itlon apply at our
Stocks, Bonds and Secuiities,
Uonnell jjuiitung.
A Book of
Vital Interest
to its possessoi is a deposit
book of
Each entiy is a chapter of
October 2'i A t St. l).i Ill's hall Spo.ik
er, Hon. Jamii S. Shciman, Hon A. V.
A reel i nd, Hon Alexnndei McDowell,
chief cloik 1ioiim ol iepiccnt.itlvrs
Octobei -1 At Dwniiuil's h ill, lluoslc.
SpoaUois Jriiy Simler, Tlinnias II, Dale,
AV, rialoul Thonn, (.'initios Olver.
Oclobu 'J'i At Wobbcis' hull. Talor.
Spe.ikou, John 1 .lone-., Hon. Julia It.
Tnir, Hon. Predeilc AV. riell.
Octobei :o- IMmiinils' ball.
Speakers, W, fiiijlnid Thomas
II. Dale, John It run,
October 31 At HomiiKli bull
City. Sponkois. Hon. It. . Minnbi. Hon.
John Jl. Tan, John M. HuriK
October .11 At I.Molim, h,ilis, Hun
Charles Emoty Smith, f-cn-cial:
Hon. Stunit Jli Klbbon, nietubt i uf
congtcss noin Tlihij-jli'-l cllsti let, nil
November 1 At Auilltnrhim, Noi th
Scinnton. Speukeis, Hon. Roheit 8, Mm.
pliv. Jeirv Snjilri, Hon. Jnmcs .Mult, W.
liayloul Thomas.
November 1 At Oilil I'( Hows' b,(n Uiin
rnotc. Spoukcis Hon. It. S. .Muiphj,
John SI. IkiuK Jeiiy Snjder,
November 1 Cnibiiinlnle. Spcikuis,
Hon, Peieno E. P.ijne, (hulimnn vviivh
and means committed; Sltijor i:otett
November :i At AVot kinsmen's hull,
South Bcrantnii Rpeukeis, Sllltou AV.
I.ovwy, It. A. .Iniincimiiii, Hon. John It,
No ember 3 At Athletic hall, Kotttlt
Kcranton. Spcnkeis, Hon Jumci .Mali,
John I Souks, John SI. Unit Is.
Jilclgo A. A. Vosburff Is confined tu Ills
bed with a bevcio cold.
Slmo. Johnston, of 107 Voiing .ivt'iiuo,
li.if, Bono to Now VoiK on u biislnoj.s tilp,
0. W Ten lliocck, lndnstihil nKcnt of
the I.iiclcnwunnu inllionU, was In thei city
Mis, l.o Qi.iiiil AViifiht Is s-peiiilhiK two
weeks with hci duuhtor, SIis I). V, Dan
nlstei, of West Plttston,
Mr, .mil Mis, Chuilos CiniHuin loft
jrstorday for Wjnhislns, to uttond thu
functal of Slis tJ.uasau'H motliei, Mis.
Jono rtelllcy, who Ulcil on Stomhi, ut tho
nt'O at SI
Altoinev John V Suwifes will iitteiul a
meeting of tho Mecca Shrine In Sludlsou
B(iiao (iiiulen New Ymk, this ennhiB
He will wltlui puity ot Shilneis on
the 12.40 p, m, I.uekawnmm tialn.
Itev, J. ,, i,ousliian and Itoy. J "v,
Slalone, of this city, who hue been
htudylnp ut the Amciicnii college In
Ttome, for thu past two e-.iis, t..W,
tiotn Southampton on suminv i.mi fn,.
this countiy, and nro expected to anle
una I.IIJ- on HmuiUiiy oi Sunday.
Penn Avenue Chmch Supper.
I'he ladles of tho Penn Avenuo Hup-
rnurcii win sent! their first btipper
Klie beabOll 111 tho rhniMi ,in,.
Ireday, October 30. Slenu-Prlme"
I ojsteis, veal loaf, cj earned pota-
jeuy, piciues, roils, home-made
Id, sheibet, cake, Home-inuae inke
Icuncly for sale.
Not Known How They Will Proceed
to Their Task, but It Is Quite Pos
sible No Testimony Will Be Taken
Until After a Tour of tho Region
Has Boon Made Mines Ate Get
ting Out More Than 75 Per Cent,
of Their Normal Capacity.
Tho meinhcis ot the coal strike roni
mlifdon, which hcRlns Its lnvcRtlgatlons
hcio tomorrow morning, will nrrlvo this
pvenlns1 nml take nuniters at the Jcr
niyn. ThoniiiH H. Watklns, at whoso
fiiiijBcsllon tho commission will hcaln its
work by visiting the coal fleldP, will re
turn from Washlnston this morning and
mi lingo tho necessary piellmlnarle!.
.TtiFt how tho cgmmlsslon will eo
nbotit Its woik has not n-? vet been
learned. All that Is known is that It
will stmt out tomonow morning at 9
o'clock fiom tho Jennyn and visit some
of the coal mines. How long the com
nilH3lonei8 will sttty, or whether or not
they will take any testimony here, li
not known. The piobabllltlea nre that
they will make a tour of the anthracite
legion to acquaint themiehes with the
phvslcal featuies of coal mining and
then Mt at some central place, probably
Wilkes-Dane or Scranton, to hear evi
dence fiom tho miners' side. After that
will likely come sessions In New York,
Philadelphia or Washington, to hear
the operatois' siatpnients and to fiame
theli tepoit.
Gathering Material.
The companies, through their local
supcilntendents.iind themlneis, thiough
the ofllcers of their union, nro hard at
woik gathering material for tho state
ments to be prcsonttid to the commis
sion. Dltttlct Piesldent Nicholls, of the
mine woikcis, Is being assisted by four
amanuenses In collecting the material
to be foiwaided fiom this legion for
use In National President Mitchell's
After the colnmlssioneis compaie the
mile or moie of facts and flguies likely
to be presented by both sldf, the situ
ation will be petfectl clear to them,
The flc big coal companies, liaing
their headqu.ii teis in Sct.mtdn, are
now getting out more than seventy-five
per cent, ot their normal output. The
output foi Monday was 05,000 tons
which Is onlv 23,000 tons les than what
is oidinaiily ptoduced. The following
table compiled fiom figures secured at
the companies' ofllces shows the normal
output of each company, the tonage for
Monduv, the number of mines owned by
each companv and the number at
which no woik is being done:
Noimul SIonda's No. No.
Coinpun Output. Output. Mines Idle
D, I. AV... 2o OjO "1.2M 22 ?.
Klie -'1000 l".Tll "1 1
d. .in ... liooii itooit .o n
O. &. V 12 Orti) 'M100 II :i
Temple S VM
sseoo 0-. ouo ios 12
The output ychteiday will exceed
that of Monday by fully fhe thousand
tons it is estimated Tho Delawaie and
Hudson company got two new places
soiiitf, yepteidaj, the Lallin and Bos
ton, -ind now has onlv thiee places idle,
the T-aurpl Run, Pl mouth No. 5 and
I'altimoie ulope. All the companies in
eieapd then loices and most places
aie pi.ictip.illv wniKing full-hancUd.
Number at Woik.
About S3 nr rent, ot the old em
ployes aie back at woik, according to
tho statements of the companies' rcp
lesentathes'. Dlstilet Piesldent Nich-oll'--
fixes tho piopoition still remaining
idle at 20 pel cent. These percentages
both Include the men who were em
ployes at places that have not as jet
lesiimed. It Is confidently expected that
eeiy colliery in the valley excepting
the Hallstencl 'and ltlchmond No. 3,
which is being repaired, will
suited up befoie the end of the week
.ind that piacticilly all the old hands
will be back in their pl-ices. It will
pioliibly bp ten das or two weeks bo
fme tlic noi iiiul output will be leached.
All the companies will attempt to
woik their collleiics today, though it Is
likely few, if any, places can be oper
ated, because of the deteimination of
thu men to take a day off to celebi.ite
Mitchell clay, the anniversary of the
ending of the WOO stilke. The com
panies h.ue lecelved no notice fiom the
men tint they do not Intend to woik,
Dlfatiiot Piesldent Nicholls, ot tho Unit
ed Mine AVoikeis, stated that no notice
had been sent out by the union anent
the oh-,en ance of Mitchell day this
year, but evciybody concerned has
notice of It, he said, tliiough the action
of the Slmmokln convention, two yearn
ago, piescilblng that October 21 each
cur should bo nn Idle day.
Tho fact that the mines should be
tin own Idle unnecessarily just at this
tlnio is a souice of much tegiet to tho
Repoits Not Tiue.
Tho icpoitcd dlschnigo of alleged In
competent non-union engineeis at the
Continental and the Stoiis No, 1 col
lides of tho Delawaie, Lackawanna
in AVesteiu companies nml tho sub
stitution ot the old union eniplojes
ptoses to bo untitle. In one instance nil
the old englneeis continued tit woik.
Tn the other theie was no such Incident
as repoitert,
Colonel II, A Couihen, ex-commander
of tho Thliteenth, has been Appoint
ed by uovornor Stone to take the
vote of tho Thliteenth, If the legimcnt
is in camp on election dny. Tho fact
Hint Mich an appointment was made
tends to the belli f that theie is ut least
no ptpseiit Intention to ouler the Thir
teenth home this week, as whs lumored
Vlsltots will be admitted to the Thir
teenth leglment camp tomonow fiom
12 J0 to aao p. m. Theie will be gunid
mount at 1 o'clock, followed by a band
conceit Diess paiade will take place
tit I o'clock.
A detachment of tioops was sent to
Jessup last night to guard the house of
a non-union man, who claimed he had
beep threatened with assault.
Sisteis in Colorado Wnnt to FJnd
a. Missing Biother,
Postmaster Ripple Is In receipt of a
letter fiom Mrs, R. V,. Sloran of Gieeley,
C'oloiado, asking him to aid her In ie
uniting her family.
Of her father she knows nothing ex
cept that his name was John Ncalon.
When she was two years of age apd
her brother and sister one and two
years, respectively, her senior they were
left alone by the death of their mother
and became sepaiatcd. Five yeais ago
after ten years of unceaalng Inquiry by
Class and Private Instruction
in Pianoforte.
means of letters to postmasters and
newspaper advertisements she located
her sister. For five years, the- two sis
ters have been trying to And their
Recently they lent tied that their
father at one time had 1 datives In
Scranton and In the hope of finding
them and thiough them some trace of
their brother, tho sisters wrote to Post
master Ripple.
The wilier states that her nitilden
name was Blanche Nealon; her sister's
name, Dora Nealon, and the name of
her brother John Nealon.
If anyone can give any of the de
slied iufounation Postmaster Ripple
will forwaid It to the Colottido rela
The apathy that was a featuie of
U1I3 campaign up to ten dajs ago has
given place to a spirit and enthusiasm
among the Republican oteis and work
ers of the county that is a sure Index
of the victory that will be vton next
In no campaign of lecent jeais has
theie been such harmony and such
earnest, steadfast work upon the part
of all kinds and conditions of Repub
licans as In this one. It augurs well
not only for success in the present bat
tle but for tho success of Republican
ism In the future that such Is the case.
Lackawanna county, as It ought to be,
is safely Republican If Republicans
but do their duty. Eveiy member of
the pai ty ought not only vote, but see
to it that his neighbor otes. A case
which illustrates the necessity of eveiy
Republican exeiclslng the light that
desohes upon him as a citizen is fur
nished by the election of a county con
tiollpr last fall. Over 31,000 otes were
cast for that office and the plurality of
the successful candidate, E. A. Jones,
was but eleven votes. Let no man
say "my ote won't make arty differ
ence." It will make a diffeiencc, for
this county has had elections in which
one ote vvould have changed the icsult
for an office.
Theie will be a meeting of the
general Republican county committee
on Saturday at which the final plans
for Tuesday's battle will be discussed.
The icports that County Chairman H.
L Taylor has had from his committee
indicated that the people of the county
aie now fully alhe to the impoitance
of this election and that they nre de
termined to send Hon. AVillium Connell
back to congress and elect viith him
the whole Republican ticket.
The Instructions that eery com
mittee man will lecehe will be "got
eveiy Republican to ote" That ac
complished theie is no question about
the lesult.
Last night theie was a meeting
maiked by great enthusiasm at Peters
buig wiieie the local candidates met
the -oteis of that pait of the city and
made shoit addi esses. They weie ac
companied by County Chaiiman Taylor
and Frank Becker of the exeeuthe
committee. The speeches were of an
lnfoimal natuie and weie cageily
listened to. As the meeting adjourned
three rousing cheers w ere given for
the entire Republican ticket and the
candidates were assured that the Tenth
war will send In tidings Tuesday night
that will gladden the he.tit of eveiy
tiue Republican.
Jeie Snder, who won such faoi heie
as a political oiator duiing the last
presidential campaign, will be heaid
again tonight at Dymond's hall, Moosle,
whete the Republicans will conduct a
big mlly. Speeches will also be made
by Thomas H. Dale, AV. Gaylmd
Thomas and Chailes E. Oher.
Devuty Attorney Geneial F. W. Fleltz,
Hon. John R. Fair and ex-Dlstiict At
torney John R. Jones will be the speak
ers at the Republican mass meeting In
AVebbei's hall, Taylor, tonight.
Five Pnsslonlst fathets aie to con
duct a thiee weeks' mission which Is
to begin the last week In November
in St. Petei's eathedtal. The first
week will be for the men of the parish
and the second week for the women.
Thete will be special sen ices on each
night In the wepk with seimons.
The tlilid week will bo devoted to a
mission to non-Catholics, In the conduc
tion of which the membeis of the Pas
sionlst order have had much success.
A special set 111011 will bo preached each
night dining this tlilid week dealing
with some fundamental doetilne ot the
Catholic chmch and explaining just
what it means fiom the Catholic stand
point. A question box wfll be piovided
nnd all questions betulng upon the doc
trines or hlstoiy ot the chinch which
may bo dropped In this by inquirets
will bo fieely answeied. Non-Catholics
of nil denominations will be invited to
Tho follow ins enteicd ball jostciday;
Antoinette Wlsenczka, charged by May
yoiiguskl with making threats, MOO, siai.
tin Itcblegu, suretv; Patrick Slagec, nog
Icctlng childicn, J200, his own,iecosnlz
nncoj Rohocla Sliglln, assault and bat
tel y, M00, John Sliglln, surety,
The hearing In tho Poter ZlnsUl liubeiis
uoipus case, which was to have been
held ut 1.U0 yesterday afternoon, was con
tlned until Tuesday, Nov, -1, on motion of
Di.tilct Attoiuev Lewis. Tho motion was
not opnoHPd. V.lnUkl Is in tho county
jail, chaiged witli halng u hand In tho
Kllllnfi of James Winston, at Olyphont,
Ho declarer, that he Is Innocent of the
Pied I,. Slooio .esteuliiy began an no
tion to seciue a dloico from Addle
Slooio. Uoth llvo In this city. They wero
mauled May hi. IMS, and Slooro alleges
that ha lett Ids wife on Nov, J, 1800, be.
causo hu illucoveied that sho had been
mauled before sho was united to hhn,
and that she hud not been divorced. At.
toiney Flank 12. Boyle represents Stoote.
City and School Taxes 1002.
The above tax duplicates die now In
my hands for collection.
City Treasurer.
A'oto for John B. Jordan, Republican
candidate for state tsenutor, ,"
Charles Burns, of Vandllng, Chooses
a Scholarship in Newton Col
legiate Institute
Only one mote scholarship was chosen
yesterday In the awarding of The Trl
btmo's prizes to the successful contest
ants, Charles Burns, of A'andllng, selected
Scholarship No. S, a two yeais' courso
In the Newton Collegiate Institute and
Military Academy, ut Newton, N. J
covering tuition, boaid, furnished room,
heat, light and washing. This scholar
ship is worth $720.
Four scholarships have In all been
chosen, as follows:
1. A. J. Kcllcrman, Key-tone Acad
emy. 2. Maxwell Shepherd, Wllllamport
Dickinson Somlnary.
3. Oscar H. Kipp, Dickinson Collegiate
Pieparatory School.
4. Charles Burns, Newton Slllltary
Seeral of the foitunate contestants
wioto letters yesterday to The Tribune.
Three of them are given below:
Oct. 27, 1902
The Scianton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
Gentlemen; 1 wits agreeably surprised
on learning that I was so fortunate ns
to secure second place In tho Educational
Contest. It has always been the height
of mv ambition to get an education, and
e-pecially so since leaving school, three
j ears ago, to go to woik, made necessary
by force of circumstances; but have made
best of my opportunity in the meantime,
studying considerable at night, hoping
that the way mltjht some time offer for
mo to add to my education thiough a
Now that my deslie is about to bp
realized, I can scarcely beliec that it Is
true. Tho Tribune has opened the wnv
for mo to get that education, and I shall
ende-uor to enter college next fall.
Tho Tribune should certainly bo com
mended for the-o peiiodical contests, for
many a oung man gets an education
through them that could do o In no
other way I believe that is so In my
Now, while I hao been eiy fortunate
in seeming the seholaishlp I had In
view, yet, had I finished fuilher down
the list and not won one of tho prepara
tory or university scholai ships, I. should
hae tried again In nnother contest,
if the opportunitj hould affoid I shall
be veiv happy if eoiy ono of my con
test friends leceho the particular choI
aisliip they mav hae looked forward to;
but if thev do not. thev should icmeniber
that In .a contest of this kind somo must
necessaiilv meet disappointment, and
that, "If at flist -sou don't succeed, try,
ti v again "
Mi. Kelleiman, having made his choice
ot tho scholniOiipfc, I am delighted to se
lect tho Wllllamspoit Dlcklnon Semlnaiy
as mv choice, which I now do, consider
ing it best adapted to my wants. I wish
Sir. Kellerman nnd the lest of the con
testants ecry success possible, and most
healthy thank Tho Tribune for the
special contest prize and the aboo sehol
aishlp. I am ceitalnly ono of the two
happiest bins in Carbondale todav.
Hoping for tho continued success of
The Tilbime, T remain,
Areiy tiulv jour.
SInxwcll Shepheid.
Caibondale, 1'a.
Scranton, Pa , Oct. 2S, 1102
The Tiibune Publishing Company
Gentlemen: I wish to thank mv fi lends
who so kinellv assisted me In voiir lecent
Educational Contest, thiough the inter
esting columns of Tho Tribune. I also
wish to thank uu for halng that Con
test, as It has been a wondeiful help to
me. I may not secure whit I aimed for
a miKlcal scholai shin but whatever
may fall to mo will amply iepay me for
my pleasant emploment.
I am suio wo all appiecintc jour kind
ness nnd will never cea-o to bo giatcful.
Yours lespectfullv,
Edna Coleman.
21S Spuiee stieet.
Scranton, Pa Oct. 2S.
Tho Tilbime Publishing Compan
Gentlemen: I desire to thank most
hpaitlly my manj friends who so willing
ly and kindly assisted mo In the Educa
tional Content conducted by The Tilbime.
1 also thank the officials of said paper
for opening a wu for mo to lmpioo my
mind and make myself useful In tho
woild. Yours very trulv,
Charles W. A. Dot spy.
B19 Webster avenue.
The Scianton Putted Choial society will
leheniso this evening nt tho High school
nitdltniiiun, Instead of at Stnslc hall, Tho
school te.iehcis of Lackawanna county,
now In session at tho Itistitutn, will attend
tho lehenisal by special imitation of tho
Tho Alumni of Stiouilsliiug Nor
mal school will hold a banquet nt tho
Knights of Columbus looms on AVnshlug
ton nonue. Thutsday, Oct, SO, 1902, com
mencing nt S p. m, Bluer will iiuulsh
music. All Bioduntes, city teocheis es
pecially, aio hulled,
Dr. Llndabuiv. Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours; 11 a. m, to 4 p. m,; 7 to 8.20
p. m.
Goods . . .
Peas, Lima Beans, Cut
Stilngless Beans, Tomatoes
nnd Aspaiagus Now Ready,
We will sell until Nov,
10th at the low prices that
ruled last yeai on many
lines the pack is shoit 50
per cent, on account of the
backwaid season and eaily
E, G. Coursen,
Wholesale and Retail,
Mis. Declan Kenealy Shot Point
Blank nt Thoma3 Downs, a Mar
ried Man, Who Had Been Arrested
on n. Charge of Criminally Assault
ing Her 17-Yeai-01d Daughter.
Bullet Narrowly Missed Him She
Was Disarmed Befoie, Sho Could
Fire a. Second Shot.
A mother's anger over nil alleged as
sault on her 17-year-old daughter, ic
suttcd In nn attempted murder In Aldtr
ninn M. J. Ruddy's offlce yesterday
afternoon, nnd but for tho ptompt ac
tion of Constable J. M. Sheffield, a
much different stoiy might have to be
A shot from a revolver In tho hnnd
of Mrs. Declan Kenealy Justgras'cd
Thomas Downs' head, and lodged in the
wall beside him. As tho woman was
raising her aim for a second shot, Shot
field caught hold of her and wrenched
tho weapon from her hand.
The shooting was the outcome of nn
alleged criminal assault by Downs on
Johannah, the 17-ycar-old daughter of
Mr. and Mis. Kenealy. Downs resides
with his wife on Irving avenue, in
South Scranton, and left his home on
Monday morning to look after some
coal he had picked.
He says he passed by the Kenealy
homo nnd spoke to tho members of tho
family, nnd shortly aftei wards the girl
came along the road In the direction In
which Downs was gojng, nnd asked him
if he would show her where to obtain
Eome empty cans to use as flower pots,
Downs Accused.
Downs s.iys he pointed out a place to
her, and did not notice her again until
he was returning home. Later In tho
day SI13. Kenealy went to tho Downs
home and told Mts. Downs that tho
glil accused Downs of committing an
assault on her.
When Downs lotuined home his wife
asked him about what had happened
and he denied the accusation, nnd
offered to call in a physician to ex
amine the girl. In the evening Slis. W.
B. Duggan, of the Associated Board of
Charities, was informed of the circum
stances. She went to the Kenealy home, and
learned from the patents that the girl
is weak-minded, and advised them to
diop the matter, and send the girl to
tho Hillside Home. It was apparent to
her, however, that the patents were
considerably wrought up over the al
leged assault and believed the girl's
stoi y.
The father went befoie Alderman
Ruddy and had a warrant issued for
Downs' airest on the charge of cilmin
ally assaulting the girl. Tho wnriant
was sened, and the healing arranged
for yesterday afternoon.
Roth patties to tho suit weie seated
in the alderman's office waiting for him
to ictum from luncheon, when tho
shooting occurred. Downs was sitting
between the door leading to the alder
man's pihate oflice and a tailing,
which sepai ates the spectatots from
the witnesses at healings.
Shot at Downs.
Directly back or him at his wife, and
a few feet fuilher back Mis. Kenealy
sat. On the opposite side of the aisle
oat the girl and her father. Slis Downs
arose fiom whete she was sitting and
ciossecl over to the other side of tho
room and took anothei seat In ftont of
Sir. Kenealy.
This left an open space between Sirs.
Kenealy and Downs, only a chair and
the i ailing separating them. As soon
ns Mis, Downs changed her seat, Sits.
Kenealy spiang to her feet, and walk
ing a tew steps towards Downs, diew
a 32-callbie levolver fiom her bieast,
and fliecl point-blank at him.
During all this, not a word was
spoken on either side, but when the
shot rang out, everything was in an
upioar. Several women in the loom
sci earned, and Constable Sheffield, who
w.ts sitting a few feet away fiom wheic
Slis, Kenealy sat, spiang forwaid and
caught the woman's mm as she was
about to lire the second shot.
He disarmed her, and later handed
the revolver over to the alderman. It
contained five caitildges and ono empty
shell. The ball flied lodged in the wall
nn Inch or two fiom Downs' head, and
the plusteiing fell on his shoulder. Ho
was not lnjuied, but was frightened so
badly that ho almost collapsed.
The father of the ghl deploied tho
bad aim his wife had, and made tlueats
to kill Downs. The mother also tlueat
ened to shoot him on the Hist oppoi
tunlty that offeis Itself.
Kenealys Aviested.
Downs caused tho an est of Sit, nnd
Slis. Kenealy for attempting to kill
him nnd making tlueats to kill, Owing
to the excitement, Kenealy, his wife and
Downs weie sent to police hcndquarteis
to await hetiilngs. The glil thieatoned
to kill heiself If her mother was sent
to jail, but was peisuaded not to do so,
The heuilng In both rases will bo
conducted by Alderman Ruddy In his
oflice this morning;.
James Gibbons, of Mudtown, Com
mitted to Jail.
James Gibbons, of Mudtown, who
was niiested Slondny evening on South
Wiishlinton avenue for being drunk
nnd flout itihing a levolver, was sent
to jail jcsteiday for 20 days In de
fault of a lino of $3.
Ho wns found lying near tho Dela
wiuo und Hudson Ralltoad tracks at
Elm stieet, by a number of boys, and
when they attempted to assist him to
a plato of safety, ho pulled a revolver
and tluentened to shoot tho boys. They
dlsai mec him and turned him over to
Patrolmen Conneiy and AVuUh.
A'ote for John B, Jot dan, Republican
candidate tor state senator,
Thoy Pay the User,
If you vvlfah a half-tone or lino cut,
let the Scianton Tilbuno make it for
ou. Our equipment for this work Is
complete and up-to-date. We have
facilities for doing tho finest soit of
woik at lowest pi Ices and what's more,
we do It. A trial order will convince
Yesteidny's Maniage Licenses.
Herbert A. Spencer . . .Doiraucetovvii
Adclphene Slufer . ,. , .... Dallas
William Beagraves Scranton
Mabel Boldry , Scranton
William II. Crawford. ..N. Sanford, N. Y.
May F. Jones .....Scranton
Huny I" Jefteis .. ..Scranton
Anna Luku ,..,,,,,, , ,. .Scranton
Thopias Norton ...Scranton
Mary Stanton ...........Scrauton
Ofllceis Selected for Coming Season
by Bontd of Governesses. ,
At n meeting ot the boaid of govern
cseiuuflt tho Catholic Hlstoilcul society,
hnhTTnst night In the Knights ot Colum
bus club house, tho following ofllceis
weio elected! Piesldent, lit. ItcV.
Bishop M, J, Ilobiini vlt'e-picsldclit,
Thomas V, llobtui! cot responding see
lplury, Miss Katheilnc G. Sltiher; ilium
tlnl Kceretmy Miss Attn y A. Gibbons;
tiensuter, Jphn C. McAtuliews; model -ntor,
Rev. John J, Griffin; tiuslecs, Dr.
It. II. Gibbons, .Tnmcs J, O'N'lel, Geoigc
AV. Claike, P, J. Casey nnd Thomas A.
McOtilre. The following standing com
mittees weie appointed:
Committee on lectin cm Daniel J Camp
bell, Josppb O'BiIpii, John E. Hnnctt,
.TihIro John P, Kelly nnd Judgo Peter P.
Committee on StiullcH-Piof. St. It, Jor
dan. Prof. P. II. Durkln, Finnic 11. Don
nolly, Dr. D. A. Webb. Atlas Sill a S.
AVnlsh, SIlss Slniy L N'lliind, Stis. ltob
Pit J. Wills, Sits. J, J. Walsh.
Committee on miiKarlne nnd cut l cut llt
eiatuic Will P. Shcati, Di. AV. At. Recdv,
Dt. Win, l Council h, Pi of. I". J. Flood,
Atlss Slaiy A, Doyle, SIlss Alaigaiet 11.
Mitchell. SIlss Ida E. Still phy nnd AIlss
Knthetlno G Smith.
Committee on onteitnlnment Slis. Wil
liam Kelley, Alls. At. F. Wvinbs, Ml H.
E. Connell, Sits. J. C. O'Htlen, Alts. Fd
waul Bojle,
The board of govetntwes will meet
later to map out a piogiamme of wotk
for the coming winter. Meetings: will
be held as heretofore on Tuesday nights
beginning next week. The special
soclnl events will be a governesses' te
ceptlon on Tuesday, December 30, 1902
nnd nn ofllcers' reception on Apt 11 It.
1902. A. reception lit honor ot Bishop
Hoban will bo held dining the latter
end of Slay.
The boaid of governesses now com
prise tho following ladies: Sh. J. J.
Walsh, Mis. E. Boyle, Alts. R. C. AVIIls,
Mrs. M. F. AVymbs, Mrs. W. Kelley,
Airs. Joseph O'Brien, Airs. D. J. Reedy,
Alls. N. Hlgglns, Aliss Nellie Beamish,
Mis Alary AIcAndiows, Aliss Aluiy A.
Gibbons, Miss Slaiy L Nllnnd, Aliss
Sarah Walsh, Aliss Annie Fold, SIlss
Katheilnc Alahcr, SIlss Ida Aim phy,
Aliss Alolly Hcaloy and Aliss Jennie
Clai k.
Arote for John B. Joidan, Republican
candidate for state senator.
Extia heavy Plain Black
M or Black and White dot. Some
aie nicely pleated, otheis
tucked and hemstitched. Fin
ished with a pietty stock col
lar. One of the best values in
a good stylish waist we have
ever offered. Fully woith,
All Cars Transfer to
j ll&xi jy!k-,r
F. L. Crane
It is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able to
make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now in the
exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf the fol
lowing high-grade furs ;
Remodeling and Repairing
Is Given Special Attention.
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
The Title
Guaranty and
Trust Co.,
Will bo pleased to rccclvo deposits ol
money In any nmotint and pay liboiul
into of Intel est thereon.
quart ors
ly nblo to
dnlo our
at 105
nve. am
small, wit
Open nit account with us.
I.. A. WATflFt
Tlilid A'lco-Prosldent and Treasurer
Abrum Ncsbllt. Thomas E. Jonca.
AVilllam F. Hnllslead.
O. S. Johnson. Thomas II, AVatklm.
L A. AVatics.
Are the best in the world.
In VARNISHES we corry
Parrotts, Masury's,
Valentines and
Also a full line of Brushes
Bittenbender &
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Do You Know
The best place in town tc
is at
412 Spiuce Street.
309 Lackawanna Avenuo.
We have a complete assortment of
the 50c kind, tho S1.00 kind and all
standaid makes, in all gindes.
Agency for Dr. Jaeger's.
Careful Dressers
Know the importance
of a Glove that fits.
That is why
Ara found on the best dressed
people. All the time they are being
worn they never lose that superior
style and finish which only a Dent
Glove has.
We have Dent's Gloves for day
or evenins wear.
Cdsh Paid for
Raw Furs.
SSwa 5 1 1 1 n c f n MKay