The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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V tyfySW-, "f "aV' ''' ' . ..-. J --wWr5 '
.f r pT,flS'.- i t
1 -
. The News of Cadbondale,
a -",
Will imiHiit it Hallowe'i'li smlitl hi
inn he's iiuii, o i at. hhp.'. Tin' iton 'i on h
tuitions mill llieli mends tti t turilliillv
woIluiiic Oichcstiu niitclu
There Wns Rejoicing In Eveiy
Quniler of Cnibondnle Yesteiday
mid Theie Weie Abundant Evi
dences of Restoied Confldenpe.
When Tht' Ti 11111111' mulled II" n ad
ds In Cnibondnle visteulnv Mini iiiii
ve.ved tin' f'linil news Hint tin-' coil
sttlke luiil ini n settled there wns Joy
in niunv ii household tliiotighutit the
illy. An the ilnj rich mill the w
spietid until i'i'i mil' leui tied tin lut
ost development In the situation, the
spllll ot t eloli L'liit'tlt tniiU linlil nt coi
one mill was manifested ut evei.v linn.
Tile tieets dill big tilt' dnv weie filled
with ii meatti nunihi'i' iif inliii'M Hi. in
almost nn dn "Inn' npeuiiloiis weie
silspenili ll. It MI II gli'lll tolief tn till
nnil cm iv one's iniuitli wit llllul with
winds nt x itlsim (Inn nnil Inv.
In the nlti iiiiinii thin1 was ii nntli i'
jihlp lnllii nt ill iiniiiiii-1, f-iih-iiiL'ii whit
hml nut In ''ii In till- i niiiiiiuuliv In
weeks, hut whose nudum ll wn- hi'tiiii'
Hit' "tilki- In i-lt futliuntliile iii'iiin'iii
1,. The liuti'l ugisius showul iimiii''
th. il hurl nut het.n wilttui In n toiler
linn, mid 'iiiinKt t pi it shook hands
with smiling. n'I ih iitmtiL-i whtiiii
they hml iilnin-i Ihihiiiicii
Time win' in. ii ividnuis the
fond news nt -tf tilt iiu ill being ill li.uiil
h.ul begun tn iiHiIh i uiillili'in (.. Se'-
till iliunmeis lid" In. ml in espitss
themselves .it the hnii N in ilu evening men li.ini- !i M ii"t ht .ip-
inn.nhiil In inn- Im umIii- tin wlnttr
grinds, im h'sitatlun .M-tiithi tn
plut c ni dels .iikI gem urn- nut s .it Hint.
Anions; tin town's men limit- the iml-ri-ul
tiplnliin w.i-' "Will, wt'll have
n good tall .Hill Ulllt'l IlllU " It Wits
lllll-t ipIii hhu t" III "live till- llllllt.l-
ttiin nt m stint il t niiliili nee. Kveiv-l-ixl.v
lunl.- fni wind. In .in exindliigh
ino-jieliill- -i n-iill.
Tin linnil. ill, in-, ilium all ulheis In ihe ill leglnil i.HIiIpiIm llle gl e.ll
tsl -.iti-l.lftlnll 1 1 mil the pe.ltellll lllll
. tlltllllls plt,lll'll will!" the ill Ike
tliiv nil Till- wa- ii liinih 1 tnun Then-w.l-
lint Ihe It .1-1 ill-tin haute, inn wa
tlltilt' ecn a -u-pli Inn nl ill-nnlei. tn
t MMi a -ihlt nl iinut. IImii w lien
tin- tiullnnU was ilail;it. the inlni'i'
liii' weio a- iiainiiill a- ii imiili I Hun
day -i linul -i hiilat A- It . i- apth
-uld h. .M.imu If .Villi. In hi- talk al
the lillll 1- inn tins l.i't Wtt'K eei
HiliiK ill I'm hiunlalt "was a- iiiii I as u
Sunil.i, ulleiiiiiiin " We Ii nl mi s(p
illeis heir. liiMau-e tin 1 1- wa- im nt-i'il
(it tlit'in, ami r hail nut i mmi a lnnt
nl tuul ami him pulli i Nnu. uinie
than OM'i, haf Cat liniiiliili in- almml
ant teasiiu in kIui in lln- tail u inn nt
their til.
Xnwyer nnd Newspnpei Man Show
How to Play the Game.
WhaUVel It.Us tin to weie til ll llli
spin t nl ilny puli wulllil nut hetnine
llllplllai ill till- l it llle lii'i sutpl
aside, ami the name is In it- tu -la,
lmkss ilio piuf- punvr l.uiuilts -inn
tlow u
This tat l was i -tahll-lieil tin Wt il
Ufsila ill lei i null, h a lain iiauit nt held
hi tin Cm huinlale i'm I. i lull linii-c mi
f'lllllill slli ft Alltl it lelliullleil Im
lepiesfulatht-s ul twu puilt's-lui'- the
law- ami luiu nall-in lu win this ;;lm
Attnniex . i' I'.utli'i mil .1 Xniiuan
(lelilei ale tin iwn Tmh sUliimi plaj
lll ainiil llle inlell-e, alinu-t etiliiiK
iliteitstiil t In- nun nullum ilt'ii'tiiisiial
(il Ih. H the jukiiu; imliilmd lu about
pIl'K piUIH I- tin -lelellt'il
'I III' fllllllj llli 11, Ill-Ill nil tile sl.lfji' mid
111 llle tnillk liipel- will hae tu f?u
Will'k llnw, W In II tllt'J i llllllllt 111 i
tn Kid ll mil phut pun;; The il l nl'
till- pastime lias hem In C iihnmlali
at ta.i. ami a i un ma. In- isp'fi'd
fill llle still es ulni . p'liK pnilK sits ,u e
on s.ii,.,
Tlltle wile lM 1,1 nits pl.iMsi
Mt'-si-. Itutlfi mill l!"ldil lau II wnll
(wn, tlun the Huh wa- plu.M'il, hut It
ttiisn't a liul-h Unlit, -ii liunuis ini
tvell, Sunn fjiiiiuts. on III the phlK pnllK
line tail lie Inuki d Iiu at the l',Lle
chili liiuii luiiti im Hi
Clnuh on Powdeily Stieet Ovei n
Wn'h Bollei.
Tin If wns slut in) Unit lu the
-toil' ul i'lllliill Vellli'Ueltl, till 1'nwilelly
t-lltet, M-titil.i) ImeiiDiin. Whi'li the
htm in was ui'i ii til tin i aim lame.
ChaiiBed the Whole Thing,
"I n-iil iiillti' all my llle until twu
)(',it.s iiku. wliii I was i oi 1 1 tl tu illsiun-
limit,' ll," wiiii-H ii ludv liuiu Mfiuplilh,
Tciiii. "Mi htalth hci nine mi wii'iehf i
Unit lite was iiliuusl'ii liiiiilfii
"- "I rulUitil ulinust (imtlnuotihl) with
Z noi'MiiiitJieutt iflii' d "pepsin mid ei i ii-
'i lutliiuCpiilliNiii- inv buck M.v htnitui'-
- tl'llfc"N.s M'lfcolilr, iuiiI I sinti'ieil l-
C" ''Ji1 '' IJ'lHilfM'H'im ""I siilKiiatJiin u)
Aprt?hKioiiuVis fNtienieh I'liiiu'luti d
m- utul ilehllltult'tl, ulld su net vims that tilt
" .sliBhtfSt teltlOll III I'M Itflllt'llt WIIUllI
pi ndme el y ilhtu s-Iiik MUpJiims jy
K'r phyMk'Inn pi milium ci pij- umihli' nee
I Mitts piiiritiullon, mill iimiii kIm M'iy
- SllKllt H'llel
H "A-fili'iul iiiKt'd nit' tu hlnp diliiKliiK
- -ifilfes nnil ii) 4'ii.stlini Knurl Coltie anil
"TWt'tltH-iesiiItT' .My liit trial win. pot
. NillfitULluiy, (iwlllfi tu Ihe lliillfleit'iiit)
j of the 1'iiok. hut thi' iii'M time, s-lio fnl.
1 lowed iliiofilnns Mtifiiiii), nnil I I'liuiul
j It dei'ldedly good, Atli'i- uIiik It iihtiitt
j two months, I uwokt' tu iho met that
2 my bad hinplonia had tutally
5 ed, and tlmt ni) health was
; better tliuii It luul been foi hix )t'aii..
f bad no lieaducho; my beuit uotibli'd
mo only nt uiro Inteivulx, tould rut
vltli perfect Impunity i sullied lleMi, mid
-i.wns.BU'fMlb' niueh htd'HBt'l limn fin-
j "I had ilUeoitluued medical tieat-
j 'UfJ't )W i bpKun to ufcu l'ostutn, and
eonj)ni)n.gense buppotts me In the ton-
j Ictjonjthat I'ostum alone was tho tur-
5 ntlvo'BKent In my t-ube. My Uilldten
j aro aulta fond of It, mid I tuko comfort
In the thought that tu Pos.tum thev
qbtiiln both food mid dilnk tuul jun no
jljl? of Injuiy to their digestive oj(jan.
Wi one has healthier children 'tluui j,
and Hint 'done Is Mifllclent to piovu Its
value." Name given by I'ostum -Co.,
Uutle Cte'st, Allili. '
Yeliieili'lll foii'cil .Mlclinc) Levy III the
olllt'e of Alik'iiiimi AtUltisiou, on Hie
I'liiiigi' of dtiiitiiKliin: tlits peitiii nf iho
Jliiih-ik'iiler, who In tin1 littler. Aiim
Ultly hi'llevlliR that iini' koiiiI ttliu de
"ci'M'd another, Yiiuielicttl tiltneil lntilul
nnd lines ted Levy mi the i'Iiiiirh nf
laii'i'iiy i
l.evy'n .toiy was Hint Iip went Intn
Yt'iiienettl's ittoie to buy u toppei wiih
hnlli'i Afler t'smnlnliifr It utul tetliiK
till' eiippei to satisfy himself that It
wtm Ihe leal thine,', lie divided nut to
buy. Then Yetneiieltl made u emboli
diilc Indian's tackle mi lilni, nnd In
lillliU'iollR plans left sun' "puts helde
the ll it'pmnlilt' Inliliy to his sun, leol
Iiirs. Yi'inelii'ltl was held III hill Then
he swme out u wiiiiani fm'n ut-
ItSt, He rlliUKi'il tiilit'll). l.i'V), ho
sulil, took tin1 bollei, und walking off,
let It full, ilaiiiiiKlutf It I'linsldi'iably.
Then' will In u heutlllK nil this i Inline
Miss A. Josephine Follett nnd Ruth
eifoid H. Kinback, Foimeily of
Caibondnle, United nt Gioom's
Piesent Home Other Nuptial An
nouncements. A simple wt'dilliiK ijii'inmi), )el ileep
l Iiiiiiii'ssIm' htt iiuse ut Its .slmplli'lt) ,
iisleidi) lllllteil two Imilll'l t'.llllull
1 1 1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 -. who me held III lll'h fiiMir Ii)
uuiiit'i mis ii lends in this i it)
.ll-s .. .losepliliit Kolk'tt, u Ki.idu.'ite
1UII-' ul the tliilliint; -chnul nt lit lit l -Kent)
hii"pltiil und Itutlit I Itiid II, Kiu
buik wtie tin pilntlp.ils Thes weie
wt'ildiil in m luiitun, wlili Ii bus liein
tin huine nl tin' Kiiiuni sni , leivlns
I'.iibumlult , Ills lilt t , a lew )t.ns
m,u Tile news ulll In the uii.isluu ot
wldfspiiad inteiest and lellt ltatluu In
this' i In whfie tin iniiple an- .su well
know n
Tin nuptials line soieiiinizt d at noon
at Mil ( 1 1 i 1 1 ;, iiMiilie, ul the pli'.i-.illt
liiiiiie wldi Ii tin hi tiiiiii has piovldi'd
tin blinsill ami hN luide -. Ite. Itubeit
I". Y I'ltite. ) H. pistoiul the I'enii
AMiiile Itapll-t ihiiith, ulliiiatt tl The
intl-lc u the lii.mii Mom r.iilicliLCi ill
aitouip inlet! llle In id. il iiiiii t-sun m
the pietlll deiniattd pallia, when the
miws weie iillitliUil In the pn si nit of
ulll) tht Ileal H'latiM'.s ulld a lew i Inso
fli"liis, whoso well-wlshis wile lei-
t ill 1 rpits-ed Im the )(illiltf iniiple.
Tim in lid hi: .Miss .Mabel l.owiv,
il.iii'liln ut Hi. W. .1 l.nwiy. of this
ilt. a Luusin ut the gioom. The
gloom's host man was II, m) Itclsnian,
nl St i.nitnii
The hi ido ami hei maid weie eilii---Itfl.v
gnwiit'il In white. The bible wme
white mtuisscllni' do sule und she
littl 1)1 Id. il iiises, Iiu on I he.ulgtai'
was a ililllnn litiu, .lss ,niij gown
was white rit'iiih nnillt'. Slie eairkd
pink lu-es ami won- a ihifluil bow lor
hi i (In (nation.
The liteptlou ulld llllii heou tullnuid.
with it- m.iu il".i-ani iuiideiits At
!.!! til- Inide and giiium lefl UM I the kawanna line im Nt w Yoi k titv.
Thev will ,il-o liil ill Album, X Y,
liefiue iftlllllliu Altel XoM'lilbt I 1,
tin) -llu Qiilm ) ave
nue, Hi lantoii.
.Mi-'s im tin i home Is at
i'luiuptuli She Was ,i Hiailuate nl the
iiui-es' t m "(ii, ot i:nitigiii(y lios
pital. Ileie ami in wink in the tielil,
hi I t lib lent v was n attested. Iiu
giadotis luiimim won liei liiends
among In l at iu.ilut.ilii es, whn-e voll
w i-ht - .itioniiaii) hei In hei new
Hilit'i e
.Ml. Kinbatk Is a li.ithe ol r.iiliuo
tlale and livnl lieie until the hi caking
nut ul the Siansh-Ainei lean wal He
enllsti i, ami altel being imistoicd out
took up his icsltleiiic in Seiantun,
when he is ttuploMil as ileik in the
piisiotllie The mws of j, muuiago
will lie mot wltli tht vv.nni wl.shes of
hi' legion nl li lends u c.u buudale and
those ho has ,uiiiliti In t-tianion.
Ki A. I-" i "Ii. Hit" .sob innli d the
man luge n .M-s .Mnigaici Munks mid
Allien Wo-iutl, at Hie ii sjdeiu t., t,n
Wtdnt-duv fM'iiiug The nuiitiaks woto
nitltt -liiiilt, uiih a li w lelutivi's being
pie-eut. The luide was gownid III bluo
bin uli loth und t a 1 1 it tl wliili io-ts, A
uitpliun ami snjipoi tulluwid Tho
well-wisho.s ut man) tiientls K,i tji
tin- wtililtd tuiiplo The) will it side at
the home ot the bible's inuthi'i
Coming Nuptials.
An Intcicstliig , illinium eineni of a
nulling nuptial icicnionv Is the inui-
llllgc Of Miss M n y Hi) -on, duugliloi of
.Ml. nnd Mi- it. a Mi) Min. ul Halt in
uvoiiuc, und I'luults tliiuiphio). Mm ,,t
Selet t I'mmillinnn I). W lliiiuphiey
ami Mis. lluuiphie). The icieinony
will lukc plaic WtnlniMla) fnieiiuun ut
ti.'M ill the Klist I'lesbyttiluu ihunli
The m us ot thf nuptials will bo most
plou.suntl) itttlveil aiiuuig a wide ilielo
ol lib mis
Miss rinnk Oichnid'b Enteitaln-
ment nt Hesldence on Itlver Stieet.
A dollghtliil uiiiumii ultciuooii was
.spent bv thiii) gucst.s ,u the "ut homo"
glvui b .Mih Kiaiils Dii'hiiiil, at her
icslilf'iuc on Klvci' Micot .vehteiilay.
1'lllg iiuug wa.s liitiudiii'i'd as UW
chief diversion, and tlioio weio iiiany
tcaiints MKiillliMiit ol ilio gmiio, tho
Invitations, tally tauls, cli . The lutttr
wcic iiilui.iluie piutteboaiil laniiiets,
haiiil-pnluttjd. The talllts ni., nt
pilm lietl, hut maikt'ti b) pasting u.
Plliull ted plug puug hall in tho tculei
of the iacilft. Tin ollcct was quite
Then? veie two tablet In pu, ktop
Intel mid a Mimp compotllloii being
maintained, as the pil.or. wcic woith)
tiophlt's , miinbei wcic tied lor (list
pil.e, whii h was iii.iwu b) lot and
tuhill by .Miss AHio llaHhlelgb. The
piUe was a piotty lioukwmul v,im-
The hnnh) pi l.os wcic plug pong wli-k
A delicious him heou oj boiiillmi,
tlilikeii, .ihpl, Jolly, polalo ils.-nh-s,
ollvo!, i-anw kites and lie ileum, till
lowed the tontest. The cilngr was at
tow tables One mi dei mated In
laMitdei, ami held a huge vase ol
chDHunnieiniiius The lumleluhiu hml
la'veuder t-liadtH The other table
other table was In pui; carnations
deeoiattng It. A paiody mi Hit' giienn
lug was uu aitiiishig illvcloii
ufter Uiih heou. The guests had a
most hospitable and i banning 'hostess
ill Mis. Ou luti d.
Father Coffey's Mother Dead.
A telegiam lecelved at St. Hose
paioihlal lesldeneo last evening ton-
Uehlli iiimii -Sl weeks ago I c cim
ini'iitid ulllig )ottt Durty's .Malt
WliNkey. I'levlmts to tluit time I was
(oiiiplotel) inn down In lieu I 111 liom
want of slei'ti. pom appetite, und
weighing mil) Ul pounds, .Shu o then
my tostmiitliiii to health has boon woo
den ul. I now weigh I.Vi pounds, sleep
well und huve u good uppotlt". I never
felt beltei In till inv llle. 1 have i oi -oniliieiidetl
)our w hlske) to several ol
my Ti lends, and they huve used It with
like lesult. I.mils Wind, '.Ml Division
St.. Now Vmk.
Cnution. When you nsk for Duffy's Puie Mnlt Whiskey be suie you
get the genuine. Unset upulous denleis. mindful of the excellence of this
piepmntlon, will tiy to sell you chenp imitations nnd so-cnlled Mnlt
Whiskey substitutes, which nie put on the mnrket for pioflt only, nnd
which, fni fiom lelieving- the sick, me positively hnimful. Demand
"Duffy's" nnd be suie you get it. It is the only absolutely pine mnlt
whiskey which contnins medicinnl, henlth-giving qunlities. Look for
the tinde-maik, "The Old Chemist," on the lnbel.
The uolllllno at till tliugglsts ami gioteis ot illicit. M.W) il bottle It Is the
mil) whiskov u'tognii'd by tho sovi'innieni us a lnulli iuo. Tills is a gummi
tte Valuable nioilliitl liooklct imitalning iniitmiii and tieatniciit ot dls
ouso am) coin lining ttstlmonlals sent fin- tn nut- leitloi ut the Sii.iiumi ItiD
iiiii vvliu will wilte Dultv Malt WIlNlsey .'mniauv, tlnilieslei N" V
ve.vod the sad news ol the denth ol t lie
lllotlltr ol Veiv Itov. T. r. Cntfov, V.
!., wlio cvpiied at hoi home, near
Topeku, Kan, at T.'.O n't lot k Wtilnos
tlav evening. She will bo laid ut lost
mi S.itui il.iv .
'I'ho sol inti lligcnto will bo letoivitl
.vltli fooling! ot sviiiputhy lot ' i )
Nov I'-.itlln I'otloVj and piaveis
.Milling the i ongicgatlou of St. Itoso
i hill ill loi llle lepcisc ot the depuiud
wuliiaii. As has been published, Vol V
I tew r.ither t'olfoy loft lor Kansas on
Sund.i), and vus a' hoi bedside holme
hoi death and bcfoio she lost ion
ilousiit SS,
Donntion Day foi Emeigency Hos
pital Wns Blessed with Good Re
sultsThe Contiibutois.
The Worn. m's uullliii ol Ihneigeiiov
hospital have loason to tool giatoful
to th" ihaillably-disposed ot I'nibou
dul". and likewise iiaidotialilv pioud
ot tlloh peisunal oli'mts, tor the if.
suits m iloniliou da), whkh was ves
liidav. The tl ly was blessed with geneious
i ontiiliution-, ami it i- a -ouiip ot the
giiule-l .sati-iat tinn to bo le-ussuictl,
like till-, Mom time to time, tlmt theie
is suiii and deep-seated In
tel est in this splendid ihaiity ot whlili
I'.ll liuiulale tan tool pi ulld. 'file good
Hint the hospital duos tanuot bo ineas
in ed lu u m (Is, but its happy o iilom cs
arc on evoi) hand.
The mini ihiuuis to whom the thanks
oi those coiiiK't tod with the hospital
ai o at know ledgt d, aic as lollows;
.Mis c Heikle). Mis. A. I'. Ti..ut
welu, -Mis. W V. Hionson, Mis C. W.
I'ei kins, in- j ,i, Hionnun. Mis .1. i:.
Tliomas, .Mis A. Nile.-, Mis Ilvnu-,
Mis. A I'asioo, liov. A. V. I'halfee,
.Mis-Janet liivden .1. i: Hi own W. W.
Wftt. Jlrs. i:. .1. Mcllalo, James Stott,
IMUick P. Maiiiiion, F, A. Hell. A
Pi lend. Mi- Mai) St'half, A Piienil,
.VIis, Antlionv Hank-. Ml. Kittle, .Mis.
.1. A. Hiownell, Jit- living Davis, Mi..
1. S. Joslln, Mi. Ilva .Smith, Mis K
A. Hassott. Mis. J, J. A. Tlngley, Mi
P. U. Katlnup, Mis. S. Singer. Mis.
W D SI install j, Mls.s Mai) Hiownell,
Miss Pllzabeth Mlliph), Miss Pula
I'aiev, Miss Flmeuoe lluilijon, Mm,
I Inn let K Ulll op, Mis W. T Cnlvllle,
.Mis. j, j iteglleiitli. Mis Crane,
I) K Ciniie A, If Pi .me, Ch.ules
lAuns, I. (' ( i It Mis, faille
Davis, Mi-, itobut Pdwaids, Mis. s,
T Hut .1. .Mis Chillies N Hloii
miii, .Mis Anson Hnlley, Mis John
Wade A Piieud. Ml.s, Han let Itaynor,
.Mis II A I'm pic, Miss Mmv O'Con
nell, Mis-. Tliomas Connell, Mis P. I.
U"Wtn, Siiaulun: 5lh-.'Jliny Hale.v,
Sciaiitoir, .Mis. A 11 Ti.ilIK Mis. W.
II. Hi own, Finest Cltj: Ml-s liolle A
Smith, Finest City, MM Jennie .Smith,
Finest fit, .Mis C. P K.itluop Mi.
S Woodwind, MIS lieolgt lleibeit,
Miss Muiy F, Hlelinun, Ml.s. licoign
Ti.voii, Mis. Chuilcs Tiiikei, f. IK
Main Ilio. A Pi lend. Mis, Flunk Hub-J
haul Mis. John Slinp-on, .Mis. X. H.
Miller, Mli- W. J. (llonnnn, Mis D V.
Ilumphic), Mis. Iloheit Hlali. Mi..
Isaac Wiltei, .Mis. A D. Wylle, N, f.
Al onl, Clayton Cintis. .Ml.s. John J.
MiOiaw, Mis. Itubeit Van Hcigen,
Mi,i, J, .Mij, Abnci Amy,
Mis. Wlllliuil Cii.iliaiii, Miss S.unh
lioioiiu. .Mis John Mollis, Mis (Ton.
I'nltt'i -on. .Mis. Couiail ll.iiienliloln, J.
P, Hun, P J. Doughe! ty, Miss tiei
tiudo ('1111111- Mis. P. J. Inch, Pi of.
Kosher, Mis ll. I J Iteynokls. .Mis. .Io-t-luli
Kiel don, .Mis C O. Melius, ,Ms
eitmlth P Kec, Mis. fieoigo Kecne,
When Scott's KnuilMon
makt-'S the conbiimptivc gain
flesh it is curing hi.s conbiimp
tion. lixactly what goes on inside
to make the consumptive gain
weight when taking Scott's
Hmuision is still a mystery.
Scott's Emulsion does some
thing to the lungs too that ie
duces the cough. More weight
and less cough always mean
that consumption is losing its
influence over the system,
Scott's Emulsion is a relia.
We help. Send lor Free Simple.
SCOIT & iiOWKK, Cliuui.13, 4xj 1'eitl it, J V.
tesiiiis itt iipijiuty, iiu-k of eitcigy, nutkes you de
Kiiotldi'tit and lictvotlrt.
Vo wonder, whni you think how )ottr nervo fotce
tuts been taxed beyond Its limit, .Mill have wonted
until )i)iir dlgpstloii Im tUlncd und your whole
tem Iiiih luioini del anged. These mo times when
ihe oei w i ought Hystent needs usslslanee.
wltl tiling- )ott leticshlng ."loop, unit )oti will be
i onii' fuil of eneigy nnd vitality, It cities nervotts
lios.s und Indigestion, gives power to the bruin,
l length und I'lnHlli'lly to muscles mid rIolmc to
tho blood. It Ih a ptoinoler of health nnd Inngov
ll.v.. Pinkos the old young, keps the young stiong.
Mis. Millie Siihin, Mis. Thonias F. Con
noil, Mis. c j. Mam llle, Mi-. James
Paul. Mis. I), K. Halloy. Mi.. jr. H. .Mis. Joiinio Hall. David Mor
Hiin, William Plnioi, A. T. Felton, X.
Moon. P J Mcllalo, Mis. C. W. Flil
keisou. Mis. Cliaiincey Smith, Mis.
Pi. ink Moigan. Mi. Mmgaiot Quick,
Mis WlUinins, Mis. Lizzie
Davis. Mis. D. K. Ci ano, Mis. John
Monabau. Mi. Alo- Olllls, Ml-. Geo.
W. Cioss, Ml". IS. II. Abbott, T. (5.
Coughlin. C. P. Uettew. finis. Cavau
augh, Mi. Piank.KllpatiiLk, Mis. Kd.
Houchoi, Mis. Thomas Jenkins. Ml s.
Tied W. Mills, Mis. Kohei t Williams.
.Mis. j. j. O'lin.vle. Anthony Hanks,
Adam McMlnii, Miss Plla Com on,
Fi.uik P. Deniifis. Mi-s Xelllo Hop
kins. Tluim.ii Xii liol, Mis. A. It. Ciev
ellug. Jin, Claude Smith, Ills Albeit
G. B. Vnn Goider's Mislinp.
i 'mill ar im- Ce. I! Van CJoidci-, of Tei
l.i oe stieet, v ho went to Hinghaniton
this weolc tu take up the plasteilng
lonti.n t tin the big Kilmer building In
the I'ailoi City, sustained a fiactuie
of tho foie-min, just above the wilst,
on Wednesday. A plank dioppod bv
a c.u fiuitPi stiui-k ami bioke the
siatlold on which Ml. Van flonler wns
.staiitllng. Ho sttuok on his side, and
when 'assisted to his foot ho dlucoveied
his mm lias helpless, Mr. Y.n Cor
dei tame home last evening and ii lilt
ifinuln bote for days.
letteis Unclaimed.
Kist ol lotlets leuiaining in the c.u
bomlalo. Pa, postoflke, Oit. Hi. IflOJ, for
poisons unknown: Ch.ules M. Co) no,
Dr. Co, A. Cm ley, Wullei Cilills, Pd
w.iul Jumo.s, p.. m. Km. is Pui Peck,
Plloiy Uottels, Ch.ules It. Vogal, Al
beit Wosoott, Ml-s Annie Deveis, Miss
Mmy Pl.nlthv. Miss Ilannuli Gillespie.
Miss Annie Hint, Miss Jennie .Sturm,
Ml-s Kiniiia Munn, Hui'm, Mis.
Kl.7ie P.ulo, Mi.'p. D. Vaiideihiugh,
Annie Wadinnn. J. IK Thomas, P. M.
Univeisnlist Services.
Hev. Thomas H. Payne, of Sii.mton,
will hold Pnlvcisalist seivhes, Sunday
ufleinnou at ,! lit o'cloik, In W. V.
Watt's uppei hall. All Pniveisallsts in
the oily, and all vh desiio to leain
of Pnhei-s.illsm, ate cmdiiill) Invited.
Mi Pa) no annotinios tor Ills sublect,
-The Pnlvelsullft Comeptlon ol
Chi 1st" Uospel H)iiuis 1, -J, :t, 4 will
be ustd.
Died nt the Hospitnl.
I'eti'i Suinineis, a vvidl-known lesl-
dout of Dimdufl, died ut Pmcigoncy
hosiltal vestoiday alteinoon. The tu
nciul will lake Sunday aftei
iioou at 1' o'( Iiu-k. Intel nti'iit will ho
inailc lu .Maplewootl tometeiy,
The Women's ( 'lu 1st luti Teinpfiaiiie
union will met i In W. W, Wutt's hall
this iitteiuoun ul :i o'olock,
I'litilck Conmy, u young man who
bus made miinv liioiiils din Inti bis se .
einl months' lesldeme heie, has gom'
to Hinqhiimtou, vvheie ho has hecuicd
einplo)mont In a huge pi luting estab
lishment, l)r P Wagner litis changed his oiikc
I'nilil the Coughlin house on South
Main slieet, to tho lloltnn house ou
Xm Hi Main stieet,
John H Wulsh, ot PlUe slicot, who
lias been employed nt the Dickson
wot hs hi S i union lor hoveial months,
has letttincd to this clt.v, having lc
slRlied hlh position In the Plectiic Clt.v
Wllllnm Kvnotl, Ictdci ol the Miuatt
oiihi'stn, will play with .N'ciisei's m
clioslia at Ihe Plioint n's bill In Hones
dale, last ulglil,
n. p, IllHted. William Illslcd, John
Klugfoltci and William Wagner spent
n few limns In the wilds of ,i)im
count) Wedni'silny and leturneil with
four pheasants jind thiee wooikock,
P. II W. Hiii ho has i hanged his place
of lesldente fiotu South Main slleet to
South Chill ill .stieet
.Mi. uiid Mis. a W lte)tiods au in
New Voik t J t
Allss Koulso Wuns. ol I'hilutltlphl.i.
is the guest of lelatlves m till-. ( Ivy.
The young lad) Is visiting in Su union
ami came up to c.u liunilulo loi the day.
Many ago hei p.uents icsidoil
heie. Her father Is T P. Wlllts, civil
mid niluliig engliieei, who was lot some
jeais in the employ or the I'ennsyl.
vaida llailioad i innp.ui)
Mls.s Alhi- Wescott. ol Wllkes.Haiie,
Is spemllng a lew d.i)h in town.
. II 11 Majoi, of Alamagoiilo. X M.,
luii Joined his wile, who has been visit
ing her patents, Ml. and Mis. Andiew
Mltchf.ll, tor .some weeks. Mr. and Mis.
Major and family expect to leave lor
their t nut hem home next week,
Mm. J. II. Hojt, of Johnstown, hut a
I Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center JJ
About 1,500 books left out of
the 15,000 we opened two weeks
ago. Of course the assortment of
titles is badly broken but there are
many good books left and you are
apt to find something you want.
EveryDay Handkerchiefs
If you could see handkerchiefs from all the different stores side by side as we
4-ti.i ,-,r, ..I....
l us. in uuLuaiuumiji, uicic ivuiuuti i uc il uuuui ill yuiu uiinu wiicic lu yu,
tllll u0 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched
Jr - they were the display boxes of a large manufacturers' line and
are slighily soiled from haudliug, we got a big discount by taking the lot of Joo
dozen and here they are at 9c each or $1 a dozen. Values trora i2jj to 20c.
Baby Bonnets and Coats
Little silk Caps in baby colors
white, pink and blue daintily trimmed
with clusters of tucks aud lace, 50c to
$1.00. Size 11 to 16 inches;
Baby Coats, 2, 3 and 4 year sizes,
$2.00 to $10.00. Cunning imitations
of grown up box coats; red, blue or tan.
Long Coats for babies, $1.75 to
$17.50. And every thing else for very
small people.
Women's Gloves
0 TT VSimWAJL jJ VJIVt VJ "Anienrnn fitrl"
made in France, the land
ttf American Girl, $1; Jouvin, $1.50 and $2.
i Connolly & Wallace
123-125-12M29 Washington Ave.
funnel lt'shlent of this i Ity, is .1 Riu-st
,u thf homo ot lii-i hiothei, .1. H.uiy
Itowlson, on l.hii'oln .iv mule.
:Mist iiuth Ullts of ltelmont stii-ft,
has ictuiiii'tl. aftfi- a pleasant visit of
soveial weeks' ilitiatloii with Sci, niton
ti lends.
.Miss Helen Mitchell, ot I'an.i.m stieet.
has letuineil. atler weeks' visit
tit H.uvevV lake.
Misses Anna nnil Utise Tinkei, of
rnlonihilc, who have heen Riiests nf
Jliss stiliolle Mitchell, of I'an.iiin stuet,
letuinetl to their home vosteitlay.
Miss Dell i Knley has letuineil, after
seven I weeks' visit ut Watethtuy,
Mis. II. AV. llaiilson Is i-onllned to
her home, on Xoiih Main stuet. hy ill
ness. Miss Mcl'iea. of Sei. niton, who at
tended the lliokei.s' dance, Wednestlnj
nlBht, is spending a lew davs lu this
itev- Maviiaul Tt. Thompson, of the
Flist Baptist chin eh, who litis hten on
tn extended vacation, is expected link
this week, and will oieupy his pulpit
next .Sunday.
Mis, II, X. Ha: lett mid mother, Ml.s.
ianiont, of Thompson; Mr. and .Ml.s.
John W. Hi .int. .Ml. and Mis. Aithur
Uiiy, Mr. and Mix V. 1, llotiRhtnii.
Klnvd llinilei-, l")avid .leiikins nnd
(ieoise Peutlied ilttilliletl the piodlti'
llon ol "KIiik Dodo," ut the l.vieum
in Sei. niton, yesteulny uiteiiiomi.
Mis, luiikhiti't, of I'uihotiihile, vmi.s
esteiiuy the Rtiest ol Mis, John Mel
low, of Cemetery stieet.
Altei a number of teams hail heen
in vvoil; nil "Vednenltiy nlwht and ye.s
teiduy until iilteitioon, the hole oien
.sloned hv the iiive-ln wits lllled and all
duiiRer, tor the time, iipp.u ciiil.v
i veiled,
Mlss Annie Jones was tenth ml ft
pleasant huiiuIso puny at hei home,
on Lackawanna sUicet, WeilniHtlny
evetiliiK, names ami miisli weie en
joyed by the iiieir Kiitherliif;, until II
o'elot k, when choice lelieahiuents
weie .sei veil. The KUests weie: .MIkm-.s
Helen Powell, l.llllan Jenkins, May
Pavls, I. my Sleed, Helen Jones. Aunlo
Lewis, Madeline Kvaiin, l.l.le Joiu-s,
Lena Thisley, Annie Jones, l.nla Itlch-
lliond, DlcUhOll iHlilll Jones, Joe,
IMille 1'hllllps. (lent itf .NhlioM, Willie
Jenkins, Stanley Kviitis, ileni.v Wlillbv,
lteiinle Iviiiih, Jtihii Jones. Flunk
Thisley, Hoy Kvitn.s, Tliouins Jones,
John MtmiUMi, I.eoiiiuil l.loyd, Sttiiu
tnn, und Wnlier ltlehinond, Plcks-oii
A liicetliiK of the KliiBslniiy lodno.
Fiee und Aciepleil Mumim, will he held
lu their looms this evening.
Miss Xelllo Itjuii, who has been vlsll
liiK f I lends lu Sciantoii, lettiinul homo
To Cure ti Cold in One Dny
Take I.iiMttlVit HioiiiO'Qtlillilie Tablet.s,
TIiIh slmintiiic
eveiy box, 'In:
Tht fuueial ul the late Mis lMwaul
Coleiuati wil llake plate this nun uliifi
ut in ii'ilm k
.Miss I'nia HiiKPii, of Caiboiuhile,
spent WeilneMiuj with ft lends in town
lion. I'. A. I'hllblu was a tulle) In
OlyplmiH jestetday.
Miss Ljle, of Jeimyii, spent
AVeilnesil.o uvenliiK' with ft lends In
this plai e.
Captain und Mik. C c. nattenbeiK
ami daughter Catolue, uie home ullei
a ten iluys' visit In Wusdilnsttiu, p, t',
Itobeit Kieus, of Jeiiiiyn. wan u
buslneiia callet In town jestetday,
This store serves both the
rich and the poor.
It serves each better because
it serves them both.
...... ki..'.. t. ,i..i.i :.. .....
300 fine silkoline, white cotton filled
Comforts, size 72x72; 95c each. You
couldn't get them any where else for
less than $1.25. They ought to go in a
The all wool French Flannels at 35c
are selling fast, Never before were fine
printed French Flannels sold so cheap.
The styles are choice, the colorings good
the value altogether 65c a yard.
Price 35c.
Our Dress Goods Department was
never so busy.
Our two best Gloves for women are the
from which most fine things
Xotlce The water will be tinned off
tiiilav, limn all tonsiimeis south ot
(titive stu-et, for thiee houis, hcKliiiihiK
at noon. This applies to all tonsiimeis
south of Tuvloi.
The Independent Political ilub ul the
Sixth waul ol this buiouRh met ul
James' hall on Tuesday evening with a
membership tit Mtj. The lollowhiR
olllceis weie eleited: 1'ieslileiit, Daviil
If. Davis, vtie-pieslilent. P. T. (Sinuous;
set .v, Thomas Cook: tteasuier,
John James. The lollowitiff exftutlve
lominittee was appointed: Patiiik
O'Miilley. Tliomas Major and Joseph
Fi Hamuli Another meeting will bo
held at the same pliue tills evening-.
All uie Invited.
'file ios till news that the ieat i oal
stiike is at ts end was gladly wel
lonietl heie .vesleitlny by our towns
people. Messis, Kellej, Xlt hoNou and Smith,
of Ihe liiilepeiideul Hose company, of
Dunmoie, called on the nieiubeis of
Taylor Hose tomp.inlcs, X'u. 1 and Nu,
", on Wednesday evening.
The Cliiistian lhiihavor sot It ty of
the Welsh i hut ill will
meet this evening. Topii , "Culth."
r.eadei, Miss Muiguiet S Thoin is All
aic welcome.
lloliui D. Iteesf, oi Siialilou,
lei ut the Piohibillou lengue of Lack
awanna (oiintj, will addiess the meet
ing ul the llpwiinh league al the Metho
dist npisiop.ii chilli h on Sunday even
ing All ale inidially well nine.
Misses lalith ulld l.idu Hiillsei, ol
Main sheet, atlentled the Ciiciuau
Hottton iiujilltils, at West SiialUun, on
Widnesd.o evtlilng. 'I'lie Misses Iluustr
CNtctltetl llle wcdillng initiih ou Ihe
piano and violin, rtspei tlvelv.
Wushiugtou camp, Xo l!i- Pattlotlc
fililei Sons of Aiueiltii, will lip et this
evening in legular session.
.Mis. John D. Alheilon, ut South -Main
stieet, Is visiting liiends at Pnltsvlllc,
lliviutlhle iiimnianileiy, Xu. J.'iJ,
Knights ot Malta, will meet this i veil
ing In ugiiliti sesblmi
David Mm galis, ul Sei anion, was n,
huslntss caltr in town e,steiday.
Joseph llaimlek, ot Miuth Suaiitou,
lulled on lelutlvt.s lu town .vesteidnv.
Pilvate .losepli Falulousli, ul ihe
Thiitemth leglmeiit, called on hl.s
liuhet, Joseph KaliiluiiKh, si., on Wetl
liesiho. ICL.MlintST.
Mis- ,1 i: Ham, whu has been spend
ing sevntil duv.s with hei husband nt
tho home ol .Mi ami .Mi.s, Hymn Huck
Inglium, i etui tied tn her hniue at Wluil
lon, X .1., esteiday. They will begin
housekeiplim heie lu the pear Iiituie.
Mls llehll Stlikels, of Kuikiiwiiv, X.
.1., is speuillllg this week with .Miss
Helen Williams.
A. H. Williams Is in Xew Vmk ill)
ou business,
Miss MUdied Shoeliliikci, ot Lakeside,
,Su.sitielmniia lounu, H stiiinti thin
wet k ,it her home lieu.
A Initio uuuihri ol Invited guests
giitheml at the home of Mi. mid Mis.
I. W. Shluhel, mi Tiiisday evening at
,"i u'cloi k, lo vvlllless llie eeieiiioil)
wlili li united in muiiiugf tht it .uung
i si ihiUKlitei, I'tiliiljn II.. to Mi Jo.
Sepll li. Illlll, 111 Ot Hull, lit). The- t'c is
lllimv was pfitol llled b,v ltt', li 11.
Cole, pistol uf the llttptist chlllell of
this il, u e and .Miss (tlain ho Kennedy
pla.veil the wedding uiaitli. Atiei (he
leu moiiv the RUcsis sat iluwu tu beau
tltully dtcoiated tables, lnuleil with
dtllcioiis viands, and u most itellghtiul
social liom,., .m, ,,,( vii.s
Hailmaii weie llle leilplentu ol niaiij
iHMiitltul and iit-etul pieseiits, euuslst
lug ot siilltl silver, cut glass, table lin
en, etc., aud ovei one bundled iloll.n.s
In gold plices, They will leave for thslr
new home lu lluffulu tudus
:..j ...!... . "J
find Hie "Toiium" hnt-.1i
for women come.
Special Excuision Train, Lackawan
na Eailioad, Wilkes-Bane to
Scianton and Eeturn. for Mme.
Sembiich Conceit, Oct. 21.
On account of the Sembiich conceit
at the Atmory, Scianton, the Lacku
uatiii.i lallioad will inn a special tialn
Tuesday, Oct. -1, leaving "Wilkes-Bnne
7(H) p. in,; Kingston, 7.10; Wyoming,
7.-0; West Plttston, 7,23; Stisquehan
na Avenue, 7.30; Plttston Junction, 7.33;
Taylor, 7.,'t). One fine for the lounil
tiip. iietuiuing leave Scianton at 11.3."
p. in. Speclul tiolley ens for use of
excutsionlsts only, will meet tinin anil
urn tllicet to uimoiy and ictiiin after
lonceit. Tiolley cai.s will also meet
tialn at Kingston on loturn tilp to ar
Lominodate Wllkcs-Uane p.ttious.
$13.60 to' Cleveland, Ohio, and Ke
tmn, via the Lehigh Valley Rail
load, October 20 and 21.
On account ot genet al missionary con
vention, Methodist chinch, at
Cleveland, Ohio, October 21-24, the Le
high Valley lallioad will sell special
l omul Itip tickets at $UIjO, good to ie
tmn to and Including October 27th,
good on all hiilns except the Black
Diamond expiess. See tliket agents
loi liulher lnluiniatlon. "
JPiospetity in the West.
This has Lc'ilalnly been a most pios
pc ions ear for the western tanner,
and lu unlet to give people living ill Ihe uu opportunity to witness tor
themselves the piesent ailvautuge.s of
western I. a tu lilt, tho Xh kel Plate utll
iii id has uiiunged a special louud-ttlp
lUuiusi ekeis' exclusion, leaving Huf-
lulo, Ot tuber 21, lor the best fiiimlnp
sietluns all tlnough the west, and Mr.
It. K, Payne, geneial agelil, Xo, 2IU
Main sheet, llultalo, X. Y. will b
pleaseil to answer all Inquliles legaid-
lug same, if j ou are unable to sot in eJ
this 1 1 oui your local agent.
New Yotk,
The Xew Yoik, Ontatlo mid Wesleiul
Itaihoid eompany'H uniuial tall exttn-
slim to Xevv Yotk city will bo inn on
Moudav, October 27, the leturu tine
Horn all stations, Scianton to Cuibnn
tlule, Inclusive, being f 1..1S. Tickets good
loi live dnys. At this tlmn of the ear,
"Ihe Oiitailu toiite" fiom tills sei tlon
sin passes all otheis, owing to Its pic-
tuiesque sieneiy, the ilde fiom Corn
wall to Xew Yoik, along the Hudson I
being ,m espn hilly delightful one
For tlllthei put lit alms, apply il
iigeilts, or J, i: Welsh, T. P A , Miail
luti, Pa.
Dr. und Mis S. H. Watson aie vlsll
lllg the lot lint's pal cuts 111 Xew Yoi
.Mm. 1'. fi- Hull and Mis. Coupe ,
Sii.lliloll, and .Miss Low, of Uiookl)
X V, spent Tuesday with li lends
tcit Smith, who uiliiiIj Ljipe hetl
1 1 mil Loudon, lias been culluj to Xuj
Yoik, wheie it position awaits him
.Messis. Chalk's Sc bench and Jusejl
tfuiig speiu I'diii'siliij evening
..Missis. Juhll, Chillies and Miss Mai
Juile Hobeitsoit aic hoipe liom schoi
tailed li the death ut their tuui
mother. Mis. Law. who illttl TuesJ
iiioiiMig at the home of hei son, i
lain Law. of Scianton
A iiiiiubei of out townspeople aJ
ed the Hpvvoith leauuo ionveni
tlu Simpson MeMiodlst i;J
cliuuh, ut Scianton, Wednesdaj