w.?!! . . i rnipKJ'n "r"Wi 3!g5r,s?p(56.B'! "v wvsa' vTgftimpmmr , ? j--.rvJW's w$?z SJwFtTSww ii,fssmR 4- t f THIS SCRANTON TRTBUNE-WliJDJVJflSIJAl', UCTOJiJtiU 22, 1!)02. BAD EYES I Are What I Am i LOOKING FOR po vou nlwajs scud with piisp? Anjwhete, liny light, any point It so, you mo toitunute; If not, jots are still foitunntp In hnvlng help tlto sci vices of ii skilled ejo H fractlonlt one who has px- (IIUlUCll MIUl fitted glllKFPH to llUll- dreds oi cjes and never made a tnllutp. ! tannot nffoul to make fall uic. You cannot affoid to allow thop who make fiilhues to ex periment on jour eyes'. One chaigc covois the cntite cost of my examination, glasses and frames. Dr. B. A. Baer Eye Specialist. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN. 331 Washington Ave. SCRAM'ON, PA. Coiinfy Savings Bank and Triisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and .md pays ; per cent, lei est thereon m- Xi. A. WATRES, Piesident. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pics. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashiei. DIRECTORS: Yv m r lIalltoid, li:icitti .imn, i: P Klmtsbtuj August linblnson, (I h .T(ilin-on. I In, O ISl ien, T- A IVntlos, .$H," & mm. ., Mm Mm vtf u r.m 'ft Ail fi Cj jt33k. Look Pleasant1 Yon can't help showing .1 pliis,iut ipif tioii wlun on come to inspect 0111 oods in Will I'.ipu Shmlo mil Paints Um Roods .110 now and up to d n. Plctuio .iml I'ii tin. 1 1 iin- In ill ttvle rnul iis Wo ri um I'muio-, it Pniloiv 1'ilcc Jacobs & Fasold SOD Washington Aions.e. Opposite Conn House. m G.V r.ADlNS STAMPS. ooooooooooooooxo ... i Tlic Uiavv Will " V 2 Morris' Magnet Cigars 8 , i n let aim for." (cuts. y 1 lln 1 AlI illli fnc " mnlr. 'I i one tuid on will smoke no A tin r v A 0 0 0 v 0 0 1 1 "" '' iliiic li lima of "c C-4HS at 1 7". )it linx. 01 0 foi lit 'Mi" liiisot vniletv ol I'lpta and Tlnerns In tn-vn V 0 0 0 0 0 E. C. MORRIS, Tno Cigm Man iW5 Washington Avenue. 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO n The City No Quotum Piesent. uwlns? to tlio iilisoiici ot .1 ruioiuni tlii. loud id fis'ioi laii d 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 1 ." did nnl hold tlioli U'iilu mutlnr, l.it ovenliiK. Bankruptcy Petition, lulin A HtoM n-, ot Tliuo Kpt iut;-. j oi. tpnlnv iiIhI n petition in t inUi upti-j In tin I'nltPil Ht.iUH dim lit coiul Ills i1iltlc ate $10 in si and liis awsots only f I.Ul ly, Qleo Club to Meet. 'I ho Not Hi 13ml tiloo iluli will miot on buisila.v nlnht fm U'lu.us.il 'lln nium- ifiB mi, rciiui'sii il in m l on 1'ilduy ili;ht nt t ' o'olook foi .ittemliUKu at iIim j.jioum nui'H nuoUni; Donations for Septcmbei. Tliu mull iKPlilPtit of tlio I'luioiiiP mlh elon Ri.itd'ullj iiiIuiowIhIkm tlm liilluwlnt, clon.itlims ini tli month ot Soptuinlmr with MiaiikH, Munul'H and I'louo'h mm I. ut. k -olulilps mid tt nit iuckly; ZiMd Ill's and l.lnduei, Ini id iind lolls woijU. ; Urn. I'llt. applis, timutoes, pout i, piap i, tin co quail i annul linll, litpnk liiHt loud. Mih C'utwfunl, onu lioltla MnclnR, Mibj KlikputtKli, nno b.iikul pcarliph, Jlis- Alunm Hull, uno-linlf pound da; Mrs Ktidlo, nioail A.L. Slollo, tout InilclH applis, Jlic Tnjlm, input! .Mis Bilinnip, clothing: and mlllnor, .Mrs. l. I )'ii n, iicctH and hiiiiihIi, .Mih. II. ?I Itdlcs, miat; .Mih, Dlclil, enko and ful, Mu, Kn, mo.it, Mii MiClae, dlblips, Dr. Rtaululej, dentist, Spiuca utiont, ton iiollan woith of woik; Pi. Anna Clark, profutslonul soniiu, 'Jrllmno, Itopuldloan Bnd 'truth dillj; CoiiHiimeiH Iio Co, ho dally; I.niltawnnna Unity, milk dilly, ico cicani once. INCREASING. ITS CAPACITY, H. Company Building New Bleaker nud Wnsheiies. Delaware and Hudson company tins linked nut rioiiikI for a new hrcak cr at MnjUrtd, near the Pondoilv slope, nhoitt n mite notlhent of the Mnvflpld stntlon, It will bp a dotthlp hiPiikei, Itavlnn; both "wet" nntl "dry" sides, and li to ho htiltt In the most modem fimhlnn. It will co"t $70,000 and have n rapidly of liMO toni. The new tticnkei will ptopate the ptodttct of the I'owdPilv, Caibondnlo No. 1 tuul small hIzpi fiom the Coal htook. The new bioakor will relieve the bli? Conlhrook, whlrh now tnki") cnip of the pioduel of noaily all the Dplitwaio and Itudon nilnei In that vli'lnllj. Heslde Ineieanlng' the out put Il will pt event the necessity ot shutlliiK clown of these collletles when the Coalhiook Rets out of otdor, which has happened with nnnolng frofittency, The nninti of the new bleaker will bp the Powderly No. .'. The poinp.tny, yestetdny, inHed the fintno work of a now annex washer j at the I.egRett's Clock eollleiy In North Hcranton, anil It pieparlng' plans for a 1,200 ton annex wniheiy nt the Von Storch. The now Inuakct and washoiles when completed will lnireao the oninpany's capacity by noaily 1,000 tons u daj. TEN GOLUNnFoN THE OFFICIAL BALLOT County Cominissioneis Have Re ceived the Foim of the Ballot to Be Used Nov. 4. The county cotninlssloiieis hae le cihed f i oin IlnnlbbuifT the foim of the olllclal ballot to be used on No. A. It will be ton colunin In width, and will 1up the follow Ihk: tickets 'on If nupubliiMii, tlemnii.it. Prohibition. Ho- ilallstlc Laboi, Socialist. Citlens, Anti M.iiliiui, Iiallot lluloiin and I'lilim. There Is also the blank column iPiiulied by law foi the man who Is not satlsllod with the candidates on tho lefjulir llikets. The landldatos on the lit pub lican and Democi.ilic tickets ate: Ilopllblllllll CillMTllOt, SlllnllOl V. Pl'll- inpiiko', llontoiumt f,ovoinoi, "William M. Hi own. 'outtarv ot intrrnal ntfnlis, I i.iiip t! Ill own, coiiRios, William (' m nell. 'tuatoi, John I! .Ionian, rppicni n tilth o, riit dlstilct, Joseph Olliti: Sec ond illstriil John J S lioiicr, Tbiid dN tikt, Kdwaid Tnims l'oiull. district. V. A I'liilbin. oiphans' limit IndBe. A A Vir-lnu,, lonntv i om.iilssloiii i-, Joliu '. Mori i-. Jolin JVninin initio ln-pcotoM, l.c illMi M i:ans, DiUI T Willi un-. Diniorntii uooinoi, ltohoit 13 l'nt tion Iti. tilt nnut hinoiiini Oourf,o W. rjutlirlc , .pcrelarj ot Intel nil alfnh-, bums Nolan --eiialoi I' 1". I'lilpin, kKlitnie, I'li-l dlstilct. Tlniotln Him,, Beiuiid dlstilcl, Tied I'lillllps, Third dlslrkt. Willi im V I.ltts rourlli illstilit, V I White: luunti lomini'--skmoi'- John J Dnikln. Viitoi Hill -! In II, mini In-picto! I' .1 Jlooir POLICE RESERVE SYSTEM. It Will Piobibly Be Paitially Dis pensed with Soon. It it likch that the rcseixe -st(n, whiih lias been In opeiallou in the buicau ol police 'nice -hoitly attci this in.uigiii.itiou ot the coil stilke, will be paitially dispensed with within .i week oi t o The niembeis ot the tone hac been ihaHns undpi II loi some time, and will be glad to ee the old oidci of things lc-toied. At pie-ent the night imn who so on dutj at S p m and who (iilit patiolliug at i a m , must rem tin on rescue until 8 a. in , when the men going- on dut at noon put in an . finance and lennin until the go oi.t on patio' The nun (lulttlng at noon lemaiu on dining the .itteinoou until 1 o cloik, and tin time 1 1 oin then until S p m is llllid in bj nun i spoclalh .f-slgned The pilmlpil obleition on the pai t of the pitiolmcn to the piesont s..v stein Is the w iv It bieal.s up theli sleep It is p.obiblo that while in the futuie a ii.w men will alas be kept cm iecote, the 'ohcdulc will be -o auanged as to per mit them to git nil their sleep at huul-iliiiitPf-, In -tc ad of onl pint ot it WHARTON'S CHALLENGE. Il W Wh.iitnn, mnuagei of Hie Il.impj bowling nlle.s, mini out last night tilth a chillcngo to clthoi Hie Moseiallo or Siildn trains to pi ij an ott?.inl7 itlot ol joungstpi whlih ho has named the I.obsiPis, the three guns to bo lolhd on the Hampe alliys him Tiuwlaj night. The inenibiis of the l.obslei toani hic noer bowled In a league- gum1, Thev .no as tollows; C, Williams. MiC:ociu, S Kikei, G Ah'2t.mdcr and 13 Clark It Is po-.sblo that a bowling It ague, coinpil-lngr toui oi si teams, picked fiom among the jounger bowlois, may be oiganWed within the nct low weeks to toll u hoi t season. THREE CHILDREN ARRESTED. MeiPdlth Wntklns, Cli.ulci, Watklns. and Chester Knott, thiee ehlldien ie slding In Tilpp puk, wpip analgncd be foi p Alderman Kass-on jpsteiday for assaulting Adam, the j miner son of Paul Skodn, of tlio Hilsbln patch. The father ot the Skoda, boy allpgpil that the other tlneo ussaultcd his child bepuusn ho woiked In the mines. Tlio il'ti mhints vahed a heating- and cu te i oil ball In the sum of ?300 each, Jaunt- Klpp, of fl, n Hold incline and Doiothy stieet, (iiialllyiiiff us their bondsman. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. 1,1st oi lettei.i rpiiinlulng iiiicallod for nt tlio Hiiiinton, I'.i , postotflee, Oelnbei J.'. ri.' I'd sons culling I or tliono Idtus will pltaim MJ uilteitlmd and glo data ot list 13iu If Hippie, poKtm.ihU r. Mih 13 A. Ilium, 13. A Hlnhop, Atui l .M 13 Hi own, Milton Hnki i Mis W, A Cams, Cannilinu Jlaunlar till e i. I)i J M Coiutllcht (.') Mies Jon. nlo C.ui, Miss Mai Coflmim Mih J c Connoi. Ilomj A Colli llioigo Cassldy, Mis N, H. CnlliiiH. Itolon llnili . Mis I II Diiley Mihs Josepliliio I3aiis, ,1 l.'dwanlR (loin agent, I), Mi i3duanls, II J Uhilitiidt, IliuJ.unlu 13miiih II Clock, Tuly J'oul Mi and Mis John Ciouloii, ,lzlc tin don, Mih. .Intob Outh W T. Illglp, Mlsi Mniy Hughes, J WpIIk Hollenbnik. Jolin Hughes, Mi,s i; lliinibb. r, W I logins, (ieoigo Iloolev, t! 13 HoiKlind. Jolin Hills. Mr. lijnil liiau, Janus Hill, 13 V litilloiiho'k (,'h.illis W, Jones, Miss Susan Jones, V, W Johnson, C'liailes S. Km on. John il Iviapmoi. Josupb Long, "WHIiiim I.uyUm, Mlhs 1, halve, 'ihooilmo CI, Moirit.. John Mildon, Mbs CiliHsIn MeKiim, II i, Mooio, Miss Man Me Weens, Mis Wlll'nin II Mideinau, John Million Mis n Xim Mlhs Jtnnln O'Dunni'll, Claieneo Otter, Mii- Kiln O'Neill , I'ongn & Hi aeuuitli, I. ,S I'oek, Mis C K I'ottei l)r Clinilcb C)uglo, Miis Joan M itiij Simon Iticliauls, Mis I" 11 Hoe. Allen Hoberts. Hiuiy U Ileililtit.nii, lUwor, C'atteilne. Hodeghleio MIsh hal.nly blmsons. Mls-s l.Uzlo Smith, Mia, Chalks A Selinolfei , W". V Sliauen, Miss Kitlo Stanley, Mamo 13 Same William Tiiieun Thomas Y Wolf Joseph Well, John J W.Ukrs, Mrs Comad Yoims West Scianton Station. Kami Duniblewtiky, William Deitu. Miss Ollbeit. Mis Maiy llulililnson. S It, Iluglies, I3ihnul Jones, ji William Mc Koe, 1'iank ilinlth. Mlkotl Surzljulc, Mra. Cliuillis Taloi, .Miss Sadie Thoma3. COURT GRANTS TWO DIVORCES GEORGE A, S0HRIVER WAS CRUEL TO HIS WIFE. One of the Witnesses Testified That He Was Wot so Than tlio Beasts of the Field The Coddingtons Aie Also Sepniated for Good Manner hi Which Cases Weie Acted Upon in Argument Comt Reversals in a Number of Cettioiatl Cases Mar linge Licenses. Two decieis In dlone wetc gianted In argument touit jostetdny linniidl ately after the eases hail been submit ted. They weiu Mis. Chloe Sihthtr frilni GioiKO H. Si lit her and Albeit 13. Coddlntfton fiom 1311abeth Coddlngton. 'I he Soluhors weie muriled May Hit, 1807, by KeV. W. A. Not ill and began housekeeping- In South Scianton. .Mis. Schilver wns the ilaughlei uf Mi. and Mrs. Jacob Sihlniel, of New stioet, and was JI yeais of ago when she ni.u rled. She was the thin! wile Hclnhei had piomlsed to loo and ihcllsh. Sihihir was IS, wili;hed -JO pounds and wotked foi the I. tik.iwntinn lion and Steel loinpatly. Alls. Little, of I'unn ateiuie, with whom the Sehihcis boaidoil for a time, testified at Un healing that his habits weie "woiso than the beasts ot the Held." Mis. Seluhei testified that lieu' hus band diank hi'all almost fiom the linn- of their man Inge and when lip was dt mile he abused hn hamefilllv. striking her In the fine with his hand and his ilosed list, dilving hi i out of the house at night and lalllng her the most vile names Hn testimony was iiiiioboinled bv hei -.Istei. JIUs I3tlle Schltnei, hei latliei and niolhei and Mis. Uttle. Albert C. Coddlngton and llll'abelh Coddlngton weie man lid In New Yoik slate, Match I!, IS'M, and lived togethn until Sipteuibei, ls'iv, wher Coddlngton e.nue hetc to leside. tils wlto letusid to live lieio ami has slm e peiMsted In hei dtsntion ot him She now Ihes In Klmlin, N. y .ii Jtumuut was made to htay foi a time tlm dUotio pioieedings ot It u -in t.i liion agilnst J.unb I3ilon, when tli- Tub lot a deciee In dhoiio came up loi lonsldtiatlon I3iion was u leaed a fiw weeks ago iiom the peni tential , wlirio he spent a let m loi criminal assault, and when ho letuineil hoiiii' lound that elhoicc pioccedlngs had been begun against him. His attoine, C V. Dawson, said e-.tal fl.ij that Mi s 131I011 had ton domd and toighen hei husbind's of fense and that it time was gunted b the cottlt he telt that the. paities would be tp-unlted Aigtiment will be le sumed this moinlng In the ease. Oth- ci eases weie ailed upon as follows: AlRiicd Crank Ilollenlnck agiilist D S llolli nlinok. ivpoptlons to ippoit nt ic li reo 13 Hiker & Comp 1115 agilnt M uy McAlrou, oMiptl'iis to leport ot ictoiie; Petn Htiikc agilnst 'lemplo lion oom p.ni,. tiilp to con-olid iio to aitlon and tile amended declaialions. Ad nil W Crn mci against 1' 13 C'lamet. rule to mc no dceiie hi dhiiite 1311ibctli Boei ag ilust I'ml llanowm-iii, rule to open Judgment, Mich to! Coiln against D Oll nuirtln, itilc to opt n imlgmcnt, J. Scllg ninn t Co against A J. TenUu, cle muiitr: James is. DonIc ,t Co against Annette RpmioIcK iieptions to alllda lt ol iltfenso and lule for iuiUmeut, W U MIlln against Gem( W Ciainer and nthii"-, ink to stiiki of non-suit Clunks Hi cd again1 1 A V Walkn, ltilo tut ti iii! iU lor cosls l ontlnuto M W. Uinchill against W. 11. Sli pus mlo to opi n juilgnii nt, Thomas .ilenlli.o k .. against A Hlos tie lerlloiarl, Jenkins towiisliip and otheis agilnst John D Jones and othei", lulo to optn iudgment, S Maniisk i against r Shorcii-ki, eeitloiail, com snonncilth of I'i iiiih,inla nt dust Maiv Dm Kin, oertloiati- I.on i IS Di anra I list 1" IlirtOdi, peitkilai', Lima I! 1) tv igilnst V. Cccoaicl, iiitloiaii, Ha Krntei agilnsi Crank Alt. iPitiorail; l,il Cioulons against K -Wololta, cir tloratl; A. JI. Storr ngnlust Ainelli Ston, l nlo tor oomi'-cl Ties and ilimom : Ca theilno N Ken against Agnes O'M illpy and others mlo to dissolve attachmeiu , Man" linn Iind against Marin Costilln, ruin to qunsh inpla. Non-rios Sininn Jllglln against John Swankk, idtiornrl: Simon Miglin against. Vnlco Dtufiliick, eertloiiiil. Anna I"ioudnsk ig.ilnl I. Olzlowcrk. ici liorau, 13 Jrdkolt against S. Doifiiian, ceitlorail, pommonweiiltli ol Pennssvl atiin. icilloinri, James A. Koatnev against Zinion Iliotliois ieitloi.nl; Thomas V Duffv against Johr P. Wll llims lerliorarl: S Xapplr. against Jacob Smith, peilloiail Submitted I'hnebo J. Kennel against Benjamin Keimoi, mlo for dicteo In dl oico: A V). Knslln against Kno 13nsln, mlo for decree In dUoico; Orn 13. Saver against A. Ti. Saver, mlo lot doereo In divorce; Uuckpjo Hugg; companv against AV. Helios, oxcepllnns to allldavit of dr fenso; Helen JI Hack against .Michael Hack, rule foi deoreo In ellvorcn, Clara frisson against John frisson, mlo loi de ciee; Henrv Sehouci" against I'aullro Sohruei, inlp for dt ot pp In dlvoiep; Neltio White against Thomas 'White, rule for docren In dlvoiep; Catherine Cogglns against John Cogglns, rule for decree In dlvnrcp; W. A. Lnthropp agilnst Ktlnl l.athropo, niln tor dpoieo In dlvoice; Al len Smith against S.nab Smith, rule for decree III dlvnieo; W, II, Campbell against Julia M. Campbell, mlo for de oieo In dlvotoo. In ro: adoption of Cma MitlllneN. Ilnversod-C'ltv of f-erantnii against 1'i.ink Miller, ccrllni.iri; J. O, Aekciman ngtihiHt ,1, 13. Hp-s Haklng eomp inv, eer tlorail: S. lllnerfPld against Koiantnn Hallway iompan, eeillnnri; A, I'eteison against I). 'Ilnslov, eeitloiail; rjeorgo II. Low rlo against Ontario and Western llull uiad lompanj, eerllornil; John Nolan ngalnsl II, P. SehlnHs, iPitiorail, Jumps A, Helllv against Anthiaeltn liter com panv, leulornrl; Ilemy Southald against Anthracite lleei coinpan. certloinii; eliv of Si ronton against K Cliinnoo, ciitlni arl. Maiy Schvvllelioek agalnft Samuel Klsner, (crtloiail. Kmnia Hughes against Maiy Diirkln. leitlmnrl; I) S Ilnn against the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Hallroad compniv, eortloiail; AVIIllim Kdwards against Now Yoik, Un til! lo and Western Halhoad company, cer tiorari; Joiikln Pavls against William P. Jo)oo, pi'itloi.nlj M. Odniahl agilnst Stanley Shop, certiorari , commonwealth iis-lil, David Stlpp against A, Stllkd, idttnrail, comnionvvialth of I'onu-j ,i nln against I'uter rilltskj oortloratl HuIh Absolute tlerman llulldlng aso. clitlon No ! against 1' MoAudiuws and otheis, tulo to open juilgnnnt; fleoigo Jones ngah si lMwanl Conway mlo to take off iioii'Siiit; A. 'illmoio against A I' Duffv cxoiptloiiH to r.llldavlls of defeiiio and rulo ten Juilsnifnt, Thomas Daillug ugaliitt Kdward Millet, mlo to cnlii Judgment llulo discharged Thomas (i Mooio against 13 V Peters, mlo to opui Judg ment Charles Mitch agilnst John Spm gonbcrK and otheis, lule to open Juds metit Dcmurier Sustained City of Soiantnn against lliomtu O. i:iins, dcimiuer. OiT List Commonwealth of IVnnsjlva nla against William P Jojee. Special Session of Oiphans' Comt. A special session of Oiphans' comt wits held jejtetdaj betoie Judge A. A. Voshiitg, n petition for an Issue In tlio estate of hllabotli Helgler, deceased, having been pet down for a hearing at that time. Choiles and lAizettu Hose ron tend that two policies or InsitrniU'e In the Prudential Jiisittuncp Company of Aniei lea weie tmiguc(l by Mis. Zelglcr to them, dining her lifetime! tuul that the policies and picinlum ip tolpl books weie delUcied In them be foiu her death! and that nftrr hur death they submitted the policies nud ii'iolpt books to tlio offlcpis of the com pany, nud claimed Hip limn mice! but that by mistake It was paid by the company to August Schneider, tho ex ecutor of the eslnlo of Klbnbeth Zelg ler. The potltlcmeis tonlend that an Issue should be ft allied to detctmlne their title to tlio pincceds of this Instil ante, mid obtained a citation upon tho ex ecutor to show cause -why such an Isstio should not bo cet tilled to the common pleas court for ti lul. The cxeiutoi lop re tenting the psinte and tho legatees objects to this claim, and contended that the plOieetls ol this Instil mice be longed to tlio estate, and him tiled tin m count dunging himself with this In suinnce. The Iteming was not con cluded, but will bo continued on Nu- venibei 8, at 10 o'clock a. in. The pell tloneis Weie lepiesinted bv Attotnevi John F. .Muiphy and O. W. Daw sou, and the icspondptit by Altoinejs D. L. Flckes and IS. A. Zlmnieiiiiail. Yestei day's Marriage AloMindei Wasllauelur .,., Maiv Puscowhz Thomas'MiClusklu Katie MeDovItt Thomas Dj son Martha Williams Jiiomo O'Houike Llzlo Jordan William J. Sndei Annie Hulling J. Peicv Hughes Maine 13 lletel Clunks W. lluniplitov Alaiy O Jiivson Jospph K. Sloitun Kunlce Kimtilu Tlionns V. MiAudicvv Maiv- f? Maulov Willi im T. Powell I.lzlo Pile Hubert A. Ulishnill Mamie J. Culver Licenses. Atihbild Vtchlmld Si I an Ion Soranton Aichbild Avnci ...Cnbonilalo ...Caibondnlo Scianton Sci UllQll Siianloii Scianton ...Cirbondale .. Caibondnle Seianton Paup ic Scianton Scianton Scranton Siianton Siranton Siianton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Attoimv A A Cli ise. lepiisetlng Color Mmlev. jesterdtiy began an action In Itcspas agilnst the Wllkes-B.nro and Scianton Hallvvav lompinv and tho s'cianton Steel companv It Is mother of the Hood suits Ksecutlons agilnst Hudson i Metcilf, bote l-koe peis ol Von Storeh avenue, In the um of $l,i "0 w ii c pi ic il In tho hands ol the sheriff vctdilnv. One of the evocation Is on a iudgment foi $Miii. held In """Inrles Holilrison, and the otlur Is to. 'sj z, on a iiidginent held bv the Ccnli.il Pernsvlvmiia Hievviiig company. TWO CLEVER CROOKS COMMITTED TO JAIL Dailuig and McDonald Aie Wanted in Elmiia, Auburn and Williams- poit for Plundeiing Hotels. Chief of Polite Cassldj, or I'.lmna, came to this city yestei day and identi fied James Dai ling, alias "A J. Oil man," and J W. McDonald, the piison eis held at police 1 adct.it uteis, as tho men wanted at 131miia for stealing lour dtess suit cases fiom hotels in 131mira. Casskly identified the contents of I he gill) found in theli possession as being aiticles taken fiom othei giips, but tho diess s.uit case at polite hiadeiuai teis is not one of the foui taken fiom 131 iniia It is, new and looks as if it had not been used jet. One ot the grips taken fiom I31miia contained SJOO woith ot goods, but this was iccoveied thcie betoie the thieves could get awa", and another was found in Hlnghaiuton The extent of their opeiations has not vet been fullj do tpriniiiPd. McDonald is wanted in Au htuii and Wllll.impott, and both mo wanted in Dlmlia. The pilsoneis weie taken befoio Judge Hdwaids jesteidaj, and both ad tnltti d thej weie the poisons named In the wmiant issued bj- Ilecorder Hauj" L Hogai t, of Kliniia. Thev wore le manded to the custody of the shcilft, ponding the anlval ol requisition papeis Horn the governor of New Yoik. The police believe tliej" have in Pal ling mid McDonald two of the slickest c looks in tho countiy, Hoth have set v eel time In Hltnlia, and have been pl lug theli game sin oesfuiv thinugh out the countij". McDonald had in his possession a hotel cheek tor ,t gilp, but lcfused to tell where it was Both weie nieastued and photo Siaphed j'esloidaj", and their plctuies will bo added to the local logues' gal loi". Thej- weie Intoxicated when m lcstod, and weio ti.ving to dispose of a Deluwarc, Licknwanna and "Western emplo)e's pass, but were I Pleased on this chaigc anil attoi wauls lo-artcsted on complaint iiom the Hlinha authorities. A MIXED AFFAIR. In Which Aldeimnn Howo Was the Arbitrator. Ignatz Kubowlt, of 315 131m sheet, yesteidiiy caused the auest of Joe cin ilskl, of SlUl Pi Iio st i cet, for the lai ceny of $I.",."3, a watch and chain, finni lilm while they were ut the house of Michael Wjlocko, 133'6 Mollis ecuut, last Pi iday night. Tho niPii had been di Inking together and KubowItB foil asleep In W'vlosi ko's house, and when he awoke missed his money and watch, A beaich wuuant was Issued by Aldeimmi Howe, ml Constable Koehler went thioim-'' V'o loscke's house, but did not find the missing mtlcles and montj, Then Wjlosoke hail Kubowlt sup t Pd for def lauding him out ot a board bill, but admitted at tho homing bo feuo Aldei man Howo (hat ho did not own It. Tho iildptnmu dismissed tho whole piociedlngs. Ignntz was l.aei atialgned beious Aldeimnn Millar on the chmge of pei juiy, pteteued by Joe, mid held In JVM) ball, Wjloscke also had Ignata af lestod for making fniciblo e-utty Into his house, and he was also held In $300 ball nn this dim go, T0UND HER RELATIVES. - Woman Sent fiom This City to Phil, ndelphla Locates Husband. Scveial weeks ago Mis, Oeorgs Kus nlr and son appealed betoio the Sei an ion poor boaul iind asked assistance In locating her husband and two ehll dien, who wete lesldents of Phlkidel Phl.i. Tiiioujli some mistake the woman and her boy were sent heie fiom Hobo, ken nnd Dhector DkUett presented h?i eaeo to the bomd. Mrs. Duggun, the ngent of the board of associated chailtles. has been Informed by tho Philadelphia society for organizing chuilty that the family has been te unlted. 4 HOW THE NEWS WAS RECEIVED BROUGHT JOY THOUGH CON FIDENTLY EXPECTED. President MltchcliVs Reassuilng Woids Concerning the Piobablll ties of All Men Being Taken Back Did Much to Lessen Apprehension on This Scoie Supeiintendent Hose Says It Is Likely Thete Will Be Places for All Company Hands and the Like to Return Today. Yesteidiiy was the happiest day Sci tin tan enjoyed In half a yeut. The news that the mlnets at Vv'Ukes-Hurie had toted to accept the mblttutlon pioposltlon and leturn to work Thuis day, spic.id tnpldlv from one end of tho city to the other, and though II was confidentially expected, It was none the less potent In piovoklng good feeling. Not tho least happy ot tho pi oplc weie the Illinois themselves. The "cor nels" at Iljele Puik. Piovldeuee mid Duninotc, and the pilnclpat sheet In tel sections in the central city, had gioups of them congieg.tlod all moin lng, waiting lor the news, When tho wind tame that the light was all nut and that they could now letuin to wink, they went to their dinners If they had dinners to go to highly elated. Then- was only one chop of bitter In th"li cup of sweet the posslbllltj" that many ot them would not find woik to letuin to The rca&suilug wends ot President Mitchell ti nileel to inodeiatp the appiehenslons on tills seoie. The fact that tho companies vvnnt to get out all the coal the.v possibly can and that the usunl foice at the mines is about 20,000 shoit b" reason ot so nviiiv men leaving the nnthuiclto field during the stiike, wns looked upon as an al most positive nssuiance that there will not bo rnanj" men out of places, when the mines get In good i tinning older again, which will be In the com -.c ot not moie than a week oi ten days at tho most. Non-unionists who weie brought fiom other places continue to loav e the region in Ini go numbers The companies aie not making any xeij' .strenuous eftoit to lestialn them "When Thttisdaj' morning comes, It is safe to guess, theie will be comparatively few men found at tho mines who did not woik theie bofoie the htiikc. Supeiintendent Rose, of the Delaware and Hudson mining department, said vcsteiday: "Theie will be very few of om old men but whit will be piovided with places. I guess theie will be woik for all of them. I want our men to understand, though, that thej" have got to be manlj" men. Thej" will have to realize that the mine boss is the man who will i tin the mines" It may take some time bpfoic the situation at tho Oxtoid becomes nor mal. Tho companj" Is not disposed to change its piesent foice nnd the old emplojes have declnied they will not return unless in a bodv. Tho union has given pei mission to the engineeis, pumpi tinners, fuebossps, company hands, blncksmiths nud tho like to return to woik todaj' to help in tiie work of getting the mines In shape for resumption. Delegates Peter Miller and Andiew Keating, of Local No 1010, United Mine Woikeis of America, lequest the mem beis of their union to meet with them Our First Silk Sale Begins This Morning We aim to make it an event long to be remembered by silk buyeis in Scranton and vicinity, and for that reason have planned an opportunity for intelligent bargain hunters that stands without a parallel in the silk selling history of this city. important lo Kcmcnibcr siiksofleied'mZ-sh was not made expressly for this season's trade. Therefore 1H1S IS JNOL a tlC&nillCC IC. ty intended to make silk buyeis shopping in Scranton more familiar with the unquestionable meiits of this' de partment, which lacks nothing either in variety, extent ot stock and matchless values to make it complete. We want the public to fully understand and appieciale these facts, and all that is necessary to accomplish our aim is to get peop'e in to look and compare what we have to offer, w.th what they see elsewheie. That is the leal fTTPf flf ThlQ fllP Doss the idea appeal lo you ? If it does, come tJCHot ui 11113 JalU anfj look even though you don't want to buy. You'll be sure to talk about it to your friends and that is just what we're after. To tell the truth, we're not over-anxious to sell these silks at the retires quoted for this week. Still you ran have what you want of them, if the price appeals to you. Some Sample Bargains.-'p?ii;t0srUtetd hew !'rt reJucedin All Silk Black Taffetas. 19-h Taffeta Silks, worth 45c, at. . . . 39c 19-in Taffetas, guaranteed, worth 65c, 49c 19-in " " " 69c, SSc 21-in " " " 85c, 69c 24-in , " " " 98c, 79c 27-in " " " 1.00, 85c 36-in " " " 1.25, 95c 36-in " " " 1.39,1.19 We Are Sole Agents For AQ Jnrh Guaranteed Black Taffeta O-AllUl silks, pure dye and best finish, During this sale the d C price is $ll J For economy, a48-irch Silk is match less. This one is guaranteed for service also. McCONNELL & Co Sotnu time no we had a sale of those immensely taking Hgtnes "HAPPY HOOLIGAN." We sold barrels of them. They wcic bought by ihc old, the young, the rlchr:itul those of lessei meansall wanted line of these fascinating o'rnamenls. We Immediately set at woik looking (or another equally ill tcrcstine conceit, and we've found it. Gloomy Gus 'I lie Greatest Grotesque I'lgurc Yet Produced. sec. The woe-begono expiisslnn on Otis' face will elicit a smp fiom the luosL tespivcd. Ho looks us It ho had lost Ills last It lend and hla "inakp-itp" It's Indexes Ib.iMy itinny. See out window display. Walk hi nnd I REPUBLICAN Lyceum Theater, Scranton, Pa., I Friday Evening, Oct. 24, 1902 SREAKERS : ' HON. S. W. PENNYPACKER, Candidate for Governor. HON. JOHN P. ELKIN, Attorney Genera! of Pennsylvania. HON. WILL1AN H. BROWN, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor. WILLIAM I. SCHAFFER, ESQ., Supreme Court Reporter, and Other Noted Orators. Hon. J. A. Scranton Will Preside. MUSIC: United German Singing Sjuieties, Lawrence's Band, U2 COME ONE. Beds and Box Springs Are our specialty. We sell the very best iron and biass beds' made. Their quality shines all over them. Of course, we make fine mattresses to go with tine beds- Prices are low. SGRAMTON F A, KAISER, Manager, Lackawanna and Adams. at 5t. John's hill, Capouse avenue, at 2 o'cloi k this afternoon, when thej' will make theli icpoit or the M'ilkes-P.aiio convention. They Pay the User. If jou wish a half-tone oi line cut, 400402 Lackawanna look around. MASS MEETING! 9-. 40 00 sr: COME ALL., gj BEDDING CO, Both 'Phones let the Scranton Tribune make It for jou. Out eciuipmenl foi this work la complete and up-to-date. We have facilities for doing the linofat sort ot woik at lowest ptiees and what's moie, wo do It. A tiial older will convince lou. Peau de Sole, in Black The 20-in. tfl.OO quality lor 85c The 22-in. 1.25 quality for 98c The 24-in. 1.39 quality for $1.19 The 36-in. 1.45 quality lor $1.25 At the jegular pi ices, these silks had no equals in value. How much better must they be at the Sa'e Price ? Rich Satin Duchesse, in Black 24-in, extra finish, 85c quality at. . 75c, 23-in, extra finish, 1.25 quality at. 95c 24-in. extra finish, 1,75 quality at $1.45 Ave. a I r pj j.-