The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' piV.!' '","''-'3,-'f ,-- J '
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Another Boy Injured by Getting in Front of
' Wagon Aldermanic Doings Other
News Notes and Personals.
tint-toy, lite vniiiiK sun of Mr. and
Mrs. C. tt. Katun, of 1317 .lucksoii street,
-,vaa tho victim of ii very unfortuuoto
rit-oIfti'tiL yesterday afternoon, while
playlttK with it iinntbfi- of tils yotuiB
friends In front of tlio parental home
on .Jackson street, neiir the corner f
Sumner avenue.
Tin' yoiniK fellow liinl u false face on
nnit was walkliiK up tho middle of tho
mini behind n wiikoii loaded with lum
ber. When near the corner be made a
dush rroin behind the wnuon and fell
tn frniil of 11 Hilrlted horse, attached to
a llKbt luiBlty. Tho horse was fright
ened and Jumped, strlhliiK the little
fellow on the. bead and making a iulte
deep wound.
AVIlllnpr hands picked the Injured hoy
up and oarrled him to bis Inline, where
IH-. .leuklns was summoned and took
'leveral stitches In the cut on the foro
.i'ikI. Hesldes a few more or less se
vere bruises, no serious Injury was sus
tained. Tho Bontleiiian iIi-U'Iiik' the
torse stopped and did all Iip could for
.he little fellow, lie expressed Ri-enl
sorrow at thi; accident, nlthoUKh It was
throiiKh no fault of his.
Saville Given n Hearing'.
Patrolmen l'etcrs and Mc(.'olllp;an
yesterduy morning arrested Joe Havllle,
against whom a warrant was sworn out
on Thursday evening', before Alderman
tJavles, on the charge of ciirrylnpr con
cealed weapons and dlschoi'KliiK "'e
arms. It will be remembered that yotliifr
Suvllle and two companions were pass
lap aloii;; Chestnut street on Thursday
evening, when he drew a revolver from
his pocket and tired at the sidewalk.
The bullet Rhniced and passed throush
a window In the home of It. F. Post
and became Imbedded In the plaster.
The police were notllled and arrested
the boys who were with Saville. They
told his name, hence the arrest. At the
hearitiR last evening In the police sta
tion, the alderman discharged the de
fendant with a reprimand.
Assault nnd Robbery.
Marney liarkoskoy. of 122(1 Lloyd
street, appeared before Alderman Kcl
low last ovonlnjr and swore out a war
arnt for the arrest of Joseph ltui-oisth
and Charles Holleseus. Constable Don
lan placed them under arrest.
They were taken before the alderman
for a hearing:, at which the prosecutor
el. limed that on Oct. 16 the defendants
set upon him while on his way home
and k.'ivo him a severe thrashing. lie
also alleges that they tried to Ret their
hands in bis pocket nnd rob him. They
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
Vi ii i i V ii4:4i 4e 4g:
1 Saturday Bargains That
Make Happy Sundays
Ladies' Suit
It is always interesting
so when tlie garments spoken of arc styled out of the or.
limary, as is t'le line of Suits advertised at a bar
gain price lor Saturday.
Mndc of line all-wool surge, blouse jacket with hand
some Kom.iine lining of extra quality. Skirt made in the
new 7-",ore style, with especially wide .Hare. Has fine
percahne lining and made to perfection. A
? Suit. Saturday
New Kersey Jackets, in castor, blue,
Mack. Rich finish and correctly tailored.
The same garment as went with a' rush a
week aoo. Saturday
S Baby's
g Headgear
Baby's Silk Caps, with
45 tucks and tusching- I
5 Silk Caps, with tucks,
25 ruschlng and fur tviin-
minp;. All colois and white 50c
I"oke Bonnets, in white
and colors, silk edging' and
tucks ?1.00
1 Men's
I Furnishings
A special line of Men's
Fancy Wool Underwear,
that sold for $1,75 the gar
ment, Sizes broken ami
therefore the price is now,$l.S5
Boys' and Youths' Sweat
ers, in plain blue, fancy
stripes nnd several solid
colors, with high roll but
ton collars, etc, All wool,
of course. Prices, 81.75,
91.85 and ,,,,,, S1.00
I Globe Warehotis?.!
s,h ii n it ii tt Mt u itt tt fit mi n i tt n gt it n ik ii w in . . ii'
n further
Arrested on Serious Charge.
Antonio Phillips, of 120!) Kitimct
streio, appeared befoie Alderman
Xoone, yesterday and swore out a war
rant for lho arrest of limits! Coporus
key, of 21a Fifth street, for utteniptliiK
to commit a criminal assault on t'lill
llps wife, Constable Jacobs made, tho
At the hearing held last evening, the
prosecutor claimed that while he was
locked up In the county Jail, Caporus
key was In the habit of culling on his
wife, The prosecutor Insisted on the
truth of his charso, the defendant de
nied It nnd after a great deal of wrangle
the alderman placed the accused under
2t)0 ball. It was furnished by William
Itoth, the Knunet street saloon keeper,
Mrs. Jones Entertains.
At the home on Jackson street, Mrs.
Randolph Jones, last evening enterta In
I'd about sixty members of the Ladles'
Itellef corps, No. iiO, of tho 01. A. It.
The hostess was assisted in receiving
by .Mrs. Powell, the district secretary of
the Itollef corps.
During the evening the guests en
joyed a number of very fine solosv ren
dered In a faultless manner by Mrs.
Lizzie Hughes Hrtindnge, and Mrs.
Sarah Powell, of Wilkes-r.nrre. Miss
tiertruilo Loomls also favored with
several selections. At a seasonable
hour the ladles sat down to a bountiful
collation. Mrs. Jones was assisted In
serving by Mrs. Ilalioy, Mrs. Loomls,
and Miss Klin L. Price.
A Western Opinion.
The following clipping, taken
th Oil City llllzj'.ard of October
1.1, re
D. .,
furs to llcv. ,i. H. wngmiiiiiii,
the newly elected pastor
the First
JJantlst church:
"At the morning service of the First
Kaptist church, the congregation wre
painfully surprised to have Its pastor,
I lev. J. H. Wrlghtnotir, D. IJ., tender
his resignation as pastor of the church,
in which be has labored for the past
seven years in a most satisfactory
manner. Ui Wrightnour has heen
called to the First Huptlst church of
Scranton, Pa., which lias the second
finest church edifice in Unit nourishing
city of im.nOO population. A congrega
tional meeting will be held to take ac
tion on his resignation, and If accepted
ho will commence his pastoiial duties
in the new charge about December 1,
Since liis coming to Oil City lie has
done n great deal for Christian work
and for the. betterment of social con
ditions in the city. By his affable man
ner he has won a host of truo friends,
who will view his departure with pro
found sorrow."
Lonhonschocke in Trouble,
After several constables had been
looking for William Lonhonschocke, of
at this season, but it is doubly
garnet and
The famous "Oneida"
Union Suits for women,
Odds and ends left from
various lines that sold at
?1.50, S2.00 and S2.50 the
suit. Choice TODAY' .... 98c
Ladies' Pine High Class
Underwear, in grey and
cream shades. Soft, well
fitting gaunents that al
ways bring 81.00 each.
Ladles' Fl'ecce Lined, Fine
Ribbed Underwear, in
cream and ecru. The 50c. Jj
quality for just 30c e
Miislin 1
Undergarmenls f
50 dozen Ladles' Gowns,
some n trine counter soiled, X
but for the most part clean ttr
and fresh. A regular SI. 85 gg
gown, with miuare and il
round front and nicely ?
trimmed, TODAY
, 08c s
A new Carbolated Soap, Si;
highly recommended by the .
medical profession, A toi- 3T?
let soap without a peer. 10c JSL;
the cake. 3 cakes for, , , . 85c gj
were placed under ball for
hearing on .Monday.
the Smith Side, for almost two months,
one of thorn succeeded In arresting him
Inst evening. He was taken before Al
derman Davlofl and given a hearing.
Lonhonsehocko Is licensed by Mrs.
Kllcn Itandel of attempting tu commit
a criminal assault, nnd also assault and
battery. William Uavls, of Kelly'.i
patch, also claims that tho defendant
assaulted him. Lonhonsehocko gave
ball for a hearing next Tuesday,
Poem of Welcome.
Lines read at the reception given to
ttev, David Jones, pastor of the First
Congregational church, South Alnln
avenue, on his return from an extended
trip to Wales:
Dear pastor, It Is true that I
Have not appointed been
To represent societies
Or Sabbath school as seen:
Hat, as a member of thy church,
I In lag llico greeting, see!
1 represent the slstcn all,
And bring their lovij to thee.
Though liiHlgnlltciiiit wo seem,
'e have a heart of love
And hands that wink ipillo willingly
Mod'n kingdom to Improve.
Our sympathies go out to thee,
When dark clouds hover 'round;
When Joy attends thee, then our hearts
In Joy and nice abound.
We have among lis Dorcases,
And Abigails, wise and true:
Hsthcr wo have, although uncrowned;
Marthas and .Marys, too.
If Mary could our .Master serve,
Why, surely, cannot we,
In this great world of vice and sin,
Of service lie to thee.
Now, Deborah was the greatest Judge
That Israel ever l:njv
And so among these sisters, dear,
There are Deborahs not a few,
Our Judgment h solicited
Quite often, is It mil?
ICspeelally when In need of cake
Also the coffee put.
Prlscllla was a teacher, too,
Who taught Apollon how
To know Clod's word more perfectly
This truth thou must allow.
We have Prlscillas with us, too,
Who kn,ov the Word of Hod,
And we would- help thee show the way
Our blessed Savior trod.
And we have mothers, who cannot
The services attend,
Hut they are home, hedrto the crib;
Their every aid they lend
To build the kingdom of our God,
They to the children sing
The songs of Won. iind to lthn
Their little ones they bring.
They teach the child to lisp the name
Of Mini we love so well,
The story of the einiel cros
They often to them tell.
These are the ones I represent,
And once again I say
Welcome, we're glad to have you home,
And lout; may lie your stay.
Mrs. George W. Powell f.Morfudd).
Jackson Street Baptist Notes.
The Ladles' Aid society met
Wednesday and resumed their
work. They invite the ladies of
church to become intcrtsted in
The Daptist Young People's union will
meet next. Tuesday evening. Leader,
Arthur Hughes.
The IJully day concert will be held on
Sunday evening, October 't. A chorus
of one hundred voices will render the
music, assisted by a full orchestra.
With the many choruses will be ren
dered "O Father. Holy," by Marchettl.
and "Praise Ye the Father," by Gounod.
The church will be decorated for the
occasion and will present a beautiful
appearance during the (lag and cross
Prof. Davis desires that every one
present for the two last rehearsals,
be held Monday and Friday nights
next weelc.
The tuhject of Iev. Jmnes Benniuger's
sermon 111 the morulas; service of Km
hury Kplwopul church on Sun
day will he. "The Word, lis Authority
and Power." In the I'veiiliii?, he will
tiiciik lipuii "The Viilcatiii in the Heart."
The Wi'MI Side Athletic eluli foot hall
team will play the Alerts on the Hrown's
Kt-miiiils mi Sunday al'lernoon at 3
Mr. and Sirs. A. I', Simmons, of I'erry,
Wyomlnp county, N. Y., are the kucsIk
of Jlr. und .Mrs. IJ. it. Mornan, ot South
Stain avenue.
Airs. .Martin Hurt will Kive a euehie
party in St. I'eter-t hull, l'ollevue, next
Wednesday. The proceed- y i 1 1 ko to
ward furni.-hlni; the new home of Hev,
Kut her O'lionnell.
Miss .Muliel llershhner, of Suiith Main
nvciiiie, Is ri'covi'i'hnr from Illness.
C. V. Smith, of r.afoyetle street, Is
vlsltiim- friends In I'onklln. X. V.
William .Mcllride. of Xurth Lincoln
nveiiue, Is isllhiH t'arhondale on Inisl
11 ess.
MIs f'lurii May. of Xorth Main avenue,
ha- returned from Arehhald, where slip
iittendtd the funeral of a relative.
The Mlssi s ltoss and l'os-e, of Tiinkhnn
lioek, have heell the K'lests uf Mrs. Wll
fccy. nf .N'orth Ilrnmley avenue,
Allss .Marjnirei D.ivles, of Hampton
street, Is ijulle ill.
Mr. and .Mr-. X. W. Unwind, of Xorth
Lincoln avenue, have its their Kilest illss
Htsslipde. of HiiMiihiiniia.
.Mrs. William Madden and sons, IJoy
und Carl, of South ISiomley avuuiie, nio
home froiil ClllcaiiO.
.Mis, John (irlllllhs, of Hampton
Mi'cet. Is home from Moscow.
.Mr. and .Mrs. John Ii. Knight, of South
Sumner avenue, have returned from a
four months vi-ll 111 l.enoxville.
C. T. Oa., of Xorth Main avenue. Is
in .Minneapolis mi liiislness.
Mrs. I'lmiies tlllver. of Xorth Main
avenue, has returned from I'hiladelphla.
Miss lleitha DeWItt and Mrs. T. X.
KresKM. of Kails, have returned after a
very pliiisaut with Mr. and .Mrs.
!:, Saxe limit, of Xorth Runnier iivunio.
I'rof. Daniel Lewis and wife have re
turned to their home In Ivlniistou. after
a visit wlih Mr. and Mr. .lamiM liiaee,
of .North (iiirllcld avenue.
.Mrs. Wllllftm Coons and sou. Klnyd. of
South Sunnier avenue, hnvo returned
Inline from I'lttshui'K.
Itev. T. S. .liiines, of leer, Mo., will
occupy the pulpit or the rirst naptl"t
ihurch Sunday nini-iihiir. In tho ovonlruj
ltev. P. I"). lliipUllis, of the Kirst AVelsh
Kantlst chinch, will piearh.
Miss Xetlio Mear.s. nf Xnrth .Main avo- I
nue. is home from Philadelphia.
Allss IJtnuiet 1-3. Mills, of Lafayette )
street, has relumed from a tp Wash
ington, n. C
Or. Annus dray has returned to his
homo In Philadelphia niter an ostmidod
visit Willi Wist Side friends.
Allss- Mertlce liayley, of Orecn Tlldsro
streei. is vlsltlnt,' at 10 Ik Uiku.
.Miss Kstcllu llunslcUe,', of Catas,iiniu.l,
Pa., and Allss Adeline. Smith, of WllUe.s
ISiilic, are K'icmIs of .Mr. and Airs. Hor
ace Smith, of .Mousey avenue.
Or. und .Mrs. r.dsoii Al. Uroen have
moved Into th hmiso on flreen Rldijo
street lately iieeupled hy Charles Kuii;!it
and family.
Airs. W. J. Watts, of Cnpousc, avenue,
and Alls. Tuinlitdl. of Stockton. C'a.. who
In her Kiiest, )ent yesterday with friends
at Curhoudale.
Misses Alolllu ..lid Carile lillchcoek, ot
Washington avenue, lull yestenlay for
Starlight. Wayno county, wlmro thy
wein to Join a number of friends from
New Yolk state In a chcstnuttliii; party.
Tho Pennsylvania Telephone com
pany yesterduy completed tho laying of a
cable under Dickson avenue to connect
with their Green Itldgo rxolmtiRP,
Mrs. W. G, antes, of Penn avenue, tins
returned from a week's stay at Parsons.
Mrs. Ihigene Mall, of Dickson aveniip,
baa returned from a visit at tiko Ariel.
At tho Green Itldgo Cash Store today,
1113 Capouso avenue! Flat salmon, Inc.;
tail salmon, loc,: six enn corn, Me : cofo,
12c.! ltiii'tlctt peals, basket, Me, l sweet po.
tatocs, peek, Slic; prepared mustard, ,ic ;
celery, pur bunch, inc. Complete line of
fruits and vegetables. Phone, !U7, CI, tt,
A very iileasnnt Mirprlse party was ten
dercd Air. nnd Airs, llnrnlckel at their
Homo, Cedar aveiitio and KIb: street,
Tluirsdiiy. Uiirhip the evrnhiif, tlnnry
llnrnlcliel played several violin solos In
his usual iirtlstlo ma liner, lining Miller
Kiive a line exhibition of buck and whip
(InliciliR, ThomiiM Lewis wave a title pro
Krammo with his iihonoKrnph, Air Jen.
nliiBS played several piano solos iitnl was
iilo the nceompalilst for the evening,
Vocal solos were rendered by Atlss Allen
llnrnlcliel, und Samuel Kemter. Klash
IlKhts were taken by frank SchiiltK and
Arthur Allller. Hefresliments were served
and an enjoyabel time had hy all.
Those present were: Atr. and Airs, llnr
nlckel, Air. and Mrs. Thomas f-ewls, Air.
and Airs. Samuel Kemler. Air. null Airs.
Krvln Allller, Air. and Airs. Knnor, Air.
and Mr. .IcnnhiRS, Atr. and Alls. Schaffer,
ltev. and Mrs. Wltke, .Messrs. Krntik
Hchulta, Arthur Allller, William Allller,
Andrew ielgler, Cornelius lliirtman,
Louis llousrath, Tirnest llnrnlckel, .Mrs.
Aleycrs, Airs. Schiintz, Mrs. Lutzenbur
Ker, Airs. !. Welsh, and the Allssen
Atiimie Welsh, Alleo Hurnlckel and A'erna.
A largely attended meeting of Kepuh
llcan party workers was held last even
lug In Athletic hall and much enthusiasm
was manifested. The meeting was railed
to order at S.30 o'clock and for nearly
two houi'H n Hood of convincing argu
ment, by the various speakers, was given
to show the difference between Itepub
llcan prosperity and Democratic demor
nliziitloii. Nearly all the Ilepubllcan can
didates were present, and also many other
prominent speakers of note, Including
Deputy Attorney Uenernl V W. Klelt.
nnd County Chairman It. L. Taylor.
Charles Neuls presided over the meeting
and Will K. Vntighan acted as secretary.
Speeches were made by the candidates in
tho following order, and eacli speaker
was heartily received: Judge A. A. Wis
hing, Cnndldato for stalo senator. J. H.
Jordan; lion. J. J. Seheuer, John C. .Mor
ris and John Penman, candidates for cmn
mlsslnners, and Llewellyn ICvnns and Da
vid Williams, the candidates for mine In
spector. Hon. K. W. Kieltz spoke a,t
length on national and stale Issues, and
his eloiiuent eulogy of the principles
which hind Itcpuhlicnns together for pro
tection and prosperity were loudly ap
plauded. At the close or the nieethuj 11
short reception was held In honor of the
speaker and candidates.
On Wednesday evening next a liouse
wiirniing and opening social will be given
in Athletic hall on Alder street, under
the (inspires of the Scranton Athletic
chili. The boys are known throughout the
valley for their hospitality and invita
tions have been largely sought. The com
mittee in charge is composed of John
Seheuer, .Malt Holm. Kred Islalt. Henry
Aleyer.'i and George fhirh.
A week from next .Monday the reeentlv
organized Hound X club will hold their
first entertainment and hall In Athletic
hall on Alder street. Tinner's orchestra
has been secured for the occasion, and u
most enjoyable timo is anticipated. Tho
committee of .irrangements Is: Rudolph
Kunz, Harry Saft, Clmrles SaTt, George
Hnrtman and Peter Lutz.
Next Monday night, the Seliwablan
verein will hold their annual festival and
entertainment. The affair will take place
In Worklngmen's hall on Alder street and
will bo followed by n. dance.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to cure nil coughs. "No cure,
no pay." For sale by all dealers.
The Scranton Saengerrundo will give
their first concert of the season on Tues
day, Oct. L'S. Athletic hall has been se
cured for the occasion and first class
music 1ms been secured for tho dance
which follows the concert.
The Itev. T. C. James, of C'rozler
Theological seminary, will preach In
Kngllsh at the Kirst Welsh Baptist
church, "West Alarket street, on Sunday
evening. Set vices will commence ut "ii
Mrs. .Margaret Kane, of Itock street, Is
William Gettius has returned from n
recent visit at ISuffulo.
Allss Nora O'AIalley. of West Alarket
street, lias returned from n two weeks'
visit in Xew Yoik city.
The second annual subscription dnii'-e
given by some of our popular voung
men will he held In the Auditorium In the
near tiiture.
Misses Afary Sultry and Margaret Hop
kins wero Carboiidale cnllers Thur.-day
Airs. Itobert Aleriick, of Green street,
has returned fiom a visit with relatives
in Jermyn.
Rev. W. F. Davles. of the Memorial
tlaptlst church, will ofliclutn tomorrow
111 tho Warrior Run Ilapllsl church, In
the absence of the pastor, the Voung
People's society will have charge of the
nvening services. The programme will he
highly entertaining and rnuslsu of solos,
choruses, leiitations, und
Tlie Shamrock basket ball team added
number victory to Its long list by de
featlng tlie Capitals List night by a scorn
of h; to L'.
Samuel ninck, of Xow York city, Is
spending n faw days with his uncle, 11,
Atlas, of West Mnikct street.
John Afniiln. who has been spending
three months in Nebraska, has returned
tn Ids home on Summit avenue.
Manager James Hnswell, of the North
Mud Situs, returned homo yesterday af
ter a four inoiithV stay In Diunfioy.s, Ya.
A Republican tally was held by tho
North Scranton Republicans In their
rooms on West Market street, last even
ing. I'rciTerli' W. Kleltz niado .n speech
that aroused great enthusiasm ami ut Its
conclusion n letter from Judge A. A. Yos.
burg was read by President Otto D.
Alyeix Tho judge regretted his absence
on account of other engagements, and
extended an Invitation to the members
of the club to he at the Lyceum theater
Sitiilii titritotoibbi XiJ6Hiilfi
At the New 4c Store. 310 Lack'a Ave.
This is a very important consideration in a woman's correspondence with Mrs. Pinlriiarrt. It tt a satisfaction to feel that one woman can write to another telling her the most private and confidential
details ahoufc her illness, and know that her letter will ho seen by 11 woman only, a woman full of sympathy
for her sick sisters, and with a knowledge of woman's illit greater than that possessed by any other person.
Mrs. Pinkliam never violates the confidence thus to her, and tilt hou";li slio publishes
thousands of testimonials from women wlio Imvo been benefited by ner advice ami medicine, never
in all her experience has she published .such a letter without the full consent, and often by
special request of tlie writer.
The reason Mrs. Finkham is so amply qualified to give advice in cases of female ills is for the reason
that over ono hundred thousand eases como before her each year, some personally, others by mail, and
this has been going on for twenty years, day after day, and day after day. Twenty years of constant success,
think of the knowledge thus gained. Surely, women are wise in seeking advice from a woman of such
experience, especially when it is absolutely free.
As an illustration of the pood eominjr from such advice wc herewith publish two letters and
portrait of Bliss Hattic DeGroat. tho reading of which should give every sick woman confidence in
Mrs. Pinltham's ability to help (hem. This is only one of thousands of the same hind of letters
which Mrs. Pinkliam lias on tile.
HSrfSS sSoiv' fir i2l
f r I wl 111 f '
cures of female
tlln.r. 3111V ntTlOT
Clse has no interest in your case. He is seeking a larger profit. Follow the record of this medicine,
and remember that the thousands of cures of women whoso letters a?c constantly printed in this
paper were not brought about by "gonietuiug clse," but by Lydin E. Finkiiam's Vegetable Compound.
on Jlonday cvuiiiiik, to hear Secretary
Jluoily. uf the navy tlepai Uncut, tall; ,,11
ltcpuhlicanlsm. Attorney .Milton W.
I.owry delivered an utile address, show
ing ihe part tho party has accomplishe I
In settling the ptesem coal MtruKlc. Ills
remarks were followed hy Dr. II. II.
Iloiiser, of Taylor.
of the
CIATltl-miNF. WUItKIX, relict
late James Kurrcll, ol Wllkts-
ilied ycMeulay muinhiR 11 1 the
of her datiKht.T. lira. K. J. My-
i'.v, Madison avenue, this city, whei
she was vi.-itluu. after n few day.-' Illness.
Mrs. Kiirrcll is survived hv ihe following
children: llev. .1. .1. Karrell, rector of St.
I'atrlck's church, l'rlcehurK; -Airs. K. .1.
.Mylotlo. of Madison avenue, and Airs. Dr.
Al. II. tjiilun, of ""." I'luston iivtnuu, thl.i
lily: .Mrs. .1. J. Wlesley iniil (!. 'I'. Kan ell,
of I'lalns. I.usieine i-ounty; W. I., and .1.
(.'. and .MWs .Maisai"l raindl. uf WIIKwi
ilarre. Hlic was al.-o tin mother nf the
late Dr. Kurrcll who died last Christmas
day In New .Mexico. She was a kouiI wife
ami mother, tier fiuiual will take place
next Monday niotiihiK at !' o'clocl; from
lier laic residence. 1!N i-'oulh .Mala strcl,
Wllkes-Carrc. v, Uh a rcituieui mass at HI.
Mary's church.
Tim time for the funeral of the Into
Thomas Dickson has heen dunned to this
afternoon. Services will he held In St.
Luke's .Dpi.-copal church and Interment
will he made In the forest Hill cemetery.
Local data for Octoher l", Ui.':
UlKhest temperaturo II iIcki-i'-h
Lowest tempi ratuiv lITdeijncs
Itclative hiunhlh.v:
S a. m TO per cent.
S p. Ill W P"r (III.
4aJ ii) ii Ij id) $j J i i$) tii id id)
" HnAit Jlr.s. Pinkham: I have read with interest your advice to others so much
that I thought 1 would write to you, for I have been huliorinjr for a long- time. 1 have such
bearing-down pains, and such shooting pains go through me. I have headache, backache,
and feci tired. Monstruation is very painful, sometimes havo to stop work nnd lie down.
My stomach bloats terribly, and 1 am troubled with whites. Hoping to hear from you
soon, I remain,
July 21th, 1900. ' Miss IIattie DeGroat, Succasuma, X. J."
" Dear Mrs. Pikkiiam : I can hardly find words to thank von for your advice and
wonderful Vegetable Compound.' 1 was in 'u tcrriblo state, every part of my body ached,
was very nervous, had hysterical spplls. I think I would havo become insane had it not
been lor Lydia E. Piiifcluun's Vegetable Compound. Yonr letter told me just what to do,
auu your mcuicinc curcu mo, nnu 1 cannot express my tunnies.
March 8th, 1901, Hisa Haitie DeGiioat, Sucensuma, N. J."
No other medicine in tho world 1ms received such widespread and
unoualifled endnrsemont. "No other medicine has such a record of
troubles or suMi Ti nt nf frrntofiil
Tinrliiii,l -So -11VC nc (rnml Amir
ifk f
tana e t: .
um &x2a $
Leading Soprano .Metropolitan Upsra Co.,
Plticns. 75c to $2. fit). Diagram now cpen at Pcwell's Music Store Scranton : Marx Long'
Store, Wilkes-Earre ; ll. F. Clark's Drue Store, Carbor.dale. Orders lor scats received by mail or 'phone.
Lcs&cu and Manager.
Week of 0ctob2r 20.
Two performances dally, J.;;o and
Trices- I",. J.',. :!'. and r.oe.
dallery Mine. Hi c ills.
of the I Vim ,wmu Maptlst chinch,
hy the mslor. ltev. It. K. V. I'lerce, D,
I)., on the nth lust., .Mr. Wilfred circi-iM-y
to Miss .Maud Quirk, holh id' this
city. .Mr. nnd .Mrs. C.iulck have many
frit mis nil the West Side w'iu lender
their coiun'niiil.illuns on the happy event
of their niai'iliiuc Tisy will icsldc hi
Hyde lail.
l) d di ii d j u d j i
5c and
O'Boyrke eed
frinnrln. Do not be nersuaded
,lnnlnn iirlitt ulnrrTAClf'.Q afYttlP.thinff
am m pn P5aa
mw& k,.
mm v&
Academy of Music
M. Itels, Lessee and Manascr.
A. J. Duffy. Business Manager.
Three Xlf.hl.'. SuirthiK Thuisdat , Od lii.
Matinees l'riil.iy anil S'inird.i,
T1IK lUli .li:i.tlDi:A.IATIC SIVCHSS
A I'lay of the 1'eople for
I'niCIIS-.M.itluee, I.-, and :
NlKht, I.', :'.",. lie.
Scats on sale.
the People.
', cents.
.Vi ci nts.
Next Attiaitlon. All N.xt Week.
.Monday Niulu-'-Darkest ltcssia '
ALK. a. HLUltlNOTOX. Manager.
.Monday, Tuesday nnd W dm sday,
"Rose Sydell's London Bells"
i di dj d Ij di did ii i
iblions Worth 10c, l
20c a Yar