The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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S -
Superior Advantages Offered
According to Modern and
Approved Methods.
Will Bo riosontetl to Four of the
Successful Contestants In Tho Tilb
tine's Educational Contest An E:;
copttonnl Offoi Dcsolptlon of the
Methods Used in the School Pi 1
vatc unci Class Touching Instiuc
tlon Given by Miss Haidcnbergh
and Mr. Sumner Salter Both Aie
Prominent and Successful Tcacheis
nnd Musicians Art Department in
Charge of Miss Hester A. Woith
ington A Lender of Ability and
Renown Full Desciiption of the
Tour Scholarships Offciod by The
Tribune Only One Week Moie of
the Educational Contest Yester
day's Changes nnd Results rive
Dollais to Be Given to the Con
testant Scoring the Lnrgest Num
ber of Points Befoie 5 p. m. Today.
Sl'ltANTOX Inix uihll .j
nulling in m t-iit ji-um tin
teputatlutl of nil din ntlnniil
center 'I'lu- Kiowlh (il the ( lt.
111 Its appuelatlnn ill tin. tiiu
nits, especially tin- nit ot nui'-it, luiv
boon p.irtleuluily liotli lalile. anil itiuniiK
other causes mull IhutiiiK to this il--l-upinc-iil
Iiiie. li- on u Hit- Inuiciii-e
and work of The llmdenheiKh School
of Alin-k- mid Alt. This institution
was established l- .Miss s. l.ouhe
JIci! ilenliet ph. i.sMM l.iu-il with AIli-s
Jlt-.stei A. Wen tliliixlnu. In tin- f.ill of
1MIS. The object nl its exlabli-hine it
V.IS 111 llfflllll SUIL-1 lor .IllMlllt. !t"s In
the --tilth of -Alii-ii .mil Ait, m i (inline
to Hit- must liioili-i n .mil .ippiowil
methods of pi hate nnd tl.isy tc.i liintr.
Virgil Clavier Method Used.
Tn the (mining ol Hit- iil.ino
pupils of the sohool die pi inclples tor
niul.iti'd by .Mr. A. K". Vilgll nnd known
n.s the "VIikII 'l.iler .Method" an.-i-losely
nilheied to. In this method the
nil" of "one thins; .it .i linn .mil taut
thlm? ritfht" luediiiiilnnles, A.s an nld
in acriuliiiifr tiiiie.-t li.iblis i,i pluyiuK,
the various tpialities of m-llstU- loin li,
pioper uei vims and phsslial londliioiiH
at the keyho.iid. as well us to .stiiiiuhite
a moie thoughtful apiilk-ation to study.
thoimiKh use is iiiihIi- m' Hie Viis'll
piaotko elavier, cspcj-lullv In the cm ly
sIorcs- of the pupils' nilvjiu emeiit.
Dlieet iitlentioii liom (he nuts-el ls
riven to Mind-Contiol. Spei Inl et-r-t-ise.s
for tills iin no--e sue eniplojed and
i oiistantl. kept hefiu i- the pupils, m
faet, every eeui-e, 1i-iiK
niemoilxt-d. bet tunc u .stnd, In inlml
as well a n MiiKPi contiol. liialn tei h-
liielloiiilltiili rcnler, .Mr. Sunnier filler
Wns diffused It) ilKsiielnte hlx Intel i'"Im
Willi those or the school In taking
ellilfKi' of the iiilvuill-cd elilMse-i 111
pliinn, ni'Kiin. thi-oiy nnd liiiiiuoiiy.
.Mr. Sillier Is u mindi'lnn nnd teiielier of
nuilllie mid wide espcrleiiee "lid eul
tllie, whiixe lepillittloil extendi
iliioilKliollt the (oillitry. He lui- iiiuiln
"-Hell a iIhiioiikIi mid t imipiehciisdvc
Nlllil. of the pliinn III nil It m teclinlciil
ilelulK that he I looked up to iim mi
iiiltlini-lly upon this subject. Km- iner
thlee ,cui.s Mi Snlier wus- the rilllni
of the musii-nl nnniihlv. 'The I'lmilst
nlld tlienili'il." lie llti been pi-ontl-lieilllv
lilont ilh-il Willi the Viilintis lead
in;,' liillli ll el tfiinl-'iillons o ttir- lotlii-
II . I' iMiiit liei n I'm -li!i nt of the .Vew I
oik Stnl" Mr.sii Tun Ik-is' A a, in-!
lillll III IV.lT-IVIS. i,.. ul he A'lH I- I
i mi (iiiild nr ()i iitjt.i Ivi'i-pini), mil'
I'm- lii,in, m ,u j an otlli i ol- th,. M mil- '
sirlpl .-mii I. lj of (m VniU Km tin
the imvt elitturcd families nf. tho city,
nnd sevei-nl of them have secured.
pchol.-U.hlp.i In Phllmlelphln. art
ni'lttifilii Two finve teeelved tneilals for
original ili-nwlupi In New Vmk, and
ttrslniit for silverware W'eie. ncceplcd
hy a lloflkn llitii,
()iitlde nr her roKtilur wlmiil work,
.Mint Win tliliiKlim Iimh liml chitiKo of
the ni'l elnsse-A In Hie .mcIiooIm of the
MIspph Alei-rlll, the .Inliii Ilnynmiid In
'tlltlte, nnd the School of the huckn
uunilii, mid lecelved IiIrIi IcHllitiiiiilnW
riom the eMleeiiii'd Air. Walter A. Illiell.
Tour Scholarships,
.The Tilhuile oll'eis four KcllohlislilpM
III Hie Hiiidenhel-Kli School nf Allisle
nnd Art. Ilni'li of Ihco Mchiitatiihlpy H
unexcelled 111 IW fla, The llttt Ih one
.m-iii'm (iniise or foity weeki, one hour
eiieh week, pilvnte Instl lli-tluil 111 pliinn,
uiider Air. Siiiiiiirr Suiter, valued ut
S200. No. t! is- one jc.u'i eoure of forty
wi'i-Uc, two one-hall hnill-M rueli week,
pihnte Instltlclliiii III plane, under .MIj-h
llnidt iilicl'Kll, valued .'it Slirt, No. 11 Is
n one rm''i (olll.e ol- lolly Weeks, two
limn inch week, lniiui tluu In pliinn
In the lemihil eliisiei, itinli i Allss-Hani-lilu
u;h, Milueil a I .Sii, Then tlp-ie
If mi an si hoi. i-hlp ol ol't wiek.s In
.ui iiKul.ii- nit cotiisc, under Aliisl
ll.kl.i V Wi.fl lilm.l Mti tlnflli -ll.n N'l.lj !
' ' ' ' rt " li,--. , ,, ,-
IPnk the tot il Mlltle III Ihe I'olll
V' llol iiIiih $(ill
yesterday In Tho Tribune's Kdhcnllonal
Contest, ,u9 follows!
William II. Sherwood ....11
Lewis CI, ISutes.... .( 7
l-ird K, riuustcr... it. i!
1 'limit H. Mt-C'rrnry...... i
Vim ties i Uofpoy ......... i , a
Ailluii' J. Thayer , 3
.1 A. lliiveiiMtrllt',. , e,
I.. 10. Stiinton.,,, , l
There were llnee pioiiuitloiis- or ad
viilleemeuls In the lint, t'lim-lns W,
IJoney piiHced Alnxwill Shrplinul ror
the mi i mid time in n week mid iiRitln
Knew to tenth plan', l-'iutik I!. Alifieary
went by .Ml "it Heattlie llnipur and
lakes Mowntielith iiluce. Aithur J, piinst-d AUhs Almy YeitRpr and
ntiikps hl re-elitiy ihiuiiik the leadeip,
belnjr now in llility-thlid plme, Allss
YeiiKPi- ill lipping out of Ihe iiiulu table.
All-, Holes has u Kood lead for the
Speelnl I'ontest, which i lo-ies IoiiIkIu n
l" O'clock-. I''ll- (lolllllM 111 Rtllll Will lie
awuided lo the eontentnui who seorpi
the lai-RPstTiumber of points this week,
but they limit be In this- ollh e hy the
lime nailied or they will not lount. Ah
this Is the last speeint contest iinil the
lai-'l opportunity lor nny iniitest to win
Kiiuellilnn' extiu liesldeti Ihe siholnr
shlp, tin le should he coii'ldenible nul-
iniillnn In tin- Contest lldltoi'.s olllce
this nlternooii.
There me sevrn innie ihis In foi-e the
i loe of the IMilcitloiinl t'oiitist The
SIM.- 1
, r
When Children
Bring Home
nothitiR gmlifictthcm like Hip RiiiRcrbreail, or ninser-
stnps, innie with Vuvv'A Ui'.rtiN-nt). All cool.-3 nnd
notiscuccpai- who have used I)upi's Rkimnkd
ciuicklv learn its t' b.ikinirnnniuinu .:i. i:..i..
. - o ;,'." -!.... .i oily.., ..Hi, U)-ill
cookitlir. and a never fniltmr vtmvlrn-,1 r,t .r,.,i.,.., nn.
childteu nnd p;rown people find nil added charm in whntcver
UtTF'g Ui:i'iN)'.t) Mor.ASSi'.s cntcrd, and for general tabic usv.
it is a3 surglv the bcsl.
Hiinlenb:n-,!i School of Music a:ul Art RecGiition Room,
r has In n (lie i Ilin v
I'liaiiil I'oMiill will be
oiV.iuist in tin
Ni - Yolk i"ll.
ill I in- .ilroliil.
past t ,n ji'ii" .Mi S ill
iilRaniM of Ih :; i
I'lilM-l it . Ih i- I in
I Mo idua T.iln I i;n le,
1 le is n Mi in ln-lie er
neceitv ol a iIioiourIi and .tll bal
aii( ed tethnhal touiidntloii for Ihe ait
ol piano plalniv but i'- e'liinllv Pun in
htlii-iii!f llial tei link is , tillable oulv
as a melius tt ,m end, vhhh is miisi
tal expiessloii. All. Salter uus one nf
the artists seiei led to e a sei I, s of
oin.iii eout-ei is at the I'an-Aiiiei lean
t:.pii'-ltinil. His cla----i-s In the ll.inl
enlieryli Hi hunl oT Aheie and Ait in
clude ol llie pioinlilent piano
H.tiheis o Sei.intim and klnii.
fine of tle"-e I'oiii -i 1ml i mp-il)-oltlt(
l liii to th, tonti -t-
ailts whn i lioosu tllelll al the i lo-1 nf
the contest Tiny ina. In --i hi ltd of
Miss WorthuiHton.
-t i-the
A i
I boniiis ol
ll r
eitll I
omis n-i n or w unit n.
Doisey. McCieaiy nnd Tliayer Went
Towanl the Top Yesterday Spe
cial Contest Closes Today.
S(andin: of Contestants
net nl( w ill )iobahl. hi oat ui meat
sti.iin to niaii of tin contestants, Ui
aie urn I ni'; hiid to letain or linn ie
tlulr pifHciu piisltloiis; hut tin- j,oal lo
whii li all t u- aie in nt is well woilh
leachiim and it is i-afe to .-ay that. not
cm who ha' imk.ikhI in the suiiuiile
will ieiHlMt.
Aithui .1. 'I'liay.-i, ,, t-'outh Hi i. niton,
wiiosi pinuaii appeals tip. niiirnlnK,
did nol enti r tin tonii-i mi l II It was
View ot Music Stiulio.
Hie Is, In fact, moie than
llliser teeluile. I'upll.s at,, at culie
ni.idp to undeistaiid that iiiliui is the
pieiit, the all-iiinlrollliiK pnwei m
It-.iinins to play. J'l Inclples me Uiunht;
po.slthe facts pie.sented. Not only the
nipcli.inkal hut the muskal laeiiiiv is
tialnrd tluouah the jut-seiitatlou of
fiict-pi Inclples,
The N'IikU I'lavler Is uiilvci-Millv ne
osnlvced a.s -the most t-llh lent aid in the
study of tin piano, and Is cniliu.seii
l the world's Kit-atest plnulsth anil
Miss Haidenbexgh.
Miss IlaideiilieiKh Is well known as
one of Hi-i union's must pniuiineiit nnd
successful P-acheis ami liiuslcl.iu.s.
Her professional cnreei as t.-ai her ln
pau as the asslstmit m tin- well known
cont'Pit artist and In.striu lor. Air. Kail
Sehlmplf, with whom she studied tot
peveral you is. Shu furihei piirsuetl
her studies uiidt-r Hdwaiil AIoiils How
man, PiPAldout of the Aineilian i'ol
JtBi of Alusiclniis; lr. HiirIi .. I'l.nKi,
of the riiverst ot I'eiiiisylvanhi Mi'
Cliailes H. hauilon, nnd otliei pinnu.
nent educnlois in music, wuk Mn
sli iniido an csliauslho stud.v of in,,
A'IirII and Alasou methods foi piano
fm to In their i elation to uiuslcal t f .
feels ami e.pie,sshn pl.tylntr. Mis.
HaidenbetRli's pupils June-met win,
maikeil success us teiieliets; one li.u
inR the jut-sent illsiluctlou of bolntr a.
clhtuiit to Air. tlllhert II, Coombs in
.the Hioad Stieet Coiisei-.itorA. I'hlla
Idelphla, Mls.s II.irdenberBh Is a mem
her of I he Alusln Tencliei.s' Vallon.l
LShhot-latlon, Viee.Pieslileiit for hut kn
rtvunuj rouilty Of the PeimsvK.inl.,
luslc Tpiicliets' Ktnto As.soelatlon, and
s a wide actiunlntuucc with
leuuiMtoiH of tho day.
Mr. Sumner Salter,
nt-t-oi dunce with tho hluh l,i..,iis
k'llylnif the establishment of the
lil and with ii view of ulfualliiR
nis In Scianton uml cii.iniiv. n,..
itloiiul advantaRes of muslciil till- ,
men as aio usuaiiv eniiv,.,i n,
tla-s at (In Aim Kind Tustitute H, h,,l
nt All mid iJislRii ISaltliuoie She
lmiRhl siiiie.-sliilly in Tow -on n-il-tute
iiii-.iiinK linlli"-, and In lie- Hilii
nuue I'Vnialt CollfRe; uiiiler the kite
'llstiuRiili-hed Dr. .N'atliau Humk-,
Later she tmiRhl the l'litiiR .s.xsnni in
the IS illiiiiine pulillt St html--, and
hioiiRht to this illy the lilRlu-st tt -ll-iiiouiuls
Uoiii ('miliiiiil (ilhlitins, 1'in
fi'ssiii in Id A. Niiinlwaiil. tin nii-tlj
III tliiuiie of ihe Aliii.vland lin-lltule
Sihool of Ait ami Hisii-u, uml .Mr.
Ilelin A. Wise. Sllpi lllltellileui of the
llalliiiiuii- public .schools,
.miss WDi-llilniitiiil was n ted toil
t'laiiitiu to take i-hui'sii of A!i-s
Sw.mii'H Schoiil of Ait. Sliiif In - it .
ih me In Si laiiloii she has done inin h
to eh-Mile the si.iudmd of alt. UsiiiR
tuny sip n in,t.N
me i ak ul, it, d i,,
in tin
tit in
c iss loiini as
.'I I I il no
1. A. J. Kellennan. Scinntou.f)-i5
:2. Charles Bin in, Vandliug.GtG
J. wuimm T. S. Rocuiguez,
Scianton 5
4. Wm. Sheiwood, Haifoid. .550
0. I'red K. Gunstei, Green
R'dgo 52S
0 Oscar H. Kipp. Zlmhurst.517
7. Heibeit Thompson, Cai-
bondale 50!2
8. Albeit rieedman, Belle-
vue 3SG
9. J. A. Haveii&tiitc, Mos
cow 359
10. Chas.W. Doisey, Scianton. 3!2G
11. Maxwell Shcpheid, Car-
boiulale 323
12. L. E. Stanton, Scianton. .221
13. Haiiy Madden, Scianton.. 170
1-1. Hendriclc Adams, Chin
chilla 15S
15. Lewis Bates, Scianton. . . . 144
16. Homer Kiesge, Hyde Paik.105
17. Fiank B. McCieaiy, Hall-
stend 104
18. Miss Beatiiee Haipur,
Thompson 100
19. Miss Jane Mathewson,
Factoiyville 02
20. Fred Kibler, South Sernu-
21. Don C. Capwell, Scianton..
22. William Cooper, Piicebuig
23. Louis Geie, Biooklyn. . . .
24. John Maclde, Piovidence.
25. Hemy L'. Collins, Kizoru. .
20. A. L. Clark, Gxeen Giovo.
27. Hugh .Tohnston, Fotest
2H. Miss Edna Coleman,
Seranton 40
29. Walter Hallstead, Scran-
ton 44
30. Giant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 42
31. Lee Culver, Spiingvillo. . 41
32. Elmer Williams, Elmhuist 30
33. Aithur .1. Thayer, South
Scinuton 37
is refined from the best New Orleans moiasses by our special process. Sold in plain top
or sctew cap cans which keep it from all harm until it reaches your table. Bttv a box of
Duffs Refined TaJ) made from Duffs Refined Molasses, and see how ?ood ' taffv ean
be made when ihe molasses is tight. Booklet of choice recipes sent free", on request
P. DUFF. & SONS, Pittsburg '
AUTIiri! ,1 Til S KH
m ally
. ue list
Pf ' ,., ; The" Man Who Ate WSM
& 'Missed a Lot by Not 8
Having a Package of fl
p? Oysterettes 0m
w$w $$ The yster cracker with a ta$te u w
sfiVrl Gives an added zest and lelish to every kind of soup 0ffl
'34 Always bold in In-er-beal Packages. Price 5 cents iH
niiec moiiiiis .no. it ,is on j
-", that All. Tlia.M i-1 niolleil mil
In- was ihe nini t...-ei ntli to t.iUe -ni h '
action. Ah. Th.iNei's name appeals in'
the main tnble this lnuiuinj;, H nK !
tin M'loud tlni". lie lti-. ihiit-tllid
plate lu-l weilv IIihiuhIi .lolin Al.n !,! N -
cleat!ou, hur Is; u the Inlil aK.iln,
nnd ihe piob.ilnlitii - -it 1I1 11 t
l-malii lie it-, as in hits shown nitat
mi in-stnt -s ami (i inmuitiiiu
spin if. Ill pup Is au- lion iililo !, j l.l-ht .. ei -l I.. I'einMI -ll Moi-t?
1 MKSk.imm MmMwmrmtmmi?mtf3..mkhi,mzmmM!im
special nmm mm
to tin- lontist ml m 01 In- ih,. laiKi't
llllllllii 1 III palllls III! u, ,.v elid
ing HmilUl.l.t , lit tub. I Is
I l.i-uis Hatih -,
-' .lollii AlatKle :!7
.'! Ihlliy 11. Collins ;
I. lliiKh .loluisiiin
r, lli-udiiiK Ailmiui is
1: Alaxwell Sln-plu-id p;
7. Win. T. 5. Undiiirinx pj
N William II. t-'heiwoiil us
!i. Kui.ik I! Alit'icaij !
10 Chaihs W. joim-' p)
I 3 MILLlNG C0, vlll
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the AOM: W.
On the lleuch, in Chelsea, Atlantic Clt,
I lllll Ml 1 Hits J7
K"l appoliitnicut ot a uiudci-n HuUI.
GgmES EBSffl$$
, ,..t.t ,'... . i 1. . .. , . ,.
out ii-ti nun minus iiniitato pour
luiiluiloii of the blood and it iiervotia
pieilisposllion to luku Cold,
Mum cold htiu-t Willi ilieeknd elrcu
l.ulon Known hy a ihin w phlvcr, culd
I t mid hands.
Tin u.-e of "77" Marls t)io blond
tom-iiiK thinugli (ho vulny, tho ux-
111 t,s W'UHi up. nnd the Cold Is
hol -li
I Di lluuiphteyh' "77" consists; of .1
final! ial of pleaMint pellets iUb the
I pot Ket.
lioutul.i Aunut.-, l'iist lluu-l fiom IK-Jtli, At
luiitiu til), .V J,; ul Ich ruuui,, i.a.
I'jtUv luo; riu- tot ii' uttM. J. ll, Jenk.
ins, I'nip
On 4 spui ot the llelian Muiini.ilm, I iil-li
.1K) iiilliojil, 111 11 'I on uml 1 llilhln.-. IU mi,-,
tportl, tin Kitrlltiii t ihle lttuuinlilii I i sj
l O,, Ajivu, fa, Soml fui Lol,l;t.
When your boy or girl needs a pair of School Shoes you
.should buy them here because: You don't haje to take any
chances. We know the superior quality in every pair and will
ingly guarantee them. We can do this because: All our School
Shoes are (although at extra cost to us) given special attention
from the lime the leather is selected until the last stitch is iewed.
At the same price you get better value here.
jlUdts.' f 1 uii. ji.:.i, ?i.eo
Child's 7-,, 1 OU
Iloyi' l.(M
ViiUlUn' mi
Little drnta' '
33.0 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Door to new First National Bank Building,
Beds and iox Springs
Aie our specialty. We sell the very best iron and biass beds
made. Their quality shines all over them. Of course, we
make line mattresses to go with line beds. Prices are low.
l all liui.i;i).s a 1 puis,
n-ipt 'if pi lie Dot tot h
01 11 tiled 011
Hiiolv Atiilled
1 I'l-
lliiinpliiet. HuiiifiiiMlliU. Aledlilne Co ,
'in William anil .luliu stu-et.s, Svw VmK
Viuw ot Art Koom.
fCj 1 i 1
Spctlil to the Hi'iantou Trlhuni)
I Unity. t)it. 17. Ah Until an I s-ui,
of nuuiiioit-, weiu the gui-ots 01 i',uien
lluliill this weel;.
Ah.-). Alnij liriiiiou. of Aliitiimmaf ,
It-lied 1 -ImUeK In town. Tluisdu.
Alls. .Triliu Shipmau, of .Stiantun, Ikih
In en islt liir I law ley filtnds.
The ItiULiiil of the lute (ieitiiuk,
Unify w.ih held ut St. I'lillunienu iliuieh
on AVednesdii mornlns. lU'V. 1. C.
WlllttiH ollielated,
JUhs liiilh Cole, of New York, has
been i.dtliiK in town.
Ai. nud .Mis. I'etex I.yiu-h. of Pint
Jeis, wi-te In town WciliitfMlay, to at
tend the funeral of Airs. l,ym,hs nine,
Albs (icilrudu Unify.
Allsh H.iruh Kuapp, who has ill
foi the past wvvh, Is linptuvlnt;.
F. A, KAISER, Manager.
Lncknwnnnn and Adams.
Doth !Pliones
'h J"fr ! J' . .fr i -ii .j. i . , . . . ; M ! ! ! ! 4. -M, .j.
If You Want
The Best
lor Cash or on finsy
r.iyinciits, Lull 011
. . , . 117 Wyoming- Avenue
All Prices. Old In-
Vaiious Makes of Pianos at
struments Taken in Exchange.
-. -