" f " Twiv?'" ' Hn I v .n-- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1902. -vv- ( ttyi jkrattfon CvtBune rnhlUhul Dlly Except Holiday, by Th Tribune I ' mbllihlnf Company, at Fifty Centi Month. mvy b. nicianD ....... kmto. o. t. hyxbeb bummim Mamahir. Knitted t th rostoulce t BerAtiton, m Second U1M Mall Matter. When apnea will permit) The Trllnme la ntwiiyi Bind to print hortlottera rroni It. frlendi bearing on cnrront tuple, hut Ha rule la that tlieae miiat lin aligned for pub. Mention, by tho wrlter'a ronl nunie) ntut tlio comlltlon precedent tn nrccplniice la thnt nil contrlbutlnna alinll lie aulijcct to editorial raTliInn, TIIK FLAT KATE FOR AMVfiltTIHINM. The following table rtioiva tha price per Inch "uli Intertlon, pac-e to lie tned within one year: It.Ul Of 'l' I'" Itl-Klllllg .Ml ' ' .Y .411 .44 .10 .1 1 ,:r, ,'.;3 nm I'uflllon i,ii " .J ."i .V) ."I ID nupi.AV i em t ti iriSTtiTl i r (0 Iniliff . . . too " . . . . SJO " . . . . MM " , . . . lOW " . . . . ..ti .ii. .in For card, or thanks, molntlum of condolence, ntid llmllar ronlrllnitlnii. In Uib imtnre r ml vrrtl.tnr. 'Iho Tribune make a chari;i of 5 cents a line. Sl'IIANTO.V. ocToism; moj. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. GoVemur-H. V. I'ENNVIWCKIUS. Lieutenant ilovetiRii'- V W tllimVN. SeiKtuiv nt liileiiiul Alfiili-- ISAAC l. nr.owN. County. Congress-WII.U.WI CuNNIll.l,. Jticlne-A A VUrtlll'lHl coimi!iifiin-is- .ioiin commit JIOn HIS. ,IOI IX I'ENMAV Jlllio lnieetni -I.I.IZWIlf.YN M. IA ANS. DAVID T. WILLIAMS. legislative. Kenatoi--.101IN II .lOWDA.V lt"tiii"-fniiulvi'f Khit DNnut .iorii:i'it riuvr.it. Second Distill t-joiix scni:t 1:1:, JR. Thin! Dlihlcl -KDWAltD i.wir.s. 1'nilitli Dlstllfl-I'. A I'll II. I1IX nii'clloi. tiny. Nov. t It Nn't lung until pli'ciliin il.iy, lint It Js long i-uough to cii.ibie every thinking working: 111. 111 tn titlst his vvelfutt' lo tin-1 Republic .111 i:ut ami not to tlie ctiliiiiiity bowline: Pi-iiiiier.u-y. Hnke It a Good One. -y-ili: si'lUIT or Si-ciotuiy I .Moody's itii-iitinii .Monday JL night .mil tin- ileiiinnsti.iiluii of heulth.v I'epiibllcun en thusiasm eviiKul by hN m.isteily speech indli.ile tliiii .ill i vw-ll In this POllllty. TIlO L.MUIIIII IIIKlIflILL' W.IS repii'seiiltitlve. It lin Iinlcil .ill c lit---.t"-. Aleicli.tnts and piolc-ion.il men sat alongside niliipi'-, iiiipcnleK ,iuil work iiigineii 01 v.tiloiis n.ides. Kepublli .111 iMH is big ( miugli lor .ill :unl its liene llts dNtilbuti- among nil. This mooting sntisllH-. ii- thnt the il tompt of e-oi'tiiln InllueiU'es 10 use the strike nnd il dlseoids ns .iKcncles 0!' dtsruptioii of oidlnniy p.n ty ties is not succeeding and eunnot cuciecd. Tills means thnt the opponents 01 Uepuhli canisiu must simul or Mil on their own merits, nnd inn-Minn Ii ns they linun'i nny meilt politically, beius; without chin t, issue or compass-. It is safe to bt'liee Hint the. will Mil, as ihey de pei ve to. Nevertheless, Ceptibliwin.s will be wise to k" liHht on ns If tliey expeited to have the lisht of their lives. H will not be Iouk until the cainpaiKii is oer. Ten days ol eiiPifrelic woik will stialn no one. it will lealiy lie a wekoun- ie lief fiom t lie business tension of ihe past five months. And a tlioiouuh lit-k-Inp; of the opposition will liae tills ad vantuso it will hlmpllty 111.1 1 lei .s in li'OI. Theieloie, liepulilii.ius up and at them! William Counell, the- man, you nil know. William ('tmuell, the ctiuaii i"-s-man, stands loi Uepublicilnisin, piofi-i-tss and inospeilty. Those who want Kiiod times nnd steady wast"- will make no mistake in voting for til in. The Ripper. IP ISN'T an issue In this campaign: It Is only mug In by the Dem od.itle oigan because tliu slock ol 1p.1l Issues J10111 tile DeiuuLiiit ic ttandpoiut is small and measly, and because expel lence has shown that some voler.s an be sciiipiI by any kind of n fool howl it it is made Iouk uiioiikIj nnd loud enough tn diown out theli judRiuent and lommoii seu.-e. Hut if they waul to talk lipper let us insist that Ihey tell the tiuth. AVI10 drew up tlie Upper.' one of the kin dest (luiiuiri In tin- ile was Ucoiko V. Cutlule, now tunnliiH: on the Dem ocratic ticket for lieutenant novel nor. tluthrle slioiiled lor a lipper until jou inlght hae believed Hint If he didn't net one he would never lie happy tiKuln. When William Ponuell uiul other level headed Tll'lHIUlllMUH weio wuiiiIiib thti leadeis ut Ilarrlsbuiff Hint the ripper clause in Hie now tlty clmrtpr bill was loaded, nnd that they would have tiouble If tiny undertook to yank out of olllce men duly eketcd by te of Ihe people. It was Hie yelling of sink variable letounei.s as llutluie that xwuutr the leKlslatuie over on the side 0MI10 tipper and laiuined Hint meiis ure throiiRli. It Is no dlsueilli to Will iam t'onuell 01 to any liopubllcait as sociate of his fiom Lackawanna toun l.v.tl),t When they saw Hint the passage of the hill wufi lne liable they deter mined to uiitke the best of It, Thus It was that A. A. Viwliinp;, now candidate for oiphans court Judj;e, then city so licitor, was sent for, together with a committee of councils, to assist In wilt ing Into the Upper bill piovlslons necesbtiiy for Set anion's welf.iie, 'Pliny pucceeded In making u much better hill than It was oiiglnally, and the lesults since the measuie has been in opera tlojt in our city justify tL. c.ia, ,mt Scrunton has neer been better kov crned. Jiut. they buy, Cunnell lipped out MJir, tlius Insulting tho choke of the people. That, of couise, Is not true, Molr was not tipped. He leslgned. And when Governor Stone asked Jlr. Council to recommend 11 bticcess-oi' lie made a choice which we are ccituln Is giving general satisfaction. Pity af. falis ate running smoothly for the first time In years; every department of the city government Is being bysteinatlzed and put on an economical and ellleient basis; the ciedlt of the city wus never higher, and when they say that taxes Mve been increased they ay what Is not true. Tuxes have been efiii1lzed! assessments have been ievlied nnd inntlo equitable and In consrtieuec of more Inislliess-llke method, the. reve nues have grown but tho burden on the Individual cllken Is lighter than It luin been In years unit lie Is getting his money's woitli, All of which Is leiilly out of place In the pipsent campaign and will come tip ninie pioperly next spthiRi when 11 new lPLorder Is In be chosen. HUl If our "ituil-iniichliic' friends think that 11 iliscuuskin of the subject now would make their Doubled pathway easier we me .lust sympathetic enough to give them Hip beliollt of it. The "irolley giab," which nlteriiatps Willi the "Infniuous ilpper" In the local Demociiicy'o exhibit of political lmr 101 H. had for lis piiipoe simply the IPKiillalng of belter conveyunce facili ties In cltlrs; and no chnitor gianlpd under It becomes effective until ap iii'piI bv the muiiiclpal allthorlllps of the ell 01 cities nlfpcted. The bur den of responsibility Is thereby placed Upon Ihe tlty councils and executive, and 110 light In Scianton has been snc-iiflied or Is In danger of outrage. Tlie "antl-inachlnp" Democracy, In Its sote sitaits for something with which to dhert attention from Its own Iu moiitllKntloii, cannot fake Its way Into power by any such dap imp. Hack to Work. BllFOlllC the pre.-ent sliike was called, Tin; Tilhune op posed It as unwise. During Its progiesjj we tiled earnest ly to theck its excesses and keep it within the bounds of llbtity regulated bv law. Now that It is at an end, we slnceielv hope that the men. women and clilldiell who hae been put to suf letlng by It may soon enjoy again the Independence of sull-suppoi t and mpld ly regain what the) have lost. Tlie umuiier of ihe ending of tlie stiike lellects credit upon niltiei s' or ganization. At the call of humanity as voiced by l'lesldeiit ltoosevell. dis sc'iHion was put 11-lde and an unani mous ote given lor a leiuiti to work. 'Phis action, taken In the fine of the I ei tn In knowledge, candidly communi cated b I'lpsldviit .Mitchell, tint all tlie stilkeM could not Iminedlately get back their old places, exhibited 11 lo.val side to Hie miiieis' i liaracter tlie sen timent of loyalty to ellleient lenduship and ot giatltude and coiisldeiation for the public suppoit and Intel est. We consider till- spectacle the must ini-pies-he and Ihe most hopeful one in the whole sad panorama of the stilku. II must hi lug a new measure of public sympaili lo the miners' side in the healings hefoic the aibitiatlon com inission and (ontribute uiutei tally to the demand loi a Ihoiough liglitiug of siib.st.iiu lal wiong-. 'J'lie strike has been piollfie In les son" and ll is yet too soon to enuniei ate 111 discuss tlieiii elfectlvel ; but one k's.-on above otheis may aheady be noted, and that Is the Immediate inert ol banishing lioni our midst the spiilt ot laucoi which tor tin eo ye.ns has e.ed and einbitleied our industilal le latlous, anaying lapltal against labor, to the Inniiy of both, and (unveiling a peaceful and piopemus alley into n theatti ol lestle-siu'sw, jealou-les, tui moil and lawlessness. 'Phis whole long intu-val of agony has been a pitiable mistake. It was not called for and that wlili h has been gained by It or Ihiough It does not begin lo ininpeu sale lor what lias been lost in couse iuence ol It. Tlie .sphlt of conlioversy, ol contention, of quick and uncalcltlal ing strile is a lo-ing linestinent lot bulk woikingincn and employe-is; and now .is the (in lain Is utiig down on the final act in this tiugedy of enors, let Its di-ient 111.11 k the end of such lolly tor n generation to come and let eveiy decent poison throughout the coal Melds face about to make of the futuie a time ot peace, reconciliation, piogiess and piospeilty. I lax lug oigani.ed the work of the new oiplians' coilll and got exeiytliltlg going as it should go, Judge Vosbuig, 011 nieiit, nsks 10 be conllnilPtl, and the Itcpubllcaii jiaity cheerfully endorses his icqitiM. ric-oive the political bnl unie ol thejudklar by electing lihn. The Venezuelan Rebellion. A(li:i:.T VICTOItV is u-poited to have been gained by Piesl t dent L'aslio oxer (leneial Meu dou, the lebel leadei, Theie does not seem to be any doubt that altei a battle lasting seveial days that a Lonsldeiiible number of ihe contend ing hosts wue killed 011 either side, fastio plating the slain among the enemy at tlnee thimsuud soxen huii ilied. 'Phis Is not perhaps Miipilslng, consldeiing that the sun was m; de giets on the field of battle and that the nibble tngagid in this 1 evolution aie neither men nor soldiers; neither gave (planer nor incepted It, It Mendoza's lout Is as overwhelming as fasti o says It Is, the Venezuelan 1 evolution should be drawing to a close. That unhuppy country has borne dur ing the last eight uioiitliK the 1 tailless and Miiigtilimiy despotism of a dic tator and the tumultuous and lint laps ing incuislons of a iebd general that asphes to be one. A stale of society In which revolution Is always Imminent or normal Is as dis.wstious to the 1110ml, muteiiul and political luteiests of the (ountry as II Is siibveislvo to Individual Riu-igy and the social seciuliy of the citizen. It Is the policy ot the rolled .States to lccogulze any dictator who muceeds In establishing his political pi ('dominance hi the Latin 1 (-publics tor the time, lie may claim fiom us dlpln umtlc and iuleriinllounl lecngnitlou, and we tieely atcoid It, and Km ope follows our example. Khniild we continue to do so without scrutinizing Ills ciedeutlals to executive supieiuacy nioie closely than we habitually do? Our attitude tuwaid the Latin lepublhs Is not ex clusively a political one. In formulating the .Mom oe doctilne xxe uko assumed to a certain dcgiee a moral responsibil ity. As the happiness of the Individual can only be seemed by the general wcl fiue of the community to which he be longs, bo the happiness of the Individual nations composing this continent can only bo secured tluoiigh the gieut wel fare of all that compobe it. ' It is childish to claim thai these wur ilng icpubllvs have the goyeuiment of their choice mid that II Is an Imperil Hence to question the xvlsdoni or dis cretion of their selection. One of the chief ends of government' Is stability, Without that Ihere Is and can only bo uiiitiehy. We nie protecting these to nubile fiom tho consequences of titclr crimes and folly. After this revolution In Venezuela I over, If dutio remain, supieinc xvo shall continue the existing Intel national icIiitlniiHhlp with him without leqttlitlng guarantees thnt he has 11 legitimate plectornl title or any title that passes tin rent among civil ized stales. Does any one suppose that flormany would have chastised tin In sult to her Hag the other day by sink ing nuuely a nilsoiablq Venezuelan gunboat; or. that she would have pa tiently submitted to rustio's Impudent ami insolent tcptttllnllau of a national debt .some few months previously weio she not deterred front going to extt ent itles In lecngnitlou of our moral us well as our political altitude toward these feiineiitliig 1 epubllcs'.' Tho Monioe doc lilne, ll Is true, recognizes the right of foielgu governments to seek icpurntlou ot South AniPilcan 1 epubllcs tlnough the oiellnnry methods, when they me In contumacy. It is morally certain, however, Unit anything like a tempor ary foielgu occupation of Venezuela or any oilier of these Llllputlan lppubllcs north of the Amorous would mouse all our latent national Jealousy and fence us pel hups Into a war with the Invest ing nation to pi event an admitted Ihco letlcal principle bpconilug a concrete Dieeedent. The lime It- coming when, lor their sake, to Justify our pioleelorate over them and In the luteiests of tlie pence of the world, wo shall be obliged effect ively to dkchaige those police func tions in South Aineilcu. us a policy which, we nie, as a necessity, tenta tively pprfonnlng on the Isthmus ot Panama. A paiiy which only piospeis xvhen tho country is in trouble and whick builds Its soli hope of success upon Its ability to woik up discontent Is not a paity 111 tin the support of any healthy American. choose the sunlight, not tlie shadow. Kiieiul and foe alike admit ih.it John Sc heiier has made one of the most ef ficient and success! ul lepiesentntlves ili.it the Second legislative district ever had at Hat rNliuig. JJp-elect him. 3Ioi 1 Is and Penman have done so well in the (ouiuy coniiiilssioneis' ofllce that the fair thing to do is lo re-elect them. That, by the way, is what the people intend to do. denial and obliging Kddie James, whose th st tenn in tlie legislaluic laugh t hhn how to do things, will go back this w Intel with a lush. He can't be head"d. Clean, cool and self-owntd, P. A. Phllbin, in his Mist leim at Harils buig, won everybody's lespect. Fourth ilisiiict voters have a light to be proud of him. Hilly .Mason's depnrtiue 1 10111 the Ke piiblli'iiu pai ty leaves a hole nboiu the size ol tli.it which would be observed upon lilting one's Pingei from a pail of watei. The latest annexation talk indicates that the Cubans would be willing to nm tlie 1 ountry and allow I'ticle Sain to pay the bills: A modest but deserving young man is John P.. Joidan. His lriends aie legion and they will make hhn senator by a nattering majority. Jofpph Ollvei's lecoid in (ouncils Is a good enough guarantee, thnt he will do his duty Mithlully at itari Isbiug. Pioinole linn. It must be lalkcr dl-coui aging to the tlon. David Hill to observe that his plans had nothing 10 do with the stilhe hettlemont. 'Pile best xvay to show gratitude for the settlement of the strike Is to vote Hie ticket of the paity that sellled It. A vote for Pennypaeker Is a vote of satisfaction xvitli tho new unity of slate Republicanism, l.el us have peace. Mine then ever now our mines will need good Inspection. Vole lor Kvaiis and Williams-. Xo filend of Theodoie UoosovoU will voto to tie his hands with a Democrat ic congress, The election piophet Is about the only one w ho has a sine thing this year. Xo strike was ever settled In a man ner in please iveiybody. PLEASED WITH SCRANTON. A staff coiiespoiiilciit ot the Day lesion 11 Dally Intelligencer who was in Scianlon Inst week wiltes this about the city "Heianton husile. "Those two wuiils tell tllu Whole slot'' III a nutshell. "A western city, planted In the uoith cistern pait of I'oiuisy Iviinlu, steadily glowing now, with tho piospect of even gieator Mildes In the Inline, with all th lllllueiitl.il huslncts men nt the city doing their utmost lo push the plmo Into the loicniost of the business w oi lit of today, Is what Seianton leally is, Restless, tiiulcs activity, a vvilliiiBncvs to inking .1 daihig Initiative, a civic and Inrtuslilally ciulie sphlt, uiitrutiuuejoil by useless traditions, ilcli In nuiterl.it tilings nnd, as xvoll, in tho culluin and Ic-llneint'llt of Its cltUens-educntioiinl In. stilutlnns of icicigulzed nieiit, stihslniitlal and handsomely built, excellent Hanspoi union 1111 Illtli'S, nil these go to do their i.ut in inuUIng Hciatilou a city that would tell Us foiuidc-is, could ihoy see It today, Hint they 'bulldc-d bolter limn they know ' "Kd.uilnil Is one of tlio few places that novel' expel lemcil a 'boom ' Its giow'th was always steady and poimaiionl pos. bly lather blow lot tho Mist lew yen 1.1, but veiy siuely. Indeed liieoipoiuteil ns a boiougk hi lii'iii It had then u population of thien thousand. In 1m, with a papu lallon of twenty llioiisuud, it was ciealed a llillil class tlty . In fifteen yc-ais theie wete over a luimlicd thousand illj.cns aad Hciaiiton was a second class city .Moio than that, the population within Bhoit disliiuces of city hull Is veiy con sicloiuble. Inside of 11 two and a half mllci laillus theie aie about nuo liundied and twenty tlinusand; within twenty miles tho llu'Uie is set at toui hunched thousand, "One thing that points, as cleuily na nny uno thing will, to hp way In which tho city Is glowing eonies xvhen the vis itor Is told Hint HiPio tue forty miles ot sttoet cur lines within Hip city limits, xvhllo extending beyond hip sevpnly-ilve miles of track, "Tito Reiantonliiu points with pildo to tho fact that theie imp folly public school buildings, of which the total value Is St. '.TiO.OuO; 0110 bundled and twenty-live man ufartuiliig establishments, their xaliie as Investment: iiKgiPgatlug J.'.'.OOO.IKW; twnlvo bunks with deposits ot ,2.,,81l!,oofl "Seianton, only llih ly-four yeais old, Is showing liupiovciuoiits Hint iiiigur well for tho yenis to come. And notwith standing lids golug-alipild the bonded debt Is kept down lo what 1110 elsewheio excessively low llguies, Sei anion, consUlerrd iilllliidluously, Is seven bundled and Ilfty roet aboVo tins sea. level, Tim rloso proximity of many hikes nnd of the sunouiidltig nioiliitnlns keeps the tcmperatuio. ns a genpinl thing, quite fnlily pipiiiblp. The lpsldoneo por tion of Hie city, tlio streets of xvhlch 111 o lltietl xvitli huiulHoine lcsldonces, Is pyi ticmoly atliactlve, xvhllo In tho business tenter Urn buildings nie of tho model 11 consli action Hint so xvell aceoids with the sphlt of western hustle which per nientes cvciylhlng In the pluce." A PHOFITABLE INDUSTRY. Ois.i, Sweden, has In course of 11 gen pi 11 lion sold !",7."i0,W0 worth or tipes, and bv menus ot judicious lepliiutitig has pro vlileil for 11 siinlliir Income every tlility or forty yeais. In coiiseiiiience of this coniinciclnl wealtli thpin 1110 no taxes, ttallvvuys and telephone nie fiee, and so ate school houses, teaching and many other tilings. Do You Know The best place in town to buy is at 412 Spruce Stieet. 309 Lacktixvniina Avenue. We have a complete assoitment of the 50c kind, the ?1.00 kind and all stnndnul makes, in all grades. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. The Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 rTnVAl-msitratrTTAnll-a T1 A t-m OrtW a m -"tug. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER lljje at Moosic anil Hulid.ilc Work-. Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER r.lectric lUtlciiei, electric Hxploderj, Kx- ploJin? Blasts. Safely l'usr. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AGNDW. On the Beach, in Chelsea, Atlantic Clt, Moodily was 51. Kvcry appointment of a modem Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kentucky Avenue. That Hotel Iiom 15cjc.Ii. At lantic Cltj, .N. J.; CO Ocejn view roonn; ca jiaclt) 100; write loi ciicci.il ulcs. J, 11, Jenk ins, Plop PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a tnur ot the Allrchanv llounui I.rhl.'li Willcy ulhoail: near Tou imla. Datliins, fli'iliy, 1 pom, etc. i-.cmicni lauie. inuionaiile l.itcs. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL V. 0., Ape, Pa. Send for booklet C. K. IIAIIRIS. M'S Mil j t ., c 0Sl& IT HAS REALLY BEEN A SURPRISE to us to see how rapidly our Furniture Trade has increased. In spite of the so called "Hard 'limes" and other adverse circumstances we have been obliged to open a large warehouse on Spruce Street, exclusively for this department. We know of but one reason for this unexpected success we have shown only the newest styles in well-Made Furniture and have made the prices as low as possible Williams & Carpets, BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in tlie Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. , Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. Wc Invite Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy at Once or Not. Hill &Connell -3 "The Sfylt? of a It's Different ! It Is the American point of sensitiveness not to know how to do things as they arc done by recognized authorities. Recognized authority is another name for "Style, woman has style you know it at once. You examine her credentials In your first glance at her shoes. If they are not stylish, she is not. The style of a "Dorothy Dodd" shoe is the first thing that attracts attention. It is unmistakable. The "Dorothy Dodd" is as different from an ordinary shoe as day from night. But don't take anyone's word for this ! Merely try on a pair and see the difference in the appearance of your teet. GKHEiN TRADING STAMPS. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Lackawanna and j t t j i j t j 4 ! & $ h l ! 2 I 'h 4 I 4 4 fr ! C J ! ! ! l2 . If YOU Want Df A lTO for Cash or on Easy J J The Best SL I Jr I j J Paymenls. Call on J N. A. HULBERT, J Wareroom 117 VVvominjr Avenue Vaiious Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- J struments Taken in Exchange. : fc 4 J $ ! l 4 fr 4 . 4 4 ! ! ! '!'! 3 2 'i I 4 1 S 4 I f !' I 4 4 4 'I Draperies and Wall Paper 129 Wyoming Avenue. 121 Washington Avenue 'Dorofhy Dodd' " If a $3.00 A few styles. 50 cents more fast Color Eyelets Wyoming Avcs, k: ism McAnultv 1 How to Help Young Men and Women Secure Educations r 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN fit a endenvoi'liiK to secure celucntlons tin-oiiRii tmi: TiirnuNK's ijduca- TIONAI, CONTU3T. in which S3 SCIIOIjAHSMII'S, Miliicil ut ovor ja,r,00, mo uffoicil. The) HC'holitl ships nie: 2 SyincUBo Unlveislty. 1 Bucknell University. 1 University of Hocltestor. 1 Waslihigton School for Boys. 1 Williamspovt Dickinson Semln my. 1 Dickinson Colloglato Prepara tory School. 1 Newton Colleginto Institute. 1 Keystone Acndemy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. 1 School of the Lackawanna. 1 Wilkes-Baire Institute. 1 Cotult Cottages. 4 Scranton Conservatory of Music, 4 Hardenbergh School of Music and Art. 3 Scranton Business College. 5 International Correspondence Schools. 2 Lackawanna Business College. 2 Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio. Soveial of thc&p hc-liol.iinlilps Include not only tuition, but hIho licmul, room, heat, llslit and Inutility for iiotlods of two to lour yeais. Among theso lltty one youncr people there are thlily tluco who aie leallv stilvliiK to serine cdiiciitloim, and their names appear on aiiolllol- n.-lirn nf Tim '11 llltinn OVCl'V inonilnt,'. in the table Knowing the f HtanillnK of Contestants." rney should be enrotu-nRc-d In their com mendable endeavor. HOW YOU CAN HELf If vou are not already a subscilber to Tlie Tribune, send a note to some one of the contestants, lequestlng a call. Or, better still, send your subscrip tion to The Tilbune, together with the money to pay lor same, designating some contestant which you wish to re ceive tho credit. Contestants are ci edited with one point for every month you pay In ad vance. The pi Ice ot Tho Tribune In advance is: Points. One month J ."in 1 Tlnee months 1.21 " Si- months 2.M fi One jnr ....' 500 12 PRKSHNT St'HSCmBURS can aid contestants m.iteiiallv by furnishing them with a list of ft lends who might bo Induced to take The Tribune. Or. they can personally request theso fi lends to subscribe. Or. tliev can send Tho Tribune to their f i lends, paying tlio money them selves. Jlnnv ate doing this and toe contestants are very giatcful for this wholn-liearted aid. ONLY NEW SUBSCRIBERS ARE COUNTED. TO CONTESTANTS B Remember: The Tribune a rcmica tlonnl Contest closes October 1'j. at S I No points not In Tho Tiibuno office 1 8bv the 11 ist stioko of S. as told by tho I Court House clock, will lie counted. I t-.-v-i-.i--nt-. 'Pl.rtcn , At.nUfnfl Tnv tnnll n anil' postma'i keel at or before S p. m. I EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an e.uy course, nor a cheap course, but the best education to be had. ho other education Is worth ipendini; time and money on. K jou do, write (or cntilojue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. ivhleh oflen tlioioujh preparation In tha l.ngineeung and Chemical I'roleiaons aj well la the ri'sular Colleju coursed. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, N. Y. Ol'"Ti:nS. beside the K'uulnr Collese c'oiiim"'. Michiiiilc.il. Eleclilciil and Civil KiiKliiPoilug, Ali'hlleiture, Mulo. l'..illtiilg, Law, .Meilli'liio. bixlolos mill IVdngOBv OVllll KtlltTV of the lending unlvci slllcs nf this counliy and l.umpp " U'liieseiited on Iho liictllty nf Iho Mil er.ll Alts Ciille-ge Tuition expenses aio so inoilciiitc that they aio less than tho lees In some colleges wncie lice tuition is jjlvcn Send for Catalogue. STATE NORIuAL SCHOOL, EAST SrntOUDSBURG, PA. IteguliH finite Notimil Courses and Special IJepul intents of MumIo, illoc-u lion. AH, Di.iwlug. .Slenugiuiiliy and Tniwiitliiri; Htiong i'ollt'Ko Piep.ua tui l)cMitmeiu FREE TUTION", Hoarding umiciiscs $.1.30 per wccl. Pupllit adiiillted at uny tlnio. Wlutei Teun opens Dee 20th Wiiio for cam lofc'iie T, . , L u. U. iVi-lir, A. 41., 1' lllelp.ll. ECKANT0N CORRESPOHDENOE SORi SsCltANTO.V, lA. T. i. Potter, I'letldtul Klmer II. Uwtll, 1 tt. i, rotter, Etinlejr p, Allen,! Vice Preililent. Bil c V ' &m v,