THK SOKAjSTQN TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 132, 1902. 7 tho relebriiled mrittcn) specialist from Vienna, Insists that nil Pitlents upon whom lio operates shall tmrtnkeof sumo simple and nourishing diet llho TRYABITA FOOD a highly nutritious, pure, whole-wheat cereal, tint hat n magical cflcot in creating new tissue, new blood, new hone nnd muscle The most eminent phvsicians rocommond it nsa wholesome diet for growing children (also for the siclt), because they know it contains all Iho strengthening properties of the best beef. Ruing scientifically prepared and ready cooked, it may be served instantly at any meal with milk or cream, etc. It is most delicious to the taste, crisp, appetising and very economical. Being fully impreg nated with popsln'and celery, it is ipiicklvassimtlated by the gasttic juices of the stomach. an ideal food for the, seden tary as well as for those performing tho sivf bor. Makes dehcii dines, pies and Don't let grocer's substitute inferior cereals that counter feit our name. Look for union label and ask also for TRYABITA HULLED conn. Send us your grocer's namo and four cents in stamps and we will mail you FREB a startling novelty, a doll receipt book nnd a. Sample Package of Tryablta. vV TRYABITA FOOD CO., Ltd., DATTLF. CHEEK, MIOH. mmmmmmm NORTHEASTERN MONTROSE, Spotlnl to tlio Sci anion Tilhiine. Monti oe, Oct. 21. Miss LouNp Win -rlner lcturned fiom a visit with fi lends In Southern Piiinsy Iv.mla the lattpi p.ut of lust week. William Coolcv ,i guest ol ton It tends nvci Sunday. Ml. .ind Mis. Dnvton R. JJiivvley, of Litchfield, Midi, who bus been visit ing in Seianton. is n guest ot tolativos in Montiosp anil vhinltv. Mis Kmlly Tnyloi is visiting i da tives In WIlkos-Batio Mis. J.i nit s Ciinpinuii .it IK. lit Lake opi Sunrinv. The Junior Cliiistlnn Ihidcavur s0d 2ty of the '"lesby tcrliiu diuicli bus lippn rp-organlcd with a niembeishlp of over thiitv. Anothei meeting will bp held in the chapel of the chinch Wednesday uftoinoou .it l.lfi o'eloi k. A cow belonging to Mis. John Illck ok was lpeently tested and found to be in ,m nilvnncid si. lire ot tubeii ulosls, and was m coullnglv killed. Philip and Puul W.uilnei .110 spend ing tho week at Llk hike. fishing, limit ing and ehestnuttlng. Quito plnboiate piepaiuUons me be ing made foi the leeeptlon 01 Hon, Samuel W. Penny packet and tho gu beinatoiial pnty upon thelt auival tie Thuisday moi Minn on the ill"". liin. Judge Penny packer will addiess Tic people in the 111 11101 v at 1 .10 o'clock. and tlipio will also b olliei 111 iinilncnt speakei? pie.-i-nt Fi 0111 nil over the lounty came lopmts ol l.ugo foui-hniso oacN of enthusiastic vnteis bnth Dem iciats and Uepublii alls w ho aie pie pailug to attpiul and he.11 tills ie nowneil jiulst. Susquehanna county will 1 rill up a big 111.1 jniltv tor Pennv paikei thlh lull, and it is veiy piobablo that the utile state and county tic kets will leeelvp good Rppublh an 111. 1 Joiitleu. The oppulug day of teiuheis' Insti tute wa veiy blight, both ill legnid to tho wp.ithpi and to advancement tor tp.uhcis along pdupalional lines. The v.ii lou- sppakciR had been 011 agid lor the oeeasion by Supei intend 1. lit Mm. ley pioed theli capiblllty as iiistiui'tois bj thpli liiai'tiial and In tPiPstlng talks Jo the pv enlng a laigp assemblage at thp .11 11101 v listened to an PMelk'iit leetuip bv Pi. W. X, Fet i is who Wtuied on the subject of "Things Tint Make tlio Woild Bet-toi." .IcuMiii ol llnllstead, was In town on Monday mi his wav to South Monti nsp, wlioic ho has boou engaged to do some painting bv lesldenis of that town, Seidell Mungoi K on a tilp to Sv l.l CUSP. Wariui i:. Sloillng, of Jpsvup town ship. Itepublliali (.ilididuto loi shoilfl, was 111 town Monday v The Minimise High school defealed the Susquehanna High st hiiol at foot ball on Monday al lu noon by a si dip of "S-11. Tin ip was 11 good iiiuuiluiue of loot ball Piithtlslasts at tlic ganie. I IQPIiOTTOr. Sppdal o 'he Hcianlon Tllbunp llopbottom Oct SI. .Mis, Kifii Slum" and pnn. of Xi w Voik city, imp visiting hei pnnits, ,a tin Poi-ter hntiso. Mi and Mis. S. W. Kelluin 1110 inaklilB an 1 "Stoudi'd visit In rieianton .Myia Jin Usnii nnd IMim J trow n spent a tew days 01 last wieU In Koi anion. TIip Junior union will hold a supptr and Fulo In Hip looms over the luinl tuie stoip, Wednesday afternoon nnd evening, All mo Invited to attend. X M. Plnu was a , tiler at tho lionin of Giles Ciupeiitei, ul Now Mllfoid, on Sund.vv Mi, and Mm I'liaiies i:ij, of lliook lyn. visited at thp homo of Mis 1: m, Tlffan.v last week, The Willing Woikeis will hold u pi,u tea sodal at tlio home of Ml?. V. M. Loouils. ("Mobcr !t. A iilcunant tlnio Is nntfcipaltil Mi mid Mis Uowln Towksbuij, of Sei anion weie (alleiH In town lpieiitlv Mr and .Mik .1. II. TiuiiiPi- have ie tuiiifd from a vls-lt with ft lends and leliitlves In Mingliaiiiton Regisiei mid iteeoulir Hullln, of Montioso. and Mi lliush. Deiuniiullo e.indUlau- tiny hlieilff of Husqueii.tniia. The Seciet of n Successful Meichftiit. The siu ess of a nteiehniit dtpeuds laigelj upon Ms ubllliv to pkuso his rustoineis In oidoi to o so lie tecoiu U'iid.s onlj ankles which ate to his knowledge most u'lluhle in handling medicine, this Is enpeilul!y llUUi (IH ,)e,0. pie ileglio the best piepaiatlou 011 tlio market ami nppieclute the lecoiiien dutlon of their diugglst, lleiu is what V. J. height, of Hoiistj sj)iii,gti( Mo suy of t'hainbei Iain's tlough' Iteinedy "I can e(onimeudeiiaiiibei Iain's Cough Remedy to 111 customers to be bteonil to none on the muiket. For ooup with ehlldien theie is nothing bettei." Por jzlc by all di ovists It is indued mmam FOR E m 4 Bur. fflACZhCr T(?MBfTnwooceiiifw tJHTTLEQtlBgll. HtCM weio calleis at the Valley View bouse teiintlj. Misses Daisy Smith and Alia Pinn rpent Satuiday In Knanton. Mk.s I'nssio Watois, of Ulnglianiton, visited hei hlsttr, .Mis. D. W. Wilght, this week Schools ate dosed for institute this wed:. A Hallowe'en social will be given by the Young People's I'lnistlan union ot the Universallst chuich. The place will be announced later. TOKEST CITY. Spedil to the S'-ianlon Tilbuuc Fmes-t Cltj. Out. SI The lcpoit loaeh'd Foiest City this 11101 ning that Fiank Cuiian had been killed by the eais at AVilkes-IJane this mm ning. Xo p.utieulais have leaehed heie. lie was 1 ho oldest son of Hugh Curran, of this place, and since Hip stiike had been einplood down the vnllev. It is sup posed that he was jc mining home when killed. The ol It H Dunn took place fiom the Methodist chinch this morn ing. Tte. it. I, Clink ptliciati d. In tel inonl was made 111 Aiaiat cemetery. Company K, ol the Thiiteenth icgl nipnt. Cniitaiu X. H Itigelow, which bus been stationed at this place, w is todav sent to Sd.inton, and Company A took Us pliu p F. J. Osgood was a Siianton visitor inei Sundav. Alfied Davis, our popiil.n dtuggit, was one of the pioinlnent visltois In Siianton, Sundav Congipssni ui c. J. "Wilght; Postm.'is tci C. W. Sboefl, of Susquehanna, and X. A. Walker, 01 Aiaiat, weie visitois in town Satuidav. The congrpSHinan, who is a candidate foi lp-eleetion, will loll up a handsome v oio help, It Is ex pected. XKWMILTOBD. Spoel il to the Sciantoii 'I'llbune New Milford, Oct. St Mis Ilany D.iitlett, of ninghaniton. X. Y, is heie, i.iiing lor hei ninther, .Mrs, Jesse Vail, who Is seilously 111 -Mis. Kugeiip Osboine, of Il.utoid, Is visiting fi lends and iclatlvps in town this week. The Women's Cliilstiau TeuipeiaiKe union will meet at the homo of Mis. L A. Smith on Thuisday alteinoon at J O'ollK k. Di. lower, of Monti ose, was In town Sunday, on piotpssional business Mi. and Mis, F, D. Hathpilv, of De tioit, Mich., aic visitliiK ichitlves in town. William Cook, ot Stevens Point, vis ited 11 lends In town Satuiday, and was aicomp.inled home bv his sister, Miss Mildied Cook, who Is attending school heie. Last Sumhij toienoou, while II. rw, liiadley was at pliuich services, 10b lieis bioke into bis house, on lower Main stieet, and made away with two neatly new oveuoats, a gonl'.s gold watdi and chain two 1.1ois and a valuable ftpv-gl, .Mi.s. Oenige ilayden Is eonilned to hei hoiiu by illness. SI'KlxJviLLH. Spedal to tho scniutou Titlmne Kpihuville. flit Jl-Dlstilet Deputy (ii.ilid .Vlastei II. It, l.ako and S. ( Cul mi wtiu ntr to Hush Satuiday piiIiibt, and, whlli thou, laiko Installed tho oltl kis of Itimh lo.U'c, Xo. 471, Independent iltdPi ol Odd IMIows 1 M, 'lllfnay, 01 llopbottom, Pa., and Lip .1. DoWitt. of x Miiinwi ,.!i.ii dates ol tho Dcmoei.itio tlekot, vuuo hero last weik looKliig up tlulr political 1110 p ( is X. .M Tltmiin linx mined over to M, H, JolnisoiiM, mill win t.iko possesion ol his Mini Apt 11 1. iboigo II, Jlihhnell has moved Into tho liouso vacated b A. O, IIciiiIpisIku when ho moved to Smlthlioio, X, Y. liuiry OsboiiiP, of v., him been vmiiiiiK at 11m .ueseioio nomo liming tho piiHl week, lit, took tho J o'clock ti.Hn Monday i-miiIiik lor home 'llii'io Is a ease of kidney trouble In this Hinge that ueeda isppclal mention, For P W Ttuy lam boon hq badly lioublid that his oes weie In constant pain, c.Moudlng Into liN liead and down tlio spine in all of the yenis Hint ho has been nllllited lio has nevot been fieo horn pain 0110 minute, lo ms bem tieated by eitv doetois, but no bPiiefit of mk account was ipcelved Several mouths iigo, ho began tnklng Dr Kllmei's Hwainp mot. mid botoie tlio llrst bottle W,ih bono u snv ho tell like a new man. Now his ttoublo has to nearly dlap. pe.ued that ho seldom thinks of his eye. This Is Just simply tlio plain tuots of tho iase A It lhiinions will take possession of his at wl -pui chased piopoity and It. L. M(.MIckin will move Into tho rooms va calul by X M Tltmnii, .Mis A. O Dunlap and child aie visit ing idatlvcs at WIIUes-H.iMi, Suiulaj was "Old Polks Day" at tho Melhodltt Episcopal eliuieh. when a pleasing piogiainmo was given Tho a tai inll and choir lull were nicely decor ated with autumn leaves and palms. Lvoy pemou ovei llfvj yenm or age 10 iplved a bouquet at the iloso of the soi viee. Pastor J. W Pi lee gave a veiy pit using address. James Kussnn. used ts veins, leelted "The Hpkkoi'h Petition." Thundei showeu hi October is some thing unusual, but we bad 0110 Sunday night which was about as hard as any we have hud thin summer. The sdiools ute closed this week, to fllvp the IpupIicih a clmnec to attend the ilisttluto at Montrose. H Jt, Complon nlul wife tun visiting the patents of each, who live near tills v Ulnae. Mrs. Itay Culvir, of New' MIlToul, Is vIbHIiht lelatHes hi town She iiriiwd Moinlav evening, HnttudiiV, Hie i:asl L0111011 ball team came up to pluv ball with Hpilugvllte llrst iilue, 'I'hey pliUed, but It wan a sore de feat fot the Msltois, for at the end ot the seventh Inning the coto vvhh t'l to 5 In favor of tho home team, Saturday next the Pailuale nine will come, over to etoss bats with the High .school liltie. On Wtdncsdiiv, the tetnultis of .Mis C. P. Cluiinbprliiln will be lilld at lest III tho eeiueteiy at l.vnn. TlTNK HAN NOCK. Special to the Seianton Tilbitne, Timkhannock, Oct 'Jl.-L'oiey M Klsh puugh. of ilatilsbuiK, vvas shaking hands wllh fi lends In town on Hatuidav Anthony llawke and family, of Susre, hip Idling the totinei h niuthci at this lilac c, Dlstilct Attumc) O. Smith Klunei and wife weie aiiests of Dr. nnd Mis. Opoigo M. KlniKr. at Mehonpanv. on Salillilay. Frank II Kinm nnd dnitghtcr, Mla (leitiude, of WjalushiB, visited at the home of Mi. and Mis, W. II. ISai dwell, on Went Tioga sttoet, over Sundiiv. Chutles Miucy, ot Altoon.i, salesman for a Philadelphia ding house, spent Sundav with his mother, Mis. Maiy Maiey, on Slocuni stieet Mis. John Cayloid, or Meliooptny, is visiting JIis, Chillies Vaughn, at this place. Mm Caiollno lser, who has been vis iting: her son, Motl Lssoi. at Savie, lo tinned homo on S.itiuda.v Jllsoes Jlav and M.ngueilte Kiilz, aic enteitalnliiK tbcb louslu, Miss Itlta La Oiande, of Wllkes-IJaiie, this week. .Mis, cieotge Dov lo and sou, Slink, spent Sunday with fi lends nt Mohnop.iny. Rev. W. M. Multiset, of Hazlclon, foi III eil of this pl.uc, was visiting li lends ut this plai o on Mondav. JIis. Al thin1 D. Sttbblns. who has been xpenrllug the p 1st three months with her mothci. Mi.s Lmllv 1. Milks, at this place, ictuiueil to hot homo nt It.illlmore, Mil , on Monda, Meichanl U. J1. jrelCown was a business man at Mehonpanv on Mondav. Miss Kthe I Robinson, of Mehc.0p.1nv, visited fi lends In town on Satin diiv. Attorney John M. Oniman, of Wilkes Dane, was a vKltoi in town on Monduv. OLYPHANT. Rova rather Giitlln, of Seianton; J. M. Snioultei, of Rock Lake and Father, of Minonka, assisted at the foity hours devotions In St. Palilck's chinch je.sterd.iy. Kdwairl niuke. of Pink place, is vlslt itiff relatives oil Dnnmoio stieet. M. and Mis i: J, null puteitahied .1 few fi lends at theii lesldenee In Illakcly Monday evening Catds ami music weie the dheislons eniovpd and about 11 o'clock a (l.iintv luncheon was sptved by Hip hostess John Shields ol (iicen Giove was a e.illei In town msiokIiij. A laiRp nunihci of people enjoveil the conceit given b tho Ohmpiu 01 chest in. in lilnglei'.s Ice cioam p.irloi last even ing A piogi.imme ot psipllent music was lendPied Pi.mcls Joins, of 1'iovldc me, was a v Is itoi, at this place Monduv. MNs Mai 1. Davis, ot Lackawanna stred, spent jesteidnv with FoiiMt Cltv f 1 lends 1. .1 Caw lev and M J. Xialon have le tuined hnine fiom Reivvldc. -Ml. and Mis. Fdwaid Maicv and son, Ra.vniond, of Carbondnlc, have iptinued home after a visit with lelatlves in town. Rlch.ud L.i)pei died at his home in Tin oop vcsteidnv ntlei n In let illness of pneumonia. Deceased was boin in Tin oop and was lu' jeais ot age. Ho was of a biipbt and pleasant disposition and a la voiite with all bis filends Ills niothoi, two biotbei and one slstci suivivo him The will be nmiuged latei. TAYLOR. The news that the glial antlu.icltu stilko was decl.ued off at the Wllkes I3anc (onvcntlon jpsteiday was iceelved with plensme bv 0111 townspeople. The v Ic tin y will be eelcbialcd tonight at tlio v.ulous meetings of the locals heie Misses Annie Jenkins, of Ldw.udsv llle, is visiting her cousin-. Misses I.eah and .Maud Lvans, ot Xoith Main stieol. Albeit Pi welder lias lotuiued fiom Ids tilp to Deposit, X. Y. W .1. Iloslilns, Jr., moved Ins fanillv to Lincoln ileight.s on Mondav. Mis D J l.lovd, 01 Pond stieet, is 10- eoveiing fiom hei leient Illness. Piofessor ilany Davis, a noted tonoi singei, of Jlllwnukpp, Wis , is visiting I1I3 louslu. D J. Davis, of Main stieet. Mr. Davis has had tho hoilor as pilu winner ot tho tenor solo at the I' exposition Miss Ddltlt Powell, ot West Seianton, visited ti lends and 1 datives lu town jes teiday. John RUIrow.iv has letiiiued home al ter a lew months' stay at Pittsbuig. Mis. W. II. PPtotson and nephew, Lv- eiett Rerse, weie guests of lelatlvca at Piovldeiico on .Monday. Misses May Koaino and Anna Flem ing, nt Oieen Illilge, spoilt tho Sabbath with the Misses Ruins, of Oiovo sliett. AYOCA. The Ladles' Mlsisouary snticly ot tho Piimllho Mutliiidlst ehuieh will meet in tho lectin 0 looms tomoiiow atteruoou at " o'clock The munluge ol Miss Maltha AMIIianis, ot South Main stieet, and Thonuif Dy son, ot Taylor, will bo solemnlzod hi thu Piimllho Methodist ehnicli this attei 110011 at I o'clock. Rev. Jaivls Mooic will officiate Mr. and .Mis A. R. Walter, of Rtooklvu, X. Y have iPtuined home alter a week's visit with 1 1 lends heie Mi.s IJuttlo Hell is visiting ti lends in Caiveitoii this week, Mis, X V.. Ilosklns s vlsltltie nt the home ot her sister In Novvaik. X, J Mis. McKaa, of Sayin. Is the guest of her mother, Mis, Roso Now Ion. John O'Malloy, of Newpoit Xows, Is vis iting at tin homo of his paicnts, Mi and Mis, T J O'Malloy, Tho lollovvlus weie tho delegates from heio al the Wllkes-Rauo convention. Rowland Jones, John Tayloi, Con Mc Laughlin, Daniel McMullcn The n.iUEhtcis of St. tieoigo will moot this evening Ooorgo Rosley lott on Satuiday to at tend tho TeNtllo Woikeis' convention at Washington this week-, Ldwnid McC'aithy, of Joimyn, Is visit ing ti lends heio this week, D,, 1. & W, BOARD. Following Is the make-up of the Deluwaie, Lackawanna nnd Western boaul for today: TL7F.SDAV. OC'iOllLR 21, Lmius Last S p. 111., Bartholomew, 10 p. 111 . Mosler, Summits li p. in., Frouufelkcr, PtisluiH-S p. in, KhU; 10 p. in, Case, WLDXL'SDAY, OCTOULR Si. ILvtras Last" u. in., Golden; 4 a. m, Ri.uly; 11 a, m, Abrani3; S p 111, Smith, Summits u a, 111, Cmrlgg. Puiheis 2 511 a. m., Muiray; 7 n. in, Wldneii 7 a 111 , Fineity; S a. m.. Ilousei: 11 a. m. Lamping; 11 I", a. in., Moian; 1 p. 111., Hoar, 7.M) p. in, Muiphy, 'J p. in, W. II. Dnuliolonutw . llolpeis 1 ) a. in., Miigovein: 7 a. m.. Cititfncj ; 10 a. m., Seeorj s 15 p. m., Stan- ion. Lxtlin, Wisl-Thlul r,, Jt. Slail m , I. indite) , I jt in , Peel a. I TIII'OKIlvS AHOUT FOOD. Also a Fow Tacts on the Same Sub ject. AVo fhuitr lntieh iiowada.VR about lienltli foodH and hygienic living, about vegetarianism mul innny other fads along tho nunc line, I leu tit 111 n nit may be found In the huge cities vvheio no nient, pantiy or coffee Is set veil and thp food ctatik Is lit his glnty, and tugitinents nnd the. 01 les gulote ititvnticeil to piove that nient was never Intended for hiiitiiin wtomiiohs, nnd almost nuike us believe that our Htutdy anuestoiM who lived four score yeiits In tobust lienltli on toiit beef, poik and mutton must luivo been giossly Igninulit of the laws of health. Our foiefatliers had other things- to do than foi initiate theotles about the food they ute. A win 111 welcome wus extended to tiny kind fiom bacon to acorns. A healthy appetite and common suno ate excellent guides to follow In niat tcts of diet, and it mixed diet of giulns, ft tilts unit meats Is undoubtedly the best. As comp.ued wllh gialns and vege tables, incut fin til-diet) the most nutil itiont In a highly concentrated form and Is digested nnd assimilated inoiei quickly than vegetables nnd gialns. Dr. Julius Jlommson on this subject says: Nervous peisons, people 11m down In health nnd of low vitality should eat meal nnd plenty of It. if the digestion Is too feeble at Hist It may bo easily collected by the legulat use of Stu.ut'H Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal. Two of these excellent tablets taken utter dinner will digest sevorti 1 thousand gialns of meat, eggs or other animal food In llnee houis, and no matter how weak the" stomach may be, no ttnuble w'ill be expeilonced If n legular piactlce Is made of using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets because they supply the pepsin and diastase necessaiy to perfect digestion, and ev eiy form of indigestion will be ovei come bv their use. That lntge class ot people who eoino under the head of nervous dyspeptics should eat plenty of meat and insure its pioper digestion, by the dallv use of a safe, harmless digestive medicine like Stuaii's Dyspepsia Tablets 1 0111 posed ot the digestive piind ples. pepsin, diastase, fruit adds, and salts, which actually pel foi in tho woik of digestion. Cheap cathiiitic medi cines, masnuei adlng under the name of dyspepsia cities sue useless for Indi gestion as they have absolutely no ef fect upon the actual digestion of food. Dyspepsia in all Its many foims Is simply a talluie of the stomach to di gest food and the sensible way to solve tho llddle and chip the dvspepsia is to make daily use ut meal time of a piepaiatlon like Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets, which Is endoised bv the med ical piofesslon and know 11 to 1 ontain active digestive piineiples All (liuggists sell Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets at ."Oe lor lull lieatmenl. THEATRICAL. Bennett & Moulton Co. Two laige and .innieclativo aiulli.ii,, Sleeted the Dennett & Alonlton (oinp.iny at the Academy of Music vesteul.iv. 'the plays weio: Mntliice. "A D.iiikIiUi ot Hie omiiii. mm insnr, outlasts of Soeletv " TonlBlit tbev will picsoiu Slup vvlecked, ami this al lei noon "l!y Oldei ol the King A Giand Opeia Act at Dixie's. J.itvois of siaiul opei.t Had much 10 In teicst tliem in the si one tiom "Caimen." which Is Riven al the Dlsie theater this vviek bv the talented prima donna, Maiv C.iiiliiBlcn, ns-sted bv Mi Wan en and Mr. Sliellv. Tho dlfleront s(dos wore na dolol yP5tuiday with commendnblo t isle unit tin singing ol the Toiendoi's soiu. bv A!i. Shollv, was paitieulailv adinlied by the musical people. 'I ho uilglnal stoiv of the nil, in !. m,. livened ttv .1 little up-to-date lomcdv, whleh makes li moio entertiiiniiii; as .1 vaudeville minibei Jeffeison De Angells. Its a veiy dioll 10I0 that ComHill in Jpffcison Do Aimells has In "fhe Jnici ald isle," tho l.i-t Sir Aitlini Sullivan opeia which we nie to see, npt Tuesday evening, at the Lyceum, under tha diicc tion of Sam S, Sbubcit. It's that of a wayside entutniner, a li.ippy-go-luckv, nover-seilous ehailatan of Urn highway. If you would enjoy an Impci solution of a ivplcal Iilshmnn, tho biolh of a bhoy, wltii led licit d, stumpy clay pipe, slilllelngh and comic giimaic, the sti oiling nilinle pokes his baud Into a bag hi 1 .11 tics, turns his back on you I01 an aee. and. piestnt the Celt ol the comic papm- is helot o you. II it's a Kieuehmaii, vou'd sho and luar one of the gesticulating Put Mans, with quick, slinit, nilnelna steps, lo and behold! ho is befoio j mi. Jf vou'd haw a niblilt taken alivo fiom your own jiockft, 01 a sinuous suako Horn your sleeve, Just say so, and wondeis! tlio i.ibblt and tlio snake lonliout you in Jmposlblo lrlendslilp, 'I he opeia enjoved a urn of 0110 whole year at tho Savoy theater In London, and comes hero after n long and eminently sueicssfnl engagement at thu New Yoik Hei.ild Siiuaio thcatei. KEYSTONE ACADEMY. Special to the Seianton Tilbune, Paeloiyvllle, Oel. SO.-Piolissur Hul ley pleached in tho Tiinkliaunoek Il.ipUst chuich on Sunday last, Cieoigo Paiiiswoilh, class of 'or,, PICTURE PUZZLE. TOR TIIR LITTLD OXKS Cut out the plain cs appealing on this jiage each duy, dinvv a pom II mm K uiound tlio bidden object, save tliem until Satuiday, then bend them or tnko them to Tho Trlbuno ofileo In an envelopo addiessed to "Puzzlo Deitaitment," i:neloso In tho envelopo yout iinine, ngo and addiess. Tho boys nnd gbls who ouectly tunik the six pictiucs appealing during tho vveek, and whotn nnsvvcis mo first lecelved, will have tlicli names published in Tha Tilbuno Monday morning. In this Oeiman siene, can THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. Tot Bent. wv V V VWVWVVI'VVVVV w FOR rtllXT-Puinlshod house, ten looms', steam heated; centially located. !U.' Madison avenue ITRNISIIliD IIOt'HL for thu winter, vety deslinble, tlioen Itldrfp. Addiess Rox Ro, Tilbuue SIS For Rent Ten-i 00111 house; rveellont nelghboihood: all model n Impiove inents, on avenue. Apply to It P Ham ilton, I2ii Spiuca stieet. Por Sale. FOR SALt!-$lWI Uleyele for $15. 01 ex cliange for pltonogiuph, desk 01 other in tide Room 1, aucincy building. TOR SALL-Second hand Itiewstei bioghnin, steel tiles; ownei has no place to stoic. Lewis L. Moilon, US Hitchcock coiut, POR SALL-Oiio hot air liuuacc. llnee nianlcM nnd gas ehandelleis. Chillies D Sandeisoit, lli, Wyoming ave, Seianton. POR SALL-One hot air ftunacc, tlueo mantels, gas elnndellPis. Chutles D, Sand"! son, 1 Wyoming, avenue, Seian ton, Pa, FOR SALD About 20 foot of desk coun ter, surmounted Willi pluss u out and two openings, lower poitlou nlcelv pan elled, with dinvvcis and .Midves llii(lr nentli. May bo seen at tho office of The Tilbuue. For Sale or Bent. POR SALD OR RLXT-Tlio .',-stoiy bilek building, with boiler bouse attached, and long iovv ol sheds foi holies, wmr ons, etc.; also lalboad switch suitable for mnniifnetuiliig put poses; Intel v occupied bv thn Clock Tobacco Co R. M. Wlntou, Room Xo. 50,", Meals JJulIdtng. Wanted Board and Boom. LADY who Is emploiod dining the day eleshes bo.nd and loom In piivnle fam ily. Addiess L, Tilbuue office. SEALED PROPOSALS. SDALLD l'ROPOSALS will lio leeched bv the County of Lackawanna, Jm minting election ballots as pei eoples fiunlsbcd bv Countv Commisslonois fllds to lio addiessed to iindei signed and lu hands on or befoio 1" o clock noon Thurs day. Oct obi 1 J.!, l'WJ. The light to 1 eject any or all bids Is heiebv leseived. L. A. ,ioxi:s, Countv Coiiliollci. Attest: JOHX .MORRIS, Deputy. LEGAL. Till: SOUTH SIDP. RAXIC-A special mooting ol tho stockholdets of tlio South Side Hank will bo held at the b.uiK ing lioute on Monday, Xovunbei ilth, lii)i, between the boms ol .t and 1 o clock P m, lo take action on appioval or ills appioval ol tho pioposed Incie.ise of the e.ipltil stock ot the bulk Horn tW.oOO to fl,il,0lW PRANK TIUJIMLDR, Secietaiy. CLDRK'S XOT1CD IX RAXKRl'PTCY. In the Dlstnet Couit ol tho United States 101 the .Middle Disliict of Penn svhatilii, Isabella Cohen, ti.'idlng as Seianton Wino and Liquor Co, of Seian ton, Lackawanna toiintv, Pennsvlvaula. a bankiupt umlei tho Act of Congiess ol .1 ul 1, lk"S, having applied loi a full dls noni all debts piov.ible a.-iinst bis 1 slate umlei said Act, notice is beio ln given to all known ciedilois and other in 1 sons In Intoi est, to appear befoio tho said Coin t nt Seianton. in said Dlstilct, 011 the .Id dav of Xovcmbei, lOOi, at 10 o clock In the fnienoon. lo show cause If anv tliov have, whv the pi aver ot the said petltionoi should not bo giantcd. LDWARD R. W. SLARLL, Cteik NOTK'L is heiebv yiveii that an applica tion will bo made to the gov ci nor of Pcnusvlviinlii on Xovcmbei 10. 100J bv C. R Main llle, C. S Weston anil D. L. F11I I11, imclei the act of assembly, entitled "An Act to piovlde loi the lneoi poiatiou and legulatlon ot coitaln eoipoin lions," appiovid Apt II -"J, IS7I, and the supple mints thcicto. foi tlio chatter of an iu leniled coipoialion to be called the Cai linudnle Light, Hi at mil Power Compauv, the di.iiacler and oblect ol .vliich Is sup plvlng light heat and power bv means of di eti Idly to the public lu tho city of Cubondnle, and to peisons, pai tuei ships and 001 potations tesldlng theicln and ad iacent tluieto, as mav deshc tho same, and foi theso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho lights, benefits and pi Iv lieges of said Act of Assembly and supplements theieto WDLLLS & TORRDY, Solleitois, preached at Clink's Oieen on Sunday morning and at Clark's Summit in tlio afternoon. Piofessor L. D. Soulhworth meets his pupils on Monday now, Instead of Wed nesday as loimcily. Tho music dcpait nient has the l.ugest number it has had foi seveial veais, and tho professor is kept busy ncaily every minute, ho is here. Mlt-s Annlo Raids, ot Jlontgomery, Pa., Is visiting her fiiend, Mis. Hupy. Among the visitois ot the Inst week who: Dr. and Mis S S. Watson, class ot '!l, wife and duuglitcr ol Seianton, visiting at Mi. Ronton Coleman's. Mr. and Mis. Artbui .f. Claik, 01 Oieen C.iovc; Mr, Helton Taylor, of Jennlngs vlllo: Piof. J. L Williams, ot Pneliiiiil, Pa , and Rev. mul Mis. .M. J. U'atkins, of llallsteiul. Jli-s Ruby Passett spent Sundav at hei homo In (jolden Hill, Wyoming counly, .I0I111 D. Stiom and J I. Coon sepln Satutdav and Sunday at Raid Mount, the homo ol iho latter, Air in Closed Boom. Aceoidlng to Dr Kluggo, ail will go tluotigli Hip walls ol a dostd 1001a at 11 into depending on Hie dlffeuneo ot tmn peiatuio between tho inside and tho out side you find iwo moie boys? No Order Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offhm Want Atlvertiaements Will Be Becelved at Any of the Follow ing Diug Stores Until 10 P. M. Cential City AMintlT SCltPLTC, conmr Mill beiiy stieet mid W'elwler live. OI'STAV PICHP.L, (-it) Adams avenue, West Side tli:o W .ILNKLN'S, 101 South Main avenue. South Soranton PRHD L. TLRPPt:, 7:0 Cedar avenue. Noith Seianton OLO. W. DAVIS, coiuci North Main avenue and Maiket stieet. Gieen Bidge CHARLLS P. .IONi:S, 1V.7 Dick son avenue. V, .f JOHN'S, DiO Oieen Rldgo stieet. C. LORRNK. coisiPi Washington avenue and Mailon stieet. Petei sburg w. n. kni:ppi:l, av cnue, 1017 living Dunmore .T. G. BOND .V- SON. Help Wanted. WANTDD -Agents to sell tea and cof fee to constimeis. Positions perm 1 nent. Oiand Union Tea Co.. lilt Lacka wanna nvenuc. Help Wanted Male. WANTPD-Comneteiit man who will 111 vest $.',i",0u, caii (onnect himself with a good meieantllc company located in Seianton and take position at satlsfaeloiy saliuy and have 7 pn cent. Intel est gnai tinteed on investment, in uddltloii to my. Addiess, Meicautile, aio Tilbune. WANTIH) Roy about 17 01 IS .veins old for hall and boll boy; must be ot good habits, iindei stand use ol telephone. Call at Scranton club. Uouid of Tiade Build ing, Wednesday 10 a. m WAXTDD A good ONpcileiieed lctalt clothing silesmau. Wages $10 a week. Addiess J. Bassin, Deposit, X. V. WANTDD Men with llg to Intiodiue Monueli Poultiy MKtuie; $20 weekly and expenses; veal's contiact: weekly pay. Addiess with stamp. Monaich -Mlg. Co, Box lit Spiinglleld, Illinois. WANTDD Poitv men at Tobyhanna, Pa., to woik on gi adlng loi a 1.1II load switch nnd deal lag a piece of wood land. Call at Cat Mins building. Toby hanna Cieok Ice Co, C. C. reibei, tieas ui ei. Help Wanted Female. TIDY, expel leneed gill wauled lu family of two. Apply olu Spiucc. Agents Wanted. LARGD CORPORATION wants energetic Genoial Agent for this county. No books, insuiance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with mcichants and miinii lactuiois necessaiy. Peimancnt Bond. State agi, expeiiencO, lefeienees first let ter. Address, Suite ."-', No 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITPATION WAXTDD Lvpeit double cutty bookkecpei would like to mike peimancnt auniiM'iiionl loi a position, competent ot handling anv kind of detail woik. Teims model ate. Addiess X. Y. 'A , Tilbuno office. LXPDRlLXCnD bookkeeper wants situ ation. Thoioughlv competent; hlgh ist lefeienees; fail steuogiapliei. Ad diess 1: A YOl'XG lady with live veals' epeii cm o as steuogiapliei. typewiiler, 101 lespondcnt and i.ishlei, in a huge ofllee, desiies a position in Seianton about Xov 1st. Dxccllent lefeienees fuinlslicl and lompetent falthtul sei vices giiaianteeil Addiess If. X, cuo Tilljuuo ofllee. Furnished Booms for Bent. POR RRNT Furnished looms, 310 Lack aw 111111.1 avenue, tliinl llooi Booms and Board. PLDASANT looms with bund foi loui 01 tho young men liupilio J-!.' Wash ington avenue. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. HOWARD C SPAULD1NG. C I' A. -.1 Tiadeis' Bank Building Olu 'phono liUt. Aachitects. PRHDHRICK L. BROWN. ARCH II. Real Lstato Dxchango IJIilK . L''i Wash Iugton avenue. Civil and Mining Eugineeis, II. L. HARDIXG, M3 COXNHLL BLDG STCYHNSON pell building .v: KNIOUT, 7Jt, CON- Dentists, DR. C II HlLDNIinUGflR, PAULl building, Spiueo stieet, Sciuuton, iSif.'c. C LAUilACII, lisTwOMINU av-o Eiro Insurance. SCIILAGRR & CO, 101 Connell Building. Pntent Attorneys. PATENTS in'a" Tho only licensed und niulpped pntom solldtoi in the city No 1 liai.Ti , loi ip. loimatlnu on p'llontablllly; uvoi tun yeiilrt expei leiKO Itcplogrlc & Co., Alcars KUiK, Hotels nnd Bestamauts. TUC HLIv CAFL, 1,'a AND l.'7 PRAXU llii avenue. Rates lea&ou.iblc P. tflLGLUR. Ptopiielor. soR,XTOxiTois 1:. xi : a Tt "d 7Tv"v-" Passengei depot Conducted on tho Ru lopenu plan Victor K01 h. Piopiletoi Scavenger, A B URIdOS Cl.DAXS PRIVY VAULTS and cots pools, no udoi , only liupiuud pumps psed. A H Itilhgs, piupiiotoi Leave 01 del s lb"' NoilU Alain avenue 01 Llcko's dins sloio coiuui Adams ami Mulbeiiy. Both teliphoins Wite Scieens, JOSL'PH KI'IHTUL. KHAR 311 LACKA. avo, Seianton, mli. ol Wiiu Seleius Hiscellnneous. MLOARGLi: BROS,, PRINTHltS' SUP, piles, envelctics. fipei b.i),s twine. Waiehouse, Lu Washington a venue. THU WlLKL'S-BARRi: IIKC'OUD CAN bo hud hi Seianton at iho new 1 stand of Rolsinan Bios., WO Spiuio und iyj l.inelen, M Noiton J-- Luckawauna uvc; I. S Schutei, '.'11 Spiucc stieet. t. J0"Btii-rwr imwil !, 1 ,11 , DIRECTORY. BUSINESS VrlNK VMlllll Only Half a Cint a Worl. TCh- Business Opportunity. out deiny. Wtllo for our special ma'. ket letter. Pieo on application. 8. M. lllblmid c Co, inombeis N. Y. Consoll ilnted nnd Stock Kxehnnge. 41 nnd 4J Riondwny, Now York L'stnbllshcd IS6I. Long DlBlnncn 'Plinno 2W Hiond. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OP MONDY TO LOAN Quick, stialght loans or Rulldltig nnel Loan, At fiom 4 to 0 por cent. Call on N, V Wiilknr. 3H.U3 Connell building. Miscellaneous. THU MODLL LAUNDRY, Dunmoro, latmdeiM slihts at Sc. each and collars nnd cuiTs at Hie. each. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delawaie, Lackawanna nnd Western. , , la LIYecl Juno 1, HOJ. J inlus lea.o Seianton lot New Yoik At I.jO Uaj, a 03. 7,VI and JU10 a. in,! 12 40, .110, .to5 p. m. Por Now Yoik and Plill.i-lelphltt-7.W. 10.10 a. m , and 1J.40 and r.J"i V; !!. ' "' Oouldsboio At UK) p. 111 Por Buffalo-1 lj, .- nnd n 00 a. 111.; 1.63, G.'O and 11 lu p. ir. p0i Rliighiiinton, Ulmli.i and way statlons-lo ;-, a. in., 103 p in. 'or Oswego. Svincitsu and Utien 1.15 and . ',':,, m ''Vi l "i. Oswego, Syiacusi and t Ilea n un nt ij :2 a. m, dully, except SuniHy -,. Atontioso 9 00 a. 111; 107 "".'U' " J' ,n Nicholson nccommod.itloi) I no and i! ir, p ni, Bloomshuig Dlvlslon-Por Northumbci. land, at 0 IT, and lino a. 111.: l.rr, and 1! I' 11. m. .0r Plymouth, at S 10 a. in.; 3 and 9 in p ni. Sundav Tialns-Por New Yoik, 1 J0, P. ZX 0 Oo 10 10 a. m : 2 10 and 3 3t p m Ko' RulTalo l.n and 1, a. ni.; law, CM and J' 10 P- m. Tni nimlia and way stations-, iti.i a. to. Tor Rlngb'imton and wnv ta tlons, 000 , ln- iiioomsburg Division- ' Leave bci.inlon, 1010 a. m. nnd G 10 p m. Lehigh Vnlley Eallroad. lu Klfect Juno 13, 19W. Trains Lcavo Sciuuton I 01 Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. H. R. R , ,-u at 7 41, through J'ailor C.n and pay Coich C.ubondate to New Yoile and 9 1, a m . with L. V. Coach C.nbon diile to Philadelphia, and 2 IS, 4.J3 (Black Diamond DpipFs). ami 11.10 p. m. Sun days, D. u, ij. Jt , 1 GS 0 17 p m. Pot blt- Haven. ILilcton and pilncl pal points In the coal legions, via D & If'..1-..!1, 7-"- -' ls and 133 p. m I'or Pottsvllle, 7 tl .1. ni. Foi Bethlehem, Huston, Reading. Ilar llsbiug and pilnclpal inleimedlnte sta tlons. via D. & II. u R . 7 II, 9 47 a. ni ; -MS, 4.1j (Black Diamond Dxpiess), 11.49 p. !"- ""rta". D & II. R. H, OSS a. in.: 1 S, 9.17 p. m. For TuiiKhannock, Towanda, Dlmiia. Ithaca, Geneva end piinelpnl lntorme,dls.t'3 stn tlons v i.i D . L. & W. R. R , 6 33 u. m. and 1 ui p m P01 Genov.i, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all polntH west via J & II R. R, 1201 p m.. 3JS (BIT Is Diamond Rxpros&v. 10 II, 11 19 p. ni Sun dav s, D. ,VL IT. R. R , 12.03, 9 17 p m. , Pullmm pailoi and sleeping or Lehigh valley Pailoi on all tmius betweou Wllkes-Rmo and Now York. Phlladel phli, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt , 25 Coitland stieet New Yoik CHART DS S LDD Gen. Pass. Agt.. 21 Coitland stieet. New Yoik A W. N0NDMACHI:R, Dlv. Pass. Agt. South Bethlehem, Pa. Foi tickets nnd Pullman icscrvatlon apply to cltv ticket ofileo, C3 Publia Squr.iP, Wllkcs-B.tno. Vn. BEADING SYSTEM. Cential Bnihond of New Jersey. Collected to Septembci lu, 100J. Stations In Xow Yoik, toot Llucrty stieet and South Pony, N. R. Tiains leave Seianton for Now Yoik, I'hlladelnhia. Raston. Rotlilehciu. Alio 1- j town. Miuieh Chunk. White Haven. Ash ley, vvnups-nairo ana l'tusiou at i..;u a. m.lii in and 4 p 111 Sundav, 2 10 p n. Quakei City Dxpiess leaves Seianton 7.0 n. 111, thiough solid vestibule tialn with Pullniiii Uufiot Pallor Cai for PliII-i-ilelphia with oilv 0110 chango oC cais fur Raltlmoip 'ind AYashliiBtoii, I) C, and all pilnclpil p. nits south and west Foi Avoea, Pittslon and Wllkes-Baue, 1 p ni and I p 111 Sundav, 2 in p in For Long Blanch, Orean Giovc, etc, 7 10 a, 111 nnd 1 n ni Foi Reading, Lebinon nnd llnnisbuig via AUeiitown at 7 "0 a. m, 1 p m. and I p ni, Sunday. .' 10 11 111 Tor Tnni.upia and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m ; 1 p m and I p in Pol i.'ites and tickets apply to agent al station W. O. BLSSLDR. Gen Manager. C M BURT, Gen Pass Agt. Pennsylvania Bailiond. Scln dplo in Dllccl Jimu 10, 19uJ 'Plains leave Seianton C US a. m, week dav i, tluotigli vestibule tialn fiom Pullman buffet p u loi and eoidiis to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle: stops at piindpil lull i mediate siu tlons Also connects for Siinbiiiv, llni llslaug, Plilladelplila, ll.iltl'noio. Wash. Inglon and lor Pittsbuig and tho West 0 17 ,t. 111 , week il.ivs. 101 Sunbuiy Hai llsbuig, PiillaiUlpliii. I! illlmoie, Wash ington and Pittsbuig and the West 1 I.' p in., vveek davs, (Sunday s. 1 . p 111.). tor Sunbuiy. U.111 Islmig, Philadel phia, Raltlmoip Washington and Pitts, lung and the West 3 "s p m, wiok davs, thiough vestlbuM tialn Horn WllUes-llauc Pullman buffet pailoi larnnd (oni lies to Philadelphia vl 1 Pottsvllle Stops al Iiiteimedl nto stations 1 I", p m . unit d iv s fin 11 i.letnu. Pun bin v, llniil'ibiug, I'liiladelphla and ritts- buig TIC'ICIIINSON Gen Mgr WOOl) Gen Pass .gt Delawaie and Hudson. In Lib 1 1 .iiui 1 n: 1 ).' Ti.ilus tin C.iihomlale I, ave tmaulon at Oil 7 .11. s!ii. 10 1! a 111: l.'W, 11.', .Ml. 3-1; nco, g.''. i-l. 'M". l"(l P ni.; U it. Vox llonesdalo-i! II 10 1.: a. in ; J II nnd BE) n in Co WIIU "-Ran o-G". 7 11. s 11. 17 1(1 V.S a. in: l-'O-k t IJ - IS. 3JS, 133, l! 10. 7 IS. 10 II. 11 f P Ui Foi L V R R Poliils-7. 9.17 a. n. n is 13- and H I'1 P ni For I'eniiPvlvanln II. It Points til? 9 17 n. 111 i l I-. " -s "lul I ""' I1 " i'or Albiny and all poluts noitli 7,30 a. ni and JT,'j P ni , ,... .v Mi ii.v i.r- Pol C.VI bond lb -S'lD, It 3T ,1 -..! -. -. ami 11 17 11 111 m ; 211, I'm WHIPS Bam -0 IS a 111 is K)..irz 3f, .; anil '.Hi P a l.'oi Mban.v and points noith- 1 'ii n m I'oi Huucsiiaio-s 11. 111. 11 :u mul? "i W L PRVOR D P A ScrantoiiwKi Eiio Biihoacl-7-"v7yomiiiG,j Division. Ill Ultn't SellteilllH 1 lj. !') S Tialiia havo huumon foi Now Yoik. Ncwbuigh and inti niKdiate points, ulsn loi llnwley and local stations at 7J1 a 111 and 1 3.", p m f Vol llouesililo and Whltn xRlls aWJ ,1 Ti.ilns aulve at Seianton. at 10 !S ai'm nml I) ni" ui New Yoik, Ontaxio and Western, Tlniu table in ilUcl huiiuay, bept. ii,'iwi. NORTH BDl ND TRAINS C. Leavo Leavo Arrivn Ti.ilns No 1 No 7 . Seiailtnii Cailxilidulo radrtflii. pi ion m 11 lea in 1 no p'-pi 11W11 m Ai i'aiiinmlaloL.ignin SOUTH BOUND .' I.eavi) Leavo Atd3vi Cadoslu Caiboudalo SoiaiiEin li'iOa in ".'"mfln J Pi 11 in 1 00 p m I 15 p m. Tiains. No . No '.' SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUNIT Leave Leawl Anlva Tiains No. U , Xo j . Scniutou. Cm bond ilo Cndoala, in t) ton m lo-t3.i;m Jinj p 111 Al Caiboudalo 7 13'.R.m SOUTH BOl'NI) 1.. avo Lea in Aulva Cadosla Caiboudale Soiaiiton. 11 ."u a. in 7 .'V a, ui, 1 30 11 m U u! p pi 1, ll I). 111 Tiains No 0 No l TinliiM Nos I oil Wick davs. and ') on Sundays minuet uu Niw Yoik dty, MI'l dletuwn. Walluu .Not w lib. Oneida, Os. v.eao and all point wivi Tiuln No. p. with "Qiml.or City Kx. piess" at Scranton. via c r. r pf n. j tor Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Biltlmoro, Washington and Pouusylvaiiia staL points "' Sco tlme-tablo and tonsult ticket agent for connections wRb otbci lines, J. C. ANDDRSOX, GjP. A ' New Toik, J. V. WLLSU. T. P. A, Seianton. p-.I