THE SCRANTON-TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1902. .to B. I. A. ACROBATIC TEAM. f Unnsnal Value Offerings An Attractive Display Of Pillow Tops in the Art Department In many departments to day. Dress Goods, Domes tic's lead the race. Don't forget the Furniture Store on the fourth floor. Attention L Read Women's Suits, Jackets, Coats, Skirts and Waists We mention today from the above lines one number selected at random from the many for your consideration ; Monte-Carlo Coats at $12.50 This number In coats found hero "is accorded a place of distinction among tho many shown on account of Its superior value In style U'-.y--y'uwiJiajLj?s Tlie team Is composed ot Peter Hol'Iic. lolin Tlerney, John Jiulilcmuii, John Dun dors, Michael Dm kin. One of the stroiiRCHt ami most help ail denizations in the city In which rlmi-dctcr bulldinpr, mental and physical training are taught Is the Boys' In dustrial association, connected with St. Luke's Episcopal church. It Is an or ganization of working hoys for Kelt improvement, all ot whom manifest Kieat Interest Jn the various classes and departments of work. The as-soolatlou was formed in Sep tember 1S99 by the rector, Jtcv. Rogers Israel, I). !., who has been greatly as sisted by Lincoln K. Ilrown, an ex perienced worker In boys' clubs. Seven boys constituted the original cluts, which now numbers four hundred. The classes of instruction Include chair caning, printing, carpentry, ar chitectural drawing, reading and writ ing. Physical culture is uls-o taught in various forms, and shower baths arc also a feature of the institution. Other features of the association are the cabinet. In which seietaries of state, treasury, industry, and interior are per manent fixtures. 1 wo political parties, the "Washing ton and the Lincoln, exist in the asso ciation, and each have their president First Aid fo Injured in Mine Accidents From a Lecture Delivered by Dr. George W. King before the International Mining Congress at Helena, Mont. THIS niCSI'SClTATlON of tlKHO who have been overcome and rendered unconscious by inhalation of poison ous gases is necessarily Hist aid work. The qui'UIon of how to accom plish tills oblect must be considered. Lit tle can be done before removal to a lo cation whoie the air is comparatively frcMi. Then cold water dashed into the face anil friction applied to the limbs will httmulnto the resumption of breathing. Should it fail to do so, artificial rcspir.i llon must bo resorted to at once. It con sists of forcing air into the lungs by imi tating the natural act of breathing. The hteps of procedure aro as follows: Placo the patient upon his back, with head and shoulders slightly elevated; loosen the clothing and cleanse mouth and nostrils; pull tlio tonguo forward and bring it out of tlio imglo of the mouth to remove all obstruction to the cnlranco of air. The operator then kneels at the head ot the patient, and reaching forward, grasps tho aims near tlio elbows, carries them up In an extended position. Tills manopuvro creates a vacuum In tho lungs allowing air to enter, tho arms aro held In this position for two seconds, and then enr rled downward and pressed firmly against tho sides, forcing air from tho lungs hy compression. This to and fro movement la kept up at tho rale of 11 to IS per minute, until thorn Is a return of natural breathing, usually signaled by a voluntary gasp on tho part of the patient. This Is tho most reliable of all methods of restoring suspended animation, caused by Inhaling carbon dioxide, Air must bo gotten Into tlio lungs, either by the forco or natural net of breathing. Otherwise, the case Is hopeless. As soon as tho breathing becomes regular, tho inhalation of oxvgen gas may bo begun and con tinued until tho livid color of tho skin becomes less maikod, mid consciousness returns. In tho absence of tho oxygen gas, stimulant nio next to bo thought of, us soon as tbero Is ability to swallow. "Whiskey or nromnlle spirits of ammonia nro best. Ammonia has tho property of quicker action, but Is less durablo than Ihat of alcohol. Smiling the fumes of ammonia U also usefm. "When p.itlenH begin to revive, there Is apt to bo cramp ing of the limbs or general convulsions. Tills requires no treatment beyond pro tecting them from Injuring themselves by tho convulsive movements. The rases need watching for somo hours, for it may happen that thoso who aro apparently out of danger will suffer a relap-e nnd be come again unconscious and die If loft to themselves. Taking tho practical view that, with tho best equipment nnd most elllclent service, accidents mny nnd do happen, tlio caio of tho iujiucd must bo considered with reference! to their Immedlato necessities. To bo prcpaied for emergencies Is tho first essential, Tills refers to tho few meilclncs and appliances that may bo needed for temporary use. Those arti cles should bo kept In reserve at tho most accessible stntlon within the .mine, and plain hud conctso directions for their . proper and legitimate Indications posted In a conspicuous place, tjiat all may hnvo tho privilege of learning linw and what 1o do for others In case of need, To avoid unnecessary complications, tho list of ar ticles must ho limited to (ho actual to- qulremonts, cmimntcd, It would appear, ns follows; One-half dozen bandages, 'i',i Old Stories Retold. People never tiro of hearing the ofi repeated story of the success of Chum lierluln'B Cough Remedy. From all over tho country nnd even in far away India, China and the Soutl) Sea Islands t'orno letters from druggists and deal ers, stating the raro pleasure they de jivo from handling a preparation which Lives such unlveisal satisfaction. They nil tell the same story of the undoubted merit of this remedy, and of its cffl racy in the relief of coughs, colds and croup, and personally recommend it to their customers. The remedy Is sold on ti positive guarantee and has never failed to do all that Is claimed for It. Aur Jie by all druuslsts, John It. Thomas. Thomas WntMns. Malcolm 1'iltu, Clarence Colby, Setli Thomas, lavey, Vincent Duulavey, Scull, Hairy F. Clark, instructor; Alfred Saun- and vice-president. A supreme court, a savings bank, a gymnasium and other features help make the organization a desirable self improvement. A well selected library is also kept for the benefit of the boys. During the first week of July 1900 a number of the boys established a camp at Lake Henry, where they had a delightful time. When the associa tion rooms were reopened In Septem ber bookkeeping and shoe cobbling were added to the courses of instruction. Mr. Brown resigned as superinten dent In December 1001, and was suc ceeded by Lincoln W. Barnes, who lias since carried on the work with much success. Under his direction the work has been conducted along former lines, with only such changes as come with natural growth and development. One of the new features which proved suc cessful, was that of offering prizes in the industrial, and some departments of the governmental work: the former based on the quality of the work and tlicv latter upon attendance. A senior club, with a charter mem bership of eight ot the older boys, which has been recently organized, provides to :i inches in width and 1 yard In length; one package of aosorbent cotton, one roll of adhesive pliiatcr, ono dozen safety pins, galvanized wash bowl, soap and towel, temporary splints for the limbs, a litter, 1 cylinder of compressed oxygen gas with inhaling mask; medicines other than stimulants aro not indicated. Two ounces of aromatic sphiu of ammonia, with a small flask of brandy, are added for the latter. Tho medicines and dress ings may bo stored In a tin box with a tightly fitting cover, and tho whole pro tected from molstuie. After an accident, tlio danger to be apprehended to thoso who aro severely Injured depends In a measure upon the length of time which must lapse before medical aid can reach them. This period vailes from a few mo ments to several hours, according to cir cumstances. During this interval of waiting, what Is to bo done? In somo In stances, nothing; hi others, prompt ac tion must bo taken to savo life. Upon those who nic present, or first to arrive, devolve the duty of attending as best they can to tlio immedlato necessities, whatever they may be. Tho demoralizing effect of an accident upon those who wit nessed It is apt to bo harmful in two ways; first, by causing delay when tlmo Is the important factor, and second, by inciting too energetic nttempts at ren dering assistance, Jt is therefore well to remember that, however alarming tho situation, calmness and presence of mind is all-important. Undue excitement contributes to render thu chances of succor less certain, If not Impossible. Ono who is competent to do tho right thing whenever and wherever Mich servlco Is Imporatlvo exerts an iu (lucuco most assuring and helpful to thoso In peril, and to thoso who must assist in their care. Gentleness without timidity Is of Inestimable vuluo in this service, under all conditions. In cailng for tlio Injured lliero aio cer tain things to do, applicable in nil cases. "Wo begin by placing tlio individual in a leciimbcnt and easy position, and pro ceed to loosen tho clothing about the neck and cheat, and If tho patient Is able to swallow and there Is no pxeosslvo bleed ing, external or Internal, fioin wounds or concussions, a moderate amount of whis key or aromatic spirits of ammonia may bo given, us a temporary stimulant, if stunned ..and unconscious no attempt to glvo fluids by tho mouth should bo made, owing to tho liability of their eiitoilug tho viludpipo and causing siilfocntloii. Cold water may with ndvnntiigo bo Hptlnklcd upon the faco to exclto effort at breath ing, Friction applied to tho CNtremlties, being careful to select thoso which aro mi Iujiucd, is a healthy measure, lleat ap plied externally Is good when tho surfaco of tho body Is cold and tlio cliculation feeble. "When reaction has becomo cs tablisiied thu limbs should bo examined, ono by one, and In tho samo careful man ner tho chest, abdomen and head. In this way tlio Injuries cannot fall to bo noted. When tlieio Is dangerous hemorrhage caused by wounds ami falutlugs from loss of blood ensues, appropilato means to coutiol It must bo employed promptly. To arrest bleeding, different methods aro em ployed, nil moio or leas mechanical, I'rcs siiio Is tho readiest and most effective means for tho temporary control In ur gent cases. To apply tho Ilpgcrs over tho courso ot an artery and compress It sufficiently to shut ontf tho current of blood requires but an Instant, and this udvantago In tlmo la not to bo overlooked, especially when a laige vessel Is wounded, Troiiblesomo bleeding from wounds In tho palm of tho hand Is effectually checked by similar methods, Digital com pression of tho largo urteiles of tho thigh Is moro difficult owing to tlio laiga mass of muscles by which It Is surrounded. Tho limb should bo elevated nnd a small, film pad placed over tho nrteiy, then a huud(iorclilef or pleco of iopo Is made to euclrclo tho limb over tho pad, a shuip stick Introduced Into tho loop and twist ed upon Itself until tlio bleeding Is ef fectually coutl oiled. Cold Is an effectlvo means of checking oozing from small twigs of urteiles or veins. Ice, enow or cold water Is placed In contact with tho bleeding surface.. Heat is equally serviceable, and Is applied by means of compresses dipped in hot water, In deep wounds, when the source of bleeding is obscure and tho condi tion of tho patient is critical, packing tho wound with strips of gauze or with ab sorbent cotton Is peimlsslble. After re moving blood clots, the gauze or cotton is forced into the bottem of tho wound and tho cavity filled and a bandago firmly applied to the parts. In these manipu lations absolute cleanliness Is to bo in a much needed department of the work. The organization will be known as the Young Men's Forum and lias a 14x16 foot loom for its exclusive use, holding weekly sessions of business and enter tainment, Mrs. Wninwright In charge. The gymnasium classes, under the capable direction of Harry F. Clark, have done exceptionally good work during the past year, notwithstanding the lack of apparatus. An exhibition of the acrobatic "teams of the Scranton and Wilkes-Barre B. I. A.'s is to be given each month, the proceeds of which will be used for the purchase of apparatus for the gymnasium. On November 4, the superintendent, the two delegates, and three or four other boys will attend the semi-annual convention of the State Federation of Boys' Clubs at Philadelphia", Pa. It will bo a three days' trip and will cost the boys only $3.00 each; the remain ing expense to be borne by the club's traveling fund. A substitute will be in charge during the absence of the superintendent. The work of this club is open to public inspection and any who are In terested are always welcome. sisted upon to prevent infection. Tho bunds of the operator should bo thorough ly scrubbed with soap and water and the dtessings kept as tree from contamina tion as possible. Internal bleeding, induced by serious in juries, is unfortunately not amenable to active tieatnients. and wo must content ourselves with insisting upon perfect quietude, administering cool ill Inks and applying cold compresses over affected re gion. Tlitsu simple means may appear insignificant and of doubtful utility in tlio presence of grave conditions, and tho temptation to do something moro radical in the way of lieatment is at times diffi cult to resist. A moment's redaction should establish the fact that the imiiiod erato uso of stimulants or active move ments of tho patient tend to deviate tho object wo have in view, viz., to favor tho formation or a clot at tho point of rup tuio of tho artery or vein. Nature's method of arresting hemorrhage faint ing Is a saving Incident, and may bo so regai ded unless tho weakness Is prog ressive and the shock so profound as to threaten immedlato death. In the lat ter emergency stimulation and warmth must bo tho treatment. It is to bo un derstood Hint surgical skill Is required to deal with such extremu cases. The sug gestions above outlined are for tho bene fit of thoso who arc uninstructcd In tlio treatment of severe Injuries. The lifting and carrying of tho injured Is apt to bo awkwatdly dono by men In expeiienced in such service. Many in juilcs ate of such a nature, that misap plied forco will further complleato iho lesions which already exist, if, Indeed, it does not lead to irrcp.nnhlo damncc. A simple fracture of tho leg may be con verted Into a compound one by Injudicious handling. An unnecessary laceration of tissues Is pmduccd, and consequent sut feilng, besides adding to tho gravity of tho case. This is but ono of tho many things which may happen to tho disad vantage of tho patient during tiansporta tlou. To lift mi Injured poison properly requires three bearers. Two should stand upon opposilo sides. In a position to sup port tho upper pail of tlio body, tho third whoie ho can conveniently take carJ ot tho lower extremities. Then, with thu patient upon his b,ack, all diop upon ouo knee, tho two piiuclpal bearers pushing their aims under iho back, lock hands firmly together. Tho thiid pushes both arms under tlio limbs, At a given signal all aiiso to their feet, Tlio weight is thus easily dlstl United us to bo easily borne, nnd lliero Is no appreclalblo jar or sud ilpn twisting of Injured parts. Indian Police Drive Off Cattle. By Kiclushc Wire from The AssoilatcJ Vim. Ardmore, I, T., Oct, iu Tho Indian po llco uro ejecting largo herds of cattlo in tho vicinity of Marietta, beonuso tho stockmen persist in iodising to settle tho tlibnl tax, which Is now being forced by tho Pnlted States government. Tho cattlo aro dilvon to Jted liver and put across Into Texas. It Is said Hint tho stockmen will npply for an Injunction to restrain tlio tribal authorities from removing stock, Toot Ball Player Injured. By Kclnsi-,c Wire (rcmTlie Atociated Pien- Fast Orange, Is'. J,, Oct, i. Injuries received in a foot ball ganio heio yester day morning may possibly causo tho deulh of George C, Bird, jr 19 years old, son of a prominent lawyer of Plaliiticld. It lias not yet been determined whether tho oung man has sustained u fracture of the. skull, or whether ho Is buffering liom concussion of the bruin. Ho was unconscious when ho was taken to his home, tnrwnHnWPflWffwP ftillllil L TAk ai J 1 1 U r 1 1 tfTtel SHREDDED V AT fl-lOUE, BISCUIT and quality, made from an All-wool Kersey, satin lined, natural roll back with storm collar. Comes In black, Make a note of this before you purchase elsewhere. Priced at Women's Pedestrienne Skirts for $5.00 Have slot seams and rows of stitching around bottom, made with 7-gore, black, blue, oxford, green and brown. Women's and Misses' Norfolk Jackets Marked at $6.98. Ought to be $10.00. This Is a new and very up-to-date style, made from Kersey Cloth, straps with belt attachments, Only Women's Tailor-Made Suits at $12.98 Made from Blue and Black Cheviot, trimmed with satin bands and Postillion Back, Blouse Silk, lined wilh with Near Silk '. Flannel Waists at $2.49 Made from fine French Flannel, newest and prettiest of colorings, odd and very pretty designs. No better evidence can be given as a proof that our Suit Department Is the best thaa these few Items mentioned here for today and tomorrow's business. An Exceptionally Pretty Display of ART MATERIALS FOR TODAY Stamped Linen Doylies in new designs. Also Holly, Sveet Peas, Wild Rose, Forget-Me-Nots and Chrysanthemums, etc. 9 12 18 20 24 inches ioc i2c 25c 29c 39c The Newest Shades In Taffeta Silk A new line which stands out as a magnet In the Silk Department, at this price. Per yard 5(JC hANNOUWCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS A UNITED STATES ARMY SANI TARIUM. To Be Established in the Black Hills. The Healing Waters at Hot Springs Expected to Restore Quickly the Health of Sick and Exhausted Troopers. Congress has authorized the estab lishment ot a Sanitarium for disabled soldiers at Hot Springs, S. D., the famed health resort of the Black Hills, and a Board of Managers has selected a site for tho purpose, bordering on the main street of the town, and In cluding two of the best known springs. Its olllcial name will bo The Battle Mountain Sanitarium. The Board of Survey went into the question of climate, water, etc., in a most scientific and thorough manner, and has declared unquallllcdly In favor of the great South Dakota resort as being wonderfully well adapted for the government's purposes. These springs aro not a recent dis covery, the Indians having known their healing qualities for almost 300 years. In fact, the Sioux, about the year A. D. 1017 fought a great battle hero with tho tribe thou in possession and drove them out, to hold possession of the healing waters from that day to the tlmo when, In 1877, they ceded tho land to the United States government. It is this groat light of thrco centuries ago Hint gives the name to the moun tain near the springs, and to tho gov ernment's new hospital and resting placo for troops. The material development ot thu Black Hills region; and the Sanitarium project Is of much interest to tlio Chi cago and Northwestern railway, which has a direct Hue, Chicago to Hot Springs, Dcadwood and I-ead. Reduced Rates to New Orleans and Return Via Southern Railway. On account of the meeting of Amer ican Bankets association, New Orleans, L,a Nov. Hth-13th, 1902. the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets from Washington, D, C. to New Orleans, La. ou Nov. 8th, 9th and 10th at rate of ono fare, viz, $27.00; final limit 10 days from date of sale, except by depositing tickets with joint agent, New Orleans on or before Nov. 18th, and payment of fee of fifty cents, tickets can bo ex tended until Nov. 30lh, 1902, Hate from Philadelphia J32.S5. Cor respondingly low rates from other points. Tho Southern railway operates threo through trains dally with Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia and Washington to New Orluans without change; dining ear servlco on all through trains. Charles U Hopkins, D. P. A. Southern railway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadel phia will furnish all Information. There's No Place More Homelike. Lakewood tho fashionable I.akcwood tho glorious, Is the one resort to which the reaorter now turns for a period of enjoyment, unci .such enjoyment in cludes every known sport. Lakewood's drives, than which there are none better, attract a gay throng and traps of every kind aro in constant use. The hunt attracts many, llkewiso cycling and polo, but when one finds such delightful, yes wonderful links as Lakewood possesses, one llttlo wonders that golf la the popular game. Another feature of prominence is Its hotels, hos telrles commodious, 'grand or rather All the latest subjects in Lithograph Pil low Tops, including the popular Fencing Girl and The Smoker, all priced at 49 cents each, cords .and tassels in all color combinations, will be sold during exhibition week ior, each !29C each 21 -Inch Black Waterette Taffeta Silk Warranted to shed water. A special that will more than please you in Black Silk. Per yard 75C palatial, where one's welfare is the llrst and foremost consideration. These qualifications, including a most mar velous atmosphere, have made Lake wood famous the world over. This re sort Is reached only via tho New Jersey Central, and Its passenger department In New York has issued a booklet on Lakewood which Is replete with infor mation, and it's yours for the asking. $32.85 to New Orleans, La., and Re turn via the Xehigh Valley Rail road November 8, 9 and 10. On account of American Bankers' as sociation convention at New Orleans, La November 11-13, the Lehigh Val ley railroad will sell special tickets at J32.S5 for the round trip, good going November Sth, 9th and 10th, limited to return to 11 days, including date of sale. Extension of return limits to November 30th can bo obtained by de positing ticket with joint agent at New Orleans on or before November 18th, and payment of 50 cents. Tickets good on all trains except the Black Diamond express. See ticket agents for further information. Daily and Personally Conducted Ex cursions to Pacific Coast. Chicago and Northwestern railway, comfortable and convenient means of travel in Pullman sleeping cars with agreeable company, In charge of exper ienced conductors who accompany each party all the way to San Francisco, Los Angeles or Portland. Choice of routes; finest scenery. Low rate tick ets and only JC.00 for double berth. Maps and information free on applica tion to ticket agents, or address A. Q. Tallant, C07 Smlthfleld street, Pitts burg, li. Hunting Party's Wanderings, By Eiclushe Wira from The Associated I'rcsi. Huntington, Ky Oct. 26. United States Consul Alonzo Garrett, at Laudo, Mexico, returned to tho consul last night, according to a telegram received here today, after wandering with a party of ft lends in tlio Sierra Madro mountains for twenty days, tlio greater part of tho time without food, Tho party wns ou a hunting trip and Its water supply failed, Gauett resides here. Floods in Sicily. 0 Exclusive Vflte from Thu Associated Treai. Catania, Sicily, Oct. 2tl. There liavo I ecu heavy rains ami llondu between Ca tania and Syracuse. The i all way was partly destroyed near Ulclcoa and great damage has been iloiiu to property. In many places tho water has attained a depth of fifteen fcut, thu peasants mvo taken roftigo on the rout's of their hoiibcs and are firing pistols as signals of dis tress. Judge Rice Seriously 111, 11 Kirluslte Wire from The Associated frcsi. Philadelphia, Oct, . Piesldent Juilgo Crmles K. ltlco, of tho Superior court, who wis operated upon for appendicitis ou Saturday at tho l'rc&byterl.ui hospi tal, was wild by tho physicians to be ustli.K comfortably tonight. Ills conill tion Ii still serious, though much Im proved blnco the operation. Macedonian Leader Killed. By L'iclusUc Wire from The Associated Tress. London, Oct. 27. A dl&patcli to tho Ex change Telegraph company from Constan tinople says It is rcpoitul that M. Zont elielT, tho Macedonian leader, was killed during a tight between Insurgents and Turkish troops at a point between Itev? erkop and Mehilk, Kuropeau Tuikey. The Insurgents had twenty-three men killed In the engagement 20-Inch Black Peau De Soie Silk An extra fine quality, .considered by experts to be cheap at $1.25 per yard. Priced by . us at $ 1 .) THE MARKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by llaight it Kreoho Co., ;ill- 31.1 Mcars Building. W. D. Itunyon, man ager. Opcn.lllRli.Low.Uloso. Amal. Copper li.1',4 ll1"i (i.V, li.1',& Am. C. & F 3li Su'i j i"'k American Ice KM', 11 10'i lirji Am. Locomotive .... .".1U :,l',i 3l!l 31'4 Am. Loco., lr 91Ji 9.1 9 Hi 9.1 Am. S. it It. Co 17 I7'j 17 17 American Sugar ....12Pi 1JIH 121 lil'fc Atchison MOs S,'t N) Ml Atchison. Pr Kit 101'f, 101 Id! Halt. & Ohio lOS'i u9!i KiSVi jW'j, Ilrook. It. T US li.1 ill 113 Canadian Pacific ....PlT-'i 137',i l.:li lSim dies. & Ohio ."1 52 'ft fil ,11'ii Chicago & Alton .... :!7's 37'i "i'n "7',!, chic. & g. v :.) :ti :vr,a :W C M. .t St. P 192 IIUh M2 192 C, It. I. it P 2110 20(1 200 200 Col. Fuel & Ion .... 90 9oVi f9'.C. bftVfc Col. & Southern .... ?yl. !BVt :', -h Col. & South., 2(1 Pr. -19 !9j 19 1011 Den. & It. G Pr.... 91"; 91-', 9P!i 911i Detroit Southern .... 20,& 20'. 20 2UV6 lhio :; :i!n,. :;ou inn Ki-lo, 1st Pr liS'i uS!i I.M1 tMi Kile. 2d Pr Kl Bl SI Bl Hocking Valley .... 9.1'i 9.V.4 9.1V4 9.1Vi Illinois Central 119 H9;i 3 IS'j ll!7 Iowa Central II 11 M II Kan. City & South.. .Wi Wi Wt SfOi oLiils. ,t Nash ISI'l 119i't lXSls 1:',S Manhattan i:',.".1', l.'l.1r's 1:-"' VU Met. St, Ily i:!9- no i::9'. llo Mexican Central .... 20 1 20 2u Mo., Kan. ,t Tox....l iin So',', Kit Mo. Paeillc Ill', Uli 111 Hi N. Y. Central M01, irS',s Wi'l Wili Norfolk .t West .... 77', 77ft 7i.',i 7iP, Out. it AVest ::w,k ::i sir, :ij l'emia. II. It liil'i 10IU Hi::'ii hl People's Has lOHi MiVi W.Vi W.K Pressed Steel Car.,.. i!l 112)1 OHi if'.'h Heading 14' ' '"s"i "'! Heading, lha Pr SS' t ((S SS Heading, 2d Pr 7STh 79' i 7Si, 7VU Hepiiblii! Steel 22'. 22',4 2J''H 22 ltepubllc Steel. Pr... 7!".i 79'$ 79'A 79V St, L. .t Sail V 7.V6 7.V4 7.1'j 7.1'i St. L. So. w :i"t, ,:i2'!i :i2W, :;.". Southern P.ielllo .... W 721, TI", 717i Southern It. It !173s :i7i i(7',i :I7V, Southern II. H., Pr.. Mfc 9',SA !UVi 9.;9i Trim. Coal & Iron,,. il', ui'l H-Vi WI Texas .t P.icillo II"', 40' 11"! 10 I'uion Paeiiio laii loin in.v,ft ior,'; Vlilon Paeillc. Pr ... 9Pi 91", 91 OVA IT, s. Leather ll'fc ll',i ll'j 111? P. S, Steel I0J', It ijTt 4U'I STotal Niles, 20I,7W shares, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION, AVIIKAT Own. High. Low. Close. December 72-k 72 71 2i Mny "M!i 71 7U'i li COUN- Deeembcr fiW .12 MM fil-ii .May hi1 i:i!s ll!i 11 OATS- December ni Ill'i ::on 91'i May f. UJ'i liJ'.i llJ'.i 92'i l'OHK- Oelolier KM lil.Srt Hi.M KM Jamiarv 11.T.2 11.00 1.1,02 KoQ LAHD October H.m II. .ID ll.m 11. Si) January 9.07 9.13 9.07 9.1," HIHS- Octolier H.r.0 1I..10 11.30 11..V) January U7 S.20 s.17 S.'.'o Ni:V YOIIIC COTTON MAHKKT. Open. High. Low, Close. October ,.,, .S.I9 X..10 8.10 S.4(! December ,, S.M 8..17 S.SI S.51 January , su'l s.m R.u) May ,, 8.29 8.39 8.37 8.28 HANIv STATEMENT, Reserve, lucreaso ,,,, , $12,17.1,22.1 Loans, lucreaso ,,,,,,,..,,,,, !,!2ii,S0Q Specie, Increase ,,,,,, 1 l,920,.1in) Legal tender, lucreaso .,,,,,,,,,,,'.om Deposits, increase 19,.1.VI,.100 Circulation, Increase , ,,, 2, 272,800 Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100, STOCKS. Bld.Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... 60 , County Sav. Dank & Trust Co 300 Klrst Nat. Hank (Carbunu'alo). ... coj Thlid Uatlonal Hank 550 . Dime Dqp. A: Dls. Bank SOO ... lCconomy L., H. & P. Co,., ii First National Hank , 1300 .,, Lack. Trust & Safe Deo. Co . 193 ... Claik & Snover Co., Pr 123 ,,, Scroatou Savings Hank 500 ,,, Traders' National Hank 223 ,,, Scianton Holt & Nut Co 123 ,,. People's Hank 133 ,.. Scianton Packing Co , .., 83 UONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first mortgage, duo lyJO 113 .,. People's Street Railway, first uioitgage, due 191$ ,. 113 ... blue, castor and tan. $12.50 Priced at In colors and'black, good Taffeta, skirt . $5.00 $6.98 $12.98 A fine line of Heminway's Embroidery Silk, from which the pretty art pieces son dis play are made of. Japan, Turkish, Spanish, Twist and Rope . "Silks. Per . skein 4G or 4oc Dozen. - 27- Inch Black Moire Velour Silk Our Leader. We defy competition on this number. Per . rii yard $1.00 Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock l PILSNER i llrewjry, ... Scranton, Pa. ., 435'M5 N. seventh b Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phone, 2935, HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyomlca District for Dupont's PowderJ UIeIdj, Dl&stlncr, Sporting, FmoUlesa tnd thai Ilcpauno Chemical Compiuy' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders, lioom 101 Cod cell Uuuains .scranton. AGU.t.'CIU3. JOHN n. SMITH & SON ,...,,,.,,,,. ...Dymol C. W. MULUUA.N .,.,, ,,,,Ylltei-U Pcoplo'a Sticet Hallway, Gen eral mortgage, duo l'JJl , 115 Scianton Tiac. Co., 0 per cent. Hi Kconomv L.. II. & P. Co N, JeiHcy & Pocono Ice Co.... Consolidated "Water Supply Co Scranton Wholesale M'j (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Mour ji.iu. nutter t lesn crcameM dairy, 2lijc Cheeae :U13!zC. Kb'B Neaiby, S7j ago, ..c. Alaiow Hcans TTTWr'' wHI 0P RCCHESTtR.NV. ' MllU 110 SI Onions Per bul New Potatoes-1 N 0