Q THE SCltANTON 'TRIBUNJE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1902. h The News of 'EV. DR. Y. C. SMITH SUCCUMBS AT RIPE AGE Death of nnctogcntulnn, Who Wns a Conspicuous rigure in the Wyo ming Methodist Conference Onco Principal of Wyoming Scmlnaiy. Rev, Y. C Smith, D. D.. for eais nn ujipoitmit flgine In the Wyoming toil ful once mid lit one time inlnclp.il nt .Wyoming setulnniy, passed uwny In the evening of his yoni", In this city, yester day foicnoon lit !30 o'clock, nt the home of Ills son-in-law, City Solicitor It. D Stunt t, on Cnniinn Htteet. The deociiM'd wiii nn octogrnnilan, having entered Into his eighty-third yon i, Death wns due Id honit fulluio, MiMimrmnylng his advanced ycnis. Ho ,Wns nbid tot tin oe week". ,'Rov. Dr. Smith goes to his icwaid nfttr u mom active life In the minis tiy, wheie his Inmost wns fruitful Forty-two years, Just over half his life, (i spoilt In the "irlvntlon of fouK with u 7pul and piisevet.inco spilng iitg ftom nn abiding fnlth, nn nulent Lhniltv unrt .1 sliong lollglotis splilt. Ills piitl closes n cnieer tlint was la in cstlng itml tomiitknblc. lie mi In ti ULtcir lit Wyoming semlnaiy, Klngs toh, for a long tliiii'! he was pihulpiil when lm left tlieie, and for it niimbpi of j -His lu was either ttcusuiei, kip tniv nml Ituslee of the Wyoming con fer rut o of the Mcthodlt iliuiih Itev. Oi Youngs Culhlns Smith wit" n. native of Yotk tnto. He was bom In Smith New Ueilln. (Tcliiu.it 11. 1SJ0 After his c.i 1 1 v 'diool Mulnlng, he en tei eel t'lilon college, fiom which he was undiluted in IMS He became- an In stiuctoi at " omiiiK omlnui.v, iml being c lot tc cl piliulp.il held tint poM t'on tin til Wi, tin vc.u in wlili It lie en tered the lnlnNtiv 01 the Methodist I'himli, and Hie s.uro P.lt in which ho vwts vviddeil His 111.11 1 luge took pluie 111 New in I., X .1 Ills 1)1 Ido was Miss Aliuy i: Wood. Di Smith's achievements won him in ngnltlnu fiotn Dh klii'-on college, with h (imfmed on him, In lbtA, the title of iloi tin ofdllnll. His nilssloii tuy woil: was (pillo extensive His mii--i'ti v Inbuis coveted a wide Held, having llllnl chtlgei .11 v.ulolis tinus at AVIIkc-lianp. l'llt-Mon, Cut 1 oirthiln, mil fincoMta and Ovvcjo, X. V Twoiuv Jiais ago Di Snillli was in Ciubon dale and te'ii.iliied pisloi hei fin (he xrai- t-evcu vc.us ago he iiiiiip to Ciibondale to linike his linmo with his clnughloi, .Mi l; D .Jtuiiit He le lll.lllltd In IP 'imp tliui., mingling Willi a feu iiitlin Ue ft lend . ,111101.4 whom his gentle liillueiite was klpdlv ej.ei ted and iranliosted in .nioiis w.iv Tlieie is no wa to nii.iMiie the le sults of a life stirh u 'pent b Di Smith tlnough all his Ion;; ye.us, bvt pen those who did 110L Know him 01 (lid not imne w ithill Ills inllieiicp, it must be belie-ed that his IiiMupihp must have -w ought liiiiiieasiii.ible good and that he passed awa full of pioin ise of the blight lewaid ol the Ju-t Tluee sons and one d.uighte weie boirupf the union of III. Smith and hi? beloved wife, who was inllul awa seven eats igo These weie. Rev Wesley W. Smith, who, Ilk- his father is In the "-am tli.nv. being loiated at Middle-lung. Vcimont: Flank Smith, New Yoikilt, Lotu S Smith, ilos ton. Mass. and Mis I'lai.i Stuait, wife ol City Soliiitoi It D Stuait. nt C.u bonilale All or tliein suile The fnnetal will he ludd Tuiiliiv afternoon Sonkrs will he ,u the Stuait icsidenie. 011 f'.ina.in tiet. he KinniiiR at 1 10 Kc A P. Cha rue, pas tor of the riist Method!' t. ilmidi of this iliv, and llev Austin Uiiilln. of Wist l'lttston. will otlkiite. The dc teisPd win iK. taken to Tin t roi t lot but ial. TEE DONATIONS. h and Ai tides Received by Wo smn's Auxiliaiy Doaul. ..a Tilbt'iip I1.1- alieadv published tin IP 1 01 lontilbutoM ta i:niei koiu'V hospital 01 iiuna.lon ila. toRpthei with the tli.inkt or 1 .11. Vimian's Aiixlliaiv hoaul. rollowlii,. Is a sunn, ai or the ai tic Us , (iiu: Haiti d, uhiih iu u, f iiitnist in i:Us U)U) psponded to the ipi'pul The t 11 iul. til t m-i of rmit, o 1 i'is ot ,e!l. mils of plikps, .'.'1 , ails if MX! ladles, imp ,,,s, of pe.is, (J liops ef 11 if.il. L' b,i,kui ol Ki.ipe ., 1', pininils Mi.'ai, 5 poiiMils unite, 1 pound to 1. 1 pound 1 nitce. I I : natmiR, 1 n) mm -i'Tui, 1 iimnil 1, in ants t d0i-n Ipiu 111', L' I OMs KPlnlllie L'S t.iUes o.ip, .' It-js o 1 ui'h i, Miitashi's, 0 ip-mit innij. (1 beets, 1 1 ililaiv I bin c h ieeiv,.l bouse plain s,,i K Hunt, :, binds ap- lll.S, 7 pl(. St I, t sip(tts, 1J mil she- tm 1 pkno hlicuin'. 7 nlRht t-h'its, is niri.in", 7 towels, 'i difslnvr iambs,) paii hose, old , lollies, old Un ci. J watet bottle", ,i,v.ir tiimbleis-, j ilixstn tin nips- ; dozen ( up and sm iii", l diien 11.it iih-uI dliihos 1 tin ecu, I pail.nircs totle 1 impel I riia dlhh, 1 lake pi it-, 1 docn tail", lltnatiiip. Thin' was an a(.'iteahlo smpis( when the (iit-h donations weie counted and It w.ih loiind that the olleilims uiuoiinted to Idfi sn. USHEHS ENTERTAINED. Young Men of Beienn Chinch Guests t :W: the Hendilck Hesldeuce. '"'ri1da pteiilin; was menioiablu fm. thu usheis nt the Heiean Hnptlut diunli. It w.ih must de.IlR)ufull opuiit nt the home of Hon. K. i:. Hemhli'ks, wlurj'tlip.v wue th kupsIh of Mih. P.ii Smith The eutt 1 tiiinmcnt wiih of fered In letosDllion of the lulpful hei vlcch which the ouiik uion, the kupms 0 nig.k evcnuiR, oiiintreied In the dim eh 'work of tho year Spedully in ltPd giKbtH weie, w. Di. and .Mis. II, J, Wlialen, Itev, W. H. Omw, mid Mis, Wllllnin M. IIuuclK of this dt, MlsUlluInlhck, of Wyjiluslng-, ami JMr. Heiuniehhjht, of Jnnoii liu-imlon with the enteitnlimjent tho usnuia anij 1110 oiper quests, tlu'ti 'ti- Females of All Ages fit$,tjiese Pills simply invaluable, as a. few doses will restore free and regular conditions and effectually rernoye the causes of much suffer-'ing-totliesex, Beecham's Pills. C-t' hJjj tNJjtj too, s4 Sic , Carbondale. clou wan u t'olnhtutlon of the elRhly sKth blitluliiy nnlveisuiy nf tho, Ven eiablo Itev. W. !'. Hiow, which fell on the Siitllidnv pievlous, DutltiK the I'tciiliift nn orRitnl?ntlon of lite ttHhers'was perfected, In older to iii-opeiutp more fully with the plans of the piiHtni, HeoiRc D, Aveiy was pleetcd pioldent, nnd IivIiir D. Aveiy seetetniv. The liontd eonslsts of Opoirc D. Aveiy, tivliiR IJ. Axciy, William M. Howellf, Charlis Ilaupiisteln, Hdwln Carter. Hviin Wllllanis, Hatty W. Manifold, Vaiiir .lonep, Cllen Tallmnn, Newell Sloddaid, William Cut now mid Stunley Smith, all of whom weie pres ent except Mr. Stoddmd! INDIANS, 22; JERMYN, 0. In the Opening Gnmo of the Season In Cmbondnle tho Home Team Ban Awny with the Eleven from tho Neniby Boiough. The Indians "Our I'pts" In foot ball mode their bow thin seaon, on Snt uid.iv. And It wiih nil to the Rood. Wo hud the JciuiMi eleven iiRiilnst us, but It was like Retting money ftom home: It was so env. Honestly, It wasn't een a Rood piaetlce Ramp; It was like playliiR alone. The scoio was 2J-0, but It inlRht hue been a few moie to the good foi a that. The (list half was twentv inhuitei; the second llftem minutes. Jeimjn got the kick off. In the Hi"t half, Jetmn neei saw the Indians It w.ts like tnowhiR down a hn Held. HadRlns, the i m Ionic half hack and loach of the Indians, made the Hist touchdown without anv icdstnnee In the s(( ond half, the ,Teinin kit k pis weie a little moie onto their job". Hut this Is not sajliif, bo iniieh. The first time they Rot the ball they Rained the aids. In the next two downs, thiv weie put lmik. HadRlns made two of th" touchdowns and Tony Mi Donald 'iiillliif, Ton made the othei 'I he honins of the indhlduil woik amoilR th Indians weie dh hied among McAndrew Otu Owne HadRins and Mi'Doniilil. McAndiew made some Osgood nislips. Without mask 01 any piotection, bc ond his (milage and his stout mus cles Owne swept into the Jei m n iiowd and seatteipd them like letnes in an autumn wind. Onie he was tar kkd and ilu own, but was Up again In nn instant and off with the ball It took tin pp men to down him tho next lime Iladglns' eeientlllo knowledge of the Rime showid itself thioughout tho pl.i and gae c IiIpik p anew of whv he is (oniedcd thioughout the -willo, p.iitlritl.ulv by the Seianton followcis of root ball, to be without a peei among the plncis lu the game heteabouts at tins tlinr. McDonald's pl.uing wa- so good that we .up glad we hue him, oen though he plajed base ball heie with the eei Iallng kiekns fiom Calihcr Jim Kane's home. Hi own, the half back of the Jei mn team, Is some rpw shuiks In that po-i-tlon His pl,iing was the suipiiso of tlie Rime. With a half a team such as he, tint root ball decti would win he ips or gloi Hi own was a team unto himself. He looks as big as mil Fiank Collins who Is with the HnKpisitj of Peiinsjhania teim, and he Is as strenuous and as ntlp a man as one could see in this end of the iintlu.u Ho belt. The Indians' line-up wns: MoLuIn, lUlit end Coggins left end: Omman, light gujid: Williams, left gumd; Mc (llMin, light tackle, Mason, tentie; Hiinseu, rpuiitel back: Iladglns, full buk. Mt Donald, McAndiew, half backs. DEAR OLD HONESDALE. Some Compliments to Caibondale Folks and The Tiibune Man. TIip man behind the pen that pens the 'pieces" in the llones-d.ile column or the Tiutli spiinkled bouquets tluibly In hN d.iilv dul.v of featmda.v. 'it will i mainly be a 'haul blow' for Tlie Tillupir conespourtcnt of f'.nhon (liile when ho le.iins thai tlie btilke is eiuleil, fin then his 'dt cunts' of 'Our lls' .mil 'Otn Ownev" will cense and It will lie a uis-e of 'Iliuk to the MIiifs.' Will, possibly his jouin illsilc talents will not lie wasted and soon we muv pp( t to heat of imotliei iiiM' ol 'dope' incidents which on lined In '.Shaft. No. .',' of the 'Hlufftown' mine. 'Talents ' Is gieat; and we compli ment the .voting man foi his dlscei n nient, which Is uncommonly keen for a HoueMl.ile man. We UkeulhC thank the young mail lot the t'.iihond.ile people for the fol lowing linnehl acknowledgment of how much Uonc.siliilo'.s population depends on Caihonclalo lor a good pail of Its cslsteiiee nnd comloit, This p.u.igiaph appealed next to the other in Satin dny'.s Tiutli. It i wills ju.st ho; "The news that the gieat niitlu.iclte stilke had ended was leieived with girat Jov bv the lesldents of Honebdale und vicinity Although the Maple city has not sntfeicd any in tho lino of iii.inuf.K. tilling oi business IntPieats, jet tho eniplovos about the lallioads will ieuiup their duties and out citi zens will not hnve to 'waving the diuy nuin to Hcniio live liundied weight ot tho black diamonds," Hnivest Dnnce nt RoyaJ. Tlieie will he a him est dame at Hon. nett'a hall, lloval, on Thuujd.iy night iie.l i-ioj. nun wil movie ninsle. nnd n.inclng .Master William Cniiins. will he In chin ge of the d.iiuo.s Tills lumeM diimo is nn amiiml nf. ..,,, ..,,1, uauHM) uici.icii a lingo num ber of joiuin' fnlkH fiom iai hondiile, It Is thu Intention to foi m a dancing class on this evening, to be made up of young people from Itojnl, I.euox and vclplt. Tho class-, when formed, will he undei the dhectlon of Instiuctoi CoIHiih. r..(. ...,.i ..R.w.i,.. Change of Chefs, fytl Mm tin Cnnnor, who was louueily at Tiiw, rt,o, iii 1...U . n........ ., ... . .. "" " " iitihihu ,i iner nt J, J Mc.S'ultj's cufe, and has been sue ceeiled by 1'eter Fan ell, of Juiniyn, who has filled the same position some months ago, Successful Hunteis. Murtcn J. Oliver and pan. H,i, en joyed u hunting trip ovei the .Mooslcs Triday, und (nought back llfteen gra squirrels and seven pheatants. Witnessed Good Foot Ball Gnmo. J. missel! Jones, niaimgei of the Cat honclnle Indlunu. attended the foot ball game on Saturday between IJIalr Hall (N. J.) and Wyoming Seminary elevens, on the grounds of the luttcr, Thu gunie wns of special Ititot est, Inamntich 113 (ho Hcmlnaiy temn Is a possible com petitor of the 1 milium. It wits one of the best games that Mr, .tones over witnessed In this section. The Ulnlr Hull eleven wpip mere boys as com pitted with the Semlnnry itlolierai but they hud n selentlltu knowledge of the game nnd playing as one mall, fultly inn uwny fioni their competitors. The scoio wns 21-I1. The nnlv score of the Semlnniy tenm was made by the bull going behind the lino on a fumble. Tho nVdngo weight of the New .Teisev clcen was not mine than one bundled nnd fifty pounds, while the Semlnniy tpmn wns lonsldetnhly higher, DA VIES' POST'S INSPECTION. Colonel John McComb Has Issued His Older in Refoionce Theicto, nnd the Event la to Occur Wed nesday Evening. Not to Memmlul day, the niinunrln spectlon of u Oinnd Aitny post Is an event of lnipoitanie with the vetcinns of the CMI win. ' On that ocenslou the yeai's woik Is passed In icIew, and the ofllccin of a post me rcnulicd to gle tin exhibition of their capabilities nnd efficiency. It Is nn event which gives an oppor tunity to ii commander to lllustuitc mid exemplify the beautiful lltuullstlc woik of the order; nnd If he Is a man of sttong pcisonnllty, good incnioiy nnd diamutlc skill, he inn win a, high rating for his post. Post Davles has the distinction ot having one ot the best coiiiniandeis In the Keystone state, and the comrades appieclute this fact. In contemplating any annul Anny function, the inein bpis of out local eteian organizations feel nsui ed of sucicss If they know Colonel McComb Is Identified with it. llegatdlng the coming Inspection, Post Diiics hus In Its chief executive olllcer ii man ot leiognlzed ability us a student of national e.cnts, a wiltei ot gieat forte, a poet alieady famous, an oiator whose lncsie laiiBiinge holds attention, and a soldier who saw active hervltp all through the wnr or lSGl-lSG"i So when it is said that Commander John McComb will on nest Wednesday evening stand as the exemplar of G. A. II. woik for Post 1S7, the language Is Intended to convey the Idea that he will stand for the highest gindo ot woik done In the oulei, and that bis post will add ltistie to the brilliant teioid that It hns attained slnio he assumed Its man agement Captain P. Del.acy, Inspcctoi-at-laige, and Adjutant O. H. Wtlght, of Oilflln post, of Seianton, will ionic to our illy olllclally Wednesday evening and lepiesent the depaitment Inspec toi. It Is expected that seveial coni i.ules ftom Post 139 will make a frater nal visit. Following Is Colonel MeComb's oidci. Cnmiade Davies' post Is to be inspect ed Wedncsilav pvinliig, Oitnbn -'J, 100.' Adjutant O 11 U light, of post 1 !"l. has been design ited to ofllil illv (uiulmt tho woik JIc will be accompanied bv Cap tain I DcLacv, Inspcctoi-it-laie. wlio intends to tavoi 0111 post with a visit I shall esteem it a gieat kindness il jom will iomp to the hall as tailv as 7 o ( loci. In piopn uiilfoim if possible, and give us the plpusaio of voui lompinj. Von know how Impoitant an "event of this Kind Is and how neiessaiv It Is lint euli iiiopaHpi should do his best to main- I lain the diRiiltv of the post ri.itPinallv voius John McComb, Commanilci. Ilcailriiiaittis 71-7: Salem avenue AMUSEMENTS. "Faust"' This Evening. "Faust," which never glows old, will lie offcied to the pittons of the Cliand this evening The piece Is under tho dhectlon of Shlpm.in Ilios, which is .1 glial autec that the company and the staging will bo fully up to the stand aid loquhed to make this pioductlon .successful Five -ets of scenery ato can led and tlieie is a mvil.id ot elec tiic.il effen ts. The "Mephl-to" of the piece will bo Alan Taboi. who is cicditcd with giving a finished bit of acting. This will be the Inst utli action at the Giand toi two weeks Satuiday Night's Play. "M Fiiencl Hog.in," a ftuce-comedy with sufllcient nonsensical nbsuidltip's to cieate lots of loughtei, was the at tt action at tlie Giand on Satuiday niglit. Tlieie have been funiiiei shown nt the (liaud and tlieie have been shows not any funnlei. Tlieie weie good singing and dancing, home new jokps and a few old friends Altogether the nttiactlon .unused and pleased the good-sl.ed audience. Mullen, the load ing comedian, nnd Annie Dunn, his wife, weie both heio befoie In "Mc Doodle's Flats " STRENUOUS FOOT BALL. The Biokeis Scoie a Victoiy Over the Swiftwinds. The ie was an Intcicsting game of foot ball between the Biokeis and the Svvlttw Inils vvheiein the former won the contest bv a sioip of 10 to 0. The game was a dene battle lor supiem acy, and the Biokeip, by stipes of their heav.v line, managed to scorn twice, al though their lighter advei-uiles con stantly menaced the Ihokeis' goal and claimed two touchdowns which tho otlleeis of the game did not allow. The game was Intel inpted bj dl. pule.s too fieniieutly to be or gieat In tel est to the spectatois ulong tho side lines. A Soilous Joke. While Mlnht'3 Maisaiet McDonald nnd Agnes Mullady, of this clt), stenoB inpheis In the International I'one Bpondence fcehools, weie lu a vault for some pupeiH in the bchool's building lu Hcianton, last week, a Joklnpr lad Mint tho door. Tho combination wns pptiuif,', CHILD WEAKNESS. You can worry for months about your weak child and not succeed in doing it a fraction of tho good that comes from little daily doses of Scott's Emulsion. The cure of child weakness is not the matter of a day but of steady common-sense treat ment. Children like Scott's Emul sion and thrive on it. Perfectly harmless yet power ful for good. Seed for Free Sample SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemhu, oj rl St N. , 1.HJ1MERYJ.D. In a Carefully Prepared Ar ticle recommends Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. In a recent issue of the New York Mngnrlno of Sanitation and Hygiene, tho recognized authority on all matters per taining to health, James II. Montgom ery, M. D says editorially i " After a careful investigation of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, a specific for kidney, liver and bladder troubles, rheumatism, dyspepsia and con stipation with its attendant ills, we nro free to confess that a more meritorious medicine has never come under the exam ination of the chemical and medical ex perts of tho New York Magazine of Sani tation and Hygiene. In fact, after the most searching tests and rigid inquiry in to the record of Dr. David Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to re commend its uso in unequivocal term to every reader of this journal whoso com plaint comes within the list of ailments which this remedy is advertised to cure. We have obtained such overwhelming proof of the efficacy of this specific have so satisfactorily demonstrated its curative powers through personal experiments that a care for tho intciests of our readers leadsus tocall attention to itsgi eat value." JAMES H. MONTGOMERY, M. D. It is for sale by all druggists in tbo New BO Gent Slxo nnd the regular $1.00 sire bottles less than a cent a dose. Samptf bottle enough for tt ial, free by nlatl. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Dr. PnTld Kennedy's Cherry nnliinm best for Colds, Coughs, Consumption. 25c, COc, $1.00. nnd in an Instant tlie joiing ladles weie startled nt Hie thought that they weie locked in. Their situation wan endnn preied by the clicmnstance that the liiiin who knew the combination was out of the building and vould not bo back for a couple of houis. Happily, howevet. nn employe of the boiler loom tame to the ilscuc with the infonna tlon that theio was a trap dooi load ing from the ault to the passage lead ing to the boiler loom. The joung 1. idles .suffered somewhat fiom the de vltull7ed air, but tallied quickly. It has not been lecoided what was the fate of the joking lad. Little Folks' Party. Miss Ituby Hounds, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. Jesse Rounds, entei tallied a liumbet of her little fi lends at hci home In Rejnshanhuist, Satuiday aftei noon. The p.uty was in lionoi of Miss Ruby's eighth blrthdaj. She received a gieat many piesents, among which was a beautiful diamond lingv The little ones weie entei tallied by Misses Mabel Vincent, Coia Fi amy and ldltli C'asej, wlio also seived them with refreshments. The joung folks at the meiry gather ing were: Misses Ftliel Hlllei, Rowena AVilco, Helen. Vana.iii. Susan Leshei. Peail C'lilf, Edioss Menlck. Kva Dlx. Anna I.oshci, Mai Ion Hojle, Lillian Fmniett, Mazlo Spaffoid, Chai lotto Moigan, Geitiude Uieese, Kdlth Wal kei, Geitiude AVagnei, Nellie Hollen back, Gladjs Rounds, Ruby Rounds, Anna Rounds, of Unlondalo, and Mas teis John Hiller, James Ttevorton, llalpli Rounds, Piene Rounds. runeial Yesterday. Tho funci.il set vices over the remains of Peter Sommets-, who died In Kmei gency hospital lat week, were held jestetdny afternoon at 2 o'clock. The leinains weie taken to tho Piesbytet lan chinch, wheie tho pastoi conducted the ceieinonj. Inteiment was made In Maplewood cemeteiy. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Gi.uo Whitney, of Houesdale, is visiting f i lends In town. llev. W. M. Illller is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tied Illller, of this city. How aid Maze, of Canaan stieet, is confined to his home with sickness. Rev. Di. O. A. Place, of Houesdale, called on old fi lends In this city, Fil d.iy. W. H. Hionson has been entei tabling his two slsteis., f 1 0111 Uniondale, foi the past tew dnvs. Miss Leila Halleck, of WjaUisIng, Is a guest at the home ot Itev. Di. and Mis. H. J. Wlialen, at the Baptist p.u fconace. Mis Adam Hhtiester nnd .son, Ray mond, have i etui ned to their home in Wajm.ut, altei spending a week with Mid. Chailes Shuester, on Mitchell ave nue. Chniles Tlminons has lcslgned his position at the Hcudilck woiks and Is now lelegtaph lineman foi the Delu wnie and Hudson conipau. Hugcne Cliapman has i etui ned to his home In Salem, Wayne county, after visiting his patents, .Mi. and Mrs. Ciioige Chapman, n few days. Miss Minnie Rocslgei, of .South Wjo ming stt cot, hns mounted her duties at Rre.se litos,' Salem avenue diy goods stoie, ufter seveial months' leave of ab sence. Her fi lends among the store's pinions will welcome hei letuin, Mr. and Mis. Gcoige H, Kimball, who have been spending tho sumiuci nt their fonner homo In llangor, Me, ar lived home Filday night. The expect to lemuln about tluee weeks and then leave lor California, wheie they will spend the w Intel Their stay at Han gor wnb highly enjoyable. To Cure a Cold In One Dny Take I..iative H101110 Qululno Tablets. AH duigglsis icfuiul the money If It falls to cine, i:, W. Glove's (signature i3 on each bcu, 23c, MONTDALE. A veiy pleiibant suipilse parly was teiuleieil Mi. and Mis, i;,ulenton Vos biirg, tit their home in Montdale, 011 Tuesday afteinoon, October 14, by their niauy filendt., pi e inns to ihel) depait inu loi Wilkes-Haire, wheie they ex pect to make their homo with Mr. Vos- lungs daughter. Those piesent weie: Ml und .Mis. Knilenton Voshmg, Mr and Mis AI011.0 Vosbutg, Mhs i.niu Voshmg, Mr. and Mis, Olles Saul, .Mr, and Mis Richard (Inivrl, Mi. and Mis, Jacob Walteis and son, Mis. .Moit llobbs, Mrs. James Wheeler, Mis, Stun ner V.ill, Mis. ciaia Wether lj, Miss Winnie Heiiv, James Cargll, Oeoige 1'sher, of Montdalei Rev and Mri. Thomas H.iker, .Mr. and Mis. Wllllaiu .Shannon, Mis. .Mary Hlocum, Mis. Abrum Oakley, Mrs. t-'.uah Henedlct, Mis. .Maltha Km dick, Mib. Jane Mile?, Mis. Catherine Huberts, Mis. Iia Mit ten, Miss lAiMe Mitten, Mis. Helen tjnilth, Miss H.uah I'laik, Mis. Cluules Ratight, Miss May Hivlnple, .Mr, and Mis. Voiuoii i;ttinger, of Uieen Oiove; .Mrs. Rettlc Hrj-, of Wilkes. Uane; Uhaileb. Stanton, of Cnrbondale. KKMJOSS5OC;M3O3ttetf50to Connolly Towels A Bargain Special offer of 600 fringed Damask Towels, all linen, large size, value 20c each, at 2 for 25 cents. 75-Cent Serge 46 Inches A strictly All-Wool Serge, of fine texture, in tlie leading colors navy blue, green, brown, garnet. Full width, 46 inches, and sold CAr everywhere at 75 cents Here for ullv Some of ths AU-Wool French Flannels at the patterns are choice, the cloth the finest make splendid Shirt Waists for a mere song. Small Furs M Some of the New Styles 55 It's a little early to talk much about heavy 5 coats and fur-lined wraps, but women are al- 3 ready thinking about small neck pieces and put- 5C ting them aside for the first cold day. 5g It's going to be tippets most all of this year ttjr exact copies of the furs of olden days. They ft are wide .enough to cover the shoulders like capes and hang down well in front. But the chief point is that they must be Hat, without 5 collars, and with nothing to stand up around V the neck. W Prices start atibout $4.00, and rise by easy ft stages to as high a'figure as you may want to c5 Pay fr exclusive tine furs. Connolly & Wallace x 123-125-127-129 Washington Ave. R KKKKSOSSOSS4XXS02SO;!OS35KKKKO!;055!50 JERMYN MA YFIELD. The ending ot the stiikc is la logins homo the men who have been w 01 king avva nnd on Satuiday ovei s!tv of the stilkers who liuvc been emploved at Unt falo, Ithacu and othei points ennio inck Othcis who aie in tho Iiu vvcsl aio ic poiled to be leatlj to commenrc the home vvaid Joinuey jut as soon as the s.tiiUo is ofliclallj declnipcl olf. Ml. nnd Mis Will Tilm. of Plttsloii, weie jesteidaj guests of All nnd Mis T. 1! Ci aw foul, ot Second stieet. Alt . Davis, a lepiescntatlvc of 0110 of the huge T?ew Yolk silk mills, vns jes teul.iy the guest of II T Mus-vvcll, of Main stieet, Mis Dva Gilfllths, of Seianton, was esteiday the guest of hei cousins, tlio Misses Gtifllllis, of Main stieet Philip ISakci, u well known and hlghlv icspectcd lesiclcnl of Main stieet, died at j o clock last evening aftei a long and painful Illness of tjphold fevei. In ceased was a native of Cornwall, Hiigliud. wheie lie w.ns hoi 11 lu 3S.il lie came to Jcimn ill 1870 nnd icsuled heie until is",' and then moved to Pl mouth. In ! he lc tuined to Jeini.vn and his since icslded heie Deceased was a veiy IndiistiloiH and haul vvoiklng man and until he was titty je.us of use vvoiked in the mines Uo was thru by his caieful savings en abled to 1 utile fiom haul woik and be came a p.utuei with tho late C. D. Whi ten In stinting thu huge stoio heio of C. D. Wintei .v. Co. Pievlous to ids Illness lie had enjoed exceedingly good health and his tcmpeiate habits hid given him a stioug constitution. Tho iaviif.es nf the fevei, iiowevei, pioved 11101 0 than ho could oveuomo and left him In such a wt.ikened condition thai his death ha 1 been dallj expected Ho was a niemboi of the Methodist Dplscop.il e lunch and loi many eals a tiusteee Ills death icinoves one who by his oveij-dnv llfo bad won tho respect ot nil he cnnie in coutni t Willi und his lens will bn felt bj the community lie Is sunlvcd bv his wife, one dauhtei, Mis W. H Nothei ton, ot Wjomlng, und tin 1 e sons, c I' Dnkcr, Di, A, J, rs.tkci, of Dud en, and Di W. J Hukci, of this hnrormli. Tho fiiueial aiiangemonts have not lueii'iKII nlloly settled but lu all pinbublllt.v it will tuko place Wednesday atleiiiocui The stoie 01 C. D Winter & Co, will, 011 ac count of Mi Dnkei's death, be t lived tor a few das. TAYLOR. Tho following delegate) fiom the tluee lodtl unions will intend the t'nlteil Aline Woikois of American convention to ho hold nt vVllkoa-Haiio todiy, Piom Tai lor local, John Ilnsliiini; fiom Pjno local, John 13 Owens, Aichbald local, D J, 'I humus and Mlko Shiomi Mis John Ilinrhcs, of Main stieet was tho guest of her (iuuglitei. Alls W 11 liangwei, at Lincoln Heights, jcsteulov James Scilvens letiuned homo vestei day ftom a few mouths' stay at Illooms buig Tnlllo G, Tlinmns, of Colon htltet, called on fllemls at ructoijvlllo isle, daj Diugglst Alfied l)es. of 1'oiest Cjt.e, lias mtuined at let spending a few ilas In town John Hums, of Still 1 lice 11, Is the guest of Ills inolliei, Alls William Hums, of Glove stieet. Pioiessoi John' II Hums, of Caibon dale, called 011 fileiuls in town jcsleulav AII.h Vettlo Scheiei 01 Clink's lliimmlt, spent jcstcitluy as the uest of hei pi IcptH All ami Alls J.ctoli Schcuei, of I'nlon stieet How's ThlsP Wo offer One liundied Dolluis Itewiud foi mi cute of Cat u ill Hint ciiiiuol bo uilecl b Halls Caliuih Cine P J CIIDNDV CO. Toledo O We, thu undersigned, liuvei known 1' I Cheney for tho list D etus, and liellevu him porlccll) hoiioiahle in all husiuet's ti.itisuc lions and fluaneliillv 1I1I0 to c.itiy out any nbllKallons iniiilu b tlu'll 111 m WDST A: THl'A.N, Whulesilo Dluuglsts. Toledo. O WAl.DING. M.S'NAN .W .MARVIN, Wholesale Duigglsis '1 oleclo O Hall's CHtiuih I'uio Is tiikin internally, acting dhectly upon thu blood ami niii cons sin faccti ot tho systuni Ttniimoul als sent ficc. Pilco 73e. pel bottle. Sold bv all drutryl.sls Halls rumllv Pills aio the best Scranton's Shopping Suiting Wi ANHOUWCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS The Gieat West Has cntalnly niaiiy atttactlons in the way of beautiful lesoitb for tliose seek ing health 01 pleasuie, and the fann ing sections of the west ,11c now cujoj ing iiupiccedented piospeilty, which should bo of al)oihlng intetest to those contemplating seeking a new home In n glowing section of 0111 gieat countiy. Daily dining Octobet, the Nicklc Plate mill out vill sell special low-iate, one way tickets to points all thiough the west These tickets ,11 u good on the IVisonnlly Condueted Tians-Contlnen-tal Toms, which leave , Hoston eveiy M0nd.1v and Wednesday noon, in tlie elegant Pullman Totuist Sleeping Cars, which have ov 01 .v tiling for commit and convenience of passengeis at rates less than half those chaiged lor Stniuluid Pullman accominodntions. These Tour ist C.ns pass tlnough New Yoik state on West bhoie tialn No. 1, via Rottei clnrn Junction, Htlea, Syracuse and Rochestei, at which points paitles may join them. As they have become moie widely known, the pitionage has steadily become of highei class and In ci eased In number s, until thej .11 e now the most popular mid lilgli class tenu is! t.u exclusions liom this section to tho west, For tickets and Inloiniatlon ,ee ncaiest agent, 01 wilte It. V. Pajne, genual agent, No. '2'A Alain stieet, I5uf t u lei, N. Y. Special Excuision Train, Lackawan na Bnihoad, Wilkes-Daiie to Scrnnton and Eetuin for Mrne. Sembilch Concert, Oct. 21. On iiccount of the beiubiich conceit al the Aunoij, Scinnlon, the l.ncl.u wamiii inllioacl will inn a special Main Tuesday, Oct. Jl, leaving Wilkes- Rin ie 7.00 p. 111., Kingston, 7,10, W.voiuliig, 7 .'0; West Plttston, 7 2", Kusepichan 1111 Avenue, 7 JO, Plttston Junction, 7:i,"i; Tajlni, 7 50. One f.ne foi the loutiil tilp. Rctuinlng leave Seianton nt 11,1,1 p in, Special tiollej cms fpr use nf c'.xciiislnuists mil), will meet tiaiii and 11111 diieet to uimoiy and letuin uftci conceit. Tiollej cms will also niect train nt Kingston on letuin Mlp to ar coimuodate WIlkcH-IJauo pultons. 13.G0 to Cleveland, Ohio, nnd Re turn, via tho Lehigh Vnlloy Enll load, October SO nnd 21. On account orgenetal nilssluuai) con vention, Alethodist Episcopal chin di, at Cleveland, Ohio, October 21-21, tho Le high Valley inllioacl will sell special louud Mip tickets al ?lljtj0, good tn ic titin to nnd including October 27th, good cm all Mains except the lilac k Diamond ex-piess. See ticket agents lor fuither iutoi mullein, New York. The New York, Oiitaiio nnd Western Railio.ul company's annual tall exclu sion to New Yoik city will ho run on Monday, Octobei 27. tho 1 etui 11 faio fiom all btutlons, Seianton to Caibon dale, inclusive, being $1.1,. Tickets good lor live days. At this time of the year, 'the Ontario route" 110111 this section stn passes all other s, owing to Rs pip. tuiesrpie steneiy, the lido Mom Com. wall to New Vuk, along the Hudson, being m ispei ! delightful one I'Vir fin then 1 .itlculnis, apply tq ngents, 01 .1 i: ni, T. P A, Scran ton, Pa. OReduced Rites to NtvOilenns nnd Return Vln Southein Railway. On iiccount of tho meeting of Amer ican Hankers asoclarloii, New Qi'lpuns, Lu., Nov. Xlthtyih, UH).', the &outiern lallway will sell round tilp tickets limn Wuslilngton, D. C. to New Orleans, La. rip M f! Wallace ii Center Women's $1.50 Gloves The finest glace and suede kid gloves that we know of for $1.50 are the Jouvin made-for us in France, the country of gloves. jr enfs a Yard 35 cents are still here, 65 - cent variety. They Men's Underwear Choose what suits your occupation, pay for whatever grade you prefer you may be assured of service and satisfaction in any of the great stock we have collected for this season's needs.1 50c to $7.50 a garment. Silk Petticoats Never Ins tlure been such a petticoat 'ear as this. Bvery woman who buys .1 new fall gown must have one of silk to wear underneath the unlined skirt. In back silk the assortment is good and a wide range in solid colors, plaids and changeable sijks, Anywhere from $5 to 30 will buy a pretty one. on Nov. Slh, Oth and 10th at rate of one f.uo, viz, $J"30; final limit 10 days fiom date of sile, except by depositing tickets vvlth joint agent. New Oilcans on 01 befoie Nov. ISth, and. payment ' of fee of fifty cents, tickets can be ex tended until Nov. 30th, 1902. Rate fiom Philadelphia $32 85. Cor lesponilingly low latcs fiom other points. Tho Southern lallwny opeiates tlneo tlnough ti.iliib dallj with Pullnuin cliawing-ioom sleeping cai s fiom New V01 If, Philadelphia and Washington to New Oi leans without change: dining cat seivlcc on all tlnough Mains. Chailes 1. Hopkins, D. P. A. Southern inllvvay, S2S Chestnut street, Philadel phia will furnish all Infoimntion. Theie's Wo Place Moie Homelike. Lakewood the fashionable Lakewood the gloi ions, is tho one resoi t to w hich the lesoitet now luius for a peiiod ot enjoyment, and such enjoyment in cludes eveiv known spoit. Lakewood's dilves, than which theio 1110 none bettei, attiaet a gay thtong and Maps of eveiy kind aie in constant use. Tho hunt attinets many, likewise cycling and polo, but when one finds Mich delightful, yes woiidciful links us 1. ikowood possesses, 0110 little vvondeis tlint golf Is the popular game. Another featute of prominence Is its hotels, I103 tcliles ciiiimiodlous, giand or lather palatial, wheie one's welfare Is thu flist and teneinou consldciation. These cuallllcatlons. Including a most mar velous atinospheie, have made Lake wood famous the wot Id ovei. This le soit is lenched only via the New Jeisey Ccntial, and Its passenger dcpaitinent In New Y01U has issued u booklet on Lil.cwood vvlileli Is teplete with tutor ination, und It's youis tor the asking, Reduced Rates to New Orleans, La,, nnd Return Via Southern Rnll- wny. f)u account meeting American Feder ation ot Labor, Now Oi leans, La No vember 11-2.', 100.', the Southein Rail way will sell round-trip tickets from Washington to New Oilcans, La., on November 11 and U, at rate of one faie, vl, $'7 fiO, ilnnl limit November 21, U0J, Couespondingly low iiites ftom other points, Tho Southern Railway opeiates tluee; tlnough Mains dully vvitii Pullman diuwlug-iooin sleeping cms, flour New Yoik, Philadelphia, and Wushlngton to New Oilcans without change; dlnlns ear setvlce 011 all tlnough trains. Chailes 1.. Hopkins, distiict pissenger agent, Southern Railway, S.'S chestnut stieet, Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation, NEW.AI1LFORD. Special to tho Seianton Tilbuno. New Alllfoul, Oct 17 -11 J Tiftuny ami lanilly spent tho clay Thuisdiiy vvltl f 1 lends at Lavsillv James Coliniuu and wife and daughtois, Alls Nellie Gillesplu ami Alls Clnrlcs Lines 01 (iieat llend attended tho "Hai vest Homo' at tho B.iptlat chinch TIuus clay Jllss Niltle Willlnms, of Siiscitichnnnii, vlhlted f 1 lends in town Tluusday unci I'llday Miss l.etlle ociellioiiso and Miss Nettle Stlllwell aio visiting ic-lntlvet, at Dim huh k Allss Helen Taft visited AIlss Blanche Tallmnn .11 Nnilh Jin kson list week AN OLD AlTD WELL-TRIED REMEDY. MRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUB ror children teething, is the preset Iptlon ol cue of tho best fern 1I9 phyblUans and Siurses In tha United States, and has been used sixty; ycais with riover-falUng sueS rcss by ml lions of mothers for their chlU dren During tho process of teethlna rt jaluo .s Incalctilal. e. R relieves t lo Eh Ie from pain, cuies diarrhoea, griping in tlij towels, anil wlnd-co c. By gtv Iner health in the ch Id it iosIm th LZ,i.'Jls .?.,L1!' tvvcuLy-Uj ccnta a boitla. v- . I I '
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