The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    s sli n jeJfHj1-5 -sa
r4pw -r kMCr-t vaft. g. TnT.Ew.yi, .-wf 1
rJKSfflf-w "j-tj -
i 'i 11. - 3.hjy v
The News of
Organized Undei Dtiection of Piofes-
sors Firth niul Einest ThieleAn
Enthusiastic Stmt.
An oiKiinlriitton of local nnisU Imi
who have combined for social pulpites
nml developing this linislenl talent nr
the town, was ingiittled mi Thinsdity
Piofossur Tilth Is the oilgliiiilor.
The success of hit offoits will iiiiii ftit
In the enthusiastic meeting; of Thitis
diiy night. t'iofeoi 12uii"t Thiele, or
St i uliton, win selected ns leiidoi. I!e
henmils under liN illii't'tlon will he
held enth Thufdiiy iiIkIH. It be
tiusted to Pinf. Thiele In select such
music ns Mill he suited to the highest
development of the musicians.
The inembeiship or piesent It us lol-
Violins illsses ilnrio (liuluilil und
ttobeits, Jlessis. William lAiiult, l.ion
lllV, JIUBh I'Tith. Itoheil Oiinlner,
Joseph t-ottii", l.duiiid Cm l oil.
Viola Piofes-or A. P. Thomas.
Cello Mm. 12 D. laitlnop.
Klutes I2ilwnid Mill". YVim
uott. Clnilnots Wallace llisttd. i:. .1. Hlv
Comets (!. I Ai-1.pi man, Oni don
Dltnock. Uefoiil f'opeluiul.
Tiombones Thomas Dow thwnlle,
Theodoie Spell.
Bass Mol r. V. Hlv.
PIiuio ills fleitiude
Gloomy News fiom Gieenfleld Town
ship That Ciop Has Tailed.
Like the sto'.m Hint lobs us ot the
-iiii-iiino. i nines the depiesiniv ms,
.ifter the ohiiilul tidings or the settle
ment of the dieudfiil t o.U stiiKe, Unit
the nop heie.ihouts li 11
lulled Ileie, Indeed, we leel the vlil
sltudcs ot life Saved rioni 11 nation il
calamity, one that nlfecud nui coil
bins, we ronie l.ue to luce with one
Hint stilkes ns In a 11101 e tender spot,
, In the legion, our evei satisfied h.
The hcniei or the doleful news was no
less .1 peison.ige than the s,ie or
Giecnfitld, the in 111 or main tut Island
f.ibhs, Donanee llucklev P.utdette.
"You won't eat 1.0 1 .ikes
this wlntei, ill. Man," soiiowiully
ijtioth Doile the other dn. 'I'll it l.
ou won't wet mi InieKwheat to sptak
or 110111 Ciieenilelil Win ' Well, be
cause it's all spiouted on .11 count of
the lain. What do J mean bv -ptoiit-nl.'
Well, it takts a funnel to post
you ctlj lolK- Wei1, did ou eei hie
t union 01 a potato -pi(iul' t)h, ou
ilid, did mju ' Well, it', a woniki uu
know that iniiili. Well, that's what
the buckwheat nns done And I'm will
ing to ote the Demon. illt- tl Ket, II
ou 1. it main i.iKes this ulnlii inKid
out or Oicenlleld "
What n --Til mission ouis is lo 1111
pait this inroi ination, t 101 voir will ap
pieilato. It will he liaid lines io vt e
the family giiddle hang idle 11e.11 the
Kitchen stoo in the old das to 1 nine
The la111lll.11 sign hi the stieet 1.11 that
leads ' Cioss-ionds jioi K vaiisise Willi lakes ale gieit thee liostv
mornings," like the 11 tin 11 game with
Jlonesilale, will be lonsjili nous b its
ahseiup. The maple .nii ot tlic pm
iliut ot 'io. whii h his been boikil dm 1
loi the tenth 01 'leeiith liuie, will line
to sta 011 the slielr loi anothei sear,
and tin one season nt least will be
stilled the nke of the fat waitei in the
test.1u1.111t. with his buslne-s-liiu' shunt
ot "Oulei o' sUee buttons an' nil) pull
.sill till."
These me a lew ot the i.ilaniltoiis
happenings Hint me suggested to 0111
liightoned minds b Hie sudden and
such wholh iiiiPNputed news or the
falliue of the buckwheat nop. of
ionise we line some consolation In
" ------ .1 on nil II HII
is "Aunt c.ntliiii's Instantaneous
U'aines," "Ciiile Josh s Jolinii.-oii-tlii-r,ot
Plnnnel iVtlvo" "PinLiLcr, it
.mining 111,11 we nae tlll left with
Chest's I.011B I.ile In. m Dodseis' and
the ".eer Ole Health Club's Vitality
Pieseniii"- slab Jacks" Hut these,
lllKed mill hiked though thty ate while
jou sinlle, .lie onlr 11111K1 -lii(ih foi the
buikwhe.U lakes like mothei 11-til to
inale. The sad t.ut lenialus 1h.1t theie
will be nothlns doliiR- in the okl-lash-loned
bui-kwheat line this lomiiiK lon;,
mid lonesome wimei.
"My Fiiend Hogan."
It Is- pioniised that theie will be n
nlRht of fun this evening nt the (liand
when the "Jh Pi lend Hok.i,ii,"
will be inodilied. Hpei ial .sieiieij is,
can led foi this piodiu tinn.
"Faust" Monday Night.
Ah an Tnuui's prodtRtion of 'Taust"
will be set-ii at the oppia hou-e .Monday
eenliiB.. The play ot Itseli was a sui".
tlem. for an eMnliiB'H enteitiilninent,
but as .1 spoeinl featuie, the Otinod
(imutette, Miss Jeanne Nlbln, Milolst of
national lepute, mid Iloiul Piblottei a
basso unei elleil, have been engnhed,
Sembiich Conceit Tickets.
TieltPth uie on bale at CI.uK'h diutr
stme, Salem nenue nnd Chuieli stieet,
Theie Is a Way.
."l.iiskeil luisbainl to Ret Mime Utape
Nuts, the leads ionised loud lie
In ought them at noon, mid 1 .seiwd a
dlsdi foi illnnei, for 1 ihotiRht what
was Rood foi lueaktiiht was Rood lor
mi other mml. Well' do nu know
we did not eat luilf mi heuit ot the
nieiit, iotntoe.s eu, after eatiiiR the
nrape..Vut.s. U niled ,,lU Wlluui
Mhli'h the ipruIui fUie did not.
The 'new spa pei puff' as I used to
call them (I know better now) ate nut
one bit too btrong me not slioinj
enouKh, foi steadier nenes, bettei loin
plexlon, lnei eased unduiaiice and u 11
newed leseivefund of SU01115U1 aie uuw
infiio, and I cannot be too thankful. 1
can ialk llo miles without one.iaf
ns much loss ot stienBth us when 1
foimeily walked one.
If, In cleaning house mul iiiiiueious
other back breaking tolls we women
must do, we would all piepuie a dish
of Crape-uts Jnstead of the old time
'cup of tea o brace up on,' one would
soon bee the difference.
X have .found, since using Grape-Nuts
that mental occupations, -which months
ngo weie taxing und fatiguing, me now
leal pleasuies. 1 un think steadily,
nnd with such ease, Uy putting u
spoonful of Grape-Nuts In a cup of
isood, llch Postum, 1 have a dilnk lit
for a King." Name glen by Postum
Co., Iiattle Cteek, Mich,
A pot Hon has been lesenpd for Car
lioiidallans, which will hsuip a sott of
fiunlly elide as It wpip, for pultons
fiom this I'll y,
James Kelly, Who Piosecttted Police
man McAndiew, Mulcted for Costs.
The mm diet of Hip Juiv hi uilnillial
lotul this week wlilih plated the costs
on .tames Kelly, of the Hush section,
In his assault and b.ittety case against
I'litiolintiu William MeAndtew Is gin
erall tegnided as a piopei liiilUutloii
and as upliolillng n polleemmi In the
ili'-cluuge ot his dllt.
Catbondale Men of the Foige Oigan-
ize a Toot Ball Eleven and Issue
a Chnllenge Other Giidhon News.
Tile lat-st iiuiiilsltlon to Hie foot ball
win Id lieienboiils Is an eleven made
up I10111 the blmksiiiltlis of Cmbnu
dale. Tlnu me leady to take 11 plunge
Into tills kind of fun Nwlth ntn team
01 uiniksmitiis in bin kawiinnii iotini,
the game to be plnjed heie, on hlstoilc
Hum's Held.
The line-up N as follows: Hedell,
tentei; Hell, left guatil; Mppeit, light
gll.nd. Abbein, lelt tinkle; V. Bin k
le, tight tackle: Alf. Vey, left end;
Mitt hell, tiinitei back; Stephson. light
Inir baik, T. Htiiklc, lett hilr baik;
X. Cogglns, full back. X. Moon, man
age! ; Blllv .Mitchell, tnpt.ilu.
Tile Indian's foot ball season In Cm
hondnle wll open 011 DufU's Held this
uftel noon. The Jpi invn team will be
the eompetltots
Th" Cottage Juiilois will pla the
Auhbalil team at Alumni paik this
aitiMUouii, beginning at J o'lloik.
The W.inlois or f-'outh M iln vt1Pet
suit the S If. S team or .leinnn
home on Thilisila afleinooii with a
sliut-oul. The Moie was fi-0
The Ci lone loot ball team 1 halleiiges
1111 eleen In the ilty w bo- .neiage
weight is not o ei 140 pounds.
Ml- fteoige P. Mills, who Is 111 at
the hoiue or hei sstet, Mis J. It XIi h
nlson, tin Xoitli Clllliih stitit Is sllght
1 impioeil Owing lo hei Illness she
was unable to take pait In Wednesday
(enlng's mush ale to the ills ippnnt
nient or ilium admlieis,
I'.itiliK Keough, who li.ih btcn eni
piojfil at Chestei foi seeial months
his again taken up his lesltlente In this
Joint P. Collins, liTt jesteidaj foi
Omaha Xeb . wliete lie will attend as
a delegate the national coinentiou or
the Young Men's Institute. He is al-o
ijitional lie-piesident ol the oiganbu
tion. John Walsh, 01 Seenlh been with the icgulai
Philippines Is home again
avenue, who
.mm in the
his lei in or
enlistment having eplied.
Miss Louise Wm ts, ot Philiidelphia,
is the guest or hei loin-ln, AIis i; I,
Hcxaii, on Quluiy avenue. Miss Wuits
is the daughtei ol T P Win Is, a tlvll
and mining engintei, lniiiiril a lesi
delit or this Mille.
The iii 11 tollv uuetlilg
rpNcopul tliuiih will
IIIOIIOW Illlllllill wilh
(List .111(1 SILI.IUKIII
ut Hip vlclliitll-t
be oll-iiveil IO-
ihe usual love
l't. siding liitiu
A .11 in 1 will pit. ieli hi tin evening
(!ttiint Owins, of btcoiiil stieit, while
pining iitiiinil a hav t iillei at the Dt'lii
v lie nml Hudson mule bun estt nl.iv ,
hid his (inf., 1 uuij,iit in .1 loor-wlitfl
nml so b iiiiv liimigleil thai It will pioh
ably have to In amputaliil Hi was al
ii mil tl h Di Ciiiivis
Ml. anil Mis '. 1: UilfUUis ami two
(llllilien, and John T. (lillllths, iiltriulf tl
Hie fiimial ot the lite Mr :mliouv, at
West St i.intoii, on Thuisil,iv
John .Mill pin, ot tlio i:isi bide while
thopplim wood al bis home (sttiili,
had ilie misloitiiiie to stilke his loot,
stveihik an mtt-iv anil eaii-ing a spoie
lltMUUIl lllltji
.luspph Ttiiibv, who iiinvid to Jolins
towu about .1 ve.u .igu, is letuinhig
nt,.iili to tills lioitiilgli. ills litnisi hold
Ktioils weie shipped heie this wtsk.
Ml. mul Mis Will.iid . llnbst.u have
tiiken up til 1 1 jesiiiinee In Stiantou
VVnltei Wlnlltld Msieiiluj movtil lo
Ttckvllle, while he will ill flltltle It side,
having atipptcd 11 jiosltluu wilh Kh.ij's
Kpps coinpinv.
Mis ' J). Williams, ol 1'oiiilh
stieet. Ih ifinlliiid lo hi 1 lionie bv Illness,
llfrt Cubit, ol Cile 1, X, Is heie on
a fiw- ilavs' lst nnd lnisv h iinl-h iking
with his fuuuei old fill mis
W. K. Ilmlgpi, ol CimtltMv slitiM, Is
slow I) leiuMlhig fiom a evtie nttiuk of
Mi.s. 1:, A, .Mtisbt 1 ant) dniihhtf 1, Allss
'Jiininui, bine leliuneil home, ulln
s nillng M'Vtliil wtekif ut Hlliibt'th,
X. J.
Itulb day set v lies will be held In lie
lllakel.v ll.iptlst ihuuli lomoiiow. At
tiie morning mm v lie Di HpeniTei will
pieaeli on "The I'uilviih'il Hilt," and
In the evening his stibjeit will be "The
I'lispeakable Jo.v,"
A V liovvei, ol S-tiaiitou, will 1 011
diiet the set lees u the Congiegiitloual
1 Inn ih tonuuiow evening,
The Klngsbuiy lodge, Pieo mid Ae
eepted Mtisoiib, lielil Its uioiull
ly meeting in Sweenej'b hall lust even
ing. At the (lot-p of the meetlifg the
meinbei.s of the satiety lepalied to the
l.mkawnunu hoiihe, wheio n banquet
was held Tables pipttlly aii.mgpd
weie laden with nil the 1 holiest v lauds
ot tlm hPiisnn, A flu all had tloiip Jus
tice to the least, linpioinptii atldi esses
weie iniule by seveial of the inembtis
The attaii was imiiiens(.ij enjojed by
eveiyoiin incsent
Mls Ollle .Mmpli.v Is bpeiutlng u lew
d,is at hei home In i-'iuinton,
The beiison of foitj hoius' tlevotlon
will loiiiineiice In St. Patilck's 1 lunch
toiiioiiow inoiniug at the S o'clock
I'lideitukei J, W Swetnej had ihuige
of the fuueial ot Mis. Chailes'laiw', at
Auhbald, jesteuluy.
DtugglM 11 H Hush has leUuned
fiom a hunting tiip to .Stamina,
Mlbs Sadie ('.Mulley Is visiting lel.l
tlve.s at Avoui
The Hpwoiih l.tugue will hold a union
meeting with Hio, Wouhiu'h ciuistlun
Teinperaneo union SiiuiU) evening. Tho
following piogrmnino 1ms been piepmed.
Seivlces will begin at 7, JO oVIolK: Sing
hip, 'Oawniil Christian Soltlleis"; it.
sponsivo U'utlliii,. I'riilius iM,. piaMi;
bingliig, male ilioiiih, icpoilV of the
lloiipsdalu tllstili 1 Kpwiillh League ion
veiitton; bolo; letltatttiu, blnglng; ad
diets by Mr. NU hoi, of Carbondnle; of.
Miss Helen Wlllninii., of i:iniliut, and
Jllss HelOn Stickles, of Hoekvwiy, N. Y.,
Thousands of Men 'and Women Have Kidney Disease and Do
Not Know Until It Has Developed Into Bladder Trouble,
Rheumatism, Diabetes or Bright's Disease, Which Will
Prove Fatal if Not Attended to at Once.
'ahis In Hie small of the butt inlnful
tlti. tin phi llvei, tlntiilv iiilnn, pains In the baik or the head nnd netk, ilieumntlo
piins and svm Mings all ovti the bnd.v . eLenia mul laundlte tell ou .voui Kidnevs
me tllstascd and me not nblo lo do Huh woik piopitlj. It jou have any ot Huso
siinploms (float tine shoultl be taken to stop the pioguss of the disc ie mid pie
vent It bit tuning fliionlc ami piegnatlng tin entile sjstem.
Put some mine In 11 gluts; afloi it stands jl hoius If oll lliul n lulillsh bikk
thisi sfdhupiit In l, 01 p it tic It ss Moating in the mine, 01 II II Is ilondv. ou will
know vino kithuus itie in a dlMasetl condition and mo unable to pel foi m theli
wink. Hie itsnlt will be the 111 ultlei and mliniv oigans become Inflametl, utlc aiid
will poison llu bltiotl, the stomach will become affected nnd unable to digest the
lootl. the svstem will betonie weak and the lesult will ben bienk-tlown of the geu
ei il health, with liiight's ills.' ise 01 diabetes wlikh will piove 1 ital II not tieul
etl Willi pininptiii ss and gitat c no
will piullv mil ttiingtlieii the klilneis anil enable them to do their woik. it will
tine 1 Ileum ilisni. iheumiilli gout, tllnlistes. Ibiglit's dstas, . in it aeitl poison in
lliiminatliin ot the lilidtlti and iiilnaij oigans and ipstoie the patient', heilth
lllltl VlOI
The fiee tilnl bottle lias orteu In en siiUiiltnl to c'me 1 ists of klilmv dlsrase
when the -imple home ttst tlestilbetl above has been mode In the t.ullti stages
ol lilt disc, ISO
IT von decide Win nil's S.iTo Cute Is what von nted von c-in bin it at .111 ding
stoic, two sizes, ,11 nuts ami $1 dij ,1 bottle
sine vol! et W.unei s Safe Cine, sulistltiiles ronlnln damn ions (line's
i.e sine ou el Wainei s baff Cine, sulistltiiles contain tlangcioiis dings 'I heie
Is none just as g( nil as W.unei s Hale
'I he itillowlng .tie simple s ot thousands or uii'ollt Itetl leltcis leielved fiom gi.ilu
lul men mil women who li.ivi been imeil bv U'niiiei s Safe Cine.
Sh . I am i.J ve.iis old nnd ,1 "VVt stein Cnlon Tdegiaph opeuitoi. Last simmici
I was selnl with .111 eticnulv siwtie attack of kitlnev tumble JIv plivslclans
give me up and I was about to pieimie to mitt im- Mnkei. win 11 a fiiend atl
vistd W.unei s Sale Cine SK liottlis eiued me and 1 aiu'no.v at ni insli umeiit
In Wisltin t'nitin St 1 vice
.1 VS MeDOXXIU.I, Hlltlmtiic, M.inli Jl, VM2, lltl l'oicsl Place '
rupee mnw mw.
wwbbb-w luuiibi uivbnvi.1
Alls Albeit Angle ot Welsh Ittin I,i vvioto on Maiili ! I'll)-' I hive ustd VV.u
iitisisilt Cine loi l.ldnev and bladdei litiuble it tiiud me ami did me .so mm li
good espetiilh llu- tluinge of llle It lias Kt pt niv Itidnevs, bladdei antl
livti In .1 lie iltbv conililitiii ami I .1111 now ,"! jeais old When I began
using it 1 was all 11111 down I hid p nils in m b'iek and was wasting awav, I
wiighttl onh so pnimtls now weigh no st, oii.ste 1 nm 11 living testimonial toi
what Site Cine can do ir tvoijimo wlio 1ms kldiiev tuiuble ot anv loim onlv ii".i
VVniiiti s Safe Cult-, iliev would be tuiiil ami pinlong theil lives
Miitnei s Rale Ciuo is pmel) vegetable and contains no iiauotlis. no lmimiul
(lings (Hovvnie ol so-, ailed klilnev nues t tl I ol setllment and ot bid oiloi tbev
mo hiiimtul) It tines mil lonstipate. It Is a most valiuble and emu tho tonic: it
Ml s the diet ise genus. 11 Is 11 stimulant to digestion nnd awakens the tin pill livei.
It is piesciilud ami used l, doc tins themstlves in the lending hospitals as the onh
absolute due loi all bums ot disease ot the klilnev s. llvei bladdei anil blood
Warner s Safe Pills move Hie bowels gentlv and ahl a speed v line
To (onvlnte 1 mmv suileici fiom tlist lUes or the kltbievs. Iheu, bl'iddei and
blond, that Win nt is Sale Cine will line them a tilnl bottle will be sent absn
lutilv lice, posiiiaid. Also u valuable inediial booklet which tells nil about the tlls
tastsol the Klilnev s. llu nnd bladdei, wltii a ptesiilption toi each dlseiiBC, und
mnnj. of the tlious.inds ot testimonials wcilwd tlallv fiom giatetul patients who
hive lit en lined bv W'ninPt s Hale fine All win have to do Is wilte Wiiinei s
S iff Cine Coinpinv. Hothestn, X v and nu-ntloti Invlng icid tills liberal otTei
in tlio Htliinliiii Tilbiuie. The geiiului -if ss of this 1 tft 1 Isinllv giiaiantetd In the
weie gnpsu of Jllss rtuth (liinliier Thins,
It II niiih.udt. who lias hi tu ill I'.r
the p 1st tliiee or loin vvteks, is able 10
mlt ml Ids business hi his harness simp
The un minis nt the Jimloi npwoith
l.t.igue have pieseniid n bimillfiil bound to the Methodist HpiiJeopal
eluui h, to be list tl In the pulpit
Mi -sis, lloiatt Jones nnd Ciu.v Swnits
lett Aloud. is tot IbilTalo, wheie tliev t'V-
jieet to lliul t mplovinent.
vv , li mown is ingiigio ill panning un
Cannon building, 011 .Mill stiert.
The tonieit In the 1. O n, P hull
Wtdnesdnj evening, unilt 1 Hit ausplet s
nt the Woman s Jteliel imps, wns well
attended. Jliuli 11 edit Is tlue Piol.
Thomas Johns who mi suiccslullv 111
i.iiigtil the pioginniine'li pan was
well 1 .11 1 ltd out bv those who p.iillil
putetl and was well ipuIci1 lo tho-o
pit sent
M S. DlilKe Is buvillg up wiisIipiv 1 oal
at Wlninut and shipping It Honi tills
place lo New .lcisej, A lmge number of
tenuis s unplojeil fiom heie and the
suiioumllng couniiv, 10 haul 11 to the
(ins. Two 01 tin en taif me being
Hhlpptd dall.v A iiuiubi 1 of ptoplo In
tilth Vlclnltv lmvi nlieiulv 01 tlei I'd their
wlntei'H siippl) of (oil fiom Iheie
On Tliutcilii.v owning Mis Janus I1
Diikson euteitaliitd Hie lollowlng peisona
at tea. Iltv Di J U. Swul, ol-Hlim-hamtoii,
X Y , Itev Dl A .1. Van Clft
and tlaughiei, Itfv It It Thompson and
wife, .Mis O I flioll and Ml.s Mill
Hntou Dalton
At Hie t'M llaptist tlitiKh Itev P .1
Cateiei will pie.uh oil Hiiudaj at .i P
111 Hubjtel, "Clulst'H Comniandment
Hiv II 'I' Peiklns Will lOliilucl the even
lug MH he
A slipper will bo helved In tliu old H.ip
llst ehilieb 011 Tinsikiy in enlng. t)eltibr
.Jl. fiom u to 7 Jt o clock. At tlio hoi vice
lollowlng Kilos, en will bo Kiidpied
and bIioii addicHM'.s will bo made Tim
Hippei will bo )" tents lot nun peiHoii and
.'"1 touts tm two
Jim Has HtovuiH Is III at her home In
this plan
Woik has In en lemmuil oil tlio new ion
cietti null laltlge liy tin toiitiactois It
Ih hoptd Ihov wilt be nblo lo gut It
elected ililt lull
Tho well known Impt isonatoi, W'llkiid
I), liovvc, will pit st nt ' David CoppiMlleld
In the tlimch on Pilday evening.
Octobei "4 Tho atlmlssion will be 1.0
cents fm udiilla ami lu centb foi ibililitu
under 1.'
Tho many tilonds of Mis J V Uoi
shlmer who is at the Mosea 'i'ujlui hos
pital, ia getting along nicely
On Thursday evening tho following per
sons weie entertained at the home of
Mm. Iretl Snyder and watched the ecllp&t
of the moon: Mr. and Sim. I.eeth, Jli.
and Mm. L'ruest Snyder, Itev. mul Jim.
passing of mine, hill imni.itlon of the blnd-
It It. 'I liopmstiu
Ch ulottovllle, Vn
villi. X. C
nallou; Miss Viiuent,
and Miss l.eech, Ashe
At Ihe Hiptlst ehuicli Sunday inoiniug
llie snliict ol the spinuin will be I'etei s
Dentil anil Penitence' and on Siindav
t veiling lilt subject will be "Pe.11 e Pios
pt ( ts, 01 Lessons fiom the Hit it I.11I101
Itev J. Il svvet, D I), pi i Hiding tklet
ol the Hlugh.iinlon dlstilet. was Hie gin st
ot Unv A. J. Villi Clert, I'll D , on
Thill stlav.
The tMiiwilloa loi the new biillillug of
Jl. .1. I.eimiinl, al I.imolu Heights, bus
lit en loinplpttil, The unison woik will lo
lomintiiced burnt ill ut Ij . The building
will iiiidnuliteillj be mmpletid betoit, the
vv Intel sots In
Pasioi Di. II 11 Hauls will onupv
bin pulpit In the Calvaij li.iptlsi iluiioli
lonioiiow at tho usual bonis. Sabbath
1-1 honl at '.' p in. All hid in Iconic
tiomei T 1U e.e, itiimiy oigauUei of
the Piohlbltlou League, will di liver 1111
aililiess ut the meeting 01 (lie l.'pwoitli
League of the Jlethodlst i:ps(0p,i
t hill I'll toiiioiiow evening
The Tu j liti wahlitiy w us Idle vestei
duv, owing lo n bleak ill Hie lmiuhlneij.
'I Iip water ctipplv w.h (dint ntf south of
(iiove sdect jehteiilnj, owing lo n liuist
III the wiitei main
David AInsps, of Uteih, 1 tt lie tl mi pin
lives In town vesteitl IV
Jls, Plorpticn Svv.ul., of I'ltthtllll, Ih
visiting irltnds lu town
The uudl'Micp was not ho huge at tlio
levlval henlie last night a, usual 'I hem
wiih an o.m client spiijt peivuillug liovv
evet This eltihe Iho 1evlv.1l. with twen-ti-loui
1 oiivoisIoiih The topic foi fiitn
da J mninlng will be "lesus and PeiMinal
oiK", oWMillig "The Hood Conres.
nlfiii " Siimluv hi hunt at lu o'tloiK; V
P. S C i: nt 0SD p m, topic "Hi If .Mas.
A hpeilnl 1111 will leave the toinii of
Hlakelj anil Polttr iilltels at -' P m to
iiioiiow to coiivo tho .stholam liom St
JIuillH Sundav Kthool to the Itall day
eseicltos at St laiKoV. Hveij lintlj Is
iliged to be pinmptl) 011 Ii.uhI
Already munv of those vv'lio left for
otliei lleltlb of laboi dining Hie live
inniuhh' htilke me begluulng 10 letmn to
hi glu woik at the Hist oppoitunlt Jluny
talcs are told of Hie vailed expeileiiitM
of these wandeicm, mul no doubt many
IllOh-ldes will bo enlivened bv tilth till
ing Tho Duninoie High sihonl foot ball
i Connolly k Wallace
g Scranton's Shopping: Center
About 1,500 books
the 15,000 we opened
ago. Of course the assortment of
lilics is uuuiy utukcii utu mere are
many good books left and you are
apt to find something you want.
EveryDay Handkerchiefs
If you could see handkerchiefs from all the different stores side by side as we
fti a 41 nnrneinnnlUf f1irtt
tyfCifX 00 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched
SfJi'C'' they were the display boxes of a large manufacturers' line and
are slighily soiled from haudling;, we got a big discount by taking the lot of Joo
dozen and here they are at 9c each or $1 a dozen. Values troni 12 to 20c.
Baby Bonnets and Coats
Little silk Caps in baby colors
white, pink and blue daintily trimmed
with clusters of tucks and lace, 50c to
$1.00. Size 11 to 16 inches.
Baby Coats, 2, 3 and 4 year sizes,
$2.00 to $10.00. Cunning imitations
of grown up box coats; red, blue or tan.
Long Coats for babies, $1.75 to
$17.50. And every thing else for very
small people.
Women's Gloves S&J&.X,!? Si
made in France, the land from which most fine things for women
123 - 125
team, under the cmchliiB "C 1'ioN IIo
bin and Co-Ullo N attaining a state of
pVoncle.uv I.. U,e ' ' K'ir u'h
must be veiv tniouiaglug to Huh t
ei They pla the team Horn ?v". -sihool
tills nfteiuoon at 2 o t lock
The J T. C club met In social -eislim
at the home ot Miss Jennie Uavls, on
Hlnktly stieet but evening
Dinllev Stieet Hupilit ihnii h-ri. a h
ig. mo.nlng at 10 .') o'clock !"' ,'xre","H;
at 7 .0 o'clock, bv Itev. 11 Pim-t. "f f "'"
tit moi eland, i'.i.
.1 H. MiDonoilKli "f Ilonesilale, bus
been visiting fiieniN in town dining; the
p ist fivv ll.IVs
Jollli il ilav. of Ulltlei stuet,
Phllatleliilila anil NoiiMtivin this
tm a bnsni'-s tilp
1- In
VV 1 1 lc
Snetlnl to the Stianton Tilliune Oct. 17 -Pi ft WliltiUei his
H signed his position in 'I iffanv s ding
stme to accept a slmiliii position with
the nil: Ding coinpanv at lliiigli iinton
The Deluviiie, l.iiKiiwannii and Wist
ei li oftlil.ils weie in ttuvu Tncdav.
ills. Alcil AVllltl enteitiilncil llle ilNses
Oinee Jliiiding. i:ila Uingitl, fleitindo
nnd Unite Head nt a .1 niloilv tea Wttl
nesdav In llonoi of ibf .Missis lltlna Waul
mid Tlllie Ton. of Hnflulo
ili.s, John fliimphiey has Juliutl hei
husband at linltalo, vvhfie lie is unplovid
in tile new linn iiiitl teel vvoiUs.
(Jin Snow, the l.'-eni-oltl son ol ill.
nml ills oilvei Snow. ' but bH thumb
liadlv put while at vvoiU In tin giotti.v
stme of I. T Tuivls.
ills I'diMiiil tliltlev and giunililiiimh
lei, Miulelilie W'aitl, lilt' visiting itlnllves
at NltlliiNtni
Tile toil Hiipplv al Ihe st hooK has In en
The sotiul ut ills i.eoijf Ihullelils
'IhiiiHila.v evening was a -rnml (tint is-
. jniim ininghtei ol ill nml .Mis I'm 1
Hell, ot Jewell mint. Is ill Willi t.v plniltl
rev ei
ills .lenv 1'nllei In the gi est ol linl
talo Ilil'llllH.
illss iluitella Km mile has iiutptetl u
jiositlon In tin; silk mill.
Tlmothv Shannon, who Ih in tlio ilo's
Tavltu hospital at Siianion, eptciN to bo
nble to letillJl honio bv lint III -t of .'o
vembci I
.Mi ilesi h; of Patliasiin X .1 , Is In
this plant looking aftei his hilinsts at
the ?nk mill
ill mul ill h IMw.ud ""i tl I. nin. ol
lliilloul, inn gut'-its at the home ol .Ml.
nnd .Mis Call 'llnglev, on ilnln hlint
I toln It .Mm ton wiih it oallii In Sei un
ion Plitl IV
D., L. & W. BO AJID.
- rullnivliiK Is the iiiul.o-iiii of tho
neliivviue, l.iiiliiivvniinn nnd Western
liotnd fill tOlll!
PltlUW, UiT 17
IMllls ClHl 7 l 111, illllpllV, ,S l 111,
NiiKem, tl p III. Itnegg, lo p 111, illlllt'ii
wilh UeiiltjV ntw; 1.' p in, t'iinioi
(Pnu iltlllHl
SiiininllH ! p in, rioliniell.ei
Plislieif. 7 li in , l.atllliei . S p
t p in , llousui , lu p I'll , Klibv
Mill lay
Ill , C.IM,
, 1.' p, in ,
llstins i;,iht t n in, iiniaini, :' a in,
Kegels, ,1 n m, I billet, I n ill, lliiMtl,
i li in, laniglniev , S u, in . l.abai, 10 a.
ill ritzpitllik, 1.' n 111. iJohcitv: :
in,, l, p in HKblng, t, p
Howe with Uiiino.'s new
Summits-1, ii in, railing, '.' i
Mi hols
PnsheiB .'..0 n in, iUiihiws.011, 7 a
AVIdnti, 7 n in. I'liineit.v , S a
llnnsct; 8 u in, l.'iniplngi 10 n in.
Hal tholomew, 11 I"' n in, iloiiin, I'.' n
in .
Ill .
Hum, 7 j) p in, .Minphvi 'i p in, V. II
11.11 uioioint w
llelpeiM-l In n in , I'osliu. 7 a. in , Unit
ney, iu u in , Sctoi , i i"i p m , siinuo-'i
('iivuiiaiigh will inn IMIovvn new innil
lilllhei notlte toliimeiH'hig nt M till il oni.
ThU lgn&luTB U on ctry tiox of the genn'Ws
Laxative nroino-OiiinineTahuu
jcnietly that, cure cola io out, day.
left out of
two weeks
tf - tlf1i' - Km .-IrmKfr ? imiiH !
300 fine silkoline, white cotton filled
Comforts, size 72x72; 95c each. You
couldn't get them any where else for
less than $1.25. They ought to go iu a
The all wool French Flannels at 35c
are selling fast. Never before were fine
printed French Flannls sold so cheap.
The styles are choice, the colorings good
the value altogether 65c a yard.
Price 35c.
Our Dress Goods Department was
never so busy.
GirS, $1; Jouvin, $1.50 and $2.
- 12M29 Washington Ave,
The Gieat West
Has eutiiinlv ninny attint tlons in 'he
vvav of beautiful ltsoits foi those seek
ing health oi pleasuie, and the tunn
ing sections ot tile west aie now eiijoj
ing; uii'iteir dented piospeiltj, which
blioultl be of absoibuig Intel i st to those
i onteinplatiiig seeking a new home In
a glowing sntniii ol mil gieat i omit i v.
n.iilv ilniliiR Oitobei, the Nkklt Plate
l.itlioatl will sen spotiai low-inte, one
way tickets to points all tluough the
west These tltkets aie i,ooil on the
ppisnniillj ( 'ondiic ltd Tians-C'ontlnin-tal
Toms, which leave Ho-,tou ev 1 1 v
ilondav and Vednesdn noon. In the
(legant Pullman Tom 1st Sleeping C'ais,
which have evei.v thing; toi' comfoit and
convenience nt ii.issongt.i-, at l.ites less
than 1ml t those ch.uged foe Stiindaid
Pullman acioiimiodiitlous. These Totli
ist ('.us pns tluough Xew Ynik stale
on West Shoie tialn No. 1, via llottei
ilntu Jlinction, rtlta, Svi.uuse .mil
Kochestei, nt wlilili points pintles miiv
join them. As tliev have btctune niiiie
vvldelv known, the pnttoitago has
stentlll) hi i nine ot hlgliei tlns and in
ci eased In numbeis, until tlie.v .lie now
the most and high class toui
ist mi oMllislnns 1 1 1111 this -eillou to
the nest. Fm tkketit and Iiiloiniiitlciu
see neai est ngc nt oi wiite It, 12 Pn.v lie,
genenil iigent, ,Vo -"U Alain htiiet, liuf
falo, X. V.
Special Exclusion Tiain, Lnckawnn-
lin Bnihoad, WIll:es-Baue to
Scinnton nnd Hetitui for line,
Sembiich Conceit, Oct. 21.
nn an mint ot tho Seinbiiih loiueit
ut the Ainioij, Suantuii, llle l.utkn-
waiinii i.illioail will inn n special tialu
Tucsdiij. On. il. leaving Wilkes.Hiiuo
-.ut) p. 'in , Kingslon, 7 1li. Wjomiug,
7 'JO West Pittston, 7J'i. Siisitieliali-
liu Avenue. 7. Kb PitUton .liiuetlon, 7 J"
Til) loi , 7 r.O Due title toi the itiiind
tilp. Uttuining leiue bnaiittm nt til."
p, in, Spnlal uolhv cais tor use of
iMiiisioulsis onlv, will meet tialu nnd
urn illicit to aimoiy and n'tillll itfler
i urn fit Tiollej nils villi nNo meet
tiiiln ut Kingston on lettiin tilp to
cominoihite Wilkfs-llane ji.itl oiih
S13.GO to Clevcbnd, Ohio, nml Ile
tuin, via tho Lehigh Valley Rail
loail, October 20 and 21.
flu numml of geneial inisslonaiy t on
voiitlim, ilelhodlst I2ilsiupnl iliuii'li. at
I'ltvcliiiul. f.llln. di tuber -'1-it, the Le
high Vallej will mII sjietlal
loiiiul tiip lliKflh ut $1.: i.0. roimI to ie
t it i ii to and Intituling Ot tuber -7th,
good mi nil ti.iins iie)t the Hlmk
Diamond tiosa, Seo iiiKel iigenti
loi finthei Inloiiimlloii.
New Yotk,
Tin Xew Voik, Ont.ulo mid Wt.sttin
Itiilhoail iiiiiipaiiys annual lull eMiu
hlon tu Xew Vnik lit will be inn on
riluuduy. Oitobei L'7, tlio lettiin fuio
finiii all htiilloin. Si'iiintim to t'uibuii.
tlnle iiuliislve, being $tl" Til kets gDOtl
lot live iluts Al this time uf the jeur.
"the Oiitmlo iniiti" liom this ht'i'tlou
buipahhes nil utluis. owing lu Us jilc
tmeflic sienei. the i lilts tuiiil I'oin
vvnll tu Xew Yoik alons the lludsou,
being tin e.speilull delightful one
Toi fm tin i put lb uliti. s, iippl to
iigiius. oi .1 12 WiIbIi T P A, Hi i. ni
ton, I'n.
Reduced Rates to tho West.
Coinmeniliig buptcmbci 1st, and daily
Ihoiealtei, until Octobei 31st, mo.', tho
Wlstonslu t.'eiitial iitiliuail will .sell
Settleih' tiikels fiom t'lili ago to points
iu Montana, Idaho. Otegoii, Washing
ton and lliltibh Columbia, at gie.itly
This storj serves both the
rich and the' poor.
It serves each better because
it serves them both.
tt A ttt- tin fn rr
women are the
"Jouvin" both
ace m
l educed l.ites Foi detailed Infoimatioii
inqulic of neniest ticket agent, oi ad-
diess w. ii. Allen, D P. A , CJl PaU;
building, Pittsbuiff, Pn or Jamei C.
Pond, passenger agent, Mil
waukee, Wi.
(Reduced Rates to New Otleans nnd
Return Via Southern Railway.
On account of the meeting of Amei
Inin IJnnkois association, Xew Orleans.
Tai . Xov. llth-lltli, 1'lOJ. tlte Southern
l.iilwii. will sell i omul trip tickets fiom
Waslilngtou, D. (.'. to Xew Oi leans, 1. 1
on Xov stli, llth nml 10th at l.ite of
one l.ue, vi, $J7."U; (hull limit 10 davi
fi oni date ot sale, except by deposltin,:
tickets with Joint agent, Xew Oi leans
on oi befoie Xov. IStli, and panient.
ot fee of buy lents tickets tan be ex
tended until Xov. :10th, 1U0J
Kate fiom Philadelphia !-'S'
lesponillnglv low l.ites fiom
othei' jiolnts.
The sjoillhein tallvvny opciates thieo
tluough ti.iins d.illv with Ptillnuiii
ili.iwing-iooin sleeping cms fiom New
Voik, Philadelphia and Washington tu
Xew Oilcans without change: dlnim.?
e.ii sen ice on all tlnougli tinins.
C'hailes I.. Hopkins, D P, A. Southern
iallw.iv, .SJS Chestnut stieet, Philadel
phia will fin nlsh all Infoi ninttim.
O. & W. Annual Fall Exclusion
New Yotk, Oct. 27.
On Oitobei 27th. the Xew Yoi k, On
tailo it Western Hallway lompanj will
sell tickets to Xew York city nnd if
tm n, nciount or their annual fall iv
itiislon, at etieinely low i.itos, and
stuli tickets will be good to letmn anv
time up to and Including Xov ember 1.
This Is ii most tlellglitliil season to
visit Xew Yuik cltv the gieatest ill
of oni innil The O. & W. have gotten
tint a ppleiidltl little booklet In lefet em o
to Xew Yoik city; In this booklet then
Is given tile teims of tlio mutest for
two liee ei iu slim tli kcts. Pull pat
tli'UltiiH legal diilK the eMin.slon tan
be MHilied tiulii the neniest O. & W.
station aKi-nt, oi b addieHsliig J (.'. i
Atiileison uciit-ial nassongn agent, ."'Il
Heaver stieet, Xew Ymk t lty, who wllltl
also be iilensed to stud jou a booklet!
If j nu will ill op him a line.
Lackawanna Rnihoad Ningata Falls
Exclusion, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25.
Stietlal exclusion tickets will be soki
lor all tialns goius on the above tlatesl
good for rttuin within flvo (.) mi'
fiom and ineludlliK dale of sale Tai,
foi the i omul tilp, J'OO fot adults ami
$J50 tor ililldieu between the ngts
llvt (5) and twelve Hi) .veai.
Wheel and Biass roundiies Oblige!
to Close Down.
Ill I iliilc Wire mm He 'so,iinl IVf
Altnoii.i, Pa Oil 17 -The Peniih.vl
vanlii Itiilhoail tnmpans's colt liul
wheel and btass foundiles vveio obllgj
tu coM down heie tnda hi muse ot t j
fuel tainlne The lompiiliy uses ml
t'Mlttslvclv In depaitmeiits nj
ov ei since the nuthiacito btilku the sul
ply has been gnidually tleeieaslns m
now it has no ioie at an
Theie Is home on the vvnj, but It I J
been i.uiKlit in the lielBht mngestil
Special eltoit Is being nmdo to getl
tluough m the foundiles inn lesul
iit-Nt week
foi children loeiiumf, is the prescript!!
cno ot tno Desi leniais iii6icimii
imrees in the United States, and ha&l
used slNty ieais with iiavei-falllnt;
cess b millions of mothei a for theirf
Clou i-uring me process oi leetiiltl
Valno is lucaiciiiaiiie it relieves thej
fiom pain, fines nmrinoea, griping
now pis, ana wmii-coiic uy glvlnrj
in uie cnuu u icsis inn mothei
twenty-live cents a botu.