The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 23, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    "TO ttftQM
r "- -,'(? t f "V n l f
j. V. it ssr
""eyw -!- - -
t" 'yi"r
Somo Who Ave Near the Top Wait
ing for the Lnst Hour Before Dis
closing' Their Strength Shephord
Hns Gained 141 Points on Thomp
son Since Oct. 1 Eddie Morris
Gets Bnck In Main Table, Arthur
Thayer Diops Out Rules for the
Last Day.
Seven of the leaders In The Tribune's
Educational Content added to their
Hcorcs yesterday and unu (if the kuvpii
made a good advance. Those who
scored were:
Maxwell Shopli'-'i (1
Kdillc Motrin
tlerberi Thompson
T. A. Hiivenatrlto
UiiiIh Ore
William T. s. KodrlKUi'z ::
(.'hailcrt V. Dot cey 1!
Kddle Moirlt was the one who climbed
Waller Utillsteml for thirtieth place.
His advance from thirty-fourth place
inadn Arthur Thayer relinquish hlsMiold
on thirty-third position mid drop out
of the tabic.
Maxwell Shepherd, of Porbondale, Is
lied with Albert Krccdmoli for clRhtli
place. One more point would have
placed the t'arbomlalr hoys together
. !)
. i
. 3
3-'- r .
.p. Ho passed Arthur Thayer, Lee Cul
ver and Grant Decker, and is tied with
PsBW"??? ' - .WJHh
111 l 'Pi
iiKaln. An It Is, .Mr. Thompson leads
his fellow-townsniaii by but 13 points,
although he was 111 In the lead on Oc
tober 1.
The follow Iiik letter of Instructions
has been mailed to each contestant. It
may be that some have not received It,
so li Is published in fall this iudi-iiIiii,:
To Hie Conti'stniits In Tin TilbnneS lMu-
callinial Ooiilof
As the end of the eiinti-sl hex It
will no dnuhl please yon to have u fall r
pltiniition as to tlic in iiitiKcmunN for the
iloshiK day. Xnl Hint tlioic Is to lo nnj
i'Iiiiiikc in tlio rules, for this Is miucri'i
snrj, but to avoid any pnsllilllly of n
inlsumk'rsl.indliiK we Imvi1 lliotiKlil In. -.t
to mldic-s this letter In von.
Wo will continue to publish In The TiIIj
une Pifh day the stundlliR of the (onleil
lints but after the Jmsuh of S.ituid.i.v
inotnlni?, October .''i, no fuitlier Informa
tion will bu given until the final lesult Is
announced nu Monday lnoniliitj, Octo
ber -7.
lleturns will be leeolved at the office of
The Tiibune until ,S o'clock p. in. Satur
day, October i."t hut do not delay bring
ing In your last points until an hour dan
gerously close to the end, lis no retains
will bo accepted fioni contestants (except
those who make retains by mail) who
are not In tlio of lice nt the lllst stroke of
S o'clock ns tolled by Iho court litiuso
Contestants will be required to innUo
their retains rcgaidlcss of the standing
of others at the moment) nnd the number
of points ntiy one may have reglslcted
ihirlnK tho day will In no ca(e be ills
closed. Contestants who send leports by innll
will bo credited for nil that bear a post
mark at tlio postofllco of deposit of fi p.
m, or earlier. In this connection It Is lm
poiliint to notice that letters left ul n
postofllco nro frequently not postmarked
at once, and It will be neeessaiy to us
ed tain Just how long berore the hour ot
8 a letter should bo deposited 111 older to
Insula Its' being piopeily slumped, Ilo
sine to ascertain Ctom your postmaster
if your letter will bo dispatched fmm thu
postofllco on Saturday evening, an It
much icach ficiaiiton the following day
In onlor to rrcelvc credit.
In ease of tics, the one who succeeds
In Hist scoring tho number of points will
liavu the Hist choice of a special rewind.
The hour of mnklug the letuin at The
Ttlbuno ofllce or the poxttimik will de
cide. Theie ate tliiee days more of the con
test. Prom now on until the dose It Is ad
visable to make returns piomptly and
thus avoid confusion anil passible ctlois
on the lust day.
I'iich subsoillier's name anil
must appear on the slips or the points
cannot lie c 1 edited,
it will lie Impossible to maUe a delluite
aimnimceini'iil Hatnulay ownlm?. as iu-
k ; ... U vat- vy i.
:! i B,yV5S.X
mi v vii
'S'imS's'iSWaW1 ri
tSwSSr'' i
'VA'3SS3SSS, ..
m8BMfi umm
turns made by mall might tniileilnll
change the rouU. It will also be necis
s.iry to exiimlne eacli suhscilplloa to sec
Friday, Saturday, Monday, October 24, 25 and 27
t J
Grand Display
i Strictly New Dry Goods i
A. O'
Special Showing of the
Latest Silks and Dress Goods.
Dress Goods Department
Toiretine. Lining Silks. -'.' shades: ,19c value for.... !Wc
Taffetas, eoloied short lengths; 7,'n: goods for ,Vii;
I'heney'.s Soft KinNIi Wash TaflVlns T.".c
llcitutiriil Chryslal Satins, small liguics $l.nn
Hl.ick Peau do Sole, filjc aluo I'oi .-. 7,-,t!
nnlden i'dgi" I'.huk tVau d" Sole, !i."c value Sue
Hliick I Vau dc Sole, :.', inches wide; .special !)."ic
Full Viiril-Wide I'cau de Sole, $l.f,ij value $1.2')
Haskell's Uigli (iradc Silks 7,".c, sr.c, :i:,c, Jl.r.o
Manner I'.lack Taffetas, lull yiml wide :i.-,c
Mlack 'I'affelas, y.mi and half wide; special $.nn
Kuin-l'roof Mlafk Taffetas $1.'T, and M.r,n
70c MiIkIii Clan riaid Silks, lor ' ,v.v
?1.00 Mrlght I'lun Plaid Silks for 7,-,c
J.ol. l-'ancy Taffetas, 7.",c and $l,lil) goods r.l'c
Lot Fancy Tatfetas, (i"jc goods We-
New Dressy Dress Goods
Crepes, Voiles, llttaininees, all wool and silk and
wool: beautiful light weight fabrics, in all
colors 75c to $1.00
Whipcords, Pebbles, Ll.zards, all hard finish
goods; splendid value at $l,no
10-Inch Coverts-, all new shades -pjc
Zibelines and Camel Hair Mixtures, $.B0 value. ..$1.LT,
Venetians, Vicunas and Coverts, $1.2.", value S1.00
Poplins. Arinuros. etc. value..! 7,-,0
N'nv Llzziird Weaves, all shades.,; s.'c
SO-lnch Snow Klako Tweeds $1,00
Black Goods
4U-luch Mlack Cheviot, fi:!e value
CO-lnch Mlack Cheviot, too value I lltick Cheviot, 51.L-3 value
7,"c Printed French Flannels Silo
7.'c Xew Fancy AValstings, In short, lengths r.'Jo
Meautlful Iledford, with sill; stripe i,-)
Tretty AVorstcd waistings l!iu and I'.'o
Table Linens
Fine display of Old Bleach Linens; look well and
wear better than other Linens,.,
,'.0o I'nbleaeheil Damask .V -1(.
10c X'nbleaelied n.imusk , Stju
4,'c f'nbleaehcd Damask , ;s0
PDo UnMeached Oainask r,oc. Vnbleachcd Damask rl9(,
Jl.00 Unbleached Diuuask 7ii0
$1.2 J Unbleathed Dainasl; $1,00
7!e Snow AViiltu Damask ijac
... SDK
$1.00 Snow AVhl to Damask
$l,2.r Snow White Damask
Sl.CO Snow White Damask
J2.00 Snow White Daiuusk
Bargains in Domestics
Rest Dunbrldtro Apron Cllngham , Co
flood Straw Ticking gc
Uluo Stripe Feather Ticking j
Canton Flannel Tlcklm; To
Canton Flannel, fine ,, ,..,, 7U
Good Urown Muslin , f .if,u
Oood Itleached Muslin , ,,,., '(-u
Finest Urowrf .Muslin ,.
Hill, Lonsdule, Fruit of Loom,,,,,,.,
Good Shaker Flannel ...,' ,,,.
Heavy Shaker Flannel ,..,,.,,
Outings, ypry pretty patterns
Fine 8c Heavy Fleeced Outings
Fancy 10u Finn Fleeced Outliib's,,..,
Hest Double Fleeced Outings
nest Indigo Mine Prints
Hest Silver Clrey Prints
,,..,,.,,,, 7o
, 7c
)..,,,,,, Su
Cut Out This Coupon
Present at our office,
purchase Si.oo worth of
goods or moro and you
will receive 30 stamps,
October 24, 25, 27,
Coat Department
New line of L idles' and Misses' Coals. Suits and
Underwear and Hosiery .
Hoys' and Uirl's l-'.is-l i'.lack Hose
I Joys' and (ilrls Hlm-I: Cut Hose
Misses' Fine Ribbed Hose
Ladies' Fast Hliick Hose
Ladles' Fine Mlack Hose
Lad If s' .Main Mlack Hose
Ladies' Fancy Hose," in great variolic;
at 2.1c, .Tie, f.Oe
ciilldrin'K Flue Fleeced Underwear
Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Underwear
Ladles' Flue Jersey nibbed Underwear
Ladles' Natural Grey Underwear
Ladies' White Wool or Natural Underw
Ladles' Kxtra Fine Underwear
Ladies' Union Suits
Men's Fast I'.lack Hose
Men's White Foot Hose
Men's Ktra. Fine Hose, black or fancy.
Men's Dark Fleeced Underwear
Men's Light Fleeced Underwear
Men's Fancy Fleeced Underwear
M'en's Natural Underwear
Men's Jersey Ribbed Underwear
Mali's Heavy Wool Underwear
Men's Light Fine Wool Underwent
Men's Heavy Doublc-Mreasted Underw
. . 2r,c
. . 2"e
s. Specials
, 7.-,c, sr,c,
15c to ".Uc
' ."0c
car $1.00
C0c up to $,"i.00
,3 pair for 25o
, $1.00
1 $1.7o
Notion Department Specials
and black;
Standing or' Contestants
1. A. J. Xellermtui, Scranton.045
2. Oscar H. Klpp, Elmhurst..070
3. Wllllnm T. S. Eodrlguez,
Scrnnton 032
4. Chnrles Burns, VnndHnB.,021
5. Fred K, Qunster, Green
Ultlffe 013
0. Win, Sherwood, Harford. .070
7. Herbsrt Thompson, Car-
bondale C38
8. Albert Frcedmnn, Belle-
vuo 015
0. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondnle G10
10. J. A, Havenstrlte, Mos
cow 300
11. Ohns. W. Dorscy, Scrnnton.353
12. L. E. Stnnton, Scrnnton. . .207
13. Hendrlek Adams, Chin
chilla 233
14. Lewis Bates, Scrnnton. . . . 101
15. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 170
10. Henry E. Collins, Klzers.102
17. Homer Kresgo,Hyde Park. 117
18. Miss Beat lice Ha r pur,
Thompson 100
10. Frank B. McCrenry, Hnll-
stead 104
20. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 05
21. Miss Jnne Mathewson,
Fnctoryvllle 05
22. Fred Kibler, South Scran
ton 01
'23. A. L. Clark, Green Grove . 00
24. William Cooper, Priceburg 83
25. Don C. Capwell, Scranton. 81
20. Louis Gere, Brooklyn 74
27. John Mnckie, Providence. 71
28. HurIi Johnston, Forest
City 08
20. M i a s Ednn Coleman,
Scrnnton 40
30. Walter Hallsteiul, Scrnn
ton 44
31. Eddie Morris, South Scran
ton 44
32. Grant Id. Decker, Hall-
stead 42
33. Lee Culver, Springvlle. . . 41
if It Is not a renewal of some person who
was on our books before the contest
opened, and who Is still taking Tlio Trib
une. This rule si ems to ho cleuily under
stood and there will probably be no trou
ble In this lespect.
Thanking you for your continued Inter
est and eninet efforts In The Tribune's
l-'duriitioiial Contest, and wishing you
the success you merit, vc Iipr to remain.
Cordially yours,
The Tribunu Publishing Co.
A number of tho lenders have not re
turned points for soma time. Follow
ing are the names of some, with the
date of their last appearance: A. J.
Kellerman, Oct. 9; Hnrry Madden. Oct.
10; Don C. Capwell, Sept. 20: Walter
Hallstead, Sept. 18: Miss Edna Cole
man, Oct. S; I.r-e Culver, SprliiKvUle,
Sept. 2!); Miss Mary Veager, Sept.U:
Harry Danvers, July 29; Lewis Me
Cusker, June 20. All of these have
scoied more than twenty-five points
and the lowest of theni can still be 11
factor when the scholarships me
awarded by adding a few moio points
to their M'otes. The last three are now
below thirty-third place, but can easily
win their way back In the next three
days If they set their mind to It.
Henry J3. Collins, of Kissers, whoso
picture is tlio first of the three pub
lished this morning, filtered the con
test on June 19, being tlio eighty
seventh. He seoicd his Hist points on
July 7, and his second score was on
Sept. 17. He has returned 112 points so
far ibis month.
Don C. Capwell oniolled in the con
test on May 29, being No. 7il to cuter.
Hehas left the city since Sept. 20,whleh
was the last date on which lie scored
points, but will probably increase his
score before the close.
John Mnckie, of Providence, started
in early. Ills name being the second re
ceived in the contest. He had scond
29 points altogether up to Oct. li, but
since then has In ought in 12, and gives
promise of being one 01 the fortunate
thirty-three' to win a scholarship.
200 Jersey Vests, greens, grays, blue
$1.00 and $1.23 goods for
Knitted Shawls
Ladles' and Children's Coif Cloves
Cashmere and Silk Finger Tip Cloves, ...
Silk Knitted Ciuli Cloves
New Mlack Heads, coral, Jet and pearl...
2."c Oxidized Melt Pins
New Salln Melts, choice buckles; 7r,e for.
New Satin Melts, cholcu buckles; $1.00 for
;tne Now Clninille Spot Veilings
Ceimautown Yams, Lion llraiid
Shetland Varus, Lion lirnnd
Most M. &. H. O loves a 111
2,',c lo
.2,ie lo
. 1.1c
. 50c
. 7."c
. 23c
. f'o
. Sn
, , 00c
,. Mo
. s;c
,. r,c
Blankets and Comforts
Croat Variety at Low Prices.
10-1 VVhlto Cotton Mlaukets
10-1 fiiey Cotton Dlunk'Us
11-1 White or Grey Mlank'is, heavy
12-1 While or Clrey Mhinkc-ts, line
1M White ur Urey Mlaukets. very heavy
10-1 Heavy Oroy
10-4 Fancy White
Wool Hlankota .a.0o, ROD, $r,,
Fine Large Comforts, (Hied with white cotton
$1.00, S1.33, ?2,
Down Qallts 4. no up
uiiiiiireirs crib 1 liankuts
Our Little. Heauty Cornets, light blue, pink and
white a wonder for r,o
P. N. Cot bets the best on earth French gored,
medium or low bust; straight fronts, long or t
short on hips &1.00, $1.50, $.oo, $2.50, j', .$.-1,00 Y
Flexilono CorsetH-k-mieNcelled tor stout forms O
$1.00 to $3.50 0
410 and 417 Lackawauna Ay
The Bennett & Moulton Co.
At the Academy of Music ibis after
noon the Mciuiett Moulton company
will repeal "Outcasts of Society" and to
night will present "Tlio Devil's Web."
Cptwdcd houses continue to gieet them
at every pel forniniiec. Tho plays yester
day wire "Hy Older of thu King" and
The King Dramatic Co.
The King Dramatic company which en
joys a reputation lor artistic ptoducllons
will lie the nttidctlon at the Academy all
of next week. Among Iho new pi educ
tions, now offered for the first lime at pop.
ulnr pi Ices mo "Shenandoah" and "St-
l.eilu." Seats on Ml In Friday.
Jefferson De Angelis Opera Co.
Sir Aithur's latest opera, "The
F.mcrnlii Isle," with the oilsinal eoin
pauy and eifecls intact ns presented by
J.fiVrsoa De Aiigolis and tho Jefferson
De Angells Opera company. Is announced
for presentation heie mi Tuesday night
it thu Lyceum.
Sensation at Dixie.
Tho sensation of the ttason will bo of
fered at Dixie's theater uot week, when
a young woman will perform lor the llrst
time on any stage tin- daring "loop tho
loop" act which astonished thousands lasi
siimmer nl tin. FoicpaiiKh .t Soils circus.
Since Dlavolo nppcari'il In tho tlullllm,
venluie, many tiled la vain to )i"i'
form the feat. It has remained for a
oung Indy bicyclist to ho the Ihst lo
tiilv the marvelous ride and place tlio
leature upon a ihr-itiicul stage.
The rider who has boeu pracllclng upon
the pirilous act for the ii.uit eight weeks,
will go to New Vnik Imedl.itely after lier
engagement In this city, ami at tho end of
a season theie will sail for lailopo to ap
pear In the piiuclpal thciitviu of the old
Roble'n Knickerbockers.
The olio of Rnblo'H big show, Knicker
bocker lluilesiiueis. It Is said, is strong
In novelties, among which nro Sausouu
and Delllla who will liei'form iioiuu won
derful feats of sirnngtli and balancing;
Waller mid .MukIII in tlair rcilued and
up to date comedy act, eutlthd "A Postal
Cud," Klpp. In somo marvelous feats of
Juggling; the Knickerbocker (iiiarietie,
Messis. Doll, Paekuid, Hays and Kelly
will bu Ilea id in several uilgluul and pop
ular conceited numbers.; McDonald and
Cody, tlio laugh smiths, in songs, daneeu
and talk; and Frank Finney will bo sc'ii
In a now oct entitled "That's All "
Tho opening burlesque is entitled "Daisy
Dunlin's Del rio" and is said to lie. u satliu
on tho "coming out" of a young lady Into
society. Tio closing burlesque, It is ie
ported. Is 1,1. spectacular piocluclion. tlio
title of which Is tho "Islo of Dlukoy Doo,"
Dining tills hiillcsquu a score of young
women will Introduce several beautiful
numbeis. Star theater tills afternoon.
Split the Donkey's Nostrils.
A traveler In Peisia 1 elates that tho
nostrils of donkeys tiero aro frequently
silt up almost to their eyes. This is to
facilitate their breathing In the hot
weuthcr, the natives say
..." X i,v..'.,.ii''.rTr7'Vi'.'.'-W..e.'J-,
' i
X bmW W Ar-
i.x 'V..' y.ttlr--ti .TjM V:j'.'vW.'v,V. Ml ;
' r rL -viS.?Satok cause
' ', -..:.. 'T'"$fm 'Vat-'- quality or substana
A 't:r-2tt. ':-MEMP Vwm n manufacturing fiRS i
y'tmai xvf-i--V, pleasant to tlie taste
fMMflWMmim, ..--"::: virtues of Syrup of
K&f&Jg-ml! A&fJ from an excellent
lmesSSSm--mnf imt Known to be
mmmmffimirw nr f y"st
:iSS? .A-' $ lo get its beneficial
W vl kmV genuine-manufactured
rWJI'iWSSW "V . . M i
' fides pie&.s'aiNi'Iy
A ct a Bcrxecf i ci aJ Ty
s tV-i ly Ta;5yaLa.x i Ve
run oi Figs appeals to tho cultured and the
formed and to the healthy, because its com
parts are simple and wholesome and be-
it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
2. In the process or
ire used, as they are
but the medicinal
Figs are obtained
combination of plants
medicinally laxative and to
effects buy the
by the ?&. ic-.i
i wr. flfi'.i.;..r''.MS- '.
i ... i'. .,.'. "..I -.,.. TL-Oit"- ',
-.." ;s'i -,.-.7,,. -.
CikTir-.-: .-. '-
Louisville, Ky. McwiYorkTN.Y.,
for sale by all drurfiat.:-. Pn'ceifii'tyi:certsvf:'""
fNi-;;; If you want to see your feet fJfll
) xiii0tf?l look a ful1 size smaller if yu flMilm
II lr-7 want l0 spare vourself half of W)AMk
"w your daily fatigue, if you want to MtrA
A? Iffj 0NVn shoes that will be a constant m't'fU
Hfe,v Vf delight because they FIT accur- j$vl fifi
Pfe k ateLy, buy a single pair of & lB
M "Queen Quality. 0vm
Two Million Women AjMllm
WiiS Testify WMf
"bM to This. yflS
fFjy Are trim and neat in shape; they are light in weight; Eg
gig AA ey are ex,'e' tliey as no other shoes ever'fitted and Nr
jfff they hold their shape. Why not fr:
Ha w'n one f those thousand prizes. (& B-if A
lm $1,000 for 1st pr ze. l2y4J A
I Mahon's A$Jk (I
II ShoeStore J$m M
. 328 Lackawanna Avenue, rf&li' B
t clans
Is the aim, when "other girls" look so truly up to dale.
We've Made It Possible for You
Where waists are under discussion, WHITE WAISTS TOR WINTER the
really smart girl possesses not one but many white tailored waists' for the coming
season. Note the material and the price;
White Sfercerized Pique, stripes and polka dots.,, 25c yd
White Metal Printed Molines, new 50c yd
Complete stock of the new U7;7e Bedford Cords,
MBltfrum Scott & Go
126 Wyoming Avenue, i
, i,ffj. iff. .