ll K 10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1902. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Said Vfae RnV Hi ' ' """ . " ' ' ' ' . ft NONE SUCH 4.4-t ..... ...... .. na rienu tor iunaaui uci. u Th. IcasDlne auaility of NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT has helped to give it fame the fame that gave it a sale of 12,000,000 packages last year. In its air-tight cartons it defies the rigors of the arctics or the highest of tropic temperatures. It's made to keep unless it's cooked In pies, puddings and cookies; it won't keep then, be cause many a sweet tooth craves it. NONE SUCH is sold by all Grocers at 10 cents a pack agenever more, never less. If you have a taste for mince meat NONE SUCH will hit it. Valuable premium" 1H41 Roger ." Stherware enclosed. Merrrlt-ioule Co, Sjracuse, A". V. MUSICAL GOSSIP THK VIOl.tX paviiiK of Atnolil l.oh m.uiu ut the Semlnlih eouosit In tile Jl 111(11 V Tltesdil CVellltlK K iniilii" not onlv a plea-Milt momiiiv, lull a deep HitlsTsictlou, not onl to Ills friends heieiiliouls- but to inusicl mi a ti ell, for auothei hi Ijjlit light 1m milled to tho lot al clulet. No doubt Ml. T.olinimm lias and Is. cnjovlng IiIm 1111 of piaNe mIiico his IoluI conquest, but IiIm Mentis ami the public lu geiiotul will not iiMcut a, little Impartial filenilh comment on IiIm nolle, i itli an equitable allowance foi the pciMonal equation, iim It who Hefom his tilpabioad, loial musicians Knew Mi l.ohmann is n vetv t limited studeiit, who legardetl himself mil IiIm worK Indirfei ently. At tills wilting It m.iv be said that Mr. I.ohm.-itin's rutuie lests enllieh with his taking himself seilmiMv; In other woid-", what Mr. I.ohm inn now le nuiies, to lusuie his futme mikcpsm, m se vere peional application, for it would be a. pltv to wmte sutli talent as Is his lie has i cached a high stand ml and his ie.il woik now begins Wo hope he will take Jdvuutago of his j ate oppoi tunlt . Mi J.oluminn displaced excellent liidgment In the selection of his piogtanime Tuesdav evening, for lie did not soir too high or grapplo with tlio impossible. Ills opening numbei, the Air on the O stilus bv Haeli. was Inleipieted conventionally, tic.ited broaillv, simp Uhetlcallv and el ulv Him attaquo was oonlldent and Intonation tine and the tone waM not forecd. Mi l.uh inatin was adioltlv clever In liumoiing the tone, foi his C! .siting was tl.it, even when ho began, an nnloituniite accident. His encore was tho Itomune fmni the second concerto bv Wlenlavvski. Ills sec ond number w.is tho exceedingly dlfllrult "Iletje Katl," h Jeno llutav, a coinposi Hon which would tax the iibllltv of imv aitlst. In this numbei. Mi. r.oliniiun dis plaved left hand woil of a high otdei work that w.is c le ir and ecitiln, fot the moit pait. In spots, Ids bowing was foiced and thoteloie lough and uiuinn The ltquirements of this composition am i loarness and piecislon in the ointments mid smoothness in the staccato passages, trills and li.ii monies i:cepting a lltllo Inequalltv lu spots It was plaved with bnlliancv anil snap The hat monies spoKo elearlv, and, while not difficult, woie plaved with conlldenie Mr. l.oh mann gave Schumann, little teverie, "Traumcrcl," for an enioie Tins was played wllh.ibrc.tdUi and feeling tit it evinced a tine eoiicepllou of tills ever beautiful composition When It Is taKen into consideration that Mi I.olinmnn on the same piojiumme with the foic most singer of the cluv, who is a billllaiit violinist hei-eli; betoie an aiidionee com posed mostlv of ti lends anil fellow -musicians alwas hv peiotltie il in a Iiall tint bo seasoned an aitlst as l'llu Kiltslei said was dimcult in which 10 do cou srlontlous work, It unlit he admitted his rerfoimance stiipilsed even Ills fi lends It Is to be hoped that All. f.ohminu will continue the serious study of his chosen Instrument and leap the li.nu-l due him His mutinous friends bete would like to har him lu lecilal. in an appio)itiate hall. Tho power and earning powoi of Mi. T.oluniinn' violin was of itnmias mable asslstancu to him in his effoits Tuesday evening. I I! Mr. J, Alfied T't nnliiKton will give his fifth "Intel pretntlon Lesson" In ht laikc's parish house this morning, when, among other pieces, the "Woodland Scenes" by MueVDowell will bo played. II 'I ' The niemhm.s of the Svmplumv ouhes tia arc diligent) lehearslng an entitcly new iikiki unnic fm theh loilhcnmlng conceit tlmt Includes the "Jltnlcii" nni phonv No I hv Heethoveit, a Norwegian suite bv 8 i iimU'H. the Autumn m enure bv Uiclg and Hhortei selections bv John Tamil and Victor I lei belt. Ml. Ilemboi ger piomlse a com til and soloists of tho usual high oleic! I The following imilial eler lions will be rendered at the illuming anil evening ser vices tomoirow at lllm I'nik t lunch, un der the direction tiT .1. Alfied Pennington, oig.iniMt and choli nitstti: MOHNINfi. Oignn And inte ton -Mutu Calkin 1I inn Anthem, "O Come to Me, IV AWniv" I'loil Oigan-I.erto Itellgloso IHsgs Uue t foi Sopi mo and Hiiss "Palin hr the Night" (loets'c Mis l'zi.i Connell and Ml. Phil lip Wan en Oignn VoMtluile in CS VoltKni.it i:vr,NIN(! Organ rtishetto in O. minor .Capocei Anthem Maguilleat III F .. Si luieekei Oirf.ui Offeitoiv In A Hut eiullmaiit Kiis holei Selected llMiiu Anthem, "Abide with Me" Vogl It h I II I Al the inltlil conceit of the eitiug Hn licmlaii -v lulltitstt Kotl.in on Sttmdav exenlng, Nmemliei -'J at Catnegie hall. New Ymk he will pelloim, besides the 111 list V Shinp Mlnoi Concerto, Halnt Sam's lntioduetion anil Hondo CtpiIc eloso, and r.tganlnl s I P.ilpltl ICoclan will be assisted bv Wallet D.innoseli and oithestia of one Impelled eeeutants, anil Ml-s .Iitlie Cieci, who will itndei Webei s Concei I st in K ' II 1 The tollowlng musical siUcllniis will be nndeied at ttmini tow's wotshlp In tho See ond Piesb teilan elnilch' MORNING Organ Pit hide C.nol Pi elude In K Deshncs Qu.ii tette "f lMinw and 1 lug ' Miss I. the I SIiopiii ikei Mim i". liiichman alto, e 1 1 Johnston tenot , Mi lister, li iss Ofte i ton Antlie ill "Tlelmlil a New IIeaen and n New K.tith," ("llolv I'll " (illlll Alt Ralph Williams and C'hnli Oigan J'ostlude Ilessf i:vt:ni.vo Olgan Pielude Ptstoiale ill C Relliee Ke I'htilt Response "Sane tus ' .. . Attwouel Solo "'J In n Shill the Hlgliteoiis Shine l'oith" ("illllah") Menelel-sohn All Robert lohuston Offe i loi v Anthem, "l'limi Th Tin one of tjni" Neln Miss Ciiiiagau and Clinli. Oigan Postluele Wasnet Mi. J. Al. Chance, uiMinlst and elitectoi. "The nmtiald Isle," the new Sit Ai thur Stillhau opeia Hie Inst voik of the tamous eoniposet whose musical genius W foien stll'ed sat in his woiK. is said to bo a taiel bcuutlful pioeliiction The lllst hcene -hows the c,all i,ieeu and biightlv ni-v aniens nl lielattd's lotil lieuti'iiiint-the olllc lid of the stoiv, of eouise, not of actttalllv. The stolid scene picliites tlie caes of Catilg cieena it nlRliI This s a li'(,entlai spot, said to be peopled at inonllght with failles 'I he music U saltl to lie In exeiy wa in keeping with the poetical theme of the book '"I he Ktni laid si" will be heatil at the T.xceitm on Tuesdu night. II ti 'I Al.uion Manol i, the well-known comic eipi'ia slut, will be one ol the ftatiues at KlNles ilteatei iteNt weeK, beginning Willi the Moiul.iv in itlnee. Miss Manilla will be asi-lstcd b a tnlented tompanv In the leiielltioii of n oite-ae t nillsii al comedy that has been willten exptesslt foi hei, ami which pinnil-es to he one of the most pleasing numbei s of tho bill. am Ti ust- .. Teniiey snpiano; Ah Hob- Call llol- 1 Cieate HRKAKPAST. Baked Sweet Apples with Cream. Ontmcnl, Coined Reef Hash, Sciatnlilcd Krss. Coffee Cake. Coffee. DINNHH. Tomato Soup. Ci onions. Celeiy, Olives. Stuffed Iiicast of Vent, Hi own Sauce, Sweet Potatoes V.an Plant. t.ettiui! and Tomato Salad. Kiln Cheese Wnfois. Apple Dumplings, Coffee. StUIM'HR. Cienmed Ovsleis In OhafltiK Dish. Salad of Hhiediletl Cnbbiige. Ulead and Uitttei. Ciicoanul Cake. Sit wed Guipcs. Tea. The season of social tinienltles Ih again on, mill though "sewing In Hoc1h" Is not iliilte so pupiilin us when Ha.Mitd Talot wiote IiIh tleer sketches of village life a half eenttllV ago, "Hocks" for taitl pins lug, "Hocks" for ping-pong, "Hocks" foi the simple sake of Hocking, nie still In ineli'i. Fmttiuatels lot the woman who delights lu eulei talnlng lien fi lends, hut who can not afford elibointc and tpensle lauds not exlia lilted senlce, theie Is a glowing tieiid towald sim plicity In eutei tiiliiing, and Uame Fash ion lends It hct cachet. "If giu'sts conic slmph foi the sil.e of tho loaves and llshes " said a hilghl Cnllfoinla woman letenliv, "thev tan llud better nt a good lestnuiant. If tltcv eomo hetuiise thej lllce me and want, to seo me, they icitnln Iv wouldn't eaie for me to have an nttci innth of hravv bills, a tiled bick and aching head ol ellsgi untie tl cook to le membei them bv. I love to have c om pnin and tan liave them often if I am (toiiteut mill thev ate content that the entei t ilninent be simple, unostentatious, but nlwavs abeitiudlug In eoidlalltv." In one of tlie unlvi'tMltv towns this Miiminet theie weie fieepiont Infotinnl nelgliboihooil functtoiiM held on the lawns oi In the- houses, with lefiesh liienls nu mole claboiate than ftesli gin get In e id and tea. hot oi Iced, sandwiches and lofUt, ice- eieam and c.il.e, ot ft lilt and takes If tea was seiveel on the liv.li. light tables would he bioiight out, and wlille the hostess en a ft lend wotilel pom the- tea, the men would pns the tups and plates OtlPtt theie weie not t v ell napkins to add to the luundicss' weak One Instance In piititiilai I m tnll The hostess was nun li of an lu vallel, foteetl to siend the gimlet put of e-aili duv in liei h immocK, swung linelei a wide -Mpteacliiig live oaK. On the- mot u ing ol the el iv In question the ehlldien c an led notes of invitation to some tw cut -live of the nc.ii nelghbois Conn- and take a e up of ten with me this alteinoou, Horn I to , linelei the tiee " I2n.1i i i li ill m iilid tugs weie bioiight out, I hln mIIics nf lucid spionel and cov eteil with it damp napkin In keep moist; some sililnes weie giated with riw eleieel e lieese. and -eiv thing was n-aeK Ntiptlmr the tea Some of the new magalniM lav on one ol the little tables ami on aiinthi t a nuniliei ul iliotogi.iihs of ttavel just bioiight bail. b one ot the lamlh These to sei e as iimvci.i tloual pej,s sheiuld tlti'ie be n ileal Ul ol topics, which theie uev i was One of the neiglibois ponied the Ita The cook, In flesh white npiou biouht out thej suiiplles fiiun the' house mil tin men p.iss(( the simple lelietliliieuts No one was Uieil no oiie oxetwoiked 'I lie e eiok could go on with he i icgiilu illnnei wink ns nsuil anil eei one si i nieil to linu a rood time I2en at Ruosiilt's ire cut letcptlon to Ills fiienels iinil mlrflihois at Oxstri it r the sunt slmiillcitv ptev tiled Cukes mil lemonade and gnisci cakes h thai ii'"u the quite sufficient I e'fii slime nts piovldtd tM iiiiiisi. tin it ale oci.islniis wliin tet lieiMtess likes to 'spiiad In i self anil feu those spielal filiations tlie i u is evil a di niiiiid foi snmetlilni, now A few Mats .irfo eoleu le is linn heiins and hiia lasts weie all tin lad but the pifsenl liuitv Is foi fete s and bineilii'ts lopleel lu sen lee, decointlons mil I ends Hum i in vaiions nuioii sue n a into was given late l n a Slatiloiil gtadiiuie. who liad nude a spichil stueh ol Inpiu eso iiistoms and It is wiitten i hook em Jap in MNloeu quests wne invited to a siNtton e mil so Japant st iIIiiik i ' he I mini was detni.itttl Willi lovs of t.el .liip.illtse I luteins, a l.itrfe l).i"ke t ot loses and leins lianging lioiii ihe until All the ladits woie klinonas anil tlieli hall was aiiangetl with fans, while. Jap i ttese sIIKhi Jiekets weie pinvldeil loi the me ti 'Ihe costumes, dWIu s a nil menu weie all hi ought ft out Sun I'launsin ten the oeenslon, and lheie was dlffiMeiit china loi each ionise. .Mane ol the ionises wile soived with chop sticks Two cush ions wetn pi mil on the Hoot foi eat li guest, and a long low banquet table was at i.itigt d 1 1 nut bo mis This was thlckl sttewii with insu leaves, attlstliallv atiangtd mill sIi.iiImI in tolois Itoso haves weie sptlnl'lcel ovei ovtivtlilng . nit seivetl even In tho lea The' Hist eeiniso whs a piepaiallnt ot seavvetd Anothei t outset was salmon sane we ten and a tltlid ot sialcd rheeso sandwiches. For tho sandwiches, tho plead was cut oxticmely thin, put be tween damp napkins to moisten, then cut out with an oval tnttor and tolled llko chrysanthemum petals. All of the mind w Icliea vvero nriniiRed llko chivsanlho niunis on Itullvldual blue snuccis. Ten was setved in Individual teapots and w. i.". rn!",ci1 with it. Ono eouise was of delicious pieseivcd ginger, and tills was followed by preserved ihttbarb. Tlio last eouise was confcetloneiy, sorved on blue snuccrs and also sprinkled with loso leaves. One thlnir was nlwavs solved at a time In accordances with tho Japanese method, after whlrh eveiylhlng was to moved, even to tho napkins. That la, each poison used sixteen napkins, after which they weie carefully folded. Among the festivities planned In many iiuiiie ior huh weeK ate Jlullow'ccn pat ties Foi Innately fot the bos and gills tho lovsteilng, tolllcklng festival, idle of old Pagan dnjs, comes this yeai on l-ildiiv night, so that If thev nio up later than usual It won't Intel feic with their next dav's school woik. Fine diesslng for Hallow 'ecu would bo n woik of super eiogntlon, as tho llme-honoted games ducking fot apples, clacking nuts and pulling enndy, with till the vntlous 'tildes" etilalilnc visits to the tcllnr ot the well and gulden, ate of the slienuotls older. Put on the chlldicu's plain clothes nnd let them havn a good time without vvotivfng fot feai of "what mothci'll sav," ir thev spill water on themselves, got mote or less "stuck up" with eiintlv, oi hut st open seams Jumping for apples, going eiown cellai backwaids, or stitig gllug with cabbage slumps. It goes without .saving thai tho most appioprlate place to hold the partv Is the kitchen, dining loom oi bant. Decoin tlons suited to the occasion ate iuck-o'-InnleniH, with bats, cats, owls anil witches cut out, of hlnek cambile, and lastencu up In all available places Among the othet llnllow,'eeu games and ttlcks Unit make lots of fun for the voting playeis aio theso- 'IIII2 TIIR12I2 SAFCI2RS Take thlee seiiteis Fill out! wltli ileal watet, one with Inkv watet, and leave one emptv. Bllinlfeild the veiling man, lead him to the dishes and tell him to dip his blind in tlie Hist sullen lie comes to If this Is tlie cleat wetei he will mai tv a maid; il the Inkv. u widow but If the entplv one, he Is doomed to live and die a baclielot. 0WZn Gingers Hi if filNGERB REABfiBl "We're sweet little things, because we're full of REFINED "Ginccrbrcad" Iiovb and cirls, in thotmnds of homes, arc matie sweeter, healthier, and Innpicr bv DUFF'S REFINED. All cooking of which it forms apart, is more wholesome, finer fhvoicd. stiret to please, than when othci molasses is tiseti. ineres a ncn iicss and sweetness in DUFF'S REFINED, that ordinar) molasses never possesses. And its baktngf qmlitiesspccdilvshow. in the liK1it loif of Riiigcrlircnd. or ; nt the ensn snaps or tender cookies. The iilain ton or screw cap. full wcirIu cans, in w hich it is sold bv grocers, Keep it as it is madc-thc purest, cleanest, sweetest molasses that can be boujjiit. Booklet ot choice recipes, free, on request. e!JWZ&$W&7A&W, P- duff & SNS PittSbUlg. " "" A' --' -"-- - - - -itti Til 12 SALT Let a iiaiUv of pit Is with watet and theh salt. Then at a given nut mound the litnt I. TI2SI' llll tilth inoullu i is lit hands with Ign tl all Mini i to The til Kt name imcii gin luaiM will be that ol hei Inline husband ir su ggL,(s and the watei (lies out of hoi month ot unclasps het hand anil loses the salt, the ehaim Is bloke u Tin: riiu.wt thick Just at midnight, take a mitih In me hand i hand mlnoi In tlio otlict, ind walking baikw.iul desi ( ml Die cell u stalls tin into tile most lemole rmnoi anil thin, lilMiii! the iii.ttc.li ;. ie Inte tin mlnoi to see the laeo of the I ut in o husband 'Ibis is tin moto casllv attoni pllsheel if then lit a tatll iihi nent 111 some e ivalln s, ill b, in w ilthfj, fot lit.. itiiliililng maid WITH ASIII.S T..I e a hriudful ot thie itshes i,,n v tni bit itli hud into it ir It (Iks bun ovii vinn la, e the fiitmo hiMbaud -M, 1,1 a tviaut 11 it il0(s imt. Il imilnej assiueil Nuts null upploM aio tin pinpoi lefieh menls loi Ihillnvv'ti n It von v !sh to siive sandwlilips lnade tteitn thes. nvo staples gilmi th, nms ilno, i:nBsi wal nuts en lint t. units in us,, the testilin peaiiul luittiM in e ntnliln uliiii with th tlilnue I piKilit slius ,r a ni"llnw ip pie, loi a filling If nut eatiilv Is on the piui.iiimmc fo llalleiw ee ti ti' this tun finite Hull teige Ihoi Ini tin minutes tiller cup tills giaiiulatid -il, ii. ono iiilnl il,i milk oi tti nu ind one lubli'M mimliil o: buttei r.iriove I loin the In idd en eupltil of i hupp, il nuts Mid stii t iplel fot a ft v ineunonlh I'oin into hutieiel p ins and mat k In sipt u s A e iistom Hut pii-niils In nillinnl ami liolatul Is sunt tlmis follovvid In h eeiuitli b liiinllle- iiiinIiiiis to .oi p i, liadlllou V dish laigilv in 'tie i i il 111 ishod tiniilps put tines ami i hupL onions s stivni ,is tho pilntiiil ellMt oi the uppci It'll ul file II Is . illttl mil t annim though how nt win uoboil; scorns to know A deep howl lilltel In tho bi,liu with Ih vogolalile tun oo Im plied in the middle of the litbli lu tho eentei of the ill e't Is a eleep will tilled with melted battel, ami sunn win te Million In die eotiipounil is a old ting Pin lions of the looel aio. eiisu inineii io eaen mi sun anil tho one. who llud" tho ling I ikos it im gt lilted tit tl he is to be mat tied within the vtat II, howevet, lie ni she Is ah ",nl uianiitl, tlie (hiding ol the ilng Is InellcatlveN ot p-ooel link to follow answiius 'io conm:spoNi)i2N"is. C'atliilne 'I o make s i;iind boiled leliu, take one i up! ill ol Manillnttci stigui with font tnliloMpnonluls of watei, and cook without stilling until It '.stilus n thiead' Horn the spnon Have teach tlie beiilen The following simple "coutsc-bcforc-coffcc" is much in vogue w itli club men cv eryw here. '1 he simplicity of preparation and the little cost togcthci with the delicious taste .of the comiiotrs makes thistlcsscit in rare favor in the home. Use reserves the house I i 3? li I 15k '.-AtsotS H Wm the P bBE?:sS52 wm.w-1ak wmzsm y3U. WW''v!rQ&& 1Pt3I ol 1KWI mJM 9k w-Zjjaiaev A Most Delicious Dessert Thcic is no toabt that compares in crisp cicncacy to tnat made with Shycddcd J Violc Wheat Biscuit. Unlike white bi cad toast or cere al foods made of part of the wheat, it whally nourishes the whole body. Parents who are in earnest about building their cnuarcn inio strong ncaitrt- l men and women and Simply Deliclou Fir Short Cake With slurp knife split the '-Hiu:unnn WHOLE WIII.AT HIM Ul'I.S lengthy he. piriiaie lilne.ipplo ns Toi s.uue (or ba iim.isiir mixed fuilt, iimlset tsidc ) When sonim;, mango halves, la Injcis covered with Intlt. anil ndd sugar and whipped etctitn SHREDDED WHOLE UiEAT BISCUIT is sold by all grocers. Send for" The Vital Question," (Cook Book, illustrated in colors,) I'Ri:E Address THE NATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y. wh li Y . jm V li 1 w' suPPy tms r V V I f V fi II B I Hu p" the t 1 I M I Biscuit. Mf iir XW A y Pr saaSBaSSsRi 7. . X airisyssili-jfcgs i ' ftf'W f Split and shght lv to.iht the Bicuitandthcn serve w ith im ported j tin or preserved hcr nes en plums or jellies-. Simple, isn't it? Your verdict will be v f m WKv Syrup.of Fks iKfrbest family Iax&tiv& It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasant, It is efficacious. Jt is not expensive. It is good for children, It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circuuist .nees. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians, If you use it you have the best laxative the world I I produces. r II 1 I : Because Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable .substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by San Francisco, Cal. ' Louisville, Ky. New York. N. Y. FOR SALK BY All IBADINO DRUQQISia. white ol nit e ak and p It 1 the 4lipdo Iv lulu it, lienliiK all tlie time Flint' and spieul on the e iki while watm. I'oi eiiiitut llllitit; ten e like Is imide iu xpvim.iI wav mill Inn iiih two of llv must leimmon Conk toi,e Hum In i dnulile IioIIm until title L eitn-hiill ol u Kittled loeewiiiut with il lillle ol lite mil, the llnil aud Jim i ul uue lemon, one iiiplul powdeied siu.it mill the heiilen eilk of one tuK Win tl in ill l e ool, spiuiil hi Ivnen tlh' Iiimim In iiliie e hi Itesh io io illlll, von mil use the (lilii.ilid coco i 111 t mi l Kim In milk intil dialuid A nlmplet vvuv to imei Hie I nets wllli hnllcd leitiK and Hpiluklo illicitly with cucoauut Ei !i ESSSBSESm hi msmssnins3Mimn3S!3sssnsms5mmm jMOOSLC. Mis itohilt HiiiIiIrIi, ul l'eckvlllc, H'tit Tliuisditv with filends in town, Jits .1 iilm lliutness nnd eldldieu, of Sciaiitou me IsiIIiik ut the home of All uiid Alts II T t'opp, of South Mttln Mt 1 1 1 t Miss IJIU ihetli lllliugtnu is ypnidlmr n few iltivs in di vim .Ml uiid Mi.s II II I'lencll elite t milled the iliolt ol the Methoillsl Kpl'.iopil e nun li ut tin li lioum on .Noilli Main Ktle el on 'i'Htll -el i on pill),'. A Mlipils-o pnitv who tendeieil I'lvdei Wiiteiiiniiu on 'I'ueMl.iv inenlitK hi n niimlii i of his H lends A vote piiJouIiId linn, vvns lepoited li.v nil piesent O il i.ev.tn, of Mldelletown, N spent Tiiesilny with his patent i, Mi uinl Alls J W lle mi Mns t'hueiue Hodgson .mil Miss lanmii Wnlkei. of Citeen HIiIkc, .spent Tliuisdaj In town C ti Km del visited his. patents m (ll.iecdulo Wcdnesil.n Miss l.elii Osti under was . tallci lit Scuilltnn esterllll Thej Mocisin hehools vlll ho ilosid liovt week It bclnc? teaehei.s' In.stltiilo. NO "POISON Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of AGATE NICKEL-STEEL HfctesiUleiials The BLUE LABEL Protected by Dcchlon cf United States Court fPasted on Every Piece PROVES IT. If i.ubillttttes are offered, write us This tnule-innrk Is on every piece ot genuine Ajyate ware. I Headquarters for lDcandesc?nf Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY HOPBOTTOM. Bpechl to the Scinnton Tribune Jloiihollniu, Oct 21 Miss Ot.ieo Vim Oouler of Nleltolsoii, Is vWtlnt,- her cousin Ml-s Oliiiti Quli'lc (1 W, Stniplcr, of Klmliutst. Is sponJ. Itur u few dan with filends In town, M(s, lato Tunic r tins returned home, after u visit vlth filendie lu lllnKhaiutnn, O 15. Itobcrts has resigned tils position ns depot iiKcnt Sir. Itoueits lnis been lu tho employ of tho Dehiwute, Lacka wanna and Western rallioad for tho p.is,t ttilt t -eliiht years, nnd his nuilnl faro will ba sieatly nilsseel Tho Junior Yiium; I'eople's Chrhtlmi union inuelo neatly IIS ul (hell euppei aud aulo Wednesday evening. WELSH V1ILL. Special to the Sct.inton Trlhuns Welsh Hill. Oct. 24 -The. chools hih closed this week, as the teachers urn at. tending the cq' .ity Instltuto at Montrose. Mr3. Henry Sndor unci duushter, Alice, Wif JxiSMf wtyifmitm RmiBSffHB IiHiiWI' WE MAKE 1520 KINDS Sild t rirt'il IVpirtmont ami House fiirnUlilut atores fciiiet tor new llooklet. LALANCU & GKOSJEAN MFG. CO. 'CBV0llK 110STOV CIIIOAOO rrfrwn.W. W....IMMM M. FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-143 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. Complete line of the genuine li. & O. Manufactuilng Company's Agfite Nickle Steel Waie. of Hast l.enos, ura Kuests of relatives heie. Mls Annlo Thoinits, of l.'ast Slmket stieet, Set anion, te tinned home Beiiurda) uflei spending the summer hem. Miss Sadlo Jones, of Main stieet, "ai lunula le, is visiting her iiimt, Mrs. John Wiitkliis. Tho unveiling of tho KHen Owens me morial tablet will take place next Sunday Kern Incandesrtjnl Gas Lamp. L. Guided Forsyth 233-327 Penu Avenue. h. jl raffOSBfiy&WBHtf Jj .MILLING CO ft ficcHESTfawv. ' il nt the C'oiiKiegutloual tabernacle wltll nroprliile services. D. J. Moig.iiis and family hav tut tied fiont their Western tup. '5 II I