The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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y t.TtsKiMP n5w
James Thomas Burned by an Explosion of
Gasoline in the Oxford Store House.
Bowling Contest.
Wlillo Jnincs Thomas was pouring
gasoline from one can Into ntiotlicr In
the collar of the Oxford storehouse,
corner of Washburn and Tenth streets,
Inst evening about 0 o'clock, the gnso
II nc became Ignited from a lamp near
by and exploded.
There were eight men In the building
nt the time and they went Into the
cellar with the fire hose nnd after a
hard light succeeded In putting out the
blazo which was spreading with great
rapidity. For a few minutes It looked
us If the tiro would become a serious
affair as there was qulto a quantity
of oil, etc., stored Hi the cellar. No
alarm was turned In. Thomas who was
pouring out the gasoline was quite
badly burned on the arm.
Bowling Game.
An Interesting game of tenpins was
bowled last evening at the club house
of the Kleotrle City Wheelmen, between
the teams of the Electric City Wheel
men and the Scrtmton Bicycle club.
The scores follow:
McCruekcn 1M 131 170
AVIIIIams 1 111 J::.-,
E. Davis 137 U1 III
A. IUvIs 111! ItiS 131
Wettling Hi 172 J3S
731 S07 70S
Iloper 1- 1DJ 11D
Gorman 17.1 ICO 111
Mitchell M II! 13.!
O'Connell K.l 1.".S ISO
Wardell P',9 J.'l 1SS
High score-Mitchell, MG,
At the close of the bowling the Klec
trle City Wheelmen met and elected
the following teams to represent them
in the games to be played by the
Northeastern League of Pennsylvania:
Samuel McCracken, captain; B. Da vies,
Hetty Williams, Frank Wlttling. 15.
Davis and Arthur Davis. Frank Dc
I'ue, captain; B. Coons, David Owens,
Herbert Chatfleld. W. 11. Morgan.
Kaeh team wil select a nam by which
they will be officially known.
Baptist Kally Day.
The annual rally day exercises will
be held by (he members of the Jackson
Street Baptist Sunday school in the
church tomorrow evening. A chorus of
one hundred voices, under the direc
tion of I'rof. Lewis Davis, and a full
orchestra will take part in the exer
cises. Tlie church has been prettily
decorated for the occasion.
The orchestra is composed of the fol-
I FfifFI
Five stamps given away with,
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
Will be on us
$ specsil attractions offered are unusually
good, and the season when they are g
j most wanted is fast nearing its zenith. Si
j Among the things most deserving j
S of notice for today's bargain seekers we j
select the following :
f Cloaks, Suits, Fiirs, Etc,
Taffeta Silk Waists, in all shinies,
Dresden tucks back and front, with
open honttou stitch effect; new cut
cuffs, stock collar.und other sought
porfectlon touches that make this
an Ideal waist. It's worth ?!!...
For Saturday only
Here's n natty jacket that Is
chlelly icmarkablo for its good
ness in every particular. Mndu
from lino Melton, with best lin
ings; tnllor-stitch finish, etc A
garment that Is usually checked at
JS.50. To Saturday buyers
Our stock of small furs, such as
Scarfs. Mutfa, Capes, etc.. has at
tracted much attention from those
who know what good, fashionable
furs ought to look like. Tho stock
Is too largo and vailed to talk
about today, but as an Incentive
to come and look It over wo offer
for Saturday only a fur bargain
well worth taking advantage of.
Here it la:
A Sablu Fox Scarf, beautifully
blended, showing an ever changing
bistro; largo scarf, with unusually
handsome, talis. Saturday only
Misses' Jackets In castor, blue
and green; trimmed with velvet;
turned and welded seams: tiimmed
cuffs and collars, pleat back, etc.
A genuine $.' jacket. On Satmduy
a Baby Carriage Robes
Needles to add, theso am want
ed now, Tho burgulns offered m.
low uru of tine Bidet down in nil
the good colorings, and white, of
2.75 Eiderdown Robes at $1,03
2.85 Eiderdown Robes at 1,05
S.00 Eiderdown Robes at 1,35
1,50 Eiderdown Robes at 1.15
1,00 Eiderdown Robes at 80c
Globe Warehouse.!
i I
lowing! First violins, William Protho
roe, Louis Lewis, Carl Loucks, Wil
liam Jones; second violins, John tl.
Thomns nnd William B. Jones; tenor
horn, George King; cornet (alto), John
King; solo clarionet, Charles King;
double bass, Thomas King; organist,
Edward Williams. The programme
will be as follows:
The. Diadem. Congregational Hymn.
Scripture Lesson.
Assistant Superintendent Alfred Bovan
Chorus, "Jlall Joyous ltally Day."
Prayer Pastor
Chorus. "Who Wilt lto Our Helper?"
Hccltatlon, "Crowing."
Miss Grace ltodcibk
Choi us, "Little Deeds."
Chorus, "Good Night, Little Flowers."
Twenty Little Girls
Solo, 'Tor All Ktcrnlly" John Evans
Hccltatlon, "Dally Sowing,"
Miss Elsie Hughes
Chorus, "Dally Wo Aro Sowing."
Hccltatlon, "We Thank Thee, O Father."
Anthem, "O Father Holy" Marrhcttl
Itccllnllon, "There's No Land Like Ours."
.Recitation and Tableau, "Tliu Crois
and tho Flag."
Chester Thomas, Miss Llzle Thomas and
Miss Bertha Norils.
Miss M. Glciison and .Miss Klcanor Liuico
Chorus. "All Hull the Flag of Freedom."
Itecltatlon, "Our Flag". .Miss Maud Jones
Hally Day Offcilng.
Anthem, "Praise Yo thu Father".. Gounod
Benediction Pastor
A silver offcilng will bo taken up.
Social Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reynolds, who
have just returned from,
where they were quietly married, gave
a wedding dinner to their immediate
friends and relatives nt their home on
South Hyde Park avenue, Thursday
evening. As soon as completed, Mr.
and Mrs. Reynolds will occupy their
new home on South Main avenue.
Mrs. Itobcrt Eldred, of Nortli Hyde
Park avenue, entertained a number of
friends in honor of her guest, Mrs.
Fred Beers, of Buffalo, at a dinner,
Thursday. Those who enjoyed Mis.
Kldred's hospitality were: Mesdamcs
G. Dorsey, Frank Transue, Frank
Slote, Seamours, Stock, Strauss, Dun
ning, Grass, Jones, Hobort Beers, Rob
bins, Eldred, DeWito, Misses Ida
Strauss, Henrietta Dorsey, Masters
Harold Edwards and Walter Jones.
Miss Jessie Jones entertained a num
ber of friends recently at her home on
North Main avenue, in honor of her
guest, Miss Viola Roderick, of Now
York city. Dancing and vailed pleas
ures were enjoyed till a late hour,
when refreshments were served.
Miss Sarah Reese, of West Locust
street, was pleasantly surprised by a
number of friends on Thursday even
ing. The event was in honor of her
twentieth birthday, and after the usual
pleasures had been enjoyed, refresh
ments were served.
Jackson Street Baptist Notes.
Next Tuesday evening will be social
again today, for the fj
Men's Furnishings '
Extra Heavy Natural Wool Un
derwear, shirts onlv. These weio
sold for Mc. and 7.1c. each, For
bard seivlco they aro uuequaled.
Fleeco lined, fast black
warm, well finished, and
Two pairs
v?l!uS,.."'M.vy l'tlng Flannel
Night Shhts in pretty patterns nnd
fast colois. A leal good one for
Men's Suede Kid Cloves,
stitched and silk lined, Best
offered ut the piico.
Hosiery and
Ladles' Flno Camel Hair Pniler
weur; p.;nts only; they weru sold
at ii.Sj, hut as the vests aio gone,
wo say for Saturday, only
Clilldien's Fleece Lined Sleeping
aarnienlb; boft, warm and durable,
An extra good quality at
Misses Jui soy nibbed Natural
Under ear, beautifully llnlslied
and very elastic, Satuiduy
night for the Baptist Young People's
union. You are all invited to bring a
friend with you. Tho meeting will be
Interesting. The programme will bo:
Opening hymn, 217; Scripture lesson
by tho president, Alfred Huberts:
prayer, by Alfred Bovan; duet, Misses
Gleason and Lance; recitation, D. II.
Williams; Instrumental selections,
Thomas brothers; glee songs, Mr. Hill
and parly from tho Adams avenue col
ored church; duet, selected; recitation,
miss Annie Thomas.
Sunday, Nov. 2, tho pastor will ex
change pulpits Willi the Kev. C. O,
Mnttby, IJ. D., of Philadelphia. He
will occupy tho pulpit nt both services.
All members of tho Sunday school
ought to make a special clfort to be
present next Sunday, being rally iluy.
Lot us rally.
Miss Evelyn Apgar, of West Locust
street, nnd Miss Elizabeth Owens, of Tay
lor, will leave for Carhnudato this after
noon, wlleio they will bo thu guest of
Miss Mily IJlmor.
Mrs, Charles Koeinor, of Claik's Sum
mit, Is the guest of Mrs, Fled Crawford,
of North Lincoln avenue.
The ofllecis of all West Side Locals met
in Jayue's hull yesterday nftornoun and
arranged for a John Mitchell Day parade,
Oct. '."J.
At a meeting of Hyde Park lodge, No.
."Kin, Freo and Accepted Masons, held this
week Brother and Past Master Frederick
W. Mason was elected as representative
of the lodgo to attend the sesuul centen
nial celebration of Picsldent Georgo
Washington's Initiation us a Fico Mason
to ho held by the grand lodge of Penn
sylvania at Masonic ball, Philadelphia on
November C, IPm'.
Yesterday morning Dr. D, W. Brans
was called to tho spike mill In Keyset"
valley to attend a man who had his
hand badly crushed n the machinery.
Tho Gainit Mil society of the Washburn
Stieet Pieshyterlan church will conduct
an entertainment In the rooms of thu
Old LTpslllon's society on Oct. 81.
UobeiL Davis, of Latuyrltu street, for
yoiiis ti teamster In the employ of tho
Penn Ktoio company, has purchased a
team of horses and is picparcd to do bus
iness for himself. ff)
Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
II. Burke, of 330 Wiight's court, who was
run over by a beer wagon the early part
of the week, Is In a precarious condition.
He is so badly injured Internally that but
llttlo hope for his recovery Is entertained.
The chest and stomach aio terribly
crushed and cause the little sufferer in
tense pain.
Tho wife and daughter of Daniel ('.
Darrow, of mo Noi lb Hyde ave
nue, will retain from Montrose the tlrat
of November and they will then begin
housekeeping on South Main avenue.
Republican Mass Meeting to Be Held
Tonight in the Auditorium Pre
ceded by a Parade.
A Republican mass meeting will be
held in the Auditorium this evening,
under the auspices of the various Re
publican clubs. Among tho speakers
will be w. I. Si-naffer, of Delaware
county; John R. Jones, Everett War
ren and Thomas Dale.
The North Ser.inloii Oleo society will
be present and render several selec
tions. A parade will be liehl previous
to the meeting and will form on tho
square promptly uL 7 o'clock. The
Polish band, of Dutch Ciap, and the
Union Drain corps will furnish the
music along the lino of inarch. The
parade will inarch out North Main ave
nue to Spring street, Spring to Oak
Mievi, now n u.ik to nortli Main ave
nue, then to Bull's Head, and counter
inarch to the Auditorium, to the meet
ing. Captain William Davis.
William Davis, the popular captain
of tho Cambrian Bowling team has been
a factor in the bowling team since it
was organized and his good rolling in
all their games has helped to keep up
tho team's standard.
Sometime ago when the management
of tho Nortli Scranton alloys offeied
prizes for the highest score nnd highest
aveiage for five consecutive games ho
was successful in carrying away both.
He has been n member of tho Nqrtlt
Kud Stnts basket ball team since It
was firm organized.
"Old Folks Day."
The annual "Old Folks' day" will be
observed In the Providence Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday. The Kp
wortli league Is looking after convey
ances for those who need them, decor
ating the church with autumn leaves,
etc., and making other arrangements to
make thu day one of enjoyment and
pleasant memories for tho elderly peo
ple. The third (luarterly meeting of the
year will bo held In connection with'
this service, commencing with lovo
feast at 8,30 a, in. and followed by
preaching und communion.
Shamrocks the Winners.
The basket ball game at the Audi
torium last night, between the Sham
rocks, of North Scranton, and thu Met
ropolitans, of South Scranton, was won
by tho Shamrocks by a score of U to S.
Kane, center for the Shamrocks, played
tho star game. Donovan, of the Met
ropolitans, bioko his thumb early In
the game and was substituted by Well
urdbon. The line-up was us follows;
Metropolitan. (Shamrocks.
Toolo left forward Wolls
Fuhey ., right rorwaid. ,,., Hums
Coyno .,, center.,..,..,,,,,. Kano
Donovan left guard ,., Duffy
Connolly .right guaid.,,,,,,,, ItuUdy
Dennis Ituddy and Patrick Gurvey, of
West Market street, havo returned from
a four months' sluy iit liuffalo, N. Y.
Miss Margaret Hopkins, of Dunmore,
was a callor in towp on Thursduy.
Itov. E. JC. Thomus, of Montrose, was
tho guest of his father, Simon Thomas,
of Hceso street, during the week.
Miss Mary P. Davis, of Summit avo
nue, was in WIIkc3-lJarro last ovenlng,
attending a mcctlns of too executive-
v r acna "--i-' "k. -w- &
Woman in an Unconscious Condi
tion Found on Sidewalk.
Upon Examination at the Hospital, Her Body was
Discovered to be Covered with Scars, Caused
by the Hypodermic Injection of Morphine
Facts Published as Warning to Other Women.
The above headlines recite the
actual experience of a poor-wreck of
a woman who had once held nn hon
orable and lucrative position in a
large mercantile house in .New York.
Her health began to fail, and instead
of taking rest nnd proper mcdicnl
treatment she resorted to stimulants
and morphine.
Tho hospital physician discovered
that her primary trouble was Jin
affection of the womb, which
could readily have been cured in the
first stages. If when sho had firht
felt those severe pains in the back,
the terrible headaches, the constant
sense of fullness, soreness and pain
in the pelvic region, she had heeded
the warning that serious trouble was
in store, and commenced a regular
treatment, with the Pinkham Reme
dies, as did Mrs. Rober of Chicago,
whose letter follows, the polypus
in tha womb would have been dis
solved and passed away, and to-day
she would have been a well woman.
Why will women let themselves
drift along into terrible suffering
and sickness in this way, when there
is monumental proof that. Jjyrtia
JE. Pinkhani's Vegetable Com
pound is daily relieving thousands
of women from this very trouble ?
There is no excuse for any woman
who suffers to go without help. Blrs.
Finkham is very glad indeed to give
her personal advice to any one who
will write for it, and the following
letter bimply goes to prove that the
"Vegetable Compound will positively
cure female ills :
" Since the birth of my baby I
suffered from womb trouble,baclcacho,
board of tho Welsh Baptist Young Pen
pie's union, of Northeastern Pcnn-ylva-ula.
.Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis, of West
Market street, loft yesterday afternoon
for Philadelphia, where Mr. Davis will
. tend a meeting of the stnto pharma
ceutical board, of which he is a member.
Miss S.idio Cohen, of We,t Market
street, lias returned from a two months"
visit tu Hulfalo. Rochester and Syracuse.
Messrs. Patrick Nolan, of Wayne ave
nue, and Patrick Ilealey, of West Market
street, who have been working in Hun
tington county since tho inauguration of
the strike, have returned to their homes.
Mis. D. D. Jones is recovering from a
recent Illness.
John f.oftus has returned to his homo
on West Maiket street, after a few
weeks' stay at liuffalo.
MISS CAKOI.INK E. UVUh. daughter
of tho lato William and Elizabeth Hull, of
Mt. Pleasant, Pa died yesterday morn
ing, nftcr a llngcilng illness, at tho homo
of her brother-in-law, Georgo Spencer,
10.19 North Main avenue. Miss Hull was
boin In Mt. Pleasant and lived theio un
til 1S7I, when sho came to tills city, where
sho has slncu resided. Converted In curly
girlhood, sho joined tho Methodist Episco
pal church of which sho was a faithful
and consistent member to tho closo of her
life. Sha was an exemplary Christian,
possessing a mock and gentle spirit, kind
and benovolout to tho last degieo, Her
grenUst pleasure lay In serving otheiH.
As n filend, sho wns tiuo and steadfast.
Although a great sulferer dining tho last
few weeks, she uttered no complaint, but
patiently awaited tint end, which aim
knew was drawing near. Miss Hull Is
survived by two slbters. Mrs. Jullotto
Cowley, Mhldlotowri, N Y.; Mis. O. I
I'cihum, lirooklyu, N. Y.; two brothers,
Wesley J. Hull, Ml. Pleasant, Pa., and
Ocorgo W. Hull, of Mldillotnwn, N. Y.
Tho faneinl services will bo held Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at lisn North Main
avenue. Interment will bo mado hi Dy-
beiry eometery, Honcsdale, l'.i on Mon
day. PROF. M. D. M'C'AWI.HY, piluclpal of
No, 30 school, died yestculuy at tho Scran
ton Prlvuto hospital, where ho had been
a patient for ten months. 8omo throu
years ago ona of his legs had to bo am
putated because of an old wound re
ceived In childhood and tho liillammatiou
arising from tho amputation Dually caused
his death," Tho deceased wns boin In this
city and had been for years tho piinclpul
of No. 30 school. Ho was a man who had
the conlldenco and respect of the mem
bers of tho boaul of coutiol and tho
friendship of hundreds, Ho is survived
by tho following brothers und sister;
Mrs. T. H, Ruddy, Miss U. McCawley,
Miss Kate. McCawley, James F.( John
und Frank McCawley, Tho funeral will
bo held on Monday morning from tho res
ideuce, 731 Jefferson nvenue. A high mass
of requiem will bo celebrated in St. Peter's
cathedral and interment will bo made lu
tho Cathedral cemetery.
ah old Aire wetL-TRtra hemedt,
lor children teething, Is the prescription o
bna of tho beat femalo phy&ltians an
burses In the United States, and has beet
psed sixty years with never-falling sue
toss by millions of mothers for their chll.
pren. During the process of teething iti
Value 13 Incalculable. It relieves the chill
rroin pain, pares diarrhoea, tfrlplng in tha
towels, and wlnd-collo. By glvfnff health
lo the child It rests tho mother. PrlcoJ
IwentaJlv tenia . hauls. '
irregular menstruation, also intense
" After trying different remedies
with no relief I was induced to try
Tjydla E. Pinkliain's Vegetable
Compound. To my surprise and
delight 1 found after taking my first
botjtlc very great improvement. I
continued its use and it has made mo
a well woman.
"I am so grateful to you for my
recovery that I wish to thank you,
and if this testimonial will be of any
use to ''other suffering women, you
have my full permission to publish
it." Mas. MAitY RoiiKR, 5402 Ellis
Ave., Chicago, ll.f 5000 forfeit If original
of above letter proving genuineness cannot be pro
duced. Free Medical Advice to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Finkham,' at fjynn, Mass. All letters
aro received, opened, read and an
swered by women only. A woman
can freely talk of her private illness
to a woman ; thus has been estab
lished the eternal confidence between
Jlrs. Pinkham and the women of
America which has never been
broken. Out of the vast volume of
experience which she has to draw
from it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge that
will help your case. Sho asks noth
ing in return except your good will,
and her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor,
is very foolish if she does not take
advantage of thib generous offer of
Services Conducted nt the House by
the Rev. Dr. E. J. Schmidt, of the
Church of Peace Remains of Hugo
Getz Interred in Minooka Ceme
teryBoys Who' Have Been Caus
ing Much Annoyance to Residents
of Irving Avenue Placed Under
Arrest Short News Notes.
The funeral of Michael Glaab, an aged
and respected resident, who died Tues
day night, took place at '2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon from the residence of
ills daughter-in-law at SOU Cedar ave
nue, The house was ciowded with sor
rowing liiends who had coino trum inl
and near to pay their respects, and
many iloral tokens of affection and
esteem were placed about the bier.
Services were conducted in the house
by Itev. 12. J. Schmidt, of the Chinch
of Peace, who spoke eloquently of the
deceased, his quiet blameless life, and
ills peaceful end. The roiuulns wero
afterwards borne tu the Plttston ave
nue cemetery, where interment was
made. The pull-bearers were; Messrs,
James Hlrd, Charles Neuls, Henry
Htegler, sr., and Anton Fisch.
Hugo Geta Laid at Rest.
Tho remains of the late Hugo GetK,
whoso death at the early age of 21
years, on Wednesday last, caused a
wave of sorrow tu pass over the com
munity, were borne to their last rest
ing place yesterday afteiuuon. Hun
dreds of triends attended thu services
and afterwards followed the remains
to the grave.
Services weru conducted by Uav,
James Wltke, of the Cedar aveutio
Christ Lutheran church, whose words
curried hope and comfort to the hearts
of the sorrowing i datives.
At the conclusion of the sermon, the
funeral cortege moved to Minooka
where Interment wus made. The pall
bearers were; Nicholas Junsen, Henry
Houttcher, Walter I.uwert and John
Halm, Jr.
Mischievous Boys,
A party of boys, who have for some
time been amusing themselves by throw
lug stones, and annoying residents on
Irving avenue, wero itrapped by the
police olllceis, last ovenlng, und two of
them wero luuded in the Alder street
station house. Tho boys, who gave
their names as Patrick McDonald, and
Rudolph Krotosky, were given a hear
ing by Police Magistrate Stoir last
evening, Mrs. Kletell appearing ugalnst
The charge was malicious mischief,
und tho complainant stated that sho
had been annoyed for sometime by the
The enthusiasm of youth causes a young nlan to
bring the same intense interest to the subject of "Fur
nishings" as to everything else. He becomes exces
sively particularwhat to wear? How to wear it?
Latest color and make up ? All must meet his ideals.
That's where we come in with the very best we know
how to get.
Men's Furnishings
Men's Fino Natural Australian
Wool Shirts and Drawors, the
"Tlvoll" make, winter weight.
?1,C0 a Garment.
Men's Black Worsted Sweat
ers, fully combed glossy yarn,
properly mnde and heavy weight.
?2.00 a Garment.
Men's Self Striped White Nain
sook Night Shirts, flat embroid
ery and no collars.
R1.00 a Garment.
Tho celebrated Taconio White
Shirts, fine linen bosoms, hand
made eyelets and buttonholes;
lnundered by hand and every de
tail given tho most careful atten
tion. 51.00 a Shirt.
fletal Print Boulevard Velvets
The very latest novelty in Velvets for Waists, Jack
ets and Suits. You've probably read in the fashion
books that Velvets are "the thing" this season. You
must know in your own minds that "Boulevard Vel
vets are the ones you should buy. Special lot of Black
Etamine, 56 inches wide and all wool, at Seventy-Five
Cents the Yard.
About two dozen Black Lisle
Gloves, in sizes 6 and 614; the
line is broken, so is the price.
15c. the Fair.
New Golf Gloves, in white
gray, red, mixed and beaver.
25c., 39c, 40c and 50c
Children's Skeleton Waist Hose
Supporters, with rubber.
25c. a Fair.
Fancy Silk Finish. Elastic; nil
the colors.
15c a Yard.
Good Black Silk Belting.
25c a Yard.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Hels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Managor.
Ouo Night Only, TTESDAY, OCT. :!S.
and the Jefferson Do Angells Opera. Co,
Direction Sam S. Shuliert.
11' Art IllIP 1'ilst Opera Direct
Oil AI UlUL KS Brilliant ICu-
filllliviin'& gagement at the New
OUllliUI& Yolk nonilil Square
Theater. CO People QJ.
Ono Solid Year at tho Savoy Theater,
l'orlc Cast
n d Sumptuous
Book by Basil Hood.
Production Guar
antied in lively
PRICKS 2.",. TO. 7.1c.. and $.1.00.
Seats on s-ulo Saturday at 1) a. in.
hoys, who took a delight In pelting her
house with stones, etc. McDonald and
Krotosky were fined $2 each and war
rants were issued for si:: other mem
bers of the gang.
Eowlers Make Good Showing.
Yet another class of howlers has
sprung up on this side, and Thursday
evening a match game was played be
tween two junior teams known as the
Butterflies and Grasshoppers.
The young enthusiasts average from
eighteen to twenty years of age and
considering their youth und Inex
perience put up a very good article of
ball. The game resulted as follows:
O. ICiaz 1'U li.ll 2J3 K3
t Path 1M 101 103 Zi,l
.V. Iiodel tl l. lll-:iSI
A. Kilts 1M VX 111 37fi
A. Jordan IS 111 173 117
lil.' WJ S0l-21L'u"
C, Neu i:;:i 12ii 111)- 114
J. Flseh Ill lUl 1J- o'M
F, Neu llii !" 112 29ii
fl. filmier H'.l ll US- 307
J. Poller Sr. 1I-' llfl-317
ftj.l SM CGI 1719
Tho funeral of tho lute John Oruham
will take place on Monday morning at t
u. m.
Tho Scranton S.iengerrundo will hold a
social and entertainment in Athletlo hall
noxt Tuebd.iy evening.
A meeting of tho Star Social club was
hold lu Mlrlz's hall, on Plttnlon avenue,
lust evening.
Tho trusteei and oflleers of tho Cedar
Avuiiuh St. Paul's chinch will mept tills
evening at ho parsonage, on Cherry
Dr. Schley's I.ung Ileollng Ilalsam Is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No euro,
no pay." For sale by all dealers.
A well-attended session of tho Loyalty
club took pluce at tho Young Women's
Christ lun association rooms, on Cedar
avenue, last evening.
Now that tho strike Is settled, Tho
South Side Hank dedres to call attention
to Its savings department, Anyone can
open an Interest account with any amount
ftom ton cents up. We also issue fou-ign
drafts for thoso vilio wish to send money
to any foreign country. Open Saturday
evenings trom 7.30 to $.30 .
Tho Worklngmcn's lleiiellclal ooiety, of
this ulde, will hold mi amiiilng entertain
ment und concert In their hall, corner
Prospect inemio and Alder street, on
Monday. October 27, 1D02. The committee
havo made extensive arrangements, ami
tho affair piomises to be very enloyable,
mid a good attendance Is looked for.
First Methodist Episcopal church Itev.
dairies Henry Nowing, pastor. Morning
prayer at 10 o'clock; services ut 10. so a.
m. and 7.3i) p. m. Tho pastor will preach
at both services; morning mbject, "Your
Duty"; evening subjcctt "The Scarlet
Men's Extra Heavy Natural
Australian Wool Shirts nnd
Drawors, "Tivoli" make, fluffed
$2.00 a Garment.
Men's Flno Linen Handker
chief, count 2,700 under tho linen
glass, nnd that's fine; i-inch
50c. Each.
Other qualities at 10c. nnd 25c,
but perhaps they nro not your
Men's Fine Suspenders, Silk
Webs and Lislo Webs, Gold
Flatcd or Nickel Buckles; fine
kid ends.
50c. Each.
Men's Reversible 4-in-Hands,
in Satin, Fcau do Soie, Gros Grain
nnd Barathea. Black is tho fash
ion, but we have colors ns well.
Narrow and medium, all gradu
ated nnd 50 inches long.
50c. Each.
Our Special Box of Writing
Paper and Envelopes.
10c n Box.
Children's Metal Purses, of
White and Oxidised Metal, with
49c. Each.
Gold-filled Rings, with fancy
stones, handsome settings.
25c Each.
Lot of Fancy Brooches.
19c Each.
Black, Oxidised and Gilt Belt
Now 19c Each.
Academy of Music
M. Itcis, Lessee nnd Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Week Sv" Oct. 20,
Daily Matinees Commencing Tuesday.
The Bennett and Monlton Co.
Saturday Matinee "Fogg's Ferry."
Saturday Night "Capital vs. .Labor."
nDIPCC Matinee, io and 20c.
riUullO Msht. io. 20 and 30c.
Including Special Monday Matinee.
Dixie's Theatre,
Lessee and Manager.
Eugene O'liourKe and Co.
Lottie Brandon
In Loop the Loop Act.
Two performances dally, ;,30 and 8.15.
Prices 15, :.", IB and Mc.
Gallery seats, 10 cents.
ALF. G. IICnitlNGTON, Manager.
Thuisday, Friday nnd Saturday,
ocrocEPv :j, :i and :-j.
I.lue." Class meeting, 11. 1j n, in.; Sundaj
bchool at L',30, p. in,; ovenlng prayer a
11.30 o'clock. Tuesday, Wednesday am
Tliui'Mlay evenings thero will bo held bj
this church, neighborhood or cottnKi
prayer meeting lu the homes of Severn,
of its members. Tlicso meetings will In
preparatory to a tetles of e.tru meetings
which aro to bo conducted tn tho churcl
during November.
Tripp Avenuo Christian church Sunda;
school at 10 o'clock a. in.; sermon an
communion ut It a. 111.; hernion, 7.30 p. m.
topic, "Serving H.iptlsm"; Senior Kin
deuvor. c,3) .p. m., topic, "An luvitutloi
Refused" Mutt. .xll:l-ll. Tho ruvlvu
meeting will closo with the services Sun
day evening. Tho Interest is still linldhu
Diinmoio 1'ivbbyteilnn chuicli Pev W
F. (iibbons, pastor. Services at 10,30 a
m. and 7.3i) p. m.; moinlng mbject, "Tin
Oreatest Thing"; evening subject, "Wlia
Does Cod liemilro"; Sunday school at I
Peter Hobday has returned from a suo
cossful hunt In Plko county. Among hi
trophies was a twenty-elght-pouiul wild
cat, which fell an easy victim to Mi
Holiday's uueriilig aim,
Mrs. T. J. O'Dounell Is III at her hour
on Drinker btreot.
A lively gamo of foot bull will ll
played at Atliletlo paik this ufternool
when tho St. Tlionias college team wl
line-up against tho Kcystonu Academl
eleven. TI10 gamo will be called ut
Tho Kcllps.0, Jr., foot hall team will
play tho ltogety eleven this morning al
li o clock on the Ecllne mounds. TIim
liuc-up of tho I.YIlnso team will bo a J
follows; Klght end. Hayes; right tackle
Ferber; riglit guard. Uradley, center, I
ltuddy; left guaul, Adanihon; left tackle
Dcvino or Flynn; leu end, Campbell
Uuddy: quarter-back. Fadden; light lull!
back, Nelhoiij left hulf-buck, Morris; full
bnvkj Kelly.