The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Cotinfy Savings Bank
and Tctisf Company,
506 Spruco Streot.
Receives i -4 and
Deposits 2n I UP"
in Sums of mr wards
and pays j per cent, in
lerest tliereon.
L. A. WATB.ES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Fres.
A. H. CHKISTY, Cnshler.
Win. T. Hnllnlenil, 'Kvriclt Wiirinii.
V.. P KlimsblJIJ, JAUgllM IlllblllsOll,
0. 8. Johnson. '.I"". O'IIiIi-ii,
I,. A. Wntles,
riuuiti it in
With purchase of Wall Paper,
Shades, Picture Frames, Burnt
Wood and Leather Novelties.
No better time than now
to bring us your unframed
pictures for framing. We
have the best assortment
of frames in Scranton.
All Kinds of Interior Decora
tive Work promptly done. Good
COUPON Cut this out and
present it at our stoie. Pur
chase goods to the amount of
$1.00 or nioie and you will re
ceive 30 STAMPS FREE.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
They Draw Well."
o Morris' Magnet Cigars
Tli best ''nine for ". cents.
Try one and you will smoke no
All the lomlf iiet biaiuls "f ".c
clgnts nt J1.7'i per bov, or G for 23c.
The largest nilety of Fip--s and
Tobaccos In town.
The Cigar Man
325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
he City
' Had His Leg Fractured.
.Inhii (Jieonhiuger, ni' .'Is rcmnu-t sheet,
in employe nl tin- I'ellenin mine, hud bis
left leg li.icniicd -.esieitl.i.v l, Jumping
iik I Kim it moving engine near tin- Dodge
D., L. & W. Pay Days.
The employs of tile Diamond.
vllln anil Nlnns (iilliei let. will be p.liil lo
inoriow nuiinliiK In the ulicinnon the
employes .it all the other c ulltfi if- will
lie palil.
Hose Won the Range.
II., of Tnlor was the n Inner of
the handsome kitchen i tinge upon which
each visitor nt' Hie I oiisehiilil HIUtHtng
stole dining the List lew tl.t wen- nleii
n elniiii e.
Bankruptcy Petition.
(ipiiikp S. Miii key, a i.inner, of iith
lope, .M'.steulay llleil im liuoltnilarv pe
tition In bauUniptey in the l'nlte.1 stiiict
tllKtikt (unit. UN liabilities ale $1.7i,'J,i,7
anil the asset aie only pi, all exempt.
Adjudged Bankrupts.
Pamnel Feather and mmi, of
nock, weie ychti-iilny ailjialKed hanknipts
in lliu 1 'nited .States illnlili-1 eoait. Tim
111 at meetliiK of riedltm.s Mill be held In
Ihe oldee of ('. O. Dt'iHliclm.'r. al Tinil,
Jiannnek, on (Jeiober v
Defiauded Boarding House.
John Itllt-y and Jllehael (lolden, or
l'enn avenue. ph nir.ilKiicd bel'mo -l-(leiinnn
Itnddy last evening, ehaiKid wltli
Jofraiiillni; I. Kppsteln out uf 'their lio.itd
tllln. After the bills and xl.s wer, i,j,
the case with dismissed.
Total Eclipse of Moon.
j Kky-Knzois lite List nlKhl ami enily this
niiiriiMis nan .in oppoi tnnlly of tMincssini;
n toUfl ;et'li.s(i of the moon. Theio were
.no clomh to liilerteie and the "QadMi
of tlio Nljjht" was In full view . shadow
j'jpkuu to spread -iver the moon's fac.
jnljjMft ur:;0nnd by l:'::n o ( lock it was nun.
',ilctely olisiMiifd.
Through Europe with a Cameia.
t IbiV. iTr. I'leiee will leelnie al lllo
Anipunan .Meinoilal titlii imiele on l'i.
,'rott (tveiuic this ovoiiIiik on "Itambles
j(brond, or TIiioiikIi i:nniie with a Cam.
j'la." The ectu)t will he lamely descili.
live of IiIh recent travels HiioilBh Kuiopu
and Client llilluln and will be lnstiatetl
Vltli many lioiiiiiliul sleienpihon views.
City Hall vs. Coiut House,
jtow'llns: ti'iuim ienesentlni; Hint em.
jdijypa iff tlio diy hull and couit Imuttu
)l conipptn loi siiinem.ify tiiilislU oil
(lur North Scianton IxunIIiik allejs. Thu
?lty ball team consists of the Inllowlin;
playem: ITty Acsessoi Hlnsl.ind, t'liailesj
ConraiU JMwuid Klsele. Frank II, Heesn
and Trunk I'liljllps. Tlio touil Inaisu
team will bo romposed of the niowlne
bowloiH! CliailfH Mluz. William Wlrth,
AV'lllium TerwilltHcr, John Taylor and
John Van Ucitjen.
1 They Pay the User.
U you wish a UalMone or line cut,
ct the Scranton Tribune make It for
you. Our equipment lor tills work Is
complete und up-to-date. ' 'o have
facilities for doing the finest sort of
tyork at lowest prices und whut'a more,
fe:do It. A trial order will ' convince
Amateurs .Cleverly Present a Farce
at St. Luke's Pariah House.
'An entertainment of nun met It whs
fflvnn In n Hither sinnll lUKlletiee nl HI,
Ijiike'n parish house, rut Kencrnl t'lmr
lly, tiiiilpr the iiuxplfp.s or .St, Alur
Riunt's Kiilld, '
The tun In iinmber was u two-tirt
raiee, "A Hov of .Monkeys." by ilinip
1 1. Fiii'iilMH. In wlileli Allss Mittldo
KIkIu'I. AIImh Al. Mlnlse 1 Ultlflii uiuto,
.Miss Kodtl'lco Clilil Aim lis, .Inliles A.
Wytiktioii mill Herbert I). Alelllll ills,
tlnqlilshed 'ihciuselveH as iiiimli'lii' rnr
(piim. The iiioiliiclluii iil-n rellet'ted
imifli tivilli on Mrs. II. P. Dixie uinltr
whii!i' till pel Ion It was inheniseil and
Allss Alnrlhe (lorilon lliomlbeiit io
t'lted I'1. Ilopklnson Smith's "()ne
l.i'RKeil (l(io.e" anil ".So Was I," 111 nil
exceptionally eleer imiimer, dlsplayliif;
ability as an elocutionist i willy reinnrk
nliln In one so yiiuttK.
Instruineiitiil intisle was furnished by
Wati'es' ouheslia. At the coin hlsloli of
Ihe farce, refreshments wire served,
The iMitorlalllint'llt will be repented lo
Aged Resident of Mill City Ex
pires at Hotel Roche Yester
day Afternoon.
Wesley Mutt, an lined resident of Allll
City, choked to dentil yesterday after
noon, shoitly nfter :i o'clock, while ent
Imr dinner at the Motel Ttoche, at No. !1
I.ackaw'iinna avenue.
He had enteiid the but a
lew minutes beroie and nskejl In be
served with dinner. Jle was chew Inn u
piece of beefsteak, whin he suddenly'-ed.
The yoiniK man in ch.iiKe of the lunch
counter noticed the man eliokiiif; and
called asslstuiice. and just as he was
beliiR assisted I'loni the stool mi which
he sat, lie expiicd. Dr. A. .1. Wlnebiake
was called, and Coioner Saltiy was
notllled, and both announced that death
was due to choking.
.The identity of the man was not ie
vealed until Inst night, when liuitilrles
weie made at D.ilton cnncernlny; a lier
sini answcilni; Ids desci iptlun. He had
iniichased a retain ticket at that sta
tion e.uly in the morning and came to
this i lly.
Dr Chillies A. Zeller. of Dalton, u ho
had been tie.itliiK Alott. announcetl who
lie wily. Deceased was about tl.'i
of.iHre, and lived alone at Alii! City. He
is survived by a sou and daughter, and
the latter Is supposed to be a lesldeiit
or this city. j
The lemaln.s were taken lo Cusick's
iindertakiim- establishment ami pre
p.ned for liiirial. Coroner Sallry de
cided that an hupiest was uniieces-.u-y.
The body will probablj be taken in
cliiiiKe by lel.ithes today and lemowil
to Ills late homo.
i -
Assigned to Regular Duty in the
Central City.
Syh.mus Saltts, the new member ol
the Scranton police foue, who was ap
pointed to succeed Daniel ),iis, tt,,s
yesteiday ,issf.ied to duty In the cen
tial city.
He is a well-built, athletic looking
yoiuif; man and possesses the leqiiislte
iiualllicalioiis tor the .iidiious duties of
a patiolmau. Air. Savllts was identl
llod with the l'enn Stoic company, on
Washburn stieet, for a number of
yeais, and is n lesldenl of tin- Kllth
ll'lider lids heaillliK short lettu's of In
tel est will be published when aeeoin.
paaled, for publication, by the writer's
name. The Tribune docs not assume re
fcjionsllillliy for opinions hen- expressed,
Mine. Sembiich's Piogramme,
Kdltur ol The Tlilniue.
Sir: The iiiiimiik ol a conceit, pio
Kiiiiiune Is an art In ilc', ha It is e.s
tlelllely dlllltull, ,es, one inlKhl say, well
nlttli imp.-.sslble, to nu-i-t tlio -nine d-j-miiiiils
of ihe Kcucial public, yi'i.t the
same time satNiy the nm-lcian lid ulile.
This, however, .Mini- Seiuhlicn will cer
ealnly sliccctd in dolus, us the pio
mamma which hhe lU'esenis in us nl lliu
ainioiy Tuesday evenlim. Dclohei i. Is
one of the most i em, likable eu-r con
Aline. Senibiach is uudoiiliiedly the most
veiMitlle, most niiifical sIiik.-i before the
public tudaj .Slie is mil only the tdiiKer
par eM'olleiac. hut aside fiom this, an
escepilonally line pianist 'ind violinist,
Indeed a milqiit' combliiullnu of line Kll'ls!
Her pioKiamme Is of the i-hiouolutslciil
older, and should b,., from beKlnulUK lo
end, of alisoiblim Intel est lo all musle
stinlenth and s cnuvinclllKh evident tlmt
her chief aim is to slve in hoi audieiicu
tlio very last.
It may be naislileied a lomplluieiit to
our ety Mom the slayer, that such a pro
HV.lllllUii Is to be KlVt-ll hee-lt wdl lint
only satisfy nitisklans ami niiisle loveis,
but is also hint- to dcllKhl the eais of thu
(ally. .Mine. Seiabilch is truly Ihe hlfsll
pilesless of uillsli', not seoklas pulilli:
Kl.iinoui-. bat slvins the nnblest In art lor
ait's sake. Theodoie llniulii-iitur.
St'iaiilou, Oct. hi, !i.'.
MaiBaiet Montgomery, a familial- char,
acler In police elules, was ariested iiualu
late Wednesday night lot being diuuk. ;-o-HiltliiB
and vagi'iu-cy. She wan eonunlt
ted lu flelanll ot a line of W
Joe. Kiisuthunakl, Joe I'.inkus and Alox.
Yoimi; SaviiKf, auosted for UkIuIiii; ot;.
Peiiu avenue, icsl.sllnt; mrest and assault
Iiik I'alioliiian Hose, weie each lined JJ3
in pollen ftiiiit yesteiday. I' was
also hekl lu ttW ball foi Ids anpeurance
at cum t.
James of Noith Scranton. af
rested on suspicion of belni; Insane, was
taken to the Hillside, bume.
Feels Highly Complimented at Being
Chosen and Regards Acceptance of
the Ta3k as a Duty to Which Per
sonal Convenience and Like Con
siderations Must Be Subordinated.
Denial of the Story That He Is
Connected with the Temple Iron
Thomas II. Watklns, who has been
selected us it member of the commis
sion chosen by President ItooseVelt to
iu1)ltriiti Ihe coal strike disputes, ui
tlvcd home I mm New York at H.uO
o'clock last iiIkIU, on the Lackawanna,
and to u Tribune reporter for the llrst
time Hindi- answer to u question as to
whether or not he would accept the
"I feel highly complimented," said
Air. WntklUM, "lo he one of those to
whom the president has committed this
Important task. Just nt this limn It
entails a Kieat personal inconvenience,
but r feel that this and oilier like
considerations must be subordinated lo
the duty which the nomination im
poses. will certainly incept the posi
tion and consider myself gieatly hon
ored by belli; associated in such an
Important work with such eminent
Theie was a story pi luted In Xew
York yi'Meiduy that Air. "Watklns Is a
director of the Temple Jiou company.
When questioned coneeinins; this, .Mr.
Walklns said lie was in no -wise con
nected with tlie Temple lion company,
and lias nut been since a year and a
half .ifio, when his linn, Simpson .t
Walklus. sold out its fintlir.ielle inter
ests ami Air. Haer, of Hie Heading, suc
ceeded him as the Temple company's
Mr. Watklns was selected as "a man
practically acquainted with the 1111111114'
and selling of 00.1l." That he admir
ably Ills tills description will be ad
mitted 1. those who know him. Though
still a young mail, few indeed have
had a wider experience in the anthra
cite coal business', lie was about the
mines In various capacities when a
youth, became bu er for a local com
pany stoie, then a supt'ilntendciH and
dually an owner. Twenty years ago,
when he came to Scranton and asso
ciated himself with C. D. Simpson, he
was a comparatively poor man. Fiist
they got conliol of a small mine. In a
few yeais, another was added. When
they sold out to the Temple company,
I hey owned eight of tilt- best colllei ies
11. the region and were the Jaigest of
Ihe independent opeiatois.
Al piesent, Air. Watkins is vice piesl
dent of the Webster Coal and Coke
company, one of the largest of the
operators in the bituminous Held, and,
besides tills, ! an ottleer in mlninsT
and linprovemeut tompaules in old and
New Alexlco and the big- $15,000,01)0 au
tomatic telephone company which is
now Installing Its system In Chicago.
Scianlonlans in general reel no small
pride In the distinction which Air. AYnt
klns' appointment brings lo the city,
and the miners, especially those who
hum woiked for him. will congratulate
themselves that he Is the selection as
"one luaclically acquainted with the
mining and selling of coal,"
He Will Be in This City on
' Sunday. ''
Urand Chler Conductor K, l:, chirk,
of the Older of Hallway Conductois,
who has been named by 1'iesldent
Hoosevelt as one of the arbitration
commissions s to settle thu nntlir.udtc
nilneis' strike, will be In Scranton next
Sunday as the guest uf Lackawanna
division, No, 12, of the Order of Hall
way Conductois.
Them will be a miiuii meeting of
tonduetois lor tlie Lackawanna rail
road s.vsieiuut AIiinlc hall, commencing
at 2 p. m. on Sunday, to which the
local membeis of tlie order have been
Congressman Butler Announces That
He Will Vote Against It.
lit- Kxilihlu Wile from I lie Aiwtbtdl I'M
Lancaster, I'a , Oct. Pi. -In aildies-lug a
Republican mass ineoiliig at Walker's
Woods, .this 101 uty. this afternoon Con
Siessinaii Thuuias S. Duller, of Chester
iiimit), d"claied that as a (ongie.ssman
he would vote against any ipvIhIoii of tin
till iff. Among the other speakcis weie
Hovernor Stone and Attorney ih-iieiul
The governor lu beginning Ids uddc..s
expiessed satisfaction at the conclusion
of the coal stliko and thai it had been
seined "without humiliation to thu state,
as it'iaiglit to he when people lake a hand
In ll." He declined lo be Intel viewed lur-
ther 011 the strike situation until Im hid
inf.iiinaliou that awaited him at Hauls
buig. 1 11
"Jim" Buchanan Landed Safely in
Texas Penitentiary.
ll.t K(lihtt Wilt- (10-11 lilt' avK-Mlfil l'lfa.
Houston, Tex., Oct, 1G. A special tialn
beat lug thice of militia ar-
, ll'ul (I. IlLinlniH..!!. ., .1 .,11 .. ... ...:!....
. . .-vi:nwi, ... 0.1 ... 111, lining,
and 11 nor foimliig u squuio with Jim
itiicuaniin, annuel cr ol me MtcKs tamlly,
in the center, muichul to tlio train, which
at out'u left fui
tlio ea?t Texas penltoii-
tlaiy, at Husk,
Given In St. Thomas' Hnll for Strik
ing Miners.
A sinull assemblage attended the
conceit given In HI. Thomas' College
ball last night' for the bcnellt of the
striking miners, it was under the, dl
lectlnii of l'iof. V, P. Schilling ami
Airs, 1), It, Thoinus.
Tin- united Herman singing societies,
the Ladles' chorus, led by. Airs, .liiines
Hi-ckel: I'ror, W. V. Schilling, Albert
Koi'ii, Mis, Thomas, Alls'. AL J. Leo
nard. (Junta v Itcpert, MtvWnricti, Allss
VI11 Jones and Airs. Ileckel eonti United
their servlies gratuitously, and the
pi luted piogrammn was curried out
with tlie exception of two numbers.
Prof. Frledewnld Will Meet All Com
ers Tonight,
Prol. S, Frledewnld, or the Scranton
High school, who Is one of the best
chess pillars In the city, wlll'pluy all
(inner tonight in the Ainu's club
moms lu St. I.ukp's parish hotiKe. The
games arc lo be played simultaneously
and u most Interesting evening Is prom
ised. Play 'will begin piomptly nt S
o'clock, and players are requested to
bring their own chess men.
Nettie Simrell, of Dickson Avenue,
Attempted Suicide Last Night
in the Twelfth's Camp.
Piqued because of a quart el with her
mother, 15-year-old Nettle Simrell, ot
HiiS Dickson avenue, took a large doso
of embolic acid in tlio Twelfth regi
ment camp lasl night, and lies In a
dangerous condition at the Lacka
wanna hospll it.
The glil. who Is very pretty, and
matuie-looklng for one of her age, Hist
made her appearance al the Twelfth
leglment camp about ." o'clock yester
day afternoon. She spent an hour or
mom In wandering about, talking with
a number of the soldiers, and appeared
lo be lu tlie best of spirits.
She again appeared at the camp last
iilglit, and between S and !i o'clock
wandeied into Company (! street,
where she engaged in convcisatlon
with several of the soldieis. She was
Invited into one of the tents, and sud
denly, while sitting on one of tlie cots,
pulled a bottle of carbolic acid from
her pocket and drank over a table
spuonful befoie it could be taken from
Tlie acid burned her mouth terribly,
and her scieams set tlie camp In an up
uiar. The legimental surgeons were
summoned and did all in their power
to relieve the sull'erings or the girl.
She was later taken lo the Lacka
wanna hospital. She refused to give
her name and murmured between htr
(lies that she had attempted to take
her life because of a quariel with her
She told tlie Lackawanna hospital
surgeons her name, after a deal of per-sl-lent
questioning, bill refused to say
anything' 1eg.11 ding her masons for
taking tlie poison at the camp. The
doctors uie Inclined to believe she will
lecover, though her condition is ser
Kills Wife's Patents and His Own
Baby, and Then Attempts to
Take His Own Life.
By Exi-nisiir Wire trom I lie Asiioclat'd Pr.
All. I'le.isaat, Alien., Oct. It!. Alcllle
NYooillu, 21! joins of age, in a tit of
Jealous rage, today killed his father-in-law
and mother-in-law, Air. and Airs.
Joseph nullck; his own. one-year-old
child, and attempted to kill liimseir.
The tragedy occured at Uiillck'se farm,
live miles west of here.
Some time ago Woodiu and his wife
had wiuie words and he struck her.
She at once leti him and went to the
homo of her parents. A week ago she
began a suit for divorce. Today "Wood
in went there with the intention of
taking her or the child away, and got
Into mi altei cation with Oullck, He
accused him of Inducing his wife to
leave him, and hot words followed,
Woodiu then shot his father-in-law. In
his frenzy he attacked Airs. Cuillek
with 11 knife, cutting her throat and
wound up his bloody work by killing
the baby, and then attempted to take
his own life. He shot himself, but the
wound will not prove latal.
Airs. AVnodln was, at the time of the
tragedy, al u neighboring farm, whem
she was employed.
Germanic Had a Rough Time Off
Irish Coast.
Il,i Km Win- fiiim The imm i.itnl l'n-.
Queen-town. Oct. hi-The White Kt&l"
line steamship (leinianlc, which arrived
lieie this niotnlng, fiom New Yoik 011
October S, expel lenced terillle weather
dining her passage. A hiirilciino bioku
over tin- liner near the lilsh coast, and
the steerage passengers became panic
Htilcken. They wanted to get Into tlio
lifeboats, but were not allowed 011 deck,
lllld weie ultimately reassured.
Club Women Adjourn.
lly lltt hhltc Win- from The Vs-otHtcil l'rrs.
TltliM'Ule, l'a., Oct. lii -TJ10 state con
vention of Women's clubs closed their
sessions hem with the clielloii of
committees to select candidates for tlio
annual state convention al Carlisle nux(
year. Those chosen for the eastern ills
1 1 let wtiio Alls. Al. H. Lykcns, of Ches
ter, and Airs, H. Itoberts, piesldent of I ho
Aldmoiii Women's club, with Mrs. YV. It,
llesuer and Alls. C. II. Sllllwator, of
Wayne, altei nates.
Ten Men Probably Drowned,
lly i; Vii! fiiuiiTIa- inij.(-il l'iri
Cleveland, O., Oct. Ili.-J. C Hlltllllsl,
owner of the Wlecked steamer C. Ii.
boekwood, iccelved a telephone messaga
from Ashlabul.1 late this afleriioou stat
ing that the yawl boat which put olf
Mom thu su-amcr when It was sinking
.Monday evening, has been found buttom
up In the lakn. There was no tuico of
the leu men who left In the bout and II Is
believed they weie dl ouned. '
Injured in a Runaway,
Ilr Kiclush Wire fiom '1 lie AnsocUteJ Tren.
Lancaster, l'a.. Oct. hi Airs. Mary
likickllu, aged w jcais, of McSpancn,
was diking near her hbnin today when
her horsa ran awuy and thu-vv her fiom
the caulage. Her scalp was toiu com
pletely off as lie was dugged by the
runaway and she sustained other injiuies
that will icsiilt In her death
Superintendents of the Local Com
panies Say That Practically the
Full Working Fotce Can Be Ac
commodated In a Week or so Af'ter
the Strlko Is Declared Off Some
Concern Over the Possibility of
Trouble Between Union and Non
Union Men.
The paranuiunt question hereabouts,
yesteiday, wns as to when the minors
would letitrn to work. Tlie urtcrnmni
despatches Indicated Hint the older or
"back lo the mines" would be effective
some day lu the early putt of next
week, probably Tuesday. Interviews
with local superintendents tended to
.show that With very few exceptions
the collieries would be ready for m
suniptlon Immediately.
Only two collieries operated by com
panies having their headquarters In
Scranton cannot be re-opened within a
week or ten days. These are the Krle
company's Butler mine, at Plttston,
and the Delaware, Lacknwaiina mid
Western company's HnUstead at Dur
yca. Iloth weie allowed to Hood when
the pumprunners weie called out, bo
cause the effort It would cost to keep
them free of water for a long period
without their earning anything by pio
ductlon, was hardly wiirrunteiKjjy the
amount of coal available fmm inese
openings. It may be that, eventually,
both mines will be m-opened. If they
are It will be some months, ,posslbly,
before they are mady for opeiatlons.
Superintendent Hose, of the Dela
ware and Hudson company, said that
fifteen of tlie company's twenty-nine
places could be gotten In working
shape .within a few days, and all of
tlieni within a week or ten days. It
Is possible, lie said. Hint some of them
may be In worse shape than is at pies
ent known. Heavy falls may have oc
curred on roads that have not been
recently exploied. and If such is tlie
case a large number of chambeis may
have to lie idle until the falls are
cleared awuy.
Assistant Superintendent Tobey, of
the Delnwnte, Lackawanna and West
ern company, said that every one of his
company's twenty-six collieries are in
shape to resume at once, with tlie ex
ception of tlie Ilallstead. noted above.
Seventeen or the 1 ollieries, twelve
mines and live washeries are already at
woik, and in a number of others men
have been engaged for some time in
not only cleaning up und repairing, but
in cutting coal. One place at which not
so much as a pound of coal was hoist
ed dining the strike had thirty-eight
men working lindergiouiid fur two
weeks past.
The Eile company has kept all of
its thirty places, except Its Hutler col
liery. In good shape and will, It is ex
pected, be able to put on Its full force
within a few days after tlie strike is
odlcially called off. Of the Ontailo and
Western company's fourteen places the
same can be said. Its three washeiies
and four of its mines have been wink
ing for some time past, with good
sized foiteH.
Ueneral Alanager Thome, of the Tem
ple Iron company, was seen just as he
returned fiom a tour of the company's
nine places, and lepoited that each one
of them Is in good shape, and can be
started up in the couise of a veiy few
days. The Noithwest breaker at Hd
geiton, which was destroyed by Hie a
short time before the strike began, has
been inbuilt, and Inside of a week will
be ready for resumption.
To sum it all up the mlneis can near
ly all be accommodated from the very
Hist day, either in working their cham
bers or assisting the company hands
In cleaning up and lepalr wink.
Some concern fs fell over the possibil
ity of local disturbances and petty
sti Ikes, resulting Irom the union men
being compelled to work with those
who have continued lu the companies'
seivice or relumed to work dining the
strike. This, it Is hoped. Is. to ,1 great
degme, false alarm. Tlie Culled Aline
Winkers' oigunlzatlon has deel.ued
that It does not try to dictate that
membeis of Its organization only shall
be employed about the mines. While
the arbitration commission is In session
It will hardly do for mports to go forth
thut will give the lie to tills declara
tion. Consequently it will be up to tlie
olllcnrs of the union to prevent trouble
on this score, and It Is the opinion heie
abouts they can do this if they try.
There will be no difficulty expeileucod
In Hudlng places for all hands. At
the most theie ure not over 10,000 non
union men In Hie whole region. Fnity
thousand strikers have gone to other
Ileitis or gotten Into other lines of em
ployment. Ten thousand of these 40,000
will never seek to go back to tlie mines,
These- facts, coupled with the further
faft that the mines will be worked in
their fullest capacity for a long time to
come, makes It certain there will bo no
conflict between union and iioii-uiiian
men because of the one crowding out
the other,
Nothing has been heard yet at tin
camps as to how much longer the sol
dieis will bo kept lu the Held. Tim
general expectation Is that sumo of
them will be kept 011 duty for several
weeks yet to help discourage the pos
slblllty of non-union men being mo
Piesldent .Mitchell, of the I'ulted
Mine Workers, Is to bo hern Sunday, lu
attendance at tlio trades unionists'
mass meeting at Nay Aug park. Largo
nuinbeis of the locals have bad meet
ings recently and voted good-sized do
nations from their treasuty to In
dropped in the luit.wfiicli will be passed
at this meeting, to collect it fund for
tlio aid of "ie mlneis, The fact that
the strike Is about to end will imt
make the pioposed passing of the hat
unnecessary. The sti liters will eoiitlnuo
to need relief for two weeks or so as
It will be that length of time before
they draw their llrst pay.
The Dehiwam, Lackawanna and
Western company is perhaps hi betttr
shupe now to bundle the rush of coal
business that will follow the settlement
of thu strike than It has ever been bo
fore. During tlio past live months,
every locomotive and coal cur in need
of repair has been sent through the
shops and arc. now In first-class shape.
An idea of the available 1 oiling stock '
for this purpose may be gleaned from J
Geo. V. Mllinrfi Co.
l;or your convenience we enumerate n few of the very many
suitable Wedillng Gifts to be found In this magnificent "sales
room of things beautiful." The list given Is small (limited
space makes it necessary), but It will enable yon to form some
idea of what you wish to purchase before you leave your home.
Possibly it will save you ta great deal ot trudging and
shorten those tiresome shopping touts.
Mavlaiui China
There's nothing more ac
ceptable. Rich Cut Glass
An almost endless variety
Honesdale Ware
Hspecially suitable.
Walk in and
i There's a Dress
i That Well Merits
V It is unequalled by any other store in Scranton, and has the
W chaim of newness in every yard we have to offer. The assort-
ment is practically without limit, while the qualities are depend-
JJ able in every instance, regardless of tho price. As to the
styles, they embrace all the good novelties of the season, as well as
gZ every staple weave known to the trade. In order that the public
JJ may better appreciate the importance of this greatest of all our
JJ department, we have decided to make this
h Great Bargain Week in
u Fashionable Dress Goods
Suiting. K Inches wide, all the de
sirable shades. In a well cfr
known ir.c. quality ""
Another line of Alelrose and
WhlpeoKt Suitings of rale mellt.
All colois. guaranteed Millie ,S."e.
the jind. The li.iigaiu week AO
prlcn ts
And Venetian (Mollis In all the
shades These aie loo well known
lo lcqilile coillllli-ut. CO
gain week pi ice is
Hvnry thread wool, all colois,
splendid Mulsh, Ihe best value ever
olTeied in Seiitutoii. For Q()P
Ibis week onl OVC
Kxecllent weight and llnisli, made
especially lor winter of uiugli
weatliei sklits or suits, black
only, 11 liiilu-s wide, A lilt-. en
cloth lor JUL-
ricConnell & Co.
The Satisfactory Store,
It is a
H fr,?fRKt NG "'
....WAH0P5 ..
T""i M'isXi(.lOBil"'fc..J
lflV " i.,M
Beds end
Are our specialty. We sell
made. Their quality shines
make fine mattresses to go
4, HI no -"""hcahi III i
if 1
fess:1 i?5?-
Box S
F. A, KAISER, Manager.
Lackawanna anil Adams.
(J1 i !' ! ! ? H " J" .j "J .J. ! !
If You Want
The Best
. ,
Vaiious Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- ?
struments Taken in Exchange. '
tin- fact that the company has ready
to iiion on short iiotlen IT.uuo coal curs,
Willi a total earning capacity of about
r.iio.ouo tons, an aveiage uf about thirty
tons to tin? cur.
Some of IJie fin 8 are limited to 4n,no
pounds capacity, wlillo others acconi-luodutt-
upwards 01' 100,000 pounds, und
a train-load of the precious anthracite
can be tiaiisporietl cither to Hiilfulo,
New Yoik or I'hiladelphlu 011 short no
tice. The totul vupuclty or miy oik- mine,
134 Wyoming Ave.
Dresden Ware
Quaint, odd and serviceable
Rook wood Pottery
Makes an artistic gift.
From a cheap one to the
very finest.
look around.
Goods Stock Here ;
Your Attention...
4." Inches wide, very Hue Krench
weave. In all colors, a good Ar
.75c. cloth loi UL
All wool, best goods and known
all over the trade as a matchless
s.V. value. Hue selection. AQf
liiiig.iiu week price vyc
I Inches wide, line llnisli. the
goods ever produced to sell
at $l.nn tin Uuilng this
week only
In blues and grey mlxtuies, 5i5
Inches wide, these are made es
pecially for walking skins and are
sold everywhere al $1.00 the '7Qp
yard, tiargaln week pi ice... -''
lu higher and lower priced goods,
quite as a tti active as those quoted
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
Food for the
Old Folits in
food in liquid form
assimilated by the
weakest stomach. Produces
appetite, health and Vigor.
Doctors approve it.
All druggists sell it. Prepared only by
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'r
St. Louis, U. S. A.
"Brewers of the famous Uudwelsor, Michetob,
Black 6 Tan. Faust. Pale-Lager, Anheuser
Standard, Export Pale and Exquisite.
the very best iron and brass beds
all over them. Of course, we
with line beds. Prices are low.
Both 'Phones
.. s .j. .j. 2 )-
for Cash or on Easy
Payments. Call on
.117 Wyoming Avenue
for a day tan be cut. prepaid! and
shipped tbt same night, for dellypiy
tho next morning in any of the alme
niimetl cities, If need bo.
Tho largo number- of loeoinotlve.i
which luivo been Idlo 11111-1111; the siini
iner mouths have all been overhauled
and put lu shape for work. All that Is
needed Is clean coal to burn lu them.
Ten of tho Lackawanna "hogs" aie at
present In use on the l'eiinsylvunl.i.
railroad, Imt will be returned as soon
us needed.