" '3lpPr'S! M . ' ' rVv.Vj" 'MMr-!1 3P??SB8!3H - (si,-.. - "' . ' K' ..'. 4 u n JM1I0 SCKANTOX TKIIHrXr.-IM?ll)AV, (KTOHMIt 17, 11)U2. WW,. 'Cmn&nijr8.une I.I,.V9.yt1WA',h)'r Mm rem. 0. r. HVXtlKI! - lllINMi Mamoikh. J- ' V, j ':; Entered allltf'lMVliirlU lit Mi'rautoii, . Xt-coiid-Cliei Mall Mailer. When iiiir wilt imriolt, 'I'll Tribune In Rlnnji lmt tii print uliiirt lcttri triiiu lit (rlrnalK lirnrliiK mi current lnilf lint lit ruin It Hint tiieii' mint tie I b n it , tnr iuli Mention, liy dm wrllcr'a rnl nniiii-t mill (lip uoliilltloll pri-i'fili'iit til nri-cptlllivri It Hint nil I'lintrlliutliint Imll bo milijri't In nlHiirlM rlilnn. TIIK FLAT IIATK Milt ADVKhVl IMNtl. 'I'll followldir talil ilums tin iiloe per hii'li encli ' liwrtlun, poe In In tt'wl within tine yi-iir Diwr.AV ftpMitiKU Sifini'liea Ml Indira .... I no " 1(0 " .Vl " , A . . . 10IIO " linn or l'irr 'M .til .M .:r, .'.'ii .hi Villi l'nltloil "5i ' .IS ..'111 M ' .:t .tu III! jti'iuiini: nil"" M 1 1 7.1 Tor cnt of thank, rraulul lona f coiiilutiMt', ami similar iiintrlniilloiit In the imtura ul'iulferlblii, TliP Tribune inaku akUiart;i iif ." cetiH a llnr. TEN PAGES, .SrUA.VTO.W i.K'TUUKIt 17, II"'-'. REPUBLICAN TICKET. , State. Govciuor-rl.. V. I'KNXVI'Af'KI'll. Lieutenant Uoveinor W. M. ItltOWN'. Secretary iH', lltli'iititl A ff nil's -ISAAC U UltOWN. County. c'onBi'..ns"viM.iA.i ro.VN'i:i.!.. Jmltc-A. A. VoSIII'Kti. Commissioners JOII.V roi'ltlKtt MOW ItlS. JOHN I'KN.MAN. Mine Inspectors -U.IIWIII.VN M. IR AN'S, DWIll T. WILLIAMS. Legislative. Senator JOHN I!. ,IOHIAtt. IlepieseiitiitlVes I'lrsl District. HfSKI'll Ol.fVt'.lt, Second OMilot 'IOIIN'K(.fli:i Vllt. .IK. I'lilHl Ijiftrlcl KDWAIll) JAM IIS. Koiirlh DlMlirt- P. A. IM 1 1 1.171 N' Kli-rllon 4ln'. Nov. I. . . . - -. Till' scli'i'tlull l. President Kuoscvrll of Air. Thomas II. Wutklns n. one nf the members ill' t lit anthracite com mission Is :i tlitlnsr recounltion uf ex traordinary business nblllty uml ."iii' i't'Srtil tuiistpiy nf t'Xt'i'iillvp ntnl ail milllslr.'itlvc iinbi-ms. No ninii of hi." ypHis lilt hIiiiwii a UfPin-f InslslU Into nntlujiclti' busiin'-s rumlitluns Llmii .Mr. Wutkins iir Is ninii' highly i-sti'i'iiii'il lor yntuifl JililsiniMit uml st 1-oiik' Ph.irni'lpr. His nppolntiiit'Mt, iiioiviimt, is j)iii lit'liitc friitii Hit- I'iict thitt Iip rppii'sciits Hip rlileC coiniMiinity In llif iiiillirarlte torrllnry iiml will lii'lp tu put SitiiiiIoii In a proper Unlit, as to Its Impiirlaniv. The Basis of Peace. TIIK I'OJI MISSION hl.-h hns hcc'ii tuiiiieil by I'lvsklf lit ItoiKi'vi-lt to imiitlif cx hiitistlvply Into the unlliia-rlt- linlustiy will, without ilonht. riiiu iiiiinil, pulilk' I'oiillilciii'f, 1I0 its wni'U tlioiciuulily and ivpnrl foiuluslntis ami rcconnni'iiilntlon.s morally bluilitm upon all I'oncfriii'il. It must be inure than a makeshift to tide over a temporal y na tional crisis: it must lay broad and (lu'ralile foundations for a reioiisirin'-' tlon of the anthracite business to ihe pnil that onlcr. discipline and .1 Jut iv muueratiun of capital ami labor shall prevail Indefinitely. The n-coynlliou of the public's equity in the premises con tained In the enfurceil Mibmlsslnn of lioth belliKerents to lis Inlerposliion pn-supposes and must en'i'ci t tits. Otherwise, all' thai this strike has ctwt will have been expended In vain:' and government, which on this occasion was proved poweiless to cope with the situ ation' by means of its fstnliH.-hed Insti tutions and which was driven to cieate for the protection of public Interests an extraordinary temporary mechanism of adjustment not titithorli'.ed by law. will have been put to Ihe shame of witness iliST Its Impotence made permanent. It Is preinatuie lo say towaid which fUle the balance of victory Inclines. As we look at the mailer, there Is no vic tory yet for any Interest save that of the empty i-n.il pull. This empty coal pall uill'be ivlllled In time to avert wholesale stifferins and possibly uide spreail distill baiuv. The process uf general Industry and. Indeed, ihe yiu rral .welfare have been savrd fitiiu lm pendliiK' calamity. This larger Interest has been conserved while the interest more immediately Involved, those local to the mliiliiK- business, remain as Ihey were, awaltliiK tnoie leisurely anil, It Is hoped and believed, mote scleullllc and tnorp Immune adjustment than would have bet'ti possible tluoilfili cii'iylng nf the strike on o the Ihtiit of eti flltrnnee, Tltt one Imnndlale local pioblem of Kreatest dllticully and seriousness lirmiKlit to the front bv this enforced aeceplaiice of presidential mediation-Is the protection or Ihe worUIUKIllell who have' mil Joined hi the slrlke, The con dlllou named by the uperatois. Unit they shall not be illserlndnated against or interfered with, is without fou-e or effeet save liutofar as it shall be ..p. fonjyl he.rea.rtcr. V think It Is plain to CJ'tsoifs'-'iVsldiiiK in the coal fields thaflthe operators ate powerless to en t'ong It, and ihn..ttlie cl niitliui'lileM havfi not In .r-si shown eliher n finiftwlll or anj'efrj'cilve nblllty to ep. fntvg It. Audtte'ulilnu It cut be ac ((lirl NliiHitf'i;rton op the Mod 'Itijgor MT'WltKI1 K I'''" '"lleaKlles tllHVlthfta(lnfhi5tlljll 'Milch they Jiave luilltnpV"JpniH feel ral(ci upon o o to dyi 1 t&ft'iSh In iiiIoviik: It. T1S IWfl.';iili nliiiut this problem liPoilB, iaMi;ii(. that the men who hllVf,l't'l)i"liJl"i loyfil to (heir einnloviix hnvflbeei'tfjgft by ii, hemls of the coat ...ipeiillillir ir'pi'PMH I'M. Vltll lehU'lahee. to li .siire.niltlie Um'th'tiilll nit I't'lcs of all Igihtilb'jl iK'(il'sn)i'trueiit. nppatently infttmrdetl o'ipnp.;r hut pitiably ,,.ip. lesisu nttj. yjiu, sj.iiif. or iiiiiiyx. the tllroR I'telltiiti'nf ontsile InteilVreme, plittSs tipttti oiHiJulneii ifovernmeni, from the Jjiesldiut of-the (jljlted sitates down to tjt hiliillHesV Voiftible In the coal fleldM a 'lfiU'W U nitist eliher pcrfflrm iiilfiiibltely'-nr.ainl cotivU'leil nf iC-xi-usiilile iieKllKence, .n the New Toig Trninne wl says, "this Is a mujjT which far transceinis In liuport- ilieo Hit" JiTiUviiltial Interest's of the K office workers innueillutelv 1011. tl. What happens to a rejv j UuuT pctsoiiH ul rl'uSivVli ' I'cnittlylVaiilii little lliometit'i'onipurril Vvlth. Iho- st or'thyiwliiAi' fintl'uV th lr!iWi- Jttlji'wi uirike setlletl. Am many nten r-(v'iM.wt,'V'M jrt.rtwrmff . . al eel mU lntuiltly ftlsli to ttnrrllli'O tlloin spIvs In butllp fur tlielr rnttiitiy's xvt'l ftii-i?. Kill Ihe principle lit Make III pin- Mt't'tlltif llliise I'eniisylvntilu tnlliels Is line wlileh atti'M to the rotntllatloli of our iiatliinul life, I'tiles rite ii'tpti limy tlll etlKllKP III (heir lilwl'lll OPCUpil I loll." Ill their livMi pleasure, (hell the petMillut Xllilfiinlees of Ihe I'titiktlltltlull life It J ilenil letter ittul our iloettllies of human t llhpfly lllldi'r 11 'lepllblleiilt Koveriilltent I ale ouluiowtl, Artt'f the slllkt; Is settled ' those wotkeiH will have lo lace a Ioiik I tlMl'lllll lit llll'UUIllll I. Ill ti'lll..!. ..'Ill l.ltl I... the less cruel because of a Untitle which does mil call lor the stationing til lilllllniy Htiatil.-. 'The men who have cimlltttieil working in the inlnos Will be reniembeled, tJ It it tht! strikers Will lost; no opportunity to punish them. That Is sotnethliiK- which the companies ami the public me hound lo look out Itu." It. Is to be ussiilileil. thai both John flerptml. .Morifitn. repi'eseiitlnB the pres sure from within which caused the operators to leceile, ami Theodore l"ouevell, ie)ieselitliiB the popular pressure for i;o,t on any lernis, have Klven lull thiamin to (Ids iibllKiillon. As the prliielpuls In the iiuiVeiift'iit which has broilKht about this critical sltiiulloii In the .'inthraclle lenliory llley Will lie'jiistly expfcled to exhallst evi-ry reijurce al their cummuliil lo oveicoine the lesser though iiioie dlttl etlll, as they liae Inasteled the larger. but l-ss Intricate,' peril. The larne lesson of the sell lenient is the public luieresl III such tllspt'ites ami Its insistence upon consideration riom holh lielllsereiiii.' lor the carrying H' this les-on -tliroiiKll ellorinous tlllllcill lles. lo practical sticceHS Ihe public Is ehlelly indebted to the president, 'bice atjulll has Tlleodore lloo-evell's sll'enu uilsl'iess pi'evulli'il over all kinds of ob stacles nitd wrought for hooiI when the majority anticipated only ill re sults. It Is pilinarlly Ids triumph; but Ihe'publle must niil overlook Its debt .to bulh John Hleipont .Murtsau and John Mitchell. They, too. contributed Kfeally In ih brUlKltiK nf a seemingly Impassible chasm. We shall soon be able to snap our MliKers at ihe llueals of Jack Krosl. A Simple Remedy for Truat Kvlla "yt JK l,0,'K tllal ,!V,,'-V I'eatler "' 'l'M'' Tribune-read core- fully the speech of Attor ney Uenernl Knox on trusts, in Wednesday's Issue. The strike, it i.- 1 rue, has left the most of us little leisure for other subjects of letleetion: but while It Is temporary uml now apparently solved, the prob lem illscllsxeil by Ihe chief of the lib eral department of justice Is likely to jeiiiala with us fur many years anil to affect the American people al many points of contact. What 'he said about it is. Iherel'oie, of mole tbuu transient Intel est. By this lime we all know pretty well what the evils of trusts ale. It does not take much Intelligence to enable a m. 111 lo see that gittaiitlf .stock-watering, the attempt to adtl two to two so tf lo'iiiuke live, six or ten. Is a business wrong, the penally of which may not full oil the promoter, but sooiiei or later Is sure to fall heavily upon Ihe public Then, loo. the use of couiiner- cial power to hlt'conipi-tltnrs below Ihe bell: the grasping of unfair, advan tages, either by rebates in transput la -lion iji tliioiigh Hie corrupt niaulpiil.i tlon of legisliituies or by other unright eous way-; In short,' the neglect ordi nance of public Inteiest and ' public equity all these evils. tire apparent and do not nerd, to be argued. The nieill'of Attorney tleiierul Knox's speech was that he pointed out a Very simpl- and immediately available rem edyone I bat can be put into operation whenever u inajoi Ity In congress so elects, Tu stale his remedy In the simplest possible language, without technical ob-ciirities. It is this: t'on giess under the constitution litis power lo regulate commerce between or among the stales. t'ongre.-s, lor ex ample, now says that lottery tickets shall not go through the malls or be .carried by an luterslaie carrier. Why'.' lteciiilse Ihey a re' deemed Injltrluu- lo Ihe public interest and contrary to pub lic polity. So wlih poisons and explo sives. Ihe carriage of which Is either piuhihiteil or safeguarded, t'ougress. I fie attorney general claims, on the same giotind can pass a law saying that whenever a shipper shall be proved to have'conimllteil one or more of the evils previously id'em-d io, in. must stop it and make amends or have the door to liilerslale commerce closed In his luce, in other words, congress can say that ilu trust, cuipoivitlon, assocln I lm. tlnu or I11dlvl1lu.il shall be permit ted to use the in. ills or the rails to Hit an Injury to the American people. In ihe part of .Mr, Knox's speech which We printed III yestel day's Issue there is a clear statement nf what Hie prc-fiit :uliiilusratlou has done lo en force existing laws on Ihe subject of trusts. "My their fruits e shsill know them": mid Hie limits of liepubllcmi administration, largely owing to Theo tlol'e Itoo'evelt, are already a courage ous enforceiiieiil of law such us has lint beel known lie I'll If. with Hie U'olll- Ife of addliloiiiil results when congress shall clollle tile executive with In creased power, The way to help on this good work Is lo elect a licpiibllcun collgiess, In this, county the way lo show appreciation of I'leShleill I'.oose vell's course Is to Vole for t'oiigrcss lllilll' t'lillllell ami the entire Cepubll can ilcket. The reporls nf the proceedings ill the sell lenient of the unllliiii'ltc coal sttike have again ilemoiistraieil the superior ity of the home dally newspaper over that or the lllcll'iipollluu ptess us it medium of Intelligence. While the city dallies printed for' country illstrlhuiinii were obliged to go lo press at all hour when tie ell'cctlve negotiations m Hie white house hiid scarcely begun, TIip Tribune received news up to :!.;ti a. m yesteriluy, ami was able to present, to Its readers al the hieaktast tabic a complete account of the proceedings, Including the names of the couuuis slop appointed by the ptckldein, and to give icsiiIlK ami other most Important fi'itluicsi of the inee'tlng which the city Journals weie unable to obtain. f It Is now snively uiiuounced that tht banish Islands may not hetedeil to nfc t'pllftl iSliiti'N. If Ihe liulustrlaliiroh. leliis, lioweveh tile siillsfnotoi'lly nil Jtlstcil, II Is iiiilia1ili-iltnl tile i(.'opte will he nlili- to hear Up tinder this neu entlse rnr Kiler. ' The ti"W turn lit strike iilTitlrs has doubtless iilnttil Ihe moist blanket Upon 11 IiII'kp illlioillit of smokeless citlnpalKIl lllllllltltlltlllll. The alleinnte tllfpaleheM lelllitiT "f victory and rullnie In' Venef.itelu hull ente Hint Ihe career uf t'usllti Is Indeed checkered, The limiting season has opened with nothing In particular to hunt. Hou; Pennsylvania Raises Ifs Taijes EVIIItV lltiMI! ownir In l"ennslvu tilu has 11 vital IntPiot In the ap proaehlng eleclliiu. It Is not uul. a ipiesllnli of DPinoernl or Itepillill t'ltli, or I'uttlsiui or I'eniiypaeker, but It Is a iliinltcr of dollaiM and cents to every owiiei of a lout of lit ml hi the eotnniiiu weallh. II was the Democratic paity that plunged Ihe stale Into a deli! of $ii.imu,iiii Uml has reiUhed forty .ears of lit publican rule to lift. Itcpulillcnii" should tint rorgei this. And .let, In pc of tlih tat t, Ihe Itepulilleiin sydem of stale .llliances lias been Hie subject of the most persistent alliieks fioni Its enemies. I lellloi'llltle lellllels, when llley iissall Ihe licpulillcuu llnaneial system In I'etin.ylvaulii know that llley ale tlellh erately iiilstepreseutliii.' tile riiels. t'n- I'.l. I ...in I ..lo ,1... ....I. II.. ..I I .I...... I...I ." . I " I, . 111.' .l,,'l. Ill I, lip' .l."r i,"t seem to liuti' 11 very clear men 01 Hie nielhod by which stale luxes are assessed ittul collected, I'lliler Hie wise and benelleetil legl.-la-.1 ton or Ihe Itepulilleiin party In Ihe past thlrly-llve .wars, Hie biii'ibns of stn'u IiimiIIoii haw been lifted, from Ihe -boulders of Hie Individual 11111I placed upon Hie coi'iiiiiallniis of the state. All 1 in plcs-dmi plevnlls lllllollg the people that Ihe.i nie iiimiI tor all the appropriations llliole to Hie public schools, eluirllilble In sllllltlolis, tin. Jlltllcinry, legislative ex peuscM Hie new eapllol, etc.. etc. As to uialtei of fact, our citizens pay 110 -.tale lax except a llillor Hct.nse tn'. anil one mill in the dollar when' they own per sonal securities, such as hands, niorl gitges, etc.. Ihe tax 011 Ihe same helnv: four mills, tlin I' which 111 leinrneil III Ihe iesieetlM- counties. Motley for lilt epeuses of the slate comes from Ihe corporation. In direct coiiinisi to (tds, has been the iililtitdc of the IVnioeratle parly and lis legNliillnn. Iteloie the licpiibllenii parly 'came Into iiowii', all real estate, neeupn tii.ii. ..,'. .1 t"iiii ii-.' ..1 1. 11,., ....iti.. ..I.. . .v... ..... v . .- .1 11 . . v ., were taxed h Hie' Deiiioeia I le parly In tune or pet : mid even Willi tins ennt- nious tu blllllell It el a debt of over $t'i,( jii.( In pen. to be provided for and lilleil by Hie lb-publican iatty. And the Itepulilleiin patty bus redeemed the credit of I In- slule: II stands toda.i before the world free from tlehi. Tin- manner In wbleh the various col lectors of taxes of the coumiuuweiilth hitxe their hills, mid neelpt- printed Is kirjji ly resp'o'iisllde for Ihe iiilsaiiprehen slon llini ell In the minds of the pen- pie Upon lid.-. llelloil of Male t.'IMtllllll. Iii alums! every Instance. Instead of hav ing ascnatute item for slnje t ixes. lo be 11-eil wlieie Ihe person has nioiiey at' hiii-ii-si siilil.i'i in in vat Itin. anil not iilhe'wise, almost all bills that are -nil on! by the tax collectors lnte one Hem enililed "Slate ami t'otuily Tux." opiiu-' site ihls licnd i placed the amount of the enmity tax. nnd the person receiving the bill Is naliiialli miller Hie Iniptc-.slnii .that tin iniioiiiil charged repiescnts u cijuiblnnlloii of suit,, uml cniiiiiy taxe-. and If .iiiieslloned upon Ihls pnlnl the an swer Is iilwajs the production of a tax leeelpt showing the payment of a certain sum Of nioiiev miller Ihe head of "Stale and I'minti Tax." The laxes jiahl lo the various u, cnlleeinrs. under the uVMg nallon "Slate and t'oiiniy Tax." go dlieetly Inio the county treasury for the exclusive p.., ,if the couiit.i auihoritb'S The coustiini aim of lie publican legl-la- lleii has 1 11 to telievt- the Individual tiixpu.vor. Prior to xx:: the linllgeni In- .,ll ill III. 'll'llllilv ..I' ll... Ul'lt.t '..,.. -wholly silipoilei by lb" vai lolls, local miiioeipauii,.s. tins was a burilen upon Ihe individual taxpayer. As the state debt was reduced under the judicious lunnageini nt,' It was believed that the .commonwealth could ntl'ord lo as-lst the 'counties In Ihe suppoil and iiiiiluleiianee nf t lull luifiiriunale poor, lly the act Of June Pith. Iv;. the expense of the tale ami tteatuieiit of Ihe insane poor of ihe state Was oiUall divided between the slate and the several counties. The amount pa Ul. I.i the stale sine,. ls",. un der this act. amounts In Jii.;,'.:i.imii. mole Ihaii 'it-Xiim aniiually. Just as the bullion uf taxation has been lll'teil lo Hie -boulder- ol the .stale lo thai t-tent Iuiim tin. Tou-it-Mii iill...j tin. I i" 1 counties I n aided uml ovcihui'df ncd real eMat,. owners a.-sl.-ted. In the two Items of indlueiii In.-aiie ami inihllc . schools. Ihe siali' pa.vs mil of lis tivns- 11 ry nearly j.t.i'itHi.tjuii a car. To that ex-1 lent 1 VI'I'V llilllle. owner hi the eolimi,lll Weillth i- col'l,.Sionillllgl.v iietletlttetl, It.V Ihe IteVclille .let of June Mil, sl. ihrei-tourlh of Ihe in 1 -ninii property tax Is letllllled to the I c-pocllve counties. Tile IlinitUOl I'hI lll'lli'it I'nl' 111,, vt.ne uml. log November :'.tith. Iva.".. al the close or. He- HeiiiueiaHe iiiliiillilsli.itlon, was 51. r.7r..iil:i.7ii. The amount of piiMiual lux j lol III lu-il In Hie several eoiiuties for Ihe, year eliding Ntnenibr ::tih. liml. was J'- 1 .'72,'iM. I I'lliler the act of June !l, lvi. the! llolliil' licetihs Hi. 10 t!il:..n l'i-..tn lit.. li.l.. ' mid given to tip- illl'l'el'elll loealllies, ''s was an additional beiu-iu to the laxpavir becall-e prior to that all liquor licenses has been palll llllo the stale IrellHIIO. The.i mnoiuil lo aboui .ej.Kiu.iiiiu aniiually n addition to all llu-sc things, the stale pays Hi,, entile cost of tin .ludlelmy. wlili-h atiiou'uis to iipw.ii'ils of half a mil lion annually. The following Is 11 partial lis) or ihe amount pulil nut of Hie treasury of ihe stale for the hellelil of lip- different localities: ami muiileliiallile-: Amouiil paid amiuallv. since IWi. for the iiitllgcui iusi t i;.,s.iin Amount paid ammally for com. iiiiiii schools .'. 7,iil.",,7;'il Amoiuit of peisonal lax rotuiiifd :'.:.7:','iTri Lblllor licenses llle-eii limit Ihe slate. to the local irciisiulcs .tnKi.tirm Anioiuil paid lo support the Judi cial ry. annually i".L',tii,L' Tin- amount paid annually by Ihe stale I'or local purposes. .. K'.xw.uv; Annual saving 011 111 count of the c iciiiptinii from luxation of I'c'il estate, hur.es and cuttle, mid 1 111 ilcs. ' oci iipulloiis mul professions - 7.ito.l,tJiO Total mniual saving to the re specllve ' localities annually, s lice the Itciiilhllcuns assuineil couiiol ol Hie stale affairs $I!i.Mi:i.u."7 1 I'lor lo Hie passage of Hie act or ISs.'., the whole miiiiiitit or moneyed capital n t in lu-il for the piirpo.e nt slate tiiMilion was but ii.'iiimi.iim. In that .scar, even under tin. bnpi rfect wotklng ol the act. the illinium icluriied lor laxallon was :.!i.1.iiiiu.iiih. an increase or $ivi,iii.i.ini. ,(. col'dlllg lo Hie auditor General's 11 mul or lttl. the atiioiuit or Ha four mill tax 011 , prisoiiiii property aiuoitntcil to 5;...t.t.. :;7'i.i'-. mid of this lax Ihcie was ! lurmd lo tin sevel.il counties f.'.Si!.!!;, ;. These facts mul llgiuvs speak for Ihrin seiyes. They me inure iniprcsslvc limn ny Wiiiir could posslhl.i be 'In demoii Mrillug what Ihe Itepilbllean party has ion hi the way or lifting the burden of slate IiimiIIoii Ii'oiii Hie sboulibis of the .mall home owner-anil fanner. The total revenue of the slaty during Hie ye.r ending Deeeinher 1st, ItHI. was I7,7'.,7.II'.. Of this amount, Jlii.yiii, 1'i.l was ilerveil, illroclly. front ihe I'lJiporatloiis by the Millous foi'iiis of taxation Imposed upon these aillllclal botlles. The only dltci'l taxation alTeellng the hiilivhluiil win Unit .upon money at Interest, fioni Which Ihe slate cnlloctetl j2,.V,n.:t7,'i, its slnlrdi above. This In reality Is Hint a slate hut a Infill tux, collected by Ihe ."lulu iltitl returned to the Vallolls ititllll elpalllles. The aggregate leveiilii' or tlin fotiiiiiniiwenlih for uml, nfter tletliif Hug I lie persoliiil lux refimtled, was $IS.I,Mi"ii. t't .which itinminl the forpotatlniis pilld $IO.::v7,l:!:i! fcM.V.',ai was derived from li censes; JI.'-'y.iN:' front the lux 'on collitleial lllhellllllicf. These thiee Items iitnoilllleil tu JI:!,n:i,7M. leaving the .11111 of Jl.lKl.oll teceleeil I'roin a Vitilely of sources, Hone uf them tiu-fcllhg the Individual elllzelt. 1 ll Wjlll he seen, tlieret'ore, Hint out of the entire revenue of Ihe coinuionweiillll ll illy portion that eonlil lie eolitiu It d Into 11 ilheet lax upon the citizen was t Itu t part of the minify at Interest not to turned to the municipalities, amounting to oile-folll'lll or the 1 1 it it I eiillci'leil ffolll that source mid iiitiiiitutlug lo the liisli; nlllfi'lll sum or about In cents per nlllllltu for each person, WHY LEAVES CHANGE COLOR. I'Yinn the Wiiliian's Home ('01111101111111. A Iftt f Is t'otnposeil of 11 great number of cells, Hie walls or, which -ai'i . brown. In the spring mul summer those cells are nil illled with iliiltl, colored with minute grains of led. yellow ami other pigments, which, nllxcib together, appear green, lit Ihe iiittumn, llitoiigh the colli, oxidation and other changes (alas place. In tip. l-al-eellM. ile'stroylng'tiiiilf nr less rapidly rrr I'lln o Hie eohir-f leiiH tils. As soon as one of these elements Is gone the leaf no longer appeals' a uoritliil green, but as sumes the-shade of I lie 1 ijiiinliiiler of the iVilofeli'inentS inK'Pil Ineiher. When only the reil .elclilciil Is left Hie leal' Is fed; when the elloW illoiic remains tile lent' Is .M'llow. and when all the eoloilng inaller has gone Hie leaf Is brown. Flos! Is mil Hie sole cause of Ihe clmngcs ol' ruler, hut ll is 1111 linpoilant chump The-moie gratlual the rhungts of teinpernliiie I'roiii summer heal lo winter fold, llihe greithr will be Hie variety of Ihe auiiuuu leal cs, A MAN WHO CAN DO THINGS. I'rom the Phllatlt Inhla I'fes.. I'resldeiit Itoosi.-veli ciiiergcs fioni the "trlke with evcr.i step he lias taken Jus lltleil. Success was sure to justify him, and sin. cess has come la full and overflowing- incisure. Tie- ptcldeiit bus ilonn his work. Ills share Is complete. What ever may iiiim' In Ihe future ami tlnat iiil.lilslnienl of. discoid mid illl'ferelifes. Ihe president has rendered It possible, for the public lo gel coal, Such success changes the position of Theodore I loose velt beloie life - American people, lie rounds Ids llrsi year of service with a great suljstuuthc achievement. A piob lem which halted other men he has soheil. lie has won Ihe confidence or the mass, lie lias coniiuereil the respect ol' business men. Apart from his posi tion, his pollev, Ids programme ami Ids spceclu-. tills slllke leaves llllll visibly befoie Ihe laud a mall who ran do tblnus. APPROBATION ON FAITH. Uiie of Ihe clergymen who was pies -nt at the opening of ihe (teneral Theologle.il seminary was speaking of tin- bashful, ness of tlii- lali- I lean HoiTnitii. "The dean." said Ihe clergyman, "was called upon lo speak at a mass meeting 'held In the lut -rests ol a cause whb h iccclvcd ni.inj liiMiefacti. ns lioin him. lb' spoke In-lelly of the infills ol the cause, and l lieu said, apologetically: j " 'I am not much of a speaker.' "Amen:' responded a Meihotllsl broth- ' er l nun Ihe lli-st row. "The item, somewhat disconcerted, con tinued awhile.' liuti iluu said: " 'I'll ileliilu you only a moment long er.' "'Alleluia:- again broken hi Hi.' man ir tin- front row. ami ihe ticui sal down lory red in the face, but he cii.inu-il 11 all luigely. wliia he li-armil afterward thai llii' man In ibo front in wais very deaf and had Interiei-ieil his upprnhuHoIi eiitin-ly on faith, not on healing."- New Vork Times. The Crane Store Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Fall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. .. . 4.4.,,..4, 1 When in Need 4.1 ; i 4.1 ,2, Of anything: in the line of ,j. optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles J and Eye Glasses j fr 4. Properly fitted by nn expert 'jf optician, 4. J From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of pieacrlp- T tion work nnd repairing, jt ' 4. Alercereau & Connell, 132 "Wyomine: Avemte. 4. 8.4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .;. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, .j. .. 4. 4, b : 1 Apples In Bowls Are always tempting, hut the. possess n double at trac tion whoi) icstlny; In one of the handsome upplo howls for sale In our Pyrogi.iiiliy Studio. .Not (inly Apple Howls hut Desk aiid Smoking fcels, Curi! Tntys, in fact anything iiiukcn'blu you will Uml fur sale here. Don't mistake the locution, 211 Washington Avenue, GRIFFIN ART SHOP, This is Clothing House in Scrantoo Seekers of Fit in Suits ah experience 01 51 I proves everything, if 1 A 3 sSi Pay a visit to our Hat and Shoe Departments, where you can see all the latest styles at popular prices. Green Trading Stamps Free with All Purchases Complete Outfitters 999 We have been kept quite busy in the Furniture Department the past two veeks showing and delivering Wedding Cifts. Useful articles of furniture are becoming more popular every year as tokens of friend ship, and why should they not? They not only please the recipient but In a substantial and lasting manner convey the friendship of the giver. Can you not select from this list? China Closets Dressers Sideboards Dining Tables Dining Chairs .A Williams Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper. 129 Wyoming Avenue. BED ROOM FURNITURE We have now in stock the finest display of these goods ever made in Scranton, Mahogany sets in the Colonial and Na poleon post bed styles. They are ele gantly rich. Dressers and Chiffoniers in beautifully finished Mahogany; Colonial and Louis XIV styles. We Invito Inspection Whether You Are Going to Buy nt Onct: or Nut. Hill & Connell, Washington Avenue the Best Correct Style, and Overcoats. years has proved it. Time re Kramers merchandise had not always been reliable they would have gone back ipstead of increasing their trade steadily as they have. The i: a 1 1 and Winter stock proves that their mode of progres sion is still ripe, and you are cordially invited to see it. rcoals Made only by the best wholesale tailors in America. All the new lengths and materials in Overcoats. All the swell patterns and cuts in Suits. Handsome and complete lines at Full -line of Rain Coats in all colors and grades. to Men and Boys SE32S3E2&3ks55 S Brass Beds Wash Stands 3-plece Parlor Suits, Odd Rock ers, Tables, Book Caieo, Ladies' Desks, Library Tables, Tabourettes. Pedestals Odd Upholstered Pieces, Den Furniture. These and many other beautiful articles in the furniture line are to be seen on the second and third floors. The Drapery and Curtain De partment will be found full of choice patterns In Table Covers, Lace Curtain's and Over Draperies. Fell Soils and live ill fcAiilty, C How to ! Help and Women Secure Educations r 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN ni-o ..iljleiivnilnr to sucure ciltlt'Ullntts through TIIK TmurNK'S KUIICA TIONAI'i I'O.VTIIST, 111 which I'.". HC'IIOIU:KimS. ntlla'il nt oyer H,r.(itl, arc nlTeri-il. Tllu "Cliulnrslilps lire; H Syracuse University. 1 Bticknell University. 1 University of Bochcster. t Washington School for Boys. 1 Willininsport Dickinson Semin ary. 1 Dickinson Collegiate Prepara tory School. 1 Newton Collegiate Institute. 1 Keystone Academy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. 1 School of the Lackawanna, 1 Wllkes-Barre Institute. B 1 Cotuit Cottages. 1 scranton Conservatory of Music. S 4 Hardenbergh School of Music and Art. 3 Scranton Business College. B 5 International Correspondence sciiools. 2 Lackawanna Business College. 2 Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio. Ki'veral ol' these m:liolaiMlilis Inclililo not only liiltloti, hut also hoard, mom, heat, light ami laundry for periods or two to four yearn. Among these, flfty- ...... 1.. .1 ,...A !.!.. 1... vim- ,,iiuii it.jii!; tocic .lie uiiii.1' g tlitee who ure i cully strlylliK to secure 1 educations, and their names appear on anoiuer pane 01 'iiio irimme every iiioriiln. in the tabic allowing the "StnmlliiK or Contestants." Tlicy s'lioulil he encouraged In their com mendable endeavor. HOW YOII TAN HELP 1( you arc not already a subscriber I to The Tribune, send a note to Home 0110 of the contestants, reittiestliiK a. call. Or, better .still, send your subscrip tion to The Tribune, together with the money to pay for same, designating some contestant which you wish to ie eelve the credit. ' I'onti'Stajits urn credited with one point for every month you pay in ad ance. The pike of The Tribune 111 advance Is: Points. One month $ .HO 1 Three months 1.2. " RIn mouths 2..'.n R i One yen- ."i.OO 12 I'UKSKNT Sl'MSfltlJIHnS rail ficl contestauls materially by furnishing them with n list of friends who mlgM he induced lotultc The 'I'rihtme. Or. they can personally request tbess friends to snb.scrlbe. Or. they can send The Tribune, to Iheli- friends, paying the money tliem,-, selves. Many are doing this and liie contestants are very grateful for this1 whole-hearted aid. OJJ1.V Xi:V Sl'l'.SCIUBETtS AUK f'Ul'NTHD. TO CONTESTANTS Kemcmber: The Trlbimo's Kditca tlonal Contest closes October iio, at R p. in. Xo points not In The Tilhuno offli:e. liy the Ihst strolo' of S. as told by the Court House clock, will be counted, I:.T;T: Those received liy mall and postmailu'il at or before S p. m. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE FOR OCTOBER FIVE DOLLABS IN GOLD to the contestant bringing in the largest number of points during the week ending' Saturday, ucto J her 18. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a tltort course, nor an tisj coitrar. Dor a cheap .our-c, but the best education to t; lull. No other education la worth tpi-ndliC time uml money on. It jou do, rite tor latalecuo ol afayette College Easton, Pa. aliirli orTor.i thorousli prrpjratlon In th l.nginrciitiK and C'lieiulcal l'rolcssloua u vrelt a tlit regular College courses. STATE NORIYIAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSBURG, TA. K.-guliir .State Normal Courses and sipeci.il i p.irtilicnlH "f .Music. .Kloeii tlon. Ail . luawiug. Sl"ii.igr,tph mill Tpi wilut.it. Hit iiiib I'nlicye 1'iepaiu lory Ui'i.arimeni. TREK TUTION, Hoarding en'iiu''s !; per week I'uplls odlliltled in mi) Utile Wlntei Tei in ot ns l''i' ."lb Willi- for cala U,iil'"' B. L. KEMP, A. M., Prlin-lp.il BCRANTON COKKESPONDENCE 3CH0au fcCU.VVIOV. IA. T. J. l'oter, i'rmdunt, i.lmer II. I.wll, lieu, tt. J. Falter, Btanlv l, Allen, Vlca l'rctldnt. Secretary. Lawyers The Trillium will guurauteo to pn'it your impt't' book i, dicker tliau uny it,U cr in-lilting house in thu city, I .