THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVTNG THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNINU, OCTOBER 22, 1902. TWO CENTS. MINERS ORDERED TO RESUME WORK Deleoates at Wllkes-Barre Conven tion Accent Mr. Roosevelt's Arbitration Plan. MITCHELL OFFICIALLY DECLARES STRIKE OFF L&. Remniknble Scene of . ithusiasm Attends Taking of the Vote on Formal Eesolutions Addressed to President Roosevelt Work of Clearing Tip the Mines Is Author ized to Be Begun at OnceNews of the End of the Strike Is Becoived with Joy Throughout the Anthracite Coal Region Mr. Boosovclt Promptly Summons the Arbitration Commission to Meet at Washington on Friday. IJJ l.M'Iusirp Will' from Hip Aiuuiiatt'il I'ic.'S. Wilke-Barr.-, IM.. Oct. 21. Willi u tbout Hint fairly shook the convention lutililliipr. the representatives of tin; 117. t'yO mine workers", who have been on s-trike since last Ma-, officially declared off at noon today the greatest contest ever wngud between capital and labor, and placed all the questions Involvod in the struggle into the hands of the arbi tration commission appointed by the president uf the United Slates. "When the news was Hashed to towns and vil lages down in the valley and on the moiintains of the coal region, the tlrikn-nffectcd inhabltanls heaved a Mgh of relief. Jinny days have none by since more welcome news was received, Kverywhore there was rejoicing-, and in ninny places the end of the strike was the signal for impromptu town cele brations. The anthracite coal region.1 from its largest city Scranlon down lotho lowliest coal patch has suffered by '"the conflict, and everyone now looks for better times. While the large army of mine workers and their families, numbering approximately half a mill ion persons, are grateful that work la to bo resumed on Thursday, the strik ers have still to learn what their ro-M-ard will be. President Roosevelt having taken prompt action in calling the arbitrators together for their first meeting on Friday, the miners hope they will know by Thanksgiving day what practical gain they have made. The vote to resume coal mining was a unanimous one and was reached only after a warm debate. The principal ob jection to accepting the arbitration proposition was that no provision was contained In Uio scheme to take care of those men who would fail to get back their old positions, or would be unable to get .my work at nil. The engineers and pumpmen get better pay than other classes of mine workers, and they did imt wish to run the risk of losing alto gether their old places and be com piled to dig coal for a living. This question came tip yesterday, and was nrgued right up to the time the vote vns taken. No one had a definite plan to offer to overcome the objection, and the report of the committee on resolu tions, recommending that the strike bo in-lured off and that all issues be placed in the hands of the arbitration commission for decision, was adopted without the question being settled. A lew moments before adjournment, how ever, a partial solution was reached when a delegate In the farthest corner of the hall moved that the problem be Placed in the bauds of the three execu tive boards for solution, and his sug gestion was adopted. The principal speech of the day was made by National Secretary-Treasurer W. B. Wilson, who practically spoke for President Mitchell and the national organisation, in a strong argument ho counselled the men to accept arbitra tion, the very plan the strikers them selves lind offered, return to work and trust to the president's tribunal to do them justice. A Serious Question. The question of taking care- of all men who will fall to get work Immediately Mill be u serious one for the union. There is no doubt the executive boards will take care of the engineers, firemen and pumpmen, but there will be thous. iiiuIh of other classes of mine workers who will have to bo looked after. In some places hundreds will not be able lo get work for weeks and In other lo calities, v-liere the mines are In very bad condition tliero will be no employ, nient for many workmen for months which will cany their Idleness into next year. Now thai the htrlke is off the volume of relief money will decrease uiul the local unions, will bo compelled to cull upon the national organization for as sistance when the money now on hand runs out. The close ut the great con flict will end In a few days. Probably with the passing of this week the as cessment now lielng levied on all bitu minous mine workers alllliated with the union will cease. The ollleeiH who care to talk of the situation feel confident that the national body will come to tho usslstnnc-e and help all those who stood out during tho suspension. Hundreds of men, needed to repair the mines and otherwise place them in condition for operation, will be at work tomorrow morning, tho convention hav ing decided that this was Imperative to get tho men to work quickly und satisfy the country's demand for coal. Al the locals will hold meetings to morrow at which instructions will be TOMOi SOW w - given tho members regarding- their ap plication for work. The proceedings In the convention Indicate that there will be some friction In some of the local organizations over many little questions which will come up in connection with the men returning to tho mines. President .Mitchell received many congratulatory telegrams from all over the country after the news spread that tin strike was ended. On his return to his hcndquurtciK Ins was asked for an expression of his views on the ac tion of the convention, and In reply ho said: I am well pleated with the iietlon of the anthracite mine workers in deciding to submit the Issues which culminated in tho strike to the commission selected by the president of tho I'ltltcd .States. Tho strike itseir demonstrated the power and dignity of labor. Conservative. Intelligent trade unionism bus received nil Impetus, the offect of which cannot be measured. I earnestly hope and dim ly believe that both labor and capital have learned lessons from the miners' strike which will enable them lo adopt peaceful, humane and business meth ods of adjusting wage differences hi the future. The Official Announcement. After Mr. Mitchell had notified Presi dent Roosevelt of the action of the con vention and had received a reply to the effect that the commission would, meet In Washington on Friday, be sent out the following announcement through the press to the strikers that the strike was off. It was addressed, "All Miners and Mine Workers in tho Anthracite Region," and was as fol lows: You mo hereby officially notified that it was unanimously decided today by tho delegates attending thn speeinl conven tion, that nil mine workers should report for work Thursday morning, October -l, and Hint tho Issues which culminated In tho strike should be inferred for adjust ment to tho commission appointed by tho president of the 1'nlted States. We are nuthorlr.ed by the executive offi cer, of districts 1, V mid 0, to i-nutlnn all those who resume work to exercise more than usiiril care in older that accidents to life aifd limb may be averted. Owin.-J to the condition of the mines after ,in Idleness ol live months there will l" great danger when work is renamed. Wo are prompted to offer this advlee by the fact that nt the elusn of the Mriko two years ago many more nciilcnls and deaths oc curred than tn!-.n place when the mines are operating regularly. John .Mitchell, President, t". M. W. of A. W. P. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer, r. si. W. of A. President Mitchell has not made any arrangements regarding his future movement. He docs not know whether he will go to Washington on Friday. The miners' leader will act as tho at torney for the then nt all sessions of the commission and will have with him several assistants. Headquarters here will bo kept open probably until after the award of the arbitration commis sion Is announced. The Resolutions Adopted. Tho resolutions which the convention adopted wore reported from committed as follows: We, the committee on resolutions, beg leave to recommend that the following communication bo adopted and forwarded to Theodore Roosevelt, president of the Vnlted States of America : "WilUes-Iiarre. Pa., Oct. 21, "Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Washington, D. C. "Dear Sir: We. the representatives of the employes of the various coal compa nies engaged hi operating mines in tho anthracite, coal tlelds of Pennsylvania, In convention assembled, having under con sideration your telegram of Oct. 1.", llnO, addressed to John Mitchell, president of tho United Mines Workers of America, which reads as follows: " 'I have appointed as commissioners Brigadier General John M, Wilson, K. W. PnrUmv .Iiidirn flnnro-rt llrnv T-V 1.- (Mr,-L- Thomas II. Watklns, lllshop J. V. Spald ing, wnn i:arroii it. wnglit ns recorder. TIipso names are accepted by the opera tors, and I now earnestly nsk and urge that the mlnriw Hl(mvtM.4 tliln nnm. mission. It is a matter of vital concern in nil our people, and especially to those In our great cities, who are least well oft, that the mining of coal should bo resunud wimaui a moment's unnecessary delay,' "Wo have decided to accept tho propo sition therein embodied and submit all questions at Issue between the operators ninl tho mine workeui of the atithrucite cenl region for adjustment to the commis sion which you have named. "In pm sua net) of that decision wo shall report for work on Thursday morning, Oct. Ki, In thu positions and working places occupied by us prior to tho Inau guration of thn stiilio. "Wo have authorized John Mitchell, president of tho United Mlno Workers of America, with such assistants as he may select, to represent us in nil healings be fore the committee, "John Mltehull, "Cabman of Convention, "W. II, Wilson, ".Secretary of Convention. A few engineers, llronien, pumprun ners, machinists and some other men, not directly engaged In mining coal, have already applied to the superln. temleiita of collieries in this region for reinstatement, but wero refused. The superintendents, in most cases, in formed tho men that they will retain their present employes. The total num ber of men who have asked for work In this region is not known, but It Is not believed to be largo. Thu miners and iiilnu laborers will have little trouble In getting employment In the "Wyoming valley. Delegates Leave the City, All tho delegates who .attended the convention luivo left the city for their respective homos, and strike heudquar teta presented a deserted appearance tonight. Reports from the small towns" In the outlying regions are to the effect that celebrations of all kinds were held tonight. Some of the larger towns will celebrate the ending of the strike to. morrow, The greatest celebration, how. ever, will be reserved for October 29 John Mitchell day. That day will nutrk the second anniversary of thu ending of the big strike In 1!HW. when the men won u ten per cent. Incrciiso. The an niversary was observed last year with considerable enthusiasm, and the day tbls year will jirobubly be more gener ally observed. President Mltehull lias more than a liiill'-ilu.i-n Invitations to speak at various places, but he will not accept niiy until he lenrns whether the arbitration committee needs ids pres ence. The commanders of the Hi.ouu troops camped throughout the coal fields have no information as to when tho soldiers will be withdrawn. They expect to get outers to begin the homeward move ment soon. The News nt Tamaqua. Tnmtiquii, Oct. 21. The news of ,1110 settlement ol the strike was received quietly In the Panther Creek valley. Tomorrow morning the striking firemen and pumpmen will report for duty. Much conjecture Is being Indulged in as to how they will be received by the officials of tile Lehigh Coal and Navi gation company. This corporation lias run all Its pumps throughout the strike, non-union men being employed. Offi cials of the company have said they will not discharge these men to make room for employes who have been on strike. In anticipation of possible trouble,' several companies of infantry will be sent out to patrol the valley tomorrow morning. Want an Increase of Wages. Shamokln, Oct. 21. When the news that the strike had been declared off reached here, English-speaking miners generally approved the action of the convention, Some of the foreign-speaking miners object to a resumption of work without nn increase in wages. Men are nt work tonight repairing the mines. A number of engineers and firemen express the fear that they will not be re-employed. Colonel Harnett, of the Tenth regiment, has contracted a severe cold. Three physicians are attending him. His condition is said to be Improved tonight. REJOICING AT SHENANDOAH. Eighteenth Regiment Band Leads the Parade of Miners, lly Kxelii'be Who fnnn The Atn cited 1'iesi. Sheiinudo,ih. Pa.. Oct. 21. News that the convention declared the strike off reached Shenandoah at 12 o'clock, and almost simultaneously eve.ry bell in the town was ringing and the whistles of every factory and brcak-r pealed joy ous notes. There was a spontaneous outpouring of people and ten minutes after the good news reached town the streets were crowded. At Mnhanoy City and elsewhere in the anthracite field tho news of the strike settlement was received with wild enthusiasm. Them was blowing of whistles and ringing of hells, and almost the entire population of the towns assembled In the streets. In some localities there wero impromptu parades,- in which the tire departments and other organizations joined In some instances. Pathetic! scenes were enacted as the men, who have been idle and under great strain for nearly six month?, rushed off to prepare for work. Colonel Rutledgo sent the Klghtocnth Regiment band into town this after noon to take part in the strike settlt-mi-nt celebration. The band inarched through the streets nt the head of a mine workers' parade and was wildly cheered all along the line. Nearly every building In the town is decorated with flags, and the people In general appear almost Insanely happy. Resides the sol diers' band, two other bands took part in tho demonstration. PRESIDENT ACTS PROMPTLY. He Summons the Members of Com mission to Meet on Friday. By Kxi-liu'.re Wile from The Asvocijteil fte.u. Washington. Oct. 21. Shortly before it o'clock this afternoon, President Roosevelt received n telegram from Wllkes-Rarre, Pa,, informing him that the convention of miners had declared off tho anthracite coal strike. The tele gram was signed by John Mltehull. chairman, and W. B. Wilson, secretary of the convention, and was identical with that made public at Wilkcs-Uarre before noon today. Immediately on receipt of this Infor mation, the following telegram was pent to Mr. Mitchell: White House, Washington, Oct, 21, lfiitf, Mr. John Mitchell, Cluiliinnu of Conven tion, Wllkps-Rurte, Pa.: Upon receipt of your telegram of this date, the president summoned tho com mission lo meet here on Friday next, ihu 21th instant, at 10 a. in. fienrgo It. Curielyou, Secretary. News of the termination of the strike was received by the president with great satisfaction. Heforo tho formal telegram from Mr, Mitchell hud reached him, ho had been informed through tho Associated Press of the convention's favorable notion. Soon afterwards, Col onel Carroll D, Wright, commissioner of labor, the recorder of the arbitration commission, guvu to the president tho Information contained In telegrams which he had received from Wllkes Raro. Already telegrams liavo been sent to the members of tho coniiiilsslon notify, lug them of the first meeting to be held in tills city on Friday morning, and summoning tlitm to be present. The meeting probably will hu held In tho olllce of Commissioner Wright In tho department of labor. Aftur thu commission bus effected Its organiza tion, the members will call In u body on thu president to pay their respects. At that time, it Is expected, ho will embrace the opportunity to give the commission such verbal Instructions as bo may care to present to it. Resides, ho may prepare u formal letter of lu structlous. That is tho method pur sued at the tlmo of tho appointment of the Pullman strike commission, of which Colonel Wright was tho presl dent, It Is understood that few meetings of the commission will be held In Wash. Ington. After tho work of the commis. slon has been mapped out, the first step will be to take the. testimony of the miners, who may bo regarded as plaintiffs in tho case. Notification will bo sent to all interested parties that, (Cviitli'iit-ti ii i'-j-xis 2.J FATAL BLAZE IN CHICAGO It Is Tlioualit That Ten or Twelve Men Have Perished In the Plames. A GLUCOSE SUGAR REFINERY BURNED The Fire at Midnight Burning So Fiercely That It Was Impossible to Make Search for Victims Two Bodies Taken Out Four Men Ter ribly Injured Loss, $1,000,000. fly Kxchnhe Wile from 'tho Aoel.iteit 1'reai Chicago, Oct. 21. Ry a fire which broke out shortly before midnight In the drying house of the OIucohc Sugar refinery, at Taylor street and tho Chi cago river, that building wan almost entirely destroyed and It is said ten or twelve men lost their lives. They were working on tho seventh floor and the flames spread rapidly. At midnight two "bodies had been taken from tho rulns.but the fire was burning so fierce ly that it was impossible to make fur ther search. Two men jumped from the seventh floor lo the street and were instantly killed. Their bodies were horribly crushed and mangled. (These are tho two budies said to have been taken out.) Four other men jumped from the windows on the fourth floor. These men wero terribly injured and were taken to the hospital. The loss is estimated at .$3UU,000 to $1.0(10,000. IN BRADFORD The Streets Crowded With People Vho Welcome Judge Pennypacker. Bj- llti-lmlve Wire from The AMoclaleJ l'r. Uratirord, Pa.. Oct. 21. Mclvean county's metropolis tonight showed its adherence to Republican principles by turning out in force to cheer'the Re publican candidates. The streets were crowded with a cheering multitude and inarching clubs, and the Lyceum was packed to the doors with an audience that iUtested Its appreciation of Judge Pennypacker, cx-Kenator Itrown, Col onel Flood, S. it. Dresser, the congres sional candidate, and other speakers. Tho gubernatorial party arrived here this evening and was met by a recep tion committee. J. K. Merrinm, a prominent business man, presided at the meeting and in troduced Judge Pennypacker. Judge Pennypacker urged the Repub lican voters to stand by the Republican principles of tho grand old Keystone state, which had since Lincoln's time been the bulwark of Republicanism, and was now the focus of every state In the union. W. M. Crown, the candidate for lleu-tenant-governm-, paid an eloquent trib ute to MeKlnley and Roosevelt ns great exponents of Republican principles and civic virtue, and urged that the Repub lican candidate for governor of Penn sylvania also possessed those high qualities to un eminent degree. He was loudly applauded, as was Colonel Neil Anion Flood, who also spoke. Tho meeting closed with an address by Congressional Candidate. Dresser, and three cheers for the whole Repub lican ticket. The gubernatorial party will tomorrow visit 'l'ownnrtti and Ath ens. TURKISH TROOPS OPPOSED. Some Severe Fighting- in Macedonian Country Reported. lly i;.wlulve Win? front The Acoliliil I'iimj. Constantinople, Oct, SI. The Turkish foiees are encountering strong opposition in their operations lu the Kivsna Valley. A large llulgarliiti band In entrenched positions has stubbornly opposed the ad vance of the trooph, According to ofllclal infoi million tha Turks have surrounded tho llulgarlui stronghold and tho surrender of the ruvo. lutlonlsls or their dispersal is expected dally. St. Petoisburg, Oct. 21. A dispatch lo thu No von Viemva from Conslnntllioplo says tho Aruauts mo oignnlsiliis In soy iral districts of Macedonia, and conni-ins tho report that tliero has been much bloodshed along tho Kurn-.Sii river, whero several hundred men Imvu been killed or wounded, DEBRIS LEFT BY GHOULS. Police Find Collection of Body Rem nants on a Dump. Bj i:.iliihc Wire from 'Hie AutM-latdl l'rcu. Indianapolis, Oct. 21. Examination of the contents of a wagon thrown by an old negro on tho "dumps" at the edge of town hits rovi'tiled several human feet and arms and u torso, Tho theory Is that saniu one connect ed with the recent grave robberies In and around this city has taken this method of disposing of some bodies ho has had In stock to prevent detection. Tho police aro investigating. Pensions Granted. 0 rjjdiiilvs Who from The Associated t'ren. Washington, Oct. 21. Pensions granted; Moses Hnrinittoii. of Plymouth. $10; Amanda M. Snyder (widow! of Jer myn, ?S PATTISON AT BETHLEHEM. The Campaigners Are Given Hearty Oicctlngs. By Kx'lmhd Who iiutn The AiuneUtril I'rm. Rethlehcni. Oct. 21. Ux-Oovernor Robert Pattlsnu and his party of-earn-IViIgn spetikeis wero given hearty greetings throughout tlielr Journey to day. There was an overflow mass meeting at Strottdsbuig and the ex governor's speech theie was received with vigorous eheeis mid applause. All along the Journey there were brief ova tions at the several depots. It was hue when the gubernatorial candidate's special train readied South lietlllchem. After luncheon, headed by brass bands and with the .luoksonlan Democratic, club as an escort, Mr. Pattlson was driven through the principal parts of the town, hundreds parading back of him.. P. F. Knrlght, candidate for the as sembly, presided at tho opera house meeting. Mr. Pattlson was the prin cipal speaker. Ho arraigned the lust legislature as "the most corrupt ever known." He was followed by i. W. authrie, Charles J. Rellly and J. 15. Nolan. Congressman Mutehler entertained the party over night. They will leave for Reading via Allentown lu the morning. POSITION OF OPERATORS Their Attitude Expressed Clearly In tho Proposition Submitted to President Roosevelt. By Kxrlusire Wire from The AuocUtcil lre. New York. Oct. 21. The usual weekly mooting of the coal operators was held today. At its close President Baer was asked what had been done, and ho re plied: "Wo did nothing at this meet ing except discuss matters relative to litigation." Asked whether or not the operators would discriminate between the men who had remained loyal to them and those who went on strike, President Paer answered: "We expressed our attitude, very clearly in the proposition submitted to President Roosevelt. I would refer you to that In order to learn just what our attitude will be." Mr. Thomas, chairman of the Uric railroad board of directors, here Inter rupter! with the remark: "Yes. That is just what we will stand by." Mr. Baer was asked this afternoon how soon coal shipments might be ex pected here, and lie replied: "If the miners go lo work Thursday, coal can be brought here very quickly." Karlier lu the day Mr. Baer had spoken about some litigation that tho coal presidents had been considering. This afternoon he said' that the litiga tion was that Instituted by AVllIidm It. Hearst. Ho said, further, that a report had been received from nn attorney on the matter. Mr. Baer went to Phila delphia this afternoon. UNITED IRISH LEAGUE. John F. Finerty Presides Over tho Convention at Boston. Tly i:chnlu- Win- Irom The A-ociiteil 1'ii-si. Boston, Oct. 21. President .John F. Finerty called the convention of the United Irish League to order this morn ing. The report of the officers, giving a detailed account of the organization of the league, was read by Secretary John O'Cdllaghan, of Boston. From tho time of the inauguration of the league, December -1, 1901, the report showed the organization had spread with remark able rapidity. Secretary O'Callaghan rend a bulletin announcing tho ending of tha coal strike. The convention voted to send messages of congratulation to President Roosevelt and President Mitchell. The committee on credentials report ed 706 delegates at the convention. Mr. J. O. O'Connor, of Philadelphia, acting chairman of the committee on ways and means, submitted a resolution, which was adopted, that 5100,000 bo raised within the next six months for tho cause of Ireland, and that this convention pledge itself for said amount and thnt after the sum named has been raised the league- guarantees to give dollar for dollar with the landlords' fund while the struggle continues. The afternoon session of the conven tion began with speeches by John K. Redmond and Hon. Fdmtmd Blake, M. P. Sir. Redmond, after congratulating the delegates upon the success of the convention and particularly compli menting tin three officers, said: "Thu declaration of this convention has net merely been eloquent and true, but it lias been business-like, Wo know you need assistance fiom Ireland fur organizing purposes, so I have eiblrd Mr. Joseph Devlin to cnino back to America. The Irish land trust has raised a fund of If.OO.OOU to crush thu Irish National league and to drive out of public life Mr. Dillon, Mr, Davltt, Mr. U'Hiiun and myself. If sueli, a. thing was possible, what a terrible cal amity It would be for the Irish people, "You have pledged $100,000 lu six months to meet the urgent necessities of tho movement and have further pledged yourselves to give dollar for dollar on whatever sum Is put into the landlord trust. This resolution of yours will bo read with dismay In l-higlaud and Ireland, where there Is opposition to our cause," , Hon. ludnunul Blake, M. P., congrat ulated those who organized tho con vention and its oillceis. FIFTEEN HURT IN A WRECK. Louisville Express Collided with a Freight on the Southern, lly i;.ululV9 Wliv fruiu 'flic- .Wnclalol I'rvi. Knoxvllle, Teun., Oct, 21. On the Knoxvllle and Ohio division of the Southern railway, leaving this city at ? p. m. yesterday, the Louisville express train collided head-on with a height train near Coal Creek, Tenn., last night, injuring fifteen persons, three trainmen und twelve passengers. The wreck was caused by the crew of the freight train . overlooking orders. Both 'locomotives, "an express cur anil the baggage car were more or less de molished. The passengers were badly shaken up, but none was fatally hurt. BRITISH TROOPS THE STAY OF, THE TROOPS. No Date for the Recall of Guards men Has Been Fixed. Uy llxi-lmli-e Wile from The A.5oeljtCil I'mi, Harrl.'iburg, Oct. 21, "Tho troops will be kept In the coal region just ns long as there Is any necessity for It," said Governor Stono tonight, when asked when the Pennsylvania. National Chiard will bo recalled from tho strike terri tory, The governor said he could not fix any arbitrary dale for the recall of the troops, and that the generals who are on the ground will be the best judges or when It may be safe to begin tho movement of troops homeward. He also said that the troops will not all be recalled at the same time, but that tin withdrawal will be gradual, The governor today began making preparations for the taking of the vole at the November election should the troops bo kept In the strike region that long. At least some of tho commands are likely to be In the Held on election day and tho appointment of election commissioners will bo necessary for some of the regiments. "J am very glad to bear that the strike has ended; tho action of the miners Is commendable," said the gov ernor when Informed by the Associated Press correspondent of the action of the Wllkes-Barre convention. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED James Wesley and Reddick Barton the Victims of an Infuriated Mub. lly exclusive Wire front The Associated l'ic.. Hempstead, Tex., Oct. 21. After being tried wilh legal form and procedure for criminal nssault and murder and given the death penalty In each case, Jim Wesley and lJeddick Barton, negroes, late this afternoon were taken from the authorities and lynched in the pub lic square by an infuriated mob. The district judge asked the governor for troops to accompany tho negroes here from the jail at Houston. At the re quest of a large number of citizens of Hempstead, who signed a written promise to aid tho authorities in pre venting any mob law. It Is said Judge Thompson countermanded his request and the troops did not accompany tho negroes. Barton was tried first. Ho pleaded guilty to criminal assault and then to the murder of Mrs. Susan Lewis, aged 03, Sunday, Oct. 12. Tho juries In each case, on, which were several negroes, promptly returned verdicts fixing the death penalty. Wesley pleaded guilty to the murder charge, but while the second trial was going on a mob broke Into the court room and attempted to take him, having .learned that the sheriff finally bad asked for troops. The mob was dispersed and the trial proceeded, the state putting through its testimony hurriedly In corroboration of the plea of guilty.. Tho olllcers of the court sat about the room awaiting the coming of the troops, 'when there was a sudden movement on the part of several men in the room, the sheriff was overpowered and Wesley was tak en by the mob and buiried away. An other part of the mob attacked the jail and Barton was surrendered to thorn without a struggle. The two prisoners were hustled to the public square and there executed by hanging. The dale for their execution hud not been fixed and District Jiylgo Thomp son had positively refused to permit them to waive the thirty days of graco allowed thoin by law. it wus the gen eral desire that they die quickly. They are hanging tonight to the arm of a telephone pole, where only last month a negro murderer had been strung up by a mob. The town is quiet tonight. Sheriff Lipscomb was badly hurl about the back by the rough treatment of ihe mob. During, the first rush a shot was accidentally fired nnd Sheriff Sparks, of Lee county, wan wounded In the stomach, b'll was not seriously hurt. The governor was Informed of tho lynching, but as yet has had nothing to say. Reception to Mr, Mitchell. lly I'.Miluthc Win- Irnnt The Aj-ocI.iu'iI l'u'. Indianapolis, Oct. 21. A muvi incut Is under way to glvo President .Mitchell of the I'lllled Mine Workers a public recep tion lie returns here, tm days fiom now. The labor unions of tho i-lty will take the matter up. Tim president of tlu C'oiuiiieiehil club and board of Irailu h.ii signified their desire lo bring ihu propo sition belure the two civic luniks. Indictments Against Thompson. By llxi-luihe Wire fruni Tin- AnoiIauJ l'res. York, Pa., Oe. 1.'. The grand Jury to. day retilllied eight Hue bills against County Tieasurer William ), Thompson. Four urn for forgery and four for niu hczzlttiiicnl. It Is alleged that Thompson's shortage amounts to more limn $7i.v. DEATHS OF A DAY. lly li.wladve Wire fiom The Asnoilutal lrv. Stroiidsburg, Oct. 21. Walter S. Dutot, register and roeoider of Monroe county ninl a well-known Demoeratlo politician, died todu. after a lingering Illness. Thu ileccaneil was in isw elected pruthontnry and clerk ot the courts. Washington, Oct. 21. -Hi ram II, Ware, father of Pension Commissioner W'aro, died hero today uf old ugj. Tho commis. slouer and .Mrs, Waio left Washington this afternoon, accompanying the body to Fort Scott, Kan., whero tho funeral will tuku place Thursday afternoon. Kaston, Pa., Oct. 21. Samuel S. Yohe, deputy prothonotary of Northampton county, died suddenly at his homo hero today of apoplexy. Mr, Yohe hud been an actlvo Democrat nnd was well known throughout the state. He was a promi nent Mayou. IN SORE STRAITS ft Letter Irom Somallland In dicates That Tlieu Are In a Precarious Gonditlon. MEN TORTURED BY FAMINE AND THIRST Natives Deserting, and Pack Trains Dying The Communication from Private Source Shows Serious Situ ation of Remnant Band Which Confronted the Mad Mullah Sol diers Lose Heart, Feeling Aban doned by Authorities at Home. Indian Regiment Ordered Immedi ately to Africa. lly Kulmlve Who from The Associated l-re. Simla, Oct. 21, The Second Bombay Orcuitilloi-ii, stationed at Mhow, Central India, bus boon ordered to Somallland. Other troops will probably follow. Twelve olllcers and 400 men of thn Twenty-third Bombay infantry will ac company thu Second Grenadiers. The troops will sail for Somallland on Thursday. London. Oct. 21. A letter from an ofllcer belonging to the Somallland ex pedition, received here, shows that the British force Is even In a more precari ous position than has been indicated lu the ofllclal dispatches. The writer says: "No one will appreciate this business until it is too late. We are in a regular trap and bow wo are going to get out we do not know. We have had stllUsh lights and have lost many men. The worst is that our blacks arc funking and our camels have nearly all been killed or captured. "We have next to no water ami we are miles from any wells. We have no supplies and nearly no ammunition. They have captured two of our Max ims. "I do not suppose they care at homo what happens to us. It Is a brutal shame to send ns blind Into an ambush like this. I hear fresh troops are com ing up and only hope they "will come 1 from India." The writer refers incidentally to some brisk fighting which he apparently pre sumes was already known of here, and adds: "Thirty-three of us escaped. By Jove! that was a pretty affair. Wo whites stood out, but oh, well, wo have too many blacks." An ofllcer connected with the Bed Sea ports, in an interview in tho Star to day, says: "The Mullah nnd other turbulent chiefs have been liberally supplied with rllles by Americans anil tlermans, in spite of the British gunboats. The rifles supplied by the Americans were done ii) as cotton good.'. This explains tin frequent reference in consular reports to the fon'dness of the Somnlls for American calicoes and shirtings. It Is not calico he Somali wauls, but thi.' rifles Inside ilie calico." FEUD COSTS THREE LIVES. Fourth Man in Texas Fight Escapes Unhurt. , tly Kxi-lii-hr Wire fr.i.-n Ihe Ancht(il I'rMs. I'lroesbeck, Tex.. Oct. 2I.--A pitched battle was fought yesterday in thw country, four miles from here, between the Tlioinason and Itiuherl'ord I'nctlonr. The trouble grew out of rent nnd had been pending for some time. The men, two rtpresuiiultves of inch family, nut in a light at close range. U. Thomason, Itoberl ttulhcrford and William Itutherford were killed, Wal lace Thomason escaping without n scratch, lie has surrendered, but re fuses to talk about the affair, Mr. Cloveland Sends Letter, tly ll.ieluslie Wire from The Associated I'im. Xuw York, Oct. 21. It was learned to day that Tammany Hall has received a loiter fiom drover Cleveland in icspuiiu to an invitation to bo present at thn Tnmiuaiiy llnll mass maetlng tomorrow night, when IMvId Hll Hill Is to make ar address lu behalf of Bird S. I'olur. Th letter will bu read at tho mealing. Crown Prince in Philadelphia, My ll.nluthe Wire from The Aisoeiated 1'itsi. Philadelphia, Oct. 21, Tim crown prince of Slam and his party, who have been Visiting in this city sinco last ThurMlay, left for New York on-u special Pennsyl vania railroad train this afternoon. Whilu In this city, the crown prince was tha guest of William Potter, former minister lo Italy, , Steamship Arrivals, lly Dicluihe Wire from The AssocUtcd l'rej, Now York, Oct. ?l.-Chaied: Oceanlca, Liverpool; St. Louiti, Southampton: Cevlc, l.lveipool, Sailed: Krouprinz W'llhelm, Bremen. Clierboiirg-Arrlvei!s Kaiserln Mnrlu Theivsiu, New Yoilt. Uoulogno Sur Mcr Arilved; Stiiteiulani. New Vork for Uuttcidum (and procecihiO. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Local data for Octobur 21. lie.'. K Highest temperature , 17 degree I,owct teinperaturo ,,,,,,, IS degrees Itelativo humidity; b a. m, ,,,,,,.,,,,,,, ill per rent S p. m. .,,.,,.,, it percent. Precipitation, 21 huiu-b ended S p. m., none. -r- 4- -H--r-m WEATHER FORECAST. - Washington, Oct. 2t.lV.vcast 4- for Wednesday and Thursday: - -f Fastern Pennsylvania Fair and -f warmer 'Wednesday and Thursday;' -f light variable winds becoming 4. south. 4. 1