- 'fW. . - , r T"f Tfr- " ,t77Wwv nforpfVn"'? iWW f : 4, i j-- jr t ' r TIJE SCUAiVJLOiN TUU3UiNJ3-SATrRIAV, OCTOJBEK 25, J)02, '4 fiwri-wwriK JPfwW 3 JcilSarattfort ri8imc Piihllnlietl pally Ktrejit Bunil,lir 'I ln 'I f Ihiuu '. Publishing Oiniiii7iil I'lrt)' CenU Month. ft . -H" . litVYH. IIICIIAIU) HblTiil. y. V. llVXUIJt: IIUmhuw MAtAriKit. KntrMt nl Ihn Posloltlca t Hornlc!ii, in Mefonit, 1 ' CUs Mill Jlnltcr. When npnrn nil! penult. Tim 'Iridium ( ninny glnil In lirllil nhort lettirn from IM ' friend hearing on tun mil tnplt, hut Id mln I Hint thene mint br algiii'dt fur pub. Mention, by Ihn writer' rertl nnmrl nnd t Ihn condition lire eilcut lo nrceptntiro ! ' ''thitt nil emitrlbiilloln nil be iibject to ,,eilllorlM revision. THK FLAT HATR FOIt AOVKKTISINH. 'I ho following Utile Minws lilt Jitloe pf r Inch each lixtrtlon, ice to tic meil nlllilnniie 'ir: Hilling I j.,,11 it, "im ''"'"lu" Hull of l'per n" .40 ,51) .26 W li, ' 1)IPI,AY ' f.i" flitn 30 liulifi r,0 Indira . tin) '.... 3S0 " - f,00 ".,... . 1(HH) "..... .-14 . . in :: i is .t: For crdi of tlianki, tmoIiiIIhih nfenniluliiiiie, nnd luillnr itmtrltMitlnin In tlie nature iil'wlverlblni, ,'lho 'Irlbune iiiakri n iIiiiikc nf S icnti a thie. TWELVE PAGES. SCIiANTON. Di'TOIIIJU W. Wi ' REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. ,'Govornoi S W IMI.VNM'ACKIIll l.lciilcn.uit CoM'inor W M. HltOWN. Hccretiuv of inLoi mi t Altulis IrfAAG U. BROWN, County. t'oilKICHS-UMUMAAl fON.Vi:i,l,. Judge- A. A. VOSHI Itli Coninili-xloncis-.IOII.V COI'ltiKU MOR RIS, joiix ii:n.man. wino inspector. i.i.i:'i:r.YN m. cv- ANS. DAVID T, WJt.MA.MS. Legislative. 8ctlK.tor-.IOI IK U. JOItUAK. Itcpiesentutlves Khsi uNiiitt-.TOHT:ijir ot.ivr.it Second Dlstilrt JOIIK Kf'tlCI HI!. JR Thhd Dlstlll-i:YARD TAMILS. I'omlh Dtxtilcl-P A. P1IIMSIN Election day. Nov. -I , The Doinocr.itic lt-.ntoi iiiNJliilKe tile Tiilneif: ot I'cnn-ylvanl,i when llicy im nsrlne that the Tultt-i- can tr Indtucd lo rep.iv I'replilfiH I'misevplt by vnllntv to tie hN ImiuN in uoiiKiei"-. A Change fur tho Better. THK STATKrf vhoc dcltK.i iloii. i iiiinnniul tlic Kii'iil,iu InllUfiiie In ioiikiC"- .up those which u'-clect t liir nllickiit concici'-iiifii ti'ini utter term, thus licnentliiK' rrrim their expci lence .mil ilpo mi (il.ilnl,ince with pulille ;i ff.i 1 1 s. The Mate- w'hii h i oiiiiiiiuiil the le.isL influence nu tlio-c which for line j c.i-on or nnother do not Keep their rein csemn lives In iDiwie1'- lotifj enough to enable them to K.iln leeuKnitioii and exei t Influence. Maine anil Jowa .lie examples or the former t las, and ther cleleRtUlon- ale iimoiifr the tiuiise-,t in the lioue, IicIiik: letllilied ear alter je.it with hnnily a chaiiKe m ept for death or pioinotlini. PeiiiisyKani'!!. we iPRret to Miy, alllloilyli in many le-spt-cl'- Hie KieiiiMii of Aiiieilejn lom iiiuiineulths. does noi i oiiiin.md the laise )le-tlt4:f lu the Iioum of lcne entatUi") which --lie -.liould. uud the leason is mainly heiau-e of the unwise MSteni of lotation punalcut In dl-tilcls witli mole tjian one coiuuy .uid of iripticlous politics lu iiiii ot the oilier districts. It Is not line that tile I'euns.v Kania dek'K-ation Is ncciistoineil to lack in the ability of Its nieinbeis. on the ( on tiaiy. their ability output f veiy fav oiably Aith that of any delegation in coiiRiess. 'I'helr lui k Is in the im poitant, item ol epeiiellie. As a uile, no sooner do they become piollclent In th" ways and means of .shaping IcsM.i tlon than they lire Ietl nl home by .some (-lilft In the we.ilhei ane of local poll tics and in their stead new men aie sent who hae to o UiioukIi tlic .same heusunillK piocess These fiKpient clinnses ate as detiinipnt.il to the le.t rp.sults ai Washington as the would be If adopted in tile innnnRemcni of private business enlf rpi iet. indeed, they ate mole so, because the suipe and variety of the iuteie.sts affecteil by the woik of lougiess ate inliiiltely moip varied mid c.sactlug than aie t liu-o of the aveiUKe pilvale enteipilse and coi respondiiiKly call for a ki eater iletfeo of expel t lciiowledfie lesiiltlliK- tioiu e peilence, I-acliawaima county Is tu be ioiikiui itiated that under l lie lemleishlp of Vllli.im t'onnell .she has abandoned the foiilitili and shoit-slKllted practice of t'liuiiKiiiNT lier I'oiiKicssniun emy alur n.ite teini, It Is ilirpclly due to tliis abandonment ihut hr power and In tluence at the n.itloiial capllal have Incieuseil and that hei ability lo seeuie ieslllt has become s( noliibly supeilor to that of the avenifie Pennsylvania district wlteie the lotury Idea vet pre vails. Don't suppose that the winMiiKiueii nV Pennsylvania can't sen the dlilei eiue between Demociatlc ciunpalKit Kttff and Itepuhlleuii n t)if fineiit. i The Commission Orgjinlzeil. r ". JTPSHK f'OPNTItY has a right t I J I, expect tli.it 111 the dellheiJi. j; ,JL 0'i"." of tin iiiilhiucltu' at l!l bliiatUin KiinnilMfloti tlior- ! nUslincss shall nut be saulllied to jspeed. 'Hie clamor I'm an earl) decision ?s tmiiiral but It does nut lepiesent the ,; Sober Judtfiiient of the lountry. That ItulKineni Is that now Is the time lo K,.( J itu the bottom of the tiotilil'ex wlildi jtic piealled with Kt eat, cost and tin. j jioyante In the iiniliiaclle otinlry, pie. ilpntlnt,' two meat and many small i ftilkuH within tlnee yeais and ,..y J JnlHui! a halt upon the Keneral piugies-'s , in .iiieinan tnilusiiy. f this can be jiomyini.t inionth. well and good but I'v e)tj-ltforineil peisop expeus It to )ejidflble to ntconipllsh in H inuiith, Slid If It takes Hlx iiioutlis or a yM n pusht to he douo to the limit. I lit older that Hie comnilsslnM ,.,, Jjiave iiiiiile,ilnie lu which to consider Uie, UillltuU lliutteis lo come liPfoi it mere"aiiould be nit earnest disposition nntlie Ifiu t of conipaiiles 'and mine HojkevH to ioni)oso their own small jjdlfTsuwes as fur as possible und not load them upon tho uonunlssiioii. n 3 easy to multiply anil eittully easy to check the, accumulation of small frilev- 'anOeK, accordinsr as the disposition Is jtu' be captious or bciicioub. Tim need !f i;a.tictice aniKfotbearunee Jital now In . -----. ! the coal fleldn,! jffiPtit: anil ,no better pttblli' set vie en it be done by lendetH of public oplnltm titan lo Down ttpott those who exitRRpiule the IncMliihle rilclioim iitnl ntlNumleintamllims iiiIIiik fi diii the t'otttin of the inltietR lu woik tinder unuslinl unit not very I'lently de llued clicitli).stnnce. We have had n tonp exhibition of the s-plill of light, with both h1e making n Rood showing In tltiil dltpcllon, What we need now Is an evhlbltlon of how good llghteis cult gel lOMetlter, limy llielr gniilge nud nut like tneii. A clean, honest, able and trtlslwoithy man for Rowitmt Is the vet diet on lliilge I'eiiliypacker, and It will tint hereafter have to he st,t a.lde, The Hague Tribunal. -Tr-Vli: l''M!ST cu-c laid before I the aibltratloii ttlbtitinl at JL Hague has resulted lu a ver dict In fnor of the I'nlled Slates. The claim was not disputed by the defendant lo the action and Ihe only Issue which pnictlcall occupied til'1 Judicial iiinsei vatlsui of the uses sois was the sum total of the amount due uud the time ami teii-oiinbleness of the accitiltiR Intel esl upon It. .le.lco and the I'nlted .States nie not nu'ii'ly sKler lepubllcs upon the iimi' coutllielit, but npiil door nelRlibois, whoe cIvlllKntlon, If illtl'ctent In many icspeets, Is lapldly becoming similar in the main. If the Hague coiitt hud never been called Into existence the ad judication oi the Pious fund would not have raised international dlfllcliltles be tween the two governments. The Hague decision has ciealed no pteiedciit, nor can we rightly attilbitte to Its awmd the measine of impoi tatiee that has been neci edited im It In some iiuatteis. Our staid and mationly conteinpotaiy. the Boston Ti unset Ipt. Is almost be side Itself in the effusion of Its grati tude for the "advanced step" we "have taken in this matter. We have in tiuth taken no advanced step, nor has the Hague aieopagus sltpetseded In any paitlcular the measine of lin poitanee due to the Pails boiindaiy lommlsslon which had to decide upon an Issue which went within ineasiiie able distant e of leading to war be tween Gieat Rrllulu and the Culled States. Disputes or disagi cements of the Pious tiind stamp hue for htin dieds of years been settled and -atls-factoilly through the good olllees ot' aibltratius appointed by one or other of the -soveielgns ol lOiliopeau loim tiles whose aid was Invoked. Although such mediation has baldly ever been tefu'eil, 11 is well known that the honor was iaie welumied The Hague coui'v adiniiabl.v lllls a long 1 fit want in leconciliiiR disputatious a vet nietits hi such limited spheies of lontlictlng Interest'- between nations. nt that It lias a bioadei Inline hi the face ot the disposition and m nianfeiils ol the woild is not piobable. The Ti ani. I ipt Is so ptepossc-t'd wilh th'e lni)0itail0e of the Hague de cision that it ilalnis that the couit l no longer a "baneii ldealil ," what I'Ver that m.ij mean. It can Indeed be a vital Instrimient of benellieiue in In lei imtfa'ual utfaiis wilhout diveiglng m.ueiialU fi urn the subaltern position whifh It s.-cnis destinjd to oi etipv. Wats have aiKen liom such ti ivi.it ag giandlseinents and conceited national sensibility that one is at loss to dulde whetliei they weie the lesiilt ol the deliberate Jiulguient ot mleis and st;ilesintn lespunsible lot their n lions or the objettlM' ieoid of nianlaial Impulses. When a nation lias made up its mind to go to war It Justifies Its eouise by declaring that war Is In evitable. The inevitableness Is meas in ed by the actual oi delii.-iv stiength of Its butalllons and the lelatlve In fetloilty of those of the piospeethe enemy. The ourt of the Hague did not pieeiH the Hoer war nor did either of the coinbatauts (lining the negotiations that led up to it suggest that it could, although on the sulfate the points In dispute seemed eminently (a pable of adjustment by aibltratloii. Millennial anticipations hae a psy hological Intel est, bin the lealitles of lite ate too ovei w helming- and loo Impoitant lo leave any loom loi doubt of the lamentably slow piogiess we ale making tow aid them. Judging Iroin appeaiaiiie, all that John lOlkin needs to do lo have his m count balanced is to wait. The Suicide of Younger. -W-Tli: CARKHliS of Jesse .lames I uud the Youngei biolhcisine jL stiikiugly Indicative oi the Impetl'eil i lvilizatlon ol a (oumry opening up to settleinent and a legulatPil s,.stem ot poliie gosein tnelit. The exploits ol these bligauds were iiellhei littolc nor lomuntle. Their II W weie as soi did as their successes weie nnirdeions, I'hlvaliy tiiut nlnie I'limtot lo-exlst. James and the Yoiiug eis weie uilllaus who weie as iciklpss of ihe lives m' (illicit, as they weie emi nently caiellll of their own. If tlieie Is nun. ilue lu ctltiie, James ami the Youngei. s had too piacllcal a louup tioit of Iheit occttiiatlou to be affected by It. They infilled and tmudfied be cause tobbtiy and iinnder nlt'orded aheiit the leadlest inetins ot Ihlng- lives of ilotous ilebatichery, No dottbl theto Is it lettitiu lascinatloii lu highwn tob beiy lor those t .xeeptlonul chiiiaeteis who cut follow It up for ycats with Im punity; no doubtthey lotind some loin pensatlon lor the i talis of their out law i In the consciousness that they weie niluilled to it ceilulu e.ient by Ignorant men and silly women; no dolibl they weie not llllllteiiccd eiuo tloually by the lact that they weie not only em pit wheiuver they wept, bill that they hud that power to engender siibseniency, whlih Is no Inconsider able element of fame, among- those with whom they associated In their oilglcs. They had. too, the lute lose of the knight of the toad tor whiskey, uud Its illsplniliou was neve! wauling hi n "huld-up." We might be inclined lo see a piovl deiitl.il dispensation in the end of James Youngei 's life, nut no .Many n heller man Ihuti Younger committed snlcldu wllh tar less leasou, ami dlsr played nn moie foilltude In facing Ihe tilbtilallons that led to It. Younger had polltleul aiiibltion, he deelates In his last testament, und consequently en emies. What between his bullet wounds, his el vie disappointments and the In Kiiillttule of it world" Hint woitht Hot believe In mil lu Ihe sincerity ol" his ptofessed t'liiucrslou, peihups .liuneq Younger did its Well as colihl lip leason tibly expected lu Inking, by the luitiil Unit laid low' so innny olhets, it life which uiiH the niosl lawful peiiitilslte out of whch a hangman was ever I'healeil. The fuel that King Oscar of Sweden has soaked us lu uti ntbltial decision Is not to be wondeleil lit. He Is simply obseixlug (he Kiuopi'iin fashion and playliiR close lo his nemest nelghhor. We ca'ii expect that kind of lieatinenl eVety time we consent to u ei own-wearing lefeiee. Not a wotd Is said lellectlng upon Judge Voshuig's nblllly or fullness. As Hie pioneer judge of our ul plums' colli t, he has had the hardest woik to do and has admittedly done it well. That should be enough to influence ceiy light thinking Ulan to vole for his te lelitloli. A slmplllli ntlnn of the machinery of coal delivery In the lingo cities, with limitation of the number of Inter mediaries ilalmliig pioilts, would go a gieat way to lelleve (listless, li Isn't the ion I batons altogether w ho make iiuthiaclte pi Ices high. A Oeinoeint at llaiilslitiig this winter would be just about as useful to his ( oiistltttuilts as a fifth wheel to a wagon. The Intel ets of Scranton and Lackawanna county me too Important to be entrusted lo paweiless hands. The effoit.s on the p.ut of eel lain medical atithoi llles to piove that kiss ing Is iinsanliaiy will piohably be as fruitless In lesults as the continual talk legai.illng the unhealthy piopeities of Ice ci earn. If Hon. Tom Johnson expects to be candidate for piesldent he should not begin lo lead Democrats out of tin., party at tills cuily stage. He will piohably nt ed them. Munis ami Penman hae earned a le-eleellon b good seiviee ill tile ttiin mlssloneis' olllee, anil, besides, they are Republicans. Keep the Deniociats out. The Republican pal ty has Its faults, but nonpareil with the Deuioeiatlo paity It is as Hypeilon to u satyr. With Peimj packer as governor theie will be no moie ilpper bills, or II theie aie, he won't sign them. tin the base ball bleat heis King Oscai's dpi Isions would undoiibltdl bo ihaiacteilzed as "lotten." It lakes a teim or two to tenth a new loiigiessman how. William t'onnell has lea I net! how. flrn?rican Uersiis BritshWorki7i?n ON THIS sullied, Ml. Rwilig lathe son, Ml . i:. of Rnisluuil. has publish! d a uiy Inti le-ling pam phlet I illot,' the lollnwing: "'If It Is true, a- the piescut willei be lleies ami as most will agiee. that tlie niPal-eatlnn ptople ul? llui-c who (iin ipin In the coiilcsis ol ihe woild, the glealii cup iclty loi eiinieiiliatnl walk poss(-si.ii lij tin. Anieijiaii Is laigch ex plaint d li i- not only the uUi-au and lalioiei who can do the inci-l in a ghen time, Ian the banker, the -lotktnukci iii.d the ,'oiiiiialNl All of IIihih will t out co llate into a working du, as miiili nunc than an Riigllsiimau, as the latter evei edt the (iiimtiii oi Ihe rionelim.tn. Jltit at what a cost; The enilgiant Horn Riuopu has i,,,t in him a tnlai tiind ol eueig gieatei ihaii he had at home, anil the hum Anicilean lias no moie than his Ihi ioie,iu iiuiestois. Hut it is coniiiiessfd into a shoiicr n r-. 1'ioni Hip age of L'l to II til,- man is at Ids best. Meal tin t o times a dnv suppllts the luel. and the ilrv (tonipaied with ihe lliUMi Isles) elituiile, causes It in be eaten so uiitlel tloue tu "hup" as lo icpel the newly ar ihed Riltlslier llitwieu folly and BO (?) Ihe Kiielioa itniies, anil ollieis lake his place. "Abundance' nf Imputicd labor eualilen the inipln.vd lo I mi his tools ipiicker and gel moie oat of a ghen aiea of shop loom wllh the .-anir, mimliei ul men. Aimiicnii i Uipln.M'rs do not caie much fur nppi entices. Why -liould the em-liln.M-r take the tumble of , '.nidus tlieni, when lendj -matle full-giown woikiatn the iiioi euleipilsliiK ot tliosi hi the Old Wotlii, aie alwa.s n.iilabli 7 The almost uulvcmtl tlt-flie of the Anieiiean-bnin bin lo pose as a mall, also helps in nudum loi Ibis. The best artisaii, such, for lusiniH c. as inlllwi Ighl. englineis' smiths ami p tttei ii-makeis, nie those who base Inliotlou.dy learned their Hades In Ihllope. The Aliinlcaii outh avoids Ihe long induing essential to the winking ol a llisl-el'iss woil'.niuu, and becntnes shnllnw. Ameilcun ciupln eis aie not n leady lu pnlnt out the laet that niau. of their best woiknieil aie not Anieiltan bol'li, as tiny oi otlleis. when lints and tumults in cur, mo u iittilhiite them al llinst entllelv to the foielgner, "A caieer which lend'-- lo n lieiitl place i.nly a position hi which the labor of iitlKH cull be exploited; lu shall, the io .iltluii of 'lin-s ' 1-, t i. nut, that best stilt Ihe Aiueilciu lustlud. In Ihe I'liltitl Slatts. lis hi Kllglaiid, the niateilal lil IIIKIlte illst Outages Mhly haliils,' anil UlllS is swelled tile III Illy of noiltlPscI lps, who ciowil the lanUs of eeond-ian cleiks. etc The i nth r woik 111 the Culled Slates le done hv lliiiigailaiis. Italians and Russians. The best skilled welk in u aie the Huglisli tlie Scotch and Ihe (ieiniaii, who have leaini their tiades In Ihuope. The .-111 lil .'ii of Kiuopcuu I in in I gtauls ipilckly Imbibe Auieihiiu Ideas, and avoid long tiitlulug and iiianitnl laboi. lu Ihe liiumibicltlllng dtatilcts nf the I'lilted Slates, the upplv of able ciaflsauii will lull oil' If Ihe cmlgiallon II Kill l-Jlllnpe ceases. (All Impoilnilt point I'm' us to note). "Tilt H'ltsoil why Alilelli.lll Hades uuloiis cannot, or do not. impose the same iisiialnls mi Individual exeitloii as do Hie unions el (ileal lit Itiihi. Is liec ,ui-a ol lb c-Kiit ,uiy of iiatlonalilie.s. wlii cniuiot be bioughl Into lain and dl-cl-plllied o i tti'i-tintlh as woikeis nl nun line. Hlgh-pilecd labia- obtains the best Itsiilts lor Ihe euiilo.ei and the cm plo.M'd. hut as a coildlllou picitdcnt Ihe woil, mail uiiisl Iiiimi Uhuty. which Is loo lit ten lit pied 1 1 J 111 In tile uncles union rules 111 Huioliean cities. As lo piece woik the Anicilean lauge ol wages lias wldei llinils than lu limit Hiltalii "MllleipilsllIK woikeis, whether nie chiiiilis, luaiiutai unci.- oi hoii.keepeis, hai' hi Aiiici lea no Hunt lo theii ambi tion; the social ladder Is uncsslble and tlie iiiidiltliius num. able ami willing 'o slile. Is stiiiiillnteil atcoitllng. It Is mil the .eiil of a .eivanl walking for a m.istfi. but Is as a menus to an i ml piaUlfiilly unutiiiiii.ible lu fitcut llillaln '('litas ilbihidlon as such, between ikh unci iMioi, iifiuly all I It'll people being winkers, does not cl-t In Ann ilea Tho leu i Ich Ani"i leans who live without woik have lo settle hi Kuinpu lu enjoj such dtalliicllon. Tin, absinie of this cIusk ilislliiclloii does lease n clearer lUld lor the In si of the woiklug ilassei. This Is I'tiiliinutly for Ihn good of the ciiniiniuilt.i, The ulstus mid eonvciiletit e of v.'olkmeii lu Atneilcii Is stlittletl to nil extent tinktiiiwu lu Rurope. Woik ,he foie bieiikfast Is asoldctl, the shops mo already wanned when the men nrilxe, and Icf'unlcr Is iimiIIiiIiIp ul alt Utiles. Dlffeilitg n nut Ihe Ihigllsh woikmeti, the Auietlcnii listiuil) wnsliei, and ehaiiges his emit, lielote leaving the slinp. imil sits ilowil to Ills evening mini elenll uud le "liectable. Tills has erfect oil Ills cllll ill en. The ea'il.V ailvancenient gleil III tlie I'lilted States to .Miiliig men puts new Ideas lulu positions of utltlioilty. Home times this tiling, shallowness lo the Html, but Ihe eltelg.S of .mtth tunic Hum hiitnnees, l.itigcly liy leiison ot lllls, lite Anii'ih mi siipciluiltj whatever may he Its eiillse will continue. "No i nmpatlsiiii of Aineiltaii wllh 111 IIImIi woiknieil can he cuinplelo without leleieilce lo the sysleniutlslliB of pin cesses lu Aineilcali faetoilrs, and to t li (iilisotltlatlnii of tiaile Into peelaltles which can he eat I led on cheaply, because on a huge lepetlllou scale. This lends lo i heapei inlets unit tpilcker ilellwilrs, and cuttles the ilu. ' Allicllciili woiknieil should pnlider these rnels lieime liustlly Inteiiiipthlg or ile itis lug lite i otiii'e of hibnr. - Walti'i- J. Ilalliild. Selleni cliiilj, Oc-I. ;l. FORGIVE AND FORGET. I'uiglse and fnlgel It Is better To lllng all III leellug asliln 'Hum allow tin1 deep tanheiliig fetlfr Of leselige lu .soul hii'itst to abide; Kor viittr step ii'ir life's path will be HghM. When (he load liniu our bosom Is cnsi, Anil the glniltius sky will seem blighter, When lite (loud ol dlspleiisiiio hns pasix'tl. Though onr spit II swell high wllh emo tion To glsc hack Inltistlie again. Sink the thought In oblivion's mean, For lemeiiibiailce Ineiemes Ihe pain. Oh. ssh.s should sse linger In sniiuu, WiTt'ti Its shadow Is passim; awa.s, Or seek to entomtlir. tumoiiow, The bhist that o'eissseit us tndny'.' Oil tile's stieain Is u s (living llsel, And though it may plnddly glide, WIkii Ihe sunbeams ol Joy o'er it quiver, It must fenm sshen the stotm meets Us tide. Then sth not Its run cut to madness, Kor Its svratli thou sslll ever icgirt; Though Ihe nioinliig beams bieak on thy sadness, 12ie the .sunset forghe and luivtet. Itobeit flias, In Suu'css. : SIiglK'jjKSjLNiiawrrfiTjiaSREkJi1 in l '5 Beyond Question M Hunter is the most perfect whiskey sold. It is made from the choicest of select grain and undergoes thorough ageing, thus securing perfection of flavor and bouquet. With the most fastidious buyers it is I THE FIRST SOUGHT and THE FIRST BOUGHT. SeM at all flrtts'l'm cufe. and liv jl,l,L'r, S SI LAN AIIAN .t SOV, 11,111 re. Mil I a a K I! X Jl IS H '! It K II Ji Do You Know The best place in town to buy is nt 412 Spiuce Stieet. 309 Lncknwnnnn Avenue. We have n complete assoitmeut of the 50c kind, the $1.00 kind and all stnmlnid makes, in nil grades. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. . IT, K K . V, ? V. i V, ! . K V, I DICKSON'S Best s PATENT FLOOR The Celebrated SNOW WHIT Always reliable, Dickson t Mill & Grain Co A f IT s r .i a t-t . in Bl " ' - lit' lf Whiskey k Ml r&U V Scinnton and Olyjihaut. U t ' 'A ' 'A A 'A A A A 'A A A A 'A 'A A BED RbOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany'; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether Yon Arc (ioIiik to Buy at Once or Not. Hill & Connell, 'S 1 Fine Tailoring . . . 9 What kiud of a Suit or Overcoat are you going to buy this Fall ? If you want one with character, fit and grace if you want the best come to us. Our line is filled with novelties, The newest and nicest goods in the world, ex clusive patterns most of them and it is im possible to buy garments anywhere, made as our's are made for less money than we charge. r us us 1 W. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor, f 7 go. JH 2 13 Wyoming Avenue, (WWWMMWWVWW 9 GOOD MORMING! MR. STOUT i DO YOU FIND IT A HARD MATTER TO GET UNDERWEAR . YOUR SIZE ANDTOYOUR LIKING? CONSULT CONRAD FOR RELIEF HE WILL GIVE YOU PERSONAL ATTENTION WHEN POSSIBLE. IF HE DOESN'T SUIT YOUR CASE A REMEDY IS EASILY OBTAINED BY SPECIAL ORDER, HEADQUARTERS : 305 LACKAWANNA AVE. 49 9 SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AG,'nV. On the lieacli, In Chelsea, Atlantis Clt, W'eilnesil.iy will 51. Kveiy appointment oC a inodein Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND. KintutKy Aiciiue. 1'iist llo.el (10111 Ucaili, At Untie Cii, N. J.; uO Occ.111 icv roomi; ia incllj 1U0; nrile lui bpccul ulcs. J, It. Jcnlc ilia, l'rop PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of llio Allcjliany .Mountains, l.-hluli Valley rallioail; m .11 '1 ow.inda Ititliln;, lliliint,'. tports, tf nxfdlcnl talilo ltiisonal,lo rite-i. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. O., Apca, Pa. Scntl for lionl.let. O. K. II MtlttS SCRANTOIN'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESS ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE niKiOirS and WAGONS ol all Mml ilso llii-.i-tb ami litilMiiip; lx)U tit luigaina. UOliSCS ( l.tPl'l.U and filtUO.MI I) at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage WorLe. SECURITY BUIUDINQ ASWINOSUVION Home Offlce, SOS-SOT Jlt-ara niiildlnf. t ari nutuilng sliatu fjtlt nniitli nliuli show a net sain tn tho lnt.-tor ot atiotit 1-! nor tent i It, in iikiuci h, alto 1 -ue I'l I.I, I'AIll SKHK "lulu) ptr .lint-, liutr 1st iaalju Diinl-aninullj Al.llllltr I1M.I,, wiul.iiy. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear CI I I.ackauinni aennc, iiuimtjciiircr ol Mho Set com c.f all Uinclii ul ,ri'iuoi (or the .priii,' uMion Wo niako at) kuitli ot purch Biicfn-", ett,. PETER STIPP, llcncril Contractor, HullJir ami D.alrr in llu lauiR Hone, C'l.iicntini; ol I'llait a tu rlaliy Tleilioiin 'JVi.'. DtlUe, W7 Wadilngton aifiiilf THE SCRANTON VlTMPICD BRICK AND TILE MANUFACTURINQCOMP NY Makers ol l'alng llrlck, itc M II Hale. Ufiieral Salts Kflit, Offite '& Wa.liinslou aie MorU at a iitj, I 'a , I. W It It Linotype Composition Book tir News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. 121 Washington Avenue 0, rsr. 6B 9 49 4ft 49) g tJID tSS) (3b gS 3i 3 LDINE yOTEL 1 1 u .vv ,ni:ivi:i:N'-jiini ani):iotiisi'.s. NBW VOSK. I-UROPHAN PLAN. NKW. Ill UPKOOP Convenient to Thsatresand Shopping Districts. Tak 23rd St. cross town cars and tratisier at 4th ave. direct to hotel. liooiui ultli ttatli ) (Stilts wltli Until fr'-'.im ) ( fit. mi. W. M. PARKE. Proprietor. WESTM lSTEU HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. antl Ir Vi? Place, NEW YORK. Anieilean Man, -?3.5t) Per Day mid WatiM Kuiopeaii Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upnurdi Special itatea to families T. THOMPSON, Plop. -f - . f f -"-f -f roe ijiimiioi ut:ii In llio limit ol llio wkolf-ulo ills- Hill. For .Slioniiurs .". mliiuti'V wall, to W.-tnniiitikpi'i; 2 niliuilri in Sliwl Coupor'n UIr Sioh l.'.tto of uiii'si lo tlto Btotit JJij (Jiiotl.s Stoua, For .siKlit.sctuv Ono liluiU fioin ll'wav Cain, glv hut o.i. tiniispuiiatlon to all I-.,. II.. .:...-, . Iloi. r X X f f f X b V r f i pilllllS 111 IlllOIVbt NEW YOUK. t for lltli ST I Nivunsm- ll.. f I only ono iiioiK u oin iiiu.iiiw.ij Rooms, $1 Up, p'fteA., EDUCATIONAL, Do You Want a Good Education? Not khoit course, nor an en ronrie, nor a cheap course, tut the bett education lo be had. No other education Is uort'u ipendine time ami nionej on. II you do, rite tor a catalogue ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nhlcli odera thoroucli preparation In tht L'njinctrlrj and tl.einlcal Piofctonj JJ well u the regular Collt-jc couuei. f HOTEL ALBERT c - How to Help Young i Men and Women Secure Educations r 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN mo cntk'nvoiltiK to incurc cOucntlons UiioukIi THK TItllltJNE'S KDtlCA TION'AI. t'ONTUST. In which SI HfllOLAttSnil'r'. xnlui'tl nt over Sn.MO, mo olTcicil. Tho scliolarshlp3 nie: 2 Syrnouse Unlveislty. 1 Buckncll University. 1 University of Hochoster. 1 Washington School for Boys. 1 Willlrtmsport Dickinson Semin- nvy. 1 Dickinson Collegiate Frepara- toiy School. 1 Newton Collegiate Institute. 1 Keystone Acadomy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. 1 School of the Lackawanna. 1 Wilkes-Barre Institute. 1 Cotuit Cottages. 4 Scranton Conservatory of Music. 4 Hardenbergh School of Musio and Art. 3 Scranton Business College. 5 International Correspondence Schools. 2 Lackawanna Business College. 2 Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio. So oral of those seholarslilpa Include not only tuition, hut ul.so boiutl. loom. licat. liulit uml laundry for peilods ot two lo lour yp.iiH. Anions tnese nriy nno youncr nconh thero are thirty tin co who arc ipnllv strlvlnB to seeuie I'tliifiitlDiis, unci tliolr nnmei appear on another jhiko of Tho Tribune every inoinliur. in tho tnhlo showhifj the "Staiitlliifr of rontisstnnti." They Uioitltl ho on com used In their com mendable entlcavor. HOW YOU CAN HELP If you nie not already a subscriber lo Tim TilhuiiP. send a note to some nno of tho contestants, requesting a call. Or, bettor still, send your subscrip tion to Tho Tiibunc, together with the money to pay for sumo, designating some I'ontrstnnt which you wish to le colve tho eiedlt. f'tnitestnnts are credited with one point for evoiy month you pav In ad vance. The ptite of The Tribune In advance is: Points. One month $ .RD 1 Tlnee months i-"' " Six months 2.H0 fi Oiip ym 500 1J PHKSKNT SUBSCRIBERS can aid contestants mateiiallv by furnishing them with a list of fi lends who might be Induced to take The Tribune. Or. they itin personally lenueat these fi lends lu Mih'-ciibe. Or, they can send The Tribune to theii fiit nils. p.iinpr the money them Milves. Vanv aie dolus this and the contestants aro very grateful for this wholo-heailod nld. ONLY NfiW SUBSCRIBEIIS ARE COUNTCI). TO CONTESTANTS Uomember: Tho Tilbuno's Ktluca tloniil Contest closes October 23, at 8 I' ni . Nn points not In The Tilbtme ofTice hv the 111 st slinUe or S. as told by the .-. . , .- nl..nl. ...1,1 l.n ttmmttiei coin i i mice ,-n,c-i., .,,, w w....... -nvei'li'l'i n'lincn tfi nlend nv nmtl . .niiV postma'iked at or before S p. m. I EDUCATIONAL. Syracuse University FlYE COLLEGES. ELEGANT BUILDINGS. HEALTHFUL LOCATION. The College orfeis Classical. Vkllosophlcal. Sci c nc u anil rcdagogiciil Courses. The College of Applied Science Olfois .Mechanical Engineering. Civil IhiKlneeiliiK mill Electrical EiiKlnoeilimr Courses (new building .mil citulpuiciit). The College of Fine Arts lias Coiuses In Aichlteclure, Belles Lotties, Mii-lcj and I'.ilntlng. The College of Medicine Ono of tlie oltlest in the state, has tour ouis' roiuse. Tho late chan cellor I'lison. of the ltegents, mi hollclteil, said: "It Is admitted 'h all loinpetent Judges to be unsut ji.ihseil lu tills Mute." The College of Law (lives insti uctlim liy text-book and aM' .svhtem. Oil Its t.ioiillie.s am siiini" nl tho Kieatcst l,ivvcis of New Vol I;. Over Forty Of the le.iillug universities and col leges nf llu- country .mil IHliopp in f icpiosciiietl by niatuie and iicigf!Mh seliolais on the fucilltv of tin, College Onl.v the highest talent to be IoiiiiiI at homo ami iilru.ii! H jioimitteil to give In. Hll'IK'tlou In h'lne Aits Tlio woik is so anaiigeil tli.it tituilents taking butli tlieli' Cullc-ao unci Medlcnl oi Law i'iiiiim's at Sk.ii'Usp, b'W'o nno cat's time I'odagoglcul I'ouises have been established, giv ing our students the udv.iiitagii nf lust t liisa'MiaelieiK' ceitlllcites, loiuieily Kiiiuteil only to giadn.iles ul' Statu Noiiu.tl Schools. I.lbeml clectives Until sexes aie iidmlttrd Tuition eNpeuses mo u motleiate that lliev are los than the fees 111 somu iiilltges vvlieio free tuition Is given Send for catalogue Jinns Roscoe Day, S. T, D., LL. D. Climirilloi Smmimisp JC Y STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSBUBO, PA. Kegiil.il St. Ho .Vol in. 1 1 Com ses and Hpt dill l)ei.irttlieiilh of Music lllocil. tlun. Ait DkiwIiik, Slenogiaplo and Tl.wiilli.g. stiong Collegia Picpaia tor Lci.iitiiicnt FREE TUTI0N, Ho.iiuuig exptnsos ,.,u per -wcl Piiliils ailialttcd at au.v time, WiiJ Ti'ini okii- Pt ;'Sth Wiile for ul I oa uc E. L. KEMP, A. M., CRAIIT0N CORRESPOND INCE , bCK ANTON. l. T. J. t'ojter, i'li-nldcat. iUmcr 11. LaniU U. J. Potter, Slmler P. Allel vice rrcjldjnt. i