The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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t-t Si-
When you me compelled n
liold tbo newspaper "away rf,"
know that your eyesight la "away
ofC" nntl glasses should be pro
cured n't once.
I make accurate, scleiilino
tnotisuroineiitB and tests. 1)1111
milt runes iny specialty.
Ill childhood eye strain has
blighted inuny lives, because Uio
pain caused thereby produces an
aversion to study. The backward
child ton otten becomes! the un
successful man.
How many people look out for
their eyes'.' How many do lead
niv advertisements' Tn prove the
fact I will Rive to every person
for this day only, a hen II tl fill
celluloid nycelass cleaner i"1' 5
Cents, l-ook at them In my
Come to my ullleos nnd see a
most thoroughly equipped estub
Jlshiuont for examination of eyes.
Some persons who saw my par
lors say there Is nothing similar,
neither In Scranton nor u hun
dred miles around.
Ono charge covers the entire M
cost of examination, glasses I
and frames. 0
DR. B. A. BAER g
aye jpeuiuusL.
331 Washington Ave.
To-day Is the All-Important
Day, When This Interesting
Competition Will End.
Cottnly Savings Bank
and TriisI Company,
506 Spruca Street.
in Sums of
and pays 3 per cent,
terest thereon.
A. WATBES, President.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Kellerinan Is the Favorite with
Those Who Sent in Estimates Yes
terday, the Elgin es Hanging1 from
Ola to 1800, Although Mnny Cou
pons Were Hecelved in Eavor of
Hodi-lguez, Eieedman and (Sinister.
Yesterday's Results The Table
Today Is the Last Information
Contestants Will Receive as to the
Standing of Their Rivals Until the
Eiiial Result Is Announced on
Monday Morning Arrangements
for Receiving the Points Today.
The Interests of Each Sontestant
Will Be Carefully Safeguarded.
Xist of Contestants Below Thirty
third Place.
of the Contest Editor today the exact
minute of his or her arrival will be
noted. This will bo done so as to avoid
any dlllleulty from tying or scores, for
In mho two contestants have the same
number of points the one who Is 011
I ho ground first with their returns will
be given the right to the disputed
The contestants will be admitted one
by one to an Inner olllce, wheie their
points will bo counted and certified,
Standing: of Contestants
Win. F. Hallstoad,
11. P. Klngsbuiy,
O. S. Johnson,
L. A. Wntres.
Tvcrctt Warren,
August Koblnson,
Jos. O'Brien,
Look Pleasant! You can't help
showing a pleasant expression when
you come to inspect our goods In Wall
Paper Shado and Paints. Our goods
aro new and up to date.
Picturo and Picture Frames tn all
stvlcs and sizes.
Wo Finnic Pictures at Factory
Pi ices.
Jacobs & Fasold
209 Washington Avenue.
Opposite Court House.
Y "They Draw Well.' A
g Morris' Magnet Cigars $
Y The best value for Z cents. 6
Y Try ono nnd you will smoke no A
O other. V
All tho leasing brands of ne. v
cigars at 1,75 per box, or G for C3o. A
The largest variety of Pipes and Y
Tobaccos in town.
1. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton. 945
2. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. . 670
3. William T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton G32
4. Charles Burns, Vandling..621
o. Ered K. Gunster, Green
Ridge 613
6. Win. Sherwood, Harford. .570
7. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 547
8. Albert Ereedman, Belle-
vue 527
0. Maxwell Shepheid, Car-
bondale 518
10. J". A. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 306
11. Chas.W. Dorsey, Scranton. 355
12. X. E. Stanton, Scranton. . .272
13. Hendrlck Adams, Chin
chilla 233
14. lewis Bates, Scranton . . . 194
15. Harry Madden, Scranton. 193
16. Henry E. Collins, Kizers.162
17. Homer Kresge,Hyde Park.117
18. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 112
19. Erank B. McCreary, Hall-
stead 104
20. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 95
21. Miss Jane Mathewson,
Eactoryville 95
22. Ered Kibler, South Scran
ton 91
23. William Cooper, Priceburg 91
24. A. I,. Clark, Gieen Grove. 90
25. Hugh Johnston, Eorest
26. Don C. Capwell, Scranton .
27. Louis Gere, Brooklyn . . .
28. John Mackie, Providence.
29. Arthur J. Thayer, South
Scranton 48
30. Eddie Morris, South Scran
ton 47
31. Miss Edna Coleman,
Scranton 46
32. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 44
33. Grant M. Becker, Hall-
stead 42
On the eve of the close or The Trib
une's Educational Contest the leaders
at the top or the list refused to let
their strength be known, so Hip returns
A Tue cigar Man V
a 325 Washington Avenue. 0
The up-to-date literary
Fashion Weekly is just in.
Harper's Scrlbners
The Ladles Home Journal
and all the popular magazines
sue now in.
Call or telephone us your or
der. Better give us your order
for the Christmas numbers of
the Eoieign Illustrated Periodicals,
Reisman Bros.'
407 Spruce st. New "phone, 43, u
Extensive Improvements Have Been
J J Made at Saco.
All llrle trains, beginning today,
will be. made up ul the new yard at
Kaco, near Muplewood. Coal will bo
shipped there uueinssllled, and after
beijig iilubHlilvd theie will bu shipped
diifcct to tidewater. This wus foimerly
doiio at Iluwley.
Klfteen mlleH of track have been laid
at tho'Saeo yard, making It ono or tho
largest In tho country, A new louud
liouso has also been built, and a big
steel viaduct erected over the tracks,
Mr, Charles II. Domain, teacher of
the pianoforte wit receive pupils after
Nov, Ht In his studio In tho New Y,
M. O. A. building. Until then address
211 i'enn avenue.
yesterday weie not as lnigo as lias
usually been tho case, Klght eontest
ants added to their scores, however,
They were:
Hairy Madden L'.l
Hugh Johnston iu
L. K, Htuutou r
lllsn May llrowii :i
Arthur J. Thayer ..
Herbert Thompson
J.owis Hates
Maxwell Shepheid
Thero were two of these who ad
vanced, Hugh Johnston ami Arthur .1,
Thayer, each of whom went up two
A great many estimates wero re
ceived on the lesult, thousands of cou
pons In tlui (iiiesslng Contest coming
In, A. J. Kellerman, the. present lead
er, Is a strong favorite as tho probable
winner, liuesses were received yester
day all the way from !M." points up to
1S00 naming him as the winner. Wil
liam Itodilguez appears to be the sec
ond choice as thu fortunate leader,
nioio than half of the guesses not go
ing to Mr. Kellerinuu being filled v;iih
the former's name. Albert Fieedmnu
and 1'ied Ounsler wcie the next two
picked as wiiiueis,
Arrangements for the Close.
TJ.icli contestant can bo assured that
his or her Interests will bo well taken
care of today. Arrangements have
been made whereby every ono who
makes leturns at The Tribune's oilico
at any time dining tho day will have
absolute privacy while handing In tho
points, in no case will any contestant
be Informed of the standing of any
other contestant at any time after the
appearance of this article In The Trib
une this morning until the announce
ment Is published in thu paper on Mon
day morning or tho Haul results.
As each contestant enters the olllce
A. I,. CT.AItK.
and all flquieH, blanks and cash will
he put out of sight before the next
contestant Is admitted. Kvery contest
ant can bring a member of tho family
or a friend with them who may wit
ness the entire transaction and see
that their Interests uio fully protected.
All Coupons Must Be Eilled Out.
Xo subscription coupons will be re
ceived unless they are filled out with
the name and nddiess of tho subscrib
er, with cash to pay ror the full length
of time subscribed. Xo blank coupons
will be accepted from any one.
In case nny contestants should ex
haust their supply or coupons, they
may bring a list of such subscribers
as they have seemed to The Tribune
olllce, and additional coupons will be
furnished them.
As each coupon must be veiifled In
order to be sure that it conforms to
the liile.s of the contest it will bo Im
possible, to give any Information out on
Saturday evening in regard to the po
sition or any contestant, even alter 8
o'clock. As each contestant lias a
legion or friends, most of whom will
be cut ions to know the result. It is
probable that "many inquiries will be
! it.i i .i. . .. .-. ii i..i.. .......
tt.-ii iii uitiur iu insure iih uuiuk uui-
erly stamped. A letter bearing n later
date than S p. in. today will not have.
nn effect on the final score. A letter
must bo despatched from the pcdollUo
this evening, as It must reach Hcranlnu
by tnmonow In order to receive credit.
Those Below Thirty-third Place.
There may bo u few In the tabl3
below who will be among the thirty
three winners of scholarships, nnd a
corresponding number will be obllgud
to drop out of the big table on Mon
day morning:
34. Leo Culver, Sprlngvllle 41
.1,". Miss Mary Ycngor, Green Itldge...."!"
.10. Harry Danvors, Providence '.M
.17. Lewis McCuslter, Park Place..... 'ii
!!S. P. J. Clark, l'eckvllle IS
:i!. Thomas Denmsev. Olvnhnnt 1.1
40. Newton Hawle.v, Green Hldgc tn
11. Walter Kills, Hyde Park S
42. Kinanticl Huccl, Hyde Park S
4.1. Miss Vivian Mlklc, Scranton 7
44. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest City.... C
4. Charles lioblnson. Green Uldge... 0
ii. Charles O'Uoyle, Scranton fi
47. Miss May Urown, Nicholson ."
45. Joseph Newman, South Scranton, :!
4!. Kilgar Wilson, jr., Scranton 2
no. 11, D. Dorsey, Scranton 1
ill. George Knickerbocker, Elmhurst. 1
Pied K. Gunster, of Green Itldge,
enleied the contest on May 27, being
the sixty-eighth to enroll. Ho started
on Mny :il with 6i3 points and has been
well placed all through the contest. It
Is probable ho will finish among thu
first ton leaders.
Tho contest was well nlong on Its
second month when A. U Clark, of
Green Glove, entered It on July 22, be
ing the ninety-fourth to do so. It was
Aug. 1 before Mr. Clark got fairly
started. Since then he has kept up a
persistent canvass and Is well placed
to obtain a scholarship.
Lee Culver, of Sprlngvllle. entered on
April 30, his being the thirty-ninth en
rollment. The first points he scored
were on May 12. Yesterday Mr. Cul
ver dropped to thirty-fourth place for
the first time In the contest. A row
points today will put him back In line
ror a scholarship.
Instructors Who Will Be Present and
tho Subjects They Will DIscubs.
Programmo of Each Day of tho In
stitute On Wednesday tho Tenth
Annual Meeting of the Directors
Will Be Held An Interesting Pro
gramme Arranged for It Letter
Sent to Directors.
In and About
The City
The annual Institute ot tho tenchers
of the public schools of the county will
be held next week In the court house.
The Instructors and their subjects will
be as follows: "I'edngogy and School
Management," Hon V. V, Stetson,
state superintendent of schools for
Mnlno; "Philosophy of History and
Modern Views of Kdufcatlon, Hon.
Frank L. Jones, slate superintendent
or schools ror Indiana; "Philosophy and
Hygiene," Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, of Itos
ton, superintendent Tor World's and
National Woman's Christian Temper
unco union; "Natlllu Study," Miss Julia
K. Hogcrs, director of correspondence
course In agriculture at Cornell univer
sity; address, Hev. Klkanah Hulley,
principal or Keystone academy; vocal
music, Pi or. John T. Witklns.Scranton;
Pa; accompanist, Prof. V. V. Jones,
Duninore, Pa. The programmo for the
week follows:
Manor Woman
Meeting of Teachers.
All members of the TeaeliPis" Mutual
Henellt association aie leciuesled to meet
la the boaiil ut' (mitiol looms tlii.s morn
ing at 10 o'clock sharp. Itiilney.s of Im
pel tance.
Had Her Husband Arrested.
Mis. .Mary Acker ycstclil.iy caused
mrest of her htishnml, Cleoige, on
chutge of non-support and deseition.
was committed to the county Jail by
del man ltmldy in default of ?VH hall.
Larceny Is Charged.
( 'ha lies Kuril, of Mulberry stieet. was
lit Id under $.100 ball yesteiday by Alder
man Ruddy on a ehaige of larceny pie
foiied by Mis. Knmia lliowu, who al
leges that he stole some wealing nppaiel.
Another Game Arranged.
The I'lly Hall Bowling team has le-
eoxi'ied ironi the shock slumlord by
their recent dpfeat at the hands of the
Court !loue loam, and arranged another
game, which will be lolled on the Klks'
alleys next Thuisday eenlng.
made. Pi om these friends of The Tilb
une and the contestants we ask indulg
ence and trust that they will not think
us discourteous If wo refuse lo give
tile desiied Intelligence. Strict rules of
the contest read: "All subscriptions
will be paid in advance. Only new
subset Iheis will be counted." It is
these rules that will prevent the tell
ing of the winner until Monday morn
ing, for every name turned In must be
subjected to a comparison with the
subscription books of The Tribune and
any one who Is aheady on the books
will not be accepted, and the points
will be deducted from the contestant
who turns them In.
In the two previous contests noth
ing of tills sort has been attempted,
nor is there any reason to anticipate
any such action today, but In order to
pioperly safeguard the Interests of
every contestant and not have to dis
appoint any ono by contradicting pie
vlous Information, all Inquiries for thu
results will have lo be disregarded.
Returns Should Be Made Early.
It will bo to the interest of each con
testant to get bis returns In as eaily
as possible, or, at least, the major por
tion of them, nnd then, if ho has not
secured all he expects he can go out,
and make a second or third leturn
later. It will be better to do this than
to run nround all day with other peo
ple's money nnd perhaps lose or mis
place some or It in the closing rush
and bustle, A contestant may make
as many leturns ns ho pleases from S
a. in. to .S p. in. today. The olllce ot
the Contest lOdltor will be open con
tinually between those hum p. In any
event take plenty of tlniu before the
closing hour to tench the ofllce of The
Tribune. A tiolley car or a train de
layed for only a few minutes may make
a gieat difference to youio contestant.
Don't wait until thu last minute or even
the last half hour. If possible get to
The Tilbune otllco in thu morning or
afternoon and got your points counted.
Then f a delay piuvenis an arrival
laier In tho evening tho bulk of the
returns will be credited anywny. Thero
Is a wlso old saying; "Don't put all
your eggs In ope basket."
Contestants from out of town
who mail their returns will have
their Intetests taken euro of Just
tho same ns If they wero on the
ground, Tljelr letters will bo opened In
private, and (ho additions to their
scores will not be divulged. Thoy must
bo sure, however, to ascertain from
their postmaster Just how long befoto
thu hour of 8 a letter must be dopes-
Mysteriously Shot.
Dennis Tlcrney, a well known citizen.
:i- nosteiiouM) shot iii the light hand
while walking along Prunkliu avenue on
Thursday nlternoon. Dr. John U'Mnlluy
dressed the wound which was made by a
"2-c-alibio bullet and which bled profuse
ly. Nothing is known as to who fired the
siiot or as to whence it came.
Boys Under Arrest.
A number of ouugslers were indulg
ing In pranks on line street Thursday
night, when they unexpectedly run into
the hands of Superintendent of Police
Loan I. D.xy. They were Morgan Klsli
biiugli, aged 12; Irving Brewster, aged 14;
Walter Urover, aged IB; William Damon,
nged 12; George Bower, aqed 12; Harry
Clark, aged l:i. Magistrate Howe repri
manded them, and lined them $1 eacli on
the charge of disorderly conduct.
Wreck on the D. & H.
Several cars of coal, which had been
left on the main track of tho Delawaio
and Hudson railroad, near thu National
bleaker on Thur.-day afternoon, were iun
into by a north-bound fast freight. One
of the coal cars was completely wrecked
and the locomotive of the freight train
was b.ully damaged. Tho engineer and
fireman both Jumped and so escaped in
jury. The coal cars had been left on the
track wiille the switch engine was on the
siding, pulling out seveial moie.
An Epidemic of Drunks.
During the past two days, mom or less
free beer was on tup in many places, ami,
as a result, an unusually huge number of
ill links were picked up by the police. The
iitftnders wero celebrating tho settlement
of the Hike, and tho following cusps
were disposed of In police court yester
day: William Millar, ten days; Mary Mc
I.alue, twenty days; Benjamin llewey, J3
line; Jack Skelly, $10 line; Thorns Mont
gomery, $3 fine; Charles AVand, $." Hue;
Put lick Crawley, discharged; Josephine
TlQontiy, thirty days; David Williams,
ninety dais.
Bloomsburg State Normal School
Alumni Association,
The second nnnuul Imnnuet of the
Hloumsburg State Normal School
Alumni association of Luckawaunti
county will bo held at the Scranton
Woycle Club house, Washington ave
nue, Wednesday evening, October 20,
commencing at 7 o'clock. All graduates
and former members of the bchool are
cordially Invited to bu present.
Halter's orchestra will rtirnlsh the
music and prominent members of the
association will respond tn toasts, A
largo number have aheady signified
their Intention of being present and a
splendid time is anticipated,
The Delaware and Hudson Company
Has arranged for u special train
sei vice on Sunday 26th to accommodate
the vlsltots to Camp Wyekoff, at Oly
pliant, especially for dress parade. De
tails regarding train service will bo
published In afternoon papers.
fr ! . ....j..... .j. .j.
If You Want
The Best
for Cash or on Easy
Payments. Call on
, ,117 Wyoming Avenue
Various Makes of Pianos at
struments Taken in Exchange,
All Prices. Old In-
.. -I..!.
MONDAY, 10 A. M.
Teachers enrolled.
Note Hooks, Music Hooks and Programs
Seats assigned.
Social session,
MONDAY, 1.30 1 M.
Music led by Pi of. Witlklns
Fundamental Ilelatlons In History,
Snpeilntendent Jones
Signs of Piep.untioa for Whiter,
Miss Hogcrs
Older of Development Supl. Stetson
.Music led by Prof. Walking
Heading an I'npiiuted Page,
Sunt Stetson
How to Head the Age of Tiee--.
Miss Rogers
Relation of History to Geography,
Suit. Jones
TCIOSDAY, 1...0 P. M.
Music led by Prof. Wntklns
Some ICsesnllnls Supt. Stetson
Wheie Do Insects Go in the Fall?
Miss Hogcrs
Development of National T.lle Along
Lines of Natiuiil Laws I. .Supt. Jones
Music Prof. Wntklns
Development of National Life Along
Natural Laws II Supt. Jones
Nuts and NnJ-beai ins Trees.. Miss Roger.,
One Phase of a Teacher's Piep.iratlon,
Supt. Stetson
WEDNESDAY, .".() P. M.
Music Xrof. Wiit'dns
The Emotions as a Factor in Edu
cation Supt. Stetson
The Educational Value of Fnlhnes,
Hev. Klkanah Hulley
llnslrations of Hlstoilcal Giowth from
Ancient Nations Supl. Joies
Mafic Prof. Wntklns
Jllsloikal Study by the Teacher,
Sunt. Stetson
Relation of the Last Two Decades of
the Nineteenth Century to tho
Twentieth Century Mis. Hunt
Pilneiples Underlying Modem Histoiy
Study Supl. Jones
How Much Physlolosi and Hygiene
Shall We Teach in I'limaiy
Schools Mis. Hunt
Music p.uf. Walking
Modem Views or Education II,
Supt. Jones
Is the Subject nf Physiology and Jl
glene a Constant Repetition, If
Pursued Through the ill amnio r
Grades and the First Year of tho
High School Course Mrs Hunt
Rcpoits of Committees.
The Master's JIes.ige '..Supt. Stetson
The directors of the county will have
their lentil annual meeting on Wednes
day, at which this programme will bo
Com t Room No. 2.
Opening Address,
President James F. MeAndiew
Reading Minutes of Last Meeting,
Secretary N, S. D.iv.'s
Discussion "The Compulsory Attend
ance Law," opened by
H. C. Hoffman, of Jefferson, m-.d
Willl-im Repp, of Old Foige.
Hepoit of Committee Hint attended
the State Directors' Association,
Sect clary N. S. Davis
Appointment of Committees.
"Consolidation ot Country Schoals
and Tot ushlp High Schools."
Superintendent F. L. Junes
Court Room No. 2.
"What Nututo Study Is, andU'ha'l It
Does" Miss Julia E. Hugos
Paper "Taxation for School Purposes"
V, M. Francis, Secretary Dalton
School Hoard,
DiscussionOpened by..,. Sec. N. S. Davis
Hejioi Is of Committees.
Election of Oflleers,
"Tho Relation of the Community to
the School Supl. W. W. Stetson
Note Music and recitations will bu' pro
vided. The following letter concerning tho
directors' meeting has been sunt to
every director In tho county.
Scranton, Oct. 21, ll02
To Hie School Directors of Lackawanna
Gentlemen: Tho annual county teach
ers' Institute will bo held hi tho court
liouso during the week of October 27. Tito
law icciiilres all public schools shall
bo clO'Cd dining Institute week, and all
teachers, including night school and sub
stitute teachers, should attend,
On Wednesday. Oct, 21), the annual
meeting of the Directors' association will
bo held In Court Room No, 2, Fiom the
Inclosed programme, you will see that
this meeting will bo ono of unusual In
terest, linn. W. W. Stetson, stato nipcr
inteiident of Mtilnr; lion. Flank L. Jones,
statu supeiintendeut nf Indiana, and Miss
Julia I'J, Rogers, director of tho corres
pondence course hi agiicultuie at Cornell
unlveislly, will addresH tho meeting,
Able local speakers will iUscu s "Taxa
tion for School Purposes" and "Tho Coin
pulsoiy Attendiuucj ,mv " In our last
meeting, ven dlstilets were icp.
tesented by nmro than HO scliool dlrco
tins. This year wo hope to have every
uiionl boanl In the county rcpicccnted.
A list of all dlteetor. who intend will be
given to the county papers and also sent
to our statu superintendent for publica
tion In tho Pennsylvania School Journal.
In Uio Interest of your schools, we most
earnestly urgo ou to attend this meet
ing. Let us nial(" It the bvsl and largest
meeting of school dhctioio ever held In
this count!.
Respectfully niirs,
James F. McAndrews.
Picsldent Dlicetors' Association.
J. c. Taylor.
County Superintendent of Schools.
P. S. 'o ate advised by Hon. Hear
Ilouek, deputy stato hiipeilutendeut of
schools, that expenses of dhectors for at
tending hiich meetings may bo paid out
of distiict funds, tho same as those of
teachers attending tho county Institute.
Makes careful inquiry
before deciding where
to deposit money
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capita, the surplus and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Third National Bank
118 Wyoming: Avenue.
Where savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent interest.
I Saturday Specials
Ladies' Waists for Winter
Are quite as beautiful as the Summer Shirt Waist, and will be
worn as much. We have many styles to show you at prices
that cannot fail to please, because the values are exceptionally
good. Everything shown is new. New Waists in Madras,
"P. K's," Basket Weaves, Fancy Mercerized Fabrics, etc.,
lined or unllned, and beautifully tailored, These are dressy
garments, much In vogue with women of fashion.
PRICES, $1.50 TO $5.00
Flannel Waist's, Silk Waists, Shirt Waists and every other
kind of Waist, in all sizes, including extras,
Ladies' Neckwear
Ruffs In white, wldte and black,
the evening shades. Fiom
Lace Collins in Hussion lace; blncl
black and white, black and nil
white and cieam. Prices
Meai's Furnishings
New Neckwear, Just opened, showing the very latest novelties;
all shapes, cnlois and patterns, best values in the city at 23c. and....
Men's gloves, jjdir or kid, dressed or undressed, lined or unllned,
all ipialitli-H. A fiood assoilnicnt of good gloves at
I'liderwenr lor gentlemen, ot every desciipllon. The most complete de-
paitmein in till.-, citv. We cany "stouts up to 50 Inches nnd special iQr
makes for tall slander men. Pilce.s for reliable oualities beclti at... '"'
Men's Flannel Shit Is, in pretty lancy styles, to be worn with CI 'yc
si purine colliiis. An ideal winter shirt at XtJ
onnell & Co.
The Satisfactory Slora.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
fHji jj tLtf ati'Kieiiip'n0X0 xpt
Of J
Can be carried out by us with a nicety that will surprise you
when you need a piece of furniture to fit a certain niche in
your home. Our furniture makers and upholsterers are con
stantly turning out handsome specimens from original designs
in any wood or finish that our customers choose.
F A. KAISER, Manager,
Lackawanna and Adams.
Both 'Phones
FOR S1.50.
FOR S2.B0,
Qriffin Art Co.,
KE .rrtnrflflPffiffi!
W J '
m With
I always have diamonds under mnv
ket vnluy. Write me your wants.
Money back, without argument, If not
batlsllcd, Address X., P. O. Hox 03.
For Cooking and Seasoning.
the coming of cooler weather, rich pastries,
such as pies, puddings and cakes, for which brandy is
required as a flavoring, grow in favor.
For these purposes, we offer a brandy having pe
culiar qualities, which lend themselves particularly to
culinary uses,
We will deliver a bottle to you
order by mail, 'phone or in per
son, for one dollar
Old 'Phone
Sjles Department-f?.
zil Lackawanna Ave.ScraiitonV
New 'Phone
Is i
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