The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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We Can
molasses in the qnly wny to insure its purity, clean
Hncssand flavor. Refined by our 'special process,
from the best New Orleans molasses, and nut up in
plain top or sctew cap cans which keep its good
ness intact such is
Refined Molasses
You Can
make better gingerbread, gingcrsnaps, brown bread,
etc., with DtilFs Refined, than Willi
any other molasses I Always the
same always the best. Ask your
for it.
Ilniiklrt ill im ll r,
Ycc, wn itqiirRl.
HOXIiSBALK to the Sol anion Tillnin
Ilonosdulc, Oct. 2"). Thin m1 iv even
ing tho ladies sotvo a sumptuous sup-
ror In the Sutid.iv sihnnl mom of Giato
Sllss With Notion will give nil en-
keit.ilnmont In the ll.iptlst iliuiih Fii-
pjy c OllljlRT. .
Honesdule pujii will, this morning,
inlte with tho thousands tlnoughiiut
khe Lackawanna and Wv inning vuilevs
In a welcome to the sound ot tho bie.ilt-
pr whistles, nhli h will peal foi th the
slad tidings of wnilc at the mines
The Republicans of W.i.v no county
live lined up toi the battle on Nov.
K, and with a united fiont -will elect the
Ivhole Republican ticket by a handsome
Mi.ijoiity. placing the county again in
lie ranks as a Republican county.
I Tin' niembeis of the L idles' Giaud
Innj of the Tlepubllc chclo aie busily
jnged solliltlug tin theli i uniniago
lie, wlilch will bo held net week.
Iic object lb u vvoithv one, that of im
ovement on the lot pi evented tho
tele bv tho Glen D.vbeuv Ceinetei
II r, Finnk Noltiei, of Bicioklvn, X
the new loieniau .it the Hlevntoi
Irk?. Ik located at the lcsldenie of
Iss Bennett, o'j Eleventh stieet.
finnk Hani Is at tho homo of his
Lthcr. T J Ham. eilticallj ill.
fcT. Shilling has jiii c based tilt ns-
it of Ferdinand Ciockcnbeig, on
Main .stieet
iJMunifoid. of Cmhoudulc, spent
night with Honesdale lclu-
r" o'i lock Tuesday evening file was
Iveied in the uppei stoiv of tho
tenement house- on Eighth stiott.
he rear of .Tadwin's' Diug stoic,
mi as tho AVIlto house, the piop-
of the? Rev. John Doughei ty es
Tho (lie aim in In ought Piolee-
Hngine tnmpiiu, Aloi t Hook ami
del companv and Texas Xo. I The
pany on the scene. The liie had
lied such hoadwav th it the loof and
ston woio inn ned bcloio the (he
I; undei i ontiol lenv lug the stuie-
in linn.-. The building was one of
I oldest In Hoiiesdale, and hid seivul
Ii tenement foi main .ouis. it was
lived to aoininniodute foui families,
.it lupscnt all of the apai 'nients
sic umuuipli'd. How the Ilio gin-
led is a invstuv. Plans weie nuclei
iv toi leinodclling the biiildlng.whiili
las to bo mined bai k fioni tho stieet
rntl lltttd with modem imptovenients
fit foui fan 'His,
Ipci nl In the Sdunton Tilbuno
Towanda, Oct .U H. A. Lon, ot
layie, Is winning fane in the mush nl
voi Id by his lompipslns a popiiku piece
"C music, entitled ' The Plutk Diamond
Muich." Tlic selection has hem pli.vcd
lately at tonceits li the iamou.s It A
Packer band, ol which he Is a inimhei.
Mr. Lon is also a member o the livll
hei vice imps, uml is imetlng with gieut
luiceess in the online of mush selling.
Many of the oldest ltsldtnm state
lliat Towiuula was lilted by one ot tho
leuvlest thunder .strums known icn this
lime of the j (Mi, on Sutuiday night
Waltei SloLenu. lieutenant
r ot tho I'nlted Stater. na, Ims lion
Townnda with his 'fanilly tlie past
leek. He wan uceiitly detached noin
fie Miiehliis and oideied to lomiuind
lie Vixen, On Tuesday .Mi. Jlel,. an
live a luncheon In honui of It, p, Hob
lni, who lectuied lietine tho tenilicn.s'
iHlltute on that cnuiing,
Ft''. F, Cannon, ot J.iuryxllle, lint, liien
lilting logs down the iher fioni A'y.
Ii, to lie omened Into wood at that
P. J, Little, of Athens, lost a gold
i.ttdi. vilued at $!", while on a hunt-
lg tour last week
A icpoit fioni Athens .statin theie Is
Ii ton I In that town, nor cm wood ho
lueh.ised, as tho wood denlois aie nuw
lei stocked with oideiN
lOn Monday, Judge Fanning niccl hlh
rilnlou, dlmnlhMug the exceptions to
lie eeitiilcate of nomination of tin
hndldatcH for piotlionotuiy mid iigls-
r anil u'coidor in tho case, U was
oiitendul tin (iiinentlon of tho p,o-
lubllcaiif, (i to lioiiilnato a (andldato
iir piotlioiiotiii, and also ehooso an-
flier for t)io olllie of leglster and ic-
liHler. "When tho eeitiilcate of noiiil.
Ititlon wan tllul at tho commissioners
IfHco, Ml. AVIlt was named an ti candi
piio Seciet of n SuccessUU Meiclnuit.
Thft buecess of a meuhanl iIhikiuIu
ueely upon hit, uhilitv to ,a ,cr. i,i..
ustomeiF, In oui,., to do m, ho lucom
lenils only iiitlilw whkli uit to his
nuwicuge most leiialilo. In handling
iPdleine, ttiln Is Cbpcelully mte, us jilo.
)I0 UCsIio tliu best liienai.itlmi ,m n.n
liiaiket and upineilati' tho icconmn-
uHiun ui uieir niuggist. Hem la what
, , j, rt-,Hin, o, uouso bpilngs, Jio,
kiys of C'humlieHain'b Cough llemedy:
rlcnn icconiinenil (,, u i,...i.
Iteinrdy to my ciiHtonieis in u ... ,i
lo nqne nn the luiiiKet. For cioup with
iiixiiiii iiieu- i notliliiK iJetlei." For
IhIo by all (litigKlitB.
- i
date lor "piothonotniy, clcik of tho
c oui t ot oyer and toimlnet, general Jail
doll vei y and iiuniter sessions or tlie
peace." Mr. Mi Cane wn"? niinied on tho
papeis to lio filed as a "leglster of w llli,
leeoidor of deeds and cleik of tho Or
phans' couit" candidate. Tho judge, in
ills opinion, sustains the nominations,
which weie miide accoidlng to the usual
custom of all political paitles In tho
county since tho blanket ballot has boon
Tlie Hiadfoid I'ounty
society has deemed It neee-niv to
bonow sufllclent funds to pay all filr
piemiums in rail. On account of the
l alny season, the society met a heavy
flnnnclal loss.
Couit Stenogiaphei Head and son,
while out in the v.ud with a dog in tho
"bai lv munilng this week, much to their
suipilse, dlbioeied a fox on tho pieni
isth Their giime soon gained liecdom
fioni Ills cnptois
Tlie beautiful d.u last Sunday made
glnddonod heaits tor the t'athollcs, who
attended the dedleatoi v coionionies of
tho new St. Joseph's chuich at Athens.
Tlie audience, which numbeied into
hundieds, llnonged the chut eh, both
morning and coning. The dedleatoi y
seivlee was in eharge of I!e. O'Como,
ot, il'o was master of eeio
monics. and the seimon was delheied
by Fathoi niodeikk, of Susquehanna.
MOsle was finnishcd bv the choli of
St. Slin j 's chinch, ol AVIlkos-B.iue, and
the singing was esccptionally clnboiato
for such an 01 caslon. Bishop Hoban
was p. (.sent and ofllelated Theie were
foui teen islting pilests piesent on the
oeeaolon. The chinch, which was eieit
ed at a io,t of $18,000, Is dedicated to
the pansh fiet of debt The stiuctiue
is beautifully located, and is built of
stone and bilck. The corner-stone vins
!,i Id September 13. 1001, by I5t. Kov.
Ulshop Iloban. ot Scianton. The build
ing is gothic: In stjlc, and piesents all
the moduli Impiovements as to heat,
eleetlio lights and entllatlng.
Special to tlie Scianton Tribune
Tunkhannock, Oct. 2.'. The Octoboi
toi in of the couit ol common pleas
opened on Slondav attcinoon. The case
ol D. II. Caiey s Lameioux & Co, as
sumpsit foi wages, ociupied the coutt
all day Tho defeniUmts aio a
luinlieiiiig lh m doing business in Xoith
moi eland.
C.eoigo W. Middleman, of the pension
dopaitnient at Washington, N visiting
his patents, jir, and SIis. Deeniei Bid
dleinan, on Win ion stieet.
SIis. Stephen ltobeitson is ill at her
homo, on Second stieet, with a blight
attack ol nppendliitls
Attotnev John SI (l.iiniiiii .m,l wife
of AVIlkes-B.uie. aie guests ot tlie lat
tei's sistit, SIis Louis r. Camp, on
Second stieet.
SIis. AVilliam c. Kltticdge was a Is
itorut AVilkes-Hauo on Tuesilaj
Sllss Oia Stink letuined on Tuesday
limn a seeial das' tMt with lilends
ui AVIlkes-Baue
The Ladles' Home Misslunai) society
ol the Slethodlst Hplscopal c hut uh met
at the home of SIis J. y. Piatt, on
Seiond stieet, on Tuesday nlteinoon.
Slullen & Dunn's Comedy company
held tenth at Piatt's opoia house oil
Tuesday eveniim, Octoboi 21, In a com
edy, entitled "Sly Filend Ilqgan."
L.iudloid John C.ajloid, of Slehoop
nnv, was a visitor In town on Slonday.
Sllss Saiah A. Whipple Is veiy III at
her homo on Seiond stieet, and little
hopes aie clltei tained ot her loeoveiy.
SIis. it.Miin Kellv Is onteitnlnlug
1 1 oni this wool..
The tilal or a tiespas iase, biought
h S. L Tlftau.v against tho botongh ol
Xiihiilsou, which Is now irolno- nn In
couit, Is the occasion ol biinglng heie
a huso uowd of people Horn that place,
wlio me lieie as witnesses on cither
side. Tlie plaintiff claims huge dam
ages (tout tho boiougli on account of
me negligent maintaining 0t a sluice,
tunning injuiy to his piopeitj.
In the wipe of D. H, Caiy 's, a,
Lainoieus A. Co , ussuuipslt for wages
of nmnual l.tbot, tiled In tnuit hoio on
Tuosday, the liny found n eidlit In
iaor ot tho plaintiff for $1.17,
Judge Hanuiel AV. I'eimypacKer, Itn
Piilillcnn candidate tori governor, will
clelher all addles-, at the couit Iiousr
this ThuiJilay evuiiug, and elaborato
Piop'iiatlons aie being made for his
Hieptlon, Tho p.utj, whiih consists
ot u huge nunihot of piomlnent .spenk
ets, will uiihe heie tiom Moutiobti at
0 p in,
ciiiules II. Williams and Kit Nichols,
ot Scianton, aio In uttoiiditino at enuit
lieio this -week.
Tlie old building standing on the
Staik liiopoit. on the west Mdu of
hildge stient, has been purchased by
Kutx it hon, unci s lolug moved to
tno lot in the tear of their harness
stoie, who.p n w bo used as u bain
lot their leiy business
Slif, I) I Scott lllilleiiian and daughter
It one lslted It lends ut Wilkes-Hauo
on Wcdnesduy.
AVilliam AVest, ot the lmi 0r AVcst
Hiolheis, It veij 111 with seutli iheu
matlHin at his hoinu on Pino Htreet.
Jay Slayiiiud has a nnsiti.m in ih
stoio of Himgeiioid A: Son, as sales
man. The inmcdy inodnced by the Slullln
& Hiinn coiiip.any, ut Piatt's open
heiusu on Tiiesdav. was n.v ...,n
-. . .. , ..I. i
iTir TrT i "T1
pluyodi niul wag necoitltnt n fnlr nt
loliditliro, PITTSTOX.
Bpoelnl to the Sttnnion Tribune.
Plttston, Hot, 22, To ittlctiipls weie
inailc Inst night io Wretlc tinltw on the
Drltuuuc, Liiekiiwanna nnd AVrntetn
inllioad In Went Plttston hoioilgli, hut
liolh iittemlils wpro uiiticioful. Nboiit
G.30 o'clock n heavy wooden wedgo wns
illseovcied J.iliiiued Into n fiog ulmtit
tin eo hinulicd Minis south of tho Sur
tupiuniiii n enuo stiitlnti. This wim to
movod liefnio a lialn piiBsed the spul.
Almut !) SO o'clock, iiusflcl'ibv dlscoveicd
seveial lnlgo iol)lilestoiiet JiinunOd into
the samo fiog, Two of the oonipiin'n
tletoctlvos weto hoio this motnlng and
linvo sttong susptclons as to whom tho
would-be tialii uieekois mo, and It Is
oN'pcctcd that aitcstH will be inudo
Thin. sdny monilng.
Finnk MoHtilo, of Pine stteot, and
Miss . anllughor, of upper I'lltston,
Wore united In man Inge this uf toi noon
nt 5.10 o'clock in St. Sltuy's Catholic
chui oh, upper Plttston. Thoy will 10
sldo In ti newly furnished house on Oie
gem Heights.
AA'lllliini riatighan, of New Yoik city,
and Sllss Anna Kelloy, of SlnrUct
street, this i Ity, woio united In mar
Hugo 'yesterday mm ning at St. John's
Catholic chin cji. Thoy have gono to
Now York city, whcio tluy will make
their futtji e homo,
A nepubllcnn mass meeting w 111 bo
held In Sluslc hnll next Tuesday ev oil
ing, and tho chlcr speaker of the even
ing will bo Hon. Ileniy AA Pnliner, ot
The barn of SI. Feltei. tho AVest
Plttston grocer, was entliely dcstioyed,
together with Its contents, Slonday
night, Two hoisos were In the barn nt
the time, and but one of them wns
losoued. Tho los was S100; pai tly cov
et otl by lnsuianeo. Tho barn was owned
by B Oiltlin, the conti actor.
SIis. John Ilother, aged 47 ,euis, died
ye'teiday at her homo on Delnwaie
.uenuo, AVcst Plttston, titter a linger
ing Illness Deceased had been a suf
feiei f i om an uncommon disease, tho
bones of hot skull and face hn iug al
most entliely ciumbletl to dust. The
iuneial will take place Tluusdav, with
intei inent In Dallas ceineteiy.
Tho Luzeino couit has gi anted a wilt
of nlteninthe mandamus on Cltv Con
tiollei John Kennedy to compel hlin to
"how cause whv he will not pav a bill
of $J60. due ft oni the city to Dr. SIul
holland. The sum is an Instalment of
the doctoi's bill timing the smallpox
epidemic. The bill amounted to $l,M)0
One instalment of $(500 was paid and a
second Instalment of $500 was oideied
paid about a month ago. The seiond
oi det was appioved by the -nnitniy
committee and auditing committee, but
tho city conti ollei lefuspd to sign It.
He gap as his excuse that Slajoi C'or
coi an had oideied him to lefuse lo paj
it. The leason toi the inajoi's older
does not appeal, but It is hinted that
lie and the doctoi aie on unrilendlj
BUOOKLYX. to tho Scianton Tilhuue
Biooklyn, Oct. 2-' The A"oung Pco-
pli's Cluistl.m union social, held at A.
AAr. Kent's last owning was a eiy
.successful one A laige company en-
joed the oonillg theie.
Tho Piosbvtcuau Ladles' Aid met
with SIis. Luthoi Fish today loi din-
The Haiost festnal shell by tho
Junior Cluislian Endeaor last Filday
evenint, wns well attended.
SIis. S. B. Hldiidge and SIis. jr. AV.
J'.ilmei, ot tills place, attended the
conceit by Slndnmo Sembiich at Scian
ton Tuesday cening.
SIis. F.lion Slillei is spending th"
week at J. C. Slillei 's
Sir. and Sli A. C Lone and child
of Little .Meadow, weie sitois at i:
T) Sidoi's last Satuidnv.
Sllss Lewis, of D.ilton, is assisting
SIis. Glenn Towksbmy.
P. A. Titswoith, ot Slontioso, was in
town Slondav.
Slisses Nettie Stephen.!, LUhel Ste
phens and Lelah But bank aio Nltiiijr
lilends in Scianton.
Sllss llnttio SleSIIlIan is lsiting licr
hi other In Nicholson.
SIis John Swnrt7. and daughtei. Al
dle, letuined lioino last Satuiday, niter
Mslting hoi sister, SIis. Dclllo Benja
min Hw mothei, SIis AVebstei, nc
eomp inloil liei.
AVilliam Slitchell Is woil.lng lor M. L.
SIis. Hll.abcth P.khaiils is eiy low
at piesent.
Umeison Steillng will sell his pei
honal piopeit at "public sale Siitunluy.
He will moe to Lester.hiio.
Wink Is being done on the telephone
line to Klngsley this week.
Hi nest A.m es, ot Slontiose, Is In town
this week.
A p.Hty of joung ladles fioni this
place intended the conceit at Slontiose,
Oct. .'.'.
Sits. SI. II. Weston entei tallied at a
blithday tea last Filday Sirs, AV. L.
Kent. .Alls, A. AV, Kent, SIis. A, .1.
Alney, SIis. Ci. I, cilles, SIis. l SI,
Hlne and Sits. a. cimmlieiliin and
SIis, c, Pottei.
SIis. SI, H, Weston le.nos soon lo
vend tlie winter with hor laughtei,
SIis. J. L Kent, In Boston.
Seeral pioniiuent rtepubllcans os
pect to attend tho ninss meeting at
Slontiose Tluitsiiay,
Sllss Hello Snjder Is tho guest of re
lathes In Scranton this week.
SIis. F. P. Sillier Is luille ill.
SIis, Dellle Benjamin and daughter,
Sluy, aio visiting in Scianton and vl
eliilly. The Haifoid Imse ball team nie play
ing with tho HiookDn team today,
Sperlnl In the Pitantoti lllbuno
Nicholson, (lit, :'.', n. F. Johnson 1b
spending a few days with l datives in
Dl, Van C, Deckor and' wife, and Sits,
C. II, Sl.icConnoll weio calleis in Tunk
hannock Tuesday,
B.0V, Cook, ot Lucejville, is assisting
Uov. Ilnwen In ipUviiI meetings,
liny Potter, who has been setlously
HI lor sonio time, la convalescing.
Sirs, F. A. colvln is vihltlng ti lends
In S.iyie,
liltlmid Sheiliinn spent Sunday with
fi lends Jn Scranton.
Tho Thltd watd political ilub will
meet this evening, in their rooms jn
O'lliien (mil, on Slnln stieet,
A ety piottj inui i Inge was solemn
lcil at tho chinch ot linmai ulnto Con
ception yesterday aftoi noon, when Sllss
Kimih Hopkins, ef South Scianton, and
ThoiiMS Coyne, of Noitli Tnylot, woio
united in wedlock by tho tutor, Ilcv.
J. A. Slollitt. The biide looked veiy at
ttnctiw, diessed In a neut gown, and
tnttled a bonnet of Initial roses. Both
aie oung people. At the con-
Many Entliiisiastic Scranton
Citizens Want to Make
It Public.
Theie Is something In It,
AVlioii people want to talk about It,
Publicity of n ooil thing Is good for
the people.
Olatlliido piomotcs publicity.
KntluiMliihtlc cill.oiiM aio (Hiking.
Telling nelghbois; telling ii lends,
lleinolng the Hlunlbllng block
And so tho woik goes on,
Homo ondoiseiiiont Is giving confi
dence. Thousands ato learning to uppieclitto
Hoio Is a 1'iospocL cltluii that docs.
Sir. Oooigo fl. Sin dor, of 809 Prospect
Street, employed In tlftj shops ol tho
Dolawuie, I'iickawannn ami Weslein
rulli ond, says: "J touiut mv buck giv
ing out on nm. n hurt whenever I
stooped or lifted, and the Ihyt thing In
tho nioinliig, 1 was veiy tunic mid
stiff. It was veiy like lheitmatlsni,
and I .sufieied a gicat deal fioin 11. I
saw Doan's Kldnov Pills so highly te
lonimonded that I went to Sliitthows
Bios.' dnw stoic and got a boc, and
began using them. They helped mo
within a week, and 1 giaduully gicw
better until I was ontitelv cuicd."
For sale by all dtnleis; pi loo, no
cents. Fintoi-AIIlbuin Co., Buffalo, N.
A"., solo agents for the U. H.
Honiombor the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
elusion of tho eei oniony, congiatula
llons wete extended and a wedding sup
per was served at the bride's home.
Tho Bowety loot ball eleven, ot this
town, would like lo play anv Ihst-eliiss
i lev en In tho county. St. Day, captain.
The Tar, lor Beds basj ball team will
moot tills ovenin,', when thoy will elect
a mannget and tiansact other business.
Aichbald mine local, No leU'), United
Stino AA'oikcis of Aineilca, will meet
this evening In the Odd Fellows' hall.
SIi. and SIis. James Bailey, of Patei
son, N. J., have lotm ned v homo, after
spending a lew dn.vs with lilends in
tow n.
Tajior initio local, No 1011, and P.v no
mine, No. i'lll, Fnltod Mine AVoik
oi s of Anieiiea, will meet this evening,
when the delegates will give theli le
poits ot the AA ilkes-Baiie convention.
Lackawanna A'alley council, No SI,
Junior Older I'nlted Ameiican Sloclian-ie-,
will iiioet this evening in legular
Sllss Alice It. Dlv. of Honcsdale, Is
the guest at the home of SIi. and SIis.
David SI. AVilllains, of Slain stieet.
Pi of. W. L. Jolies, or Tnylot stieet,
has l etui nod homo fioni his tiip to
Caindon, N. J,
On Fiidiv evening "David Coppei
lield" will be piesentcd in tho Baptist
i tun oil hoio by tho popular impi tsona
toi, AVlIlaul D. Hone. The admission
will lie 20 cents. No bettei talent can
bo biought to tills town tot entoitain
ing than SIi. Howe possesses.
A stiiko oei lined on Tuesday among
the Huugaiian wot Union on the new
btldgo heie One of tho men had a
low woids with tho bos-, of tho gang
and thipvv down his shovel and unit
woik This appaiently was a signal
lor all to stop, as caeli uoikni.m imme
diately thiew down his shovel and
walked up tho gang plank fioni the
bottom ol the eieek to Iho
above The men weio piobablj antici
pating a settlement of the toal stiiko,
and pi etcncd to ictuin to the mines to
w oi king on the btldgo.
AVIllaid Smith, one of tli popular
ouug men ol this place, will leave on
Satin day net tor Disoubadoia, Stoxieo.
Sit. Smith has nee opted a position ns
supeiinteiident ol a cold stoi age plant
and meat shop connected with the cop
per mines theie, owned bv Simpson &
AV.itkins, of Seianto.i. Sir. Smith's
ni.inv ti lends wish him gieat success
in his new position.
SIis. Flunk Aron Stoieh Is visiting le
latlves in Scianton.
John AVilllains, ot .Sii.tulon, has
moved into SIis. Shule's hotiso.
Sits, llany Dean lias s0 t.u tecov
ei od 1 1 om her seilous illness as to be
able to sit up some now.
Paul Sonieis, of Wyoming, spent Sun
day with his patents bete,
Dr. i:. A. Fuller and nimer.p.ey
nolds attended an Odd Fellows' ban
iiot at Hast Lemon lust week.
linn est Homo sei vices will bo held
in the Baptist chinch on Sunday next.
both moinlngand evening. In tho morn
ing, tho pastor will pi each on "Oieat
lluivest but Few Haivesioi.i," and Jn
the evening a special piogianimo. ton-
slsttng ot inuslo and ieotatlous will bo
le.iileied, The clnncli will bo appio-
DMiueiy uetoiated with ft tilts and
I OR 1IIL Ui 1LE ONES.-Cut out tho plctuics appeathis on this pace each
daj, diavv u pencil mm k mound tliu bidden object, thorn until batutday.
then send tliem or tuko them to Tho Tribuno nfllco In mi cnvolopo nddiessed to
Puzzle Doiiaitnipnt " Encloso In tho euvelopo our name, uge and nddiess. Tho
hois and Bills who coircttly mail; tho sl- pktiuos appo.ulng timing tho week
nnd whoso ansvveis mo (list received, will Jmvo their nanioa publlBhcd In The
1 limine Slonday morning. .
Kind the hunter
, IUI1 llblllt,
Cnly Halt a Cent a Word.
Tor Kent.
l'Oll ttt:,N"l'-.ruinlsliei1 house; 1111 1O0UIM!
Htutllit lleatid, ecillliilly Imatcd IllJ
MmllMoii minute.
MS For Hpnt Ten-lnoin liinitie; PNoollent
nelghlioihooil: all tnottuin hupiovo
inputs, on nvpiitie. Apply to It V tlnm
lllon, 120 Stpiueo stleot. v
For Stile.
t'OIl, HALH-A small hoise, Imt voiy
kind and gentle, any nun cull dilvo:
one' toil liuguv, open buggy, etlltor, two
setR hiiirIo liaiiio!t. lingo heavy lolie,
lunso blanket, stilng bells, F. II. t'lille.v,
Wu oily, Pa.
rOIt S,L1 AVagon with pole ami sliatls,
also sleigh l Illinois and nun bunions,
cheap for cash. Hour WW Million slieel,
roil SAIilMJOO Hliytle lor i oi a
change for phonngiaiih, tlesk or otllei
in tick, llooin 1, Ououiscv bullillng.
rOU SALI'-Sccond hand Biovvstof
bi ogham, steel tiles; owner lias nn
plneo to stole. Lowls H Sioitotl, IIS
llllcheotk couit.
1 OH SAM: Ono hot air fin time, tluoc
iiiunteli nnd gas tliiiiiilelleis Chalks
1) SitndiiiHon, 13(, Wyoming ave, Scianton.
roil HALi:-Ono hot nlr furnnce, thiec
mantels, gas ehumlelleis Ch.ules D
Sniideisoii, l'S Ws onilng uvenue, Scian
ton, l"a.
1'On SALE About 20 feet of desk toun
toi, suiinountccl wllh gliiHs fiont and
two oponlngn, lowci poi tlou nkulv pun
piled, with thawois and nhlvf- undM
nontti. Stay be seen at the ctllco of Tho
For Snle or Kent.
roil SALD briHNT-TTi'e'.stoi'y buck
building, with bolhr hou-e nttaclicd,
and long low ol sheds fm hoisos. wug
ons. etc.; also lailioul switch suitable foi
innniifuctuilng pin poses', lately oecuplid
bv tliu Clotk Tobacco Co H M. AA'Inton,
r.oom No no", Slouis Building
Furnished Rooms for Eent.
l'Oll Ki:NT I'liinlslied looms, I'll Litek
avvannii nvenuo, tlilul llooi.
Wanted Bomd and Room.
.DV who Is employed tliu lug tho day
deshis bo.i til and mom In pile ito i.iin
lly. Adchc-s L , Tilbuno ollke
LOST A watcli fob with gold lockot
attached. Flnclci will be lovvaidcd by
l etui ning to JIO AVvomlng avenue.
LOST Tuesday nlglit at tho Aimoiy oi
on Jeff oi son nvenuo, a fountain pen
rindei will please tetuin to Tho Tilb
uno office
Real Estate.
rOU SALU AT SACrtlFK'i:-Now 11
loom house, modem impiovements, hint, gas nnd elicliltil; elegintly
lliiislioil Inloiioi. ten minutes' walk fioni
I'llv Hull, teims to suit piueliasei ; would
also sell household goods. Addiess box PS,
'JLitbuno of Ike.
Tlin SIODEl' LAUNDRY, Dunmoio
laundeis sbiits at Sc. each anil collars
and cuffs at l4c each.
cetables and olbci pioducts of the
hi! in.
Di J. J. Pike, tho well-known and
popular juung phslcian of this place,
was wedded to Slips Iloso Slack, ol ip, at tho latter place, jes
tciday morning. After a wedding ti ip
they will t etui n to this town and will
reside at the Sl.ihon house.
Tho season of tottv boms' devotion
in St. Patiick's t inn eli was In ought to
a close yesteiday morning, when masses
weie eelebiated at fi and 7 o'eloi k. Tho
attendance dining tho devotions was
very laige.
Sir. nnd SIis Alfied Giifllths and SIis
Tennis, of Jcimjn, Isitod H lends in
tow n jesteiday.
The public schools will bo closed next
wick, on account of institute.
'P. N. Neaiy, of C.ubondale, was a
caller in town yesteiday.
T. F. Kogan, J. II. Slahon, John Law -lot
and Austin Lynch left jesteiday on
n hunting ttip to Statiucea.
Sllss Sadie OaKes, of AUentown, Is
the guest ot SIi. and SIis. H. R. Hush,
oi uacMiwanna stieet.
T. J. Swift and John F.inell vote
cvllcis in Jermyit Tuesday eveniim
SI. T. Butler spent Tuobday evening
Willi ti lends in Slnyfloid.
J B. Lack, of Olyphant, was a culler
In tow 11 .vesteiday.
VI. 0 mniilago-ot John J. Bio.ran and
Alia Nellie Keainoy, ot Lauiel siipi t
two popular ouus people, vvi'l t.iho
place in St. Thomas chinch Wednes
day, Octobur 2.
J B. Howe has 1 'tinned fioni UII.;a
betli, N. L, w licit) he has been oiu
Ploved for several months,
Sir, and SIis. John Ollhool and Mm,, huvo t etui ned ftnin a t vvltli
iciutlves nt Caibomtalo.
and his dog
No Order
Acccptcrt for Less
Tlitin in Cents.
Wnnt Adveftlnemonts Will Do
Received tit Any of tho Follow-In-j
Ding Stoics Until 10 P. SI,
Centinl City
AtHt:ttT HCHCI.TX, cotnr Stul
bony b(i cet mid Woliitor nve.
at'STAV Plt'llHI., ImO Adiiins
West Side
at:o w jtiNiciNS, 101 south
.Main u cuiiu.
South Scianton
runt) l. rtntppt:,
JD C'ediir
Noitli Scianton
01:0 av
Nni tli
Mai Uft
Gieen Ridge
ciiAtiLr.s r. .mNi:s. r
son avouuo.
F J JOHNS, 0:o 0 1 ecu nidBO
C. LOUHN' cninor AViishlllglon
nvenuo and Mm inn "tieot.
AV. It KNUPPHI,, 1017 living
J. G. UONF, & SON.
Help Wanted.
AVANTDD Agents to soil tea '11111 Mr
feo lo ronsiimcis Po"llkns pouiM
nonl. Grand Union Ton Co, Jll Lieka
vviinna nvenuo
Help Wanted Male.
AVANTF.D Coachman, v.hlto 01 coloiiil
Applv In pi 1 sun. .1 L L'uki . Wut
I'lltston, I'.i.
AVANTHD-Clothlng sllesman
UOV AVAN'I'HD at the West Side hospi
tal Itcteitncis linuiicii
WANTED Uov about IT oi 1s old
for hall anil belf bov; must bo of good
habits, linden stand use ot ttleplione t," ill
at Scianton club, Mould ot Ti.idc Ilulld
ing, Thin sdu v, lu a m
AVANTKD A good t pciientetl lelall
clothing B.ilosniin AVagos $10 a wick
Adtlioss J. Bassin, Deposit, N X.
AVANTDD Sfen with ilg to Intiniliioo
Alonaith Poultiv SlKtuio, $.0 V(M.v
and expenses, cal'.s tontinct. wttkly
l'T Adibcss with stmnn, Mouaich Jllg.
Co, Box 7JI Spilimflolil. Illinois
AVANTHD I'm ty men at Tob.vluinna,
Vi , to woik on grading foi 11 l.dl
loatl swltoli and ckailug .1 pic to of wood
land Call at MV. Menu building. Tnlij
li.iiuia Cieck lee Co, C. C. 1'oibei,
Help Wanted Female.
i:poi iencctl on
Stctulv AVoiU (Jooil Wages
Imperial Underwear Co.
Lackawanna and Jefferson Aves.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE COItPOn.VnON wants enetgetic Agent foi this county. No
books, insiuunie, 01 iniivassiii;,. Ac
qualiitaiiLu with mei tlianls .nut mnuu
laetuiois ncccssniy. I'cimnnout Bond
State age, epetionco. lefiicnecs fit Ht let
tci. Adihoss. Suite ."L", No 1001 Chestnut
St , Philadi Iphia.
Situations Wanted.
entiy bookkeepei vvnuld like to mike
poimaiu'iit iiiinngi mont loi 11 position,
competent of handling 1111V kind nt dot ill
woik Teims modulate, Addies3 N. V.
7. , Tilbuno ollke.
"i:NP1:RH:NCI:d bookkeepei wants situ
ation TUoioughlv compott nt: lilgli
ost loloienton; tali stenogiapboi. .Vil
li less D
Booms nnd Bomd.
PLEASANT looms with bond foi t oil t
01 live oung men. lnipiiit. .-'.' Wash
ington avenue.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadets' Banlt Building Oln phono JStl
Real Estate Eselmiiso UttU , U, W.ili
liigton .tvuuiie.
Civil and Mining Engineeis.
kn io i n'77.'trt7o:
noli building.
huildlngj Spiuco btiett, Sciaiitiui
Tlie Insuiance.
SCIILAGER .L CO, Ht'cumull UllUiiinJ
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solkltoi In the llv No oli.ugt tot in.
toim.ttlou on paieutalillll) , o,ei W1
eaia' opoilomii
Kcplojrlc & Co., Meant Ulilg-,
Hotels nnd Bestmunnts.
tITe elivTai,l'71.'3"and'ij7' fTTanic
lili incline Kates lenuouithle
X' XIEliLIIIt. 1'inpiloioi
scran'Iqn'iTofse. NEAR dlTw
Pnssengei tlepot Coiulueioii on tho En
lopoitn plan A'lotoi Koth. Piopilotor
mid ctss jiooij, no utioi , only iinpiovui
pumpa used A tl BilSri. piopiiutui
Leave oidom lino Ninth Slain avenue,
oi Elcko's dins sloie, nn net Atlapij ami
Slulboliy liolh telophonrs.
Vhe Soieens.
avo, Scianton, mtia ot Who btteous
ruXlTHaEirFlltOS. pitlNTERS' SFP
pllts. pinelcHH. piper bugs twine
AVaiohpuso, HO AVnuItliiBton in tunc
'Ti i"u wiTKi:sTi ia r Hi wtEc-oii iTtuN
bo hid la Se'iuuton at tho uovvs Mil ml
of Ifv' Hit,, loi," Spuice unU u!
Linden; SI Not ton. u'.'-' LaeUiivvauuu
uvc.i L 6. t-eliutzei, SII Sptuetr alt cet. 1
Only Half a Cwia WJrl.
Business Oppoi-tufilty.
cujii'iiHTi: .Mtinufiiftiulng pPtnl for
limkllig eimnu'lcil steel bodMentli and
.veiiiHl no thills used mid no louiuhy io
ijillied. Aiiihes) Puichasoi, Tilbuno ot
lice. STOCK' ANDV(Ti:A'l' 'J'ftAnKltH with"
out UHiiiy. Arllo for our npuelul mar
.et letter, rico on upplkntlon. 8. M.
lllbbiud .V: Co., inemljoiH N. Y. Conioll
dntetl iinrl Stork nvobniiiio, It nnd 4U
Hiondvvriv, New York nstnbllsliotl 1S6.
Long nilnnro 'Phone CISS lliond.
Money to Lenn.
muicc. Himignt iomi 01 niilldlntt ami
Loan. At Horn 1 to 1! per rout. Cull on
N. V AVn'l;r. nil-ir, Council building.
Dol.iwmc, Lnckawnnna nnd Western.
, In Direct Juno 1, itu-
rinjns linvo Stitintoii 101 New A'otk
At 1 ,0 ! .0, 1 u", 7:0 and 10 10 u 111 . l: 4
",".',"' I'.1'1 I"1 -N'l'w Vink 11111I I'hlln-klphia-,
.-,11. jn.p, ., , , , 1.: iu nn,t ,;;;
li1', ' '" OoultNbiini- At 1, In p m I'm
BilITu lo 1 Ij. t. . and 100 11 m.: I",. t-.o
nnd lili) p if p.,, isinuiuirion, Uliiilui
11111I vuv slatloni ID".', 11 m. to", p m.
I or Owigo Bviihii"u and t'ttcii 1.1" nnd
!' '", V..,1"' ' "' I1 "i Oswego, SM.iiu-ii-11ml
I lloi inn, 1, m , ,i,ll, ci opt
! utidiiv I'ot Slunlln'o-'iim a 111, 1 "1
1'L' '" .'' '" Nliliolson necoiuinuditlnn
-1 00 uml i; in ,, m
Lloomsbiiig nilsliiii-Fni V01 lluiniboi.
nnd. at i,,r. nnd tuio a in . 1 nnd nil
II 1mn,-l" Plyiuotitli, at Mu a 111; .110
ami 0 0.1 p ii
Sunilov Tl I'lis-Fni Now mk, IV), 1 ?.
,', 0,; '010 a. 111,; ! in ami 1H p m Fiji
Bii IT11I0 l.r, anil 1, .'J 11. in , 1". 1.7) and
3110 p m. niiulia uml way iittitlons -in.,
a in. To, Blii'jhanitnn nnd whv t,i
llnns. nui) 11 ui lllonmslimg Division -L'nvo
scianton. 10 1(1 a 111 nnd C 10 p m
tehigli Valley Utllroad.
la jilfoct June l'i 1DJ-.
T.ulns Leave Sei niton
I or Phllmlolpbl 1 niul Now nik via P.
& 'I. It. Tl , at at 7 II, tluoiuh P ll loi Car
nntl Day Coish Ciirliontliilo 10 New Aoik
"ml J. 11 111. wiih I A' C'laeh C.iibiin
1I11I0 to Phlliiilclplilii, niul J IS, IJ'. iHlii'l:
Dliiniond x:pirss) .mil 11 n p 111 Sun
iinvs. u .v. ti. n n , 1 r.s 017 p in
101 AVhll-. Hiivun. Ibis'loliin and pilncl
PTl points In the coil legions, v l'i D .:
U..T!.,Tt- " " -ls '""I I '" I' m 1'or
Pottsvllle, 7 11 a. m
lot He tlilcb, mi Fasten. Reading. IIui
1 Irbtug ami pilnolpit Intel meillntc stn
.V?.1,s. vl" D I' n B . 7 II. 0 17 11 in ;
J IS, 4 1, (Hlntk Dlunui'id Cness) 11. II1 p
V'-o S'liiidnvs. 1, n p. It, ill-, a. m .
1 '-9 0 17 p 111.
Tor Tunkhannock. Tnw.intla, Dlmiii,
Mine i. Genova 1.111I pilnclp'il Intel mt'ilU.t
stations via D . I, & AV. r. R , CK .1 m
and 1 31 p m.
Foi Geneva, r.ooliestei Tluftnlo. Nl.i
(iia Fall, Cliloago mil all points west v I 1
D & H Tt It. 12 01 p 111. US (Bl.n
Diamond Dxpioss). 10 11. 1 10 p in Sun
d.ivs D & If. n R. tL'rt! 0 17 p m
I' patloi and stooping or Lehis'i
vallov Pal loi cms 1111 all h 1111s betwosn
AUlkes-Bniio and Now A'oiV. Philadel
phia, Buffnlo and Siisponslon midge
BOLLIN H AVILTU'R. Gen Sltpt . 'J'!
Coill.uid stieet Now Yoik
CHART HS S I UF. Gen Pass Agt , M
Cmtlniid stioot, Now A'oik
a w Noyranrnnn, div Pnss Agt.
South BtthPhein, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman losomtlons
applv to cltv ticket nftlce, t,1 Publiu
Squnio, Wllkes-Bniio. Po
Central Railroad of Now Jersey.
Collected to Scptembci 10, 1'JirJ
Stations In New VuiK. loot Llocrty
stieet anil South Feus, N I!
Tiains leave Scianton fin New York,
T-,1,11 wlnlrtliln T?n.-ljl lln, hlnlinn, A,Ia.
j town. Slniuli Chunk, Wliito Haven, Aslt
1 ley, AVilkcs-IJ 1110 and Plttston nt 7.0 a.
111, 1 p 111 urn 1 ) in Miiniiuv. .' in p ni.
Qunkci City i:piess lonvis St 1 an ton
7'J a. m, thioiiKh olld vosillmlo tialii
with Pullman Uuffot IMi loi Cai foi PI1II1
ilelphia Willi oilv 0110 1 liniigo ot t.tis for
Biiltimoio and Washington, D C, and all pcinU south and wot
Foi Avoid, Plttston and Wllkes-Baiio.
1 11 m and 4 p 111 Suinl ly. 2 in p m
I'or Long Bi inch, Oi 1 an Glove, etc,
7 "0 .1 111 mid 1 p m
Foi Heading, Lobinon and T Inn Mm 1
a Allontnwn nt 7 "0 .1. 11. , 1 p In and I
p in Sunday, .Mil p in.
For Tiimiiiiuo mil Pnttsvlllo. 7 JO a 111 ;
1 p tn niul 1 p 111
For uues and tltkets applj to as;"nt at
AA' C, BFKSLlin. Goii SI.ih.koi
C Al UFUT, Gnn Puss Vgt
Pennsylvania Hnihoad.
Selndilo In Elicit Juno lo, IHiJ
T1.1 Ins Ionvo Sci niton-1, .S 11 in, woo';
ilivs, Ihioiigh m silbiilo ti.ilu lio'n
AVIU'os-Iluiio Pullman bullet p'llni 1 ir
and 00 11 lies to I'hli idolphl 1 via Poti1
villi'; stops at pillitlpiil Intoi morii.ito 1-1 -tlons
Also itmiuitii foi Simbui.v Hsi
llsbuig, Phil ulolplilii, Miltlmoio, Vi"i-li-iiiKton
nnd loi Pitlsbuirf uml tho Vit
1 17 a. m wookilivs loi Suubui,v Ilin
ilsbnig, Plill.ulolplilu, Billlmnio. Was-..
Ingtiui and Plllsbuig ami the West
1 IJ p in, v eel. ilivs (SiiimIuvh l"s 11
ml, fm hunliiii v II111 llsbuig Plilli1i
phla, lialtlmoio Wislilngton and Pitts,
bin,: nntl the AV'ost , , ,
' 'IS p in, vviok ilnvu tiiioni.'h vostlbu
Imln limn Wllkos Rail" I'Mllmnti Uwtirt
pnilm im and loirhcs I" Plilliuliilplil.i vli
Pottsvillo Hto i u piiiuipit Inloiinodl
nto stations
li.',i) in vviokilivs fm iins'ieton s-im-liiuv,
iliiiitsbui, Phibitloiphii. ind Pltis.
I T, llF'ICIflNSON' Con Ms"
I B WODIl Uui I'.is-i Arft
Dtlmvaie mid Hudson,
In Hffi 1 1 J mi 11. 1 11.'
Tl.'ilns loi Cat" lo ivo f't iniilnn nt
0 II. 7. M, s ii 10 I ' " in l-'i'i, 1 1.'. SB,
:" r, A e..'"., s.m ')!"., uml p m , u n,
f'oi ilonosdalo-i ll, 10 1! 11 m : Sit mil
." Li p 111 v
Pot AV' 1. 7 11. SII HIT,
10 a. 111: I J 01 I I- 2 11, J Si. I", i! 10,
T 4". p) II II P in
Foi 1. V I! I! Points -7 ,1, 0 17 a in
2 1S 1 p.'. mil II 4) p ill
Fm Pi iin-viv.'itlii 11 M Polnts-i; :i
0 17 u 111 . 1 I-'. ! -' "Ud II ,11 in
I'oi lbnnv niul nil points iiotlh 7 !'i a.
111 anil J "ii n ui
Foi I'ailiiiniliil" s "11 11 .1 a 111; 2 11,
a '1. ,"i"J and '.I 17 P m
P01 AVIU.i's llmif n "S a in; L'nOl',
res, 1, ;.' niul ')l. 11 n; 2.-
I'oi Vlban and points lioitli-' W p in
For nonifilulo-,''0 1 ip Utf iiiuV""
n in
W T. PItOi: D P A. .s-oiantmO'i.
i V
Eile Ratliotid--W,votntiis Division,
in Eiuoi Suiu.iiiii'i n. 1:
Tialnrt Ictuo Stiiiilnn fm Ni w Viiils,
Novvbiugli and nit dial, points rijvi
im llnwlov unrt local stutlom at '1ft a,
111. and 1 ." P ni
For niifi:dili) and W'hlto Stills nt 151
Tialii" ui'lvti at Si'ianton nt 10 "S a. m.
anil 'i l p ni ...
IJevv Yojk, Ontmio nnd Western.
Time table 111 elhcl Siiuilaj, .j, ItJuJ,
.MJIJllI ll"ll i I IMLNS,
Leiivo Lime Alllva
Ti ilns Btiiiiilon Cmbondilo C,uiSl.i,
Nn 1 .. ID .0 a nt 11 10 a l'i . nu rCln
No 7 1" P ' A' 'mhumUiloti Wp.m
sol nt jioi'md .-:
I.o.ivii L"ii, Amvij
Tiiilns Cjiluola L'.iibondnU Sti.iiiBm.
No 1, . ... i''u in 7.".u,iu
No J ., Slip in loop in II. p. nt
Lciiyo . l.euwi Anlv.i
Tiains Sfi.iiitoii C.u bniiiliilf Cailola,
No 0 . . . SjOu. in BlOa m 10 1." aria
Nu j Jwii in ,t Caiborulak 7 lit) 111
Leavu Louvo Anlvi
TmhM C.iilosl.i Cailiondale. Scianton.
No u . . j'1 a m 7i'.iwrn.
No 10 lp in u'Oi, p m i.t" p.m.
Tiulns Nos 1 on week diss, ami 0,,
Kiuulajj 1 innect toi Now Vtul; tlti. Slid
iilotown. Wulion, Norwich, Oncltln, t)s.
vvogo uud nil point t wont
Ti.ilu No 0. with 'Quakei Cltv K.
pieis" ut Stiauton. vine R R (,r jf J .
for Plilliulolphla. AHimtlo Cltv Ii iltimoro;
AVaBlilnston and l'eiitiyj Iviula luti
Pco tlme-talilo and consult ticket agnt
for connections with other llnrs
J. C ANDERSON. O. P, , . New Ypik.
J. E.'AVELSIL. T. I. A , Scrttnton, Pa.