The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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""I?' SSJiffi?!,.'
THE SCRANTOtf TRIBUJVE-THUX8DAy, uuitMiltilt i-'3, 1002.
; yj!-ioW'Vrf
Eight-Year-Old Boy Run Over by a Brewery
Wagon and Terribly Crushed, Yester
day Other News Notes.
Tlio 8-ycnr-old son of Mr. mid Mrs.
Daniel 13, Rtlhe, or 130 Wright's court,
was tho victim of a painful, nnd prob
ably fntnl, accident yesterday after
noon, while returning from school with
n few companions.
When they reached the comer of
West Lackawanna, avenue nnd Seventh
Street, tho unfortunate boy stopped out
Into the atreet and nlinost Immediately
wna knocked down ami run over by one
of E. Robinson's heavy beer wagons.
Itoth wheebi passed fiver the lower part
of tho cheat, crushing In the ribs.
The was quickly removed to the
home of bin parents, where Ur. D.
Kvmw was immediately summoned.
After working over the young man for
some time, Dr. ISvuns pronounced him
to lx In a most, precarious condition, ho
being severely Injured Internally.
Rally Day Exercises.
On Sunday evening the Sunday school
of the Jackson Street Haptlst church
will hold the annual rally day exercises
In tho church auditorium. A chorus of
one hundred voices, under the leader
ship of i'rof. Lewis IDavis, and u full
orchestra will take part In tho exer
cises. The programme will be as follows:
The Diudem. Congregational Hymn.
Scripture lesson,
Assistant Superintendent Alfred Iicvun
Chorus, Hull Joyous ltully Day.
Prayer Hy the Pastor
Chorus. "Who Will lie Oar Helper."
Recitation, "Growing',"
Miss Grace Itodcrieic
Chorus, "Little Deeds."
Chorus, "Good Night .Utile Flowers."
Twenty Little Girls
Solo, "For All Kternlty' John Kvans
Recitation, "Dally Sowlnjr,"
Miss Klslo Hughes
(Chorus, "Dally We Are Sowing."
Recitation, "We Thank Thee. O Father."
Anthem, "O Father Holy" MarchcttI
Recitation, "There's No Land Like Ours."
Recitation and Tableau, "Tho Cross and
the Flag."
Chester Thomas. Miss Lizzie Thomas and
Miss Bertha Nortis.
Miss M. Glcason and Miss Klcanor Lance
Chorus, "All Hail tho Flag of Freedom,"
Recitation, "Our King,". .Miss Maud Jones
Rally Day Offering.
Anthem, "Pralso Yo the Father".. Gounod
Benediction by the Pastor.
The orchestra is composed of the
following parts: First violin. William
Protheroe, Louis Lewis, Carl Loueks,
William Jones; second violin, John R.
Thomas and William B. Jones; tenor
iiorn, George King; cornet (alto), John
King; solo clarionet, Charles King;
double baas, Thomas King! organist,
Kdwnrd Williams. A sliver offering
will bo taken up.
Entertainment This Evening.
The Intermediate Epworth League of
the Kmbury Methodist Kplscopal
chutch, South Main avenue, will con
duct an entertainment In the church
this evening. As will be tinted by the
programme, some of tho best talent In
the city has been secured, and the af
fair promises to bo a most enjoyable
one. The programme will bo as fol
Plana Diiet..Uwllym ami Catherine Jumna
Vocal Sulo Mrs. 1-atlu'in
Selection Miss Muud Lewis
Piano Solo Mrs. T. linker
Vocal Duel,
Mrs, llrtUutngn and Mts. Powell
Vocr.l Solo Miss Via Joars
Violin Solo Mr. Stephens
Selection Miss Maud Lewis
Vocal Snh P. II. Warren
Vocal Solo Mrs. F. D. lirimditgu
Piano Solo Miss Crumbs
Vocal Solo John Williams
Vocal Duet,
airs. Rrundage and Miss Via Jones
Violin Solo Mr. Stephens
Selection .Miss Maud Lewis
Vocal Solo Miss Duncan
Piano Solo Mrs. T. Raker
Mrs. Thomas, accompanist.
made complaint to the
IllUUt I IlUUl
Five stamps given nway with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
Surprise Party.
A few of the friends of Miss May
Kay, of 312 North Kvans court, went to
her home last night and tendered her
a surprise party. The usual games
were enjoyed till a seasonable hour,
when Mrs. Kay, assisted by Mrs. Mac
Arthur. .Mrs. M. C. Chandler and Mrs.
Sarah Lynch, served refreshments.
In attendance wore: Misses Mabel
Lang, Kazlah Gray, Lea Hughes, Es
ther MacArthur. Carrie Lowry, Nellie
MaoArthur, Lilly Yench. Margaret
Jones. Lizzie Yench, and Messrs. Johr.
Mazerniek. Walter Shlffer, Austin
Shifter, Daniel Lynch, Hert Lowry,
Isaac Williams, Walter Muhon and
Charles Long.
Those Terrible Bovines.
Tho residents of West Park and vic
inity are making complaint regard Ins
the towe that are permitted to roam
over the beautiful lawns of that part
of the city. The property holders are
trying to keep their lawns without
fences, but the work of months has
been destroyed In a night.
A gentleman living at the corner of
Oram boulevard and Bromley avenue
had all the produce of a largo garden
eaten tip by cows a few nights ago,
and in addition they nearly ruined his
lawn. Yesterday a young child of Mr.
George Ilerllicker, of Oram boulevard,
was badly frightened by a cow which
cninc running around the house. Mr.
i i i4 viz 4 iA) Vi di ) d: VI) i U i i iii i ii-
'ome to us i
Men 0
Because we treat them well, and insure them entire
satisfaction with every purchase. &
In selling Men's Furnishings our idea is not how St
cheap; but how good, for the price asked. On that we jj
have built our success, and on that we will maintain it. &.
Our Collars and Cuffs
-25 have a reputation for styles and quality that stands unmatched. 2
All the new Fall shapes at hand. . t
i-j Very best 4-ply Linen Collars (any style) 2 for 25c &
" VelT oest 4-ply All Linen Cuffs (any stylo) a pair.. 25c
j Correct Suspenders g
, , ,It: ?Tld take hnlf f a lonE summer day to tell of the different !?
Ug Kind of Suspenders we've got, nnd their merits. p
Better Suspenders than you can get elsewhere for 25c St
K Capital Suspenders in a hundred styles at 50c '
i Hen's Underwear 1
1$ There are hundreds of men in this city who would not dream 3'
a of going anywhere else than to our store for their Underwear S
j-j They can always be fitted here, nnd they can't get trashy gnv- &
-- raents. All the new ideas for men who seek style, and the T staple IHT
-g weaves and colors for those who demand comfort only. Extra :
5 sizes m both ways if you want them. g
i Prices, 25b to $2.51) the Garment i
1 Heavy WooH Sweaters Si
For men, youths and boys In every color, and fancy stripes. C&i
Trices, S5c to $:j.5() Each gi
Men's Night Shsrts f
5 !n eV'a he.avy l'ltl,n or tw'llod White Muslin, also in fancy Out-
j ing Flannels of best quality. Sizes, 14 1-8 to 10 inches.
g Prices, 50c, (J5c, 75c and $1.00
Outing FJanne! Pajamas f
S ,Tho,Ji1,?ft comt0,tnV,e slePlS garment made. You wont S&
catch cold if you sleep in Pajamas. ?;
$1.25 to $1.50 the Suit
These appeal to men of fashion, who want the newest. Staple ??
tyles for those who don't care. &
qbb our iiovcmea in iiui tastuoned Hose at 25c to. . . . 50c
Special veight Hose in colors and black , 25c
Good ordinary half Hose, for i0c
Men's Correct Gloves
In dressed or undressed kid, lined and unlined, with all the &
new sWcliings, seams, ot5, All shades and the largest stock to &
select from 8"
This evening, In tho parlors of the
Simpson Methodist Kplncopal church,
tho Hallrond auxiliary will serve a clam
chowder supper, the proceeds to be np
plled to thu mortgage fund,
Tho Open Window club of the Young
Men's Institute will conduct a social In
Mears' ball on Wednesday evening,
Oct. 20.
Hippie division, No. 45, Sons of Tem
perance, met In Tied Men'H hall Tues
day evening and transacted business of
Importance. 1'ast Worthy Patriarch
John Kilns was elected n delegate to tho
national convention, which will be held
at Philadelphia, today, donier D. ItecHo
gave a very Instructive talk and John
W, Thomas, William Dnvlo, recited,
while Harry Thomas and Mr. Williams
made a few remarks In closing.
MIm Delhi Davis, of N'orth Promley
avenue, Is the guest of I'rlendu at I'ltts
ton. Miss Anna Lewis has returned to
Uloomsburg State Xormal school, after
a short visit with her parents, on South
Main avenue.
W. J. Davis nnd son, Milton, of Ky
noti street, have been tho guests of J.
L. Davis, of Olyjihnnt.
Harry Smith, William Kdwards and
Heese rirllllths have returned front
Harry Davis and Albert Lewis have
returned from a month's visit at
Omaha, Xeb.
Thomas K. Kvans, the Jackson street
printer, while tit work on Tuesday,
caught his left hand In one of his large
presses and had It quite badly Injured.
Miss Naomi ririlllths, of Thirteenth
street, has returned home, after a three
weeks' visit with relatives at Youngs
town, Ohio.
John Cunningham, of North Ninth
street, Is recovlng from an Illness.
W. H. Davis, of North Main avenue,
Is In Buffalo.
Mrs. Morgan Daniels and Mrs.
Charles Davis, of Uniondale, have re
turned home, after a pleasant visit with
Mrs. L. W. Cramer.
Thomas J. Thomas nnd son, Claire, of
St. Claire, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Kvans, of Keyser avenue.
Tho new S. G. L. society met at the
home of Miss Kva Kittle, North Lin
coln avenue, Monday evening. The
next meeting will be held next Monday
evening, at the home of Miss Mary
James, North Bromley avenue.
A regular meeting of the West Side
Itepubllean club will bo held In the
rooms this evening. Several names will
bo proposed for membership.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union, of this place, will meet at the
home of Mis. Van Houton, In Peters
burg, this evening at S o'clock. Ke
freshments will ho served, and a line
programme has been arranged for the
The home of Keiihcu Dainty nn lift It
street entered ! burglars on Monday
night. Tito matter was reported to Chief
Uealey and a list of articles missing in
cluded S3 cans of fruit, $il taken from Mr.
Danly's clothes and a valuable pointer
dog which has Mnre returned borne. I3ii
tranco was effected hy means of a dining
loom window and In the mornins Mr.
Dainty's trousers were found in the yard
as well as the empty poeketbook. The
police are engaged on a clue which it is
thought may I tad to the arrest of vho
guilty parties.
The Duninore hiuh school foot ball
team and the team from the School of
the Lackiiwnmm played an Interesting
game yesterday afternoon on the Orcen
Illdge street grounds. Kvery point was
hotly contested and at the close of two
hard fought halves neither side bud been
able to score. Half liaek Mei.'ue and Hill
Hack Heal tic, of the local team, particu
larly pleased their pattisan by their
strong play and repeated gaining of
ground against the heady players of the
Lackawanna team.
Mrs. John Kaglo. of Wllkes-lSarre, is
visiting her mother. .Mrs. William Hen
wood, of Hlakely street.
Coo Illicit, of Cherry street, Is visiting
menus in .nit York.
Kugene Cunnlnn. who lias been in New
York during the past .-.ewnil months, has
returned and will resume bis porithm on
the iCrie railroad.
Michael (inllcna, of Itutler street, left
yesterday for Kittle City. .Mont., where
bis brother is critically 111.
Miss Lillian Wardell. of Orovo .street,
and Charles tirock, or (ireen Jtldgo street,
will be married today at high noon at the.
Presbyterian manse by Itev, W. 1 Clh
bons. At the revival meetings conducted by
Kvangellst Williamson In the Tripp Avo-
nuo innsiian cnurcn the house was
crowded last night. Tho question of de
nominations was thoroughly discussed and
it was proven beyond a doubt tho Chris
tian church was not a denomination.
Thro other conversions ami eight were
baptized at the close of tho sen Ires, The
topic for tonight is "Tho Holy Spirit, Jts
uinco ami worn.
Dr. and Mrs, . s. Wardell have re
turned from their wedding trip and tiro
at their home on North Hlakely streel.
Miss Ornro Herlew, of I'lttstou. Is vis
itlng her sister Mrs. A. M. Bingham, or
UlaKely stieot.
Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Hlncklnton and Miss
Cornelia llalplu aro In Now York city,
J. H. Hronson Is Indisposed at his homo
on Kim street.
Bitloum mna Nervous Disorder
Sick Headache and Constipation,
Tliey cure Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after meats, Dlzzlncts and Drowsiness,
Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostlvcnws,
Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Ncrvousand Trcmb.
line Sensations, etc. The First Dose will rIvc relief In twenty minutes. This it no
fiction. For a Weak Stomach, Disordered Liver and Impaired Digestion
they act like "Magic". Every sufferer Is earnestly invited to try a Box ol these Pills,
and they will be acknowledged to be WITHOUT A RIVAL.
BERCHAM'S PILLS taken as directed, will quickly restore femalesto complete
health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system.
U. S. A. Depot, 365 Ciinal St., New York, la boxen, 10c. and 25c.
Two Italinns Fulled Knives and Cut
One Another Yesterday A Parade
of Republican Voters Planned for
Saturday Night The North End
Stars Reorganize Marriage of
Thomas McCluskle nnd Miss Kate
McD.avltt William Powell and
Miss Thomas Married.
During a clambake In the rear of
Huddy's store, on North Main avenue,
yesterday afternoon, a stabbing affray
resulted. The locals, representing tho
West Ridge and Church collieries, had
secured, by donation, from several of
the merchants and brewers about town,
several barrels of clams and several
kegs of beer, and set out to celebrate
the ending of the strike.
They started their celebration about
.00 o'clock yesterday afternoon and
they were having a gay time until S
o'clock, when two Italians, residing in
the famous "Hed Barn," had a dispute
over some matters and started out to
light. During the quarrel knives were
drawn and both men received stab
wounds about the hands and arms. -
The fight finally ended in a free-for-all,
all hands joining in. One of tho
neighbors 'phoned to the police station,
and Patrolman Potter went to the scene
and placed the two Italians, who were
engaged in the tight, under arrest. In
the meantime the patrolman sent for
the hose wagon, and the prisoners were
conveyed to the station house. Another
Italian, who was standing by. was also
arrested, hut it is not known whether
or not he was connected with the af
fair. The three men will be given a
heating in police court at 9 o'clock this
trimmed with Duchess lace and car
tied it huge bouquet of bridal roses,
A wedding supper was served by the
bride's mother after the ceremony, only
the Immediate friends and relatives be
ing present.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell were the recip
ients of many prer.unts, They will
make their residence with the bride's
parents for the present,
The class In extempore speech and par
liamentary law will meet In the gymnas
ium of the N'orth Hcianton lu.stltute or
North .Main avenue and street, this
evening at T,"0 o'clock. All studclits oC
the Institute together with nn others
who are lnterortled In these important
subjects are Invited to attend. I'rolessor
Stuart Is very competent anil has years
of experience.
Mrs. U. S. Roots, of Putnam street, is
visiting friends at lllkdale, Susquehanna
The gymnasium class of the Young
Men's Christian association opens prompt
ly tit 7 o'clock. Thursday elass in conver
sation and correspondence Thursday at S
o'clock; cooking class, Friday at :; p. m.
Athletic Club Opens Ball Season
with a Reception and Ball.
Other News Notes.
Voters' Meeting.
Tho Republicans of North Scranlon
held their annual meeting in the North
fVranton filee club rooms last evening.
The meeting was presided ever by H.
H, Aiworth. Reports of the various
committers on the arrangements for
the big rally was heard. Attorney W.
S. Dichl delivered a forcible address on
the principles of Republicanism. He
dwelt on the wonderful administration
of our president and the prosperous
condition of the country today. He ad
vised every man who wanted prosperity
to reign In this country for the nc:;'t
two years, to come out and do his duty
towards the Republican parly.
His remarks wens followed by :id
drossef, by John .Ionian, candidate for
senator: Joseph Oliver, candid. Ho Tor
legislature, and Prof. J. i. Hawker. It
has been decided to bold a parade on
Saturday evening, previous to the rally
which hi to be held in the-Auditorium.
A band has been engaged, and all He
publicans are requested to meet on tho
squuro to line up.
rs st
Trices, 75c, $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50
The Shirt Department
o, r,,. y?? , Bh,itB t0 Paction. See our specialty at ?
$1.00. It'a a high grade Shirt in every detail, All the new pat-
terns and makes. Better than some $1.$0 Shirts. But only 81.00 &
at the Globe Warehouse, J
Heavy Working Shirts in blue, oxford, black etc. Soft or
stiff bosoms, A great value at GOc. Sii
Globe Warehotis?.!
m mmwv, n vm m )tmmmmwmwi f-
years and So days, died yesterday morn
Ing at hot- home, 211 Poim avenue. i)u
eeascd was horn in Haden, Germany, nnd
hud resided In this city for many years.
Shu Is survived by hor husband, two
daughters and two sons, Klizabeth, Anni,
I'hlllp. jr., and Charles Uoersam, and
two sisters, Airs, Mary Frotner, ot Plug,
bamton, N. V and Mrs, Christine Circle,
of llnnehdiile. Pa. The tuuoral will no
conducted tonionow with private Inter
ment. The remains may bo viewed at tho
home, I'll I'enn avenue, tomorrow morn
ing from 1U to 12 o'clock.
M1CHAKI. OIjAArT nn aged resident of
South Scranton, died suddenly early yes
teiilay morning at tho homo of his daughter-in-law,
WW Cedur avenue. Tho de
ceased was 72 years old, and retired ap
parently In Ids iiKinil health Tuesduy
night, He did not appear at the usual
tlmo yesterday ami on Investigation lio
was found dead In hed. Tho fuucrul will
take place at i p. m. toatoirow from tho
HUGO CJK'1 who has been In frail
health for some yeats, died yesterday,
aged 21 years. The dtccused Is survived
by both parents, who retidu at E17 Pros
pect avenuo. No arrangements huvo as
yet been made for the funeral,
Oak street, died at her homo on Tuesday
morning and will bo burled from Hut
North Main Avenuo lljptl.-u church this
morning at 10 o'clock, interment will bo
made m tho Washburn street cemetery,
Tho funeral of William O, Wilson, who
died on Monday last, will bo held nt his
lato residence, u" vino street, this after
noon at 1.30 p. m. Interment will be
made In Dunmoro cemetery.
Tho funeral of the lato Mrs. ISrldfot
O'lioro will take place at 3 o'clock this
morning fiom deceased's lato homo on
Oak street, Dunmoro. Interment will bo
made In St. .Mary's cemetery,
Stars Reorganize.
The North Knrl Stars, who have
gained so much renown by winning tho
basket ball championship of the state
for the past live years, disbanded at a
meeting held Tuesday evening, after
the game with the -Manhattan's, of
South Kcrautnn, but a new team arose
from the ruins last night.
Several of the old players got togeth
er and n new club was organized, go
ing under the same old name, but with
much stronger players. It was decided
to make James Haswell manager; Rob
ert Connelly, secretary and treasurer,
and John Tlgtie, captain. Tho following
players will be seen on the tenm: James
McCluskle, Thomas McCluskle, John
Skilllngtnn, Daniel Jones, Steve KUIgy
and Hort Hughes.
Next Tuesday night tho new team
will line up against a team represent
ing tho Twelfth regiment, and on tho
following Tuesday evening a game has
been arranged with the South Scranton
Athletic hall, on Alder street, was the
scene of a billllaitt social gathering last
evening, when the well-known and
l.romlncnt Athletics met to open the
full social season with a reception and
ball. The spacious hall, which was re
cently renovated, presented a charming
appearance, trimmed In red. white hle
and gold, and was brilliantly illumin
ated with several recently Installed a:c
The festivities started at 8.10 o'clock,
and the guests were received at the en
tiance by tho committee of arrange
ments and ollkers. After a short
promenade to the strains of Lawrence
orchestra, the lloor was cleared and the
dancing programme of the evening- was
commenced. Their were twenty-four
numbers In all, with an intermission at
midnight for refreshments.
The attendance was most gratifying,
and the affair passed oTf in a pleasing
and satisfactory manner. Tho success
of the affair was duo to the clever and
carefully prepared plans of the follow
ing committee, who had charge: John
Scheucr, Matt Holm, Fred Klatt, Henry
Meyers and (leorge Clrich.
Goldsmith's Bazaar
Trade Qt q Mark
Pretty Frames for the Face.
Fur Boas and Fur Scarfs.
A handsome showing of these, full of style, char
acter and elegance. We hope our lame description
the various kinds will put you out of patience with
words, and make you come and see for yourself.
Preliminary Show of Furs
Comfort and Economy in each and every one of
g these Fur Boas, Scarfs and Muffs; such a variety that
a a. most any taste can be suited.
Were are some of the Hurs;
Bear, Sable Fox, Isabella Fox, Marten,
Stone Marten, Mink, Sable Oppossum, Blue
Lynx, Badger, Royal Grey Fox,
Electric Seal, White Thibet, Sable and
Black Hare, Brazilian Beavers.
A choice assortment of Fur Boas of different
lengths and shapes. There's Muffs to match and you
can have either or both.
Misses' Fur Sets. Children's Fur Sets.
Chinchilla, White Lamb,
Beaver, White Angora,
Sable Oppossum, Imitation Ermine,
Electric Seal, Imt. Stone Marten,
Badger. White Thibet,
These sets range in price Blue Hare.
from These sets from
$2.98 to $9.98. 98c to $3.98.
A very pretty wedding was solem
nized at tho Holy Hosary parsonage
last night, when Miss Kate McOavItt,
the charming young daughter of Mr.
mid Mrs. Peter McDavltt, of f.eggett's
street, was united In wedlock with
Thomas McCluskie, of .School streel.
The ceremony was performed by Itev.
,T. V, Moylan, In Ihe presence of the
contracting parties present.
The bride wus attended by her sister,
Miss Sadlo McOavItt, while Patrick
McCall acted as best man. The bride
Two Weddings.
Two well-know ii couples were joined
in wedlock .leslerduy, o :u wedding tak
ing pl'iee at the St. Mary's Catholic
church am! tho other at St. John's
church, on Klg street.
At the llrst irniied church, the con
tracting pa; tics. Miss Anna Uiietung,
anil William .1. Snyder were united for
life by Itev. Father Christ. The groom
was attended by John Haas and Miss
Lizzie Heen aetid as bridesmaid. At
I lie conclusion of I lie ceremony, the
happy couple repaired to the home of
the bride's sister, r,IO I'ittston avenue,
where a short reception was followed
by a wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs.
Snyder will commence housekeeping at
oneo on tills side. .
Thomas V. McAndrew and Mary C.
Mauley were made man and wife ly
Hoi'. Father l!nhmd, at St. John's
church, on Fig street. Tho .ceremony
took place at ! a. m, and was preceded
by a nuptial muss. A reception after
ward took place at tho home of ll. o
bride's parents, HSU Cedar avenue, and
Ihe happy couple were handsomely re
membered by friends with many useful
Fur Trimmings in Vogue
There's ;i demand for Fur Trimminers this season
Sand we are equal to the demand. Fur Edgings in
various styles and qualities.
I o describe further would be but to contuse.
The Furs are here for your inspection.
A friend of the family.
One that will be "a friend in need,"
always to be depended upon, is Green
Valley Rye. It is mellowed with, age and
is mild to tiie taste, but searching in
its effect. Delicate women take Green
Valley, where other whiskies have failed
of nss mi ation.
A full quart bottle, delivered, $1.25.
Theodore, the .young sou of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Miller, residing at 701 Pitts
ton avenue, caught his foot In the desk
fixings .it No, 3 school, nnd, as a re
sult, sustained a badly sprained ankle.
A meeting of Ihe South Side Uepttb
lican association will take place In Ath
letic hall this evening, when all mem
bers and urged to attend and bring a
The funeral of John, an infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce, of Main
street. Minooka, who died Tuesday, will
take place today.
Miss Fannie llieg, of Wilkes-H.trre,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Anna
fmiluy,, of COS Slocum street, left for
Old 'Phone
r v" Sales DEPJRTMENTfl
New 'Phone
their marriage. A large number of
friends enjoyed the evening Immensely.
A tine supper was served. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Sendler received many presents
from their friends.
Cable News via Fanning Island
Bents Steamship Two Days,
lly llwhiihe Wile (ruin 'Hie .juelatei l'tc-s.
Honolulu, Oct. IS, via San Francisco,
Oct, 22. The Hawaiian Securities com
pany Is about to incorporate tinder the
laws of New Jersey, with u capital
stock of $12,000,000, divided Into 120.0UO
shares. The new corporation is 'o own
the stock of four well-known planta
tions of the Hawaii-Hawaiian Agricul
tural company, Onoiuea, linen, Wnluku
and Honomu.
Tho Hiitisli cable steamship Colnnla,'
which arrived hero Oct, 10, brought to
home yesterday
John Compton, ol r.lmdnlo Is tlio n,avall the tlrst Paclllc cable messages,
guest of friends on Willow street. I transmitted from Vancouver to ti point
Charles Wolchel, of Itnusnni, n, for- near Fanning Island, The line Is the
mer South Side rtsldent, Is visiting j longest stretch of cable in the world,
relatives on Cedar avenue, i being 3,155 knots In length. The Col-
General Grunt conimniidery, ICnlghts onla kept in communication with Van-
Academy of Musi
M. Ilcls, I.cssco and Mnnaccr.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager
Week o&aT Oct. 20,
Dally Matinees Commenting Tuesday.!
The Bennett and Moulton Cc
Thursday Matinee "Outcasts of Soclotji
Thursdity .'lght-"Tho Devil's Web," J
DDIPZQ Matinee, iu an I aoc.
ruiut-o ,
"Mbt, io, 30 and 30c.
Including Special .Monday .Matinee.
was beautifully attired lit a gown of ' oC alllilllt will hold an Important meet- couvor to the last, and llnally buoyed
nioussellnu de sole, trimmed with
Duchess lace. Her attendant was sim
ilarly attired. After the ceremony the
bridal party repaired to tho bride's
home, where a wedding .supper was
Mr. and Mrs, McCluskle wero the re
cipients of many beautiful and costly
presents. They will make their resi
dence for n llmu with his parents on
School street. The bride Is a very pop
ular young lady, mid has a host of
friends who wish her success In the
future. Her husband Is a most popular
young man,
A Home Wedding1,
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas
I'tiee, of Reese street, last night, when
their .charming young daughter was
united n marriage to William Powell,
of Spring street.
The bridal party entered the parlor
promptly at S o'clock, und wero met
under, an arch of palms by the Ilev.
Mr. Roberts, of Wayne nvenue, who
pronounced them man and wife. The
bride was uttended by Miss Hattle
Owens, wltlle Thomas Oweii3 acted as
groomsman. The bride wns attired In
a beautiful gown of white chiffon,
the end of tho cable about a mile from
I riiiiiuiiK, "nil caiuu a fro io join me
Ing in liartman'ti hall tomorrow even
.Messrs-. George Mlrt. and Charles cable steamship Angella, which Is to
Kellcrman, who, have beeen tnklng tho take up the work whero tho Colonla
Mount Clemens, Mich., baths for rhett- left off,
matlsm the past month, are expected The Colonla brought to Honolulu four
home today. ! brief cable messages, one of them tell-
fr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is luff of President Roosevelt's conference
guaranteed to euro all coughs. ."No
cure, no pay," For sale by all dealers,
The South Side Republican associa
tion will moot tonight at Athletic hall.
Reports will ho heard from the com
mittees on llnance, by-laws and organ
ization. Last night, at (.heir home. H20 South
Webster avenue, Mr. ami Mrs. Cbirlea
Slndler celebrated their silver weddlmr.
It belnir the twonty-llfth annlvcrsarv of establish the cable station on Fanning
: - I at once, and until the American line
1 from San Francisco teuyhes here Hon
i oltilu will receive her latest news from
with the parties concerned In Ihe coal
strike, The messages were four days
old when they reached here, but wero
by two duys tho newest messages from
the outside world ever received here,
Tim Angella has gono to Fanning,
where she will take up the work of
laying tho cable, while tho Colonln will
Inter be occupied with the American
cablo between Hawaii nnd the Midway
islands and Guam. Tlio Angella will
jr children toe tiling. Is tho nrescrlntlrm M
no of the- best female physicians anj
finises In tha United States, and has been
used sixty years with never.fulllng sue
for children teething, Is tho prescription ol
cess by millions of mothers for their ehii.
dren. During the process of teething iti
Value !s Incalculable. It relieves the chili
trom pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In thi
owcls. and wlnd-collc. I)y giving; health
(o the child it rests tlio mother. Price,
tivtiiity-llvo couU a battla. '
Killed at a Crossing-.
6y Kxtluilvc Wire from The AsocIicl 1'iui.
Lancaster, Pa., Oct. Sv'. William H.
Huff, a prosperous, farmer of Mill Green,
Harford county, Md., was killed at a.
grado crossing at Oototora on tho Col
Dixie's Theatn
Lessee and Manager.
Week of Octobar 20.
Q'Bourke and Go,
Two performances dally, 2.S0 and 8.151
Prices 15. -.. & and (We,
Gallery scats, JO cents.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
OC'TOHKU 2a. 21 AND 25.
lumbla and Port Deposit railroad this county.
corning, lie attempted to cross tha track J
in a wagon in front of an approaching!
passenger train. The engine struck lini
wagon and Half was caught In the uagoil
and carried llfty feet, when he wiJ
hurled Into a ditch, llo died In a fevl
minutes, llo was I! yeats old. and mar
lied. A few years ago hu was tho Pro!
hibltlon candidate, for judge of IliU'foi'cl
T4irJ .