The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 24, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' .'
1 v
Republican Club Held a Meeting and Elect
ed New Members Will Parade Before
Wednesday Night's Meeting.
The AVtHf '"Ide Hcpublleau club lipid
n iTtju'iiv imtllriR In tliclr rooms lust
evening, ill which eight new lnombus
weio dented. They weio .loscph Oliver,
Edwin d Iloticp. D.-vlil T. Wllllump. ft.
.. Morgun, Ilmr.VM Joseph, Hurry 1.
Davles, Wllllimi IJ. Fuller ami I ,-or
Low Is.
All nrcmlxiR of the club weio tc
qut'Htfd In meet nt Itep'thllctin head
IIMlllOlS nl 7 oVImk this (veiling to net
nt escort to .Midge Pcnnypuekoi' nnd
the other vMlom who will spenk nt the
mass meeting In the Lycum Ihls even
ing;. Announcement was intido of Hip nriss
meeting 10 he held nt St. Unvld'o hull
on Wednesday evening. October J9,
when uddfc-nses will he dell vol ed by
lion. .1. S. Sherman, or ftleu, N. Y.i
lion. Ildwurd H. Vrpolnnil, oC Suln
mnncn. X. V., and Major Alexander
McDonald, of Shin on, 1'u.
A Hjifflal cominltUc w is appointed,
composed ni Churlos 13. Daniel", W. P..
Thnyw, Palmer I.. Williams Onvld J.
llavln and l)i. 'I'lllesen Phillips, 10 r.r
lango for 11 parade prior to the mei t
lucc next Wednesday evening. The Cnin
1n la Hepuhllcun club will be Invited tn
Join In the parade and p'U'tlclpato in
the muss meeting.
Enjoynble Entertainment.
The auditorium of the Embury .Meth
odist Kplscopal dun ch was eiowded to
the doois Inst evening to listen to a
most enjoyable entei tiilnnient, under
the direction of the .Innior Kpworth
league. The platloim was neatly
banked Willi a choice collection of cut
The programme was opened with a
piano duet by (Iwilyin and Catheiine
James, -which was followed by a vocal
duet by Mrs. Latham, after which Miss
Maud Lewis faioied with a lecitatlon.
After a. piano solo by Mis. linker. Mis.
Lizzie Hughe Mrunduge and Mis.
Powell sang a veiy inetty duet.
Miss Via Jones, contralto, fa voted
with a vocal solo, .sung with power and
beauty. Mr. Stephens then played a
violin solo, after which P. 11. Wari'en
pang a solo.
This concluding Hie filst pui t of the
piogramme, Hie second part opened
with a vocal solo by Mrs. Lizzie Hughes
Lrundnge. called "A Song of Thanks
giving." whose clear, sweet olce com
pletely filled the spacious niidltniJum.
Miss Urn nibs favoied with a piano
solo, after which Mr. Stephens again
rendered a violin solo. Miss Maud
Lewis recited "Dead Man's Light'
The next selection w, is a duet bv Mis.
LizJo Hughes Hrunduge and Via
Jones, It being entitled ''Cheerfulness, "
and was the selection on which they
won llrst pilzc nt the eisteddfod held
nt the armory on Memorial day. The
duet Is a beautiful one, nnd was sung
In mi innnner that left no doubt why
they received llrst prize, They le
spondod to an encore, entitled "Kiom
Flower to Flower."
The programme was bt ought to a
close by a plnno solo by Jennie Butter,
nfter which the young ladles of the
church served lofreshments In the
church pallors. Mis. James Bennlnger
had charge of the piogramme, to whom
credit Is duo for Its success.
Mrs. K. L. Davles, who accompanied
Mrs. Lizzie Hughes Biundage and Mrs,
C W. Powell In their duet. Is the
daughter of Thomas U. Dnvies, of
Tacoma, 'Wash. Mr. Davles Is better
known as Tom Davles, the leader, as
he was Hie leader of the famous "Cor y
Dyfi'ryn," of Plymouth, and bis wife,
who Is lieie visiting with her duughter,
was one of Plymouth's best slngpis, and
was a companion of Mis. Ci. W. Powell,
"Morfudd " The ladles are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, of Ucllovue,
and they have been entei tallied by the
lollow lug ladles: .Mrs. Thomas M. Jones,
Mis. O. W. Powell. Mrs. John P.enshaw
and Mrs. F. D. nrundage. They will
leave for their home In a few day.
Their visit lias been exceedingly picas-ant.
npplcs and was Invited In, nnd later
bought beer for them to drink. He
claims that he wns drugged, nnd white
In that condition they robbed him of
$30. After awakening ho missed the
money, nnd nccused them of taking It,
They then gnvo him back $3, bo he says.
The hearing was held In Alderman
Davis' office, yesterday afternoon, and
nfter hearing the evidence he placed the
women under $300 ball each,
New Alleys Opened.
The West Side Howling club's new
alleys in St. David's hall building wcio
opened last evening, under the man.
ngement of Ludwlg and Toons. The
leatme was ati exhibition game be
tween the AVcst Side club and a picked
team composed of the captains of vnil
ous teams in the City league. Tlnee
games were rolled, as follows:
Clnm Chowder Supper.
A most enjoyable clam chowder sup
per was served by the ladles of the
Simpson .Methodist Kplscopal church In
the church parlors last evening. From
6 until 8 o'clock the tables wotc tilled,
and a very neat stun was netted to the
Ladles' Aid society. The menu con
sisted of chowder, baked beans, cheese,
cake, coffee and Ice crenm.
The tables were In charge of the fol
lowing ladles: No. I, Mis. Decker. Mis.
Quick and Miss Decker; No. :, Misses
Fiuncls, DePiie. Snow and Fritz; No, 3,
Mis, Heed. Mrs. Transuc, Miss Helen
Curbln nnd Miss Oussle Fritz; So. -I,
.Mrs. Hurzlcr, Mis. Slote and Miss
lOmma Uarzler.
In Which to Tnke Advantage of the Most Liberal Offer Ever Made. J)octor Churchman Byers Compelled
to Withdraw His Famous $10 Oll'er-ilis Oillccs Crowded to Their Utmost Capacity-He Gives Notice
That All Persons Applying for Treatment Before November 1st Will Be Treated for $10 Until Cured
All Cases Accepted This Month Under a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money llcfundcd This Oiler
Positively Expires October 3lst at 8 P. M.-lt Will Not Bo Extended Beyond That Date.
Simpson Church Notes.
The pastor will organize a new Bible
elms for young ladles and gentlemen
In the Sunday school on Sunday. The
class Is particularly for those who havo
not been In the habit of attending Sun
day school, It being u tine oppoitunlty
to enter n good class.
The services on Sunday moinlng will
be u derided novelty.
The pastor, Hvw H. (.'. McDenuott, Is
very desirous that those members of
the church or congicgntlou who did not
hand in their address last Sunday will
do .so next Sunday, as he Is piepailng
u new church list.
AVhen the Impioveiuents now under
way aie completed, old Simpson church
will be one of the mol pleasant
chui ch homes on the AVcst Side.
Five stamps given nwny with,
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
D.iK I'M 1GS V,'2 HM
How lands a "its mo JO'i iis
Jones 11: in 1ST II')
lleynon 120 IV) 170 173
MeCrncken ,-,l 17s ISt .-,10
70i; bOI Mil 2 31.1
Hopkins T,t 17.", Ill 17;.
Wharton i:;s i:r, in Wi
Andeicgg Hi lwi 1.11 I," 1
Boll 11.1 104 171- IJ,
McMcr 1,-, no Ill-.i7:,
Tin r,oo
High Score Hc non, IS''. Aveiage McCincken, 170.
::i 21 n
Farmer in Trouble.
W. S. F.irliam, of Mill City, appealed
before D.nis yesterday af
ternoon and swore out a warrant for
the arrest of Miss .Margaret Walters, of
South Lincoln avenue, and Mrs. Bay
Milliard, of 1211 Division stteet, on the
charge of stealing Vo fiom him curly
in the afternoon.
The story told by Farham was a
rather peculiar one. He said he went
to the house for the run pose of selling
The rriends of Miss Beitha Brewer,
daughter of Mrs. Clinton B.11 tholomew,
of 112 North Lincoln avenue, nnd Karl
Carpenter, of Fairview avenue, weio
very much surprised to leain of their
marriage, which took place In ITIng
bamlon some lime ago, they being
united by Bev. Phillips. a jinptist
deigynian of the Bailor city.
The young people had given no Inti
mation of their intended action, and
after their inariiage the linppy event
was kept a piot'ound secret. .Mr. and
Mis. Cm pouter are both ery young,
and the eent was the cause of much
surpiise to their parents and friends,
who, however, extend hearty congiatu-
The limit Is leached, The Clieat
Quaker Physician Is compelled to wlth
diaw his famous $10 offer. The ciowda
of people applying nt his ofltcos durlnc
the past few weeks have been so gient
us to compel the necessity of Its with
drawal. Doctor Byers would like to
extend Indefinitely this llbetal offer, but
the facilities of his olllce will not ad
lull of It. However, he wl.mes to glvt
all an opportunity to be cuied anil test
for themselves the supeilority of bis
treatment, und he will agree to treat nil
poisons applying nt his offlce on or be
loie October :il on the following tonus.
Doctor Byers will agree to tient all
petsons applying at his offlce before
November 1st for the nominal sum of
$10 until cured, medicine Included.
This does not menn $10 a month,but
$10 for a complete nnd radical cure.
He furthermoie agrees that if the
patient is not entirely cured in a
specified length of time, to return the
money paid without quibbling or
evasion, it has always been the
principle of his life never to keep a
fee unless the patient is cured.
He wishes, however, to emphasize
the fact that this offer positively ex
pires on the 31st day of this month
nnd will not be extended under any
circumstances. If you wish to be
cuied nt n nominal mice, under 0
positive guaiantee to refund the I
money ifthe cure is not accomplished. I
It is important for you to call at
once. It is ndvlsable to call as early 1
as possible and avoid the rush that
will naturally occur during the clos
ing doys of this offer.
Mr. John Jenkins, Dunmore, Pa.,
says! "Seven ioum ago I fell down an
elevator shaft and liijiurd my spine, and
111 a lesult my Ipgn beenmu completely
pnialyzed, No ono can appreciate the ter.
illile condition I was In eeepl those who
hnve gone tluoimh the sitnie oiilcnl.
I' 10m a stioii!, vlgoious iimn I had been
tiatiRfoinieil Into n helpless nipple. I
ruilltl only walk by the 11I1I of enildies,
nnd only then with the gi cutest iliniculty
Having lead about the almost niliaeiilous
elites that were being porfoi ined dally by
iJr. Byeis I concluded, as a last icsnit to
tiy Ills treatment I began to hnpiow al
niost Immediately and this li'ipiovenient
bus been so rapid and im piecut con
dition 00 cutlsraetoi.v that I lord It a diilj
to trmnldml (o niultH a puiii stnteinetit or
what Hie gieat tjiiahei Phy.dclan lias
done for me. Suielv a doctor that is able
to do such wondeis must fop poscsi'il of
moio than human power. I shall nevni
ceise sounding Hoctoi llvcm' pra'se
wliei ever I may be "
Mr. John Welsh, Cnrbondale, Fa.,
.nys: ".My trouble stalled some time ago.
1 had a i.overe cough, which annoed me
Riently. 1 lost llesh rapidly and became
Kieally emaciated. .My appetite was poor,
and food did not seotn to nouilth mo. In
liiet. 1 hud all those symptoms that nie
cliaiuclpiltdle of a couHiiniptlxe. I tiled
doctor at'ler doctor without teller. I was
folium and hopeless, and concluded t
was desthud to till a cnnsuniptlvo'H giuvc.
Having he.iid so much about the nun
del fill rules being peifouncd by Doctor
Ilyeis I went to his ollliu and started
treatment, Today, stiango as It may
speiu, m cough has left me, J Iiiimi
gained ilcsh, mid Hie pallor of my (hecks
has been icplnccd by tho rosy tint of
health 1 11111 a cuied man, and I give atl
the pinlM' to the gieat (Junker Physician,
whosu supeili skill has tiansfoi nif d me
Into 11 new being. His power over disease
Is an Inboin uuulltv which inw imme "
I Men Gome to Us I
insure them entire g:
Because we treat them well, and
satisfaction with every purchase.
In selling Men's Furnishings our idea
cheap; but how good, for the price asked.
have built mir snrrrtc nnrl on n.,f ,,,Q ...;n :... .: :. -
' ",,v " '"i " vwii iiiaiuiaui 11. n
is not how
On that we
jf Our Collars and Cuffs
have a reputation for stvlos nnd nnnlitTr fi,nf efnv,,i i-i...i S!"
:ho new Foil sl,nnK"f !, J " " "" "uu,,,uiu. i
uc sLi
All tho new Fall shnpes at hand.
Very best 4-ply Xinen Collars (any style) 2 for
Very best 4-ply All Linen Cuffs (any style) a pair..
Correct Suspenders f
r w ,w fo, h Ciiuil' 1UU111E
Better Suspenders than you can get elsewhere for,
smy.iui ou&penaers in a hundred stylos at
3 Hen's Underwear
There are hundreds of men in this city who would not dream
of going anywhere else than to our store for their Underwear
They can. always be fitted here, and they can't get trashy ear-
ments. Al the new ideas for men who seek style, nnd the stanle
weaves and colors for those who demand comfort only. Extra &
sizes in both ways if you want them. y g
Prices, 25c to $2.50 the Garment i
Heavy Wool Sweaters
Tor men, youths and boys in every color, nnd fancy stripes.
Trices, S5c to $3.50 Each S
I Men's Night Shirts
j u neavypiam or twuied White Muslin, also in fancy Out
ing Flannels of best quality. Sizes, 14 1-2 to 10 inches
Prices, 50c, G5c, 75c and $1.00
Outing Flannel Pajamas
ifi The most comfortable sleenlne- fnrmmif ,nri v...
-i j i . . a - i. xuu wuni
The extensive impairs to HiiBiue com
n.iny No. 3 (u,irteis .110 about completed.
The lutoiior lias boon ( ompletely iriio
lated, the hunk 1 001115 liavinjr been
ehaiiKed and two .sllflluj? pnlri plaoil In
the front ot the buildliifi. instead or at
Hie 10.1r.aa be ft ire. New talls. new
lloor ami new tmnt doors lmo born put
in pl.iee, fo that the hoiie ih now one of
the best In the city.
All clsteddlod will br ,Pi,j rm rintinna
Day. under tbo nuspln-s of the Sons of
I'ainlni.i dub. p.ilns ,ao i,tnK
taken to make UiN .1 cieat mulp..
.Maltha AV.islilntrton chapter. Older of
Ha.Mein, will hold an
melius 011 lloud.ij cveuiiiK. in .Masonic
C. W. lade, of Price stieet. is Improv
ing bis propel ty with a stoii" wall.
James Wil-on. ,,i if.m.tto htiert, Is
rccoeiiiiK troni ,111 ilhiffs.
3Ir.. D.ivld Junius, of Smith 1:1 1 pit
neinie, Is home fiom Clevel.ind.
Jlrh. W. Jbu-Kaiis nnd dauRblor. I'loi
enee. and .Mis. .1. ohci, spent Thursday
at Ohpinut.
Mis.! 1 r.iiuz. nf .V01 ih Simmer
Is home fiom New .Terse v.
Imitation havo boon issued bv tlm
Open Window rlub of St. Hreuden '(01111
cil, Yoiinc .Men's In.stltute. for tin ir Ibst
annual wUUU will bo held in
Mcars' ball net Wednesday evenlnc. Tho
ball will be pieltily deiorntrd for ih,i
occasion, and llauer will fuinluli miislo.
A match wime of ten-plus will bo rolled
on tho Hleetlic City Wheelmen's nlb
101s poninir noiweeu the :. ('. W. team
nnd tho Serauton lilcyelo dub team. AH
the club bnwleis nre ieiiiestcd In be at
the dub house HiH olenitis;, when Iwo
teams will bo selected to enter the IJU
cle club le.iifue.
Tho HotiH ot fnmbila dub
are reipicsteil to meet at 'o-opeiatlp hn
this PM-nlui; at 7 o'ebuk, to piixced to
I bo l.Mi'iim hi a biulj, ICach inemb r
will be piodded with a tl ket to lnui( a
Rood seat, nnd it Is dishod to -tail as
earl. as possible
Republican Association Held an En
thusiastic Meeting in Athletic
Hall Other Notes and Personals.
1 no (lllfeient ti"!.ups of the bodv
mauc up of minute cells, and when thes
ecus ucconie (lis,mang((, disease is ih-.
Jesuit. Hv suppl.xlns: the piopor nutil
o.7l7. ,0i tl,0..folK r'tivt health can ho
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
diiouic. van bo cmed by lulnslnjr th
tills back lo their uoimal eonditlon The
tip.itment iiftptl by Doctor Ilveia is not
.niopathlc or homeopathle. it is n
nieul based upon an ovnet stienee and
(.uies with the certainty of a law.
Irvln Oenrhart, 2006 Smith Plnce,
corner Jadwln street, a welbkuown car
penter nnd citizen, Bays: "I don't know
how I enn oxptoas in words sufficient
tirnlsc for lloetor Hyers' treatment, t
hart been ttoubled a year with pains that
often kept me fiom wotk. Last AiiRUst
T was laid up thieo weeks and nearly nil
of .Titnunry and the whole of Kcbruary.
The pains aeenied to come through tlih
Kinnll of my back down Into the loft
ftroln. At times they worn so severe t
could neither lie or sit down, t wns nbo
troubled Rieatl with my bead. Dr.
Ilyeis' lieatment has euied me of all
thee dltiesshi(i eoiidltbnm "
Mr. Fred Hentschlcr, 351 Elm St..
'Tor a number of years i had been ailing"
with whut tho doctors called kidney trou
ble. Theie were pains across tho 'smnl'
of my back which would at times extend
mound in front down toward the jjroln.
My appetite was poor. I Brew weak, nerv
ous nnd could not sleep the nlRht
thioujjh. T treated with doctors here, In
New Yoil: and elsewhere, but they,d)d
not cine me. It was In the early pai;t ol
.May that T bewail with Doctor Hyqi
tioatment: I Impioved llcht nlons inrfll
I wns completely cuied. I never felt bel
ter In my life than I do now."
Mr. Conrad HelHg, 115 Ash St.
Scianlou, sns: "I had been Doubled
with Kliciimutlsin for over sK veais. In
fact, my condition was so bad that I wns
nimble to move aiound without assist
once. When 1 sat down It was impossi
ble for mo to Ret up alone. The pain wir
something teiiillc: no ono will ever bo
able to appicelate the tortuio that T eu
dined, I tiled vailous doctors only to Ret
temporal v lellef. Finally after henrlnR
so much about the wondetful cures beliiR
poifoiined by Dr. rivers." tientment t
concluded to pot to ills office and placo
nijsolf under bis care Today I am a
IIvIiir example of this man's supoih skill.
I (tin walk aiound like other people, and.
In fact, I am a new man In oveiy par
ticular Clod bless the srent Quaker Doc
tor for what he has done for me."
Dr. Hi em ncer accepts a (,tso unless
lie Knows to a rertaint the cause 01 the
tiouble , and this can only be deietnilned
hy a scientific X-liay examination. Ills
N-Rnv oalllt K the m:!t dtbotate and
complete in tills countii. My bis tipoeltl
l-luoioscoplc .ittnehnienl he Is able i
examine ,-. p,,ns 0r the bod.v and liml
out to an .lbsoltite ceitalntv the eaute ot
the patltnt'.s afllietion Come and be ex
amined: it Is absolutely inc. He will not
Lli.iiRP ou one cent, f'ome and find out
ivhut iour tiouble Is and he will adds
J 011 in icfoieiito to 11 urn It i:, all free,
lie as'iK no lompensallon.
Doctor Byeis wns boin of Quakoi
parentage and received his early edu
cation under the influence ot that re
ligious denomination.
He graduated with honor fiom the
Joffcison Medical College of Philadel
phia, 3 572.
JVtatiiculntc of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy.
Full couiso attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital foi Acute and Sui
gical Diseases.
Pull course attcndp.nce Blockley
Hospital lor Skin and Chionic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital. Philadelphia. ,
Late of Prof. J. Solis Cohen's Clin
icr, Diseases of the Tltioat.
Late ExTminir.g Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
A&scciation of Cincinnati, 0.
Late Examining Physlcinn Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of
New York.
Mr. William Snowden, rnrewoll,
Wnino Co., I'n., says: "f had been
tumbled for ocr Unco years with a no
eie cough. I lost over thltty-live
pounds hi welRht: I had no appetite, ami
was unable to sloop. In fact, my condi
tion became so nlaimbiR that I hail al
most Riven up holies of a cure. Doctors
weie uii'tble lo do me any Rood. I con
cluded to tiy Dr. Hncih' treatment, and I
(onimetieed lo Rain In stienRth and
welubl almost iinnieillatelv. Now J sleep
well; mv courIi does not distill b mo as In
the past. .Hid eveiy one lemaiks about
tbo wondei fill iuiptowinciit that T bnvo
nnide. I slcill neer cense sounding tbo
Cieat Quaker's piaiscs for what ho has
done fur me."
Chief C'onsiiltliiR l'hsklan of tho 131
Che mil' Tie.itmenl.
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Oflii ii lloui". 1 .1 111 In 1.'; J p. 111 to -I
Hie-nlliRs, 7 to s Daili
Suuil.n , Itl a. m. to IJ in.
catch cold If you sleep in Pajamas.
$1.25 to $1.50 the Suit T.
S Hnsterv fnr Cifrftltmtr
j .w. V.V..MVUIVM
15 4 ,T1,"e appeal to men of fashion, who want the newest. Stanle
f5 styles for those who don't care. uujiu
See our novelties in full fashioned Hose at 25c to. , . . 50c
Special weight Hose in colors nnd black "5c
Good ordinary half Hose, for ' joo
is Men's Correct Gloves
' In dressed or undressed kid, lined and unlined, with all the
selrai ; fiom S' SenmS' et' AU Sh"deS n"d tUe lnve3t toc,
3 I'rices, ?5c, $1.00, $1.25 mid $1.50 X
The Shirt Department 1
;5 we-tt nt you tn Simts to perfection. See
SI. 00, It's a IUkIi trrado Shirt in evew dptnii
g terns nnd makes. Better than some 1.50 Shirts,
a " u" uiuue wuiciiuutie,
our speclnltv nt
All the new pat
. But only 31,00
i.JVy WotinS Shirts In blue, oxfoid, black etc.
.55 stiff bosoms. A great value nt 50c,
Soft or
1 Globe Warehotis?.!
The South Side Keptibllcuii iissoclallnn
lield a welbiilteniled nipelliiK last nlsht
In Athlttle hall, nnd many new funs
Wore seen minim; the ii.niy woikeis mil
liiembeir already eniollod. The serif tary
was kept busy enrolllim new inenibei-',
anil 1'iesidenl Hinll Honu was able to
make the s-atllyins: rcpoii that the mem
bei.shlp bad been dnu'leil dm Incr the past
week, and the Indications are that a
total mombeidilp of ."iOn will be reaclud
befoie the dub Is a month old.
Ilepnrts were presented bv the execn
the, b.-lawi, llnaiiie and ways aid
means loninillUes, which were ery siitb
faetory. The ibiance coiiiiiiiltee, cspeciiil
ly, has dono e;,celleut wotk anions lu
llueiiilal Hepiilillcnii.s and their lepoit
was lieai tlly appiovrd, The association
Is alioud assiued of a solid llnandal
A motion tluit tho assoelaliou form n
part of the Hepubllcan wot ken escott
to Cjudldato l'eunypacUer ibis nvenlne,
was uuanlnioutily cm i led, and the club
will assen)ble nt 7 "0 o'clock nt headtiuar
ters In Alliletlc hall, and nniieh In a
bods to Hotel .leiniyn, pi lor to tho mutn
nieetlns hi the I.yeeuiu
Another nieetlnti will be held next!
Thill sdny ovenlng, when a list of Hie
dlstilct nnd waul committeemen will bo
submitted to the executlie committee for
approval, All membots aie uitrod to bo
In uttendance at the next session, which
will bo tho last before election da.
icSKieiicc, on Pro: peet aienue. Ken Ice a
be conducted by Hev. .lame- WitKe,
and Intciment will be iniule In the .11.
nooka cemeteiy.
Sen ices oier the leniiiins ot the late
Michael Ulanb will be conducted at ."ul atomic, by the Key. Ur. M. J.
.Schmidt, of the (.'bin eh of Pi.-ue, at j
o'clock Ibis- afternoon. Interment will be
made In the I'lttstou n.eniie (emetory.
Aliss Tlieie.-a Cacny, of Cbeil stiiel,
left nt noon jesterd.iy for Hochesicr, N'.
Y to outer a loincnl.
Alessts. Ileal ko Sllrtz and I'h.ules ICfl
leimau ate home liom Ml. Clemens
Sprint;, .Mich., and both are mud) ini
pioved In health.
Oeotse, tho youtiK seal of Ml. and Mis.
('. T. liolanil, I, in u New Vol k hospital,
iiudoiKoluj,' treatment lor a fi.n tuie of
Arrangements Completed for Satur
day Night's Republican Demon
stiation Pile at No. 3.
Al i.iiiKcmi n(s haw luen completid b.
the ni ions i ominittei s In ihairc nl til
! his lit public in ,t:adi which will be held
sjatuiday owning pi o Inns to the bis Ito
public. in iall whidi Is to be acid In the
Auilltoiium The iMiade will leu in on
the wpiaic 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 ;. at 7 ucloiK ai.d p.t
lade the pi stlcls. The I'ollsb
baud fiom Duldi (lap and Hie N'alloual
ijniini coips will fin iiiah musli Hveij
liepiiblli an In paiailo will be supplied
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Ueis,
I.rssee and M.iiiacer.
A, ,1. Duffy, Business Manager
Hie skull, which has affected bis co-'wltli a but nnd IWhl
slht. Althniiuh tin- Inliiiv was Inflicted, ''he line ol miiidi will be down Noith
some nionlhs usn. the pain and o .Main hmsuic to Wcslon pi ii c. out SiuIiik
tiouble nill del eloped leeenth. isiict in liibk iriinc ilown Oak slue!.
Hi. Schley's I.uiik II. Hllncr IlaNnm Is
suaianteeel to e m e all rough. "No cute,
no paj." Por i ab by all do.ile.ts
(Jeneial omtiinudcry, KniRbts of
Malta, will hold an Impel Hint meeting in
Jlurtmiu's hall this eicnliiR:.
Now Hull the stilUe Is settled. The
South Side Hank d( sires to call attention
to Its s.ulnu, department, Athene e'an
upon an interest uccount. Willi any
iimunut from ten cents up, We ulso is
sue I'oieiKii Is lor those who wish to
si ml money in any lorelKii countn.
Open Saluiela.i ovouliurs Mem 7,"0 lo s::u.
At St. John's Hall.
The hueo eiowd which lllled SI. JohnS
nan, on htono avenue, last ovenlnt?, was
pleasantly stirpibed at tlm excellent pro
gtatnme piovlded, J.oiik betnru tho iloois
were opened, semes of peopU. gatheicd at
the entiautc, and, ninny weio iinablu to
(,'uln admittance alter S.'.'U o'clock.
The pi ogt (inline as piloted In this cub
iimn was. Hlven In Its cnlliety, and eveiy
number, both vocal ami liiHtrunivntiil,
was heartily encoicd. A dance followed
lliu eiiteitalunicnt,
Tlm funeral of Huso (Jeti will take
pl.iee at 10 o'clock- today, fiom the family
or children teethlnff. la the piescilption ol
bne of tho best temals phislLlans and
bursea In the United States, and K beJ2
tsed sixty years with nover-falllne suoJ
Jess by millions of mothers for their chlU
Cren. During the process of teethlne its
Jalua Is Incalculable. It relieves to i ch l3
Irom, pain, cures diarrhoea, urlplng In tlia
fc'IhlS,M,'iMnd'c?"t;V Byr Klvlnff health
to the child it rests thn mgther. Price
Iweaty.flvt caU a botu. "ce
Ilev. W. V .filbbons e-lerdii v milled in
maiibiKi' Miss Lillian A. Waidell, ot
(iiovc street, and (.'limits Hiock, of tlieen
UIiIkp. The biielo wan beeoitilllEly attlu-el
in a tunelbiK kowh of bine otnmlue. .Mrs.
Hiock Is one of the boioimh's most popu
lar jouiiK ladles and has a host ot fileiielu
who Join In wishlnt; her ubuudaiit hap
plues.s hi her new life Mi Mruck is
well known heie. liaxlinr been n numir
lesldenl. Mr. and Mis. Hrotk Jell lor an
exteneled weiblliiK tout. Kohiff to Phila
delphia and other polul.-s of intctiMt fur
ther south, I'pon their letuiii they will
lvsldo hi their newly liunislied homo In
firecn llidtje.
Tho icIIrIoiis senltes toiiducted al the
Tilpp Avenue Cluistlan church urn liolel
Ini," up the with which they were,
stinted oft Sunday nlsht. Tltey wero
well attended last nlfiht. The thcnio for
tho seimon was 'The llol.i Siiiilt, the.
Kaptism of the Holy Sphll " .The topic
tor tonlBhl Is, '-On We its a People Oe
tup Pliloti Otoiiuds." The iiieotlutrs will
llkelv closely Huiulu) uiitllt.
The let'iilar I'lldiij al'tirnoon entertain
incut kIvch by the stbolaiy ot ihe hlnh
school will this wie'- lai.e Hie untitle ol
a mlnstiel exhibition, southern melodies
and uegin dialect for the prom amine.
Tho public Is coielially Invited.
Chailes Colloy, ol Spiinslleld. Ill, and
Miss Jennie (lolden, of Walnut stiecl,
will bo mm I led on Tue.siluy ulteiuooii,
Ot'iobei .', in St. Aim s chliidi.
Mis. H. R Klllain, of Puiipatk. Is vls
ItiiiK her ilauiihter, Mth, II. .. tiiteii, of
(lleen IlldBO htlcet.
("nil Itobblus, ot Tlailoid, Is the kiicsi
of his cousin, Miss .Mel He o Hayluy. of
CI I (fl HltlBl) btlOe
Tho ladles of tlm Asliury Methodist
Hplscopil cluiich iao toiupluted arraiiKei
mentb tor Klxiutr their ti lends a ruio treat
at tho ait exhibition which will bu yleu
in the chuicli pailois this evenlut,''. llon)u
UKielo tuiidy and npruns will be) nlleied I eji
Stones liao been hauled and pupaiu
tlons made tor l.oiuf u crosswalk on tho
northern side of Uelawuio street al lib In
lei section with Mousey avenue. This. Is
a much needed Impiovcinent and will bu
much appi eclated by ieidcnti.
Wotd has been iccelved fiom ltlo Jnu
ciio, Ih.izil, announcing the bhth of u
son to Ur, anil Mis. J. Merrlt lAmlhani,
of that city. Ur. t'oidhnm Is a natlvo of
(ireen HUlfe) and with his wlfo and call-
ui'vii Hpt-ui uiu summer oi nieji nt ins out
II. R. Smith, of Smith place, has re
turned to New York city, wheio ho lias
been employed In a large coil; factory.
lo Xuilh .Mala incline to Hull's Mead
ami tounti i inaicli lo the Auililiaium lo
till' hi? l.ill.e. All lb puhllealis ale earn
estly leouesled to (oiik out and join ill
tho lliu-.
Oil Shanty Destroyed.
An oil ihuuly eoniiielid with the lilt h
1 ll e 1 1 id slialt Nn. ,', ol Hie Untailo and
Wi'Stein (iiniiau, hauled on Pat'-oi
stieet, eailKllt III Ji stciil.iv nidi lllllK at
ti o'dot'i and was totull destiojul An
al.nui was sent Hum box 7, at North M iln
iieuue and I'aiker Miool, whleh biotiKhL
hose tianpaules Nos. I, J and 7 to the
scene. The lliemni Hoiked biavelv nil
tho ailjolnlu bulldiiu; but the oil shanty
bad Molten heyouil their c initio) ami wan
tutiill.e deslioid. The oiilu ol the Mil
I.- unkiiow ii.
The loss did not amount to ei nun Ii
as theie was not much oil In the build
itiK on atcouut ol tho stiike
One Nisht Ullly, Tl'HSUAV. OCT.
.ii-:ff kso.s di: AN(ji-.i,is
nnd the Teffeisou lie AliKells (Ipeia
Illei Hon Sam S. .SIiiiIm 1 1.
Sit' Al'flllir '"lM Opel. I Dhect
Oil .llllllll ,,, lls ;,i;ln, ;,.
Sill ll Villi 'c .iKi-ni'nl at the New
-"" ' ," " Yoik Il-iald
I lieatei -l'eMiiile-1,0
One Solid Yen al the S.ioj Theatci
.NOW Vol (
II ll
antoed hi
Sumptuoii t
H. i.
Book by Basil Wood. and SI "i.
H nl and SI..V).
Academy of Music
M. Rcls, Lessee and MannEcr.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Week 'aT Oct. 20,
Dally Matinees Commencing Tuesday.
The Bennett and Monlton Co.
Pi Ida v Matinee "Man Asnlnst Man."
Pi Ida y NlKht "'I'he Wheel of poituns."
Matinee, io and aoc.
M;jht, io, 20 and 30c.
ai.i. np.xt vi:i:ic.
Includiui; Spetial Monday Matinee.
The lailli s of the Pioildenee PumIij
teilau dim ch will senc ono of tbeli c
ci'lli nt Hiippcis hi the thuich pailois this
ovonliiK. The nieiiti will iun-lst of o,ui'is
In eoij and llio net oaipauj Ins
Nlchola Dolll, of Dlainottel n von ue. and
.Toliu Paull, of Ihe led barn, the two Hal
Inns" who welc eouni'i led 111 tho "lied
Ham" mix up on Wednesday aflciuooii,
weio kIvl-ii a ImhIiik .e,etonla iiioinin.i
and each Until flu mid tosts
J. A. Piliv. of Petkvillo tailed on 1)1 us
filst W, W, Watklns. ol Nmtli .Main live
nui', ycsteiday ulteiuooii.
Wy.itl .McCoinilck, of Wu: iu inenue,
has iduintd Inane 1 10111 a Hie weeks'
visit Willi his brother hi Oenver. Ceil,
All Hepubllcaiis Inteudlns tn attend lb
1 ally nt the I.yieupi thin evinlnsr are ie
illestcd lo meet at Hie i,iiaic nl T o'clock
and pioceLiI tlit'io In u body
Today will he obstrved as bulk's' day
at the Ninth Sc'ianton Uowilu'r allt-.v i.
A lady att'-nilant ulll bt piesmu
Mujor and Mr- J II Fish and Ml. s
Susan Pish, u Noith Main uveiiue, aio
ilFltliih' fl lends in New Yolk stale.
Enjoyed by Membets of the Gieen
Ridge Wheelmen.
About ono huulied menibeis of Hie
flret-n UIiIro Whtelmni p.iitldp.itetl in
a .sttijr )iojies.siv eitdiio jmrt at tluii
club house lust I'vt'iiliib'.
'1'iie chief inlsic, n ,s; uiubrdla, was
won by II. H. Andrews, und the booby
piUe, "Olooiny flus," wns awaitlcd lo
N. K, Hnydei. KeircHltniunlb wvie
served, and a smoker was also enjoyed
JOHN HltAllA.M. tin oltl und iesiet'td
lesldeut 01 South Scrunion, died yeater.
day at 1J0U I'lttstou .nenue, al the) ago of
63 yrurs. Tin dfceased wus one ot Hiu
filst hted woikeis to settle in HiU vicin
ity, and was itblo ty count his tilends bv
llio uunurvii. aiiuoiiKU .unlit; lur some
thiiLVhls death wus not expected, and his
demise will bu a severe shock to numer
ous filuids uml ac(uulutuuccs. No ar
rangement, haw, as yet, been ninde lor
the luiurul.
Ernest E. Rhodcn Talked to the En
gineers' Club Last Nipht.
I' 1;, Tthoilcn. foiuieily a llcuti 11
iint In the Puilidi navy, but now Hie
head of the stlmol of midtmtlon of the Corifspemdclii'e schools,
itcllveinl a most Inn lestiiiff lectllle last
iilKht hi line the Sirantoii HiiKineeis'
dub on "i'he Declination of the .Man
net lc Needle."
.Mr, Ithnden traced the histoiy of the
i'o:n).iss b.nk L'fijo H, C uml nialn
taintel Hint tin io Is xeiy kooiI icason
to bellow that it was tlun used by tho
Chinese'. He tiacctl Hie histoiy of the
campus's down lo the time of Columbus,
whom, he said, wus piobubly llio llrst
dl.scoiercr of Hie dt'cllnation of tho
needle, obsetdnp; that It varied front
day tn day us he eauio westward. The
lecturer explained the vuilatlous of the
declination ami showed tho Hue of no
variation on 11 large chutt obtained
fiom the United Ktiitts Koveunnent.
Dixie's Theatre,
l.ctbco and Manager.
JKutreiio O'Kourke and Co.
nijxt wnuic,
Lottie Brandon
In Loop the Loop Act.
Two performances dally, 2,'JO and 8 15.
Pi Ices IB, ".", I!.", and EOc.
Uallery scats, 10 tents.
Vniious Clnsses Demonstrate Their
Work to Visitors.
The Hoy.s' Industiial association of
-'t. Luke's patlsh l;epl oppp house last
ovpulnw fiom 7 to H u'clodc, for the pur
pose of detnonstr.itinK tn ilsitur.s what
l beliip; tatmht them by their Instrue.
bus. The uesocluilnu has 11 member
ship of ion, nnd regular I'lussos in print-
nif,', caipentrj, shoe (.obbllns nnd dialr
cnnlng nie held,
These classes gave dumoustuillons
last moiiliiK of the ptogress they aie
iimKIng, and htirptised all by thelt clev
erness. The H. I. A. senate was nlao
In session for a short time, ami fur
nished uu Inteu'stlng pail of Hie eseu
lug's exercises.
A class of twenty liojs also gave a
gymnastic exhibition, consisting of
dumb-bell (weidses, tumbling, eti. A
sale of hnum-iuade fnnd was conduct
fd In uid of the tiiinspiirtatlou fund of
the us-siHiutlou. i'he rooms will bo
open agulu this evi'iiiiiK I'm Insiectiou
D L. & W. BOARD,
Kollnwius Is the nuke-up of the
Del.nvaie, l.ackawainui nnd Western
boaid inr toduy:
iill'H.SDAV, UCT -'1
Ii.xii.ih Hast 6 p. m, Itandolph, 10 p.
in., .Mtupliy.
Suminlts-u p. 111., John liciiiilRtin wlih
Ills own ciaw,
Pnsheis-i p. in.. I.utllinci, Im p in.
HMtus i:.iut 2 u. 111.. .M. Ikiinlsau; I
a. in., flordou, ti u. m., M. Phuieity, 11
a in., ItuegKi I p. pi., Slngeri S l. in ,
Hlngllcb; 2.S0 p. in, Howe; I p. 111.. HaN
ter: J p. m Hogois: u p. m., J. Ulnley.
Suinmlts-8 u. m., Canlgs; 10 u, 111.,
Thuisdav, Prldav and Saturday,
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps,
Kern Incandescent
bas Lamp,
Poiih Avenue.
I'u-lieis--'.' v0 a. in. Murr.ij 7 a 'Tn .
Wldnci. 7 a m Piueitj, & a 111, llouseiJ
U a. m. Lamping, it a 111.. Mas'i
11.13 a. 111., Moian, 1 p. m P McDoiJ
1 p. 111 , Hoar, 7.110 1 1. in .V.Miph.v , I) lj
W. 11. H.11 tholomew'.
Helpers 1.30 a. in, Mugovein. 7
Haltnci : lu a. in., Sccor, 3.15 p m ,
UNtias Wett-Thlrd 01 U. W. SmJ
V. in., Wan.