The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Brilliant Address by Hon. W. H.
Moody, Secretary of the Navy.
Black Cloud That Roosevelt Helped Lift from Over the
Homes of the People Has Settled Upon the Camp of the
Democratic Party What We Have Done Abroad.
Hon. William H Moody, secietuiy of
tlie navy, foini.illy opened tin- Repub
lican campaign In Lackawanna county,
last night, with a miiteily discussion
ot the live political question ot the
day, btfoie a bis find enthusiastic audi
ence nt the Lteimi.
Tilt' the.Uio p.nuuet and li.ikony uif
crowded, anil hundiecN stood In the
1 oar and along the sides of the p millet.
P.vtii the seats that had ht en set aside
for Lnwieiue'f hand weie taken by Hits
insistent eiowd, and the band had to be
On the stage with the spcakus weio
more than two hundinl ol the p.nt'H
most iepic-entatle men. Among them
tveie Congiesmn in William Council.
County Commissions s John Couiler
Monls anil John Penman. e-DItilct
Attorney John It. Jones, Ccmntv Chair
man Heibeit L Tnvloi, Stuetar of
the Comity Committee Chnile R.
Aekei, Hon. John svheuti, lion. 13d
w.ntl James, Hon. P. A. I'hllbin, Candi
date tor Senntoi John 15 Jordan, Can
didate for Hepresentntlve Joseph Olher,
Candidates lor lnpectois I.. M. Kv.ini
and D. T. William", Attoinev P.. H.
Holgate, Tiank Hccker, Dr. .1 nines
Stein. .Iiilin Giilllths, School Contiplleis
A. B Kaiioh. lA'altoi Cluislmas and B.
T. JaMie, Piothonotary John Copelnnd,
Alonzo Poittr, City Assessois J. S. Sea
innns and Philip lUnslnnd, T)i. W. A.
r.iine, Thomas ,T. M.ushnll, ."c-ltecouki
James Moil, lion Joseph A. Scianton,
illimth T. DavK T. II. Dale, Deputy
Attorney Oeneinl Piedenc W. Deitz,
Attorney Cliailes i:. Oh er, It. J'. 'Will
lam. Di. J C. Hateson, Attorney J. Z
WatkiiiN Clfik ot the Com Is T. P.
muiels. Attorney M. J Mai tin, Wlll
1 im Dawson, Aldeiman Jobn T Howe.
Armlt Thomas, City Sola Itm rieotKC M. son. J. S. McAnullv. John P. Will
iam1!, Chailes 13 Daniel".
In Boxes nnd Loges.
Tn the audience, oceupving boxes oi
Inges, were a nuinbei of tlie city's most
piominont men, some netonip inied by
l..dics. Among Hit so weio Judge IS. AV.
Aichbald, AV. W. St i anion, Hon. John
U. Fair, Tnited States Mai.slial Fuel
C. Tounid. rnltid States Attoinej S
J. M. MeCanell I'niled Statis Com t
Cleik 13 P.. AV .-senile. Uiyton M.
Selioeh, M. W. l.nij, W. Stott Collin;-,,
Itefeiee in Hankiuptev c L. Van Woi
ni er.
The Sons ol Cambila Uico dub oem
pled xcats on the si.irc. and timing the
evening icndcied a uiimhn of delight
ful select Ions.
A large poiliait of e-Piesdi'iit Mr
Kinley was suspended oei the t niter
of the stage, end lings bedecked tlie
piosteiiiiim .it eh anil bote.
As the ,n inns i iiiullil it"s and pioml
nent p.nt.v men tame upon the si,iip
tbe w lo gieetnl Willi be il tv applau-e
mil whin Srtietniv Mctodv. art nm
P nihil by CniiKie-siiMii Count II and
Maim- Kveieil AVanen. elililllian of 111"
wiling, lii.nle tlieii appcirant e, tbeio
was a big , mil Hlin..!ttc nallou.
Countv ch ilni' la T.ivloi opt mil the
meeting b i tiling on the Sons uf C.iin
Inii c.lei i lub. v. Iilth ic-piiiulf d with
an iMilhnl u million of "t 'tumults in
Anns Major . uep uns then liilio
ilmeil as i hali iran of fie meeting bj
Count I'hali iran Tn,loi
llefeiimg to the si.-e unci enthusiasm
of the aildlenii. Millar Will en i e'tl In opeiiinu ' 10 Hiil i;
ivilil"'.ni mllv h a simple of uliat
thfy aie all goiniA in bf, lie Demoi I, il h
llllgat as will pat U up now and lake
the Salt llivor bo it,"
Alltr tflluir ol a n it nt tartoon ill
the lit i ii til. depicting tlie gratification
ol the Demociatli p irty at tlie . onilng
ol 1 1. mine 'iti U" in the time of a
lainp'tigu, Major Win i en wtnl on to
s,iy tbil tlii' Demot l.itle pn.s, nlwn.vs
hi happy in the oiitempl,it!oii ol t a
laniltle.s, s now, thanks to Itnosfu It'i
biains and eneig, bnett of thii latent
choito obieei of ronteinplallon.
Plnck Cloud Hits Pns-ssd.
"The bhick i loud has parsed Horn
ovei us," he mi lit "and in its pi u o
miuo. the bciutllul lalnhow of peace
anil ionium nee. With the pushing of
tills cloud disappears the last hope of
the Domoeralh paity for vletoiy this
fall, and then- Is nothing left for it
to do but wait for school to let out"
"Did you see any pioniluont Demo
crat taking n hand in the efforts to
PHtle the stilke?" Major Win i en
nsketl, "No. The Demoemts didn't
want it settled. The party of calamity,
soup hoiies and fioe tmde wore willing
that the stilke should continue, in the
hope Hint It would Iniiuie to the hencllt
of Democracy,"
Major W.U'ieu concluded his nddiess
by levlewlng the personnel of the. Ue
publU an ticket, fongressinun Conuell
he chaincteihed lis n lopicscntntlvo of
nil the people, u tireless woiker and
one of the most Inllueutlul men In Uio
Jiouso of lepiesentatlves.
In speahlng of .Tudgu A'oslnug's
he salt! Im tlld not sea any
Don't Become an
Of Aveision nnd Pity. Cute Your
Colds and Catanh, Purify Youv
Bicnth nnd Stop the Offensive Dis
charge, Ilev, Dr liocluor, of nnfialo, siys:
"My who mitl l wtne both ttouliled with
dlstreiihiB Catauli, but wo hao oiijosed
ireedorn from this iiggiavutlng malady
since the day wo (list used Dr. Asnow's
Cutuirlial I'owdei, its action was Instan
taneous. gllns thtt most Kratcful teller
within ten minuter nftci tlio that appli
cation. Us Dr. Asnew's Liver Pills. 40 doses 10 cents. 4
Sold by Wro. G. Clark and II. C. San-derson.
le.iMUi why a man who was a Uepubll
(iin coulil not size up to the demands
lor a nnii-pnitl-t.'in judiciary, Just as
well as one who otot1 the Democratic
tirkel. Judge Vo-buig, lie said makes
an iiuluenily xiitlstauoiy lutlge and,
besitles, Is a gootl Uepubllcan. lie
should be tontliuied, he said, In the
otllee Willi h he is mi ably lllllng.
The othei t andlilales all came In foi
well-w ol tied ilujoi W.ti
len's hands.
Secietaiy Moody Intioduced. Moody was then intio
duced ami the cheeis that gieeted him
testified tli" teellng llieie is in Scrantou
toi the distinguished lepiesentatlve of
the nallou'h ihlel, and that Institution
In whli h the nation has such a lust
in till, the Ameilcan liavv.
Mr. Moody spoke only foi an hour,
nun h to the tegiet of his Irmicis.
Ho usentso, due to continued speaking
toi weeks past in the AVest,
mainly accounted for this. That lie Is
all that lie was heialded to be as a
speaker last night's audience will un
hesitatingly testily. His mannei. as
well befit', one of his exulted position,
is extiemely dignified He gae not
what could be lei met! a stump speech,
by anv mean0, but lather a learned,
logical. stntesmnnllKP adtliess Hint, in
its ety stli. was a compliment to the
intelligence of the heaiois.
His linguage is cboiie. but not
iiowei.. He is an atHocale l.ithei than
oiatoi Tacts inai'haled in effect ie
nir.iv and then diiven hnmi with
ilenily put deduction and aigument
jiinv be said to descilbe his method
He fust tioaietl of tlie mine .u ike,
nnd the pai t the adniinistiatlon plaid
in its settlement. Next, he toinp.ued
the conditions existing in l eeeut m'.iis
under the thai admmlMiatioiis Tlitn
he dealt with the Cuban and Phillo
plne riuesilons, and flnallv. dismissing
politics, spoke of the need of a gitalei
na v. Substantially, lie spoke as tol
lows. The Secietaiy's Addiess.
1 am gi.itelul foi this spleaditl .iiiiIkiiio
and Mini leiepilon, 1 waul also to jj
1 am glad to si ladies In the auilienie I
.mi glad feu biislni -s leasons. eoi. I id
contiols nt least one ote. (I.uiglmi' I
mi glad 'ilsi) to be heie witli in liiind
and om- eslicnied lupiesentatlve, ASill
l.nn Connell (.Cheeis) I set ecl with him
in the Iioum .mil ciiii ben tt silmonv with
all sliuuiu of lic.nt to his Dili llty to tic
Intciists be irpiesr nteil, anil 1 want to
say In- was pii miiieiil as one ol tho-.e
luiigic-snn n who iipiospniitl nol mil
the lutiiLsfs of his own people, but the
inti'ii us el his lonuiioiiwealtli. the iiitii
ests ol his imiiili ami the mttusts of
hU p u I.
I am .-.p rl ill inmniissiourd the
pi.sidtnl In hilng to nii, out and all,
liN in in lli -t ami must loiilhil gii clings
Willi Mini ill mm in of tin eieniin;. Ma
lm Win H'ii, I i onialiil tie Mm mi ihu
illsappi in tin e if ilu lil ii k i liuiil which
bus hoee'ii d oei miui i onimimlly foi the
inmithi 1 was colon to sn (ongi.itu
Iite Mm on this (Jmiil btlng dUpelled.
Mine imiiil I I V" It U il lei sin -ilit,.
appiiiiid 1 he ilmitl litis hei n utkeii
lioiu ovi'i Mini' and the buds of
mil- penple In Ma'-'-ai liiisett . and In tact
lmm om r tin lie ids of all the people of
the nation and plant! met the i amp of
tie DeliKH utile .nt I tan not but fi el
a tloi p siip,itln with Hie Iiemouals.
I he; It lie to ,-ptak to .Mill ot
this unfiii tiinalt affali now so happily
ili.iv.liig to an i nil, lull Im eaie-e of (he
pioinlinut put pl,icd In the effoii.s at
Mttl incut b m t Ii toi and the small
pint I too'; In it 1 leel cnusti.iiucel to
Heat of it btiellx,
In Pie.'ident ltooseM 11 f, tliht message to
longiess, hift IJeteinlur, he devoted urn.
sldeiable spue lo the disc ilssfnu ol tho
labor question, and he ch iiacteilznl It
as a iinsioii than which time was no
othi r iiioi ii Iiupoilnul nnd lar lenihlng
in Its rffict (I fen Mi Mtiotlv i .til i x
ii pi l lioiu tlie message healing on thu
litboi (iiii'stloii), I tin nut think thai In
anv mts-,igo nt anv piesldent on will
thul a pi.s.-.igo to mate tills noble title i.
Would Have Justified.
'Ih" Miy ii lilt al condition Hint was
impending would have o itself Jnstllletl
the piesltlent's Intel position ill the Btlike.
It not onlv jiistlltnl him but Imposed upon
him a linimtleit duty He appialed lor
poace to llio eonluniling p.iltlis with all
the pinfoiunl i nun "Ini'SK of Ills siuieio
and stiliHis iiatnie, lie tllselalnie'd all lis.
gal or ofiltlal light to Intel leie lie said
he luted mil as lepusentiitlvo of Ilia
people, til" most affected of the tlneu
pilties to tho contioveisy He was limed
i fiom vatioiis iiiaiteH to uso means to
'fciet! a Hi'tlltiiunt, hut ho could not sen
his way clear to do tills. He went at It in
the way ho llgtueil out was tho light ono
nun tlio out) iimt would bu effective.
Onen nt; tin he llgtued well,
There win- tho-o whu conteiuled that It
was tho duty of the piesltlent to send thu
United fitntCH iiiiny Into thu coal Ileitis
It is htuilly for mo to tell win
ho had no light to do tlilH. Under the
Constitution, the Kedeial hoveinmeiit ban
no aiithoiity to semi tiooiis into any statu
unless requisition Is iiiiulo for them bj
the leglbliitUHi of thu state, or the chli f
eMCUtlM', when thu legislature can pot
he convcuid. Let mo add, hure, that 1
would rigid to sco the day that Anieil.
can woiktiK'ii would bo compelled to work
under tho shadow of a I'eduial bajonet
Another contention was that tlio picsl.
dent should t-eUtt and opeiatu the mines
This was as thoughtless a piopositiou
as the first. Hveu though tho piesldcut
blioultl seUo the mines and operate tin in.
and hlii) cm r Ill's and dlsiiilnitors to plain
thu product In tho hands of tho cousum
ejs, how would tho expense be met? The
president could hardly afford to pay It
out f his own pocket, (Laughter) Yet
that is what ho would huvo to do. No
man, not even tlio president, can spend a
dollar from tlio United Stutes Ircusiuy
which Is not appropriated. Congress lias
not, as et. mudo an appropriation with
ivhleh the put tho president In tho coal
Five ago last March tho l(epu.
llcan narty camo Into full power, It
found the government sunk lower than
nt any lime slneo the dns of Jnlnes
Uuehnnnn. The nepiihllcnn patty wrote
nnd pnsHctl Hie Dlnglev hill; settlnl the
liUntlietUyeiir.old, ttottblesome tniestlon
of currency .tnnd-inK nnd eiincled nllirr
tne.'islltcs tending lo lift the nation out
of the nit of despair, In whltli the Demo'
rrats had run It. You know llio lesitlt.
8I enrs ago, the per capita debt wan
the largest In our lilstot. The ltcpubll
can paity came In. nntl, despite the ex
pensive war that Intervened, there Is
now a sin plus In the Ircusiuy.
Now Responsibilities.
The Spanish war brought us new re
Fpondlillltlcs. The Itepuhllcun party litis
assumed these trsponslhllltles nnd Is en
deavoring to discharge tho duties they
entail, hut. t leglet to sav, without u
slstnuce from the Democrats,
The DemncinlH, 111 their pliitfonu two
yents nijo, acetlstd it of not tlolng our
duty tovvaitls Cuba, They said we wele
not keeping iiilth with the Cub ins. They
will not nllovv win to read from that
platform now. No Demoeiatlc plntloim
icr tlltl service for two ears. Tluy
ucvei had a paramount question that
lived mine than four .veins. Port-Inn
diplomat)- In Washington theh eve.
hrovvs or sliruggetl theli hoiiltlers In a
win that said as much lis 'Mavhe tui
will.' when ihev would heal that we In
tended to retire Horn Cuba, when we had
lehahlllltittil tlie Island. Von imiiil hitul
Iv blame tin m. Their uiunlilm piul-n-hlv
tnlghl l.esltate to tin It. Shite I tniiiti
into ni in sent position, I have had the
honoi ol sending the .-irder to a war
vessel lo lake tlie Aineiieali Hag fiom
Culm, That vessel, healing away Ameil
can soveielgnty, salhtl out ol the harhoi
ot Havana and with liei big guns Mtlutt d
the Hag ot Cuba I. Hire, ll.vlng Horn the
stalT ot Mono castle, You may seaicli
the history of the win Id, and ou will
not Hud the mate lot that action.
The atliiilnlstiatloii thinks we ov.e still
.inotliei duty to Cuba. We lell the Island
under the tenns of the Pl.itl iimeiidineiit
which liqulied Hint tin- Ciiluns lueit 111
their constitution piovislons lestilctlng
their debt, pieventlng tin in Horn baile--Ing
away the Indepentitiice we si until
lor them and giving us a statlin.
We piomlsi'd In n tut n tint we would
give llietn lonei sslmis lor kcting their
piotlucts; that Is, Pieshluit Mc Kluley
ngieiil to use his hist enileavois with
congitss to siiuie leripioillv, and on llio
it length ol Hits ilu Cubans ntcipled the
Piatt amindinent. Piisldent Konsevilt
said on nsstimlng the cMcutlve chair
he would stihe lo rauv out the plans
ami live up to the pollilts ot his pictleces
soi. He has stiiven lo si cure uelpioiltv
lor the Cub in I think tlie Uepubllcan
pint is with him In this It does not
seem quite honoialile to denv tl e Cu
ll ms this leqilest mulct the ilrctiin
stnnies We havi not lueomphshid as niiieh in
the Philippines ns we have In Cuhi, but
vve have done wontleis there conslilt 1 Ing
the circumstances AVe hnvo given them
the beginning of sel-goveinment. As a
(list step towaids this the piesidint ilt
leited that a t eiisu- he taken when "rcii and complete peat e was sei tiled' I
hesitated to believe that snth a census,
would be t.tUen. Hut in fe.ns weie not
well gioundeil. Peace has been it'loied
In nil the Cln b-tinnlcd poillons oi the
cnuntiv. Tin ie rue now .unnn soldieis
theie, all told. Theio ine snme he'lllgei -cuts
-,1111 on a Tew of the Islands, hut
the i onunissioneis tctli peite geneiallv
pi ev alls We leave the utifsiinu of llio Indepeiiilei ie ot the Filipinos to a
luttiie gi tu i ition tint alone i an deal
with it. We aie giving them p.utlil hide
pendente Hid we lie (duelling them foi
Kimplete Independence Wilt tbei the
i (institution does oi dm s nm fnllow the
II ig, the public m linol dots We hive
given Hum (he Anieiirni public silmo!
the gtni nitee ol the pi ipetiiilv of all the
blessings tint the II ig canies with II.
It wis (he di-lint lion anil hoist of On -it
Itillaln that the sun newi set mi hei
possessions Yo i, in iKiw s.iv (he sinie.
Hut we iiiefer lo s,iv thtt the sun shines on an Ainetlenn school house
Necessity of a Navy.
Mi, Mnotl.v dosed with a refeience to
the necessity of ,i good navv to pie
seive peace anil defined It a passing
dill of tlie nation to build intne ships,
train mmo men unci educate mine nlli
teis. "Let us lne ,i puweiful nivv
that we m,i be assured tltr unlntci
nipteil enjo.vnient of our peace."
At the toncliision of the mteiing a
In iff informal leception was held on
the stage, al which Congiessinan Cou
rt 11 and Deputv Attoinev (tenet al
Fleitz piesented stoics of pioiulnent
.Sciantoni ins to Air. Moody.
The tout hiding number bv tlie (!lee
dull was n song written foi the oci.i
sou In Ivor C Pany, the well known
Welsh haul of West Seiaillou. Tile
solo p.ut was sustained bv 'I'honri.s
Aluaius. It is sung In the air of "Hen
Wind fv Nhntlaii," the Welsh national
song, The wonls aie ns follows;
All Iriil to the statesman of places un
told Commending beilttlng blight letteis of
Qui Coiuiill In toiigiess inn needs will
lit tend,
Our Count II tin i oal mhieis' filentl
llnlP hail' our pit dge vve now leiiew,
Well swell our notes nntl cea our votes
1'or Connell our cmigies.nitn line,
Kenowntd pioniirnl the Autliiai lie field,
How liountt oils the blessings his laboi
tlotli jleltlj
l"enowntd beiief.ieioi, a unhli man kind,
And woithv, in Ciinudl we find.
Chm us.
We o,d Lick.iwanniaiis will i.illv again,
Will et ho his uaiiii ovii muiintalii mid
git u i
Ami ih" man that we choose our Con
iicll most stein.
To ningiess this fall we'll letuin.
Choi us,
Mr. Moody lame fiom Ilnffalo jes
tenlny on the S.3D p. in, Lacknwuniia
ti.iln, Ho will i pi tu u to WnshhiRtnn
this morning. He was met nt the ti.iln
by Congiessinan Connell and a nuniber
of other pioinlnent llopiibllcins and
escorted to the Jetinyn, He enjoyed a
two hoins' drive about the city with
Mt, Connell.
Anthony Lyons Ariested for Insult
ing' Mis. Selgel.
Anthony Lyons, of Pilcehiiig, a
stilker, was auulgned before Aldeiman
Milhu csteitlay, nt thu Instaneo of
Mis. Addle Selgel, also of Uiicehuig,
on Hit- chaise of tailing her a bcab
and making tin eats against her life.
Mis. Seigel's husband Is employed as
a blacksmith by tho Uutiulo and West
ern Uullroad company, and because he
continued nt wml; dining the stilke,
Lyons Insulted Mis, .Selgel, He was
held n $r.0Q bull toi his appeal, mic ,u
coin t.
Donnhoe & O'Doyle to Build the
Meridian Sheet Line.
Mills lor the contiact for constuictlng
tho Meildlan stieet sewer weio jester
day opened by the recorder and dlieo
toi of publlo woiks and the contract
awarded to Donnhoe & O'Uoyle.
The bids weie as follows.; Donahoe
& O'Uoyle, J3.31 per lineal foot; Dan
lei n. KraiiB, 53.48 pjr lineal foot; M,
J. Gibbons, $J.C0 per lineal foot. The
sewer will be 010 feet long. The engi
neer's estimate of tho cost was Jl.970.25.
CnmbifrtiJ Franklins and Bnckus
Bowlers Affe Tied for Second Flnco
with n Poicontnrie o .GG7 Man
noi chor Team Lost Three Moie
Gainen Indepondents Qot Away
from' Their Hoodoo nnd Won a
Slnnle Game Anthony Ptine'a
Avetngo of 23S 1-3.
Thu Aillngton tcaiii, by winning two
games fiom the Dacktis bowlers Inst
night, placed themselves t'nlily ahead
In the Seianton Howling League con
test, The Hnt'kiis playct.s weie not up
tn their iisttul foim In the flist two
games, but made a total of 807 In the
last, The scoie:
Palueuliolt 1-". 171 1 '7-- I0J
Mooie 7 Itil 1'! .'.')
Pickham 1." 117 111-HI
Vogelsang 1-S 1-7 1 -' "S"
Hopkins P'l US 10-.117
7 lil 711 !iti7 JUS
.1. Klefei IV Inft 111- H3
.Jones lit) JT'i lis I7J
C. Klefer 171 MJ 117 Ml
Poll h.' 11'' 171- I'U
Melstu M lis P.7- 111
VS SIS 7M,-jr.J
High suite Hopkins, stii
High aveiage Mooie. 17(. "-.'
The Ciimlirlans won time stialght
games on the North Scinuton nllca
last night liom the Ki.inltllns, nntl this
despite the tact thitt Ciliesple tlltl not
loll lip to his usual slandaid. .lehtl had
high sKiie and high itveiage. The scoie:
Phillips H- HI IM- H7
P.otheimel 1'iti ltd HI is".
Aladenspichei .... 1(17 Us Pk! I7S
Itkhl l'S U7 110- 41!
Hhchci I"..' 1'i7 lit- t'.l
717 717 7SJ .'.'bO
.lehu 17! I''. -On- UD 171 177 i:ci- isl
G. Davis It.'' 171 111- lri
Gillespie His 111 1 1 .'.OS
W Pivis as 17', 1i.7 171
717 S.'i 7V. .S:
High s( oie .lehu. 200
High .uciage .It Im, J7i5 1-!
The Ilampc team phied with tlio
Maenneii hor bow lei s, taking tlnee
games ens. The latter missed
spates nt inoppnitune moments and
plavetl lathei lagpedl tlnoughotit. The
Itippeir 1IJ 111 Hi l-'
Helm- n. lit US- 1"S
J Murphv H7 IV lil til
W V! HI Hi- It J
lestplh il 177 I'n 117- 170
711 711 7.0 JUs
McAlnon 1S HI M- IM
.lit Williams 11! Ill 1S1- ,",:
Hv.ins 17.' Ilu hi'i ls7
Miiilton lsj Us Ilu 110
G Muiphv US IS! 1 Hi, .117
sf.l TU Sl't-JIIT
High seme-Mi Williams. Pl
High aveiage fcWilllams 177 1-1
The Independents won thtlr fust
game Inst night, but they can't plume
themselves much on the ictoty, be
cause the opposing team, the West Side,
made the nilsciahle total of CGI, which
was higher than the Independents
made in t itlier of the othei two games.
The stoic:
Kite 1.'J 171 Hi,- lit
Hltlgiw.l 1!l lb. 1.S- !SS
Ihian Ul !.' b7 Mil
Jens, n I'', 101 Ul HO
W.ildnti HI 1.7 171- 111
.17 i.ll 7Jt)-JiJll
"wusr smi:
lnvis 17.1 IIS 117 111
.lones 11 J r, HI 111
linn lands Ill I'm H7- IIS
Helium !.'". I il l.'l Viu
Coons 11! 1SJ 17'' - .VI
71'' 7M f,t.J-.l'a
High ( ni e -Coons, Is.'
High nveiiige Conns, h,s.
The standing of the teams I-, now as
Won Lost. PC.
Aillngtons s l st'i
Cainbiians tl ,1 .i.'.T
I'lauklhis ii 1 t,7
H.tekiM i. l ii.T
West Side .1 I H'l
lllimpe ', (tl
lllilepeudeiilii 1 S .III
Mauuciihoi o D OnO
Anthonv Prlne jesterdny matlo what
Is believed lo be tlie besi lecortl for
tlnee stialght games over made In this
city. Itolling on the Hnmpe alleys he
made U.l.', LMtl ami l'1.1 in succession, or
un aveiage of IMS 1-fl.
Charged with Obstructing the Public
Highway and Refused to Move
at Request of an Officer.
C. A. Dnnlelson, of llinddoek. Pa,, ono
of tlie Socialist-Labor advocates who
havo been dellveilng speeches in this
city for seveial (lays, was in rested at
noon jebteitlny by l'.itiolmau Mellalu
tor obstiuctlug tho publlo highway at
tint tomer of Peun tivenue and Vino
The speaker hail a laige eiowd col
lecled iilmut him, many of whom weio
blockading the pas-sage way, and tho
officer asked Paiilelfon to inovo on, lie
refused and was plated untlei at test
At police heiul(iiarteih ho made the
usseitlon that he Intended to iiiiikn a
test ease of It. and ho was given an
oppnituulty when Maglstiato llowo
lined hliu J3 or twenty das In tho
coiiul jail He ptlltl the line under
ni otest
Suveinl Socliillst-Lalioi iidvocute.s
have been dellveilng, in dlf
fi'ient p.iith of the city and under the
ptetest of fiee speech havo openly In
sulted and dentil the otlleeis ot the
law. Seveial complaints havo already
been made against them.
With His Wife and Son Ho Is Visit
ing Friends.
Rev. Caleb Frank Clates, D. P., wife
and son, are guests of Mi. and Mis. W,
II. Richmond, nt their home, Richmond
Hill, Xoitli Muln avenue. Poctor
Gates has for the past seven years
been president of Huphrates college,
Harpoot, Turkey, but has been on va
41 we know its goodness." The only problem before
us now is convincing you. Will you give us that
opportunity? Will you, the next time you need
shoes, try the "Rocktan 1" It's the. only way we
know that will convince you that co-operation
between this store and the manufacturer has
created a higher standard of workmanship and
produced values that are impossible under
other conditions.
Samter 5rs
Is the aim, when "other girls" look so truly up to
We've Made It Possible for You
Where waists are under discussion. WHITE WAISTS FOR WINTER the
really smart girl possesses not one hut many white tailored waists for the coming
season. Note the material and the price:
White Mercerized Pique, stripes and polka dots. ..25c yd
White Metal Printed Molines, new 50c yd
Complete stock of the new White Bedford Cords.
i, ition in this, tountiy for a year, on
account o -.oniowlmt Impaired health.
He Is lo s,n nuir tlie of next
month for Huiopc, wheie he will spend
tlie- winter, and In tlie summer follow
ing will be ashoc i.Uetl with Itobei t eol
legi, I'tniHtantlnople, as. vite piealtlenl,
ami i an y on the woik.
Doctor flaten' and Mr. Uichinond'.s
lnattrnal gi.iiidmotlieia were sds
tfri.s, and daugliteis, of Nathaniel Koote,
of Colchester, Conn., he being sixth In
lineal descent fiom Nathaniel Fonte,
the iminigiaiit, who was among the,
first settloifa or AVetheisIleltl, Conn.,
about Kiitn.
Patents Gtnnted to Residents of This
Pntt of the State.
Letteis patent of the I'nlted Siiiien
have beu granted to tltlzeus of Noith
eastein Pennsylvania during the lb hi
half of October as follows,
I'.itilrk .1 Collins nntl C. Ci. Unkind,
Scrantou, IM.: elicit Ie hodv appliance.
James H. I'lornlng, Hciantoii, IM,: cai
nxlo luhilcator.
Mary J, (lieennian, Wllkis-llaue, 1'a.i
h. ii ilenhig mi tills,
Chihtliin 13. Lot uer, Towaiul.t, IM,;
automatic nli-valvc lor water mains,
r. A. Schlepp, Lattliiier Mine-, IM.:,
Lewis T. I'anllelil, Sei anion, Pa , coip.
hllKd draft anil bulling tiauit) lor lull
wii ens.
cji.uh I'. '0c, South Hetlilehein, I'a ;
cooking utensil,
A. c, risclier, South It. (lilehem, i'a,;
sin titling lucelniiiism lor bioius.
Itepoiteil by ltoplogle kl Cu,, sollelt
oi s of Ameilcan nntl tuieign patents-,
2H-IB Mcuis building, Sci.inton, IM,
Jnmes McNnlly Sub-lets Contract
nnd Then Does Part of Work,
City Snllclloi W.itbon has been In
vestigating n littlv matter lii crmiiectlou
with a contiact fur laying sidewalks
nn eei tain stueU in South Scuinton
and has dlscnveird that something
which didn't look light at (lust was
mil) n. shievvil bit ol business on tho
part of the contr.ietoi,
Tho contract tot the laying of the
sidewalks was awarded to James .Mc
Nolly, who assigned his Intel est hi it to
Attotnoy John J. Manning. Mi Man
ning began and has neiuly completed
the work. I'njinent was withheld tem
poral Ily nt thu beginning of the weeK
because certain pioperty owneis who
hail been seived with notice of their
assessments waited upon the city sull-
The Rocktan Shoe
We Know Its Goodness. Do You?
From the outside sole to the uppers every
stitch we know. We had to have a shoe in
our Men's Department that we could person
ally guarantee. To do this honestly the leath
ers and manufacturing had to be an open book
to us. We cut through a good many qualities
of sole leather before we hit on the ''Rocktan, "
and we tested the workmanship of a good
many shoemakers before we secured one that
would put together a man's shoe such as the
"Rocktan'' is, and as we have said before,
a Pair
All Styles and Leathers
Complete Outfitters.
Meldsam, Scott &
126 Wyoming Avenue.
I ! !! 4 4 i
! If YOU WaUt D J I A
The Best
Vaiious Makes of Pianos at All Pi ices
t struments Taken in Exchange.
a. ! . $? ifc .j. j . . .ja .j. . . . .$. $. .. g .j. q. .j. t $. 4 fr .J. .J.
c 1 tor nnd Informed him that they had
alteady paid the tost of laying their
sidewalks to Mi, .McNally. As sin h
assessment!; should only be paid to the
city tie.isuier ami as Mt. MoNally hud
no Interest In the contiact any mnin
than his name iigmed ns couti.ittnr,
tho illy solicitor began un Investiga
tion The icmilt of this Investigation was
tho dlscoveiy that .Mr, McNiilly hail
enteietl Into private coiitiacts with a
number of the piopeity owners who
had fulled to lay their sidewalks within
the time prnsciibed by the oidlnanco
and hail mutely beep paid for' work
actually done by him under Mi, .Man
ning's nose.
Tho names of the piopeit owner
who had him lay their sidewalks have
at toiillugly been stilcken liom llio ns
sesbiueiit INt ami Ml. Mantling has
In en given thu bonds which weie tem
po:. nll.v withheld,
Slight Tiie at the Pine Bioolt
A die ivas dlsioveied In tho rool of
the llio house .it tho I'lnu Uiook lueaker
at 11 1.1 o'clock, jisteiday inoiulng, and
but lor thu timely woik of the empoes
a setliHlH conllagl.itlou uiight have oc
elli led.
A still alarm was suit In by rme
iiuu Muuii, who, with a nuinbei ol
men, succeeded in extinguishing the
llanies with a small stienm of water,
before the lltemen uriived.
Too Much Ii ligation for Him.
They weio seated at a loiuul table In
thu biggest toom In thu Mnr.vland eluo,
tho glasses In fi out ot them newly pilmed
the smoke fiom their cigars cm ling up
vvaid while they listened to tho jams of
tho man fiom AlUonn. Jlo has told them
s,toils of hunting:, of mining, of ttaln
''V-nl'tt W
4,4 I' 4 H H ! ! .J.
RU & for Cash or on Easy f
Payments. Call on
n ft WW
ii viv as5 "ssyjtj
11 !" I
Y-iR;'5c" '" '"'yytt
, . I!7 Wyoming Avenue
Old In-
loblieiles ami tho like, mid now be w.n
holding loilll on the wondeis of Inigii
llnu. At last ho paused to note tho eftect
of his talk
"That's sholy Intel estlu' nilnhty intoi -estln',
' miiseil the Lastcin Shrno man,
as he tossitl oil the contents of his glass
"bin I ealn't sii that I'd cjah to live In
a toiinti. suh, whar vvatnh Is leg.vaided
as the mahistiy ot oxlstuiite " New
Yoik Tilbune
Too Valuable to Cut Up.
It.ivinoiul Hitchcock sacs that while ha
was ling In a I'hiliulelphla hospital tlneu
weeks ago lonvalcsclng fiom an opera
tion lor appendicitis, one of those fool
tiiends who iilvas sny llio wiong' thing
In tilt winiig pi. lie enllttl nil hlui ami
told him the tollowliig stoi y lo cheor him
f'lilliidi'lphla's mini tannin !ipp'iidlcllli
expel t his a dog ol which he thinks i
gieat dull, which had a lop-sded 'wall.,
A 1 1 lend nsKitl the doeloi nn one occa
sion the catiso of this.
"Wli," vvns ilm teply, "he's got np.
pt udleltis, '
"Then why tlon'l ou opii,te on
"What optinte on that tloit! Wliv, tint
dog's win tli a bundled iloll,us," Chicago
IllU'l-Du .in
Eciiinl to tlie Occasion.
Many stoilis tie tokl 01 ltovvl.ind Hill,
who vmih but lid beiieulh the pulpit ot Ills
chapel at his own ie(liist It was Ills
custom to nail liom his desk anv pinyer
that might be bundi-d In, and on ono oc
casion lie conmicniod. "The piayeis of
this coiigitgallou aie dished oi (bile'f
pause ami a clenilug of the tho
itev How land HIM, that ho might not c.o
iltliug aliout In his c.n lingo on Humid;. 3.
I'm om I .oul ioiId humbly upon a colt,
the toal ot an ass " The icverend eentle.
man looked un, not In the least dlseon
ecittd, and giavcl said: "If the vvilWr
u( this Impel tluent lecpie'st is among llio
eongiegatlou ami will go1 ipto tl).j yestiy
alter scivlco and let me nut a saddle on
his back, I will jlde him home Instead ot
eolns in my canlaje."