The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 25, 1902, Image 1

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" ?fli"V-''ntC- !,
'J J1444 V0
estcrdatTs Goal Output In the An
thracite Reoton Estimated
at 100,000 Tons.
Their Mines Are in. Good Condition
and Thero Is Less Friction. Be
tween the District Superintendents
nnd the Men Who Have Returned
to Work But Few Complaints Re
ceived at Mr. Mitchell's Headqunr
ters More Work ind Less Tnlk.
0y Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 21. There
wore twenty-two more mines in oper
ation in the nnthtncltc region today
than yesterday, and the output will bo
close to 100,000 tons. This Is as near as
can be estimated. From reports re
ceived, the total output yesterday did
not exceed 75,000 tons. "When In lull
operation -the mines employ, In every
capacity, about 145,000 men and boys.
Of this number it Is estimated that S2,
000 were nt work today. A more amic
able feeling prevailed today between
employes and the companies.
The excitement over the commence
ment of work yesterday wore off some
what today. In other words, there was
more work and less talk. Less com
plaints were also received at President
Mitchell's headquarters.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company continues to lead in
production. There are two reasons for
this. First, the mines are in good con
dition and there is less friction between
the district superintendents and the
men who have returned to work. The
work of clearing up those mines that
are filled with debris from falls is be
ing pushed forward as rapidly as pos
sible, and the fact that they are not in
readiness to operate is a great disap
pointment to the mine owners.
Ex-Congressman M. B. 'Williams, one
of the largest individual operators in
the Wyoming region, said his mines
would not be In readiness to resume
before next week, but he would take all
his old employes, including steam men,
back, because, he claimed, they had
served him faithfully ln.the past. The
trouble with the individual operators In
the Lehigh region Is expected to blow
over In a day or two, and it is said
here on good authority, tonight, that
all collieries in the Lehigh and Schuyl
kill regions that are in condition to
mine will resume next Monday, and
that all the union miners will be re
employed. The mine inspectors are
very vigilant and they have refused to
give permission to the starting up of
mines where the superintendents can
not furnish satisfactory proof that the
underground workings are perfectly
sa f e.
Mitchell Very Reticent.
President Mitchell continues very re
ticent and refuses to be quoted on any
move made by the operators, either re
garding the treatment of the old em
ployes or the advance in the price of
coal. The evidence which lie will pre
sent to the arbitration commission is
now being arranged in systematic
form. When Mr. Mitchell was asked
todny regarding the published report
that there was some1 doubt whether ho
would be permitted to appear before
'ho commission on behalf of the minors,
10 said that he presumed the miners
joulcl select any counsel they saw Jit to
present their case before the commis
sion. President Mitchell pledged him
pelf before the miners' convention hold
in this city, the beginning of the week,
to present the case of the union miners
before the arbitration board. Mr. Mitch
ell has received a call to Washington
and will leave hero Sunday afternoon.
Rnttcry (, of Phoenixvllle, which has
been stationed at NantlcoUo the last
three weeks, is included in the recall
order of Major C.eneral Miller, issued
Stanley Mecalley, a Lithuanian
miner, was enticed into n houso occu
pied by ono of his countrymen In this
city, last night, and after being stripped
of his clothing was beaten most un
mercifully all over his body with a
heavy rubber hose. Ho mado his es
cape from the house more dead than
alive, He was accused of "scabbing"
during the strike. Today six men were
arrested, charged with being Implicated
In tho crime. Thoy were taken before
Magistrate Itrown and committed to
j. in mi- unii,
Activity at Mnhnnoy.
fly i:oliiflio Wlro from Tim Associated 1'rej.n.
Miilmimy City. Pa., Oct. 21 All tho col.
lie-ill's la this locality belonging to tho
Heading company were in operation to.
day. Tho Vulciiii and Hack Mountain
collieries of the Mill deck Coal company,
havo not yet resumed work becauso of tho
refusal nf tho employes to sign a puimr
requiring tho men not to interfere Wtu
non-union workmen,
Six Fast Rounds.
By Exclude Wire fiom Tlic Associated Trm.
Philadelphia. Oct. 2I.-Mlclmel Donovan,
of Ilnclicstcr. N, ' ami Larry Temple, of
tlnehmatl. fought six fust rounds to a
draw at tho Ariel Athletic club tonight,
'lomplu forced tho lighting in four of tho
nix rounds, This was evened up by tho
good defensive woik of Donovan.
' m !
State Henry Hanged,
By Ciclu.he Wire Irom Tlic Associated 'rasj.
AVhccIlng. W. Va,, Oct. 21.-Stuto Henry
wis hanged at p. m in tho -death
chamber at tho penitentiary at Mounds
vlllo. Tho crime for which Henry wus
executed was the murder of John niiii.
nrdson, colored, In a mining camp row
in V'- uuty, October Vi. W).
Tho Democratic Campaigners Get an
Enthusiastic Reception.
Ily Kxelmhc Wire from The A-Moclutcd 1'rCM,
Lancaster, Va Oct. 21. 13x-Govcrhor
Pattlson and Ills colleagues on tho
Democratic state ticket were given a
most enthusiastic reception In this city
tonight, when they addressed a mass
meeting In the court house.
Tho main court room and the corri
dors were crowded, while many per
sons wore unable to gain admittance.
F.x-Altorney General W. U. llensel pre
sided. Candidate Paltlson, through a
failure of the elcctrio light, was com
pelled to speak most of the time In
total darkness, but he held the atten
tion of his audience with a denuncia
tion of Republican administration of
state affairs. In opening his address
the ex-governor slated that he had just
come from a canvass of more than fifty
counties of the state and on every hand
had observed the people to be aroused
as they never had been before; party
lines seemed abandoned and there Is an
uprising of united citizenship to redeem
tho honor of Pennsylvania. He de
nounced the proceedings of the Inst
legislature in detail, characterizing It
as the most debauched, degraded and
corrupt in the history or the nation.
State issues were also discussed by
Candidates George W. Guthrie and
James Nolan, John H. Fow and D. F.
Magee, candidate for assembly. The
candidates spoke this afternoon at
Manhelm and left tonight for Butler.
Engineer Dan O'Neill Is Shot to
Death, Near Drummond, Mont.
The Murderer Escapes.
Bjr Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Missoula, Mont., Oct. 24. An east
bound passenger train on the Northern
Pacific was held up last night, near
Drummond, Mont., forty-five miles
from this city, and Engineer Dan
O'Neill was killed.
The train, which included mail, bag
gage and express cars and nine coaches,
arrived after midnight at a place two
miles west of Drummond. Here the
train was signalled to stop and the en
gineer slowed up. While doing so, he
saw a man creeping toward him over
the tender. The man, who was armed,
called to O'Neill to stop the train in
stantly. The engineer took In the situation at
once, and was about to pull the throttle
to start the train at full speed when the
robber divined his purpose and fired at
him. Tho shot took instant effect and
the engineer fell dead.
The robber then proceeded to ride the
express and mall cars. He plundered
tho regular mall and blew open the safe
In the express car, which was wrecked
by tho explosion.
The amount of plunder which he se
cured is not known at present, but It
is supposed to be large. The excite
ment on the train was Intense. The
sudden stoppage of the train, followed
soon by the explosion, spread alarm
among the train hands and the passen
gers, The darkness of the night and
tho loneliness of the place added to the
general scenes of terror.
Word of the attack was sent to
Drumniond. Bloodhounds were sent out
at once and steps were taken to keep
vignani waicn tor tne robbers.
It was assumed that at least eight
men were engaged in the hold-up, but
the latest advices are that one man
alone perpetrated the murder and rob
bery. Dan O'Neill, the dead engineer, lived
In this city and had a wife and five
children. He hud been in the service
of the Northern Paclllc company longer
than any other engineer.
The Northern Paclllc has offered a
reward of $5,000 for delivery, dead or
alive, of tho train robber who killed
A Xarge Number of Distinguished
Guests nt tho University.
By Ktclusltc Wire from The Associated Press.
Princeton. N. J., Oct. L'l.-With tho ar
rival of a largo number of distinguished
guests of tho university today tho prelim
inary prngriiiiimo of tho Inauguration of
President Wnodrow Wilson to tulto pkico
tomorrow was begun,
All tho aftornoou tho professors and
friends of the university were busy show
ing tho visitors through th campus,
Nassau hull, tho lllirnrv nnil ,ll,n,. i, ,,..,
of Interest. ' President and Mrs. Wilson
entertained at dinner tonight. Anioncr
llioso present wcio: Kx-Presldcnt and
Mrs, drover Cleveland: PivMliimo im.i
Mrs, Francis L. Pattou, ex-Spcakcr
'I hernias II. Reed. J. P, Morgan and Hon,
Unbelt T. Lincoln, Now York.
Two special trains- from Now York nnd
two from Philadelphia will bring guests
to Princeton tomorrow, "
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prtii.
Now York. Oct. 2I.-Cleait(l: Lucanla
Liverpool; Iceland, Antwerp; Uynduni,
Rotterdam, via Houlogno; Georgian, Liv
erpool. Plymouth Arrived; Fuerst Ills
nmivk, Now York for Cherbourg and
Hamburg, und proceeded. Southampton
Sailed; Augueslo Victoria, Now York, via
Cherbourg, Naples Arilvcd; Phoenicia.
Now York for Genoa. Movllle Sailed
Kthoplu, Now Ymlc. lloulogno Sur Mer
Sailed; Noordum (from Rotterdam). New
Peaceful Conditions at Shnmokin.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Khainokhi, Oct. 21. Thirty thousand
tons of coal were shipped from local col.
llerlcs today to Philadelphia anil Now
York markets, and thrco thousand nddl.
tional men went to work hero today, A
fow more noa.unlou men resigned today
and left tho region. Tho Tenth regl
nietn, which Is encamped here, expects to
bo recalled very boon, owing to the
peaceful conditions prevailing.
Ho Makes an Address in Which Ho
Appeals for Party Regularity.
By Exclusive Wire from The Auoclatetl Prrn.
Pittsburg, Pa-, Oct. 21. Senator M. S.
Quay and Congressman John Dalzoll,
were guests of honor of tlic regular
Hcpuhllcan organization of Allegheny
1 county and Pittsburg today. In the
ftornoon they were tendered a recep-
ion In the Hotel Kchnnlev. when a
number of local politicians and business
men were present. In the evening a
meeting was held In Carnegie hall.
Senator Quay made an address In
which he appealed for party regularity
and deplored the union of disaffected
Republicans with Democrats, assorting
that the Democrats always got tho
best of such deals. He denied that the
last legislature was corrupt, or that
money wns paid to secure the election
of Speaker Marshall or himself as
United States senator. Ho mode a de
fense oC tho financial method of the
state administration and closed by re
ferring to John Dalzell as the next
speaker of the house of representatives.
Tho Evils of Hawaii Due to the
Corruptible nnd Irresponsi
ble Vote.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Mohonk Lake, N. Y.. Oct. 24. Tho
Mohonk Indian conference opened its
session today with an address by John
Seger, who has been superintendent of
an agency school in Oklahoma since
1S72. Mr. Seger related many experi
ences illustrative of Indian character
and Indian tendencies. He said that
the recent revival of the sun dances
among the Cheyeiines and other tribes
had had a demoralizing effect, pro
moting idleness, prolllgacy and other
evils. Ho thought the dances should
be immediately and absolutely prohib
ited. Mrs. Page guve an Interesting de
scription of the remarkable work along
social, industrial and humanitarian
lines conducted for the Indians by the
Mohonk lodge, an Institution located
near the Cheyenne camp.
The Rev. Dr. Alexander Twombly,
who has been a resident of Hawaii for
some time, addressed the conference on
the present situation In those Islands.
He said that conditions there were dark
and depressing. Tho times are hard,
owing to unwise and demagogic action
of the local legislature, dopilnated by
me Home rule party. Crjine, drunken
ness, idleness and other vices were on
the increase. He attributed most ot
the evils existing to be practically un
limited suffrage conferred upon the
people, which hud thrown political
power so largely in the hands of tho
Ignorant, incapable and unreliable ele
ments of the population, thus render
ing the way easy for the greedy, sellish
and corrupt politicians and self-seekers
to further their own schemes. Tho
worst elements In Hawaii today, he de
clared, were the low-down Americans,
carpet-baggers, adventurers and other
scum from the states, who had drifted
there in recent years. Some of these
men had obtained federal appointments
in the Judiciary and other oillces, and
had brought shame and scandal upon
,tlu administration of law and justice.
A limitation upon the franchise seemed
to bo absolutely Imperative If tho local
government was ever to lie adminis
tered on a wise, honest and economic
An address by the Hev. Douglass
Uirnie, who has been a pastor In Hon
olulu for several years followed. He
confirmed what Dr. Twombly had said
in regard to the evils arising from an
ignorant, corruptible and Irresponsible
vote which laid given aih opportunity
to unscrupulous politicians and schem
ers. Ho drew a dark picture of exist
ing conditions In the islands and said
that the only hope for the future lay
in a wise restriction of the suffrage,
the Introduction of Chinese labor upon
the sugar plantations and a reform
of the judiclury. He said the native
population had been reduced to about
a0,000, was rapidly dying out by tho
exclusion law and this was bringing
disaster and ruin to Hawaii. The
speaker thought that if tho law could bo
so modified as to admit Chinese labor
Tor tho exclusive purpose of working
the sugar cano plantations the situa
tion would bo greatly relieved and pros
perity for all classes would follow,
A native Porto Ulcan, a student at
the New Pallz, Now York, normal
school, described the changes which
have taken place in Porto Hlco since
tho American occupation, He said that
many of tho native people who had
first looked with disfavor upon tho new
governiont were now satisfied and
happy owing to tho many and obvious
advantages thoy now enjoyed unknown
to them before. Tho chief lienollts, he
said, had come from tho Institution of
better schools and n higher grade of
education throughout tho lalantl.
Tom Horn, tho Famous Stock Detec
tive Is Convicted,
Jiy Kxclukho Wire from The As.soo-ucd 1'iess.
Clioyonue, Wyo., Oct. 21, Tom Horn, a
famous scout and stock detective, was
today found guilty of murder In tho lirst
degree. Tho trial of Horn for tho mur
der of Wllllo Nlckell, It years old, a
son of Kelso Nlkcll, on July IS, isoi, at
bis father's ranch In the Iron .Mountain
country, was begun October 10.
The claim of tho prosecution was that
Horn, hi tho pay of certain largo cattle
owners, killed tho Nlckell boy In an ef
fort to frighten his rutin. r and cause him
to leavo tho country,
Collieries Compelled to Close,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
Mt. Curiae!, Pa., Oct. 21. Sovcral col
llerles of tho Heading company, in this
vicinity, wcro compelled to shut down
today owing to tho failure of supplies to
arrive. Pour additional collieries wcro
started up and produced consldcrablu
Failed to Lower His Record.
Bj Kiduslie Wire from The Auoclited Press.
Memphis, Twin., Oct. 2I.-Uan Patch
foiled to beat Ids record of I.69J4, covering
tho distance in 2.01.
President's Instructions to Strike
Commission Ask a Wan to
Avert Future Tle-Ups.
The Commission Organized by tho
Election of Judge Gray as Presi
dentMr. Roosevelt and Members
of the Commission Formally Dis
cuss the Question nnd the Presi
dent's Instructions Are Submitted.
The Visitors Lunch with the Presi
dent and Adjourn to Meet on Mon
day Notices Sent to Operators and
the President of the Mine Workers
Asking Them to Be Present.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlic Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 2-1. The members of
tho arbitration commission appointed
by President Roosevelt tu settle the
issues involved in the anthracite strike
met at tho white house shortly after
10 o'clock this morning and went into
conference with the president. 12. E.
Clark, president of the .Order of Pull
way .conductors, was tho first member
of the commission to arrive. He reach
ed the white house exactly at 10 o'clock.
Bishop Spauldlng, accompanied by Dr.
D. J. Stafford, of this city, was the
next to put In an appearance. General
Wilson, who arrived a moment later,
was followed by Thomas H. Watklns
and Colonel Wright, the recorder ot the
commission. Then came E. W. Parker,
the mining expert. Judge Gray of the
United States circuit court was the
last member to reach the white house.
Several of the members had never be
fore met. The introductions were made
In Secretary Cortelyou's ollice, and im
mediately thereafter the commission as
cended the stairs to the president s re-U
ceptiou room.
The president greeted tho members of
the commission cordially. The inter
view was brief, lasting scarcely twenty
minutes. Tho work to bo done by the
commission yas Informally discussed.
The president impressed upon the com?
mission the importance of expedition,
and informed them that he had de
cided to appoint two assistants to the
recorder to facilitate the work. He
then presented to them their instruc
tions as follows:
President's Instructions.
White House, Washington. Oct. 2.!, Ifn'i.1.
To tho Anthracite Coal Stilke Commis
sion: Gentlemen At the leanest both of the
operators and of the miners. 1 have ap
pointed you a commisisnn to Inquire Into,
consider and pass upon the questions in
controversy in connection with the strike
hi the anthracite region, and the causes
out of which tho controversy arose, Uy
the action you recommend, which the par
ties in interest have In advance consented
to abide by. you will endeavor to estab
lish the relations between the employers
and the wage-workers In the anthracite
fields on a just and permanent basis, and,
as far as possible, to do away with any
rauses for the recurrence of such difficul
ties us those which you have been called
hi to set tie.
I submit to you herewith tho published
statement of the operators, following
which 1 named you as tho members of thy,
commission, Mr. Wright being named as
recorder: also tho letter from Mr. Mitch
ell. I appointed Mr. Moscly and Mr. Nelll
as assistants to the recorder.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Justice Gray Chairman.
With the instructions were the state
ments of tho operators. The members
of the commission withdrew In a body,
When they left the white house they
declined to comment upon their Inter
view, The went directly to the ollice
of Commissioner Wright to organize
and prepare for their work.
At Mr. Wright's ollice the commission
went Into executive session at 11 o'clock
Judge Gray was chosen chairman.
The presiding olllcer is to bo called
tho president of the commission. Tho
executive session wns for tho purpose
of considering the minor details. Among
tho questions under consideration were
those pertaining to the place of meet
ing, the order In which witnesses shall
be called, whether tho sessions shall bo
open to tho press, whether counsel for
tho parties at Interest shall be per
mitted to bo present,
Edward A. Mosely is secretary of the
Interstate cumitierco commission, Dr.
Nlcll, the other assistant recorder, is
professor of political economy at tho
Catholic university In Georgetown.
The commission was invited to lunch
with the president at 1.30 o'clock.
Tho commission adjourned at 12.45
o'clock to meet again next Monday at
2 o'clock. After tho adjournment tho
announcement was niado that only two
conclusions had been readied, The llrst
of these was to admit the public at all
formal meetings of the commission, and
the second to notify the parties to tho
controversy to b present at tho meet
ing on Monday for tho purpose of ar
ranging a time for hearings which will
bo convenient for all concerned.
Notices wero accordingly sent to tho
tulno operators and to Mr, Mitchell,
president of tho United Mlno Workers
asking tlieni to bo In uttenduueo Mon
day. Tho commission has adopted an of
ficial namo and has had Its printing
prepared, designating it ns tho "Au
thniclto Coal Strike Commission,"
Troops Are Recalled.
By llxclushe WJro Irom 'Die Asbocliteil rri.
I'ottsvlllo, Pa.. Oct. 2t.-MuJor Cieneral
Miller today Issued an order recalling
Batteries A, of Philadelphia; II, of Pitts
burg, and C, of Phoculxvillo. Other troops
will ho recalled from thno to time as con
ditions warrant. It Ik behoved that ono
or I no io regiments will bo ordered homo
Testimony of Miss Emma Miller
Favorablo to tho Prisoner.
B Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Now York, Oct, SI. Tho defense In tho
Mollncnux trial again claimed an ndvnnt
ngo today, when Miss Emma Miller, tho
woman who sold tho silver bottle holder
which accompanied tho poison pucltugo
sent to Harry Cornish, testified positively
Hint Mollnenux was not the purchaser.
Much of today's pcshIou whs devoted to
the examination of a hand-wrltlntr' ex
pert, who wus posltlvo that tho address
on tho poison package, throe Cornish let
ters on tho Interlaced crescent paper, tho
Unrnct letters, admitted for purposes ot
comparison only, and Icttors admitted to
have been written by tho defendant, wore
all wrltteft by the same hand.
Premier Combes Endeavors to Ar
range Settlement of Coal Strike.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Paris, Oct. 21. Premier Combes hnd
two hours' conference with tho national
committee of the Miners' Federation to
day, nnd tho latter agreed to submit tho
demands of tho miners to arbitration,
which, the committee declared, ought to
include tho establishment of a minimum
wngo and regulation of tho hours of
M. Combes will next consult the dele
gates of tho companies.
Tho action of tho French premier Is
regarded hero as evidently being In emu
lation of President Roosevelt's interven
tion In tho coal strike In tho United
No Light Thrown Upon the Mystery
of the Assault That Caused
the Woman's Death.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 21. A corner's In
quest was begun here today over the
remains of Mrs. Ada Gilbert Dennis,
the fashionable dressmaker who died
Wednesday as the result of the mys
terious assault committed upon her
two months ago. Ono of the Important
witnesses, Richard Cole, a colored por
ter, who attended to some of Mrs.
Dennis' financial transactions and who
was acquainted with most of her callers
was absent on account of Illness. On
account of the revival of talk regard
ing the possible connection between
the tragedy and tho subsequent suicide
of Samuel J. Presley, a printer, two of
the hitter's brothers from New Orleans,
wore In attendance today. Mrs. Jane
E. Dennis, the aged mother-in-law of
the woman, threw little light on tho
case. Shu said she knew of no enemy
of her daughter and said it had been
Mr;. Dennis' custom to send her money
to the bank by Cole, though she kept
n small amount in the house. She
said Pressley had never visited her
daughter and that she knew of no male
Deputy Coroner Ghv.ebrook testified
regarding the autopsy performed on
the body of Mrs. Dennis which show
ed unquestionably, he said, that death
resulted from wounds Inflicted In the
nssuult. He also read fiom a record
of an examination of Mrs. Dennis at
the hospital by her physician, which
showed that she did not know who
assaulted her and could offer no sug
gestion to aid the police.
Nine witnesses in all were examined
today, but there was not one word
spoken that threw any light on the
The Inquest was then adjourned
without delay, pending the recovery of
Richard Cole, the colored porter, one of
the principal witnesses, who Is ill. The
body of Mrs. Dennis was interred to
day in Rock Creek cemetery.
Anti-Eoreign Eoeling Has Caused
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prrsi.
London, Oct. 21, Tho Knglish mission
ary, Wr. Cooper, who was murdered ut
Fob, Morocco, recently, bad a wife and
two children there, und thero Is consider
able apprehension as to their fate, as
well ns that of four other women mis
sionaries, for it Is known there has been
a considerable recrudi'scenco of uutl-foi-clgn
Letters from the Kansas mission of
Meituliiez. composed of twelve Ameri
cans, describe the situation as critical,
Thoso missionaries say they nru shut up
"Like ruts in a hole." More recent tele
grams from Meuuluez, however, Indlealo
that tho rising of ill Tterlier tribes litis
been suppressed,
Two Men Are Severely Burned About
tho Head and Ence.
fly Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated I'resi.
Shenandoah, Out. 21. Anthony Mllukas
and Stelny Kunoky, miners, wero se
verely burned about thu bunds and faco
by mi explosion at Shenandoah City col.
Ilury this afternoon. It was at llrst sup
posed to havo been an explosion ot gas,
but Mlno Inspector Stein, who was in
the mino when tho accident occurred,
said it was probably powder,
Tho strike Is still on ul tho Mill Creek
conipuuV's Villein and Hack Mountain
collieries. The men steadfastly refuse to
sign tho contract, as required before be
ing reinstated In their old positions,
Enrl Cadogan Thinks the Agitators
Are a Dnmago to the Country.
By Kxclmlre Who from The Associated I'rtas.
Loudon, Oct. 21. Karl Cudogan, tho for.
mer lord lieutenant of Ireland, ctner
tabling his tenants and employes on his
estuto at liury St. Kdnumds today, said
ho could not forget tho generous demon
stration on bis departure from Ireland,
and added:
"Those who aro supposed to represent
Ireland In parliament do notrvally typify
tho feelings and desires ot tho Irish, who,
owing to tho proyaleuco ot agitators, ap
pear to all nations fur worse and less
Christian than they realty are."
Jny Cooke Again Hi.
fly Kicluihe Wire from The Associated Prut.
Put-in-Huy, O,, Oct.2l.-Jay Cooke, the
aged financier, was ugaln stricken with
congestion of thu brain at his homo on
(.ilbraltur island last night. Ho railed
somowbat and Is' now said to bo resting
easy. Jay Cooke, jr., Is nt his father's
budsldu. .
Ovation Given to Ex-Judge
Pennypacker and His Cam
paigning Party.
Speeches by Ex-Judge Pennypacker, Attorney General Elkint
Candidate William M. Brown and W. I. Schaffer.
Best Meeting of the Tour Thus Far.
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Scrnnton was yesterday honored with
a visit from tho eminent jurist, states
man and scholar, who will be the next
governor of the state of Pennsylvania,
Hon, Samuel "V. Ponnypaoker. The city
showed Its appreciation of the honor by
extending 'to the distinguished visitor
and the distinguished ineu accompany
ing lilm, one of the biggest ovations It
ever tendered to a campaigning party.
Judge Pennypacker declared last night
at the conclusion of the mass meeting
that It was 'the best meeting he has had
on his trip.
Tho most representative men of the
party from all parts of the city and
county gave over the afternoon and
evening to act on tho reception com
mittee anil from the time Judge Penny
packer arrrlved In tho morning, until
he retired at night, he was the center
of a welcoming, well-wishing and ad
miring throng.
In the afternoon, the Republican
county committee tendered him an in
formal reception at the Central Repub
lican club rooms, which wero crowded
to tho doors all tho time the guests
were there, Hrief felicitous speeches
wero mado by Judge Pennypacker and
The crowning event of the visit wns
tho muss meeting at night In tho Ly
ceum, So great was tho crush that
even ladies had to seek seats in tho gal
lery. Hundreds, uunblo to secure ad
mission, turned away before tho meet
ing hail begun. The audience was as
enthusiastic as it was big, nnd alto
gether tho rally was tho biggest kind
of a success.
With the Judge.
Accompanying Judge Pennypacker
wero William M. llrnwu, candidate fur
lieutenant-governor, and W, 1, Schaf
fer, of Delaware county, Superior court
reporter, During tho afternoon, tho
party was joined by Attorney (ieneral
John P. Klklu, who came up front Har
risburg. Congressman 'William Council,
Deputy Attorney (ieneral F. V, Fleltz,
County Chairman 11. L. Taylor, Hon,
Joseph A. Scranton, Major Hvorett
Warren, ex-ltecorder Jnmes Molr, T, II,
Dale, and a host of other prominent
party men acted as an escort to tho
visitors, and mado the introductions at
tho Informal reception lit Hotel Jermyn
and tho Central Republican club rooms,
Through a miscalculation nf train
connections, Judgo Pennypacker ar
rived from Tunkhannock earlier than
wns expected, ami tho plans for tho re
eeptlon, which it was arranged to give
him at the station, had to bo altered,
A Ids' crowd had collected at 1.08, the
time advertised for his arrival, and so
that It might not bo disappointed, Con
gressman Council, took Judgo Penny
packer to tho station und had him pre
sent himself to view, Tito cheering that
broko fortli continued uninterrupted
while tho Republican clubs nnd recep
tion committee, headed by the haw
rcuco baud, escorted him back to the
It was intended that tho clubs and
coiiuultteo should again net as an es
cort front tho hotel to tho theatre; ut 8
' o'clock, hut when they began to assent
bio in front of the hotel and saw how
the crowds were surging into tho the
atre, they concluded that if they waited
until S o'clock they would not bo abio
to get In, "and accordingly they joined
in the crowds going into the Lyceum, i
At the Theater.
'Judge Pennypacker, Mr, Brown and
Mr. Schaffer went to the theater ac
coinpanled by Congressman Council
and Major Warren. When they ar
rived the theater was already over
flowing, and the stage not only had all
of its 130 seats lllled, but was packed
to tho walls with men standing. Iu
tins front row with tho speakers, be
sides Congressman Council and Major
Warren, wero Hon. J. A. Scranton,
chairman of the evening; ex-Recorder
James Molr, County Chairman II. Ii.
Taylor, Judgo A. A. Vosburg, John is.
Jordan, -candidate for senator; Hon. P4
A. Philblu, Hon. John Scheucr, Hon.
Edward James and Joseph Oliver, tho
four candidates for the legislature;
John Courier Morris and John Penman,
candidates for county commissioner,
and Llewellyn M. Kvans and David T.
Williams, candidates for mlno inspec
tor. Prominent party workers filled half
a dozen rows of seats nnd back of thein
wero ranged tho three choral societies,
which furnished music, on their turn,
Iho United German Singing societies,
tho North Knd Oleo rlub and the Sons
of Cambria. Oleo club. A placo was
found for Lawrence's hand in tho bal
cony. Tho nudlenco contained a representa
tion of tho gentler sox, very unusual hi;
numbers for a political meeting, Tiieyy
wero seen In every box nnd scattered
throughout thu parquet, balcony and
Among tho prominent men In tho
boxes and loges wcro Judgo R, W.
Archbald, United States Attorney S. J.
M. McCarrell, United States Marshal
Fred C. Leonard, Rov. C. K. aillln, D.
n Attorney R. A, Zimmerman, Alfred
J'J. Counell, R. K, Comegys, Attorney
John F. Scragg, W. II, Whyte, C. R,
Penman, City Assessor Philip Rlnsland,
P. Silas Walters, Rev. Jnmes Hughes,
Continued on Pagu J.J
Local data for October 21, 1P02:
Highest temperature .,.,.,,,.,,, W degrees
Lowest temperature , ,.,,, tti degree
Uelatlvo humidity;
S a, m. .,.,,,,.,., T!) percent,
S p, in. ,.., 81 per cent.
Precipitation, !l hours ended S p, m.j
t .." -H
V -
4- Washington, Oct. 21. Forecast )
f for Satmday und Sunday: Kastern
4- Pennsylvania Fair Saturday and 4i
4- Sunday; cooler Saturday in north -ft
-f- portion; fresh wcbl wind. -ft
rfc .,: 1 1 t.t M MM
t - . .