8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WJiUiN'JilSUAV, OCXOUEK 22, 1902. A NEW TRIAL WAS REFUSED i JUDGE ARCHBALB'S DECISION IN ItOBINSON CASE. Declared That Defcndnnt Has No Eight to Recover from tlio Dela wnro ond Hudson Company for In juries Received by Falling Into a Lyo Vnt Attention of Court Taken Up Nearly All Day -with tuo Case Against the Clark's Summit Dairy and Condensary Company. The complicated bankruptcy cuses of A. J. Kennedy, et nl nnil Hrure Cook, et nl acalnat the Clark Hummlt Dairy nnd Conilenslnjr company, occupied the nttentlon of .IUiIro Tt. W. Archbald and n jury In the United Htntes district court nearly all day yesterday, and will probably bo continued all day to day. Former JuiIrc K. X. Wlllard, repre senting the plalntlffr, opened the case nnd explained that It would he proven to the satisfaction of the Jury that the company transferred Its real estate to Attorney George D. Taylor, of this city, and Its personality to the Summit Dairy company for the purpose of defrauding Us creditors, thereby eotnmlttV.ng acts of bankruptcy. The defense Is a denial of Insolvency and a denial thai the realty conveyed to Attorney Taylor was In reality the property of the com pany. A. II. Christy, cashier of the Coun ty Suvlngs bank: John W. Fowler, vice president of the Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit company; Har ry G. Dunham, cashier of the Dime Deposit and Discount bank, and F. U Phillips, former cashier of the Traders' National bank, all testified that the directors had borrowed $3,000 from each of these banks, giving notes indorsed liy all. Later they executed mortgages nil the company's plant and gave them to these several banks for the pur pose of securing the endorsers of the notes. The plaintiffs allege that this showed an effort to Insure the claims of (he directors to the exclusion of other creditors. Attorney Taylor on Stand. Attorney George D. Taylor was put on the stand when court opened in the afternoon ond admitted that the prop erty occupied by the company had been deeded to him by a, Mabel D. Kvnns for r.o mon 'nry consideration. As far ns he knew this was done with the knowledge of the dlivclnri.. George Rcemer, superintendent of thf Hillside Home, who was president of the Clark's Summit Dairy and Con densing company at the time the al-l'-gcd nets of bankruptcy were commit ted, said he knew nothing of the trans fer of the property to Taylor until af ter it had been made. He had no un derstanding with Taylor as to the dis tribution of anv funds realized from th" property. He had a knowledge of the trnn.-fer of the personal property to the Summit Dairy company, ns he v. as president of the latter concern also. The value of (he property so trans ferred was about $11,000. he thought, but the Clark's Summit Dairy and (iindenstry company was Indebted to the .Summit Dairy company for at. least, vilf that amount. Ho did not know whether or how the balance was paid. Mabel G. Dvanr, who was n sten ographer for Attorney II, N. Patrick, testified that .she held the deeds in the property occupied by the condeusrry company in trust for Jits. Patrick and had transferred litem at Mr. Patrick's f-olicltatlou to Mr. Taylor. She had re ceived nothing from the Utttrr. Attorney Taylor was re-called and tcsilfied that when he received the deed to the property In question lie assumed n J.'.OOO mortgage lo Frank 31. Spencer. Attorney Arthur Dean threatened exe cution, but hold off on Mr. Taylor's promise to pay. That was over a year ago, but the mortgage has not been paid yet, he said. Was Aware of It. Mr. Taylor said he. knew the Sum mit Dairy company was operating the plant when the property was deeded lo him. "Who did you consider to be in pos session?" asked .lodge 'Wlllard. "I considered myself In possession," paid Mr. Taylor, "but I didn't go up there. I didn't leave my offloc in con nection with the .transaction." Judge 'Wlllard 'sought lo show that Mr. Taylor Is now seeking to recover J2!i,000 In Insurance, and this caused At torney Comegys to assert that he In reality represented the insurance com panies and not the three former cred itors whom lie appears on the list ns representing. Judge Wlllard Indignant ly resented this assertion. The case will likely take the best part of today In the trying. An argument on the rule to show cause why a new trial should not be granted in the case of William Kobtn son against the Delaware and Hudson company was mado in the afternoon just prior to the resumption of the bankruptcy case, Hoblnson sued the company for $:'5,000 damages for injuries received by falling Into a vat of lye In the Carbon dale yard of the company, This vnt was used for removing the grease from brass work, and was placed under ground with a wooden cover overhead. Ttobinson, who was an employe of the company In this city, fell through this cover In cutting across the yard on his way home, after alighting from n train, anil was badly burned. A suit for $2.r,,000 was brought, contributory negligence being alleged, and the case wis non-suited by Judge Archbald on points of law without sending It to the jury, Argued for Plaintiff. Attorney Ira II, Burns appeared for the plaintiff, and argued at length that many of the questions which were passed upon by the court nt the trlnl, such as the question as to whether the railroad yard was a permissive way and ns to whether Itoblnson should have been entitled to the rights of a pas Benger, should have been left to the consideration of the Jury, Attorney I.ouls Carr, of Albany, X. Y general counsel for the railroad company, contended that no duty on the port of the company existed In Hob Inson's enno na In the case of an or dinary passenger, paying his or her fare. He stated that It Is n well established point- In law that the owner of private real estate, which is In no sense a ptibllo thoroughfare, nre not obliged to look after the safoty of per sons traversing It. Permission to use such property does not Imply core of the safely of persons accepting such permission, ho said. Judge Archbald refused the motion for a new trial. The plaintiff, ho said, did not carry the rights of an ordinary passenger nnd the company could not bo compelled to safeguard his passage over the property In question. He must accept the perils of such passage, he said, The points decided by him were not fit matter for passage upon by a Jury, ho said. Grnnd Jury's Report. The Brand Jury mnde two returns yesterday, bringing In true and Ignored bills, ns follows: True UIIIr Cisto Incognollo, of Wllkes-Hurre, counterfeiting: Michael Unban, of Glen Lyons, counterfeiting: Hrncst Lettlcrl and Antonio Schlnno, of Scranton, and Peter Lorettl, of Old Forge, violating Internnt revenue laws by sale of unstamped boxes of cigars; Harry Welsherger, of Scranton. selling ok'omurgorlno without having paid the tax requited by law. Ignored Hills Keglna Kuts and Nel son Donley, of Wllkes-Uarre, counter felting; Fred O. McMurtrle, Andrew Luzak, Mary Luzak nnd Annie Luzak, of Wllkes-Uarre, passing counterfeit coins. Tlio grand jury will meet again this morning for the consideration of other cases. SIGNED BY THE RECORDER. Dozen Resolutions Which Were Mado Operative, Yesterday. The following resolutions were made operative yesterday by the signature of Recorder Connell: Granting permission lo Ellen Moiton to connect her property with tlio North Mala avenue sewer. Providing for plans nnd specifications for a. branch sewer on Poplar street, to relieve the Fourth district main sower. Fixing u nominal valuation of $103 a year for ten years on .the Ashley silk mill property, on Luzerne street. Directing the director of public works to provide quarters for a geological ex hibit in any new building to be erected in Nay Aug park. Providing for a the hydrant at the corner of Luzerne and Fifteenth streets. Providing for a special committee to report recommendations for Improving Taylor avenue. Kxoneratlng Holy Cross church from sewer assessment. Kxoneratlng St. John's German Catho lic, church from paving assessment. Providing for repairs to Luzerne street. Providing for repairs to Hroadwiiy. Providing for a temporary bridge at Ash street. Directing that no appeal be taken from the tTOO Judgment ohialncd by Attorney Cornelius Comegys for services as asso ciate, counsel for the city in the Sturges pave ease. THE MARKETS. How's This? Wo offer One Uumlivd Dollars Howard for .my case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CI I K.N KV & CO., Toledo, O. We. the undei signed. mvo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 13 years, and believe him pertectly honorable la all business transactions und financially able to carry out any obligations made by their linn. WEST .t TItUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WAMHNO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. BCtlng directly upon tlio blood and mu tons sni"-faces of the aysttura. Testimoni als sent free. Price "m. per bottle. Bold iiy all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Wall Street Review. New York, Oct. 21. Trading In the Block market, unlay was light in volume, very narrow and devoid of any noteworthy feature. The formal settlement of the coal Mtlkc. excited little Interest. There was Just a bare susge.stton of activity at the opening, but tliir. was almost alto getbep due to moderate buying for nc coimt of the western specula live contin gent. Tho market soon became very dull and save for n few spasmodic ralllea con tinued so to the end. Missouri Padlic's unfavorable showing for August caused heavy sellhift, with an extiemo decline of 2 points. Much ot the selling came from one of the pools that had ben prominent in the stack market. The other standard railway issues were comparatively neg lected the greater part of the day. their places being taken by the minor Indus, trials, such an American Hide and leath er, Leather. Rubber Goods, L'nitcd Stales Kubber and a. few other In tlio same class, all of which appeared to be subjected to manipulation. Operations throughout Mio day were almost altogi thor of a. profes sional character, und at no time did the list reflect any public Interest. Total sales fll.l.SOO shares. Tho speculative bond is sues showed weakness and the market was under pressure throughout. Total sales, par value. $l,73r.i)oo. l'nitcd States bonds were all unchanged on the lust call. The following quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by Hnlght x Freeso Co., 3H 315 Mcars Building. W. D. ltunyon, man ager. Open.HlKh.Low.C'losa Amtil. Copper OilU iWA ft.",' ffiig Am. c. &. v :w; avk r,:,s :k American Ice 10", nm Wi Hi;, Am. Ice. Pr 37J .'IT'i :i7,A ."T'-i I Am. Locomotive ....vjll 31 :ig 30 Am. S. & Tt. Co 47 17'i Hii,i 4G'.'j American Sugar ...X'l'i 12:, 12:114 VXK Atchison M '. 'A 'J Atchison, Pr 101 ii ioo-'H iooTr Bait. & Ohio 1104 Ihi'k lOSTs IOS'b Hrook. n. T fir-; fii i or, Canadian Pacific ....1:17' 137a; :n: 130 ' I ches. & Ohio :,- r,2c. r.iv- r.ivi Chicago & Alton .... .TTH 37. Srt'.i 3iVj Chle. & G. W 80 M?I .W.i 30?, , M. & St. P 1B2 1!J; 1301,1 IWl'il C It. I. & P SOOi.t 200U 200 wo I Col, Fuel & Iron.... R3U tSH St S3 Col. & Southern 33ti ::.1i 33 3.H'. , Col. & South., 2d Pr. 4DU A'.f.U l!?i Wh Don. fi. II. O 41 41 41 41 Detroit Southern .... ill 2tu, an; aiw. j'.rio I Scranton' s I -M Big Store zi ' ',. A Great Store. Why? Because we conduct our business on busi ness principles. tell of little things that are among the most needy for my lady's toilet; also about Neck Ruffs that are invitingly priced. Then Veils and Vei ings are here in the up-to-the-minute styles. It's the aim of the Big Store to tell you about the season's best and most wanted items at all times. TODAYS PICKINGS Veiling We are told frequently that our stock of Veiling and Ready-Mado Veils exceeds any other line of Its kind In this city for nobblness and latest Ideas. Black and White Chiffon with embroidered chenille and velvet dots, In large and small . size. Per yard 5(JC Ready-Made Veils Black' and white dots, and white with black dots, at 75c nnd. . o9 C Chiffon Veiling Brown, border of white; blue, border of white, black, with border of vhlte, Per yard 50C 1 .iii - iii.ii I. - 1 11-11 m Complexion Veils At 25c up. Plain and Dotted and Tuxedo Net. Per yard 15c up to 5C Women's Neck Ruffs Black Chiffon and Liberty Silk, made up with many ruffles. Priced at. $ 1 ,jg,5 A lot that just came in is attracting considera ble attention because of their stylishness. Have col lar effect, long flowing ends, plain black and black trimmed with white. Priced j, at S3.00 to $7.50 Notions You Are Always in Need of... Home Linen Thread, per spool , . ic Two Dozen Hooks and Eyes for , . . . 2c Black Spool Silk, 2 for 5C Good Dress Stays, dozen 10c 24 Yards of Tape for oc DeLong's Hooks and Eyes, per dozen 5 Good Spool Cotton 2c Best Black Garter Elastic Per yard, 5c, 7c, 8c and 10c Good Pearl Buttons, per dozen 6c Fish Eye Pearl Buttons, all sizes, per dozen. . . i2ic 400 Pins on Paper for a.c Long Evenings And a Good Book Our Latest Copyright Books at M.1U Captain Macklin Richard Harding Davis. Fortune of Oliver Horn F. Hopklnson Smith. Castle Craneycrow Geo. Barr McCutchon. Donovan Pasha Gilbert Parker. Wooing of Wystrla Author of the Japanese Nightingale. Temporal Power Marie Corelli. The Diary of Goose Gir! By Kate Douglass Wiggin, at 9l)C IwnaMtDacnhHMHmMUMn aaiMywgiatffligm?am 1 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. rjM.AsUed. Laclsn wanna Dairy Co., Pr.... GO Countv Snv. Bank & Tivst Co SJO -"irpt Not. Bank (CiHbonu'alo.1. ... PM Third rational Hank .ISO Dime Dep. & Dis. Uank SOU Kconomy I... U. & V. Co .. 45 First National Bank 1M0 I.uok. Trust & Snfo Don. Co . 19. Clark & Snovor Co.. Pr li Scranton SuvIiibh Hank 600 Tracers' National Hank 2i" Scranton r.olt & Nut Co 125 Pcoplo's Bank 133 ..: Scranton racking Co 3j BONDS. Scranton Pas-sensor Hallway. Ilrst r.iortB'W-', duo 19-0 113 I'cople'fi Street Railway, tirat mortsaRii, due JD1S 115 ... People's Street UnUvvny. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1021 U-" Scranton Trae. Co.. 0 per cent. 113 ... Kconomy J... H. & V. Co JT N. .Jctsov ii Pocono Ico Co 9. Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 10j Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrcclcd liy 11. G. Dale, IT I.acka. Ave.) Flour- 1. 10. , , , Butter Kroili crcamciy, "Ic: fresh dairy, .'c. Cheese. UUalSc. K'jgs Ni-.irliv, SJ'ir.; western, 21c. Kggs Nt-niliy, ijc.; western, 21c: can dled. 22c: case count, 2li'. Jlurow Boaiif Per busltt'l, ?'!. Oiilon Per biifhol, 90c. Now Potatoes-two. per bushel. 3vi : awi asii. Krio, m Pr i"i nsi liT-'i as Krlo. fd Pr M'i r.14 r.2',4 r.2?I Hocking Vnllov OiiU Ki : o: Illinois Central l.'.l 131 Uflli 14W. 43 -I Iown Ontrnl -13 -!3V Kan. City . South., sit :w ms :ii: i.ouln. &. NaHh ISO'S itO'.-j kis'A las'. Manhattan WW 130 iui: mV. Mci. Bt. y HIVs lll'i l.W. l:iH i Mexican Central .... 2il 2i, L'37i SI I Mo K. & Tox .w; 3015 :iO :n) Mo, K. T Pr .... fi2i iHi liWJ iil; Mo. Pacific 111 112 Urt lin N. V, Central 137 137v, 133 l"iV ' Norfolk ,fc Wm .... 70l; 7 77'I 77t out. & wom ai am raif, w. Penna. It. U 1p; Hi3'4 1inA nrwl Peoplo'n CaH 10IU inti lii'is: j.i, Priwd Steel Car ...i'.IU H2 01 r,l Heading. 1st IV M S-i S7l(. S7I-1. lUnillm;. ?il Pr 77-i; "i 77' ,7'i Hupulille Steol 2:lVi L'31. 22'i ":! Bepublle Steel. Pr .. S.l M " ;iv nr. St. I.. & San F 71 7ii 7i! 7 Southern Paeltlc .... 72-; 7;n; 72 7'ii Southern n. it :v :tai :;7Si :i;rH Ti-nn. Coal iS- Iron... 'M", iw; i;.",v, inn Toxuh Paeillo lit; 43 in, nt; Wew York Grain nnd Produce Market Now York, Oct. 21.- Flour Market was unlet again but fairly well 1st hi: Mlnno solii patent. ?::.Wal. Wlteit Spot otipy; No. 2 red. "Si'ic. eli'vator: No. ". red. 7iVt 7S'Ke. i. o. b. ailoat; No, 1 northern Du Inlh, &.T4U. f. o. I), ailoat. Tin. general trend of wheat prlrcn wiih downward. Tho close was weak at -c. net loss. May closed 78c; December closed 7S',iiC. Corn Spot easier: No. 2. C7c. elevator: fiSc. atloat; No. 2 yellow, 70c.; No. 2 white. 70. Corn weakened decidedly today but linal Iv rallied a little on largo export sales, closing steady at 'tta'.; net decline. Jan uary closed 32c; May. IS'hC.: October, i:'.c: November, iil'.ic: December. WluC Oats Spot easy; No. 2 oats, Clc; stand ard white, 3i;&c: No. 2 white. :WV4c: No. a white. Mc.; track white western, STuiRTe: track whlto state, :i3a37c; option market was likewise affected by largo receipts and lino weather, (Inclining sharply: De cember, SWaKlfce.: closed SG'.Sc. Butter Steady; extra creamery, 23c; do. factory, ltialSc; creamery, common lo choice, Ifl.i 2IUc; Imitation creamery. 17n20c: state dairy, lSa2lc; renovated, UtinSlr. Cheese (inlet; new state full cream, small col ored fancy old, 12lsc; new, 12Vsa12'4c.; small white. Id, 120. : new, 12'.al2',iCi largo colored, old. 12c: now, ll?ic; largo white, old. 12c.; new. 11 -tic Kggs Aver ago best, 22a23o.: western candlcil, 22a2lc; refrigeraled. 10a21c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. 21. Lower cables and ex cellent weather caused a weaker tono to tho grain markets on the boaul of trade today, December wheat closing c. lowor; December corn, aiaTc, lower: nnd oats, "ic lower, while Janunry provisions closed from 12't to 23c lower. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady; No. 2 spilpg wheat. 72Vc; No. .'!. ilSWc; No, 2 red, 71a72c: No. 2 corn. 37c: No. 2 yel low. 30c: No. " onts. 2Sa.ic: No, 2 whlto, : No. :: white. swaVsV.: No. 2 ryo, J0c; good feeding barley. ; fair to choice limiting, 4.i.i5Sn.; No. 1 ila:c sueil, $l.l.s; No, 1 northwestern, SI. 21: pi lino timothy seed, ; mess pork, per barrel, Jl"aI7.10: lard, per Km pounds, ; short libs, sides, $11. 30a 11.73: shouldui'H, 0.73alO; short clear sides, ?12al2.23, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct. 2l.-Cattle ltccelpts, 9,000, Including -I.ikxi western: slow; good to Pilino steers, nominal, $7.23aS.23: poor to i-imni i-acioe je.i-,i jui'i lopt licit riiloa Paclilc, Pr ., H4 dim i, mr.: IT. S. Leather 1 1V. lPi mi in' 17. K. Itubbcr 1SU 1UH ku if,"1 V. S. Steel JO'S -UK, W jot: M'. S. Steel. Pr Sflii w vi li'1 AVabash Wabash, Pr ...Wi :!lt. ;i:iii s-u in -ri 30 m AVestein Pnlon si", imv, n m. Wis. Central 2.S"i 2S!4 2S S Kx-iIIvldend. Total bales, 0)1,300 shares, Money, B',6 per cent. CHICAGO OUAIN & PHOVISION. WIIKAT Onen. Hll, I.ow. Close December ,.,,.,.. T2Ti 7314 TiV, 72i MORN m 7'!i WH T& Decombor 51 nt'l Mil to-";i May !i i; iWt ijij OAT8- ' December , 32 32 32 32 May 32 32 31 32 pome. October ,,.. 17.30 17.10 17.frt 17.00 Januai-y ,..,.,,,.., 13.70 1S.73 15.C 13.&3 I.ARD- Octobor .,.,...,.,.. 10.90 10.M 10.KO 10.R0 January ,.,...,.,.. 9.02 9.02 9.00 9.02 H IBS October 11.80 J1.S0 11.75 11,75 January S.22 8.23 S.C0 S.20 - NEW YOnK COTTON MAKKKT. Open. High. Low. Clone. October S.33 8.41 8.:i3 S.4 Jnnuury 8.3S 8.03 8.33 i.y, May ,.,,,,,,.,.,,. 8.il S.4J 8-30 8.36 ineiuum. m.,..iu.;ki; suicxers ami iieuers, 2.23al.73; cows. Sl,tQ,l..ri; heifers. 2.23a3.2")j cauuers, $l.!0n2..r.0; bulls, $2.23al,30: calves, )3.73a7.3iJi Tuxun fed steers, Slal.23: west ern stcors, $3,73a7.3li; Texas fed steers. ?3 a-t.23; western steers, J3,73ml..vi. l..)-, iveiieiii tiveis, f,iuui,.,i. lin.r., 1, ...... I.. lu l.l.llll. OI,U-L. n ... .-. .. ... Ill'l,? ,v .J,jra ,,,,,,J, n,'rynj, llllll,,, Un , 23.C00J loft over, I2,U"0; opened Id lo 15c lower; closu 20a23e. lower than Monday, Mixed and butchers, Jii.70a7.'.i); good to eltolcu heavy, ?il.!'3a7.32',3i; rough heavy, Jii.4oa0.S.3; light, Jfti.50u7.lu; bulk of sales, ?C.73a7.03. Hhoep Receipts. 23,000; steady; lambs, 23.ii7)c. lower; good to choice wethers. $3.30 03.83; fair to cholcu mixed, J2.30a:i.C'J; im tlvu lambs, o.rao.3Cl, Buftnlo Live Stock Market. Kast Buffalo. Oct, 21-Cattlo-HecelptB, 700 head; baruly steady, demand fair. Veals Steady; tops, $7.73jS; common to good, $3.3fla7.30. Hogs Iteceipts. 3,100 head: heavy, J7.30.1 7.W; mixed medium. J7.20a7.30: lorkors, J7.O3.i7.10: light do., $ii.90a7.O5: pigs, $ii.S3a7: roughs. $8.li0ai).8S, stags. $5.30a0.23; grass el's, $e.75a7i dallies, J7a7.2. Sheep und I Jimbs ltccelpts, S,000 head; steady to strong; top lambs, ?3.23a5.40; culls to good. $1.13.20; yalrllngs, $!.i 4.2.1; owes, $3.23a3.75; sheep, lop mixed, $'1.30a 3.75; cullaJo good, $1.73a3.IO. Oil Market. ' Oil City. Oct. 2I.--Crcdlt balances. $1.30; curtlficates. no bid: bhlpmonts, 130.W2 bar ids: uveiago. 9-1,rv32 barrels; runs, 19,513 barrels; average, 77,523 barrels. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL The Prudent Manor Woman Makes careful inquirtj before deciding where to deposit money Everybody in Scranton knows the strength, the capita, the surplus and the unchallenged high standing of the TJ Msd National Bank Where savings accounts, whether large or small, are given 3 per cent, interest orm SATURDAY EVENINGS, 7.30 to 6.30. SHORT SEA TRif-S A few days can bo pleasantly spent In a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE OLD OOMIOfi LI Steamers sail daily except Sunday from Pier 20, North River, foot of Beach street, Now York. TIckots, Including meals and state room accommodations, $S,00 ono way, $13,00 round trip, and upwards. Send stamp for Illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beach Street, New York, N, Y. II. H. WALKKH, Traftlo Manager. J, J. HROWN, General Passenger Agent. pTHII I iM.BsraaPiwwKCTffa'i neaoquarters for Incandesce? Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunsfer&Forsyth 25:t-3'27 Ponn Avenue, taw J SCRANTON BUSINESS HOUSES. THtS-Z ENTERPRISING DEALERS CW SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHORACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. FOR SALE BUGOIUS and WAGONS of all klnib; also llomei and Dullding bob at bargjliu. HOUSES CLIPi'Kl) and OKOOMl',0 at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. 3EOURITY BUILDINO d 3WINQS W1I3N Home Office, 20S-20D Mcars Uulldlnff. 1Ve arc maturing bbaie-i each month which tfiow a net train ta thf, ttivp.stnr at about 12 I per cent. We loan money, Wo also Issue 9 lUI.l, PAID STOCK $100.00 par ihare, inter est payable semi-annually, ALIIEKT IUI.L, Secrctaiy. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear CU Laikawjnna avenue, maniifictuver nf Wire beroens nf all klncU: fully lirepareil for v the tprinj featoii. Wc make all l.'inJa of porcli screens, etc. PETEFt STIPP. Ocncril rcntrattor, IluiMcr ami Dealer in Ihillmue Stone, Oiientuu of cellau a tu clalty. Ti-Iciilmpr C"!'2. OflUc, u27 Washington avenue. rue scranton viTNineoBmax ANOTlLEMaNUPAOTUniNaGOWPAN Mikrrs of IMvIns Uriel.-, etc M. II. lil, Ciencvil S-Jl's Aiant, Olf.eo iJ Wa.l oi',-tn aic. Wi'ikJ at Nay Aiifc, I'a . K. & W. - It. It. iis 1 Lager Jluniiiiicturors ol' Old Stock 'H' PUSHER j J s"H $ ' "H" "J' ,SS, Scranton, Pa. Old 'I'lipn;, 3331. New 'Plion;, '-'i35. mt$p6 firTM &jmm f alH and Wirier furnishings for the iiom. This is the store where ascantiiy filled pock etbook will not interfere with the purchasing of your cold weather needs. We appreciate the fact that you do not re ceive your salary in large advance payments, so why should you be compelled to pay in that way. Here you purchase what you need, and it is i delivered at once. You are entitled to the privil ege of paying as you are paid. Our Kan$5 Jr (Joal VS. tfcSai TSaSSS'SBiSrSsJrS? lilaclt diamonds arc bound to be the subject ot mure serious consideration this winter, so this fttel saving quality which ha previously been of iinall Impor ttn:c becomes a prime feature. II is in the scientific construe ' .Ion of the fire pot that this great advantage is secured. If you will call, we can belter explain while you aie inspecting the taiiRes. Thv prices on our high grade showing are 18.50, 20.00, WS 24.00, 25.00 .., . according to size. y.v. uu, mi au-Lunru ricr cooKitiK stoves. A Ruaraptee wliich means. Fnc Repairs for One Year From Dai: of Purchase, goes with Kccnoniy tange sales. You may pay for them " a little at a lime," too- Exhibition of Q0arf5 Open "What," ventured a gentleman, the other day, noticing the go-cart display, "you certaini-y do not sell go-carts at thi.f season o ths year. As there may be others who have a similar impres sion, we desire to emphasize the fact, that we most assuredly do sell great numbers of baby vehicles during the Fall and Winter months and there are two good reasons for it, too. During the bummer little ones may take their airing by rolling on the lawn or toddling around the yard. In Winter it is important to keep them off or the ground and well protected hence, go-carts. Then our Winter go cart prices are even closer to the cost than Summer figures. The exhibit shows the product of America's leading makers. Come and look it over- Quartered Oak, and aply If you have in mind the purchase of a rich, massive suit, this is the prince of bargains. The bed is full sized, high head and massive roll footboarJ, hand carved. The double ton shaDed case anil su'ell fmnt dft'ttrn nf th laS?5?r dresser is peerless. Post construction and elegant bevel French plate mirror arc other features. The commode is made along similar lines. Each piece is golden finished. 1'he price means a saving ot i;.oo. I i&GtflSSsstw IIP I I uffik- f4bsGta&:& floor ov2rin5 Important linrnlnB In Rnom Riikn There are a hno vriety if Svmrna. Ilody Hruxeels nnd Tapestv Rugs in slit's from 6xg f? ffS feet to oxrt fart, l'ricos VJ. WW from 35 00 down to . Onr pacl?l Soml-Vool Tngrnln l an all-the-tim favorite. It Iiub tho benuty iin-l tnnrit that make frlenas and Ueop them, too. A comprehen sive seleetlotifi of patterns J? ff at the tunc tempting prlca JijQ, per yard .Velvet Carpet 90s, t.oo, 1.25 and 1.35 a yard Body Brussels 1.25, 1.35 and 1.40 a yard Inlaid Linoleum 1. 00, 1.25, 1.50 a sq. yard Pattern Linoleum 50c, 60c, 65c, 70c a sq. yard Carpets Ids anil Laid Without Extra Charge " ' "Thr. I nrtxr'c I II Will li Chair" iLyzLJI i . tl i) hf '--rTrai (Jane These rockers have been going like the proverbal ,"hot cake" during the past week, but we foresaw the certainty nf a great demand at that price so we are able to con tinue the unusual offer a Utile while longer. folding iron (Jueh. A pertectly shaped upholstered couch, equipped with "National" woven wire springs. By extending the adjustable sides, a full sized comfortable bed is formed. The frame of this.handy couch-bed is made throughout of iron and is in every way a high class production. Usually sold at i;.oo. Our special price is .95 CREDIT YOU? CERTA5NL.Y I TOJf tW t!V 17 Vrri MA H SSMK 3 SA' -OEWKlaaa, I 'II- -aZJftBQauaayHj. 22I-23-2B-27 Wyoming Avo., Scranton, Pa. StftfMtRtt!!JWkft KG) HKffiS JW &SS2nW&tf aSSCt H IU V iimiiwwuww i? u J' '51 Q Of anytlilne In the line of optical goods wo can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses j Properly fitted by an expert 4. optician, ! From $1.00 Up J Also all kinds of preserlp tlon work nnd repairing. T Alercereau & Connell, J 4 139 Wyoming Avenue. -J. 4f .j, 4 Of K 4 HENRY I3ELIIN, JR., General Agent fur the Wyomicg District for Dupont's Powder Uinin;, plutin;, Sporting, F'mohtleM and tin l!ti.iim) C'lieuiical Ccnipiny's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Salety Fuse, Caps and Uxplwleu. Ileum 10) C'oo ocll Dulldln ,St'ri:itco. Aai:.cius. JOIIXIl. SMITH i bO.V Hymouth K. W. MULUQ.VN WilUcsllarr. sawyers Tho Tribune will guuranteo to print your nvcr book iiulckei than any oth- i cr prlmiiis housjo In the city. fe! .