The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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tC'encliultel Irom 1'ige S J
nnmo of our rlly rltiinncil lilt "-'""''I"
rrcnsp nf imptilitlon from Stoeum Hol
low, nr l)M'i Hollow (lip In 1810. with n
linpulntloll (if 1001, to Se'riitltmiln, Mill
ilMon. iiml iitrnln Scmiilolila. In H'lr-'';"
lni; piuw. iiml llliiillv Soiiinlnn. In,),,,'''
nf ilio" tlnirH, one writer lemnrUs. "
ll'iito lulil im iliilm ti )iIpIi" iiml '"lit,
hlle rinvlileiiii'. "i- ltnoillle, run
tnlmil ailoPii lintiHi", ii liodtiilllPi'. n Kilt
mill, an nxc fnrtmj. nml thin' rtiii'tor.
tvo Metres mul n Metlioelht eliiipel. It
hnil no regular minister of lellBliin. ""'1
for II tllllP. IllHtPMll of lellKllltl HPIVlCM
on Htinilnvs. Iioimp uh'Iiir ilnlninl I ho ill
lontlim of limit 6f Hip people. Ypt the-
IlltlllPIHO OT tllP C'llllMllllll tPllllllllKH of
foitiipr ihos. iiml nit mloun Hip u mm'Ii nml felt In no Hiiiull mcnmire.
'Ihu MptlmdlMf, I'rciliMerliiti. HniilM",
MoiMlntm anil Unman Ciilhollr-, from
the llict. lunl luniiRlit Hip IlKht "I" Hi"
(Suspei anil tho eross of Christ to shine
upon tho waste- places, mul In "ip fallow
hearts of Hip people: mul m honl house",
bums, the wlii'ltcr of (ties, n well hi tho
lipixonal eontaet, thp no to eve ap
proiich to the people bv Chilst's iimbim
miiIois, wllnextril tho sou hit? of the boihI
vipiI. to tho upliltuul upllflhiK of ninny
At thP cloC of that 111 it public set vice
liv tho Hcv. Mi. I-oiiK. In til'1 Metlinillst
e Impel on A up. .", 1s"il, a ineetlni of his
people wan IipIiI, nml ii pal Mi orfjunlrii
lion fotniPil. ni1 oalleel St. Luke's
hmrli, with Messis. Ilshii HlUlicotk
nml .1. Hmess hi w aniens, mul
('Unties Swift, .1m oh W. KpiIIii, Dr. H,
II. Thump, I- N. Clink unit 12 S M. 11111.
eMiviiun. An application for tho inenr
poiatlnn ol the elillieh was mnilo In No
emlnr follow Inc. t'lanlcil liv elccice of
i hum. .Tannniy li, l'i, ami duly letonlcel
.luiv r. !:.
During this time, nml until n ehurrh
liullilliiK was erepteil, cnliri iiuiler tllP
-nliiMtiitlon of Itev. Mr. Lnni? wile held
nl Mtiloui times In Hip little hull neil
bv the Odd IVIInwi,, In vaiiint rooms,
oxer -torc, hi the Methodist chapel neir
the corner of Ad imi and L.ickinann i
,ienues, ns well ns In prhnlo hotl'-es.
On 1' ister ilnv, IS"". Rev. Mr. f.oiiff n'
Fiimed dinrKP of the parish ns leetor. In
cniini'Ctlon with 1il niNMonnrv woik In
nttston. Hde Pink. Proxiilenec and
Dunmore. At that period, the. population
of Sei anion was something Ip than HOWi,
but mtieisliifr at the i.tte of TOO oi O.0 per
en. To i liable him to i oneentratp Ills
libois upon the work of the eliuu'h In
this prow hip: pommunlU, he deeidpil to
vlelil the Plltslon eh itrp. and "thus
nMild In a nieisuie" as be -alil "Milt
KoIiir- .ihout Willi h was Incoineiilent and
:i Kieat diawback upon the iilaiiLPniciit
of the palish "
Laisrlv thiougli Ids pfforts, two lots
wire obtained from the L ii'k.i'tannn Iron
mid Coal romp tin for a eluirch mid ree
torv on the e ist Mile of Penn avenue, be
tween I. ickawanm avenue and Spilleo
j-treet A miIim liption foi the pmpo'-p
bad been so far aniessinl til 1 1 Kimuul
was bioken for the iliiueh on Ulster
Mondnv, 1S" and lis eoinir stonp laid
on Ainll 1i. follow Insr At Ibis (piemonv.
there weie lnpsinl besidp the iii'tnr. the
Hc. (leorRe P Miles, of Wilkes-Haiie;
lt(. C M. Sklnnei, of Xew Mllford; Tie
V. A Mendonlmll, of Suit m. and the
1t Mr. Hull, or rimli i. N Y. Willi n
Romlh atteniluui' of eltlins ThroUKh
the iffoils of lienor I-ontr and the kind
1 oflkes and Klfts of the Hev O. T.
Hedell of Aseen-lon i biireb, New York,
and the ladles of bis puMi, and those of
St. Stepbon's Wilkes-H n ie. and fioni
friends In Phil idelpbla, Uiltlmoip and
other pi up added to those ol his own
nan and women, the woik on Hip law
(limeli Inillillnc pioKiesspii so slp.iillh
and f.norabl tb it u Ihst chimb soivlep
and thP Ihst psson of a Sunda selionl
was bold In tho basement on tho last
Siindaj of the follow Iuk .IiiIv We ni.n
to some eient realize the bapplness of
III 11 little band In theli souk of "Pialse
Ood fiom whom all hlessinRs How," as
the fact of a habitation for God's -worship
was assured Woik eont hilled on
the super-liucuue until the following Oc
tober, and. in ordei to economize, the
rei toi himself "took in li mil " as he
s.ns, "siw, hiniinei and nails, at.d
wniked as be had time, to the best of his
abllltv, Hip eaipeiittis assiiiiiiK him ho
did no little sf(, And I in iv add,
assumliiB- no lleht lisk since at one time,
lu his work on the loof be unfoitunatelv
fell to tbe Hlound "with a ho ml In hli
hand "
The chinch was a fiaine tmildlnsr, of
luimatelied bonds, with has, ment if
slime and bibk, and of Ciotblc di sigii.
bad sltthiKs for 22', piioiis.
Its coiiseeratlou took plncc on Sundiv.
NoimliM n 1S11, b thn Tit ltev HNhop
Potter, of Pennsvlvnnla assstnl bv tlie
Ile. Oeoise D. Miles, rtev. It, I! Dunne
and the rectoi.
It is a comfort to lenin of a chinch
consecration -n soon after Its comple
tion, and this fact oimht, sureh, to pio
lucp on the tnemoiv a voiv klnillv and
thankful fpellnt? tow.iias the kooiI ici tor
and people who m idc It possible The
cost of the bllllillnc was In the nelnhboi
hood of $2G7) Tlie (iictlon of rectory
on a lot adloInhiK the ihuuh vas bcBim
In April, ls.M, It was (omiileted In Au
mist and omipled b the lectin mid bis
family on the lltli of that month. In the
i-piiiiK of that veai mi iiikhii foi (lie
(liiinli was purchased, and lu tlie little
lowei of the clinic h was hum,' Hie small
bell, obtained fiom a sawmill lu sonic
back-woods, which tailed the pi nple to
pinPi and seivlie until twen-llve
p.ll after.
The older of our people will lecollect
Willi pleasuiable teelliiB, I doiibl not, thn
iIurIuk' of that little monitor, with its
bilKht, cliceiy tone of cnllliiK to wor
ship. Tho (list recoidid baptism s that of
.lohn Robert Lelchtou, on Juno II, .l,
iikpiI 1 year.
The first confli motions, those of Nancy
fiaisllno, and Ilcvey Robci.s, in Novoin
bet, 1SC2.
Tho flrpt mauhiKP. Tliomas Jlfklns and
Almlrn Jonesi, on Hept. 1, IS.', and tho
(list burial, that of Kunlie Pi Ink, Novun
bi r 'ii, IS").1, nutil four moutlii mid seven
teen davfi.
Tho iccorilH Indlcnto madtinl mow Hi,
Interest hi and attendance upon tint
r Inn cli services as tlme'vvent, on, but a
lack of heaity lav co-operation, piobably
bicauso tlio town wan kiowIiik t-o steatl
lly nml the oppurtuultles for inateilnl ad
vanpeniint were tiiklnu hold of the heaiis
mid enemies of tho peoplo so cainestlv
that the chinch, iillt.lon, tho cuuno of
riirlt, were forKolten or teei;ateil to a
tuioitd.uv place in tlielr HioiikIUs And
In IK", as if God would lebuke ih people
for their sin, tho iippnllliiK condition of
Tuonetnty uflalrK tliioiiKhoiit the Imul
dlpplPd, not only tlu cluiuir.s lesouices,
hut thoso of tho piople, and, tin tho ice.
lor slated, "tlio wholo eomniiuilly felt
Ihu wtrlnBeiipy and "were In wtinlts he
j ond ineamirc."
W'c in ly, In Home meusuip. uppieelaln
tho miNltty and (ppIIiik of tho uitor at
tl'U time when wo rend his rccouled
jirajgr that "tho I.oid will bo pleasul to
roll baik this daik tloud nud liy upon
our land tho l;ht of piospciltv, and
prnnt tho peoplo Increased wisdom and
jirudtnee, that Jlo may not ho provoked
to spread over us nKuhi bitch a. sluulo of
Tl)p Rev. Mi, T.oiij: reslcrncd his rre
torntp on tlio UMIi day of September,
aS'S. liavlm; servid the parish faithfully
for six jcurx mul neven months in ipc
tor, added to tlio pi c Ions years as nila-
Thus wax lieKtin t lie palish of St.
I.uke'.s, and to thn faithfulness, thn devo
tion mid the tamest labor of Mr, l.ontr.
jnuch of tho nftir lueicasc of strength
nnd tiowpr of our p.nhh may be atri
lmtcd llo was. beloved hy all, ami tho
py few of our peopdo now llnfr, who
vrro of his Iloee, wpenk of htm kindly
nnd lovingly, ns pastor und friend. God
ii LjcssvU him vltn long life, for ho yet
' Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by peoplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century,
llvci nnd labors for the Master, nt tho
advmiccd ago of font hcoip anil ccven
i Pills.
Mnv Clod iniitlnlio his blcsshiK to him,
Kiant him it rIoiIoiis tuispt of lift', and
uflii, an nhunilmit eiitiaiicp Into Ills
denial kliiRtloin of hnppliiess and ioM
Dm Ins tlio niontliH surccpdhiR, Hip sei
vlcts of the i hut eh nnd the in ids of Hip
peoplo wpip piovldcd for hy I'lerRvniPii
finin Wltkcs-Itnrip and othet places, lu
consldeiliiR the call of u suet cssot, tho
cholco lested between the lte Ilemv ('.
Potter, n yotmir cleiRvniini or Phllndel
ptilti, sou of the bMiop of Peiinsyhuiila,
nud the Hex. V. (.', llobhiKon, of Noi
wlch, Conn., both of wlioni posesstd
(imillties of henit und mind which nl -tiactcd
tho lCRiud of the chinch people,
anil t noli of whom had stioiiR ndvocntps
iiinoiiR them for the iccloratc. The sp.
let Hon spttled upon the Rpv. Mr. Robin
son, nnd our parish perhaps lost Hip
ipeortl of linvhiR furnlshetl onn of tho
stioiiRcst mul mint Inllueiitlnl bishops in
the United States.
Rev. Mr. Robinson nssuim d the ri c
torate on Pcbruarv 1, ISA mid inhilH
teied to lit j people us pastor until Decem
ber 1, iv;.!.
I'lifortunatelv, Hip rieouls of bis spi
Mco ate tiultp meiiRrp, but Hip win tit of
his people of those who hip .vet
with us, aie vciy inloRltlp of his woik,
which has followed him with iulluence lor
Rood to this Rcneiatlon.
It Is to Hie credit of the vestty Hint
thev wasteil little tltue In calllnR a new
rector, and on the 2'ith rl.iv of Jaiiuaiv,
1SII1. the Rpv. A. A. Mai pic, of Wcllshnro,
nssumed Iho otllce.
Doubtless a c lunch without a debt Is a
inattci for wondtr, ns well as for ion
Rr.itul ilion, nnd it Is pleasant to know
thai St. Luke's debt was comparatlvclv
ninll, only amountliiR to about lifltl at
this time, and was cntltcly dlscli'iiRcd
before the close of the ear. Tbe rapid
Rrowth ol the iltv's population, from
2 "00 In ls,')il to upwards of 20,(mfl In ISiil,
tlemunilcd mnip pxtPiulPd clinreh facili
ties, anil tlie eniroichment or business
ami liuslness bouses, and the Increased
membership or Hie chinch, demanded a.
larRer tliuith edllicp In a new location.
The ret tor bean erfoits nmonc his pt o
plp to tint pud, and tlio women of the
puisb. alwavs flist and most cnprRellc
In church work, hud up to July " 1Mi",
ralsptl the sum or J2 fiml which tliev In
psteti In t'nlltd Slates bonds for church
bulldliiR puiposp). as a brRlnnliiR. In tlie
mpantlme, incisuir-i weie taken to secure
a now location. Sites on Spruce sticet.
on I.lndiu stiert, the soutlmst cormr of
Washington avenup and Mulberrv stieet.
and the prrspnt loiatlon on 'YvomlnR
avciire. weie considered Hie selection
finalh fallliiR on the latter.
Tbe I. ick iwannii lion and Poal i nm
pinv Renciouslv orfcied to tlonite lots
at rither plni e. 'I he present site was
laiRelv chosen bet ause of the belief of
the vestiv it was, ond would be, the
morp tcutral and piomlncnt lotatlon
Ground was brokt n for tbe church on
the rth day of Julv. lVifi on a plot of
prnuuil ITS feet in I rout by 160 fert in
Pcfore the closp of Novcmbci follow Inpr,
the w ill' weie laltl to the water table
and iiivpicd over for tlie winter 'I hose
of u who lu sine ceiling v cars have seen
the tlllllcultles toutfiideil with in tho
foundations or building lu tlie iiip.i
bounded by Adams and VomlnK ave
nues, and Spruce and I.indeu sticets.
wlieie in former a miishv lake anil
runninR streams held swav. m.iv foim
some conception of the tiouble and cost
of tin foundation of the chinch.
It was the first laiRe stiuitiun to be
eiectid In that portion of tbe aiea where
marsh and water weie mote abounilant,
and the lounilitlon woik was npcp-snillv
very cpenshe It K said its tost, to tho
water table, was above $20 OuO
Tlie corner-stone was laid bv tbe bishop
of the tliotese, Rt. Rev. William Uacon
Stevens, on tlie nth tlav of October. ISn,
nt w hlth time addresses weie mule bv
tlie bishop, tlie Revs. P, J. Douglas, R.
H Dunne, nnd the lectoi.
Tho design of tills beautiful building,
now compute, and capatde of seating 1 00
peisons, was bv Missis R. Jt R. M. 1'p
john, aichltects of New York, a fltm
which had tlie highest reputation, pei
baps. as ecclesiastical architects In the
I'nitt'd Slates
AYoik was ptu-ied upon the building
timing that and the following vcar, lw..
but a eiy sei Ions stiike of tlio mine
wmkeis, In liil, aflitteil so illsastioiislv
thp business and rnci riles of the tom
munltv that it ceaseit until June, 1VT0.
Tlien it piocculed slow I v, lint steadilv,
until Jul, 1ST1. win u the building
leeched a conilltlon foi use. Tlie Mist
.en Ice was belt! in It on Sundnv, Julv
L 1S7I, nnd Risliop Stevens oltlciated as
jet tor Tlie tovvti bad been cairietl to a
height of !Ut-llve leet'and woik icstttl.
In the be If i y, the small bell which had
served tlie Penn avenue chinch was
placed, anil Hitieaftei Used. Some tlio
windows and furnishings of the chinch
weie siippllul parilv bv the. eftoits of tlio
ladles, and the i hunt el window and foul
side windows given taeli bv .Mis,
Spi.iRlie. Ml. Iliuklev. Dl Tliloop,
Getuge I.. Dickson and .1. i". Hinge's, us
memoilals to lovetl ones In Paiadlse, The
cost of the chinch up to that time was
something more than $i.0 0u0 and Hie
debt upon It somevvhnt less than JXlwO.
Pica Hon was made to cairy tills bv
bond and inoitgaRe, and notes nl baud,
at heavy intciest, nnd, ns is tlie cu-p
vvltli cliuich obligations psjoclnll, It
bote, vvltli its accretions, beivllv upon
tho parlsli, until lliinlb dlsclimgcd in
It is not Intended, If indeed It weie pos
sible, to embodv in tills sketch tho nianv
Items anil details of the palish life. It Is
nioiiRli to say that while there wem
many tliscoiuagements to contend with
and luai, both bv lector and people, pio
giess, both rpliltiinllv and temporally,
was mudr lindei tlie love and BuldulK o
of the Rev Mr. Mai pie, the pastor lie
was nctlvn and lalthfiil In eveiy way in
the Intel ests of his tlotk; gentle and kind
In his intinouiso with them nnd all
people partaking vvltli them of the Jovs
nud siniow.s which me so t oniuiou to all
comfoiting nt tlie lxdsliUs of tho sick
und living, nud alwavs teady to aid tho
atlllcttd and uecdv On Nov. 1, IS77 ho
u.lgnul his lectoiate, which (oinpilsed
a pel lot! of font teen viars, with the te
gret of the eutlio community
At that time the population of Sei an
ion watt In the neighborhood of 10 0W
souls ami the mombeislilp of the chuiili
and Its uitlvittiH had i-towh hut hnitlly
commensurate with the trovvlh In popu
lation Tlie gieiit activity of tho nctor
in I'hrlstlun vvoik In the community,
doubtless ileteiietl, somewhat, activity
on tlie patt of tlie laletv, nt thn oi.
ganli'iitlons of tho T.adles' soeletv, nud
the Parish imlnu aided hugely In Hie
good works of tho itttor, tlio light of
which shine unto tills ln.
After somo rainest cousldeiatlnu of the
suetcf.sorslilp. a call wai cNteiulcil to tlio
Riv '. IiirIIk cliiipln, of Vergcnncs, Vt
and ncc pled by him on tlio SMh day (if
November, 1ST" llo strove himself ami
iltgeil his people In t tit Ii- effoitb towuiil
tho i eduction nr cautellatlou of tlio
iburob debt, but, iih Is natuial, thn In
cubus of that ovll has a wnntlerfullv de
terring effect upon tho netlvltles of tho
people, as well as upon growth In mem
bershlp, nnd there was little progress
made In either direction. Thn Ilev, Mr.
t'hapln resigned his rcctorato on Apul
12. 1S79.
In a circular Issued by tho vestry, Juno
2. 1S79, the peoplo wcro told of tho finan
cial strait of tho parish, which was de
scribed us gloomy, und urged to prevent
the salo of tho church property, which
was then threatened by tho f.tiluro to
pay tho Interest on tho debt and tlie oi di
nar expenses of tho parish
The debt amtmulcil lo 2l,7&. of which
$W,000 was in mortgage, and the bnlnuco
In account due. It was a serious irlsl,
bill stotll hearts, mid Iho e truest ncllvllv
nf tho peoplo, met It nnd ovcrciilno It
bravely. A new rector was culled, nnd
uttered Upon his duties Oct. I, of that
ciirMhn ltov, ,1. Philip P. Pendleton, of
Wuslilngtoii, I). r Kor n f w months,
tuiitteis lu the pailsh lontlniipd in u
rumen hut dlstuilipil hIiiIp, und the ills
ftiptiit1r, hoi n In the previous .vent, cut
minuted lu tho loss nf u number of our
communicants, mining whom were mjiup
of tho (illicit mul most eniiicHt of fotmcr
.pnis. IJy lite lulthful nnd coiuluuctl cf
foits of thn rertnr, sptomled by his ves
try, the ftiltrr li debt whs bv Muv "0, Ki.
ttdiictil to $ri.l2'i'JS, und on Auk. 1, to
Jli.nm), wllh Hie Intetest on tho santc
low eied fiom 7 to i! per (out.
Piiiochlal orRiinli'ittlons nf riiIMs of
men unit women wile Htm led nnd worked
tneigftlcallv nlring lines of ('hilstlnn
lipids, und fiitliio yean showed vetv
plainly icsulls, In grtut good tlonc, nnd
moio phi nest devotion lo our l.tud's
iiiniiimnds. Ilftoits begun In IS1 for Iho
lonlpletlon nf Hie church tower, mid
tho puicliiiso of a new und much-needed
in gun, evetitutilid in mucess so Hint tho
lower whs llnlsliptl unit mi orpiui pro
euietl nt a cosi of 0,(XH1 for Hie tower and
JIT.'j for tho oiriiii, upon which t't&O
was paid. In mlilltlon, u new bell bud
lit en plated In the tower, und thn church
debt ngutii retimed, now to $12,000 unci
tpfunikd nt 5 per (cut. The earnest,
rulthrul efrortn of the leetor to foivvard
and Improve, not onlv the temporal con
dition or pirMi matters, but tho spiritual
Interests or his people, cnllid forth, at
several times, expicsslons fiom the vestrv
of their arfcctlon and gtatltude for him,
and when, on Jun. li, 1"?S3, he tendered Ills
reslgnntlon. leftist d, with slnceio expres
sions ior his t outage In facing the Her
ciilineiim tasks he bail cntountcied, to
incept It, until Its jcnewal, which took
cITect Muy 1, 1SS3
The Rev. Ilemv C. .Swenl7cl, of Iloues
tlalc, uecepteil n call from the parlsli
und bet anie rettor on Mnv ir, 1SS1.
Ills seven vears of pastorship urn ip
plptc with the finlts of bis labois and
the loving unity of ills people.
Tlie balance of tlie church debt of $12 000
was dlspbaigtd, the Interior of tho
church very much improved b.v new
ilet oration and supplied with frtsli fur
iilshliiR, and the chinch duly consecrated
to the spivlie of Gotl with giiiteful and
iojtius thanks on Oct. 11. I'-il, by Rlsbop
Itulisnn asslstetl by Rov. Mr. Tong, the
Rev .Mr. Mai pip, Hip Rev. Joseph A.
Nock, who bail been a candidate for
oultrs fiom this parish, and tbe rector
vvltli bis people, besides twentv-llvo
tlergvnien from tho tliotese und from
other states
The glow til of the puMi wns lnrgo,
in increased number of tnininunlcnuts In
nourishing woiking guilds among tlio
men. women and veiling people, but,
above all, in a spiritual aspect, which
was maiked.
A mission w is begun at Dnninoro. nnd
local assistance given to the struggling
parish of St. David's. In llvde Park,
which, under tlie miliMiv or Hip Rpv.
William P. Tavlni, an active and earn
t st heipei of tlie rector, began to cvi
elence nun h self-reliant e The sitting! In
our church were made free under Rettor
Swentil. fiom April 1. 1VH. The influ
ence of Rettor Swent7cl clrndtd outsido
of thin ill lines, and he was uppreiiited
and loved liv nil fin his Indefatlgalilo
labors foi nur Lord wlieiever the need
was seen
The piespnt huge and handsome rettoiy
was built and presented In the vestiv at
Its tomplitlon. In September. I'M hy the
rpprcscntativp of the estates of the lain
Mi. and Mis II. S Pieu e, and their
tliiightei, tbe geneiou' clnnois
The nceel of a pulsh bouse for the
siveral aellvitles or the church had been
grent Toi a iiumhei of veais, and the
erection of one tbe subiei t of deslie and
anticipation. As a beginnig toward this
end a mom oi ball was lented and main
tained for tlie use of tlie woiking guilds.
'Hie heat fiom a tire which oceuired
Mnv I'' l'U, In Hie rear of the church
propertv, de-tinvrtl tlio beiuliful e hancel
v idovv, the Spiague memoiial, and In
juied or mined tletoiatlons and cirpets
In the chllicli. Tlicse weie all quleklv re
placed, and Hie newer and most beautiful
chancel window of todav icintinues to e
lilblt Hie loving me mm J ef a beloved
The Rev. Mr. Swentel resigned tlie icc
teuate Apill 2", ISO.' with the regret and
bet wishes of overvbodv.
On November 1. ISO.', the Rev. Rogers
Israel began bis service in sue cession.
Ten eats have now lie irlv elapsed !nco
that time, and tlie present condition cf
oiu palish, In sttengtli, influence and
labois, biais testlmonv to his earnest,
faltliful, difficult vet loving efforts in tlie
advancement of our temporal aftalis. but,
bevond all, In ills piajerful sti Kings lor
spliltinl glow th among the people.
The nienibcisblp of oiu chinch has
giowi to a l.iigpr uunilar than ever. The
mi'sions of St.'s, at Dunmore; St.
(ipotge's, at Obpbant: &t. James, at
Nlelitdson, und tlie Siuulav schools at tbe
South Side (Pig stunt), at Hie K.tst Side,
on Prescolt avenue, attest his ,utlvlt
and faltlifnlneis in eUndlng Clulst's
kingdom, outsidei om own Immediate pal
ish. And tlie oigaulatloiis of tbe pailsli, all
winking for God's gloiy ami the good of
Ills people ale, too, evidences of ills
earnest tUslie to kindle and incteuso
their faith In oiu blessed Lord, out of
whli li such good woiks result.
Tin si oigauintliins, in addition to tlie
several Siuulav schools, am: Tlie 'o
men's Guild, Woman's Aullini, Guild
of St. Margaret, Guild of St, Hilda,
Junior Auxlliaiv, Girl's Pilendlv society.
Gill's sihool, j:ptplltha Guild
of Mute People, two klnric iguitens,
Men's Guild and tliib. Jiuiloi Ansll
lai. Hi ot hei hood of St Audiew,
Ilov's ussoclatlon, f'liuiili
Jiiiodleal uluh, besides tlie live guilds
of St. Maik's und St. James' mis
sions, eacli of which is actively woiking
lu their departments foi tlio
spiritual and tempoial gootl of God's
Thn beautiful und most convenient par
ish house, adjoining the ihuuh which
was the gift to the parlsli In ISOl, by Mis.
Mmv Thump Phelps, 111 loving mi morv
of her pit cuts, Dl, nnd Mrs. 11 II.
Throop, Is dailv occuplid and ucd by
these oiganiatlons In tlieli work
A verj benevnhnt ehnnt.v, of a Sum
mer Home for tiled and needy women
nud chllihen has been maintained by
tho Men's Guild since 1W, at several
points In tlie iiinil cIMiletn of tills und
otlur counties, but it was not until July,
js'i'i, when tiiev could claim us theii own
u settled Place
'llieu a liiuiitlful house, nf nniple sle,
with two net en of gioiind hi a line loca
tion, near Mountain Home postnlllce,
Monion countv Pa, wns purchased, and
nffoids the touvenlenee nnd opportunity
for test, luaiyi und stiength to the num
ber of 200 nr more women and child! en
enili sumnici
The Itoj'H Industrial school, supported
by a warm-In nitrd pailshnner, Is an
other evldciice of the love nnd devlio eif
our let tor for the uplifting of people.
R teaches to bin Ueels of bovs, some of
tlieiii almost enstuvvuvs, trades nnd du
ties, Inc tilt tiling In tliiuii deslies for man
)v, stienuous piittlotlc and Christian
And, Indeed, with each nnd all of Iho
guilds and mganUitlons, tlieto Is the ono
putposo of aiding the unfortunate, minis-
The Opinions of Hundred, of
Our Fellow Citizens.
lU'sldents of Sfrnntnn Ilkt nlhor
Aincilcaii t', It making nn liucst
iitpnt wuiit let bo sure of getting the
worth of their money. They want to
know till tin; why and vvhotefoies, mul
know alt the vhy nnd vvhrtefoie.s, mul
Investment, they Inn mw and fpnet
until Mttlsllctl with the tollaleiiil. Take
mi liiHtnut'c hi tho ipultit of ptopilclury
iirtlclcs. If we know of u filcnd who
hnsi liepn clued, wo have some faith
In the picparutlnn: If we know of two
or tin co our faith Inoi cases. If Hie
elites, iciich hundicds, all well known
cltlsrcns and anyone who still nmlntiilus
Unit thcip Is nothing licvond oKllnnty
met It lu the H.ild piepuuttitin can .safely1
he left to the chip of Ills fellow lu
ptypi.s. If he wishes to pick a iiuitiiel
with them on the nuctttlim of their
judgment nml veinclty, he has ample
(lppoi tiiullv in Scranton to do so. He
gln with this ciihp:
Mr. II. 1). MuUowun, shoenuikcr ot
010 Swetlnnd .street, hhjs: "I hud u
great do.rl of pain nnd enduted It as
best I could. 1 think It came from my
weak and my not getting pioper ex
ercise. I got Doan's Kidney Pills at
Matthews' elrtig Htoic and they ptoved
mi ext client remedy. Tho kidney se
cretions ttsetl to be thick, sttong and
unn.ittual, but Doan's Kidney Pills
promptly tegtilated them, I can letom
tnend this -valuable lemedy to all who
have backache und weak kidneys."
Kor sale by till dealeis: piite r0 cents.
Fostei-Milbttin Co., Uuffalo, N. Y solo
agents for the IT. S.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
tcring to the sick and needy, helping
missions In far off and mountainous sec
tions, burying tlie dp id. and In other
vvajs striving "to do good and communi
cate." as tlio Apollo enjoins, for the
(,lory nf God, and the Increase of Ills
Tlio growth of our pirlsli. In tlie last
ten or twelve enrs p.irllculnrlv, caused
tlio necessity. In the care of souls, for
the letters to have assistance. Puller
Rector Svventzel, from 1SS9 to 1S02, the
Rev. William P. Tn.vlor. in cliaige of St.
Divld's, Hviio Pink, aided hugely in
pastoial work, and with Rector Israel
there wcro associated as assistants or
curates: Rev. W. H. Bimford, fiom No-
ember. 1S02, to June, lso.i; Rev. Samuel
Simpson t ircpils, from July, lsoi, to Peb
rii.ei. 1S0R Rev. Almim Ij 1'rban, from
March, lRfit, to April, I SOU, Rpv. Martin
Helknnp Nash, from Jul. 1S0S, to Julv,
1001, and our present curates, Rev. Pel
ward J. Tlaughton, now reitor nf St.
Mark's Dunmore. and St Geoige's, Olv
phant, who began his l.ibnrs in April,
isoc and Rev. Robert Hwell Roe. In
cinige of the Side mission nnd St.
James, Nicholson. Pa . vv ho has been with
us since Juno. 1002.
The -.e iv Ice of tnesp clprgvmen has been
7P.ilons, devoted and eirnest. The Revs
Mr. Houghton and Mr. Roe are jet vvitli
us, and Hie others have ebaipe of pai
ishes in tills nnd other states, all sowing
the seed of the Gospel eif Christ, which
surelv will glow and fructify to the
pialse of Gotl and the spliitual elevation
of men.
The Revs Mcsrs Maiquis nnd Viban
weie ordained to tbe piicstbood fiom
this pirlsh, which also furnished tho
Rev. William I'one, deacon, anil Rev.
Sidney Kev Rvans Predcriek A. I.vne
and Noiton V. Ilouser. presbteis, who
are seiving God elsevvherp in our land.
At the beginning of our parish, the en
tile state of Pennsjlvanki compilseil but
one dlocpse, of which the Rt. Rev. Alonzo
Pottet, D. D, was bMiop lie was suc
e'e edeel bv tlie Rt Rev, Samuel Bowman,
D. D. who elieel In August, ISM. and then
bv the Rt. Rev. Wllllnm Daeon Stevens,
D. D , on Januaiy .', Uij2. In the yeur 1S71
tlie present diocese of Central Pennsvl
vania. was set off fiom Hie mothet dio
cese', and tlie Rev. Mai ens Antlionv De
Wolio Heivve, of Philadelphia, chosen
bishop Tbt Ri'V. Nelson Somen Hie
Itulisnn, V. I. became to-atljutor bishop
on Oetobei 'i ISM, and after tlio death
of Bishop Howe. July 11, ISO",, became sole
bishop until Ills death. August 13. 107.
when nttorvvartl oiu piesent honored and
hi love el ellote-san, tile' Rt. Rev. Htbelbeit
Talbot. I. D, became oiu thief pastor,
in 1S0
Bishop Talbot Is Hie onl smvlvoi: tlio
otheis, having finished tlieli woik, rest
In Iho paiadlse ol God
lu tlie lltty ears p ist, the palish le
ioiiIs show: Total nunibei of baptisms,
J :tS7 : toiillrnialloii-, U4GI: mairiuges, 310;
Initials, l.ul'j; ami tlie inonevs which have
been raised and ependeil In religious
and ch.irltible put poses, to be:
Pol parochial pui poses JHOOSt
Missions, domestic nnd loitlgn,
tllocesau piuposes, chanty unci
bcnevoleiuu W 111.72
A total ol $l00,7l.'.1ii
Tlie pal Mi lias no funded tie lit now, und
the viiliiii of the teal and peisonal pinpoi
nts owned by It and the puoihlal oi
ganlatlons, based upon the valuations
of tlie cltv and state assessois, Is not
fat Horn $2fk100O, and. In addition tlieieto.
endowment funds, amounting to a total
ol $1021.
God giant Hint tills endowment sum
inav speedily Im Inci eased tu JluO.flOO, to
piovide fen the woik of the ftituie,
wide h will be to noees-my when the up
per and icsldeiiee portions of our elt
will reciulie and have tlielr chinches, as
Is so piomlnently Indicated now, and
ours be left as a people's cnuieli for tho
Jarge und Incienslng population of tho
humble and poor In this lowei section.
In h material aspect, our present tondi
Hon Is rpiltn a happ one, but gUMtei -far
gieuter-is It If the tine wealth of
God's grace and llolv Spirit perineum
and rilicct the lllo of each member of our
pin lh.
And now. what of the fuluie" 1 Iftv
veais hence, at the centennial Hiuilvei
s.u, very few, If any of us. will bo pies
t nt to icjolee, us we do toehiv, nt tho
irults of labors spent lu Christ's ser
vice, but we muy anil should stilvo, and
follow on, to know tho Lord mote lov
ingly and tuineslly. and bv preeept and
example make It posslblo foi that occa
sion to bo like this one of gladness and
Joy, n
D L. & W. BOARD.
Kolinvvlng Is tho make-up ot tho
Del.iwiiio, I., ukuwaniiti nml Western
boatd for todaj :
i:tins Hast 7 p in , Rhntllcb, 10 p. in ,
Siinunlts 7 p m, Caiilgn.
lusheis 7 i m., Klihv; 10 p m , Case.
Dxltas Dnst -1 u m , TfiuKlmrl; 1 a in,
MiC.inn: H a. nib, IIuskcHJ. ' V ni ,
Summlts-tO n m , Nlchob
I'uslitus 7 a in, Wldnti , 7 a. m Plu
ncil;Sn in . Housei , 11 u pi . Lumping,
1141 a in, .Mourn: 1 p in, lion, 7 "J) p
in , Muiplij, 9 p ni.W II llutholomew.
Pulliih-l.M a in . Ciislaij 7 n. in., Gaff
iicj , 10 n m , be t oi : ,t li p m . Stanton
O Kemney will tun 11. Glligau's ctuw
on fi p m., estia cast Smuliis flit 10
Cnnductoih I.Diiglinev, Klevcn.. Dunn,
Pit7geinld nnd Rogeis will lepott at
tialnmastei's ofllto Monthiv. October ."il at
Sa in Stevens will bilug new with him.
i I..
HlbL-Tn Hei anion, Pa., to Mr, and Mil
William Hill, of CuO Deacon sited, u
On tho Third
Floor, Plcttlrc
Frainlng a specialty.
TJia CillSfriA' I aoiac denote the coming of the Storm
IMC rdillllg LcdVeb King, -Winter," and the passing
of balmy days. With the change of seasons comes the change
of light weight wearables for the heavier weaves. In thinking
of your Fall or Winter Dress bear in mind
Dress Goods Department is a safe place to
Brightest and best to be found here. Weaves that have a touch of a genius
hand colorings that give a sense of great pleasure, because of their beautiful combina
tion of shades.
Basket Weave Skirtings and
Zebellne weaves, a yard
54-Inch All Wool Tailor-made
English Coverts and Venetian:
marked at 89c. Today
56-Inch wide, 16-ounce Cheviot and Diagonal
Cloth, comes In navy, black and brown,
an unusually good value. Priced at . . . JJ) 1 .25
56-Inch Melton Skirtings, two grades and the best
of their kind for the prices asked for t
them. Per yard 75c and ip 1 .00
Bear Brand Yarns
When this brand is mentioned the cream of the
yarn field is set before you.
Saxony colors, black and white, per skein 10c
Germantown, colors black and white, per skein. . . 12c
Spanish, per skein only 15c
Germantown Knitting Yarn, full quarter pound
skein, per skein 23c
Shetland Floss, per skein i4c
Ono Suit Number
Woman's Tailor Made Black Cheviot Suit, blouse effect, Suit has postillion back and skirt over
M Il Infftln r!lls ItrtAf-1 rft4ll1rt llf 1 4n honrtf" f (fair nittr njirl'inn plnAtA Vlr i naur if f r-lr t vi.
nj', idllGlti our. iiiicu, OUIV.IH.U wiiii ua.iuo ui lunsio, MSW UISIIUIJ ailiGvc,
has 7-gores with flare, lined with good percaline lining. Price
The following quotations are fuiniaheil
The Tiibune L lliilglit A- Tree-vo Co, JH
315 Meais liullillnE. W. D. Runjon, mail
user. Open Hlcrh Low OIom
Anidl Coppot i"s i""h ''"'J- '.''fe
Am C A- 1' !"'R "'"h !' h '
AmeiiLMii Jlo Ill's 1 lVj 10 It
Am I.oeomothe .... UU ,!l'j "l't ",'
Am Loco, l'l '" '" 1'1'j 'U'a
Am S A; H Co .... IT 17 IT Ie Slig.'i . ..1J" 1'-Ji 1-1 a 1--1.1
-v'tLliison 'iT Hi's Wo -M
Atchison, l'l 101' t lOIVa ll W 1
Halt A. Ohio 110'.. lU's l'at 10'J't
H100K. II T ill's i,l, i.l t.l'
C'.innili.iii IMcllle ....1,T' 1 .Ta l.iil Ui'4
Cliet. Aj Ohio "1 !' t .V7s TiJ fit
Chicago A, Alton ... JT, .S'4 .li1 li'i
Cllir A. O V IPs II ; II'h "la
C.j JI Al St I' l'J- lf.t 101 llll'H
C, It 1. A. 1" JOO'i Jl)i, 'MU -00 "1
Col. Tiiel .V linn .... t'.- Wj M1.- MVa
Col. A. Boulli Jt .il't "l't .V.;k
Den A. It. li !': 4Vi IV IV i
Uen A: 11 O. l'l ....''J' ''-' f'-'n ''-"
Detiolt Biiiilliein .. .'-' -'-' -l1-. -IVj
lltlu h'k "'"t ' '' a
llrle. 1st l'l i.ssa is'rt I'S i.s
IIocKIng Vulli'V . .. 'is 'is 'iih HT't
Illinois iVutial .. T. ', l'i.' l"l"s l'l'
Iowa Cential . . . i'.'t 4VS IVj IVj
Kan City . Soiilli . ii, t'l-i Ji, Ji't
i.ouis ,. Nash . . li'l'j l.'ia li'j 1 ' 1 Ui I Ji' 1 Ti in l.'.S
JUt St. Itv . . .H-i't. Hi's lll'j HI'.
JIi'lenu . . Jii'i .'ii -ii'i -i'i
lo , K. .t Te !1 II ::u' .ji'h
Mo , K. A.- T , l'l ..ill's Im's I.JI, ii!
-Mo l'.ulllf .. . .11! Ill', HIS, 111
X. Y. Cential 1",T'. 1'iS', 1" l"'j
Xoifolk A.- West .. . HVt ll'j .il'h H'
I'i nil. It It IMi' li.'.L, !". 1ik',
l'eoiilei's . ...Iiil'j In, (ii. lilt's
I'lusttl Steel t'.ii i,l i,l 1,111, ill
lle.llling . . .. Til Til's 1 11 ill
Itoailing, .'! IT . Ts'j TS'i; Ts'i Tsi,
Hepiilillf Stiel . . ii !..' Jj-'s J.'h
St. I. A: Sun I' TT't- Ti-'2 77'j 771 .
St I. So. W T.!- TIV "!', TI'h
Southeui 11 n is' j uSij ,.s", r.s',
Tt'lill Coal A: lion T' i.T'a i'.'',j i,''-
'l'iMis At Pneille ,. . IV IV. II, li
I'nlnii Pai'lllt . . InT IOT'4 Kit.5, lmi't
1'. S Leathi'i ... . II', II , ll4 If,
I' S I.iMtlifi. Pi ,. !U 'U H 'li
1. 8. Steel 11', III', -lUs i,
T S Steel, P '.i, !iJH HI l'l
AVnliasli !Vi IIV. iii', .!."
WabiiHli, Pr , . ."die "iU'4 ".OH r.01,
'e-,lein I'lilim . . !L' p.'l n;'M .U";
Wheel & I. II . . SL I'sU Jsi 'S
AVIs Cenllill . :'ii, .v., sxl
Total Mllis, ,"i.' uei) Hliiue
WIirJAT Onen. Hlnli, Low Clnso
December T.'' ".' T.''h 7J ,
SIiiv Tl'a Tl1, T!"h 7 1' j
Dcccmbei iJ''i "il'ij ."i.' V,ij
Mnv Il'x l!'i UN H'
Decemlier il ::i. ,il"
May L'lj 'UV. ,1J'5 !.''.
Ottnbei 1T,".1 ITTrt 17 " 17 "Jl
Jiilliiaiv I r, (kj i,iK) l.'ili", I 'i,
Ootolior 11 I J U.l-' 11 I-' II 1-'
Jiiniiiiv U.'7 I' .'7 t'J"i i.'i
Oetoliei IJlnl I.'iki I.Mlll 1.TI0
Ja1111.11 y s I'i s l"i fc. I". fc I'i
Open Ilisli. Low Close)
Oe tuber .s il S tl S J:! S )l
Deieinbc'i S i'i S VI Ml S II
.iiimiaiy M '7 js r.t t."
May N.'l s in 4 S M
lleseie. InciiiiiKi . .. . JlfiMi,'l
Loan". iIimiimhi' . . 'i.rii.Mi
Specie liRicase IIiftW
I.enl li-iiiU'i ImiiMHii I.IOi
IlepnsltH, ileiliafie ... . , , P..'l I wn)
I'iiiiilallon Int nan.' . . . l,7M,'iO)
Scrnnton Boaid of Trntlo Exclinngo
Quotations All Quotations Bnsed
on Pnv of 100.
H'lUCKS lllilAslteei
Luliawiinna Daliy Co . I'r.... ti) ,,,
Count) fc'-l UanU V Tii'Ht Co SuO
Klltet Nat IlanU tCulioimalo). ... BOO
Tiiiitl I'.ttle.iiul Ii.inli ., -V) ,,,
Dlmo Dtp A. DIs ll.intv Bi
i:ionoiiiy I,, II A. I' Co ... 40
l'ii4t National IlanU uoo
1.HCK TliiHt A: Sifo Den Co . ID
C'luiK A Hmooi Co. Pr LT
Rciuiiton Kavinga 1 i.l Ilk lm ...
Ttaelciu' National Hank L'.'i ...
Si-ianton Holt it Nut Co. ...... 1J ,
Pconlo's Hink 131
Sciaiilou Packing Co 33
110 NDS
Sei.uiton Patsongor Hallway,
Hint iiioitgagu. iluo lu JO H3 .,,
Pcopio'ti Stieol Hallway, Hist
mortgjgo, dug 191S 115 ...
y For Today's I &s Selections
Suitings, such
. usually .
Manor Woman
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capital, the surplus and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Tlaiffd National Bank
vhere savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent, interest.
t llis
niaiuiliictiirei's ol
j. """" 'J" !' ! -J1 'f ! "J' 5'
.j. .j. i i $ ! 5' i ! ? $ ?
Drew TV. gt !-.
N icvci.tlibt., UUl UCILUIlija US
OKI M'lione, a,3i.
New 'I'lions, 'Jo35
Peoiilo's Sticet Ita' .,a, Con
oial uioilgago duo JU.'l ,.,.
t'cinntoii Ttnc Co, Ij pel cout.
I'coiioniy I., II .V 1' Co ,.,,,
N Jeise ,. Pen ono Ko Co
Coiiboliilatul Wntor Supply Co
in ...
... li
Scmnton Wholesale Maiket.
(Concctcil bj 11. U Dile, '.7 Lacku Avo )
rioui-fiiu , ,
Jlutloi- I'icjIi cic.tmuiy, JIc , ficjli
llllll., .'.'c
l.Kgs NiMlliy, JJ'pe , wentem, -lo
llgg.s -Ne.nli, .'J';e., western, ,'tc ,
illrel ,','t . t.iM) toillit, .'Ie1.
Miiiiiw Means Pei )nn.iel, ".1
OiiIciiih- Pei but-hcl, Wc
New I'otiiltKb-C" pi I ImijIicI
Civil Sarvice Examinations.
On Dcteiiibii 9 nml in illl senlce c
iimliiatioiiH will lit) lielel In this tit Im
main thuiighlMiieii in the eniiliiu'l il
pat tint nt ai, luge at Now Yolk, ami foi
elepat tment aaalstaut lu tho riilllppluc
In basement.
Ono of tho larg
est departments
In Northeastern
Pcnnsylvan la.
that the Big Stored
come to for a choice
Knickerbocker and the famous Nor
folk Suitings, also fancy Scotch Plaids,
Priced at, per yard 89c to ip5.00
50-inch wide Rainproof English Rag- . .
Ian Cloth, shrunk and sponged. Priced at p 1 . 1 0
Coronation styles Worsteds, 56-inches
wide and a white tuff ed oxford at, per a ..
yard 98c, $1.25, $1.50 and $ 1 . JO
54-Inch Water Proof English Coverts, .
newest shades. Priced at p 1 .00
56-inch Extra Heavy Thibet, Melton g, .
and Vlgoreaux Fabrics. Per yard p 1 .25
Stamped Linen Doylies
Size 9, 12, 18, 20 and 24. Floral designs of tho
newest and staple stampings.
3 yard Embroidery Silk. Spool ic
Or per dozen ioc
Pillow Tops.
College designs, floral and modern and
colonial subjects at 29c, 50c and 59C
uoo d new v,uu, CJUII I j, -
ip 1 X.ol
Makes careful inquiry
before deciding where
to deposit money
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
2,")5-8!J7 Ponn Aronnc.
Eooins 1 nnel 2
Commonwealth Bids.
Hade at Moealc ami ltusliilils Woiki.
Lafliu & Hand Powder Co.'s
tlcctric llJtlciics, Kkctrlo Kiploderj, L'x-
plodln; Ulisla, S.icty I'utr,