12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1903. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, Oct. 21 -Some relief wan thoun today nt tlm gicatrr cam of call monpy nnrl forrlBii exclinngo rates, but tlioto nns no demand for Blocks mid tlm llnl trh IrrpRtilnr nnd dull llnoiiglinut. Tor le.iHoiiM that uro not altoRotlicr ole.ir tlin miliatimtlal llimmlul Interests con tinue to hold nlooE mid rvcii tho pool mnulnuliitni-H rcmnln Inactive. It H tiuo Hint conditions such as niovallcd dining the icck nio not utui.iiinl nt tho np jironch of an election, but tiadns and fditrwd oWrvem Rourally Bay that this iIoch not nltngothet- account for the iilt hoIiiIo lack of public buying. Tho rlso In the pilco of coal and fuithor rumois of labor tioublcs In various parts of tho country were iitnoutr tho row developments of tho dnyr Tho HtiouK fcntUlPt nt tlio opening cio l.iieltiiwnnnn, Tleiullnff com jnon and second prefoneil. Haltlnioro and Ohio, and Toledo, St. Iouls nnd Western imllrs. OpeiatlonB In tho Inst named Mnelts weio nKiiln believed to be laifiely niaulpulatlvo and Baltimore nnd Ohio pnon loit Its Initial Bnln. I'Mrmnosi wai Klicmn In such Issues ns Atchison. Union J'ticldc. St. I'nnl. Mlsouil I'nclllc nnd Colorado Kitcl nnd Hon. Tho latter was HtioiiBcr on leports of lui lnw by Intel csts opposed to thoso now In control. An enily h.ilo of St. Jobcph and Grand Island sec ond picfouod was made at a deullno of over 2 per cent, and later a further loss vita lecotded. Tho liquidation In Baltl moio and Ohio lights for cash was pic iimnbly duo to tho fact that tho op tion on tho lights expires today. Ti adlng win very light all through tho morning irsslon nnd fluctuations weio nuirow. peculation was limited almost entirely y tho specialties, the early movements In toloiado Fuel and Iron and Toledo, St. Luols and Wrhtcrii Issues being con jnucd. Coloindo Fuel was tho ical fea ture, transactions In that stock aggro fMtlng moio than one-rifth of the total nislness with a net ndvanco of I'S per cent. raoiabp lepoits conceinlng tho coal Btocks and the steel nnd lion Is wies wcio bcaid, but thev failed to itiditco nny demand. Tlio afternoon session In ought no dovclopments and such tiud Ing ns was repoitcd tamo fiom out of town. In nddttlon to Colorado Tucl, uttengtb was shown by Lncka wanna, Heading second. Vliglnla, Carolina, Chem ical, Cotton Oil, Tennessee Coal, Atnai Bamated Copper and Pullman. Total Fales today, ::oi,7X) shales, nnllioad bonds were sluggish but steadier all around. Total sales, par value, $1,24"! 000. United States bonds woio all unchanged on the last call. Tho following quotations aio furnished "fho Trlbuno bv Ilaight & Fiocso Co., Slt jr. Mcais Building. W. D. Ilunyon, man- Jiger Onen.IIIgh.Low.Closo. 'Amal Copper f.li CVi CPU .ly, Am. c. & i-' :;vt :i7!t :r, :i..y4 American Ico 10'a HP, Jfls MPg lAm. IjOLomotlo .... Ill Ill's "O1! SO lAm. S. & II. Co 17 17 liTn 47 lAmeiican Sugar ....P.'i'i IL't IL'I'i 214 Atchison SS, f-nii ssii Sfl',4 Atchison, Pr IOiVU 301 W 101 Bait. & Ohio 10S", lOSft'NMg lOS Tbook. It. T hZv Kl f,Z C2T8 C.iiMdlnn Pacific ....J" 1.JBH li'.'a 1!'4 Clio;,. & Ohio r.l", r,Vi !l!a r.lVi rhlcago & Alton .... Jlii'i Kb'j ?Vt, 3u',fe IZMc. & G. W ".VU ",0i Wt, P.0H C, M. & St. P lniK 'U 1")ii lllia c.n. I. &p loii sot :n'ii4 oo Col. Fuel & Iron s)'i fi"i SVfc Sf) Col. & Southern IU SiVi "P ""i Col. & South., 2d Pr. M IS Is 19 13., U & W 2.S L-.1 2-S 2VJ Ietioit Southern .... 21 21 21 21 j;rio :,r) ra ;i'i 3"i j:iie, 1st Pr i i.S'i bS iii i:rle. 2d Pr IUm ! WH SI crocking Valley XV t, 9Vi '.r,u, j-if. Illinois Cential HS'i IIS", 14si', Ub J own Central 41 11 IPs 4114 iouis. & N.i.h ims noTj, vs its Manhattan IWk lKi'i, 1146 !!''& Jlet. St. Ry ITU i 111", 119H TflVi Mo.K. &Tov 20"4 191 213, irj Mo , K. & T., Pr .... hZ fZ GZ hZ Mo. P.icillc ltd UliJ lion 11074 Noifolk & West .... 771', 77 7i,"s 77 Out. & "West n.js 3'. -ni j. .'au Pcnnn It R 1il3'. 30.114 los- IBl Teople's Gas 101 101 JiKV, 101 Pressed Steel Car... id 11 H (.1 in; Reading GS'd !.S dSi; GS Reading. 1st Pr SS SS' SS SS'i Rending. 2d Pr 7S 7's 7s 7S Republic Steel 2-" 2J-J 2J'4 2i Itepublic Steel. Pr... 7'i'i 7H, 79 79 St. I-. & San r Ti'. 1V. 7V. 7"i'C Southern Pacific .... 713h 723s 71 7.''4 Southern R. R :iv :i7a :.7i :.' Tcnn. Coal A- Tron... (."'. It! tiTi'a fi, Tens & Pacific im 14', 41 4I; TT. S. Leather 14". IP. 14'. 14',. fnlon Pacinc 1041, lir,'i 101.4 Knij Tnlon Pacific, Ti.... SI14 fil4 :il. .1114 1". S .Rubber IS In v IS V. S. Steel 10; nv,i I0'i 10'4 1" S. Steel, Pr f.S"'s M Ss1'. f1 Wabash np :- ;,;''. ?., Wabash, Pr IS 41 1s&; 41 Western Union 11 , flii', nin, siu ,Wis. Central 27''. 27 U 27". ll Totnl sales, ::oi,900 bliaies. Money. 2 per cent. CHICAriO GRAIN AND PROVISION. WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. December 72". 71 7Ji; 7'ij Mav 71'i 7fa 7:"8 7r CORN- s 1 j December !H'". r.J". ni"H r,K8 May 4!.8 4 j,i. n--. OATS- " December 21', .1114 ,"ij-s 31 Mav !!2'4 3J't :,Z 2Z PORK October PI "0 lil",0 lii '.0 Kirk) Jnnmuv 13.7J r72 13W 1.1C2 LARD netobcr 1100 11 00 11.00 1100 'January 0 17 9.17 9 U 912 RIBS October ii '.o u .- 31 :a 11.no Januaiy S27 S27 &2J S2J NUW YORK COTTON MARKUT. , , Open. High. Low. Close. October Sit S4! S U SU December S .Ml s :,s ,S 4S S"7 Januuiy S r.7 Sni s:,U ,S5t May s;w s.U .s;;-, sw Bcrnnton Bonid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCIvS. BId.Asked Lackawanna Daliy Co., Pr.... co County Saw Bank & TrU3t Co 3u0 j'lrht wut. uaniv cuai uonuuic) Thlid Uation.il Bank , Dlmo Dep. & DIs. Bank , Economy L., II. & P. Co , First Natlonnl Binlc , Lack. Trust & Safo Don. Co , Claik R. Snovcr Co., Pr Scianton Savings Bank Tiudeis' National Ilanlc Scianton Bolt & Nut Co DM SOD 1J66 193 L"i WW C03 43 123 People's Bank ,., ,,,,,..,4, 133 ... Ecranton Packing Co ,.... 33 BONDS. Scianton Passongcr Railway, flist mottgngo, duo in:0,..i.. US ... rcoplo'n Street Railway, ilrst mortgage, duo 1918 115 ,.. Peoplovs Streot Railway, Gen- crnl morlgnge, duo 1921 m ... Hcinnton Tiac. Co , G per cent. 113 Hconomy L, II. & P. Co 07 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co DI Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 105 Scranton Wholesnlo Urukot, (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 L.uka. Avo ) Flour-Jt.U). Butler Krcsli citamcry, 2j'e J ficali daliy, iMJfci'. Cliccsc lllan'.ic. Kggs Ntaiby, 27c.J western, 21c! Blot age. 22c. Mnrow Ilrnns Per bushel, J1. Onions Per bltshol, 90c, Now Potatoes C3c. per bushel. Philadelphia Grain and Provision. Philadelphia, Oct. 21 Whnl-We.ik nnd 'Jc. lower; conduct guide, October, 7lv.i 714c. Corn Steady, but nulcl; No 2 pil low on tiuck, Clc. Oats Quiet and easier; No. 2 wlilto clipped, 37&13SC. Piovlsloni I'll mer, good demand, market steady, with a fair jobbing demand; rltv beef, in sets, smoked and ulr dried, Hal7c.j west ern beef, In sots, smoked, J2allc; city beef, knurkles nnd tenders, smoked and air dried, llialSC westcm beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, liable! beef hams, J19GOa20DO; iioi k, famllv, $2.la2l.; hams, S. lj. curcu, in tieiees, iiinijc.; no. sionncii, In tleiccs, 114al2c; do. do. loose, HJii Ilic; bams, smoked, rltv cuied, as to binml and avoiage, 13,.nll'c., bams, smoked, westein cured, Uallc; bams, boiled, boneless, 20a21c,; shouldcis, picklo cuied, In tleiccs, He. asked; do do. smoked, 12c. asked; picnic hams, S. I, cured, In tloice.s, 9'iT,i; picnic bams, smaked, city cuied, lOalo'Jc; picnic hums, smoked, westein cuied. OlAilOc: bellies, in pickle, nccoidlng to avciago, loose, lra i)',sc.; DrcnKiast nicon, wesiein cuicu, 17c. bid; laid, westein icllned, tleiccs, 12'; al2'4c; do. do. do., tubs. lanalJc: laid, pure, city, kettle lcndcied, In tleiccs, 12'4c. bid; Hule. puie, tit v. kettlu icn deied in tubs, I2'4al2Me. Diesscd Poul tryDull and weak; fowls, choice, west ern, 12',c; do southern and south west ein, llnl2c; do. fulr to good, lOallc; old roosters, 9e.; roasting chlekons, neaiby laige, 13e.; do. small nnd medium,' Uallc. : westein do., laigo, 2'al3c.; do, small and medium, 10al2c.; tmkovs, western, choice, llaltc ; do. fair to good, llal.'c; ducks. 11a 13c. Receipts Flour, 3,000 burels and 1, Gri 1,000 pounds in .sacks; wheat. 21.0C) bush els; corn. 1,800 bushels; oats, !,00O bushels. Shipments Wheat, COO bushels: coin. l.SGJ ousneis; oats, 7,iw misliels. uuttpr I'lnn, good demand; oxtta western cicameiy, .'i',ic: do. noaibyn pilnts, 27c. Ugga Ste.idv: fair demand, fesh nearby, 2lVSc; loss off; do. westein, 23l&c; loss off: do oiithwestcin, 23c; do. do.; do. southern, 22c; do. do. Cheese Steadv: New Yoik full creams, prime small. 12ialJ34c; do. do. do. fair to good, small. 1114al2'4c.; do. do do. prime, large. 12al2'4c: do. do. do. fair to good, do., lt'iain.e. Relinod Sug nis Quiet but 11) m. Cotton Unchanged Tallow Dull and easier: titv piime In tierces. b7,ii"c; coutiv, do. do, bands, CiaCic: do. dark In bauds, nniic: cakes, 7a7'iC Live Poultiy Quiet and easier; fowls, llal2c.; old roostcis. Snie ; spring chickens, lOnllc: duck?, llal.'c; tuikcjs, 10al2c; gee&e, lOallc. New York Grain and Produce Market Now Toik, Oct 24. Flour Unsettled, 3al0c. lower to sell. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red, 77'jc. elevator; No. 2 led, 77'ia 771ic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern D11 luth, S2c. f. o. b. afloat; options ctaited out firm and aclho but later weakened. The close was ?ia1lc. net lowci. May closed 77sc; December, 7SUc. Coin Spot steady; No 2, lG74c. elevator and h7'ic. f. o. b. float; No. 2 yellow, 70c; No. 2 white, 70c; options opened firm but yielded 10 wheat decline. Dually steadied and the closo only Ha-c net lower; Januaiy closed ")29nc: Moy, IS'fcc; October, Wj',ic ; Dccem bei, 0614c. Oats Spot easier; No. 2 oats, 33c; standard white, 3Gc ; No. 2 white, 3w No 3 white. 33'c; tiack wlilto western Jl alOJic; Hack white state. 31a40c; op tions weie nuict and easier; December, Jli'SalG'ic; closed 3tc Bultei Steady; CNtra treameiy, 25c; do. factoiv, lOalSc; cieamciy, common to choice, 19a2l'.c; im itation cicameiy, 17a20c; state daliv, ISa 24c; icnovated, 17'Sa21c Cheese Quiet; new state full cieum, imnll colored fancy old, l27Jal2Vc: new, 12'Jal2'4c: small white, old, 123;al2','.t.; new, 12',!ial2'4c.; la)go coloed. old, 12c; now. 1114c: 1 ire white, new, 12c; old, 11 y. UggsIi tegu lar; state and Pennsylvania, aetage best, 2.,a2"c: westein candled, 2.,a24c; 10 fiigeiated, 19a21c. Goal Stoves. Again Fashionable. As soon as It became known that the coal strike had been settled, our stove business took a big jump. The selling has been phenomenal. You will readily un derstand the reason if you will investigate the low price on the high grade line shown here. We nrc solo agents for the Brldo Stoves and Ranges. A guarantee of perfect satisfaction given with each stove or range. It's values you want and it's values we give you. xr illl ItIqIo Ilualtjl.g N iRMl IfcrgiH. This Heater Is one of the most M I OSKftS IW desirable stoves made. It Is a 9 B 3jfflmrePHt ptiy wonderful coal saver, and has I fllwwllliSlEI mShBb" handsome nickel trimmings, ; I fSBRpjF . "Sorrow and Sighing" over bad- j S ffiiaSPrMflffr fttflr 'y constructet) stoves will flee I SMeIIiiBMS P' Irom the home graced by the H eMttMxsSabli SsJ" presence of the Mars Heater, i; I Every Stove Warranted. 5 I I This Range is a positive ban- llHMHiHKlB ! I gain for the price. Has 16-inch jEaiKSifSS! I oven, duplex or anti-clinker SfiWK,!ftl H grates, cabinet base, complete) 3ffiliWfe4lS3 I B with high shelf, as illustrated. CPJfiSffliaa I Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. 24. Tiadlng cm the boaid of Dado todav was lather quiet and pi ices Inclined to a lower level. December whc.it closing a(la'c Iowo; December coin .1 shade lower and oats, iac. lower, while January pioisions closed fiom 5a7'.c. to 15c. lower. Cash quotations wero us fol lows: Flout Steadv: No. 2 spiing wheat, 2c; No. 0, i,ta.'Zic; No. 2 )ed, 70a71Kc : No, 2 corn, r,7',c; No. 2 yellow, IjOc: No. z oats, L'S'ia: No. 2 white, : No ,: white. ::o a.'Wc; No. Z rje, "19c; good feeding liatlev, IO.iI.'c; fair to choke malting. 41a5Sc: No. 1 llax seed, J1.22; No. 1 nnithwestein. S1.2I; ptimo timothy seed, fiS3; mess potk, pi'f baud, JlB90al7: laid, per 100 pounds. $lla ll.OJVi; shott libs, sides, $11 20ill.40: shoul dcis, $9.73al0; short clear sides, ll.bTJSaJL'. Buffalo tive Stock Market. i:ast Jluff.ilo, Oct. 24. Cattle ISO; no de mand; feeling oaslet. Arels Receipts, VM; steady: tops, J7.73.1 S.2.1; common to good. $"i.0i.')70. Hogs Receipts, 12.S00: falily active, lO.i 15c. lower: heavy. $7.20.17."';: niKed and medium. $7a7.1": Yoikois, JtiSO.iGlK); llglit do.. $GC5atf.75: pigs, JGWabCO! louglis, $0 25 atibO; stags, t"a5.7"i; closing lower. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 17,000; slow; sheep, steadv; lambs, 'ia.'5c lowot ; top lambs, v I5a5 .,": culls to good, JJ50i.".P); yearlings, J4H2": oweh, $J2,i;.75; sheep, top mixed, ?J50ayC0; culls to good, 1,75a il.tO. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 21 Cattle Receipts, 2,000, Including 10U westerns; slow: steady; good to ptimo steei s, nominal, $7a8; poor to me dium, &.75.ii;i: stockeis and fecdeis. tZ.i 150; calves, 5-t.D0.i7: Tn.via fed stceis, sjal; westein stects, J3 50.1G. ll"Ky-Ttcci-lpts today, IS.flOO; tomoiinw, 10.IKW; left por, 3,00(); opeued hltong, iisU weak: jeitiuUiy'H close. JlKed and Imlih cis, ?biw.ii.l0; good to choice heavy, JG'.n) ft "The Store That Saves You Money." Model Homefurnishers. 322 Lacka. Avenue. CASK OR CREDIT. SSUSi ITlHgwqffSi!lBEEggBPIlWU.lJMtMK f htii i r miil ii ii ' ft T ri i i n ifilr FINANCIAL. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2? & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange, boody,mcl.eli:an & co. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. MEMBUItS M:V YORK S10CK KXCIIASfiE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDEKS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN 2KrefiCTMiiKrT-t;fl;flai7rT One Cent IW&tiiU our booklet "Tho One Way' QlTine full particular Ikiw to mate Tour inonev rarn u rcKuur lutniuii mcumu ritual vriio ox oiioi, co KIIIOAN l'lAcr A l!01!TAfii; CO. list Willi tilrcct, New Ti oil.. aaoasEEESiEJssffiEa n",'ZZ:: loush heavy. SOutiSO; llKltt, C ZO in. 00, hulk of t-ales. iiiViWl, Sheep IticelptH, oW); -heep nnd Inmlis, steads: jjood to dmlto wetheis. S.!r).il: tulf to i holi o mixed, J' Dii.iJ 5i); natlu laml).s, JJ Waj M. East liberty Live Stock. U.l.st TJIlCltv. Oct. "I r.Ulln Slruiiliv choice, fd bO.iT, ptlmc, JIMiUtw; good, S1W U" h"i . JliiK-. Slow; pi lino he.ulis, $7':a,i"."n; mediums, 7JUJa7.Pi; lteay Yoikois, iiW.i7; I SO e Manufacturers of III 3fjtittii44i233'2Iil1 4 ! "J" i i KtSSSl. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 233i. New 'Phone, 2935. llBht do, MGOaGOO: pist, 5GC0.HJ SO; loiiKhs, ,". II.IIH Shci'p Steady; best wetheis, JJiflilSSO; culls ami (omnion, f W.xZi choicu lamh?, .'iujiIuM, tal calves, aS."". Oil Maiket. Oil Pity. Oct. '.'I-Cudlt Inlancos, no; o'ltlui.tloH, no hid: slilpmeuts, 1J7.1UI hiit- icl.; aveiaBo, 9,7iiS Imiiel.s; nuts, ?o,.;u ban els; avcuiBC, SO.tO-' bauds. 1 1 1 ifcin 1 iMi,wi,,'w,,MMi','ui,i''"''''SC3MBMte It's Nolle Too Early! To think of your Overcoat. The man who has an Overcoat will be safe; those who haven't will want one in a hurrv. We should I advise you to come in today and take your pick from our stock, wniLii ib me largest in tnis part Or tne country. We have been months pre paring for this, and you get the bene fit of our knowledge and foresight. Fashionable Overcoats made' from fine blue and black Kerseys, Meltons, Chinchillas, Friezes and other warmth retaining fabrics, from 44 to 51 inches long. $7.50 to $25 "Winter Suits made from every fashion able fabric with every fashion feature closely obsorved.' Worth fully $15.00. $12.00 w H - Young Men's Suits Wo have taken the greatest care in selecting our stock for the young men 14 to 19 years of age. The variety is enormous, and we know that you will be pleased because we have carefully observed the needs of the young men. The fabrics are bright and snappy, and the styles the very newest. Our prices range from $6.00 to 13 50, but we have an especially large collection at sso Special in Boys Suits, 8 to 10 years of age. A (ti 75 Double-Breasted, short trousers suit, worth $5, our price pO & Hats and Haberdashery, that will just suit you, at moderate prices w7 1 jE Chesterfield. LLINS 316 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. B33E33D $mwt 'nxs&EsswaBm m&wt&immwwwkmmiiKMi IS I UkJMkj&i W 9 To shoppers are the new white taffeta waists this season. Un approachable values, quiet elegance, and an individual newness mark them as leaders in dressy waists. Style No. 2 Pleated on either side of large center box pleat, laid in pleats in back, open on side, stitched cuffs. A waist that will appeal to women both for dressiness and service. $C c.f JtJ vf Style No. 1 Tucked with broad effect across, tucked sleeves and cuffs, c ornamented with large white pearl but tons. Realty a lesson in $ g effective simplicity. Each "- Each New Hosiery Ideas Are Exhibited By Window Display This Week. 123 s9 Wuomina Avenue. We flaue Been in Business Finy Years Otir flge Entitles (3s to Yoiir Consideration for Ehret's Slag Roofing Guaranteed 10 Years. WARREN-EHRET CO 321 Washington Avenue M9EZ9CE3SESSQ I e iMirtMMiiih...... ..-.wnswifcii L '. '.:,;L1, ,: . :: ...:::'T:,..,.....iv:- rvirrrrj.'.z.-.. !iivz!.. vir.i .-. tiv-'i . jr.-vr:1 j...j....1. ...: ..:i:::::t.".1:: a :.:..;,: ...n..-.,:ri:.::;:..ii.TJ"B:,m. Ml 14" SUMATRA W3APPE13 AB3I8 FRAGRANT, MILD AND SWEET, "MATCH ITS" ARE ANTI-NERVOUS' B3AVA7JA FJLLEEl. THE ONLY TOLBJE - i- . i 10c PROCLAMATION. President Ilootsvelt or Mr, Dtngley, who framed tho Dlngley 11111. or In fact moat any retail dealer can Inform you why "Match It" Cheroots are th Kind to smoko. Tha only orlgiuul and gsnulao with tho nnet Sumatra wrapper, tho duty on wrapper alono Lslug $1 85 per pound, whilst the entire coat of the wrapper ou other cheroots U about 20 conlii per pound. You can euvlly figure th. difference. OF DTS KIMD PRODUCED. PACKED IN CLEAN,DUST PROOF TINFOIL TRULY A SMOKE FOR THE TIMES Wholesale and Retail at CHARM'S CIGAR STORE 43 1 Spruce Street 1 fTC'S? mm X