The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 21, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    -IMS &np k -
Hearings tis to the Independent
Democrat nnd Soclnllat Labor Ob
jections Were Postponed Until
Wednesday Action ou Cases In
Argument Court Report of Attor
ney Wntkins In tho Matter of Ap
portioning Indebtedness of Tnylor
and Lncknwnnnn.
Couit yestetilny dNtnlhwl the olieo-tlon-j
to tho nnm'nntlon p.iii-i-i of Wil
liam Pr.ins. mil dcolmed them vnlltl.
uno of tliv? mlticliml ol-jei-tliiiii to tit
jiitt trs wim tiiat they did nut nntitl".
the leqiilslte Z niinii"-. It -.wi- shown
tluit they Iip 1 SIU naiupt anil noil" mi
i-ui-eeRsrtilh- lutucl.i'ii, although It was
aliened In the u'-Jet'tlnns tluit Many in'
the Hlgneis wvn Duinoeiats or IU'intb
llonns, ami not n.cinbeit nf th" Cltlfi-im
p.irty, or which .Mi. I'limK I" the c.iudl
ilute. Anolhci objection wa? that the hIk
iiuluies wen- obtained on nine iWToient
"heetn of iiaper, which wuie Mib'-i-(liteiitly
iwted tOK'-thrr but only one of
them v.ii Hwoin to. All. Fianr. was
iut on the stand anil tcHtltU-rt thai the
nomination impel win kept In hlh sloie
and when one "licet, was tilled another
wim p.iHUd onto It and the wink of
t-ocuthiR slp;iiaturcs lontltiued until
nine i-.h-.cti-. 'wie lilted In th.U way.
The Inijre sheet was then swum to at -(oidliiK
to law. There was no pldence
to eontiudlel this statement of Atr.
Finn; and the objections weie dls-niN'-cd.
The lieniliiKs on the objections to
the Independent Doniociatlf and
nomination papi-i-, which
weic aKo 'et foi jc-teiday, who con
tinued until Wednesday.
Aigument Couit Opens.
The trim of aiKitnient couit opened
tsterday moinliitf with Judges I'd
w.irds Kcllj and New comb on tho
bench, t'abes wtie acted upon in this
ArKiieil A. 13. l!ottoil. BBlinU iltl ot
bu.inton, ci- ptioii- to icpoit ot iel
ure; UliAibetli Uracil ar.ilnst city of
Sci.-intnn, cMiptlons to lepoit of u f
ne; M. r. Aii.l-- ig.ibul l'.itilcl Alc
AndiewH ami othris nil'' t" .strike off
lha: llopkln Jlnd(loks .m.ilnst Jamc H.
.MiC'ann. Mile to ".till-.-1 ofi lieu.
Continued Audi ew fiillak ,i-:ilii-l
liroigo Kerneinc-M. I ale to oppn iiul-;-miiU:
Jos-oph ,T. .Jcnnn agnrbt John O.
htintou. inle to open inrlgi. at: l.ickit
w.inn.i eountj a gainst M Al .Swccnc .
lull' to open twlsmcnt: ill' ot Kii.iul'm
.iC'fitnM 1. I'mu A S"il-. ink- tn Mi Ike off
mmiiiipil lien. .1. IVulin.indo .igalnM. ihj
ci I Seianton. occpllniis to lepoil ot -V-i.e.
filial! P. Kellei m-nilf-l .Inines II.
Kcllei. rule Cm draco in dUono, I-lii-bclli
Wion aKalnst Kit hurt Wion, Ullc
foi rtcuci in diioico, J!n Omiw-I-. l
agaiii.l Jmrpli u-ow-Ui, Pili' fni denet
ill dhowr : Cell i 11 TifT.ui- .iK.illi' t 1" A.
Tiff.ini. llde tin deuce 111 diniio, I'eiia
s-.l,.inl.i Cintiil Hit win-, icmipiiiy
agninsl IMer M-kiMc. ml to fit Ike otf
inle to di--olo .ittiieluiient. In n- inc-ii-pniatlon
ol St St.iiiiMins I'oliMi National
cbiirch. eMopilon . II (.Snlilskmi .iK.iiust
i; 'Ieiin'1 and nlhcii, ink' to tile ip
peal iiiinc pi o tunc, .1 .1 .lend in .'iiniuM.
r. i: Waii'ico, I'oitiui.iii; r.itiuk umtv
nu.iinst W. K'n'tii, iiitloiail; rommnii
iveiltll nf rimi'.Nhnulii ag.illT-t Aniiii
SdiwaiU, leitlni.iii. citv of t'eiantoa
against 11. Wolf, ipitioi.ul: lonimon
wcaltli of TVnii'ih.inl i agaiiT-t
Alluigt, iiitloiaii. A! P. (iilni ic'iinst
Kostnck Show i niiipanv.; AI ix
l,t Iclimnn .igninst A. H Cohen, ceitiouui,
Abe Kalinttiik against O. Coin fM ti
oiaii, T .1. Hoian against W.i'-co linrn
liol. Cfitinraii; Alithail V. T.ivclle against
lJllcn l.'iiclle, rule tor decu e in illioice;
A'iul.i A". Tnpp against Almon 1' Tilpp,
lule for clicico In dUoiei-; S.nnli A. Tiguo
against Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Hailto.Ml eotnpanv and city of
Sc i niton, detnurier; Clulstopliei Steiens
against city of Seianton and Delawaie,
l.acknwanna and Wi stein Itailnnd coni
pny. demon er; Rudolph AVarneka against
lonlsa AVarneka, inle lor ilecrce In cli
Aoice; Tjorin Sliotwell agiinst Christina.
Shotwell, ltdo for deciee in diioico; Su
an 1Z. Payne against Alficd Tajne, ali
monv. Utiles Abolutr W. V. AlcOlnnis against
.Tames J. Tlagerty, rulo to stilku off Hen;
Thomas Henry against James J. llaggei
t and othtrs, inle tn strike off lien; AI. C.
Ansley against 13. I Carty and others;
rule to strike oft lien.
Proceedings Iteteised laither Pilco
against Jllchacl A'ukns, certloi.til
Submitted A. C. Coddington against 13.
Coddington, ruin tor deciee in dhoico.
Off List City of Scranton against D. P.
Thomas estate, tulo to Htiike off lodg
ment: Alaigaiet Itltca against Chillies
Hit ea, eeitioinii; Stanley Ducat against
l.ouls 55c7oski, ceitloiaii; conimonwaelth
of Pennsylvania against David Alaska,
Sottled 13, II. llldgeway against Alary
A. Rldgeway. liilo to i educe alimony;
Outlielnz, Wolster &. Kiajer against
Why can't wc come
over to your house and
play uny more?
Because papa gets so
mad when we make a
little bit of noise.
What makes hint that
way ?
Mamiiu tays it's dys
pepsia makes him act
so crazy
That's about the wav
it strikes the small boy.
The dyspeptic has no
idea of bis own unrea
sonableness or hureh
neis. Mttle things arc
magnified and seem to
justify his quick, anger.
There's health for the
dyspeptic and happiness
for the family by the
U3c of Doctor Tierce's
Golden Medical Discov
ery, It cures diseases of the stom
ach and other organs of digestion
and uutrltiou, ami restores perfect
health and strength, by enabling
the perfect digestion and assimila
tion of food.
si have taken one )tottl of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery for indigestion
and liver complaint ' write Mr. C. M.
Wilson, of Yadkin College, Dvidton Co,,
N. C. " Have had no bad spelts since I
commenced lakiuz cmr medicine -in
fact, hac not felt like the same ibbu Be
fore I took the 'Got Jen Medical Plscov
ery ' I could not rat ans thing without aw
ful distress, but nov, I can eat anytuiug I
wish without liaiiug uuUeaaant feeling,"
!I)r. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets
cleanse and regulate the bowel.
' -.1 UH Vo'-CUHf9 r.
ir Sfi r i5cyl
1 S , LTKJ
There Arc l'ntent Medicines and
lecmcdlcs Without Nttfnbep
For Every Dlseaee' and Affliction but
One. . ,
A prominent physician was recently
asked why It was that there are m
many "blood purlllers," "neivo tonics"
and lcmedles for every III, except one
of the most common and annoying,
vis! piles, Ho replied, there nio two
pilnclput reasons. First, physicians
nnd people In general, hiue thought
that the only permanent cute for piles
was a .surgical opeiatlon, that medicin
al preparations weic slmplv pnllntlve.
Another reason Is, that piles Is In no
tpnu of the word an Imaginary dis
ease; the suffeier from piles Is very
much aware of the fact, and for this
icason, the few so-called pile salves,
ointments, etc., have been shot t-lhed.
The patient eiy soon discovered their
He says fuither, foi innately, howev
er, there Is u new lemedy for piles,
which judging fiom Its tapldly glow
ing popularity, will soon take the place
ol all other tictitment! It has certainly
made astonishing: cures In thlh obstin
ate dbca"e and Its meilt has made It
famous among physicians and uhetewi'
It has been Intioduccel. This lemedy
Is sold by nil druggists utiilei the name
of 1'yinuild Pile Cuie.
Pi out the Immediate icllef which the
I') i amid Pile Cure gives In all foi inn
of piles, manv ih.slclans .supposed It
contained opium, tocaliic or some sim
ilar .substance, but upon analysis It
was found to be peifeutly free Horn
am thing of the kind, and that the In
stanl relief nnd cine which follows Its
use is lather the icsitlt of Its lcmiulo
able healing, soothing action on the
parts affected.
Tho Pyramid Pile Cine is the only
lemedy, except a surgical opeiatlon,
which Immediately relieves and per
manently cuies every form ol piles.
It Is sold by druggists at 50 cents and
$1, or by mall fiom Pyramid Ding Co,
Aim shall, Allch.
Merthu Wclkcis, mle to open lodgment;
J. O. Aekiinian against G. AV. Hom
bakei, exceptions to leport ot refoiee;
tommonwpilth ol Peiinsx Ivanl.i against
Casslc Sampson, ceitloiaii.
Report of Auditor Watkins.
Attoinc v James K. Wntl.Miis. who was
connnissloned by the couit to make an
audit and njipoition the indebterlne-s
of the boiiiugh ot T.ilor and township
of hackawanim and the .i hool tiistilets
of each, b'-cause of the annexation of
a pait of the towiisjiip to the borough,
liltd his repoit eteicl.iv. Air. Wat
kins s.ij s, n com lusion:
"Ti epitomie, tlie bniough of Ta
loi, by ic.ison of the annexation ol the
said petition of L h kawann.i township
to itt teiritoiiil limits, owes to the
said township ol l..ickaw.inn,i the Mini
of ?s,'i.'7 0l, and the school dlsttict of
the township of Lackawanna owes to
Ibe .si hool tiisttlct of thp borough of
V.i.sloi thp hum ot 'o.jii.C! " The ic
pot t tas eonllinied nisi.
1 Throe Admissions to Hni
W. W. Johnston, of n.ild .Mount, was
jesterdav admftted to the Lackawann.i
ii. on motion of Attorney W. ti. Jes
sup Thomas A. Pouahoe was admit
ted on motion or his biothei. Attorney
AI. .1. Dnn.ihoe, .Mr. Don.ihnu was for
meilv cngageil in uonspipcr woik, and
11 es In South Scranton. Joseph 13.
Uienmin, of Carbondale, w.u, ndmitted
on motion of Attorney W. W, Lithrope.
He was formcilv principal of the Pell
township school'-.
All thiee aie graduates or Dickinson
Law school at C.-nlUk.
Yesterday's IHamage Licenses.
Thomas P. Gilboy Seianton
131iz.ibelti Alay Scranton
Oscar Scramoii
Simile Lester Scranton
Joseph Zopl Jessup
Antonio DIpollto Jessup
Ciiisiepiii DIpollto Jessup
Itoslna Famoso Jcsiup
John O'Roinke jcsteday cnteird ball
In tho sum of JJOO. John Flynn becamo
his bondbman.
Tho sentence of John Troy, comieted of
aggraMitcd assault and battery was post
poned until the th st dav of the next teini.
In the caso ot Joseph Walker against
the Walker Automatic! Steam Coupler
company tho rule granted to compel tho
assignment of lettets patent Mas jeslei
tlay discharged by agreement.
Patrick AIcLnne wns joRturdny appoint
ed judgo ot election of the Second dlstiitt,
of tho Sixth w.ud to till tho vacancy
caused by tho teniowil liom the dlstilct
of Jnmes O'Malley.
John Lenahnn, ronvlrltcl last week of
carrying concealed wearons, -was j,cstei
day benteneed to live months' impiison
ment in llio county jail, the sentence to
dato from AIny 31, IPO:, -Alien Lenalnn
was committed.
Small Death Rate and Few Contag
ious Diseases in September.
The repoit of Dr. W. iZ. Allen, sup
erintendent of the bureau uf health for
the month of September was published
yesterday. It shows 110 deaths from all
causes, a decieaso of 4fi as computed
with the preceding month: a decrease
of 24 fiom the average for the year,
nnd a dec tease of 29 as computed villi
the aveiage death i.ito tor September
lor four j ears
Theic weies 7S births lepoited. 38
males and -10 females. The number of
tontaglous diseases lepoited vuis 20,
Of these one mis diphtheria: ltl, typhoid
fever: 2, com lot lever; I chicken pox,
and 2, small pox, There was 1 death
fiom sen i let lever; 1 liom whooping
cough nnd 1 fiom membiniienus eioup.
Last week the number of deaths was
23. Only one new case of contagious
diseawt was icported, a caso ot typhoid
D 1. & W, BOARD.
Following is the make-up of the
DflUwnie, Lackawanna and Western
boaid for today,
l'xtr.-ib L'abt-ii p. in,, Dunn; S p. m
Aluiphyj lu p. in,,; u p. m.
Staples, '
Summits ij p, m,, rrounielker,
Pushcih-ti p. hi., Klrbj ; S p. m , caw;
10 p. m, Aliirraj.
UMWb Wet-1 p. in, J L. noss; u p.
in , Allen.
nxtras Knst-S a. in , Uartholomew, 4
a, in., Moster; 7 a. m., Oolden; Jl a. m.,
Devlno; 1 p. m., Wallace; 5 p. m ,
St ovens.
Pushers-2S0 a, m Slathewson: 7 a. m ,
Wldnei; 7 a. m., Plnncrty; 7 a. in,
L.trnplnu; 8 J. m., llouaer; U a. m ,
Jlonrt 11.45 a. m . Mninn. 1 T .!
-t , .-..- . -. . ...VSH.a, ,, ,,,,, uuil
merj 7.20 p. m.f Murphy; t p. m., V'. H.
IleinfifS 1 30 fl- m. Mavnvann t n ...
Gaftnoy; to a. w., Socorj S.15 p. m., Stan
ton. Kxtras We6t Third Kl. Tj-i'oi.fn.rf. r: n
I m., Brown p. m., Lord.
Concluded from Page 6.J
patents for the call which It manu
factures, a design patent and a me
chnnlcnl latent. The subject matter of
both patents he declined nie precisely
the same. The design patent was se
cured on Doc. .3, .80S. and the me
chanical patent ou Jan. ii, 1901.
Air. Coxe nrgucd that there cannot
be two monopolies, the one Infringing
upon tho other, and that under the
I'lilted States .statutes the term ot a
patent monopoly cannot bo extended ns
In this case fiom seventeen years, the
statutoiy limit, to nearly twenty years.
He then declared that it boisoshou
calk Is not a fit subject for a design
patent because a design patent can only
be scented for tin ultlcle which up
pc.ils to the "nclhetlc emotions." It
is absuid, he said, to contend thnt u
hoiseshoc cull, could, by any stretch
of the Imagination, appeal to u per
son's "aesthetic emotions," He tend
fiom a icccnt decision of the United
Htntes couit of appeals, In which It was
uiieiiiilvotally set forth that u horse
shoe calk Is not a subject for u design
patent. If the design patent bo ele
clai ed void, he said, the mechanical
patent seemed later must fall with It.
Attorney Hervey H. Knight, ot Wash
ington, D. C, who lepreseiits the Wil
liams C'.ilk company, ndmitted that the
sweeping decision of the court of ap
peals would seem to invalidate the de
sign patent, but he said that this de
cision was not !iL'Ci'saiily binding, and
pointed out that the couit had appar
ently ignoied two geneial categories
under either of which a hoiseshoc calk
might propel ly come.
Monopoly Not the Same.
The monopoly obtained under the de
sign and mechanical patents, he dc
claied Is In nowise the same, and
even though the design patent might
be Invalidated the other patent would
not of necessity become old with it.
Judge Archbald uM.od Air. Coe if he
could cite anv mithoilty to piovo his
contention to the contiary, and the lat
ter e.piessed his Inability to do so,
a-oiting that the point i.ilsed is a new
one in patent piactlce.
Just befoie adjournment was taken
the bankruptcy cits of A. J. Kennedy,
ft a! . and I'.iuce Cook, ct il against
the dull; Summit Daily and Condens
ing tnmp.inv, weif called, and a lurv
was secured. Former Judge K. X. Wil
laid and Attoiue A. V. Rower tepre
m lit the plaintiffs, and Attoinc-.s C.
I'ouiegvs and John V. -'ctagg appear
for the dnfendmt eonipam. The case
will be hr, ml this morning.
.'he .ileg.itlons made hv both plain
tiffs lie that the toiiden-ary om
pauv. while in a state of insohencv.
tiansferi ed teitalli lcil estate to At
toiuev Gisiige ) Tntloi, nf this it,
md eeitalu pef-on ilit to the Summit
Diiit company, the s.inie with intent
to ckli.itid ci editor. pplic ition is
made to line tin- companj dtcl.iied
b inlci upt.
niiiins a lull in the couit pi net "d
ingi two pictsjiti'tiv e i )nt-entid
themselves tor n.itui.iliz.ulon.
"I'm nfiald I'll to it-lii-e ou,
sentlfiiien," said Judge Aichbalil, -tMlh
a sinilc. "It's s(1 Ural eltction dav
that I'm leasombly teit-im jou'd hue
a pretty haul time leslstlmy the temp
tation to ote. t'ltme arounil a tin c lec
tion and we'll (ix mattcis up foi you,"
"You ain't gnlng us a fair shake,"
said one of the two disgi untied futme
i ltleu.-. as he filed out.
The Best Bargains We
Ever Offered.
Fine Persian Rugs
$ 6 01), worth $io.oo.
10.00, " 15.00.
20.00, " 30.00.
30.00, 45.00.
Fine Mousouls
and Kazaks . . .
$15.00, worth $20.00.
20.00, 30.00.
25.00, 35 00.
35.00, " 50.00.
Carpet Sizes
9 ft. x 11 ft $65.00.
10 ft. x 14 ft $75.00.
Kermahshah Rugs
9 ft. X 12 ft.
6 ft, 6 iuch. x 4 ft. 4 inch.
6 " r c
6 6 "
At one-half their real
Royal Wilton Rugs,
Imperial Axminster Rugs,
Best Smyrna Rugs
At Reduced Prices,
ilichaelian Bros.
& Co.,
134 Washington Avenue,
Wall Street Review.
New York, Oct SO. Irregularity matked
the course ot today's ntoou market. Tho
controlling lnutlcnccs weio the nnceitiiln
ty as to tho outcome of the coal miners
convention) tho rise In foreign exchange
and tho threatened action of the south
ern court against the latest rnlhond com
bination, 'lireio weio some material gains
at the oulsot, however, especially In St.
I'nul, Jliiltltnoro and Ohio, lenliBlvaiila,
Allssoinl I'acltlc and Wisconsin Cential.
On the other hand such nctlvc Issues nn
Heading, Louisville and Nashville, Nor
folk mid Western and Atehinon weio low
er. Tho slieligth of St. I'aul was pioh
ably dun to lepoita of an eiuly announce
ments of "lights." Tho Hint reactionary
mocmtnt was checked by the Incienscd
stiengtlnot llaltlmoie and Ohio as well
as pool movement In seveial other
Mocks, Including Illinois Contial. At tho
same time l'nlon I'aclllc, whlcli lmtl been
fahly steady, sold off and St. Paul also
lost a point from Its best IIbiuo. Ad
vances In the Issues nf Minneapolis, St.
I'aul and Sault Sto Alnrle, Toledo, St.
J.ollls and Western, piefelied, Knlisas
City and Southern and Canadian I'aclllc
were asctlbed to the valious pools Inter
ested in tlioso stocks. I'inctlcally the
same lnlluences weic at woik In other
eiuaiteis, though the stiongth of Amal
gamated Copper lcsiilted paitly fiom the
advance In the price of that metal. The
t'nited States Steel abates weie llim ami
In fair demand. Ti ailing In the mictions
wns very modeinte, Chicago bought
heavily of the pool slocks tlnough some
of the leading commlt-don houses and
l'lttsbuig and Cleveland 01 tiers for tho
sumo class ot stocks weio numerous. In
fart the hulk of the dav's bulness which
was compaiatlvciy small, came liom out
ot town. The hind coal stocks while not
tllspkning pionounced piessuin showed
little support, and the soft coaleis, which
weie piomlncnt lu the e.uly operations,
closed with little or no Impiovemctit.
Money was decliledlv easv. Alost of the
tlay'ji loans weie at it per cent. TI10 dovwi
wnrtt trend of tho list wns mole matked
dining tho nftPinoon session and piae
tlcally all ol tho imiIv gilns were lost at
the close. The oecptlons to this mlc
were mainly In the miscellaneous gioup.
Ionilon wnet a seller nil dav. nggiegato
sales amounting to about "" OOtl shales.
Tliehf weie made chlellv in the cailv llse
and Included the Soft Coalets, Atchison
and Southern Pacific. Total .sales for the
day. ltl2,700 shaics. The bond niukrt was
quiet and Iresulnr today in svmpathv
with the unoien stock speculation. To
tal sale, par value. $' fS" (XX) t'nited
States lionds weie all unchanged on the
last call.
The following quotations aio furnished
The Tribune by Halght .t Freese Co. 311
815 Meais Jiullding. AV. D. Runyon, nian
oger. Opon.HIgh Low.Closn
Amai. Copper 1-5 liT'l O'l it
Am. ('. . T Mi,, H, :'ii 36
Ameilcin Ice 10. lO1. Hi' IflU
Am. rce, I'r Jt.' 31.1,- "il'i "v,i
A in. l.neomothc It'-, il'c 31 .M'c
A .11. I.oco. Pr 11 h ?!', Pft SU'i
An. S A. It. Co iT'i IV I7'( IT't
Ameilcan Sugar ....l.'i IJ . l-Tg l-'
Anaconda Copper ... is JOJ so .m)
Atihlsiiu . S)-R snt, Si)
Atchison, Pr lilltj HIP, lot li)
unit, .v Ohio no's 11. liu'-. iiuii
Hiook 11 T Id '.P. t.l tt
Canadian P.uitic ....1 !T't 1"V HV'i HI'S
t nei. cv tinio ;i's ..; cVi .'-1.-
Chicago .t Alton .... 3. '', ",7H ,T ,
t'hic. A. r; w 't', , s ii .'h's
i". ai .; st p n.!,, no. vnm lit.
C, It 1. ,. V .. , ... JtHU- LMi'C L"iX)ih it)t-
Col Kuel ,t lion.... M1 t'I .!'- ''i
Cnl. A: Sotithein . . II M '.C T' &. South , i Pi m r.l -,ou -it
Del & Mud IT.''. IT."'. 172U 17.:"-
Dm. A. K. ( Ii " '-, " I. " II
Den As II. C. , Pi .... : s.' ftp, ft.'
Uetioit Southern .. , Jl". .'IV. .'I '
Viif '"i ! ' i 3nh "-'
l"ili, 1st Pr i.s i,-iB i.s i,
t.ii" :nd rr r.'1, r.i v,
Ho king .. STi. sTii. ,,!. i,i.
Illinois I'entiit . ..r,j " l: 11 1 I
Kan ClP A South . 'M- )!'- tl's ,a
t.oiti" .v- N.iMi l.'i" Ill's iv" 1 "i
AIiuili itlan 1I"V lit'- 1 Vn n,lj
Mil St ll- 141 1 1!''7 IIP- IIP.
Meitnn t' . . t t Ji ,- -'t'l'i -
Mo. K. .- Te M ,Ps ,iii. ,i,u.
Aln , K R- T Pi ... i,t4 f,p.. i,:" i,, "
Mn Pm ilk 11J 11.' IIP- 111 H
S V Cent ill .... ,7", 1W( I"1! J"7
Xoilolk f. We: I .. . 7S'( sm 7' t 71
Out A. Wist .'.Pj .11' .',rt il
Pacha Aim! .., ... . i.. nZ ji . ij
PtMin.i It It i,ii," li,,-i it,-, " 1i",
Pioplt s Oa Mir, 11117-5 lull, pip,
Piesscd Steel C,n .. ill i.iy. nr4 i,
Itrntliii iiv isig i i,i, 1,1.1,
lit.idlng, Nt li vs ss ,
Reullng, Jd Pt . ... 7S :s 77 77 ,
Wi'pubiic stoi 1 jj-8 :iK jj1 ji's
Itenublii Steel. Pi .. 7't Ml 71 " mi
Soiithein P.icltlc 7I'h 7J 7-
Southrin K It ',-. t A :7t, :7"4
'Southern It. It, Pi s t )- n
Teini Coal A. linn ", i,;t, t,y ik-,if
T'nicn Paellic liiij 1071, Kf,- ln,-s
Plilon Pacitic, J't ... ip, OH. 'Vi 1'1'f.
i; S. leather 11 11 1P IP".
1 . - Lfithei, Pi ... ftrfi !rK ftn7s ;irR
J' R- Steel 41 11 II II
I' S Sled, Pi 'ip8 01 PI SP,
Wabash . r.U 3.- 34 :V.
A abash, Pt .7)1 J ,io ,-,), fti
AVistein Villon pjii l.'i, OP- 'tp.',
AVheel. A: T IJ .SU :W ':,tT siT
Wis C' iSU ;i .''. Ss
K-dlvltiend 5
Total sales, fi.17,10i) shales,
Jloney, 4'. per cent.
AVII1.AT- Onn. High. Low. Close
December 725a 737 71", 71
Alav 7114 7-, ;n 74
CORN- " ' M R
nreember ,Mi4 Mi .IP, r.p,
Tiil- ' 4 '4 '"6
DecenMiei 31 .IP, "p , ,,.
Aiav v,:k :',j ajij ;pi.
9('tober 17r,0 17.r.D 17.-.0 17)
laiuitu v 13 82 15 SJ 13 75 Pi SO
October 1007 1007 10 07 1007
Januaiv 012 op 010 0 1
October 11 00 1100 II 00
-t-iiiii-i. s;i, n 7 8 a, iz
. . Open. High. Low. Close
tjcioner 837 s 11 S ..7 S to
i-ecemner K IS SftJ S 17 S ' J
Alay ....
.:.,' i
8 ,-,-,
S 11
S.!') r S..0
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
ou Tar of 100.
STOCKS. Bid Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co, Pr,... 60
County Saw' Bank & Trt'.st Co 300 ..'.
Vhbt Nat. Bank (C.itbonualo), ... bo.
Thlid tJatloiial Bank 530
Dlinti Dep A: Uls, Bank 3W
l.conomy L, II. & P, Co 4J
Pi, at National Bank ,.,, 1300 ,,,
Luck, TliiHt A. Sato Dap. Co . 103 ...
Claik tt Snoier Co, Pr U3 ...
Seianton Savings Bank con ...
Tiadei.s' National Bank , 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co lii
People's Bank 133 ,
Scranton Packing Co ,.. M
Seianton Pai-sensur Railway,
lUHi moriBtiijo, uuo iu,, 115 ,,,
Pcoplo'ti Street Railway, Ih sit
moitgage, due I'Jlb l!3 ...
IVople's Stieot Railway, Gen
ual inoitgnso. duo lO'l 113 ...
Seianton Tiac. Co , C pet cunt. 113
Economy 1... II a. P. Co , ,., 97
N Joihey A Pocono Ico Co 91"
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... Wi
Scranton Wholesale Mniltot,
(Collected by II, O, Dale, -.'7 Lacku. Ave)
Plain Jl 4o
Iluttei Vrcsh tieameiy, 21c; fieuli
daily. 2.'c.
Cheese U',EaIJc.
I-BBii NtMiby, ".iije ; westtin, 21c.
I.KBh Niaiby, 2J'.u j westuin, Vlcj tan
alt il, 22c : case count. 21e
Alaiow Be a na-Per but-hel, $3.
Onloim Per liuthel, SOc
Now Potatoch-iuu pei biihliel,
N"ew York Grain and Produce Market
Now York, Oct 20.-Plour Klrnily held
but tlllluter uwliiB lu tho hitu wheat
bieak. Wheat Spot bteadj , No ,' ud,
"iic. elevator; No 2 led, "SaTSl.e. f o b.
ulioat; No, I iioithein Duluth, WV.e. ' o
It; wheat opened eubler but ral
lied mid was hUttm,- until mld-it.i,,
TluouBh tho afteiiioon weaknefc-i cottiln
ued and the c!ot.o was partly Uc. net low
er .May closed TW.c ; Decenibci. "bUc
Coin Spot easler; No. s. ijS'Je. elevator
and 0o. t, o. b atloal, No i yellow. 7lt ,
No. L' white, 71c; options liuav, unload
ing fiom all uldes. was thfl featuio nnil 10
Hpon.slble for u Hhnrp bieak In pilccs
Maiket closed 't-aX: net lower; Januiiiy
closttd 52c; May. Wit-; Octolin, 0791' ;
No cinlK'i . (Ho.; De'cc-mbei . W.ic Oath
Spot quiet; No. 2. 31c: stand. nil white.
37c; No 2 white. i7c: No J white. SOHc;
Hack white western, S'TWuI-Sc. , track will to
mute. ,Mio3ii:8C.; onenlntc stoatt, o.iIh
eventually eased off with other maikets
and cloned unsettled; December closed
SfiH. Butjer lrlim; extra cieumory, 25e ;
(S Items for L
An Accommodation Store
WHY? Because we guarantee all merchandise. Goods exchanged or your
money refunded. Continuous activity, a never-ceasing effort to make every day
more interesting than the one just passed.
That are mote elegant than ever before, and are here in greater quantities than
you'll likely see anywhere else. Beautiful creations, stylish and dressy.
Black Spangle Trimmings Applique and medallion.also straight &A (f
bands, at, per yard 12cto PW
Drapery Nets Point de Esprit, Tosca and Brussels, white or Q-C lltl
Appliques and Medallion Effects aro some of the beauties for trimmings; cream,
white, Arabian and black.
All-Over Laces Cream, white, Arabian and black, unique and : ((
conventional designs. Yard, 65c to -Pt?oVf-f
Irish Crochet Filet and guimpure in white ornaments of extraordinary oddity.
This class of lace trimmings is very suitable for the adornment of handsome materials,
silk or wool.
Lavida Corsets
This Corset is exclusively retailed at the Big Store, and is fashioned after the highest ideas
of French manufacturers. The materials are all imported, Boned with real whalebone, heavy
lace top with narrow ribbon running through. Straigh, front, French gored. Priced at 42.50
26 and 28-inch all Silk Serge, Paragon frame,
fancy curved wood handles, also the t
Princess handle. Priced at ij) 1 ,50
Fancy Satin Coverings, plain on one side and
figured on the other. Full size and filled
with the best white cotton. Priced at -
$3.00 and 3, 5l)
Stylishly Trimmed Hats
At eveiy turn in this delightfully planned and
beautifully arranged Allllinery Department.
Here ts a description of a very fine and costly
hat that you should ask to sse when down town again.
It's a la-ge black beaver picture hat, laced with
plaited taffeta, draped in Dands of lace and jet buckle,
trimmed on top with two large plumes, drooping
gracefully over the back.
NOW Arrlva's ill .III! to-OiS
Knickerbocker and Norfolk Suitings.
Manor Woman
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capita, the surplus and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Thfad N&tioiial Bank
Where, savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent, interest.
ti.cti.rv, ln.tlSi' ; neninoiy. common to
clitiki', t'.u.lV.i ; Imitation eu-iimoiy. lift
.Co., HllUO llllliy IKl-Ml . IfllQWlll'-l, li-.n
Jle. Clnwp null; Him statu Hill cioiiii ,
Hlii.ill colon il fancy, nlil. l-3. : it-w jmill
white, old. I.U.I m. 1-r'oUl-Uc ! I" -to
olnli'il, cilil. l.V : lU'W, It1!' . Iiiib-' "
old, I'.'t ; iius, lli-c.
Philadelphia Gtaiu nnd Provision.
1-llilQdolpllla, Oit -'0 -;
ronlliict Kindt. Octolii-l, . i'iii7.ili.c ,"'
Dull 11ml wmlc; No J eIlo 011 tuuli, iflc.
nnts-l-'lim 11ml V-i IiIkIm'i, u "lut"
illiintil IPt.ttSo I'lom- I'll 111. n.iloc 1101
l-aui'l lilKliu lluliii--Kiiin, ".i- lii-Jlier;
etui wis-ti'iit . itiiinnl.v. - .' i do, iH'iii.
)i piiilte, -'.i i:bbh- hliMil . lull il
niiind: fu xh iie.uin. .n ; I"-'- orf; 'i".
WfHtflll, .'ill.'!1 I , ilu do : do !-OlllhVWHt-uin,
.'.u.i.. ; do do ; do Miullifiii, SlnJ'-V
do do i-n-H I'lini tiiiil lili'lui: N'tw
y 01 It lull ci nims pilmu Miiul Jr'y J-f
do. do. do, lull to h'ood, i-imill. ll..ilL".i ,
do. do do inimo l.tiKn. l.'alJ'ii' , do. do.
do, mil lo s-ood do, U4Hlc Huiiuul
i-iiiBius l'lU'liniferd inton QuM lint
t-temly Tallow -I'M m. Kood ikiutiiiil; clt
iniiiiL, in tlficf.. u.iii'4i' . comitij inline,
in Imih'In, Vbutii , do iliuk in li.nrt'ls. 115
iiVic , nikifc i)ViiU)!i.i l.l-o I'oultiy
Stendy, full! low l. lnl.ul.'c ; o.s- 1,., 11., itIO iiutali.iu kitl'ft '
HPilnir (lili-Ki'iih, lOalh , iluikb, lt'tnl.Ku .
niihuy. luai.v.i H-n"i iv.iii--
I'oulti v QiiU't and fowls rasloi , low Is
iliolce wo-.ti'in IJaU'.c : do. niutlioin unci
wi-tain l.".lUi . do lair to fcoml. iHu
l.'o , old loosti'is Oc , loiihtliiB rliloltuii..
ucailiy, Iiukc, "( . do -iiituii una nn-
diuiu, lliiISc , v.eNtoin ilo . UiKis i'.'Ji
lie,; do Miiall mid incdiiiiii, lOilic Ho-
, .il..u l-lmlii J(l lt,,l,,lt fl,,il ,-Vl
pounds In Mil Kb; nh at. sonnu bushels;
onin, 5,000 bnslicl-j, oats, OWO IiubIu'Ih,
fclilnmillts Wliout, ll'inoo Ijiisthol., tout.
fi.tOO buvlii'l.; oats, t-i.0X liiialn-ls
Chicago Grain Market.
Chlcoso. Oct '.Ol.-islei c-uIjIch ami
Inigu iculpta mused u weak opening In
wheat hut the cloaoi iiim with Do-
ct-mbor up 'laHi., Deoeniber com weak.
-.'nu. and oats a sluul-j lower
Goa.lS DepftrUnent Moire, Velour.
Makes careful inquiry
before deciding where
to deposit money
oeiiccr Trask & Co.
2T & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
So S7 UroaJwu-., Ntw VorK City,
Januniy punhlona ilo-sed lrom .".iT,'nlV
low m f"anli quoiutlou wi'io as rollow.,
rioui Slrailj , No .' f.pi ii.ts wlnai, 7.1a
r.'sC , No ,i, l.)',Sji7al0 , .Nil 2 It'll. 714ll
7-'c , No J out 11, ,Vo . No .' jellow, (11)1 ,
No .' outs. , No -! while, J No
'i wlilto, J.'a.'.lf , No .' ik. I'J-Jo i Kood
fti'dlus iMilt-y. -, l.ili to cholct) miiltiiu:,
Slnc ; No 1 llnx wid.; No 1 iioitli
HiHti'iu, II .'0. inline ilniotlii sft'd, -,
iiii'ss poil, pei haritl, J17..V); laid, iwr lnO
pouuiH, -, aliort ilhs 8ldt4.';
slioiildU, Jli'.'.ilO; slioil clear fides, l.'a
1'nst Liberty live Stock.
..nut l.llK'ity, Oct ) Cnttle--r.owei,
ohok-e, W&O.i"; piimo, pi l.'.iij (1. j-ood, $19)
il"l lM,
llost Htrenl , nilnio he.i liogs S7,l'a
7K; inedlunit.. ?7..!0a7 S".; heay,
J7.20a7 SO, ll-jht do . T.llU7.r-: piss. !o On.i
7.10; ioubIis ;0.i7.25.
Sheep Low ei, host wetliois, fOCoa-i.W;
KSd Gloves
For $1.50
And guaranteed. All shades, cream, white and
black, glace, pique and suede, two metal clasps.
This is the celebrated Tre' fousse Glove. When
you're looking or thinking about gloves you'll remem
ber this kind if you once have tried them.
Bear Brand Yarns
When this brand is mentioned the cream of the
yarn field is set before you.
Saxony, colors and black, per skein ioc
Germantown, in colors and black, per skein iac
Spanish, per skein only 15c
G-irmantown Knitting Yarn, full quarter pound
skein, oer skein -5c
Shetland Floss, per skein 4c
18, 20 and 24 inches. Latest floral designs.
PILLOW TOPS College designs, floral de
signs add many subjects, at 29c, 50c and 59c.
Changeable Taffeta Plaid Silks.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
2.18-327 Pen 11 Avenue.
MuniilHcturers of
Old Stock
:. . -J. -J. J ! i ! H' -
nS?l Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Fliotie, 333.
New 'Phone, 2935
mils and common. Jl Mai, choice l.-mlii
i5 10.13 o), teal lahes, IT.VlaMU
Oil Market.
Oil City. Oct. 20-Ciedlt Dalnnces. fKOj
t ei tlllt uttn. no bid- shipments, 20.',.:r bui
lds; uvtt.igc, jii.BiT battel..: urns, i7,.iiS
baucN; ateroBt.', 80,71. bauois