The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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In looking nvoi1 tliu Imiifoliolil i'X
ioiiniM to s' whole u HitvhiEt ami liu
cITot'UMl, llic fiiol 1)111 III these lati-r
Ohvh Ih Hie lli'ft tliliiK t" 1 oimslilrVctl.
I'lnpiiv tlio litiiiHulioWtoi who liml Ills
coul ink In early In tlio houhoii. lint
ho In ono mini In H million. AW, the.
viihI iii-my, or unfoi'luniitoD, tniwl now
limit our oiiitkIoh towuril imtklug
Wllrtt WO 01111 ROt KO H fill" IIM It Will
For tho liltohoii. thi'fo la nothlliK ho
.any to fine for. nnd ho dellRlUtnlly
t-uny to cook with iih u Rood riis nuiRo.
No unIios to ills out, no coul to Iiir
fitful tho follur. no kindling In look
itftor, or wood-box lo lilt. No Iomr
wnlt Tor tlio ovou to lirnt or III e lo
"coino nil." In llvo minutes from lh
lime you ro In thu kltohoii your tu
kottlo will lio hIiirIiir, nnd In ton
inliHllr-M your ovou or tirollor iivo hot
nnd loudy for work.
Hot what for those who llvo whoro
tlioy oiin't h.-ivo riis, or wlioro the
cook Hlovo Irt iimoiI lor liriitliiK iur
lioses? I tore uiv norm' wiivh In which
they run ccnnomlzf In tho use of
In tho first plnoo, never ntlow the
uslies to roiniilu in tho iish n.iti to uh
Mirb tho lieul. Never imck the coul In
tho stove. It should not coino uhovo
the lop of Iho llnliiR of Mm lire box.
Never stir 11 limit coul lire on top.
Hoe that the ttimiRhlH are iilwnys
closed whoii not In use, unci If neoos
sur.i, Irave !ho covoni hnlf off. Ar
iiiiirp to the linking and 1 1 onliiy
done on tho cumo day, so m to utilize
all Iho heat. See that all Iho ashes
are slflcd. and every p,rtlolo of cin
der saved, V mlsht learn sonic
thliiRH from the Wench housekeeper
In this regit ril. for If after a mnitl
tho have a sIiirIo handful of coal left
II Is spilnkleil with water, taken out
and saved for tho next time.
In the tenement cooking olawses In
New York tho children are taiighr.
when there Is a scarcity of fuel to put
u lirlrk, crosswise In tho llrohox of Iho
stove imd make the lire In this little,
Many people are IiorIuuIiii; lo use
charcoal now for tirollliiR. In default
of the small basket Moves that come
on purpose for charcoal, any ordinary
range may be used. Take off one of
the covers neur tho firebox, open tlio
draught, and build a little 111 o direct
ly on top of the oven. As soon as It
Is well started close the draughts. In
eight minutes there will be a lirlulit
scarlet glow, ami steak, chops or llxh
can be broiled directly over the clear
AVhen there Is a Waukiln sieve or
fireplace use your old newspapers or
pamphlets In lieu ol so much coal.
Twist the paiier up tightly so thai it
will burn slowly. Fire sufficient to
heut Hie dining room for breakfast or
the. bedroom for retiring can be pro
vided by the use of these paper 'fag
ots" alone. Do not tear the paper hi
pieces, but us.e a whole newspaper for
one "slick."
An occasional stuffed beefsteak or
"mock duck," us II Is sometimes
called, gives a welcome variety to tio
menu when a "plain cook" provides
for the household. Combined with
oysters II is especially good, though it
is palatable with any "stuffing." To
prepare it, buy two or three pounds of
thick steak from tho upper side of tho
round. If you have a butcher who
knows his business, get him to cul a
"pocket" in thu sleuk large enough lo
hold the dressing; otherwise roll the
stoning up in the steak, binding it
with twine or narrow strips of cotton
cloth and securing the cuds so the
contents will not hurst out. Tho dress
ing may be plain or combined Willi
chestnuts or oysters. For a two
pound sleuk a cupful of bread crumbs,
well seasoned with salt, popper, but
ter and a little onion or hot lis will
Have ready n shallow. Iiroml-bo't-toineil
kettle a little Iron Scotch kot-
it i ! ! .j. ! .j. ! ! .j. .j. ! . j j.
Concluded from Pago in.
church, will preach at both crvlecs.
Sunday school at 12 in.: Voting People's
Society of Christian Kndeuvor at p.
in. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening
at o'clock. Seats free. F.vorybody
Rraneh church. Hose house, Tripp
park Rally Day. Services at 11 a. in.
and 7.;:o p. in. Henry Curdew will preach
at both services. All scholars of the Sun
day school are expeevted to answer 1o
their iiunies at the morning service. Pray
er meeting, Thursday at 7.1." p. m.
Knsllsh Evangelical Lutheran Church
of thei lloly Trinity, corner Adams ave
nilo and Mulberry streets, Uev, 13. F.
Hitter, A, M pastor. Services, lu.::o a.
in. and 7.i!0 p. in.: morning subject, "The
Nobleman's Sou Mealed"; evening sub
Jeut, "ICuterlng Into Other Men's La
bours"; Sunday school. 1 in,; Luther
i.ongue, U.43 p. in, Seals free. All wel
come. Fantastic
Y"TfrtO stories nave
llU been written of
l V. magic mirrors in
p Y winch the future
I v was revealed, If
l ci, .I. f till,, MntfA
possible many a bright - faced btide
would shrink from the revelation of her
self, stripped of all her loveliness. If
there is one thing which would make a
woman shrink from marriage it is to see
the rapid physical deterioration which
comes to so many wives. The cause is
generally due to womanly diseases.
Lost health and lost comeliness are
restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It cures irregular
ity and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration, and
cures female weakness,
"It ii with the greatest pleasure that I tell
you what Dr. l'iercc's Favorite Prescription and
'Golden Medical Discovery' have done for me,"
writes Mrs, l!muia I., ilaukea. of 1933 North 7th
Street, HarrUburif. I'a. 'VTIiey have done me a
world of good. 1 had female weakness for six
years; tomclimes would feel so badly 1 did not
know what to do, but 1 loiiud relief at last,
thank to Dr. fierce for hit kiud udvice. 1 have
this medicine btill in my house aud will always
keep it."
It you are led to the purchase of
"Favorite Prescription" because of its
remarkable cures' of other women, do
not accept a substitute which has uone
of these cures to its credit.
Free. Tit, Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Or
for cloth-bound volume send 31 stamps.
Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. V.
V-WCrr5 V
t Menu for Sundau, Oct .19 t
4 ituPAk'PAsr T
1 linked Sweet Apples and Uveiltii
.' Oro-I'rnto.
Codnsh llnlls.
T L'ornmciil (Icmn.
f Coffoo
T Olives and tladlshos.
f Itlnolc Henn Soup.
T Slurred niiictish. .,,,,. .
f nuked 1'otiilocn.
f Halted Tomatoes.
I'nlilintrn Snhld.
lirle CheeHo, I'ruckors.
t'limpkln I'lc.
Mocha Colfoe.
4 c'leumed l'otutoos.
f Cold Sliced Mock Duck.
Chill Sauce.
Uiikid (ililnces with
J Whipped Creiim.
4 Ice Cream Cuke.
4- Cnroa,
4-M. 44444--M-444 44444444
tie Is host-In which n slice of pork
Ulld a llltlf rat or ocet lias iieuu ini-u
ctlsp. Take out tho ports and put In
the roll, turning It until well browned.
Add u half pint of water nnd it little
salt. Cover closely and simmer slow
ly lor two hours. Add more water It
It shows hIriii of drying out. t'nwlnd
the string carefully, and lay the roll
on a hot platter. Thlckon the gravy
with u little iloiir-iir the Hour la
browned It gives a i loiter colorl-inld
a teiiHpoonrnl of 'Woicester-iliire. sauce.
If von like the taste, and pour over
the roll. GiirnlMt with a little parsley,
and servo, cutting In slices tluoiigh
tilt; roll. This is enunlly nice heated
over the next day. or Is delicious
served cold with parsley.
lieersleak left over should never be
thrown away, as It can be utilised In
n variety of ways. If thick and lean,
It makes a nice sandwich or helps out
the platler of cold meat for tea or
luncheon, by slicing with it very sharp
knife Into tho thinnest of slices, like
roast beef. If you prefer It as a hot
dish, try this method or preparing II :
Mince line, nnd Tor each cup or meat
add it tablespoonrul of chopped ham
mid halt as much bread crumbs as
von have meal. Moisten the-crumbs
with a. little hot milk and add to the
meat. Season lilghtly with salt, pep
per and chopped parsley, or substitute
a little sago or onion juice for the
parsley. Ucnt one egg light and add
to the other Ingredients. Take a piece
of fresh brown paper and butter well,
or greiue with olive oil.
Place the meat mixture In the mid
dle or tho paper and shape It Into a
brick-shaped loaf. Fold the paper
about the meat and over the ends, as
when doing up a panel, trimming thu
ends' under the loaT so that it will
not reii nliv tying. Place the parcel In
a linking pan and pal It In a hot ovou.
Hake for twenty-live minutes.
Then carefully remove the pjiprn
from the meal and place the browned
loaf upon a heated platter. Pour a to
mato sauce .upon It or serve with a
horseradish sauce.
llors-eradlsh sauce Is one of the best
relishes to servo wllh beef. Theie are
several ways of making It, hut here
are two that are specially delicious:
To two tablespoonfuls of freshly
grated horseradish allow the same
quantity ot bread crumbs from 'which
the crust has been taken. Pour over
these four tablespoonfuls of cream
and let them stand until tlio crumbs
have softened and taken up the
cream. Rub the mixture through a
sieve, add a sultspoon of salt, a half
tenspoonful granulated sugar and Just
n tiny dash of mustard. Mix well
with tho radish and add two tablc
spooufulH of vinegar.
Aiuilhi r sauce is made in tills way:
j. ! j. ! J ! ! ! $ ! ! ! !
flruce Evangelical Lutheran church
(general synod), corner of Mulberry street
and I'rescott avenue Rev. Luther Hess
Waring, pastor. At P..",0 a. ni Sunday
school; l(i."0 a, in.. Divine worship, with
sermon; 7 p. 111.. Voting People's Society
of Chrlstlun Kndeuvor: '."0 p. 111., evening
worship. At till- service, the pastor will
give an address on "Lutheran Church
Lire and Work," as he saw it in Ger
many. Nvorybody welcome.
Zion's Lutheran 22U Mlfllln ave
nue Rev. A. O. Uallcnkamp, pastor,
morning service lUcrmaul. I0.:i0. subject,
"Does Your Faith Increase in Times ot
Trouble"; Sunday school, 2 p. 111. Ger
man Saturday school every Saturday In
the church basement, from 11 to l-Mii-structlon
for confirmation class. Saturday
at 1 p. m.; Knsllsh evening service. ","()
p. in,, subject, "What Keeps l'p the
Kolatlouhlp Hotween Clod und .Men."
Scuts flee. All welcome.
Calvary Reformed chiireh, Monroe ave
nue uud Gibson street Rev. Million L.
I'Tror, pits tor. Service ut 10.30 a. m, and
"."0 p. m.; Sunday school, 11. ;!U a, m,;
Christian Kndouvor, 7 p. in. Prayer
meeting, Friday at s p. m. Seats free.
All Soul's I'niversallrtt church, T'lne
direct, between Adams and Jefferson ave
nues Row Thomas U. Payne, pastor.
Divhio services, with sermon, ut l"."0 a.
in., subject, "Peace, Sweet Peace": S1111
duy school ut 1 in. Seats free. Slrnu
Bi'lN cordially welcomed.
llellevuc Welsh Calvlnlstlu Methodist
church Itcv. William Davles, pastor.
Service? during the week us follows; sermon tomorrow at 10 11. in.'
class mooting. ll.:so 11. in.: Sunday school.
2 p. m,; KnglUh senium, u p. m.s prayer
liieelhig, Monday evening at 7.S0; Voting
People's Society of Chllstlun Kndouvor
inei ting. Tuesday evening ut 7.110, Ade
line Williams lo lead, William Davles to
iiildrt'ns. Mrs. Itov, William Davles'
lllble class, Wednesday evening at 7.:.
CliiSf meeting, Thursday evening at 7.X
Meeting of Hihllcal und Literary society,
Friday evening at 7.
Gospel hall, .'.ill Lackawanna avenue
Sabbnth school at 12.15 p. in. Mr. Alrleh
will preach ut 7.0 p. 111.. uud ulso con
duct 11 meeting on Mondity evening at
7.13 o'clock, for the study of the lesson
and studies In Iho bok uf Itomuus. All
arc welcome.
Gospel Tabernacle church, .lolTcrsiin
avenue, Dunmorc Rev. Juines LcLliinuti,
pastor. Sunday preaching at 1U.U0 a, 111.,
by Row Howard Smith, of Africa. Tho
assistant pastor, Chirenco II. Clirlsman,
will spcalt In the evening at 7.:'.0; llihlo
school ut 12 m.i Voting People's meeting
at B. ::o p. 111. Tuesday, Christian and
Missionary Alliance, meeting., 2,oii and 7.30
p. m.
Xlon I'ulted Kwingellrnl church, ll.i)
Ciipouso 11 venue Roy. J. W. Messhiger,
pasiur. Preaching at 10.:i0 a. in, and 7.f0
11. m. At 10.S0. by George U. Sun
born of tho rtespue mission, and at 7.S0
by Hew Snilih, missionary from Soudun.
Sunday school, iUO a, 111.; Junior League
Christian Kndeuvor, I p. in.; Keystone
League Christian Kndeuvor, G.SO p. m.
All K'iit free. Kverybody welcome.
First Pilmltlve Methodlat church.
Green Ridge Hew G, Lees, pastor. Ser
vices ut lo.'JQ u. 111, and 7 p. 111. Morning
subject, "Vcars Wiped Away"; evening
subject, "Thumbs uud Toes, or Wrong
Reiiulted." Sunday schuol at 2."0 p. 111.
All aro welcome.
Plymouth Congregational Church Tho
Lord's supper will bo administered at 10.30
a. m. Preuchiug ut 7 p. m. Subject of the
sermon, "Awako Out of Sleep." Sunday
school at 12 m., and at Shuriuuit uvciiuo
at 2,15 p. in. Prayer meeting at 7.13 i.,
Thursduy. Rev, T. A. Humphreys, pastor.
Moisten two tiiltlcspoonrtils freshly
Rrntcd liorserndlsli with il llttto vino-,
gar or lemon Jilloo. Add ono lirnplliK
tenspoonful of siiRiir, h hulr tenHpoon
ful of salt and halt n tcaspooiifut of
drv mustard, Mix well together, and
Just before serving stir III three table
spoonfuls of whipped cioum thul
been well drained.
For stuffed tomatoes lurge. smooth,
Ilrm rrull Is rcnulred. Slleo oft tho
stein portion and scoop the soft part
out with a spoon, leaving a clip
formed tomato ease. The stttfllng may
vary according lo what ono Iiiih on
bund, us any cold meat may bo uti
lized hi the dressing. A good plain
stuffing Is ut seasoned bread crumbs
mixed wllh butler and a beaten egg.
Flnolv minced parsley, onion, or gar
lic arc nil good seasonings, while Par- J.
mesau eltccsc nouco 10 ui-cmi viiiiiiu.i
and finely chopped ham Is n revela
tion to those who have n-ver tried It.
Tomatoes slurred with rice make u
particularly 'h'appy" combination
with jjoi It chops. Select smooth, round
rrult nnd cut out or the stem end it
piece about the size ot a dollar. With
n spoon scoop out the Inside, taking
care not lo go too deep, and nil the
cavity with the following force-meat:
One-hnlt cupful boiled rice, one-half
cupful cold chicken or veal chopped
very line, u tnblcspoonful of minced
onion, browned In a tenspoonful of
butter and a little parsley. Season
with suit and pepper, udd a wcll
beateu egg and fill the tomatoes with
the mixture, Smooth over the top,
sprinkle with Just it dusting of bread
crumbs or add a little of the tomato
pulp with bits of butter. Uatto In u
moderately hot oven for twenty min
utes, putting u little butter In the pan
In which thev are baked to prevent
burning. Have your pork chops fried
or broiled, arrange on a Hot platter .j,
with the stulTcd tomatoes nruunn me
outside. Pour over tho gravy from
both dishes and serve at once.
A correspondent asks directions for
making tomato soups. Their names
are legion, but here are directions for
throe which may be depended upon:
For an old-fashioned tomato soup,
take ono qunrt can of tomatoes, or Us
equivalent in fresh tomatoes, and one
quart of beet stock. Cook slowly on
back of range for an hour. Rub
through a sieve. Season with popper,
salt, a dash of onion Juice and a lltUo
butter. Thicken with a lahlespoonftil
of Hour stirred smooth in a llttlo cold
water. Stir constantly until It comes
to a boll and servo at once.
Here Is a good everyday tomato
bisque: Roll one quart of tomatoes
Willi one quart of water twenty min
utes. Strain; add one quart of milk,
stirring constantly that it may not
curdle: salt, pepper, butter the size ot
a walnut and at the last moment a
scant half-leaspoonful of soda. Take
at once from the lire and serve with
And here Is a lice and tomato soup.
To one pint of soup-stock, veal, mill
ion or beef, add ono cupful of boiled
rice and cook for twenty minutes.
Then add one pint of tomatoes which
have been put through :i siovo and
heated. Cook ten minutes longer, add
slowly n libit of fresh milk, season
with salt, pepper and a. little chopped
parsley. Serve with squares of toast
ed bread.
AVhen you are ready to run your
carpet sweeper over a Turkish rug,
feel with your hand to see which way
the warp runs, and push the sweeper
In the same direction as the warp.
Tills is not only much easier, but It
takes un the dirt better, and ovens
the rough surface of the rug. giving
It a silkier effect. If you run the
sweeper against the warp It not only
fulls to pick up the dirt, but takes out
the dust from the sweeper as well.
Figures Contained in Report of At
tendance Officer Joyce.
Martin Joyce, attendance officer, has
submitted the following statistics to the
board of control for September:
Kurollmcnt In tho public schools,
between i! and li! years of ago 15,111
Enrollment In parochial schools.
etc., between 6 and Hi years of age -I.0S1
Knrnllmeut, all ages. In public
schools, per superintendent's re
port , 17,S
Whole number enrolled In tho city,
Including 4.0S I In parochial schools. 21,!17i!
Number between li and Hi years re
gistered In the city , 21, SCO
Xo between li and 10 years enrolled
In public school-, not registered... ",!W0
Total between 1! and 10 years 23,7l
Xiimbor between li! nnd 10 years
registered u.02.1
The Kuglish brunches aro taught lujill
parochial schools in Serauton. Parochial
schools, etc., with enrollments respective
ly, as follows:
Holy Rosary, William street 7:W
St. Mary's Itlver street 13
St. Patrick'-. Jackson street MO
St. Patrick's Orphanage, Jackson
street 1 120
St. John's, Figll street.,,,,',. 400
St. John's. South M11I11 avenue 220
St. Mary's. Green Ridge 10
School of tho Lackawanna 71
St. Thomas College, Wyoming ave
nue 75
St, Ceeellus, Wyoming avenue 211
St. Paul's, Green Ridge ::tS
St, Lucia's, Chestnut street ISO
Polish Catholic school, South Sldo.. 250
Independent Polish Catholic school,
South Side 119
Shoemaker from Foster Arrested on
Several Charges,
Kreuugelo Konlllo, of Faster, 11 shoe
maker, created a disturbance yester
day In tho house of Patsy Tliulne, ut
911 Robinson street. Ho was arrested
on charges of making threats, pointing
llro-itrnis, and carrying concealed
weapons, and was taken Into custody
Just us he was about to take a train
for New York,
Tlio hearing was held before Alder
man Millar, anil the prisoner explained
ho was going to New York to meet his
son, After furnishing ?900 bat he was
allowed to go.
The Bacillus
of Catarrh
.May not, ob yet have been officially dls
covered and catalogued; but all thu sumo,
It can be hunted down, und absolutely ex
terminated with
Dr. Ignsw's Catarrhal Powder
Tho One Catarrh Cure that cures Ca
tarrh, Colds and headache.
Dr, Agnew's Ointment relieves eczema In one day.
35 Cents. 3
Sold by Wm. U. Chuk and II. C, San.
We've been kept quite busy llie last few days
showing the different Overcoat styles. The short
"Box." The medium length "Chesterfield," and the
long stylish "Paddock" all show the fashion changes
of this Fall and Winter season. All reflect our stand
ard of designing and tailoring. If you're passing- this
way why not try on a coat or two; it s a pleasure tor
us to show
buy; prices
Joyce s
Directly .after the Great Anthracite Strike was declared, we inaugurated this most
novel of contests, and the thousands of estimates on its duration made by patrons
amply attests to its popularity.
The strike is surely drawing to a close. It may end Monday. Who knows?
Interest is at fever heat.
Take as a basis for your guess the fact that work ceased at 7 a. m. May 15,
1902, and calculate the probable number of days, hours and minutes between that
date and the calling- off of the strike by the Delegates' Convention, which meets at
Wilkes-Barre on Monday. Do your Saturday marketing at any of the Joyce Stores
and guess as often as you like.
Three Pack
ages for
n rerrrr-rmffiiwHi
Aunt Jemimas rap
cake Flour,
The "Atterbury" System
of Clothes Making.
It makes no difference what time of day you visit our.
"Atterbury" Clothirig floor you'll always find enthusiastic
customers. Some have proved the benefits of this system of
clothes making-, some are here by the advice of friends to find
out for themselves. There's no doubting when once this
system is explained. The designers' work shows to advan
tage. The workmanship and tailoring; appeals forcibly to the
man who has patronized the best custom tailors-appeals to
every man who appreciates the development of new ideas
conceived by master designers of Men's Fashions.
We're very anxious to show you two lines of popular
priced Suits. ineir styie ana cioin qucim-y uuw
watchfulness and care of selection. M 17 Cft
Samples in our Show Window . . . 4Av, .pi.V
you without urging you to
are governed by the quality
A Hundred Magnetic Grocery and Meat Bargains From
Which to Make Your Selections. We Meimiion But Twoj
Er-3 Bfcv ffi
y Goods.
718720 West Lackawanna Avenue. -v
432 Lackawanna Avenue. 401 Perm Aveuue.
wmfflf "wrmrnrnmsummamaai
iilll to $25
l,.A.Mvirf PkIM
KT-K4 BSSa3BSi'aHK8l.V.arjffii
I lliill
1 jsp iff
W -..fcifltf.
sBfmm. jfrf P fch rTB gnMh wya jRsu bTBI