The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
"A 'Tribune' Bulletin Gives the Fiist
Intimation of the Cheerful Tlil-
inga to Cnrbondalinna Good Times
Looked for in the Pioneer City.
Evidences of This on Every Side.
There was i".lolelng umiw In Carbon
lalo vesleidiiy afternoon, when it be
came' known llml tin miners In tluir
convention, nt Wllltes-Hurre, hud voted
to accept tin.' urbltriitlon proposition,
n nil would return to work on 'l'hurs
ilny. ' The llrst news of this happy settlr
.Jiient was given to Carboildlillnns
'through 'tut Associated Press bulletin
posted by thin department of The Tri
bune. This was shortly after 1 o'clock.
Sobm'thereaftcr the curly extras or tho
Scranton iifternoon papers reached the
city with-the details of the result.
There was jubilating Joy us the chee.r
,ful tidings spread throughout the city,
'nunc so than when the ueWs of the nc
'ceptoncH by President Mitchell of Prepl
ilont lionsevell's commission, liven In
.the face of the numerous ussurunees
'Vthnt tlie convention would be favorable
to the plan of settlement, there was
Home doubt and apprehension lest all
'would not lie well In the meeting of
"the mine workers at Wllkes-liune. Hut
I lie announeenient of the result of the
" eimvuntlon, and the assurance that
work would be resumed Thursday,
swept aside all doubt and fear, and the
' pessimists and the doubling; Thomases,
who have hud their inning the last
week or li)ore, lost their jobs.
The universal comment, after a hit of
.felicitation over the good news, vu.
that there will now be the best times in
' Cnrbondnle In a number of years. Thi-
is a most convincing and satisfactory
sign of the eonlldPiice of the people, the
Kreat essential to business prosperity
lii any community. This reeling; runs
lilisli anions every class in the city. The
'condition of the bank deposits ol' a
town Is a good barometer ol' trade Indi
cations. It will lie or interest and the
greatest satisfaction to learn the opin
ions Of the. heads of the banking insti
tutions of Carlmndale.
Clarence !'. Spencer, cashier of the
Merchants' and .Mechanics' bank, when
informed yesterday afternoon by The
Tribune man that the miners were
going back to work on Thursday, re
ceived the news with ohorful satisfac
tion. ,
"Tills will be splendid for Carbon
dale," said Mr. Spencer. "When this
shaky feeling that is here gets out of
the air, we will have good times: the
best, I daresay, In live years. It would
unm ze you to know how, in the face of
strike conditions, we have kept up in
Carbondale. We have not fell the de
gression as one would suppose. Our
merchants do not show they hue tell
it. Vou notice that there has been no
failures I lore, since t lie strike. Then,
take the bank depositors. In our bank,
Lean say that there Is not a dil'feienee
of. two thousand dollars in our deposits
between a year ago and this lime. Of
course there is not now the money
tliero was hi the spiing. lint the com
parison I mention' is line of tills fall
and the fall or linn."
Cashier li. A. Jadwln, of the First
National bank, was just as hopeful and
optimistic. "Things are really excel
lent," ho said. "In the race of the con-
ditinns all summer, easiness men have
held their own splendidly. 1 don't
.know of any weakness any place. AVIth
the restoration of eontitlcnce that should
.follow, we ought to have good times In
What merchants say coiilirms the
opinion or the bank cashiers. The mem
ber of a -Main street linn, a lending
business house of Carbondali. averred
that the best cash business in l lie Ids
lory or the concern has been done the
past six months. Very little ciedlt was
Blvi'ii. not beeaiu-e it would not ln
granled, lint because u ,s m,t lv
Uliested. Tho.-e only bought who felt
the actual necessity, and then cash was
The receipts of the postulllce ate an
other bright Indicati if trade condi
tions. The day al'ler the strike si tilt
nient news or last week, the receipts
were Increased threefold. The follow
ing day there was a twofold Increase,
which has been maintained ever since,
A glance at tin' money order business
is Just as Interesting uli compensating.
Tt Is a staudaid condition tliat this
branch of the postotlice here is self-sustaining-.
That Is, the money received'
for orders Issued here always paid the
orders received In Carbondale from
abroad. During the strike, however
this condition was reversed. There veio
fo many o.ii-ho.nlull.ins uniicin,. i
other places that the money they sent
to tin; folks at home exceeded the sum
on hand for the payment of outside
drafts. This necessitated Postmaster
Thomas making a requisition on the
government for money each week, it
was surprising; the sum of money sent
home each week by striking Carbon
dale minors wot king elsewhere, lint
since tiio news of the strike settlement
former conditions have been iv-estnli-.llKhed.
Money orders fiuin abroad have
decreased, and more monov is now
being- sent away than is received
On every side evidences multiply that
jConfldenco .Is being- restored and that
iXUeru will bo prorpei-oiis days In Car
SJonrtulp m the coming n,n and winter.
C.hc-"ntost prospermia num)(,,. (,
2 ?,:.Nerirly Killed the Nurse.
4 --..
5,' When one of the family is sick, Moth- I
iff Hfim to l) the only person who '
... .. ...-,., m.r.-e mo patient lmck
JS health, nm wo form sometimes
J,hat It Is prutty hanl on .Mother
J'Mrs. 1' of Albany, ore.,' h.,vh!
.bout twenty-seven months ago Ka.
Oier suffered with u troko of paralysis
jfcnnnlrfs; hm to his bed nn- months;
ffnd as ho wished Mother with ,l.n
fconBUiUly, His cam In a great meus-jfre-Yelt
to her lot. She was seventy.
W"riar3 ol3' nn1 through constant
ntendiince upon my father, lust ,ol,
pjeep.and, rest, and began drinking
Cpffee in quantities until nnaliy she
&fecaroe-very weak, nervous Und ill her
(4If, K"By her physician's order, she bet-on
Wvlnsr father both Postum I-'ood CoN
fto Atid'iCrape-Nuts. and In that way
began iffiinjr boih herself, The effect
ias verS' noticeable. Father improved
pldly, and Mother regained her
strength nnd health, and now both are
tfwll and strong. Mother says it' Is all
i$ to the continued use of both Post
lim and drupe-Nuts."
Miss Mary Gertrude Uryson nnd
Charles Wedden Humphrey Wed
ded by Kev. Chnrles Lee Simple
but Impressive Ceremony of Well
Known Young Couple.
The Klrst Presbyturlutt manse on
North Church street was, last night,
the scene of pretty 'evening nuptials.
The simple, bill impressive ceremony,
Joined together Miss Mary Gertrude
! irysnii and Charles Wedden Humph
rey, son or Select Councilman 15. W,
Humphrey and Mrs. Humphrey. The
young couple were most popularly es
teemed and were conspicuous In their
social sst and their happy union will
awaken the heartiest congratulations
and the most fervent wishes of a wide
circle or sincere friends.
It was Intended that the ceremony
be solmiinlKcd this morning In the First
Presbyterian church, but preferring
quiet of nuptials without ostentation or
the more elaborate features of a church
wedding, the marriage amid the cheer
ful home-like surroundings of the
manse was decided upon,
Itev, Chnrles Lee, pastor ol' the First
PiesliVlei'lan flint-ch. otlielated. and
only the Immediate n lends of the two
t'liinllles wi'Vi' liroKpni to witness the
plighting of vows and Join In the happy
wishes of the eventful happening. The
nuptials were celebrated at II o clock.
The bridal party made a pretty tab
leau amid the pleasant envlionnient.
There was only one attendant, tne
maid or honor. She was Miss CJretta
Uryson, sister of the bride.
The bride was relied in a traveling
suit of castor shade, with hat and
gloves to match. She carried no Moral
piece, but a prayer book.
The maid ivn attractively dressed 111
ladles' cloth ol' a new blue shade.
There was a reception at the Humph
rey residence. IDS Salem avenue, al
which only the families and relatives
were present to felicitate. At lO.tii
o'clock 'the wedded couple left over
the Delaware and Hudson on their
wedding tour, which will Include New
York and P.ostou.
There was an an ay of gifts at the
Humphrey residence, which spoke the
kind feelings of nuiuM'ous friends. Af
ter Nov. S, Mr. and -Mrs. Humphrey will
be at home, for the present at the home
of the groom's parents, 10S Salem ave
nue. They enter upon their new ca
leer with the warmest wishes of the
wide circle of young people of the town,
among whom they wore, favorites.
Mrs. Humphrey was employed as
saleslady in Keese liros.' store. Her
gracious a.s and her affable manner
won her numerous friendships. Mr.
Hiimphiey is highly regarded among
the young men of the town. He Is as
sociated Willi Ills father In his stoic
on Salem avenue.
The Twenty Round Go Lasted Only
Five, Then There Were Cries of
. "Murder," "Fnke,"' "Scab" and the
Like Spectators Were Wild Over
the Brown Williams Fiasco. ,
The Carbondale sports who went
oer 'he mountain to llonesdale Mon
day niglil to see "Kid" Brown and
Mack" Williams, or Philadelphia, go
twenty rounds, came home yesterday
morning mighty soieand full of deiiun
clallOii of what in their experiences
was the yellowest exhibition of any
kind of sport. It was a gi eater frost
that the night, itself, and there was a
heay one tailing .Monday nlgiil. Some
one on the way home was mean enough
to exclaim: "Well, what are you kick
ing about'.' Didn't you know the light
was going to lie In llonesdale'.'"
Out back to the frosty lUsco. The go
or the lack of "go" -look place in
Kelleoue park, somewhere up on I'lilou
hill, where they enjoy the Kip Van
Winkle HUOO.C. The pavilion where
the "" posed iii the shivering
night,, contained about I'tw followers or
the sport of knuckle-pushing. ICacli
gave up ".' cents, the crowd furnishing
a nice rake-off for some one, two or
three. The pushers or tin- lovely graft
wrreu'i ".Johnny-on-the-spot" by any
mean- in having the mlx-up commence
on lime, which was supposed to be pi
o'clock. Maybe the men who were to
baud out the thumps were looking for
thilr records or maybe tliey wen- look
ing for their- wind, but, anyhow-, they
didn't show their gludlator-llko llgttres
until 11 o'clock, Ity tills time the
eiowd wa.- singing lustli.v, "And I wan
ta go aliome,"
The liellei- was that there would be
twenty rounds, but ,tlie "aitlsts" said
line, and they did not go the twenty.
Klw rounds and a half was their limit.
Hut It was enough for the crowd, to
whom everything looked yellow, even
tile greenbacks that were bet.
The rounds were only two minutes
each. An "olllclal" (if lite great "fias
co" had a cow hell which he dong-along-along
when the two minutes was
up. The end came In the middle of the
sixth, Why. no one seems to know,
It Just ended, that's all. It might have
come hi the llrst round so far as light
ing went, sa. the Carbundale sports,
for tlleie were no blows, oil, yes, two
or three, exchanged during the eleven
minutes of walf.lng and foot racing
round (lie ring.
The rel'ciee declared It In favor ol
P.rown, Then there was something do
ing, Cries of "fake," "murder" ami
"scab" tilled the pavilion. Some one
hustled afur the referee and explained
(Imt tin eiowd was hot because of Hie
decision deciding tile bets, The ief
cree came back, declared all bets off
and the i-ore crowd dispersed,
Edwnul Coddlngton to Be Married.
The many fi lends of Hdward i.'od
dlligtoii whio pleasantly surprised yes
terday upon tlie announcement of his
coming marriage to Miss I.llllau M. I)e
Forest Coon, of ItoeheHter, N, V.
Tlie groonMo-be Is well and favor
ably known here, lie was u member
of the linn of Coddlngton & Thomp.
sou, proprietors of the Imperial dining
parlors of Not tit .Main street, until the.
llrst of last April, when the linn dis
solved and Mr. Coddlngton accepted a
desk In his uncle's ollice general In
suranceat Itouhestor. N. V. Mr. Cod
dlngton was also one of the leading
spirits of the Columbia Hose company
and the unique Centennial club or Car
bondale. Ill llanceo Is one of llooh-'
ester's fairest daughters, rich In beau
ty and worldly good, mid .well known
In church und charity circles In Itoch
estrr. The wedding will lake place nt No.
1.1 J Mnden street, ItoeheMer, the Im
posing home of the bride, on the even
ing of Nov. '20. ,
Hyatt-Spangenberg; Nuptials'.
A Very pretty ceremony united Mian
.Jennie h. Ilyatl. daughter of Wallace
W, Hyatt, to 1-Mwiird Bpaiigenbct-g, on
Saturday night lust, at the home of
the bride, No, 02 Canaan street, by tho
Hev. W. If. Hlller, of Port JervlH, N.
Y a former Methodist pastor of this
city. Tho ceremony was witnessed by
the relatives of the contracting parties.
Tho bride and bridesmaid were beau
tifully gowned. Tlie groom und best
man wore conventional black,
Sixteen Cars Loaded with
Washery Coal Fall from
a Trestle.
A fatal wreck occurred last night at
S o'clock, on tho Ontario and Western
railroad, Just beyond Preston Park,
about forty-live miles north of Scr.m
tou. Sixteen cars of a. train of twenty-two,
loaded with washery coal and bound
for C'adosla, went over a trestle. Tho
engine and the llrst six cars kept to
the track.
It Is feared that one life was lost.
William Smith, of Church street, Car
bondale, middle brakeman of the crew,
was unaccounted for up to 1 o'clock
this morning, und tlie belief Is that he
is In tho heap of wreckage.
The railroad odlela'.s suppose Hie
wreck was caused by a Hat wheel. Tlie
presumption Is that this disabled car
jumped the track, the force of the dis
turbance weakening the trestle, causing
It to give way and plunging the cars
Into the ravine. This trestle has given
the company a good deal of trouble
ever since the construction of the
Scrantou division of the Ontario and
Western. It Is built on a kind or quick
sand, which made it diillcult to main
tain the road level at this point.
The. train left Maylleld yard at L'.lin,
and about the wreck occurred. Tlie
crew was made up of S. Franz, en
gineer, Jerniyu: Will Duffy, Carbon
dale. conductor: Peter McDouough,
Hiooklyn; Will Smith, brakeman.
Smith, who it is feared went down to
his death in the wreck, was married
and. besides his wife, had four children.
Smith is tlie man who, two weeks ago,
made an heroic rescue of a child at
Olyphunt. He climbed out or the en
gine cab and erupt along to the pilot,
where lie leaned over and snatched the
little ono from death. He was widely
known In Carbondale and was exceed
ingly popular.
The wrecking crew of the Ontario
and Western left -Maylleld yard for the
scene, or the wreck at". None or
the crew was injured, except slightly,
besides Smith.
The scene of last iiightV. wreck is not
far from the fearful catastrophe of last
winter, when a train of forty cars were
wrecked and four of the crew from
Carbondale were killed.
The Remains of Rev. Y. C. Smith
Laid Away.
Tlie funeral services over the remains
of Itev. Y. (. Smith were held nt the
home of his (InuKhter. JIis. is. D.
Stitarl, on I'muiim street, ye.slerdii.v
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock.
The services were conducted by Itev.
ChalTui'. iiatitor of tlie .Methodist eliuieli,
in the presence of many friends of the
deceased clergyman. After the Impres
sive prayer services for the dead were
concluded hy Jtev. Chaffee, Itev. Mr.
Sprague, of Wyoming seminary, spoke
warm words of eulogy of the fruitful
life of the departed.
The remains were taken on the ',50
Delaware aud Hudson train to Puny
Fori, where Interment was made in the
family plot.
Remember the Inspection.
All members of Davies past should do
their best to attend tonisht's iner-limr
and participate In the Inspection exer
cises. Captain I', Pel.ney, Inspector. at
larjre. ami O. I:. Wrlslit.' assistant In
spector, are to be present. Several com
rades from other posts will make a
fraternal visit. An InterestlnK and
prollt.ihl" cvenliiK is sure to ensue.
Commander John .McCoinb Is alive to
the Importance oh the occasion and will
be e(iial to any eineiHeiu-y.
Unclaimed Letters.
1. 1st of letters renminbis; In the Car
bondale, !i postollice, Oct, '22, l!i2,
for persons unknown: (!eorne r.acon,
il. I.. C'rofoot (I), S. I). Craves, Dr. T,
.1. Lamb, Joseph Login-, c. v, Wil
liams, Arthur .Morris Wood, Francis
Wylke, Helen Cobtirn, ICIlza .Matlivs,
.Miss .N'orah Ilryden, .Miss Lillian Cud
dllislou (J). .Miss l)e una rMKHtt. Mrs.
A. A. Ayers, .mis, ;, j, Kilkenny. For
eign .Marin .Mollnnrn dl Vlncenzo. J.
II. Thomas, !. M,
Mine Workers to Meet.
The I'nltPd Mine Workers of Amer
ica, Local No. 9ti, will .hold a iiicntlus
Iu ilii-lr hall, on South Jlaln street, this
ufternoou, apropos uf tho strlko settle
ment. Many of the above orsnnlnatlon
celebrated Iu a mild manner last night
with llreworks aud i-auiion explosives.
Homo from Philadelphia,
c, " O'Connor, monographer of the
select council 111 Philadelphia, Ik vlnlt
Inif his li'Klon of friends In town.
Are you losing flesh? If
so, better consult vour doctor
at once. 1 lc will tell you the
cause, We can provide the
remedy, which is Scott's
Knuilsion of cod-liver oil.
A young woman in Hatavia
writes us she had lost twenty
five pounds iu three months,
and her lungs were seriously
affected. She took three bot
tles of Scott's Kmulsion and
gained fifteen pounds, and
was able to resume her work.
Send for free Sample.
SCOTT& BOWKE, Chemists, v) Feirl at., K. Y.
A Sure Sign of Kidney
Trouble. Dr, Kennedy's
, Favorite Remedy will
cure you.
Pain In the back Is & never falling sign
of kidney disease another sure sign is
the condition of tho urine j if you have a
pain In tho back then look to tho condition
of your urine. Take a glass tumbler and
fill It with urine ; after it has stood 24
hours, If It has a sediment, if It Is milky or
cloudy, paleor discolored, stringy orropy,
your kidneys aud bladder are In a danger
ous condition and need immediate atten
tion, ortho consequences may prove fatal,
1 C. Wilcox of rm New liritafn avo
Hartford, Conn,, says:
"I had a frightful pain In my back,
the result of kidney trouble. My
physician seemed powerless to relieve
nie. I determined to try Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite K'cmcdy ; it
helped me wonderfully, and iu a short
time cured me completely,"
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Is the one medicine that really cures all
diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood.rhcutnatisin, dyspepsia and chronic
constipation. It Is wonderful how it
makes that pain in the back disappear,
how it relieves tho desire to urinate often,
especially at nleht. and drives away that
sciildimrpain in passing watcra..d makes
you well and strong.
It Is for sale by all druggists in tho
Now BO Gent Slxo and the regular
$1.00 size bottlcs-rless than a cent a dose.
Sam fie tattle enough for trial, free iy mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. Darlil Kennedy' Hint- Jell radical euro
Catarrh, Uujr I'ovcr and Cold In Head, BOc.
Coiiclmlcil flOIll I'.lJfO 1,
at certain specified times, the commis
sion will hear evidence to be presented.
The parties to the Inquiry will be per
mitted to be present at the hearings,
eithei personally or by counsel.
It Is probable that the llrst sessions
of the commission at which testimony
will be taken will be held In Wllkes
Bnrro, as that city will be most con
venient for the miners' representatives.
Other meetings will be held In Phila
delphia or New York, or in both cities.
Whether the sessions of the commis
sion will be open to the public Is a
question the commission itself will have
to determine, but It is regarded as quite,
likely that at all sessions when testi
mony Is taken, representatives of tho
press will be admitted.
How loiiff the hearings will continue,
nobody can foretell. At their conclus
ion, each member of the commission
will bo supplied a copy of the testi
mony adduced and will consider It at
his leisure. Subsequently, the commis
sion will reconvene, perhaps In this
city, to formulate its leporl for presen
tation to the president.
Assistance of Wage Earners, Pulpit
and Press Acknowledged.
Uv i:.(.-lu-lt ttlir tuill ll'i' A'-MHi.ilcl 'ret.
WllUes-iiarre. Oct. il. After the
miners. In convention, ha i called the
strike off today, they unanimously
adopt.-,, resolutions thanking all na
tional, stale and municipal govern
ments, all organizations anil Individuals
thtoughout the world for the assistance
rendered them during their great
struggle. These resolutions, In full,
arc as follows;
Wherras, Wo, tlie anthracite iiiIiih
workeis of Pennsylvania, have been u
strike for more than live months in le
leusc fif the cniisl national iIbIH to niem
beishlp In the nri'iitiii'iitlQii of our choice,
and to -eenie for ourselves wanes which
will enable us to live ill a niauuei' cou
fuimablo to Anieitcaii standards and
propel ly maintain and educate, our fami
lies in lit them lor the responsibilities
anil duties that 11,11st necessarily devolve
upon the linn ami women of the futon-;
Whereas, The trade unionists and the
waiii-eaineis ot our country and of ollin
countries have, hy their impiecnienlid
rcspoiiio to our for relief, been a
large factor In the success of our con
test; aril
Wlieiens. Tile general public, iiuafllll
lated v.lili traili 01 Kiinixatlons. lias
evinced a most gratilying inteiest hi oi.r
cause ami been a huge eoiiliibator to our
siiiipmi: and
Whitens. A just and fen ileus pulpit
and pie,-, b.ive upheld us during our
sinmgle. me! icpic.-,oniatics of uatiiiiia1.
stale nnd gdvcriunriit have
labored to bring abotil a settlement of
tile differences existing between our i-ui-ployeis
and ouisi-lvi-s; ilieieloie, be It
itesolvcil. Thai we, 1 he duly elected
repiesentnllves of tlie pien and boys em
ployed In and aioiuid (he anthracite
mines, do now. In convention, renew our
really to the 1'iati.d .Mine Workers uf
Aineili-a, of membership we are
Ileal Iv olH-lllllf.
Itesolvcil, That we extend our slnceie
thanks to our brolheis In the soft coal
Melds for tin It- nunc than generous as
sistance. Itesolvcil, That we expiess lair feelhiR
of gratitude to the wage earni-r of the
world for the material assistance they
buvo rendered 111 Iu securing a vlctoiy
for ourselves and for organized labor.
rtesolveil, That we herein give oxpus
lou to our sense of deep appreciation of
the Interest and support of tin general
Itesolvcil, That we ncUnow ledge our
debt of gratituilii to that portion of the
pulpit and tho press of our country that
has been of uch luuueuse moral support
to our contention; and
lU-Milveil, That to ihti representatives
uf national, state ami imiiilclpal govern
ments who have used their good otllces
to secuni a settlement, nt our dispute we
express our full appreciation and extend
our ilianks.
Recommendations Presented by Com
mittee at Miners' Convention.
llv llxeliidie Wlip from The .W.oi-latdl I'rcm.
WUUes-iJarrc, Pa.. Oct. 21. Among
the resolutions and r$coimueiulutIoiiH
presented by tho committee on resolu
tions to tho miners' convention, and
unanimously adopted today, wtro the
Whereas, At this request of the umbra
cite initio worljtirs tho last session of the
legUlutuio mulcted a law providing tor
tho election of mine inspectors ny direct
vote of tins people, tho purpose, of which
Is to render proper protection for llfi.
limb und health of peraoni, employed In
untlmulte iiiliKh; aud
"Whereus, This protection was not given
by niino tnspectois under the system 111
vogue prior to the cnuclmciii of tills law,
the passago of which was bitterly op
posed by the mine lnspectois, aud
AVhcrentf, it Is a, matter or keen regret
to us to It-am that 0110 of these, same.
I Connolly & Wallace
if ScrantoiVs Shopping Center
Towels A Bargain Women's $1.50 Gloves
Spscial offer of 600 fringed
Damask Towels, all linen, large
size, value 20c each, at 2 for
25 cents.
75-Cent Serge
46 Inches Wide, 60 Gents a Yard
A strictly All-Wool Serge, of fine texture, in the leading colors navy
blue, greeu, brown, garnet. Full width, 46 inches, and sold CAt
everywhere at 75 cents Here for oUvfw
Some of the All -Wool French Flannels at 35 cents are still here,
the patterns are choice, the cloth the finest 65-cent variety. They
make splendid Shirt Waists for a mere song.
Small Furs
Some of the New Styles
It's n little early to talk much about heavy
coats and fur-lined wraps, but women are al
ready thinking about small neck pieces and put
ting them aside for the first cold day.
It's going to be tippets most all of this year
exact copies of the furs of olden days. They
arc wide enough to cover the shoulders like
capes nncMiarig down well in front. But the
chief point is that they must be Hat, without
collars, and with nothing to stand up around
the neck.
Prices start at about $4.00, and rise by easy
stages to as high a figure as y11 m:,y w;mt i0
pay for exclusive line furs.
Connolly & Wal
g 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.
inspectors, Jlr. Kdwaiil bus in
Htituted proccedins In court fur Hie pur
pore of having tlie law declared iiueutifUi
tutluiial, therefore, be It
ltesolveil, That ve Instruct our disliicl
oflicut'H to take such action as 'they may
(Item necessary to defend the constitu
tionality of I lie law.
We roiomnier.d that leftLslutlon be en
acted prohibition; miners nuclei' the kko of
'.'I from worUiniv iu any employment in or
about any mine more than elsht bourn.
We earnestly reiiucst Hie npeal of the
act of L'Ttli February. IS'".. P. I.. 2iTi. and
lis supplement of lltli Apill, ismi. f. I..
I'J. under which the coal and Iron police
nie appointed.
If the legislature should deem mien 01
HrciK necessaiy. then we susuest that the
appointment!! be made by the local courts,
in tin the annllcanls no men in koou
moral character; and fuitlier Hint they be
citizens aud residents iu the county
wherein the application s-hnll lie made tor
a lieilod of ul least one year prior thei!-
10; ami that the appointment may nt any
time be revoked by the couit for cause.
Whereas, The act of Kith July. IS!'7, 1'.
I.. :'S7. piovIdhiK for the examination of
pci-Hitix seoldiiR- employment as miners,
provides that the examining hoaid land
certain c(intinp'ncl"n the district attor
ney) shall investigate all complaints for
a violation of the provisions of the act,
but does mil point out how Hid IiivcmUbu
tion shall be made, we 11 commend thai It
be S--D amended as In empower Ihe boards
uuil district attorney in send for pe.'
Mins, books and papers for examination.
In order lint the act may be niiiile elfcel
Hvo. And Uuil they have roll authoiity
to hold an cMiminutlou In or at the mines
of nil miners, who shall upon the ie
iiuest of the board produce their eeriill
t.itcH and kIv such testimony us tin:
boaid may riipiiri'.
We furtln-r iirso that an employer.'
liability bill be passul by lln- noM lc
Islnluie. The passive of such a bill Is of the
vital Impiutanci- to all who are eniMKod
Iii and about daiiKcrous employment.
General Orders Issued by Commander-in-Chief
Thomas J. Stewart.
ll.i i:ilmivi Mile li-uiii Tlif Wm-ljU'il I'rrn.
lluriNliiii'K, Oct. i'l. Uenoral Thomas .1.
Stewart, commander-in-chief oi tin- draud
Army of the Itepuhllc. today issued U'-n-era
I orders announcing tlie following ap
.lolili W. Hchall, post No. II. NoitIhIowu.
adjutant Kcncrnl.
t'liarles IIiiitowh. post No. :, depart
ment of New .lei Hey, iiiaiternuu-ler.
.1. II. lUileomb, pint No. .".1. Philadel
phia, assistant 'adjutant Kenernl anil us
sinned to duty at heatliiuartein, which
have been csl.lblisjieil ul Independence
hall, I'hiludclphl.t.
!n lirai-e Townsend spent l-'ild.iy
eieitlni; with frloilds In AlVhbald.
.Mh-sort .lenulo'llHOU, .KUes Smith
and ithoihi Curtis spent Sunday with
their soldier fi lends.
Jlls Jlyillo Shalfcr has returned from
flraxliy, where she has been vIsIiIiik: lela
llves. To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tu lt UimiiIvo Hroino Cjulniuo Tablets.
All (IrnuglstB refund the money If It
falls to cine, K. AV. Grove's sIk mil nrc
Is on each box. l!."ic.
Hpeelal to tho Scrunton Tribune.
Sterllns;, Oct. 21. Klmer W. Stevens,
the young- man who accidentally shot
himself on Thursday while Kiinnlnj,' at
Kimt .SterlliiK. w-ns hurled on Sunday
afternoon at Sterling, it was attended
by tlie largest eoitcouine of people for
many ycais, the largo .Methodist ICpIs
copal church at SterlliiK- being over
crowded. The sermon vn& preached by
Itev. Thomas Hooper, of llolllstcrvllk',
bis (est being- I Samuel, twentieth
chapter and latter part of third verse.
Deceased Is survived by a father,
mother, one sister and four brothers.
The finest glace and suede kid
gloves that we know of for $1.50
are the Jouvin made for us, in
France, the country of gloves.
Men's Underwear
Choose what suits your occupation, pay for
whatever grade you prefer you may be asstired
of service and satisfaction in any of the great
stock we have collected for this season's needs.
50c to $7.50 a garment.
Silk Petticoats
Never has (hire been such a petticoat year
as this. Hvery woman who buys a new fall
gown must have one of sillc to wear underneath
the untitled skirt.
In back silk the assortment is good and a
wide range in solid colors, plaids and changeable
sijks, Anywhere from fa to 5J30 will buy- a
pretty one.
Iteduced Rates to New Orleans and
Return Via Southern Railway.
On aicoilm of the meeting of Amer
ican lJilnkers association, Xew Orleans,
Lit.. Xov. lltli-i:!lh, '.M2. the Southern
railway will sell round trip tickets from
Washington, I (.'. to New Orleans, I.a.
on Xov. Mb, lull and ltnh at rate of
one fare, vln. $T..".t): Ilnal limit 10 days
from date of sale, except by depositing
tickets with Joint uffeiit, Xew Orleans
on or before Xov, lSth, und payment
of fee of llfty cents, tickets can be ex
tended until Nov. liiltb, 11102.
Hate from Philadelphia $:!-S5. for
respoudiiiKly low rales fiom other
The Southern railway operates three
throiiKli trains daily with Pullman
drawliiK-room sleeping cars fiom Xew
York. Philadelphia and Washlnntou to
Xew OrleaiH without chune,": dining
car service on all through trains.
Charles I.. Hopkins. I). P. A. Southern
railway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadel
phia will furnish all information.
New York.
The Xew York, Ontario and Western
llailroail company's annual fall excur
sion to Xew Vork clt will be run on
Jlondny. October 2'. the return fare
from all stations, Scrantou to i 'urban
dale, inclusive, belntJ $". Tickets Kood
for live days. At this time- of the ymr,
"the Ontario route-' fiom this seeiion
surpasses all others, owing to Its pic
turesque si cilery, tlie ride from Corn
wall to Xew York, uloiiK ill'- Hudson,
holm,' nn especially ilellKhtful inn .
Cor further particulars, apply to
iiRunls. or .1. II. Wchdi, T. P. A., Scran
ton. Pa.
There's No Place More Homelike.
I.akewood the fashionable l.akeuood
the glorious, Is ihc one resort to which
the resorli-r now turns for a period of
enjoyment, aud such enjoyment In
cludes every known spurt.
I.akewood's drives, than which there
are nun" better, attract a nay throni;
und traps of every kind nr lit constant
use, Tho hunt attracts many, likewise
cyclliiK and polo, but when one llnds
such ilellKhtful. yes wonderful links as
l.ukuwuod possesses, one little wonders
that Rolf 1.4 Hie popular name. Another
feature of prominence Is lis hotels, hosu
lehles commodious, Brand or raider
palatini, where one's welfare Is the (list
and foremost consideration. These
(lliulillcalions, lucludliu; a most mar
velous atmosphere, have made Lake
wood ruinous tin' world out. This ie
sort Is reached only via the Xew .k-r.-ey
Central, and Its passenuer department
In Now York bus Issued a booklet o)i
I.akowood which Is tvplcie with Infor
mation, und It's yours for the asking.
Reduced Rates to tho West,
t'oiuiui'iiclnit September i, and dully
tlmrcilflfl', Ulltll October Hist, HI03. the
VI(.nmln Central will sell
Settlers' tickets fioju Chicago to points
in .Moutuini, Idaho, Oregon, Washing
ton and lliltish Columbia, nt greatly
reduced rates. l''or detailed information
Inquire uf nearest ticket agent, or ad
diess W. il. Allen, IX P. A., (121 Park
building, Pittsburg, Pa or .lames C.
Pond, general passenger ngent, J(ll
waukee. Wis.
?32,85 New Orleans, La. $32.85.
The meeting of the American Hunk
trs' ussoclation will be held lu -New
Ot Jeans, l.u., Xoveiubur 11 to 13. For
this occasion, the Xew Jersey C'onual
will sell tickets from Scrantou, PitU
ton, Wllkus-Iiarre, and points south, at
a rule of thirty-two dollars and eighty-
lace i
A wise old man told
sons that as long as they
kept together like a bun
dle of fagots the'y could
not be broken, although
each one separately could
not withstand much
illustrates the point as a
food. Any single prop
erty of the wheat will not
produce a strong, health
ful body. Several will
not do it. All do.
Clicinliitiy shows Hint each
pioperty of tho wlicnthns an
exact counterpart in the body
unit tliut tho i c-verse is also
true. If wo depleto tho wheat,
as Is done ill milling while
Hour, wo reduce the nourishing
Kat Shredded Wheat
Hi sci' it made of the
wlioltf wheat and nourish
the whole body. $,
.Served In ninny delightful ways.
Send for " The Vital Oucatlon,"
l Recipe Hook, illustrated In
colois,) I'KKi:. Addrcsa
The Natural Food Co.
XuiiAiU Tails, X. Y,
live ci.i.s. Tickets good to go Novem
ber S, '.i, 10. and good to return eleven
days from date of sale, with Ilnal limit
exfnded to Xovi'inber ilO, b depositing
ticket wiih joint agent at Xew Orleans
anil payment of llfty cent fee. Tho New
Jeircy Central Is the most direct roinc
und has li. irises tliun any other line
Cor further Information, Pullman
parlor anil sleeping car rates, reservn
Hons, cic imply m any ticket agent
Xew Jersey Central, or to J. S. Hwislict
district passenger agent, Hcranton, Pa
.Mrs. Sarah Davis and daughter 'lor
euc, of l.esierhhlie. were culled here last
week hy the bluest, of the former s father
Al Hie meeting of tho l-Jpwoiili League
and Woman-. Christina Teinperuiice
union Sunday evening, .Mr. Xichol, of
Carbundale. gave u very interesting talk
on his work among the hoys lu different
places where ho hud lived ami cspcclulh
In Curhondale. where ho has suecessfullj
organised a llgys' CluUtlan Temp-M-iincc
if ft i VnlK
A wise old man told his I