Tf1" " "i, I tf THE SCKAiNTON TlUBUflUMSATUliUA.!', (KTOJBBIi 18, 1002. 3 V f X "SORE EYES IN THE SCHOOLS," ' Th Following Item Appeared as nn Editorial in ,tho Philadelphia In quirer of October 17. "The news that there are 100,000 scholars In the public schools of New York suffering from1 trachoma, a very Infectious disease of the eyelids, Is one that calls for action In this city. This disease, while Usually not dangerous, Is often tedious In recovery and entails suffering on the vic tim. If It Is epidemic In New York It may well become so In this city. " We have no doubt the health authorities, the educa tional authorities and the ward physicians are looking after the matter, but It Is one which after all calls for the closest scrutiny by the teachers, who have the best chance to In vestigate the subject, "Any appearance of the disease ought to be promptly reported so that Immediate action may be taken." What applies to the school children In New York and Philadelphia may likewise be the condition here. The eyes of school children should be cared for an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure. Any child with trachoma should be kept from school until entirely cured, as trachoma Is a most contagious disease. The eyes of every school boy or girl should be examined at least twice a year at the beginning of the year and about six months after. In tender age the eye ball is most subject to changes, creating either near, or far-sightedness. A child which Is backward In studies Is not necessarily dull or lazy, in most cases some eyevtrouble is the cause. I have made an exhaustive study of the eyes, giving particular attention to the examination and treatment of children's eyes both in Germany and this country. 1 am a graduate of the Unlversityof Berlin, Germany, and an honor graduate of the Philadelphia Optical College. I will examine school children's eyes with the most progressed methods, and will prescribe glasses only where absolutely needed. You are cordially invited to visit my parlors and see a most thoroughly equipped establishment for examination of eyes. DR. B. A. BAER, I3YE SPECIALIST. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN. 331 Washington Avenue, Scranton. Will Open Monday, October 20. FOUR YEARS IN PENITENTIARY SENTENCE IMPOSED UPON MICH AEL JORDAN. He Wns Convicted of Burglaiizing the House of Michael Vnil in Scott TowiiBhlp John Lennhnn, of Sugar Notch, Tiled for Shooting Mtclmel Itellly in the leg Qeneroso Sptot ta Convicted of a Serious Crime. Charles Kuhlman Pleaded Guilty and Got Thiee Ycais. Coiinfy Savings Bank and Triisf Company, 506 Spruce Streot. Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays 3 per terest thereon. $1 and cent, tn- A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: "Win. F llnllstpmt, 12. P. KlnxMmry, O. S. JulltlMJIl. illvpinlt Wniien, August lioliln'-cm, Jo. O'Rilcn. I. -. AVnties. Green Trading J Stamps j r lotin in in jowyNWT, With purchase of Wall Paper, Shades, Fichu e Frames, Burnt Wood and Leather Novelties. No better time than now to bilng- us your unframed pictures for framing. We have the best assortment of ftames in Scranton. All Kinds of Inteiior Decora tive Woik promptly done. Good workmanship. COUPON Cut this out and piesent it at our store. Fur chase goods to the amount of SI. 00 or moie and you will re ceive 30 STAMPS FREE. Jacobs & Fasold, 200 Washington Ave. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. X "They Draw Well." $ g Morris' Magnet Cigars S a Til" best vnluo fop ,", cents. 0 y Try ono unil ou lll unoko no X 0 ether. . V a All tli lfMillnq; luantli of fie O y clfirnis nt fl 7 per litre, or S for Sic. a O TtlO lniCPSt VUllptv nf lm.a nuil V a Tobaccos In town. E. C. MORRIS, Sine uigar Man. V 385 Washington Avenue. 0 6 ooooooooooooooooo In and About The City iX'JtOt him a pi, hi? to li'i'i, nuil liivio.ul nf piov- llIK 111" Kllltltlldl toil (Ml 1111 I'llll.llR'f Itll'J lU'ililiiiKton'M mini- anil Htnlp Hie fin t.ilii" Hi- wiiM I'liiiKlit witli tin1 koihIm mi 1 i tin anil was toinmltttil in ilcrmill nt Om lull. Reheat sal Sunday Afternoon. Tlif mull- ilioius of tin- Su.inuiii I'lilti'il Cliniiil .iicli-t will iiit'!l Siinil ly ill tci iidoii nt .! o'fliirK lii .il nt Kt. Thorn, is lolll'lll' llllll lllltl'.lll ol .MiimIi hull mm piu loiisj Mntnl. D., L. & W. Fay Days. I'U'p.ll.ltllill- ll.ii- I ll in nil' liv I'.iy. master ItK-cll. ol tho )i'l.i.u. Uii'U.'l miiiiii and Western otimiMliv, lor thij li.imciH ol nil the initio omiIo.e- tniliy lot tin- llf-t li.ill ol Octolii-i. Eoaid of Tiade Meeting, 'flip ip(; niontlilv inoi tins of tlu lio.ui! ot li.ulu will bo hold on 3loml.i itl tin- noon hour. Ton .ipplie.itlons lor itiem bi'ishl will bo .iptid upon ,iml dtli.-r iiu nn Iiiiii liiMniv Foot Ball This Afternoon. Tin- rii-i .niton hiKli soliool .mil Kingston Ai.ulenn loot lull to.ims will t.s.zU- on tho Kliilii mi ,it Atlilotii- p.ul; this nil. i noon. The B.imo Is i.llleil Im . odor I KcjMonc ilol'-ntoil Kt. l.isL weeK which Indicates thit tin- hisli "ihiiol im-liK-ilnsi a tciuj;li pioposlllon, Attiactive Melodiama. "I iyluins loi millions," Uk- nvloiii.ini.t lioins pioihiitd .u the AiMih-my ol .Mu.di-, hits Midi n t.iMin.ition for the .sni, ill lmb ronKins, Willie D.iis .mil J.iinos .MeAlidiPW Hinibed up Hie Hie es i.ipo to K.iin intt.inoe into the nailery M'sti'tcl.ij nlteiinion and weio nnostcd by Specliil Olllier The. will be kIumi a lieailtiK 111 polhe (onu tills nioi iiIiih. Didn't Pay Their Bill. Hi 111 v Fieeni.ui nuil (JeniHi- Keating, who Rive tlnsh.iinton an tlielr plate of ipsidence, ieit the I'o.vne l.t-t nlKlit wltlt- mil t Iiik lilt-ll bill .nn! nbeiit midnight weie Incited in .MnvL , ,,, .Ptoled to the liv P.uiohniiii IVtrr 1I.IKB0II.. Willie i1Imii"sIiik the 1)111 In the olllot- ol the I'oyno I'n-oinnn and Ke.itlns ni.idi n d.isli fin ibe stuet. Kll-l'lll.lll esi.iped lint Kl.lllllK was ,11-le-tutl In the IM.iw.uo, l.:ic k.iu.itnui mid Western ,.ud by I' ILiKi'it iilid linked up Agjeement Reached. An iiKieiinem on the l'i-oidi-iiie ln.,,1 p.ivo iintHllon lias bom io.kIkiI benvi en the (lt., Conti.ioloi U,ie .mil the Seiim ton lt.illw.iy ciinipiim. Tie- ul unit the loiitiiietiu- iiKtee to pel mil the (onip.iny to opeuiie oiii- li.ieU .mil the (iimp.iny In letlllll IIKlfes to p,l lor the p,lillK lionu lietwei'll the i.iils by Ciinli.ii.liu D.ili. In. .-to.lll ol hmlllH- it done h ,i pi i ute ion. tllllt. Tile woik 01 1.1 Inn . p.ue MM.S .Ki'iilillllKh I'Minu'il M'Slenl.ii .in.) ..111 lie i.ipldl piislnd o Ui.u n,, lnlll, ns M1S .slide m.iy lie ,u ( (,npljlled bololu winter N-tH III Tiains Wexo Delayed. No ii, the iiisi ti .tin on tin- i.,uK,t wniiiiii mill oul, im h.ilt hour l.iio e.Hetd.i ulleinoou When ll ie,ieied lm Mntlon In this dt. . Mine immlifi- ol )i.ini'iii;eih i.e In x.nlllns The delii wns i.ui'i'ii i, ,i bieni. in ,i sl iielKh't mini which puceiied Hie p,i-MiiKer uiilu. When the ,-- bi.ll.e. weie nppt( n till. lielKht tinin ue.ii- the iJlntuo'id cio.ssuvei, .1 bte.ll: 1 ( ( 1 1 1 1 , . 1 I'l the 1 1 .ill, ll,,,, ,,.i .Micliitol Joiilnti wiin pliiced on ttlal hcfoio .IiiilKf I J. (', Ncucoinb, chinned with lini'glin Izlni; the luiuse of Mlcharl Villi, In Monti loivuHhin, im the 2,'ld tit .May, In st. The uvldcnee offcrpil iiRiiliiHt lilni was iiiliu'lpiill' from the itiuulh ot Alfred Hoese, who was In coinpany with the dpfetidiint ut the lline anil who wuh ariestcil with lilni for the nrfciiee. Kpcm' teslllli-tl that In tho rally iitorti Iiir "f the tiny In question the defend ant, who hud liievloitnly wmltcil for the IHoecnitiii', and knew wheie ho Itopt Ills inoiip, cnteicd thp house, inid nfter re- luriiliis hud eonslilcrnble money, a por tion of wik'h lm Riivo to lloope. ft iip peniLd tlml the following day the du fpudnnt left S!'4 for safe keepliiB at the tiiand Cpntial hotel In this city, and had .spent a considerable sum for cloth ItiK anil for drink. The amount taken was tmr,. After the commonwealth lestid. the defendant took the stand and admitted litUiiur Hip money, thereupon the jileu. or not Rtillty was withdrawn ami n pirn of KUllty cntcied. The comt lm)iospil the extreme sentence allowed by l.nv, four eais In the penitential y at mid solitary confinement. Altmney John .1. Mtiiphy wns counsel for tho defendiint. lJHICSK NOT Oril.TV. In 1pw of the statement mink' by P.epse In leKrence to the Jot dun i.iu and in view of the fact Hint Hie com monwealth had no evidence nRnliu-t him other tinin that Riven by him in tho other case, a verdict ol not Rtlllly was taken. . .fob n, of SiiRitr Notch, Lu zerne lounty, was tiled on a chaise of ciurylnf,' comealed weapons. The pi ose etiloi, ilich.iel itellly, an old man, te.stl lleil that on Jiny .10, last, the delend ant. while vlf-ltlnsr him. took a levolver tiom his pocket and ilI-t'lim-Ked it, the ball enteihiR the old liinu's leff. The defendant testllled Hint the levolver had been banded to him Immediately in lor to the oct uu once, and that the dlchntse was accidental. He was lep lesented by Attorney John .1, Murphy. Tlie Jmy was out at adjoin ninent. John Tioy was tried on the chaise of having stabbed Frank Gnidner, nn September ii, Inst, with Intent to kill, fiiu dner stated that iie le-ft P.ifll's hotel, on the South Side, about 11 o'clock at niftht, roIiir: tow. mis his home, when lie was attacked by the defendant, who stiuck him (list with his liist and then with a knife. The blows knocked him down und he bled piofusely. The knife penetrated the len side, just below the shoulder, and the physician, Dr. Quiiin, testified that Hie wound was about a half-inch in length and deep enough to be sellout. Various witnesses ideutl IWd the defendant as the man who did the .stabbing. Joseph fl. miner, pioscuitor and lather ot Fi.mK, testliled that lie had ,i coiiveisatiou with the defendant at the jail, when the latter told him be didn't know it was Flunk, that he was oM'itP.I and smiy lor -what had hap pened. ADMITTED Till: STAIlHIXd. The admitted the stabbing, hut staled that he did so In seir-de- fense; tliat lie was attacked by a oiowd who pursued him and that ho tinned ami stiuck witli the knife when the cio vwl was upon hint and lie was in I ear ot budily Injuiy. He did not know, he said, who be stiuck and did not u aliiie until alterwiuds Hint oum; Ciai duer was Hie hijaied p.nty. .ttoi ney John J. Mitiphy lopresented the de, and Attorney John It. Jones, the piosictitloii. The jmy went otu just befoie adjournment. The tiiul of (ieneioso Splolta, cliait-ed with attempting to cilmlnally iisniuII JIih. Jlaiie .liaidl, at her home on Smith r.tioet, Dimmoie, was lesumeil befoie Judge .Mii'liue esterdny iiniin inp:. The defendant and tlnep' o! bis fl lends testified that on the ulRlit of the alleged assault he was In .fames Oiegory's saloon and lem.iln-d time until a late hour. Joseph .Mechettl went home with Spiotta and they occupied tip' same loom Hint night. Spiotta did not leave the loom alter they lethtd. Splotta'.s shier was in an "adjoining loom, ciiiing tor a sick baby, on the night in question, and swine iliat her biother did not lenu his loom Hint night after he ictiied. Tlie Jmy i,. tinned a venllct of guilty. Attoin'ey t', i:. n.llllels -was pilvate iiunisel lor tile iiiosfcutlon. pto!ee(lloi'. A number of wltnesefl leHtllled to Mis. Hayers' scoldlttff lm liensltles. The defense alleges that no fault was found with Mis, Snyeia until her husband Went to woik In the mines ilurliiR the stilke. rosr.s inviDi:o. Ilefoie Judge Newcoiub, In cotnt room Xu. 2, John TIioiuiih was iii'tiiilttcil of the elutiRe ot iisfimlt and bntl''ry, prorerieil by his sister, .Mrs. Mattha Ueese. The costs were divided. Sentence has been deferred until the December term In the ease of John V. At inbumt who was convicted Thttis day of false ptetcne. Hit ball In the stun of JfiOi) was taken yesteiday In appear at that time. W. K. (lllbool be came his bondsman, COURT HOSENEWS NOTES. A rule was obtained yefllpidny on peti tion of Holipit Wilson, to hIiow riilic why the license of Mary l.opiityiipr should not be revoked for violation of Hip license laws, Heoi'Rt' Matth, Hirotmli Attorney A. A. f'biisp. ypstenl.i) sued tlie Scranton Steel company and Hie Wllkes-llnne and Seiniiton lliilhritt t oiniiiliy. to loemer daiiuiHes, He Is a Mood victim. MASS MBBtTnG HAS BEEN POSTPONED Proposed Gathering Abandoned on Account of President Mitchell's Inability to Be Present. Tlie Cent! at Labor union lcadeis held a mooting- Ixst night and decided to postpone the mass meeting iinnotinced for toinoriow afternoon at Nay Auk pink, owing to Ptcsldent Mitchell's In ability to be piesent, The following notice was given The Ti Inline for pub lication: The ponmiitti-f of iniangeiiieiits of the mass meetliiR of labor at Nay Aug tomoiioM- atteinoou lias been notllied by I'losldent Mitt hell of bis Inability to be piesent on Hi.. I occasion owing to Hie piesent stioss m liiilne-s, hence the i oni inittee deems it advbablo to postpone the tnpotlng. Kvory effoit bus been inaile to secinp the atteudaiKc ol i'le-Jdcnt .Miteliell, lint he llnds it Inexpedient to Ip.ive his of lit o at the piesent time, and lie epi esses tliep lpgiot at tlie disappohiiinenl which his absent e cnttiiK. As Hie put puu ol the meeting was to assist in maintaining the podtion of the mine winkers b. llnanclal and moial sup lioi t, the piesent onilllloii of the state Indicates th..l the neie-slty foi tlie meet big has pas-.pd. Ilcncp the mass meeting annoinii-pil at Nay Aug i.nk for next Sun day afteinoon will not he bold. A lpgular meeting of the (""utmi Labor union will be held Sunday ni'ttr noim as usual. NICHOLLS IS FOR ACCEPTING HE FAVORS THE ARBITRATION PROPOSITION. r L BOWLING. A bowling team consisting entliely ol eiuploes of city ball lost tbiee games on tlie Noi th Scranton alleys last night to a team which repiesented the t nuil house. The scoic: CITY HALL. Hliislaiiil 1 V. IJ'i ITii 111) .Alonies ISO It! l.V M Cniuail .-. 111 h.v :u :iti Ilisele Ii.t H.'i KT .".0? ltoese 117 III lis- li't 717 7.V. 7:..,--'l! rOL'UT IIOl'Si:. Til lor 1.".S ); b!' it: Mn-dier P,s 3." 1TI- iTii Jehu HO l!ni I'l .".It Teiwllllger 1 IM IK H'.-4.S .lhlj: Jul lid 111- li.J Ml! T'm 77.V J-T-' lligli siuie Jehu. Itw. lllgli iiM-iagL Jeliu, 170 I-!. False Statement That He Is nt the Head of a Movement in Opposition to the Acceptance of tho Proposi tion Causes No End of Mischief. Box of Explosives Found in a House nt Ornosy Island Major Qeneial Miller and Staff Visits the Camps. An nrtlcle In yestet day's Iteptibllean to the effect that Dlstilet President Nlcholls Is licndliiR a movement In tho Hulled Mine Wot Iters lo oppose the ac ceptance or thp aibltratlon ptoposltlon caused no end of mischief. Mr. Nlcholls said, .esteiday, Hint theio Is absolutely no tiuth In the sloi ; Hint' he has been In ravor of the ac ceptance' of the ptoposltlon riom Hip III st, and tllllt the vote of the dlslilct olllceis to rctoinmend Us acceptance to the i (invention was unanimous. "The story that I was opposed to Ibe acceptance of the ptoposltlon," said Mr. Nlcholls to a Tilbune tepoiter, lust evening, "bus caused many of our men lo look at the proposition with sus picion, and ahead' we have had io- ports of locals being disposed to in stinct tlielr delegates to vote against acceptance. The opposition thus oiiroii dpicd will not, I trust, bp of anv con siderable pioportlons. but I am woiry ing over the possibility of unpleasant conspotienees." ' Will the leadeis of Hie United Mine Workers Rle tlie members any ndvlre or Instructions reRindlng their conduct toivatds the non-union nicnV" was asked of Mr. Nloholl.s. "I do not think so," it-plied Mr. Nlth oll. "I do not see that we aie called upon to ask our men to take those fel lows to their hearts and Heat them as they would a dear friend. In 1900 I ad vised that Hie non-unionists be treated in a fiiendly manner with a iew ot winning them over. I do not to do It again. As far as men who con tinued to woik at their own jobs Is concerned, I hnve nothing to say. As for those who went into the mines and took other woikmen's places, 1 am of tlie opinion they aie not worth winning don t think we want iiNONk I H'Suni' 1 HlJlllllll III W bVMAAIMiH f llllllllll fl I Minci: I iMMm 1)111 wrtk' llllllllllv MINCE PIE ( r.lko mother uied to maltN P1.UIII PUDDING (Tho olil.fnibloned kind.) FRUIT CAKE (An good ns n brldo wnntl.) IIEUIIT COOKIES (T.ovcd by yonnff nntl old,) NONE SUCH 3IINCE MEAT makes them all. A liotiHcholfl blessing;. The condensed preparation of the best fruits, beef and -spices that sold 12,000,000 packages (ro cts.) last year. No rival in price or goodness. All grocers sell it. Mcrrcll-Soulc Co., Syra cuse., N. Y., make it Vtiltialilf firtmtiim Usttf"lSI71itBrr Bros." stlvcnvare enclosed. 2 g Timely Though es side. 1 llllll I lie 11,1111 I. Ill illto the niil. en. Ing the other ball In Hunt nf ih,. ger tl.llll. All 1 still engine was 1 an in, the (llissoc and nulled lln. Ii.iIjiii. ,. to Terwllllger's Challenge. William Teiwilllgei nillioiinced Met night Hint lm challeuges KrauU II Jtuoue toi inn 100 anls tor a side bet of JUm, j r Quaiteiiy Meeting;. Tlfo.'ni-onomlc Coiistiut-tloii couipauy held theli ipmi icily meutlng ye.slpnl.iy at. tinnooil In Hie allien ot Alloiney Cli.ul's JJ. Daniels. Committed for Ten Days, I'.itllik Hot he, who was uin-slcd for cieatlnir a illstuilunte at the Cowio House, was tent to Jail yestenl.iy for 'ten days In default of n lino of JJ. Man's Ingratitude to Man. Jplm Dolond, of South Stranton, fur. merly In the employ ot Joseph itcdillng. ton. of at I'ciui avenue, was aiialgned In police t-outt yesterday morning, chaised wtlh tho ljuciiy of a pair of laco cur tulns valued at 1M. Ilolnnd was out ot eniploynit-nt and KcdUiiigtoii piovlded of Hie llelglit II. Iiu down Hie glade, Installation of Ofliceis. A plellMIIU sot-In I CMIilug ,,s sjieut by the ineillbeis of l.aekaw.iuii.1 lodge. No. l!'l. Independent llnler 01 Odd r,m at their ball, .W Vninliig avenue, lust i.lshl. the oet-asion btlug the Inslall.itlou of tho newl eltelnl uii, ein i,,, n, ..,,. suing leiin The Install itloii wa- i-oi. iliietid by Dlstilet Dipuiv (Ji.ind .Master J. V.. I Inn Is and stun ot which all aio IlieiuiR'l.s or uu. alioe liiilg, . Alter tho Illstllll.UI It llllll i-IH a llllieb una milliliter huh leuiunii to tlm nn-nilids and guests The tallowing oIIIu-im Weiu In Htalldl: Noblo guind, .1 I.. Webstei" Mm gianil, .1, K Stock; Hdld memlier ot Tlie 1 ellet committee. I'liiiiles n. Iv-lm.. slttlns past kimiiiI, A Itiownj heiiu t.ll. I! D Junes i MOTT'S REMAINS IDENTIFIED. Taken in Cliaige by Deceased's Son and Will Be Bulled Tomonow. Itel.ithes of Hie late Wesley .Mott, the .Mill C'tly fanner, who choked to death while eatliiK a piece of meat, on Thilisd.iy, came to this city yestef" da.. and lilentllU'd the it'inaliis. A j-Nier of the dead man, and also his -on, John Mutt, a lesldent or Diiijea, called at duslek's moigtii! and iiiiulo uiniiiiienientH for the butlul. The lemalns will be taken to the fcon's home today, and Intel nient will take plate tomonow. Typewriters. Fur sale cheap. Three Hammond type wilters la kooiI condition. Smoot, tho typew Utcr man, Guernsey bulldliig, Dn.viioD tiii: ctiAiioi:. l.tuliaid Cuills as convicted of nn us-siuli on HeiiJ.uniu, at I'eck vllle. The was put on tllal Tlittrs day hemic .Indue Kelly, Cuitl.i I.- ,i lioilie ulllci-r of IVtkvllIe and ho te.-t-tleil tli-it ci'iik and other .outin men wen- lolteiiiiK on u coiper and he told them to move on. Thty moved hlowly iiein.-H to the other 5hle of the .stiect, and then bewail to nwear ut him ami tall hliu names. ciini le Miller was tried befoie .ludKe Kellv ror .stiibbliiK Andiew Jeity, of Old Forire, In the ncik. It was allcstd that Miller boaideil with Jciiy and was mi bolsn'ious one ulKlit that Jeiry had tu put him out. On tho poteh Miller stubbed deny In the neck. Tho detend ant rlenk-d the stubbing )tn,i M,i( llmt deny attacked him without c.iue and hit him on the head with a piece of kus lilpe. chaile.s Kuhlman nleaded cruitn- in buiiliinir Into the Mote of Hie Abinir tou n.ihy company, on I.tiulen Htieet, on June ';, and was. sentenced to thiee yearn In tho penitentiary, ilo Is aji old mender und Is .suspeited of having t'oinmltted a number of buiBlanea lieieabouiH. At WiihhliiKton, I J. C. he bciveii timt yeam tor buiglaiy. Jolin flatten was tiled for HtealliiB Hi-nip Iron fioin Hie Stenlck Cieek Coal company. He admitted that be took s-ome s-einp Iron on one occasion, when he went theie with John l)ok, wl0 pleaded eullty eiluesday. He did not know It was any haim to take the Iron, A K'i'illct will be i etui nod today. A veitllct of not RUllty is i etui lied In the case of A. O. Unbelts, who wns tried for attempting to ussiault .Mis. Saiah Cioss, of Throop. The costs ere placed on the county. Mis. Cati-le. SuyeiK of Dotty htieet, was tiled hemic Judge Mtduto on a chai-Ko ot being u tonunon scold, Mar tin Dek'hmlllci'i ix neighbor, Is the The l'ieyele elub.s' league has at last been organized lor the mining year. At a meeting of thiee repie&cntntles each fl mil the Sctanton Hicytle club, IClee tiic City Wheelmen and Uieen Itidge Wheelmen, hi Id on Wednesday night last, a stbedule Lommlttee wes ap poiiited to aiiange a schedule of Unit games. The liist games me to be lolled on tlie night of Tuesday, November I, and pla will be iiintfiiiieil on eerj Tues day night theitattei. lOacli chili will be lepioseiiteil by two teams, and .some (specially good lolling is pioml.-id. Apothei- meeting will be lild dm lug the coining week to approte of the schedule and decide upon the prizes to be ufti'ivd. The Countiy club was to have lieeii lepiv-euteil 111 the league, but the Idea nas been given up lieenuse siilllcleiit elltliu-lasm could not be moused, Howling eh ties ,u e agog oer the pi li tis! matle against the playing ut Dolt ilck, the New Vol k crai-K, with the Hatkus team lust Wednesday niglit. A special meeting of tlie executive loin niitlee ol the league Is to lm held to inoriow alteinooii to consldci lb" mat ter, but it is nuestionable whether (no thing can be done, Theie was no pio test entPiert against Delttlck until nrter lie bad finished lolling, so that the games cannot be declared forfeit i d, mid It Is questionable whether any lulu can be adopted piobililtiiig the playing of men ft inn outside the city uu any ot the teams. THE PITTSBURG METHOD. Mode of Awarding Contmcts May Be Adopted Here. Uhector of I'ubllc Winks Itoche has leeched from I'lttsburg a sample of tho blank proposals whli-it aie piepatcd .In that city at tho beginning of every fis cal year, and the whole plan In fiuco In that city moots with such general appioval that the present administra tion may endeavoi to lime It adopted bete. The so-called "chaser" o the "tip per" bill piovldes Hint when a contiat-t Is let by the recouler and tho head of u department It shall Hist bo necebsaiy to secuio the passage by councils of an oidlnancu piovldlng for Its letting, hi cases when- contimts have been let this has been found to be a veiy ted lotis piot'css as councils generally take funn two to four mouths to pass such meiiKiiies, The plan ot meeting this dllllrulty, which has been adopted In Pittsburg, Is to secure the passage of a general oidlnancd authorizing the expenditure of all moneys nppiopi luted In tho gen eiaj appropriation oullnance. Tills is passed Immediately urter the appioprl atlou ordinance apd the heads of de paitnients Immediately mlveitlse for bids for all supplies leqtilied by tho vailous bureaus for the coming) year. A bijlky list or eveiy kind of supply used, hunt canned peaches to lawn mowers, and fi om bull nozzles to hay, Is printed and furnished all prospective bidders. Contracts aio awaided during tlm III st two months of the lineal year for everything"! ecmlred and much (line Is thus saved. to our them." Believes It Will. "Will the convention accept th nibl tration proposition'."' was piopounded iliteotly to Mr. Nlcholls. "1 think it will," was his icply. The companies maintain that, come what may. they will take cue of the men who stood by them dining the stilke. Fin thei nini e. they deflated theie would bo no places for found' employes who aie known to have as sailed the (ompanle.s' piopeity and workmen and participated in similar acts of lawlessness. It w'as also stated at tin- companies' olllces that under no eonsideiatlon would theie be a with drawal of the piosecutlons instituted ut their behest against strikers und their sympathizers who have been in tested for vailous olfenses against the law. President Ci aw I oul, of the People's Coal company, said he would letaln all the men at piesent woil.lng for Ids company and use his own illsiietlon about lilling out Hie full quota. New living quarteis, which will atcomnio date one bundled additional men ami which hae been In couise of tonsil uc tlon lor the past two weeks, eie tom pleted yesteiday. Meetings of all Hie locals weie held yesterday atternoon or last night and delegates elected to the AVIlkes-Hane convention. Nothing- authentic could be learned as to what instructions weie given. Incitement was occasioned, osttr day, at Olyphant by Hie finding of an Infernal machine at a house owned by a non-union man. The machine con sisted of a box containing ten sticks of giant powder, thiee sacks or gunpowdtr and two dynamite cu ti Idges with a tuse. It was dlsuneied in the bouse of Ilei medic IJaigaka, near the CSrassy Island colliery, by a detachment of sol dleis fioin the Thti teenth. under toni maiiil of Lieutenant Hi rig, who weie pi meeting tlie owner' ol tlie house, while he boaided it up, it having been leeeiilly vacattd. The lufe bad been lighted, but by reason of a defer t l cuine extinguished. Had tho explosives beta set oil' Ihelioiiso would lime been blown into spllntei.-. Four Men Suspended. Four men. stispetied of knowing something of bow the esploslvef came to be placed wheie they weie found, have been auested by tlie soldieis and are being held In the guaid house. They gle Hie names of Anthoii IMtl. Doinlnkk Tilbusl, Hugo Tilbu-! and Paul Mnrtelll The will piobably be glcn a healing today. In the miuu- llllie It Is expected that (oiulushe evli ui-iice win up iiiiusiliilleil to snow that the are tlie oius who ail-nipied Uu ilnstaidly deed. .Major Ueneial .Miller and bis stalf, wlio is making a tour ot the (amps, visited Hie F.lghth, Tutliih and Thir teen Hi regiments yesteiday u. (otilii give no dellulte liimim.itinu as to when or how the Hoops would be withdrawn. The general and his stall' traveled in a special Lai kawuiiuu tialu of tun eoitshoK 111 the general's p.uty weie I, leiltt ti ll lit Colonel AV, J. Kllott, assistant ad jutant genetal; LleutenantCoionel L. I1'. Loiee, ordliiante olllcei ; Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Oakfoid, Judge advocate; Major Lewis V neiller, aide-de-camp, Captain Fied .Snyder, iilile-de-iump; Major Fled Dei moody and Color Heigeant U. N. Jolly. Tho Held and staff of tlie Thirteenth and Hue olllcers of tile (iovei mil's Hoop enjoyed a squlriel dinner at the Thir teenth's headquarteis last evening, Tho squlnels weie the lesttlt of a hunting expedition by a p.uty headed by Major holding. The ICighth leglment exptcts oideis any day lor an election to III) tho mi cancy caused b the death of Colonel Hoffman and such other varaui-Jcs as this election may cause. Tlie regula tions prescribe that the elei Hon shall be nrdeied within ten days, when the hoops aie lu the Held, and thhty days when they are home. It Is possible the election orders may be delayed till the last moment, In letw of the ptoba billty that the leglment ma be soon onlered home, A special meeting of Local SW, United Mine AVoikeis of Aineilca, will be held lu St. John's hull, Pino Hrook, Katuulay afternoon, October IS, at 2 o'clock sharp, for the puiposo or electing dele gates to attend tho convention mx Mon day next. All members arc iequetiil to be present. ts for aturday Shoppers. n The chilly atmosphere of the past few days sug- gests warmer underwear. Underwear that does not J lit is tne meanest tmng one can wear, Decause it can- 25 not be made comfortable. X ! If K Hen's Underwear. ft ut every conceivable description, in an wool, natt wool, wool m fleece lined, heavy cotton ribs, etc., In more styles, welghtsand ft qualities than are to be found anywhere else In the city. Sizes from 32 to 50 Inches. Prices for wool gar- , d x merits are trom jyt Flannel Outing Shirts. ' ft fi In assorted colors, with or without collars. A dressy ft Jc vorking shirt for outside workers. Price OC ft flen's Warm Gloves. 25 Kid or Heavy Golf styles. All A makes, at right prices. , Hosiery and Underwear. g For ladies. A superb stock In all the fashionable fads and xi g fancies of the hour, as well as the good staple makes. " ft 5 Go Up-Stairs rf And look at the newest Furs, Cloaks, Suits, Walking Skirts' ( and Waists. Also Children's Suits, Jackets and Coats. There is stvle and nualltv uneaualled there at 0 m sizes, colors, weights and 5 WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES- iricCoiiiie&& & Co. H0 ft lt MtWW'iBWv'n?cH2,'YS5SX53cV35M mi.iiioiioiui.iiiuitff The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. rucfnimrfKsmDtirt'viM'inr ?Sjrxiflu'3x?ntXjtivutiji BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton. Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invite Inspection Whether You Arc Going to Buy at Once or Not. Hill & Connell, Washington Avenue y a o w VvV J unsSpmsff. 3 For Coughs and Colds Triuimplh Brand Three Star,' Per Bottle, One Dollar. This mixture of pure old rye whiskey and tlie best lock candy syrup is bottled under our personal supervis'on. It lias no equal as an effective rem-' edy for colds, sore throat, etc. Old 'Phone 2162. 5 yllro j AS VhWfl..-. n 2.k H2I6 LACKAWAMNAAve.SCRAtlTONV New 'Phone.. 2974. mm m PUBLICAN BALLY LYCEUAl THEATRE, flonday Evening;, October 20, 1902, PRINCIPAL SPEAKER HON. WM. H. MOODY, SECRETARY OF" THE NAVY, Sons of Cambria Olee Club and Lawrence's Band. Everybody NAelcorpe.