h Sor ? ,', THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1902, 4tT , - T' peek's Soc News J'"1U! piugtaminc for the Flotoncc Mission bcncllt on Monday night Iwj Is the most attractive amateur aiTnlr tlnw fur projected this ncdhon. The woik ot Jtnchiiiic Tltiiboiiiiiin-Hnnilolph'B pttplli is too nelt known to need extended notice. Hut no musical event of Impoituiiec ran take place In Scrunton unless Homo of the vocalists (mined In hot' btudlo tun on the programme. The names of Mrs. John Itcynnlils and Mrs. J. Attlcus Hoboitson aic add ed to the list of patronesses. The fol lowing Is the revised pi obi ammo: Uoptauo Solo and Chorus "Tho 1 hint's Lp" tfuim "May Queen" Canlatu) Mel'aitcn MlhS THhcl Hlioriiiakor, May tjiiccu. (Any song Intruded to nwnltPti, i'Vpii a lnvo Ming, wii founcily called "The Hunt's I'd.") Soprano Solo "C!ia-s and Hoses". li.n llctt Miss Henrietta. Hun In (Violin Obligate, Mi. Wldnittjpi.) ' Sopiuno Solo (a) "WleBcnllcd" ("1'i.ullc Sour") Mo,,11 1 b) "The Swallows" Cow en MM Alice limns. Contralto Alia "My lleatt at 'I'll v Sweet Voice" (fiom opci.'i, "S un bolt and Delilah") Stint S.aens Mis- lllcanor ileynolds. Duet "(Jondolleis" llensclicl Mis. lli.idy and Mr. Williams. Conti.ilto Solo (nl "The Asia" lliibriisli In (h) "Song of Tliaiilisglvlng"...AIIItt-cn Bopi.ino Solo (a) "Violets" Wright (b) "The AVoolng" Klcvklng Jll'.i Hllsuboth Itimnell. M(o-Supi.ino Solo "I'rolestntlonf," Xorils Miss ItO'-e Doiolliy (iiillpn, (Violin Obllguto, Mr. Wlthn.tjci.) Tiln "I I.omb.irdl" Veidl Misses Spencer mid CJiu.ig.tn and Ml. S. II. Kliigshuiy. Mczo-Sopi.ino Solo (.1) "On lilst vvlo elno Ultimo".. Cantor (b) "When J.ovc Is Kind" A. U Mrs. T. C. Von Stoieh. B.ultono Solo (a) "Dedieatlon" Schumann (b) "Su cumin" . . ... Strauss Mr. ltnlph Utvlght Williams. Conlialto Solo "O I.otd Coriect Up," Hmulel Miss I. Ulil Ouuigiili, Soprano Solo "Flower Soiib," '(fiom opcia, "Faust") ,,, Oounod Miss Jltliel Shoemaker. Choi u "O Bleat ltcdctmci" (bv rp- tiucst) Machctto Conltalto Solo (a) "Der Vod unit dns Madehen," Belmbeit (b) "In Blossom Tlnio" Nectlhnm MlhS Keynolds. Sopiano Solo "Songs .My Mother TatiBht Me," (C.ysv Suiik) Dvomk (b) "The Uuirii" Cluulwlck Mis. Climi Slinpsnu-Ibmh. Mco-Soprnno Solo "Ao Mm la" Hach'tiounod MlhH Uiaec II. Spencer. Violin and Cello Obligate. The Dixie theatie has had a eiy In tpioatliiFT bill this week, but Mr. Sl.sson has been In New Yoik in ranging for some of the sieatest lieifoinicis on the nudellle stage, for net week. The populatlty of the piety theulic In creases. Film as the stai that nuukuh out the coiiise 'J lie watchful milliner his .ship doth take: Htlght as Hie sun that dally doth tlb-bui'-o Ills livening i.is to bid tho vvuiltl awake; Swcctlv milestle like the flood-Rule moon Thai sweps the skv with gnigetnw 10 thiiic; Softly lefiPsliliiR, like the losp of .lunp That giaced the caith clod whine It Blew : Thus doth tliluo Image till my c.iblt i-IbIiI, And Njltiip icels in Its pine delight. The abuse lines to a well-known magazine, fiom the pen of Louis Mann, weie sent in i espouse to a lequesL for a contribution, and hac a depth of meaning that would not, piobably, bo understood without a word of expla nation. Mr. Mann's wife, known pro fessionally ni Miss Clnta I-lpiniin, broke her collar-bone while on her way to Kilt ope. H was set on tho Btoanier, and evcty Indication pointed to n speedy lecovery. Weeks pnssed ami It did not tiottble lier, While at Atlantic City, however, she expeileneed gieat pain, and It was thought advisable to go to t'liltndelphla to consult a special ist, lie Informed her that It bad not been properly set, and that he would be obliged to re-dislocate it, and to per form tho operation ot le-seltlng again, She consented, it was successfully per formed, and accompanied by Mr. Mann, she 1 etui nod to Atln title City. While Miss I.lpmnn was yet In the throes ot pain, Mr. Mann, who had ptoviousiy delayed lehcaisnls for ills new play, "lloch, the Consul," was finally obliged to leave her. It was much against his will, and the added nnxloty for ills play left him In anything but a happy mood. He lecclved the ietittt?st ftm tho article one night on lotutnlng to his hotel. Miss Mpniiin was In his mind, rind he thought that the least that ho might do, should be something us a tribute to her. The above Is Ills offering. I.tiuls Miinn will piescnt "Much, the Consul," at tho Lyceum, Satuiday night. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spiugue an nounce tho engagement ot their daugh ter, Ortiutlo Haskell, to Mr. Nelson Ilaiulall Osborne, ot Buffalo, The engagement of Chailos Foisey Shaw and Miss Ev.i Pilco, both of Hiooklyn, N. Y has lecently been an nounced. It may bo it called that 11 jeur ago, while spending his vacation In Montiosp, Mr. Shaw was slilckcii with Uphold fewer. The unusual seveilty of tiio attack attracted considerable at tention in Seranton 1ncdlc.1l elides at the time. The announcement of the in g.igcmcnt lias been delayed until le cently, on account of Mr. Shaw's slow convalescence. Judge and Mis It. W. Aubbald, Iter. Dr. C. M. Gitlin, Miss Archbald, "Mis. F. W, FlellK and 11 p.utv of ladies weie among those who occupied boxes last night at the political meeting. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watkins left for Washington on Tluusday. They had expected to go to New Mexico net ! S30 jfJ STAMPS - WITH A DOLLAR PURCHASE f Saturday and Monday, October 25 and 27. Grand Display of Strictly New Dry Goods t Special Showing of the Latest Silks and Dress Goods. t Dress Goods Department Taffetine Lining Silks, 23 shades; O'Jc value for.... 33c Tafletas, coloied shoit lengths; 73c goods for .Vic Cheney's Soft Finish Wash Talf.'tas T.ie Beautiful Clirystal Satins, small figures $100 Black Peau do Sole, 90e value foi 75c Golden Kdge Black Peau de Sole, !)5c value SOc Black Peau de Sole, 23 Inches wide; special !re Full Yaid-Wide Peau de Sole, $l.r.p alue ?1.23 GUAKANTEED BLACK TAFFETAS. Haskell's High Glade Silks 75c, S3c, U5c, $1.50 Banner Black Taftetas, full yaid wide !r,c Black Taffetas, yaid and half wide; special M.19 Bain-Pioof Black Tattetas $1 i", and M.V) 71c Blight Clan Plaid Silks, lor r, ?1.00 Blight Clan Plaid Silks for 75c Lot rancy Taffetas, 73c and $1.00 goods r.Jic Lot Fancy Taifetas, too goods 40c New Dressy Dress Goods Ciepes, Voiles, Ettamlnees, nil wool and silk and wool; beautiful light weight fubiics, in all colois 75c to $1.00 Whlpcoids, Pebbles, Li.zaids, all haul finish goods; splendid value at $1.00 10-inch Ctneits, all new shades V)c Zibellnes and Camel Hair Mixtiues, $1.50 value... $1.25 Venetians, Vicunas and Covet ts, $1.23 value $1.00 Poplins, Annul ls), etc, $1.00 value 75u New Liquid AVeacs, all shades sic DO-lnch Snow Fl.tke Tweeds $1,00 Black Goods 40-lncli Black Cheviot, 03c value -inc C0-lnch Black ChcWot, !)0e value 75c DO-inch Black Cheviot, $1.23 value psu Waistings 75c Printed Fiencli Flanutls ;nc 7,'.c New Fancy Waistings, In short lensths at)o Beautiful Bcdtoid, with silk snipe 25o Pretty Woisted waistings 13c and 25c Table Linens Fine display of Old Bleach Linens; look well and wear beitei than other Linens... ;0o Fnbleaclnd Damask, ji 10c Uiibleuchcd Damask , ;;jc 45c Uliblcni bed Damask jiSo 59o Unl leaelii'd Damask COe 6c I'nbleacbed Damask ,,..,.,,,,.,, C9cs $1,00 Unbleaclted Damask 7;ic $1.25 Unbleat lied Damask ,. . , , .$1,00 79c Snow White Damask G,3c $1,00 Snow While Damask , s,9o $1,23 Snow AVhite Damask , $1,00 $1.5o Snow AVhite Damask.,,,, $i,o; $2.00 Snow AVhite Damu.sk , $t,;o Bargains in Domestics Best Dunbildge Apion ainshaiu ce Good Stiaw Ticking , s0 Blue Stiipe Feather Ticking , ,,,, y0 Canton Flannel Ticking , , 'n0 Canton Flannel, line , ,,, f0 Good Hi own Muslin , , , , . , iy,Q Good Bleached Muslin .., , l0 Finest Blown Muslin,, , , o'-u Hill, Lonsdale, Fiult of Loom ,,.,, j0 Good Shaker Flannel ....,,,.,.,,,,,, 40 Heavy Shaker 'Flannel ..,,..,, 7c Outings, very pietty puUeins., f Bo Fine 8c Heavy Fleeced Outings , oy,c Fancy lOo Fine Fleeced Outings , ,,,,810 Best Double Fleeced Outings , jo0 Best Indigo Blue Pilnts , a Best Silver Giey Pilnts , ,, ,,.,,..,.', e0 Coat Department Xou line of Ladies' and Jlissos Coats, Suits and Underwear and Hosiery Boys' and Girl's Fast Black Hose 12Vi:C Bojs' and Gills' Black Cat Hose 25c Misses' Fins Bibbed Hose j 25c Ladies' Fast Black Hose Via Ladles' Fine Black Hose 15c Ladies' Maco Black Hose 23c Ladies' Fancy Hose, In gieat varieties. Specials at 25c. ;J5c. 30c. 73c. S3c. S1.00 Childi oil's Fine Fleeced Underwear 15c to SOc Ladies' Heavy Fleecetl Undeiwear 23c Ladles' Fine Jeisey Ribbed Underwear C0c Ladles' Natutal Giey Underwear 7Cc Ladies' AVhite AVool or Natural Underwear $1.00 Ladies' Extia Fine Undcrwe.n $1,50 Ladles' Union Suits 30o up to $5.00 Men's Fast Black Hose .1 pair for 25c Men's AA'hlto Foot Hose no Men's Etia Fine Hose, black oi fancy 23c Men's Daik Fleeced Underwear 39c Men's Light Fleeced Underwear 39c Men's Fancy Fleeced Undeiwear C0c Men's Nattual Undeiweai C0c Men's Jeisey Bibbed Undeiwear C0c M Mi's Heavy AVool Undeiweai $1.00 Men's Light Fine Wool Undeiwear $1,00 .Men's Heavy Duuble-Bieustod Underwear $1.75 Notion Department Specials '.00 Jeisey Ve-t-, gteeus, giays, blue.-, and black; $1.00 and $1.23 goods for 3o0 Knitted Shawls Ladles' and Clilldien's Gulf dimes 25e and 50c Cashmeie and Silk Finger Tip Gloves 23c to $1,00 Silk Knitted Gob' Gloves , j,oo New Black Bead, total, jet and pearl 'S.le to $1,00 25u Oxldls-ed Belt Pins 5e New Satin Belts, choice buckles; 75c foi coo New Satin Bolts, choice buckles; $1.00 lor ,,,. 750 Il'c New Chenille Spot Veilings s0 Gennantowii Yams, Lion Biand tic Shetland A'.uns, Lion Biantl..., ,, so lkst M. &. II. Gloves , $1,00 Blankets and Comforts Gieat A'aiiety at Low Pilces. 10-1 AVliite cotton Blankets ,. 5i0 30-4 Giey Cotton Blankets , 5,ic 11-4 White or Giey Bluukets, heavy S3a 12-4 AVhite or Giey Blankets, fine ,.,,, ,,$l,G5 11-4 AVhite or Giey Blankets, my heavy ,,,$.',2.ri 10-4 Heavy Giey $1,00 10-1 Fancy AVhite u,- AVool Blankets ,.,.,,,, $3.00, $4,00, $3,00, $0.00 Fine Laige Coinftnts, filled with white cotton, $1.00, $1.33, $2,00, $2.50 Down Quilts 4 CO up to $13,00 Childi en's Cilb Illuiikelti , ,,, ,,.,, Corsets Our Little Beauty Coisets, light blue, pink and a white a woiuler for,, ,,,,. , C0e P, N. Corsetsr-thu heat on eai th Fiench goieti, 4 medium or low bust; straight ftonts, long or shoit on hips ., ..$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $J.f,0. $J.50, $3,00 J Flexltone Corsets unexcelled tor stout tonus $1.00 to $3.50 Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1,00 worth of goods or more and you will racelve 30 stamps. October 35, 27, MEARS & HAQEN. Mears & Hagen 415 and 417 Lackawauoa Ave $ week to spend a month, but owing to Mr. AVatklns' acceptance ot the presi dent's appointment, was obliged to de fer their trip for tho fourth time duting tho past few months. Miss Elsbeth AVInton gac a pi city luncheon on AVodncsdny, when the guests weie: Mrs. a, D, Murray, Mis. Albeit AVatson, Mrs. Joint Clnlpln, Mis. Everett Tollcs, Mrs, II. II. Uiady, Miss Anno AVatson, Miss Gnlpln, Miss Elea nor Heynolds, Miss Alice Matthews, Miss Linen, Miss Albright, Miss Hen noil, Mls Htooks, of Elmlraj Miss Helen Sanderson, Miss Helen Hand, Miss Kato Nettloton, Miss Boles, Miss Anno Hand. Tho many friends of Miss Stella Sey mour will bo inteiested In knowing that she has taken up her residence pcima ncntly In New York, having a pleasant homo and studios at 411 Manhattan avenue. Miss Seymour will not letln qtilsh her musical life In any Hcne, but will continue to employ her great nat ural gifts with tho results of the vst advantages she lias enjoyed, In a certain amount of teaching, for Which she has a singular ability. It Is possible that Miss Seymour may bo pcisuaded to take a small class of aduitieed pupils In tills city, her oltl home, making the Jouiney fiom New York at stutcd limes, Mr. and Mis. William II. Itieliinond eiitci tallied at dinner on Tuesday night in honor of Bey. Dr. and Mis. C. F. Gates, the retained mlsslonaiy. Tho other guests were Mis. Thomas Dick sou, Mis. II. M. Boles, Ilev. Dr. and Mis. Moon, of Pcckvlilc; llev. Dr. S. C. Logan, Judge and Mis. Alfied (land, llev. Dr. and Mis. Lansing, llev. Dr. .Tessup, of Kyi la; Miss Hand, Miss Chtu lotto Hand. Mis. Sluiplcigh, of Phladelphla, who lias been the guest of Mis. Fiances B. Dimmick for the past few dajs, ie tuined home cstcid.iy. Mis. 11. II. Br.idv, ji g.ne a lunch eon on Thursday in honor of Mlss Al biigiit, of Buffalo. Tho guests weie Miss Alllllullt MIku Itnllllr.il Mi T II Sanderson, Mis. Albeit AVatson, Miss .rtiiee Aiattncws, IWiss Anna Aiclibald, Miss Helen Matthews, Miss Linen. Mis. Albeit AVatson entertained In honor of .Miss Albright at a small luncheon on Tuesday. The guests weie Miss Albilght, Miss Bennell, Miss Hill, Miss Boies. John 11. lllller and Miss Maig.uot B. F.tdden, daughter of Mrs. Susan F.idden, oT 222 Franklin aenue, weie united in murilage last night at the home of the btitle. which had been beautifully decorated. The ceieniony was peifoimed by llev. AV. I. Stems. The blide woie ,i gown of steel giay cloth trimmed with chiffon and can led a shower bouquet of white carnations. She was attended by Miss Loiett.i Slot k. The gioom's attendant was Donald C. Fadden, a blather of the blide. rJ he newlv mauled couple left on an eaily morning ti.ilu for a tilp to Buffalo and Niag.ua Falls. Miss Boies will give a dinner ne.t Tuesday night in honor of Mi. and Mis. Ftank Fuller. Miss AV.itts, of Mon is town, will be her guest at that time. Tho ladies of the Penn Aenue Bap tist rliurcii will soive their, flist supper of the season in the eliulch pailois, Tluusda, October 30. Committee of ui rnngoments. Mis. II. J. II.iIl, Mis. O. V. Bubeo, Mis. D. A. Capwell, Mis. E. A. Bush, Mis. Jennie C. Smith, Mits S. C. Krigbaum. Mr. and Mi. Thomas Speicher have issued invitations lor the wantage ol tlieir daughter, Miss Bessie Madeline Speicher, to Mr. Hariy Edwaitl rian cls, of Kingston, Pa., tho ceieniony to take place at f o'clock on AVeduesduy afternoon, October 29, at the home of the biide's patents, 431 Madison ae nuo. Mis. Henry Belin, jr., gae a luncheon on Wednesday at the Country club, when coveis weie laid for twcntj-flo ladies. Tho govemois of the Country club will hue a dinner tonight. MKs Anna Aiclibald gave a small dinner on Thin sday night. Miss Helen Stevens gave a caul p.tity on Tluusday at her homo on Qulncy avenue. Mr. and Mis. F. D. McGowun entei tulned a few n lends infoimally last night. Movements of People. Chailos Casper, ot r.uw.uk, N, J ,is In tho city. Mis. N. A'. Ltd Is visiting li lends in Sum nil t, N. J MNh Uioidcs, of Elmlia, N. A' is the guest of .MIrfs Sandeoii, ot Noilh AVush Illgtou avenue. E B, Dliiii and lainllv. of this, elt, have taken up their lesldence at Hotel Coition at Washington, D. C, llev. Di. Wllfild t'. Shilver, of Belle loute, lh tho glint of Dr. Woodcock, nl .0 Noitli Aahlilnglou aVLiuit'. Mis. Watson .leifeis, ot Klngsley, ami Mi. W. O. Finn and daiiKhieis, of Mtuu lose. sptat Filday Willi Mis. E. if, liiowniiin, of Witshliigiuii avenue Chaik", F, Pulley, of Spilnglleld, 111, foimeily dilel' tlospaleher of the Lacka wanna l.illiuad lu litis cits, uiiivtd lic'iti jesteiiltis itiul will ho milled lu iiiaillagu on Tue-tltiv nest lu MNs Gciltliii, of Duilinule. LAST NIGHT'S MUSICALE. A Btilllnnt Social and Artistic Event at Hiss Fieemnn's Studio, An audience of which any aitlst, however high his or her standing lu the gieat woild of music might bo justly ptouil, gatheiutl last evening lu tho studios of Miss Fieeman and Mi. Southworth to hear Miss Harriet Stilts, sopiano, and Miss Ellen Scianton Stltes, lollnlst, on the occasion of their piesentatlon to the Scianton public in u wondeitully flue and exacting pio gi amine. Befoio their visit to Em one, fiom which they havo not long i etui tied, tliese two slsteis liad been he.nd at tho pupils,' lecltuls given by Miss Allen and Miss Fieeman, uud that each would tuko u high place in the t units of musi cal ai lists hud been Invnilably pn dlcted. AVhen they went abioad they weie advised by their lespectlve teach eis of the best means to continue their ttalulng, und both have been studying In Pails with teucheis of highest note teachei.s who, like the Misses Allen uud Fieeman themselves, have availed themselves of the best Euiopean ti. lin ing. The following was the piogtanime rendeied; 3. A'leiixteiups Fautasle Appasion.ua 2. l!udn Alia fiom Oiteo 3, Beethoven Itonun.o Gotlaul Cuiuouettu t. Jlejeibcei. Sliadovv Dance, fiont Duuoiah 3. llaeudcl , , Laighutto Bach Uavottu Wm - i n i ii .i ' i " T 'v , OVERCOATS. Never has there been a season when we felt the strength of otir.iposf- tion so strongly our great buying capacity, the untold advantages of buying from onlv the best manufacturers, the ciualitv of work- - manship, and the great care that is taken with every aSKllbS little detail of each garment; all this emphasizes itself siriKingiy as we sum up our ciaim, mat our uvercoats at tmsfww(l t 4 4l $10, $1 2 and SI 5 are absolutely the best value in Seranton. There's nothing near that price that will touch them, either in quality of material or the grace and style that are in them. We want you to see these overcoats, try them on and we feel confident that you will admit they are a great value. You know you don't have to keep anything that is unsatisfactory. Bring it back LrTSm juMVA -A-lmCL V JOT n i fo w f l l-l mmJw ft Ifli Vi &S0N 324 Lackawanna Avenue. p $$9$$$9$P$9$999i , l 5 ttf.Kf.lt! H ! . . K ". Helen S. Buchanan, Dermatologist ?cr9 ?s '1, vy v'-rA h I'S Eloctikul Facu M.issiigc, Elcctiual Kcilp 'J'lP.Umcnt. Supeilluoiis Il.iii, Waits and JIolos icinovcd by EIi'c tiovsls Cliloudo of Silver J"uy Cell Batteiics. Elcctilt; Holl-is, Elcclilc Hair llliislus, A.c. Office and Lnboiatoiy, 312 Washington avo., Scianton Full line ot tho Famous "NEHO" COIISETS, Latest Model Maiilciu lug. Sliuinpuolug. alt "A "A "A "A "A ' "A 'A at 'A A "A "A 1 "A A "A 'A Jcno Htibav Caitlas C. Ambioiso Thomas Sti.vlcnno Glieg .Suiiblihie Song Mocr Helmund Tito Kiss 7. Saint S.ieus Rondo Capiicdoso S. Whitney Coonilis .. .Four Leaf Clover MitcDovvell Lullaby 9. Eva dcrAequa. Villancllc AVith A'lolln. It speaks for itself as reciuiiing pio found and delieato feeling and wonder fully lino gifts of Intel pretatlon to give as it should be given. It is none too much to say that each and every num ber pioved that violinist and singer ate dowered with the laie, tine dower the woild knows as genius, as distinguished tioin and supeilor to talent, however line that may be. The very flist movement of "Vieux temp's Fantasie" told this to tho li enrois as Miss Ellen went thiough its dream-like music of the spheies. On her second appearance her great vei sutlllty was evidenced at she Hist play ed an Impassioned lomnnco of Beet hoven in a way to hold the soul with its power, and then clashed Into Godnid's gay and biilllunt, utteily Fiench Cauzonetta with eive and a charm of touch that woke a delight as of summer and song and dance In sun lit glades. Bach's stately and intilcato Oavotto and a L.ughetto of Handel's weie, as given by her, tiiuiuphs of technique und e.piebslun, Space foi bills following this gifted gill through till the pi ogi amine, or giving the plum to .Miss Han let Htltes' singing that It ought to have. We ate compelled to content mil selves with saying that It was hi eveiy point w ni thy to be licit d with Miss Ellen's playing. Their teucheis weie tho ic clplents of unstinted compliments tin eveiy side. Miss Blackmail's actoni paluiuents weie, us they alwujs aie, supeib, leaving nothing to lie dtslicd rUNERAL OP MRS. DOERSAM. Services AVete Held at the Home on Penn Avenue. The tuucral of Mis, Philip Dooi.s.un was held at tho futility lesldenco on I'enn avenue jesteiduy atteinooii at 2 o'clock. Ljlng so peacetully and mitumlly us If only asleep, in die cas ket coveied with beautiful flowots, It was hard to icallzu that tint eiuhly llto of this noble, tiulet, Ciulstlun wile mother ami filend was untied, llv James MoLeod, D. D of tho Flist I'lesbyteiian chinch, and llev, II. F. X, Fieico, D, D of tho l'eun Avemi Baptist eliuieh, contlucted the set vices, J, M, Chance had chaise of the music, nnd a tiiartetle composed of Mis Al lied Outheiiu, sopiano; Miss Cl.iiagau, nlto; italpli AViUlams, tenor, and AV, llobeits, bass, beautifully leiuleiod "Neater My Qod to Thee" ami "o Shall Meet Beyond the Illver." futei juent was In thu Foi est Hill cemetei) ZINSKI WANTS HIS FREEDOM. Says He Is Not Guilty of the Wins ton Murder, An application for a wilt of habeas cm pus was made by Attorneys Balen tine and Howell yesteiday lu behalf of I'eter tflnskl, who Is lu tho county jail cliuiged with having a hand lu the niuidcr of James Winston, a non-union worwman, near Olypliunt, the lutter pa it of September. He was ui tested ut dH i h KVVVJwVVVvyw'"ssVVvA A sjitflC,,,nwirf We Are tisfied M With a air Profit A Ten Year Guarantee With Every I list ni men t. The reason why you can buy a thoroughly good Piano at this factory at a moderate price is because we are satis fied with a fair margin of profit. Every "Keller Brothers" Piano is built upon the best known lines of Piano con struction and of A-1 material throughout. Keller & Van Dyke Piano Factory, 1043-105 i Capouse Avenue. WRITE FOR CATALOFUE. Fall Fashions in Ladies' Shoes at Reasonable Prices. The secret is in buying. We do not buy ponr shops, there fore it is impossible for lib to sell you a poor pair. The price may be low, yet the quality is all there. We have three lines of popular-priced Ladies' Shoes that are being worn by hundreds of our customers, from whom we have had many satisfactory testimonials. They sell at $1.25 $1.50 and $2.00. Tliey aro of thu new IMII shapes, cut from Culf und Vict Kid, v, till intent and dull tips, Mllltury tied, luca or buttun, llt,ht or lieav, flexible, sewuil sole,. LEWIS, RUDDY, DIES & MURPHY. 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next Door to new First National Bank Building. llohokcn with Thomas Pustosli, Unity Khubah, Ktcplieii Fieuchko uml I'eter Ktoublct mill taken back to this city. On Oct. 1 the men vveio kKcu a lie.u--K befuic Aldeimnu IS. Davis, altlei nan of tho Fifth waul, ami commuted lu the county jail cm a cIiuikc of mur der. '.ln.iUi claims that he in Innocent or any natticinatioii in the Killing, A wilt wast gianted by Judge Utlvvii'ils and made i etui liable In chambet'k'at 1.30 on Tuesday, Oct. 2S. Dr. I.lmlabiuy, Burgeon, diseases ot women u specialty, L'15 Council building. Hours: 11 a. m, to I p. in,; 7 to S.3Q p. m. i ,, -i,TJi-?-4.M