THE SCRANTpN THIBUNE- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1902, IT RELIGIOUS NEWS Will Meet Monday Night. The Huptlst Social union nf Scranton, ' 1ms accepted an Irtvltiillon ot tliu First Huptlst church to liolit thi' next meet ing of tho union at their church, Mon day ovuiiliifT, Oct. 27. An uddicss will ho ninile by tlev. II. S, Potter, oT tho Green ItltlRe Iliiiillst church, on "How to Promote (renter Unity ami .Secure areiitbr Klllelcnoy of Huptlst Work," nilil an llhistrnteil lecture by Itev. It. K. Y, Pierce, D. D of the I'enii itvenue Hnptlst church, on "Home." The nddrosses wilt he followed by a social hour with refreshments. Much member In expected to bring hi wife. TIicfo meetings are very enjoyable and me doing much to bring the menthols of the different chinches lulu i locer relations. Guernsey Hnll Pulpit. Plans are rapidly neuritis uniip lotion for ttev. Thomas I!. Payne's Sunday evening services, dining the winter, In Guernsey hull. During November, in nddltlon to Mr. Payne, such well-known men as lliibbl Anspacher, Professor Ml oh, of the Soruntou HuslnesM college; JuiIro When ton and Lawyer Chase, of Wllkes-Uario, will be the speakers. At the opening soivlcc, Sunday evening, Nov. 2, Coin Morris (Irlllln will read Longfellow's "Sandnlphnn." Mr. Payne Is delighted at the uniform appioval men In public and pilvate have given his plans for this series of Sunday evening services. Without ex ception they have Mild, "It's a good plan: they ought to succeed." As tai ns possible, It Is Mr. Payne's plan to have laymen of Intelligence, experience and public, spirit, speak at these ser vices, believing as In- does that such nun ought to speak. Tho general topic will bo "The Value of Religion to Suc cess In Life. Religious Notes. There will bo n meeting of the Scrun ton Presbyterian cleric at Dr. Logan's study, Mondny morning ne.t. Itev. Dr. Guild, of the Piovldoneu Piesbyterlan church, pi cached In the Olyphant Prcsbyteiiun church on Thursday evening. Dr. S. S. nentley, has been l etui lied to the A. M. E. church, Howard place and will 1111 Ills pulpit tomoriow at 10.30 a. m. mid (T. 13 )). in. In the Flist Piesbyterlan church to iiiorioiv evening, Or. MeLeoil will ;ul dtess a few plain needs, on "The Sweet ness of Christian Revenge," to the coal oper.itois and strikers and to the in vestigating commission appointed by President Kooscvelt. Tho Haptlst conference will be the guest of the Uev. P.. V. F. Pierce, D. D., of the Penn avenue U.ip tist church, and will meet at the par sonage, 312 Miflllln avenue, at 10.30 Monday, October 27. Itev. C. Peicy, of Honesdale, will lend a paper, topic: "Positivism in Religion." Rev. D. M. Stearns, a former noted pastor of C! race Reformed Episcopal chuich, will be in the city on Sunday, and will occupy his former pulpit both morning and evening. All his ft lends arc invited by Grace church to come anil again hear him. While in Scran ton he will lie tho guest of W. II. Stons, BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS rsv rtnv. i:om;nr r. v. rinncn, n. d. From Autlim'i Nolcs In "Tim Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," l'ulilLlieil by l". II. I!ec! i Co., Chicago, 111. Joshua and Caleb. Josh, xiv, n-l.V Golden Text-" lo wholly followed tho Lord." Josh, xh.41. w MmTtfmi. lot: T.o ?,: m wi. WjZaA Ki G'S H' CH mm Among the names of the mighty men of old, recorded In the Scilptiuos, few havo thu precious lecord of Caleb, of whom it Is willteu, lie "wholly followed the l.oid." Mo was a man of faith, and trusting In tho word of the Lord, be icuiiPssly ills charged bis duly. All forms and loiees of evil were .small and weak, compared to tho mighty power of God, Caleb win tine to God, and God rewatded him by the prisoner Who escapes from jail is by no means free. He is under the ban of the law and punishment is written over against nis name, noon or late lie will be caught again am bear added punish. went for his short -1 escape from Ins cell. Those who by the use of palliative powders nuil tablets escape for a time from the sufferings of dyspepsia are in the same condition fv as the escapeil pris oner. Soon or late tliey will go back to the old condition niul pay an added penalty for tempor ary release, Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discov ery cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach aud organs of digestion and nutrition. Its cures are lasting, " Kor about two vrara 1 1 fullered from a ery obstinate case of dyspep Uu, writes K. U. hecord. ljvi , of 13 Kakicrii v., w.w.iiw, wiuaiiu. "i into a Krcai 1111111 xr of remedies wiilima Encrru t 7i,niu i,ci faith iu them nil j was so far gone that I could rnot bearanvsollil fnml mi nivclnmnMi l n lrnw time; felt melaucholy ami depressed. Could not leep or follow my occupation (tinsmith). Some iuui uiumiia ubu a irieun recomincnileil your (.olden Medical Discovery.' After a week's treatment Iliad derived so much benefit that I continued the medicine. I have taken, three bottles and am convinced it lias in my case ac complished a permaneut cure. I can conscien tiously recommend it to the thousands of d peptics throughout the land." Accept no substitute for ''Golden Med ical Discovery," There is nothing "just as good" for. diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate Hia liver kitaiH '"UBai " " $ vSi i l5n& K J&&JJ ILCN the gift of the great Inheritance. The path to our eternal Inliciltiinee Is by full obedience to the wold of the lllnir Ood. The gteat question for each heart to an- swer in thin, "Am I In the path of Chili thill tllil V Is in. lieait Hue to God'.' May I sa with Caleb and Paul, at the clime ot life, ! have kept the faith' "V Suggestions- Dtuw an open window, f i inn which Is wen the landscape of tins hills and vallev.M of the land of eonipie.H mid of prtiiulxc. Thou draw an op-Mi Bible revealing the many wonderlnl piomlsos In the ililldlen of (lull, at the pieseut time "lie thou faithful uiuo death, and I will give Hire a clown of life." -He. II. ID. Scranton, I'a. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR OCT. 26 JOSHUA AND CALEB. Josh, xiv, D-15. Secretary of American Soilety of RO llglOll.S Education. CONTHXT. After the downfall of Jer icho, the Israelites met a tetlons Tin co thousand men scut against Al, n small city to the nuithwcst, weio inpulsed and put to lllght. Joshua, In great dis lioss, Inqulreil id tho Lord the cause of tho defeat, and learned that (hole was sin in the camp iDotit. xxvlll, :.'"). Seauli was liiMiltnieil for the offender, and Aehan wan finiad and punished t.loMi. vll. 'Si). A second and larger expedition ugnhr-d Al Wu.s sueeesstul. and much si-oll was taken end dlstillaitod iimonc the people. AdvaiKhig to Kbal, Joshua creeled an al tar and wiole the law on stones, accord ing to the dhoUlons of Moses (Dent, .xxvlll and xNliij. JIovlmI by fear the Glb eonltes eiatlily seeiuod a Ueaty of p."i"e, liat on exiiosine they vevo condenind to perpetual bondage (Josh. ix. 27). Jleai Ing of ihls alliance, live kings made a combined attack on (ilheou, but Josliu.i came u Glbeon's belli, and gained a splendid ilctoiy (Josh. x. II). A vigor ous carnpalgn lollowed, extended through suveial years, iu which thirty-one kings weie coiniiicred (Jolui. Nil, 1), and the militaiy power of the country was biukcn. DIVISION. Tims far the tilbes, al thoitgh iccognlzcd ns distinct, had been held together hi ono body. Jt was tho purpose ot Clod, however, to sepal. ito them, and assign each Ulbc to a dellnlto terrltoiy (Aits wii, "i0. To that end Closes lrul given insti actions (Numb. x.iv, 17--I0. The time had now como when ii dhNlon might be made. Thu fighting of the two and a half tribes that leselved iuhci it.iuce on the east ot Jor dan (Nimib., l.j) had lett their 1am llles and their sahstance, and bad accom panied their bietbien to the coimuost of the western portion. After seven yeais of war, the end being attained, they ougnt to bo allowed to leturn. Hesldes, Joshua was old and well striken In oars searcdy able to enduio the lurlher tatlgues of military life. Nor was It longer noees saiy to Impose such burdens upon him. Tho p.uls of the country unsubdued (Josh, sill) might bo taken by tho tiibes sepaiatcly. JJut the task of llxlns iho boundailes might be ilono by him, as tho lasL wink of las usctul life. Having tiav eled over it as a spy (Numb, xlli) and marched over it as a soldier, be was emi nently iiaalllled. So, Isiael returned to tillgal, and tho paitition piocecded (Josh. mv, ). OltDnn. The sous or Jniob and the tilbes descended fiom tlieni, aio mentioned iu several different oidei.s tirsl, aecoidlng to their blub (Geo. xix nail xx); second, as leeiplenls ol their lathei's blessing (Uen. xll, ::-i'7l; thhil, in tho assignment to place iu camp (Num. ii, U-un; foiutli, In their nun eh tluougli the wilderness (Numb, x, Jl-L'7) and, lu sllll another order In their settlement hi Canaan. Jn every instance alter the lirst Judab is made most conspicuous, .laiob plainly iksslgned Ills fointb sen h mission supeilor to that of his bretlueu (Ceil, xllx, S-121, declaiuig that the sciptor should not depart from Jiulah until Shl loh came. This (illusion was umlei stood lu Jewish history as leferilug In .Messiah. Jiala'h was mado tho central tilbe. lleneo tho tumor conferred upon it in camp, iu inaich, iu war, Judah's slainlaid being always In tho fi out. So now in the divis ion of the land, Jiulah lecelvcs tho llrst portion on tho west of tho Jordan. This indicates the divine purpose to plant Ibis tilbo lu tho very beau of tho nation to bo nurtured with special lefeienco to tho child of pinnilso (.Mlcali v, 2). TtUQCKST. Whcu""llio tilbo ot Judab appeared before Joshua, thu oldest man lu the tilbo advanced to mako a special personal leipiest. The beads of other tamllles not only allowed him precedence, but united iu urging bis plea, an evi dence of their esteem. It was Caleb who had i curbed the advanced ii-ro of ,"S yeais, tie euino to ask that bo should re celvo tlio Inheritance t, u,0 ami ijeforo all otheis, a strango ivipicst Indeed. Tho poillon he desired was not some heautl lul and fertile valley ueai by, from which in the leeeut wins, Hie enemies bad been expelled, a place when an old man might ibid lepnse. Hut he selected lather a miauitaluiais legion lu tho smith, Inhabited by tho Amaklns. who hud not yet been ioikiucimi, a race of giants, who, neaily half a century boinre (Numb, xlll, ilUl, had caused tho lepie.sontatlvcs of ten tilbes tn iiiako with tear. In asking for that laud as bis own possibly tliu volenm Caleb desheil what no other would lmvo niceplcd, but whift, If obtained, would piovo u guat blessing. FAITIII'T'L. What pioinpied thin ro duest of an old man? Caleb gave his iiMKons. Tho first of theso was tho plea of faithfulness hi God, fo willed niton t Inn to tho fact that when tho spies who went nut ifom Kadesh Il.une.i leturmd to Alose.s with evil tidings, ho wholly fol lowed tho I.oul, lie was not Influenced by their fears. Ho illd not Join hi their winds of diseoiuagcment. lo Btnod up III tho presence of Israel (Numb, xlll, BO) and declared that, with tho help ot the land, they wero ublo to go up and pos sess the laud. That was u precious memory to mi old man. Looking back w.itd over the Intervening youis, m calling the disasters consequent upon Iho unbelief of men who weio dead and gone, rellecllng upon dm delay hi tho ex edition of tho Loul's plan, and consider ing that be stood lu tho midst of u new generation to witness the tilumph of the later yeats and realize tho hopes long deferred, It was not smpilslng that Ca leb should iibk boom inward and iccog nltlou of his f.dth. And that not for hlmselfmlone, but lor the causu of God. VIlOMlSi:. Caleb Bticugthened bis to rpiest by tho consideration that whut ho desired bad been piomised. Ood bad sold to Moses and Moses repeated to J.s lael (bat tho country of tlio AmaUens Should beloiiK to Caleb (l)out. , yi,). 'I'll It was thu same as a deed or bequest, a kind C j i tm ' ) "- m- Mm$ mm - . -liirlilr 5 ,; IRSW imm - ; Ills s - Wi m&?u$? " r i '. sW , , "apif- '' ' 318 X.a.cJsa.'mra.ziiaa. ILrsre of letteis patent, doiived fiom the highest possible source, canceling all other claims, I fence ho cnino not now so much to ob tain title tu seeuie a lecogultlou and publication of title, that tho Divine deed might be entered for leeofd iu tho his toric archives of (tod's people. Tn this theio was astly more than the protection of peisonal lights to pioporly. If God had set apart a certain place ot residence for himself and postonty it was lor a pill pose. And Caleb was determined to gn to that appointed place that he might moot tlio Divine puipo.-se iu him. Jlo was not willing to thwart any p.nt of that wondrous plan wheioby Israel should ac complish its mission. What Hebron af terward beeamo exhibits tho wisdom of Caleb's choice and resolve (l.uke I, ".. rnx'nuusT c.ilel, urired his reouest by still another consideration, which must havo lemoved all objections, if any exist ed, lie declined that, notwithstanding his extreme age, bo was as stioag as In the day when Moses sent him out as a spy, as well able as then to go to war, Jfe deel.ned alo that If the land should bo with him, placing his confidence where he had always placed It (Numb, xiv, M, lie would bo able to dilvo out tho Am.i kims and possess their land. In theso statements theio was undoubted lefeienco to tho public welfare and the glory of God. It was highly Important that tho powerful enemy, dwcllng lu tha mountain luslncsses, should bo subdued, as, other wise, they might be a perpetual men ace to tho people. They may havo ro membeied the reports of their fatbeis, and they may havo been well pleased with the offer now mado by tho stout hearted Caleb, If his leanest Is granted ho will stnnd on the south, n wall of du fuisu against tho danger which had been analelpated his courage and faith aio equal to tho necessities of the hour. AAVAIID. Caleb's reijuest was mado to one who, innro than any other, was prepared to nppreclato Its merits, Joshua wan ono of tho spies (Numb, xlll, h). Ho also went out In company with Caleb on that tblity days' visit to tho laud, and he, too, saw tho giants, Jfo stood with Ca leb on tho leturn, nnd united bis volco with that of his associate (Numb, xiv, s-10) lu endeavoring to Insplro conlldonco. The lemembinaecs ot those days c.imu vividly to bis mind, and tho present oc casion was ono of wire Interest, It af foided Joshua an opportunity to recognl.o the faith of his old and tried filcnd, In set his name In tho llghtful place iu Iho national history, to show that tho utter ances of tho unbelieving uro not to bo ti listed, and that tho (.ouUdence of tho good Is not misplaced. And above all, It enabled him to leave upon all after generations an Impicsslou that should strengthen their trust in Clod, So Joshua guvo unto Caleb tho city of Klnjnth Alba (Josh, xiv, iro, afterward called llelnou. CONCLUSION, Two scenes tiro lu stilklng contrast (Numb, xiv, U-lii and Josh xiv, IS), lu tho Hist, two good men whoso hearts aro steadfast with Clod, plead with their countrymen, oven eiulan gei lug their ' lives, vainly seeking to iiwaken faith In Ood aud lead thoni for ward Into tho land of their hopes. In tlio otbor scojiQ tlio saino men aro honored In old ago by tlio succeeding geneiutlon lu tho land which before they sought to gain. Bpaicd by tho mercy of Ood, pass Ins through many trials, they have leached tho goal. Ono of them, Invoking Ood's blessing, bestows tho long deferred lewnid ot tho other's lldallty. Ilundieds of thousands of men of war and millions of people, gatheicd about, aio witnesses of tlio undying loyalty of two hearts to tacit other and to (loil. Verily tho light eons fall not. After two years ot' pa tient waiting many an aged saint stands up to iccelvo tho blessing which bis long llfo has earned, a blessing not for him solf ulon, but for his childivu and his children's chllihcu, unto many genera tions (Pent, vll, 9). SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPAL, Him 1'ark ehurch-liev. Dr. C. M. Ultlln, pastor, i'rayer and praise meeting at U.3) a. m.; ticrmcu by thu pastor at 1U.W; Hun- day school at 2 p. m.; Junior T.eaguc at 3.W, Senior I.eagu-e at ii.:;0. At 7.:w, tho pastor will pleach on tho topic, "Mixed the Labels." Htraugeis aio Invited. Simpson Methodist church Hi v. 11. C. McDeimott, D. D., pa-tor. There will be an autumnal service iu the morning at 10.. 10: the theme iu tlio prun ing will Ik "Tlio Greatest 'Work in tlio "World"; pastor will pieach at both ser vices; Sunday school at VI m.; Junior League. I! p. m.; Kpwortb League. U."0 p. m. Special music, l'ree seals. You aio cordially invited. i:mbury Methodist Episcopal church Ttev. .Tames Henulger, pastor. Services on Sunday in follows: At 10 a, m., lovo least; 10.::n a. m reception of proba tinncis and new memlieis and sacrament ot the Lord's supper; Sunday school at 2 p. m,: Kpwortb League at CM, leader, His. Stelnbaeh; evening preaching scr vico at 7.30: subject, "Shame Its Use lu the Divlno Economy." 1'rovldenco Methodist Episcopal cliiueb Itev. Oeorgo A. Cine, pastor. Tho an nual Old Folk's Day and iiuaitorly meet ing will be obsered nt the morning service, commencing with lovo feast at H.iV); followed by preaching and com munion; Sunday fchnol at 2 p. in.: Kp wortb League at (i. II, topic, "Treating a Orai ions 1'romlso Lightly," Mis. Helen Cm o. lender. St. raid's Methodist Episcopal chuich F V. Doty, pastor. Services lu basement of tho new chuich, coiner I'lltstou uvo nuo and 1'ear street; at lO.r.O a. in., morn ing woisblp and sermon; 11.1." a. in., Sun day school; :i::o p. m., junior Lpworlb League at tho parsonage; IU.', p. m , Kpwortb League servleo; 7. .10 p. m., even ing woik, Prayer meeting, Vedne--day evening at the pafonago. All coidlally Invited to bo present at every servleo, Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, corner Delawaie street and Mousey ave nue now Charles A. Ttenjaniiii, pastor. Oeneral Ilrotherhood meeting at Ji.30; preaching by tho pastor lit 10.::o, "Sermon of Comfort to tho Aged and Afllleted"; autumnal rally sei vices and old people's services; Sunday school at 2.S0 p. m.; League at fiKft p. m ; preaching at 7,no p, in,, subject, "Tho "Work and tlio AVoik ers." Seats free aud all are welcome, nepalrs on tho church have been com pleted and tho orgnn will bo used, Largo ehorns choir. Ash Sheet Metbndbt Kplpcopnl church Itev. J. n. Austin, pastor, Trenching at 10.30 a. m, and 7 30 p, m.; class moot ing at 11.30 a. m., Cbailes Crimp leader; Sunday school at '.' p. in., E. "W. Stone, superintendent; Epwnith League at il.l." p. m. 1'roncblng In Nay Aug Methodist Episcopal church at 3 p. m. A cordial welcome. BAPTIST. Venn Avenue Huptlst Church. Penn ave nue, between Spiuco and Linden sheets. Strangeis always welcome. Preaching at 10.30 and evening at 7.30 by Iho pastor, Itev. nobott P. V. Plereo, D. P., Moinlng piayois lu tho lower tomplu, at ! n. Themo of the morning soimon. "Tho Old Oospel and Now Conditions." Sunday school at tho homo chinch at 2 o'clock and at tho Memnilol nib-sloii on Piescott aveiuio at 3.30, Young People's Society or Clulstlan Endeavor meeting at iii". Tople for tho evening, "might Hour" service, "What Aro You Worthy First Huptlst church. South Main ave-nue-Preachlug at 10.30 a. m.. by lley, Klkunna Hulley, pilnelpal Keystone aend ono, Fnctoryvlllo, and at 7,30 by Itev. A. Hatcher Smith, of North Main Avenuo Ilaptlst chuich; Sunday school nt 2 p. ni.j Hnptlst Young People's union at 0.30 p. in. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7.-f"i p. m. All mo welcome to theso services. Seats fiee. Jackson Street ll.iptlst rliuioh-nally Pay will be oli.-erved by an ull-day Jubi lee; men's morning prayer meeting will bo held at !).!. Deacon ltlchiird Nlcholls-, leader; at UVW. tho pastor, Hcv. Thomai, do Oriichy, 1), P., will pieach an appio prlate sermon for tho occasion; ut 2 o'clock, a nilly of all tho Sunday school; evening service at 7 sharp rally day can. cert by tho Sunday school, assisted by tho full choir. This sctvlco will bo unique, and full of music. Sco piogrumme. Everj body la cordially Invited to come. Km th Main Avenue Huptlst Chuich Itev. Albeit Hatcher Smith, iustor. Morn ing service. 10 o'clock. Subject. "Tho Paramount Issue of Modem Life." Sun day School at 2 o'clock, AVllllam Chap V,3 N ped, superintendent. Evening service, 7.30 o'clock. Professor Hulley, of Keystone academy, will pieach. Oreeu Rldgo Huptlst church Tho pas tor, Rev. Henry Steillng Potter, will preach ut both services. The evening themo will be "Friends and Companions," the fourth Iu the series ot sermons to tho uug. Sunday 'chool at 11.15 a. in. Fhst Welsh Haptlst Church, West Mar ket street Kev. J. V. Devles. pastor. Tho pastor will occupy tho pulpit on Sunday next at tho usual hours, 10 a. in. and ti p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m. AH ale cor dially imited to attend. All seals free. PRESBYTEKIAN. First Presbyterian chuich Sei vices at 10."0 a. tn, and 7.30 p. ,m. Dr. McLeod will preach, morning and evening. Iu tho evening, he jvill address "A Few Plain Words of Christian Counsel to the Coal Operators, aud to tho Investigating Com-ml-slon Appointed by President Hoose velt." Thu public welcome to all ser vices. Second Presbyterian church, Jefferson uvciiue, between Vino and Mulbeny streets Morning worship, 10.30; Sunday si boo, 12 m.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. ; evening worship, 7,30 p. in. Rev. Joseph II. Odell will preach ar both seivlccs. A coullal Invitation to all, Ureen Ridgo Presbyterian church Rev. I. J. Lansing, pastor; Rev, L. It. Foster, assistant. At 10.30, scnieo of worship and sermon by the pastor, subject. "An Invaluable Lllft": 12 in,, Bible-school; 0.30 p. m , Christian Endeavor; 7.30 p. in., evening worship, with sermon by tlio pas tor, -ubjeet, "A Rcmarkablo Messenger." Piovldcnco Presbyteilau church Tho pastor, Rev. Dr. Clulld, will olllclate at tho 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. rorvleoi; Sunday school at noon; Endeavor service at 0.33 p. m, Tho public Invited to all services. Washbutn Stiect Presbyterian church Row John P, Molfut, D. p., pastor. Ser lcos at 1030 a. in. and 7,30 p. m.; Hlblo school at 12 m.; Christian Endeavor Junior nt 3.30 p. m,: Christian Endeavor Young Peoplo at fi.20 p. m, Prayer meet ing, Wednesday at. 7.30 p. in. Tho pastor will preach morning and evening. Mr. Tom Olppel will slug a solo at each ser vice. All welcome. Adams Avenuo chapel, New Yotk street Mou's prayer meeting at 0,13, to bo con dueled by Mr. Hurry Lucker; worship and sermon at 10.30, to bo conducted by tlio Rev. James Hughes; Sunday school at 3 o'clock, Mr. Chandler, superintend ent; Christian Endeavor at fi.43 p. m.; tho Itev. J nines Hughes will preach at 7,30 p, m. Wednesday evening at 7.30, servleo of piaycr aud praise. All welcome to theso services, Capouso chapel (Presbylerlan) Preach ing at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., by thu pastor, Rev. L. It. Foster; Sunday school, ;; p. m,; Junior Clulstlan Endeavor, I p. in.; Senior Clirbtlau Endeavor. 0.30 p. ni and prayer meeting. 7.30 Thutsday even ing. Welcome to all, EPISCOPAL. Saint Luke's palish Itev. Itojiors Is rael, p. p., lector; Rev. Edwaid John Ilaughton, senior curate; Uev. Robot t Ewell Roe, junior curate, Twcnty-hccond Sunday after Tilnlty. Salut Luke's church 7.30 a. m.. holy communion; 10.30 a, m morning piuyir and sermon; 7.3" p. m.. evening prayer mid sermon; 9.15 a. in., Sunday school and Hlblo classes. Saint MiuK's, Punmoie ".30 it. in., holy communion; 10.30 a, m., morning piaycr anil sermon; 7.30 p. in., evening piuyer and nr moil ; 9.30 a. in., Sunday school and Hlblo classes. East End Mission, Prescott avenue 3 p. m.. Sunday school and Hlblo classes. South Sldo mission, Kig street .'.30 p. iu , Sunday school and Hlblo classes. Saint George's, Olyphuiit 2.89 p. in., Sundiiy school and Bible classes; 3.30 p. in., evening prayer nnd sermon. St James, Nicholson 10.30 a, in., morn ing prayer and sermon; 9.15 a. in., Sunday school, Cllliwh of tlio (lood Shepherd, corner Mousey avenuo and Oreeu Rldgo sheet Rev. Francis R. Hateniau, rector, Twen-ty-Hooond Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, 7.30 a, in.; morning prayer, 10.30 u. m,; Sunday Mjhool and lector's class, 2.30 p. in.; evening prayer, 7.30. St. John's mission, Ostcrhout hall, Provtdencu square Sunday school, 2 p. the Scranton mothers have learned that there is no place like "Griffin's" for Boys' Clothing. We presume YOUR ambition is to have YOUR boy dressed right. This you can do without any worrying by calling at our store, where you will find an assortment of the newest novel ties in Boys' and Children's ine Suits And Overcoats The equal of which cannot be found elsewhere. Having given rhe Bovs' Deoartment much at- tention and study, with the object of making it p the most complete in High Grade Novelties in I Northeastern Pennsylvania, it is gratifying to 3 know that we have succeeded and that our ef- S forts are appreciated by Scranton mothers. Do not fail to see our line before buying. It will be a guide to you. Clothier, . - Scranton a b m.; evening prayer and sermon by Rev. 1". R. Ha toman, -1 o'clock. BEFORMED EPISCOPAL. Grace church, Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry street Prayer and pi also ser vice at 9.30 a. m.: Divlno worship at 10.: 0 a. m. and 7. JO p. m. Rev. D. M. Stearns, a former pastor of Grace church, will preach at both service's. Subjects, morn ing, "Grieve Not tho Holy Spirit ot God, Whereby Ye Are Sealed I'nto tho Day of Redemption"; evening, "Unto You It Is Given to Know the Mystery nf the King dom of God"; Sunday school at 12 in,; Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at G.30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening nt 7.13 o'clock. Seats free. Everybody welcome. Branch church. Hose house, Tripp paik Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7 30 p. in. Henry Curilew will pieach at botli ser Iees. Sunday school, 12 ill. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.15 o'clock. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evangelical Lutheran Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Gospel, Matt, xvli: 23-35. Epistle, Phil. 1:3-11. St. Mark's, Washburn street Rev. A. L. Rumor, I'll, D., pastor. Services at 10.30 a, m, and 7.30 p, m.; Luther League, li.O p. in.; Sunday school, 12 m. Morning sub ject, "Fellowship iu tlio Gospel"; even ing Miblect, "The Covenant with Ood." Christ Church, Cedar avenuo and Bhcli street Uev, James WItke. pastor Ser vices, 10.30 a, in.; Sunday school, 2 p. m. St, Peter's, Piocott n venue Rev. John Randolph, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. in. Wednesday ser vices at 7.15 p, m. Ciiteehetlcal class, Wednesday and Satuiduy al 7 p. m. Emmanuel Germnn-Poll'-h Lutheian church, Reeso street Rov Ferdinand Sattelmeier, pastor. Seivlccs tu the Pol ish languago at 10.30 a. in,; Sunday school, 2 p. m, Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church, coiner Adams avenuo and Mul berry street Rev. E. F. Hitter, A. M., pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p, in,; morning subject, "Tho Reckoning hi the Kingdom of Uod"; evening subject, "Tho Story of Sennacherib"; Sunday school, 12 iu,; Luther League, li.15 p, m. Scuts free. All welcome, Grace Evangelical Lutheran church (general synod), corner Mulberry street and Prescott avenue Rev, Luther Hess Waring, pastor. 9.30 a. m Sunday K'liool. After the regular study of tho lesson, tho pastor will givo a teu-mlnulo blackboard talk on "Hebrew," 10.30 a, m. Divlno worship; topic, "Tho Life and Work of Martin Luther." 7 p. in.. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor: 7.20 p. in., evening worship; topic, "What I Saw of Roman Catholocloiu lu Euiope." Every body welcome, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheian flinch, Sboit avenuo Rev, 1L A. KuiiUlc. pas tor. Morning servleo at in a. in. Subject, "Activity mid Its Howard." Evening sei- leo nt 7.30 p. in. Subject, "Tho Para mount Issue." Tromboiio solo by Frank llepler. Tenor solo by A. A. lioblnson. Sunday school at 11.13 a. in Tho scliol ais aro kindly requested to bilng their lesson books along. Choir meeting nnd catechetical liihodiictlon Saturday night, October 25. On Sunday evening, Novem ber 2, services will bo dispensed with on account of tho dedication services held lu Holy Tilnlty. Wo bopu our members will attend those services. MISCELLANEOUS. Calvin y Itcfotmed church, Mont on nve. line and Gili-on sheet Rev. .Marlon L. Plror. pastor. Services al 10.30 a. m, and 7-30 p. m. Itev. A C. Wliltmer, su peiintendellt of missions of tlio loformed church will preach at tho morning ser vice. Itev. A. S, Bromcr Is expected to deliver inenlug uddicss. Evening will be rally of young people. Seats Irec All Soul-,' I'ulversullst cbuiih. Pino street, between Adams ami Jetfcison ave nuesRev. Thomas H. Payne, pastor. l-il,.n kmilrf)i ivllli sevmnn lit 111.30 n. in., subject. "How Jesus Saves All Men." siuuiluy scnooi at u, in, oeais irec. Strangers cordially welcomed. .I'ou Cnlted Kvungellcal church, IHO Ca pouso ijveuue Rev, J. W Mcsslngvr, pas tor. Pleaching. at 1030 a, in. and 7.:.a,)i. tn.: subjects, "Rewind of Faithfulness" and "Christian t'se of Money"; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Junior League, Chlls- Finest tian Endeavor, I p. in.; Keystone Leagtu Chiistlan Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. All scan free. Everybody welcome. Hellevue Welsh Culvlnistic Methodist chin eh Uev. William Davis, pastor. Ser vices dining tho week as follows: Prayer meeting (L'ngllsh), tomorrow morning' at 10 o'clock, conducted by the Young Peo ple's Soclcly of Clulstlan Endeavor; class meeting, 11.30 a. in.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; prayer meeting (WeKh), 0 p. m.; prayer meeting, Monday evening at 7.30; Clulstlan Endeavor meeting, Tuesday evening at 7.10, Alfred Jones to lend, Mrs. William Dagger to address; Mrs. Rev, William Duvlcs' Bible class, Wednesday evening at 7,30; class meeting, Tbursdny evening at 7.30; meeting of Biblical and Literary society, Friday evening at 7; meeting of Junior Sewing class Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. First Pilmltlvc Methodist, Green Itldg Rev. G. Lee.s, pastor Preaching at 10.2', a. in., by tho pastor; silbieet, "Be of Good Cheer." At 7 p. m.. Rev. Howard C. Smith, a returned missionary from Afiica, will olllclate. Come and listen to liim re late his oxpeilonces us a worker timoiiq tho many people who know not God, Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. All mo wel come. Plymouth Congregational church Ser vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.; sublect ol tho morning sermon, "Tho Relation ol tlio Holy Spirit to Success In Christian Woik"; evening subject, "Motives to Christian Work." Sunday school at 12 in., and at Sherman avenuo at 2.15 p. in,; Senior Endeavor al 0 p. m.: Junior En deavor at I p. m. Monday. Prayer mect ing at 7.15 p. m Thursday, Seventh Pay Ailvoutlsl, Guernsey hall, 310 Washington uenue rreaehliig by Pastor C. 1.'. MeVagli at 7.30 p. m.; sub' ject, "Tho First Fruits Unto God and la tho Lamb, "'Rev. xiv. All welcome. Gospel ball, ."n I Lackawanna, avenue Sabbath school at 12.15 p, in.; pleaching al 7.30 p. m.. by Mr. Howell who will afcc conduct a service on Monday evening al 7.13 o'clock. All aro welcome. Gospel Tabernacle church, Jefferson uwiiiip, Piuminre Uev. James Lelshman, pastor Pleaching at 10.30 a, m. and 7.IM P. m., by tho pastor; Hlblo school at 12 m. Young People's meeting, at 0.30 p, m. Tuesday, Chiistlan and Missionary Al liance meeting. at 2.20 nnd 7.30 p. m. Free Methodist Rev, II. W. Armstroiif will preach In Finn chapel, Green Rldgf Sunday at 10 30 a, m. All nto woleoma ITAftTOTtP. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Harford, Oct. 21, Tlio. Yohm Men'f union class will bold a box social In tin lectin o loom Hallowe'en. Tho. boxes ar to be sold at unction Mrs. F. Pitts and Me.-srs. L. Llvermoro, S. Flemings and W. F. Sliorwood wero the guests of II. P. Sluiwood last'week. Miss Lou Rogers and mother uro visit ing relatives lu Scranton, Miss Hes,slo Tllfauy Is spending a few days with fl lends In Pekvllle. Mrs. William Glllesplo and daughter, Francis, visited iclutlves lu Hullstcud last week. Call Robblns Is spending n few days In Scranton. Miss Una Steal as and Mrs. Grorg Stearns aro tailing on fi lends in, Hlug hamtoii. Miss Ro.-o Wcscott mid E. M.; Wcs rott went to Scranton Tuesday. Miss Clara Tiffany, who has been slU lug fi lends lu KlnghamtDit and Now Mil ford, bus letuiued home. Mr. and Mis. Claieneo Loder returned homo to Youiigstown, Ohio, last, week lifter a two weeks' visit aiuiing iclatlvti here. Tho repetition of the entertainment given here on the tenth Instant, whtcr wav anuoiiiuid to be held in tho."lXillor Methodist Kplscopal church Kilday even ing, Oct. 21, has been postponed until Tuofrdny evening next. Oct. St.. Rev. M. S Oodshall has been sum. moiicd to the-funeral of Ills brother, uo.u Philadelphia - " . , Mr, and airs. Oeoigo W. Horn returned from their visit at Wushlngton,"P.vO., ot Wednesduy last. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Conk are vUitort ut tho homo of tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Cook.