r .-. THE SCKAOTOJNT TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1003 fc V - NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA prrrsroN. Bpeclal lo the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Out, 23. Andrew ami John Mlshllnay, brothers, who live on Mason avciiuo, Kxctcr borough, wore badly slashed with a knife lust night by John Oozsy, It Is nllogcd, The three men wore at n Jollification at a saloon In Stitrniorvlllo In honor of the settlement of the strike and became Involved In n quarrel, Over a dozen stab wounds were Indicted on the two men, but none of them are considered fatal. No arrests have been made. Patrick C'nrden, of Vine street, this city, a non-union man, who has been working at the No. 10 colliery of the Krle company during the strike, was terribly beaten by unknown parties here today. Shortly after dinner he was found lying along the Hldewalk on Pnrsonuge street. He was In an ap parently Intoxicated condition and could offer no explanation as to how he cattle by his Injuries. His upper Up had been split open, several teeth knocked out. and his head cut In three dlffoteut placps. His condition Is not considered serious. Wlllfird Howe, Impersonator, gave an entertainment In Trinity church, West Plttston, this evening, for the benefit of the public library. Ills programme consisted of the presentation of the tinted play, "Don Cnesar de Bassen." Miss Ulleii .S. Stltes, violinist, assisted. The residence of Thomas Marcy, on a farm near Sutton's Creek, was com pletely destroyed by Hie Tuesday af ternoon, while the family were In the woods chestnut ting, Mrs. J. D. Monle has gone to Cressnn, Pa., where she and her husband will reside in the future, the latter having secured employment there. The basket bait season will open here next Monday evening, when the Plttston basket ball team, a new or ganization, and the Nantlcoke team will oppose each ot'her. The game will bo played in Klrby's new hall on South Main street, Work on the new theater has been handicapped the past few days owing to a scarcity of help. A number of the men who had been engaged on the, structure were employes of the mines, and immediately quit to resume their old occupations as soon as the strike was settled. James Henderson, of Fremont, West Plttston, suffered a paralytic Stroke yesterday, and one entire side Is af fected. Itev. R. W. Hughes, of Iowa, will oc cupy the pulpit of the Congregational church next Sunday, morning and evening. Miss Llllle Benfleld, the blind pianist of West Plttston, has gone to Williams port for a few days, and will assist In a few concerts in thut place. An attempt was made to resume work today at all the collieries in this dis trict, excepting the Butler, Barnuni. No. S shaft, Heidelberg No. 2, William A., Lawrence and Seneca. Some of these will Mart tomorrow, but others of them cannot work for a week or two owing to repairs or damage from slight falls. Many engineers, pumpmen, lire men and machinists were told that they could not have their old positions. The Erie company and the Lehigh A'alley were the most severe in this respect, and several employes who had hereto fore seen years of faithful service were turned down because of their desertions of the company during the strike. HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Oct. 21. There will bo services In the Presbyterian church morning and evening on Sunday. "Good Citizenship," will be the sub ject on which Hew C. U Percy will speak in the Baptist church, Sunday evenimr. Hew Juine.s P. Ware will conduct services at White Mills on Sunday, at 3 p. m. The high school foot ball team will hold an entertainment in the high school room, Thursday evening, Oct. SO. In His Name Mission band will have a 'sale of foreign photographs in the Presbyterian chapel, Thursday even ing, Oct. 8U. Tie large tenement of the Dougherty estate destroyed by tire Tuesday night, was insured for J3.000, The Honesdale Shoe company has just made a shipment of shoes to Mel bourne, Australia, to fill a special older received from that country. John T, Ball, who for about thirty years was the faithful superintendent of the Seelyvllle Sunday school, has lived to see a beautiful union chapel dedicated as the fruit of Sunday school work. Superintendent Thomas Mellulre, of the Honesdale OS as company, has a force of workmen engaged laying the gas main across Park lake, The ladlPs of Grace church were favored with a large crowd at their supper, Thursday evening. A nice sum nvas added to the treasury. MONTROSE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Oct, 21, Miss Almira Ford- Iham has been spending the week in Scranton as the guest of her niece, Mrs. II. N. Cole. Miss Matilda Hawley, of Scranton. I has been tho guest of relatives in this place this week. Miss Verna Ueavdslee was a visitor (at Little Meadows the forepart of tho week, W. L. Stllwell, of Dlinock. was in Itown Wednesday, on business. Mrs. J. R McCollum 1ms been spend- llng the wpek In Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Ainsbry, daugh- Iter Helen and Miss Maine Cpurtright are spending the week In Philadelphia. Arthur Thomas, who has been work- ling in Scranton, has been In town for HThe President A Slave to Catarrh, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Re lieves in 10 Minutes. T. Sample. President of Saninlu'St In. liment Company. Washington. Pa., lea "for years I was afflicted with Biiiu l.imrrii. Homed oh and treat. I by Np.HiiillHts only ruvo iiiu tern. T relief until I wus Induced to use tigncws Catarrhal Powder. It guvo iiiuai malum reuer. I Aenew's Heart Cure U lor the Nerves, ' Heart and Wood. o fd by Win. G, Clurk and H. C. Sun- nn. a few days this week, hut expects to return very soon. Montrose plnys the Sayre root ball team on the grounds In this place. Sat urday, and an exciting game Is antici pated, as thut team Is a strong one, while tho home team wilt doubtless put Up a good game, they having made a visible Improvement, due lo hard prac tice, In the past few weeks. Seldcn Mttnger returned Wednesday from a business trip to Syracuse. A meeting of the Canning company stockholders has been called for next Tuesday afternoon, when It Is Imped to dispose of the plant for use In building up .another industry. Hon. Samuel W. Peitnypacker, Hon, Boles Penrose and others of the guber natorial party arrived here Thursday morning on the 10.1m train, and were escorted by the Gibson hand and a number of enthusiastic Republicans to the Tarbell house, where a reception to the party was given. There was a lnrge number In town' to welcome our future governor. At 2 o'clock the armory was packed to the doors and a great many were turned away, owing to lack of even standing room. The meeting closed at about 0.30, when the party was obliged to leave on the Lehigh Val ley train for Tunkhannock, where they were to address a gathering of Repub lican". The arguments used by Judge Pennypacker, as well as his earnest and outspoken manner, loft a. very favor able Impression among the voters, and will make them all the more ready to cast, their ballots for u continuation of Republican rule a week from next Tuesday. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Oct. 24. F. H. Belden, former' secretary of the Railroad Y. M. C. A. at Youngwood. Pa., will occupy the pulpli of the Baptist church, Sun day, both morning and evening. He will also have charge of the afternoon meeting at the association. John D. Baun Is in New York city on business. Kugene Lowe, a former Hullstead boy, but who has had a position In the State hospital at Binghamton for sev eral years, has resigned his position at that place and is firing on the Erie railroad. Eugene Compton and wife are mov ing from Franklin street Into the Van Ness block on Main street. Sidney Dearborn, of I'psonvllle, was a caller In town yesterday. Edward R. Austin, son of Joseph Austin, of Main street, Is ill with ty phoid fever. Miss -Martha Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Lungdon. a former Hallstead young lady, and Mr. Robert II. Horton, a popular young business man of Xewburg, were united hi marriage. Sunday, Oct. J!i, at Mon roe, N. Y. Mrs. Horton has many ac quaintance here who extend their congratulations. Miss Lottie Ball, who has been spend ing the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Jerome Sloat, has returned to her home in Tunkhannock. The Junior league has reorganized. The following oflicers were elected: Mrs. Charles Hawkins, superintendent; Mrs. F. A. Eldrldge, assistant secre tary. The meetings will be held on Sunday afternoon at P, o'clock. Miss Helen Hatchings and Thomas Hatchings are spending the week In New Yoik city. Charles Scales and faintly have moved into Michael Hayes' house. A large crowd attended the mass meeting at Montrose, Thursday, to listen to speeches made by Judge Pennypacker and Senator Penrose. George. Griflln, who has been em ployed at the chair factory during the summer, has been notified by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and AVesteru offi cials to report at Scranton. We are in formed he is to have his old run on a passenger train. The I'nlon Bible class will not meet next Monday evening, but Mr. Pike will continue the class Monday evening, November a, on the subject, "Revela tionIts True Place In God's Plan and lir the Believer's Life." Mr. and Mrs, George Terhoss will move to Lestershire next week. Mr. Terboss has a position In the shoe fac tory at that place, Michael Duffy has been appointed special detective and coal watchman, to succeed Michael Fitzgerald, who goes back on the road, Henry Vosburg lins moved Ills baiber shop from Its former location into the Gruttun building. John Duval lias returned rrom Moses Taylor hospital at Scranton, Is greatly Improved. the He THEATRICAL. The Bennett & Moulton Co. The Bennett & Moulton company will eloso a very successful week's oiignge- PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on this paco each day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, savo them until Saturday, then send thorn or tnko them to Tho Tribune office In an envelope nddresaed to j'uzzio Department." Enclose in tho envelope your name, age and address. Tho boys and girls who correctly mark the six pictures nppcarlng during the week, and whoso unsworn are first received, will have their names published in The Tribune Monday morning. "- :" (sf. 'J. JUs lady's bo ml girl are hiding, AN lDliAL MEDICINE. A New Discovery Which Cures all Forms of Catarrh. The tablet Is the Ideal form In which to administer medicine, but until re cently no successful catarrh tablet hud ever been attempted. There Is now, however, an excellent and tmltttnulc remedy for catarrh In tablet form, known as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and sold by druggists, composed of tho most recent discoveries In medicine for euro of catarrh and results from their use have been highly gratifying. The old time treatment of catarrh was In the form of Inhalers; washes, douches, sprays, etc, Later on Internal remedies were used with greater suc cess, but being In liquid or powder form were Inconvenient to use and tike till medicines in liquid or powder form, lose their medicinal properties when opened or exposed to the air, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain highly concentrated antiseptics, Hy drastis Blood root and Red gum which kill the ciiturrh germs In the blood and mucous membrane, and In this respect are strictly scientific and modern, be cause nil authorities arc now agreed that catarrh Is a constitutional blood disease, and local applications can have only it transitory effect. The use of Inhalers, douches and sprays Is a nuisance and Inconvenience and can In no wise compare favorably with the same antiseptics given In tab lot form Internnlly, where they cult reach the stoniarh und blood and kill catarrh germs right where they are produced. A prominent lawyer and public speaker of Pittsburg says: "I have been troubled with catarrh of the head and throat for twelve years. In this climate it seems impossible to get rid of It. The continual dropping of mu cus from the nose Into the throat caused Irritation and hoarseness, seri ously Interfering with my public speak ing. It took nte an hour or more of coughing, gagging, expectorating and sneezing every morning before I could settle down to work und this condition gradually brought on catarrh of stom ach, causing loss of appetite, poor di gestion and a foul breath, which an noyed me exceedingly. My physician advised me to try Stuart's Catavrh Tablets and 1 took them for two months and was astonished to find how quickly they cleared my head, throat' and stomach and I have no hesi tation In recommending them. They are not only pleasant to take, but they seem to get at the very root of the trouble, because since using them I have had no trace of catarrh." Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets at 50 cents for full sized package. They can be carried in the pocket and used any time and as often as desired since they contain no cocaine, mercury or any other injurious drug, meal at the Academy with the presenta tion of "Fogg's Ferry" this afternoon and "Capital vs. Labor" tonight. The King Dramatic Company. Patrons of the Academy of Music who are not supporters of repertoire compa nies will bo more than Interested in tho coming engagement of the King Dra matic company. It will give sterling re vivals of "Shenandoah" and "Siberia," a fa'et that should arouse general attention over the engagement which covers all of next week. Wonderful Loop the Xoop. Of all the celebrities In the athletic world none is entitled to better recognition than Miss Lottie. Brandon, the champion lady bicyclist of the world who can be seen every afternoon and evening at Dixie's theater during the week of Oct. 27. This little woman has ridden one mile m one minute and thlrtslx seconds, live miles in eight minutes and sixteei sec onds and thirty-three miles and seven hundred and Ilfty yards in one hour. She has accomplished the daring feat of riding down an incline seventy feet high anil three feet wide into a tank of water and now It remains lor her to accomplish the almost Impossible feat of looping the loop on a theater stage. At the finish of her act she not only performs this wonder fill act once but several times. Her performance Is so astounding that the demand for this act is enormous and the salary proportionaely large. In spite of all this tho management of the Dixlo theater have beeen able to s-eeure this ar tist for tho week of October 27 when she will appear every afternoon and evening for the entire week. Jefferson De Angelis. Miss Helena Frederick, the prima donna of the Jefferson De Angelis Opera eom pan to lie seen hern at the Lyceum on Tuesday night in Sir Arthur Sullivan's last opera, "The Kmcrnld Isle," now at tho Herald Square theater, Is tho young singer who replaced Alice Niolson In the Bostonlnns. When Miss Nlelson and the management of the Boslonlans disagreed, Miss Frederick, who had been Miss Nlol sou's alternate, was directed, practically without warning, to sing the prima donna role. Her success was Instantaneous. The opera was "The Serenade." Although still in her early teens. Miss Frederick already has tho distinction of several concert tours on her own account obroad. In Germany, tho first country, by tho way, to admit tho genius of Sir 'Arthur Sullhau, Miss Frederick was 'ftipturously acclaimed by the critics both for her voice and Its splendid train ing, Seats on sale this morning at ! o'clock. Where ure they'' THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOR RKNT-Flrst floor with range at 131 Webster avenue FOR RliNT Desk room with usu of lelc , phono in largo steam lien ted ofllco building. Address 11 box 500 city. FOR HUNT Furnished flat for house keeping. W. T. Hnckelt, Real Kstato Broker. FOR' RKNT-Onc-half of double house: nil modern Improvements. Apply L, D. Latham, 2227 Boulevard nvenue, J18-For Rent Ton-room houso; excellent neighborhood: all modern improve ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P, Ham ilton, 120 Spruce street, For Sale. FOR SALE-Physlchtn's and household goods. Qulncy avenue. chair, organ Address 701 FOR SALE-J100 Bicycle for $13. or ex change for phonograph, desk or other article. Room 1, Guernsey building. FOR SALE-Second hand Brewster broghnm, steel tires; owner has no place to store. Lewis E. Morton, IIS Hitchcock court. FOR SALE-Ono hot air furnace, three manich and gas chandeliers. Charles D. Sanderson, 13G Wyoming avc, Scranton. FOR SALE-One hot air furnace, three mantels, gas chandeliers. Charles u. Sanderson, 13B Wyoming nvenue, Scran ton, Pa, FOR SALB-About 20 foot of desk coun ter, surmounted with gluss front ana two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves under neath. May be seen at the office of Tho Tribune. For Sale or Rent. FOR SALK OR RENT The .1-story brick building, with boiler house attached, and long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes: lately occupied by the Clock Tobacco Co. B. M. Wlnton, Room No. 505, Mears Building. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT Front fqrnlshed room, 622 Washington avenue. Furnished Boom Wanted. WANTED By man and wife, furnished front room, with private family pre ferred: centrally located. Can Hive best of references. Address W. II., Tribune. Booms and Board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or five young men. Inquire 332 Wash ington avenue. "Wanted. WANTED-Small furnished house. Ad- dress Box 300, city. Situatlons Wanted. A WOMAN wants a place to do house work where she can have her hoy with her to do chores and go to school. M. D MostoW. YOI'NG lady wants position as stenog rapher and typewriter, ifas had ex perience. At liberty after November 1. Address Miss II., Tribune. SITPATION WANTED Expert doublo entry bookkeeper would like to make permanent arrangement for a position, competent of handling any kind of detail work. Terms moderate. Address X. Y. 7.., Tribune office. Miscellaneous. ra'MoiErTAmilDRy' Dunmore, launders shirts at Sc. each and collars and cuffs at l'4c. each. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAITLDING, C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1S64. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 12G Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & nell building. KNIGHT, 726 CON- Dentists. DR. C. E. E1LENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce street, Scrunton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMING avo Fire Insurance. SCI1LAGER ,t CO., 404 Council Building. Patent Attorneys. PAT E N TS i Ja8" Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor In the city. No" chargo lor in formation on patentability; over tea years' experience. Rcplotflc & Co., Mcars Bldg-- Hotels and Eestaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK, llu avenue. Rates reasonable. P. J51EGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOCSE. NEAR D L. & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan, Victor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CM-JANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Bliggs, proprietor, Lcnvo orders 1100 North Main avenuo, or Eicko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTEL. REAR Dll LACKA. avc, Scranton, infra, of AVlro Screens. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenuo. THE AVILICES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo bad In Scranton at I ho news stand of Rolsnian Bros., 40(5 Spruco ami 00.1 Linden; M. Norton. 323 Lackawanna aye,; I, B. Schutzer, 211 Spruco street. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fritz rind son, Harold, spent several days In New York visiting friends reeeutl), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snook returned from Blnghamtoii on Saturday, where they spent a few days following their wedding vlslllng relatives. Thu Methodist Episcopal church has a. new organ which they nro giving a trial with tho option of buying if satisfactory. Work has been temporarily suspended at tho novelty works pending m la cieaso In tho demand for its output. PECKTOLlg, Presbyterian church Rov. S. 11, Moon. D, D., pastor. Services at 10.U0 a. in, and 7 p. in.; subject In morning, "Peter's Shadow"; evening, "Tho Mun ivtth tho Drawn Swoid." All welcome. No Order Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Help Wanted. .v.xW. lfU1S, WANTED Agents to sell tea and cot fco lo consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Mannircr for new branch of our business here In Scranton, Address at onro with references. Alfred Morris, Wholesaler, Cincinnati, Ohio. EXPERIENCED cutter on colored under skirts. Apply to Luzerne Skirt Co,, Wllkes-Harro, Pa. WANTED A man to do plain cooking and help tend bar at Chappoll's hotel, 1827 N. Main avenue. WANTED Coachman, white. or colored. Apply In person. J. L. Cake, West Plttston, Pa. WANTED Clothing salesman. Krotosky Bros. BOY WANTED at the West Sldo hospi tal. References required. WANTED A good experienced retail clothing salesman. Wages $10 a week. Address J. Bassln, Deposit, N. Y. WANTED Men with rig to Introduce Monarch Poultry Mixture; $20 weekly and expenses; year's contract: weekly pay. Address with stamp. Monarch Mfg. Co., Box 721 Springfield, Illinois. WANTED Forty men at Tohyhami.i, Pa., to work on grading for a rail road switch and clearing a plcco of wood land. Call at G03 Meats building, Toby hanna Creek Ice Co., C. C. Forbcr, treas urer. Help Wanted Female. GIRL wanted for gcncinl housework at iuu I'onn avenue. WANTED Lady hi each county to man age business. Old house. Salary $1S weekly. Money advanced for expenses. Enclose self-addressed stamped enve lope. Manager, 322 Cuxton building, Chi cago. Operntois Experienced on Muslin t'nderwear. Steady "Work. Good Wages. Imperial Underwear Co. Lackawanna and Jefferson Aves, Beal Estate. OR SALIC Fine residence in Green Ridge, or will exchange for a double house down town. Address W. T. Hack ett, Broker. Real Estate Exchange bldg. 1'OR SALE Or will exchange for n du sirnble singe house, 10 shares Wvo mlng Coal and Land Co. stock, 30 shares V"stm Co',iI S"0- "took. 10 shares llutchiiis Mlg Co. stock. Address W. T. Hackett, Broker, Real Estate Exchange, bldg. ' I-OR SALE AT SACRIFICE-Ncw 11- room Iioum;; modern Improvements: steam heat, gas and electricity; elegantly Jinlshed Interior; ton minutes' walk from .Vii5. lln; tel''"s0 s,,,.t l'mchaser; would also sell household goods. Address box PS Tribune olllce. ' $7,500 Will Buy a Home Property That Cost $10,500 Lof 40x1311 feet; house is modern: lo cation good, and at $7,."iui It Is a bar gain for some one. Ample room in rear tor barn. Property Is to bo sold on account of death of previous owner. Another Property That Can Be Bought at A Bargain Is a modern house that Is listed at Jll.ooo. Let us talk with you show you Its value and tho price at-which It can bu bought. M. H. H0LGATE, Real Estate Securities, Hortgages, Loans Negotiated. Commonwealth Building Scranton, Pa, Hackett Has Handsome Houses For Sale and for Rent. w Property Bought, Sold, I and Cared for. I Money Loaned In Large or Small Amounts. Insurance Fire, Life, Accident and Burglary J W. T. Hackett The Lackawanna Steel Company Is erecling a $40, 000,000 steel plant In the suburbs of Buffalo. It will em ploy 15,000 men. These will need homes. We offer ellg Ible jots across the main street from this mammoth plant at low prices and easy terms. They are sure to double and triple 1 in value In the near future. A good place to invest a little money. F. L. HITCHCOCK & SON, Fire Insurance and Real Estate, Commonwealth Building. DIRECTORY. BUSINESS IIPrllllMl WMi Only Half a Cent a Wart Business Opportunity. FoTTsThK-H Pennsylvania town; tlrst class In every respect; cheap. Reason for selling, 111 health. Address box 291, Hallstead, Pa. STOCK AND WIH3AT TRADERS with out dolay. Write for our special mar kot letter. Freo on application. 8. M. Jllbbnrd & Co.. membors N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, 44 and 48 Broadway, Now York. Established 1S61. Long Distance 'Phone 2.18S Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO T.OAN- Qutclc, stiatght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 -per cont. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-3111 Connoll building. Lost. LOST Tuesday night at tho Armory or on .leiii.Tson iivenue, a lountain pen. Finder will please return to The Trlb tuio ofiloe. Itewurd. LOST A watch lob with gold locket attached. Finder will be rewarded by returning to 410 Wyoming nvenue. Agents Wnnted. POPE LEO 13-Hls picture nnd last poem, gcms wnnieci ior nil inrotign L.aci:a wanna Valley; big seller; sample by mall, :;" cents. Tho Olvcr Company, P. o. Box, 3S city. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants nnd manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. Stnto nge, experience, references first let ter. Address. Suite D7L No. '1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. LEGAL. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE SECRETARY OF .THE COM MONWEALTH IN PURSUANCE OV ARTICLE XVI II OF THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section ten of article one of the Constitution, so that a discharge of a jury for failure to agree or other necessary cause shall not work an acquittal. Section 1. Bo it resolved by the Scnato and .House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth or Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met, That tho following be proposed as an amendment to the Con stitution; that is to say. that section ton of article one. which reads as follows: "No person shall, for any indictuble of fense, bo proceeded against criminally by Information, except In cases arising in the land or naval forces, or In tho militia, when In actual service, in tlmo of war or public danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No person shall, for the same offense, bo twice put in jeopardy of life or limb: nor shall private property bo taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and without just compensation being tlrst made or secured," be amended so as to read as follows: No person shall, for any Indictablo of fense, be proceeded against' criminally by Information, except In cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the mllllin. when in actual service in time of war or public danger, or by leave of tho court for oppression or misdemeanor in office. No per-"jn shall, for the same offense be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; but a discharge of the jury for failure to agree, or other necessary cause, shall not work an acquittal. Nor shall private, property bo taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and with out just compensation being first made or secured. ' A true copy of tho Joint Resolution. W. W. GRIEST. Secretary of tho Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OP THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OV THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH IN PURSUANCE Of.' ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth. Section 1. Bo it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met. That the following is proposed as an amendment to tho Con stitution of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In accordance with tho provi sions of tho eighteenth article thereof: Amendment. And at the end of section seven, article three, the following words: "Unless be fore it shall lie Introduced in tho General Assembly, such proposed special or local law shall have been first submitted to a popular vote, at a general or special elec tion in the locality or localities to bo af fected by its operation, under an order of the court of common pleas of thn re spective county after hearing and appli cation granted, and shall huvo boon ap proved by a majority of the voters at such election: Provided, That no siuii election shall bo held until tho decreo of court authorizing tho imo shall havo been ndvertlscd for ut least thirty (:W) days In tho locality or localities affected, in such manner as the court may dliect. A truo copy of tho Joint Resolution, W. W. GRIEST. Secretary of tho Commonwealth. 0 Rented, Insured, Exchanged Rooms 0 and 10 g Real Estate Exchange Bldg, Washington Avenue, KUC "S',sC,JsvJO" '.IN UK! RstiUo of .Ann LllilllW tAto of tho Cltv otScrnnton. botnitv'uffLni'k iiwnimn, deceased. .' . T .l.cttci'H or ndinlnlsltrntlou upon tho itbovo named citato having -been graniuil to the utidcrHlgncd, till persons lutvlup clnhuH or dmnanilM ugaliist the mitnn will present tluMit for payment, and all tliomt indebted thereto will 'make Junncdiata payment lo auoitaii w. plrthTiiPS, .Municipal llulldlug. , . .. o .Scranton, Pn. Til OS. K. WKlihS. Attorney for Hstnlo. NOTtCW Im hereby given thut an appllca. tlon will be Hindu to tho Oovcrnor of I ho Slab! of PeiuiK.vlvuiila on Tuenda.v, the .eleventh day of November, lfi:'. by P. .1. llorun, ,1, 1,. Council mid YV. W. Vnl Hon, under tho Act of AK.scmbly of tho Coinmouwcaltli or PoniiH.vlvniilu, entitled. An Ant to nrovldu for the Incorporation and Regulation of cciiniii Corporation." approved April '."J, ls7l, and tho Htipplc inonlH (heroin, ior dm charter of an In tended corporation to bo called tho Scranton Refrigerating Company, tho character and object whereof 1h currying on it general storage and warchotiso busi ness, and for Ihcso purpoMcs to have, pos sess and enjoy all the rights, benollts and piiyl egeM of dm said Act of Afisomhly, und Its supplements. "WATSON, DII31II, ,t KIOMMKRRR. Solicitors. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western, , , in Effect Juno 1, lttW. Trains leave Scranton for Now York At .1.50, a.IM, COS, 7.50 nnd 10.10 u. in.; 1J.I0, .1.10, S.ilo p. m. For Now York nnd Philn-delphla-7.ri0. 10.10 a. -in., and 12.10 nnd .I.S.'i ft m". Fo1' Qouldsboro-At tf.10 p. in. For Hllffalo-1.13, li.22 and IUK1 u. in.; l.KJ. O.GO and 11,10 p. m. For lllnglianiton. Dlnilra. and way statlona-lO.K it. in., 1.05 p. m. I'or Oswego, Syracuse and tJtlca-t.lR and ", ?..."' ! !" ! ni. Oswego, SyiaciiHo and XJtle.t train at G.'JJ a. in. dally, except Sunday. For MontroMo 11.00 a, m.; 1.0", ami b.GO p. m, Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and C.15 p. m. Illoomsbiirg Dlvlslnn-For Nortluimbor land, nt (isj nnil 10.10 a. m,: 1.53 and ii.M n' mAJ'or Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 9 03 p :n. Sunday Trains For Now York, 1.50. S.'JO. 5;";, :P-10. n "i.; a.io and :i.;r. p. m. For Ruffalo 1.13 nnd G.22 n. in.; 1.53, U.r and 11.10 p. m. For Khnlra anil way stations in..1., a. m. For Ulnglmmton and way sta tions, B.oo n. m. Illoomsbiirg Division Leave Scranton. 10.10 n. m. and .10 p. m. Xehlgh Valley Railroad. In Kffect June 15, 190.'. Trains Leave Scranton I-or Philadelphia und Now York via D. & H. R. R., at at 7.11, through Purlor Car, and Day Coach Carbomlalo to New York and 9.17 a. m., with D. V. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, -1.33 (Black Diamond lOxpress), and 11.19 p. m. Suiw days, D. & ir. R. n., 1.5S. 9.17 p. in. For White Haven. Hazleton and princi pal points in tho coal regions, via D. & II. R. R 7.41, 2.1S and -1.33 p. in. Foe Pottsvllle, 7.11 n. m. For Bethlehem, Kaslou, Reading, Har rlsbnrg und principal intermediate sta tions, via D. & II, n. R.. 7.-11, 9.17 a. m.; 2.18, 4.35 (Bluelf Diamond Express). 11.49 p. ni. Sundays, D. & II. R. It., 0.S3 a. in.; 1.G8, 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhnmiock, Townnda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva r.tid principal intermedinto stations via D., L. & W. R. It., O.iio a. in. and 1.53 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag nra Falls, Cbleago and all points west via, D. & II. R. R., lL'.o:; p. m.: is.-js (Black Diamond Express). 10.41, 11.19 p. m. Sun days. D. & ir. R. R., l'.'.ra. 9.17 p. m. ' Pullman parlor and sleeping or l.ehigli valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wilkos-Barre and New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. RODDIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., "A Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEH. Gen. Pass. Agt.. 23 Cortland street, New York. A. W. NONEMACIIER. Dlv. Pass. Ast.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, CO Publlu Square, Wllkes-Barro. Pa. READING SYSTEM. i Central Railroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September lti, 190J. Stations in New York, foot LlDtrty, street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wllkes-Barro and Pittston at 7.IS0 a. m.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Ounkci' Cltv Exnress leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car Tor Phila delphia with only one change of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all principal pcints south and west. For Avoea, Pittston and Wllkes-Barro, 1 p. m. and -I p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 a. in. nnd 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown nt 7.:!0 n. in.. 1 p. m. and t p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. in. For Tnmnqua and Pottsvillc, 7.30 a. m,; 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at) station. W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Managor. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect June 1C, 1902. Trains leava Scranton C.3S a. m., week davs, through vestibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor can and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops ut principal Intermedinto sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Ilar risburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 9 17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg nnd tho West. 1 12 p. m., week days, (Sundays. l..s p. in.), for Sunbury. Harrlsbuig, Philadel phia, Baltimore. Washington and Pitts burg nnd the West. S "S p. m., week days, through vostlbuln trufn from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car and roaches to Philadelphia via. Pottsvllle. Stops at principal intermedi ate stations. , , 4 33 p. m., week days, for ilnssloton, Sun bury. llaiiisburg. Philadelphia and Pltts- bU'' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gon. Mgr. J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Ell'ect .liimi IV, 1UHJ. Trains for Carbomlalo leavo Scranton at 6 It 7.M. H-M. m-13 " "! 13.03, 1.12, 2.11, 3.W; 5.29! ti-23, S.2I, 9.13, 10.01 p, m.; 12.18, 'For'llo'ncsdalc-lUI. 10.13 n. m,; 2.11 ami 5'For' AVJlkes-Burre-G..".S. 7.11. 8.11. 9.17. 10 53 n. .: I'-'.W. 1I-. -MS, 3-2S, 4.33, 6.10, 7 4S 10.11. ll.-tti p. 111. For i!. V. R. Tt. roluls-7,41, 9.47 a. m. "18 4.33 and 11.10 p. in. "For Pennsylvania R. R. Points C.3J 9 47 a. ni.; 1,42, 3.2S and 1.33 p, m. For Albany and all points north 7.33 a. m. and awm TRANR v For rarbondale S.50, 11,33 a. m.; 2.1!, 3 50. 5.52 and 11.17 p. in. For Wllkes-Barrc-9.38 a. ni.; 12.03.M.3?. 3.1'R. .32 and 0.17 p. ni. For Albany and points north 3.515 p. ni. For Ilonesdale-S50 a. in.; 11.33 nnd-3 5) 'Nvl'T PRYOR. D. P. A., Scranton; Pa, Erie Railroad Wyomingr Division. In Klt'ect September 15, 1902.. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Nuwburgh und Intermediate points, also for llawlcy and local stations at 7,20 a. in and 1..KJ II. in For llonosdalo nnd Whlto Mills nt 1.3J ''"Trains arrive at Scrnnton at 10.3S a, m. and 9.15 p. in. , New York, Ontario nnd Western. Tlmo tulilu in ctfect Sunday. Sept. 23, 190J. NORTH 1101'ND TRAINS, " I.0UV0 Leavo Ariivn Trains. Scranton. Carbomlalo, Cadosla. No 1 .,,.,.10.3011. m. 11. lilu. in. l.lM"U.-m. No, 7 ,,,.,. li.iop. in.Ar.t'arbondaloO.fap.m SOUTHBOUND. lil'llVB Itt'llVQ -All'lVd Tialns. Cadosln. Curbondalo, Scranton, No. li ..-..,,. ''v"! n- " 7-2.-1 ft. in. No. 2 2.15 p. m. 4. fK) p. m. 4.4111.IH, SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH HOUND. Leavo Leavo Arrtvn Trains. Scranton, Cnrbnndale. f'udobia, No. 0 ,.,... 8.30a, m. 9.10a. in. 10.43 n. in. No. 5 ...... 7.C0P. in.Ar.Cuiboiululo7.45p,m 4 SOUTH HOUND. V i.eavo i.cavn Arrivu Trains. Cudosla. C.irbondalo. Scranton. No. U ,, U.50a. in. 7.25 a.m. No. 10 .... l.SOp.m. u.mip. in. clip, m. Train Nus 1 on wcoU days, and n on Sunduya canned lor New Yufk city, ami. dletown, Walton, horwlch, Oneida, Os wego and all points west. Train No, C, .With "Quaker Oily uT. press" at Swanton. via q. lit R. of n. J., for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore, Washington unU Pennsylvania stato points. Sco tlmo-tnlilo nnd consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. r J. O. ANDURSON. OvP, A., Now Y04-k. J. B. WELSH. T, P.VA., Scranton, Ta, I.' i rf&a- .Siftft,