The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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All About Eyes
I Because I have many Inter
estinjr thhiRS to tell my tentl-
I era about eyes nml my optical
business, which win uenent
both. I can tell hundreds
through these columns, where
I could tell one by word of
Suppose you make n resolu
tion to read nil my nds during
the present yenr.
I will try to make them In
teresting, and guarantee to
give you n few hints which
will bring you better eyes if
you but heed my words.
rDr. B. A. Baerl
Eye Specialist. I
331 Washington Ave.
County Savings Bank
and Triisf Company,
506 Spruce 5troet.
in Sums of
and pays 3 per cent, in
terest thereon.
Jd. A. WATB.ES, President.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres.
: A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Wm. P. Hallstend, 'Kverett Warren,
K. P. Kingsbury. jAusnst Jtoblnson,
O. S. Johnson, i.los. OThien,
L. A. Wutres.
jfl $"$
.1 I .
ctesesiiK t 6 wTv " ff
h-.f m vj-ififv i "
Look Pleasant! Von can't help
showing a plettmint expression when
you come to Inspect our hoimIs hi Wall
I'.iper Shade unit J'.ilnts. Our ooils
me now and up to dale.
J'lctuie and Picture J''rnincs in all
styles and sizes.
We Frame. Picture ut Factory
Jacobs & Fasold
209 Washington Avenue.
Opposite Court House.
Y "They Draw Well."
g Morris' Magnet Cigars g
X The best valuo for S cents. A
V Try ono nnd you will smolce no A
. m i uutub tJllIl(J3 IJL ,MT. W
WPfftrs at J1.75 per lior, or 0 for 23c. A
TnllfiniAU In rrrrn
t.a arm y
The Cigar Man
A 825 WashinErton Avenuo.
In and About
The City
Meeting of Board of Charities
Tlio Board or Associated C'huiltles of
Scranton will meet thlH ovoiiIhk at S
o'clock, In tho postmaster's room, Port
ofllco bulldlntr.
Cottoge-Prayer Meeting.
The Christian Workcth' l.euKiie will
hold a cottaee prayer mpatini; at tho
homo or Mrs, Aco. MW WyomhiK avenue,
t on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at S p. m.
Evangelistic Meeting.
The central Woman' t'hrlMlun Ttiu
perancti union will have an evangelistic.
ineetliiK this afternoon at : o'clock In
fJuernsey hull. Mrs. Kmlly lllorus,
, Disorderly Conduct Charged.
Annie Prank, of Oakford court, had
I.IzhIo Williams arralKind beruru Alder
man noddy last evenliiK on the cluunn
of disorderly conduct. Kite was lined $:.'
and costft-.
vv . Oiammar A Examinations.
; rixanJln.atlniiK ut llraninii'r A iiuplls
' fOcKllu,- admittance to the IIIkIi schniil
Will bit held on tint fnllowlny: dates; ()e.
tciCr .') and .11. December II and 12. Kch-
ruqry ): and v'u, April 2 and S, and June
11 and K.
Mathlas Stipp Exonerated.
Tim coroner's vetdlet In tho case of
, Charles 11. Kmltli, who was killed on the
Kilmer ImlmliiK, at UliiKhanitmi, N. Y.,
wau that he caia.i to his death by dl.
obeylnu oideis mid thiiiugli Ms own iufc'
llfe'ence. This verdict exinicruteb Muthlus
; Sllpp, hh supeiliitendcnt, and workmen
i from nuy blame In the death of air.
! Deserted in Dakota,
Daniel Murphy, of Stoao avenue, who
w.ib arrested by Patrolman Penile San
day nlslu, on the charge of having de-
1A f
Zll'f J" II iJrf i -? tin
VT.rV - iff
iHktSs i
sorted the United Htntcn unity, will lie
turned over to tlio fnltoil Stilton mill,
tnry nntlinrltles today. It It likely he
will lio tulteu In itovertinr'a Island, tin
wan 11 member or (Jnnipitny II, IJlKlith In
raiili'. stiillomit tit Kttrt 'I'oxic, North
Dnltntu, ut tin) time of III ilonei'llnn,
April 1:1, Wl.
Liederkranz Minstrels.
'l'ln Keinnlnu l.lcilcikruii?. .MlnxIrelM
will ulvc ierfortnhnee 011 Wednesday
unit 'I'liUl'ediiV vi'iilliir. th'ttilier 211 nml i.
'I'lleJ llclll lllell' tll'Fl llri'HH II'llOIII'HIll lnt
ipnltiKi with 11 full iittendiinee, Tioltelo
fin tin) iieifninntnee cnii bo I1111I from any
of ilio momlierx nf lliu noelely, mid uleo
ut tin' fntlowliiK htiMlni'fM ptuepMS Heinii
ton House, .louklnn' eliiur store, l.oftiis'
ilniK stole, Xrnl:r'K hotel, .1. V, Vuliren
holt, Ni-w WS'iiinlnu hotel, K'rimii'r
niolhciy, t.lmliMi Imlfi'iy, I'ltelp.s' diua
!liiri', ltnlirviHii',M liiiltery.
Council Committees Pass on Bills
and Other Matters of Interest.
Till.' finance cnlntlllllee of common
fiiutii'll met In tin; city elerk'n olllce
Inst cvi'iiliiR and considered several ur
illnniiui'H now pending In I'Ottui'll. They
approved the ordinance IncreusdtiK the
i.'liy clerk'H .-alary 5.".00 a year, and the
assistant city clerk's salary V) a
year. The former now receives jl.Sini,
mid the latter Sl.'JOO,
Tin city contrnllor's eoniinunleatliiii
relative to the iitircluiFo of feed for
horses by the department of public
surety, was referred to the city solicit
or for mi opinion, The conlrollei' de
Plres that ii conlruct he entered Into
liy the director when ptirchmdnir sup
plies. The ntiilltlng coinnilttee of coniinon
council also met lust night and passed
favorably on all bids presented, These
Include the pay rolls of the street de
partment tind supplies fur the depart
ment of public safety.
Expired From Heart Failure During
a Bicycle Trip Over the Elm-
huist Boulevard.
W. Ci. Wilson, iicciitmtaul In the of
llce ut' Superintendent 10. ,M. Itlne. of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern llailroud company, died suddenly
yesterday afternoon while bicycle rld
litff mi tile lOlinhurst boulevard with his
wife. He hud been a sufferer from
heart trouble which was the cause of
his death.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left their home
at 417 Vine stieet shortly after noon,
to enjoy a. bicycle trip over the lOlin
hurst boulevard. They hud reached a
point above the bridge crushing the Kile
railroad tracks, and were walking up
the hill when suddenly Mr. Wilson re
leased his hold on bis wheel and fell
over, uyiiiK: almost Instantly.
Mrs. Wilson was alone with her dead
husband for some time, when parties
drlvllIK ll.V came to her usslshnwr. nml
helped remove the body to a doctor's
otlice on Mulberry street, but life was
extinct and he could do nothing, Ku
neral Director ltatib was summoned
and the remains were removed to de
ceased's residence, on Vine street.
Mr. Wilson was born in Milford, N. J.,
and enteted the employ of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany as a messenger boy when but 1."
years of age, and had been with the
company continuously up to noon yes
terday, when he was granted permis
sion to lake the nrternoon off. He was
."I years of age, and is survived by his
wife, one sister, Mrs. William ?till
well, and one brother, Martin Wilson.
The funeral will be tiunonucvil Inter.
U'mlcr this heading short letters of in
terest will lm published when hccoih.
panied, for mibiieatlon, by the writer's
mime. The Tiibtme dues not usmiiiir re
sponsll'illty for opinions heie expressed.
A Challenge to the Correspondence
( Kdltor ,.f The Tilbuiic
hlr; lo illu-triite the nieilioils of ad
vertising UM'd by the ('orie.jpiiMibiieo lc
stitute of Ann rlc.i. w lil.-li Is said In le- a
fraudulent Institution, l.n-atnl in the
Meats bnll.lliii.'. and whose ollleers.'
Mes7ts. Alt. !'. Clink l.uiiH r ad. I'on-
r.ul J.otK and William M. Il!ii(;lium. w.-io
aire-ted WeilneMliiy on the charge i f
frailiillleiit use of the malls. I deeiiv I,,
call yiiuc atteiitlnu i,, Hie r.illowlng e.
tracts from the advertisement
of this Institution In the October Hiicich:
1. "The fiillowiug iimioiiiieeineiil uf o'lr
courses fur spare time study will appeal
to you:
"Comphtc caricature, newspaper, maga
zine, and commercial illustrating; uilvei
tbemerit wilting and niiiiingeiueiit; luiu
itfillsm (including practical iiewsoaper
wotk and short story wrltlngi: pioor-
ending. Iiookkeeplng and business
molliods, stenography, and a comprehen
sive course In practical eleelilelty.
"ICaeh of thesu eimrses repies.-nt a
separate depaitnienl by Itself in oar in
stitution: In fact, each cmir-e occupies an
entire floor."
There are seven courses mention, il n
thu foregoing statenieui.
I cli.illeiiKc .Messrs. Clark. Conrad,
Lota and lllnttham to prove that the i.'oi
respondence Institute occupies seven en
tire Hours, to locate lliein speeltleally aril
gle tlte number of peuple eniploved on
each Hour.
L'. "Ill hlUldlells of lilies We are iiIi'h
to place stuilenl- lu good paying posi
tions as llhtslratiils befmu they have
evi'll completed the emu tie."
I chaleue Messrs. t'laiU. Cnurad,
l.otz and liluKhaui to publish lu The
Tribune tomorrow a list of ntil.v one bun
dled imiueri (with aihlivsscsi of students
of the Correspondence In-tllute of Ameri
ca that have lieeit placed liy (Ms Instil t
thin lu "Coml paying positions as illus
trators befoie they have i ven completed
I ill. li.UIVUl. M
!!. "Ail.-Wllti'lh make i.-o.el liumee
Salalles range from $"1 to J:ui a wiek, ;
and we Know of man vacancies whiclt
cannot be tilled, for the lack of enmp''
tent men."
I challenge Messrs. Chirk, Coiirud.
Lou and IliiiKham to publish III The
Trillium tomorrow a list of ten Mich
I. "I could send vim the names of
thousand, of other artists who me re
ceiving Instruction from iw and are also
receiving monthly cheeks froni our nibs
I challenge Messrs. f'laik. Conrad,
l.otz and nhlgham lo show the editor of
Tlio Ti Ilium one hundred cieeks-.much
less thousands that have been sent to
students of the Correspondence. Institute,
la payment for dc-iuus. drawing or lllns.
(rations thai have lieeu purchased from
llieui 1 1 lie sludciiui by the Correspond
ence Institute. The addresses must also
be given, for verllleatlon.
."."'Our Institute has. furthermore,
opened an extensive employment depart
incut In New York ,.iy, consisting of a
huso hitlle or olllces at 1M Na.sau street,
with competent men in charge."
I ch.illcnce Messrs. Clutk. Conrad,
Lou ami Dlnsham to publish In The
Tribune tomorrow thu exact number of
olllces occupied exclusively in this "large
suite" by tho Correspondence Institute,
and to state the number of employes In
the ''large suite." I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Milton M. Hitter.
7U LUuJtu St., Scranton, Pa., Oct. 17.
Wns Highly Interested in All That
She Saw There Much Pleased
with the Langungo Department.
This Is the Sixth Year Thnt Sem
brlch Has Visited Americn, and
She Declares That It Is the Most
Wonderful Cottntiy In the World.
We Do Marvelous Things.
Maditinc Seinbilcli, who will slnpr tt
nlght Ml the Armory, arrived yesterday,
nml Is with her hnshaiid at the Jcrinyu,
Scriinton N favored In having within u
year three or the Ki' sIiikpi's llv
InjT Nordlca, Seliiunalin-Heliik and
Senibrich. rt Is it wonderful thing to
liear her, as we shall tonight. In the
greatest programme that lias even been
given here.
She is the bijou songstress of all
opera stars, and besides this she Is it
joy forever in her personality and
character. Perhaps in no possible way
could her eliann have been so evident
as in her visit to the International Cor
respomknee Hehools yesterday.
It was liy her own desire that she
took a tour over the great building,
and her enthusiasm regarding what
she saw was beautiful to witness. She
wanted to know all about It, and her
(Uicstions were intelligent and inter
esting. What most seemed in excite
her delight wns the number of young
women she saw, "And such nice girls:
such pr-r-r-etty girls!" she repeatedly
exclaimed In her soft rOuglish, with' Its
foreign accent. Once she paused and
gazed through her lorgnette at a plc-ture'-qile
effect near a window. The
llgure In the foreground was a young
girl slnnTing with head bent above a
boolc. and long chestnut curls sweeping
over her shoulders and half hiding the
fair lace.
Admlied the Vision.
"Sucir a color! such hair!" said
.Madame, with a sigh of pel feet satis
faction at the vision.
"How bright they all look," she con
tinued; "how contented! and never in
my life did 1 see a place so clean where
so many people work. It Is the ueat
tst place! and do they all get paid'.'"
she addeil with deep curiosity In her
"Our paroll amounts to more than
J'JOil.M'ii a mouth," answered Secretary
Madison l.arkiu, who conducted the
party, and again .Madame exclaimed
In wonileiing admiration, "All those
nice gills!" and she was sllll more
impressed when she saw some unpro
nounceable name of an lOast Indian,
from Madras, attached to a paper on
arithmetic, which w.ts being: corrected,
and was shown the letters of students
from all over Hip world.
Later the parly1 wns taken to Presi
dent T, .1. Foster's otlice, itnd he told
of the small beginnings of the work,
Secretary of the Navy Moody hail just
lett with Congressman Council, and
Mr. Foster related an Incident connect
ed with their visit. A young man
named Connolly, at Newport, 11. I., had
taken the luternutlonal ('iirre.spnnil
ence School course In Navigation. The
other day he entered the examination
for euMgn In the navy, and oddly
enough Secretary Moody hud Just seen
his papers and found that he had
Pleased as a Child.
Madame Seinbrlcli was as pleased as
a child over the Language department.
She spoke lu Italian and Krench with
Seiior Perez, and chattered in (ieniKiii
with Mr. Pulmedo uitil .Ml'. UlrPelifeld
er, und again 111 French with M. l,a
itMise. She listened to the phonograph
ic reeui ds. and Dually made one her
self, laughing between times us she
spoke Into the receiver. While her
husband was explaining to the phono
graph In his ilernum-IOngllsli that he
wn's the husband of Madame Senibrich
she danced about In high glee.
"Murecllu Senibrich, (ierniauy, Dres
den," slto wrote daintily after the
name of Secretary of the Navy Moody,
on tho register. .lust beluw appeals
"fiullluiimo .Siengel-Seiuhrlch." That
Is the name of the gentleman who
looks at her so fondly as she (Ills about
and who mudded to the writer that
theio urn "two children we have with
tho grossinntter in tiermauy,"
lie and his wife together
In Polish at every opportunity. They
are both Poles, as are so many other
gifted imislcluriH,
This Is the sixth year that .Madame
Semhi Ich has visited America and she
declines, with emphasis, that it Is tho
most wonderful country In tho world.
"Nothing like your correspondence
school could be anywhere, else," she In
sists, "Nothing1 like most things you
do could be done anywhere else."
"Your American girls," she con
tinued. "What voices they have! Look
at Humes, Nordlca and tho inuny con
cert singers, and there Is that Mary
Muuchoff, who is attracting such at
tention in Iter! In. Hut there is one
thing; they do want to go abroad anil
study und learn it all right away at
once and you cannot learn It all right
away, ut once, you know. Aeh no! ,
W$ -:: rPS
$200 IN GOLD
To the Oldest Living Man nnd
There have been so many cases of Very
old people who my their live have been
prolonged several yenis by the use nf
iMlffy's I'uio Mall Whiskey which hnn
come to our notice that we decided It
would be very Interesting to know who
the oldest men ami women leaders of our
paper aie who had derived brtiellt from
tills gieat medicinal whiskey. Willi this
In view we took the matter up with the
proprletois of l.miTy's Pme Mall Wills
Itey lu ttoehesler, nnd got lliein to agree
to give away Jlikj hi gold as follows:
To tl Iile.l living num. ?.0; to tho
oldest living woman, j:,il; to the second
oldest living man, J.'.l; to the second old
est living woman, W; to Hie third oldest
living man, - to tile limn oldest living
WOlimn. .tt.V It, Itie I'miwlt .tt.tusl Itelnti-
mnii, flu; to the fourth oldest ItvlitM wo
man. ?lJ.
All that is ucccssnt., for you to do Is
to wilie your history, slating your iim,
tlillc iff Inllr lilrlli. tvliei',. vmm u'rn Itnrn.
und have the statement signed nml wle
neBH'd by one person; also give a refer
ence ns to your age, and send the sluti
nient, wllli your photograph, to the Daf
fy .Malt Wlilskiy Complin.,, ttoehestcr
N, V,, and mention having read this ar
ticle lu the Sc.rnntim Tribune.
Tills offer Is good for thirty days only.
If yon have dcrlvrd some special bcuelll
from the use of this gicnl whiskey, please
stale It lu your letter. If you have been
run down In health, weak or sickly anil
Duffy's Pure .Mall Whiskey has built up
your system and your nerve tissue, in d
given you slrcimth and youth, please
state It in your own way,
This Is a simple way for some old peo
ple to earn tsen. if ymi have any friends
wno nave pusseu uic century iiiiiik, ho
not fall lo hac him or her send state
ment as raiuesteil. Duffy Malt WhUkey
Co. of Rochester, N. V., has been doing
business successfully for .".0 years, aid
can refer you to the publisher of The
Tribune, or to any bank, trust eomp.itiy
or express company lu Rochester.
you cannol. I tut they do have such
beautiful voices, these American girls!"
Madame Sembiich Is petite and
slighter lu llgure than those who nro
usually seen in the Metropolitan Opera
company. "J am not liriinhlldc," she
said, laughingly; but she has the su
perb carriage, the depth of chest, that
give the noble tones which we .shall
hear tonight. And she lias the loveliest
eyes, dark brown, limpid and sweet.
That she has gone smiling through the
world Is as evident as thnt It has
smiled hack upon her.
Work on the Power House Is Pro
gressing Rapidly Track Is
Being Ballasted.
Steam now ascends from the exhaust
pipe at the power house of the Can
non Kali road. The power being gen
erated Is used only for propelling the
lathes and other mechanism utilized
by the machinists who arc setting up
the big electrical -engines, but It tends
to show with what rapidity tho work of
the new road is being pushed.
The passenger station on Mattes
street Is being plastered; the work on
the boiler plant Is practically complete;
tlie electrical machinery is all on tho
ground and in course or erection; the
machine shop Is being equipped with
Its tools and the first shipment of the
trucks for the cars lias arrived.
The ninety-seven acres comprising
the terminal property is undergoing a
complete metamorphosis. The cutting
and lining necessary to level oft the
tract lias been going on steadily since
May and is rapidly Hearing comple
tion. The job entails the cutting of nearly
-'Oi),0uo cubic yards of earth and rock.
At present a large gang of men in
charge of Vincent II. O'llara Is at work
levelling the space between Roaring
lirook and the Delaware, Lackawanna
nnd Western right of way. A section
of the embankment twenty feet wide,
one hundred feet long nnd sixteen feet
deep was blasted away at one time yes
terday afternoon. Five sixteen-foot
holes were used. The bottom half of
the hole is filled with black powder,
which has an upward tendency, and
the top half with dynamite which tends
downward. With the five holes dis
charged simultaneously and the pow
der and dynamite coining In collision,
fifteen hundred cubln yards of rock was
loosened und so thoroughly broken that
it could be shoveled.
Another gang of men is engaged in
installing a sewer system to drain ev
ery part of the property. Forty-inch
pipes, made of concrete, are being used
on the mains,
Concrete Is being used very exten
sively In the cousti iictlou of the road
and Its uppurtenunce.s. it would huve
been used lo a greater extent but for
the recent scarcity of cement. On this
account the company v.i forced In one
Instance to wa block stone for a bridge
abutment after the opposite abutment
had been built of concrete,
One half of the double track steel
bridge which Is to span the Hoarlng
brook on the terminal property Is In
place and the other half Is being put
in place.
The roadbed between Scranton and
Plttston Is being ballasted, On more
than hair the length of this stretch the
ties and rails have been laid. The work
on the big viaduct at Avoca Is three
quarters done and the grading Is all
complete, except for a short distance
within tins city of Plttstoii, The grad
ing of the route between Plttston and
AVIIkes-Harre Is well under way and tho
surveys fur the lino from Scranton to
i-'arhouiltile are finished.
Oeorge A. Lee, of Philadelphia, tho
chler promoter of the new entei prise,
was hero yesterday in company with n
number of tlte nltlduls looking over the
work, Tiey expressed themselves us
well pleased with the progress being
made and hopeful that the coming year
will not be many days old la-fore the
ruiid will be In operation.
Cow's Milk
for Infant feeding must llrst take into
account the source of supply. The
milk must come from a healthy, well
red, well groomed herd or cows under
hygienic supervision. Uordeii's JOaglo
Hrund Cuudensed Mill; Is prepared un
der highest scientific methods.
They Pay the User,
If you wish a half-tone or line cut,
let tlte Scranton Tribune make It for
you. Our equipment for this work Is
complete und up-to-date. We have
facilities for doing tho finest sort of
work at lowest prices anil what's more,
wo do It. A trial order wll convince
Judge R. W. Archbald Is Presiding
in Doth District and Circuit
' Cottits Interesting Argument In
Case of Willlnma Calk Company
Against John M. Kemmeicr. et al,
Docs a Horseshoe Calk Appeal to
the Aesthetic EmolIonsP Grand
Jury Charged,
The October term of the United
States district court for the .Middle dis
trict of Pennsylvania npjueil yesteidny
afternoon lu the federal building with
Judge It. W. Archbald presiding. The
JI'IHilO It. W. ACftiltlAI.D.
latter also presided al a brief session
of the circuit court In the absence or
Judge Al. W. Acheson.
The grand jury was culled Immedi
ately after court opened, nnd was
brielly instructed an to its duties by
Judge Atchb.ild. W. A. Kins-doe, of
Lock Haven, wan chosen foreman and
the jury retired to consider the aevcral
cases which will be brought before It.
Alost Important of these i the cam
against the ollicers of Hi Correspond
ence Institute of Am-rliu, with hend
iiuarters In this city, who are cliargul
with using the I'nlted States malls for
the purpose of defriiudlng.
After the grand jury had retired
Judge Aichlmld held a session of the
circuit court and listened to argument.1.
on the demurrer entered against the
bill of complaint filed by the Williams
Calk company, of this city, which Is
s'fklng to restrain John Al. Kimmcrer.
Abraham nittenbcmlcr and the Xever
sllp Call; company from manufacturing
a certain style of horseshoe calk.
Contention of Parties.
The William company claims that the
defendants are Infringing upon their
patent rights by the manufacture of
this calk. In their demurrer (he de
fendants claim that the patents held
by the Williams Calk company have no
legal standing and seek to prove tills.
Attorney Archibald Coxe, of Xew
York city, appeared for J. Al. Kem
niercr et al. lie pointed out that the
Williams company lias taken out two
IContluued on Page in.)
iBHlMMffftf-pfl if-nintr f i lit
I Our First Silk Sale j
Begins This Morning' j
We aim to make it an event long to be rem Mnberecl by silk buyers in Scranton
and vicinity, and for that reason have planned an opportunity for intelligent bargain
hunteis that .stands without a parallel in the silk selling history of this city.
Important To Remember-
was not made expressly for this season's trade.
shopping in Scranton
partment, which lacks nothing either in variety, extent o stock and matchless values
lo make it complete. We want the pub ic o "tuily underst .nd and appreciate these
facts, and all that is necessary to a:cumplish our aim is to get people in to look and
compare what we have to offer, w th what Uuy see elsewhere. That is the real
Spfaf Af Thvp Qoilp Dojs the idea appeal to you ? If it does, come
CUCt Vl JLllIS MIU---;UK1 look even though you don't want to buy.
You'd be sure o ta k about it lo your trbnd and that is just what we're after.
To tell the truth, we're iu; uvvr-anx mi- to s?'J these silks at the figures quoted for
this week. Still you can have w.ut you want of them, if the price appeals to you.
Snn?A SorMmlp Pco'inc Olher Silks not quoted here are reduced in
OlilC dllpie jJdigdiilbs"""'priCe proportionately.
All Silk Black
19-h Taffeta Silks, worth
19-in Taffetas, guaranteed,
1 1
We Arc Sole Agents For
Juifh UJiantee Black Taffeta
'11111 Silks, mire dve :intl
best finish. During this sale the &t 'Jt.
price is 4JisJ
For economy, a 48-inch Silk is match
less. This one is guaranteed fur service
A. 1 JM. t&b XQg w' A j A N laV cdy .
This Is bo nno of new things to rat. The grocery utorcHnrn filled
wIllilihiiMluy.fooil.woiiilrr.". NONKRiTVlfMlXUlSMKATfe not
olio of them. lt' ns old ni nppcllle, nbiui.t, for who can y when
mini n pie nnd pluinptiilillngniiilfriilt c-ikc lirsst milled to tlio loy
of living? NONK Ht'Olt Ih tlio tnlncn incut "llltn mother inert to
liinke" a linnicniniln delicacy that B.ivnrn nurrllyof tholong-
aiio, but Bold in IhU piislillur
Ol'lUltllll eoil III a worn, ni, lu itiun n ihh'khrc iriiniiuil KiriHii
large pie.., or ii fiiinllv pudding, or n lilg fruit enke.) NONIiBL'CII.
Iictirliigllnit fitiiioiiH lirnml, has been on tlin market for yeim, nnd
Imnilrc.lior tlioliMUiili-. of hrnpliul(la lliul it Iiu1.k-ii1I.Io. (Lust
vein-12,000,000 puekiiRCH wern mid In the t'nlleil rt.Ueii.) NONB
Sl'CII Is it cniiilenoril inline incut. .not to be confounded wltb tlio
Interim- nrtlelo hulled out of lilliisy bucket", or Bold III bulls. 1 lio
. . .. t I. !... .nnlnil V ( 1 A. Ti H I T f? 1 I U' II,
iiininivul. Tnko the testimony of tho skilled women who roll -ho
M.....ii.u.,iiini,i .sivnutiiu'. N. v.. will tell von whrro
to get it if you don't know
ids and box
Arc our specialty. We sell
maiic. Their quality shines
make fine m itlr?sses lo go
F". A, KAISER, Manager,
Lackawanna ami Adams.
-Sfcx. iff? sg-
Cirv.S'A-..' Sifyt.VfC ; j .V-A"-
jr.- j j i j ,"4.'r.ur-.
-3iciuJ thesunofcivilis- '
jv v m' ation nas risen.
This irade raiarli indicates purity and per
fection hi brewing, and has been used on
mo?e botHes than any other label in the
world. Fcmid only on the famous bottling of
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. t.oui-5. U. S. A.
n.-etivrj c the famsat Biidwciser. Micholob, Fllaclt d Tan, Faust.
!'a!u.L,accr, Aiihcu5ec-Gt.-indai-d, Export Palo and C.-iqulalte.
-.,, rmi
M- g ml"t.
ii Luutus
That tilers
'S Iks offered
t o fBaofimra 5Jop It is simply a bargain opportunl
X d blhdi&MV JV'.i!U-""tv intended to make silk buvers
more laminar with the unquestionable merits of this de
45c, at. . . . 3Vc
The20-in. $1.00 quality for,
The 22-in. 1.25 quality for.
The 24-in, 1.39 quality for.
worth 65:, 40c
H5:, 69c
98:, 79c
1.00, &5c
1.25, Wc
1 39, A0
Hie 36-in.
At the
j had no equals in value. Mow much
better must
& ftf lV-
400402 Lackawanna
thno of ouri ntn fraction nf tho
never too lnty to answer lcttcrc
JT o
Hie very best iron and brass beds
all over them. Of course, we
with line beds. Prices are low. "
Both 'Phones
and the
are Known sym
bols wherever
V'holesale Dealers.
is not one yard in all the
in this interesting sale that
de Soie. in Black
. 85c
. 98c
1.45 quality for $1.25
regular prices, these silks
they be at the Sale Price ?
Rich Satin Ducliesse, in Black
24-in, extra finish, 85c quality at. , 75c
23-in. extra finish, 1,25 quality at, 95c
24-in. extra finish, 1,75 quality at $1.45
& Co