2 THE SCRANTON '' II !- TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1D0& JIHIJ. i... , ' - ', J ! . Tthe News of Carbondale. T. ;'!.' .'-.. - ' ' ' '"J A Hallowe'en Event Tlmt will oiTcr yoiiniT folks nil the j; pleasures 'f t'0llritltnjr, tills night In a Nippy way is tiic ; Social and Hallow'een Party Hint will be conducted In the Hilrke building tomorrow night, tuirti'i' tho mis ilees of the strike, reached this place Saturday evening. Conductor Fuy was lit charge of the trnln, They mine unheralded nittl unannounced, else the nonufnee would Imvo turned out en masse, the bund would Imvo played, ntid the new- comers would have been tendered tho freedom of the city," REFORMATION DAY AND MITCHELL DAY Bon-Ton Social Club There will h ml enlel tlilnmcul the early part of tho evening, tit which a itrogiammo of llullon'een dlveisluns will , lie observed. Them will also be dancing of fmiey llg itres by members of th.5 class. For tho dancers, for all tho patrons, tpeclnl music, will be played for the flf.it lime In Cnrbomlnlo, under the dlroetiim :r Prof. William Collins. Theie will he no chlckc-n supper, ns voently nimonneeil, hi connection with .he dance. The Expense Will be 75c. Notice from Rev. F. Ehinger Lutheran Clutrph Observance. on REPUBLICAN RALLY ON SATURDAY NIGHT Hon. Sereuo E. Payne, Chnirman of Ways and Means Committee, and Major Everett Warren, of Scran ton, to Be the Speakers at the Grand. Republicans of C'arboudale anil vlc.ln ty welcome with enthusiasm the nn louucemeut of the rally scheduled for the Grand opera, housu on .Saturday night or this week. The fact that this will be the first Republican rally in Carbondale and the only mass meeting- in this city during this campaign, will be eagerly seized by Carbondallans as an .opportunity or displaying their feeling- of confidence in party success nnd victory this Novem ber election. All that the most enthusiastic voter might wish for in telling campaign ora tory will be gratified. The speakers will be Hon. Sereno B. Payne, chair man of the ways and means committee of the house of congress, and Major Bverett Warren, of Summon, whose incisive talks have more than once aroused audiences hereabouts. .Mr. Payne comes with a rarely well-informed mind, with a spirit of eloquence to make effective what be will Impart. In the invitation to the public, women are cordially invited to come to the opera house to hear the eloquent and Interesting talks which should be of In terest and value to them, as well as their husbands and sons. The candidates for county olllees will to present at the rally. To The Tribune: Reformation ami Thanksgiving day In St. Paul's Lutheran church eolnoident ally fall on th same day, this year, a.i John Mitchell day. On the occasion of our monthly Wilkcs-Uarro (ionium conference's pri vate circle there will he tills evening, beginning- at 7.30, the following: Thanksgiving services to (tod Al mighty for his blessings, splrltunl and temporal, especially for a rich ciop, for holding body and soul together; also the warming of the fireside by end lug the coal strike, through the magnani mous efforts, of our beloved President Roosevelt and President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers. The following pastors, ituv. J. W. Randolph and Rev. .1. Wltkc, of Scran ton, and It'iV. liehrends, of Iloncsdnle, will deliver addresses. The Potersbure choir will also be present and will ren der an appropriate programme of vocal music. A collection In sliver coin will prove the readiness of the congregation to meet a bank note now due, given last year to free the church from its mort gage encumbrance. "Deeds and not vague pious words" should he om nia! to. At the end of the services, A. Oer hnvdt, secretary of the church, will be ready in the vestry of the church to accept the ballots of the members of the church for one trustee In place of A. Proetswh, whose term or odlce litis expired. The candidates are J. Uralicli and Prank Rommelmyer. A majority is necessary to elect. The wives or members are entitled to hand in the votes or their husbands to the secre tary, who will count them in the elec tion. Wc have many reasons for our thanksgivings, as the attitude or our suiKers, iiougii true to their cause, was one or dignity to them, and made us reel that we were not In the strike region at all. All credit to their cool ness, but llrnmess or position. Cod bless us all! Rev. F. Ehinger. I'aslor St. Paul's Lutheran Church. 00 Y00 BET UP WITH A LAME DACK ? rff(W.tNM. wMwJfi&V '" tf0:KKKX0UXK)K) Connolly & Wallace I 5cranton,s Shopping Center Ma,& You Uric Acic, Rheuma tisn or Bladder Trouble? To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney and Blad der Remedy, Will Do for YOU, All Our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail Pain or dull ache In the back Is un mistakable evidence or kldnev trouble. It is Nature's timely warning to show you that the Hack or health Is not clear. TO-DAY'S PARADE. ON EUXL TIME. Are Delaware and Hudson Mines Working- to the Limit. It's n long time since there was such activity In the mine workings of the Delaware and Hudson In this city as or the past two days. The mines are now on full time and rre being worked to the limit. The order to change from three-quarters to full time was received just as the miners were coming out of their places Monday night. Though some or them were on their way home, the order to pet out nil the coal possible was con sidered so imperative that it was a case of "back to the mines," nnd back the men went to put in the other quarter of a day. It Is being illustrated anew these days how far the mines and collieries in this vicinity engage labor that Is available. At the Hendricks and the Carbondale Machine companies' plants there is such a scarcity of laborers since the strike that it was found necessary to Increase the wages of laborers to teii -........, u. uuj, in uiic ul me Hijops, as a premium. But even with this expedi ent, enough laborers cannot be secured. Tho same is true in the experience of builders nnd contractors. It is almost a hardship to get men to do the work of laborers; all seem to have returned to the mines. There tire numerous cases of dlssatls faction and discontent among the miners of Forest City, because or the retention -of non-union men in the posi tions they hold during- the strike. There is a possibility of some action looking towards redress among the union employes. AFTER THIRTY YEARS. WlHinm McHale Visits Carbondale After Prospering in the West. William McHale, a former Carbon dallan, step-brother of ex-Select Coun cilman Thomas Rattle, is visiting in this city after an absence of thirty years. ' Mr. McHale left here in early man hood and lias prospered amid the land of opportunities In Utah which is now his home. Ho is the owner of numer ous mineral tracts, some of which are rich In copper and will "His Coffers , 'KliVi as, they tiro developed. One mine peculiarly named, "The Hired Girl" has of Itself, made him a wealthy man Hts -possessions, however, were not the . Btf Wf . ''hanee,, When, lie first went West. Mr. McIIalu labored hard and long and was employed for sometime on the Pnlon Pacific railroad which was then being fastened to the ear.Hi to uolto tho .Coast with the West. His keenest-, his good Judgment, his la dustry, patience and pursevereneo brought him the modest fortune which is now' his. Mr, McHale lias those sturdy char acteristics found lu a man who lias . Broivnulth a country from its stato of wild freedom, Ho Is full of wit ami humor and in renewing acquaintances of-the days when Carbondale was but a score of years a city, lie offers society that Is companionable and blehiy ph. joyable, He will be here for u row weeks. The numerous friends of .Mr, McHale, who may not have greeted him since his return, will be pleased to learn of his good fortune. L Big Demonstration of United Xabor Is Expected The Formation and the line of March Letter from Local Ministers. Arrangements for today's demonstra tion, in honor of John Mitchell day, were completed yesterday, and at this stage only the assurance of fair weather is needed to realize the san guine expectations that the occasion will be memorable In the history of organized labor in this vicinity. Only Carbondale locals of the United Mine Workers will be in line. It was hoped thai the Vtmdllug and Maylleld miners would join with their brethren in Carbondale in observing the day. There is disappointment, however, as the former will take part in the Forest City demonstration, and the Mayfleld miners win parade In Jerinyn. The unions of mechanics and trades men affiliated with the Central Labor union will be out In force, It Is .prom ised, and will have the right of line. They are requested to report to the grand marshal at the place of forma tion. Harry Kerins, who is grand marshal, has issued the following orders, cover- lug the formation, lino of march, etc.: Squad of Police. Grand Marshal, Harry Kerins. Chief of staff, James Keemin: aides. Frank Nolan, Felix Paone, 844: John Toolan, 877; Jacob Williams, ail; John Mildon, 1S97: Thomas Murphy, 1011; Martin Rattle,' 969; Joseph Pldgeon, 1C9G; William Purieh, Highland Park local. Carriages containing city offieials and clergy. First Division. Commander, Ignace A'eroskl. Music. Simpson Local, No, 36. Music. i Black Diamond Local, No, ISO". Highland Park Local. Second Division. Commander, John C!affney. Music. No. 1 .Shaft Local. Xo. S77. Powdcrly Inside Local, Xo. 9. Powdeiiy Outside Local, Xo. Iiiliti, Cualbrook Outside Local, Xo, Hill, Coalbrook Inside Local, Xo. S44. Formation. First division will form on South Church street, right resting on Blghth avenue, Second dhlslim will form on Souih River street, left resting on Blghth ave nue, i Line of March. If these danger signals are unheeded. more serious results are sine to follow; Kright's disease, which Is the worst form or kidney trouble, may steal upon you. The mild and the extraordinary ef fect or the world-famous kldnev and bladder remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince anyone-and you may have a sample bottle free, by mall. Backache. Uric Add and Urinary Trouble. Amonir th nini. -,.,,,.. ., M'm,.?.1,l,',l..0t '"vestlgatea Iiy the Sernnlon .i ,W" nlJ10 ..onc wo Publish lodny for tiio benefit ot our leaders, speaks In the highest terms of the wonderful nrntivn nrrtiirii.f nn t i.i.. r7. 'f-i. ,.'B K'eut. Kiuuey remedy. Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnshamlon, X. Y. Gentlemen: When I wrote von last nnnf ',.,? ft sam,,B 1,0''fi of Swamp- lmnlri.il.:. ..I. ' . V. "' "' 1"11 IMHH ;,.,.i,i, , '"c"""iiHm anil iiilnurv ? iVi1-" exSeKS, of mlc cd. Alter nriViilo Ple bottle, she bought a aige bottlo hero at the drug store. That pi, Jiff",.0 mUc" S00'1 Klle bought more. the effect of Swamp-Root was wonderful nnd almost Immediate. She has felt no letiirii or the old trouble sine" Oct.. 1501. R THOMAS. 42i Best St., Buffalo, X. Y. Lame back is only one symptom of kidney trouble one of many. Other symptoms showing that you need Swnmp-Koot are, obliged to pass water often during the day and to get up many times at night, Inability to hold your urine, smarting or Irritation in passing, brick-dust or sediment in tho urine, catarrh of the bladder, uric acid, 'constant headache, dizziness, sleepless ness, nervousness, irregular-heart-beating, rheumatism, bloating, Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion. If your water when allowed to remain undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or settling, or has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that your kidneys and blad der need Immediate attention. in taking Swamp-ltoot you afford natural help to Xature, for Swamp Hoot is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. Swamp-Root Is the great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful success In both slight and severe cases. Doctors recommend It tn their patients and use it in their own families, because they recocnlze in Swamp-Root the greatest and most suc cessful remedy.' If you have the slightest symptoms, of kidney or bladder trouble, or ir there is a trace of It in your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng hamtoii, X. Y., who will gladly send you free by mail, immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle or Swamp Root and a book or wonderful Swamp Root testimonials. Be sure to say that you read this generous offer in the Scranton Tribune. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, von i-an purchase tho regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at drug stores every where. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Rlnghaniton, X. Y., on every bottle 18,000 Pairs of Children's Stockings at 5c a Pair A Sale Unprecedented in the Trade History of This Country All Sizes for All Ages 0X 900 pairs, size 5, suitable for shoe sizes 750 pairs, size sy, suitable for shoe sizes 900 pairs, size 6t suitable for shoe sizes 2400 pairs, size 6, suitable for shoe sizes 3450 pairs, size 7, suitable for shoe sizes 4950 pairs, size jl4, suitable for shoe sizes 3150 pairs, size 8, suitable for shoe sizes size ;-, suitable for shoe sizes size 9, suitable for shoe sizes size ok', suitable for shoe sizes 450 pairs, 200 pairs, 7i pairs, 4, 5. 5 6. 6tf, 7 71, 8, . 8tf 9. , 9T, 10 10, 11, 11 12, 124, 13 13K. 1. i 2, 2, 3 3, 4, 412 5, y, 6 pavement: countermarch to Church, to Klghth avenue, to River street, to Dun dart street crossing; countermarch to Salem avenue, to Main street, down Main to Eighth avenue, and counter march to city building and dlsper.se. Parade will move In no less than col umn of fours. Parade will start at lo a. m. sharp. Harry Kerins, Orand Marshal. Ministers' Acceptance. The local pastors, who were Invited to join In the celebration of John Mitch ell day, met yesterday forenoon, and in accepting tho Invitation, addressed the following communication to the United Mine Workers: Carbondale, Pa., Oct. 1'S, 1902. United Mine Workers: Dear Sirs: We thank you cordially for your courteous invitation to ride in the procession tomorrow, John Mitchell day. AVe are glad with you that your differences with the operators have been referred to arbitration, tomorrow also being a celebration of winning tho demand for sueh reference made from the beginning of the union. We con gratulate you thnt In our city there has been little violence in comparison with what has occurred elsewhere. Wu wish to seo all honest workmen receive good wages. We iiec.ept your kindly Invitation in order that ivo tuny attest our Interest In the welfare of laboring men. Rut, lest our presence bo misconstrued, wo desire to put on record our dlsannrovni of the intimidation, bloodshed and boy- WHY STAY PALE. eottllic which htivit tiviii.,i n.o ,... Up Main street to Relmont, to end of i or the strike. As servants of nod, who Mini, -anou (wine not uiii," we must re fuso to seem to condone i operator or workman violation of the divine law, or Infringement upon the sacred rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of hap. plness," which our country stands for, We bellovo the right or Individual con tract Is of sueh colossal importance tlmt the welfare of our country depends upon It. Yours sincerely, A. P. Chaffee, Charles Lee, R, A. Saw yer, II. J. Whnlen. is, from Mr. O'Hare's point of view. According to the speaker, we cannot say "My Country 'Tin of Thee." until we have another bonfire such as was kindled In the revolutionary war to destroy the charter rights of King George. The new bonfire, which will be a bigger one, will destroy the char ter rights banded down through all the ages and now held by Morgan. Rock feller, el. al. We might also chant the song or lrecciom when every man Is allowed to labor in "God's Workshop and Xot In the Factory of .Morgan." According to Mr. O'Hare under pies ent economic conditions we are all slaves. The man who controls the means that provide the necessities of life, likewise owns the souls of those who work for him. .Socialism, he warmly recommended, and with a good deal of fervor, Is the crackajack remedy for all these Ills and evils and he declared the move ment to be the greatest religious, noll- tlcal and economic ever conceived and carried on. Mr. O'Hare frankly admitted he was a radical, a fact that was nuite patent and clear without directing 'one's at tention to it., Mr. Klaytou gave a conservative talk which clearly presented the arguments of Socialism. . 5 TOTAL 18,000 PAIRS AT 5 CENTS A PAIR, j They have double knees and spliced heels, toes, and 5 soles. They come in two styles of rib, fine and medium, J the finer rib is more of a girls' stocking, the wider rib J more for boys' wear. v Both are equal in value to any 2lzz stocking you Q have ever bought. Jj In fact they are regular T2Ac goods, perfect in every H respect, fresh from the mill, fast black, of course. g Don't ask us how we, got them to sell at this ridicu- g lous price, that's our secret. It is the greatest hosiery 5fi bargain ever offered by any store in America. J5 You will notice in the assortment of sizes a It derance of sizes 6L 7, 72 and 8, the sizes most g mand for school children. P ' Connolly & Wallace never offer paltry lots in their U bargain sales, you know that by experience. There is al Jj ways enough for all comers, and there' is no limit on the J quantity you may buy. None sold to dealers, however. Charitable Institutions and Homes for Children J should avail themselves of this offer. prepon- JJ uc- V in. s Now on 1 Conno 5 allace 5 in. KK5KKXXXXXKaOX$QfiK:SdOKKKXKKQeSOXXXXXX 123-1 25-12M29 Washington Ave. PERSONAL MENTION. j Anthracite ia Susquehanna, The Susouehanna, Transcript describes Us follows tho transit of the first train of anthracite through the town of hills after the coal strike: "Flfty-seven cars of. unthraclu coal, thfe first to pass over- tha Jeffei-60it dl Xlb'au since the ending pt Ihe hiluers' A pity to sec pale girls stay pale and dull when it is so easy to get Scott's Emulsion. One of the best things Scott's Emulsion does is to give rich blood to pale girls. The result of regular doses of Scott's-Emulsion is an in crease not only in the red color of the blood and in the appetite but in the good looks and bright manners which are the real charm of per feet health. StuJ fr Ftct Sj!. SCOTT k BO WNIIj Cheaisu, 409 Purl St t N, Y, SOME PEPPERY TAXK, Radical SoclalisLSpeaker from Kan sas SaysT'ait Things, if there Is anything; to boast of In the distinction of being" the most redloul speaker ever heard In Carbondale on Socialism, then Frank I. O'Hare, of Kansas City, Mo., can enjoy this ills. Unction. Mr. O'Hure was ut the Academy of Jluslo last night sharing the platform with J, w, Slaton, of Mew Castle, Socialist candldato for governor ot Pennsylvania. J, Pierpont Morgan, John D. Rocbfeller, President Baer, of tho Reading railroad, were put on the rack and given a flaying for their aU tempted pivnership of the earth, that Bill Frnna Greets Carbondallans. William F. Frans!, of Scranton, famil iarly known to a legion of close friends as Rill Franz, was In Carbondale yes terday in tho Interest of bis candidacy tor county commissioner, on an Inde pendent ticket. Mr. Franz has enjoyed the watm friendship of a host of Carbondallans for years, and everywhere yesterday he was received with cordial greetings and kind words of encouragement. Killed n 1-iuwreiu-e Malone, Coon. the barber, and James Loughlln spent Monday lu Mu ft. son's woods, beyond Farvlew. In search of game. The winged trophies were xearee, but the day was not without results, as they killed a raccoon, Unclaimed Letters. The following Is ti list of letters re maining In the Carbondale, Pu post oilice, October 20, 1002, for persons un known: Rev, C, 13. cartwrlght, Ci, w. Cramer, Jim Cramer, Levi Gleason, Philander Hathaway, R. G. Huston, Jermyn lllectrlo Light, Heat and Power company, Dr, T, J. I.umb, Peter Mc Kune, John Regan, Gus B. West, Ada Dean, Miss Jennie Uurnhart, Miss Mag. gle Dunn, Miss Bridget Cain, MUs Flortu, Miss Bvelyn Huston, Miss Katie Stephens, Miss. Mamie Taylor, Mis Mary Farreli, Mrs. George Kearney; foreign, Paull Sterson. J. II. Thomas, Postmaster. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wedden Humph rey returned Monday night from their honeymoon, and are now 11 1 home nt the Humphrey residence, lOSSaleni ave nue. A large number of frlunds niiii'f up a welcoming party to greet them at the Delaware and Hudson station 011 their return. Prohibition candidates for county commissioners George V. nie.uecker, Newton and Goiuer D. Iteepe, Hcranton. Cashier H. A. Judwln, of tho Flint National bank, has returned from n business trip to Chicago, In connection with the Automatic Telephone com pany, In which lie Is Interested nnun c hilly, Miss Blltt Spencer, of Ann Arbor, Mich,, Ulster of C, B, Spencer, who has many friends In Carbondale, acquired on her visits here, was compelled to undergo nu operation, after an attack of appendicitis, a few days ago. It will be .reassuring to her friends to lenrn that she Is out of danger and on the road to recovery, Mr. and .Mrs. C B, Spencer left for Ann Arbor this week-. John Moran, of Carbondale, who has been employed In the shops here during the strike, will leave here tonight. Oood luck to him "down In tho mines!" Susquehanna. Transcript. James Boylan, of Pike street, em ployed us driver at the Curboiidalo branch of Clarke Uros., has been trans, ferred to the Scranton store, and given u better position lu the meat depart, mem. Mrs, Harriet lluyiior, of Lincoln ave nue, left yesterday to visit friends at Norwich. N. V. Vote for John U. Jordan, Republican candidate for state senator. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Miss Jean Hunter were Thomas Hunter and wife, of Jer. myn; Dr. and .Mrs. William Van Dot-en, Miss Gerblg, Mrs. James Nlcol mid Mrs. Hrueo Nlcol, of Archbald. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Reduced Rates to Now Orleans and Return Via Southern Railway. On account of tho meeting of Amer ican Hankers association, New Orlennf, l.ii., Nov. llth-Uith, 1002, the .Southern railway will sell round trip tickets from Washington, D, C, to New Orleans, l.ii, on Nov, Sth, nth and 10th at rate of one rare, viz, $27,50; final limit 10 days from date of sale, except by depositing tickets with Joint agent, New Orleans on or before Nov. IStli, und payment of fee of llt'ty cents, tickets can be ex tended until Nov, 20th, 1002. Unto from Philadelphia $32.s.,. Cor responding!) low rates from other points. The Southern railway operates three through trains dally with Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia and Washington to New Orleans without change; dining car service on all through trains, Charles h. Hopkins, D. P. A. Southern rnllway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadel phia will furnish nil Information, Lakewood which Is replete with Infoc" mation, und It's yours for the asking. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative nroino-Qululiie Tablets. This signature jzmt it on every box, 23c, STfJk Theie's No Place More Homelike. Lakewood the fashionable Lakewood the glorious, Is tho one resort to which tho resort er now turns for a period of enjoyment, and such enjoyment in cludes every known sport. Lakewood's drives, than which there are none better, attract a gay throng and traps of every kind uro in constant use. The hunt attracts many, llkewlso cycling and polo, but when one iluds such delightful, yes wonderful links us Lakewood possesses. 0110 little wonders that golf Is the popular game. Another feature of piomlnenco is its hotels, hos ieries commodious, grand or rather palatial, where one's.welfare is the llrst and foremost consideration. These iiul!l!cut!oiiB, Including u mn?t mar velous atmosphere, Imvo made Lake wood famous the world over. This re sort Is reached only via tho New Jersey Central, and Its passenger department in New York lias Issued a booklet on S32.S5 to New Orleans, Ii., and Re turn via tho Lehigh Valley Rail road November 8, 0 nnd 10. On account of American Bankers' as sociation convention nt New Orleans, La November 11-13, the Lehigh Val ley railroad will sell special tickets nt $32.83 for tho round trip, good going November Sth, flth and 10th, limited to return to It days. Including date of bale. Bxtenslon of return limits to November SOth can be obtained by de positing ticket with Joint agent at New Orleans on or before November ISth, and payment ot .'0 conts. Tickets good on all trains except the Hlack Diamond express. See ticket agents for further information. .TKKMYX MAY FIELD. An exciting runaway accident occurred hero between 6 and 7 o'clock last CVCI1I113, A team belonging lo Hardware Merchant Bagan had been left on tho hill at May. Held In temporary chargu of a boy, whlla tho dilver was delivering sonio goods, Tho boy got off the wagon and the team started off and ciinui through to Jermyn at terrlllo speed. When they reached tho loot of the hill 111 iront or the. silk mill they liec.-jnio Martlcd by the approach of a street car with 11 hillllant headlight, and turning ntilikly il.ished lu front of tho cur, with which they collided. Tho forea of the collision knocked the wagon back ward about ten feet. The cur was slopped and It was found that one horse was seilously Injured. Tho Injured animal was removed to Its stable, and upon e.s. amliiutlon was found to ho Injured about the head and back. Tho other horse was 110110 ihe Noire for Its experience. Miss Hertha Russell, of MoohIc, is vis iting lelatlves lu town. .Miss Miirgiu-ct Heady, of Caihondala. wns the guest of Miss Aniiio Gavin, ot Second street, yesterday Miss Stella Matthews, of Liueine, and Ouilleld JackMin, ot Harvey's Lake, are tho guests or Dr. and Mrs. llryon H. Jackson, of Maylleld. Vote Tor John 11. Jordan, Republican candldato for stute senator. Miss Mary Spcttlguv. of Cemetery street, has been confined to hor homo with silkness for the oust week.'