The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 20, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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foimcr Pastor or uraco liciotmcci
Episcopal Church Tolls His Congre
gation o the Lifo Beyond, Where
Theio Is Plenty of Boom for All
Who Tiust nntl Believe in tho Word
of God No Strikes or Social Dlf
fcicnccs to Contend with in the
Etcrnnl City.
Upv. A K. Hates, or Lima, N. V it
iiriiior pastor of the Grace Reformed
:plseopul (.lim-oli, occupied Hint pulpit
t both services ycslenluy, pleaching in
m evening on "Tlii' Ktcrtuil City." lilt
bxt wns tiiUcn fioin the twenty-first
Chapter 111 tllO lloillt llf liCVOllltllins,
"And r, John, saw u holy city" In tlu
course of his teiniuks, hi1 said:
"Tho tide of population then' days Is
ivvuids the larger cities, wheie tho
eiujoilty live, and vvhotc liitlsthinlty
ihoimds, together with eonteis of nioial
ind eilinlnal life, whole good people In-
l.orinlnglo with the oilmlnitl element.
tint I Invite .vnur atleiilliiii to some
facts about that gieut city which we
fill expect to see.
"Nowadays people are disponed to
?lve attenllon to ceitaln tastes and do
Blot Rive pioprr attention to we
knight, mi I Invite your attention to the
groat i it.v to which we ale all tiavcl
Ing, If we are the chlldien of Hud. It
Is a Ricat walled city, the puipose of
width Is for seclusion as well as ex
clusion, for Hod pioteets those Inside
and shuts out those outside who do not
believe and trut In Illin.
A Gicnt City.
"Coit.iin people must be shut nvv.iy
fiom society to keep society detent, and
Fn It l.s In God's abode, wheie only the
clean and pine In heart can enter. It
Is ii city of Rveat propoi lions, with Its
streets of gold and walls of pi ei lows
stones. The dimensions of this wonder
ful city are that It Is miles loner,
l.riOO miles wide and 1,500 miles IiIrIi,
covering tho amount of tenlloiy. that
would extend fiom the north of .Maine
to the .south of Flotldu, and tiom tho
Atlantic ocean to Colorado.
"Theio Is plenty of loom for all in
this Ricat city, and multitudes of Hod's
people will be tlieie. It is called the
city of OikI, the now Joi usnloin. And
why should not (tod make a eltv for .ill
His people, wheie lie i.m gather them
i together Their- will bo no hospitals
llicie. no sic no p.iin, no churches,
no temples, no saloons, no tails, no
lolice, no cemetei les. no politics, no
.train or woiry. anil ovotybody will
1.1 alk In the llRht of ChiM Jcsii.
'It IS a blos.-od iHj- wheie we will
hot s.iy good-Ire p, and theio will be no
mrt loom wheie 3,011 will blush to be
'en. No lights mo needed
lieie, because Cod Is- tho light. The In-
liibltcints ncvir riow we.ny, and need
! .sleep, as Hump shall be im iilnht
lere. This holy city Is Rovernod bv ,1
leptcr of ilKhteousness, mid God Is the
lime of peace.
God Will Govern.
id himself will Rovein, the social
Ions of this life will be settled and
Uil distribution of wealth will be
made. There will bo no everlasting
nervous strain, plenty of lime, ovcry-
juuj win uo uusy, nun no rivalry or
weariness All the mlsundor.stmidlng.s
that make this life disticssfui win ,0
"All this hecauso Je.siis Chi 1st finds
the absolute duplicate of himselt in
that eit.v, wheie lie is tho unit or mens
uies, and whole tho lichcs of (Toil's
glory aio round in Chi 1st. f'repaie to
journey to the eternal city, wheie we
all may meet, and God forbid that by
nny carelessness of ours snu shonlil
fall to enter in,"
Vns Conducted bv Bpv. Tsimoc
Hughes in the Adams Avenue
Chapel Last Night.
The Hc. Tir. James ifiiKlies conduct
ed h mc ui rial senice In the Adams
avenue ch ipcl, Now Yoik stu-et, ),ist
nlsht, tor Lewis Dei .shinier David
Moiton and Ilubeit V. Itankln. The
(ditlce wu- ciowdcd id Its uttei most
capacity. The choir, which annealed
lln Its lull .stioi.Rth, s.uiR veiv
hiiitablo hymns, and .Mr. A. Austin .s,m.
Ii solo In h!s usual excellent style.
ur. uiiRues tools for his tcl Hie
fiords of H.ila.nii,"Lot mo die the death
n tno HRliteoii' and let mv last ..n,i
bo like his." Uo said:
Wu liaxo dutlliR the l.i.i fr.w ilivs
ifered, la this nelKllboilumd. .i ei'v nuln
liwakcnluic We hne been spoken in In
Clones ,)) thunrliM, mid with the tom;iii. ,if
lire. This im miesied the .iiieiitloii of
inn uiniiRiiuch anil nil-oil ihr.m to
think, whlrb Is a uilKlity aclileiement
anil It has r.iti-ed the hearts of iiianv
who thoiiRht themselves bi.uo and fe.u-K.-m,
to ipuikc and iiuall.
Wo have been btoimht race to rum
,Mlth death In one of Im most repulsive
and leirlllc aspects. We havo seep time
linen In the prime of lllo eiiveloiied in
lames, and when tin ir souls passed
fiwuj Into tho iim-oen, the most mend
lioiiRht of oar limit was, " me dlo
lie death of the ilRhtrous and lei my
nst end bo like ills." This was o.
leutl.v the dtsho oi Hme niembi who-o
nss wo iiiouin tonlwlu. for lainestlv
lid they pray Hod to .-.ivo their muiIs
mil llHht miNlotisly ,11,1 Hioy ilcfhe otheis
o play lor them
Boon nftei o duck In the moriiluir.
was bj their side In the hospital, where
remained until they breathed their last
liieath .Mr Lewis Dershiiuei was Hie
llrNt to die This oiiiir man was u
luuno oi iviiMiiiw lo, I'll, i to was cm-
liloyed at the rI.iss works In this diy, unil
In the ciedlt of hlh fellow woikmen, lit
rie say, that tlun in ecled amoiiR tlieni-
lelves a handsome sum of money, wlilili
iney iiauucii oor to his soriowlus widow.
lo was mauled vo yeais aso, mid met
Ids death In the tweuiy-slvth year of Ids
mi. Ills stilekeii liaionts leslde In
Tho ui'M who esplicd was Air. David
Mite Seciet of a Successful Merchant.
Tho success, ot" a merchant depends
largely upon his ability to please his
rciistcimeis, Jn oider to do so he icioin
iiiends only articles which me to his
knowledge most ullahle. I it handling
medicine, this is especially tine, as peo.
plo uesiie the best pieparatlon on tho
piuiket and appicclnte the lecomen
dntlon of their diugalbt. lieie is what
V, J. LelRht, of House Siirlmrs. .Mo..
says of Cliambei Iain's Cough llcmedy:
"I can recommend Chambeilaln'a Cough
Ttenicdy to my uistumeia to be second
to none on the m.iiket. For cioup with
children there is nothing hotter." For
sale by all druggists.
.bettor than love, and freedom was best
.Morton, Me wits hnin In Arehtmld twon
tyclght yrar.s no, hut Iuih been living
In Soianlon for the last eighteen years.
8onm tlmo iiro, lie and a .voungcr-biolhcr
Mm ted In InMmi'M for themselves as
plllmbof, with every pioport of satis
fnetoij' success, lie Inis left it widow
and one child, a father and niotlipr, two
brother ntul tun slstets, to mourn his
Tlf lust of the Ihree who tiled was
Mi Robert W. lliinkln. He was imrn In
the city of tllii'Miw, Hootlnlul. Jle wan
an orpiiali at the eaily iiro oT fl .venrs
both lather and mother Intil tiled. Ho
came in this eountiy iilioiit nineteen
M'His iiro. For sevenil yeaiH he was phi
ptoied In the Kermiton Hlnvo works, lie
hud liein a tnomlier of the church for a
Ioiir (line, ami tendered olHulcnt service
as leader ot our choir for nearly two
via is. lie was in years old, In the prlmo
iif life and the onjn.viiionl of lobusl
health, when he was eallnl away, lie
has left an mule ami aunt, who for
veins acted as parents tow aid the de
censed, and mote sonowfnl still, there Is
a widow mid four dear child! en, whoio
souls are bowed down with Rtlef.
To mini of iiii. thee deaths will bo
niueh lll.i' the swllt passage of nil allow
IhloiiRli Hie atniopheie, the air soon
closes up and all Is lraniiill again; but
In the hiituoc lepriseatul lieie tonlRllt,
whoso leinlliiR lights have been rilieiiehed,
tlieie will be Rieat iiRltiltlon, linneutn
tlou and woe; pio-Hato widows and or
phans refusing to be conifolted becnute
they are not
Whenever oii have an nppoilllnltv,
Rive pnictlcal clfeot to ,oiir expressions
of sMiipathy; then shall we ptove the
depth anil re.illlv of our pity. Allow
not your sacred feelings to evaporate, but
remember thai If we are to die the denth
of the lightcnus we must not live the life
of tlie pnrlllRate.
15e 1 (' J.uii(w, of Cinlor spnilnai.v,
net npfnil tho pulpit of the Fhst Welsh
Haptlu chinch In Ninth Hciiiutnu ;. ester
dnv ltallv lav sen Ices v.oio held L"(t'i ilny
nfleiiiooii In the Couit Stie-t Methodist cllltl'll lte-V II. I,. Suntoe
Rave a splendid talk on "The Tabernacle
la the Wllilcinesu," diiihiR which ho used
a model to ilhwlinte Ills arRiniient.
Dr S'.umicl .lessiip. one of tho lending
liilfsloiuiiles of the I'i esbytei Ian chinch,
who has been stationed at Svilii. pi cached
nl the rirsl Pieshyleilnn elinieh "-ter-d.iy
inniiihiR and Rave a vhld ilesciiptlon
of the woik that Is behiR can led on by
Chtl?tluln ml'sloniulos in that distant
Hearing' in the Case of the Officers
of the Conespondence Institute
of America.
A heal ins in the case of the diked
.States Rinerninent .iR.ilnst Alton 1-".
Clarke, picsldent; Louis Coniad, W. Jl.
HIilRhain and Com, id I.otz, dlieclois
of the Coi iepondence Institute or
America, who aie cbarROd with fraud
ulent ui" of tho mails, was conducted
by ('lilted States Commissioner Keaile
on .S.ittudav, ami as a result the de
lend, mts weio held in $1,000 ball each.
P. 1!. Goilinin, ot :;!! West Ninety
Sith stieet. New York, was the fhst
witness sum n. lie test tiled to having
paid the .$1 roe demanded as ilrst pay
inont lor a coiuse In newspapoi lllus-
li.uliiR. and said tho fieo tuition of
feied by the in-tltute cost him $1.",
which was paid for supplies, consist
Iiir of one liiler, two load pencil's a
ppn and penholder and rour thumb
The "poisonnl cilticlsm" or Got
ham's Hi st paper was a nilnieoRiaph
copy and he was Informed Hint ho pos
sessed "rare talents." was "exception
ally qualified," and that he was not
"meant for a ill earner or hiiolhiR in
this world." Several papeis weio "blue
penciled." which Hie dereuse contended
was evidence or poisonal Instruction.
The witness said ho puiposoly drew a
picture with the light shadows tin own
In tin po different dliecllon. This er
mr, bo said, was not mentioned by le
turncd iMltlcism. lie tostiijed to ha
Iiir paid $S in inslallments to Hio
Soi anion ollico, and tho balance of his
$l."i to a man named Qulnn, who rop
lescnted tho institute in New Yoik.
C. S. Cr.iwfnul, a newsdealer and
bin lit wood artist, of ICast One Hun
died and Forty-fourth stieet. Now
Voik, was nlso sworn. Ho applied for
,t couise In newspaper illustrating. Ho
showed eiitkisms Identical to those re
ceived by Gotham He met Claike in
Cjuinn's ofllee in New Yoik, and Clarke
pi utilised lilm a position, which ho has
not ot seemed.
Jacob Filomor, a New Yarn niailcar
rlrr. another witness, applied lor a.
couise of instruction in journalism.
For ?t" he iccelved a lend pencil, ruler,
pen, and six sheets or toobenp paper.
He tc stilled thai the only ciltlcisin he
iccelved on his tlnee papeis submitted
was "Don't paste sheets together." He
fuither te.-tllled that he was dlssatls-
lled with his course, and that tho col
lections he received weio not criti
cisms. Dlstilct Attorney MeCaiiell asked
that the defendants lie held, claiming
that sulllclent cause had been '.shown,
pm tlcularly In tho matter of ppisonul
Insti notion, which, he said, the evi
dence pioduced proved was not given
as iiRieed. The defendant;, weio held
In 91.000 ball each.
Given at Mount Saint Mary's Semi
nary, Satuiday Evening,
A piano iceltal was given Saturday
c cuing at Mount Saint Mar's semi
nary bj Hoove Jones, pianist, assisted
by Unbeit J. Hauer, violinist. The Sis
teis, pupils and a few Invited Rtiests
weio piesent and enjoyed the following
pi obi ammo;
4'iauo Ith.ipaoille IIoiirioIso Liszt
ih Air G SliliiR Rich
i.U Love's Uieaia illach) Cidlailka
(.11 Spinning Song .MeinleNsuhll
(b) .M.uch lIuiiRiiil.ui Kow.ilsl.i
Vlolln Sceno du llallet Do Hcilot
(iil Hiitleillv Lavallo
(In Lucia ill Lamiiieiuioor,
Violin Novell Vleiilciaps
riaiin Ciiand Polonaise. In n i.Ua
William llmlglct. W. H. llanibui-g,
Catheiluo Joncb and .Maiy Miller, ar
lesteil In a laid on "The Hub," weie fliieil
Vi ciich
Danld Miuphy, of Sutith Sciiniton, a
dosoitei, was picked up by Patrolman
IMutlo and tmucU oer to I'nlted States
llus Itathfus. ()f VUll.uiisiort. a mem
ber of Company J, Twelfth leglinoiit, was
looked up for iliimkennoss Satuiday nlsht
and was lined ").
James Mc.Midiew, Udwiui Cogghis,
William Davis and .Moses Kinase, tho
bos auested foi irjlng to chec.t an en
tianto Into the Aiadomy ot Music, weio
lined $1 each mid costs.
Kiedeilck Moignu. Hie foiger. was com
mltted to jail In default of $-A) ball, for
obtaining whisky and money from Drug
gist I'lchel under false tnetenscs, uml
foigbig Di. J. r. Saltiy's mimu to a note.
Central labor Union to Mako
Effort to End It.
The Central Labor union held n
lengthy selon In I'm pouters' hull
yesterday afternoon, and tiaiisaeted
considerable routine business. One tit
the subjects taken tip was tho oar
penteis' sttlke, which has boon hang
ing Hip for n Ioiir time, A special com
mittee Is now ut work tryliiR to hrlnu
about a siitlfactoiy adjustitioiit.
The Central Labor union expressed
their ulllhiRiiess to co-opoiato with tho
Hullders' lIvcliaiiRo and do what they
can to hiliiR about an amicable adjilst
nienl ot the carponteis' ri Ipvmii'cs, A
lortlou of tho fund raised' to defray
Hip pxpenses of the mass ineetliiR In
tended for yesterday, was turned over
for teller purpocs to Dlstilct No. I,
of the I'nlted Mine Workois.
Cdwmd Swni'tii a ippicsentatlvo of
the lloston C'lRarinnkeis' iiulon, itttend
ed the ineetliiR and addressed tho dolo
Impoitant Meeting of Head of the
Conductoia with Representatives
of Lackawanna Employes.
K. I'. Clark, of Cedar Rapids, In.,
Brand chief of tho Older or Hallway
Conduetois, who has been selected a .4
one oi the commissioners in Hie mluo
strike dispute, was In the city yester
day, In coufctcucc with the ineinbei.i of
Division 1l Older of Hallway Conduc
tors, and teprcsentnlhos of tho various
divisions of the Lackawanna system.
Mr. Clink Is making his annual tour
or the dllfeiont divisions of his order.
Ho timed his vNIt to Scianton so that
he might bo here at a union meeting
that was to have been hold here yes
terday to discuss grievances which the
Lackawanna employes are seeking lo
have t pdi eased. Th. union mooting
was put ort until arter the mine strike
excitement has subsided.
Mr. Clark came lieie at noon yester
day from Klinlin, and left Tor home at
C TiO last evening, nt the conclusion of
his confet onto with the local condue
tois. He had nothing to give out re
Rii'.dlnR tho impoit or his visit, but In
l espouse lo a question as to whether
or not he pioposetl to serve on the mine
sti Ike commission, he said:
"I have not as yet made answer to
Piesident Hoosevolt's invitation to act
on the commission, because I have not
yet received the notification or
my selection. 1 nuclei stand It Is at my
ollico at home. I will, or i ourse, ac
cept, it Is a duty of citizenship that
in a time like this one cannot well le
ruse to assume."
What was done nt the conduetois'
meeting could not be learned. That
.something out or the oidlnary was dealt
with might be guessed ftom the fact
that the chalinieii or the general griev
ance committees or the engineeis mid
trainmen, James Cl.nk and A. F. DuN
ly, respecthcly, weie present. John
Downej. or t'tlca, chub man or tho
conduetois' giievancc committee; John
Walb, or Klmha; John Slack', or Ho
boken: IMwarri McAlpln, or Northum
berland, and George Chase, or Htlc.i,
chairmen or the Riievance committees
or tho dlffciciit divisions, were also in
President Roosevelt's
Personal Representative
at the Lyceum tonight.
Special lo tho Scranton Tilbune.
Montiose, Oct. 10. Jean L. Tower, of
New York city, is home tor a short
time with his patents mid is studying
tor a higher position In electilcal en
Rineeilng, a vocation which lie has rol
lowed for seieial yeais.
.Mrs. Mary T. Haynsford eutertalnod
a number of li lends at a piogresio
euchio p.uty Wednesday evening, at
her homo on Maple stieet.
.Mr. and Mis. I. W. Cole and son,
who have been guests or Mr. and Mis.
W. (J. Joidan for seveiat days, on
Thursday letmned to their homo In
W.itklns, N. V.
Mr. and Mis. Peicy Hallentine, or
Scianton, aio now occupying the D,
It. Liithrop lcsldence on South Main
stieet, mid will leslde there until their
new home on the tarm, below
South Montiose, Is completed.
W. D. H. Aiuoy is still coullned to
his home by nines.!,
Sidney W., of Ued Wing, Minn.,
Is visiting, for tho (list tmi. n ioit
four years, hl.s lilouds and lelatlves In
this place and vicinity.
Tho seventy-llist session ofNho liing
hamton Dlstilct association
will bo held In tho Methodist
chinch, Monday and Tuesday of this
week. An excellent programme has
been ni ranged for the entertainment
of those who will attend.
A. Nelson Dullard, who for some tlmo
has been 111, died at Ills homo on Depot
stieol, Thursday uioining, at about 10
o'clock. Tho demised was the ilrst su
perintendent or schools in tills county.
He Is survived by a wire and two sons,
Dr. J. Aithur Ilullaul, or Wllkos-Hane,
and Frank Hulhucl, of North Platte,
Neb., and one sister, Mrs, Harvey Ty
ler, of this place. Ills iiro was S5 years.
The fuueiii! services weie conducted
from his late.iesldence, Saturday afit-r-iioon
nt - o'clock, Itov. D, A. Wariluer
olllcl.ulng, Intci ment was made In the
Montrose cemetery.
Monti os will soon havo another
club, many of tho ouug men having
met for the purpose of tonnlng one,
Thursday evening, and It was decided
to lent the looms over Tin roll's htoro
for tho mooting place, This makes tho
third dub in existence in this place,
The Installation of Uev, A. F. von
Tobol ns pastor of tho Piesbyterlan
cluu eh, took phicu Thmsduy evening
In the auditorium of tho chut eh, and
tho services connected with It weio
very Inteiostlug and Impiessive, A
veiy lino scimoii was delivered by Itov,
Isaac J. Lansing, D. D., ot Scranton,
and lemaiks weio made by Uev, F. U.
W.itklns, of Wyoming, P.i who dellv
eied tho charge to tho pastor, and Uev,
Samuel Jesaup, D, D pt Ueliut, Syria,
who dellveied the charge to the people,
weie listened to with great Intel est by
the Luge congregation which was as
sembled. A duet, "The Loui is My
Light," was rendered In a veiy pleas
ing manner by Mis. A. F. on Tobol
and air. Mccreary, of llnllstead. Many
tan led after the closing of thu services
to extend a gieetlng to the pastor and
his wire.
Hyron W. Camp left jesterday for
Cuniptown on a hunting trip, and dur
ing the week which he will be absent,
will Islt at Laceyvllle, Skinner's Kddy,
Mcshoppen and other places,
W, (.!. P.uke, of Scranton, was in
town the latter pan of ldbt week.
The Dennott-Moulton Co.
Dining the onRiigonient of tho
& Moullou lotnpiiny, which begins u
week's riiRiiRetneiit tit the Academy to
night with "Daikcst UiisbIh," a iiumbor
or Metlnpolllau successes will be lidded
to Us extensive and popular lepeitobe.
The same caio and attention tti detail
has heietofoie elmiaetcili'.eil all piodiiu
tlons by the lleiinett .; Moiilton rump I
tiles, will ho pioinliient routines or the
pieseiitnllon ot those latest hiiccuiscs.
New sceliciy, ftllllltuie, propel lies anil
etiulpinenls will bo employed, and the
tompany for this Fcasim has been es
pecially engaged for their adaptability
to the vat Ions rolns assigned to them
The opening play has been Mooted wtlli
a view of mIiiiuIuk the full sttctiRlh or thn
toinpan.v to tho best mlvmltaco, and It
will Im picspiiIimI lor the (list tlmo In this
(Ity nt Hie people's popular pi Ices, I'ho
slock or special sooner),, etc., Is so gloat
that they tun enabled lo make complete
pioiiiicllnus or eveiy piny tlioy present.
Dally matinees will bo Riven commencing
Tuesday arteinoon.
Tills Week at Dixie.
Tho bill for Dixie's theater commene
lug this afternoon Is olio or the strongest
cl piesented mid ahoiiuds with meiii
nicnt. IhiRono O'ltouiko, assisted by a
very elovei companv, pierents a laugh
able sketch entitled "I'm lor A" Mr.
O' Until l,o Is well known and his woik at
was pleases and never falls lo moot with
heal ty applaime wheiever be appeal s.
Mary Caiihigloii will furnish the musical
Heat of the season so Inr. The young
lady Is the pos.snr ar a licit sopiano
voice and a chaim or manner which cany
all bcfoio her.
UeorRo Muiphy and company piesent
"The Ahienl .Minded Sceiotar.v," This
skit Is bilm rail of tho men lest kind of
comedy and Is sine to meet with wium
nppiovnl. Asioll and Kddy do a wonder
fully skilful comedy, aciobatlo and danc
ing tm ii. The little lady Is a. lino loo
dancer and Him man a clever acrobat.
Ciiiletnli and Tony, billed as "Two Com
edians" will I mulsh plenty of laughs
with their uilghiiil dlnloRiiu and comic
Itlo biotbeis, sensational iidohiii. do
some maiveloiis feats, which are at times
Inhly hair hiMur. Cliailes Hiiitley is a
veatiiloiiiilst ot m.uked ability. Ho l.s a
Seianton boy and everyone Is Inloiested
In his woik, which lias won a high place
In tho leading vaudeville bouses of all tho
laiRo cities. Do mil miss this clover bill.
It will diivo a way the caies ol eveiy-d.iy
lire and make ou meny whether oti
will or not.
At the Star Theater.
The atti.ictlon ofieied at the Star nest
Monday, Tiiesdav and Wednesday will
bo that popular hiulosipio uml viiiidovlllo
oigiiiilzntlnii, Hnsp S; doll's London Helios,
which made a favorable lmpivlnn when
hole last season. The olio, which tx co
pies tho hiteival between two of thu lun
niest bmlesipies ovei Hinged, has mine
star sprclalt.v m lists than any other sim
ilni oiganUatlon en tour.
In Iho biiilosquos aio iutlodticrd many
pioltv gills, d.ciilng cnsiunies. and
scenic clociiieal effects, making life seem
ingly one whole lomid ot mciilment.
Moinla.v, Tuesday mid WednoKlay, with
matinee evuiy day.
Madame Sembrich.
Ot all the notable, delightful musical
cnteilalnments ot tho highest class with
which Scianton audiences have been in
vited within tho last twelve-month, theio
has Peon none to exceed, pns'-lbl.v nunc
to ilval, that which awaits them tonioi
iow evening when the exquisite cati
tatihe. Madame Sembiich, will make her
iippp.mmcc at' the Ainu.ij. It is a pleas
ant tiling to lemember that the gloat
piima dnnn.i has chosen this city ns one
or the tiixmed places for her Inier song season The Intotest she has
w.timly expiessoil In meeting tho people
ol the nietiopolis of tlio coal legions
whom she has also he.ud of as musical
ly appieciiuivo ui a iiogtee that m.inv
latgir cities rail to le.ieb, will undotibt
cilly be icilpiniated by our illl.ons, ami
shown In ctowding the Aimm.v to llsien
to the singer.
No one In our city will he willing t
have her go away dKippoinlod, thinking
that mote h.ul hcou s iid hi pt.iisu nt cultuie hetu than is w.iiiiiild
Seinlnldi will suiely havo an audience
and a weliomo that will make her re
member Scianton all her Hio with af
foi Hon.
Much lutcjcst In Ainold Lohmaini's
Ibst public appcaianco as violinist since
ids letiun fiom Hoi lln Is cpies:,cd by bis
many tiiends who .tie all on tip-loo of ex
pectancy over the lepoits of his impiovo
inoiil. To accomniodnto the many tiom
down the valley the special train on thu
Lackawanna mid Hloonnbtug aivlslon of
the Delavvaie, Lackawanna and Western,
having Wllkcs-R.uin at T p. in. will stop
at Kiugslnn, Woinlng, AVost Pittston,
Siisqiiohauiia avenue, I'ltistou .liuution
and i'a.vloi. This train letuins at 11.1.1 p
in. Night tiains on the Delnwmc, Liek-
iiwanna and Westein e.-st and west will
stop at all stations alter the conceit.
A Real Sensation at tho Dixie.
The thousands who intended the
IV.. .... . ....). (. t.i. . .., - ..
. ... vi'.iitHii .v d'-ic. ciiciis in lust season
will leinomber the blight novelty or thu
pcnoimanco or Dlavola looping thu loop
FOR TIIR LITTLD ONHS (Jut out tho plctuic3 appealing on this paEC each
day, diaw a pencil mark aiotuid the hidden objcci, bavu Ilium until Satuiday,
then sund tliom or talio them to Tho Trl lama ollico in an enviiopo addiesaed to
"Puzia Doimitment." Hncloso In tho cnvelopo your iiamo, ago and addioss. Tha
bos and gills who conectly inaik tho alx plctiues appealing iliuing tho vvoelc,
and whoso answers aio tbst leeclvod, will havo their names published In Tha
Tilbuno Momlny morning.
Last Week's Puzzle Solvers.
Tho following innectly solved last i I lhninii James. JJ3 Colfax live S
week's puzales- .-, i.nlu L. llaleson, lilii Jeffeison ave.,.,lj
1. Mabel R. Davis, lb,.! Hampton st i; U Walter Flelcbei, L'O Hliliett st , Cm-
.) Al.ii .rut ,.) l).l.. 1ll -f...l.A. ... I, l 1 ,..,...
a. Maigmet l.oulso Hvmis, Tayloi, I'a . 3
....,, ..., tw ,..,,,-, ,.. ,, . .,1,,,,,,. i m,,., , ,,
&fei MhrmttC1''
" " "- , Ill
I ind Johnny's father and his dog.
Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles.
Monday, Oit. 1J. One Is between fulingu
and donkey's car on lelt, tho other iindui
Ills neck.
Tuesday, Ost. ll-Ono Is l.ving belvvciii
All Habit's baud and Iho ticv, another
above his left elbow.
Wednesday, Oct 1-Ono cook's piollln
Is between the king's had and poitleic,
Hie other under his ihlti
Only Half a Cent a Word.
1'or Rent.
FOIt HI'.N'I'-Nllie.
loom hniiro on 1IIIL
iciisouithlc, futnlslied
will lent verv
or imriniilshed, tilt Apt II 1. Addioss L
K. 1C, Tilbune ofllcp
t'ort ItHNT-ruinlslied boas
steiliu boated, centlallv
Madison avoimo.
., leu looms,
Incaicd. :rij.
Fl'ltNIHUHD IIOI'KI! for llio winter;
very ilesliahlo, Uloell ltldge Addicts
Ilo': r,i), Tilbmio
$1S For Ttont Ton-loom house; nscpllent
nelgbboihncid; nil modein Impiovo-
iiienls. on avenue. Apply to R. i'. Ham.
Ilton, i;il Spiueo stieet.
For Sale.
VOll flALi:-Sociiiid hand Uiowslor
In ogham, slid Hies; ownei has no
place to stole. Lcwl.l 1!. Mill ton, I IS
Hitchcock com t.
roit SALH-Oiie hot nil- ruinate, tluoo
inanleh and gas chaudelleis Chillies
D. Handei. son, lid Wvonilng live. Seianton
roll SALH-Oiip hoi air fuiimcp, Hue"
mantels, rhs chaudelleis. Ch.ules D.
Sanderson, l;;c Wyoming avenue, Foinn
ton, Ta,
FOIt SALD About :n feet or desk coun
ter, sin mounted with glass front and
two openings, lower portion nlrely pan
elled, with cbavvoia and ah"lves imil"r
no.ith. May bo scon at tho ofllco of Tho
For Sale or Bent.
FOR SAIdf OH RHNT-The .".-stoiv bilck
bnlldlng. with boiler bouse attached,
and long low o'l sheds for Poises, vvag
ons, etc.; also iallio.ul switch suitable for
manuraeluilng pm poses; latelv occupied
by the Clods Tobacco Co I! M. Wiliton.
r.ooni No. fflj, Meat's Hulldlng.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
ID fi out loom lor lout,
"19 Webster iiveuue.
TWO FRONT looms, choice location, lino
view; vvel' lighted and ventllited;
steam heat; bath, gas dm Spiaco stieet
FOR RHNT Tluec uovvly fuinlsbed
fionl looms, boat, gas and bath,
mo hloek. Washington avenue. Adcliess
X., Tilbune olllte.
LOST Fox ten lor with light eve and ear
black. Collar with no name on. An
sweilng lo iiiiinu ol l"ole. Silttnblo to
wind offeied it letiiinod lo Oil Ollvo
stieet. No ipiostions asked.
Since this gioat pet formiince many people
have tiled to peiroim the deed and failed,
and it Is only within the past live weeks
that Ibis (cat has been itccoinnlished on
the stage, it iota. lined Tor .i young lady
to do Ibis act. This little aillst has been
pi.ictlchig lor eight weeks, and tho man
ager being a poisonal fib nil of Mr.
DKIe's has olloied to give tho In si pei
lium.uuo on any stage In the woikl of
"loop the loop" as pettoimed by this
oung woman as Is alie.idy slated.
This will be the pciloimancp on
uiiv stage, and fiom Sei.tnlou tills act
goes dit eel lo New Yolk for two weeks
and then sails for Htuope for a ten
weeks' contiact at $l,-flo a week. This Is
le.illy a nicsl wnadeiful act and nothing
like it has over been scon upon tho stage,
and It is only the poisonnl acquaintance
ol the management or the DKIc that en
ables him to piesent this to Scianton
audiences beroio any other c it in tin
vvoild sees it. This acts opens October -7
at the matinee. Will give two poiloim
auces dull.
Special lo the Scianton Tilbane.
Tinikhannock, Oct 17. Theio will he a
business meeting of Ttinkbannook chap
ter, Daughteis of tho Aineitciii Itevolu
tlon. Ibis Satuid.i.v nftcinooii at :t o'clock
at tho Home of Mis, James Piatt, on
West Tioga stieet.
Mis Asa S. Keeler visited n lends at
Wllkes-Iimio on Thmsduy.
Chmles P Mclvown was appointed as
one of the oveisoeis or the poor or this
boioiigli by the court on Tuesday to 1111
the vacancy caused by iho death ot his
father, N A. McKown.
Tho Citizens' National bank opened its
doots tor business on Wednesday Tho
Hist day's lecclpts mo said lo have been
llattcilng. and success is asstued for tho
now Institution
Hon. S. W. Pennvpacker, Republican
candlihito lor governor, accompanied hy
William M. Hi own. candidate ror lieu
tenant governor, and other speakeis, will
be In the couit bouse boio ne.vt Thiusilay
evening, Oct. .'.
Misses Fanny Slink and Alho lintlleld.
who have been the tiuests of ft lends at
Scranton, l etui nod home on Tbiusday.
Miles Selgliled, now of Montana, and
sister of Miss Lavinl.i Selgliled. of Rus
sell I llll. visited Mr. mid Mis. Stephen
Robertson, on Second stieet, Thursday.
Doiiiiil le;
7 'Walter Tuiger, lOhl 1'ilco t.
Thmsduy, 0(t. bi-iito fiuhoi is on thu
light sldo or nuivos head, thu mother on
Hie loll.
Ki Id.ij . Oct. 17 The violinist Is on tho
lilt nt tlio dug, his sou hi thu loliage of
tho plum.
Satuiday. Oct. lS-uno's bend U beneath
foot of climber hlwhont up, aituiher be
tween the two fallen men.
No Order
Acrrpted lor Lcs?
T!i;ui 10 rents.
Branch WANT Gfflim.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Bccclved at Any of tho Follow
injr Dniir Stoics Until 10 Is. M.
Ccntinl City
ALHHRT SCIH'LT2. coiner Mill
bony stipet mid Weirder nc.
West Side
Oi:o. W. .THNKINS, 101 South
Main avenue, .
South Scranton
rtltJD L. THItri'D, TM Ccilar
North Scranton
OLO, W. DAVIS, cm tier North
.Mil i u aveuuu
and Muikot
Orecn Bldge
CIIARLHH V. .TONHf, 15" Dick
son avenue.
r. J. JOHNS, OJt) Oiecn Itldgo
C. LORDNZ. tonmr Washington
aveniio and Mm Ion btieut.
1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTDD Agents to sell ten and oof
roc to eonsumois. Positions poima
nent. ("it mid Union Tea Co. Sll Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTHD-Waller nt St. Cloud Hotel.
AVANTDD Foily men at Tobyhnnnn,
V.i.. lo woik on guiding foi a inil
louil avvilch mid clem lug a piece or wood
land. Call at ml! Mens building. Toby
hanu.i Cieok lie Co, C. C. 1'oiber, lieas
ui or.
Help Wanted Female.
$lj WUKKI.V paid to ladles to woik at
home, nveiythlug Tin nishod. Kniioso
slumped envelope, D 1ST Ladles Ind. Co.,
Id" Wabash, avenue, Chicago.
Agents Wanted.
LAUGH CORPORATION wauls enuigctlc
Gcueial Agent lor this county. No
books. Insiiiance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with nioi chants mid m.imi
fnctuicis ncccssiiy. Permanent. Hond.
State age, opotionce. leforinces, fhst let
ter. Addioss, Salto r.7-'. No. 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
A YOt'NG lady with live' e.speil
ence as sleniigiuplier. t pew liter, cor
ipspoudeut and cashier. In a I.uge ofllee,
dcslics a position in Sci.inloti about Nov.
1st. i:eollent leleiences lmnishel and
competent lalthlul seivkes giiiii.intocd.
Addioss H. N., cue Tilnmio ollke,
LADY would like diessmakliig or plain
sewing; tlioioiigbly competent, ull Leo
Beal Estate.
T F F" A 7
N . 72 Eric Co. Bank Bide, j,
Vv Buffalo, N. Y. J?.
rL rr-?
TIin'tODEL' " LAUNDRY. Dun'moro,
laundeis shlits at Sc. each and collar!)
and cult's nt lc. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadeis' Hank Hulldlng. Old 'phono 1MJI
Real Uatnto nciiango Uldg,, I'.'ii Wash
ington nvenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
licit building.
building, Spiueo stieet, Scianton.
riro Insurance.
SC11LAGI3R & CO, 101 Council Hulldlng
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor hi llm clij No I'hiiiKi' lui In.
toi mutton on patentability; over ten
yeais' epeilencu
KcplOKic & Co., .Hears IJIdjr,
Hotels and Bestaurant3.
THU ULlv'CAFU. 123 AND Jl'M-'itANuI
lln avenue. Rales iciMinablo
P. KI1X1L13B, Piopilolor.
SCRAN'i'ON IlOt'SH. nT:Xr17.. L & Y.
1-iissenEi'r uc)i)i c ouiiiicieu on mo 1JII- i
lupi'im piiiu. i icior ioiu, I'lopiicior
and cess pools; no odor, only Impipvid
pumps used A H Hiiggs. piopiiotul
Le.uo oulcis 111)0 Ninth .Mnlu avenue,
or Hicko'H ding sloio, coiner Adams and
.Mullicli Hoih-telephoues
Who Screens.
live., Scianton, mfis ol Who Scuuiis
piles, ciiviiipes. paper bags tvvlno.
Vaiibousc, Uo Wubhiuglon nviuiio.
bo had la Sci.inlou at the news siund
of ltuialii ui llios. Imi Spiueo and uif,
Linden; M. Not ton. m Lacknvvauna
uvo. 1. S. Sibulisei, 211 Spiucc street.
Only Halt a Cjnt a Wof J.
Business Opportunity.
CD.MI'LLTH Miiiinraetililng plant for
malting enameled steel In iIhIoiuIh and
yems; no nhllls used and no loimdiy 10
illihed, Addiess I'Ulchasei, Tilbiuto or
llcc STOCK"AND'vlllJAT TllADLRH wlTilT
, out uniuy, Wilto ror our rpuilal mar.
Icet letter. Tioo on nppllentlon. 8. M.
1 Iit)l)ni il ,"; Co, mcmbeiH N, Y. Consoll
ilnted and fltoek i:cchnngp, 41 and 48
llloadvvay. Now York, nstnbllshod 1S61.
Long DlHinnro 'Phone I1SS Hinnil.
Money to toan.
ijuick. Rimignt loans or ntilldlng ana
Lonn. At tiom 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Vnlker. 3H-air. Connnll htilldln.
Dolawate, Lackawanna and Western.
In Urieet Juno 1, ItUJ.
J rains leavo Sciaiilou ror Now Ynik
At 1 Ana, utj, 7,50 and 10.10 a. m.; M id,
.1.10, .1,1 1 p. in. rm. nl,w Yoik and Pblla-dolplila-..o0.
to in a. m and 12.10 ami n.3i
',', U.1', 1'or Ootildsboio At G.10 p. in Kor
iturriiio-1.13, :. nnd ni a. m.; i..". o
and 11 lo ii. ir. Km Hlnghaniton. Klmlra
and way stiitlonn-10 23 a. m, 1 ft") p. m.
I or Oswego. Sjiacuso and Utlca 1.15 nnd
','.'. ,ln 'f' P. m. Oswego, Syiacuso
and I tlca lialn nt 0'J.' n. in dully, except
bunilay, k01. Aiontioso 0 00 a. in.; 1 oi
oiiijGm p. in. Nicholson accommodation
-no and c.j5 p. in
Hloomsbuig Dlvlslon-Kor Nortliimibni.
land, nt ns- and a m.; l.fu nnd BIO
'' ,'"n.Fr Iiyinouth, nt S.10 a. h,; 3.11
anil v 0j p :n.
Sundav Tr.ilns-V'nr New Yoik, 1.S0. 3 20.
nn., loio n m.; 3 lo and 3.Ti p. m. Tor
lluffalo 1 15 nnd ij2 :i. in.; t.r.1, 11.7) and
II 10 p. n p,. ninth a and way Rtntlons-.?-'
"'"' rr Hlnsbamton and wav sta
tlons. flno n m. Hloomsbuig Division
Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. in. nnd fi 10 p m.
lehlgh Valley Bailroad.
In nrica Juno l,"i, 19iL.
,, , iValns Leave Seianton
I or Phlladelpltia and Now Yoik via D.
V'J1- n- at at 7 II. tlnottgh V.ulor Car
and Day Co nil Caihondalo to Now York
nnd 0 17 a. in., with L V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S. 133 (Black
jjiiiinuiHi wxpieEh), and li.i!) p. in. huh
days. D ,t U. R. n., I.3S, 9.17 p. m.
! or AVhlfj Haven, llaleton and mlncl
pal points In tho toal legions, via D &
II. R. R.. 7.11. 2 IS nud 133 p. m. For
I'ottsvllle. 7.11 a. in.
b'or Hcthlohom, Lnslon, Rending, Har
i shuts and Intoi mediate sta
tions via D. ,vt II. R. n.. 7.11, 0 17 n. m :
21S, 13, (Rl.tck Diamond Cmhoss), H.W p.
J"-',, fsi'nrt.iis. D. .t H. R. R., 3S a. m :
1 .S. 9.17 p in.
For Timkhnnnoek. Tovvandn, nimlia.
Ithaca, Geneva r.nd piluclpal Intel mcillato
stations ln D., L. .V Y. R. R C33 a. m.
and 1 33 p. m.
For Clenovn, Rncbeslor. Buffalo, Nlag
nia I. alls, Chicago and all points west via
D A: II It. R.; p. m.: 3 28 (Black
Diamond 13pros). 10 II, 11 41 p. nt. Sun
(In vs. D .! II. R. R 12 ill. 9 17 p m.
Pullman p.tilor and sleeping or Lehigh
valley Bailor cats on all ti ibis between
"Wilkes-llaiio and Now Yoik. Philadel
phia, IlufTnlrj nnd Slispcnslmi Btldge.
ROI.LIN If -WILBUR. Oen. Stipt , 25
Coitlaud nil cot New Yoik
CIIAR1 HS S. Lllll. Gen. Pass. Agt 25
Cottlnnd slieet. New Yoik.
A AV. NONHMACHnn, DIV. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehoni, P.i.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket otllco, CO Public
Squme, 'Wilkrs-Barre. Pa,
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Con ecled to September 10, 1U0J.
Stations in Now Yoik, Tout Lllicrty
stteot and South Fony, N. It.
Ttains leavo Scranton ror Nuw York,
Pbiladelpbia. E.islou, Belhlehem, Allon
lown. Maueb Clnttik, Whlto Haven, Ash
lev. Wilkes-Hano and Pittston at 7.30 a.
m , 1 p. m and t p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Kvpioss leaves Scianton
7.3i) a. m, thiough solid vetlbulo tialn
with Pullman Hiiffet Pallor Car for Phila
delphia with o.ilv one change of cais for
Ij.iltlmoio and Washington, D. C, and all pemts south and west.
For Avnea, Pittston and 'WUkcs-Bario,
1 p m. and I p in Sunday, 2 in p in.
For Long Btaneh, Ocean Giovo, etc,
7.1'rt n. m. and 1 n. m.
For Beading, Lebanon and HnirHliurg
via Allentown at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. in. and i
p m. Sunday. 2 hi p in.
For Tmnacpin nnd Pottsville, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m. and 4 p m.
For i.ites and tickets apply to agent at
W. O TSnSSLTCR. Gen. Jfanagor.
C JI. Bl'RT. Gen. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule ill Hlfect Janu Hi, 1902.
Trains leavo Siianton C3S a. in, week
davs. thiotigh vestibule train fiom
WHkes-B.'iiie Pullman buffet pallor e.y
nud coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at pilncipal IntPiinnillntc Ma
lleus. Also connects for Sunhuiy, Hiir
iKliuig, Pbiladelpbia, Baltinioro, Wnsli
IiAton and for Pltlshmg and tho West
9M7 a in . week days, for Sunbury. llar
lislnirg, Plill.iclelplila, P. iltimoie, Wnsh
Inglon and Pittslnng nnd tho West.
1 12 p in . week davs. (Sundays. 1...S p.
m). for Stmbuty, llai i I'limg, Plilliul-N
phla, Baltlmoio. Wnyblngton and Pltts
butg and the West
3 "S p. m, week davs, thloiiBh vestilnila
tiain liom AVUkes-lmie Pullman buffiit
pallor ear nnd coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsville Stops at Intel modi,
uto stiitlons.
I 33 p in., week dsvs. for ITazletnu, Snn
bitty, Haiil'-buig, Philadelphia and Pitts.
1,111 B" J B. HFTCII1NSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. II WOOD. Gen Pas', Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Hlfect Juno Pi, VJOJ.
Trains tm Caihondalo leavo Scianton nt
fill, 7.'W, S30. 10 1! a 111 ; 12 03, 1.12. 2 11,
;;r,ii, G.29, t, J". s.2l, 9 13. looi p, m.; l.'.is,
1 Foi-'lioiiesdalo-Cll. 10 13 a. in.; 2.11 nnd
5 For' vilkes-Bane-fi.3'!. 7 11. Sll. 9 17.
10 Ha, 111.! 12"!. 1'-'. 2.1S, 3.2?, 133, 0 10,
7 4S 10 II. H 49 p 111
For L. V. R It. Polnts-7 41, 9.17 a. m.
" IS 1.33 and H 19 P III
'"For Pennsylvania R. R. Polnts-6 33
9 17 a. m ; 1 L. '-"' and 1 33 p. m.
For Albany and nil points north 7 36 a.
ni and 3 3)1 P m
m. aim g'pjjpjvy TRAINS.
For Catboiidnle S 50, 11.3.1 a, ni,; 2.11,
3 re. r,r,2 and 11 t7 p. ni
For Wllkes-Hnne 9 3S n. m.; 12 03, I'M,'
B 2i. fi 3J ami 9.17 P in i-A
For Allmtiv nnd points 1101111-3.111 p. m.
For Ilonesdalo-SM a. in ; 113.1 and 3dl
PW1L. PRYOR. D P A . Scranton, Pal
Erio Bailroad Wyoming Division''
In Hlfect Septeinbor 13, Ifioj , F
TinlliH leave Scuuitou . lor New YorUV
Nevvbiirgb and Intel uieduo points. nl1
loi Haw ley and local stations at 7.20 hi
,,Vm"'il!iu.'!ld.ii"'nna Whlto 51111s at l."j
''i'mlns arrlvo itt-Sciaritou at 0JS a, in.
nnd 9 13 P m. " ,f
Now Yoik, Ontario and Western, "
Tlmo table ill c licit Simdn. Si pt 2J, J9C.
l.oavo Leavo Airlvn
No 1 .
No. 7 ..
Tin Ins.
No ii .
Scianton Cniboudnlo. Cndoslai
lo.ioa. m H la. id 1 mni iu,
u 10 p m Ai.Cailuiudale li lu p.m
BOi'Tll HOl'ND " ' 7-
Leavo Leavo AirlVft"
Cadosla. Caibnudalo Seianton.,.
, ii V) a in 7 23 a ni.)
2 13 I) 111. I (hi I) 111 4 4', I) lilt
Leavo Leuvo Allien
No. 9 ,
No C .
tViaiiton C-ii)ond.ilo CndnslR.
S.20 a m 9 10 a m 10 43 n. hV-
7 el) p in Ar.Cni buiidalo " 13 p m
SOI'TH HOl'ND. ;;.
Leavo Leavo All Id;
Cudiml.i Cuiliiindalo. Scimitolii.
U 30 a ni. 7 23 a. in
I M I) III li 0). 1) m I, 13 n. ni.
No il
No 10
1'i.ilns No:i 1 on Wtik dais, nud 9 on
Sundajs lanned ioi New Yoik cltv, Mia.
illolowii, Walton. Noivvlch, Oneida, Os.
v.ogo and all point wei
Tialn No U. with "Quaker City I3x
piess" at Scr.intun. Ma c R, r or N J?,
for Pbiladelpbia. Atlantic City. Halllmora,
Washington and 'Pjjjinsylvanlu stata
points. -
Seo llnio-tublo and consult ticket agents
for coniieetlims wlili other linos,
J. C. ANDHRSON. G P. A-.'New York.'
J. B. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
$V l