-' - -''''c V"f'-t'-'- mSWI !fWM fF?-tfRS(?K? 'i THE SCRANTON TIBUNI3-FlDAlr, OCTOBER 21, 1002. 3 v Te - rtE ' i KEXT GOVERNOR IS WARMLY GREETED IConctutlril dom Vtigc 1.1 t. D,, E. K. Chase anil .Tunics Uoilcr Ick, chief of the bureau of mines. Great Enthusiasm. The miillonce Rvn Vent lo n blir burst of enthusiasm hh Judge I'ennypacker nppoareil on the stage, nnd n little Inter, when Attorney Ucnernl KlUIn modestly slopped In from the wings nnd took it sent, there was another outburst. Mr. Sunt n ton was huppy In the few remarks with which he prefaced his introduction of Judge Pennypiicker. Said ho: The greatest glory of a pnlllleal nomi nation Is the ofllce si'cklng the man anil not the man seeking the office. This Is the nemo of American politics. In oar candidate for governor we have a nnluliic Instance of the ofllce socking the man. Such nomllicps are rarely, If ever, de feated, Our cnndldHtc Is not a politician, lie Is not a hunter for pine. All Ids life lie has been ji student, given to research lor knowledge nnd Imparting his learning to others, And he Is a learned num. lie Is a. doctor of laws, an historian ot note, a writer of reputation, n wise counsellor nnd an upright Judge. Thorn will be a new departure In llarrlsburg with such u mnn to break the llnr nf ordinary men which these Inter years have given us as governors. There Is not a drop of bis blood but what Is I'cnnsylvnnln: two hundred years old. The Republican parly of Pennsyl vania. Is fni'tuuuto hi turning with unan imity to such u man for lis standard bear er. 1 Imvu the honor to Introduce to you the next governor of Pennsylvania, lion. Samuel V. Pennypiicker. Judge Pcnuypnckcr was received with n truly enthusiastic ovation. Lawrence band In the balcony played "Hall" to the Chief." but the music could scarce ly be heard above the din of cheering and yells that rose spontaneously from all parts of the house and continued for some minutes, Attorney General J.CIkln came on the stage when the ovation was on nnd his appearance oc casioned n very noticeable accentua tion of the applause. After a few prefatory remarks con veying congratulations on the size of the meeting and gratitlcatiou at the presence of so many ladles, Judge Pennypacker proceeded substantially as follows: Pennypacker Address. To a voter making his decision ns to how lie will cast hih ballot, It seems to me useless to listen lo campaign orators, or even candidates. They present their cause as advocates, and, consequently, In the very bet light possible. Nor is ll very much benefit lo rend party plat forms. They contain, for the most part, campaign platitudes. To my mind, the only proper way for a voter to choose between parties is to compare tho work they have done. There is excellent opportunity for one to compare tho work of the two great parties of the country. Hotli have had control, ut times, of tho affairs of the nation and of the slate. Judge of them ns you would of Individuals by their fruits. It would be mi endless ta-k to enumer ate the benefits the Republican party has conferred on tho nation and stale. I pro pose to call attention to only a few of tho conspicuous benefits. In tho first place, the Republican party made this country a. nation. Consider what Is involved In this thought. Think of this nation with its T.l.OOO.COrt people .stretching across the continent, from the Atlantic to tho Pacific, and' ultimately destined to number ."nO.OnO.OOO people stretching, not only nerot-s the continent, but across the sens. AVe are what Rome was 'J.flOO years ago: what Holland was in the Sixteenth century, anil what Kng lund was yesterday the foremost nation on earth. When did this country become a na tion? Nations are growths and develop ments out of existing conditions. The signing of tho Constitution did not make this country a nation. After the signing came the Interpretation, Debates Inter pretating the Constitution, by such able men as Webster. Calhoun and Clay, did not make the nation, but only served to point out tho diverging lines of the Con stitution. The Democratic thought was that this country was not a nation, nor to be a nation, but a bundle of sovereign states, each free to sever Itself from the others nnd take its sovereignly with It, any lime It saw fit. Nor vu it the decisions on tho Constitution by Marshall and the other famous men ot the Supreme court that made the nation. Tills country only be came a nation when Pickett led Ids fam ous charge at flettysburg and struck the Philadelphia brigade; when that peerless Pennsylvania soldier, neneral George II. Stende, wrote with his sword on the rocks of Kulp's bill and Round Top the final in terpretation of tho Coiiititutlon. Other Achievements. ns to wages nnd conditions of employ ment. H affected every mine, mill, forge nnd furnnco In thin broad land. It af fected every man, woman nnd child In the land, for ll nfTccted the household nnd the fireside. There was a dread of great suf fering from cold as the winter np proaclied, livery head ot a liouso was rearful of the possible consequences of a continued coal famine. .WIm t Democrat, what Democratic, or ator, statesman or politician lifted bis hand or raised his voice to ameliorate Ilia existing conditions? Not one. Tho hope of the Democratic party In this campaign rested on the continuation of that disturb ance. The Republican senators of Pennsyl vania, the Republican governor of New York and the strenuous and able Re publican president of the fulled Slates labored day and night to bring the con flict to an end and they succeeded, Tile strike Is over. The men are back nt work and cure more earning wages; the soldier can fold up his tent and go back to his home, nnd the hopes of the Democratic parly disappear In the ins tance. Labor Legislation. In the way or state, legislation the Re publican parly has been ever mindful ot the Interests of Inbor. Thorn are on the statute books upwards ot fifty laws passed In tho Interest specially of the working man. Thete Is the law selling foith ids right to organize; laws for the safety of the men in the mines and the women In the mills, laws Insuring his wages and giving wage cases preference on the trial lists, nnd many others of similar Im port These laws might bo extended. There might be a law for the supervision of engineers, looking for safely, and one regulating plumbing, looking to lieallli, Rut above nil, all laws shouldc be equally applied to employer and employe Impar tially and fairly. ' Oar Democratic friends In this cam paign are so doleful, dreary, dismal and wretched that their arguments suggest only such notes as night birds sing from a graveyard. It' seems to me that Mr, Cut luie, it lie wanted lo be truthful, might own up that his party Is dead. A corpse was once fished out ot n river in a badly decomposed slate. It wns Identi fied by n wealthy citizen as bis missing brother, and an undertaker was given orders to spare no expense In the fu neral arrangements. While the body was being prepared for Inula I, the lower Jaw of thu corpse dropped disclosing a set ot false teeth. This moved that It was a case of mistaken Identity. The wealthy citizen declared It was not his brother nnd countermanded the directions regard ing the funeral. The undertaker, in dis gust, addressed Hie corpse nnd said, "Von blame fool if you had only kept your mouth shut, you at least would have had a decent burial, it seems to me thnt If the Democrats had only the sense and good tnste to keep still we might at least see to it that they are given a decent burial. Laughter nnd applause, loud and long-continued followed the Judge as he retired to bis seat. The United German Singing societies, led by Prof. Kchmitt, of the .lunger Jlaennerchor, rendered a selection in German, which was warmly applauded by the audience. Judge Pennypacker, in whose honor the societies gnve their service, was especially enthusiastic In npproval of the singing. 1'halniuin Scranton introduced the next speaker. Attorney General John P. Kllvln. as a man vvhn Is rlnlncr vnliuihlo and valiant work in this campaign, and a fpimsyivnnian or Pennsylvanians, who is subordinating himself to ills country, state and party. As Mr. Kl kin arose lie was given an enthusiastic ovation, and was frequently lnterrrupt ed by cheers during the course of his address. He began by a gallant reference to the presence of so many ladles, "it is a hopeful sign," he said, "when you see the ladles lake an interest In public matters, for their hearts are right on nil great questions. I never lost a battle when backed by the ladies, but T hove losf some," he said, with a broad smile, "when backed by the men." Con tinuing, lie said: Backache? It's Your Kidneys ids. both men and women, have kidney ills- id do not know It. It la hereditary. If any of itnilly in tills or past generations have been tl with kidney illflemo uf any form, you cannot cnrcfttl. Yon should make a test of your kld onco and satisfy yourself as to their condition, 1 Avenue, New Orleans, f.u August 10, MVl nmeii! Last snrliui mv health broke down nil- nnllnunl mentnl strain, t'or several nights I was i Meep nun mv nerves were completely un 'lu doctor told mo that my trouble catne llsrused condition of my kidneys. Jlo pic 'urner's Safe Cure, and t am happy to say . wonders for me. It healed my kidneys so were nblo to do their work nnd my general health was restated speedily. 1 enjoy refresh ing sleep, mid urn now ns Not only hi bioad national affairs lias tho Republican party conferred benefits on thu people of this country. To make us a nation, that one great pivotal feat, deserves our everlasting gratitude, but that is not all. Suppose you look around you and see some of tho other achieve ments of tho Republican parly. I was at South Sharon a. few days ago. A great steel mill is located llieTe. It is halt a mile long. Three years ago a far mer reaped oats from the tract on which tho mill is located. About thnt mill, liv ing on land that three years ago was a farm aro U'.OuO persons supported by this one Industry. This mill was built up by tho application of Republican principles, I wns In another plucc, not many days ago, where 1 saw farther evidence of tho licneflecucp of tho application of these Republican principles, This was In New castle, In the far western Dart of the. state. Tlierojiiro fifty tin mills there. You will remomber In President MoKlnley's first campaign how the Republican ora tors talked of "Tin, Tin, American Tin," Tho Democrats said il'could not ba nniti lifncturcd here; that the tin plate talk nf tho Republicans was all buncombe. In Newcastle there are now half a hundred tin mills employing 3.i,nflo hands. Thero was recently a great disturbance In one of our most Important industries, Employer and employe wcie at variance mmmm9y The popularity of "Seventy-seven," Dr. Humphreys' Famous Specific for Grip and Colds, Is due to; The cures and thu wuy they are made, The quickness of the cure breaking up a Cold promptly. The completeness of the cure no ill .effects left behind. The tonlo effect the energy Is sus- Jnecl during and after the Cold. ie convenience a small bottlo of ksant pellets that fits the vest -t. all Drimclsts 21 cents, or mailed on lipt of price. Doctor's Hook Mailed Inphreya' Homeopathic Medicine Co., L-r William and John Streets, New OLDS Mr. Elkin's Address. The Democratic party bus been wrong on every great question. They have been defealed time after time, but they come up smiling and akcd the people 'to for get the past and elect theai again. When they gave the country their iden of indus trial legislation, In tho form of the Wil son tariff hill, utter the election of Cleve lund, we know the prostration of busi ness that followed; how capital disap peared from sight and idle men trumped up nnd down tills land, looking for work. When 1 think of this, I wonder how any Democrat can seriously desire the suc cess of ids party. Why should they want tt to be successful, In view of what tho iiepuiiilcan party has done for the coun try? This greut country was never at a lower ebb than when the Republican con vention met in St. Louis In ISfiO. Twenty .thousand men enme together to do some thing to relieve the country from the ter rible pro-tratlon It found Itself In. To that convention came delegates from the silver slates of the West, who said that unless a silver plank was Inserted In tho Republican platform, they would sweep the Western states Into the Democratic column and defeat the Republican party. Hut the leaders of the party Mild 'it was not honest to nsk the workmen ot the eoi'ntry to accept Ids pay in a dol lar tluu wns not a dollar, and they de cided that even If they went down in de feat they would declare in the platform for an honest dollar and they aid, though the stoutest heart doubted wlint the result would be. Then came that new lender of Demo cracy, who. with ono speech, made his name ring In every homo In the country, lie wns nominated, and ho said that he would leave his home In Nebraska and Invade the enemle country, meaning tho Nasi. He did Invade It. and tho Demo cratlo party was saved from its folly and the country from Its peril. Tinder the leadership nt William McKlnley there wus no enemies' country, the country took on a new life nnd marched forward to a prosperity such as this country bad never before known, to the music of singing forges nnd humming spindles. Would you be responsible for going back to the old days if your vote was to iieeine tun election ot a president? T ihliik not! How can you prevent a repe tition of the. dark days that preceded isn7? Uy voting the Republican ticket In this great Keystone stale, the very nrcli of Republicanism, Hut, you say, wo nie with you In national affairs, but we don't llko the way the affairs of the state arc conducted. Now, let in Inquire into thnt a little. Let's see what the present ad ministration has done for you. Something Worth Saying-, When Governor Stono entered upon the duties of Ids ofllce, tho state had a do. licit of W.00,000 in lis trensury. He culled the heads of the various departments about him and told them that something must bo done or the credit of the state would be impaired. Ho put all of them to doing Komclhlng. Tho department I have tho honor to preside over collected K'.fiOO.O'iO ju taxes from delinquent com panics, supposed to be Insolvent; the up. illtor general's department collected a million, nnd so It went, As a result or what has been done when the llscal year ends on Nov, .10, we will have a surplus In tho treasury of (9,000,000, and our state will be in better financial condition than any other In the whole sisterhood, That Is something to have to say. When tliis administration began work, the state had 18,000 acres of forest land, and It wus deemed advisable lo Increase this holding, for the preservation of our streams. We now have 550.000 acres of laud, and I venture the assertion that years from now tho resources of Pennsyl vania will como largely from the forest reservations the state has acquired. When the new capital was started there was a great fear In some quarters that there would be a tcunUal. Hut there Miss Lillian Ramsay, President of the Denver Quincjj Club, of Denver, Colo., Says She was Permanently Cured By Warner's Safe Cure, a Trial Bottle of Which Will Be Sent Absolutely Free Post paid to Every Reader of This Paper. WARNER'S SAFE CURE If you hove pnlus In the back, rheumatism, uric acid poison, rheumatic gout, dlubcto, Wright's disease, liiflanimatlon of the bladder and urinary organs, scalding pains when you urinate, cc.cnia, Jaundice, swellings or torpid liver: If a uimmn, u beurlng-dowu sensation, fainting spells, so-called female weakness, painful periods, your kidney uro diseased. You should lose no I lino in sending for n freu trial bottle of Warner's Snl'o Cure, as a spe cial arrungeinent has been miido with tho publishers of the Scranton Tribune so that Its readers may have u free trial of this wonder ful kidney cure absolutely free. It you do noL wish to wait for the free trial gel a T,0o. bottle uf your druggist's. II will relievo you ut once a permanent cure. It kills all disease germs. If the Kidneys become diseased and uro unable to do their work properly, the liver becomes uffectcd, then tho bladder, tho urinary organs, the blood nnd the stomach. The blood becomes Impoverished, the urine becomes muddy, nnd will hnve. a brlckdu.-t sediment, the liver becomes torpid nnd pains in the buck are nlmot con slant as the system becomes pregnateil with tho disease, the stomach Is rendered unable to dlgesl tho food prop erly, the result Is n general break down with fatal re sults. CURES Tbl stale ot affairs could be avoided If even- one wns careful to test their urine as sunn us they felt tho first backache. MAKI3 TIIISTPST: Put some morning urine In a glass or bottle, let It stand for twenty-four hours. It thou It Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish brlekdust sediment, or lr particles or germs Moat about In It, your kidney. ate diseased. MADE HER A WELL WOMAN. "1 was nil run down, hnd no appetite, was trouble with Indigestion, pains in my back nnd suffered untold misery during my monthly periods until 1 used Warner's Sale Cure. Thanks to ll 1 nm now ns strong nnd healthy as any woman could be. My mother suffered t'or over two years with what our doctor called 'weakness peculiar to women.' She had Mivere pains in her back and lier head ached almost constantly; in fact she was an invalid until the doctor pi escribed Warner's Safe Cure. Three bottles made a permanent cure. She bus no more of her old troubles nnd enjoys perfect health. All her complications were caused by dlsenues or the kidneys. Had mv mother taken Warner's Safe Cure In thu fir.-t pluec, instead of ll lot of so-called cures tor female u-imiIciipmsi lm wni,i have been saved a grrnt deal or suffering. We will never be without a bottle of AVarner's Safe Cure In the house, and if every poor, suffering woman knew the merits of Warner's Safe Cure she might be restored to .perfect health." Miss lJlllan Raniey, President of the Deliver Qulncy Club, Denver, Colo. Kidney Disease WARNKR'.S SAFR Cl'RK Is purely vegetable and con tains no harmful drugs. It Is free from sediment and pleasant to take. (Heware of so-called kidney cures which are full of sediment and of bad odor thev are positively harmful and do not cure.) It does not consti pate, it is n most valuable anil effective tonic, It Is a stimulant to digestion and awakens iho torpid liver. It repairs the tissues, soothes inflammation and Irritation, stimulates the enfeebled organs nnd heals nt tho same time. It builds up the body, gives It strength, nnd re stores energy. You can buy Warner's Safe Cure at any drug store, or direct, BO CUNTS AND l A BOTTM-:. Refuse Substitutes. Thero is none "Just ns good" us Warner's Sure Cure. It has cured nil forms of kiduev disease for thirty yenrs. It is prescribed by all doctors and used In the leading hospitals as tho only uloluto cure for all forms ot disease of kidney, liver, bladder and blood. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. I o convince every sufferer from diseases of the kldnevs. liver, bladder and blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure r .i1' "-,, bottle will be sent absolutely free, postpaid. Also a valuable uiedlc.il booklet which tells all about the diseases i.n V "ny!: i r "''d bladder, with a prescription for each disease, nnd mun of tho thousands of testimonials received ,V,V': " ,Vom grateful pa ieuts who have been cured liy Warner's Safe Cine. All you have to do Is to write Warner's Safe , (i,i T !'? .P0l'lll'sto', t', V' "J!"1 mention having read this liberal offer in the Scranton Tilbuno. Tho. genuineness of tills offer is' lully guaranteed by tho publisher. HfS&mtm Tholtsa aMlu. xHV ttouiiic MKUm , jhMa 10 l0 (JlMHHlt "eys KPWBnf&EBt ilownr (fM JT 3BBV (lentl iH v". jBH 'kr ci w ItTHFA, imiiuie I ,arj JB' Kft strung. (1 iHfv ri'nm a ' B t"-, !V" scribed A X -L ;W It workei 3fc Iff Hint tliuj v,.V - rk. siiiimr u in v iroro s. mix fmmr,'lil''il 25!. Hleitlly nnd mentally, ns t JtlVljifftiuilK . CjP"S ever wns In my lire. War. 'III 'Hh 'ill t k lllltllf "-'H "er's Ware Cure is worth C I JII lkWliSm ? 1, N. ten times the cost, unit I miilHiMnmw'i!nlmhii,it s. Nv",l,,l ,,t "" without it MmmlnmmmWk' M'0 lu,,,so f0" "ny" JmM'OT '' JtcCATlTMV. Jr., ) mf 'I l'l ''111 VVfmjl sKOFi.W Vice-President and Dll eo- fW'y''' ""'' 'nWlflH USW yJf lor or tho Planlcis' fr IJ WMmf utimY & ''bib. s I1 HI IIIiiIMbd jJm yP Thousands of such let- j li ' " , ji-w-rtllU WIWMF f tci's ns Mr. McCarthy's C li'7vlv VivffiMUUlUll III IBs -&0 and Miss Itamsey's uro lJiVMmOT uVxHG0 received dnlly from V CvJVvMwv Willi vS?!' guileful patients who I IbsKwSXWWCvAW W VCvJ have been permanently f BNKV?W uffl "HsfT cured by Warner's Ha to 1 ml effectMB WARlWS I IkMnHMk KAPK PIMK MOVE THE I WHHi BOWELS' WBmMmsfr gently l Wmim&m&Bm and 1MB AID A ( WhHIQi speedy s Hh CURE, I wasn't. Wo are going to have a capital worthy the state, and there Is now in tho treasury enough of money to pay for It, if we never collected another cent. Tho freshet of last spring swept away the bridges over a number of navigable streams, i-ome thirty or forty, I believe, In this part of the state. These the state Is rebuilding at a. cost of about $500,000, and there Is money In tho treasury to pay for them. That relieves the county and relieves local taxation, and Is doing something: for you. While the last legislature was In session it passed ulJ laws and of that great uuir. bery only thirty-three were criticized. It It was admitted that these were bad, threo out of 512 would be a mighty good record, I think. Frequently people say lo me, "Klkln, are you going to vota tho Kepiiblloan ticket this year?" There bus never been any doubt In my mind nbout it. I al ways have been a Itepubllcan and I nl ways will be. AVo had a lively fight down ut llaiisburg last June for a nomina tion for governor. It wns not a game ot ping pong, but a good square-toed gamo of political foot ball. Ilefoui the conven tion and the day of the convention 1 said to the people ot Pennsylvania that no matter who was nominated I would be shoulder to shoulder with him in the cam paign and 1 am hero tonight to do my best for every Republican candidate, from the distinguished Jurist who heads tho ticket, to the lowest county candidate. Why 1 never voted a Democratic ticket In my life; I would not know how to vote a Democratic ticket, Suboinating- Self. That could not be. To me It would bo u humiliation If I thnuslit the test of my loyalty lo the Republican party would bo measured by my ability to sot an ofllce. We can get along without of fices, hut wo cannot go back to tho dark days before tho Republican party res cued tho country; tho party that has given us commerce In every clime. Thu American people do great things under tho stimulus given by the wise laws the Itepubllcan party has passed. Already wo hear tho whispering of the tariff revisionism nnd thero Is dancer In their whisper, 1 would like to see Penn sylvania send back a solid delegation this year ngalnst whom the waves of tariff unrest would beat In valu. I would like to see you return lo congress your dis tinguished citizen, Hon. William Council, who has done so much for his district, his state and the country while In con gress. You ought to elect your county ticket and you ought to sqnd men to the legis lature who will be ti'liu to the policies ot tho Hepubllcun party, My friends, don't let us undervalue our citizenship, You ought to go to the polls on election day and vote for some ticket anil If you vota tho Republican ticket 1 bellevo you will feel better. Tho Demo rents don't see any good In the country or the government. They aro wrong. Wo are living hi the greatest days of the world. W have difficulties confronting us and will have dlfliciiltles, but I hey will ba overcome, 1 know they will, As Archdeacon Parrer said before leaving America, "To despair of America would be to despair of humanity." Let us not grow despondent. There Is no cause for It. I want to say to my ite publlcan friends in ueknwumiu that all this talk is as nothing It you do not go to the polls and vote. You have had your little difficulties and your repulses, but 1 want you to rally 'round the flag ot Re publicans which has done something for you and for me. The North Kml Olce flub sang an Inspiring number and Attorney Gen eral Klkln was followed by V. M. Brown, the Itepubllcan candidate for lieutenant governor, who spoke in part as follows; Candidate Brown. If sweet singing could win votes, I feel confident that Lackawanna county would give the biggest Republican ninjorily in Its history this year. I have seen sumo splendid mass meetings, so far this year, but I luivc no hesitancy in saying thnt this l the gritudot meeting we hnve so far addressed. The people on the other side nro going around the state malign ing and abusing the people of Pennsylva nia, but 1 feel sure that If they could s.o this splendid gathering, they would bo forced to admit that thero Is somo hope for the future. The Democratio urn tors tell us that there are no issue save state Issues, which they themselves have set up, and they go about vllllf'ying ami traducing, Instead of arguing. If you ask them how they stand on the Philippine question, they tell about some member ot the legis lature who got i little rukc-iiff; if you ask them what their views on the money question nre, they tell nbout some back woods legislator who got lilm-elf elected to bo bought, nnd who sold himself; If you ask them for their views on iho tariff question, they rehearse u scandal. They seem to lie living In a swamp, and all efforts to get them up into the broad sunlight of honest discussion Imvu been frultle.s. We hnvo u right to ask them what they would have done with the lu.liiu.ww brown people whom fate lias thrown Into our care. Wo hnvo a right to discuss this question nnd the other great nntlonal questions, mid we are going to. Winn tho election Is over, I feel sure that the people of this stale wilt be happy that this bit of slander will hnve passed. Tlllt thero I-. method ill the madness of tho opposition. They know and lvulizu that tho great Issues which are being discussed in oilier states ure proper sub jects for discussion here, but they seek to confuse and blind the voters Into thinking otherwise. They know that tho people of Pennsylvania are loyal to their soldier hoys who nre In tho fur-off Islands of the sen. They know that the people of 1'ciiuaylvnuln nro Just us capable of ser iously considering the trust problem us are the people of other states, and they remember thnt llaer Is a Democrat. Is n rirst-Clnss Stnte. Mr. lliitbrle is going around Mi.Wng that this Is a third-rate state. 1 want to suy to you that Pennsylvania Is not a third-class state; ll Is essentially a first class state, and tho bet of the llrst-class states, Pennsylvania, hi tho last year, produced sixty-two percent, of tho coal; ilfty-four per cent, of the r'.col, thirty nine per cent of tho glnss, twenty-one per cent, of tho leather, nnd twenty-live- per cent, of the silk produced In this coun try. We should bo proud of th position Pennsylvania holds among her lister commonwealths. She Is lirst and fore most In the commercial world, bec-auso of her Integrity and high credit. Some time before tho buttle of New Orleans, a merchant scut a dunning let ter to Andrew Jackson. The latter sent back word that lie could not pay. When tho merchant picked up tho papers on thu 'day after tho battle, ami read of Jackson's glorious victory, ho took down tho ledger and opened it to the debit pago marked "Andrew Jackson, U." On the other sldo ho wrote. Credit by Rattle of Xcw Orleans JJI. If there uro somo Utile things to bo found fault with; If thero are some lilt lo errors on the debit side of the ledger that you don't like, take It down nnd look nt tho other page, where fs written down; "Credit by ballots. Abraham Lincoln; fredit by ballots, t'lysses H. (irant; credit by ballots, James O. Blaine; credit by ballots, RenJamlii Harrison; credit by bal lots, William McKlnley,"' and mark after It, "Credit by ballots, ' Samuel Penny-pat-kor." After the Cumbrian Glee club had rendered stirring selections, W. J. Hclmeft'er, of Chester county, superior court reporter and one of the younger orators made n splendid speech. Ho began by describing with wonder ful eloquence tho greatness of Pennsyl vania which he declared to be the "real Kinplre state ut the union." Kvery election, he declared, Is a great trial nt which great and momentous questions are decided. There are Issues In every election but In this campaign, be said, iho Democrats hnve not raised one for submission to the Jury of nearly 1,000,000 voters. They have raised no question that one might pin his faith to; nothing on which a voter can bank his determination, he declared. Important Campaign. "It Is my sincere and honest belief," said' he, "that the most Important and supreme issue in this campaign Is the result which will follow the election on November -l in the country at large. Out beyond whore the Mississippi tlows there bus been waging for three months a splendid political contest, a grand battle which bus for its object tho placing of the silver slates In tho Me publlcun column so that tho Itepubll can party can win Us national battles without the aid of New York, "If you want to discourage the men who ure waging this war out beyond the Mississippi and If you want to render tho greatest possible service to wards the election of a Democratic president In 1901, vote the Democratic ticket this your. If you want to inuko the next presidential election sure for llepubllcunlsni beyond periidventure; If you witnt Theodore Roosevelt to lead the party on to victory: vote the Re publican ticket and prove to our brothors In the West that Pennsylvania Is absolutely Inyul to her old time Re publican faith." Mr. Hchaefor referred to the fact that after serving for ten years on the bench Judge Pennypacker was iigulu uouilnuteil by the Itcpubllcans nnd a week later endorsed by tho lJeiuocratlo convention. This he declared to bo the highest possible tribute that could bo paid to his honesty and devotcduess to principle, "I want every voter within the sound oT my voice," snld he, "to remomber that we are lighting the skirmish be fore the Ida battle of 1001 and that its up to lilni to say whether he will send us congressman to Washington u iie publlcuu who will stand for Republican principles or a Democrat who will aid in hutching schemes for thu revision of the protective tariff, which has meant so iiimh to this state, "You have here us your Republican candidate for congress one of the most useful, men that Pennsylvania over sent to represent her ut Washington; a inuu who went nnd who has voted right on every question since; (applause); a man who Is In every way worthy of your heartiest and most loyal support," City and School Taxes 1003. Tho nbovo tax duplicates are now In my bunds for collection. K S. UARKKR, City Treasurer, Today's Invitingly Priced Articles. As a fitting climax to a busy week we mention in today's store news ready-to-wear items temptingly priced. I. . i i I,, , , ... .......... , , 1. 1 1 . i , 1 1 An Art Exhibition Will open Monday, October the 27th, and will continue for on week, Handsomely worked Doylies, Centre Pieces, Scarfs, Shams, etc., brought here to give you some Idea as to what beautiful work can be done by using Heminway's Silks Women from all over Scranton are specially Invited to this display, as It will be the finest of Its kind ever attempted In any art department in this city. Full details in Sunday's papers. Toilet Articles. Cotton's Koso Balm Cure for chapped hands, highly perfumed. Alwnys 25c, now 19c. Tooth Brusb-4 vow bristle, largo assortment of handles, each 10c. Clara Iiipmnn's Tooth Powder Patent top, 25c. kind, for 10c. Olive Complexion Soap, pure as snow, each 25c. Biker's Toilet Water, an article thnt is guaranteed to us exactly as represented; priced at, per bottle, 25c. Good Ribbons-The Favorite Kind 4-inch All Silk Taffeta, comes in all colors, including black and white, a 15c. value. Priced at 12lc. a yard. 3'i-inch All Silk Satin Taffeta, colors, black and white. A width very much in demand. Priced at, a yard, 15c. 31j-inch All Silk Liberty Satin, also 4-inch All Snlk Satin Taffeta, priced at, per yard, 19c. 4-inch All Silk Liberty Satins, nlso 5-inch Satin Taffetas, a soft finish ribbon. Priced nt, per yard, 22c. Large Showing of Boys' Ready toWear Clothing A special lot of Boys' Knee Pants; 3 to 15 years. Plain blue and plain grey wool chev iot; well made, good waist bnnd. Priced at 25c Boys' All Wool Double Breasted Suits, in plain blue or grey, 8 to 15 years; extra heavy and exceedingly well made, at $1.98 Boys' 3-piece Suits, 9 to15 years; made with vests; all wool serge, black and blue cheviot and pretty mixtures. Priced at $3.48 A large lino of boys' and children's Toque Cape, tho newest colorings enter into this fine and rich assortment; all styles. Priced at 25c Boys' and Children's Hats, in all colors; all sizes, for tho small nnd the large hoy, at 50c. and 75c. Boys' College Hats, in blue and grey, also black stitched rims; all sizes. The fad of the season. Priced at 50c Boys' Long Overcoats, 8 to 16 years, in dark and light Oxford Grey, hand pockets. All made with good taste, best velvet 0 collars and trimmings. Priced at 39o VVVvwVVlv-V IBM The More You Know About Our Celebrated Hair Cloth Front Suits The better for us. we wish every man in the county knew just what they are, for then every man in the county would be wearing only this kind of clothing. This applies also to our line of a vfiXKftfiHaHBiH Overcoats For This Fall. Which, as usual, is the most complete in Medium and High Grade Overcoats in the city. Our one ambition is to sell you a good Suit or Overcoat for a little less money than you can buy it any where in the city.and at the same time guarantee it, which means rA that you do not risk a penny in buying from us. But should any garment prove different than is represented to you, we will be pleased to get it back, and cheer fully exchange it, or refund youn mnnm i I IWW y RICHARDS & WIRTH 326 Lackawanna Avenue