The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 18, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    I:" p:vf?r-,V f
MttS. fi. M. OATHS Ib attending
the Htiitr Voting Women's
Christian association conven
tion nt Indiana, I'n. Ml??
Srlby, of North Seranton!
Miss Meredith, of South Sernnton, and
Mrs. R, Mi Clark are delegate. A
rather unusual occurrence Is that there
Is present Mrs, W, .1. Clark, nre Nettle
Dunn, who organized the Htntc Young
Women's Christian Association of
Pennii.vlvniiln.nw1 one of Its local asso
ciations f Seranton among the rent);
Miss Kmma Hays, a former secretary
In Pennsylvania, both local (at Pitts
burg! and suite, who organized Itead
Int: and other nssoclatlons,' Miss Selliy,
who helped In state work one year and
Is now the efllclent secretary nt Provi
dences anil Miss Strong, the present
tato secretary. There Is n Inrgo dele
gation from Pittsburg and other places
In the western part of the state.
Apropos of the state Voting Women's
Christian association convention now
hi session, It Is Interesting to note that
this state nssocditlon now embraces
forty-four associations, twelve being In
cities. Pittsburg Is the largest of these,
having 1.JIS2 membeis. with ti large en
rollment In classes, 421 being In ilouies
tlc science classes. Their boarding
homes accommodate seventy-seven
young women, and they served 91.W
lunches lit their lunch room last year.
Besides this large work In their vailed
departments In the building, they reach
tnrotign tneir intension nml mule sec
retarles ovpv 1,500 young women In fac
tories each week-. This Is one of the
associations organized by Mrs. II. Al.
RoIps, while chairman of the state com
mittee. All Souls' Universalis! Church.
Rev. Thomas IJ. Payne, pastor of All
Rouls' Universalist church, has secured
fiiiernsey hall for Sundays evenings
during the winter, anil will bold one or
more series of services, unique In their
character, ami designed especially to
Interest the non-eliiireh-goliig public.
Pull announcement, under the heading,
"Guernsey Hall Sunday lOvenlng Pul
pit," will be made later.
Desiring Id make use, in these ser-
vices, of our best local readers, vocal
ists and Instrumentalists, Mr. Payne
desires all such who would like to as
sist in these services, to communicate
with him at the earliest possible date.
Soprano, alto, bass and tenor voices for
a volunteer choir are wanted. All
thosp offering their services for this
choir may have their voices tested free
by applying to our organist and choir
leader. Mrs. F. K. Wilson, W:i Mulber
ry street.
Rally Day nt Court Street.
KlnboratP preparations have b"en
uncle for the observance of Pally day
it. the Court Street -Methodist church,
5cv. (jenrgo C Lyman, pastor. Preach
ug service will bp held in the beatiti
'ully decorated auditorium at 10.:;0, and
U 11.15 will occur the rally of the Sun
lny school. At :: o'clock. Hew 10. I..
R.intee will give a talk on the "Taber
nacle In the Wilderness." He has made
a model fiom the description of the
tabernacle in the Hible. which be will
use In illustrating his lectin p. Kvery
member and their friends are urged to
Religious News.
The Ministers' association
will meet In Kim Park, Monday, at 10.S0
a. in. Pew James Rcnnlnger will pre
sent an article.
Offerings will be received at all the
jubilee services in Saint Luke's Parish
for the permanent endowment fund. A
golden offering is requested wherever
As all communicants of Saint Luke's
parish will desire ti make their jubilee
communion, services have been ar
ranged hs follows: Saturday, 7 a, in.
and 10.30 a. m.; Sunday, 7 a. in. and 12
m.: .Monday, 7 a. in.
The r,aptl.-t Ministers' conference will
hold Its regular meeting next Mruidav
morning at 10.:;o o'clock. In the parlors
of the Penn Avenue liaptlst church.
Rev. C. Spanning will icad a paper,
the subject of which will be "Charles
(i. Finney."
and on the seventh day. seven times,
Seven Is a sacred nunilur, Indicating- com
pleteness and perfection. While there
may be strength In numbers and tlod
may Use them for wise and holy pnr-
poses, yet the power of (lod l not In
numbers, nor forms, nor human devices.
"This N the victory that overcome! h
I he world, even your faith 1 1 ,lno. v. I).
I'Viltli Is more powpi fill wllh tlod tlian
numbers, Head Hie eleventh cliniUer of 1
Hebrews and note the mighty It luiiiphs
of faith. Hope Is the heaven wind of I he
Hible; It tin lis our Ihnitghl as "nil anchor
of Hie soul" loward thai eternal home.
Love Is Hi- sweet, .Inyoies and Implrlng
word ol the lllhle; we will give mi ire. and
do mote and lie more lor love, Hum for
anything else la the world.
Faith Is the conquering won! of I lie
lllhle, our sins, onflows, ufllletlons, tilals.
difficult ley, dancers, are oveieonie
through lalth In Hod,
Tills little sketch suggest the crum
bled wall nf .ferlcliu, when the trumpet
lug trumpets, Tim vnhgliflid (verse HI
comprised more tba)i two hundred and
sixty thousand nieii In the camps of
Kphrnlm and Dan. This military display,
with the ink of the Divine presence, and
Hie mlulsleis of religion In the midst,
del veil two Important ends. It enabled
the people of .leilcllo to see Die nllmberi
character and dl'posllloii of the Investing
host, a spectacle which must ImWiuvaU
eneil mingled emotions of wonder nhd
fear. It also exhibited to the Israelites
the nice and sliength or lli city which
was destined to fall before tbeni, caus
ing theln to realize more fully 'the divine
Inlet position.
Tltl'MPL'TH.-Tliu Hleady tramp of sW
hundred thousand MghlliiK men around
the walls of Jericho was relieved some
what of Its monotony by one peculiar fea
ture. The seven pilests advancing helot c
tliu ark, blew with their trumpets, the
sound of which, heard by the army,
leVefberaled in the doomed city. 1tcfor
leaving Sinai, I led had appointed the
It umpet for giving signals of different
kinds iN'imihcta, x, 1 1 it. In this in
stance It made prncja null Ion of war anil
summoned Jerlrlio to surrender a seven
days' call to open the gales. Moreover,
II was the designated mode of making
formal request for divine help and an
acknowledgment of distress ynd need,
(led had promised iN'iimhcrs, x, !b Hint
on healing tile triimpcl'ii blast He would
leinemlier and save his people In other
words, that when by this method they
Invoked Ills aid It would be nranled,
lleie, then, was a prolonged walllntt
upon the Almighty, according to Ills own"
gracious appointment, a nulled seven
days' prayer In the lime of extremity.
The rcilex Inllucnce gpnu Israel must
have been very suliiluiy testing ami de
veloping their faith. In later time (lldeoa
emplojed trumpet.' and gained a signal
vlctoiy. t Judges, vll, Pi.) '
word, the people should lift up olte long
united shout, At the fullness of the
time, all the preliminaries having been
adjusted, all the prescribed conditions
ImVlng been met, the voice of the great
commander would ting nut full and clear,
"Shout, Tor the Lord hath given .Mill tbo
city.'' It Is said Hint Orientalists gener
ally In going Into battle employed Ibis
method of (lightening their enemies, and
our Antei lean Indians had the same prut
lice. Hut tills could not have been tllu
main motive of ilu shout or Israel, It
was lather an expression of their faith
arid Joy In the hour of assuied victory
CAPTt'lti:- it Is lulei eating In mile that
Isinel obeyed tll"se outers, There Is no
evidence that III all that vast host there
was one who deviated from the, pio
scribed mode of conduct. What a inag
nlllcpht spectacle! What a marvel of dis
cipline! Atoinul Hip city's walls, with
trumpet blasts of priests, they moved In
mighty column, In unbroken stillness,
Day after day passed, each time leliiiu
Ing to the camp. Hie people came With
Increasing expeclanej, On the linn! day,
once, twlce-slx times they ma relied
Then came the seventh lounil, and
Joshua's voice was heard. A moment Hie halted. Louder, firmer, clearer tlian
l-ever blew the trumpets. Then lose from
the hundreds of thousands of Israel tin
Joyous, ton.u-sluilned and exultant cty
The power of (lod came down, The mas
sive walls swa.veil and fell flat to the
grounil, Knell man drawing Ids swonl,
advanced sltalght before him. There was
no Impediment to the piogicss. Kutcrlng
the streets, passing hastily on, ihe wink
of death WHS qulrlc, reinoiseless, com
plete. The bodies of the Inhabitants and
of the beasts were strewn confusedly
about Jericho was blotted nut of exist
ence. Ituhah only and her family lived,
lOimded "Victory." It also suggests the
Christian's triumphs through faith in the
Suggestions Draw the representation
of n ram's bora, sounding out Ihe notes
of ICTOItV. lii-iieatli this draw Ihe
broken columns, ete,, t Indicate the
nuns nf the wailed city. "Uy faith we
shall conquer."
Seranton, P.i.
Josh, '
Secretary of
i, 8-20.
AlOPiiean Soil,
Ions Kdiicullon.
ty of Ite-
BY rtF.V. ROBF.ItT f. V. PII'.nOK, f. P.
From Viillini' Nnle
Ltseen llhututni,"
fine! & Co.,
In "The SiiniIhv
I'nhlMiKtl l.y r.
Chiugo, 111,
Golden Text Illustrated "Hy faith tho
'sll nf J"rleho fell down." He. 1UI0.
Israel Jericho seven d.iys,
CONTPNT.- Having crossed the Jor
dan. Israel encamped on the plains of
Cilgal. n short dlslance from the river.
There a 1nen101l.1l ol the was set
up. i Joshua. Iv. 5-ii. i Learning that a
victorious people had entered tlclr coun
try, the Can. incites were alarmed, and
preparations weie begun for defense.
(Joshua, v. 1.) .hwhii.i did not immedi
ately Impiovi his advantages., but re
mained In camp to perform lellglous du
ties and learn the further will of J'.
hovali, The rigid of circumcision, tho
seal of the covenant, was renewed
(Joshua. , -I. thai generation having
giown up III th" wilderness imciicum
clsed The passover was kept, complet
ing the fortieth year alter Hie dep.irtnie
from l! On the following day Ihe
manna ceased, and the people began to
eat "Hie old corn of the land." (Joshua,
v, hi-tl.l Shortly al'lev a leaiarhable su
pernatural manifestation i1ielosed the dt
vinc put pose and plan. While Joshua was
near Jericho, probably recomioit'-rbig, an
angel In the lo.rm of a man Willi drawn
swonl appeared to him, announcing him
self as caplnlu of Hie Lord's host. This
slgullled that a war of conquest was lo
be begun under Hod's leadership. In
structions were given for taking Jericho,
which, anllclp.illng altack, had closed Its
gates, iJnsliu.i, vl, I.)
MAIUMIINfi - Isinel was directed to
inmpass the city, inn iich day lor six
days, and seven llmrs on the -eventh day.
Hy some It Is believed with good reason,
that the miss of Hie penph remained In
(amp, and thai the men ol war only
marched, bur others think that the eullr,;
congregation entered the pioeesslolis,
(Verse "a, I The older of the maicb con
formed to cm Her directions. iNumbeis,
II, '.'l'.i and x. ll-.S.i The camps of Jiidah
anil Iteubcn advanced llrsl with three.
hundred thousand men. After them went
the ark. pieeednl by seven priests
IH-JVtiTKD. P.efotp the march began It
was illstlni tl. iiuderstoiid, lor Hod had
deelaied ml Joshua had lepeated. that
on the last day the walls would be
f t In own down (verve 51, alloT.'Ing free en
I Iratice to ihe i Ity. It was also announced
i that the captured city would belong lo
Hod. The people should receive nothing.
I hey were stialghlly chaiged not to up
propilate iiuyllihig to themselves. The
dlleetlou served all linportiinl end As
(lie tmiquest of the laud wa now begin
ning II was necessary to prevent a mer
cenary splill. If once Ihe thought of
gala-getting or of personal ease should
seize upon the people, they would he cor
tupt and perverted. (Mark. x. :::.) Noth
ing mole surely or quickly turns Hie
heart away from Hod lliati Inordinate
love of wen lib. t Psalm, Ixil, III. i In cs
labllshlng these people In Canaan, Hod
luoposed to inal-e ihetu his servants, de
slilug His glory above all else. Resides,
as this was Intended to be a religious
community, the means for sustaining the
oidlnances of religion niusl be provided,
Tile she of Acliaii and the ree0rse sus
tained at Ai demonstrates the earnest
purpose of Hod lu claiming Jericho tor
himself. (Joshua, ll, 1.1
SAVKD.-Having leserved the city,
what will Hod do wllh llV This wit.--made
t.:nowo In advance. There was one
family lu It which h" mdereil to be
biouglu out and Incorporated in Israel,
the family of Ituhah, who aided the snK
i.losliuu. II, li and thereby displayed faith
In Hod. (Hebrews, xl, SI.) The sliver, ihn
gold, and the vescels of brass and Iron
were ordered I i be Hinied over In the
heasury of the Lord. Increasing bj so
much the facilities for lellglous worship.
And so it appears that Jeih lio. belonging
to the Can.lanltlsh line, had not lived
wholly In vain. It had nurtured u single
fan illy which was accounted worthy lo
enter Into covenant!nn with (lod
and share tbo fortunes of the chosen
people, forming: one of those billowing
str-ams which, at dil'leienl times, came
from the oittsld" will Id. trtuili, I. J'j )
Hesltle till". Jeiicbo had done nothing for
Coil save lo gather lip liv.isuro. It is
given to some people lo prepare material
onilttionH which advanced the kingdom
of heaven, from which they .no xcludeil. i
Di;STROVi:i).--ltahnh and In r family
ami the treasuie ueing saved, all else
was doomed In advanee to utter destruc
tion. Kvery lixing thing-men. women,
cattle- linn,! be pill lo death, i Verse I'l.)
Tills was In accoi dance with instructions
dellveied 13 Moses. (neuleronomy. vll,
-'.I At tills distance of time this whole
sale slaughter may appear lo some as
unbecoming the character of the Al
lnighly, especially as it loustltuled the
beginning of a pre-determlued war of
extermination. II mast he remembered,
however, lb. n the age in which It oc
curred, Wii.i one of blood: when great
results could not be achieved by gentle
measures. Motcover. the Cauaanltes
weie idolaters: the.x had long stood lu the.
way oi ttie worms pro.'.rfss. Their ic
moval iiuide jilace for another lace,
which, I hough llien lu a low moral con
dition. Inliei'Mfd promises, and was to be
pnl under training for the world's beiicllt.
Klene.sls, xxli, IS.) And dually. In wink
ing lull ills vast designs, the Hod of the
whole earth sets up and casts down,
linns and overturns (Hzeklel, xl, 27 1,
aicoidlng lo Ills pleasure. Who shall
question the wisdom of Ills linings'.' lu
the end lie will be vindicated before rill
Intelligences. I Revelations, v, L'.i
SIIOPTINfi.- During Ihe march of Ihe
six days, and the six circuits nf the sev
enth day. the people were enjoined lo bu
silent. No sound should be heard except
that of the ti umpcs. announcing the
city's overthrow, cr.lng for divine as
sistance Hod seemed In be saying, "Ho
Mill and 'now that I am Hod: I will be
exalted among the heathen." 1 Psalm,
xlvl, 10. 1 Hut on Hie seventh day, while
the i-pv;UiIIi round was being made, and
I lien only when Joshua should give Hie
CONCLCSION.-Tlils section of sacred
history had a two-fold value. II exhibits
the method by which Hod executed Ills
purposes Willi and lor the people in the
anclenl times. lie tested and trained
them, holding them back hy an order re
quiring obedience which extended through
several days, thai they might know their
weakness and trust Ills power. Ity many
minute enactments lie brought them Into
complete subjection to Ills will. At the
same time He Intimidated their enemies
(Joshua. In. :t-LMi. who thereafter lelt that
they were powerless lu the presence of a
people who could thus summon unseen
fotees. Al the last Hod dlsnlayed Ills
power in removing obstacles, doing lor
Ihe army what they were not able to do,
but leaving them lo tight and luniplete
Ihe conquest. The passage Is Instructive
for nil ages. In these Inter times, when
victories are won more by the truth, ive
may see in this narrative the principles
lu every campaign against the force" of
evil. Men must believe In Hod, ohe.v
Him, and consecrate results to lllni.
Faith, obedience, consecration are the,
watchwords In casting down the strong
holds of darkness!
A Seasonable Recipe
(Cut F
The human body is built'out of the food eaten. A weak
ness in the constitution means that one or more elements
of the body have not been nourished sufficiently or have
been over-nourished at the expense' of other elements.
ShmMed IVhole I Wtcat Biscuit nourishes all the different ele
ments of the body in correct proportion. Here is one of the many
iTSit rtst.Zj n- ' ,&
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1II ICJ UOV,U. I .. !,'THBR7S?'JSsSN'r7i?l
rare, core am
..... 1 1
1n1.11 ici -t i"KV-i j, ..,' "mg
apples; coolv1aBjicVM;Vi, Ai
tender with 'A MfiiI' ;,
cup of water; atl
V, cup of sugar;
awav to cool. Make a pint
of anv gelatine icily. Split
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, fill with
the stewed apples; pour ' of an
inch of Ihe jelly into a long, shallow
pan, let harden; then place the biscuit
sandwiches end to end on the jelly and
cover with the remaining jelly.' Sot
away to harden. Serve with cream.
Anv seasonable fruit can be used
instead of apples.
Split Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
and tpast It for breakfast.
Hsold by all grocers. Send for "The Vital
Qiteitlon" (Cook Hook, Illustrated Incolors,)
I'rc. Address
d jMrssssstmmwMwiimmi
r-TOv!rs3say, . vammwiWMMXi ) ii rj)iWses--
m mmmwimmiimiA m. zt
. fc -z Mrx!r.j-aj',ii vmvjrJM'dtMirtPzre.ivrrm'nTi .
m wwt?4'4?,f imvj tMjrfP'uhH'.'mm.K . r'.
iVi . hip nftfcvsww- tmtxmr ;.-- v-. wml-
w kai'iar''r
Made with
Him I'nrU Melliodlst Lpbcinial elinrcli
Ur. C Al. tllflln. pnslnr. I'rayer and
praise meeting at !i.::a. F'reiiebins by tin;
pastor al Ki.:M; Kiinday scdiiml at -' p. tn. ;
.lutiinr LeiiKiie at ::.:!(i p. in.; Senior
Leasne nt (l.:ii p. in. At 7.:i", tile pastnr
vvill iire.icb on Ibe tuple, "A Tell-tale
lliocne. '
SliiipMin .Vletlindlst Kpiseupal cbnreb
Hev. II. ('. .McDernintt, 11, P., nnstiir.
Love fens! at ! n'cloel; n. 111.: iecejnn of
membei's and sacrament of tbe Loid's
supper at ii.:so a. in.; jjiinday scbool at
12 111.: .limine League at '' n. in.: Knvvorili
League at 'i.::ii p. in.; preaclilue: at 7.::0
p. 111. Tlie pastor Is desirous that all
member of tbe church be present and
drop a slip of paper Into Hie contribution
box, with name and addiess plainly vvi It
ten Al 1 ton It.
Anbury Methodist Kplsu11p.1l church.
corner IJelanare and Alonsey avenue
Rev. Chillies A. lieiijaniln, pastor.
Brotherhood at 0.:;u a. in.: preaching by
p.t-lor at subject, "Spliililal Mlshi
and Power": Sunday sehool at ;.:!;
League al ii.:!u p. in.: preachliu; at T.::0
p. 111., subject. "The Voice of the Church
lo Her Voiiiik People" tn yollUK people.
Seats free and all are welcome.
Ash Street .Methodist l!plseop,il church
- liev. .1. !:. Austin, pastor. Services al
ia.:!0 a. m. and ?..':a p. m.: class meeting
nt ll.:!H a. 111., Charles Cioop, leader; Sun
day school at .' p. m.. I!. W. Slope, su
perintendent; Kpvvoitb League at fi. I.'i p.
111. I'reachlns tn the Nay Ann Methudisl
Kplscopnl ehuicb at 3 p. m. A cordial
St. Paul's .Methodist Kplscopnl church
- !'. P. Doty, pastor. Services lu Phil
lips' hull, on l'"lr -Ireet. At lil..'lj a. 111.,
morula;; vvniahlp and s"imon: 11,1.1 a. 111.,
Sunday school; ::.::o p. in.. Junior Kpworth
LciiKiie at parsonaue: (i,l." p. in., Kpvrortli
Lciaue .service. W. A. Susli, leader; T.:e
p. in., evenlnt:' worship. Prayer meeting,
WedtieMlay eveiihiR at Ihe iarsonai;e, at
7,!."i o'clock. All welcome at all service.).
Court Street Methodist
chureh-;. c. L.vnian, pa-tor. Class at
ii.t.'i a. in.. (I. Li. lleWlll. leader; pieach
hiK at I0.:!(i a, 111.; Sunday school, 11. 1,", a.
111.: Ually Pay -ervlce, :i p. 111. Hev. K.
L. Santee will be present, ami Willi model
of tabernacle, explain It o even a child
will iliiileistnnd. Also all are Invited to
she :i book for our Sunday scbonl lllu 111. v.
Kverybndy Is Invited. Kpvvorlh Leaaue,
I!.:!" p. 111., Untile I.esh, leader; preaehliiR
al 7,:l(i p. in, Sealfi free. Come.
Providence Methodist L'plscopal cliurih
-Itev. ficoiRc A. Cure, pastor. The
Ilrolberhood of St. Paul mecl for prayer
al 10 a, in.; preachim; ul lu."0 a, m.; Sun
day school at '- p, in.: Kpvvorlh League at
(i. ir, p. 111,, topic, "Self Mastery" (temper-
Iti'i Alb's r'tnreiicf AValUer. leader.
Preaclilntf at 7..10 p. m., "Vour Mission."
African .Methodist Kplscopnl church
Ur. 1). S. IJentley, paNtor. Sorvlces al
10.:w a. in., subject, "A Friendly Wmd
with the New Preacher"; SunJuy school,
".::ii p. m.: missionary anniversary, T.l.l p.
111. ChiiMlnn Kndeavor; 7.J. p. in., sour
service, Voting: People. Welcome to all.
Penn Avenue Paptlst church. Penn ave
nue, between Spruce and Linden streets
Strangers iilvvays welcome. Preaclilue,
morning- at l(i.::n ami evening at 7."0. by
the pastor. P.ev. Itobert I'. V. Pierce. 6.
D.; morning prayer service In the ve-try
al ft. 1.1 o'clock. Theme of Ibe morning
set num. "Silent Harps." Sunday school
at Prim Avenue at L' o'clock and at Ihe
Auicrninn mission al :!.::. Voting Peo
ple's Snciely of Christian Kndcnvor meeting-
t ii.::n p. m. At the "Bright Hour"
services. Ihe hymns will be Illustrated
for congregational singing.. The theme
for the evening service will h "Climb
ing I life's Ladder."
.Iriclitoii Street liaptlst church Rev.
Thomas de (Irtichy, l. H. Alotnlng
men's prayer meeting al '1. 1.1, Protlier
llichnrd N'lcbolls. leader: preaching ser
vice al lii.:'(i a. 111.. sermon liy the pastor,
tuple, "t I rent Things in Little Tilings";
Sunday scbool al p. in.. John Lloyd,
superintendent: evening service at' 7
sharp. Tills nicellng will be devoted to
ihnnli-sivlng and praise The strike be
ing siltbd calls for thanksgiving. Let us
gather next Sunday evening, each with
a song of lliauKsglviiig. All are cor
dially invited to all ihe privileges of our
elnlrcli. Scats ate all free:
' Itidge liaptlst church Appoint
ments for Sunday, October Itith. ISO:!:
Preaching by tbe pastor, lie v. Iletuv
Sterling Potter al both services, lu the
evening, the sermon will be the third In
the tcilis to the young, and the theme
will be "Life's Play Days-the tjuestlon
of Amusements," Sunday si lino! al II. .1
Overcoat Time
Overcoat Talk..
D. of
of ' lie -flsswS1?)
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AH are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the originality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects -buy the genuine,
Manufactured by
5a n. Fre-nclaco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky, New York, N. Y.
North 3lnin Avenue Hapllst church -Kcv
Albert Hatcher .Smith, pastor. The
pastor will preai h al a.;H) a, m. and 7."0
P. m. The 7.."0 o'clock service will be a
"liarvisl home" service, held in the
l.ihei'iuii-lc. theme. "The Significance of
a Ulg Pumpkin." A special musical pro
gramme will he- rendered. A tvvo-hotse
load of vegetables and fruits will bo db
irlbuted in the viorthv poor.
Menu.ilnl Papll.-t chinch, church ave
nue-Pastor, Kev. W. . Davles. Ser-'
vlcc tomorrow at the usual bonis.
Ibe absen f Ihe pastor, the church In !
Ihe mm Ping will have a praver and
praise service; filble school al )i. in. I
In the evening, the set vice will be In the j
hands of lue Voting- People's snelet.v. TI.e
programme will eonsi-t of recltiitlons. I
short addresses, prayers, solos ami '
cliortise..-. The meeting will doubtless be
Highly enjoyable and edifying.
I'lrst Welsh liaptlst church. West Mnr-
uei sireet-Itev. .1, V. Davles. At pi n,
111., seiinon by the pastor: :' p. m.. .Sunday
school; 1; p. in., -ermnn by the (ev. L.
c. .lames, of Crozler seminary. The even
ing services will be coiidueied In Knglbh,
All are cordially invited lo attend. Seals
Shlloh Kaptihl church, corner .Mulberry
dreet and Adams av le Itev. .1 ti.
Huddle, pastor Preaching at n. m.. ),v
the pastor, subject. "Ilnw Can We Win
tlie Pry.eV"; at :!.::n p. in., preaching- by
Itev. W. !!. Hanks, pusliir of the .Ml.
.Ion Haptlst church, Wllkes-linrie. P.ev.
iianlis i a (lospcl pjreachcr ami will In
terest all who come in hear him; at S p.
in., preaching Hie pastor, subject, "iiur
Pilgrimage lu Heaven." Tlie choir will
render special music at this service, as
t 111- Is rally day. Wedneiiay morning,
the :.'iuil. the pastor will leave this city f
for llarilsburg. where he will attend the!
thirteenth annual African Haptlsl State I J
''(invention. Over m) ordained ministers I S
will be present. Itev. 1'oN, ). 'll.. or! ?
Piltshurg. will preside and the sessions' j
will last lor thice days.
I'"lrst Piesbyleilau cliurch Services at
(i.;i'i a. 111. and 7."') p. in. The saciauiciit
nf haptlsin will he adinlnls'eii-d lo In
fants lu the morning hy Dr. .Mcl.eod.
Dr. Samuel .lessup will punch. Dr. .les
Hiip Is one of the best beloved iind most
siKce-slul nilsslonarics of the Picsh.v
terlan church, ills Held and luune aie
hi Syria. II Is also expecicd that the
president of llupliraicsa college, In Tar
ens. Asia .Minor, will he present. Stran
gers welcome.
Second Proshy lot Ian chinch. Jefferson
avenue, between Vine and .Mulbetry
street-. Morning woiMiln, 10.:!" a, in.: Sun
day school, 1- in.: Voilllg People's So
ciety Christian Kndcnvor, i;::n p, m.;
evening worship, ':.' p. in. Itev. .In.cpii
II. Odell will preach at hntli servlcis.
I'Jvenliig subject, "He Patient with tiod,"
A cordial welcome to all.
lireen Ridge I'lcsh.vterlall ehureh Itev.
I. .1. Lansing, pastor. At lu,::o und ".')).
services of worship, with sermons hy tho
pastor; ,12 in. Illhlo sihool; i.:u p. tn.,
t'lu'iilliiu Kiideavur. All arc wtlcome.
WaBlihiirn Sireet Picsbyterlan church
lley. .lohu P. .Motfat, D. D., piistnr. Ser
vices at In. "a a. 111. and 7.;in p. 111.: i!'e
.elmol at 12 ill.; I'hUstlan Ihidcavor
Young People at p. m.; Christian l-Jn-deavor
Juniors at "." p. m. Prayer
meeting, Wednesday at i.;:a p. 111. The
pastor will preach, morning ami evening.
All welcome.
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian chinch,
corner Sumner avenue and Price street.
Services tomorrow as follows: Sabbath
school at 11 a. in. In the veveitliig tho
Lord's supper will he administered by
Itev. Dr. McLeod. of (lie I'lrst Pre.sby.
terian church. All members are especial
ly requested lo be present.
Adams Avenue chapel, New Yolk
street Tim Itev. Jnmi'i Hughes will
preach at l')."0 a. in. and 7JW p. m. II
will bo a memorial service In the evening,
When buy
ing an Overcoat
you want it to
come up to sev
e r a 1 precon
ceived ideas of
what an Over-
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Above all things
it should be the
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perfect (and
therefore dres
sy). With the
method of high
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where every
curve OllJ touch
is a masterpiece of artistic skill and
taste", there is no need of misfits.
Our line of Fine Overcoats this
season meet all of the above require
ments and our prices are always
To the Seranton Ladies:
When tired searching for something
new in Children's Fine Clothing, stop
at Griffin's. You will find what gou
M. H. Griffin
318 Lackawanna Ave.
wllh special music: .Sunday school at :s
p. 111.; the Christian Hndeavor society
will meet at ii.::n p. in. Services 011 Wed
nesday evi'lilut,' at 7.M o'clock. A cor
dial Invitation Is given 10 all who may
desire lu WW slip lleie.
Capotise chapel (Presb.vieilan)-I'rench-Ing-
at 0.;w a. in. and :w p. m by the
pastor, Hev. L. It. Ko-tcr; Sunday school.
:i p. m.; Junior Christian Kudeuvnr, I p.
in.; Senior Christian Kudeuvnr, ii.i p. m.,
and prayer meeting at l.'M o'clock Thurs
day evening.
Saint Lukc'a parish Itev. ItuRcrs Is
rael, I). I)., rector; itev. (ilwiml John
llaiighlou, aenlor curato; JJey. Hubert
KweU Hue. Junior ciiralc. Tvventy-llist
Sunday alter Trinity.
Saint Luke's church 7.:w a. in., holy
communion; 1U.W a. in., iiiwrnUig prayer,
sermon and holy communion; ':' p. in.,
evening prayer and sermon; 9.1.i a. in..
Sunday school and lllhle classes; Sunday
school rally set vice, a 11. 111.
Saint .Mink's, Duuniore-t.v1) u. m holy
communion; ". p. in., evening prayt'i
and .crniau. '.V'io a. m Sunday school ant
lllhle chases.
church uf the Hood Shepherd, eoruei
.Mousey avenue and lireen Hldge stteel-Tvveui-llrst
Sunday after Trinity Muni'
lag player at lu.:!0 n'clnck, Sumlx;
scliol and reelor's class at '.'.: p. in.
evening prayer at 7,:W.
SI. John's mlssou. Osterhout hall
Ptovhlence siiiaii llnly communion, 7 TI
a. in.: Sunday school, 2 p. in , evenlnt
prajer. I p. in.
SI. David's church--Hev. Kdward Jam"!
Mclluiry. rector. Matins, litany ant
sermon. ID.-i'i a. 111.; evensong and artdrei
at 7,.'!0; Sunday si haul. 12 m, There w.
be no early celcbrallon.
(irace church, Wyoming avenue, belo
Mulberry street I'rayer ami praise ser
vice al !'..' n, 111.; Divine worship at l.a
a. m. and 7.IW p. 111. Hev. A. I-C. Hates, ol
Lima, N. V., a lormcr pastor of Oract
ICeiillnurd on Page 11.
-v - 4ft
, .riMUli tjM 1