mr,e-V'-'iyiyQ$!pw h K'.m ,,&?-& r ' ' v i-WTf iriV'f' - ' ' ' '. v M-tf J ,-i . !' s . . f, .-v 4 ' "WTKr V '", THE SCRANTON TIUBUNJIUUDAV, OCTOBER 21, 1902. G. W. ZIEGLER PUT ON TRIAL BANKRUPT CHARGED WITH CONGEALING l'ROPEBTY. Foimcr Prominent Citizen of Wilkes Barre Accused of a Seilous Offense In United Stntcs coiut Defcnso la Thnt the Propel ty Alleged to Have Been Concealed Did Not Bolong to the Defendant at the Time He Went Into Bnnkruptcy Gieen Goods Men Sentenced. OVERLOOKED. The cMs.c iichIiisI Gcoirp " tfclgler, foiiueilv ni Wllkes-Hniie. but now of FiostbtiiK. Mil.. who W charRi'd with mmralltiR piopprt.v ns u bnnkinpt tine", with tiiltlnpr fnl'e until ni to pioppi'tv lirlonpliifc to hl! cstnte In Ii.inki iiptt-y wits tiled In the fulled States Oistilct i oiii t yestridnv. imil went to tho jur: lull' in ill'" nun noon Mr Xi'lsln- wiip nn moi I the pio in It tor or the- Km liiiiiKf hotel In Wllkci tlniir. iiml wiii for in. my uuh one of Its best l:noMi citl.ens. Up whs lor ilKlil vpfim ii .staff officii- on the stuff, nf Colonel Koi It, or the Ninth lejjlnient, Mini whs liitoi on tin- stuff of IIiIrhiIIii' Central (inhln In tin- sipiiiiK nf I'tOI In1 liloil n olimtiiiy petition In b.inkiupky iiml on AiiRiist lf. WOI, nils' iuHiiiIriiI ii b.inkiupt Tin iltaij,e ii Unit In hwi.iiIiik t" the m heillile ir ,!!'. I s Iip ftlllnl In Include ten shines ot -liicK In 1ip AVIIkrs.I'nn c mid Klin," Inn Itildsi' iiiinii.iin nl par nliip nf il Clio, ii note nl C. Mm tinier l,ni rm si, cot: tin k.iIIhiis nf whiskcv li"il .i numlit i of ,ilt" nf blunlut. The i"ii.ill for 'ii.Il fi.uuinlPiit innirnl nii nt mul f.i'wp 5uiln Is Inipi Ison tiiPiil for not b's t'-n-i two ,c.iis lor iiitli olfiiirp, with no lliu ii nn -il-U'l ii.iIIm. Mi XpIkIi i imil, Ibc si. mil mid "aid Ik IImmI Tit llfticii jens In AVIIkPS-I'llI IP. IlIIVlllK llP"ll piopiielot n" Hip 1.1." f I in- bull I imd InlPi nf lb( JJmIvjiikp IioIpI lie I' now piopilPtoi of tbn l!"l(l liladMnni ,il I'to'tliur,'. Mil. Iip -.(Id Mi' mmiic hr Ii, ii , f. I re (I Hip ( oillfli :itc of Mot k In the In l(lj;p (.on piin In .lobn S. 1'i.iinri, his i h'rf i In K. in tobi. I.1'). In pn.vmeut nl .i debt nf '''jO, inoiicv whbb C'r.iincr had lii.inrrl blm two .m.iis liplnip to pay l.ii K'liov .illnpr iiitnln moms In the bole!. Ctock Ceitlficalc. I'lip iPililK.iir of Moil.. Mini. Ilk this tiansfrr on il. link, was offrml in (klfKP "i Ijrlt r mlmlttrd ha Imjt sent I'm p to pr i ,i pi Ii i fni Hip i toe k, but denied il wis lu-t bpfoip Iip wont Into bankrupt! y. Up dpi 1. noil it was hffoie he transfciied the Mock to Crunrr. He ilonlrd hiving- taken whis kej nut of tiio hotel, .mil ricel.iii'd tin lil,ml,i's whlrli wmp t ikon to his boUK' liPkniKcd to his wife. IiivIiik brpii tr.msfpind to In i .it Atlantic I'll, in Ispr; In .-. bill nl .ib This bill of s.ilc wn pit-iiitnl and ofi'pinl in clilci'i p. John H ('i niiPi. when put nn the i land K -whip thai he had luen .issni I n led with Mi .olRlri In liu"lnps-s lor lwcnl-lwo m.iis Up s.ihl thai the In UIrp -.Kick li.msrei irrl tn hini in 31'"! In pivmeni fil a loan nt if "fin whiib be had inide to ."Islet He offdnl hh limit bonk to show thai be bid diawn out $'' 1 1 oiii Ibc lie S.iWiiki b.nk .it Iv In Octohci. Melvln Hob- lilir, bnokki ci. i at the bank, swme thai tb' entiifs in the hook wmp in his 1. imlw i itiiiur, and that for the last year and n ball the bonk hai been In the ault at the b'mk ridwaid dates, lb" foi nici lolorfd poilpr nl the hotel, testified tn hating taken the blankets finm the hotel to tlif home of Mi Zeii;!fi at Jfi.-,. Xelg lei'n dtiKtloii. Ill" eldrii(c on other points whs not tr ileiia! In iKldies-hiir the Inn. Attuinr Mar tin (iicliHd thai Uovle, the Altin'! foi the pioeetillon, was simply 1: Iiib1 lo "net (on" foi the double t' liii h Mi. 't iftlei put him In when he Gained that he had helped himself lo .""ICO out of the iiish diawei. It was Unylr's ilphl as ,t cied'lrn to object to y.dplt" lielc; dc dated a bankiupt, but be l.illecl to do so. (. pointed out. .ludse AKl.bild dun Bed ibe imy Just before .uilriuriinifiit was t ilten. diied liiB them to i pk ml the eviileiiie ol the ( lmraetPi witnps"i ns subMunlKe eI denee, and de. IhiB :i' i-onie lenittli with nil the polm olltied to pioe the i h.irfies. Chaifte to Jury. H.ii iy liPynolds. alias II.ii i Lane, n "ivven miods" :,wlndlei. pleadi-d RUilty :e.iipi(la inuiiilnts, and was sentenced to p.i, u line ot sji i) mid to spend two jc.nt- In the l.astein y. He was sentein.C'd lo the latter ptl-on at Jifr- special ieiiest. lJdw.nd hlaelsly, .111 .licomplke or ItPMiold!. also pleaded KUlllv, mid win- leuteiKid to pa a fine of ."!" nnd hpend sis niomhs In the rwuphlii (ouut Jail. Hmiy Mei.,. n 1 l-yeiii-old bo.. who pleaded sulky to Hi" chm s of bieiikhiK Into the post iifllie nl Cii'e's mill, was sent tn tlio housp of if Iuk. . The pi and jui eMeiday wfteiiionn letutned tine bills UBalnst the nlllieis of the Con p.iprindPiieo Iiwltutn ot yimerlca, who ,ne chuiscd with uilns the United Suites nmll.s ror the puriioe nf defrauding. An Iqnoird bill wus te turnpd In the cuse of r. v. Tminnuny, of WllkeB-Hurre, e limbed with tiulinl-dntlng- a witness. There Arc Patent iMcdiclncs and Kctncdlcs Without Number Tor Eveiy Dlscnse and Affliction but One. A pioinlnent phynleluu was letently asked why It wns Hint theie mo ?o muny "blood purlfleis," "neivo Umli . ' and ietnedlcs for cvrty III, except one of tlio moat LOinmon nnd imnnylng, viz: piles. He lopllrd. their me two principal rensoiM, Pltst. plonlelmri nnd people In Kenorul. hne thotiKht thnt the only peinuinent cure for piles wn.s n alirBletil opeantlon, Hint medlcln nl piep.nutlons wvrc Hlmply pnlliitlvo, Another renson Ih, tint t piles Is In no nf the woul an imaginary dls ctisc; the pufferer from piles Is ciy much itwiue of the fuel, and for thin ictiFon. the few fo-rnllcd pile Nihc, oliitiiu'iitf, ctc.i lime been pIioi t-llfd. The patient vciy noon ellFcovetcil their Ineinelrney. lie hii,vm fiiither, Oirtunntelv, howev tv. theie Is a new leinedy foi piles, whieh jtidKltiFf fioiu Its mpldly Krow liiK popularity, will noon take the pliue of till other tieritincnt. It bus certainly niiirle iistonlshlnir cuies In this oblln ;ip dlciup nnd lis meilt has inndc II famous niuniii; physlclmm and wheieer It has been Introduced. This icmedv Is sold by nil ilrugRlMs under the inline or Pynimld file Ctni'. Fioni Hie Innnedlatp ipIIpT which the I'M amid I'ilp Ctnc bIvps In all foi in ol jiIIp.s, many phyhlcimis suppo(.d It lontalnril opium, isicaine or hoiiio .sim ilar f-ubsinncp. but upon analysis It was found to Iip perfectly ltec fioin nn.Mhlnc of Hie kind, ami Hint the in Miinl telirl mid cute Willi h lollows ils u-e Is lather the irsull of Its leinnrk ulile 11011100;. huotliinp: acllon on Hip pints iiffpcled. The Pyramid 1'lle Chip th the onlj itineilj. ei eit a opeiation, which .Inimedlatel;. lolieie. and pel -lnannulv (lues e pry foi in of plls. t Is mid by ditiBKlsts at .'.0 eenl-5 inn l. or bj malt frnin Pjranild IJiur Co Mai. shall. Midi. FUNERAL OF W. 0. WILSON. Services Conducted nt Deceased's Late Home Yesteiday. Inipiesnlve s-ct vices weio con ducted over the lonmlns of the late V. O. Wllhon yesteidny sitteuionu, at de rtnsrdV late home, 117 Vine stieet, He. Jrinirs JleLeod, 11, D pastqr ot tho Klisl Piesbyterlnii elnueb, ofneiated. and spoku In the kindliest terms of the dep.n led, who In life was highly le spe( P d both by his emplojrs. and the (.oniiuuiilly at large. Mnn pieces weie In evident e. .inioiii; llieni belnpr a beautiful wieath finill the eniplnjcs nf the Lai kawanna and Wcttrn Kailinad tump my, The bnnor.n y p.illbeaieis weie' ". II. Stons. ,r. K. .Sn.der, .1. II. Hrssell aivl .7. W. l'"owlcr. Tin1 .k lie beareia weie: F. 1'. Ilam II Ion. Ale. SclneilTer. Ch.nlis lla.ig. Thai Ips I!, AcUri, Charles Fraer and I. J. Wliitefonl. Inlerment was made in the Dun mow cemetery. PAPER BY DR. SNADER. Homcopnthists Addressed by One of Their Eminent Specialists. Di. i; R. Snadei, ol Philadelphia, spe cialist in latdiae and chest diseases at the Hahnemann i ollege, deihewd a pap"r nit "l"nifis,ii Symptoms in I'ar dlnc Diagnosis." befow the intetmg of the Homeopathic Society of Nni tlieastein Pcnn.sjhanin, In tlie boaid of trade looiii", last ulgtit. Dr. Snader is one of the most end ueiu honieopatlil.sts In the countiy. and his paper, nicoidlng to tlinse who beaul it, was in eeiy way woithy of lilin. His i.-,it to the .society was a mattei of espediil giatillcatlon to fully tbiee iiioiteis of the inembeis, liecause of tlnlr having been students undei him In tlieir lotlegc dajs. Theie wa.,- also an inteiesting paper wad on " Pathology in tlio J31nnd and Sciuin." by Dr. G. J. IStir llnghoff. At Hip eonclusion of tlie meeting the .society baneiuett'd Dr. Snader in tho board of tiade assembly room. Tliobe pipsent weie: Dr. Anna f f'laike. Di. J. 1., reek, Dr. (!. J. Uuilbifiliolf, Dr. Theodore Suietli, Dl. K. II. tlelbipr. Dr. P. D. Hrew-tei, Dr. V. V. I.anee. rjr II. B. Waie, Dr. P. A". Robflts Dl. O. .1. DcWitt, Dl. AV. A. Mel'owoll nt Seiantou: Dr. William Itoth. Dr. D. H. Ivlstler, Di. A. .1. Kullaid. Di. i: ( Driller, Dr. H. A. Iliooko, of Wilk-cs-Unrre, Dr. A. P. .Men ill. of Ilnll; Di. C. M. Menlll, ot Claik'- Siim mit, Di. .1, ,1. Tliomp-on, of C.irbnuclnle: Di Tluodoie M. .Inlinsnii, Di. K. II. Hill, of Pitt'itun. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yoik. Oct. :.) -Foreign exehnnpe whh ngnln the governing fenliiro ot the stock market today. Theie wns eonsld Diablo biicluIiiiIoii In cacImiisc becnuno nf the slightly higher into for slot ling t l'nils find the leslHtinitii offered by the Incnl market to the olitine of bnnlieis" bills (tut out dining the rooming. These, nlTciltiKs, It wns believed. tepiCKunlrd lie (iiiuillaflons of bills In Id In usenc ror such nn c in ci genu v. .Most or the dny'n liuslncss was done nt ls: 7" for Miiliudiiy'n steamer. i:.pcits InllmaUd thnt nn out wind gold lnovenient might soon be In augurated, although in Iiml negotiations could not yet bo consummated on u pintlt utile IuiMh. Later In the dny demand sleillng bioke '.'U points, mid was olfpiod at nil iii). l.lltle can be said ror tlio stnik niailset which wan duller nnd mole tinr low than em tho pi p Ions iIiih or the week. Home spettllallvo iutlltv wan shown at tho opening In Ilaltliuoie and Ohio. Heading. Uilp. AIpIiIsoii. IViiii s,lvimla, SI. Paul. Mlcsouil P.u Klc and the St. Joseph nnd riiand Island secuil tlpx. tilt of which fooled slight ndvnmes, 'I he test ot Hip llsl was falily lb in with piaellriilly no demnnil for the Indiisli litis Puither actlvlly was shown dining tlie morning session when Louisville and Nnshlle ailvnnied - pnlnls. but else wheie the list made no matetlal cluiiiges (Jpciallnils continued ahnnat altogether piofeslsnnnl and .some ti.uleis toveied their Mtnit (ontinels nn Hip theoiy that Hie mat ket had been meisnld Tito cinly gains, vim rcw csreptlmiH. weie soon lost, but stidi Issues as Louisville and Xaslnlllc. St Paul, Illinois (Vntial and lble IipIiI stendv. Sugar and Power weie about the nnlv IiiiIiihH I lis deall In up to this time, and luiussiclions In the bitter slot k weie believed to be for pool aeriiiiiit. I'p to tlie lluiil hnitr then) was nn derliled pieisiiiu In sell, lull in tho In to Hailing such stocks as L.irUiiwann.i, litiltlnmie mid Olilo. Kansas Cltv Soulll ein and 'i few Inilustilals weie haimueied down to the lowest juices or the eln The, lliUld.illou In N'm thwpst was belliwed to Hsult l.ngelv finm the nnriiMiiablc x lew Itilnn b H.nleis of the new lelnilons nf the Pnlnn Ptttlll" mad wllb St Paul, Ibxk Island and llllunls Cetitial. As pi oof of the estieine tendciness of the market, a sale ol MiO llllles of Noilliwcst nnlv In Hip cIhv caused n chop ol altno't I per cent. 'I lie line nei lug of Hlnp-lD-s nidi is In the s.ime Knek rallied n luither dei llnri nf almost .! liolnls. wttli n net loss ol "i j( r cent., tlio stuck lcrinetlng on bin lug in deis nuclei lirtikHi shines One of Hie (lislmlilng fe.ituies was a lepnit of Inbnr tieinliles on the Snulbiin Piellle. Total siNs for Hie d.iv. .T"i Too shines. Sonic of the spi eulnthe Issues ill Hip bond niHiket weie lienv. Put the movements weie without linpoi tanec cm eit In Hie W.ilinsli ilelieiltiue" The geneial list was iiegiil.n and dull. Total f.ilcs. pat value, :M.7!fifKi Pnltid States .' sand :!s ml miiipicI i ,incl Hip new Is declined U per i cut. on the call. The rnlcnlng quotations me fiiinlshril 'J lie Tllliuiie bv Ilaighf .c; Fiepsp Co. !'.l l Ul". Mi.iis Ilulldhig. W. D. Hum on, manager. Igh. Low Closp. "Am il. Coiiper . Am. C .L 1' Ann ill mi Ipp . , Am. Lnciimothe Am. Loco. Pi .. Am S. X. Tl. To nn, .litis, iri 17 iii'i ti nn. !"i", im, i; Aiiieilc.iii Sugar ....i:pi 1JPJ L'U, i: Aliaeeinil i C'opiie r ... 17 '17 '(7 1 Atchison ST sli' i,V Atehlhoii. Pr irVi l(m'4 10irs 10 Halt .t. Ohio ...... .l(irMC. in)", ins In I'lnok. It 'I' filU 'P , 'i-'h Ii f.-in.icll'iii Piellle ....Hdi, 1 i'.'a 1W 1" dies. ,l Ohio IP, r,n r.i, r. (ale ago A Alton .... !(i"J Chic. r, " inn C. M A St P llj-.r Col. Fuel ,; lion.... s-jia Cnl. Ar Sou I hern ".J" Col. .t South, Jd Pr.. t'tu D. L W CV.ife Deli oil Southern .... 21 Kile ,1s"i Lile 1st Pr ,7", Ibic. "cl Pi -,' 1 locking Vnllev "ii', ' N.",l4 :-!', Iti 2V,i, 21 "Hi :' inn. I.I". lll'l nn. 17", 12T" 1" i 100-h IllM- liJ'i n. tii'. rm, ni ', S".'l 4'H. 111., : 2-.-'s LOU. 'Jil, i.7'i r.s'i i"i' i u POLICE COURT CASES. John Christian, picked up in ft out of tlio IM.. htntlon by tho police, wus lined ?! jesterday moinlng. C'linrlp-. W'ntd, of Monti ow, tn tested on Lai kawtinnii avenue in a helpless condi tion, was tlned $1 .Maud Lewis mir-sicd on Mulbeity stieet lor drunkenuebs, wus lined J, mul Anna O'llole, .met. d on a 'Imilui eliurae. was committed hi default ul a Hue of J'i. In Jilemoiitun. Wheieiis. Tim Ortat ai.d Supietne Itulcr or the l'nlcii( lias, in Ills Inllnltn wisdom, lenioied iiom among us one of our worthy and esteemed leliow-woik-lnen, Ilohett II, Dunn; Hi-solved, That by the .udden reniuval of such a llf fioni among our midst, Hie sot i owing lamlls has been beiett of ,i !olng Inihbatid and a. Iclnil nnd Indulgi nt father, tint tho comnuuilt has lost one of ll.T most iionoted citizens; that tho lllllhlde C' nnd Ijon company has e. pci leneed nn ttlmcHt Iriepaiable loss In one of Its most misted nno who dared to do light that we, his Id low -workmen haet been deeply Im pieh.secl and benefitted bj the pi ec opts and CMimple, of his highly de eloped Chlbstliill life. Itei-olved, 'Hint w cMend to tho bo ieued family and i ninth us our deepest svmp.ithy; Hint we bow t,ubmlisholj to this act of Dhino Proldence, having tho tidiest (iH.sui.inro that what lb our is Ills eternal gain, Heiiolved, That thci.0 leboltitlons bo minted In the Ii'orest City News, the. Serauton Tiibuuci nnd the Set anion Times, mid hu a copy bo pre-icuted to the boie.i Mil family. Tlie Employes of the Hillside Coal nnd lion Company. Forest City, Pa 'IV ' Illinois ( I ist. lrii'. jisu iisi'. Iowa (" IP' t-r ii " Kim. Cltv t South.. ".',". .:".i'. ". :'. Louis k x.isb uv, unu rsu in Manli.itlan l !". " i.r.ij 1 1I Ht"'H uei. si. icy Mexican Cential Mo. K. S. Tqk .. Mo. Pacific X V. Central ... Nnifolk X West Out. fc West Pennn. T5 U'i'i l.'i'i IM, in 2'i . .)"! .111 .P.I. 77"j . . H ' , "I, .11. ! 1M' li'l'a up, urn'. im.-, r.v, 7SH 771', Peonle's Oos in'.1. ia7 li, Piessed Steel Car ... hi , fil".. fil Kenclliig lis; ss 7i'. 71 l.ii r,7"', SSi's SS , 71! ... 41 ...101 ... IH! ... It", ... W4 ... l" ... iS.s n R 2J1i 701,4 7 - :i- , ?,: :'778 ni ir."i I ni in-.i II 1 4 1I"2 )', in"i 4'IU. ip, "71'. 2S " 2.'!'. .it.; 7".i, 71 '- PI 1.4 Ii 'I1, llfi", 1-.-.1, 774 :r?. 1UT1 jn;ii 1.1 " 771. HcadliiK. 1st Pr Heading. 2d Pr .... Republic Steel .., Republic SPel Pr, mi. J., .v.- Ban i' 1.; St. L So W a.' Southern Pacific .... 72 Southern H. 11 :'.7 Southern Tt. R. Pr.. PI Tenn. Conl x- Hon.... Ih Tcmcs .t Paelllc . Pnlon P.ieille .... I'nlon Paelllc. Pr P. S. Leathei ... P. S Leather. Pr I". S. Steel I". S. Steel. Pr .., Wabash. Pr Westein I'nlon 11 wiioel. iV 1. 1: 27 WK Cential -S i:-clhlclend Total sales, ,72,nnn slimes. Money, I per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION. ?'s '.1 '3 nt 0"i n-i ion., Kin4 a :u 11", IM'i 4ft"i SS"i is-j fiHi 27 i; 14", no'; 10', IS'i Our New Shoe Department (ON THE FIRST FLOOR) Has far exceeded our expectations. Many are the congratulations we have received for our line display of Men's and Boys' Shoes, and our customers tell us they are the best values for the money in the city. It is our purpose to keep up this repu tation, and only Rot Am Ji The Best ....Footwear.... will be found on our shelves. Two specials we offer tomorrow are : Kramer Special. This is a Man's Shop and is made especially for usVin Vici Kid, Velour Calf, Enamel and Patent Leather. It is correct in style, honest in workman ship and cut from material that will give our customers pood, big value at the popular price, $3.00 Other good values at S2.00 and $2.50. The Never-Rip. Here is our leader in a boy's Shoe that was made for a boy to wear. We wish to call the attention of mothers to this Shoe, as no one knows better than the mothet what r. boy's shoe must be to wear and wear well. In the "Never Rip" we have secured a boy's shoe that is of superior quali ty, carries our guar- -4 gT A antee and sells for.. 1 iOv Other good values at SI. 00 and SI 25. Our Furnishing Department Has gained an enviable reputation for itself through its unrivalled display of Neckwear, Underwear, Gloves, Hats and Caps at prices which can't fail to make you purchase. KRAMER BROS. Complets Outfitters to Men and Boys. 325 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. GKEEN THADINO STAMPS THEE WITH Al.b PUIlC'HASnS. IZZESBXEmSBBSaBBEeHEi i& H fff IB' :IHI P ill A uAktlNTmri!r.. if J i3 mi nn" vup tag Nature's SWeet Restorer Is the name applied to "sleep." Sleep of the most restorative Kind follows the use of ANHEUSER-BUSCH'S iaUfAuhine TRADH MARK. WHKAT Dtcpmbfi .. May COItX I)picmbfr .. Mnv OA'i'S Doivmln'r .. Mnv POUK Octohtu .... .Intuitu v .... I-AIUl- Ortoboi Jautiaiy .... ltllJS- Octolier Juiiiinry . . Oivn. IIIsli. Low. Clcise. T.'U .-,01 i 1 11 2 il'-, nl" 41 111 1. . Ill '111 ll, '10 1". 70 1",77 II. I II I did 11 :.'t S J7 11 IH) n.'.i) n.-,n s.;o T-'H V.I!. .:t'i :':'' Ih on 13 1 J 11 IX) hid il ."ii S.-7 741j n- 1". 7u 11 no !)..') ll.."i b,.7 Xi:V VUItK I'OTTOX .MARKHT. Oiieii, HUll. Low. Close. October S'O S "i) SJ7 s 37 nptemlwi stiti ,s t.j s i S 19 Janpaiy sos .s.7J s,M! s 50 .Mtty 8.1" S hi l-M fi'll 503 4a Scranton Board of Trnde Eichango Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Ud Aaketl. l.nCH.lMlllllu waiiy i.u . -r,... lj County Saw K.inlc (L Trost Co SOO l'lrht Xnt, IJ.inl; (rnibonualo). ... Third I' Haul; ko Dime Uop & DIs Dank LOO L'colioniy I.. II. & P. Co... First National uanit Lath Tnifat & S.ifo Don. Co . ciarlj (c Snoui Co. Pr Snanton SaltiBH Hank TuulPts' National Uniilt Snanton Holt & Nut Co People's Hank Scinnton I'acUliiB Co UOKDS Scinnton Pat.senser Railway, IllHt niOltRUCQ. due l'.i.'O Pcoplo'H Stieet Rullw.ij, Hist moi inUHL1, dim 191s , People's Stieet Railway. Gen eial moi lunge, due lU.'l Bciiintoii Tim.' Co , 6 pet cent. i:ccmoiii L, II, .V I. Co N JetHPy it Pocono Ico Co ... Consolidated Wutci Supply Co 1100 iS ::: ton 3 ... 12". ... 133 3S 113 ... US ... 115 ... Hi ... 97 07 103 Med frMm0mwmMytuwwmimfmmMtt A STERLING FRIDAY EXTRA. ANON INIOAtcAHT we.:r"HK"NG ". feH? KM-i wsM Wsmm Recommended by leading physi cians as a pure tonic with -wonderful building-up properties. Not a "dark beer," but a real malt extract. All druggists sell it. Prepared only by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Vrehlers of the famous Budwetser, Mlchclob, BlacK O Tan, Pale-Lager, Faust, Anheuacr Standard, Cxport Palo and E,.TquIslte. Scranton Wholesale Haricot. (Conectcd by II. G. Dale. 27 Lacka. Ave) riour 54 40 liuttoi rieh ctcnmpiy, SV-e ; fiesh dnliy, L'l'ii'. I'htpse l.:al1!:c. l'BS1 Neailn, l'7c; vebtein, Sli-.; stor afiu, J.V. Rcans Per buhnl, ?!. Oiilonp Pit buoliel, SOc. Now Potntoeh-iioc, pet biifaliel. New York Grain nnd Produce Market Now Voile. Oct. lilKlour Quiet nt the iitlvum i m.kPil bv liolilets Whoat Spot Hint; No J ipiI, "So. olevatoi, No, .' led, 7S'$ii7Sii.i 1. o. Ii. ullout' No. I miitliPin Dulutli, SJV-. f, o Ii, nlloat Willi tew cMvptloin bulls had vontiol of all du Tho 1 1 oo ;ns v, higher ihuii last nlKht. Mny closed 7Se ; Deiembi'i, "Slic C'nin Spot stt'.iilj ; Nn .', ii'c. olcMitor nnd Wii". f. o. It. nlloat; No, J ,ejnw, 7tV, , Nn. :' uhlte, 70e, Coin wns Hun nil day, olu:, hifir 'b'lHe. not lilKher. Januaiy (.losod .'i.'ii'.; May. IS'e,; October, bjl-e., Novi'in ber, UIJ4P.; December. .T.ijhi. Oats Spot (ltciidy: No. .' iiatb. ;ile., stamlaul white, SiilU'.i No. 'J white. 3tiiSo.; No, !! while, Stii- ; Huik while, litatOo ; options while iiulut. weln 111 m with com. December closed IiiV. Tlitttei ritendy; eMia eieiiint'iy, I'.'c fucloiv. Iiiiilsc , oii'iitneiy, iimimou lo I'ltoke, Ji,i,24iii : imitation cn-stnietv, 17a'.i)i.; s-lntt? d.iltv. lic'lc.; leuoMitiil, 17i? tt.'li1. Cheese Quiet; now Htnte lull cip.ini. small mimed fancy old, 12',e ; now. 12ulJjf : small white, old, U"i ; new, IJIhIiI.'IjC, lniKc loloted, old, l.'i , new, ll'iic; lame white, old, I.V: new, IH.e. icuie 69 eenfs. Here yon buy what you need and pay as you are paid, A CabltiPt lll;o this Is a real necea. sity in oyory home. Its sltally useful features are enhanced by being orna mental as well. Dimensions: 10 In ches high, L3 Inches wide. In the door of the ciiphoaid is sot a 91U inch ml i' ror, Credit you? Certainly I 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue, Goods flarked in Plain Figures. g ViifiiflinanViiTi UMiiTiM iiMUMllTrflMlttiiflmiiigf f lIlMitllifcttliliiiirilrfNiiliiiiil 111 1 il 1 miTI .yii'iPWiwrywprwwwiTwiy fl twi wit .'mSmrXSI a Chicago Grain Market. CltluiKO, Oct, 21 A Kiiod cash and e. pott di maud toKi'thei l.lth piospeilH of lllit.nor.ililtt ue.illi.'i laiisul a lit in tune to wheat today and Dnembei ilo-ed 'ei lliKliei ; Dectinbei nun was l'e. ItU'luu whilu u.UH weie nuehaim'iil Jauiiuiy pui lslons elosul 1 1 out J'..rie. til I'.e, hlBliet t'UHli (iiolalloiirt Weie as fnlluw.s; KI0111 No, 2 Hpiiutf wheat. 7.V No X SiTI1j : No J led iluil'-je ; Nil - coin, nl , No, 2 elow, .Vi'ie . No .' uMs, -'StiC ; No .' white. -. No :i white, :iiu'i.'i,u' ; No 2 ije, 43i4e., jood leidliiR baile. I11.1I.V j llai to choke malllui,' lln.'fic.; No 1 Has sted. 1 21, No 1 iioilhwe.-.tun. $124, ii into 1 1 iiuuliv. iciil --, miss puilv, pel kit to git) t Vilh 9), laid, pot 10(1 pounds 411 nll.02',i: shoit libs, side, Jll 2Uall It), Hlioulilf 1 s, 9 7VilU, shoit cleat Hides', ll S.7!ial2 Chicago Live Stock Maiket. I'llleitgo, Oct 2J. Cuttle Ueielpls, S WO. Including .1,000 wcMtein, slow, stead. ; Kood to pi line steeis. $7.'"aS; poot lo me. dluiii, 5i.7"auW: stoikeiK and fcedciu, J2.2J nl 2T; tows, tl 4)a4 M: liolfeis, J-'.-'Jai, can. tipiH, ft.lo.t:,40, hulls, U.-Miyr., $J 75a 7.2.")! 'IVmih fnl steein, 2"; wost ei 11 wteei s, ii 7.'a'i M. iloKu Heeelpis today. IS.OtW; lomotiow, 12.1)00. left ou i,.M); ipned lOaJOe, hlgli. im; closed with advance lost: niKcd nnd hiitcheih, iii'.t7,10; good to choiiii luavy, ti. flo.17.2".. lotiBli heavy, tu'.UM'j S'); light. fCWtaO'tOj Imil. of rales. Jo 7'a7. Sluep Keiclpt.4, ISoniJ; sheep and lamb., steady; cood lo rliolio wetheiH. $ I Will; fall to 1 Imli 11 mixed, ti MaJ U); ttatl. 0 lambs, WWaOSO. 1 SH Lager MtUiiiiacturors of Old Stock "4ia!a4'I4ti'4'S'3r4 :: PIKyCO I PILS1 ! h & fr J I t "J J J' 4 v S J n&, Scranton, Pa. Old M'Hons, aj3i. New 'I'ltous, J035 JONAB LOAG'S SONS f JONAS LONG'3 SONS OUR GREAT I FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES Li kr SALE NO. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. Basement Items. U tc Solid Till rail Steel Allmta l'lntr Spoons, lot of Seiul-l'iiii'pliilii Ten Saucers; It-nss Cup lliioUs. Consider this very -g ciicap. Ai llclc.M nl' value 1C At ;!c. Stile of loiitf lmnilh Soup Strnlncr; best iiimllly Hhelt pupei'. n-yuid lengths; .t puiltaBPs of iniittlnfr in rnrpet tnckt; spool or uiinealcil dink or tinned wile, I'ui'li .' ,, Ot At "e. -Sale of (i miiietflne Sllvet Steel Ti'iispooiiH, solid steel tiihle Knives; Al loll- Iiik pin, so made Hint when i ulllnpr Hie handles are stationary: Hpilnp mop stii k. ft y pan, steel eiliilili'led, sllKhily Impel rect; 1iiirc soup j si.ilnif, Ioiik hiiudli. Any Item, I''iidH, fen 'C At 10i. Slini biush, best polls Iter: diiuhlo MvHtli Hour slftei; 150 feet hi iildcd i lotlis line: w lie frying Imsket: hiifje slc lip hiuicp luinr iiu Ilten' itu as ol nni best olfer foi tin hoiti Iy stile. I'ndi 1UC At 2"ii (Ileal sale of (lollies baskets, Mljjiitly sltopw oni; white en amel steel i liiiinbci. HID leel pihiin led clothes line; estia line Hollywood idIIImk I'ln: iliuibli steel letistliiK pans. o mid 14-Inch in sl.e; lni-Re rolls nl toilet papet, pull, ulth eleetrlr hoop, n selected corn "& litooiii, foui--cwed: holce selcclion at xOC At ."."p. ('edit r tubs with best clecli lc hciop, ipkiiI.ii- pilie, 60 leiit;; .Mis. Potts' IiIkIiIv nleklrsl lion wlih handle, choice of three, an cx i eplioiitil (Ii.iiki to ptiieha.'-e a s-ln);li Ituu of Hue (iiuilll. ; n splen- ( did piisti. boatd, Rood sle, 1SL'I. l-'ot sixty nilnutes nt OOC At ."'ii-. Set of fi solid knives .mil sK forks; lleilln k'ttle nnd sauce pot. kettle It is homy ball handle: -utte pot has side handle. They ate the ( elebi ited blue anil while sleil eniiniel wine and tire Hist quality Koods; they lime steel cnainel on pis mid icKiihirly sold tit &1c. en Kilduv iVC A Sale of Groceries 'in an Up-to-Date Grocery Store IJtilter-Thp tlnest KIkIii cieaiuery -,'nes on -.tle ror this hour at n price wiilili should lirliiu every econoniiial Imiisew lf to lliis Riocoty depait iii"tit toii.t,, Ioi- pound, for one hour, not oer JO pounds to n -ja,, customer 4 tv- SloIas-e Sale of Keiiulne New Oilcans molas'-ps, tin ni tide that ou 1. in Dtiv for -lly inlnutcs today .it oue-thlid lesh than you niJ' el.fewhetc. per K.1II011 Chocolate Sale of "Walter Maker's Chocolate: a well-known brand. Kot one hour, per cake Fij? New tons 1'resli fioin tho bakeiy. Buy them here Friday for one limit ut, per pound r.uuakp Flout Aunt Alalia's, full L'-pound packages; for one hour, per paektiRp C'eic.ils Tnpioc.i, fetnla, coarse bin lev. tolled oats, Rieen peas, split pias, cm be IiourIU for this hour today, at Coffee Our Meiiau .Ta.L Coffee, p.u ked In one-pound callous; nlw.ijs the same; for one hour, per pound package Cocoauut Shicddcd coioanut, the ery best; at slty mlnutc3 buy it ut, per pound 39c 16c 10c 9c 4c 21c ISc SALE NO. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. Sale of Women's Wool Waists At !i"e. The Hist of the sea-on, when Waists ate in demand and sell icadily at llieir uvular pikes. This ,ile will take plate on the Second Floor in the Cloak Depart mentmade up ot 41 lows ot corded stitili itiK; (oloi.s (.11 din, il, old lose, light blue, ci pen and pink, also black. All sizes. I't iced like this for one hour only at :95c 25c Sale of Women's Linen Handkerchiefs At I for 2"c. AH linen uuifoim In hems; me , U, ',. and 1 inch; a 10c. alue. Fiiday, 4 for Sale of Shoes At SOc. l'aii "Women's Doncoltt led lnce; patf ut tip, mllltaiy heel, he.ny solo; n shoe that is eonstiueted on the best plans mid wavs of Joremost nianufui'tuie. All from 2V. to S: a gie.U slioe baririihi and one that oukIU lo intoiest eveiyhody In need of a p:ood pair ot of,.-. shoes, rrldiiy ill u'- Salc af Wall Paper At 9u. For a I.uko double loll, there Is over a do.en stylish and de Hliablo pitteins; suitable foi miy room In the house; to buy it nt any other time would cost you HOe. a roll; also border and celling: to match. .riiuay on me iiinu i toot1, t)uy an ou want, (loume inn 01 tioitter q at per yard. Sale of Curtain Swiss $1.29 10 yaids ot fancy coin spot oi small dot In led, blue or mature coloied dots: also plnin white, with zlfw.atf lines; 1 jaid wide; sold Fiiday for one hour on the Thiid Floor In 10-yaid lengths, leguinr pi ice for nt tills iiuuntity would tost Sl.."0. Fiiday onl. VOL Sale of Umbrellas At $1.2!) i:.i( li Sie 2t;-incli: tiimmed handles in loops and ciooks; also I'llneess telf-inlsiiiK: that Is all thut is neeessaiy to talse it; ,ou pi ess a' spring and up goes your umbiella; it. GO kind ou Fiiday, only Sale of Taffeta Ribbons At. 7c. Y aid This Is ceiUInlj less pi ice lor a value of this kind and fluidity of i Ihbon than any we've had heietotoie; Il'j Inches wide, "j a pvtty combination In colors, usually I2J..C. per jaid. Fiiday... ' Sale of Women's Underwear At ;i7i . A vest and pants made tioni evtia heasy lleeied y.tiu. This stvle lleccinfi is senerully called "Dowuback," a e.uineut that is -in-reKiilarl-. let.illed at l'Je. Filtluy tot OC Sale of Grampian Fleece Wrapper Cloth At 7'jc. Y.tid Heavily 'fleeced, bright colois ami many of tliej moie subdued shinies; nsuies unit style me veiy odd. Put and stilpe iiromi- nentiy notked. A labile tli.u sells lor in cuils per iiul. Fiiday for.. '. 7c -""-KCJ--''"'-H,-,&"-w Buffnlo Live Stock Mniket. Ilnsl llnirnlo. Oil .'1 Cattle Ueieliils. I.'ji; stiadN, piiniii sluts. $7 -'."i.t7 7"i; slilti- Pllllj sleili. J.7.117, linieiiei.s Miens, i.i .'Ml. hi'lleis. $..i i, inws, 2 2"ial .'"i. t-iiiimtl -. 1 ,"0.i2. bulls. $2'al.'"i. Iiuli'ts. tl7"..ll ,".J. , sloikets, I2".4, slink luliots. fj.rai.i.1 , Mai, V'fAiSJ'i. I lint's - llenlpts, irui; slow, luuw.i stloliKei ; otlleis ll limit; In aj, $7 1 j il7.Ji: lew 7 )", llllNed. .n7Iim71"i. YlilkmM. I t'. ICmTu'i, Unlit do, Jfii "1 10 V, plus, ?70.i ii 7"i; minis, t'i ." Slieop mul IJiitilis - lieu Ints. i.,lin. stead) ; lup lanilis tuiiui; culls to kooii, . Jta'ii"., .eail!mss ,lal i'it ewes $t J".a I 7.", sheep, top inKcd, $.1 bl'ii.S i.", mils lo i;uod, $1 7.i I "0 , East Liberty Live Stock. I Kast l.lbuij. Oct 2! -Catlle-Slcuh . ' choke, 511W.17. inline fb Jim. "i, good, $1 !ii) u 5 u"i I lloKs-Htiud) . Plliuo luiivliM, 17 2...i7.Jj. 1 nudliiins, tV. 1'l.iT I'.. Iieni oikeis. i7;i7(."., 1 llglit Yotkeis f'. 'ie.i7. piss, h 7i'.iiJ mi, I IoukIi. 'I" ' bheep-Slow. lust wvtheis, fluial));, mils iiml Miiuimm JI..'Ji.i.', 1 liolcu Iambi, I liKu'iVi, veal lalveo. J7..'U i I Oil Mm ket. 1)11 Cit. ()t. W.-Ciedit li.ilame.s. JWj reitilkati'M. no bid; slilpments, 7u.u)l bui lels;, U.2:n b.umls: nuis, ')i,iii Ij.uicIm; uvciugu, 1'J.ll'J b.uicla SALt NO. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock, Fale of Children's Dresses At 27i , Made itoni ood outlUK (liinnel. Conies in piett.v pink and blue i hecks and stiipes, si'.es 1 to ,; has an enilmildery oke Ueveies tilniliied with In aid. On lliu Second Flooi. Fiidu.v this diis,-m lot ZiiKt Sain of Melton SkiulllKs, ut S'.ti u Ymd special Di ess (limds oliet; up i-Mi.toidluaiy i-ale. This is it loiiuuati) iiiliiliiise. and at UhI.i.v's low pi ii e will astonish the most con Nfi'viitlv uf This . Imsh ot -roods is 27 Inihes wide," all wool Melton Suitings; Its son In ilnish and all colous mo staple and mot dtshnlile. it w ill easily iniiig ..Hi. a .v.iki lesuiar ly Oui window will she ou ttu Idea ol ilie value, but hear in mind lor rilday, sisty minutes, buy all you want toi, a jmd oou Sale ol lleil Spie.ids, ut s.c- One of fine SpumiK nlre.xdy hetnnied lull sl.e: Maisellles patieiiis. if .vou epect u b.irKiilu today in lied Mu cads .vou'll not be disappointed. I'siial pilie is ?M,. aor uuu Sale uf Itiws. ut CM: A douhle.fuiu Si ou Ii Iltm, til inly wmen, vnilety of lolorluKs: elliei.s Into sl iletUus: filliped ends, sl.c, 27Mi- AQ Inihes. Frldtt) hu them on tile Third Floor foi "-"' Sale of Men's Hum', ut 10c. l'aii Sist.v do: en Men's Heavy (iiey AVool Uife nn the iCKiil.u Shaker oi del : stle, weavt, nihil Mil n. A win in ho-o im woil.hiK and a voi little pike lor this hour . .- Sale of Men's I'udei weal, tit iih, Kiteli Men's Heavy Fleeced I.liud Tan Colot Shlils and Diawcis, s'Ululv detntlvo In weuve, hut otheiwlse us tsood as any 50i . enummt on the iii.uuei. all, Hold peai , . Wjuiuliis: iivenue uiitiaiuo Frlihi lor "' Sale of lllitck Spool Silk -The ilk tj-wil In the inunutuctiiie of - this i, imetull) seleited; has i-nioutji Ilnish Fiidu.v sis spools tor o No Less Than Sl spools bold to a Cusioniei. Sale of Hlunkets, ul 7Jc Full 11. 1 , sl.e: comes in tans mey nnd white, with bmdeis nnd plain white. lleneroiiHly lletied. good Tn welulit mid ii value oftentimes sold tor $1 lei pah. Friday hum . ' ' Sale of I5os' Suits, at $l."! 1'ei Hull Itojs' All AVool Suits In plain n,y blues mid dmk Oxfoid jjiej. alw plaids and eheiks Uvery f;ur- im nt Is well made, lined mid tilmnu-d. iioiiDie-iueasieii stjie, f. to u jeuiH Sailoi Hloiiffe style, i to i years. A esiee M.vle, 'i to ,U ema A l!oj.s' suit iinilDunceinent fioni the Hit,' Suite Is alw.t.vs wekumo, du.iblv so Wlieu I lie liem is as pteiisitiK "s iiiuiij " i wm hiuivw m sijics c 'J A toy one hour, per suit .. . ''I JONAS LONG'S SONS, 0f Aisorni "SS