The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Zt $cranfon $r6une
l'ulilllitl Dully :i-iit HiinrUy, hy The Trllittn
FiibllMiInf diniiiany,! t'iny ronton itonlh.
l.tW s. ItlftlAltll
lIl-HNrm Mamahrh.
o. r, iiv:
Kiilernt M (lie I'n'lbtUcf ad'Scritntiii,,' m Protnl
('! .Mll Jlntlf.
When tpni'D nlll permit, llir Tribune It
tinny ulnil lo print uliiirl Irttrn from Hi
frlvnili lirnrluir. on ciiriiiiil tnilr, liul Hi
rnl In tlmt tlii'nf iniml h alunril, for pub
llrnllnti, liy tint nrltrt-'n rim! iimhiM nml
(hi- rtniilllloii iirricilKnt tu nrreptmic li
Hint nil roiitt-llintlnm ahull lie nbjett tu
filllnrlnt rat IkIou.
'I ho fnllonlnfr table Mioiti lha rke per tn:li eaili
lii.crtlnti, space lo In- m-d within on jmr!
II; K'lltiL'
linn uf
T1 dial) fid Inillrl ,
.VI Inrlim .
Inn "
ItO "
Vnl "
llliM "
.li) '
Korcanl" nHlianki, r volill lout nf t'omluloim, and
hollar iiinlrlhiitlmi' In lln- imttiteuriidivrtbliir,
1 ho Tribune tiinkt-H iharce ft 5 leun & Una.
jsr'itA.s'To.v. m. w:.
Goivtnnr-S W. I'li.VNVr'Al'KIJH.
J.lcilli'iiiuK lintel unr-- . Al. lifSOWN.
Soerfcliiry Dl' I ittit ti.'il Alfnlis J.SAAC H.
'tmciei-'i-WII.I.IA M i iN; NT-: 1. 1..
JiiiIsl a -A. vusnritis
Ci)iiiiiiNMinni.K..ifMix ci)i'i:ii:u Aiort-
ins, .101 ix r'i:.u in
Jllhe Inmiecfni- i.i.nwu.vx m. l.v-
Senator Jul IN I! .biflDAX.
Find DNlilii-JuSIIfli
Swonil Dliltl-I JfHIN S( Hill KM. .IK.
Tiiiici uisiiiii i:uwwm imi:s.
J-'ttllllli IM'liht I' I IMIII.CIN
Klecllnti .l'i. Not. 4.
The Idea l.iliur, In net due i uri-
slderatlllll ,11 ll.ll'l lilllllK. lUII.-t nil II
dint n c.ij.i1ili lepitvonlntitv-, like
Seheuer, .1111111'" . 1 1 1 1 i'hllblli .j li i.l U i ft ! t
,lneph Oliver. ;i win Iter Ioi labor for
year?, N noiwnie. Don't yuu Indict e
A Commanding Duty.
WIII1X Al.l. Iu. b.--n -aid
lliiil i .ill he m.iIU abnul
pel Mill-, illul pfl-IJII.ll lf-
Mies In l he piet-ent taiii
p.ilKM, tin' l.ul t ftii.i In- the me.n
and nwi"liiKliitt-lni; iiuotioii bel'oie the
voleis i tin- iiii"-tioii of jnoxpfiity.
Sh.ill tlio ixNtlrn; koihI limes bi- ruii
llniicil lit tin- luiilliiii.iljim In puttci d!
till' li-.uly nml polli-lp" w lili'li lj(oii!,'lit
llipin aboil I. or ,-h.ill tlit-y In' ,i-upiiiilril
liy t'xpcrimi'iit with juoiln'i- p.niy
Vlll)f ll Ill W ll.lll .Hid Willi Olllf!-
ullll"4 lll.ll ttlli'll tiled liefoie plllllKld
the I'liiintry iiiln tiKiilili'.'
How, yon m.i.t -U, i iliN iiii",tiiin
itiMihed" In ittn w si. -. Dln-iih, In
Hie l-lllll ll rilllyl . Mllell. A Ut-lll-
oi rii tie niiijiii liy in I'oiiipKx In-
leHVleliC'i' Willi Itl-plllllli-illl p.Jlicic, .1
(li'iKllni-k ul the Livt-iiiuKinn li.
tin fill'- id' t, trill let Mmi .unl i (iiiiiiiniil
lirllMtlnn el' liiiiit"4- iiiiiililliiii-. by the
artempled nm mi rm-i in t- nt I )enu i .itU
i.-inipiilKii l ur isml. Altlnmsli
a neniiii:i-!itii' iiuijintiv In the liitter
l.(lll.-e (if Clltlll". ttlllllll sfill e,li. tli-
."eiLite In lln.- hfiinlM of id'' Kepiibli, .tu-.
It tt.illlld 111 .1 I.JI-e lll-.l-.llle li.- Ule
l'1-e.-.ldeiil V li,(iid -unl hi'i'p the uiiii try
,'tl llllilln nil the Klldililll o. iui-iK.iii
m.i til Jill l;i t h hi. li ttoiilil iJim ulnil liu-l-1H
-s-3 fulll-- .Jlld pelMMlill Mjiillillf; e.i-
jidrliy a I lia.-l i tu p"i ii'tii.
Illdll-eell,. , by the eiillelli'llllleiilh
H llii'h Ueinoei.iiie -hi i en In stnif jild
Ifli'dl llellN ttlllllll tllllltf lip .IK,llll-l e.
pilblil-.lll I'll.llll (.'." Ittll ,te,j,- belli e.
Tllip i Mitel M)llleilUe. lil.-e
Msllt ill'. Tim in.iil.t lieltllilli',ui-t llllnlx
lliey i .111 put piltfer illtu the ll.llliN nf
'the Denineiiil y in mi-i nlei- nil' t,.,(v
nml not be li.indle.ipped by H when
.piesldeiiiliil yeai- i-oiin-i luiniil. Tttlie
In IVniixt'ivunl.i thi-. nii.-tnke h.i- been
m.ide, to be billowed m e.u h in en-Inn
by the eleeiliin of ,i li.'inoei-.iiie pi i ).
dpitt .mil en ei.i uf w.illliiij and hh.iIi
IllS of teeth. If theie any ellli.iey in
I'Npei-Ienee lllif- ini.-.,ike will mil be
made an, iln o t'.if n. I'.obei t i:, I'.utl
Mill Is eiineeineil; bill ll i- quite a- ,..
entliil Hint Itepublieaiis should .-tand
with theti- i,u iy In nniiity anil eHj-.
I.nife as in .-int.- .unl mill ii tlulu-
lilve the l)eiiii)i-i,it. annlller ilidKi- ,ind
llu-y would e iluee m the futir with
all till' I'litlit lllai'llineiy to put In the
Ili-P (if Ule iJelllneiai-y In ( online I'.illl
pnlKlix. Cite ih, -in another i-oiiiiiiIs-siie-
aild llle.t ttoiilil -willH efi'i-y ux
eulleitor mid ,t lnri sh.iie of Hie
"tablex ami aldermen Into line lo HkIu
Itepublli-.iniMU ileieaflei-. I S I -. Ill, in
tile llll'lllb.-r.- Ul' tile eexalll-e ft
tills louiltf .mil by mi mill h ttnuld
li(.k',iwiinuii,. potter be iiullil.i In
state nivalis unlei-K the li'lsature ami
jKovi'i'iinr sliniild be iJemoeratii-, tthidi
would tut .in a fK'uloer.itle I'nlled
SMltl' seiu.tor at WahllillKloll In lepie
soiu ltfiiilii,iii K'liii-yltuulti.
We l'lllt"' IliillilllK In Miy peiMiuully
.lllTt tile Keiilleiueii I'limilllK' I'm- of
nrk'iln the aiitl-l!epubi.-.iii te;et.-. f
tllflV- Hfl IliilhlUK .It .-.liike .sate pel-
V?(llll I'ollipllnieiil ilei- Uepiihlli-au
'fHeitils IlllKht well lie euei ftn- s.
noi'liis pni-tt to lorwaul pei.-onnl ends.
lUlt U Is lllpoliie under the I'lrt'lllii.
Itrliivs in Uuep party luteu'sl- om of
slftlft. Tll'ey life I'lillllu.lllilllIK 'I'lley
leaeli the liljjhe.t p.n,... n' luiporiaiu e.
Tln-y Int'dhe on till.- iiie.isioii tile tt llnle llleMioil id I III I h Hill 1 prn.-llei-lly
'Ami pillule ifelluie, And that beliiK
JlilC. llllt Js onli one ihliiK I'or lu.tul
i lpilhlleaiH. In do and Hint I to im
lip ranks ami Kv the Ofiim -im-.t . up.
tier ttlmlevei nuiii.- 'is imi,-iiietaies in
llilh i-oiiniy, a tlmiiiiij-li defeai.
As' if'i-iiijit(t eo.'.r-llllle Kites idaet.
'Q 0)' ,fll' lllilt" pail, lite p.Uty of
calantltj shod,, binei t,..u and pie
. IU re's 'fiit- aiimhet iiiiiIkt In the tomb.
i "
t TUv Mitvint'lit of the Hritlsh railway
rs)i(in sunt in rcjiurt mi Antei-leim nil
Sijf melhnds that Hie toads. In this
'.'lyUf'J' ll" mote persous In, pio'poi un
l tin iniiiiliei- fit ri Ivii tluiit .in j;nK.
';'!"'": J''Vlll""e "f llle i'i'f'ii'.:in''y at' tin
ii'oU'v'teil (,'injJe i'i-i(is.-hiys's' p'tobii'bij
.iujm. n i u'ttaiii,' ;u nn"yM'iits,'
tin t the rutin nf Rfitilo ernslllK ilDllll
flilfs i miirh Iiipk"!' In tin- t'nltoil
Ktiitps titan rniniiorts wlllt Us elnlin
lo elvlllziilliin, and beMpi'tiks it linnent
nhle pi I'M I'lii'f for ilH'lilemls over
al'l. Ittll out' or tltt'Se days public
opinion will tin lie pp mi the rtibjeet of
tflilile I'0sIiik.. mid I hen lhl Hritlsh
tiitlnl tt'lll eease In have sllbxlulitlat
lieotue Howell's OIll.X hope ft if elee
t loll Is In Iteplililleali sllpporl, or III
olllei ttolds, ItelJllblli'lltl llllllirwehee lo
I'lHsideni Itun.-evelt nml iiiillomil In
teiesls, ift' It u ftillll liupe','
.Ioiin nitchell'j Wise Counsel.
-W-lli: TU.NT'I nml Kphll of I'lcs
I Idt-lll Mili-tlt'll's iiddtess tu
Jl the lulliets' eoliveiitlon iiie
admirable, 'J'liej exhlbll n
bieatlth uf flew and a elarlt.t or Judg
ment eel lulu t'er.t largely lo enhliliee
llie pilblle estimate of Mr. Mllehell's
The time for IlithlliiK liax gone by.
The time for lenitielliatlon mill umtiliil
endeatoi to litlng iibolll belief 1111111--tilnl
rondltlons iinad n sltouger feellimr
Of folllldellie and fo-operiillull illlinilK
the ioi it- of eiipltal and labor has eoine
In It. plaie Tilt- laiKe pllhlle ItileK'-t
Which totcetl the npfl'iltuiH lo aci'eile
to tile deniiind lor a Ihoroutili aibllra
t tun of all point- ul Is-aie cull- with
eipuil Impel lou-lie I'or piouipt -llb-mlssloli
by tht mine ttoiUei.-. The Int
lir fan yield the mole gracefully lie-eall'-e
In ylelillui; lliey uit'iel.c atiUle-i e"
In tin; position lucidly dellued bt their
own able li .tiler and sauctloned tiiunl
mmisl.t by his ctbluel of olliclal ad-tlsei-.
Their battle was a noliible one, which
cotillliaildeil the nlleiitloii of llle civil
ized wot 111 and etoked a ki eat pteS
slite of vympjthy In their behalf, The
man Who led it with -iii-h line -elf-nintinand
now 1 oimsels p(.ue ttlili hon
or; the pnttiiiK aside ol bitterness and
leerlinlnaiion, and the sraspini; of (he
oillsli etched hand, in the lull hope that
lime anil the ('residential commission
will ilaht -ub-la'nlial ttioiti;-. John
Mllehell's louil-el lias la 1 11 ploted t-afe 1
III the p.nt and II is safe now. When ll j
snail linte been r.i titled at Wilke-'
Liai'le it should mark the begl
a new eta ot piosperilv anil good will
I'lesideiil ttuo-evell lias set ved notice
upon leileial employes that ibet mat
coiitiibille to the caiupalmi funds (
their party or nut, a- they See lit. but
1... ..........1 ,. .. iiu 111..11 iii in,- ii-uriiii ,-t-i let iuis
liny 1 Iftht to a-k them to contt Ibute.
The pif'skleni etidelllly -till has slai'ih
III hi- 1 it II, set-flee notion-.
Immigration 12 v 1 1 s .
A-W-sIIK riTIIAMSIUP Inllueilce
w llilh me believed to hate
ttotktd against Mr. I'ottder-
ly while he was oinmis-lun-ei
ol liiimiKiallutt will Mad scant con
solation in the ih-t annual tepoit ot
Mr. l-owdeily's Mine or, Flank 1'.
S.ilKelll. It is latfiely Ite'i ovei to
snnlna tic sieain-hlp ninipanle- tor
lall;. In lompli.iuie ttllh the IiiuiiI.mi .1
llon law- 01 1 oiillltauie at llieii t lola
lioti. 1 Hi" ot llle iiio.-t iiilpot taul ol Mr.
SaiKenf- in oinnietnlaiions I- ihat cou
f,li s pj ,1 latt peliallllllH seteteiy
any steamship eonipaiiy permlltliiK .n
IhiiiiIhi .J nt 10 -inli.ulc with sympotms
of a 1 Olllaslous di-ej-e. Al pie-cut
the only demand ol llle latt i- dial the
-teani-liip cunii.iiiy shall return the
illsea-"d pi'isoti to w hem e he raine, a
t'-iiilieineiu which lake- tety littlf-
annum ui uie u,umi-i- iiicurrru oy
biinniiiK ill-eii.-til ir-iMiii lo llie pint.-
uf Ibis luiintrv. and which ot-ei looks '
that lite coinpaiili I1.1t. oppoi tiinille?
of medical In-pei-tlon siilllcleiit k. for-
bid -ucli lilllinj; witli lln- lieallb ot the !
Aineiicau people.
On lln- .-ublt'i'l of the exclusion of the
t'hliiese. .Mr, SaiHent tepenix the re ol ditlicitltles made by veiy
piedeie.-or bill by way of silftfte.-l ion
oiler,- two new ideas, one Is thai au
thority be Klveil for llle ilppollll Ulell t
of aKeiit.- tu administer the Chinese
om Ill-Ion law-, In-lead ol leaviiiK llielr
etlloi-cetnelll to collcoUit- ol cusluut-;
anil the nlher i- that loinpeieiii special
otllieis b" stationed at IIoiik Koiik and
1 'anion lor tile etilot cement of the laws
In t 'liln, 1 instead of lent ins that duly
in the hands of the American lotisiils
in China, whoalieaily bate. ill they can
do '.tell, without altvniptlltf? detectlte
woik ol extiente dlllh lllty. Allium tills
lllle Mr. SUIKCIII leltew'.s the lellllll
lileiidatioii ol hi- iiteilen 01 that the
Iteitllloii system uf IdetiillU-atlun be
employed so as lo make Impossible the
ttallsfer of ciedelllinls so 1 oiuilloli linw
ailioilH I'llllle-e tradeis pas-lnt; In null
from the 1'iiiitd Slates, ,
fpoll the Whole. Mr. H.lle,its , ,. '
, ,, , , . ,
poll i- a iery ciedltiibk- and IiusIiiit..-
like document, showing coiiclil-lfoly
'hat the pte-ldeul. t lien detei mined lo
make a change In the mllcc, picked
wspy Mr. Pottdelly's stleo sine lillt
one id the III'Mi'iil duties bel'ule colt
Kless, it dlllf Which the li.'cent cual
slrlk" mure Imilbly than ev f ciupha
sl.eil. Is In piovlde I'or a still pioin
siilitKi'iit and deierictit sit'ilim of Immi
gration, il not. Indeed, for Us pr.11
llinlly loinpli'le siispetislDii fur a tfi'ltl
of yens, mult tin) hii'Kc body of 1111-
llSSl'llllillell lolelfjlleis HOW 111 tl-
iiitililry may become pailially uccits
luiueil to Anierlcuii lib-, is and pilnci
ples. Tile IllllC has inlllii when tills
probleiu can lie taken up nml solved
iilont; loiiiiiiou sense Hues without In
I'lilibis political ilunyers, or llie bet
tcr opinion id llm whole loiintry. i
well us the voice of neai ly every iccok
IllZtd It'ilder allUUlK I In- alien elemelllS.
Is f.iMii-uble to chetklii,' the pieseiit
cM'esSlte Inpoltr.
- -
The IH'iiuicr.ils hate only 0110 Issue
nott ilnti ihey iluie pKiiluiin openly
latin' telotni, And the la-l t;iue tip.
tticil ih. it they nearly klllcit the conn
1 1 y.
Tim Itepitbllcan who i-ntcs to weaken
I'K'Sldi'lll ItOoSefell's sltppoit In coll-ure.-s
cannot lit uituli of a Itcpublli-an.
A Xi Vntk liicicantlle ttssoilatloii
Is ht-iidliiK our of Its iiuinber to I'uba
to make 11 cinteii ippoiu of coudilioiw
nml teiidt'ncle. tlieie. The idea u a
Kood one. Tlit'le nil(,lilo be soinu
lili'iinu ot UiufnliiK ihn A mm lean public
accln-ilU'ly lliftiitncil nloiiir H1I1 line,
oi'illiiaiy lrporls me sliiKtilnily con
t en die lory nml eonrilsluir,' '
t'ltlcayo, the hiinie or tin' b'Cf liti-l,
Is how llii'i iifeiieil by a t'oiiililiiiillou of
le-litltfallts, It 1- to be Imped Illul the
tcstullfiiltt citnilillinlloll will be blold'll
liefoie (t hi'Kllls lo Ktilb slteimllt III Hip
KilHl. If llleie Is nil 'bllsllli'ss Upon
cnilli Hint should be left open lo lllll
et'sat t'olllpetltliill It would seem to be
tile eliteipilse III t llloll the heart- of
the hungry uie comlorleil by Ih" cheery
ejat'tlltilloli of "draw nut'," "bllill-,
blown." ami "linni miiiI."
- .
Ulivllllf lei'elVed tin pay since UlP
Anieilcati ilnir went down, n nninber
of employes of the clly of Santiago,
Culi.i, llltte become' alilicMil lohlsts, In
tiieniory of the lemilni liy with which
rude Sinn paid them. May be this
splril will mow,
I'lillce illeiiry i.ircls to tlsll Aliler
lea ttjialii ami the next lime will conic
uilolllclally. In olltcr words, a- Amer
ica bus -cell Henry, the pi luce now
de-lle- an opportunity In see America.
War new- lioin Sniualllaiid will
doubtless Indiue llie iivcriiiU' leader to
look over be maps and dlscoter If
pos-ble the location or the lit lest Mad
Tlleeleitlon ol JililRe 'o-buri; W011UI
evucily balance Iho parly 11 til I In I Ion
ol our local Judges. What could be
nun e fab V
John It. .Ionian's seualoi ial ciimpalgu
! Kulnjt lo surprise the public. Ills
running capacity le-eiubles hi eased
The b"-t way to show malltude for
the settlement of llie su-ik" - to tote
llle tlcki.'l of the pally thai settled It.
1 'halt m.ill I'leasy has leached the
claiming slam, a .-uie sIkii that ilulfey,
I'.tltt-iiii iV I'n. are on llie run.
r! President Col born
tests' a Sfat?ra?nf
I ' I '" '''
I I -V
1 ''"
lullowlliK sllileiiK-nl wa- I lltd
leiiliiy by A J I'olhuili, 1 -1
III ol the 1'eiinsy Ivani.i stale
ininp of llle r'allinilc Older Sons ol
DI'TIMS 1)1-' A.MKIllfAN i'ITfi:NS.
Till- 1. 1111! ul tieeiluiii, coiiseeiatiil lo ill'1
lull ill I cll.l in-'' ol llle i-illl.ll liulil- uf ,111
men beiote the law. ha- pa ed Ibioili
llle ttlili'. dn p 1 i.'i.'iie ul a di-liesshm
.-tilke. ill which lln-ii' was nij 1 1 -peel lor
lie eiptal lights ul all men. Inn l.ittle-s-tn
, tint and miudii. pet pi tialed on
lho-e who -nimbi In bat. their kilmi em
ployed In ..idi'i- In teed aiai 1 Inllit their
ttitts .unl 1 hildii a
The lelaliou ol I'tnpliiti'i and eiuplny.d e 1 .Si-led -lllll I'll III. itllltl lii.lll
Nuililiiu ha- b. en iliie wltlu, 111 1ap1t.1l;
nothing lias 1 1. -u ,lnin without l.-iboi.
To le.llle W'llllt is 1 entitled as I hu
Ideal 1 oiidllioa. a. in lalion- 01" labia- Willi
tapll.ll lllte In en 01 li eo-pliipl te
la ry and 1 o-up' latlv, with taiynm iu-
1 -all- v
j Al'ti'i all atli-iapls ,.l I III:- Kind, the lact
' si em- will I'Mnblisiieii ibtl and
lllilllllK nillolls Will lift 1 f III I'lltlli' llle toll',
aud 1I1.1I labor and i.tpllal will lespi -t
lively be al the ih'-pn-al ol ditleteiit ne-it.
I Those who bate labm Iu m II.
I iinniet 111 Invest la tin m.ileilal- and
I pioilin I.- of then nv. 11 Imbisti.t, will al
I ways be a l.ilsp pioinn lion ol lie- 1 0111
Ulltllltt, If the i.lpltlil ill' the ttolld W '
I III be eipiallt llltldill II ttlllllll I. Ul
1 lake a 111, null 1.. 1 .-, -tabll-li tin old dlt I
Inns uf capital 1, Mil lain
Theie ill.
i...,,,i - 1 1 ,.,11 lin.i.
ttbieli would m.iuaKc ,11 utn e in ttln lie
capital and t inplnt the indnsin anil la
bor of ntbei-. ami t 11 111'1 aiiiilcnt- of
1 llle ttoiilil tllakt Itllint I11111I' tin 11 ileb.
Tb.-ie '- no pn ilillil; of m.iiiit. limit,
eiptallty of 1 otiililiint miuinc nun. Tb-
capitalist, villi mutiny to be i-mpliited iu
iiilulim. cuiminite, .iiul 11 tu m 1 1 1 1 1 tun - ami
llie labuiei ttllh 1. ulcus bidusliy and
skill 10 ,-ell. Will lite -lile by sldi While
the Wot III stand- The ii.iliiinl wi-b ,f
Ibe llrsi will alwntt- In- lo He llm pe-t
piolil Iu 1 an on III- intuit, and ol llie
oilier In set llle be-l pilie he ean lot hi
labia, The lulipillt of 11, ul,1.- union- I- lllll
I hey male no institution bi-twciti kouiI
and bad employ eis, and bictd iiiilvm.-il
ill-i-untfiii. latt IiMstu ss ami iletniiialba
tloii. even Iu litis day of wide and deep dls
111 alliums Hie I'lbtini- aiul iiiln' is who
tteie not 1 iiiiin cied with any union, but
lur iht sake of heephi", away liuippi,
pi'mity and waul. Ihey win ki tl aK.ibi-t
llle lu.itiilali nf tin- union. In every
path of llle, Iu etiti-y iniliislikil pul.-ult,
tvh"iht-i In thi mill in dutt'ii hi Utn mine,
or iu walk- theie aic dull"-
w lilih apply m eteiy and
llie. ale to ploleil the weak, help ntn
.inntlier. no mallei what la mat be. ie
llefe the .-iifleiliit!. appease Die luumi-y,
anil bi.ll 1 1 oilier',- bill ilell-i, ! yuit
WIJllllI lit" 111!' life Ul' ll ll'lle Alllelll 111.
At tills lime, when a M'ltleiui at ha-
In-. -n dedal od. and 10111II1I011- made Hint
those who labored ilinh'f, III" .-Hike
-lnutld be allowed lo coiitlni,e on with
tin lr Wot I;, and b. li.-al.'d ttill. .e-pect
uiul liilini"1- by ih" anion nun when ihey
.,.,. ,.,,1 ,, ti., ir tnlnns. the tnliiet-., ul He
union bate awakened Willi lineal.- of vln
I, in i- tu tliu-t Dial wei- not nulled, with
them and tiny eoiu 11 -tultlly lliciu
seltis, and loiiiet nia ol th" Kieat cuiull.
lions thai llie public demanded" that thi
spirit of falrue-s must li,. call ml out
No Ameilcan ttlielliei lie be a uilii"! or
luhoicr has Hie ii,lu to depilve llie non
union mini ll nlll bi'llilt employed We
hope that llie slithers who li,t" stood
so Hi inly by their piinciplcs will now
ttlli'll lla-t lellllll lo unil;, "ipllt Ihtlll
seltcr like men." and In- lull and .Hisi
III tlio-e Who ll.lte Willi, ed ilurhiK Hi
vli lite, and who, itiii'ii Ibet e-umi their
plai es In the mines, once iiioic, will act
tall It ami justly Willi Hub fellow ttml;
nii'it. I tall upon Ihe HaiiiMiiid- of
Illinois I luti ktiotvu lor ycais In the on
tin, u lie it'itiuus. uf katvanua, l.u
f.itui, I'.nbnii anil Schuylkill iimntle-,
who tteie always loyal to Ptei-y sense 01
liil n . mid palilotlc In their deslie to lie
ionic clll.eiis who le-pect Alueilea's laws
and her iu-tittiiloii-. and Kive eiiiial ilKbl-
10 all men. I hopt thai Ibis will leach
llitiii, ami that llu-t will take It in Hie
same sphlt of fiieadsblp and late that
lias liuuinl as tnullnl 1 1 11 the lust snfeii
It Is a vooil 1 1 tu for llicsu men who
wa;cil thi- -Hike 10 u sin ii'ssiul deli -ml
1111 1 Imi in slmtv that llif.c wcie men I111
I.111 il with Uui Aiueibau ideas, that ler
imtil.i s Hie iIkIiis n labor of all iiipii
'llial diii'llluc wll add irimw'iil ttlort to
the 1111I011 It is a uotid iluie, In llielr com
mon tumble, lot the iniiiai men ami the
iuni-uiiluii m 11 to li'iiiu Unit Hint havn'
iii:al 1 liilUK beloie the law. and Ihat
they .lie til till 1 111. ami deoi intent. Iu
many ways, upon one anutliei When
lids pet oil of doptcsslou passes away, as
11 11111-1 .-mm, we hope tbit the union and
inui'llllliill men will lay uniile all old Jeal
oi.slea and i".-eiiloii tils, nml leaiu pot
only to be Just, but ueui'tuiis ami lab to
ttuuls t ut'h othfl. That I- the spun of
the true Amclli'.iu. who I hoiieal In
tliniiKlil as well as In purpose; luuifst in
word, as well as In iIumI. mi th.u la u
tlllnus they tuny be true to IhrinspItT",
tine, tu ilit'lr fellow men nml true to their
t Inil.
Our liiillon li nti'iiuulhiir liaiiler for Hi
vl itcficn lodtiy 1 tut 11 Ctrl- hpl'inr ll Is u
wut'lnii bilw-pi'ii law Mini oiilir, and Holt
mid ruin The poison or conuptlon and
ilNloynllj lo law ami 'duly Is fileiillliif
softly , but witli deadly cntalniy In cteiyi
vein and nl'inu eveiy nrieiy Weak laws,
ami lalior stl Ike- I'o-teiluu seclloual tut -tied
and lattiessnt s, will, suuiii'i' or laler,
miles- clir-cked by the awakeiilnt; sphlt
of p.llllollMin of our p.upli, ooinbllie In,
the lulu ol 0111 liwlltulltiu-.
Title, the l.ibolet i.m Itlnsc. Hive lllltl
mploynieiit, and he will iiueallli the coal
and Hie tpilii, and mail,, the lories of nil
tlitf. uiiilci HiililhiK mind-, the wlllini;
sertunl of man. Too liiuch Mlory culinut
be Kltett lo those who lii tlii t It nml dan.
ueiotis inliie- loll ami labor with no four
of llie luipefiillii" tlaiiHrr; 11 tut now I- the
lime when la Ina mm dimiify n-eir by
shottliiK the world' Ihat II him the true
Ameilcan splill. Amcilcnnl-tu I- a
spllll tnitl a seiitlmelil, mil tilotii' a liadge
ol -oili'lv, tiiiiuu. or tin til ol KOW'tiiini'iil,
Aliiellianl-iu N i,Ut Iu llle people, ami 11
lote ul" eounliy. a -ease of liuilliei hnoil.
a Mite of pel-feel u-llce. loyally lo law
and constitution; ami a sacied leitniil lm
all the ilchts and piltileirei Unit belotc;
lo eveiy Ameiienn. be he natlte born
01 adopted,
II I- a Utiie when labor -liuulil help la
hoi: It - a m,i'd time lor llietn lo reiuem
lier In the I h.-h insiiinnilun of wink that
nou'-uiiloii men hate wife- lo ilolhe ami
llllle one- dun uetil, as in II as tin
union men. No tint Inn lta- eter biti
111II, il upon so e.spH ly as this to main
man proud ol' lilnisell as man, ami in;
appeal in lln unl, in inluei- to be na 11.
and exi'iiipllly hi yoat conduct Ih" fjnhloii
lllle Ol llttlllll' "III! lift 11 Ut III I M ,M Mill
would hae tin in ,n unto ton.' 'N"tv
ilutbs anil u-piin-llillitles bate tome lo
llie 1: iiloii men, mill they must fuee ihoin
muni nlly nml couumi'iiu-lt, teady lo ll,-;lit
.'iKitln-t strife. fo'iti'iltiK uf lawlt ne.-s,
and Ihe stow lit nf -nelali-nt and miarcliy
With tills meal milk befoie them Ihey
should make etuy one tealize thai theie
is a spiclul dun- lor him to peifoiin. and
millliiK one with another, woik with Hint
yen 1 anil iletotloa Unit will nut fall lo
hi lay tile eliioniluills ol 111" AlUelle.lll
people )u not lui'jel. fellow Atmiliaii Hit men who 4ii lm ill al the call -if
our toutitrt In iiiibold lis sliinilald. nml
thiilleiite lis honor, aic mil Ihe onlv -ol-dlei-,
beioes nml palilol-. but Ihete ate
-uldlel-. In 1 om and palrlnls ot peat e as
well a- nf will, ami tliouqh 110 wumiik
phiiue beekons them on to fUoiy and lo
death, (belt (Ijlni; -eene Is oft 11 iilut--011
one. They lull let, lint; ami hclplii".
llle tail nf eivlllalinil. sowillK .'ceils 1 f
patilotistii aiul edtieaiiiie; .,, -i,,,! Wu.
men to feai ihul and keep Ills otnliiaml
iiieniM, wlio lute linni.- ami couutiy with
lie.iM atal soul ami who bend llielr mer
uit" lor law ami tut let-; ami Inline tor
Hod. lln-ii loiuiiiy, liet law- ami liei lu-
stllullnllM, and lllell fellow lllell lUlltillS
one witli nnoihet' in make It stinivet
-1 1 1 I iniclitit r In tontiiia years
"Aliietica sn in mill ami f 1 , e.
I alio mt life, nty be.ti I In Urn '
Still let thy liiax'ii-boiu sfinbul My
111 eteit clinic, 'neiiih eteiy skt';
Still il-e 11 t emu. 111 laic, lo .-laud.
l-'ot tiod. ami llnllli ami natlte laud.
No maitei hint lowly, tin nialter how
humble, ut, mailer ltovt pool a 1 ilie 1
may be he wields an hitlueiue f,u Boot I
01 for etil. Some one is iniulc b. tt"i. n
' 'oi me is iem,iil( aicnidlny: 10 the
spirit 1I1.1I animate- llm heat I ill our bi
ll man Willi tail' lellott bi'illK-.
That Ioiin ol fintei milt lit 1- best, wbhli
while ll ti'stiahis all iia-sion--. ilanueron-
l" Hit lommumtt. leate- tin ".leain-t
alllinilll nt per.-olial llii'lom to the elll-!
r.i'll ll l.lVol- llle lice -Which lilts II. t
tteakisi anil Hie -tinn-a'-l. the b.i-esi ami
llie anblt-i, tu a iiuaiaon plain- ol Hunt '
ami piltlle:;", and iu kaotvletls-e- no ilU
lim lions Inn sin li as na lit ami I
lei may iustlv claim, which Huow open '
In all, all Ihe aieinics oi luuun ami o,. I
lite. thuiiKhl ami atocallun, ami -ulTeis
et en win thy liosMUiy lo slili.. side by
Mile with tin- lit be-t ami the piniali-l I
!;ut el anient based atal utlmiul-l"H d up
-ucli pliuclplex, 1, lilies loiee .lllll tll"l;t
into eteiy iiiiiiilei, .solicits eveiy ha '
plotemellt -llnilllales eteft imbl-tlt til ,
it lops eteiy laculty. ami lilts in. in m, j
lo lb" hiilie.-t pbu It of 1 hit thin.
ami tievciopi tl laauliuoil .Nay. laotc it
sl.itiils upon a suit 1 basis than when Ui
it in- ol pottei ate K.uheieil iu -i simji
hand, sitppoileil by lln- matlc- ol i.iu1.
The eperli in I laaukititl pi ot es U1.1l
Slates bate It's- lo feai floin loe- wlth-
Ulan 11 inn tlome-lic titnlniy and
tiolinte wit Mill. ud 1 I an at s,)
liable lo ptoilutc till sc ill-Old I- lis Jell-oll-t'.'
It I- jealousy lb., I luted ill-con
lent nouiisins lialrnl ami lll-wlP
ami llnally. iiiinlileiii'il lulu it-ilt-ss tin
lent e In il- n-al 01 inm e, ttiom;- h a Uilllll lelleauie nil Its foe-slrik-t-s
down ihe .stun, auurchy pit tail
and Km et nuii'iit Is ,11 an end.
Hill when all lm II ale plated 1 imii a
fnothiH "f ciiuahtv, ami 1 .11 b minis -ut-1
1 ss depends upon bis own i-vi-i lions, ,u
blame call be Imputed lo llm siatt for the
dlveislij of 1 audition lliat 1111-1'. ami
lieiite one of Hie must pottt-tfu1 niollt, 1
to letolutlon Is .-Hi-need ami leinuted
' Such a model we now llmt in our own)
icpiiblli. who-.' expiiudhiK Kuaiin. j
-tt-iltlt- iidiiini'hiK I" tb" utiiio-t boainl
ot bmnnii at iileti nieiit: ami l.isi nn,l I
lllo-l (llollolls of all, wlio-e lice 1 oliiUl-
1 11 1 ion. li-lim like Urn sun to mawi-il
lib sslnu. makim; ihe pact's of bisioey
"doit with imlold beauty, lutokes tin
pible ol eteiv Ainciliau In-ail. anil the
adinliallun of the whole wuild lletc It
Is thai liberty Is oii'-islcni with ciiiiillty
ailtl llle siipii'iue object of aeenmpllsli
mem, the happiness 01 the people.
Such a form of mm iimiciu ite ha",
and It can only be m. iliil. lined In lioius
like this bt llie dlKllilV I'M'll'Nl'll by lle
laboiet, ami bv tcsptclluK Ihe peisnual
fipciloni of his fellow'-i'iiliti 11
A. J. I'olliiiiu, .Ir
Pciiinton. I' 1.. Oct Jl, '"'i.'
I Where it Belongs!
The refinement of quil.ty and !
j the perfect dsveloptnent of ';
.;. Amei lea's best vhlsiwy- '!
Baltimore Rye l it -vtiere it justly belongs vl. ,
ill tne clUrs and buftels of tho-e vho .
""'il?, r'.'v!1.r:.t'ft'".'1 .'" ut j juMieii.
. till, l.lS.tilAS A MIN.Hiulmurv Mil ;
' 4.
? ' ; v ; ; v ;. ;. . .;. .;. .;. .j. $
' " lrt 1. TI T ' ! !.. " . fc. A . J
. v ,.,. . v v v v v . ' v v v v v v v v v y
t Z w
M WmMmmT -
t N OE MAW "y
i mi 1 -
We have now in stock the finest display
of these goods ever made in Scranton.
Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na
poleon post bed styles. They are ele
gantly rich.
Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully
finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis
XIV styles.
Wc Invite Insncr.tloii Wlmllier You Arc fitting to Buy al Oner, or Not.
Hill & Council,
A Cclcbritcd Recipe
for fhtkinjr
By fo'lowiiiR these directions, we can
assure you the most pleasing lesuls:
I bui;e tfdiimiifiil of powilcicil siimir. t
Irvih ei!, '.j nine iiliisn ot liramly : ia ttlnn
Kl.its nt nun aiai 11 Utile sluivt-d lit". Kill
the ikiSK tilth rli'li mill; aiul shake llm bi
smllriili inilll tlinrmiBlily inlieil. Pniu- Hun
Rnlilpt, I'M'ltulltii! the Ice 1111J kihIc 11 llltlo
lilH'.lli-K na top.
We specially recommend forejjg-nogn,
Ilennessy's Three Stiir Brandy at JSI.6U
n bottle, and London Dock Jam.-.ica Hum
at 51.2.! it bottle.
Old 'Phone
f r Sales
2it LacKavyanma Avt.ScRAr
Fall Fashions in Ladies' Shoes
at Reasonable Prices.
The secret is in btiyinjj. We do not buy poor fihoss, there
fore it is impossible for us to sell you a poor pair. Tiie price
may be low, yet the quality is all there. We have thiee lines
ol" popular-priced Ladies' Shoes that are being worn by hundreds
of our customers, lrom whom we have had many satisfactoiy
testimonials. They sell at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
'I hi aic nf tin nevN Ya shapes, rut fmiu
Calf and Vi-i Kid, with pntent nml dull lip-,.
.Mllitui' hei'l, lH(f cir liuttnn, v op heay,
(IcnIIiIh, eOll nt4.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Uoor to new First National Bank Building.
You Know
hest place in town to
is at
412 Spruce Stieet.
309 Lackawanna Avenue.
We have n complete assoihnent of
the 50c kind, the $1.00 kind and nil
standard makes, in all grades.
Agency for Dr. Jnegei's.
J . . , K t v, t f, , t , v,vt
1 DicKsors SI
ft --"
l ft'
! 1
1 &'
Always reliable.
Mill & Grain Co
Scianton and piyphnnt.
Vt ' M ' 4 4 "4 ' '' t ' '4 i(
The Trlbuiie Mill KUaiantee lo ptliu
yuttr iiiiper ImuU ciijii'ltur than any oth
er pi'ltuing house in the city.
Washington Avenue
New 'Phone
riii..,HKt i:KN'nni M)!ini. ,!,.
KUKOPI-AN I'l.AN. ,t:V. lit HI'ROOI'
ConveiiiciHto Theatres and Sliuppln
Districts. Take I'.irU st. cross town
curs and transfer ut -Ult ave. direct
to hotel.
Humus tilth llul li ) f.Sults tiltli Hath
-' ) I s.;:.ui).
W. M. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixtci'iitli St ami Ir in
i l'late,
Aiiirilrmi Plan, -f 1 JO Pir Day and Uiwanli.
Luioprjii Plan, ;1 iXi IVi- Day anil L'ivjriH
tpctlal Itati-9 to Fjiuillrs.
-f ft-f-f.-f-f-ff-f -f-"f4"f 't-f'f-f-ff
For I5usints .lien
ill llle lll'illt Of tllO Mltules.lle dl.S
tlll'l. r'oi' nlioiipuiS
I niiiiuli'.s' it. 1 II, in Wan. 1111. ihei.,
" ml mil' In Mb'Ki I I'oniii'i'u lilvt
Slot" uf niies o iheuie.u
thy Uooils rtloie-
I'OI' S ill I SUC IN
One I1I01K floin IS tt.n I'lim. Kit
inpt' uanspoi t.itlun in ul
pnllili- 111 llllt'
C01 Dili ST t I XI I3KSI I I'l
lll'lt line llllliK 11 nil lilll.ultt.iy,
T DnAm-. U: I lln U'l..-, 1 A I J.,' A I
r ftUUmi, 4I UU. dices k'eaVurialic
Atlantic City.
llie temperature at the AtiMiNV,
On the Ik'jch, in t'li.-ls.'j, Atlaiti; Cltt,
oiliuUy tins so-".
Uieit appoliilniL'nl of a uioilein Un(el.
Kii,tuily Aiii.ut'. I'lui liutil ticni Ik-Jill, At
lallllt III), .N J., l') Oieaii tun twin,; ij.
I'il'll) t'W. ItllU till .-UJ UIU J II. jt'llil'
llm. l'iiip
On a .nut of lliL' llli'lutlt- M. mil tin. 1 ..1,1.. 1
j Vjlli-y lalbojil: uui "loitaiida llatliini;. lU.ihi;,
ipoiii, tl'. r.iti'iiiiii win?, isi-aaoiulile t mt
V, 0., Ape, I'J. Si ml fur lm.jl.l?t.
V. K, Il.tlllllS.
44 YOUNG MEN and
an pinion voi Inn In secure ciluciitlons
thiniiKh TIIK TUIltUNirS UlJt'CA
TIO.VAT. CtiNTIJST. In Wlllcll ''.!
SCI IOI.A USUI I'M. vnhn'it ilt over
?n,niin, me iilTered. Tito suhulni ships
Syrncuse University. ,
1 Bttoknell University.
1 Unlvevsity of Bochestcr.
1 Washington School for Boys.
1 Willinmsport Dickinson Semin-
1 Dickinson Collegiate Preparn-
toiy School. 1
1 Newton Collegiate Institute.
1 Keystone Acadomy.
1 Brown College Preparatory
1 School of the Lackawanna.
1 Wilkes-Bane Institute.
1 Cotuit Cottages.
4 Scianton Conservatory of Music.
4 Haicleiibevgh. School of Music
and Art.
3 Scranton Business College.
5 International Correspondence
2 Lackawanna Business College.
2 Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio.
Si'ienil id' (hi he M'liolniMlilps Inuludo I
u uui iiuiy iiiitlnn, mil iniu nonrti. inoni.
D 1,,..,, II. .1., I ........1. ,. I...1. ..
S.i'.ii. iintn .11111 itiiiiitii.. nil in-ininr. ...
two lii linn yenis. Atiion tbee lll'ty-
iiuc ytiitne; peuple I Here are tun ty
tluee it lm are le.illj .slilvinK lo M'l'Uto
eibiialioni, and llielr uiiincs appear mi
annlliei ii'ij-e of The Ti ibuiiR every
111111 lliiil, in the table showing lint
"Stiiiiilhijr nf Onnloalnnt'-' " They
J-litiiild be eiit'Oiniised In their com
mendable endeavor. I
If von iiie not already a. wubs-crllier
to 'I'lie Tiilnine, .send n noli! to nomu
one or tlm eonU.staiits, leipictiiiK n
Or, belter still, .send your subscrip
tion to The Tilbune, toRclhcr with tlio
money In pay nil s.mle. llesiKlllltitlR
Mime cuntc-tant tt-lilt'li you wish to lc
ceite Uie en il.
Conti"-taiiti aic ciriliteil with one 1
point lor etery nionlb you pay in ail
vanie. Tip. pike ot Tin; Tilbune In,
alliance is:
One iiinnlb
Tluee months ..
Sl inoiitlis
One yt ir
.. 1 ..'.-.
.. "..'in
l'HI-:.Si:.T Sri'.sritllHOKS can nlil
contestanls loateiiully by riuniiliim;
tliein ttllh it Ife-ti nf ti lends who mlKht
be llulni'i'il to la Ke The Tilbune.
Ol. they can peisnually icqnesf these
iiieniis- in Miii-ciinc.
Oi, tbey send The Tilbmio to
their filends. pay-Inn the money them
selves .Many aic doluu this unit the
lonP'stants me very Kiateful for this
M-bole-lieaited .till
O.N'I.V Xi:V SlU5SCHllJr.RS AltK
rot 'XT no. '
Kemeniber: The Tl ibime's Kiltlea- (',clusi?r" October ",", at S
ti m
Xo points not In The Tiibiine offlce
by the sltol.e id s. us told by the
('null House 1 lm (j will be counted.
IC.M'IJI'T Tin lie leepieeil by mall
! B ami post
I in. 1 iked ,it or before S p.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a tliott course, nor in tmj couric.
nor a rlii't coure, but the best education y
lo b I11J. So otlier ciluiation 1 worta
ticf.dinj linif 11ml money on. It JOU da,
n-ritc (or cataloeue st
Easton, Pa.
itliloli elTeri tliorough nrenaiatlnn In thn
ljiijlnct riiii- and t'ln nib al I'lulcs.ioiu M wtll
b the regular Collise tounes.
IteRiil.if ritale Xorinal ('intres anil
Mpeiial DepnriiuentH of Mu.sle Minn
Htm u. ntanliiK. Stenosr.uiliy ain
Tt tiettiltliiK, HlriniK C'nllnsfe Piopini
tint Dep.n Inient
UoaidliiK e.Npenseri fl..",ii p. r if. e!
Pupil .nllliltleil ill nnv time Wbltee
Teitnoptiis liei -."ith Willi for rata
E. L. KEMP, A. M.,
I'llllt Ipa1
i-CKAMU.N, lA,
T. J. roster, !'rideii'.. Hlnier 11. LatTall, .teat,
ft. J, Koitcr, Sunlejr P, Alien,
Vice President. Secretary,
General Atent (or llie Wyomltj; Wislrlct In
Diipont's Powder
Uniiu,-, DU.-luiy, Epomnt-, SmoUlcii and tin
Itcpauno Llitiiiicjl Compauy'i
tSllcly luif, dps and Uxplnderii. Room 101 Coo
uell Uulldliij: ,Scuulvu.
JOII.V II. Mii'lll M)N rhmontK
B. It. Ut'Lt.lUA.N ,..Vilt,sUirr.
t -.