THE SCR ANTON. TRIBvUNE-FIUDA V, OCTOBER 21, 1902. EYESTRAIN Relieved by Glasses Headaches Mans' persons full to nntl tellef from hetidnchcs, In the use- of favorite remedies which cure for Others. The cause Is not the one supposed. Hyo stiuln produces moio heiirliiehes tluui nil other Irregularities of the human sys tctn combined, The only PHIt MANHNT t't'Itn Is properly ad Justed Rlarses. I eoi reel tiny vlsunl defect which may entice hciirliH'hc. The Eyes of Children Hotter be over-cautious nliont ,otir idilldun's eyes rut her than take too inueli responsibility unto your own hands. Neglect, nmy brlliR regret to you and set loun cyo trouble for your child One charge coveis the enthe cost of examination, glasses nncl frames. Dr. B. A. Baer 1 Eye Specialist. I MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN. I 331 Washington Ave. zmmmm scranton. pa. I DIVORCE MILL STILL GRINDS FOUR DECREES HANDED DOWN YESTERDAY, In Each Instance a Woman Was the Applicant, mid She Alleged That Her Husband Had Been Cruel to Her Another Woman Seeks a Divorce Because Her Husband De seited Her Cases That Wero Hcaid In Argument Court Or phans' Court Mattel s. CoUnty Savings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays f per teiest thereon. $1 and cent. 111- A. WATRES, President. O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win K Ilall.stcad, J'.. P Klnss-biii j. . O. S. JollllbOII. 1 IJxmrtt Win 11 11. iAliglls-1 HnliitistMl, I .ins. iriJilen. J,. A. Wet tics. Reflect iT.ook Fe.-i.iut! V1111 1 . ii t Imhi IhnwhiK 11 ploi.sant ipu M;lmi hi. 11 lou onme to lusiiert our snul. In Wnii I'.iper Simile .mil Paints, unr huoiI.s pro now .1 tin up In il.ile. I'll tup-- mill tk tin I i'.imii'-i in nil Ift j lc, ;iiii s-lps r I Lime Ptcliiie.s .11 r.iiiiuv iPiices. Jacobs & Fasold 300 Washington Avenue. Opposite Court House. WE G'Vt TRADING SfAMPS. IpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO v They Draw Well Morris' Magnet Cigars X Ti lic.t 'Mluo for r. cents v 1 i.v one aim lou 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 will smiit. n nn other. V tlie l'Mlil l.l.lmls or Be clpnrs nt Jl " por hn or r, for Coc The hirst-it atlcty of Pipes and Tobaccos in town. E. C. PSORRIS, The Cigar Idan 325 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In and About .jThe City Birthday Social Tonight. Thu Ladles' Alii society of tho Holy I'llnlty Luthciau chinch will hold n birthday social tonight at ftin-iiwcy hull. V.II it to invited Slight Wieck at Foster. A slight wrick oceiirieil on thu Laeikn- miinii inllriMd at lo.stir le.uoulay in'. lonioon In which seveial Uvliiht cuts weio lerullcel, T111I11 Jso, ii. due In thin city r.l 1.10 o'clock, wits over hull .111 hour lato iu tonteiiuence Union League to Meet. All mcmbeis of the Pnlon Leamto Be- tiitbllcau club aii! U'liucKtcd 10 iiioei at llcpuhlliau )icndriiaitoiM on Washington ivenue, 111 1 o clock tills eivenlna; to act is escoit to Hun. Samuel an IiIh way to the Lyic-uin. Supper at Elm Pnik Chinch. The ladle.-, of i;ini Paik cluucli selied kill olaboiato suppei last nlrfht lei mniu inan ..11 patinas The committee con sisted of Mi, s T Jones. .Mm. l I). Simpson. Alts. ( J P0W..11. Mis. IMillio IWailPli Alio. J 1, CiawI'md. Mis, l'. .M. Willi, Alls Wallet. .Mis,. IV. A. Mellow. ell, Mia. Ii M Piunk-iuiist a"d otltei.s. Why Chaiter Was Relinquished. Tho Jmpoilul t'lldeiwi'iir ciiiiiiuin of ilihi city Inn, not none ulit of business jih night bo Infeiietl Horn Wednesday's ills latch fiom Dovei Del. Tliu onnmaiiv has been cluiteic-d In thin stutu unci llmie. foro rellniiiilbhftl Its oiluinul Llmiim- which wiib obtutued in Delawatu. Thu Jmpeilal ti.mpany is in a tlutvlng eoniti tlon. Imvlntj recently puiehnscd the old Ickawanuu lion ami ateil coini)anv"s etorg building on I.tekiiwanim uvemie and Kieatly Ineieaacd Its woiklnsr foice. Iron fence, cheap. Coutsen. Tour tuoiu dlvoiiett wetc itrnnted by the Lottrt ycstuidity. Those who seem eel them wero Mif. Annie Uiown ftoni Alor ih Rruw-n, Mm. Xottle White timn Thonuts White. Jits. Adelln IJ. Jhislijn lioni lOnos IOiisIbu, .Mis. Jessie Kimble ftoin Kiiink 1'. Kimble. The Hindus wete mini led nt HIiik hiiinton In IS!H, lived at Clark's Stun inlt for nine tiionths iind then cnino to cms city, wilelc mown ileserteil IiIh wife, lie lived In Tillikliitniiock I'cn .1 time after he left her, mid then enlisted In the leKiilur tinny and was sent to the Philippines Since that time nothhiK bus been hcaid fiom him. Mis. Blown hat suppoited htiself by drossmaklns ever since her husband left her. Alts. NVttle White was wedded to Thimitis White on Heptember J, 1S!U. by Itev. Wart ell O. P.n ti idice, In this city. Prior to her nnmliige she was .Miss Nettle Phillips and leslded In AVest Sciantoii, and there she went to live with her hm-band after their mnrilugc Alter a time he lieRiin to drink, ,ind iibused her, end then he descrt"d her seveial limes. Ills last deseitlon i,ni In AiiRift, 1100, and "tins been peislsted In ever Mme. Since that time he h.i eontilbiiteii nothiiiK to her support. In Honesdale. In P&S. Adellla IJ. and M1101 Knslgn weie joined lor better or for worse. They went to ll on his faun at Varden, Wayne county, wlieie, iiccordliiff to the stoilcs of Mrs. nnslftn and her wlinpn-es. --he suffeied aliout ovciythliiR- it was possible to heap upon 11 woman In the way -of Ill-treatment. Hei husband diank, beat her with bis INts and 11 rope, refused to contribute to her support or buy her clothes, and compelled her to so without shoos in the winter. She left him In 1SHS be cause of hi! ei unity, and has since sup. polled hciself and their live children. -Mis. JesMo Kimble granted a divorce lrom Finnic P. Kimble, to whom she was man led In lt. In this city. .He used to Rot drunk and ,imii-cil himself by puttltiK her out of the house, blacking- her ejrs and thrasliliiR- her with 11 hoiMHliip. Aftei the marriage they lived nt Coxton and (.'link's Sum mit. A illvoicc was si, mted, Wedncsiln.i , In the case of Henry St honor against Pauline Si hcuer, anil je.steid.iy, by consonl 01 the' court, the petition of Mis. Schemer for a divorce finm hoi husband win w ithdi.iwn. .Mis. Jl.ibtl Hanoj yostoulay lib il an application rur a dluncc ltoin ICdw.nd ll.inej-. to whom she was married .Janu ary .1:;, lS!is. She alhgos that her hus band desettcd heron Apt II S, lSSS, and has not lived with her since. JUDGE GLflN6Y Of Hornellsville.N.Y,, Hands Down an Important Decision Judie James H, Clancy of llorncll vllle, N, Y,, and one of the mo-,t piom Inent members of the In that historic town, (ieeided tcccntly that as against Blood and Liver trouble, Dr. David Ken neily'n l'avorlte Remedy was worthy ot the highest praise. He says ! "1 have used Dr. D.ivld Kennedy' Kuvorlte Reniedy and strongly rec ommeiid it for Its good effect 'in my cuse for liver tumble ami blood dfs. order. It built me right up and I improved greatly In hculth." Geo.lI.TifftofSTSUivcrstteet.Troy, N. Y., suffered from liver trouble and his blood was all out of order and after tisingf "Fnvoilte Remedy," has this to say: "For anyone stifTcriiitf from that run down or tiled out feeling, caused hv blood orllscr trouble, Dr. David Kennedy's l''avonte Remedy is the best meclieine you can buy. ' 1 have used it and 1 know." The one sine cure for disca-es of tho kidney, liver, bladder and blood, thett matisfu, dyspepsia and chronic constipa tion, is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It matters not how sick you aie, how long you have sitfleicd, or how many physicians have failed to help you, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will cure you if a cure is possible It Is for sale by all druggists in the NOW SO OontSfzo and the tegular $1.0()si7o bottles less than a jent a dose. Samile battle enougn for trial. f ev mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Ilr. lint Id Kmnf d)'n (ioldrn I'liintrrn htrcngtli en Xmclrs, rumovo pala unywlierc. 15o each. ceased, on motion of John F. Scragg', esq., tlie itcord was amended by lidd ing; tho names of Doia Smith, an heir, and 'Kdwnrd Meiilllold, administrator ot tho estate of Ann i:. Jlenlll, the widow or A. J. Met rill, deceased. Thli Is the (untested will caso In which Ann K. .Men III, the icspondenl, committed sulcIdH, and this .substitution Is made "o thnt the contested will pioceedlngs may lie pioceeded with. Quaiter Sessions Aigument List. The quarter sessions argument list was taken up yesterday and the rules against Chailcs .Moore. D. F. P.eddlng tiin, Thomas ,1. Maydon, Anthony Luu dj and Joseph SpiCor. to show caue why theli licenses should not ho in voked, for ; idling liquor on Sunda.v, were continued until the not tcnii. .N.l .... inner eases loimmioil were rules to 1 emit costs in the eases of tho conmiiiii wp.ilth against Alexander I.evan, John .Mallo.v. two cases; rules to quash In dietment In the cases of commonwealth against N,,,,,. T,f.bei ,-,, i.vKV, J,mls Pcskivilch. M. Uasslnger. i'iiMs argued weio: Coinmonvveallh iig-aliisi Vustln Walovlcz. appeal fi 0.111 sumiuaij conviction: In te: load In Spring Hi uok township, exceptions to lepoit or view ei s; iu le: 10 id in Spi lug Plonk township, exceptions lo leport 01 vlivveis, commonwealth against Thom as W. Slaik, nile to modify older of c oni t: commonwealth against James Cook. 1 ulo for n new trial: common wealth against Thomas W. Stark. 1 ulo to shew cause why recognizance should not be foi felted. Had No Jiulsdictlon. Court jostetday dismissed the objei -lions to the nominations of William V. Watkiiis and Henry .Miller lor county (oiumlsslonciM on the Soelnllsi-l.abor ticket, for tho leason that they had no jurisdiction. Tho objector was William Sluiins. of Oalloii. It was alleged, when. the onse was called Wednesday, that notice of the objections had not been served 1111 Writ kins. A man named Core.v was said to have served notice on him, and the ease was continued until jvsterdnj' to give time to piodlice Coie.v. lie could not bo found and the objections were dismissed. Poor Board Case Argued. Refill e the lull bench .vesteiday theio was an argument iu the proceed ings hi ought by James iCvans to secure the seat on the poor boa id now held by Dr. W. A. Paine. Dr. Paine holds tho oitlce by appointment and .Mr. Evans by vlitue of an election held last spiing. Attorney I. II. Hums and C, u. oiver nigued the case for .Mr, Kvuns, ant! Attorneys i:eiutt Wan en, Joseph O'Brien and John F. Sciagg, for the defense. COURT. HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Pel or Colins, ehaiged with lueelij", en teied ball jesteid.iv In the sum ot $iija. John Znck liecame his Iu the ease of Marj" Itowland against Jlaiia Costello it was jesteid.iv agiccd the nile to show c.ui-e wbv Hie ca Issued should not he quashed should be made absolute. The lopnrt nt the vleweis In the ease of lliidget diildeii nualiist the Ku.inttm and Nnilhein Ttallioad eomp.iu.v was jestei d.iv eontlimeil linally. The viewcis" avvaul was $-fl In fa voi ot the plaintiff. I.. 1' yesteiday iihlalned a wilt 111 lepleiu to leenver fiom H. (loldsleg'r eel tain ineivhanilise whhh the latter selzid 011 September .7 as the piopoity oT Mori is Prci'diiitiii. I. Precduiiiu sajs the sonds bi'long to liei . PENNYPACKER T0NJOHT. Next Governor and His Campaigning Party Will Be at the Lyceum. Former Judge Samuel W. Penny packer and his campaigning pai tj In cluding Attorney General John P. El kin, will be nt the Lyceum tonight. They will miive fiom Tiinkhanneick over tho Lackawanna at l.os p. m. All Ucpublleans are Invited to join w'th the P.epubllcaii idubs in nice tins' the dis tinguished visitor-- and escorting Hum In their hotel. The meeting at the Lj renin will be gin al S o'cluek. It will bo pit hided over by Hon. Joseph A. Soi anion. The principal speakers will be Judg Ponny paikei. Attorney Geneial Klkhl and Supoilor Court neporter W. 1. Schaf fei. of Uelawaie count y. LnwifJHc'F band will b" in attnul ancc. The vocal musk- will be funii.shtd by the Puited German .Male choi us, the North Seiantou (Jlee society and the Sons of Cambria Glee club, of the West Side. Fiom this talent ni.ij be e.pectnl some of the best singing that has evi r been hcaid al a political meeting in the city of Sciauton. H0WLEY-DUFFY NUPTIALS. P. F. Howley and Miss Mnry Duffy Wedded at the Cathedral. P. F. I low ley, of the ill in of P. F. & M. F. Howley, and .Miss .Mary Dufly. daughter of .Mrs. Milieus Duffy, of Sir?, viuoison avenue, ivoro united in mar riago with a nuptial mass nt i o'clock yesteiday moinlng, In St. Petei's cathe dial, by the uetoi. I!e, J , G'Ueliiy. The music of tlie mass was lcndeied by the full ihoii, of which the gtoom was baritone soloist. Uu account or a lecent death In the family of the hi hie, no Invitations weie Issued, but the chinch was well filled, however, with tho it lends of the bride and gioom, both ot whom aie widely and popularly known. Mrs. It. J. Uourko, otisln or the Inlde, as matron or honoi, was tho bible's at tendant. The giooinsinan was Martin F. Hundley. The lulde, who Is a petite ptetty brunette, was most becomingly gowned In blown moire, ttlinmed with white Ducliesso lace. A reception at the bride's home fol lowed tho eeieinony. It was attended by only the Immediate- icliitlvcs. Mr, and .Mrs. Howley left on tlie IL'.On Delawiu-i and liudFon ttaln on a tilp to the south. MANY GIFTS FOR THE HOME OBSERVANCE OF THE ANNUAL DONATION DAY. Remembrances Pouted In All Day Long Many Sent Money and Oth ers Articles That Aie Essential to the Well Being of the Inmntes of the Groat Institution Annual Din ner of the Manageis Very Pleas ing Entertainment Given nt the Home Lnst Night. The Homo for the Ftlendless hud n gala day yesteiday, Kveiy year the liianagenienl feels solicitous lest the Home will he forgotten. FAoiy jour It Is not foi gotten, but lemembeied boiinllfully beautifully. Yesteiday was no exception. All day gifts pouted iu; all day the little chlldien looked out of the windows and clapped their hands to see the harvest of fruit that was carried Into the cellar. All day the old ladles rejoiced over the ban els of Hour and ptovlslous sent by kind liieiuls. One old lady took little note of these, but all her joj" was centeied In the bouquet of chrysanthemums and pinks which was her special gift. The manageis had their annual (Hu nt r. Tin onl.v man pieent was Itev. Ur Logan, In whose mind the enter pilse of starting Hie lloine chlelly oilg- Inaled. He made a happy little speech after dinner, In which he told ot the beginnings of this noble chmliy. The guests of honor weie: l!cv. Dr. S. C. l.ogau, Mrs. John Jeimyn, Mis. ("5. L. Dickson, Miss Jennie P.eynolds, .Mis. (butcher, Mis. W. II. Peiklns, Miss Mason. The others at tin- table weie: .Mrs. w. D. Kennedy, Mrs. C. P. Matthews. Mis. H. II. nipple. .Mis. X. V. Leet, .Mis. John Center, Mis. W. W. Watson. Mis, A. I!. .Moffat, Mis. F. W. Mason, Mrs. K. F. Chambeiiln, Mis. C. L. Floy, Mis. J. Attleus P.oberton, Mrs. II. A. Knapp, Mis, I,. H. S telle, Mis. C. B. Penman, Mis. Hubert Williams. Mlsn Richmond. Mis C. B. Scott, Mis. L. W. Mois.s. Those AVho Assisted. Mis. W. W. Watson was In chiiige of the dinner arrangements, and her of foi ts were In llllantly successful. Dm ins the day Miss Watson, assisted b.v Miss Conduce Watson and a number of young gills, served tea. Those who as sisted at the manageis' dinner weie: Miss Jessie- Ripple, Miss Van (iecf. Miss Anne Watson. Miss Calidaco Wat son, Miss Mabel Shepherd, Miss May Hackett. Miss Geitiude Jteckvvith. The Homo was beautlfull.v drcoiated for the evening enlri talninent with au tumnal loliage. palms, hydrangea anil ferns. H was thiough McClintock's as sistance Unit tin looms presented such an attractive appeaianoo. Tho big dln-iugr-ioom was ciowded to the doors with ft lends who had come to this an nual lite oiiaslon. The entei talninent was anaiiffod by .Mis. D. F. Chamber lain. The ft out low of seats was occupli el by the old ladles of the institution, Mis. George, S yens old, at tho end or the lino; the latest old lad.v, who had been turned out of doors by an ungratetul son, midway down the aisle. When .Mrs. II. II. Iliady came to the platform and sang like a blid. the old ladies fixed their dim old ejes on her and their wilnkled races lighted up at the inspliatiou ol" the- fnir joting wo man iu tho blue gown. She gave a num ber of iharmlrg songs, accompanied by Miss McT.eod at the piano, and was ic callcd seveial times. Delightful Piograranie. Miss Jessie Camp Ross, of Troy. X. Y., gave a delightful piogiauinie ot lecltatloiis. She Is one of the best In lorpretois eil hiiinoious dialect on Hie platfoim. Her monologues aie quite original and clever, and she has much abillt.v In the way of Impeisniiation. She was repeatedly emoted. The entertainment closed at li.SO. and many of the guests lingered to look over tho building. Mis. A. K. Walker. Hie mation. was complimented lor the beautlltil order In which eveiy detail was found. The management Is In debted to the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western rallioad lor two engine headllghl.', which assisted Iu lighting up the landscape, and were (onvejed hither b.v the- Sr-i union Railway com pany. The donations: Alls. C. S. Weslon ... -lss Jeanne Dlmmlek. Air. ) l. Tuyloi Jin. It. J. POHII'I Mis. Fianl; II. Council .Mis. i:. M. Mis. (i. F, Whlttemoie Dr. N. Y. Leet Mis. John Mortis Chillies !'. Jonet Mrs. Kate (J, Pi lie Mis. Mary T. Phelps Mats, J, A. Ilobt-i iKin... W. D. Russell .Mis W. W. Wat.uii Mis. W. V. Kennedy .Mis. t. II, Dale Dlminlek.. .Mr. and Mis. J. 1 Mis-. Jului lientir Mis. L. W. Mniss .Mis. C. H. Si oil .Mrs. L", N, Wlllaul Mis. C. II. Welle- .Mis. 11. I. Itlohaids Miss i', .M Spot 1 1 Piaiic Sddager Willlei and Robeit Shauger. Mis. (!. L. Dickson Mis, II A. Knapi $ PI i0 .-, CO .-, 00 l'J 1 0 l 01 " 00 1 mi 10 IU) i ro -. (a i:. ro Si i o li On ;, ro 10 (M) :'.-, 0) r, to iu () u) .: to r. no ID CO hi to L' (HI I 10 Si (0 1 cm .' it) ., (Nl Orphans' Couit Business. Judge A. A. Voshurg hold a session ot Orphans' coutt yesterday, nt which time the appeal timn the decision of tho tglster of wills, admitting to pio bate the alleged will of James Mom no, deceased, was heatd. Thu appellant, William V. Monroe, one of tho helis, coutendb that the will Is void, for tho teabou that the tollovvlng words me added ufter the will bad been signed by tlie- testator and witnesses, the add ed words being: "1, James Moiiioe, hereby appoint Maiy Monioe and Will, lam .Monioe my executing to this, my will and testnmlnl,." The appellant claims that this Is a violation of the Act of Assembly, which requlifs wills to be signed at the end thereot. The appellee- olTeied eviclelici tu show that thy clause appointing ex ecutors was not wiliten at the same time as the balance of the- will, but a few houis afterwaids, and they theie tore claim that it lb simply a todlell, which is void, but that the will itself Is valid and was lawtully admitted to pro. bate. Attorney John II. Bonner ap. peuied for the appellant, and Attorney Jlin P. Qulnnaii appealed for tho re spondent. Judge Vosburtjr reserved his decision. In the estute of A. J, Meulll, de- The Prudent Manor Woman Makes careful inquirtj before deciding where to deposit money , Everibody in Scranton knows the strength, the capita, the surplus and the unchallenged high standing of the Thifd National Bank 118 Vyomliijr Avenue. Where savings accounts, whether large or small, are given 3 per cent, interest, 0PF.N SATURDAY EVENINGS, 7.30 to (1,30. Mrs. Robert Williams, ,,,,, ,,,i, ,,,,1 fio oo P. L. Phillips 1, ,i,i. ,,),,,, ,,,,, , R 00 Howntd Williams ,,, ,,n 1 00 Mrs. Margaret Dptiln., ,,,,,,, ,,, S 00 Mrs, Flank '. Behrocdcr,, 1 (0 W, I K lecl , ,,,,,,,,,,,., ,,,.,, e 00 Ml s. M, It. Kays r, 01 Dr. S. (', Logan,,, '-'CO Mrs, llniiy .Seymour..,,,. lm Mts. Callieilnc Phillips,.,,.,,., ., fO Mis. W, It. Jones,,., ,.,. 2(0 Ml. Maty 11, Von Bergen,. ,, ! 00 Mts. Philip Sehnetl 1! on Mts, John Itowartlt.,, Ot' Mrs. Helen I'lanltlln.. 1 00 Mis. KllrabPth llentley 1 00 Mrs. William McMillan 1 03 Mlsn Motion McMillan 1 00 Mis. r. D. Jones -'. 00 Mis. ('. II. Cohen '-'00 Mis, John Hownitl T, (0 Master (leiind It. Williams IT, Mis. R. J. Ilpunell 20 no A filends 1 W Miss I.oiiNd Tenney 1 oo Mis. Henry Seeley 1 00 OlhciH will be acknowledge later. Other Donations. Mis, 12. 11. Shuttllff. Inrge iineknge of clothing: Meldtum &- Scott, piece blench imislltii Mrs, (', n, Llti(l.nv. large pack age elothlim: l.aekiiwiiiinn Mills, 12S suits iiiideiwear: Ml"s Jennie lloddoe, Indy's coat; P. H. l-'lnlev, piece outing Annuel: Mis. R. J. llemiell. MeClhitoek. Morel floial deeoiatlons- C. 15. Mnlivllle, cotli lesles lo the Home: Mrs, W. It. Jones, pickles peais: Mis, Catherine Phillips, canned ft tilt; Mis. llitny Seymour, fruit: Mis. Doud. fruit: Mis. J. 11. Mere dith, tomatoes: Mrs. .reihti Williams, coin: Ladles' Aid society. Pilinlllve chuich, Piovldeiiee. quilt: Mr. L'-es. tonintoes; Alls. David Anglemver, plekles: Mrs. Wil liam Race, ft tilt : Airs, (lauluer. clothing: Alls, T. J. Reese, clothing: Mrs. William Blight, ( lothlng, shtodeled wheat: Airs. Tllus. mittens; Mis. Mniy llnliips, aged ST, tlueo crib quills, Ocidmllh Bros,, biiv shoes: Kiamer Ibcis., hats and gloves; Airs. William McMillan, clothing:: C D. Ni-iiffi r. three boes bnvs' eaiis, Airs I.. 11. Powell, baud flour: Mis A. R. Aloflat. li.iriel apples: 11. Keluil. IT-pound limn: .1. (1. Sliepheid, ease to matoes: Acme Alanufaetiulng company, box baking powder, box corn sliiteh; Alls. William P. Kennedy, cake; Roj uolils Bros., baiiel flour: Aloiel Bios, one dozen bunches eeleiy: Airs. W. II. Per khi", glasses elly; Air. Alaiy Crane, box candy: Alls. A). AIcGuith. one pound lea: Airs. Thomas Hughes, basket grapes; :Mis. .1. Ttussoll. peek lice, eoffee, "liredcled blseult; Itohrvv.isser's bakei.v, foity loaves btead: W. W. Scranton. bai iel beets: Mr. B. P. Chambrrlln, r.0-poimd bail el Hour, two dozen candles; AIiv. I. R. Brooks, barrel flour; Air". Thomas IlPlge-I, ciinniiil fruit. ScheueT Bios., ban el crackers; Mr", C. P. Matthews, ten bushel apples ban el flour: Airs. Louis Lohniim. eight bushel potatoes; Air. and Alls. (1. T. Davis, ease tomatoes; Mis. T. 11. Dale, hariel Hoar; Allss Allis Dale, ham: Alls. Jones, (Dun more), bushel apples, cabbage, eggs, fluvveis; AMuiry Junior League, vegeta bles fruit, Icily, provisions; "a filend." hunch bananas: Airs. 'I'. II. Watklns, two barrels apples: W. II. Allen, rose rorn: Airs. A. B. Win num. $-' v.-oith sugar: Alls. Cornelius Comegvs. lellv, Jam, preset ves; y school. D.iltou. Aliss Rt-lph. teacher. I,iri- box vegetable'', fruit and jelly; Airs, J. P. Bro.idbent, b.irtel flout ; Airs Jennie B. Tripp, baud flour; Colo nel B. II. Hippie, bairel oflur. Alts. .Tallies P. Dickson, can cie.nm, briskets )ieppeis. tomatoes, squnsb, pan ned unit. Idly, bairel apples; Airs. Flank Sdiroeder. fruit, jelly, pickles, biscuit, potatoes salt; Alls. C, L. Piov. biuel flour: Airs. jr. P. Simpson, barrel apples; Mr. John Jeimyn, dozen bottles olives; Mrs. A. P. Law. two bushel potatoes; Thomas B. Hughes, lntdiel apples bushel sweet potatoes: Airs. It. B. Hurley, tur nips, lia; the Pierce company, bairel ap ples; Mrs. (. S. Weslon, two bushel po tatoes; O. B. Caison, Si pounds flout', U of sugar: J. A. Stevens, ,7)-pouuds flour; William Bo--er. one box of breakfast cer eals; Alls. Thomas Lvdelon, .V) pounds of floui ; P. S. Weston, one bairel of (lour; C. S. Seamans, two dozen canned toma toes; Air-. X. Y. Leet. one ease of toma toes; C. B, Penman, one bartel of fiom; W. P.. Ilallstead. ono ban el of flour; J. A. Fritz, one barrel of flour. D. D. Jones, ohahs and sen lees; Will- HE I Wc presume that vou are iust now verv Hard nt work with your l:nll houscclcauing and that every time you turn around you stumble onto something of gold, silver, glass or some like material that is badly in need of a "shine." Hoio'h n preparation that will glvollt ns tjulnkly niiil more sat' Ufiiutorily thuu nnylhlug oil tho market. It's sort of u "you pre en lilt! button" nllitlr. MILLAR'S CREAM PASTE Warianti'il chemically pure", contains noacUI. It's always re-idy for use .indtheie's no waste. for a large bottle. Walk in and took around. P i KbHJBLIlAN MASS MEETINGl ub Lyceum Theater, Scranton, Pa., Friday Evening, Oct. 24, 1902 SPEAKERS: jf HON. S.iW. PENNYPACKER, a Candidate for Governor. HON. JOHN P. ELKIN, Attorney General of Pennsylvania. HON. WILLIAN H. BROWN, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor. g WILLIAM I. SCHAFFER, ESQ., S Supreme Court Reporter, j and Other Noted Orators. Hon. J. A. Scranton Will Preside. 9 MUSIC: United fierninu Singing Societies, Lawrence's Band. " H come: one:. come: all. f Your Own Ideas Can be carried out by us with a nicety that will surprise you when you need a piece of furniture to fit a certain niche in your home. Our furniture makers and upholsterers are con stantly turning out handsome specimens from original designs in any wood or finish that our customers choose. v SGRAHTOH BEDDING CO. F A. KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams. Both 'Phones l.imi ,t Co, bo.cs of stockings; David B. Lewis, i nil of lag carpet: Alls. P. F. Wills, underwear; B. K. Loune, bread; (!, CI. Biooks, baud flour; C. P. Afar. thews, ban el llotll : Wlllaul .Matthews, baud flour. City and School Taxes 1902. Tho above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. EAIiKER, City Treasurer. Our First Silk Sale Now Under Way.... Tt We aim to make it an event long to be remembered by silk buyers in Scranton and vicinity, and for that reason have planned an opportunity for intelligent bargain huntets that stands without a parallel in the silk selling history of this city. linpOrtflllt 10 KClllCHlDCr---silks offered in this interesting sale that was not made expressly for this season's trade. Therefore Thic Tc NAt o f 1irinr,p Col It is simply a bargain opportuni 11113 15 11 UL d vltdl dlHA ddlU ty intended to make silk buyers shopping in Scranton more familiar with the unquestionable merits of this de partment, which lacks nothing either in variety, extent of stock and matchless values to make it complete. We want the public to fully understand and appreciate these facts, and all that is necessary to accomplish our aim is to get people in to look and compare what we have to offer, what they see elsewhere. That is the real SffTPt flf ThlQ Qo p mm Does the idea appeal to you ? If it does, come vLlLl Ul 11115 iJaiC. and look even though you don't want to buy. You'll be sure to talk about it to your friends and that is just what we're after. To tell the truth, we're not over-anxious to sell these silks ac the figures quoted for this week. Still you can have what you want of them, if the price appeals to you. Some Sample Bargains.---rp?'l;srtni0oacted hereare reduced in All Silk Black Taffetas. 19-h Taffeta Silks, worth 45c. at. . . . 39c 19-in Taffetas, guaranteed, worth 65c, 49c 19-in 21-in 24-in 27-in 36-in 36-in 69c. 55c 85c, 69c 98c, 79c 1.00, 85c 1.25, 95c 1.39, 1.19 We Are Sole Agents For 1ft Ttir! Guaranteed Black Taffeta 4-0-illUl silks, pure dye and best finish. During this sale the ifj Titj For economy, a 48-inch Silk is match less. This one "is guaranteed for service also. Peati de Soie, in Black The 20-in. 1.00 quality for 85c The22-in. 1.25 quality for 98c The 24-in. 1.39 quality for $1.19 The 36-in. 1.45 quality for $1.25 At the regular prices, these silks had no equals in value. How much better must they be at the Sale Price ? Rich Satin Ducltesse, in Black 24-in. extra finish, 85c quality at, . 75c 23-in. extra finish, 1.25 quality at, 95c 24-in. extra finish, 1,75 quality at $1.45 McCONNELL & Co 400402 Lackawanna Ave.