The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 24, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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For Women
with women who recognize superior style and
workmanship. Sorosis Snoes are superior in
many other ways, the most important of which
is the accurate designing of models that are
made to fit every type of foot. This is proved
by ..the comfort experienced by wearers of
Sorosis Shoes. This shoe comfort is not stud
ied by all shoe makers. Try a
"Sorosis" the next time. Pair
The "Hanan" for Men
connection with fine shoes. It isn't really nec
essary for us to bother you with a description
of the factory and its process of manufac
ture, You probably have heard it quoted as the
largest in the world. Our business is selling
this --Hanan" shoe, and we're the only ones
that do in this city. You know its reputation.
We're ready and anxious to show you the
swell styles for this seassn.
Thp "PftrlriW iar Men This shoeis giving us
1 IK KUCKldu lOl Ifieil quite a reputation as
specialists. There's no mystery about the popular de
mand here for the "Rocktan." It almost tells its own
story when put side by side with othersof the same price.
Of course you can't determine the quality until you've
worn a pair. It's those who have that do the talking.
We expected and looked for these results, because we
know our personal instructions have been carried out
by the shoe maker. The --Rocktan" feels better and
wears better than others at this price,
because it is better. Try a pair
The "Chesterfield" for Men lJ aS;
secure the best at the price you want to pay is evident
in the volume of business done in this store. When a
man wants shoes, as in everything else, he turns to the
store he can depend upon. We have tested in every way
this "Chesterfield" shoe, both sole leather and upper.
We searched the market and found many wanting at
this price. Some had good soles and bad uppers; some
had good uppers with soles covered and painted. The
"Chesterfield" is the result of such investiga
tion good work, good leather and style. . . .
Concluded fiom Pago 5 1
others. The Hutler colllciy, which was
allowed to Hood, was tlui only one at
which no stmt was in.uK.
District Piesldunt Nloholls, nf the
Fnlted Mine Woi hers, was kept busy
all day healing committees that came
In to make coiiiplnlnis and repent what
had taken place at the collieries. Ilo
declined to give out any detailed ln
foi niation (is to what was i sported to
The Seciet of n Successful Meichnnt.
Tlio success or a meichant depends
hugely upon Ills ability to please Ills
customeis, In older to do so lie tecum,
mends only ai tides which uie to his
knowledge most tellable. In handling
medicine, this lb especially true, as peo
pie desiie the best piep.uatlon on the
"inaiKet and appreciate the leeomen-
EWion oi ineir utuggist. Heie Is whut
I J. Lclght, of House Spilngs, Mo.,
Is of Chumbei Iain's Cough Heiiiedyi
la n leeomincnciciininbei Iain's Cough
liedy to iny custoiucis to be second
one on the maikot. For cioup with
lien tlieic Is nothing better," For
by all diuggists.
This --Sorosis" Shoe contin
tinues to1 increase in favor
This is a name
well known in
r Brother
Complete Outfitters.
him. A list was being made, ho said,
at the men who aie not re-employed.
Their eases will lie taken up with the
companies, through grievance commit
tees fiom the locals and the lesults ot
the eonfeieuces made pait of the te
port which President Mitchell will use
when he goes licfoie the sti Ike com
mlbsioif, If there Is any discrimination
against union men, the union proposes
to ihid It out and int'oiin the commis
sion of It, The commission ill lie
asked to deal with these cases the same
us anj otlier disputes,
Nicholls Kept Busy.
Uiiector of Public Works Itaehe stat
ed, yesteiday, that all tlie eontraelois
on cily woik hne. been seveiely handi
capped by lack of lulmieis. Many
miners had seemed jobs with them
working in (tenches and (lie like. All
ip;il( to return to the mines. Fuurtavn
men employed by the Seruiiton Cias and
Water company left the tienches to go
back to tlie mines. Iluudieds of men
who went away dining the strike aie
letuinlug eveiy day. Many hundreds,
however, w)io went away will not ic
turn, having secured better jobs. Their
places aie likely to bo more (bait tilled
by the biotheis, cousins and the like
that the. leturnlng foreign-speaking
miners will bring back with them fiom
the old countiy.
The. day was teplete with Incidents of
an interesting and significant iiat.uie.
(fix Ml JSa
f Hi
a Sal a
At the Raymond colliery of tho On
tario ami Wop tern company at Ait h
buld the full fnico of thlfty-tlve non
union men leit In a body yesterday
morning. The living auurtets at the
llldgi' uiiilntiiiuud by the company be
ing dosed up and It being well-nigh
impossible for them to seciije boaidlug
houses their only lecouise was tu quit.
Tho tiolley car tliat bote them Sciun
tonwauls left the town amidst resound
ing cheers. Huperlntendeut William
Muipliy sent word to all the old wash
eiy hands that their places weie wait
ing tlieni and before, the day was over
tho wasliery was in lull opeiatlon.
At the Mt. Lookout colliery, a miner
who had been winking tint lnr the stilko
got aboaid n carilage with nine if
tinned stilkeis. to descend the shaft.
The nine union mlueis promptly gut
olf thu cairjnge. To piovent possible
bother the non-unionist got olf and
wulted for tlie next can Inge,
An oil house at the Johnson colliery
In Piieoburg look lite at 4 o'clock yes
terday mainlng, in it was stoied u lot
of cots and beddhur that had been used
in tho living; uuaiteis of the coal and
lion police uiid others who were about
the colileiy during the stiike. The
building and contents weie totally de
stioyed. A iioii-imlon engineer ut tho Starrs
No, 1 eollleiy hoisieda car of coal up
against tho sheave wheel yesteiday
and damaged the shafting. He was
discharged nttd the former enrtlneer,
who went out on stiike was put in his
iJilgiule headquarter?, yesteiday, In
structed the Twelfth regiment tu pre
lim e mid turn In Hi pay tolls to Include
Oct, 25. TI1I1 Is taken as a strong Indi
cation that the Twelfth will lie ordeied
home .Saturday. The Klghlh leglinent
received u strong Intlmallon that It
will move within a week. Tho only
ultimatum the Thlrtecnlh has received
as yet is one to tho effect that it will
bo among tlm biRt to be recalled, rien
oial Uoblu Is to make a tour of the
regiments In Laokawnuna county to
dny and will piohahly bring with him
some definite news about the breoklng
of camp.
Olio Serious Accident.
Ono set lolls accident wai reported
from the mines. Tliomas Doran, aged
nn, and Henry Itupp, aged 21, who re
turned to woik Wednesday with n gang
of night-shift locknieu at the Wlllliim
A. colliery, were caught by a rati of
1 oof last night and lenlbly crushed.
IJoran's head was caught by a huge
piece of lock anil ho was. Instantly
Killed, Itupp hud a leg broken nnd
several libs fractuied. It Is feared he
also sustained other and serious Inter
nal hurts,
Doran leaves 11 wife and two children.
Hupp was unmauied. Hoth lived at
Old Foige.
A cm load of Imports,-who came here
to net as coal and Iron policemen dur
ing the stiike. returned to Philadelphia
last night. They occupied a special car
on tuiln No. 0. A number of them were
heie dining the street car stiike.
Kvan McTinin and Patiick McMalion,
both of West Market street, were ar
rested yesterday by Constable Ira
Mitchell on wai rants Issued by Aldot
man Kassou, charging them with disor
derly conduct, and nssaultlng Michael
Muiphy, also of West Market street.
They also relieved him of his watch.
Murphy Is a non-union man, and, at
the hearing before Alderman Kasson,
alleged that while ho was taking a
walk Wednesday night tho defendants
knocked him down and took his watch,
valued at $1!7. They were each held In
$S0O bai.
Bennett & Moulton Co.
At the Academy of Music this after
noon the Hennett As Moulton company will
present "Man Against Man" and tonight
"Tho 'Wheel of Fortune."
Knickerbockers at the Star.
Isolds Ilobic's Knlckeibockeis began a
thtcc clays' engagement nt tho Star thea
ter i,estorday and were gteelert by good
audiences, tittcrnoon and evening. Mr.
Ruble's leputatlon as n manager Is such
that his name Is usually sufficient glial -antee
that tlie entei talnmenl under his
dliectlon will be (list class. The, bill this
week contains many noveltle-, among tlie
most attractive being the "Queen of tho
Mcimaids," which was henitily eiicnicd.
The fun was Kept up josleulav bv Mike
McDonald, John Cody, Walter Ki-Ilv and
John Walter, anil tlie laughs weie loud
nnd fteiiuont. In the olio, KIpp, the hig
gler; Frank Finney, and Waller and Ma
glll pieoented iutciestlng acts, (
The perfoiinanco concludes with a gor
geous spectacular biiilpsriue entitled,
"Tho Isle of Dinkey Doo," which abounds
In blight music, humor and dazzling
'cenic effe;ts. Tlie Knlckeibockeis will be
at Uie Star the balance of the weik, af
utuuun and evening.
Wondeiful Looi) the Xoop.
Of all the leleiuitles in the athletic
w 011(1, none Is entitled to better 1 (.cogni
tion than MNs l.ottle Hiuudnn, tho
champion lady bicyclist of the woild, who
tan be m'cii eveiv afternoon and evening
at DKIe's the.itPi dining the wetk of
Oct. 27.
This little woman has lldden one mile
in one mlnuie and thirty-six teeonds;
lie niiles in ciKht minutes and MMccn
secoiuN, and tldi ty-tnee miles and seen
bundled and fifty yaids in one hour. She
has accomplished the dating teat of lin
ing down nn incline seventy feet high and
tluee feet wide Into a tank of water, and
now It lemains for her to accomplish thu
almost Impossible feat of looping the loop
on a theater stage. At the finish of tho
net, she not only peifoims this lemaik
nblo teat once, but several times.
Her noifoimanco Is so astounding that
the demand for the act is cnoimous, and
the s.ilaiy moimitlouately liuge. In splto
of nil this, the management of the Dixie
theater have been able to secuie this ar
tist lor the week of Oct. 27, when she will
ipepar everv nl lei noon and evening for
the entile, week.
Angelis in His New Comic Opera.
An h.isj dioll Is the pilnclpal diameter
In "The i:niuald Isle," the new Sir Ai
tlnir Hulh nn opom to be seen at the Ly
ceum neM Tuesday night piescnted by
lefleison I.'e AiiRiln and the Jefieisun De
Anells Opel a compans under tho dbec
lion of Sam S. Sliubeil. This character
played bj t'oinedlan I3e Angells is that
of a wayside, liiippy-go-hiekv eiiteilaluer
who has n haglul of Ulcks ot vailous
kinds to hi log him an msv and laz, liv
ing Among his questionable accomplish
ments .tie choiaeter impersonations,
ledgoidemalu. Iipnotlsin and liogus sol
teiy geneially.
Alt iiiuullled in his laughing philosophy
of letting tho niouow care for Itself, hu
stms Into 11 clan of Celts, who hao met
to oppose 11 plan of tho loid lieutenant of
liolaml to destiov their lnoguo and lor
It substitute tho llnsllsli accent. It
happens that tho lout lieutenant has
summoned this eiy wayside tilckster to
come to t,co him with a view to loinllnsr
his elocutlouery art to tho pioposed rofor-
liiatlou. When It Is known that the meet
ing of the clan was a secret one Into
which a stiauger eutiiied under iienalty
FOR TIII3 I.ITTLD ONUS. Cut out (ho plctuies nppcailus on this pace each
day, diaw a pencil mink mound tho hidden object, save them jantll Satuidny,
then send them or tako them to Tho Tribune office in un envelope addressed to
"Punzlo Dopaitmont." l3ncloso In the envelope jour name, ago and addiess, Thu
boys and gills who roirectly mailc tho six plctuies appealing duiiug the week,
and whose nuswcis mo Ilist lecelvod, will hnvo their names published In Tha
Tilbuno Moijday morning.
rMMMMTMMM-t"TlfM-fy7iiiMrwaMHnniiTiTrj5nrfTnijjjM'i ' '" i .iiiyr.
MM"'lg""1',,F"-"T---',-'"-',t-'iniiirrg-T-"i-'w-"--"'T----- "l
There me two moic Turks
Only Half a Cent a Wori
For Bent.
KOIt TltlNT-Ollo-hiltf ot double liotwe!
all model 11 llnpiovemoiits, Apply 1.
D. I.atham, L'JJT lloulnvnid iivciuie.
FOlt nMNT-Fill nlslled hoii'-e; tell iooium:
sleatn lieated; icntuilly located. JS.K
Mndlson avenue.
1S For llenl Ten-l 00111 hnli':c excellntit
nelghbotliood: all model 11 Impuive
ments, on nveniio. Apply to II. 1. Ham
ilton, IM Spi uco sti cot.
For Sale.
FOlt BAU'-Wugou with pole niul slmfn,
also sicign liinni'iH niul one nuincss,
cheap lor cash, Hoar WW Minion slieet,
FOlt SAl.F-IOe Ulcsclo for SIS. or c;
change tor plionogiaph, desk or other
aillcle, Itnoni 1, Gueinsey building.
v -
FOlt SAI.LI-Second band Brewster
hrogliam, steel tlies; owner lias no
placo to store. Lewis II. Moilou, IIS
Hitchcock coilit,
FOlt SAM:-Onn hot air furnace, tlueo
mautclj and gas chandollcis. Chaues
V. Sanileiso", liu Wyoming nve, gcinnton.
FOn SAI.F-One hot nlr furnace, thieo
mantels, gas chandeliers. Clmiles D.
Snndeison, Hii Wyoming nvonuc, Sciun
ton, Pn.
FOn SALE-About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted wllh glass-front and
two openlng3, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with diawcis nnd nhdver imdoi
ncnth. May be seen at the office of Tho
For Sale or Kent.
FOR SALT! OH HHNT-TIic il-sloiy brick
building, wllh boiler liotiso nttnehed,
and long low of sheds for horses, wag
ons, etc.; also inlhoiul switch suitable for
mnnufnctiiilng put poses; Intel v occupied
bv the Clock Tobacco Co. H. M. Wlnton,
Room No. 50", Moms nulldlng.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FOlt RENT Fiont furnished loom, 02J
Wushlngton uvenuo.
FOR IlKNT Furnished looms, 319 Lack
awanna avenue, thhd Hour.
Rooms and Board.
PLKASANT looms with bonid for four
or five young men. Infinite el- Wash
ington avenue.
LOST Tuesday night at the Aimory or
on Jefferson uonue, a fountain pea.
Finder will please lctmn to The Tiib
uno otllcc.
LOST A watcli fob with sold locket
attached. Finder will bo lew.udcd by
letuinlug to 1(0 W.oming avenue.
of his life the comic woes of the peripa
tetic as u conscriuenco ot this accident are
not difficult to imagine in tho main. He
toie he is out of his own tioublo the thni has invohed in one wny or another
about eveiy pilnclpal ot the vny whim
sical sto Seats on sale Saliuday nt
0 a. m.
The King Diamatic Co.-
Repuloiie takes on a decldedlv differ
ent hue n.s gicu by tlie popular nnd well
known King Diamatic compnnv which
will be tho ulti action at tho Academy all
net week. Tills oigunization is the only
one of the kind that Ulls bona lido stock
engagements, lor months at a time and
is thus tboiouglily equipped to give what
may bo teimed aitlstlc puidiictlons.
Fleven plays foi the Hist tlmo pieented
at popular pikes should alone attiact spe
cial attention to tlie engagement.
The company is headed by Miss Helen
(liajio and Fiank Denithoine. Matinees
will he given daily commencing Monday.
Special to the Sciauton Tribune.
Post Nelson A. Miles, FoicMt City Pa,,
Oct. 21.
Company A, who weie assigned to this
post to lellexe Compnnv 13, aie most
pleasantly situated In tlie Hillside Hose
lompnny house. While the boys hne
most of tho comforts which the town
affords, they aie compelled tu slop In
looms unhealed. Tills, howeer, will bo
oereome by the lliiug up ot the holleis
Thursday, when the mines commence
iipeiallons. Company A has a full quota
ot men, and all .110 picsent excepting a
detail of live, who are in chaise of the
company quartet 4 at 01 pliant.
The company Is devoting all the spate
lime to di Illi and piactlce man lies, Ono
of the foatuios of eamp life at this post
Is glial d mount each day. The company
Is divided Into four details, known as A,
II, C and D, und with the Hist lieutenant
ns. adjutant and second lieutenant us
commander ot the giiiud. Tlie Imy.s look
upon this n-i one of thu liest of the many
details of duty. Thcie Is much fun In
seeing Urn boys "buck" lor oideilv, us
ibis entitles the holder of that position
to go down town lot the mail,
Pilvatn iliiriv Cniund, ot Detail A. was
picked for oideilv at yesteiday's gun id
Colonel Jones has staited a. mule coijis,
While euluncl might be ablo to tide a
hoise, If he was held fast, he Is not veiy
suecessliil in his elfoils to cling to a
buoklng mule.
Our quartette, composed of Captain
C0111.ul, Sergeant Pctie, Coipoial Pi.itt
and PiUate Joseph Stanton, are gUIng
concerts each evening, assisted by Stan
ley Swai tu, tho hnnjol-il.
Seigeant Altemose, wlinso time explied
Monday, has relnllsted,
wtvtchlng (his dancer.
No Order
Accepted for Less
Tliun 10 dents.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug States Until 10 P. M.
P.nfinl nti
'"' -".l. D
ai,iii;ht Hi 'II I I. ta. coiner aiui
lieny btieel nnd Webster live.
West Side
OHO. W. JKNICIN3, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scrnnton
North Scranton
GI30. W. DAVIS, cm nor North
Main avenue and Maiket
Oieen Ridge
CHAHLUS P. JONI3S, 15." Dick-
V. J. JOM'NS, 0:0 Green Rlclgo
C. LOHI3NZ. comer Washington
nvcmio and Mai Ion slreot.
W. TJ. FNI3PI''I3L, 1017 Iivlns
J, G. UONtJ .V: SON.
Help Wanted.
WANTED-Agents to sell tea and cor
fee to coiisumeis. Posit! jns perma
nent. Ginnd Union Tea Co. 311 Licku
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
ANY poison who will dKtilbute samples
for $;! dally sbould nddiess "Stiindaul '
4 Wells, Chicago. Steady position. No
WANTED A man to do plain cooking
and help fond bar ut Chapped s hotel,
18.7 N. Main avenue.
WANTED Coachman, white or colored.
Applv In pel son. J I. Cake, West
Pittslon, Pa.
WANTED Clothing salesman. Kiutosky
Hi os
BOY WANTED at the West Side hospi
tal. Itefeicnccs icquticd.
WANTED A good epeilcnecil retail
clothing salesman. Wages $10 u week.
Address J. Bassiu, Deposit, N. Y.
WANTED-Men with lig to Intioduee
Monarch Poultiy Mlxtme; W0 wecklv
and expenses; veal's contiiict. weekly
pay. Addiess with stamp, Jllg.
Co., Hok 7JI Sprlnglleld, Illinois.
WANTED Folly men nl Tob. hannn.
Pn.. to woik on Binding foi a 1 all
road switch und dealing n piece of wood
land Call at 00! Mcais building. Toby
iianiia Cicok Ice Co, C. C. Teiber, tieas
111 ei.
Help Wanted Female.
T3peiienced on
Muslin t'ndei wear.
Steady AVoik. Good Wages.
liu perial Under wear Co.
Lackawanna and Jefferson Aves.
Agents Wanted.
POPE LEO 11 Ills plctuio and Inst poem.
Agents wanted lor all thiougli Lacka
wanna Vulloy; lig seller; sample bv mail,
T cents. Thu Oh or Company, P, O. Bus,
ns city.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigotlc
Goneial Agent for this county. No
books. Insuinncp, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facture! s necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State uge, eponence. lefoiencos (list let
ter. Addiess. Suite D71', No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
YOl'NG lady wants position in steuog
i.iphcr and typewriter. Has had e
poilcneo. At llbei ty alter Ninemher 1,
Addiesb Jlls.s II.. Tllbillie.
entry bookkeeper would ilka to make
net nin lien t in laiiKenielit lor a position.
competent of handling any kind of detail
work. Tonus model ate Addiess X. Y.
'. Tiibiiiin mll o.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tuideis' Bank Building Old 'plinim 3SUI.
Real Etitnto Evchangu Bids., 1W Wush
lliglon aseuue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineeis.
II. iJniAHlilNG, il' CONNIILf. BI.DgT
bTlTv:i3NsTlN"7& KNIGHT, 7JC CON
liell bulldhiBC
building, Sptueo stieot, Sciunton.
Fiie Insurance.
SCHLAGER & CO. m Connell Hulldlllg.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In the cltj No charge toi in
to) illation on lutcntabllliy, ocr ten
yens' e.Npcileuco
Keplnxlc cV Co., Alcars. liUI-,
Hotels nnd Bestnuimits.
mu i3Llv"CAT''T;ri :'5a n u TiTv j i". , k.
Un avenue, limes leasouablu.
P V.IEGLER, Piopilolor.
schaT'ton house nT:ar I.. l. s. v.
Passenger depot. Cniiduc ted 011 Uie Eu
lopeau plan, Victor Koch, Piopiletoi.
and cess pools, 110 odor; only linpioved
pumps used. A II Biiggs, piupiletui
LeiiMi ouleis 1100 Noith Main avenue,
or Hlcke's ding stoic, comer Admns and
Mulberry Both telephones
Whe Scieens,
uw., Scranton, puis ot Wile Scieens.
megakgeiTTj nos, pnTNTnits1 supl
plies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Wiuohousa, UQ Washington avenue.
Tiiu""w7i.K"i-Ii-iu hm: m:coitn can
ha hud In Scranton at the pews stand
of Itilsinnn Bios,, tiHl Spiucc und 'M
Lluclcu; M. Not ton. LUJ Lackawanna
ue.: 1, S. Schutxci, ill Sptucc sticc't.
Kiffi wmrnx vmm
Only Hair a Ciiit a Worl.
Business Opportunity.
out dniny. W1II0 for our spucial mar
ket loiter. Fico on application. B. M.
Hlblmul Sr Co., memheis N. Y. Conioll
dntod nnd Miock ncchnnge. 41 and 44
Hiondwny. Now Yoik, FslnbllRhcd 1S8I.
Long Dlstanco 'Phono TS.t Ttiond.
Money to Lean.
Qulck. sti night loans or nulldlng niul
Loan. At fiom I (o fi per cent. Cnll on
N. V. Wnlknr, nU-U"! Con noil hillldlllB.
l.iundcis shlrtn at Sc. oacli and collars
nnd cuffs at 1'4c. each.
Delaware, Lnckawnnnn nnd Western.
,, , In Elfect Juno 1, ItO.'.
I lalns leave Sciaiilon lor Now Yoik
At j., ij, j.o, vox 7..VJ and 10.10 a. in s l-'.i),
";? ,3."' '' m. For Now Voik und PI1II.1-dolphla-T.eO.
10.10 a. m, and l'.lo nnd ::u"i
p. 111. l-oi Gouldsboio At it In p in 1VV
Buffnlo-l.i;, ;. und !i ( .1 mi 1.".. SS)
nnd 11 10 p. ir. Km- lllngluimtan. Elmliu
nnd way stations-10 .'.-. 11 m.. l.ol p. in.
r.V!' Oswego, Smiicusu nnd Uilui I.I.". and
" 1 ?. .'" ; " V ni. Oswoito. Syiucii 1
nnd 1'lle.i U tin nt (i '.-J 11 m dally, cccnt
Sunday. Kor .Mnntroso-niio a. m; I 01
"".'L'1-" J1, '". Nicholson ncconimodatlou
loo and Cli p ni.
Bloomsliuie; Dlvlslnii-For Noillnitnber-
Innd, at lis; nm i,).I0 11 m . 1 5i and (ill
p' .'"aJ"1- I'lMiioutb, at S10 a. 111 i 3D
and 10., j. .,1,
Sundn. Tr.rns For New Yoik, 1.10, "-.
0 0... 10 10 n. m.: 3.10 nnd f.Xi p 111. h'oi"
l.uiTiilo 1.1; and HL'J 11. 111.; I.e.'., (I Tfl and
IIIOl' n'- Foi Elndra nnd way stHtlnns -10-1
11 .11'. For Rlnghitntnn and wn. sta
tions, noo 11 in. niooniMiim-g nhislor-Li-nve
Scinnton, 10 10 n. m. and fi 10 p m.
Lehigh Valley R-aitrond.
Iii Eifect Juno 1"), P'UJ.
'I'.alns Leae Sci anion
Tor Philadelphia mid Now Yoik via D.
& II. It. H , at at 7 II. tluough Pallor Car
and Day CotcIi Ca iboiiilalo in Nuw Yen':
anil 0 17 a. m.. with L. V. Coach C.ulion
dale to Phllndelphln, nnd .1S, FA". (Blic'
Dinmond i3pietsl. nnd 11.10 p. m. Sun
dtns, D. A.- ir. R. n., 1 r.s. 017 p. 111.
! 01 Whit; Haven, Hazleton and pilnct
pal points in tho coal legions, sla D.
II. R . n.. 7.11, "is niul I.S3 p. m. For
Pollsvllle, 7.41 n. in.
Foi Bethlehem. Ensloti, Hcudlug, Hni'-
1 sbmg and Intermediate sta
tions, via D. .it II. n. R. 7.11. 0.17 si. m i
2.1S. i:n (Black Diamond Expicss), 11.10 p.
in. Sundays, D. A: II. R. It., 0.3S a. m.;
l.i-S. 9.17 p. in.
For Tinkhannnck. Towanda, Elmli 1,
llhaen, Geneva and pilncinal Intel mediate
stntli.ns via D, L. & W. R. R., G C5 n, m.
and 1 ;.; p in.
Foi Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag
n.i.1 Falls, Chicago and all points west bi
D. A: H. R. R 12 0! p in : 3.L'S (Black
Diamond Epressl. 10 11. 11.10 p. m. Stin
dnv. D. & H. R. R , 1" l. 0 17 p. m.
Pullman pailor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Vnllev Pmlor cms on all tinius betwen
Vllkes-BniiG and New York. Philadel
phia, Itiirfalo and Suspension Blidge.
Coitlnnd sti cot. New Yoik.
CHARLES S LEE Gen. Pass. Agt , Zi
Coil land stieet. New York.
A W. NONEMACHER, Div. Pass. Agt..
South Belhldiem. Pa.
For 'tickets und Pullmnn tcsoi vntloin
applv to ci'y ticket ofTlce, 60 Public
Squaic, AVIIkcs-Baiio. Pa.
Centinl Railroad of New Jersey.
Collected to September L, 111).'.
Stations In New Yoik. loot Llucrty
hlieet und South Fenj, N. P..
Ti.iIiik li'iive Sci.mtoo for New York.
I Philadelphia. Huston, Bethlehem, Allen
I town. Maucli Chunk, While Haven. Ash
ley, wllkes-uano ami I'lttstoa at i.;;o n.
ni.. 1 p. in Tid 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. ni.
Quaker Cilv E:;piess loaves Scinnton
7,'!0 a. in., tluough solid vestibule tialu
wllh Pullman Buffel Pallor Car for Phila
delphia with o.ilv one ehunso of cais for
Baltlmoio aid Washington, D. C, nnd all
pilnclpal prints suutli and west.
For Aoc.i, Pittston and WIlkes-Bario,
1 p. m. and 1 p in. Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Long Blanch, Oieun Giou. etc.,
7 !.0 a. m. and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Haiilsbuir;
via Allcntown nt 7.J0 a in., 1 p. m. and 4
p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Tnnuutim and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m ;
1 p. m. and 1 p. m.
P'or lutes and tickets apply to agent at
W r, P.ESSLER. Gen ManitSBr.
C. M BURT. Gen Pass Agt
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schnlalu In Ellect Juno 111, 130.'.
Tialns leave Sciaiilon iis a in., week
dns, tlnoiisll estibulu tialu fiom
willies-Rni i e. Pullmnn buti'et parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
lllei stops at piiliiipal Intel mediate sts
tions Also connects for Suubiiiy. llai
lisbuig, Philadelphia Baltbiioic, Wash
ington mid lot Tillsbuig and tlie Wisl
f 17 a. in., week days, toi Simbury. It.u
ilslnug, Plillndelphl i, 11 iltimoie, Wash
ington and Flushing nnd Uie West
1 I' ii ni., wn'k das. i.Siiiid.ijs. I ..? p.
ml lor SuubiiiN. IliiiiNliuig, Phlliiil-i-nlila,
IJnlllmnie. Washington nud Pitls
buiK and the West
;i S i in., week days. IIiioiirIi veitlliulf)
tiahi liom Wilkes-li.ii i e PmIIi.i.iii buffet
pailor mi and coaches tu Philadelphia vl i
Pollsvllle Stops nt piiiulpel Inlorinc'II-
"Wp'inTw.ek di'.s. foi llalelon, San
hmy, lfiinlsbiiig. liilladelplilii und Pitts-
l,l"S" J P HUTCHINSON. Gen Mgr.
J 11 WOOD. Gen TVs' Ayt.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
Ill Elf' ' i .tan- li. IU'-.
Tialns tor Carbondiile lenu Scinnton at
jj 7 V.. s"ii, 10 1! n in.; I.' o-i. 1.1.'. S.1I.
;i7ii w."H. ii-, S2I. t Ij. lo 01 p. m ; 1J.1S.
For lliiuesdalo -ii II, 10 I! a. in i 211 and
5vr' " likes-Bill le-fc-ss 7 11. S. II. f 17.
lOW a ni: !-''. 1 I-'. -MS. 3 2S, 1. 15, 0 10.
7 4S PHI. 11 I'1 ! "I
Foi L. V. R- R Polnts-7 tl, f.!? a. in.
Ms nn and II I'' I'- ni
" For Peiiusyhnnln It. P. PoInts-i3 "A
9 17 a. in.: 1 l-'. "'? ''- 'i'l. p m m
l''or Albany nnd all points noith T.'v'S a,
For l'nihoiiilale-s,fl, 113! a. m ; 2.11,
' r',j r -,. ul'll II 17 P m.
Foi Wllkef.-Bane -0.J- n. mi 12 M. l.i
il'js. ii:'.J and 0 17 n in. ;
m- Mbiiny and points noith 3..i0 p, pi.
For ltonosdalii-..0 a. in.; 11 3J and 51
"'w" I. PRYOR, D P A . Scinnton, Pa,
Erie Railroad Wyoming; Division.
ill Ellect Seineniner 11, 1'iOJ.,
I'lullis Iliino Svliiuton for Now Yoik,
New bin gh and Intctmodlatii points. ai
Jul Hiiwiev and local stations at 7 20 a,
ni and 1 3i p m.
For llonc'dalo and hllo Mills at 1.11
''i'lalus arrive nt Seiautoii nt 10 3S a. m,
and '.' 1' l. in.
New York, Ontniio and Western.
Tlmu tublu lu-cllecl Sunday. Sept. ii, I'Jii,
I, civil Leave Aittvo
No I ,
No. 7 .
Hci union, cainoiiuaie. i aciesia.
,.lu."i)a. ni. 1110a. in. In.) ii.iii,
, o 10 p. in.Ai.Caiboiiilalo u.iu.n m
l.citvu Loavo Au(Vo
Cadosla. Ciiilioiidalo Sciauton.
ti ."0 a in. 7 2.. a. ni,
. 2 i; n in. 1 ml ii m. I.l.'iu in.
No i!
No. 2
l.c.ivo Leave Arilvn
Scranton- Caiboudale Cadosln,
30 n. Ill BIO a. in lo.lJn. in.
7,no p m Ar.Cai bondalu 7.1; p.m
SOUTH BOUND l.eavu Anlvi
Cadosla. Caibondiile Sci anion.
fi. Ti) a. in. 7.25 n. in.
No. tl ,
No. j .
Tin Ins
No. t
Nu 10
I ,o p in u in; p in.
o r p m.
Tniliis Nos 1 on week days, and n on
Sundays canned tor xew ion; city. SIM.
dleiuwu. Walton Noiwlch. Oneida, Os
wego und all point west
Tialu No. U, with "Quaker Cily v,.
pi ess" ut Sciauton, via C. R. R. of N. J ,
fcr Philadelphia, Atlantlo City. Baltimor.j,
Washington and Pennsylvania stata
Sco time-table, and ronsult ticket agent?
for connectloiiH with other lines
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P A., Now York,
J. E. WELSH. T. P. A, Sciauton. Pa.