The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 22, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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,. f 'fM-'"
w'rt!', I's
'.jF?fS9,rP''Tv,('vi;$yTy'f f lE'jip--"; -
tf v- ' Hj.-..-rf''i-
Short or long, vllh or
without extensions; nnule
of tough 1S-guuge sheet
steel alt raw edges. V
strengthened by being
bunded or roded extra V
Finooth so coal discharges V
Itself freely. They nw Vf
here for your Inspection.
Q Foote & Shear Co. 5
Q JJ9 Washington Ave. (g
Scranton Investor
Vol. 2.
Council llullding.
No. 10.
n o
5 frvJ
CO tf i
3 S3 .-
Phone, 100. 700 Counell Jild'g.
The flardenbergh
of Miisic and Art
Offers the exceptional advan
tage of Piano and Organ-study
with Mr. Sumner Salter, an
artist teacher of recognized
standing- in the musical world.
Register now. 604 Linden st.
We Hold and
.Offer for Sale
at low figures, the following
U. S. Lumber.
New Mexico Railwny Co Com.
Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
Traders National Bank,
Alexander Car Replacer,
Also several lots of good five per
cent, bonds.
Safe Investments for Conservative Buyers.
Stocks, -Bonds and Securities,
Connell Building
I tirL'" Strange, Isn't It.
iui.iv tllt for I uno's
smiles are almost Invariably be
stowed upon those with h.iuk ac
counts. They arc always ready to take
advantage nC opportunities,
Savings Deposits
Earn 3 at
Oct 2I-.U .Lyceum, speakers Judge
Fcnnypnciior, Republican candidate, tor
governor, unit othoix.
Oct, 2.", -At Auditorium, North Sciuiitnn;
ppcaliors, Willi, mi I. Sella Iter, of Chester;
Thomas II. I Jali'. .lnliii It. .Imp's and Ma
Jor Hvoivtt Wan fii.
A special inei'lluu of the Ladles' auxil
iary of tin1 Mndlsim Avenue temple will
bo held Wedursdny coning after ser
vices, at thi vestry room.
The Ladles' Aid society of All Kinds'
1 nlvnmillst church will meet thin after
noon at the ehiipol on Pine street,
Miss Margaret .lulfoul. (it .Montrose, is
upending the mil with friends In thu
Mis. llrycii Stuart, ut Muutt'OM', Is snoot
of her son, Norman Stunii, of (juliicy
Mrs. II. ('. Tyler and Mint, I'alhy, of
Montrose, wen- visitors to the city last
ISx.Somitor t'hurUa A, .Sludler. of New
York, Is the guest of Hx-ShorHf Clmylos
l V. CoHRln. of Portland. .Me., and K.
Fuller, of Detroit. .Mleli,, an rt'Klsleivd
lit the Heiantoa Houhh.
A Challenge.
1, miiblvlua Charles Mooie. of Cuinpitiiy
K, do lieicliy elinllcnyo Corjiural Cofihi,
of Company D, to a match at the. l)ek
on range Buturilay, October 'S, 100.'. Con.
itlons to govoru iimlch, yh,: Seven
shots nt 200 yards; novuu shots at 50)
yards, seven shots at C00 yards. No sight
ing or warming Pbota allowed. Krug
Jorgenscn rlllo to ho tisejl; for $a a Hide.
Arrangements to ho nuido on or heforo
Wednesday, Oct. ?2, at 12 m.
Cluirlcs Moore. J
She Rendered a Magnificent Pro
gramme, nnd Captivated Her List
eners with the Wonderful Beauty
of Her Singing Her Versatility
nnd Genius Shown in the Diversity
of the Selections Rendered Tho
Violin Playing of Arnold Loh
mann Well Received.
It was Indeed ti rare song-bird that
was luted within mil' gntos Inst night,
to hhir for an hour nt the door of our
hearts, it will bo many and many a
day before the echo of some of these
notes or Henibrleh'H will die uwny from
the distant hulls of memory, whose key
hns long been lost,
From the moment when Muthuno
Hcmbrleh was eseorted to the platform
at the new armory by F. C, Hand, f-he
hail the audience at her feet, She looked
like it llguro front u Houeher painting,
as she came forward nnd leaned a
lounded arm upon the grand piano.
She wore white satin, lkiily embroid
ered hi French garlands of tiny roses
In natural colors. Above tho skirts'
hem, and meeting the garlands, were
bow knots of gold-ci.iored embroidery,
sparkling with brilliants. The foot of
the skirt was bordered with sable. Tho
hodlce was blazing with diamonds, .She
wore ii pearl necklace, clasped at the
throat with a splendid cluster of dia
monds. Her abundant dark hnlr was
simply dressed with no ornaments of
any kind save jewelled side combs.
Madame Sembiich Is as absolutely
free from self-consciousness as she Is
aglow with the gayest vivacity, modl-
lled by refreshing simplicity. Tho
charm of her personality was as great
as the charm of hor voice.
A Transcendent Voice.
Listening, as she sang song after
song, one had to realize that but mice
In a cycle of years, perhaps, a truly
transcendent voice Is produced. There
are great voices, surpassing talent,
beautiful results of Inheritance and cul
ture, hut of supremely grand voices
only one in the millions,
Such a voice has Sembiich, and sure
ly she was at her best last night. The
audience may felicitate Itself upon
having advantages which few in this
country have enjoyed, In seeing this
great opera singer and bearing her at
short range in one of the finest pro
grammes ever presented to the public.
Madame Sembiich herself complains
that most of the concert auditoriums
are ill-lighted. The arrangements at
tho armory wero excellent. The stage,
located at tho side instead of tho end
of the vast building, gave much better
opportunities than have been enjoyed
at a previous recital, and tho lights
were strong and effective.
No singer on a Scranton stage bus
ever had so many lecalls and such
spontaneous recognition. There was a
little coldness apparent at first, but be
fore the third number was reached
everybody went wild over the rippling
music or that glorious voice.
It is dilllcult to say which of tho three
groups or songs was best. Certain It
is that the tiro and spirit of the Italian
comparers met. adequate Interpretation
In her temperament. This was felt
even in the unfamiliar "O Surpina Pen
serote," us well a In the encore from
"l.n Somnainbula." Madame Seni
brich's Kngllsh in tho "Joshua" ora
torio was clear and beautiful.
The Beethoven Number.
In the first group perhaps the Ueeth
oven number stood apart as more re
plete with the illusions that drown tho
senses, for the beauty of her tones
lent a now understanding' of what the
song could be. Later in the "Fruh
llngsnacht" a different phase of her
wonderful gifts made a distinct con
trast, and a certain thrilling duality
In the gliding from upper to middle
register was emphasized.
It was a magical touch that she put
Into the little fSrteiy song of "Hidden
Love," when the throbbing of the
heart-break ran through the, lines as
she sang of the maiden forsaken, the
emotional effect being plainly commu
nicated to the audience. The gayely of
mirth of the ".lekoltauz." which fol
lowed, gave evidence to her versatility
or mood.
The gracious spirit of the great sing
er appealed to the audience which wait
ed to see her return to tho platform
In response to repeated encores as the
programme was ended. She appeared
again nnd asnin, and dually sat down
to the piano and plnyed her own ac
companiment to the Chopin song, "The
MiiliU-n's Wish," and sang It us It al
most seemed she had sung nothing else
during the evening,
A distinctly satisfactory feature of
the programme were the violin num
bers of Mr. Arnold Lohnuinn, of
VllUes-Ilarrp. Mr, lnlininiin has been
studying In Heiiln for some time, and
his natural gifts have been refined and
tempeied until the promise of n career
for this youiif! man Is flattering, Ills
good taste and modesty wero evident
last night In the selections which were
not too ambitious, and yet showed ex
ceptional Intuition and poetic feeling.
The Hach number was exceedingly
well played, showing a tonal quality
not always recognized, even with cer
tain brilliant performers, In thu "Per
pcturom Mobile," by Hies, lie scored a
great success. Ah an encore ho played
"Truuiuorol." Many Wllkes-Iiarrenns
were present, among thnm Congress
man F. AV, Palmer and party.
Family Is Large and Needs of In
stitution Great.
Tomorrow will be the annual dona
tion day at tho Homo for the Friend
less. It Is hoped thnt the support of
the past will be fully given on this
occasion as the family Is tho largest
yet recorded and living expenses are
greater. Everything In tho way of
supplies Is needed, while tho smallest
as well as the largest sum in cash will
be appreciated,
Those, who wish to see all the mem
bers of thu Home family enjoying them
selves should come to thu entertain
ment In the evening, when there will
bo a delightful series of humorous reel
tntlnns, by Miss Jessie Itoss, am
charming aolos by Mrs. H. II. Hrndy,
jr. There will be special cars to ac
commodate every friend of tho Home.
A silver olferlng will be received, Take
Green Ridge Suburban cars.
LOST iJist night ut the Armory or on
jeriorsoii avenue, a lountnm .pen.
Finder will please return It to Tho Trib
une unite.
f Advantages
A $20,000 FIRE AT
Big Storo of Goodman & Weiss
Burned to the Ground as Well
as Three Other Buildings.
A ,flre whlcli broke out In Prlceburg
Inst night about 11 o'clock destroyed
four .buildings, doing damage estimated
at J20,00D. For it time It was feared
that nearly the whole town would be
wiped out.
The blaze, the origin of which Is un
known, broke out on the second floor
of the two-story frame building- owned
by Goodman & Weiss and occupied by
them as a general store. The Humes
spread rapidly -and Olyphant nnd Peck
vllle were asked to send assistance.
Two companies from the former place
and ono from the latter were on the
scene before 12 o'clock, anil rendered
Valuable assistance to the two local
Before the lire was under control the
Goodman & Weiss building was com
pletely destroyed, as well as a two
story building adjoining, owned and oc
cupied ns a saloon by Joseph Karolyn.
Two small buildings adjoining the lat
ter were also burned down. So fierce
wero the flames at one time that it
was feared thnt they -would get beyond
the control of the firemen and do tre
mendous damage.
The total loss Is estimated at $20,000.
The loss of Goodman & Weiss on their
building and stock is placed at $1'.m)0.
They are fully insured.
Increase of Fifty Per Cent, in Num
ber of Traveling Men in City
During Last Two Days.
That the big wholesale dealers and
manufacturing firms confidently expect
that an era of prosperity is in store for
this city and vicinity is proven by the
tremendous Influx of traveling men
during the last two days.
ISvery room nt the Hotel Jermyn was
taken before the dinner hour last night,
and regular patrons who came along
had to be content with cots in the halls.
It was stated that no less than 200 com
mercial travelers were registered, or an
increase of about 00 per cent, over the
same day last week. At tho other hotels
a similar Increase in the number of
"commercials" registered was also
During the past five months tho
traveling salesmen have shunned this
city with almost one accord, tho excep
tions being those who deal exclusively
In staple lines.
"Kvery house in Now York," said a
drummer last night, "is sending men
into this part of tho stale with big
linos, because tho feeling seems to pre
vail that when the mines once start up
the work will be so steady that busi
ness will pick up remarkably In every
Rev. Rogers Israel. D. D., Succeeds
Very Rev. T. P. Coffey, V. G.
The annual meeting of the board of
trustees of the Pennsylvania Oral
School for the Deaf was lipid yesterday
afternoon, at the ofllee of the secretary-treasurer,
Henry Belln, jr., in the
Connell building. Tho old board was
re-elected with the exception of Very
Rev. T. F. Coffey, V. O., of Cnrbondale,
who declined a re-election on account
of his inability to attend the meetings.
Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D,, was elected
in his stead. Tho new board will meet
for organization In a few days.
Gratifying reports were ready by
Secretary-Treasurer Ilolln, and the
principal of the school, Miss Mary II,
C. Brown,
Funeral of the Late Jared Chitten
den Conducted Yesterday.
The funeral of the lute Jared Chit
tenden took pluve yesterday afternoon
from the family residence. Rev. Dr.
MeLeod olilelated. He spoke biielly,
expressing appreciation for the excel
lent qualities of the deceased, 'and of
ills loyally to his work and his duties
while he retained activity. Ho referred
with feeling to tho touching devotion
of his wife and son during tho long
Tho pallbearers were: Messrs, J. J.
Jermyn, A. O, Gllmore, Thomas Shot
ton, W. P. Russell, Jerry Athorton, A.
11. Stairs, Interment was made In
Dunmore cemetery.
It Is Thought That He Intended to
Assassinate President Loubet.
By riiciiulvc W'iro from The Auaclatcd Pft.
Paris, Oct. 21. Tho Figaro, this
morning, says a man was detected
early Tuesday morning attempting to
climb a wall of the Klysco palace. It
is believed that he intended to hide In
tho palaco garden in the hope of ob
taining an opportunity to assassinate
President Loubet, The man was ar
rested and was found to bo armed with
a polgnard and a loaded revolver, Ho
has been recognized ns a dangerous
aiuucliisi who litis already been con
victed three times, and upon two or
threft occasions for manufacturing ex
plosive inuchtnes.
Tho police ur trying to keep the
matter quiet and refuse to divulge the
man's name,
Claims to Have Committed Suicide,
Wants Girls for Fall-Bearers.
Ily llv lui- Wire dom Tin' AuiUtcd 1'km.
Lnucatfter, Oct. 21. Joseph Hubeck, 19
years old, of Columbia, hns disappeared
leaving a lioto that his body would bo
found In tho Suscpiehaniia liver near
Marietta and giving us tho cuuso for end
ing his life his inability to pay n debt of
seven dollars.
Ho also requested hi the note that four
girls of Marietta act as his pall-bcurora.
Arc offered by the Conservatory for Piano
forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from
beginners to prospective professionals.
Students can begin now.
Rumors of a Gigantic Company to
Control All of the Anthracite
Coal Railroads.
Thu Philadelphia Stockholder of yes
terday had the following:
Tho Journal of Commerce hears that a
plan to form a gigantic company to own
and nporuto all tho anthracite coat rail
roads Is occupying liio attention of somo
of the niouarehs of Philadelphia and
Now York. This combination of lntoreits,
Involving $I3S,HOO,OOU of capital stock, hns
been tho subject of discussion on tho
part of tho three great railroad groups
of the Fast the Pennsylvania, Vtuulor
bllts and Morgan.
An anttiraclto securities company Is in
the nlr, but It has not approached any
thing like completion, and it may never
bo consummated, The various big Unci
Included In such a merger, and the capi
tal stock of each, with tho dividends paid,
are as follows:
Capital, Dividend.
Reading $140,000,000
Lehigh Valley 10.000,000
Delaware fc Hudson... .'W.OOO.OOO
Lackawanna 2(1,000,000
Krlo 112,000,000
Jersey Central 27,OHO,Oi0
N. Y Out. .t West.... OS,000,000
Total , $ I as, OHO, (XX)
Tho Heading owns the Jersey Central
and guarantees Its dividend. The Penn
sylvania lias come Into control of both
lines, so the best Informed linnnclnl men
believe, by recent heavy purchases of
Reading stock. The Vanderbllts own or
control the Lackawanna and the Dela
ware and Hudson. Morgan and III!! rule
the Kile. The New York, Ontario and
Western is closelj allied tu the Vander-bilt-Morgaa
Interests. As all the anthra
cite roads are now owned by the Ca-sat-Vanderbllt-Morgau
group, such a secur
ity company as outlined would in no way
disturb the present proprietorship.
Indeed, a virtual company of that char
acter already exists, us was amply shown
by the concerted aetion of the various
companies during the long battle with
the miners. The Lehigh Valley is jointly
owned by tho other Coaler-. The different
systems are so compactly located in
Pennsylvania, New York and New Jer
sey, touching tho three great cities of
Philadelphia, New York and Buffalo, that
they could bo easily and economically
managed by one head.
"Whether tho lieailiiuarters o tho com
pany would be in New York or Philadel
phia, and who would lie the president of
the anthracite securities company are
question not even reached by those, who
are said to be managing the va-t com
Gubernatorial Candidate to Be Here
Friday Night Other Prominent
Speakers for This Cotmly.
Next Friday night, at the Lyceum,
the second big Republican rally will
take nlace. Judue Pcnnvnackor, tho
gubernatorial candidate, and his cam
paigning' party will be present. Attor
ney General John P. Flkin is to lie one
of the speakers. The United German
Singing societies and the Sons of Cum
bria Glee club will render mmic.
Congressman Sereno 13. Paine, chair
man of the ways nnd means committee,
is to be bore on Wednesday, October
20. On Friday, October ill, a meeting
will be addressed by Congressman J. S.
Sherman, of Utica, N. Y.j Congress
man K, 11, Vreeland, of Salamanca, N.
Y., and Major McDowell, clerk of the
house of representatives, and one ot
Washington's most noted wits.
Scranton Business Collegey.
The seating capacity in the business
department was on Saturday increased
for the third time. Tho Scranton Busi
ness College night school Is the largest
in tlu country. AVhy? The reason Is
obvious. "
See the Cut Man.
Fffectlvo and attractive half-tones
nnd line outs for card, advertising or
any other purpose, can be secured at
The Tribune ofHee, "We do work, that
is unexcelled, do It promptly nnd at
lowest rates, a trial order will con
vince you.
Smoot, "The Typewriter Man," has
ono Blickensdcrfpr and ono Chiengo
typewriter to sell very cheap, Guern
sey building, city. '
Autumn Flowers.
Gorgeous chrysanthemums nt Morel
Bros, Both 'phones,
Dr. Lindubury, Surgeon, diseases ot
women n specially, 215 Connell building,
Hours: 11 a. m. to i p. m.; 7 to S.30
p, m,
I Royal
I Worcestershire
Pint bottles, 25c.
New sifted Sugar Peas,
!2c per can,
Scotch Orauge Mar
malade, 18c per jar.
Pure Fruit Jams iu
glass jars, 12c,
Coursen's Olive 0,Jt
quart bottle, 75c; $7.50,
case; $2,00 per gallon.
0. Coursen,
Ten of Them Scored Folnts Yostor
day While tho Others Hustled to
Get Moro to Add to Their Totals.
Some Lenders Aro Sold to Have a
Big Bunch of Points for tho Clos
ing Hour No Chnnges Yesterday.
Standing of Contestants
1. A. J. Kellermnn, Scrnnton.045
3. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst..670
3. William T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton G20
4. Charles Burns, Vandllng. .621
5. Fred K. Gunster, Green
Ridge 013
0. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 570
7. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 010
8. Albert Frecdmnn, Bolle-
vue 515
0. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 407
10. J. A. Htvenstrlte, Mos
cow 300
11. Chas.W. Dorsey, Scranton. 351
12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . .267
13. Hendrick Adams, Chin
chilla 233
14. Lewis Bates, Scranton .... 101
15. Harry Madden. Scranton. . 170
16. Hemy E. Collins, Kizers.162
17. Homer Kre3ge,Hyde Park. 117
18. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 106
10. Frank B. McCreary, Hall
stead 104
20. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 05
21. Miss Jane Mathewson,
Factoryvllle 05
22. Fred Kibler, South Scran
ton 01
23. A. L. Clark, Green Grove . 00
24. Willinm Cooper,, Priceburg 83
25. Don C. Capwell, Scranton. 81
26. Louis Gere, Brooklyn ... 71
27. John Maokie, Providence. 71
28. Hugh Johnston, Forest
City 08
20. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Scranton 46
30. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 44
31. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 42
32. Lee Culver, Springville. . . 41
33. Arthur J. Thayer, South
Scranton 41
The Tribune's Kdiu-ntlonul Contest Is
so near Its close that every one of the
participants In it who is desirous of
whining one of tho scholarships is
working with might nnd main, nnd no
doubt will continue to do so until S
o'clock on Saturday evening, when it
closes. It is obvious that not all the
' iy ,?:(l
T' & "fJi
points that are being obtained are
turned in, for some of Hip foremost
leaders have made but little advance
this week, although they are said to be
working night and day to obtain addi
tions to their printed totals. Rumor
gives some of the leaders u largo ac
cess of points that are being held back
to swamp the returns on Saturday
night, but as has often been the case,
some of tho surprlsers may be sur
prised when the final figures aro pub
lished on Monday morning next, which
will be the earliest Intimation any one
of tho lenders will have as to the re
sult. Ten of tho leaders, between sixth and
twenty-eighth place, scored points yes
terday. They were:
Mnxwell Shepherd 2T
Albert Freeduian 18
Lerol K, Stanton 17
Homer Kresgo 8
Hugh Johnston 8
Herbert Thompson ."i
John Mucklc I
Charles W. Dorsey -1
Miss Jane Mathewson ')
William II. Sherwood 2
Tlifi'n were no changes In position,
Through an error In yesterday's Trib
une L. K, Stanton was lift In thirteenth
place, although ho advanced to twelfth.
Tho error is corrected tills morning.
A letter of instructions was sent to
each contestant yesterday regarding
the llnal day's proceedings, L'ach one
Is requtnted to rend the letter carefully.
Four days moro before the contest
Hugh Johnston, ut' Forrst City, of
whom a portiult Is presented today,
was tho fourth person to enti'f tho con
test, enrolling on April 1. His first two
points wero scqred on May s. During
the summer Mr, Johnston did not work
very iictlvely, but slnco the tenth of
this month ho bus doubled his previous
score and now stands a very good
clianco of winning one or tin? inirty
three scholarships,
Bo Taken There Today by
Sheriff Schadt.
I '''.';,?i& '
Sheriff Schadt will take the follow
lug jiisoptiH to tin Eastern peniten
tiary today: Charles Kuhlman, bur
glary, three years: Peter Plerii, lei
onions ivound'ng, three years; Stanley
Nwak'jftkl, felonious wounding, eigh
teen months; Michael Jordan, mbbeiy.
four j cars; Chuiies Miller, felonious
wounding, eighteen months.
William areatne. a boy who pleaded
pullty to forgery and larceny, will be
taken to tho Huntington reformatory.
City and School Taxes 1002.
The above tax duplicates are now In
my hands for collection.
City Treasurer.
That's What Clerk Searle Says About
Latest Opposition Yarn.
K. U. V, Searle, clerk of the ttnl
tod States district court, stated yes
terday afternoon to it Tribune limit
that the statement nppeaiing In tin
evening papqr to the effect thnt he
Wtis using his nlllce for political pur
poses Is eiiiupnlgn "hot ulr" and noth
ing cine.
"It Is nsserted," said be, "thnt I sent
olllelal nollllcntlon In franlted envel
opes tn a number of persons stating
that their tinmen had been handed to
mo by John Schetier. Jr., aa stiltdblu
ones to be placed In the Jury wheel. I
do not deny this because that's the
common practice In this ofllee.
"I request suitable names to be
placed hi the Jury wheel from the con
gressman, member of the legislature
and other persons holding positions of
trust who may bo expected to know
the men bcsl qunlllted for Jury service,
It Is my custom to place tho nnuie.i of
such persons In the wheel and to send
to them all olllelal uotlllcntlon of the
fact that they had been suggested to
mi' for Jury service,
"I've mint hundreds of such letters
ottl since I've been clerk of this court,
nnd to ussert that 1 am doing II In this
Instance for political purpose Is bosh,
It's one of the campaign lies Unit are
generally put iu circulation a week or
so before ekctlon."
The Men Had Quarreled Over a
Game of Cards in Jayne's Hotel,
Jackson Street.
About l.UO o'clock yesterday afternoon
a shooting affray took place In Jayne's
saloon, on Jackson street, which came
very near resulting In murder. John
Nelpler, of 1101 Washburn street, a
member of the Laekawnnna surveying
corps, who lias been working as a
guard duiinj,- the strike, and Z.icb
Mitchell, of 102,1 Price street, with two
friends, wero playing cards. Nelpler
lost and refused to settle up. so .Mitch
ell got up and took him by the throat,
saying: "Are you going to settle up'.'"
Nelpler drew a revolver and Hied at
Mitchell's head, the bullet a BS-eallbre
striking Mitchell between the eyes,
but owing to the fact that Nelpler was
sitting down and .Mitchell standing,
when tho shooting took place, the bullet
glanced upward, lodging In the celling,
and merely making a deep wound about
an Inch and a liulf long in the scalp.
Lieutenant John Davis was called,
and placed Nplpler under arrest and
locked him up until 4 o'clock, when lie
was given a hearing. Mitchell, after
Nelpler was arrested, finished his glass
of beer and then went to tho West Sldo
hospital, where the wound was dressed.
At the hearing, the prisoner was ar
raigned on the charge.' of felonious
wounding. Lieutenant Davis was tho
first witness sworn, but was unable to
give an account of the facts of the
case. Burt Pennock, of Luzerne, who
was present at the time of the shoot
ing, was examined and testified that
.Mitchell grabbed Nelpler by Hie throat
in no gentle manner. Mitchell was then
sworn and testltied that he merely took
Nelpler by the coat collar and did not
in any way touch his throat.
Alderman Davis placed Nelpler under
$.'00 ball to answer the charge at court.
Mr. Charles H. Doersnni, teacher of
the pianoforte wll receive pupils after
Nov. 1st., In his studio In the New Y.
M. ('. A. building. Until then address
211 Penn avenue.
Great Safie of
Closes toctay. uuu pairs oi kj
Union Made High Grade Pants H
are being sold at auout nan
price. At
100 pairs of winter weight
pants, in fine dark stripe
worsteds. Stylish, nicely
made and worth S2.00. At
Extra fine Cnssimer Dress
Pants, beautiful patterns, per
fect fitting' nnd hand tailored.
Positive S2.50 values.
Other Specials at 81.08,
S2.40, $2.08 nnd 83.08.
All Cars Transfer to
That is sure to be the most pop
ular this season is now being sold
over our counters not any high
er priced because of its superior
ity oh no, in fact Neckwear
with half the good points of ours
is priced today for more money,
All prevailing styles,
m i s
Sxwa S 1 1 1 N a r'o NSP1
For Guesses
Oho ran n.iino the winner In Tim
Trlbuno'n. Kdncntlonnl Contest ntiil
toll tho number ot points ho or sho
will liavo?
First Prlze-$5.00 in Gold,
Next Tlirce $1.00 each..
Next Two-SO cents each.
Next Pour 25 cents each,
TOTAL-Tcn Prizes, Ten Dollars.
Cut out the coupon bolow, fill It In,
nnd wend to "Scntntnn Tribune. Scrnn
ton, Pn tluesslng Contest," on or bo
fore Friday, Oct. 21. on which day the
guessing contest ends,
All coupons must bo in The
Tribune office by Friday, nt 5
o'clock p. m.
Wednesday, Oct, 22.
I think the winner of The Trib
une's Educational Contest will be
No. of points
Address ,,
Cut out tills lower coupon only.
Load of Coal 1
Green Trading Stamps on
every sate of two dollars
(S2.00) and over at
Shoe Store
Good Oct. 20. 21 and 22.
Cut This Out
Opposite Connell Building.
Trust Co.
Will be pleased to receive
money in any amount and
late of Interest Cicrcon.
deposits of
pay liberal
While our l"
at i;j5
nvc. nro
siniill, wd
quart oi's
ly nblo to
date mil'
Open an
account with us.
Third Vice-President and Treasurer
Abram Nesbilt. Thomas K. Jonea.
William F. Hnllslcail.
O. S. Johnson. Thomas 11. Watklns.
L, A. 'Wat res.
. . .j. .;. .j. . .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. .$. ,. , .j, .j. 4,
A-- tho best in tho world.
Ii VARNISHES wo carry
JL'arrotts, Masury's, L
Valentines and
Also a full line of Brushes
Bittenbender & (
126-128 Franklin Ave.
! !' i' ! ! ? J. '. ?. 4- ? ?
t 6 ( r. v v, v, t f, s v. v, v, v, v.
Befit S
nn wm no
The Title
Guaranty and
wuf ndMi,rrr
1 1 mills
I a
Always reliable.
i.ili& Grain Co
Scranton and Olyphant.
'A Vt "A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A "A U 'A 'A It 'A 'A