The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale.
Bon-Ton Social Club
Will cntoituln their former patrons and
their friends Mt u
Hallow'een Social
Next Thursday Kvenllig, Off. 80. 1I:.
This tlnlue will bi tile must elaboiute
of their several socials which have li'-oii
conducted In Huiito's hull. TlH' dub h.iM
nii'iinged In havi' it chicken supper served
nl tin- lintii'Hiil restaurant. Those wish
ing M 1 1 1 1 1 '" t' tickets Hhuilld purchase Ilium
nt miff uf tin1 Him Tons, lit the Curium
title brunch office of the Hciunton Till)
line, or ut lilt Imperial rcstiiurtint. 'I ho
CXpCIIHO will lie.
Admission to dance 75c
Supper, 00c, couple.
lit large Iiunibers, utmost three titties
the number registering at the hotels us
has heen the rule. A greater number
la looked for next week, some of the now crowding ut the Scrunton
STUAYHD fiom residence of .lolm t'lincr
on Salem n venue, Klhciluu tenler, with
t-imggy hulr mill answers to name or
"Hubs": bus collar Willi l in I cngnlvid
thereon. Kinder will kindly communicate
with owner.
leaves Ofllce of School Director of
fell Township Because of Change
of Residence to Carbondalo His
Brother, Peter Healey, Succeeds
School Director ICdwurd .1. Ilealey, oC
lie Fell township school cllstt let, lust
lltfht teiulereil Ills resignation as a
member of the board.
Mr. Henley's resignation wus line to
the fact that he Iiiih changed his resi
lience to Cnrhmidulc, being a resident
now of the Second ward of this city.
The resignation was acted upon by
the board, and after Its acceptance the
directors elected Peter Ilealey, his
brother, as his successor.
Mr. Ilealey held the oilier of school
director of IV 1 1 township for several
terms and proved his ellleiciicy In
caring; for the needs of the district.
The confidence of his colleagues on the
board was shown in his election to the
ollloe of treasurer, which he adminis
trated with scrupulous care and hon
es I v.
Mr. Henley's choice of becoming a
citizen of Carbondalo Will be welcomed,
as his career In business, since assum
ing the proprietorship of the Antlun
clle cafe, has most satisfactorily Im
pressed those who huve had relations
with him. J I is ac(UMlntanct's and
,'ricndships here are indeed numerous,
find though his suffrage was held in
Kell township, tlie feeling towards him
has always been the same that is cher
ished for a loyal Carbondallan. A few
weeks ago, Mr. Ilealey and his wife, to
whom be was recently wedded, estab
lished their residence in the filllls block
on Park Place.
Owen niul Charles Tlmmous Become
Owners of the Imperial.
The Iinetuial restaurant on North
.Alain street, which until compelled to
close by. reason of tilt coal strike, was
conducted by .lames Thompson, Jr.,
was yesterday transferred to the Tlm
inons brothers Owen and Charles of
South Main stleet.
The transfer was formally niiide
yesterday by ex-Select Councilman
lames Thompson, who owned the stock,
fixtures, etc. The restaurant will be
opened under Its new management
within ii few days. Charles Tlmnions,
the younger of the new proprietors, has
had ample experience In the restau
rant business to assure the proper
iniinngement of a llrstA'lass dining
place so essential to the town, lie has
been employed for several years among
large lesiatiranls In Philadelphia, and
Atlantic City, and leturned but recent
ly from the latter place. His brother
has also had some experience as a
chef. Martin Connor, who was former
ly employed at the Imperial, and who
has had several years experience In the
restaurants of the town will be back
at tills restaurant when It re.opens.
Since the closing uf the Imperial
weeks ago, Carbondale has been with
out tile only exclusively eating house It
boasted of, and the only, one which
kept open all night.
As a consequence those who reached
the town late at night or on the early
morning trains and who sought a lunch,
besides others whose work kept them
awake until the late hours, were forced
to ge to sleep hungry. Now that this
backward Indication of the town's
progress lias bum removed It will be a
refreshing change.
tern ptircliUEcd the Blue Nidge, Ster
rlek Creek and Riverside Coal com
panies In which Mr. ttleo was Interest
ed. It will he of Interest and pleasure
to Mr, lllee's numerous friends that
besides being located ninld congenial
surroundings lit Ills new home on the
other side of the uontlneiitr lie Is like
wise prospering as men of his calibre
do under almost any circumstance.
MISS .THAN IIONTMll, a graduate
nurse of the class of '01 .of Kinergcnoy
hospital, this elly, succumbed yester
day morning ut 7 o'clock at- the home
of her sister, Mrs. George Dhnuck, on
Cemetery sticot, to pulmonary disease,
from which she had suffered for many
Miss Hunter was a native of Hones
dale, where she was born forty-one
years ago. Most of her life was spent
between this city and Archbald. After
her graduation from Emergency hos
pital she followed her profession here
for a while, going subsequently to the
hospital at Saratoga, N. Y. Her fall
ing strength forced her to return to
Carbondale In January last. She, re
sided here since, disease gradually
weakening her until the summons came.
There will be a wide circle of friends
affected by the news of Miss Hunter's
death, for she was held In affectionate
regard by those with whoin she associ
ated. Tier tender nature was shown In
her administration to the needs or the
sick who came under her care and In
the respect she showed towards the
reelings or others. She was deeply In
terested in religious work and was a
helpful influence In the First Presby
terian church, or which she was a mem
ber. She Is survived by one sister, Mrs.
(ieorge Dlmock, and one brother, Mine
Foreman Thomas Hunter.
Drummers Who Didn't Visit Here
During Strike Suffer Now.
More than a few drummers who
crossed Carbondale off their traveling
list during the coal strike are regretting
now that they were not at least a bit
more sociable and called here, if only
to say "howdy" to their customers In
this city. On the other hand, the sales
men who were faithful in their visits
and came, Irrespective of whether they
got an order or weie turned away, are
reaping a harvest through the error of
business judgment of the other lads.
When the inllux of drummers com
menced this week and the traveling
men got among their customers, those
of them who kept away during the
strike were given a look by merchants
which was more effective than if they
were told, through a Press club mega
phone, to go away back and sit down.
They weren't taken to the arms of the
mrechants and given a bear-like, hug
of joy, but were Informed, in numer
ous instances, that there was nothing
doing n their line. These customers
took umbrage at the lack of interest
these salesmen displayed and some
looked upon it as a lack of courtesy,
thus shunning them while there was a
depression and rushing back on almost-
the first train when prosperity seemed
at hand. The drummers who hi me,
whether or not there was anything
doing, were remembered and leeched,
beside their own order, the one that
ordinarily would go to the other. It
was an application of "it's an III wind,"
Drummers continue to come to town
Mrs. Walter Nye Joins Her Husband
Who Is Located in the West.
Mis. Walter Nye, of Darte avenue,
left yesteiday afternoon for Gleudive,
Montana, where she will rejoin her
husband who left here several months
ago to accept a position as train des
patcher on the Northern Pacific rail
road. Mi', and Mrs. Nye will make
their home In Montana.
Mr. Nye was train despatcber under
the Delaware and Hudson company lu
tills city until several months ago,
when he went West. His present posi
tion as despatcber Is somewhat ad
vanced over the one he held here, and
there are exceptional opportunities for
continued advancement. These facts
and the fact that the climate seems
more adapted to his physical comfort
induced him to remain in Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Nye were In the midst
of a wide elide of friends In Carbon
dale who valued their companionship.
Though there are keen regrets over
their withdrawal, the best wishes ac
company them across the continent to
their new home.
Taken Dangerously 111 Here.
Michael Vincent, of Patterson, N. J.
who came here about two months ago
to visit his sister, Mrs. Patrick Shanon,
on Canaan street, and to seek an Im
provement In his physical condition,
has suffered a bad change and is
dangerously III. Two of Mr. Vincent's
sons were summoned to Carbondale
this week and are now at his bedside.
They are Prof. A. G. Vincent, a
musician of New York city, and Thomas
C. Vincent, of St. Louis, Mo.
If the patient's condition permits, he
will be taken to his home in Paterson,
next week. There is little prospect of
bis ultimate recovery owing to ad
vanced age, being over 70 years.
Ezra Tobey at' Rest.
The late Kzra Tobey was laid at rest
in Maplewood . cemetery, Thursday af
ternoon. Services were held at the" resi
dence, S2 Belmont street, by Rev. A. F.
Chaffee and Rev. Dr. II. J. Whalen.
The quartette from the First Methodist
church, where the deceased worshipped,
sang several selections. There was a
large attendance of friends.
The pall-bearers were Andrew Wylle,
George AV. Norrls, T. C. Robinson, J.
M. Alexander, Nicholas Moon, Joseph
Brownell. A. U Wright and Robert
Blair carried the floral pieces.
Save a Lot of Money.
Food 'that will safely and surely
carry a man through exhuustlng men
tal work Is worth knowing of.
A man In St. Louis, Mo., says: "in
my work, it is necessary to begin at
seven o'clock and work straight
through without lunch until two p. m.
You can readily see that this Is n
strain on the ordinary person, and I
was frequently worn out and sick with
hunger anil weakness. On numerous
occasions when two o'clock came round
1 wan so utterly exhausted and un-
, strung us to be forced to lose the re-
jnalnder of the day, and that carried
wth it a loss of money.
!" "Tim first package of Grape-Nuts
..i-ame Into our house u little over a
. year ago by accident. There has been
,.hno by design ever since that time,
-Almost immediately nfier beginning to Grape-Nuts, I felt Its good effect In
j my ability to work thuso long hours
in comfort. There was no sickness or
weakness, and no loss of time from
exhaustion. In my business, It Is also
necessary to work every Wednesday
; night or each week. The change from
r (lay to night work and then back
again is certainly v light call on the.
reserve force of an,, one, and my ln-
yarlablo preparation for this tusk Is a
'onerous saucer of Grape-Nuts and
!;crcam, a Unlit lunch but a most sus-
.'tulhlnr; one,
'" 'n old friend was visiting me re-
cently, and while eating the evening
mealj I was extolling Grape-Nuts to
him. .lie rather, doubted the delicious.
ness of the food. My three children,
used to.ur, six and eight years, weie
fit; the time watching u large cream
,.ca,ke on the table, and enjoying, in an-
"tlclputlon the treat, I asked the three
3vilch they would prefer for dessert
.cream cako or Grape-Nuts. "Without
Stjiesltatidit, they answered In chorus,
rGra'pe.-Nuis.' My friend wus con-
f. "The only breakfast the children
.have Is Grape-Nuts and rich nuik und
you rould not find a moro healthy trio."
' Name given by. Ppstum Co'., Battle
-rccK Wlch.
Miss Annie Magnus Rarle, of Phila
delphia, lectured before the members of
the Century club and a number of in
vited guests, at the home of Mrs. L. A.
Rassett, on Laurel street. Miss Karle,
who is a brilliant speaker, took as her
subject, "Old London."
A pleasant surprise party was given
to Miss Kmma Ftley, tit her home on
Helmont street, Thursday evening, by
a large number of her young friends.
Before their departure, a llashllght pic
ture of the guests was taken.
The following were present: Misses
Lillian Brunner, Virginia Stephens, Jen
nie Penwarden, May Thorpe, Kmma
Utley, Lulu Campbell, Vangle Carpen
ter, Verna Oliver, Helen Swart;, Lottie
Swartz, Blanche Bryant, Rose Cornell,
Annie Lowry, Mary Bates, Minnie Ople,
Mabel Oliver, Florence Swingle, Lena
1 listed, Maud Chubb, Lucy Robinson,
Nina Carpenter, Mrs. A. J. Ople, Mrs.
Wallace Snyder, Mrs. Albert Gllbey, ha
Pethlck, Joseph XTtley, "Will Stephens,
A. J. Ople, ICrnest Yarrington, Albert
Simons, Arthur Stephens, David Max
well, Joseph Shearer, Louis Pethlck,
George Kase, Fred Gleasou, Raymond
Mills, Ralph Ball, Wallace Snyder, Al
bert Gllby, Harry Keglar and John
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Barrett de
lightfully entertained the following on
Thursday night: Misses Mary Nolan,
Nellie Jordan, B. Morau, Nellie Casey,
Mary A. floran, Marie Casey, Mary
Kane, Annie McFadden, Alice Mcllale,
Annie Casey, Nellie Mellale, Teresa
Mcllale, Lizzie Casey, Maggie Casey,
Alice Kennedy, Nellie Lynch, Joseph
ine Casey, Maggie Ratchford, Cella
McDonough, Polly Kenyan, and Messrs.
John Kane, James Pase, John Mornn,
Willie McDonough, Thomas Jordan,
Owney MeAudrew. Thomas McFadden,
James McDonough, Willie Casey, Willie
Donnelly, Martin Davltt, Frank Coyle,
Harry Qulnu, James cuff, John Gavin,
Willie 1'sher, Thomas Msshan, James
Mcllale, Martin Casey, Thomas Gavin
ami James Cannon.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered to Miss Katie Parker at her
home, on Dundnff street, Thursday
evening. Different games were Indulged
In, and refreshments were served, The
following wire present: Misses Mary
Tlerney, Kilty Monahau, Katie (lalla.
ghcr, Florence Wisely, Anna Gallagher,
Katie Parker, anil Messrs, John (Jump
bell, Frank Smith, George iloltzuiaster,
Thomas Hcott, Thomas Roland and
Alex. Giles.
Vincent Cassesse and wife (nee Miss
Lettle Pugllano), of tills city, have re
turned from their extended wedding
tour and have gone to housekeeping In
their cosily furnished homo on I.acka.
wanna avenue, Scranton. During their
trip they visited New York, Washing
ton, Denver, St. Luuls and Chicago, re
tnn.lng to Scranton via Boston.
-Mrs. Henry Fluelllu entertained a
number of her lady friends at a five
o'clock tea at her home, on Sand street,
yesterday afternoon.
Federal union, No. 7,201, will hold a
smoker and entertainment lu Sons of
Temperance hall. Saturday evening,
October 2.). All members are requested
to be present.
Visitors from California.
Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas L Rice,
formerly of Scranton, but now lu Los
Angles, California, are visiting Mrs.
Rice's sister, Mrs. Juliet A. M, Meynolds
of Terrace street.
Mr. Rlcu was formerly a prominent
resident of Scranton. Ho was also son
splclous among the Individual coal
operators. This connection wus severed
however, when the Ontario and VYes-
Will Locate Here Again.
George Chapman who resigned his
position as assistant ticket agent and
operator at the city station of the Dela
ware and Hudson company last sum
mer to go Into the retail produce busi
ness in Wayne county, has crlven m,
llpo and returned to Carbondale.
no nas a position in prospect
likely locate here.
and will
On the Hudson.
Ike Burros, the quick lunch man,
who had his start in this city several
years ago and who has experienced in
quite a measure the vicissitudes of
business life is now located in Pough
keepsle, N. Y and is said to be doing
ti flourishing business.
Thomas F. Cleary, of Scranton, was
a Carbondale visitor yesterday.
Miss Cecelia Coleman, of the West
Side, is spending a few days with rela
tives in Scranton.
Rev. Patrick Byrne, formerly of this
city, now stationed In Watertown, N.
Y Is In the city to attend the funeral
.p t.t t ,i ... i ., . .
ui mo Miuiuur-iii-juw, ine late William
Smith, who will be laid at rest this
Rev. Thomas B. Payne, of Scranton,
will hold 1'nlversallst services in Watt's
Upper hall, Sunday, at .1,30 p. m speak
ing on "How Jesus Saves All Men,"
The public is cordially invited. Gospel
hymns 1, L II. 4. will be used.
Bedridden, with Chronic Inflamma
tory Rheumatism, Miss Walton's
Life Had Been Despaired of
by Her Doctor.
The doctor hud made his last call at
the house uf Miss Maggie Walton, No.
1320 Main street, Peoria, ill., and had
told her sorrowing mother that nothing
more could be done. Maggie might dlo
at any time. The situation was criti
cal enough lo warrant the doctor's
conclusion, for the trouble wus Inllnm
matory rheumatism and It had attack
ed the heart. But Miss Walton Is a
healthy, happy young lady today. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
cured her and she Is enthusiastic In
telling the story. She says:
"I was aflllcted with chronic lullam
matbry rheumatism and had sufrered
with It from my childhood. When I
was fourteen I was a helpless cripple,
unable to leave my bed nnd with my
arms and legs swollen to twice their
natural size. I often fainted nway
with the pain, frequently several times
during the day. Sometimes they thought
I was dead. The rheumatism had af
fected my heart and that was the
cause of the tainting spells. It was Im
possible for me to take any solid food
and there were days and days when
not even a spoonful of liquid would
stay on my stomach.
"When the doctor had given me up
my father determined to huve me try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo
ple. So ho got some and I could feel
an Improvement after the first few
doses. Little by little I began to get
better and a faithful course with these
pills restored me to health. That was
nearly live years ago. Now I am twen
ty and In the best of health. I am sure
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my
Rheumatism Is a disease of the blood
nnd Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale
People go directly to the seat of the
disorder, purifying and enriching the
blood by eliminating poisonous ele
ments and renewing health giving
forces. They act both on the blood and
nerves and have wrought hundreds of
wonderful cures In such diseases as
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, nerv
ous headache, the after-effects of the
grip, of fevers and of other acute dis
eases, palpitation of the heart, pale
and sallow complexions, and nil forms
of weakness either In male or female.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple are sold by all dealers or will be
sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty
cents a box; six boxes, two dollars and
fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Will
lams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
thony Kdwards attended a funeral of a
relative at Kingston yesterday.
Joshua Jenkins, of Kdwardsvllle, was
the guest of relatives la town yesterday.
Mr. and Airs. J. D. Atliertoa and Mrs.
William Atherton, of South Main street,
are home from their visit with Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. Bowen, at Pottsvllle.
Sabbath services tomorrow at the Cal
vary Baptist church will be at the usual
hour. The pastor. Rev. Dr. Hani, will
I'M ward Murphy, who has been spending
tlie past live months at Hastings, X. Y.,
has returned home.
J. M. Harris, esq., left yesterday for
New York, where he will witness the
foot ball game between Princeton and
Columbia today.
Miss Jennie Harris, of Mala street, left
yesterday for Luzerne, where she will be
the guest of Miss Kuchel Smith, ot that
Miss Annie Jenkins, of Kdwardsvllle,
who has bcfeii th guest of her cousins.
Mi-s Leah and Miss Maud Evans, of
North Main street, returned to her homo
Rev. K. L. Santee will occupy his pul
pit at the Methodist Kplscopnl church to
morrow at the usual hoarse; Sunday
school at 2.1.".
Connolly & Wallace
5cranton,s Shopping Center
Women's Gloves
It was a long time before we could get Gloves
properly made for us.
Though wo might choose the skins ourselves'
and be sure they were the best, they were often
spoiled In the cutting. It has taken moro work
thnn most people caro to give to get the measure
ments correct, and the workmanship the best. Our
special $1.00 Gloves are the American Girl.
Tho Jouvin, we know by comparison to be the
best $1.50 Glove made In France.
The Superb Washable Glove Is tho finest Glove
of the kind ever made.
Furs ....
Nothing a woman wears Is moro difficult to
buy. Furs admit of as much doctoring as the
horse that David Harura bought.
In order that you may choose safely, we have
our Furs chosen by an expert who gets the pick
of the world's best skins.
The new fashions and the newest Furs are
ready now. As Furs arc seldom twice alike, and
we never know what wo are going to get after tho
first lot is gone, the earlier purchases can be made,
the better.
Mrs. William Culey died at her homo
ui ih'ki .-uiiyueiu yesterday morning at
2 o'clock, after a long and most painful
Illness of dropsy, from which she lias
sulfeied for tho past two vears. De
censed was linrn In England ihlrly-elght
years ago, ami for the past eighteen
years has been a. resident of Jermyn and
Mayfield, and was held In much esteem
by the people of hoth boroughs, She Is
Mirviveu ny uer iiiislmnd, two daugh
ter, Pearl and liuby, a sou. Wallace, ami
an aged mother, Sirs. Murv Stephens
Three hrothers, Kll.luh. Kdwin, Fred and
Martin, and a sister, Mrs, Mary Martin
also survive her. The funeral will tuko
place tomorrow afternoon, A brief ser
vice will be held at the house at 2 o'clock
and will be continued at tlie Methodist
Kplscopnl church at :: o'clock, Tho re
mains may be viewed at the house this
afternoon and tomorrow, before tho ser
vice. The casket will not bu opened at
the church.
John II. Kllker, of MityHeld. who 1ms
been tin assistant to agent Cook at tho
Delaware and Hudson depot, has been
promoted to the position of operator at
Green Ridge.
lieu Morgan lias returned from Vinton
dale, where he has been working for Sev
ern! months.
James Allan has accepted a position nt
the silk mill.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wheeler will, la
Hie near future, hcglu liout-elcceplng in
lilt) buuse lately vacated by W, It, Dotl.
Miss Winifred II. Itoblnson, of Middle,
town. Conn., Is the guest of Mr. and Mis.
II. A. Williuun, of South Jliiln street.
Mr. and .Mrs. Coihe Mosher, of Coehce
Ion Centre. .V, V.. are spending some than
with the, former's mother on Cemetery
Mr. and Mrs, W. 0. Howclls gave a re.
cepllon In honor of their daughter, Mis
Ulwen M.'s, birthday, on Thursday, at
their home cu Main streit. A large num.
her or Mss Howell's friends wire present.
The usual party diversions were Indulged
hi. Prof. .). 11. Rums, a graduate of the
Jloston Conservatory or Music, was
among the gu.iMs and added much to the
pleasure of tho occasion with a number
of excellent selections. Refreshments
were eerved.
Mr. und Mm. David Powell. Foreman
und Mr. William Rogers and Mia. An.
Miss Beatrice Williams entertained a
number of her young friends yesterday
afternoon, between the hours of -I and S
o'clock, at her home la Blakely, In honor
or her tenth birthday. Various gamrs
and other amusements tnaile the hours
pass too quickly for all present. At C
o'clock a toothsome luncheon win served.
Miss Williams received many pretty gifts
from her friends.
Regular Episcopal services will be neld
In Callender's hall, on Scott street, Hlake
ly, tomorrow afternoon at S.'iO o'clock;
Sunday school at 2,). Rev. E. J. Huugh-
ton will have charge.
John Hull, of Scranton, was a visitor
la town yesterday.
Rev. John Haiti, or Piiceburg, and Rev.
James Iley, of the Hlakely church, will
exchange pulpits tomorrow evening.
There will be morning prayer meeting at
10 o'clock; preaching til 10.), by the pas
tor, subject, "The Power of a Conse
crated Life"; Sunday school at 2 p. m.j
preaching hi the evening at G.:10 by Rev.
John Haiti, of Piiceburg,
Services will be held at tho usual hours
tomorrow morning and evening lu the
Hlnltely Uaptlst church-Rev. David Spen
cer, D, D., pnstor.
William Sheridan left yesterday for St.
Louis Mo,, where he will reside permanently.
Union Suits for Women
Those who have worn Union Suits show their
opinion of them by buying more.
They are the best fitting garment beneath
other clothing specially adapted for wear under
this season's close-fitting skirts. They carry the
weight from tho shoulders instead of the waist
nnd are most comfortable. A Union Suit must, of
course, fit well, and accurate garments are scarce.
These are correctly shaped and true to size.
Cotton 50c to $2.50
Wool $1.50 to $3.50
Silk, up to. $6.50
Others in. silk and wool, cotton and wool, silk
nnd cotton.
JJ Tailored Suits
jj for Women ....
Z0 Some years ago we made up our minds that
cj we would have the best $10 suit for women, that
could be mode, and we believe it is here.
ii For $15 there are good suits of pebble cheviot.
rfS Fly-front jackets.
0 $10 and $15 covers most of the every-day
Jc suits. Finer suits begin at $25 of better cloths
V and beautifully tailored, but still built on strictly
Kg plain lines.
J Blue or black Venetian with fly-front jackets,
p revers cf peau de soie. Silk drop lining- in the
J skirt.
J2 Other fine tailored suits, copies of some of the
J finest Paris productions, run up by easy stages to
5 SI 00 each.
Women's Coats
and Wraps
Five years ago In tho opening advertisement
of Coats and Wraps wo said proudly that we had
"2500 different Coats nnd Wraps" on display.
This year It would be nearer tho truth If we
said 2G00 different styles.
The makers here and in other cities and all the
important wrap designers of Europe have been
contributing to our stock for weeks past.
Rough materials like zlbellne, Himalaya cloth,
montngnac and boucle cheviot arc best.
Short Coats begin at $7.50 and go up to $25.
30-inch Box Coat, $10 special; worth $15.
Monte Carlo, all lengths, 27-inch., 30, 32, d.0,
42, 45 inches; various materials, velour, silk and
cloths. Prices begin at $12.50 and go to $75.00.
Blouse Jackets, in rough materials and velour."
Prices $12.50 to $50.00.
Walking Suits
for Women
More new styles are coming every day yester
day a great lot made from English suitings
arrived. But the same general stylos hold good
either the Blouse Coat or Norfolk Jacket. Prices
range from $16.50 to $30.00. ,
Children's Sweaters
It's a sensible fashion women have adopted,
to dress their children in sweaters. They are so
snug and warm that none of the biting winds can
possibly got through. $1.00 to $2.00 all colors.
Silk Waists
More new peau de soie nnd changeable Silks
hurried to join tho procession in time for today.
Some are parading large fnncy buttons others
look proudly down on rows of tucks and herring
bone stitching. All are pretty. Prices easy.
Men's House Coats
Some of the best styles are shown now what's
the use of waiting till Christmas, anyway!
Double-faced cloths still rule, but there are
new color combinations and new kinks in the mak
ing. Regular Coats, $5.00; Long Robes, $7.50.
A Great Towel Bargain
2,400 Hemmed Huckaback Towels, size 17x34,
half linen, with red borders or nil white. A Towel
of good weight and a splendid absorbent. Our
price is the lowest ever quoted for this grade of
goods. Oc each; $1.00 dozen.
1 Connolly &
Tho tenms comprising the Scranton
Rleycle Clubs league, will open the sea
son on Monday night, November 3, and
will roll on tho nine subsequent Mon
day nights, or until thirty games huvo
been played. The members of the stv
eral teams, who have already been se
lected, will begin active practice for the
season next week.
One member from each club has been
appointed on a general committee to
select a suitable trophy, which will be
come the absolute property of the win
ning team. No Individual prizes will bo
offered for the first series, but It bus
been practically decided to roll a second
series, when, Instead of a trophy, such
prizes will be contested for. tfuch club
Will have one or two substitutes to talte
the place of any absent bowler, but no
regularly named bowler shall bo al
lowed to strengthen the club's other
One of the strongest teams In the new
league will be the Clreen Ridge Wheel
men's No, I team, which will he cap.
tallied by John Taylor, one of the best
bowlers In this part of tho stute. Mo
will have us associates the following
players; Moore, Wedeman, Jayne and
Mason, The Jayno mentioned Is tho
school controller, who is suld to be an
Al bowler, The No. 2 team, which has
123-125-127-129 Washington Ave. if
" Tfili signature Ii on 'efery boVoI fKo gntHW
I nvntivpi RrnmniOmninp Thits t
&V&Jz3&&thiiewly that euro coltl tu.puo day,
not yet been named, will be captained
by .1. I,. Rowison and will comprise,
besides himself, the following players:
Pond, Shennau, Nlcol and Hitchcock.
Tlie feranton llicycle club team will
be captained by Dr. AVurdell and will
compline the following players, who are
the pick of the club's bowlers: Roper,
Gorman, Mitchell and O'Connell. Tho
Black Diamonds are to be reorganized,
under the captaincy of either Will Rey
nolds or P. 11. Stair, and will comprise
the remainder of the club's good bowl
ers. With the opening' of tho new alleys In
West Kerauton on Thursday night,
there are now In this city no less than
seven sets of public bowling alleys, In
addition to tho live sets of alleys In
various club houses, and it Is safe to
say that thero are nearly -',000 active,
euthusiastlo bowlers in tho city, exclus.
Jvo of tho (lends who talk of bowling,
dream of bowling, and practically live
on bowling,
Tie Arlington team has now got a
safe lend In the city Bowling league
nice, and the Backus and Cambrian
teams will have to hustle If they expect
to catch up with the South Slders. The
llampe team has apparently got a
chance for first pluce yet, but It would
seem as If tho other teams would need
to be very lnatejially strengthened be
fore they, can expect lo finish near tho
Old bowlers unite lu saying that the
average of ilSS 1.3 for three games,
matte by "Tony" Prlne last Monday
night, Is the best record for three games
over iiitide lu this city. Brine Is a young
Uallun, who hits never bowled lu a
regular league team for any consider,
able length of time, lie Is at present
a substitute uu (lie llumpe team.
A rule has been utlopted by the City
Howling league requiring any regular
player who may be obliged to bo absent
to take ns his own the score made by
tho substitute rolling lu his place. Tho
substitute Is to have no standing In the
league whatever.
Reduced Rates .to Now Orleans and
Return Via Southern Railway.
On account of the meeting of Amer
ican Bankers association, New Orleans,
La Nov, Hth-lStli, 100:', the Southern
railway will sell round trip tickets from
Washington, D, C, lo New Orleans, Ut,
on Nov. 8th, flth and 10th at rate of
one faro, viz, $7..ri0; Until limit 10 days
from date of sale, except by depositing
tickets with joint agent, New Orleans
on or before Nov, ISth, ami payment
of fee of lifty cents, tickets can be ex
tended until Nov, .lOtli. 190:',
Rato from Philadelphia 132.83. Cor
respoudliigly low rates from other
The Southern railway operates three
through trains dally with Pullman
tlrawing-rooin sleeping cars from New
York, Philadelphia and Washington to
New Orleans without change: dining
car service on all 'through trains,
Charles I.. Hopkins, D, V. A, .Southern
railway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadel
phia will furnish all Information.
X.akewood's drives, than which then
are none better, attract a gay throng
and traps of every kind are in constant
use. The hunt attracts many, likewise
cycling and polo, hut when one finds
such delightful, yes wonderful Units ns
Uikewood possesses, one little wonders
that golf Is the popular game. Another
feature of prominence is Its hotels, hos
telties commodious, grand or rathei
palatial, where one's welfare Is the first
nnd foremost consideration. These
itualllications, Including a most mar
velous atmosphere, huvo made Lake,
wood famous the world over. This re
sort Is reached only via tho New Jersej
Central, and Its passenger departmen.
In New York has Issued a booklet on
Uikewood which Is ropleto with lufor.
matlon, and It's yours for the asking. "
New York,
The New York, Ontario and Western
Railroad company's annual fall excur
sion to New york city will bo run on
Monday, October 27, the return faro
from all stations, .Scranton to Carbon
dale, Inclusive, being $1.3.1. Tickets good
for live days. At this time of the year,
"llio Ontario route" fiom this section
surpasses all others, owing to Its pic
turesque scenery, tho ride from Corn,
wall lo New York, ulong tho Hudson,
being an especially delightful- one.
For further particulars, apply to
agents, or J. K. AVclsh, T. P. A., Scran
ton, Pa,
There's No Place Moro Homelike.
Uikewood the fashionable Uikewood
the glorious, Is the 0110 resort to which
the rcsorteiMiow turns for a period ot
enjoyment, and such enjoyment lit
eludes every known sport.
Miss Mildred Gallagher, of Scranton, It
visiting her cousin, Maino Rougher,
the Kast Sklc.
Miss Mainlu Foolo has rcturaetl from a
visit with relative lu Kingston.
Tho puhllu schools will bo closet! nex
week, on account of teachers' institute
M. T. Butler Is enjoying a vacation
which will bo spent at New York alio
Rev. Or, V. U. Ilrooks, of Wllkes-Harro
will occupy tho pulpit in the Presbyter
Ian church tomorrow, services beglmihii
at to.: a. 111. mid 7 p, m.
Mr. V. !'. Ouvenport spent Thursday
with relatives In llouesdulc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry OoVond, of Rep
wick, tiro visiting relatives in town,
Tho Secret of n Successful Merchant.
The success of a merchant depcntii
largely upon his ability to please hit
customers. In order to do so ho recom
mends only articles which aro to hit
knowledge most reliable, in handllni
medicine, tills Is especially (rue, us peo
pie desire (ho best preparation on tin
market and appreciate the recomen
tlatlon of their druggist. Hero Is wha
V. J. Relght, of House Springs, rio.
says of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
"1 can recommend Chamberlain's Cougl
Remedy to my customers to bo tseeont
to none on the market, l-'or crou" witl
children there Is nothing better." l-'oi
sale by all druggists.