w a ? maffKt , Till!! SUKAiVJON T1UBUJNWJIKS1)A, (XTOJJEU lit, 3.1)02. .0 Ttjnr " '- r NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTORVVrLlR Bnr-lnl tn the Gem II ton Tillnmn. Fiiclnryville, Oct, 20. Attorney ami Mi?, It. f. t'ninwll ami daughter, of Scintiton, spent Sunday In low it. Hev. II. II. Smith, l' the llapllst church, l"ft Monday morning ror Groonsbttrg, to attend a religious con von) Ion. The Christian Endeavor society of tht? Baptist church will hold u cobweb pucliil In the I'hiti'Ph next Friday cvou- liu. Tlio old Ilnpllsls will hold their weekly meeting ot the residence of Mr. Rruyton, next Friday at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. ('utoror will preach. All tiro cor dially Invited. !:. .1. Middleman and Charles Ptiokrr nrp dolus Jury duty at Tiinkhiinnoek this wppk, Mr. Fuller, of I'aniptown, who has been hiifiidhifv some time with his daughter, .Mrs. M. W. Rllss, returned homo Monday. Mr. and Mi, Charles Hunt spout Sunday In Sorunton. I.. F. Cnnip, district deputy grand muster, and staff, of Tiinkhannocli, In !lu1lcd the officers of Red .Taeket lodge, No. "iL'l. Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, last Saturday evening. After the ceremonies u lunch was served and a social enjoyed. Prof. Dayton ('. Roe'dlod at his home hi this place hint Friday evening, and In his death this village has lost one of Its most highly respected lesldents, while his family suffered the loss of a kind father and devoted husband. Pro fessor Roc came to Fnotoryvllle, nnd lvns princl)al of the graded school until falling health compelled him to resign. Mr. Roe wa'5 horn in Africa, O.. forty-four years ago. lie was edu cated In the colleges of that state, and was n natural teacher and was highly respected by both parents and pupils with whom he has been associated for the past twenty-two years. He was a man of exeinplory character, and his life has been a constant benediction to those with whom he has been associat ed. Resides his widow and one son, aged 10 years, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. John DeLang, of AVaver ly, X. Y., and three brothers, Eugene and William, of Lowmtm, X. Y.. ond Charles, of Troy. Pa. The funeral was held Monday at 3 p. in., at the Metho dist church, ot which ho was a be loved member. The pastor. Rev. .1. X. Lee, officiated, assisted by Rev. .1. S. Custard, of Clark's Summit. The pu pils of the graded school and the Wo nians' Christian Temperance union attended the funeral in a body. Inter ment was made In Kvergreen cemetery. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Oct. 20. On Friday even ing' last a reception was tendered Rev. Dair and family at the Presbyterian church parlors. There was a large at tendance. Several members of other .churches were also present, and It was . very happy social time. A short pro- ;r,oinnic, consisting of a solo by Wil liam McCreary, a duel by Mrs. Fred fHerrlck and A'an G. Munger; a iiuar- tetto by aliases Loda Sloat. Cora Tiow- brldge, Lota and Ethel Simrell. Rev. Dalr then made a few remarks in well chosen words, expressing his gratitude Bn the hearty welcome he had received from the people here. The committee. lllscharged their duties adniirablv. dainty refreshments were served, but t Is needless to. praise what the Indies Ho at any of our church ontertain- "ments. The reception lasted from S to 10 o'clock and was a function long to je remembered. The ladles of the Raptlst church will ho entertained at the home of Mrs. AUIIard Decker on Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Frank Jackson nnd Mrs. V. H. Wihiiot will entertain the ladies of the Presbyterla.-i church at the home of the latetr Thursdny afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Samuel AVells is visiting rela tives in Rlnghamton. The following teachers are attending the Institute at Montrose this week: Prof. 31. W. Pease, Misses Redding, Grace Harding, Nellie Kricson, Daisy Kgglcston, Lennra Van Loen, Ida Tut- tlo. Mrs. Theodore Sprlngsteiu and son, George, of Susquehanna, wer? pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward, on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Rcnjnmin Lawrence and Misses Kdna Ward and Tllllo Fox are spend ing the week in Scranton, the guests of Miss Clara Hall, a former Hallstead young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Compton have returned to their home In Rlnghamton, after spending some time with air. Comptou's parents here. Frank Rami), of Rlughnmton, Mas a wilier In town Friday. Mrs, Edward Simons, of Hoboken, Is vlijltlng her parents here. Misses Fannin Warner, Grace and Rlnncho I.ott. Messrs. l. Warner and Lavern Lott, of Forest Rake, attended the Baptist church Sunday evening. Rufus Smith, of Rlnghnmton, was a business caller in town Monday. HONESDAL1D. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honcsdnle, Oct, 20. Reports coining from the c.imp of Company R, ut For est C'ty, s-lato the boys .ire having a inns; enjoyable time. Miss Edith Norton, ih- i-locutloplst, In very popular with Honesdnlo people. A large audience will greet her at the Raptlst church, Friday evening. Oct. 21, George Prentls, of New York city, was circulating among Honmlalo ni (luaiiitanees the past few days, Membirs of Wayne Rebekali lodge will rehears.) degree work this Tups. day evening, Tho funeral of Frank Reitcliutibaker was held at the home of his father-in-law, William Heft, on West street, Sun- The Secret of a Successful Merchant. Tho success of a merchant depends largely upon his ability to please Ids customers, in order to do so lie recuiu mends only articles which are to his knowledge most reliable. In handling medicine, this Is especially true, us peo pie desire the best preparation on tho inurket and upprechito tho recoinen, datlon ot their druggist, Here Is what V, J. Lelght. of House Springs, Mo., mys ,of Chamberluln's Cough Remedy; "lean recommend C'luiinberlaln's Cough Remedy to my customeis to bo second i hi "UrKet. For croup with children here U nothing better." For - nv ait urugcis,, ,llv; day afternoon at 2.K0 o'clock. Rev. .Taincs P. Ware outdated. The deceased was a rIuhs cutter, employed In the T, R. f'laiko & Co. shop, at Scranton, mid hud been In III health n long time, Up Is survived by his wife and a num ber of brothers and sisters. Thursday owning, Oct. 23, the ladles of flrace church will srvo tine of their popular suppers In the Sunday school loom of tiie church, At the opera house this (Tuesday) evening, speel.il engagement of Henry Watson, (Jermiiji eoniedlaii, In "Papa's Rahy." a three-act comedy from the pen of Alice Hutchlllgs, Tiie warm and peasant Sunday, yes terday, was followed by a severe thun der storm about midnight, It certainly Is not in keeping with the good name nnd widespread repu tation of Hniiesihilc, as a model town that there Is not a street name sign In the place, Xow Is the proper time for this to be done, the buildings having .lust been numbered for free mull de livery. The three streets running north 11 1 id south of (lie river have been known as Front or Flrt, Second and Third streets. These should be chnnged, The following have been suggested as new names: Maine, fur First: Church, for Second: Court, lor Third, which are appropllaie. PITTSTOX. Spo'lal to the Scranton Tribune. Plltslon, Oct. 20. Patrick MeCilnnlr, of Carroll street, aged 27 years, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGlnnls, died Saturday night, after an Illness of heart trouble. The funeral will inks place Tuesday morning. Mrs. T. II. Davis, of South Muln street, h.is brought still before Alder man Rurrelt against the Cannon Rail trolley for trespass. The company Is occupying n portion of the Davis prop erty, on South Main opposite Frolh ingliam street, and refuses to meet the demands asked by Hie owners. Rev. T. C. Rdwards, of Kingston, oc cupied the pulpit of the Welsh Con gregational church here Sunday morn ing and evening. Harry Powell, of Montgomery street. West Plttslnn. met with a severe acci dent last week at the Stevens colliery, where ho Is employed as n lire boss. He was accompanying a mule and culm car across a trestllng, when the struc ture gave way, precipitating the occu pants to the ground. The mule was In stantly killed and Powell had a narrow escape. As It was, he fell against the car and almost all the teeth in bin upper Jaw were dislodged, and the lower i i was badly torn, requiring twelve stitches. While a string of mules wore beliiy taken from the Lehigh Valley farm to the Phoenix colliery, at Duryea. Satur day afternoon, one of the animals broke away as they were passing the Lehigh Valley mountain cut-off bridge and ran directly in front of a Delaware, Lackawanna and Westprn passenger train. Tho mule was Instnntry killed. The cribbing in the shaft at Mt. Lookout colliery at Wyoming was bad ly wrecked one day last week by a peculiar accident. A small mine loco motive, which was standing on the tracks near the head of the shaft, for some unaccountable reason, moved ahead a few feet, just enough to place it on a slight Incline toward the head of the shaft. Refore the runaway was noticed, the engine had dropped down tho shaft. Tho carriage was stopped at the Marcy vein, where a platform had been erected, the bottom vein be ing unused and flooded with water. The carriage was torn, away from the cable and engine, carriage and plat form sunk out of sight in the water be low. Mrs. K. R. Lewis and granddaughter. Rattle Thomas, of Hyde Park, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lewis' sister. Mrs. J. J. Roberts, on Elizabeth street. yrcHOLsox. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, Oct. 20. Andrew G. AVal ker and others Interested in the Nichol son AVater company, were up from Scranton Monda, looking over their plant. Ernest Weaver and wife, of Scranton, spent Sunday with friends and rela tives In town. .Mrs. A. L. Stark was a caller In Fos ter Saturday. Mr. Dim Wilson nnd wife, of Scran ton, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nettie Wilson. Dr. V. C. Decker entertained Ids father and mother, of Falls, over Sun day. AUTEL. Special to fhe Scranton Tribune. Ariel, Oct. 20. Rev. air. Eggio is hold ing revival meetings at Treslervlllc and Is having good success, air. Rortree Is doing a fu.-dilng busi ness In the elder mill, Howard Swingle Is going to New York In tho rubber business as soon as the coal strike Is settled, LEDGEDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Ledgednle, Oct. 20, Mrs. Alvin RIs blng and sou, Samuel, of Scranton, wero guests of airs. Gillette Saturday nlfiht. Tito Ledgodale properly has auuln changed hands, J, 11. Becker having son i ins interest to Gllhut & Simons, air, and Mrs. Wesley AVarner. nf Chicago, 111., are visiting Uiolr nleie. .Mrs. v, R, Simons, Dr. Hill and Mr. lieyea, of Scrantnn. spent Wednesday hunting In this vicin ity. Miiuy came Tuesday evening ami wero eiiierinineii at Friend Simons.' Cards are out nnonuiioimr the com. Iiir inurrlago of ailss Eunice Kimbtn. of Paupack, and air. Joseph Slocuin, of rtcriininn. MAPLEWOOD, Special to (tie Sciunton Tribune. Muplewood, Oct. 20. The second an nuul i million of the Hell family took place tVeduiMluy at the home of .Mrs. .Mary R,.j, about one mile west of here The following olllcers were elected to tako I'liurge of tliu society for the next year, and to arrange a programme f, next year's reunion, which will lake place on Sept, 12, lDO.'i; President, G. R. Rell; secretary, e. I. Samson; treas liter, E. E. Hell, ami historian, F. R. Benjamin. The following wore nres- cut: Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and fa n- Ily. Mr. and M,. k. I V ,,.i, f ... " ,, ttld u - ;; j Ily, William Ulaek nnd family, Mrs. James lllnek nlid son Friend, Mrs. Alba ninck and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil ip Rarklow and Mrs. Caroline. Seers, of Muplcwood! F, L. Renjanilii, wife and family, Mrs. Judson Cooke and daugh ter, of Klzertown; Uenlon Rell and rnmlly, of Simon: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ensllii and family, of Vnrdenl Mr. and Mrs. William Samson and faintly, Har ry Samson, wife and daughter, E. K. Samson mid daughter, of Ariel! Mrs, Silas Long and son, of Hondley's; Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Samson and daughter, of Scranton: Mr. unit Mrs. K, R. Snin son, ot Riiuinorp. Air relatives are re quested to send or hand to the histor ian, Mr, I'1. L. tlciijiimln, a record of their family history as Soon as con venient. PL V PLIANT. Forty Hours' devotion began In St. Patrick's church Sunday morning at the S o'clock mass. Rev. John J. O'Don nell was celebrant nnd preached a short sermon on the Forty Hours' devotions. At 10.3(1 o'clock mass was celebrated by Rev. P. J, Murphy, the pastor, who also delivered an approptlate sermon. In the evening every seat was filled. Rev. Father Moylau, of Providence, preached a very earnest and Impres sive sermon. Mass was sung yester day morning at 7 o'clock by Rev. Fath er O'Donnell and at 8.110 by Rev. Michael Caw ley, of Illinois. There was another very largo attendance at the crvlec last evening. The devotions will close tomorrow morning. Misses Jennie Price and Resslc Ev ans, of Hyde Park, spoil I Sunday with Miss Mary .1. Davis, of Lackawanna Stl'Pet, Miss Xettle McDonnell is entertaining Miss Jennie Heavers, of Archhald, The Olyinpla orchestra will give a concert In Rrugler's Ice cream parlor this evening. John McDonnell, of Sunl ury, Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. M. -A. Raum sardner, of Rlakely. Miss May Gurrell, of Hyde Park, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Million at tho Million house Sunday. J. R. McHale. of Green Ridge. Is vis iting his brother, Thomas McHale, of Dunmore street. Miss Lizzie Waring, of Rloomsburg State Normal school. Is spending tine week with her parents In Rlakely. Mrs. A. W. Renscoter, of Carhondale, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Kennedy, of Rlakely. John Ralderson and Edward Hoban represented Local 17 at the Mine Workers' convention at Wllkes-Rarre ypsterd.i:'. Miss Alice Rnshleigli, of Carhondale. spent Sunday with relatives at this place. Mr. and .Airs. A. S. Jlason. of Jer inyn, were visitors In town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moon and son, of Carbondale, were the guests of .Mr. and airs. c. s. Lewsley on Sunday. John Langan, of Tunkhannock, is vis iting relatives In town. . .Miss Llbble Mills, of Providence, spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs. F. W. Simpson, of Rlakely. TAYLOK. Lost On Sunday, at Duryea camp grounds, a little boy's overcoat. Finder will please leave It at Taylor post of fice nnd be rewarded. Dr. W. L. Van Riisklrk, of Olyphant, called on relatives In town yesterday. Richard Williams, of Main street, has returned from a few days' visit with friends at Honesdale. W. II. Davenport, of South Main street, accompanied by W. II. Rlume, of Scranton, left yesterday on a fish ing trip to Pike county. Thomas Llewellyn, of Berwick, vis ited his brother, Menjamin Llewellyn, of Storrson, Sunday. James Scrivens has returned homo from Rlandberg, where he has been spending the past five months. Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey, of Pat ei'soii, X. .1., were the guests or .Mr. and Mrs. John Watklns yesterday. Miss Maud Davis returned to resume her studies at tho Rloomsburg Slate Normal school after visiting relatives in town. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Llewellyn, of T'niou street, spent Sunday as the guests of Prof, and .Mrs. M. J. Lloyd, at Prlcehurg. Miss Sarah' Samuels, has returned from a few days' visit with relatives at Wilkos-Rarre. Mr. and Mrs, Isnnc Davis and airs. Edward Davis spent the Sabbath at Olynliant. Rev. Edward Cuff, of Plttston. de livered nn eloquent sermon at the Pres byterian church on Sunday. aiessrs. Edgar Stone and Henry Reese are home from their trip to aioscnw. WAVER LY. Hurry Warner, of New York, is vis iting his parents, Captain and airs. George F, AVarnor. Edith Hallock Smith, of Ventura, California, a former resident of this place, Is visiting friends here. She In tends to remain for some time, She was an employe at C'oursen's store at Scranton at one time. Tho hotel has been sold to Mr. Kelly, of Olyphant, who Intends to take pos session the first nf November. Hutts A i'o who have been occupy Ing the brick store on Main street, has rented the store of Dr, .Mnckey, next to tho hotel, Thomas Watklns, one of the members of the strike- commission, has been a resident nf this place during tho sum mer months, Ho owns a lino residence) hero on Depot street. Miss Nettle Hallock. who Is employed In Coursen's store, Scrunion, Is home on her vacation. There Is a largo crop of apples In this vicinity which are hi good demand and bringing good prices, .Ailss Rose Johnson, ot this place, and .Mr, .Myron C, Williams, or Boston, will bo united In marriage Oct, 2S ut ,'l p. m, at the residence of, K. G. ('aipenter, A large number of Invitations are out. :k)osic. air. John M. Robertson has returned after spending a month In Scotland. Miss ainy Ruwo has returned to her home In Brooklyn, X. Y., after spend Ing a few days In town. Miss Mary Thomas, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Sunday with her parents. .Misses Ethyl nnd Blanche Tfegollas spent Friday with Mr, and airs. l G. Bull, of Sciunton. Mr. and airs. D. A. Davis spent Sun day in Lalllu. air. George llepnc, of Rlakely, was a caller In Greenwood Sunday. Five companies of tiie Eighth regi ment who have been encamped at Dur yea were moved to Parsons yesterday. aiessrs. AVilllam Heeler, of Arhansns, anil Edward Heeler, of Carhondale, were callers In town yesterday. Mr. Charles aicMIllan, of West Pitts ton. spent Sunduy at the home of air. ;1,-'-y 3. GlNGE&BREAb m any form THEATRICAL. "Darkest Hussln." Grattnn Donnelly's thrlllnp play, "Dark est Russia," was the opening offering of the Remietl-Moultnii company at the Academy last evening. The Bennett .V: Moulton ponip'iny Is one of the oldest and best repertoire organizations on the road and lias always been one of the greatest drawing cards at tho Academy, and Judg ing from last night and the advance sale for today this year Is going In be no e::-ci-lition. The scenery for last night's play was new and very elaborate. Between tho acts some very clever specialties were In troduced by the three ailteliells. MKi Grnyce Beube. John P. Powers and Da Lisle the juggler. Tonight they will pro sent "Oulcasts nf Society" and (his after noon "A Daughter of the South." Fine Entertainment at Dixie." The andlenc" at DlNle's theater last evening was placed In a -ery happy frame of mind by Hie humorous features or tliu programme presented. Ascott and Eddie, who opened the bill with an acrobalii: number were well received. Miss Eddlo Is a handsome young woman and a won derful dancer as well as iicrobnl. Charles Hartley, tin- Sir.iiifcui ventriloquist, sq.--taineil his reputation as an onterlainer and save an excellent act. Rllgeiie O'lloillke. the feature of the programme, met the expectations of hhj admirers half way and gave no exceed ingly funny peiformanee in the rendition of "Parlor A." Mio fnrrlngton and com pany presented a bit from "Cannon" that was highly appreciated by the music lovers in the audience.' Tho three Rio brothers gave a inagnlll- cent di-splay of physical development, and astonished everyone with their wonder ful maneuvers rn iho stage. Carletun and Terry, a duo of very clever Manors and comedians, held the audience, fur la teen minutes, their work is excellent. Tho souvenir photographs which wore promised in those attending the perform ance last Saturday will mil he ready fur delivery until Thursday at l.::u instead of Tuesday as promised. The photograph was taken by Mr. Dillon and In order to have It satisfactory the delay has been necessary. Slssou and Wallace appealed in place of an act aiauager Dixie took out of Iho bill that did not prove a success at tho matinee and a new act will take Its place touigh. Eose Sydell's Company. Tile Iioso Sydell company drew crowded houses at the Star theater yesterday af ternoon and evening In tho musical ex travaganza entitled "Tho .Mauled Mash ers." Tho Itose Sydell company is larger and better this year than ever and gave the best performances seen at the Star yesterday. Tho organization Includes ISena AYnsli burn. Sissy Grant and other well known stars of the burlesque. The specialties weio unusually good. Anderson and Wallace, who gave, n In lei" season of tho "leglllmato, were loiidlv applauded, and tho Rell brothers outdistanced Iho aver age freak musical artist. A pleasing num ber was the series ot living pictures pre sented by Ruth Denver & Co., which wero the most artistic and accuriiti' of any over seen at Hip Star. CNsy Grant and Bona Washburn brought down the house In iho "l!ll Dalloy" song nnd oilier amusing nets wero given by Cninpboll and Webor, Gihnore and Celesti, James Lo Clair. The Sydell show will appear at the star today and tomorrow nftoruoon and even ing. "The Emerald Isle." Miss Helena Frederick, Kate Condon, Amelia Fields and Edna llurd, mislaid tho principal femluluo roles of "The Em erald Isle," tho last opera of Sir Arthur Sullivan, which Comedian Jefferson Do Angells and his opera company nro to pre sent hero on Tuesday ovcnlng, Oct, 2S, nt the Lyceum. Miss Fredei Ick Is the pi linn donna, ailss Condon tho character Ingenue, .Miss Fields AkVlKfav yJMjn JT.U. iTM.'IWI I' .'m'JU'Jil I "Goes" J K There's none wasted It's If El too good to be wasted ffl H when it's made with Duff's 1 J REFINED I W Tho purest nnd nwootcst that gj M rnu ho bought. Hold lu plain M jjS top or Bercw cap emu. ui k3 At grocery utorcx. M f M'tsoNS' g request. -sZ Pittsburg. B PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES,-Cut out tho pictures appcarlns on this pace each day, draw a pencil mark uioiuid tho hidden object, tuvo Ilium until Sutuiday, then sond them or tnko thoni to Tho Tribune ofllco hi tin envelope addrooacd to "I'uzalo Department." Enclose In the envelope your name, ago and nddiess. Tho boys and girls who conectly mark the n pictiuos appearing during tho week, and whoso answers nro first received, will have their names published lu Tha Ttlbuno Monday morning. ammsMvr mnajtactrttat nwiciu.' JL. tvKMU I .KSfiKMSiH i adHP r-yjp--.. -iiivllUimm i lim mm-. MU '.' F.'JIT'iV. i V" r'IP.fM "V "31 i ----V.'u .1 'J7r?r " iwwrm -HV, till l V-Jtv.Fc Jf5"lC' SJ'1WI?;J.'i2S5Tiv&It3- Do you see the two THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOR ItE.VT Furnished house; ton rooms; steam healed; centinlly located. 81'.' Madison avenue. FFItNISHKD HOI'SR for Iho winter; very desirable, Green Itldgp. Address Box fie. Tribune $18 For Rent Ton-room house; eNcelleiit neighborhood; all model n Improve ments, on avenue. Apply lo R. P. Ham ilton, 42i' Sprtico street. For Stile. FOR SAI.E-Soconil hand Hrewslor tiroghntn, stool Hies; owner has no place to store. Lewis R, Morton, IIS Hitchcock court. FOR SALM-One hot air furnace, throe mantel ami gas chnndelli rs, Chnrlu D. Sanderson, 1.1R Wyoming live, Scranton, FOR SALK-Uno hot air furnace, three mantels, gns chandeliers. Charles 1). .Sanderson, ISO Wyoming avenue, Sornn Ion, Pa. FOR SALK About 2(1 feot nf desk coun ter, surmounted with I'lnsa front and two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves under neath, atny be soon nt the office of Tho Tribune. For Sale or Rent. FOR SALE OR 'ltI5NT-The K-story brick building, with boiler house attached, and long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; nlso ralliond switch suitable for ninnufnclurlng pin poses; lately occupied by tho Clock Tobacco Co. R, M. AVInton, Room No. .TO, Mears Riilldlng. Lost. LOST Seller dog, white with brown spots on head and body. ?M reward for re lorn to room IL', Williams building, oppo site postoflko. Rooms and Board. PLEASANT rooms with board lor four or live young men. Inquire ;!::' Wash ington avenue. the contralto, and Miss Hurd the coin cdlenno of the cast. STAGE NOTES. Edward Potter, half brother of Hlsbop Henry C. Potter of New A'ork, has com posed an opoia entitled "Rdltns." .lames T. Powers will star lu a new play In November. The action Is placed In Pnils and Turkey, and portrays the adventures of tin American student. Mr. J'atrlcl: Campbell Is reported to have secured a new play from Herte Thomas, with the tllle, "Frailly." It will soon be presented In New Voik. A companion play lo "The Count of Aloiite Crlsio." entitled "llnydoe, Coun tess of Monte Cri-lo," has been written and will be prosi nted by Charles 13. Hl.iney. Charles Warner, who Is reported to have had a run of ') nights III London in a melodrama entitled, "Drink." Is to come to t his country for a lour with the same play. A report comes from New York lo tho effect that the Rogers Hrotliprs will be permanently located In that city after this season, and will pu-sont burleque on the lines of Weber & Field-. Charles llawtrev follows lu the foot steps of Wilson Harrctt and almost ab solutely reluses to maid- a curtain speech, claiming that his action in so doing tends to destroy the illu-iou he is endeavoring to culistiiicl. Fay Davis, who has played leads in London Willi George Alexander, l.'lmrks AVyndhani and other prominent aeiors, will be William Fnversham's leading l.ulv when ho opens his season In Now Yo'fc. Wanted Him Promoted. At a dinner party some weeks ago Hlsbop Farley, the newly chosen arcii blshop of New A'ork, irlaled tin- follow ing story: "It was shortly after I had been made vicar general or monslgnor I do not remember which when an aged Irish woman encountered me on tho street. She was a good old soul and hud been a member of our pailsh church for years. Grasping me by the hand, she re marked: "Oh. father, and suro Iho Lord bless you; 1 hear ihey gave you n rise. 1 replied that her iufnrmnilnn wns cor rect. 'Well,' she responded, 'an' I'm pleased for that; It's yourself thai do serves Hie rise.' I thanked tho good wo man sincerely, and was about to leave her when, btlll holding my hand, she ro innrkcd: 'And nil 1 hope is that the next ilse they give you will be to heaven.' " New Voik Plmos, Entirely Too Large. He wandered from end to end of tho postolllco corridor, his clothes, stop, face, eyes, timidity nil foreign. In his baud was u postal card. Refore every slol for Hie receipt of mull mailer he lingered lo read the enameled legend. Finally ho said to Homebody, the first man that happem-d to appeal to his yearning through more physical sympathy: "i have postal cart to post, but there Iss no plane, l'lcace Intorm, This say 'For let ters only,' and this 'For paper mid pack ages only,' and lids 'For city letters, and this 'For domestic loiters,' and lids 'For outgoing foreign letters,' unit so forth, but whero Iss one lo drop I lie postal cart'.' Iss there no plazeV" When sot right ho remarked: "Ah, this country Iss loo great to lake nollzo of so small mat tor as postal curt!" Now York Press, wtmmx mnt wijf i' Jki u ' jfgaw wu &u-mi S9y. i,Mjm'r Arctic explorers? No Order Accepted for Lcsj TIiiiii 11) (Jonts. Branch WANT Officas. Want Advertisements Will 33o Received nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALHEItT SCIH'LT.. comer Jlul berry street and Webster live. at'HTAV PK'IIHL, U'iU Adams uvciHin. West Side RICO. V. JR.VIC1NS. Main avenue. 101 South South Scranton FRED L. THltPPU, 7:9 Cedar avenue. North Scranton CIRO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avoniio ami Market street. ' Green Ridge CIIARI.HS P. JONHS, 1557 Dick- son avenue. F. J. JOHNS. P-0 Green Rldgo street. C. LOUKN.. corn"!- Washington nveuno and Marlon street. Petersburg W. It. KNEPI'HU 1017 Irving n von lie. Dunmore .1. O. HONK .: SON. Help Wanted. AVANTED-Agcnts lo sell tea and cof fee to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co.. ;ill Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Mole. WANTRD-Mcn with lig to introduce Monarch Poultry AlKtuie; Ji'O weekly and expenses; year's contract; weekly pay. Address with stamp. Monarch atfg. Co., Rox 7LM Spilugllold, Illinois. WANTED Walter nt St, Cloud Hotel. WANTED Forty men at Tohyhniui.i, Pa., to work on guiding for u rail road iiwltch and clearing n piece of wood land. Call at li'M .Mears building. Tohy haniin Creek Ice Co., C. ('. Porber, treas urer. Help Wanted Female. 'PI DA", pKpeilciiPed gill wanted in fanill of two. Apply (ilG Spiuee. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent tor this county. ?o books. Insurance, or canvassing. Ac (iiiiiiutnnce with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Rood. State ns;e, experience, loforenees first let ter. Address, Suite ',7L', No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. EXPEIilBNCF.I) bookkeeper wants situ ntion. Thoroughly competent; high est references; fair stenographer. Ad dicss E. A YOI'NC, lady with live years- experi ence as Mtenimnipner, typewriter, cor- .-uit,wtri, I ,i,l i.tiultl,.,. Ill 11 I.'II'L... nflll.P. desires n position In Scranton about Nov. ist. Exii-lleut refeienccs lurnlshol anil competent faithful services guaranteed. Address II. N., care TrllituiP ofllco. LADY would like dressmaking or plain seeing; thoroughly competent. liSI Lee court. Real Estate. FOH1kTlEAT "sACiUFICE-New 11 rooni house; modern Improvements; steam heal, gas and electricity; elegantly Mulshed Intel lor; ten minutes' walk from City Hall: tonus to suit purchaser; would also soil household goods. Address box PS, Tiihune ofllco. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SFACLDINC. C. l. ASi Trudcrs' Rank Rulldiug. Old 'phono 1SG. Architects. FREDERICK L. IIROWN. ARCIf""lTi Real Estate Eschango Illdg., L'.j Wash ington avenue, Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, Mf, C'ONNELI. URDU, STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 7SS CO.V noli iiiiiiuiug. Dentists. DR. C. U. ElLENBI5ItlR5R. PAULl biillillng, Spruco street, Soriiuton. DR. C. (.'. LAIMIACH, 115 WYOMING nvu Fire Insurance. SCIILAGER & CO., HI Council Building, Patent Attorneys, PATE NTS V,',S The only licensed and ciiulppud patent solicitor In the city. No chargo lor In formation 011 p'ltcnlahllhy, ovor ten years' o:ipcrlouco. Rcplu.lo & Co., Mears llhlir. Hotels and Restaurants. .ill!.-; I'il.iv i.-.M'i.-, i.m AU 12, FRANK. lin 11 venue. Ralci. utisimnhlu. i-. y.u-.uumh. I'roprioior. SCRANTON HORSE. NEAR D.. .. & Passenger ilupol. ('onducteil on ihe I5u lopeiiu plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. li. RRICIGS CLEANS I'RIVV VAFLTS and cots pools; no odor; only liupiinvil piuiipn used. A. It. Rrlggs. prnpiloior. Leave oua-rs RiV) Kin III -Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, corner Admin, and Mnlhciry. Roth telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'RTTlTi.. REAR .111 LACKA, nve.. Scranton, nifrs. ot Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGARI1EE RHOS.. PlIINTUItS' HIP alias, envelopes, pupor bugs, twine. Wuivhouse, 130 WaBhlnijton avenue. S DESIRABLE VJ . ' ACREAGE 'LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS I NEAR THE MAMMOTH j mmm steel h AND TWO BEAUTIFUL PARKS. I .GE0.T. ROBINSON,,. . O J2 Erie Co. Bank Blig., .- Buffalo, N.Y. tC" c-irr v nnwi DIRECTORS yir "e business oram mm Only Half a Cint a Worl. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WnwATTTRUJKMH "wi tit.' . ,ollt ilmtiy. WHto for our special mar. kct letter. Free on application. 8. M. Hlhbnid & (,'o members N. V. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, H nnd Rro.idwny, Now York, Rstnbtlslied 1S0I. Long DMnnro 'Phnno .ts? Rroad. Money to Lean. ANY A.MOt'NT OF .MONEY To t.n.w.. Quid.-, sti night loans or Riilldlng and Loan. At Honi I to 0 per cent, Call on N. A'. AValkgr. nii-sir, Council hnlldlnsr. Miscellaneous. TIII3 '.MOREL' ' LAUNDRY,' "Dtunnore launders shirts nt So. each ami collaia nnd cuffs at Hie. each. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnre, Lncknwnnnn nnd Western. In Effect .Tune I, lo2. J inlns leave Scranton for Now York At 1.;,o. y.y), u.u.", 7..V) and 10.10 a. m.; 12.R, ...10. II.Sj ). hi. .'or Now A'ork and Phila delphia 7.50, lo.ll) n. m., and IL'.lo and v.M '.'.- UJ-. lt,v Uouldfiboro At 0.10 p. in. For Hurraln-l.l,,, i;. ud !M) n. m.j l.f.,1. ..',0 and 11.10 p. n-. For Hlnghamton, Rimini and way sta.tlons-10.LV, a, in.. 1.05 p. m. I'm- Oswogo. Syracuse and lTllcn-1.15 and "i i1:..1"-' ''"'' P- '" Oswogo, Syraouso nnd t tlc.i train nt (i.!-.' a. in. dally, oxcotit Sunday. j.'r Mnntroso-n.OO u. in.; I.O'i iu,u tin1) P. in. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and (i.ifi p. m. Rloomsburg Division For Nortluimbor land, at i!!)5 nnd lo.li) a. in.; l.Ki nnd (1.10 ": ."'aJ01' Plymouth, at S.10 n. m.j a.10 and flon n m. . Sunday Tr.t'us For Now A'ork. 1.S0. 3.20. '; Hi. 10.10 a. ni.; II.IO nnd 3.K5 p. in. For MillTalo lib unil H.2J a. in.; l.W. 6.fi0 and 11.10 p. in. ,-,. Eimh-.i and way statlons iV ' a-'". For Rliurhamton and way sta tions, am a. iii. llloomsburg Dlvlslon Leavo .Scranton, 10.10 a. in. and 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect June 13, 190".'. Trains Leave Scranton For Philadelphia and New York via T). & H. R. R.. nt at 7.11. through Parlor Car and pay Conch Curbondiilo to Now A-orlc and !).!, n. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon diilo to I'hlladelphla. and 2.1S, 4.2.1 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.1!) p. m. Huu dnys. D. & H. R. n 1.5S. fl.17 p. m. 1'or Whit" Haven. Hazloton nnd princi pal points In tho coal regions, vin D. & IT. It. It.. 7.11, LMS and va p. in. For Potlsvllle, 7.11 a. in. For TJethlplioni, Enston, Heading. Hav ; sburg and prlnclpnl Intermediate sta tions, via D. & II, R. R 7.11, 0.17 n. m.; J.1S, 4 ::., (Hlack Diamond Express), 11.49 p. "'- Simdnys, D. ,t II. R. R., 9.GS a. m.; 1..5. 0.17 p. in. For Tunklinnnock, Townnda, Elmlrn, Jtlincn, Geneva r.nd principal lntermedlnto stations via D.. L. & W. R. R., 0.33 a. ni. and 1.1m p. ni. For Reiicvn, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. &. H. II, IJ.. I2.ft p. m.; a.28 (Black Dlamniul Express). 10.41. 11.43 p. ni. Sun days. D. & II. n. R R'.o;!. 0.17 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh A alley Parlor cars on all trnms betwoon A ilkes-Ilarro and Now A'ork. Philadel phia, HulTnlo and Suspension Bridge. ROLL1N II. AVILDUR. Gen. Supt., l."l Cortland street. Now York. CHARLES S. LER. Gon. Pass. Agt., 21 Cortland street, New A'ork. A W. NONEMACIIF.R. Dlv. Pass. Agt.. South Rcthlehoni. Pa. For tickets nnd Pullman resovvatlona apply tn city ticket otllce. C9 Publlo Sipicro, AA'llkes-Rnrre. Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September Hi, 111!).". Stations In New A'ork, foot LlDf.rty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for New A'ork, I'hlladelphla, Easton, llothlehom, Alien I town. Mauch Chunk, White Huvon.Ash lev. Wilkes-Rnrre and Plttston at 7.:;fl a. in., 1 p. ni. and ) p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton T."o a. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila delphia with only one cliango of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all principal pants south and west. For Avoca, Plttston and AVIlkes-Barrc, 1 n. m. and J n. in. Sunday. 210 n. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., i.;.n n. m. una i p. in, For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentowu at 7.30 a. m., I p. m, and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tninnoua and Potlsvllle, 7.D0 a. m.; 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. in. For rates nnd tickets apply to agent at station. W. C. RESSLER, Gen. Manager. C. M. HURT. Gen. Puss. Agt. Pennsylvania Eailroad. Schedule In Effect Juno 10, 1902. Trains leave Scranton G.US u. in., week days, through vestibule train from Wilkes-Rnrre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via I'otts vIIIp; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Siinbiiry. Ilnr risliurg. I'hlladelphla, Ralthnore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. li.lT a. ni.. week days, lor Sunbury. llnr rlsburg, Philadelphia, Raltlmore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 1.R p. m., week days, (Sundays. l.:,S p. ni.). for Sunbury. llnrrlshurg. Philadel phia, Raltlmore. Washington and Pitts burg nnd tho AVest. ;!.2S p. m., week days, through vosfibulo train from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman hurfot parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Potlsvllle. Stops at principal buermedl alo stntlons. , l.u."i p. m., week divs. for Rnzleton, Sun bury. Ilnrrisliuig, I'hlladelphia nnd Pltti- l""K' J. R. IIU'I'CIHNSON. Gen. Mgr J. R. WOOD. Gen. P.is.. Agt. Delaware ond Hudson. Ill Rll'ect .lllllo 10. WO.1. Trains for Cnrbondnlo leave Scranton nt 0. ii. 7,;;i!, s.iiii, lO.lii a. ni.; 12.01, 1.1:, 2.11. ;i.r.i;, n.29. o.2", s.2i, u.i.i, 10,01 p. m.; 12.1s. I.M a. 111. , , ,,,.. For Itoncsuun nn. i.i.i a. in,; ;.u nun r. "0 n in. f...... H'IO.'rta.ll.. IT.- C..1. II. S. II. 0.17. i.'.'i, 1.3.1, a 10, in.ra a. 111.: 12.0.1. 1.12. 2.1s, I' 1,1 , ,. v r . ' V" 1- 7. tS. 10.11, 11.1.1 p. in. For L. V. It. n. Polnts-7.lt. D.I7 11. m. 2.1S, I.3.". and 11.10 p. 111. For Pennsylvania R. R. Pohits-0 31 9.17 11. m.; 1.12. e-s ami 4.X. p. ni. For Albany and all points north 7.S1) a. ni. unit :i.oii p. ni. ni. ami .1 s,,NnAY TRAINS. For Carbondiilc S.W, 11.3.1 a. m,; 2:11. ,1...il. n.52 nun n-u !' For Wilkes. I1iirre-f.:is a. m.; 12.03. l;v, .1.2S. il.f.2 nnd 0.17 p. 111. . . For Albany nnd points north 3.10 nj.m For Honesilalc-S.V) a. m.; 11.31 anil?,1,",l ''w'l.. PRYOR. D P. A . Scranton. a Erie Rnlh'oatl4Wyonitaf viglori. In RfiVel Hemi'iniii-r li. i!'o.. ',- Trains leave Scrnulon for New York, Ncwbiirgh and Intetnicdlate points, al-i for llavlev and local ntallon at 7.:o a. in. nnd I 3.1 p. 111. For lloucil.llo and Whlto Mills nt ,UJ Tifilns arrive at Soranton a! 10.3? n.'m. nnd '.Ml i. in. New York, Ontario and Western. Time luble ill cltcct Sunday, Sept. 23, tvi. .NOR'lll IIOIND TRAINS. ow Lciivo Leave Aii'fvn Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cndosli. No. 1 No. 7 ,ii.;ji 11. in. 11 1011. 111. l.nop.-.m . t; m p. in.Ar.t'ntboiidalo 0. tc,il't SO FT I I jiurrw1, 1 . I.eaVu Leiivo Am-li-n Trolns. CiuUwIn. Curbouduio. Scr.uilon. No. O.-IOii. 111. ".-' ti( in. No. 2 ...... 2.1 p. in, l.iKlp. tn. I. lip; 111. Sl'NDAYS ONLY. NORTH ROIND. l.cjivo J.ifiuii Arrivi Trains. Scranton. CurbomlaK'. Cadoila. No. a 8.30u. ill. D.lOli. 111. 104."m"jn. No. 5 i.H)p. m.Ar.CiirboHdnlu MSiMii SOI'TIf IIOI'ND - Leave I.eavo Arflv 'Plains, C.idosla. f'arbondaU'. Scranton. No. 1! li.loa. in. 7.21 ii; 111. No.pl 1.30 p. 111. Uu:p.m. li.I'ip, m. Trains Nos. 1 u cc; days, 11ml 9 nil Suiulajs i-nimci-i for New York city. Mid. illolown, Wnhon. Niu-wk-li. Oneida, Os wego and all iiolnl west. Trulu No. , with "Quaker City .-ft, press'' at Sera 11(011. via C. 11. jt. of N. .1 . for Philadelphia:, Atlantic City.- Raltlmoro' Wnshhigtoii and I'eniisylvqnla statj points. See tlmc-tnlilo and consult ticket agents for connections wllh ollior lines. J, C. ANDERSON. G. P. A.. New York. J. B. WELSH. T. I, A., Scranton, Pa.