", v . Vr wtf t-yr . vjh, Mr-f"V ' -1' - .-, ."ir;i-' cyw "" i .I' '. THE SOJRANTON TRIBUNE-THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1902. til' 'I' KXXXXXXXXXXXJ 1BE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Be Wise in Time Don't wnlt for zero weather before purchasing the heat er got It now and be pro pared. The Sterling: ti eater Needs no recommend, in three sizes. Made & Foote & Shear Co. O JJ9 Washington Ave. XXXKXXXXXXXXX MONEY TO LOAN I Wo wnnt everybody to know Unit wo have $20,000 cash to loan on Rood Scran ton real cstutc nt live nnd one-quarter per i-ent.. In amounts or W.000 and up. No application will 1m conwldered unleM a dcpoxlt nt flvc dollars 1h paid down as a. guarantee oC good faith. It we cannot got you the amount you want we will give you back tlio ten dollar.". Our reputation Is too well established for you to doubt that we will do as wo say. In slvliif? to us the estimated value of your property, bo careful about that as wo will be governed largely by what you say, but of course wo iilwiiyn look at the property before the loan Is made. We have been careful In mak ing this statement because wo do not want to be misunderstood and classed with n. lot of fake money lenders who make you believe all sorts of tlilnss till they Rot you to their ofllcns. COMKGY'S HEAL. ESTATE OFFICES, 70!) Connell Bid's. The Hardenbergh School of Miisic and flrf Offers the exceptional advan tage of Piano and Organ stua with Mr. Stunner Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. e noia ana ffer for Sale at low figures, the following stocks: y. Lumber. Rv Mexico Railway Co- -Com- Title Qunrnnty and Trust Co. Traders' National Bank. Alexander Car Replacer. Also several lots of good five per nt. bonds. Safe Investments for Conservative Buyers. 1. F. HEQARQEL & CO. locks, Bonds and Securities, Connell Building. Get "The .ackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WABMAN. 2S3sBi i REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. Oct. 21 At Lyceum, speakciH .IikIkc i'ennypiicker. Republican cumlidiiiu loi- bovcrnor, und others. Oct. 'Si At Auditorium. North Scrunton; speakers, William 1. Sclmffor, of Cliostor; rhomas II. Dale, .lohn il, Jones and 3la. b'or Everett "Warren, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Thuro will bo a regular nieetlutr of common council tonight. Tho teachers' and supplies committees tctf tlio board of control will also moot lonlsht. Tills Is donation day lit tlio Homo for Sho Friendless. Entertainment. toulRht. silver offering. Tlio Ladles' Aid society of Kim I'arJ; church will servo supper this ovenlua from 0 to S o'clock. PERSONALS. Mr, and Mrs, M. K. S.inders will cen. hratu the twenty. llflh anulveisiuy of tlieii luarlago at their liome, J3fG Church ave nue, on TliursUuy evening, October Cu, Prod W, DavU. of this city, an employo of tho government pirating ot'lleo at Washington, Is reported to bo ill In u hospital tlu-io with an attack of typhoid lever, Cards wero isMii-d ivstertlay for tlu Kvi-ddlng of t'liarles lluller .Stevens, of this city, and .miss Harriet A, Jlerry. (luusn. ter of Jlr. and Mis, .lolm S. Herry, of Car Yondali, to take nluco Wednesday oven. lng, November 3. Mrs. Dr. Uollister, who has been spend ing sevetal mouths with her daughter, Mrs. W. II. Anderson, ul All):iny, N, V., Is sufficiently recovered Horn a sovero at. tack of iilomlhy to bo expected home tho latter Part of this mouth. The nuinluge of ivier l Howltty and Miss Mary Unify will be poleninlzed at Bt. Peter's cathedral at 0 o'clock this morning. A reception will follow at tho homo of the Inkle's mother on Madison lvcnue. On occount of a recent death In ho bride's family, uu liirltutJomi hayc tecn Issued. j MlESBEC 85stww NINE DIVORCES WERE GRANTED MANY MISMATED COUPLES SEP ARATED BY COURT. Mrs. O. E. Sayre Was Driven Out In the Snow In Her Stocking Feet. Mrs. Wlllnrd Lathrone Found In Her Homo with a Strange Man. Clara Crlsson Divorced from Hor Husband, John, Who Deserted Her in 1805 Testimony Which Was Heard in Other Cases. Nine decrees in divorce wero yester day granted by court In the following canes: Orn K. Sayre vb. Arthur It. Havre; ' Wlllurd Lulhrop? vh. Ethel I.athropoi Katherlne Cogglna 't. .tohn CorrIiih: Clara Crlsnon vt. .Tohn Crls hoii; Allen Kinlth v.. Sarah Smith; Phoebe J. Keniier vs. IJeiijiunln Kcn ner; Henry Solicitor vh. Paulino Solicitor: Helen Mary Hack vs. .Mich ael Bach; William Campbell vh. Julia Slay Campbell. Ora 15. Snyru, who was divorced from Arthur 1!. Sayre, was niurrled to hhn on .Inn. 1. 1807, by Ilev. P. P. Zlssehnnn. I'hey lived with Mrs. Siiyrc'H mother In Carbondulo for a time nCtor their marriage, and later went to housekeep ing for themselves. The testimony of M-.. Snyre, her mother; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sadie Hunter, of Carboudale. and of Mrs. Clara Tuttle, of Clreen ltldgo, was to the effect thai Sayre was abusive and frequently threatened his wife's life. Mrs. Sayre's mother testified thai, while her daughter was living with her she was frequently obliged to Interfere to snvo her from being beaten. Testi mony was uddueed to show tint t on a snowy night In March, 18DS, Mrs. Sayre was driven out of her house in her stocking feet by her husband and wns forced to seek shelter with her mother. This couple had one child, who Is in the custody of the mother. Wlllard I.atlirope, who was divorced from liis wife. Ethel, was married to her on Jan. 2C. 1S!K, In Chicngo. The couple lived In that city until 1S!t! when they moved to Peckville, where Lath rope found employment as a clerk In the store of tho Riverside Store com pany. 6n July 17, 189!), according to Ills story, he sent some goods home by Frank Berghelser, one of the eoin pany's drivers, who looked into the window as he was passing around to the back of the house and who saw Mrs. Lathi-ope and a strange man on the floor in a compromising position. Sho Wns Excited. Mrs. I.athrope opened the door for him but seemed greatly excited and flurried, llerghelser went back to the store and notified Lathrope, who hur ried over to his house, arriving there just in time to fict a strange man coin ing out. He found ills wife under the influence of liquor and discovered sev eral glasses stained with whiskey and a bottle of the latter on the table. He charged her with being unfaithful to lilni but she denied the accusation. Lathrope left the house and went to Wllkcs-IIarro, where ho enlisted in the United States cavalry, serving three years in Cuba. Last month he received a note from bis wife asking him to meet her at tho Astor house, New York city. He met her there and she pro posed that be forgive and forgot, but he refused to listen to her, whereupon she remarked that sho had a better man named Frank L. Fields, with whom she was living on Amsterdam avenue. Latlirop testilied that he had heard from several parties that his wife has been seen in this city with women of bad repute. Berghelser corroborated Lathrope's testimony regarding his see ing airs. Lathrope in a compromising position, and Lathrope's hrother-ln-law testilied to having seen her In the com pany of disreputable men and women. Katherine Coggins, who was separ ated from her husband, John, was married to him on October 21, lSSIi, in Olypbant. In ISilt he left her nnd re mained away for some time. Ho came back and lived with her until August, 1S0G, when ho went to Buffalo. Ho has never lived with her since. Mrs. Cog gins testified that her husband was a man who worked little and drank much. She swore that for tho last ten years lie has not contributed $:!.' to her support. Married in Moscow. Clara Crlsson and John frisson, who wero vesterday divorced, were married on February it. 1S7!. by Rev. J. Mur ray Colvllle, of Moscow. They lived after their marrlago at Moscow, Dun more and AVhumers. While they were living at "Whinners, on July 15, ISO.", he left her. Up to that time their mar ried life had been very unhappy. Crls son failed to provide for his wife, and drank continually. She Is now conduct ing a boarding house nt Kliuhiirst, Allen Smith was inurvlMl In Sarah Smith In Rlnghnmton, eleven years ago. Six years ago they came to Duiimore, They had a violent quarrel, because Smith refused to adopt n 3-year-old boy his wife wished him to, nnd on the night of September 1, 1S08, when he enmo home ho found his wife and most of tin; furniture gone. Ho bus never heard fiom her since. Phoebe J, Kenner, who was divorced from Benjamin Kenner, was married to him In 188S, In this city. Ho left her lifter they had lived together for a year and remained nwny for eleven years, when he returned and made up with her. They lived at Llttlo Knglnnd for another year, when ho again deserted Iter. She now lives In (liven Rldgo, Her testimony was corroborated by several of her children by her llrst husband, and by neighbors, Henry Sclieuer and Pauline Sehcuer were married on May 11, 1890, and went to live lit 708 Cedar avenue, Sclieuer testilied that his wife, after a talk with her mother, decided to leave lilni on July ai, 1899, She went homo with her mother uud has lived with her since, refusing to again llvo with him. Helen Mary Buck, who secured a divorce from her husband, Mlchuel Hack, was married to him twenty-live years nan in Klolsuu, Austria. Tlueo years afterwards ho cnino to this coun try and remained here for two years and a hair. Ho then returned to Aus tria, but later cuniu back to the United States and remained here until 1SS7, when lie sent for his wife to Join him. Left with Another Woman. She came on hero uud went to live with him at StocktuiiuihuKerne county, After six weeks ha deserted her und skipped to Towandu with unotliur wo man. Sho followed hhn, mid he prom ised Jo give tho woman up. Bho went back to Stockton to get her belongings, and when she returned her husbautr hud again disappeared with the other woman. She followed them to Kdser- J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. 604 LINDEN STREET, ton, nnd When they learned or her pres ence they hurriedly left, and have not been seen since. "William Campbell and Julia May Campbell were united In lunrrliiRe on February 7, 1S92, In AViiverly, N. Y, Campbell Is now living In Rochester, N. Y. Ho alleges that his wife treated him cruelly nnd neglected their son, Court, in grunting him u divorce, di rects hhn to pay his wife $1,250 as all. lnony for nil time, STRUCK BY A TRAIN. William Lally Received Fatal In juries on tho D. & H. Railroad Last Night. AVIlllani Lally, mi aged resident of ,130 Hniinel street, was run down by a Delaware nnd Hudson work train short ly before 0 o'clock last evening, and sustained Injuries from which he died soon afterwards. He was walking along the railroad, below the gas house, and evidently did not notice the train approaching, as ho was struck by the engine and knocked down. Ills skull was fractured at tho base of the bruin, und his face was also bruised. Several workmen picked him up and put him on the train, and a call was sent to the Lackawanna hospital for the ambulance. Lally was conveyed to the Delaware and Hudson station, where the ambulance wns In waiting, but just as the Injured man was being carried into the baggage room ho ex pired. Coroner Sultry was notified and ordered tho remains taken to Cttsick's, where the man was Identified. The re mains wero prepared for burial and wero later removed to deceased's home. Lally Is survived by his wife, one daughter, Maggie, and one son, AVill luin. Tlio funeral will be announced later. VICTORY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Defeated Old Forge High School Team at Athletic Park. Tho St. Thomas College foot ball team defeated the Old Forge High School boys, at Athletic park, yester day afternoon, in a rather ono-slded game. A few minutes' play showed that tho college boys had an easy thing of it, and after making three touch downs in the first half. Captain McCann put In all the subs for the second half of the game. Tho Keystone Academy team will meet the St. Thomas College eleven hero next Saturday. The college boys, smarting under tho defeat they met at Factoryvlllo, two weeks ago, have strengthened the team and are working hard to turn the tables on their op ponents next Saturday. They 'realize that this will be no easy task, as tho Factoryvllle boys have not hecn scored upon this season. The playing- of both teams Is remark able for the absence- of tlio disagree able wrangling features, and a genuine article of foot ball Is promised to the lovers of tli game. WEDDED AT CATHEDRAL. Popular South Scranton Young Peo ple United in Marriage. Thomas F. Uilboy and .Miss Klb'.abeih May, both of South Scranton, were united In marriage nt 10 o'clock yester day morning In St. Peter's cathedral by Hev. J. A. O'ltellly. Prof. Schilling presided at the organ, and the bilde was attended by her sis ter. Miss Klla May, and the groom by James Rush. The bride wore a gown or steel-colored silk, trimmed with hicu and violet velour, and her maid was at tired In pnle blue mousseiine do sole, trimmed with l.teo and chiffon. Both wore picture hats. A reception was held at the home of thp bride's parents, on Prospect ave nue, unci Mr. and Mrs. Ollboy left on nn nfternou train for New York, SCHREIFFER APPOINTED. To Succeed the Late W. O. Wilson as D., L. & W. Accountant. Alex, Schrtll'fer. who hns been time keeper of the Scranton division of the Lackawanna railroad, for a number of years, was appointed yesterday by Superintendent K, M, Itltie to succeed tho late accountant, W. O. Wilson, who died suddenly on .Monday while on a bicycle trip over tlio F.lmhurst boule vnrd. File Clerk Clarence Fnrroll will suc ceed Mr. Schtieffer as timekeeper, and John Hughes will succeed Farrel us Hie clerk. Tho funeral or the late Mr, Wilson will take placo this- afternoon, Services will be held at the house, 417 vine street, nt l.so o'clock, and Interment will be made In the Duiiiuore cemetery. No Feature in cow's milk for Infant feeding Is so. Important as Its purity a ml the method of preserving It. Borden's Kiigln Brand Condensed Milk Is sclentlllcully pro. il lived und prepared, It gives to cof- ieo a ueiicious iiuvor. wont mo world over, City and School Taxes 1003, Tlio above tax duplicate are now In my hands for collection. F, S. BARK13H, City Treasurer, HAVEMEYERS & ELDERS ''Standard Fine" Granulated 20 for $1.00 THE BEST ON EARTH. TJie Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Ill l.uckawnnnu avenue, U:'l North Main uvenue. 'Phono 73-2. Piompt delivery. New 'Phone 123. First-Class Advantages Are offered by the Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. STRIKERS ASSAULT NON-UNION WORKMEN Lively Scrimmage Near tho Dodge Breaker Yesterday Afternoon. Three Men Injured. A crowd of non-union Workmen, who wero employed at the Dodgo mine, were set upon by 11 -crowd of strikers yester day afternoon us they wore leaving the colliery, nnd several of them were se verely injured. It Is estimated that there wore about fifty men In tlio crowd when they started homewnrd, nnd many of them wore leaving for good, carrying their tools and working clothes with them. When the attack was made, the non unionists scattered In every direction, fleeing from tho stones, uud other mis sies hurled ,nt them. A majority of them made good their escape towards Lackawanna township, but those who ventured cityward and over the Klin street bridge fared badly. Three of them, whose identity was revealed, sustained Injuries nbout the head, face and body, and It was re ported that one fellow was thrown Into tho Lackawanna river, but this could not be verllied. The Injured are: Joseph Brnun, of Duninore, scalp lac erated and face bruised. Joseph Locknor, South Webster ave nue, several cuts about the head and fnce. Michael Ootchuni. of South Webster avenue, face and head bruised. Praun was found in a semi-conscious condition In the yard back of Captain M. J. Ttuane's houe, nt r13 Ballroad avenue, where he evidently went to es cape from the assault upon hll'u. The other two wero picked up by the police on P.ailroad avenue, near Kim street. All three wero taken to the Lackawan na hospital. No arrests were made, as the crowd had dispersed when the police were summoned. ANNUAL DONATION DAY. This Is the Time to Remember the Home for the Friendless. This is annual donation day at the Home for the Friendless. Kverything in tlio way of supplies and provisions is needed. No garments have been made lately because the supply of ma teria is very low. There Is no Hour, and the sugar barrel is empty. The only receptacles that are full are tlio beds. Kvery bed in the- dormitories is occupied. Some of tho narrow beds contain two children, and every bed in the old ladles' rooms Is nlso occupied. The family Is so large and the ex penses are so heavy that donation day is eagerly anticipated, and It is hoped that none of the friends of the Home will forget Us needs this year. Tonight, everybody who loves little children and who. feels sorry for homo less and friendless old ladies. Is invited to attend the entertainment, which will begin at S o'clock. It will be brief, -but most enjoyable. Mrs. H. H. Brady will sing, and Miss Boss, who Is celebrated as 11 reader, will recite. it will be worth a silver offering to sec ail t lie little people and nil the old people of the Home, as they listen to the entertaiiiPi-s. The fireen Itidge Suburban line will have special cars to convey the patrons. SWISS INDEPENDENCE. Event Will Be Celebrated at Music Hall Oct. 31. The Swiss Colony of Scranton will celebrate the live hundred and nlnety llt'th anniversary of the Independence of Switzerland the coming :!lst of Oc tober, with a patriotic festival In Music hall. An appropriate programme under the supervision of President Joseph (Inoss is being prepared, anil Law rence's orchestra will furnish tho music for dancing. The leading men of the Forest Can tons, which for ages had yielded a merely nominal recognition of the house of HapsburK and had acknowledged no feudal superior, met on the ("iructll ineadow In 1.1ft" and resolved to expel the Austrian bailiffs. Tho war termin ated In favor of the Swiss at Morgar ten In lai.'i, and eight Cantons in all therefore entered n perpetual' league, which wns the foundation of the Swiss Confederation, or the oldest Uepubllc in tlie world of today. Typewriters. Smoot, "The Typewriter Man," has one Blickensderfer und one Chicago typewriter to sell very cheap. Guern sey building, city. ' Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a spec-laity, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 n. 111. to 4 p. m.: 7 to S.3Q p. m. Pure niiiplo syrup, 30c, t. Coursen, To those preset, wag this coupon and making a purchase of 1 or over on Friday, Saturday and Monday, Oct. 20, 80 and 88. Now Canned Goods. Finest Coi'i'ee and Teas in tho city. Best Groceries and prices less than elsewhere. E. G. Coursen, 420 Lackawauna Ave. I HI Kin :H I IHj nl H TO RECEIVE THE NEXT GOVERNOR lit--. ! PENNYPAOKER PARTY TO BE GIVEN OVATION. Clubs and Prominent Republicans to Meet Him and His Campaigning Party When They Arrive- Tomor row Afternoon May Go to Car hondnlo or South Scranton in the Afternoon Prominent Spoakoro Engaged for a Series of Meetings to Take Placo In City and County. Judge Pcnnypacker and his cam paigning party will be at tho Lyceum tomorrow night. In the party with the next governor arc Attorney General John P. Klkln, Isaac U. Brown, candi date for secretary of Internal affairs: J. 1. Sohaffor, of Delaware county, Superior court reporter, nnd half a dozen other prominent Pcniis.vlvanlans. The party will conic from Tunkhun nouk, arriving hero nt 1.0S p. 111., over tlio Lackawitnna road. Arrangements arc being made to give tho party an enthusiastic reception, Bepitbllctin clubs and tho Lawrence hand will be ut the depot to net as an escort, and promi nent Republicans not Identified with the clubs will also bo present to partici pate In the reception. There Is talk of having Judge Penny packer take a run up to Carbondnle or down to South Scranton In the att6r noon. This matter will bo definitely de cided todny. ' - The Lyceum meeting will be presided over by Hon. J. A. Scranton, Muslo will be furnished by the Lawrence band, tho United Gorman Singing soci eties and the Sons of Cambria Glee club. One of the biggest audiences that ever (Hied the Lyceum Is expected on this occasion. Other Republican mass meetings have been arranged for In this city and county, as follows: Scranton, Central City, Lyceum Thea ter, Friday, Oct, ."1 Hon. Charles Kmory Smith, former postmaster genei.-il, a lo cal favorite and one of tho ablest speak ers in the Pulled Stntes: and Hen, Stewart McKlbbcn, of Indiana. Scranton, Hyde Park. St. David's Hull, Wednesday. Oct. 21-lIon. .1. S. Sher man, of I'tlcn. N. V., for many years one of tho leaders in congress; lion. Kdward B. Vreelnnd, of Salamanca, N. V.. representative in congre;."!-. and an ploepiiMil speaker, and Major Alexander McDonald, of Sharon, Pa., clerk of thu bouse of representatives, and one of the wittiest orators In the country. Scraiitop, Providence. Saturday. Oct. -." 1 Ion. W. t. Selin ff or, of Delaware coun ty, a. rattling speaker: T. 11. Dale, .Ma jor Kverett Warren, and ex-Dlstrirt At torney John tt. Jones. Scranton. Providence, Auditorium, Satur day, Nov. 1 Robert S. Murphy, of Johnstown, and Jerry Snyder, of Allen town. Scranton, South Side. Wnrkiugnien's Hall, Monday, Nov. :i M. W. Lowry, it. A. Klmornmu and Hon. John It, Fnrr. Scranlon, South Side, .Monday. Nov. IS, Athletic Hall lion. James Molr, John F. Seragg a'ud John M. Harris-. Carboudale, Opera House. Saturday, Nov. 1 Hon. Set ciio K. Payne, of Aubuiii. N. V., Iloor leader of the Republicans In congress and nn" of the niilc&l stares men ami ninlors In tho country, and Major Bvcrctt Wanen. Dnnmore, Odd Fr lows' Hull, Saturday, Nov. I Robert S. .Murphy. Jerry Sny der, John M. Harris. Taylor. Webber's Hull. Wednesday, Oct. Si Hon. John It. Fnrr. .Major Kverett Warren and Deputy Attorney (iPtioral Frederic W. Fluitz. Jermyn, Bdmunilii' Hall. Thumlny. Oct. W-llou. John 11. I'arr, T. II. Hale, Ma jnr Kverett Warren. ' See the Cut Kan. Effective and attractive half-tones and line cuts for .card, advertising or any otlier purpose, can be secured at The Tribune olllce. Wo do work that Is. unexcelled, do It promptly nnd at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. Autumn Flowers. Gorgeous chrysanthemums at Morel Bros. Both 'phones. Vnll iT9ac;c I 1 4-1 fl 11 V4J7 Toggery for Hen The kind you want. The kind of a price you vant to pay. The kind of a store you J like to buv at. r AVE V M'KUCE ST v. v, & r. v, v, v. , v, , . v, f. v, v. 90 Best The Celebrated Always reliable.' AW sicV j&AfiV Dickson Mill & Grain Co Scranton and Olyphant. '4 'A 'A '4 '4 "4 M "4 '4 '4 M '4 '4 '4 "4 '4 '4 CEYLON TEA GREENorBLACK "Imparts a zest, Instils new life, Into a jaded appetite," ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ceylon and Inillit Ten. REFRESHING. DELICIOUS, ulil on-j- In l.ctiil PackeK. 60c. 60c, and 70c. Per Lb. Do You Know The best place In town to buy is at 412 Spruce Street. 309 Iackawanna Avenue. Wo have a complete assortment of the 50c kind, tho $1.00 kind nnd all standard makes, in all grades. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. You Can Always Save Tlio mlilcllomnti's iio 111 liy liiiiuhto-lMK your iimljl-ollsis or )artiFola illmct from tlio lminu fucttirer. Special in (lucomoiits just now In 111 tier to uli-ur out our Hlock preparatory to mnltins up mtr (.'ln-lstmitH line. Wo are tho only exclusive umbrella manu facturers In tlio oily. SCItANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. 313 SI'IU'CU STUKKT. $ $t ! $ 'Is Z 'I S1 S ! I S4 'I1 2" 4 $t t fiieiHiM ; Of anything in the line of optical goods wo can supply it. ,., es and Eye Glasses Properly fitted by an expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of prescrip tion work and repairing. Mercereau & Council, 132 Wyoming Avenue. ! a I' 2 ' 2( ' j1 ! ! ! ! b & I' NEW YORK HOTELS. pTpTjOTEL 0 iUMflMUMMMMMkMMM WWIIIIBIW II .itii.vv.,iu-:ivi:i;n-..i)tii .y.vdmui'ii.st.s. nkw vokic. european plan. new. pi epko'jp Convenient to Theatres nn J Shopping Districts. Take 2jrd st, cross iov;t cars anJ transfer at Ith avc. direct to hotel, ItOOIIIS Vltll llutli ) (Suits with ll-it't iv!.oo I I stum. V. 11. PARKE. Proprietor. WESTMIXSTJMI HOTEL Cor, SUtmith St. ant Ir ne I'lics. NEW YORK. American Man, 53.S0 Per Day and Kptwtih. ruroptan 1'lmi, 51.00 I'tr Uiy ami Upwards. Special lute to 1'omllici. T. THOMPSON, Prop. , -f-H " -M--M- X For misluess .Hen 4- In the hcitit of the wholesale, ilia, f tric-t, I For .sitopycivi 4- :i minutes' walk to W.inumuUersi L' minutes to Hleeol Coopers His Htore. Kuay of ai-cess to the great Pry Uootlij Stores. For Slslilseeis One block from li'w.iy f'ars, giv ing eaby transportation to all ponub u interest I HOTEL ALBERT 1 C'or Uth ST. & PNIVKUSITV PI., f T Only one IJlock from liroad way. i Rooms, $1 Up. pAlf'V.iu i in ffil.li Itli&jL, For Guesses Who ran nnnie the winner In Tho Tribune'. iMucatlonnl Contest nnd tell tlm number of points lio or Bho will havoV First Prlzc-SSOO In Cold, Next Three $1,00 each. Next Two-50 cents each. Next Fonr-25 cents each, TOTAL-Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut out the coupon below, nil It In, nntl sent! to "Sornnton Tribune. Scran ton, I'll., OtioH.sltnr Contest." on or be fore Krlilny, Oct, SI, on which lny the gtiewliiff contest etuis. All coupons must he In Tho Tribune office by Friday, nt 5 o'clock p, m. Tlittt-Filny, Ort. 2.1. I think tho winner ut The Tub tine's Educational Contest will bo No. of points Name , Atlilrc5s tCul out this lower coupon only. The Title Guaranty and Will be pleased to receive money In any nniount and rate of Interest thereon. deposits ol pay liberal While our f tompornry nt 1IJ5 nvc. nrj small, wa nbundniit. piitronnge (imi-t ort Wash, somewhat 1110 ly utile to Onto our Inci-e.islii-j; Open an CAPITAL AMI SUKFLUS ONE MILLION DOLLARS account with tia. L. A. WATHICS P. L. PHILLIPS. ..President Third A'lco-rrcsldont and Troasuier EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Abram Ncsbltt. Thomas J3. Jones. William P. Hullstcnd. O. S. Johnson. Thomas II. Wathlns. L. A. Watrcs. 4 $ !!$ , ! r - s 9990S99 Are the best in the world. In VARNISHES wo carry Parrotts, Masury's, Valentines and Lawsons Also a full line of Brushes Bittenbender & 1 26-128 Frauklin Ave j. : The Standard of Excellence means a great deal, but It expresses the position of In the stationery world, Theyare the best and they are the standard of polite society, Whiting'js French Organdies In the new Fall tints, Cafe and Chrysanthemum, will be the papers lu use for select correspondence this Fall. Very elegant effects can be produced by stamping or illums Inatlng. We have the complete selection. REYNOLDS BROTHERS Hotel Jerinyn Building-. , Tni W A Paint Whiting s Papers