--vrWrHjiwr--?fo -' -W?WB-it i .-,.,, - ... ,,,.' r THE SCKANTON TIUB UN 1-SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 18, 11)02. 42 if li""-1 r - irxr HI ri tfMlfc t IMi IJ KM THE MARKETS. mmmmammmmMmmmmmmmmmamm V Wall Street Review. New York. Oct. 17. Another ilny of rlfl Imr pilres olintiietcHzeil the stock spcdi lutloti Intltiy nml thu ilegreo ot eonlldciico thiit prevailed wuh notiihla coiilm."! to the donicst'cil fcelliiK tlitit exlntrd lit the outset of Hip week. The fomnit ntinotmcu nipul that Brciet.iry Hluuv Imit iibi-ih-U to iiiinhnBL' nil hiinrlH of the Issue of IPJj iiru Rented ut the mili-tivnmiiy today unci to mm low v,ix nn I'ffccliml lonlu to the niiirkcl. It win Minted Hint n block of , (KXi.onO luiil been accepted and It was pic iIIcIimI tlmt fully twice us miir-h move would Ikj Immediately turned In by a HJM; dlcate ati l.iii nnd (nteicsl which would net nboilt 13S. All told It wum expected that the teudei-H under thin erf er would lcsull In Urn release of about ?:0,(W M ticiiBtny funds whleli would bo speedily available to the local money nmiKet. With this prefpect of new mntciliil in KlKht to rolitmue nrtlve opeintlons tlio pools went to work with omwldernhlu eonlldcnco and bid tip their favorites notahlv. The call money maikct showed mihu today nnd theie were conlldont expec tations that u good hunk statement would bo Issued tomiurow which would contrib ute toward further each next week. 'I no usual crop rumors tcspectliiK this or that stock was put to Kood iisiiKe riiirlnff thu dav hut the most tangible, assertion was that a favoinble traffic iilllnnco had been effected between St. Paul and Union l'a el He. Not much was heavd of the ru mored Increase In the Norfolk and West ern dividend and yesterday's Interest hi that stock was hugely shifted Into other quarters. The soft coal stocks ns n group were u notable feature of the day and an early rise of almost 4 points In Haltlmore and Ohio caused an Increased demand for other stocks of this class. Heavy opera tions weio resumed In Norfolk and west ern nt the opening but after a rise to U the stock was liquidated heally and sold under vesterdny's close for a couslderablo ii.ut of the day. Hut little interest was displayed In the anthr.ielte coal stocks and there was some disposition to i educe dealings in them until the actual .settle ment with the mlneis is worked out. Trading was furiously active dining tho first two hours and when the list showed some disposition to lag. St. Timl was brought foiward ns a leader. Immense blocks or this stock wen; taken, lifting it Pf, to tPI'i. 1irge orders were placed simultaneously in other tians-contlnentjil slocks nnd there was a ready response in nil other p.irts of the list. While there, was some shifting ol inteiest fiom one gioup to another the lessened demand lor special stocks did not undermine, the strong tone which permeated the entire ll&t. The lTnlted States Steel stocks be came prominent after a long period of neglect, and their ilsc stalled an active demand for various oilier Independent lion nnd steel stocks. J-nte In the day a lit aw buying movement developed In the eastern tiunk lines led by New York (Vntml and tbeio was a more general In iiulrv for the higher priced r.iilioucK in eluding Illinois Central and the Grangers. Top prices showed a fair sprinkling ot gains, reaching U points nnd over nwl there wore munv of a. point or more. I ho closing was active and strong but some of the leading features of the day were below the best. Totnl sales for tho day. 1.107."fiO shares. Ilnlhoad bonds sympa thized moderately with the rise In stocks and there was hcay buying in the specu lative issues. Total sales, par value, $.900,000. 1'nlled States old -Is and new -Is coupon advanced ', and the new Is legis tered per cent, on the last rail. The following quotations aie furnished The Tribune by Knight & Fieesc Co.. 314 n: Mcars Building. W. D. Runybn, mn:i finer Onen.IIIirli Low.Glosa l,.).'H li..'s :.-,'; :f.i jn.. ln'i :.M'r. ::i4 !ii fir-l l!J; -t'ej l,!.. il-'IJ, Hi''. M', lill " Inl'.i lnT Jo'U4 M'i iiUl i:;V'i i:!i;"j Anial. Cnpneu- Am. C. .t K " Ameiican Ice Hi's Am. Locomotive :!tii Am. I.oco.. Pr HI Am. S. lt U. CY ... . hei Ameiican Kuginr ...IMVj Anaconda Copi'i ... lVli Atchison SI'i Uchison. Pr 101' i Halt. & Ohio 107 Itroolr. ft. T Wi Canadian Pacille. l.M ('lies. & Ohio .VPi Chicago & Alton .. Chic. & G. W C. II. & St. P .... c. n. i. .t p Col. Kuel & lion.. Col. South Col. & South. LM Pr Del. & Hud D., I... & YV lien. & R. C, Den. & Tt. .. Pr . Detroit Southern ... L'J Krlo : Kile, 1st Pr G,i Klip, 2d Pr .".!', Hocking Vallev 171.'. Illinois Central l.VPi Iowa Central I" Kan. City South.. ::!'. l.ouls. & Nash llu .. ::i ..UiOU ..Uul .. tV .. S-H.s '.. 4'1'i ..ITS ..a: 1 .. 1:.", .. ro Jlanhattan lull's Met. St. Ry 142'; Mexican Central .... 2i.' Mo., K. & Tex ill' Mo.. K. & T., Pr .. . M Mo. r.icitle 110'i N. Y. Central l.V. Norfolk Sr West .... T.11; Ont. & West Ilin Penna. Rl R Hil"i People's Gas 10 Ps Pressed Steel Car ... ill Reading To Reading, 1st Pr .. .. ss Reading, 2nd Pr .... TS'i Republic Steel 22 Republic Steel. P.... Tfl"t St. I & San F TSv, St. U So. W ?,Vk Southern Pacific .... THU Southern R. R :Wi Southern R. R.. Pr.. M'l Tenn. Coal & Iron... (Wi Texas & Pacific .... IP.'. Tnlon Pacific HnJi; 1 nion J'ncinc, it ., :n T. S. Leather 14'j V, S. Leather, Pr... in r. S. Steel 40'i V. S. Steel, Pr Jinn Wabash SIV, AValiash. Pr 4ii; ;,ni.', Western Tnlon fi-'ift W, Wheel. & I4. 11 2751 "s; Wis. Central 2Ti 2S Total sales, 1.n7l,ft0 shares. Money, 5 per cent, 101 '. :i'i til', I'.- 120 w. :u " H)li lTOJl'j lll-i .;;"; .-.Pi iil's imi; 200'. ."..". " :!in 17:1 2'il I"1 J !'-'' . 2J'i ii'i-i iW 1 r.v-i JiS'i i.-.j'i i; :;! 110 i:wi ill"; 2l.A :ii5 in's in: r.uf. S0-".i :iii lflV- ior l Tin;. :.'; Ti'i 77'i 7l'i iiS'i frt'i 117'.'. I.-.V, 107 in 14 !M 111; in ; .';eTh mo'i 2tW aw :- t'.i'.i 173 2i;i iv ; 12 2i-n l.7i .7i'i !7', IwO"', I" 4V,.'. I.i'i'i liT.'i lll'i 2(.'i :;o; c,0'' 1101.'. 1.-..U 7S i'.l'i 1114 10.1 ()"; ss 7M 7i iVi l'i 7.1 iis'i !n fi".'4 nw I0.T.I in 1 !; m 10V, pou :ii--; tor, !'.'H :iii.B 20u'i SI'i ::iV vu. 17f ' M l'',i ftj'i iis-'i l.s'i rr;s; IK l.-.-'s ID SB 1M i:i"i 1l21i 21.' 4 .11' J 112'H l.-.SK iil'.i liV.", 3HI-A (Jli'i s? 7S''. 2:4 7D 7fi 71' 4 flllj IV.1J 1V,4 107 in ni ill 4114 Mi; a-.'i r.m 02 V. 2l CllICAGO QHA1N & PUODtlCR. WIIIIAT- Open. High. Low. Close, Dcrcmher "m 72Ji 7li 72'i Mny ".Ha 7lv4 72 7;if CORN Decemlier M MiK My t May '. n-;i Hi V,;k ll'r, OAT8- Decwmher at,4 nils :il',4 nii May 3214 32v4 W!4 :u'-4 POR1C. October 17.17 17.1. 17.1.7 17.17 January .,.. l.V.V. 1HM I.'.ii7 iii.oj 1.A1ID- Oetober 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.20 Jnnpary n.:m ji.ir. p.so ."o RIHS- ' October ., 12.IC. 12.117 12.0," 12.0". January S. 17 S.I7 N.I" S.I7 NI1W YORK COTTON MAIIK15T. Open. High. Low. Cloie. October MX. S.a." S.iil .s.itt December K.I I S.is K.I I s.W January s.r.i k.."'. s.'t k,.'; May R.ni S.37 S.iil H.fli Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchango Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Uld.Aoked. Lnckawnnna Dairy Co.. Pr.... GO County Sav. Rank & Trust Co 300 First Nat. Bank (Carbonualo). ... C03 Third Tatlonnl Rank STiO Dime Dcp. & DIs. Dank 300 Economy I... II. & P. Co 4G First Natlonnl Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe Den. Co . 195 Clark & Snovor Co.. Pr 123 Scrnnton Savings Hank TOO ... . Tradeis' National Bank 223 ... Seinntnn Holt & Nut Co 125 People's Rank 135 Scranton Packing Co 33 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 11)20 113 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 191S 113 People's Stteet Railway, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1021 115 Scranton Trac. Co., 0 per cent. 113 Economy L II. & P. Co 37 N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Laeka. Ave.) l'lour-$l.40. Butter Kresh creamery, 2tc; fresh dairy, 22c. Cheof-t UV4nl3e. Eggs Nearby. 2.!',c.; wesltin, 21c. Eggs Nearby, 22'ie.; western, 21c; can dled. 22c; case count. 21c Maiow Beans Per bushel, S5. Onions Per bushel, 90c. New Potatoes iHc. per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market New Yoik, Oct. 17. Flour Moderately at tivn and held at full mill limits. Wheat Spot firm: No. 2 led, 78o. elevator; No. 2 led. 77i.4ii7So. f. o. b. alloat: No. 1 north ern Dululh, K2-le. f o, b. afloat; options opened easy but speedily 1 allied and had an iriegul.ir advance with corn, holding firm all day. Thu close was unsettled at tc. net advance: May closed 7Sc. De cember. 77sie. Corn Spot firm: No. 2, i.!I'-c. elevator and 7ue. 1. o. b. alloat: No. 2 vellow. 71c: No. 2 white, 71c: bullish ness imnln had lull swing in the corn market and while occasional periods of leactlon occuned the genet n I trend was stiongly upward all day. The niarki t closed aic net higher; January closed 323;c; May, 49'ie.: October, Ui',4u.; No. veniber. i'ic; December, ike. Oats Spot firm: No. 2, IMVic; stundaiil white, 37c; No. 2 white. 37c; No. 3 white, 30VGc; track white, SCnllc; options with other mar kets held firm all day hut were quiet; De cember, 37'i(a:!7'so.; closed "T'Jc. Butter Finn: extra, cieamery, 2P,At' : factory, If a lSe ; creamery, common to choice. Uu2lc; imitation cieamery. 17a1!)'..c; slute dalr., 1S.i23,,4c: renovated, 17'4a2U!4e. Cheese Firm; new state full cream, mall col ored fancy, 12-"ic.: small white. 12'Uc; I.nge colored, 12c: largo white, 12c. Eggs Firm: state nvorago best, 22j2)c: west ern candled, 21n23c; refiigerated, 10a21c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago. Oct. 17. Thcl-e was an enor omus trade in coin on the board of trade today, and prices on both grains and pro visions were higher, December t.i.rn clos ing I'.s'II'.hC higher: December wheal, 't,a 'ic higher: oais, Kc. higher with Janu ary prrn i.slons unchanged to 7'iC higher. Cash quotations weio as follows: Flour Steadv; No. 2 spiing wheat, 73a71c; No. 3, CSa72c; No. 2 led, 70a71c; No. 2 corn, lilc; No. 2 yellow, fJ'ic; No. 2 oats, 2S"4a 2S'!.c,; No. 2wliite, ; No. 3 white, 3a',a i'.lVic: No. 2 rye, l!i',ial9-,c: good feeding barley, ; fair to cholco malting, 4a!uc ; No. 1 flax seed, JI.1S; No. 1 northwes.tein, $1,19; prime ilmothy s'-ed, ; mess poik, per barrel, $17. 13a 17.30; lard. iier 100 pounds, : short ribs, shies, SH,73a12; slioulders, J9.7ri.ilu; short clear sldts, fl2.x 12.23. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Enst Buffalo. Oct. 17. Cattle Receipts, 175 head; steady, feeling stionger. Veals Receipts, 325 head; steady; tops, $S.2r.aS.r,0: common to good. $5 Mas. Hogs Receipts, S,.'fi0 head; light weight. in.i2.rie. higher: others steady; heavy, 7. 15 u7.51j medium, $7.25a7.45; Yorkeis, $7.25a 7.30; light do., $7.15u7.25; pigs, ?7.10a7.2"i; loughs, sii.r,0.Ui.SO; stags, .".75ai.2."; grass fi's. $U.75a7.25; dailies, 7.15a7.10, closing easier, few unsold. Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts. 11,700 head: sheep, firm; Iambs. Dnioe.; higher; top lambs, $; culls to good, $l.i5..fi; yeaillngs nnd wethers, $lal.2'.; ewes. $t.23.i 3.73; sheep, top mixed, JJ.00.i3.73; culK to good. $1.73a3.50. East Liberty Live Stock. East Liberty. Oct. 17.-Cattlc Steade: choice, 0.5a,iT,10; prime, Ji'..23.i0,75; good, J5 ur.75. Hogs Active; pi line heavies, JT.50aT.i;u; mediums. J7.40.i7. 15; heavy Yoikeis. $7..:o.i 7.10; light do., $7.10a7.2o; pigs, $i.T."i.i7; roughs, Si:.i7,20 Sheep Steady: best wetheis, S':.75.il; culls and enninion, $1.50.12; choice lambs, J5.30.i5.75; calves, $7.5uaS.10. Oil Market. Oil City, Oct. 17. Credit balances,' 130; certificates, nn bid: shipments. 91,701 har lels; aveiage, ,M,3"i2 b.ureis; 11111s, 97,lu7 barrels; average, fc0,39ii barrels. $3&fa3r- Oriental The Bride-elect will accept any pres ent, but too many presents of any is not what she wants. Get her an MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO., 124 Washington Avenue. h "h k 4 2? & & "1- . 4- 'J 2- 4 We Have Been in Business t Fifty Years One Age. Entitles Us to Your Consideration for Ehrefs Slag Roofing Guaranteed 10 Years, V f WarrenEhret Company 321 Washington Aye,, Scranton, Pa. ? t Ji5&ffe.?..r?.,?, ZZP-m '- -zZof auiq, lwuiuiucu wilu. uui cuuuuuuo uuiuu ciuu &t;iniJi4 lauiiiLiCb, uriuiiS fflBrvasSTOir v 0.' WW 'YTZ.rfgiJr k This, combined with our enormous buyinc: and sellinc facilities, brinsrfc the crowds of knowing buyers here. We'd rather do a larce business with small profits than a small business with large profits. It saves money for you. It makes money for us. A Guarantee Bond With Every Stove. m. iM -!SWfe Nothing in the home equipment plavs a more important part than the Kitchen Range or Heater. They are things witli which you have to live, sometimes "for a good many years. A good selection in the purchase of a stove means a great amount of satisfaction and comfort in years to com.'. We are the sole agents for t 'e Bride Stoves and Ranges a line we can recommend to our customers. We offer them at r.uch low prices that no other store can meet, and at prices that you would have to pay e'sewhere for inferior goods. Rsmember You get a guarantee with every stove, which assures you that you are safe in the purchase of a Bride Stove. ?ilIlilP Call and sea Oor Immense Display. ail fill jfe-4 IfEBmti Coych. IPieb 5-plece suit, like illustration, well made, f $$&$$$$ y; n BxngvbL -.iw . "sj -iL ir - a tt f sa; ostonier or IiJall Tree, solid oalc. Thc-y are both useful lor Hall or Bed room. ..E docker. Full size, saddle seat, golden oalc finished, Special value abourette l-ike cut, but a lim ited amount, only 'fSil- 'Jlfcf? iftiiii iii tm m. .few.- -.U L ri. rA.VirT China Gioee p :S Like cut. quartered sawed oak. h'Klily polished, a ?2o.oo value, Special price, With patent guaranteed steel construction, velour cover, variety of colons, a 1512.50 va ue. Special.. of lh handsome R.-nr;e. g'ven awav at our spe c al stove display was, t Q.T5 Taylor, Pa HoldiiiR Ticket No. iei. A $& 4B p ft dou- s y m ts jj 1V CV. .T ll 1 H ILVfc lJ . B AT " WJ value nflrg , THE 'M " ?iW m V. i Skv'p &7'.Ttx tin miMmsMt Hanging Hat Rack. Eic Mahogany finished frame.has French ra a mjj plate mirror, Complete, with hooks . sJbJ? "q f rnttMwiin mmotiiwm MimiMiTmriTi,,-"' hmmiii 1 fl-i .48 i if Qp tIII mmmmMMmmmmarxmmmmmeamWJXmmmMaammmamxamMK9mm MMiHMMMMmMiiiiiBmifMiiiiiiinii miMn.Mw-.ui 1 '-t 1 iwmwiimm n in wii 1 wi nTwnrTrrTTfTiiTi rri uUll . 322 Lackawanoa Aenise0 wiBllli -:(iMi"5aaTOffw!gitaTO H (wyg3TOy;.vitjyfeiwKrgr 'r.r?T:ygMi??g FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL The Prudent Manor Woman utftvtfitrftf''VHrftfttiti'x'fciXJi'n' 7ii;nrJnniCLHHpp . w 1iutirvin(XutfjUJuiuuj!iti;wP sniirtvrfu'ninrfnxxV' UmilLH.B.HJ :j Atje careful inquiry before deciding where to deposit money everybody in Scranton knows the strength, the capita, the surplus and the unchallenged high standing of the Thitd National Bank Where savings accounts, whether large or small, are given 3 per cent, interest. Or EN SATURDAY EVENINGS, 7.30 to 8.30. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2? & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. UOODY.aioblJSLLAN &C0. BANKERS, No 57 UroaJvvay, New York City. UEJIOEItS NOV YOIIK STOCK EXCHANGE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN 's?sm7YSfmrariiMiT!-i OnC Oent w?U brlnsyou nnr hnnklt T'iir fnr Wfdll" GItIhit full nirtlculara linw n nuike your lunner iur uuuiuijr tucviug w.vugi Li.ru a rtiruijir uuntulr lucoiuo , ioml ruv Hi umv lu bgut rui tit AUtltlO.VV r'lptANC'i: i. MOUTUACi: CO. I llu wail Bircui, isutr uru. in s Lager Beer.. ManiUHoturors of Old Stock l PILSNER I llrcwry, .i tu J N. tcvcntii bt' Old M'lione, 333l. New 'Phone, 2935. . Scranton, Pa. ?5 , rs w "v - 5v " le" . OL 3v o S3 13 MOIST OPEN. 22 t f..4.4.4. t-i"-tt----tt'"-"t-----t--t-"-t-f: w' SS MM. -t" f t - It is lawful to kill Pheasants, Quail, Wild Turkey, Squirrels, Woodcock, Ducks and Geese, beginning with October 15th. .. --f4.4.4. i.f-fV-t--t-f--l-f-f o 0 o C3 Rnnn?mpn will find all the Necessaries for a Hunting Trip in ..,. c.,.,.; I ; P W uui jupcuui Lmc ui rn 55 0M. 11 jrx Guns, Rifies, Ammunition, Hunting Coats, Sweaters, Gun Cases, Etc., Etc. o 0 H0 MM !! AN EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FISHING TACKLE ALSO IN STOCK j ;s a , ttf s to v tJ T WS n7 mv . r v, -. v - -, 520524 Spruce Street. i .0X00001 0M a a r jru ,rfrfiiutarftaifii-hjniuirXUtftfMVHrf'V5" rKJrXJlvXJ'UJUJUJrio'tU'XMJul-'H,- "i